Unwillkommener Christus - Prüft aber alles und das Gute behaltet - Der Weckruf

Page created by Alma Cunningham
William M. Branham

                                          Unwillkommener Christus
                                                        Sonntag, 11.09.1955, vormittags
                                                              Branham Tabernacle
                                                          Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

Prüft aber alles und das Gute behaltet.
          [1. Thessalonicher 5.21]

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                          Christus“ von William Branham ist: RolTur

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Unwillkommener Christus                               William M. Branham • Sonntag, 11.09.1955, vormittags • Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

          Rock of Ages, cleft for
          Let me hide myself in
  "I Am Bound For The Promised
Land".                                                              Unwillkommener Christus
          ...promised land,
          I am bound for the pro-
  Elbow your way through. Come
on.                                                    Text-Hinweise:
          O who will come and go                     Übersetzung beginnt ab Ende §70, siehe dort
          with me?
          I am bound for the
          promised land.
          I am bound for the                         W-1 ...sure that we’re all happy to
          promised land,                             be here, healthy and strong as we
                                                     are. Just think, that, there’s many
 [Blank spot on tape.]
                                                     people today who could not come
          ...with me?                                to the services because of sickness
          I am bound for the                         and many bad things. And death
          promised land.                             kept some away. And sickness kept
                                                     others away. And disappointments
                                                     kept others away. But God has
                                                     brought us together again, to serve
                          - Ende der Übersetzung -
                                                     Him. We’re so happy for these
                                                        And now, coming together, I’d
                                                     like to just say a few words about
                                                     our last meeting overseas, where
                                                     you all prayed so hard for us, that
                                                     the Lord would give us a great
                                                     service. He did. And we’re so happy
                                                     to report that many souls were
                                                     saved, that’s the main thing, souls
                                                     being saved, born in the Kingdom
                                                     of God. We, you know we...
                                                        The preaching of the cross brings
                                                     observation, it brings troubles, it
                                                     brings stir-ups, and we can’t expect

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Unwillkommener Christus                     William M. Branham • Sonntag, 11.09.1955, vormittags • Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

to be immune from all those. We            Saviour. Move up around the altar
just have to take them as they             and pray. Would you do it? If there’s
come. So we... we had some trouble         no room around the altar, stand
when we left Zurich. Now I might           right in the aisle. And we’re going to
explain what it was.                       pray in a few moments.
W-2 The         church,     the    first      Now, let’s sing it again, “When I
reformer, was Martin Luther, as we         rise to worlds unknown and behold
all know. And, second, was Zwingli,        Thee on Thy throne. Rock of Ages.”
and Zwingli went into... to... out of...   W-125 “Remember me on that
into Switzerland. And there, at            Sunday morning at the Branham
Zurich, was the Bible first translated     Tabernacle when I come to the altar.
in English, the full Bible, from the       I seen You want entertained, I’ve
first translation, was did at Zurich,      come to give You my life. I’ve come
Switzerland. They still hang with the      to dedicate my life to You anew.” If
old Zwingli idea. And Zwingli’s            there’s anybody here wants to
translation denies the virgin birth.       dedicate your life anew, come now.
He doesn’t believe in the virgin                      While I draw this fleeting
birth. They said that He was the son                  breath,
of Joseph, “called the Son of God.”          Yes, Lord.
   And we believe that He was the
                                                      When my eyes          shall
Son of God, that He was born of the
                                                      close in death,
Father, God, that give Him His birth
through creation.                                     When I rise to worlds
   And Billy Graham, well known,                      unknown,
everyone knows him, nearly, he was           It’s got to come.
in there for one day before I was.
                                                      ...behold Thee on Thy
And if they didn’t criticize that poor
boy, just making fun of him, where
it didn’t... they didn’t need to be.                  Rock of Ages, cleft for
They said, “He put an permanent                       me,
wave in his hair.” And said, “He                      Let me hide myself in
come to the church like he was                        Thee.
going to a band box, instead of a                     While I draw this fleeting
church.” And said, “He preached like                  breath,
a     fantastic    American,      soap
salesman.” And... and said, “You                      When my eye shall close
could smell him ten feet away, with                   in death,
perfume,” and just all things like           O God!
that, just making fun of the boy.                     When I rise to worlds
Because why? He didn’t deserve                        unknown,
                                                      And behold Thee on Thy
W-3 I heard Billy, was right there.

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Unwillkommener Christus                  William M. Branham • Sonntag, 11.09.1955, vormittags • Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

Him here? Somebody here that’s a        He preached the supreme Deity of
sinner, wants to come and kneel         the Lord Jesus Christ. That’s right.
down?                                   He said, “There is many men who
                                        stand up, and philosophers and so
           ...double cure,              forth, but Jesus Christ was God
           Save from wrath and          Himself manifested in the flesh.”
           make me pure.                   Brother, I hollered “amen” as loud
           While I draw this fleeting   as I could, ’cause I know that’s true. I
           breath,                      believe that. Well, of course, me
                                        seeing the way they treated him, I
           When my eyes will close
                                        dropped right into his place. Started
           in death,
                                        right on with the supreme Deity,
           When I rise to worlds        that Jesus Christ was Jehovah God
           unknown,                     manifested in flesh. Well, in doing
           And behold Thee on Thy       that, the Lord gave us fifty thousand
           throne,                      souls in that five-night’s meeting.
                                           And then when they heard we
           Rock of Ages, cleft for
                                        were going up into Germany... Now,
                                        there, it’s state and church. What
           Let me hide myself in        the church tells the state, the state
           Thee.                        does it.
W-124 Your attitude now may                And we’ve often taught about,
change the whole picture. Will you      many times... If I have someone
come to the altar, kneel down? You      here, that’s a Catholic friend, I don’t
who feel guilty, will you come, kneel   say this now to be shoving your
around the altar? Someday you’ll        church at all. No, sir. I have
have to meet Him, the Rock of Ages.     thousands, and tens of thousands,
What are you doing for Him now?         of Catholic friends. But, we’ve often
This is your opportunity.               thought in the early days when the
           ...to worlds unknown,        Catholic church united, with the
                                        church and state together, in the
           And behold Thee on Thy       days of papal Rome, and what a
           throne,                      persecution it brought.
           Rock of Ages, cleft for         Well, brother, the Protestant is
           me,                          just as bad, if not worse. The
           Let me hide myself in        Protestant church treated me twice
           Thee.                        as bad as Catholic church ever did
                                        treat me. That’s right. So, then when
                                        they went up there, and sent into
  Now is your opportunity, if you       Germany and told the German
come forward to the altar to pray.      authorities not to receive me. That I
The altar’s open for all who wants to   was absolutely against the teaching,
come, now, to receive Christ as your

