Page created by Tina Klein

        TO FORESEE

        Despite a challenging environment          atmosphere of a country, to perceive         (their perceptions, trust, and      By bringing together diverse and
        marked by the Covid-19 crisis, the         the right direction, and to know when        frustrations)                       complementary perspectives, the
        ambition of Ipsos Flair hasn’t changed.    to act.                                                                          Ipsos Flair series helps our clients
        It is an international publication about                                              • Exploring key topics (including     to formulate and to fine-tune their
        the values and attitudes of consumer-      It is another way of seeing, with            demographic shifts, the             strategic planning approaches. Flair is
        citizens and how they shape their          survey results as sociological               environment, consumer behviour,     just one tool that allows Ipsos to: “Be
        views on all actors of society,            symptoms to understand the true              new attitudes, and the impact of    Sure. Act Smarter”.
        providing in-depth analysis and            relationship between people and              technology
        recommending the best strategies.          everything around them.                                                          Enjoy your reading!
                                                                                              • Success stories and case studies.
        It is a good moment to help people         Breaking away from stereotypes, Flair                                            Flair is also developed in Brazil, China,
        around the world to better understand      affirms Ipsos’ intellectual leadership,   This year, we focus on what the        France, India, Indonesia, Italy, the
        Russia based on research and               freedom of spirit, and expertise          Covid-19 crisis had changed in the     Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mexico,
        experience of our experts.                 through:                                  behavior of Russian consumers,         Peru, South Korea and Thailand.
                                                                                             but where possible going further
        Ipsos Flair is about instinct and           • Analysis of people’s                   to consider their roots and cultural
        intuition, the ability to capture the         motivations and expectations           developments.

2   RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                                                                                     IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION   3
EDITORIAL                                                                               searches return pages showing a super
                                                                                                attractive country with architectural
                                                                                                wonders, a grandiose heritage,
                                                                                                                                           space that can be controlled, improved,
                                                                                                                                           and transformed. In Russia in particular,
                                                                                                                                           there has been a kind of nostalgia for
                                                                                                breathtaking landscapes, and dramatic      everything that the “dacha” (country
        YVES BARDON                                                                             and excellent cultural ventures. Russia
                                                                                                was highly decorated in the 2021
                                                                                                                                           house) represents for urbanites; an
                                                                                                                                           ideal, social status, a reunion with
        IPSOS FLAIR PROGRAMME DIRECTOR,                                                         World Travel Awards, the “Oscars of        nature, and so it has seen a great deal

        IPSOS KNOWLEDGE CENTRE                                                                  the tourism industry”: Moscow won
                                                                                                the prizes for Europe’s leading urban
                                                                                                                                           of investment.

