Unlocking the magic of human connection - by bringing Good Times from a Good Place

Page created by Brandon Perkins
Unlocking the magic of human connection - by bringing Good Times from a Good Place
Unlocking the
magic of human
by bringing
Good Times from
a Good Place
       I N T E G R AT E D
Unlocking the magic of human connection - by bringing Good Times from a Good Place
Unlocking the magic of human connection by
                                                                                                    bringing Good Times from a Good Place

                                  Since the very beginning, Pernod Ricard has been
                                  in the business of creating meaningful and lasting
                                  moments of conviviality.

                                  We believe in the power of bringing people together, and
                                  the positive impact that comes from turning an occasion into
                                  a convivial experience. That is why our mission is to unlock
                                  the magic of human connection by bringing Good Times
                                  from a Good Place. Together with our stakeholders, we are
Connecting around
our mission                       building enduring connections that will stand the test of time,
Our history → p. 12
                                Copies           in ourarebelief that conviviality is what distinguishes life’s
                                        of this document
                                available on request from the
Our decentralised                 exceptional
                                Group’s                  moments
                                         Headquarters or it can     from the rest.
organisation → p. 14
                                be downloaded from the Group’s
Our brand portfolio → p. 16
Our Mindset                       As “Créateurs de convivialité,” we distil conviviality
                                website (www.pernod-ricard.com).
                                Pernod Ricard is committed
for Growth → p. 18
Our strategy → p. 20
                                  into everything we do. From programmes that empower
                                to responsibly managing its
                                paper purchases. The paper
Our growth model → p. 22          our employees, to products and experiences that delight
                                used for the Integrated Annual
Our foundations → p. 24
Our S&R roadmap → p. 26           our consumers. From sustainable initiatives to support
                                Report is PEFC certified.
                                This certification guarantees
Our value creation
model → p. 28                     our planet to partnerships that inspire creation. Conviviality
                                compliance with a globally
                                recognised set of principles and
Our key financial and             is the spark that ignites it all.
                                criteria for forest management.
non-financial figures → p. 30
                                Events organised by our brands
Our governance → p. 32
                                comply with local laws in the
                                   In our FY22 Integrated Annual Report, learn how Pernod Ricard is:
                                countries where they are held.
Seizing a world of
                                   • unlocking convivial moments for our people, our consumers,
                                Please consume our
                                brands responsibly.
                                     our planet and through our sponsorships;
Major trends in an evolving
world → p. 38                      • placing Sustainability & Responsibility at the centre of our
Moments of conviviality
revisited → p. 46
                                          YOU TO ALL to ensure we have a lasting and positive impact;
                                OUR CONTRIBUTORS
                                   • using technology and data to open more opportunities
Unlocking more                  Published by the Pernod Ricard
convivial moments                    and respond
                                Communications             to more and new demands;

For our people → p. 50
                                   • investing in creation and supporting mentorship through
                                5 cours Paul Ricard,
                                75380 Paris Cedex 8, France.
For the planet → p. 54               our latest philanthropic activities.
For consumers → p. 58
Our brands → p. 68
For sponsorship → p. 92
                                  See why we believe in the magic of convivialité.
                                Director of Publication:
                                Charlotte Judet. Deputy Director
Exploring our shared            of Publication: Emilie Roger-
                                Couffrand. Editor-in-chief:
                                  It’s time to unlock that magic…
                                Ashley Doyle. Photos Credits:
Message from                    Sandra Rocha, Perrine Géliot,
Hélène de Tissot → p. 106       Alexis Anice, Léa Guintrand,
Managing our risks → p. 108     Thomas Lannes, Eric Garault,
Our markets → p. 110            iStock, Getty Images, Shutterstock,
Performance                     Pernod Ricard Media Library.
indicators → p. 116             Creation, Design and
Financial markets → p. 120      Production:

Unlocking the magic of human connection - by bringing Good Times from a Good Place
Unlocking the magic of human connection by
                                                                                                                          bringing Good Times from a Good Place

    Message from
    Ricard                                              Chairman & CEO
                                                        of Pernod Ricard

                                                                                                                are our
    There’s something magical about spending                or generational – and is open to everyone.          of human connection by bringing Good
    time with the people we care about. Simple,             This is our company vision, our purpose, our        Times from a Good Place in meaningful,
    authentic moments of sharing, laughing and              drive, and it’s what sets us apart from the rest.   positive and responsible ways. This is
    connecting. The pleasure of raising a glass                                                                 our North Star, our guiding light, and I
    together and toasting to new memories.                  Staying true to our culture and shared values       don’t ever want us to lose sight of it.

    Now, more than ever, we understand just how             Our teams have once again shown that our            An exciting transformational journey
    important these moments are. We know what it            greatest assets are our people who, together,
    feels like to be without them. I strongly believe       year on year, continue to go the extra mile in      Our transformational journey started back
    that if there is one positive outcome from the          delivering sustainable growth with tangible,        in 2015, when we focused on our collective
    Covid-19 years it is that we have rediscovered          positive impact. I’m immensely proud and            mindset to grow our business. With the
    the importance of filling our lives with real           fortunate to be able to call them my colleagues.    launch of Transform & Accelerate in 2018,
    human connection for our own health and                                                                     we concentrated on enhancing our profitable
    well-being. For five decades now Pernod Ricard          Our purpose as a Group is to do more than           growth with an emphasis on efficiency
    has been championing this universal need. As            just sell the finest wines and spirits. As true     and effectiveness. Our convivial culture is
    “Créateurs de convivialité,” these moments of           convivialists, we are moved by a common             now complemented by a heightened
    collective camaraderie are at the very heart            purpose to transform every moment, every            performance-driven focus built on
    of what we do. Convivialité transcends our              coming together, into a meaningful and              our five cultural imperatives of Health,
    differences – be they physical, cultural, ethnic        convivial experience. We unlock the magic           Safety & Wellbeing, Sustainability &

4                                                                                                                                                             5
Unlocking the magic of human connection - by bringing Good Times from a Good Place
Unlocking the magic of human connection by
Message from Alexandre Ricard                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         bringing Good Times from a Good Place

“Never before has our company
                                                                                                                                                     In a world that’s ever more polarised,           crisis stronger than ever, and our results this      2.1 billion: that is the number of bottles that we
                                                                                                                                                     filled with rising political tensions, climate   year are the reflection of all that hard work.       produced and distributed last year at a global
                                                                                                                                                     change, energy and supply chain disruptions,     The incredible shared success achieved by            level for our more than 240 brands. It is an
                                                                                                                                                     inflation, unbalanced post-Covid recoveries,     my more than 19,000 colleagues worldwide             impressive figure, but it does not say enough about

been so sure about the                                                                                                                               displaced peoples and even war… never
                                                                                                                                                     has the solidarity and responsibility in our
                                                                                                                                                     Group been so heartfelt as it is today.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ensured we reached the symbolic double-digit
                                                                                                                                                                                                      revenue figure, hitting €10.7 billion in net sales
                                                                                                                                                                                                      for the first time. Additionally, two financial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the talent and commitment of my colleagues
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           who made these accomplishments possible,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           under the most difficult and challenging context

change and impact we
                                                                                                                                                                                                      milestones have been surpassed, with our Profit      our industry has experienced for some time.
                                                                                                                                                     Arts Mentorship Programme                        from Recurring Operations at €3 billion and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      our highest ever Free Cash Flow at €1.8 billion.     Bringing our purpose to life