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Unwillkommener Christus                   William M. Branham • Sonntag, 11.09.1955, vormittags • Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

and I wasn’t nothing but an              Brother Branham, I did that.”               habe Ihn einfach vorbeigehen lassen und
impostor, and not to receive me.            “Jesus, I’m ashamed. I’m going to        habe gar nichts gesagt. Ich schäme mich,
W-4 And they had built a stadium         raise my hand up to You, Jesus, and         Bruder Branham, dass ich das getan habe...
there, that seated thirty thousand       ask You forgive me. I’ve not                Jesus, ich schäme mich dafür, ich werde
people. When they refused me to          entertained You like I should.” God         meine Hand zu Dir erheben mit der Frage,
have the regular football stadium,       bless you, young man. Someone               dass Du mir vergibst. Ich habe Dich nicht
why, because of the state being          else raise your hand, say, “God, be         geschätzt, wie ich es hätte tun sollen.“ Gott
owning it, Hitler built there, then      merciful to me.” God bless you,             segne dich, junger Mann! Jemand anderes,
they went out and put a canvas           fellow. God bless you, lady.                der seine Hand erheben möchte zu Gott,
cathedral up that would seat around                                                  und sagen: "Gott sei mir gnädig." Gott
thirty thousand, opened up the side                                                  segne dich, du Freund. Gott segne dich,
so you could still set them on back.                                                 Dame.
Somewhere we had thirty thousand         W-122 Jesus is here. He is here             W-122 Jesus ist hier, Er ist hier genauso,
under roof. And they sent word           just as much as He ever was. He’s           wie Er je war! Er ist hier genauso
that... that I was an impostor, and      here just the same as He was at the         gegenwärtig, wie Er damals bei dem
not to receive me at all.                banquet of the Pharisee. We invited         Festmahl des Pharisäers war. Wir haben Ihn
   And so then the government set        Him to come in this morning. Here           diesen Morgen eingeladen und Er ist hier.
right down and said, thumbs down,        He is. Ain’t you kind of ashamed of         Schämt ihr euch nicht irgendwie? Habt ihr
I can’t come in. Dr. Guggenbuhl, a       yourself? Don’t you want them tears         keine Tränen von euren Gesichtern herunter
friend which... National attorney        running down your cheeks, to say            laufen, um zu sagen: "Herr, ich schäme
sent word down there and went            this to Him, “Lord, I’m ashamed. I...       mich! Ich will nicht gleichgültig sein, ich
down there and said, “No, sir. He        I... I don’t want to be indifferent. I...   möchte Dich lieben. Ja, ich möchte Dir alles
cannot come in. We will not receive      I... I want to love You. I want to do       geben." Würdet ihr unauffällig eure Hand
him.”                                    everything”? Will you slip up your          zu Ihm aufheben; durch dieses zu tun Herr...
W-5 So, he goes down. It’s in the        hand to Him? Say, “By this, Lord...”        Gott segne dich, Bruder, Gott segne dich,
American zone, at Kar-... at the... at   God bless you, brother. God bless           Bruder. Gott segne dich, dich, und dich,
the     Karlsruhe,     which    means    you, brother. God bless you, you,           Schwester. Schaue nach Jesus, durch Nägel
“Charles’ rest.” he went down there      you; you, sister. Look at Jesus’ nail-      vernarbt. Gott segne dich, Bruder. Ist sonst
to the colonel of the American army,     scarred feet. God bless you, brother.       noch jemand anderes hier? Hebet einfach
which is the American occupied           Someone else, you just raise your           eure Hand! Gott segne dich, Schwester.
zone in there. And he went to the        hand. God bless you, sister. God            Gott segne euch, Brüder. Gott segne euch!
colonel and said, “Why can’t we          bless you, brother. God bless you,            …
have this American evangelist to         sister. Just keep your head bowed             …
come in?”                                while God is talking now.                     …
   He said, “They had Billy Graham                   Rock of Ages, cleft...
up there, and,” said, “why can’t we                  Let me hide myself in
have this brother come in?”                          Thee;
   And so the colonel said, “Well, I
                                                     Let the water and the...
don’t see why you can’t.” Said, “Who
is the preacher?”                        W-123 God bless you, Doe. Well,
   Said, “It’s Brother Branham.”         come right on up now. Come right
   Said, “Brother Branham.” Said, “He    on up. Won’t you come down with

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Unwillkommener Christus                                                                    William M. Branham • Sonntag, 11.09.1955, vormittags • Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

helped me. When       I was sick, You      sündig war. Ich bin so froh, dass Du mich      prayed for my mother, and she was
healed me, Lord.      When I was a         erhalten hast, wenn ich nichts anderes tun     healed in America.” So, brother, that
sinner, You forgive   me. Oh, blessed      konnte, weil ich hier auf Erden war. Wenn      opened the door. Didn’t make any
Jesus, let me pat      Your dear feet      ich krank war, hast Du mich geheilt, Herr;     difference in what they said. That
again.” Oh-oh! Oh,    my!                  als ich ein Sünder war, hast Du mir            opened the door. So they throwed
                                           vergeben; oh, gesegneter Jesus!" Ich würde     the door open, and... and we went
                                           Seine Füße mit meinen Tränen benässen.         right on in and had the meeting.
W-120 I just can’t preach no               W-120 Lasst uns unsere Häupter nun             W-6 The first night, to get in, out
more. Let’s bow our head just a            beugen, während ich bete, und während die      of the... the crowd... We wouldn’t...
moment, while the pianist come up,         Pianospieler hinaufkommen.                     we wouldn’t preach Divine healing.
if she will.                                  Geliebter Jesus, oh Herr Jesus, mit         We stayed right away from it; just
   Dear Jesus, oh, Jesus with dirty        schmutzigen      Füßen,   so    kalt   und     wouldn’t pray for the sick. First, we
feet!      Oh-oh-oh-oh!        [Brother    gleichgültig, machen wir Dich dadurch so       got them on the Gospel, first, to be
Branham continues weeping.] This           unwillkommen. Jesus, was kann ich tun,         sure. So, in order to get me out, to
cold world is indifferent, making          geliebter Gott, was kann ich tun? Ich          keep me from being shot, from the
You so unwelcome. Jesus, what can I        möchte Dir eines Tages begegnen, Herr, ich     bushes, they taken men, and just
do? Dear God, what can I do? I want        will Deine teuren Füße sanft beklopfen und     milling around and around me, like
to meet You some day, Lord. I want         sagen: "Herr, Du liebtest mich, Du wurdest     that, so the... they couldn’t get aim
to pat Your precious feet, and say,        für mich vernarbt, Du wurdest für meine        on me, you see, till I got in. And we
“Lord, You loved me. You was               Ungerechtigkeiten verwundet, durch Deine       was attacked the first night, with a
scarred for me. You were wounded           Wunden wurde ich geheilt. Ich liebe Dich so    car... Well, just fanatics. And... and I
for my transgressions, and with Your       sehr, Herr, weil Du mich erst geliebt hast."   got into the car all right. Billy, I had
stripes I was healed. I love You, so,      Nun, Herr Jesus, lasst uns alle das tun.       to grab him, to get him in, ’cause
Lord, because You loved me.” Won’t         Schenke es Vater.                              somebody just about had him. And
You, Lord, let us all do that? Grant it,                                                  so, then, so when we got in...
Father.                                                                                      Then on the second, third night,
W-121 While we have our heads              W-121 Während wir unsere Häupter               we started praying for the sick. And
bowed. [Brother Branham pauses.] I         gebeugt haben. Ich wundere mich, ob ihr        that night they brought to the
wonder if you will think now. Would        euch die Mühe machen würdet, um eure           platform, one of the sweetest
you raise your hand, just a minute,        Hand zu erheben, für nur eine Minute, wer      experiences that I’ve had in all my
ever who say, “Brother Branham, I’ve       es auch sein mag und sagen werdet:             life. A little girl... Now, it is not...
been a sinner. I want to accept Jesus      „Bruder Branham, ich bin ein Sünder            W-7 Now, this rudeness is not the
now. I’ve invited Him to my house,         gewesen, ich will nun Jesus annehmen, ich      German people. They’re the nicest
Brother Branham. I’ve kind of been         habe Ihn in mein Haus eingeladen, Bruder       people I ever met in my life. I tell
ashamed of Him before my people.”          Branham. Ich habe mich Seinetwegen             you, if I lived anywhere else, besides
God bless you, mother. “I’ve invited       irgendwie vor meinen Leuten geschämt.“         America, I’d take Germany, any time.
Him to my house; I haven’t                 Gott segne dich, Mutter! „Ich habe Ihn in      And they’re humble. They’re way
entertained Him. I been just a little      mein Haus eingeladen, habe Ihn nicht           better than the Swiss. The Swiss is
bit ashamed of it. I’d see my              bewirtet, ich hab' mich dessen einfach ein     all right, but the Swiss has never had
neighbors come in; it’s time for me        bisschen geschämt. Ich habe gesehen, wie       any trouble.
to go pray, I just let it go by;           meine Nachbarn hereingekommen sind,               Just like Americans here, you see,
wouldn’t say nothing. I’m ashamed,         und es ward Zeit für mich zu beten; und ich    we... we never been bombed over