                                                                                                destination while Saint-Petersburg was     The home is becoming the center of
        Although the Covid-19 crisis is not yet     their behavior in a crisis – much lower     crowned Europe’s leading heritage          our world. The pandemic-led physical
        fully resolved around the world, can we     than 87% in South Africa, 83% in            destination, ahead of Paris, Amsterdam,    limitations for retail created a sharp
        still look past it, into the future? What   Turkey or 82% in China2.                    Athens, Berlin and even Venice.            change in the patterns of purchasing
        conclusions can we take from it today?                                                                                             behavior and a new buyer was born,
        Has it changed our values ​​and our         Despite the challenging situation           In one of our previous editions of Flair   one that flexibly moves between offline
        behavior?                                   created by the health crisis, Russians      Russia, we noted that the international    and online purchasing channels and
                                                    are also less pessimistic than the other    embargoes placed on Russia created         comfortably interacts with technology
        We remember the prophetic                   inhabitants of the planet. In October       the conditions to relocate production      in-store and online.
        announcements in 2020 of a new world        2021, only 22% felt coronavirus was a       and find ways to be more independent.
        of reduction, de-consumerism and great      top issue facing their country, compared    Covid-19 has also played the same role     Because the crisis was frightening,
        upheavals. It is much fairer to speak of    to 29% globally, 38% in USA and 34%         to an extent, by creating a life under     revealed unexpected fragility, and
        the same world of accelerating, pre-        in the UK. The most important concerns      constraints and the need to switch to      provoked change, we must provide
        existing trends, as illustrated by the      in Russia are poverty & social inequality   “coping” behaviors. And it is not the      responses that are both practical and
        2021 Ipsos Global Trends survey and         (54%, as in December 2021) and              least paradoxical element of this crisis   psychological, using an empathic and
        the thought-provoking future-building       unemployment & jobs (27%). Russians         that conditions are created for new        emotional approach thanks to our ever-
        scenario of “Shaping 2025”1. The world      do not seem to be worried about             opportunities.                             finer understanding of consumer values,
        has changed less than some imagined,        environmental issues, widely publicized                                                motivations, and expectations. It is the
        and the concerns remain those of 2019.      in particular during the UN Climate         The home is the chief symbol. In           vocation of Ipsos Flair to help brands and
                                                    Change Conference (COP 26): 3% (vs.         an environment that has become             strategists to find the keys to success,
        Interestingly, Russians are very aware      16% globally) say they are worried          dangerous with the risks of                particularly in crisis situations!
        of this natural human tendency to adapt     about climate change.                       contamination and because of
        rather than transform. 67% of them                                                      the various restrictions, the home
        agree that the Covid‐19 pandemic has        Despite many critics addressed to           has become more associated with
        shown how quickly people can change         Russia in foreign media, internet           cocooning, protection, and wellbeing, a

4   RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                                                                                             IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION   5
IN THE FLOW                                                                               • Russians are not prone to fatalism
                                                                                                    and are ready to take their fate
                                                                                                                                                         world? Where can companies and
                                                                                                                                                         brands place their efforts to power-up

        OF CHANGE
                                                                                                    into their own hands.                                the qualities that so far are under-
                                                                                                                                                         developed for this context?
                                                                                                  • Being “savvy”; demonstrating
                                                                                                    the ability to find unconventional                   In this issue of Flair Russia, we

        EKATERINA RYSEVA                                                                            solutions, has always been a
                                                                                                    strength, and people have become
                                                                                                                                                         also reflect on how everyday life in
                                                                                                                                                         Russia and the Russian character are
        COUNTRY MANAGER RUSSIA, IPSOS                                                               even more ingenious in the past                      changing from different perspectives
                                                                                                    five years: constant crises, falling                 that include family values, the home,
                                                                                                    incomes – all these factors                          life in the city and the countryside,
        In 2021, our clients often asked us         united and rightfully proud of their            contribute to people’s ability to                    leisure activities, shopping, and
        not only to describe the changes            culture and willingness to embrace              adapt to difficult environment                       health.
        in Russian people’s consumption             change, transformation and potentially          conditions, while avoiding risks
        and purchase behavior, but also             opportunity.                                    when possible.                                       All this will help brands to understand
        to characterize the socio-cultural                                                                                                               their customers not only as
        profile of Russian residents. Indeed,       I would like to share my conclusions      We took a detailed analysis of the                         consumers and buyers, but also as
        the value of this information during        from these findings:                      profile of the Russian population one                      people from a more human point of
        periods of change increases. Cultural                                                 step further and looked at the findings                    view. This can also become a starting
        attitudes that exist in society influence    • The data disproves the myth            through the prism of transition from                       point for building an empathic brand
        how people will react to changes, the          that the Russian people have a         the complex VUCA (volatile, uncertain,                     ecosystem3 which, in turn, will provide
        speed of adoption and adaptation, and          negative outlook. It is common         complex, ambiguous) world1 to a new                        fuel for further strengthening the
        the mentality we take into the future.         to hear that we are not positive       concept: the chaotic and disturbing                        strategic role of insights 4 and their
                                                       and are distrustful, but we find       BANI (brittle, anxious, non-linear,                        more active influence on decision-
        We have decided to take a systemic             that, actually, the attitude towards   incomprehensible) world2. We would                         making in the future development of
        approach to answering this question            other people is neither positive or    like to offer our readers some food                        brands.
        and study the socio-cultural profile           negative.                              for thought. Which features of the
        of the Russians within the framework                                                  Russian mentality will represent                           We have called this Flair Russia
        of Flair Russia, which in 2022 is our        • There is a trend towards being         “superpowers” for a person’s more                          2022 issue “In the Flow of Change”.
        fourth edition. Read more about the            more active: making independent        comfortable life in the new BANI                           Developing businesses and brands in
        research methodology and findings              decisions, not waiting until
        in the first article of this issue. 30         something passes on its own, and
                                                                                                VUCA is an acronym for English Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. A concept that emerged in
                                                                                              the 1990s to denote the uncertainty of the future.
        years where Saudis have been so                encouraging initiative.                2
                                                                                                BANI is an acronym for English Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear, and Incomprehensible.
                                                                                                Ipsos Knowledge Center. Empathy Awakened. November 2021
                                                                                                Ipsos Knowledge Center. Transforming the Insight Function. October 2021