will make.”
                                                                                                                                                     Sustainability is also about building
                                                                                                                                                     long-lasting relationships. This year, we        Absolut broke 12 million cases sold worldwide,       If these last two years have taught us anything,
                                                                                                                                                     proudly launched our Arts Mentorship             while Jameson broke 10 million and Ballantine’s      it’s that there’s no one way to connect. So,
                                                                                                                                                     programme. Building on the Group’s founding      9 million. Indeed, our splendid portfolio of         whether it’s a family gathered around a table
                                                                                                                                                     commitment to creativity, this programme         Scotch whiskies grew by an impressive 25%,           to celebrate a happy occasion, or friends
                                                                                                                                                     takes young artists and designers under its      while Martell grew by 7%. These are just some        both near and far catching up in person
                                                                                                                                                     wing and furthers our real desire to share,      examples of the record sales of so many of           or digitally, these irreplaceable bonds are
                                                                                                                                                     innovate and bring people together. This         the brands across our unrivalled portfolio.          now, and always will be, absolutely vital.
                                                                                                                                                     year, Sandra Rocha, mentor, and Perrine
                                                                                                                                                     Géliot, mentee, worked together to develop       I am extremely proud to say that we have been        This is the future we are crafting as more than
                                                                                                                                                     an international artistic project which          able to ring the “double-digit growth” bell many     19,000 convivialists. Never before has our
                                                                                                                                                     was presented at the Rencontres d’Arles          times this year, in markets across the Asian/Rest    company been so sure about the change and
                                                                                                                                                     photography festival in France in July.          of the World and European regions, which are         impact we will make. We will do so by using my
                                                                                                                                                                                                      both growing at an impressive rate of 19%. We        grandfather’s motto to “make a new friend
                                                                                                                                                     Strong growth and financial trajectory           have seen our “must win” markets continue to         every day.” It is timeless advice. I invite each
                                                                                                                                                                                                      progress, with the US reporting +8%, China +5%       and every one of us to make a new connection
                                                                                                                                                     Despite increasing global challenges, I’ve       and India a successful +26%, while Global            every day, to make the world a more convivial
                                                                                                                                                     said many times over the past two years          Travel Retail rebounded impressively as many         place. Because there is no doubt that a more
                                                                                                                                                     that Pernod Ricard would come out of the         parts of the world reopened post-Covid.              convivial world is a better world for all of us.

Responsibility, Consumer-Centricity,              For us, the end goal is not simply to leverage     what we do. It is not only the right thing
Continuous Improvement & Innovation,              data; it is to spread convivialité by leveraging   to do for our planet, but it’s the legacy
and Diversity & Inclusion.                        data and artificial intelligence. Together         we want to leave. Sustainability is vital for
                                                  with our diverse portfolio of amazing              the resilience of our business, critical to
As we progress on our transformational journey    brands and our unparalleled distribution           attracting the very best people and decisive
with the next phase of Transform & Accelerate,    network, The Conviviality Platform will            for shaping the future of our industry.
technology, digital media and data will further   enable us to offer the right product, at the
strengthen those foundations and stretch our      right price, at the right time, to the right       Our Sustainability & Responsibility roadmap
business performance to capture future growth.    consumer, with the right experience for            is on track to meet or even outperform
                                                  every occasion and in every market.                the ambitious targets we set for ourselves.

                                                                                                                                                     “We reached the symbolic
Introducing The Conviviality Platform                                                                This year we became the first company
                                                  Sustainability at the core of our business         to support the International Union for
Our ambition is to lead and shape industry                                                           Conservation of Nature’s Agriculture and
growth. This means challenging ourselves to       Exactly 90 years ago, in the middle of the         Land Health Initiative, in addition to also

                                                                                                                                                     double-digit revenue figure,
capture future growth opportunities and leading   Great Depression, my grandfather founded           completing our own inaugural sustainability-
the way in thought and action to transform        one of the brands that gave birth to this Group.   linked bond issuance for €750 million.
every moment into a convivial experience.         His bold spirit and sense of responsibility led    Pernod Ricard employees also had the

                                                                                                                                                     hitting €10.7 billion in net
                                                  him, years later, to also create the Paul Ricard   chance to come together once again
This was precisely our goal when we unveiled      Oceanographic Institute to help protect            for the 10th annual Responsib’All Day, an
our enhanced growth engine, The Conviviality      our oceans, one of his great passions.             entire day dedicated to making a positive
Platform, which leverages digital media           To this day, this commitment and sense             impact in our communities. Our affiliates

                                                                                                                                                     sales for the first time.”
and data to expand and accelerate our             of guardianship is stronger than ever,             rolled up their sleeves and took on several
business, and thus bring our purpose to life.     having woven sustainable and responsible           community projects that help protect and
This is what I like to call precision at scale.   thinking into the fabric of who we are and         restore local nature and biodiversity.

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          7
Unlocking the magic of human connection - by bringing Good Times from a Good Place
Unlocking the magic of human connection by
Year in review                                                                                                                                                                                                                    bringing Good Times from a Good Place

12.07.21                                                         01.09.21                                                          03.09.21                                                       21.09.21

The Mx opened its doors in Marseille, offering a variety         Pernod Ricard signed a minority stake investment in the US-       Pernod Ricard became the first corporate partner of            Pernod Ricard acquired The Whisky Exchange, a leading
of fresh experiences built around the city’s emblematic          based Sovereign Brands and its unique and diverse portfolio       the Agriculture and Land Health Initiative, an international   online and physical spirits retailer. One of the largest and
spice, anise. Featuring an immersive museum and shop, the        of fast-growing, super-premium wines and spirits. This exciting   programme founded by the International Union for               most successful online retailers, The Whisky Exchange’s
concept store also boasts a bar and restaurant staffed by        partnership will create new business opportunities between        Conservation of Nature to build global commitments             innovative services bolster our consumer-centric strategy of
renowned chefs, pastry chefs and bartenders.                     the two companies.                                                for sustainable agriculture practices.                         meeting new consumer needs and expectations.

One year of                                                                                                                                               convivial moments
16.11.21                                                         01.03.22                                                          01.04.22                                                       16.06.22

In Emeishan, China, we unveiled 叠川 THE CHUAN Single Malt         The Group acquired a majority stake in Château Sainte-            Pernod Ricard issued an inaugural sustainability-linked        Convivialists from Pernod Ricard affiliates around the world
Whisky Distillery, the first such distillery to be established   Marguerite, considered a gold standard for cru classé rosés       bond, worth €750 million and tied to two environmental         celebrated Responsib’All Day by taking part in local activities
in the country by an international spirits and wines group.      within the Côtes-de-Provence appellation. These elegant           commitments: reducing the Group’s absolute greenhouse gas      to help protect and restore nature and biodiversity as part of
Combining sophistication with conviviality, the site is set to   wines join Pernod Ricard’s luxury portfolio.                      emissions (Scopes 1&2) and decreasing water consumption at     the Group’s Sustainability & Responsibility strategy, “Good
become a new world-class destination for whisky, arts and                                                                          our distilleries.                                              Times from a Good Place.”

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     9
Unlocking the magic of human connection - by bringing Good Times from a Good Place
    our mission
Unlocking the magic of human connection - by bringing Good Times from a Good Place
 01. Connecting around our mission

     As “Créateurs de convivialité,” Pernod
 Ricard’s mission is to unlock the magic

    our mission
 of human connection by bringing Good
 Times from a Good Place. With our more
 than 19,000 employees, we are infusing
 sustainability into every aspect of our
 business to bring people together in
 meaningful and responsible ways. Powered
 by The Conviviality Platform and one of
 the largest portfolios in the industry, we are
 using data to reinforce our core business and
 expand into new growth territories, ensuring
 that Pernod Ricard covers all moments of
 conviviality, for everyone, everywhere.


