Effects of an Exercise Program on Diastasis Recti in

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International Journal of Health Sciences and Research
www.ijhsr.org                                                                               ISSN: 2249-9571

Original Research Article

Effects of an Exercise Program on Diastasis Recti in
       Cañamero-de León S1, Da Cuña-Carrera I2, de la Hoz González C A3,
                              Soto-González M2
                                            Maternatal Hospital (Spain)
                                Faculty of physiotherapy. University of Vigo (Spain)
                                         Complejo asistencial de Ávila HNSS
                                        Corresponding Author: Da Cuña-Carrera I


Introduction: The programs aimed at reducing diastasis recti reported in the scientific literature, are
scarce. However, the diastasis recti is maintained in many women after their postpartum period. The
objective of this work is to know the impact of an exercise program on reducing Diastasis Recti.
Materials and Methods: A quasi-experimental analytical study was carried out. The research study
included all women who participated in the exercise program (9 weeks) between 2014 and 2016, that
is, a total of 100 women. They were assessed in the beginning, at 3, 6 and 9 weeks after starting the
program. The program consists of hypopressive abdominal exercises, transverse muscle activation
exercises, and exercises of oblique and rectus abdominis activation.
Results: There was a reduction of the upper, medial and lower diastasis and in the abdominal
circumference. The difference between the initial measurement and the measurement after 3 weeks is
statistically significant; the same applies to the measurements of weeks 3 and 6 and the trend is
maintained, finding statistically significant differences between the measurements of weeks 6 and 9.
Conclusions: The exercise program leads to a reduction in the diastasis recti. The results were
obtained starting from the third week, and they gradually improved until the ninth week.

Key words: Exercise Therapy; Women; Diastasis, Muscle; Rectus Abdominis.

INTRODUCTION                                                  appears between the second and third
        Diastasis recti abdominis (DRA)                       trimester and everything spontaneously
consists of a gap between the two sides of                    returns to normal within 1 to 8 weeks after
the rectus abdominis muscle at the linea                      delivery. [2,5]
alba (LA), with widening and fibrous                                   In some women, this spontaneous
division of the LA. [1] It is common in                       resolution does not occur after giving birth,
pregnancy and in the immediate postpartum                     thus becoming a pathological situation that
period, the maximum separation usually                        may be maintained even years after giving
occurring at the level of the navel. [2–4] In                 birth. [2] DRA is associated in most cases
pregnancy, DRA occurs due to hormonal                         with the postpartum period, also it could be
changes causing loss of elasticity in the                     related to other factors, such as weight
connective tissue, and to the mechanical                      lifting     and   inadequate      abdominal
stress on the abdominal wall determined by                    strengthening, advanced maternal age, a
the growth of the fetus and the displacement                  history of cesarean section through the
of the abdominal organs. [4] It usually                       midline of the abdomen, and multiparous

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Cañamero-de León S et.al. Effects of an Exercise Program on Diastasis Recti in Women