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Unwillkommener Christus                 William M. Branham • Sonntag, 11.09.1955, vormittags • Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

here, or anything. We just... War      “I’m already forty-six years old. Oh,       bin fast 46 Jahre alt, ich muss etwas für Gott
comes along, we live off the riches    I’ve got to do something for God.” I        tun. Ich kann hier nicht viel länger sein, die
of the land, and the boys goes over    can’t be here too much longer;              Natur zeigt uns das; wenn ich noch
and dies, and come back, we never      nature shows that. If I stay another        zusätzlich 20 Jahre leben würde, seht, wo
see it.                                twenty, yeah, twenty years, look            ich sein würde. Das Leben fließt hinweg, ich
   But them Germans has been beat      where I would be. Life is fading; it’s      kann es spüren.
to the ground, where their mothers     going away. I can tell it.                     Aber eines Tages, wenn alles vorbei ist;
was burned with gas, and their            But one day, when it’s all over, I       ich will keine Villa dort oben, will nicht
arms. And they’d find their mummy      don’t want no mansion. I don’t want         etwas Großes dort oben im Himmel! Ich will
skulls laying there, with a baby       no big something in Heaven. I want          nach denselben Füßen kriechen, ich will
pressed to her bosom like that. They   to crawl up in them same feet.              herunterschauen und werde sie ein
know what prayer means. And            [Brother Branham weeps.] Look               bisschen mit meinen Händen sanft klopfen
they’re humble and willing.            down at them, and pat them a little         und Ihn gerade auf Seinen Fuß küssen und
W-8 And so that night, in the          bit with my hand. Kiss Him right on         sagen: "Oh, Jesus, Du hast mich geliebt;
meeting, all the newspapers setting    the foot, say, “O Jesus! Oh!” Say,          wenn mein Pfad so dunkel war, wenn ich so
around and everything. And all the     “You loved me when my path was              in Not war, Herr, und war so gleichgültig;
churches, criticizing, and sponsored   so dim. When I was so in need, Lord,        und doch hast Du mich dann geliebt! Du
by none of them. So we just set up     and so indifferent, You loved me            bist derjenige, der mich hindurchgeführt
the meeting, and thousands even        then. You’re the One Who brought            hat, Jesus; ich liebe Dich, ich liebe Dich, ich
couldn’t even gain a place to get to   me through, Jesus. Oh, I love You. I        liebe Dich!" Oh, Jesus, oh Jesus, diese Füße
the tent and the place where we        love You.” Oh-oh! “O Jesus! O Jesus!        wurden für mich vernarbt. Jesus, ich liebe
was at.                                Them feet was scarred for me, Jesus.        Dich, ich liebe Dich, ich liebe Dich.
   And there while the Holy Spirit     I love You. I love You.” [Brother
was moving, and the inspiration        Branham weeps.] Oh-oh-oh-oh!
come over me; there was a lady         W-119 I long to touch Him like              W-119 Ich würde weitergehen mit Ihm
laying there, and told her her         that, say, “Now, Master, You know           auf diese Art, Ihn zu berühren und würde
backbone was eat in two, with          all about it. I feel like then I could go   sagen: "Meister, Du weißt alles." Ich würde
tuberculosis. She was strapped on a    away. That, that would... that would        das Gefühl haben, niemals von dieser Stelle
board. I said, “Unstrap her.”          pay me for every toil of the road.          hinweg zu gehen, das würde mich für all die
   And a doctor raised up and said,    The toils of life may be many, and          Mühsal des Weges bezahlen. Die Mühsale
“Oh, you can’t do that!”               they may be cold, how little it will        des Lebens mögen viele sein, der Fluss mag
   I said, “Unstrap her, for, THUS     seem in that morning when we walk           kalt sein. Wie unwichtig wird es an dem
SAITH THE LORD.” Up she got and        up the streets of gold. There is so         Morgen erscheinen, wenn wir auf den
run through that building, was just    many hills to climb upward. I’m             Straßen von Gold wandern werden. Hier
as perfect and normal as she could     often weary. But someday when I             sind so viele Hügel, die man hinaufklettern
be. And her... her... She was          get there, and cross my last force. If      muss. Ich bin so oft übermüdet, aber eines
barefooted, and come to the            I can just see Him then, pat His feet       Tages, wenn ich dort hinkomme und den
platform.                              and make Him welcome. If I can say,         letzten Flussübergang überquere, wenn ich
W-9 About fifteen minutes after        “Lord Jesus, oh, I’m so glad that You       Ihn dann nur sehen kann, Seinen Fuß sanft
that, they started the prayer line,    loved me, when I was so sinful. I’m         beklopfen und Ihn willkommen heißen
going on. And along come a little      so glad You kept me when I                  kann. Ich werde sagen: "Oh, Herr Jesus, ich
girl, about six years old, or eight    couldn’t do nothing else, Lord. Jesus       bin so froh, dass Du mich liebtest, als ich so

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Unwillkommener Christus                                                                   William M. Branham • Sonntag, 11.09.1955, vormittags • Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