                                     Our history → Our decentralised organisation
                                     → Our brand portfolio → Our Mindset for
                                     Growth → Our strategy → Our growth model
                                     → Our foundations → Our S&R roadmap →
                                     Our value creation model → Our key financial
                                     and non-financial figures → Our governance
Unlocking the magic of human connection - by bringing Good Times from a Good Place
Unlocking the magic of human connection by
01. Connecting around our mission                                                                                                                                                                                                                         bringing Good Times from a Good Place

Our                                 01                                              02                                                                03                                                               04

05                                  06                                              07                                            08                                                      09                                                   10

                11                                                12                                                                             13                                                                                        history
                                    01   1975 - Creation of Pernod Ricard from      05   2005 - Acquisition of Allied Domecq,          2012 - Signing of the Wine & Spirits                    2019 - Launch of a new 2030                12        2021 - Opening of the new Pernod
                                         the merger of Pernod, founded in                doubling the Group’s size to become           Producers’ five commitments to                          Sustainability & Responsibility roadmap,             Ricard Corporate Foundation’s
                                         1805, and Ricard, created in 1932               the world’s #2 wine and spirits               promote responsible drinking.                           “Good Times from a Good Place.”                      space at The Island, the Group’s new
                                         by Paul Ricard.                                 company, with brands including G.H.                                                                                                                        headquarters located in Paris.
                                                                                                                                       2015 - Appointment of Alexandre                   10    Acquisition of the super-premium
                                                                                         Mumm and Perrier-Jouët champagnes,
                                    02   1988 - Acquisition of the leading                                                             Ricard as Chairman and CEO.                             gin Malfy and a majority stake in                    Acquisition of a majority stake in
                                                                                         Ballantine’s whisky, Kahlúa and Malibu
                                         Irish whiskey producer Irish Distillers,                                                                                                              super-premium bourbons Rabbit Hole                   La Hechicera ultra-premium rum.
                                                                                         liqueurs, and Beefeater gin.             08   2016 - Acquisition of
                                         owner of Jameson.                                                                                                                                     Whiskey, Castle Brands (Jefferson’s)
                                                                                                                                       the super-premium gin Monkey 47.                                                                             Unveiling of 叠川 THE CHUAN Malt
                                                                                         Membership in the International                                                                       and Firestone & Robertson Distilling
                                    03   1993 - Creation of a joint venture                                                                                                                                                                         Whisky Distillery in Emeishan, China.
                                                                                         Alliance for Responsible Drinking.(1)         Signing of the United Nations                           Co. (TX).
                                         between Pernod Ricard and Cuban
                                                                                                                                       Sustainable Development Goals                                                                                Acquisition of a minority stake in
                                         rum company Cuba Ron to market and              2007 - Display of a warning for                                                                       2020 - Announcement of our
                                                                                                                                       (SDGs).                                                                                                      Sovereign Brands and its portfolio of
                                         sell Havana Club.                               pregnant women on all bottles                                                                         commitment to ban all single-use                     super-premium wines and spirits.
                                                                                         marketed by the Group is extended to          The Institut Océanographique Paul                       plastic at point of sale by 2021.
                                         1998 - Opening of the Pernod Ricard
                                                                                         every country in the European Union.          Ricard celebrates its 50th anniversary.                                                                      Acquisition of leading online spirits
                                         Corporate Foundation to support artistic
                                                                                                                                                                                               Introduction of a “no minors” symbol                 retailer The Whisky Exchange.
                                         creation and make art accessible to all.   06   2008 - Acquisition of Vin & Sprit,       09   2017 - Acquisition of a majority stake
                                                                                                                                                                                               on all bottles marketed by the Group.
                                                                                         owner of Absolut Vodka.                       in high-end bourbon producer Smooth                                                                13        2022 - Acquisition of a majority stake
                                    04   2001 - Acquisition of Seagram and
                                                                                                                                       Ambler and in Del Maguey Single                                                                              in Château Sainte-Marguerite, Cru
                                         their whisky brands (Chivas Regal,              2010 - Adhesion to the United Nations                                                           11    Inauguration of The Island, the Group’s
                                                                                                                                       Village, the #1 mezcal in the United                                                                         Classé Côtes-de-Provence rosé wines.
                                         The Glenlivet, Royal Salute) and                CEO Water Mandate.                                                                                    flagship in Paris, which brings together
                                         cognac (Martell).                                                                                                                                     all its Parisian based affiliates and                Launch of the digital label on a
                                                                                         2011 - Upgrade of the Group’s credit
                                                                                                                                       2018 - Nomination of Pernod Ricard                      1,000 employees.                                     selection of brands in Europe.
                                         2003 - Signing of the United Nations            rating to investment grade.
                                                                                                                                       as a member company of Global
                                         Global Compact, a voluntary initiative                                                                                                                Acquisition of a significant stake
                                                                                    07   Launch of Responsib’All Day, Pernod           Compact LEAD.(2)
                                         based on CEO commitments to                                                                                                                           in the ultra-premium Japanese gin Ki
                                                                                         Ricard’s annual social engagement
                                         implement universal sustainability                                                            Adhesion to the New Plastics Economy                    No Bi and in Italicus, an Italian super-
                                                                                         volunteer event involving the Group’s
                                         principles and to take steps to                                                               led by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.                  premium, bergamot-infused aperitivo.
                                                                                         entire workforce.
                                         support UN goals.

                                                                                                                                  (1) Formerly the International Center for Alcohol Policies.
12                                                                                                                                (2) https://www.unglobalcompact.org/take-action/leadership/expert/lead-sdg                                                                                 13
Unlocking the magic of human connection - by bringing Good Times from a Good Place
Unlocking the magic of human connection by
01. Connecting around our mission                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             bringing Good Times from a Good Place

Our decentralised                                                                                                                                                                                        Finland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      19,480                                          4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Employees(3) across the world: 66%              Must-win markets:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      are based in Latin America, Africa &            United States, China, India
                                                                                                                                                                                       Sweden                                         Europe (of which 15% are in France),            & Global Travel Retail
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      10% are in North America and 24%
                                                                                                                                                                       England                                                        are in Asia and the Pacific

                                                                                                                                                                             Germany              Czech
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Countries with our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      own sales force
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Countries in which our brands
                                                                                                                                                                                             Italy                                    are distributed

                                                                                                                                                            Spain                                             Greece
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Production sites
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      in 25 countries(3)
Decentralisation is a founding organisational principle
at Pernod Ricard. Since the beginning, the Group has
encouraged consumer-centric decision-making and
addressed customer needs in a timely manner. Conferring
a competitive advantage during uncertain times, as
seen during the Covid-19 pandemic, decentralisation
renders company operations more flexible, efficient and
effective. Based on each affiliate’s operational autonomy
to deliver the overall strategic principles defined at
Group level, it is enabled by regular interaction between
Headquarters, Brand Companies and Market Companies.