women or with multiple pregnancy. [6,7]                correction is made by means of
Conversely, no risk factors were identified            abdominoplasty or           laparoscopy.
for the presence of DRA in a study by Mota             Conservative treatment could be an
el al. (2015). [8] It is not exclusive to women,       alternative to surgery, with there being no
there are also cases in men, who usually               consensus as to which is the best option,
suffer an increase in intra-abdominal                  further studies being necessary to assess
pressure due to obstructive pulmonary                  different treatments for DR. There are no
disease or obesity. [7]                                clinical guidelines for the treatment of
          DRA is traditionally considered a            diastasis recti, [21] but studies suggest that
gap larger than two fingers-width between              transverse abdominal muscle training could
the rectus muscles. [9] There is a discrepancy         help restore their function in lumbo-pelvic
in terms of the exact measurement                      stability, during load transfer, and reduce
considered to be pathological, starting from           the gap between the rectus muscles. [10,22,23]
a 2-cm gap, classifying cases into mild (2, 3                   The programs aimed at reducing
or 4 cm) and severe (5-20 cm). [2,4,7,10,11]           diastasis recti in the postpartum period
Palpation is one of the most used methods to           reported in the scientific literature, are
assess diastasis. [4,9] It is reliable in clinical     scarce. There are studies to confirm the
practice and has good inter-rater validity. [12]       positive influence of exercise on reducing
However, the gold standard to measure the              the inter-recti distance but it has not been
DRA is the ultrasound because has been                 assessed which abdominal exercise is the
most widely researched with regards to its             most effective. [24,28]
reliability, and showed a reliable method                       In 2012, Keeler et al [7] conducted a
when the images were taken by experienced              survey among physiotherapists to learn
sonographers. [13]                                     about the DRA treatments they had carried
          The abdominal wall has important             out. 296 surveys were analyzed and it was
functions in posture, trunk and pelvic                 found that most of the treatments were
stability, breathing, trunk movement and               based on exercises aimed at strengthening
support of the abdominal viscera. The                  the transverse abdominal muscle and at
increase of the gap between the rectus                 activating it during activities of daily living.
muscles can put these functions at risk. [5,10]                 “No Más Diástasis” is a 9-week
In addition, the muscles and fascia of the             exercise program developed in the
lumbo-pelvic region play an important role             Maternity Hospital (Madrid), focused on the
in the trunk movement and the                          training of the deep abdominal muscles.
intersegmental and intra-pelvic stabilization.         This method consists of hypopressive
        An alteration in these segments could          abdominal exercises, transverse muscle
lead to lower back pain or dysfunctions in             activation exercises, and in more advanced
the pelvic floor muscles. The relationship             stages of the program, exercises of oblique
between lower back pain and DRA should                 and rectus abdominis activation.
however be taken with caution, since many                       The objective of this work is to
authors support it, [4,11,15,16] but there are         know the impact of the „No Más Diástasis‟
studies in which no association was found.             program on reducing DRA. As secondary
          The same applies to pelvic floor             objectives, the study also seeks to find out
dysfunctions, considering that Bø et al.,              whether women‟s personal and obstetric
contrary to their hypothesis, found that               factors have an influence on the results of
women with diastasis were not more likely              the program, as well as to understand the
to have weaker pelvic floor muscles or more            effects on abdominal circumference.
urinary incontinence or pelvic organ
prolapse. [19]                                         MATERIAL AND METHODS
          For the treatment of diastasis recti,        2.1. Study design
there is a surgical option, in which the

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                                 Vol.9; Issue: 10; October 2019
Cañamero-de León S et.al. Effects of an Exercise Program on Diastasis Recti in Women

A quasi-experimental analytical study was             patient raises her head making sure that the
carried out, assessing the results of the ´No         ribcage is close to the pelvis.
Más Diástasis´ program in women with                          The evaluator moves the fingers up
DRA.                                                  and down to find the rectus muscles and
2.2. Participants                                     observe the gap above and below the navel.
         The study population was made up             The result is positive if the gap between
of all the women who participated in the              both muscles is wider than 2.5 centimeters.
´No Más Diástasis Program´ at the                     Three measurements were taken, at the level
Maternity Hospital in Madrid, since January           of the navel, 4 cm above, and 4 cm below.
2014 until December 2016.                             These measurements are referred to as upper
         Participants were women who had              diastasis, medial diastasis and lower
had children, presented a gap of the rectus           diastasis, respectively. The measurement
abdominis muscle ≥ 2.5 cm, and the period             has been made by the same examiner and a
since they had given birth exceeded 8                 Caliper was used to determinate the cm of
weeks. Pregnant women and women with                  the inter rectus abdominis distance.
high blood pressure were excluded.
         The research study included all              2.4. Procedure
women who participated in the ´No Más                         All women participated in the
Diástasis´ exercise program between 2014              assessment session, where they were asked
and 2016 (in order to have access to a                about personal, obstetric and gynecological
higher number of subjects), and who met the           factors. In addition, this assessment
inclusion and exclusion criteria, that is, a          included the measurements of the waist
total of 100 women.                                   circumference and diastasis recti.
                                                      The subjects started the 9-week program,
3.3. Description of variables                         once it was determined that they met the
 Personal and obstetric factors                      inclusion criteria to participate.
        They were collected through a                         The „No Más Diástasis‟ method,
personal interview with all participating             developed at the Maternity Hospital,
women in the first assessment session. Data           consists of hypopressive abdominal
were obtained in terms of age, weight,                gymnastics, transverse muscle activation
height, number of children, weight of the             exercises, and, in the final stage of the
largest baby, type of delivery, and time              program, exercises of oblique and rectus
elapsed since the last delivery.                      abdominis activation.
 Abdominal circumference and DRA                      Hypopressive exercises are performed
        The perimeter of the waist was                    with the objective of reflexively
measured with a measuring tape placed                     strengthening the transverse abdominal
midway between the lower edge of the                      muscle. [29,30] They were then asked to
costal arches and the upper edge of the iliac             perform expiratory apnea and, with the
crest. The measurement was performed in                   glottis closed, expanding and raising
the standing position, with the patient in an             their rib cage by contracting accessor
anatomical position, and taking the                       inspiratory muscles (serratus anterior,
measurement after a normal expiration.                    intercostals,          scalene         and
        The DRA assessment was carried                    sternocleidomastoid). [31]
out through palpation. The person is placed            The exercises focused on strengthening
in the supine position, with the legs bent and            the transverse abdominal muscle, its
with one hand behind the head. The patient                identification by the patient and its
is asked to relax her abdomen, and the                    activation. These are exercises in which
evaluator is placed at the level of the navel,            strength is voluntarily worked on. The
pressing gently with the fingertips. Next, the            aim of the repetition of these exercises is
                                                          that the activation of this muscle to be