6   RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                                                                                                                 IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION   7
a world where stability is becoming an
        anachronism is quite challenging. Yes,
        changes are constantly taking place
        today, and we must get used to it.

         But what does it mean
         to “be in the flow”?
         Flow is a state of high
         engagement when
         you get maximum
         satisfaction from the
         process.5 I believe it is
         completely applicable to
         the researcher’s work.
         In a constantly changing
         world, the value of the
         researcher’s work and
         the scales of research
         tasks are only growing.
         That is why it is so
         important to learn to be
         in the flow. This will both
         bring the most efficient
         result and generate

        I hope that you will find many starting
        points for understanding the current
        changes in our new Flair Russia. The
        team of Ipsos in Russia is always
        ready to help you choose the right
        direction in this flow of change.

         The term “flow” was introduced by American psychologist
        Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book Flow. The Psychology of
        Optimal Experience.
8   RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION   9
        12                                                              148
        SOCIAL CODES AND VALUES                                         10 BETS. HOW WILL THE BANI
        ROLES ARE TRANSFORMING                                          SONG

        70                                                              ABOUT IPSOS

        USER GUIDE

10 RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                           IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 11
The VUCA world (standing for Volatility, Uncertainty,                                                         not only about what people associate                     attitude has changed in the past
        Complexity, and Ambiguity) in which we have been                                                              themselves with at the moment, but                       five years.
        living in the past decade is no longer relevant                                                               also about the extent to which their
        today. It is being replaced by the BANI world,
        which is characterized by the following alternative                                                           WHO ARE WE, THE RUSSIAN
        descriptors: Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear, and                                                                 PEOPLE?
        Incomprehensible. When standing on the border
        between two worlds, we receive many questions                                                                 According to Chart 1 with the NET                         • Refuting the myth about an
        about what it means to be Russian. What is the                                                                indices2 of the current self-perception                     “unmirthful culture,” one in two
        person living in Russia today like? How will he or                                                            of people in all the characteristics,                       respondents consider themselves
        she react to external changes, whether value-based                                                            the generalized profile of a Russian                        to be a positive person.
        and technology-relateds? How has the VUCA world                                                               resident is as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                                • The myth about the nation’s
        influenced them and how will they find their feet in
                                                                                                                       • A heterogeneous nation of                                collectivism is not confirmed as
        the BANI world? In this article, we will talk about
                                                                                                                         straightforward people true to                           the desire to prioritize common
        the results of our study into the cultural profile of                                                            their traditions. They do not strive                     good over the personal good is
        Russian people through the prism of change and                                                                   to live against the rules, but they                      weak.
        framework of facing an uncertain future.                                                                         are not passive, characterized
                                                                                                                         by savviness and the believe                           • The Russians prefer to live for the
                                                                                                                         that there is a way out of any                           moment, but contrary to another
        When analyzing the cultural profile of                    adherence to tradition, the need for                   challenging situation. They need                         stereotype about Russian fatalism,
        Russians, the Ipsos team identified                       a ”great idea”, straightforwardness,                   to see a “Great Idea” for the                            one in two believe that they can
        12 basic characteristics that are often                   willingness to take risks, and, of                     country.                                                 change their life if they desire to.
        used to describe the collective image                     course, the notorious collectivism and
        of a “Russian resident.” We also took                     heterogeneity of cultures in a country
        into account typical stereotypes                          stretching across 11 time zones.
        such as “unsmiling nation,” “inert
        people”, “living beyond their means”,                     For each of the 12 characteristics, we
        fatalism, and a desire to live against                    selected three statements to describe
        the rules. We included the iconic                         them and conducted a quantitative
        characteristic of “savvy” in this                         study among the urban population of
        profile and assessed the strength of                      Russia aged 18+.1 We asked questions