But,” He said, “this poor woman,         nicht geküsst, um mich willkommen zu            years old, about the age of my little
ever since she has come into this        heißen! "Aber", sagte Er, "diese arme Frau,     Becky, two long plaits hanging
building, she hasn’t ceased kissing      von der Zeit ihrer Ankunft in diesem            down her back. She almost went off
My feet.” Hallelujah! “Oh, I won’t do    Gebäude hat nicht aufgehört, meine Füße         the platform. They caught her and
that to you.”                            zu küssen." Halleluja! Oh, ich würde es auch    brought her over. When she got to
  Said, “And I say unto you,” to the     tun!                                            me, she started putting her... had
woman, “your sins, which are many,          Er sagte: "Ich sage dir, Frau! Deine         her little head down here, and she
are all forgiven you.”                   Sünden, welche viele waren, sind alle           started putting her little hands
                                         vergeben!"                                      around me like that. And she was
W-117 What good is your old              W-117 Was Gutes wird eure alte, starre          blind, been born blind. She never
starchy church going to do? What         Kirche dir tun? Was Gutes wird die alte         had seen.
good is the old paper you got your       Urkunde,       worauf    euer    Name     im       And when we had prayer for her,
name wrote on, going to do you?          Kirchenregister eingetragen ist, euch tun?      honest, friends, I believe if I would
You’ve got to make Jesus welcome;        Ihr müsst Jesus willkommen heißen,              have been the worst hypocrite in
may get a little of that starch out of   dadurch, dass ihr die alte Starrheit aus        the world, God would have honored
you.                                     eurem Leben schafft.                            that child’s faith. Put her arms
  He said, “Her sins, which are             Er sagte, ihre Sünden, welche viele waren,   around like that, and had her little
many, are all forgiven thee.” I just     sie sind alle vergeben. Ich kann einfach        head laying over on my bosom. And
can’t preach no more. I think... O       nicht weiter predigen, denke ich! Oh, Gott;     I prayed for her. And I said to the
God! “Thy sins, which were many,         deine Sünden, welche viele waren, sind dir      Lord, “I left Becky and them crying,
are all forgiven thee. Go in peace       alle vergeben, gehe nun in Frieden! Sie         at home, You know. But I... You sent
now.” Her standing over Him. Her         steht dort, ihre Wangen sind verblasst, ihre    me here to pray for this child, I
cheeks stained. Her eyes blurred.        Augen verschwommen, das Salböl ganz             believe.”
The oil all over her mouth and her       über ihren Mund und ihr Gesicht vom                And when I raised her little head
face, from kissing His feet when she     Küssen Seiner Füße, die sie gesalbt hatte!      up, she looked around. She said,
anointed Him. The tears running          Die Tränen laufen ihre Wangen hinunter,         “What are those things?”
down her cheeks. Her hair hanging        ihre    Haare      hingen    herunter   ganz       I said, “It’s lights, honey.” See?
down, soaking with the manure and        durchtränkt mit dem Dreck, Staub und            And she... The interpreter told her.
dust and dung, off from the road,        Dung der Straße, die in ihren Haaren               So, then, she could... she could
hanging in her hair, where she had       hängen, womit sie Seine Füße abgetrocknet       see. And her mother begin
wiped His feet. And to hear that         hatte. Und um dieses Wort zu hören: Du          screaming, and run up to the
Word,       “You’ve      embarrassed     hast dich selbst in Verlegenheit gebracht.      platform. And she had never seen
yourself, but,” to hear Him, “now        Und um das Wort zu hören: Nun sind dir          her mother before. She begin
your sins are all forgiven you.” Oh,     alle deine Sünden vergeben, deine Sünden        patting her on the cheeks. She said,
oh, oh! “Thy sins are all forgiven       sind dir alle vergeben, gehe in Frieden. Oh,    “Are you my mother?” She said,
thee. Go in peace.” O God!               Gott…                                           “You’re so sweet.” And like that. She
W-118 I want to stand there. I           W-118 Ich will dort stehen, ich will es         had never seen her mother before,
want to do that, too, some glorious      auch tun. An irgendeinem herrlichen Tag,        in her life.
day when it’s all over, I’ve preached    wenn das alles vorüber ist, wenn ich meine      W-10 And then here come a man,
my last sermon.                          letzte Predigt gepredigt habe; ich werde        the next one, was a man that was
  I’m getting old now, I realize. I      nun alt, ich bin mir dessen bewusst; ich        born deaf and dumb, about fifty-
said to the boys this morning, I said,   sage zu den Jungens diesen Morgen, ich          five years old. Never spoke or heard

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in his life. And when the hearing and         sinners will come to Him.
speech come to him, and he... They            W-115 And there she is, she has          W-115 Da ist sie. Sie hat Seine Füße
had talk on their fingers, to him, you        got His feet washed. And she is just     gewaschen, Seine Füße, sie hat Seine teuren
know. And I said to him, “Talk now            kissing His precious feet, saying, “O    Füße geküsst! „Oh, Gott, denke nur daran,
and tell him to say just what he... I         God! Think, that I’m kissing, right      was ich gerade küsse: Bald wird es so sein,
say.” And I said, “Mama.”                     now; after a while, a big old spike is   dass Nägel in diese Füße hineingeschlagen
   He said, “Mama.”                           going to be drove through there for      werden, damit das Blut für meine Sünden
   I said, “I love Jesus.”                    the shedding of Blood, for my sins,”     vergossen wird.“ Sie küsst Seine Füße und
   He said, “I love Jesus.” And the           and kissing His feet and going on.       benimmt sich aufgeregt.
translator was... He was a German,               And Simon stood back there, “Uh-        Ich kann sehen, wie Simon dort steht und,
speaking English, ’cause that’s the           hum.” Oh, I can see him turn red in      oh, ich kann sehen, wie rot er in seinem
only thing he had ever heard, you             the face, and then white with rage.      Gesicht wird, dann ganz weiß vor Zorn, oh
see, was right then the only thing he         Oooh, my!                                weh!
could say was... was English. See, he            Jesus turned around to him. He          Jesus dreht sich herum, schaut ihn an und
could speak English, same as he               said, “Simon, I got something to say     sagt: "Simon, ich habe dir etwas zu sagen.
could German. He was just born in             to you.” You see? “I got something       Ich bin in dein Haus gekommen, weil du
Germany. So you get what I mean?              to say to you. I’ve come to your         mich darum gebeten hast. Ich kam, aber du
He could speak English, ’cause that’s         house at your bidding. You bid Me        hast mir gar kein Wasser gegeben, um
all he had ever heard, and it was me          to come. And you never give Me           meine Füße zu waschen." Er sagte: "Ich bin
speaking to him. See? I’d say, “Say,          any water to wash My feet.” Said,        zu deiner Kammer gekommen, aber du hast
Mama.” And he’d say, “Mama.”                  “I’ve come to your chamber, and          mir kein Salböl gegeben, um mich selbst
   And I... I’d say, “Say, ‘I love Jesus.’”   you never give me any oil to anoint      damit zu salben." Er sagte: "Du hast mich
   “I love Jesus.”                            Myself with.” And said, “You didn’t      gar nicht geküsst, hast mich nicht
   And I’d say, “Praise the Lord.”            even kiss Me. You didn’t make Me         willkommen geheißen!" Oh, Gott, Branham-
   Said, “Praise the Lord.”                   welcome.” O God!                         Tabernakel, wachet auf!
   And the translator would have to              Branham Tabernacle, wake up!
say back to this German, to the               W-116 “You didn’t wash My feet.          W-116 Ihr habt meine Füße nicht
German, was translated from English           You told Me to come, and you             gewaschen. Ihr habt mir gesagt, zu
back to German again. My, the next            didn’t wash My feet. You let Me sit      kommen und habt meine Füße nicht
day, the paper really lit up,                 here, embarrassed. I wanted to be        gewaschen; ihr habt mich in Verlegenheit
everything.                                   something of value, but you              sitzen lassen! Ich hatte vor, etwas für euch
W-11 So           the    state      church    wouldn’t let Me. You didn’t wash My      zu tun, aber ihr habt es mir nicht gestattet;
ministers, a group of them come               feet. You never give Me any oil, to      ihr habt meine Füße nicht gewaschen, du
down, and they wanted to have a               anoint My face with. They’re             hast mir kein Salböl gegeben, um mein
breakfast with me, and about two              burning; my cheeks was burning.          Gesicht zu salben. Meine Füße brennen,
hundred, three hundred come                   I’ve traveled two days through the       auch meine Wangen sind versengt, da ich
down. Oh, I guess, something                  hot sun. You never give Me any           zwei Tage in der heißen Sonne gereist bin;
maybe like this tabernacle, full of           anointing oil to help My poor            aber du hast mir kein Salböl gegeben, um
people. They come down to a great             parched face. My feet is dirty and       mein armes ausgetrocknetes Gesicht zu
hotel, and they said, “If It could be         stinking, and you didn’t get Me any      salben! Meine Füße sind schmutzig und
proven to be the Truth, that It               water to wash with. And you didn’t       stinken, du hast mir kein Wasser gegeben,
wasn’t witchcraft.” Mercy! Said, “If It       even kiss Me, to make Me welcome.        sie damit zu waschen, du hast mich sogar