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Cañamero-de León S et.al. Effects of an Exercise Program on Diastasis Recti in Women

  reflected in situations in which a good                        measurements coinciding with the final
  abdominal competence is required:                              assessment.
  lifting weights, lifting the children up,                      2.5. Data analysis
  coughing, laughing, running, jumping,                          All data were recorded in a database in an
  etc. [10] In addition, the activation of the                   orderly manner for analysis. The software
  transverse abdominal muscle is also                            used was SPSS IBM version 22.0.
  implied when there is a daily situation                        Descriptive statistics were performed,
  that leads to increased intra-abdominal                        showing the means and frequencies for each
  pressure.                                                      of the variables. With regard to the progress
 The exercises of oblique and rectus                            of diastasis recti throughout the period
  abdominis activation, as long as the                           under study, a comparison of means was
  patient are able to activate the transverse                    carried out through the Student‟s t-test for
  abdominal muscle in an effective way.                          related samples. Finally, to check whether
                                                                 there is a relationship between diastasis recti
The performance of the exercises and the                         measurements            and        abdominal
change in difficulty were adapted to the                         circumference, and personal and obstetric
conditions of each woman, turning „No Más                        factors, the Pearson‟s correlation was
Diástasis‟ into a tailored program, adapted                      performed in order to relate them to the
to the characteristics of each patient.                          quantitative variables and Student‟s t-test
To complete the program, all women came                          for the qualitative variables. A critical level
to the center one day per week, and they                         of p
Cañamero-de León S et.al. Effects of an Exercise Program on Diastasis Recti in Women

Progress of diastasis recti abdominis                               3 weeks after the first assessment (p=0.00).
To check the progress of diastasis recti, a                         In other words, the difference between the
comparison of the means was made at                                 initial measurement and the measurement
different moments in time. Figure 1, 2, 3                           after 3 weeks is statistically significant; the
and 4 show the progress over time in the                            same applies to the measurements of weeks
different measuring points of the upper,                            3 and 6 (p=0.00), and the trend is
medial, lower diastasis, and abdominal                              maintained, finding statistically significant
circumference, respectively.                                        differences between the measurements of
                                                                    weeks 6 and 9 (p=0.00). Table 2 shows the
                                                                    means at each point in time

Figure 1. Progress of the upper diastasis

                                                                               Figure 3. Progress of the lower diastasis

           Figure 2. Progress of the medial diastasis

         There was a reduction of the upper,
                                                                          Figure 4. Progress of the abdominal circumference
medial and lower diastasis, as well as a
statistically significant reduction of the
abdominal circumference starting as early as

                                  Table 2. Initial measurements, at 3 weeks, at 6 weeks and 9 weeks.
                                         Pretreatment      3 weeks                6 weeks            9 weeks
           Upper diastasis recti         3.98 (SD: 1.15)   2.27 (SD: 1.06) *      1.51 (SD: 0.99)**  1.02 (SD: 0.85)***
           Medial diastasis recti        4.02 (SD: 1.21)   2.42 (SD: 1.15) *      1.77 (SD: 1.02)**  1.27 (SD: 0.10)***
           Lower diastasis recti         2.61 (SD: 1.06)   1.23 (SD: 0.88) *      0.60 (SD: 0.65)**  0.39 (SD: 0.59)***
           Abdominal circumference 85.64 (SD: 7.89) 81.61 (SD: 7.28) * 79.389 (SD: 7.02)** 78.52 (SD: 6.61)***
Cañamero-de León S et.al. Effects of an Exercise Program on Diastasis Recti in Women