Pernod Ricard Headquarters                     Brand Companies                                  Market Companies
                                                                                                (On 30 June 2022)
Headquarters (located at 5 cours Paul          •   The Absolut Company
Ricard in Paris) defines, coordinates and      •   Chivas Brothers                              •   Pernod Ricard North America
oversees the implementation of the overall     •   Martell Mumm Perrier-Jouët                   •   Pernod Ricard Asia                                                                                Canada
                                                                                                                                                                             United States
company strategy and ensures that affiliates   •   Irish Distillers                             •   Pernod Ricard EMEA & LATAM(1)
comply with corporate policies. Its main       •   Pernod Ricard Winemakers                     •   Pernod Ricard Global Travel Retail                                                                                                                                     China

responsibilities are governance functions      •   Havana Club International                    •   Pernod Ricard France(2)                                                                                                                        Armenia
(strategy, mergers and acquisitions,                                                                                                                                                                      Cuba
finance, internal audit, legal affairs and     Based in the home country of each strategic      The Market Companies are each linked to                                 Mexico
compliance, corporate communications,          brand, the Brand Companies are responsible       a region (Pernod Ricard North America,
talent development, sustainability and         for developing the overall strategy for their    Pernod Ricard Asia and Pernod Ricard EMEA
responsibility [S&R], etc.), dissemination     respective brands, as well as activations that   & LATAM(1)), with the exception of Pernod
of best practices and cross-functional         can be implemented at the local level by         Ricard France, which was created from                                                                Brazil
initiatives with high added value (digital     the Market Companies. Brand Companies            the merger of the Group’s two founding
marketing, luxury, innovation, etc.), and      are also responsible for the production and      Market Companies in France.(2) The Market
support functions (supply chain, IT, etc.).    management of their industrial facilities.       Companies’ role is to activate the Group’s
Headquarters oversees the Group’s major                                                         international brand strategies at the local                                                                                         South Africa
transformation projects and ensures                                                             level and manage the local and regional
effective roll-out across the organisation.                                                     brands in their portfolio. They are also tasked        Production
                                                                                                                                                       site                                                                                                                                          New Zealand
                                                                                                with implementing the Group’s strategy
                                                                                                and key policies, such as the transformation           Brand Company
                                                                                                projects launched in recent years.                     head office

                                                                                                                                                       Market Company
                                                                                                                                                       head office

                                                                                                                                                  (1) Europe, Middle East, Africa and Latin America. (2) On 1 July 2020, Pernod SAS and Ricard SAS merged into
14                                                                                                                                                a single entity, Pernod Ricard France. (3) At 30 June 2022.                                                                                                      15
Unlocking the magic of human connection - by bringing Good Times from a Good Place
Unlocking the magic of human connection by
01. Connecting around our mission                                                                                                                                                                                                                         bringing Good Times from a Good Place

Our brand                                                                                                                                                                            Our House of Brands
  portfolio                                                                                                                                                                                          Strategic International Brands

Pernod Ricard has one of the most comprehensive portfolios
of premium brands on the market, encompassing every
major category of wine and spirits and providing the                                                                                                                                                  63%               +18%
Group with a clear competitive advantage. Constantly                                                                                                                                                   of sales        growth compared
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to FY21
evolving thanks to a dynamic management policy driven
by brand acquisitions or disposals, this portfolio allows
Pernod Ricard to tap into new consumer trends while
investing in the most promising segments and brands.                                                                                                                             Specialty Brands*                            Strategic Wines*

Our House of Brands                                Strategic Local Brands are strongly rooted        The House of Brands affords us the
                                                   in a limited number of specific markets.          agility to make investment choices that
To ensure an optimal allocation of                 They benefit from very strong local               strike the right balance between short-,
resources for key brands across all                consumer loyalty. This part of our portfolio      medium- and long-term goals, while
our markets, the Group uses its brand              often boosts our route-to-market.                 continuing to build brands that excel
planning tool, the House of Brands, which                                                            throughout our must-win geographies.
encompasses five brand categories:                 Prioritising our investments
                                                                                                                                                                                       6%                                              5%
                                                                                                                                                                                       of sales                                        of sales
Strategic International Brands represent           Using the House of Brands and in-depth
the largest part of our business and               consumer insight, we have developed
our international potential. They are
our worldwide top priorities and the
                                                   the following categorisation to define
                                                   the appropriate investment strategy
                                                                                                                                                                                    +24%                                               -4%
                                                                                                                                                                                   growth compared                                decline compared
reference brands in each category.                 according to the profile of each brand:                                                                                             to FY21                                         to FY21

                                                                                                                         House of Brands
Prestige Brands, our portfolio of highly           Stars – our leading brands sold internationally
desirable global luxury brands, target our         or locally – benefit from significant                            Transform & Accelerate
most affluent consumers all over the world.        investment to enable them to continue                      Strategic International Brands
It is the industry’s most comprehensive            leading in different categories. These                                                                                                                Strategic Local Brands
                                                                                                            Stars         Growth Relays      Bastions
portfolio, spanning all major luxury               actively contribute to the Group’s growth.
categories and moments of conviviality.
                                                   Growth Relays also benefit from increased
Strategic Wines cover a wide range of              resources as they serve to capture                     Prestige        Specialty        Strategic
origins and tastes. Shared over a meal with        various moments of conviviality in highly              Brands           Brands           Wines
friends or on more formal occasions,               attractive categories. At the same time,
wine is increasingly appreciated around the        they offer a promising growth outlook
world by a growing variety of consumers.           in the medium and long term.

Specialty Brands meet a growing demand for         Bastions are brands that are mature                              Strategic Local Brands
smaller-scale “craft” products. Authentic, these   or in very competitive sales categories.                 Stars         Growth Relays      Bastions
                                                                                                                                                                                                      18%              +18%
brands offer a unique and comprehensive            They receive enough investment to                                                                                                                   of sales      growth compared
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to FY21
value proposition that responds to new             ensure that we protect their
consumer trends and expectations.                  market share, sales and profits.

                                                                                                                                                        * Non-exhaustive list.
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           17
Unlocking the magic of human connection by
01. Connecting around our mission                                                                                                                                                         bringing Good Times from a Good Place

Our Mindset
                                                               01.                                                                                     03.

                                                               The people of Pernod Ricard: pride and commitment                                       Our core values: the heart of our corporate culture

for Growth:
                                                               Our more than 19,000 employees are proud ambassadors                                    Our three core values shape our culture and create a bond
                                                               of our conviviality culture. Together, we commit to bringing                            between all Pernod Ricard employees, regardless of their function,
                                                               to life the Group’s vision of “Créateurs de convivialité” and to                        region or affiliate. These values only make sense when expressed
                                                               achieving our leadership ambition. At Pernod Ricard, we are:                            within a convivial environment: there is no entrepreneurial spirit,

                                                                                                                                                       mutual trust or sense of ethics without the simple, informal,
                                                               • Focused on performance                                                                inclusive and transparent relationships that define conviviality.
                                                               • Going the extra mile
                                                               • Dedicated to all our stakeholders                                                     ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT
                                                                                                                                                       • Autonomy
                                                               Pernod Ricard gives the opportunity to each and every convivialist                      • Initiative
                                                               to experience an inclusive conviviality culture. By customising                         • Boldness
                                                               individual employee experiences to leverage and grow skills, we                         • Taste for risk
                                                               fully reciprocate the energy that employees put into going the
                                                               extra mile. Accordingly, levels of employee commitment, pride and                       Since the Group’s founding, entrepreneurial spirit has been
At Pernod Ricard, we rely on our highly engaged
                                                               support for the Group’s values have been above external market                          one of the key factors differentiating Pernod Ricard from its
employees to unlock the magic of human connection by           benchmarks and in line with top performing organisations for over                       competitors. We cultivate it by encouraging creativity and
bringing Good Times from a Good Place. We embrace        01.
                                                               a decade.(1) An inclusive and diverse culture that mirrors the broad                    innovation within our teams, which permit our employees
our Mindset for Growth by blending performance and             spectrum of our consumer base has been further strengthened                             to thrive. The Pernod Ricard Leadership Model also fosters
convivialité. This purposeful and inclusive culture of         in recent years by the “Live without Labels” diversity roadmap and                      entrepreneurial spirit through a set of specific competencies
conviviality is what makes us different and allows us          the gender parity “Better Balance” programme, demonstrating the                         such as courage, driving vision and purpose, decision quality,
                                                               Group’s consistent and progressive commitment to providing an                           resourcefulness and more. These Leadership Attributes are
to attract the best talents and ensure high employee
                                                               outstanding work environment. As “Créateurs de convivialité” leading                    used globally for assessing, developing and growing our
engagement. Our Growth Mindset is based on our                 and shaping industry growth, the Group holds a place among the                          leaders and teams.
three core values: entrepreneurial spirit, mutual              world’s most admired companies,(2) the “best employers” in France(3)
trust and a strong sense of ethics. These values are           and the companies most preferred by business school students.(4)                        MUTUAL TRUST
embedded in our shared purpose and our business:                                                                                                       • Freedom of initiative
                                                                                                                                                       • Open dialogue
not just to sell wine and spirits, but to transform
                                                                                                                                                       • Right to make mistakes
every moment, every occasion, into a convivial                 02.
experience. Our mindset and culture are major assets                                                                                                   We work in the spirit of cooperation and mutual trust. There
and foundational to the Group’s continual success.             Our business model: decentralisation                                                    can be no conviviality without trust in those taking the
                                                                                                                                                       initiative. In the same way, trust is the basis of our relationships
                                                               While respecting the autonomy of our affiliates, we combine                             both internally and externally. We are committed to sharing
                                                               the strengths of a large group with the decision speed that                             our knowledge with partners and working with them to
                                                               decentralisation offers to local markets. This means:                                   define shared values throughout our supply chain, ensuring
                                                                                                                                                       all our activities are safe, respectful and responsible.
                                                               • Decision-making based close to the market