          The survey within the Ipsos study Cultural Profile of Russia took place on November 12-16, 2021 using the     2
                                                                                                                          NET indices are calculated by subtracting the share of people who choose two lower evaluations of the scale
        Ipsos i-Say online panel. The company surveyed 1,987 adults aged 18-64. It asked two questions:                 (1-2) from the share of people who choose two upper evaluations of the scale (6-7). TOP2 and BOTTOM2
        Q1. To what extent do you agree with each of the following statements? (scale from 1 to 7)                      averaged for three statements in a block are taken for each of the 12 characteristics.
        Q2. Please say how your views have changed in the past 5 years for each of the following statements (scale
        from 1 to 7)
16 RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                                                                                                                                        IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 17
SOCIOCULTURAL PROFILE                                                                                          savviness, according to respondents’
                                                                                                                        self-assessment, is significantly lower
                                                                                                                                                                  of 25, the share of people who believe
                                                                                                                                                                  that they are savvy significantly grows
         OF RUSSIA.                                                                                                     at the beginning of their independent     and practically does not change till
                                                                                                                        life. However, from as early as the age   the end of their lives.
        Chart 1. Today                                                     Chart 2. Changes in the past 5 years
                                                                                                                        Traditionalism is almost half as strong in the
                          Collectivism          15                                             Collectivism    4
                                                                                                                        youngest age group (18-24 years old) vs. the
                                 Savvy                     32                                         Savvy    12
                                                                                                                        average of all respondents. They more often
                      Risk avoidance          11                                            Risk avoidance     3        welcome changes in values and culture: only 26%
            -42                           Passivity                                                     -9 Passivity    consider themselves adherents to traditional values
                    Unmirthful culture

                                                                                         Unmirthful culture

                                                                                                                        (the average for all ages is 53%), while only 37%
                            Great idea                           39                              Great idea    10
                                                                                                                        support the preservation of the traditional roles of
                         Traditionalism                         37                           Traditionalism        13   men and women (the overall score being 59%).
                                   -2 Living against the rules                      Living against the rules   1
                  Straightforwardness                                 44               Straightforwardness         14   The acceptance of traditionalism is       The younger generation is less likely
                         Heterogeneity                                43                      Heterogeneity        13
                                                                                                                        significantly higher in the groups aged   to be straightforward and willing to
                                   -6     Living beyond one’s means              Living beyond one’s means     1
                                                                                                                        over 25. Here, between 45% and            explicitly express their point of view
        Source: Sociocultural Profile of Russia. Russians, 18-64. Online survey, Ipsos i-Say                            66% consider themselves adherents         if it differs from the opinion of the
        panel. Data collection: November 12-16, 2021 N=1,987                                                            to traditional values, while 55% -        majority. However, this is still quite
        Q1. To what extent do you agree with each of the following statements? (1-7)                                    67% stand for the preservation of         high (47%), as it is for all Russians
        Q2. Please say how your views have changed in the past 5 years for each of the                                  established gender roles.                 (50%, on average).
        following statements. (1-7)
                                                                                                                        The representatives of the youngest       Passivity is not very high for the total
                                                                                                                        age group also show less of a need        population (9%) and, unexpectedly, it
        AGE PROFILES                                                                                                    for a “Great Idea”. Great idea includes   does not grow but rather decreases
                                                                                                                        the importance to see country’s           with age. Today’s older generation
        The age-specific peculiarities we                                   many people. Young people tend to           success and achievements, desire to       is losing the features of “old Soviet
        found are quite marked in terms of                                  take risks more often, but their level      contribute to country’s success and       ladies” who would spend their days
        individual characteristics, especially                              of collectivism is somewhat higher          the importance to have Great Idea for     on outside benches. This is no longer
        in the youngest group of respondents                                than that of the people belonging to        the country itself. Only 38% say they     a “time left to live,” but an active life
        (18-24 years old) – see Chart 3. Here                               other age categories; they show a           need to see country’s successes and       full of personal freedom, at a time
        the world outlook is formed under                                   stronger need to feel a “shoulder-          achievements, while this rises to 62%     when children have already grown up
        the influence of an independent,                                    to-shoulder” – with their parents,          by the age of 55.                         and become independent.
        economically active life experience for                             colleagues or friends. Level of