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around, gapping, looking. Now look.     gebracht; sehet nach all den Menschen, die        wasn’t witchcraft,” why, they would
The Pharisee punched the other          dort herumstehen und sich das angaffen.           be ready to protest against the
one, “So, you see, if he was a          Und sehet, der eine Pharisäer stößt den           church and come out, if they
prophet, he would know what kind        anderen an: "Seht, wenn Er ein Prophet            wouldn’t accept It.
of a woman that was standing by         wäre, würde Er wissen, welch eine Art von            So, got down that morning, I said,
him. See, I told you he wasn’t a        Frau das ist, die dort bei Ihm steht. Ich habe    “Brethren, witchcraft? It’s absolutely,
prophet. See, now I know what it is.”   dir doch gesagt, dass Er kein Prophet ist, Er     totally impossible for any demon to
                                        würde es nicht zulassen…“                         have anything to do with Divine
W-113 That poor woman, she              W-113 Diese arme Frau! Sie konnte es              healing.” I said, “I’ll... I’ll defy that,
couldn’t even hear it. She was so       gar nicht hören, sie war so glücklich, sie        from anywhere. Every Scripture is
happy. She happened to think,           dachte daran; was geschehen würde, wenn           against it. And there’s no power
“What if He would move His foot?”       Er Seinen Fuß bewegen würde; würde Er             with the devil, at all, to make any
Would He move His foot? If she’d        seinen Fuß bewegen? Sie wäre, wenn Er             Divine healing.” I said, “There’s
have... If He’d moved one foot, she’d   Seinen     Fuß     bewegt     hätte,     sofort   nothing in the devil can heal. If it is...
have been gone. But, you know, He       davongelaufen. Aber nein, Er hat es niemals       Jesus said, Himself, ‘If Satan can cast
never. He was enjoying it. He was       getan, Er hat sich daran erfreut, Er hat sich     out Satan, then his Kingdom is
enjoying the service to Him. He was     an diesem Dienst, der Ihm erwiesen wurde,         divided and can’t stand.’ See? He
enjoying somebody loving Him that       erfreut. Er hat sich daran erfreut, dass          can’t cast out Satan. The healing
much. He just kept real still. And      irgendjemand Ihn so sehr liebte. Er verhielt      comes only from Jesus Christ.”
she’d take one foot and then the        sich ganz ruhig, während sie einen Fuß in         W-12 And so they set there a little
other. And she would [Brother           ihre Hand nahm. Sie würde einfach Seine           while, and they said, “Well, we can’t
Branham makes a kissing sound.]         Füße küssen, da sie ganz außer sich war.          understand about these visions.
kissing His feet. Oh, my! She was       Oh, Gott, ich wünschte, dass wir dahin            We... we just don’t know.” Said, “We,
beside herself. O God, I wish we        kommen könnten! - Sie küsst Seine Füße!           what we think, is... You’ll have to
could get like that. Just sit at His                                                      clear us up on this.” Said, “We think,
feet.                                                                                     that what it is, that you go around in
W-114 Well, then, the first thing       W-114 Das Erste, was dann geschah,                daytime, to these houses, and give
you know, old Pharisee said, “See, I    wisst ihr, der alte Pharisäer sagte: "Sehet,      the people their prayer cards, and
told you he wasn’t a prophet. He        ich habe euch gesagt, dass Er kein Prophet        bring them up to the platform at
would have known.” Said, “Look,         ist. Er würde es gewusst haben, wer sie ist.      nighttime, and then you’ve talked to
that woman will even ruin his           Sehet, die Frau wird sogar Seinen Ruf             them and you know what their
reputation.” Oh, how blind. Oh, my!     zerstören!" Oh, wie blind, oh, fürchterlich,      diseases are, and all about their life.”
Oh, pride is such an evil thing!        oh, Hochmut ist so ein übles Ding. Höret zu;         I said, “Brother, I can’t speak
Listen. She... He thought that          er dachte, dass diese Frau Sein Ansehen           German, and I can’t. Look here.” I
woman would ruin His reputation.        zerstören würde.                                  said, “When I’m giving the vision, I
   Why, brother, Jesus’ reputation         Aber weißt du Bruder; Jesus erwirbt Sein       can’t even say their name. I have to
was made in the presence of             Ansehen in der Gegenwart der Sünder! Hier         spell it out. It would spell out their
sinners. That’s where His reputation    ist es, wo Er Sein Ansehen bekommt, nicht         names and the places where they
is made. Not amongst the starch         in der Mitte der starren Eingebildeten; aber      come from, like ‘w, x, y; o, p, q, r,’
and stiff, but amongst sinners who      in der Mitte der Sünder, die willig sind, sich    something another like that, being
is willing to repent. That’s where      zu bekehren. Da ist es, wo Jesus Ansehen          their names.” I said, “How do I? Ask
Jesus’ reputation was made when         erlangt, wenn Sünder zu Ihm kommen!               the people. Find out from them.