“Our consumers span all                                  02.   • Fast responses to consumer needs                                                      SENSE OF ETHICS
                                                                                                                                                       • Respect
generations, ethnicities, identities                           As needs among consumers continue to shift towards more local
                                                               consumption and genuine brand experiences, Pernod Ricard’s
                                                                                                                                                       • Transparency
                                                                                                                                                       • Good relationships with stakeholders
and backgrounds, and we want                                   HQ pilots new forms of conviviality and major cross-functional
                                                               projects, pooling certain areas of expertise so that local affiliates can               Conviviality thrives when it is defined by moderation. Because the
that to be equally reflected in                                focus on the essentials: growing their business in their market by                      way we do business matters, we rely on each of our employees

our convivialists. There is an                                 putting the consumer at the centre of their efforts. Individual market
                                                               development plans bring conviviality directly to the consumer as we
                                                                                                                                                       to encourage and support responsible drinking. With this in mind,
                                                                                                                                                       we launched a worldwide massive open online course (MOOC) on
enormous business benefit to                                   optimise the the right drink for the right occasion at the right time,                  alcohol and responsible drinking. Mandatory for all our employees,
                                                               every time. From this proximity to local markets comes increased                        its aims are both to inform and to encourage a strong individual
building teams that reflect                                    authenticity, with conviviality serving as a performance accelerator                    commitment to responsible drinking. Our business, which is the
                                                               that maximises exchanges and collaboration among local colleagues.                      production and distribution of alcoholic products, has an inherent
our consumer base, and we’re                                                                                                                           need for a strong sense of responsibility, and ethics is a core element
committed to providing an open                                                                                                                         of our culture and daily activities. Respect is the foundation of
                                                                                                                                                       mutual trust as well as a key ingredient for a diverse and inclusive
and inclusive culture in which                                                                                                                         corporate culture where everyone can be themselves and grow.

our people can thrive.”
Cédric Ramat,
EVP, Human Resources at Pernod Ricard                          (1) According to external comparative data from our most recent employee opinion survey results.
                                                               (2) In the 2021 ranking of the 680 World’s Most Admired Companies, conducted by Fortune magazine.
                                                               (3) In the 2021 ranking of the 500 Best Employers in France, carried out by the magazine Capital.
                                                               (4) In the 2021 ranking produced by the Swedish company Universum.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                            19
Unlocking the magic of human connection by
01. Connecting around our mission                                                                                                                                                                 bringing Good Times from a Good Place

Our strategy:                                                                                                                                                        Our strategic

sustainable                                                                                                                                    Permanent


  growth                                                                                                                                                       de convivialité

                                                                                                                                                                                                    For the next
Pernod Ricard has adapted its mission and ambition
                                                                                                                                                                           Mission                    decade
to an ever-changing world. To ensure their success,
we have launched our growth engine The Conviviality                                                                                                            Unlock the magic
Platform. Through the execution of our three-year
strategic plan, Transform & Accelerate, we will leverage                                                                                                of human connection by bringing
consumer trends and deliver profitable growth.
                                                                                                                                                         Good Times from a Good Place

                                                                                                                                                      Lead and shape the industry growth

                                                                                                                                                                        Growth model
Conviviality: the permanent                       growth model, The Conviviality Platform,       global consumer macrotrends, such as
heartbeat of our business                         these tenets define our long-term business     technology and the rise of the affluent and                  The Conviviality Platform
                                                  strategy.                                      middle classes. By continuously innovating                         More from the core
The last two years have been characterised                                                       how to bring people together and create
                                                                                                                                                                     Expand beyond
by uncertainty, leading to deep shifts in the     Dedicated strategic priorities                 conviviality in new ways, we will build a
way we live, work and play. In the face of a      for the next three years                       foundation for long-term and sustainable
challenging geopolitical context and                                                             business growth.
unprecedented changes in the workforce,           While The Conviviality Platform will be the
the ways that people are seeking human            growth model of the Group’s business for at
connection are changing.                          least a decade, the next three years require
                                                  a dedicated set of strategic priorities to
Amid these shifting environments, our vision      address global and persistent changes to                                                     For the next
of being “Créateurs de convivialité” has          supply chains and consumption patterns.                                                        3 years
remained the consistent force that keeps us       These have been provoked in large part by                                                                           Strategic priorities
focused in the present while allowing us to       the pandemic and geopolitical challenges.
plan for the future. It is also what has led us   The evolution of our Transform & Accelerate
to define a new mission that integrates our       strategic plan identifies key drivers of
S&R strategy into the heart of our business:      growth that will allow us to confront these
to unlock the magic of human connection           disruptions.
by Bringing Good Times from a Good Place.
The future of our business depends on             Our aim is to strengthen our business from
responsible, sustainable conviviality, and        the inside out, innovating new forms of
through this pursuit we plan to shape and         conviviality that respond to consumer                                                                               Performance
lead industry growth. Strengthened by our         desires. We will pay special attention to

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   21
Unlocking the magic of human connection by
01. Connecting around our mission                                                                                                                                                                                                                        bringing Good Times from a Good Place

Our growth model:
                                                                                                                                               “We are building a new competitive advantage that puts data
                                                                                                                                               and technology at the service of our growth. This enables
                                                                                                                                               us to better understand our consumers’ and customers’
  The Conviviality                                                                                                                             preferences and fulfil their needs with precision, and to
                                                                                                                                               deliver the right brand or experience to the right person,

Platform                                                                                                                                       in the right place at the right time, and at the right price.”
                                                                                                                                               Christian Porta,
                                                                                                                                               Managing Director,
                                                                                                                                               Global Business
                                                                                                                                               at Pernod Ricard

                                                                                                                                                                                                         ROUTE -TO-CONSUMERS

                                                                                                                                                                        EXPERIENCES                                                             NEW PRODUCTS
                                                                                                                                                                        & SERVICES                                                              & CATEGORIES
With The Conviviality Platform, Pernod Ricard is
defining the Group’s strategic priorities for the
future. A purposeful and powerful growth model, The
                                                                                                                                                                                                             MOMENTS OF
Conviviality Platform unites our existing competitive                                                                                                                                                       CONVIVIALITY
advantages with new technologies to deliver on our                                                                                                                      Beyond                              SUSTAINABLE & RESPONSIBLE
                                                                                                                                                                        models                                                                           business
mission to unlock the magic of human connection                                                                                                                         NURTURING                                                                      ENABLING
                                                                                                                                                                        the core                                                                          beyond
by bringing Good Times from a Good Place.                                                                                                                               business                                                                          models

                                                                                                                                                                        PRESTIGE                                                                          PRICING
                                                                                                                                                                        ACCELERATION                                                                      POWER