Relationship between the improvement of               of them, when they came to the center, was
diastasis recti and personal and obstetric            the reduction of the waistline, despite
variables                                             presenting other symptoms related to the
        Finally, the relationship between the         diastasis recti, such as lower back pain
obstetric and personal variables of each                           or urinary incontinence. [3,32]
woman, and the reduction of diastasis recti                      The time elapsed since the last
was examined, with the aim of detecting               delivery varies from 2 months to 35 years,
certain negative or positive factors related to       with an average of 27.26 months (SD 49.8).
the effectiveness of the program.                     Many of the women participating in the
        An       improvement       percentage         study had had diastasis recti for years, and
between the initial and final assessment was          this fact confirms that the diastasis recti
calculated for the upper, medial, and lower           does not resolve on its own after 8 weeks
diastasis recti, 100% being considered the            from delivery. [2,33]
difference between the initial measurement                       However, in 48% of the women, it
of diastasis recti of each woman and the 0            had been less than a year since they had
value (0 cm of inter-rectus distance). On the         given birth. This justifies, to a certain
other     hand,     for     the    abdominal          extent, the choice of the type of exercise
circumference, the difference (in cm)                 program, requiring assistance from the
between the initial and the final                     hospital only 1 day per week, the rest of the
circumference was taken as an improvement             days being able to perform the exercises
measure, since in this case there is no target        through the online platform at home. In
measure, each woman having different                  addition, 72.4% of the women in our sample
anthropometric characteristics.                       had more than one child, which exacerbates
        Once these calculations were made,            the above-mentioned issues.
they were related to the obstetric and                           Regarding      women‟s type of
personal variables, that is, with age, BMI,           delivery, there is a similar percentage
the time elapsed since the last delivery,             among women who had children by vaginal
weight of the largest baby, the type of               delivery (47.9%), and by cesarean section
pregnancy, the type of delivery, and the              (41.7%). This does not coincide with the
number of children.                                   data obtained from the Spanish National
        Relationships were found only                 Institute of Statistics published in 2015, in
between BMI and the number of children.               which the percentage of natural births is
Regarding the first variable, the higher the          73.34%, much higher than in our data. This
BMI, the greater the percentage of                    raises the issue of whether the cesarean
improvement of the upper diastasis recti (p           section is a risk factor for diastasis recti.
= 0.001) and the abdominal circumference              This coincides with Candido et al. (2005), [6]
(p = 0.04). In the case of the number of              who indicated that the Cesarean section led
children, having had more children is                 to a greater risk to suffer an increase in the
related to a lower percentage of                      inter-rectus distance during the postpartum
improvement in the upper diastasis recti (p           period.
= 0.003).
                                                      4.2. Results of the ‘No Más Diástasis’
DISCUSSION                                            program
After the data analysis, a discussion is                     The proposed exercise program
carried out, organized in different sections.         produced improvements starting from the
                                                      3rd week, and these improvements increase
4.1. Participants’ characteristics                    at weeks 6 and 9. In other words, the effects
       The women who participated in the              of the program are observed from the 3rd
study were an average of 39.25 years (SD =            week, but there is no standstill of the
4.76). The only thing that mattered to most           reduction process, the inter-rectus distance

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Cañamero-de León S et.al. Effects of an Exercise Program on Diastasis Recti in Women