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Why,” said, “the boys give the              glory. What a picture! What a                 mit ihrer Herrlichkeit ab. Welch ein Bild.
prayer cards right in the meeting.          picture of salvation! Tears from her          Welch ein Bild der Rettung. Tränen ihrer
And what’s all, all those that don’t        eyes, washing His feet. The glory,            Augen, die Seine Füße wuschen. Ihre
even have prayer cards?”                    the only decent thing she had, she            Herrlichkeit, das einzige anständige Ding,
    “Well,” they said, “well, could that    was wiping them with it. Oh, my!              was sie hatte, damit trocknete sie Seine
be the devil doing that?”                                                                 Füße.
    I said, “Can the devil heal?” I said,   W-111 She raises up; she couldn’t             W-111 Dann            versuchte      sie,    sich
“If it...” I said...                        get up. She was half way up, the              aufzurichten; sie konnte sich nicht
W-13 “Could           it   be    mental     tears were streaking down her                 aufrichten,     sie    hat    sich     halbwegs
telepathy?” they said.                      cheeks. It was like fountains running         aufgerichtet, die Tränen flössen wie Ströme
    I said, “Well, can mental telepathy     off of her face. And she’s washing            an ihrem Gesicht herunter und sie wusch
make the blind to see?” I said,             His feet. And she picks up this               Seine Füße. Dann nimmt sie diese
“Didn’t they say the same thing             alabaster box; she breaks the top of          Alabasterflasche und bricht den Hals davon
about our Lord? When they said,             the... the end off of it. And she pours       ab. Sie gießt den ganzen Inhalt über Seine
‘Well, this man has a devil.’ They          it, all of it. Not just sprinkle His feet;    Füße aus. Sie hat Seine Füße nicht einfach
seen Him foretelling things, and            she pours it, all of it. All of her living,   berieselt, sie hat es ganz ausgegossen,
telling people. They said, ‘He has a        all of her glory, all of her money, all       ihren ganzen Lebensunterhalt, ihre ganze
devil.’ And the Pharisees raised up         of her everything, and even all of            Herrlichkeit, all ihr Geld, alles, alles, was sie
and says, another group of them,            her heart, pouring the tears, she lays        besaß, und sogar ihr ganzes Herz hat
said, ‘Can the devil make the blind         it at the feet of Jesus.                      Tränen ausgegossen, und sie hat es zu den
to see?’ No, sir. It cannot.”                   Oh, you poor church member,               Füßen Jesus gelegt!
    So then, in the breakfast that          miserable hypocrite, standing there,             Oh, du armes Kirchenmitglied, elender
morning, they had a great German            all about, so starchy and indifferent.        Heuchler, der du so starr und gleichgültig in
photographer there to take the              Don’t you see what this poor                  der Ferne stehst, weißt du denn nicht, was
pictures of the breakfast.                  prostitute was doing? She was                 diese arme Prostituierte tat? Sie legte alles,
    Now, we all are aware that our          laying everything at Jesus’ feet. She         was sie hatte, zu den Füßen Jesu. Sie wollte,
cameras are little amateurs, up aside       wanted Him to be welcome.                     dass Er willkommen sei.
of the German lens. Anyone knows            W-112 What’s happened to the                  W-112 Worauf lief das Fest zu? Wer
that, who buys telescopes, or               party? Who cares what’s happened              kümmerte sich darum, was mit dem Fest
German... Well, for instance, our           to the party. I’m not interested in           geschah? Ich bin an dem Fest nicht
little Argus camera. I got one. Sixty-      the party. I’m interested in a sinner         interessiert. Ich bin daran interessiert, zu
nine dollars buys it, with all the          coming to Christ. No matter how               sehen, dass ein Sünder zu Christus kommt.
equipment to it. And that’s a thirty-       she gets there, just so she arrives.          Es macht nichts aus, wie sie zu Ihm kommt,
five millimeter. All right. The German      The old party, that’s the trouble of it       was zählt ist; dass sie bei Ihm ankommt! Ein
Leica, in a thirty-five millimeter,         today. So busy with the parties and           altes Fest, das ist es, was heutzutage die
costs five hundred dollars. That’s          things,           soup           suppers,     Schwierigkeit ist; wir sind so beschäftigt mit
just the difference, between sixty-         entertainments,         and      baseball     Festen      und        den      Dingen,      wie
nine and five hundred dollars. Oh,          games, and bunco in the church,               Wohltätigkeitsessen,           Unterhaltungen,
and it’s far beyond anything our...         and everything, till you... you let           Baseballspielen, Glücksspielen in der Kirche;
their lens and ours.                        Jesus go out. Oh, what a pity!                einfach schon der Gedanke! Und ihr lasst
W-14 And they had a great                       Here it is. The party is all broke        Jesus hinausgehen? Oh, wie schade.
camera setting up there, taking the         up. Look at them all standing                    Hier ist das Fest ganz durcheinander

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feet. Tears from a penitent sinner,         Sie war ganz außer sich, sie hat Seine Füße        pictures of the meeting, of the... of
washing Jesus’ dirty feet. She is           gerieben, sie wusste nicht, was sie tun            the breakfast. And they was asking
beside herself. She is rubbing His          sollte. Ihr Herz war so glücklich, dass sie die    about how that inspiration... They
feet. She just didn’t know what to          Gelegenheit hatte, in Seiner Gegenwart zu          said, “Well, we feel that it’s some
do. Her heart was so happy that she         stehen. Sie wusch Seine Füße mit ihren             kind of a set-up. It’s something
had the opportunity to stand in His         Tränen. Oh, sie hat sie gerieben.                  another that... that you have. It’s a
Presence. She was washing His feet             Und das erste Ding, wisst ihr; sie war so       mental telepathy. That Germans can
with her tears, just rubbing them.          aufgeregt und so außer sich; so dass ihre          maybe look on their cards, or
   And the first thing you know, she        Haare herunterfielen. Sie hatte alle diese         something another, and they can
got so excited, and so beside               Locken auf ihrem Kopf, ihre Haare fielen           transfer that to you.”
herself, until she... her hair fell down.   herunter, und sie fing an, Seine Füße mit             I said, “Then how does the healing
She had all of her curls done up,           ihren Haaren abzutrocknen. Oh, welch ein           come?” I said, “Who foretells these
you know, on top of her head, and           Handtuch zum Trocknen.                             things, who, what, that’s going to
her hair fell down. And she begin to                                                           come?”
wipe His feet with her hairs. Oh,                                                                 “Well,” said, “maybe that’s mental
what a drying towel!                                                                           telepathy also.”
W-110 Listen. If some of the                W-110 Höret zu, da sind manche Frauen                 And I said, “Then you don’t
women these days would try to               in diesen Tagen; wenn sie versuchen                believe in God.”
wash His feet, and wipe them with           würden, Seine Füße zu waschen und es mit              “Oh, we believe in God, sure. We
her hair, they’d have to stand on           ihren Haaren abzutrocknen, müssten wohl            believe in God. But we don’t...”
their head to do so. They cut their         auf ihrem Kopf stehen, um es zu tun, da sie        W-15 I said, “Brother, you’re...
hair off. That’s right. Remember,           sich die Haare abgeschnitten haben, das            you’re just born blind, that’s all.
wait a minute, I didn’t say that for a      stimmt! Nun, wartet für eine Minute, ich           See? You, you were born blind, and I
joke. This is no joking time. Let me        habe das nicht gesagt als einen Witz, dies         doubt whether you’ll ever receive
tell you something. That’s the Bible.       ist keine Zeit für Witze. Lasst mich euch          your sight, or not.” And I said, “If...
The Bible said a woman’s hair is her        etwas sagen; das ist, was die Bibel sagt. Die      I’d rather be physical blind than to
glory. That’s right. And look. What         Bibel sagt, dass die Haare einer Frau ihre         be spiritual blind like that. Why,” I
happened?                                   Herrlichkeit ist, das ist richtig. Und seht, was   said, “you’d be far better off, if you
   The only decent thing she had            geschah.                                           were everyone totally blind, had to
about her was her long hair. And it            Das einzige anständige Ding, was sie an         be led around by your eyes... by
fell down at her feet... at His feet.       sich hatte, waren ihre langen Haare, es fiel       your arms, so you didn’t have no
She laid her glory at His feet. She         herunter zu Seinen Füßen: Da lag ihre              eyes. Let somebody be your eyes, to
was wiping His feet with her glory.         Herrlichkeit zu Seinen Füßen, sie trocknete        lead you.” I said, “You’d be far better
Hallelujah! God, help us to do the          Jesu Füße mit ihrer Herrlichkeit; Halleluja!       off. But,” I said, “because you see
same thing. Wiping His feet, bathing        Gott helfe uns, dasselbe Ding zu tun. Sie          the things that prophets has longed
them with the tears of water from           wischte Seine Füße ab, badete sie mit den          to see. You see the things that great
the fountain of a penitent heart.           Tränen "des Wassers der Quelle von einem           men long to see, and still you won’t
From her heart, pouring out tears,          reuigen Herz"; aus ihrem Herz wallten die          believe it.” I said, “Well did Isaiah
“O God, I’m so wretched. I’m so             Tränen auf! Oh, Gott, ich bin so elend, so         speak of you right, saying, ‘You have
miserable, Lord. O God!” And her            erbärmlich, oh, ich bin so elend, Herr! Oh,        eyes and can’t see, and ears and you
glory laying right at His feet. She         Gott, ihre Herrlichkeit hing herunter auf          can’t hear.’” And about...
was wiping the feet off, with her           Seinen Füßen und sie trocknete Seine Füße          W-16 They said, “Well, if that