Unleashing more conviviality                    market. As technology becomes a new           • Growing our positions within                                                                                            AND A&P
using the power of data and AI                  competitive advantage for the Group, we         the Prestige market.
                                                will be able to anticipate market trends,     With the key data and AI programmes
A balanced and diversified growth model,        increase speed and agility in decision        developed by Pernod Ricard – Maestria, Matrix,
The Conviviality Platform leverages             making, and empower our people.               D-Star and Vista Rev-Up – our aim is to
data and technology to boost our core                                                         empower our people with more insights about
business and expand beyond our historical       We have defined two key dimensions to         consumer preferences. The ultimate objective
sources of revenue, capturing ever more         stretch our growth: getting “more from        is to maximise value share, while ensuring our
opportunities both in the short term            the core” to maximise value share in each     portfolio meets our long-term ambition to
and for the future. This long-term model        market, and “expanding beyond” to pioneer     attract and retain consumers.                    We are already diversifying our growth         of them focused on the same fundamentals:
translates into concrete action plans           new opportunities for value creation. These                                                    avenues with direct-to-consumer                creating responsible and sustainable
through the next phase of Transform &           two growth dimensions mutually enrich         Expanding beyond to                              developments and successful channels           moments of convivialité. We have built internal
Accelerate, our three-year strategic plan.      each other, creating additional business      pioneer the future                               such as Drinks&Co. and The Whisky              data and AI expert teams to sustain our model
With the broadest brand portfolio in            value through data-powered innovation.                                                         Exchange, or LeCercle, our VIP invite-only     over the long term, and launched massive
the industry, which covers all moments                                                        Using the strength of our core                   digital club. This direct connection with      upskilling initiatives to empower the entire
of consumption, creating moments of             Accelerating to get more                      business, we are able to take bolder             consumers increases our understanding          organisation and ensure our people have the
conviviality is the core value proposition of   from the core                                 steps and go beyond to pioneer new avenues       of the demand, in turn feeding our             right tools to perform in an evolving business
Pernod Ricard’s steady growth. By analysing                                                   of growth and shape our own future. We           core business with valuable insights.          environment. As convivialists, we believe
both consumer demand as well as every           The first dimension of our growth model is    have defined three specific growth areas:                                                       technologies are meant to be at the service
aspect of our business using responsibly        structured around three growth axes to get    • Scaling-up innovation with new                 A sustainable, data-driven                     of people, to bring them closer together
sourced data and ethically developed AI,        more value out of our existing portfolio:       products and categories;                       business model for the future                  and to help them focus on what really
we’re able to generate and fulfil demand,       • Activating more brands with the             • Broadening our coverage of                                                                    matters: the magic of human connection.
with precision at scale, offering the right       right level of investment;                    the route-to-consumer;                         With The Conviviality Platform we have
products at the right price to the right        • Maximising the pricing                      • Stretching our boundaries to include           implemented virtuous circular dynamics, with
consumer, for every occasion and in every         power of our brands;                          experiences and services.                      one growth area nurturing another, and all

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          23
Unlocking the magic of human connection by
01. Connecting around our mission                                                                                                                                                                     bringing Good Times from a Good Place

Our foundations:
  people and

While The Conviviality Platform is the Group’s engine for
growth, the platform itself is driven by Pernod Ricard’s
people. The Foundations of the Transform & Accelerate
strategy ensure that we strengthen our inclusive
culture of conviviality to empower our employees and                                                                                                        “Pernod Ricard
accelerate our performance and transformation.
                                                                                                                                                            benefits from
                                                                                                                                                            a culture of
                                                                                                                                                            excellence in
                                                                                                                                                            operations that
Accelerate by engaging                                   People are the key that unlocks the power          begin deploying three-year mandates and         is bolstering
each convivialist                                        of data, and the success of The Conviviality       18-month rolling forecasts. This continuous
                                                         Platform also relies on employees adopting         momentum will lead to increased visibility      the Group’s
Two action plans define our commitment to
our people: being an outstanding place to
                                                         a data mindset and skill set. To engage
                                                         each convivialist in both their personal
                                                                                                            and long-term strategic opportunities that
                                                                                                            will allow us to unlock growth and make
work and offering exciting career journeys
to our convivialists. Pernod Ricard promises
                                                         success and that of the Group, a massive
                                                         upskilling campaign is underway, supported
                                                                                                            the whole more than the sum of its parts. A
                                                                                                            continuous enrichment process, it will be
                                                                                                                                                            By planning for
employees a convivial culture that is both               by the development of personalised                 key to leading and shaping the industry.        the future of both
diverse and inclusive. Our global Diversity              skill-based career paths. Each employee            The past two years have been defined
& Inclusion frameworks bring the two                     brings unique strengths to the table, and          by volatility. From the responses to and        our people and
complementary aspects together at the
global level, defining clear objectives and KPIs
                                                         they deserve customised opportunities
                                                         to leverage and grow their skills.
                                                                                                            impacts from the Covid-19 pandemic and
                                                                                                            supply chain disruptions to material scarcity
                                                                                                                                                            our business in
that permit local adaptations based on affiliate
needs. Across regions, the Youth Action                  Transform by going beyond budget
                                                                                                            and geopolitical turmoil, uncertainty has
                                                                                                            become a permanent part of life. Building
                                                                                                                                                            a compliant and
Council facilitates the exchange of innovative                                                              a profitable future for the Group will thus     sustainable way,
ideas for increasing diversity and inclusion             Value creation is only valuable if it is lasting   require improved resiliency, agility and
within the company by connecting the next                and sustainable. While Pernod Ricard has           sustainability that is based on anticipatory    we are ensuring
generation with top leadership. 43% of Pernod
Ricard management is female, and Pernod
                                                         registered record growth in the past two
                                                         years, we must continue to future-proof
                                                                                                            planning instead of reactivity. Through
                                                                                                            better information sharing, tools, planning
                                                                                                                                                            long-term value
Ricard North America has earned the title of             our business model through two action              and capabilities, our sales and operations      creation for all our
“Best Places to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality” for            plans: going beyond budget to beat the             process will become more robust and
six years in a row.(1) By creating an environment        competition and improving resiliency,              better protected from market volatility.        stakeholders.”
where everyone feels safe to be themselves               agility and sustainability. Using scaled-up
and empowered to forge their own path, the               technology and data, supported by new                                                              Anne-Marie Poliquin,
Group sustains high performance among                    collaborative ways of working and mature                                                           Group General Counsel & Compliance
employees, ensuring collective success.                  sales and operations planning, the Group will                                                      Officer at Pernod Ricard

(1) Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index, 2022.

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       25
Unlocking the magic of human connection by
01. Connecting around our mission                                                                                                                                                                   bringing Good Times from a Good Place

Our Sustainability
   & Responsibility
roadmap: strengthening
                                                                                                                                                                                                             in 2022:

   our business                                                                               NURTURING TERROIR                      All our products come from nature. We produce and
                                                                                              source over 100 ingredients from 66 countries to create our iconic brands. To ensure
                                                                                              we maintain healthy and resilient ecosystems that allow us to source quality ingredients
                                                                                                                                                                                                             → Completing
                                                                                                                                                                                                             and risk
                                                                                              now and for generations to come, we are committed to nurturing every terroir and its
                                                                                              biodiversity and to addressing the challenges of climate change (SDG 13). That’s why we
                                                                                              have been working hand in hand with our farmers, suppliers and communities to transform
                                                                                              agricultural practices into generative actions that will help mitigate climate change, protect
                                                                                              life on land (SDG 15), restore the soil and improve livelihoods throughout the world – for a
                                                                                              long-term, positive impact.