18 RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                                                                                                                     IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 19
On the other hand,, fatalism is more                            at middle age (20% for those aged           each of the districts vs. 48% in the     pronounced here compared to other
        pronounced in the oldest age group                              between 35-44).                             total sample.                            regions. Neither traditionalism nor
        (27%). The lowest level of fatalism is                                                                                                               a desire to live against the rules, or
                                                                                                                    The North-Western District stands        a desire to live beyond one’s means
         Chart 3
                                                                                                                    out with lower scores for 10 of the      are strong in this district. These
         PROFILE OF RUSSIA. BREAKDOWN                                                                               12 characteristics included in the       people are more homogeneous
         INTO AGE CATEGORIES                                                                                        study. Collectivism, savvy, fatalism,    and less straightforward. Distrust
                                                                                                                    the need for a Great Idea, and a         towards strangers is significantly
        TOP2 (6-7), MEAN % FOR THREE STATEMENTS IN THE CATEGORY                                                     desire to be proud of country’s          less pronounced here than in other
           Today’s self-assessment                                                                                  achievements are significantly less      regions.
                                       TOTAL    18-24 y.o.   25-34 y.o.      35-44 y.o.   45-54 y.o.   55-64 y.o.
                                                                                                                    However, only 41% of respondents consider
                                                                                                                    themselves positive people, the lowest level in
                    Risk avoidance      30          30          29              28            29          34        the whole country (which scores 53% on average
                          Passivity      9          10          11               8             7           7        across all districts).
                Unmirthful culture      29          30          31              30            28          28
                           Fatalism     23          21          23              20            25          27
                         Great idea     50          34          48              48            55          55        On the contrary, the Southern            However, the Ural District
                     Traditionalism     49          28          43              49            57          59        and North Caucasian Districts            demonstrates the highest result
            Living against the rules    26          24          27              25            26          25
                                                                                                                    (58%) comprise the highest share         in “Unmirthful culture.” Although
              Straightforwardness       50          47          52              49            51          52
                     Heterogeneity      52          46          53              51            54          54
                                                                                                                    of positive people. People from          the share of people who consider
         Living beyond one’s means      26         22           27              26            26          26        these regions are exceptionally          themselves positive is among the
                                       N=1987      N=197        N=464           N=511         N=401       N=411
                                                                                                                    straightforward, committed to            largest ones here (55%), the survey
        Source: Sociocultural Profile of Russia. Russians, 18-64. Online survey, Ipsos i-Say                        traditions, and less willing to take     also shows an exceptionally high level
        panel. Data collection: November 12-16, 2021 N=1,987                                                        risks. Society here is much more         of distrust toward strangers: 49% vs.
                                                                                                                    heterogeneous than in other parts        35% for the country in general. The
                                                                                                                    of the country. Unfortunately, these     Ural District also takes the second
        REGIONAL PROFILES                                                                                           people also report the highest levels    place after the Southern and North
                                                                                                                    of condemnation within society: 56%      Caucasian Districts in the level of
        The analysis of regional profiles                               percentage of positive people (55%).        vs. the total level for the country at   condemnation faced by people (54%).
        (Chart 4) reveals interesting                                   At the same time, the Central District,     48%. This means these regionsare         Other peculiarities of the Urals are
        peculiarities, such as people from                              like the neighboring North-Western          significantly higher in terms of an      a more pronounced desire to live
        the Central District are more willing                           District, is characterized by the lowest    “unmirthful culture” than the rest of    against the rules and the highest level
        to take risks and are less committed                            levels of perceived condemnation            the country.                             of savvy in the country.
        to traditions. Here we find a high                              received from other people – 44% in