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picture of the Angel of the Lord,           making a way till she got to Him.       wegzubahnen und einfach weiter davon zu
that you have on the platform over                                                  entfernen? Sie hat sich den Weg gebahnt,
there,” said, “what about that?”                                                    bis sie zu Ihm kam!
   I said, “That’s proof, scientific        W-108 Now, here she stands. She         W-108 Nun, hier steht sie, sie steht vor
proof, that Jesus Christ still lives and    is standing before Jesus, the only      Jesus! Die einzige Stelle, wo sie je Ruhe für
reigns.” I said, “That’s the same Pillar    place that she can ever find rest to    ihre Seele finden konnte. Sie ist hilflos, sie
of Fire, or Light, that followed the        her soul. She is helpless. She falls    fällt hin, sie fällt zu Boden, sie fängt an, zu
children of Israel, and brought them        down. She falls on the ground. She      seufzen und zu weinen. Die Tränen fließen
through the wilderness, and take            starts boohooing and crying. The        ihre Wangen hinunter; oh, sie ist so
them to the promised land. And any          tears are running down her cheeks.      schuldig und so traurig, Ihn auf die Art dort
reader knows that that was the              Oh, she’s so guilty. And she is so      sitzen zu sehen, mit schmutzigen Füßen
Angel of the Covenant, which was            sad, to see that Him setting there in   beim Festmahl des Pharisäers; mit
Jesus Christ.” And I said, “He was          dirty feet; at the banquet, and dirty   schmutzigen Füßen! Sie weint; das Erste,
with the Father before the                  feet. And, she, crying. And the first   was dann geschieht; wisst ihr, sie gerät
foundation of the world. He has             thing you know, she gets beside         außer sich, sie ist sich nicht bewusst, was sie
always been. And He’s the same              herself. She don’t know what she is     tut.
today.”                                     doing.                                     Gott, hilf uns, um ab und zu außer uns zu
   “Oh,” said, “we hear of your                God help us to get beside ourself,   geraten, damit wir uns zu Jesus begeben,
American fantastics, Divine healing         once in a while, in order to get to     um gerettet zu werden. Bruder, in kann
services, and things.”                      Jesus, to get saved. Brother, I         mich daran erinnern, als ich zu Ihm kam, ich
   I said, “I’m not talking about           remember when I come to Him, I          war ganz außer mir. Ich habe mich nicht
them. That’s not the subject. I’m           got beside myself. I didn’t care who    darum gekümmert, wer dort herum war; ich
talking about my own ministry now.          was around. I cried. I shouted. I       weinte, ich jauchzte, ich habe den Herrn
Them brothers can defend theirs.            praised the Lord. I didn’t care who     gepriesen! Ich habe mich sowieso nicht
But,” I said, “I’m talking about my         said anything. I was beside myself.     darum gekümmert, wer mich sah; ich war
own. See?”                                  God help us to push aside these old     außer mir. Gott helfe uns, um diese alten,
   And he said, “Well, we heard all         dry creeds and denominations, so        trockenen       Glaubensbekenntnisse       und
that stuff, and all like that.”             we can get to Jesus and get saved.      Denominationen zur Seite zu schieben,
W-17 I said, “Well, if you want to                                                  damit wir zu Jesus kommen können, um
believe, you’re a believer. If you                                                  gerettet zu werden.
don’t, then you’re not a believer,          W-109 She was beside herself.           W-109 Sie ist außer sich, die Tränen
that’s all.” And I said, “I can’t explain   The tears was rolling down her          fließen ihre Wangen hinunter. Und das
it. There’s no need of me trying it.        cheeks. The first thing you know,       Erste, was geschieht, wisst ihr, sie ist so
For if I’d try to, I would try to explain   she was so beside herself. She was      außer sich: Sie steht am Brunnen der Liebe.
God. And who can explain God?               standing by the fountain of love.       Sie war so außer sich, dass sie anfing, Seine
And God has made it so that none            And she was so beside herself, till,    Füße mit ihren Tränen zu waschen, Tränen,
of us can explain God. We believe           she found out, she was washing His      die von ihrem Gesicht herabflossen.
God by faith. Not by sight, not by          feet with the tears that run down off      Oh, welch ein schönes Wasser, welch ein
knowledge; but by faith, we believe         of her face.                            schönes Wasser! Tränen der reuigen
God. God is... has to be accepted by          Oh, what beautiful water! What        Sünderin, die die schmutzigen Füße von
faith, inex-... unexplainable. You          beautiful water! Tears from the         Jesus wäscht! Tränen der reuigen Sünderin,
have to receive it. If it’s explainable,    penitent sinner, washing Jesus’ dirty   die die schmutzigen Füße von Jesus wäscht!

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Unwillkommener Christus                                                                   William M. Branham • Sonntag, 11.09.1955, vormittags • Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