Pernod Ricard’s mission, “unlock the
magic of human connection by bringing
                                                                                              VALUING PEOPLE                         As “Créateurs de convivialité,” we believe in sharing,                  → Reaching
Good Times from a Good Place,” places                                                         warmth, care and respect for people everywhere. We strive to provide decent work and                           gender pay
sustainable and responsible thinking                                                          sustained economic growth (SDG 8) along the entirety of our value chain, and we champion                       equity
firmly at the core of the Group’s ways of                                                     gender equality (SDG 5) throughout our business. To create shared value for all our
working. An integral part of all business                                                     stakeholders, we strive to procure all goods and services responsibly, protect human rights,
activities, from grain to glass, the 2030                                                     foster diversity and inclusion, and create a healthy and safe environment for all. We are also
Sustainability & Responsibility (S&R)                                                         committed to providing our employees with future-fit training and educating the bartending
roadmap is key to leading and shaping                                                         community on responsible and sustainable practices.
the industry, and an important lever
for accelerating transformation.

                                                                                              CIRCULAR MAKING                        The world is made of finite resources that are under                    → Launching
                                                                                              huge pressure. By contributing to responsible consumption and production (SDG 12)                              first circular
                                                                                              and protecting life below water (SDG 14), our goal is to help reduce carbon emissions,                         distribution
                                                                                                                                                                                                             pilot with
                                                                                              water consumption and waste. To do this, we apply five key principles at each step of
                                                                                              our product lifecycle: Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Respect. In moving towards
                                                                                              a more circular business model, we are actively striving to preserve and regenerate our
Built around four pillars and 33 targets,       the Executive Board in July 2022: an EVP of
                                                                                              natural resources at every step of our value chain – from the raw materials we source,
“Good Times from a Good Place” addresses        Corporate Communication, S&R and Public
both consumer needs and material risks          Affairs to strengthen our governance.         to the way we conceive and produce our products, to how they are distributed and then
facing the Group. Only three years after its                                                  ultimately reused or recycled.
launch, we are already on track to meet and     Beyond these important advancements, our
even outperform several of these ambitious      work is far from complete. Pernod Ricard
targets. In addition to the roadmap, we are     remains committed to further accelerating
continually looking to further strengthen       the S&R roadmap that is at the centre         RESPONSIBLE HOSTING                    We want to ensure our brands are enjoyed responsibly.                   → Launching
our commitment to sustainable and               of the Group’s mission. Investing in a        Creating conviviality requires us to help adult consumers make responsible choices about                       digital labels
responsible thinking. We took several           carbon-neutral future for the entire supply   whether, when and how much to drink. We have an important role to play in combating                            for major
industry-leading steps to do so in FY22. In     chain and innovating to drive greater                                                                                                                        brands
                                                                                              the harmful use of alcohol and supporting health and well-being (SDG 3). To this end, we
November 2021, executive pay and annual         circularity and new solutions remain key
                                                                                              develop responsible drinking campaigns and programmes, in partnership with others (SDG
bonuses were directly linked to the Group       priorities for us in the coming years.
S&R performance, while in April 2022, Pernod                                                  17), to inform consumers and our employees about the risks of excessive drinking. We are
Ricard launched the industry’s first ever                                                     committed to marketing and selling our products responsibly and providing our consumers
sustainability-linked bond. This was followed                                                 with a responsible experience. Our brands are also committed to delivering responsibility
by the announcement of a new addition to                                                      messages to our consumers through marketing campaigns.

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     27
Unlocking the magic of human connection by
01. Connecting around our mission                                                                                                                                                                                                   bringing Good Times from a Good Place

Our value
                                      Our assets                                            Our business model                                                                                        The value we create

  creation                            Our employees

                                      We have a diverse, talented

                                                                                                                                                                                                       We provide a diverse and

                                      and highly committed work-                              Consumer insights                          Innovation                 Producing & sourcing               inclusive work environ-
                                      force around the world who                                                                                                                                       ment and create a culture
                                      share the same values.          employees(1)              Identifying new                      Developing new,                Working with farmers               combining conviviality and
                                                                                             trends and consumer                     high-quality and                 and suppliers to                 performance.                              Gender pay gap(1, 2)
                                                                                                 behaviours by                       more sustainable                   source natural
                                                                                                getting closer to                   products, services                 ingredients and
                                                                                              our brands, markets                    and experiences.                other raw materials
                                                                                                  and regions.                                                           sustainably.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Consumers & customers
                                      Our portfolio

                                      We have a unique portfolio
                                                                                                                                                                                                       We offer high-quality products,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       services and experiences to
                                                                                                                                                                                                       our consumers and customers.
                                      of premium brands
                                      encompassing every major                                                             E X P E R I E N C E S & S E RV I C E S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of our brands are
                                      category of wine and spirits.   brands                                                                                                                                                                     in Top 100
                                                                                                                               ROUTE-TO - CONSUMERS
                                                                                                                                   RODUCTS & CATEGORIES
                                                                                                                        NEW P
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Shareholders & investors

Our Group mission is to unlock the                                                                                                                                                                     We create long-term value for             Sales up by
                                      Our decentralised model
magic of human connection by                                                                                                                                                                           our shareholders and investors

                                                                      77                                                                                                                                                                         17%
                                                                                                                                     ROUTE -TO-CONSUMERS
bringing Good Times from a Good                                                                                                                                                                        by delivering profitable and
                                      We combine the strengths of a                                  EXPERIENCES                                                        NEW PRODUCTS
                                                                                                     & SERVICES                                                         & CATEGORIES                   sustainable growth.
Place. At Pernod Ricard, we believe   large group with the decision
                                      speed that decentralisation
in creating sustained value for all                                                                                                                                                                                                              in FY22(1, 4)
                                      offers to local markets.
                                                                                                                                         MOMENTS OF
our stakeholders, starting with our                                                                  Beyond
                                                                                                                                       SUSTAINABLE & RESPONSIBLE
                                                                                                     models                                                                   business
consumers, who are at the heart                                                                      NURTURING                                                              ENABLING
                                                                                                     the core
                                                                                                                                                                               models                  Farmers & suppliers
of our strategy. True to our vision

of “Créateurs de convivialité,”                                                                      PRESTIGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                       We support our farmers
we work closely with all the
                                                                                                     ACCELERATION                                                             POWER
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and suppliers to develop
                                      Our expertise                                                                                                                                                    regenerative agriculture
contributors of our value                                                                                                                          PORTFOLIO
                                                                                                                                                   AND A&P
                                                                                                                                                                                                       practices and sustainable

chain in a permanent quest            We rely on the know-how of
                                                                                                                                                                                                       packaging solutions.
                                      our employees and partners                                                                                                                                                                                 empowered,
for cohesion and efficiency.
                                      to optimise our manufacturing                                                                                                                                                                              trained or
                                      and distribution processes in
                                                                      operation sites(1)                                            P R I C I N G P OW E R                                                                                       supported (1)
                                      terms of safety, quality and
                                      efficiency.                                                                          P R E ST I G E AC E L E R AT I O N
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Communities & society
                                                                                                                    P O RT F
                                                                                                                               O L I O A N D A & P E F F ECT I V E N E SS
                                                                                                                                                                                                       We support our communities,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       partner with our peers and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       work with authorities to tackle
                                      Our terroirs                                                                                                                                                     challenges together.                      of markets with
                                                                                               Manufacturing &                           Marketing
                                      We rely on finite resources                                 logistics                               & sales                       Consumption                                                              a global or local
                                      and well-functioning ecosys-
                                      tems to produce and source
                                                                      350                       Ensuring health,                  Leveraging data and                 Creating moments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 drinking initiative
                                      quality ingredients.                                         safety and                      new technology to                   of conviviality for
                                                                      terroirs                   environmental                     market and sell our                 our consumers to
                                                                                                  standards at                    products effectively                  experience our
                                                                                                 every stage of                     and responsibly.                products and services
                                                                                                 packaging and
                                                                                                                                                                     in a responsible way.             We minimise our impact on
                                                                                                                                                                                                       the environment by preserving
                                                                                                                                                                                                       our terroirs, reducing carbon
                                                                                                                                                                                                       emissions and water consumption,          reduction of carbon
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and increasing circularity.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 emissions in absolute
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 value (Scopes 1&2)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 since FY10