20 RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                                                                                                               IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 21
Siberia stands out for its                                                              residents are characterized by a lower                                         fast pace of living. In Russia, people    cultural profile under the influence
        heterogeneity, straightforwardness,                                                     desire to live against the rules vs. the                                       started using it much later when, after   of the VUCA world can be assessed
        traditionalism, and a need for                                                          country in general.                                                            the 2000s, the active development         using data obtained in response to
        a Great Idea. The Far East                                                                                                                                             of international companies began to       the question asked within our study
        conversely demonstrates a lower                                                         The Volga District stands out from                                             use current western terms, including      about changes in respondents’
        level of straightforwardness and                                                        others with only one parameter – a                                             convenient abbreviations to denote a      views in the past five years (Chart
        traditionalism. At the same time, its                                                   desire to live beyond one’s means.                                             complex external environment. The         2). The five characteristics that have
                                                                                                                                                                               VUCA world in Russia is rather the        intensified are straightforwardness,
            Chart 4                                                                                                                                                            period after the 2010s, especially        heterogeneity, traditionalism, savvy,
            SOCIOCULTURAL PECULIARITIES                                                                                                                                        fueled by the 2014 sanctions-related      and the need for a Great Idea.

            OF REGIONS                                                                                                                                                         crisis. The changes in the Russian

                                                                                                                                                                               The unstable and volatile VUCA world has created
            Today’s self-assessment
                                                                                                                                                                               an excellent catalyst for further strengthening
                                                                                                     Southern and North
                                                                                                                                                                               Russia’s national characteristics and a subject of
                                                                                                                                                                               special pride – savvy.
                                                Central Federal   North-Western      Volga Federal                        Ural Federal   Siberian Federal Far Eastern Feder-
                                       TOTAL       District       Federal District      District
                                                                                                     Caucasian Federal
                                                                                                                            District                           al District
                                                                                                          District                           District

                       Collectivism     27            28                23               29                29                 26               26                 27
                             Savvy      43            43                39               44                44                 47               41                 42
                    Risk avoidance      30            27                30               29                33                 31               32                 30
                          Passivity      9            9                  8                9                 8                  8                8                 9            One in five Russians now associate        Grappling with the complexity and
                Unmirthful culture

                                                                                                                                                                               themselves with an ability to find a      variability of the environment has
                         Great idea     50            48                45               51                52                 51               53                 47           way out of challenging situations and,    further reduced Russians’ passivity.
                     Traditionalism     49            45                46               51                55                 53               53                 44
            Living against the rules    26            26                23               26                27                 29               25                 22
                                                                                                                                                                               more than before, they look for new       Contrary to the popular image of the
              Straightforwardness       50            49                45               50                55                 51               53                 47           ways and means to solve problems.         Russian fairytale character Emelya
                     Heterogeneity      52            50                44               53                58                 55               56                 50
        Living beyond one’s means       26           25                 22               29                27                 27               27                 26           In the best traditions of the saying      lying on the stove, Russians do not
                                       N=1987       N=596             N=218             N=383            N=279               N=182           N=229              N=100
                                                                                                                                                                               “there is only a shard of a joke in       consider themselves passive. On
        Source: Sociocultural Profile of Russia. Russians, 18-64. Online survey, Ipsos i-Say                                                                                   every joke,” a popular online meme        average, one in two say they do not
        panel. Data collection: November 12-16, 2021 N=1,987                                                                                                                   has appeared, saying: “If a zombie        agree with living at someone else’s
                                                                                                                                                                               apocalypse occurs when you are            bidding and waiting until problems
                                                                                                                                                                               on vacation, stay close to Russian        have resolved themselves.