an opportunity.                           Gelegenheit!                                   then you don’t no more have to use
W-106 And here she is. She says,          W-106 Hier ist sie; sie sagt: "Oh, sieh, was   faith, if you can explain it. See, you
“Oh, look. But what would He say if I     wird Er sagen, wenn ich zu Ihm komme, was      don’t have... You can tell the
come? What will He do?” But I hear        würde Er tun?“ Aber ich höre sie sagen: "Zu    details.”
her say, “Well, one time I heard Him      einer Zeit habe ich Ihn predigen gehört."         How many understands that? Do
preaching.” That’s it. If you ever hear   Das ist es, wenn ihr je Sein Wort gehört       you see? You cannot explain God.
His Word, something is different          habt, dann hat sich etwas geändert, oh,        You have to believe God. It’s a
from then on. Oh, glory! “I heard         Herrlichkeit. „Ich hörte Ihn eines Tages am    mystery to you, but you have to
Him down there on the banks of            Ufer des galiläischen Sees, ich hörte Ihn zu   accept it. That’s on the basis of your
Galilee one day.” Said, “All those        all diesen Arten von Menschen, die um Ihn      faith, to accept something that you
other kind of people were standing        herum standen, sagen; und Er erhob Seine       cannot explain. Amen. That’s the
around Him. He raised up His              teuren Hände und sagte: ‚Kommet alle zu        way. That’s it. See, you have to
precious hands and said, ‘Come            mir, die ihr mühselig und beladen seid, ich    explain something, and believe
unto Me, all ye that labor and are        werde euch Ruhe geben.’“ "Oh", sagte sie,      something that... I mean, believe
heavy laden. I’ll give you rest.’” She    "oh, weißt du, dass ist es, was ich brauche,   something that you cannot explain.
said, “Oh, You know that’s what I         Ruhe! Meine arme, elende Seele ist             It’s impossible to explain it.
need, is rest. My poor, wretched          brennend. Er sagte: ‚Wie auch immer.’ Das      W-18 Well, they set and scratched
soul is burning. And He said,             schließt auch mich ein, damit hat Er auch      one another’s head. And, oh, you
‘Whosoever will.’ That meant me.          mich gemeint. Sicher, aber schaue, was         know how the sovereignty of God
That was me. Sure. But look what’s        zwischen mir und Ihm steht.“                   always is on the job. Isn’t He? No
standing between me and there.”              Das ist es, was zwischen euch und Ihm       matter what takes place, God is on
   That’s what’s standing between         steht. Da ist eine ganze Menge von             the job. Right at that very crucial
you and Him. There’s a whole lot of       Betrügern, die zwischen dir und Ihm stehen.    moment, right at the time, when
impostors standing between you            Da sind viele, die es veranlassen werden,      hundreds of those pastors of the
and Him. There’s a whole lot would        dass du nicht zu Ihm kommst. Da waren          state church, sitting there at this
keep you away from Him. There’s a         viele Leute damals, die sagten, dass Er        breakfast.
whole lot would tell you it was           verrückt war! Sie stehen noch immer               And this big German camera
crazy. They’re still standing between     zwischen dir und Jesus; aber Er sagte:         setting there. And he would snap
you and Jesus, but He said, “Come.”       "Komme.“ Halleluja! „Komme!“                   the picture, and then roll a roller,
Hallelujah! “Come.” Surely.                                                              turn it over, just like a thirty-five
W-107 Brother, you know what              W-107 Bruder, weißt du, was sie dann           millimeter, only that big. Great big
she done? She tucked that alabaster       tat? Sie hat diese Alabasterflasche unter      camera taking all like that, just
box under her arm, and she started        ihren Arm gesteckt und fing an, sich mit       snapping, roll it, and kept taking
knocking one one way, and one the         einem ihrer Ellenbogen in die eine Richtung    pictures.
other. She is elbowing her way            und den anderen in die andere Richtung,           And about that time, I said, “Just a
through the crowd till she got to         ihren Weg durch die Menschenmenge zu           moment. The One that I’m speaking
Jesus.                                    bahnen, bis sie zu Jesus kam.                  of is here now.” I said, “He’s... He’s
   Could you do that? Elbow your             Könntet ihr so was tun? Könntet ihr so      here, present.” I said, “I see It. And
way up, away from unbelief, “Them         etwas tun, euren Weg, hinweg von               He’s moving.” Well, the German
days of miracles is passed. There is      Unglauben, und die Zeit der Wunder ist         moved his camera right in like that.
no such a thing as the Holy Ghost.”       vorbei und solche Dinge wie der Heilige           He said, “I’ll try it.” He shot the
   Just keep moving them away,            Geist gibt es nicht, euch davon                picture.

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Unwillkommener Christus                     William M. Branham • Sonntag, 11.09.1955, vormittags • Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA

   I said, “It’s this man standing right   tears is scalded her cheeks. They see         sie rennt dahin, die Tränen brennen auf
here. He’s a leader of thirty-two          she’s been crying. “Wonder why she            ihren Wangen, die Leute können sehen,
thousand communists, standing              is crying?”                                   dass sie geweint hat; ich wundere mich,
there.” And the interpreter give it to        She stops, outside the edge of the         warum sie geweint hat.
him. I said, “He’s not a German.” I        line. She looks up. She said, “Oh, I             Sie neigt sich draußen: Oh, ich kann solch
said, “He’s an Italian. He comes from      can’t. I can’t. Oh, I just can’t do this. I   eine Sache nicht, ich kann es nicht, oh, ich
Italy.” And I said, “He’s not a            can’t. But, look, what will He say            kann dieses einfach nicht tun! Ich, aber
German, at all.”                           when he knows what I am?”                     sieh', was wird Er sagen, Er weiß, was ich
   “And that was the truth,” he said.         That’s a good thing, sinner. He            bin.
   And I said, “You just recently          knows what you are. Amen. Come,                  Das ist ein gutes Ding, Sünder, Er weiß,
come... become converted.”                 anyhow. Come, anyhow.                         was du bist, Amen. Komme trotzdem,
   “Yes.”                                                                                komme trotzdem.
   I said, “You picked up a Bible. You     W-105 Oh, you Pharisees, been                 W-105 Oh, du Pharisäer, der du während
was raised a Catholic.”                    going to church all these times, and          all dieser Zeit zur Kirche gegangen bist, und
   “Yeah.”                                 supposed to be a Christian, He                die Leute haben gedacht, dass du ein Christ
   “And you picked up a Bible. And         knows what you are. Don’t you                 seiest; Er weiß aber, was du bist, du bist
you took the Bible and you read It,        worry. He knows who you are. He               ein... Er weiß, was du bist, Er sieht, was dort
and got convinced that It was...           knows what’s on the inside of you.            drinnen in dir ist. Ihr schämt euch deshalb,
Jesus Christ was the Son of God.           You’re ashamed to come to the altar           zum Altar zu gehen, weil ihr zu lange der
And you... and you accepted it.”           after belonging to church so long,            Kirche angehört habt. Aber Er weiß
   He said, “That’s right.”                but He knows you. He knows what’s             Bescheid über euch, Er weiß, was in eurem
   And I said, “Now you are hid from       on the inside of you.                         Innern ist.
the Catholic church, and got an                She stopped. She said, “Oh, I just           Sie stoppt und sagt: "Oh, ich kann es
orphanage         way    up    in    the   can’t do it. I just can’t do it. What         einfach nicht tun, ich kann es einfach nicht
mountains.”                                would He say about a woman like               tun. Was wird Er bezüglich einer Frau, wie
   He said, “That’s right.”                me? What would He say? But, here,             ich es bin, sagen? Was wird Er sagen? Aber
   And I said, “The reason you’re not      they’ve invited Him, and it’s my              hier haben sie Ihn eingeladen und es ist
eating your breakfast is because           opportunity.”                                 meine Gelegenheit!"
that you got such a stomach trouble            Oh, you don’t realize what an                Oh, ihr seid euch nicht bewusst, welch
that you can’t eat breakfast.”             opportunity you got. You got an               eine Gelegenheit ihr habt. Ihr habt heute
   “That was right.” And he started        opportunity today, friends, to be             eine Gelegenheit, Freunde, um mit dem
weeping.                                   filled with the Holy Ghost. You got           Heiligen Geist erfüllt zu werden. Ihr habt
   I said, “But, THUS SAITH THE            an opportunity, today, to be a saint          heute eine Gelegenheit, um ein Heiliger
LORD, you’re healed. Eat your              of God. You don’t have to be a... a           Gottes zu werden. Ihr braucht keine
breakfast.” That settled it.               stinking sinner. You can be a saint.          stinkenden Sünder zu sein, ihr könnt ein
W-19 And they took the picture.            You don’t have to be a hypocrite.             Heiliger Gottes sein. Ihr braucht kein
And they took... And that camera           You don’t have to be a church                 Heuchler zu sein, ihr braucht nicht ein
standing there now, taking that            attender, and not a Christian. You            Kirchenbesucher zu sein, der vorgibt, ein
picture, each one. And he shot three       don’t have to go along there and              Christ zu sein; ihr braucht dort nicht
pictures of the Angel of the Lord.         act like you’re a Christian, and go to        mitzumachen, um zur Kirche zu gehen und
And then took five or six,                 church to hide your meanness. You             eure Gemeinheit zu verbergen; ihr könnt ein
afterwards; five or six, before. And It    can really be a Christian. You’ve got         wirklicher Christ sein, ihr habt eine

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