                                                                                           (1) At 30 June 2022. (2) 0.9%. According to external providers, a pay gap below 1% is equal to zero and considered best practice.
28                                                                                         (3) International Spirits, Premium+, Ranked by Volume 2021. (4) Organic growth.                                                                                             29
Unlocking the magic of human connection by
01. Connecting around our mission                                                                                                                                                                                                              bringing Good Times from a Good Place

   Our key                                                                                                            Our key
financial figures                                                                                                   non-financial figures

                                      Financial metrics FY22                                                                  Terroir                              10,000                                   100%                                73%
                                                                                          €3,130M                                                                 farmers empowered,                        of our priority                    of our direct affiliates
                                                                                                                                                                  trained or supported                      terroirs mapped                    with a biodiversity

No. 1
                                                                                                                                                                  since FY19                                and risk-assessed                  programme

World no. 1 for premium
spirits (1)
                                                                                                                              People                               0                                        43%                                 6,400
                                                                NET SALES                                                                                         gender pay                                of women in                        bartenders trained
                                                                BY REGION                                                                                         gap(1)                                    management                         on the Bar World of

No. 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Tomorrow since FY20

World no. 2 in wine & spirits
industry (1)
                                                                                                                              Making                               15.6%                                    13.4%                               95%
                                                                                                                                                                  reduction of carbon                       reduction in water                 of our primary and
                                                                                                                                                                  emissions in absolute value               consumption intensity              secondary packaging is
                                                                                                                                                                  (scopes 1&2) since FY10                   since FY18                         made from material that
                                      €3,133M                                             Asia/Rest of the world                                                                                                                               is recyclable at scale

brands amongst the
world’s top 100 (2)
                                                                                                                              Hosting                              134M                                     93%                                 95%
                                                                                                                                                                  people reached                            of markets with a global or        compliance with
                                      €1,996M                  €3,024M                 €10,701M                                                                   digitally by Drink                        local responsible drinking         International Alliance for
(1) Pernod Ricard Market View                                                                                                                                     More Water campaign                       initiative                         Responsible Drinking digital
(IWSR data including 2021 actuals).   Net profit               Profit from recurring   Net sales                                                                                                                                               guiding principles
(2) The Pernod Ricard Market View,    (Group share)
based on IWSR volume data
ending 2021.

                                                                                                                   (1) 0.9%. According to external providers, a pay gap below 1% is equal to zero and considered best practice.
30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                31
Unlocking the magic of human connection by
01. Connecting around our mission                                                                                                                                                                                                                              bringing Good Times from a Good Place

Our Board
  of Directors
The Board of Directors oversees the governance of Pernod                                                                                      César Giron                    Anne Lange                  Philippe Petitcolin          Patricia Ricard Giron          Namita Shah
Ricard in an ethical and transparent manner while                                                                                             Director, Nominations and      Independent Director,       Independent Director,        Director and Permanent         Independent Director,
                                                                                                                                              Governance Committee           Strategic Committee         Audit Committee              Representative of Société      CSR Committee Member
ensuring that the business is managed in the best interests                                                                                   Member                         Member, Nominations and     Chairman, Strategic          Paul Ricard, Strategic
of its stakeholders. Composed of 14 members bringing                                                                                                                         Governance Committee        Committee Member             Committee Member
complementary skills and experience, the Board ensures that                                                                                                                  Member

the Group pursues its business strategy, with the primary goal
of increasing the value of the Company as well as taking into
account the social and environmental impact of our business.

Alexandre Ricard             Patricia Barbizet          Wolfgang Colberg             Virginie Fauvel            Ian Gallienne                 Kory Sorenson                  Veronica Vargas             Maria Jesús                  Brice Thommen
Chairman & Chief             Lead Independent Director, Director, Audit Committee    Independent Director,      Independent Director,         Independent Director,          Director, CSR Committee     Carrasco Lopez               Employee Director
Executive Officer,           Nominations and            Member                       Strategic Committee Member Strategic Committee           Compensation Committee         Member                      Employee Director,
Executive Director,          Governance Committee                                                               Member, Compensation          Chairwoman, Audit                                          Compensation Committee
Strategic Committee          Chairwoman, CSR Committee                                                          Committee Member              Committee Member                                           Member
Chairman                     Chairwoman, Compensation
                             Committee Member

Organisation                                    who is also Pernod Ricard’s Chief Executive     the Executive Session; review shareholder     • oversee the preparations for the                 discussions. The Strategic Committee –           Group’s CSR strategy and assesses the
                                                Officer. The Chairman reports on the Board’s    requests for corporate governance and            Annual Shareholders’ Meeting;                   created and headed by Alexandre Ricard           risks and opportunities in terms of social
In accordance with the AFEP-MEDEF Code          progress at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.   ensure that they are answered; and meet       • review and approve the work                      since 2015 – reviews key subjects for the        and environmental performance. Lastly,
of Corporate Governance for companies           The Chairman is responsible for ensuring        with the Company’s investors. In order to        of the committees;                              Group and issues recommendations on              the Compensation Committee defines
listed in France, Pernod Ricard respects        that the Group’s bodies run smoothly,           further root its work in the Group’s daily    • review presentations of the activities of        acquisitions, divestitures and partnership       the remuneration policy for the Group’s
the independence criteria established in        which includes providing the Directors with     business operations, the Board holds one         the functional departments and affiliates;      projects. It studies all strategic matters of    Executive Directors, proposes a general long-
the Code. The Board is comprised of 14          the information and resources they need         meeting per year in an operating affiliate.   • review its own functioning and                   interest to the Group. The Audit Committee       term remuneration policy and implements
members, seven of whom are independent          to fulfil their duties. The role of the Lead                                                     that of its committees and;                     reviews the half-year and annual draft           an annual plan for the allocation of shares.
and two of whom represent Group                 Independent Director is notably to convene      FY22 activity                                 • update the Group’s Health and Safetly            financial statements and monitors the
employees. Following the recommendation         and chair the meetings of the Board of                                                           policy to ensure it’s implementation            Group’s cash flow and debt situation.
of the Nominations and Governance               Directors in the absence of the Chairman        Over the course of FY22, the Board met           in the various affiliates.                      It also assesses the Group’s risk management
Committee, as of 23 January 2019, the Board     and CEO; conduct the annual assessment of       eight times, with an attendance rate of                                                          and internal control systems. The
appointed a Lead Independent Director.          the functioning of the Board of Directors on    100%. The average length of the meetings      Committees of the Board                            Nominations and Governance Committee
                                                the basis of individual interviews with each    was approximately three and a half            of Directors                                       proposes new Directors and reviews the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  58.3% independent directors
The Internal Rules and Regulations stipulate    Director; prevent the occurrence of conflicts   hours. Their main activities were to:                                                            composition and operation of the Board,
that the Board members must meet at             of interest; ensure compliance with the         • approve the half-year and annual            The Board of Directors is assisted in its work     as well as the Group’s performance and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  58.3% female directors
least six times per year for meetings that      AFEP-MEDEF Code and the Board’s Internal           financial statements;                      by five specialised committees that provide        talent management policy. The CSR                42.8% non-French directors
are presided by the Chairman of the Board,      Rules and Regulations; convene and chair        • review the budget;                          advice and recommendations for the Board’s         Committee examines and implements the            100% attendance rate

32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               33
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