continuing to diminish until week 9. In               was found that multiparous women obtained
those women who had not completely                    less percentage of improvement during the
reduced the diastasis recti at the end of our         program. One should note that no
program, it would be necessary to check               association was found between the type of
whether they keep improving by continuing             delivery     and   the    percentages       of
to perform exercises for some time.                   improvement, which matches the data found
         At this point, it would also be              in the study conducted by Sancho et al. [35]
interesting to check whether the results
achieved are maintained over time. Thus,              4.3. Type of exercises for the reduction
our further research is aimed at following up         of diastasis recti
on the results achieved weeks or even                         There is much controversy regarding
months after completing the „No Más                   which is the best type of exercise for the
Diástasis‟ program.                                   reduction of diastasis recti, contrary results
         It is important to stress that some of       being obtained when the literature is
the basics of the exercise program proposed           reviewed. This could be due to the fact that
is the correct postural hygiene and the               there is no "best exercise" for the reduction
protection of the abdomen by activating the           of diastasis recti, but the "best exercise" for
transverse abdominal muscle every time a              each woman, hence the importance of the
hyperpressure occurs. This muscle is an               assessment, of the detection of movement
essential component for lumbo-pelvic                  compensations when performing the
stability during load transfer. [10,21-23,34]         exercises, and the correction thereof. That is
Therefore, the results would be expected to           why, it is of great importance that any
be maintained, provided that women took               exercise program is monitored by a
into account these care measures.                     healthcare professional.
         In addition to the diastasis recti, the              Some of the consulted studies assess
abdominal circumference was also reduced,             the immediate effect of different types of
associated with the reduction of the inter-           exercises on the inter-rectus distance, that is,
rectus distance and with the strengthening of         what happens with this distance during the
the abdominal muscles. No BMI                         performance of different types of abdominal
measurements were taken at the end of the             exercises. The classic abdominal exercise
program, thus the circumference reduction             seems to favor the reduction of the inter-
could also be due to the weight loss                  rectus distance. [8,23,36,37]
associated with an intense exercise program                   It is not only important to achieve
such as this one. This is especially true if          the closeness of muscle bellies of the
they were sedentary women who did not                 anterior rectus muscles, but also to create
practice any sports, some of them perhaps             tension in the linea alba. [23, 37] The
because of the lack of knowledge on which             abdominal wall is essential for the lumbo-
sport is the most suitable for their problem.         pelvic function, including the transfer of the
         In terms of women‟s personal and             fascial tension, hence the importance of
obstetric       variables,    no      important       generating tension. [10]
relationships were found, except for the                      Pascoal et al. (2014) [37] and Lee &
BMI and the number of children. The higher            Hodges (2016) [23] indicated that in order to
the body mass index, the higher the                   create tension in the linea alba, and to
percentage of improvement of the upper                produce a reduction of the inter-rectus
diastasis recti and the abdominal                     distance, the activation of the transverse
circumference. Regarding the number of                abdominal muscle was necessary, along
children, no relationship was found with the          with the performance of a classic abdominal
initial values of diastasis recti, although           exercise. In these previous studies the
having had several births is considered a             immediate effects have been assessed and
risk factor for a wider diastasis recti. [6] It       the exercise was repeated only once; this

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leads us to reflect on whether these                          The absence of a control group is
participants      could    perform      several       another limitation. However, the fact that
repetitions or whether, on the contrary, the          some of the women have had diastasis recti
activation of the transverse abdominal                for years could be considered control,
muscle, and consequently the tension of the           because if no treatment was received, the
linea alba would be lost. This aspect could           diastasis recti would not spontaneously
explain the good results obtained with the            resolve, except for the first weeks after
„No Más Diástasis‟ program. At first, it              giving birth. [2,33]
emphasizes the strengthening and awareness
of the deep abdominal muscles (transverse             CONCLUSIONS
exercises and hypopressive exercises).                        The „No Más Diástasis‟ exercise
Later, it includes this contraction during the        program leads to a reduction in the diastasis
performance of concentric or eccentric                recti in women who had children. The
abdominal exercises during the last phase of          results were obtained starting from the third
the program, and protects the abdomen                 week, and they gradually improved until the
during activities of daily living, which entail       ninth week. Likewise, a reduction of the
an increase in pressure. We believe that with         abdominal circumference was achieved.
this formula, the tension in the abdominal                    In general, no relationship between
fascia could be ensured, while the                    the obstetric and personal variables, and the
abdominal muscles are strengthened, and, in           results of the program was found, and
the last assessment, the reduction of the             further research is needed to confirm the
diastasis recti is achieved.                          findings obtained in some of the variables,
        Regarding the study of exercise               such as BMI or having had more than one
programs for the reduction of diastasis recti,        child.
it should be pointed out that little literature               We consider that the success of the
was found, but with good results. [21,24,27]          exercise program lies in the awareness and
        In the case study conducted by Litos          strengthening of the transverse abdominal
in 2014, [21] which lasted 4 months, the use          muscle, as a basis for the performance of
of a wrap is proposed, along with exercises           other activities, including the classic
for abdominal, trunk and pelvic floor                 abdominal exercises.
activation,     advising     against    classic
abdominal exercises. On the other hand, in            REFERENCES
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  How to cite this article: León SC, Cuña-Carrera ID, de la Hoz GCA et.al. Effects of an exercise
  program on diastasis recti in women. Int J Health Sci Res. 2019; 9(10):90-99.


                 International Journal of Health Sciences & Research (www.ijhsr.org)                   99
                                   Vol.9; Issue: 10; October 2019
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