        HOW HAS THE VUCA WORLD                                                                                                                                                 tourists to increase your chances of
        INFLUENCED US?                                                                                                                                                         The overall perception of Russians as people
                                                                                                                                                                               unwilling to achieve anything rather suggests that
        The term “VUCA”3 was invented back                                                      business community for a long time
                                                                                                                                                                               we are living in “energy-saving” mode until the
        in the 1990s and has taken root in the                                                  to denote fragmentation, chaos, and
                                                                                                                                                                               external environment becomes uncomfortable.
          VUCA is an acronym for English Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. The concept emerged in
        the 1990s to denote the uncertainty of the future.

22 RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                                                                                                                                                                           IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 23
The VUCA world, which is displacing         now and for the future generations.       a fertile soil as they comply with a     that differs from the position of
        us from the comfort zone, has become        Approximately one in five say that they   person’s inner need.                     the majority. The same proportion
        a good incentive to increase activity,      have started feeling more pronounced                                               also like to communicate with
        as we can see in the changes shown          aspirations of this kind in the past      An interesting VUCA manifestation is     straightforward people. One in five
        within the chart.                           five years. The reason is partly the      a growing straightforwardness in         has felt this more acutely over a
                                                    strengthening of localism with the        communication over the five-year         five-year period. One respondent
        At the same time, people do not feel        growing importance of local affairs in    period. The increasing complexity        told us: “I have no time to think how
        that they are subject to their fate. Only   the life of individuals today.            (and acceleration) of the environment,   my words will affect you, I need to
        one in 10 believes it is impossible to                                                multitasking, the growing amount         receive and transmit information as
        change their fate, yet the past five        Russian people are ready to look          of information, and increasing           fast as possible”. This is the motto
        years has seen people start to feel a       for new ways to solve problems,           productivity cause people to begin       of communication within the VUCA
        stronger pressure of fate. The VUCA         however, when it comes to values,         to communicate in a more and             environment. How will it change in the
        world has added complexity, but it has      59% call themselves adherents to          more direct and concise way. Even        BANI world?
        not suppressed people.                      traditional foundations. Some 53%         greetings and goodbyes can disappear
                                                    confess that they do not welcome          from interactions. Despite the           The decreased caution in
        It is interesting to note that, despite     changes in culture and values while       ubiquitous talks about the importance    communication in the VUCA world
        their overall moderate propensity to        36% would not appreciate a change         of soft communication skills and the     is also testified to by the fact that
        take risk (39% of the respondents           in gender roles. One in five report the   need to introduce such subjects at       one in two witness people criticizing
        prefer not to risks for no reason, while    strengthening of these sentiments in      schools, universities and corporate      or attacking each other in daily life.
        27% feel uncomfortable if they need         the past five years. This is partially    training programs, the current data      One in five has noticed this more
        to take risks), the VUCA pressure has       due to increased state propaganda         does not show that we are moving         often in the past five years. The
        not had a significant effect on risk-       of patriotism and traditional values      towards more empathic, caring and        communication environment has
        avoidance.                                  during this period. However, there may    empathic ones.                           become less empathic, and the
                                                    also be another reason: the stronger                                               problem is so noticeable that people
        It is interesting that the demand for       the “wind” is, the stronger the “roots”   At the same time, half of respondents    are talking a lot about it now. One of
        a Great Idea and for traditionalism         must be to feel sure. It is important     prefer to say what they think, and       the reasons to solve it is the need to
        have both grown almost equally in the       for people to understand what they        are not afraid to share an opinion       maintain good mental health. WHAT

                                                                                                             VUCA                         BANI
        past five years. One in two wants to        can rely on in the conditions of a more
        see the successes and achievements          complicated chaotic environment.
        of Russia, wants to do good to their        The feeling of a strong country and
        country, and would like their country       invariable traditions is something that                  AMBIGUITY                    INCOMPREHENSIBLE
        to have a Great Idea – i.e. the             may give confidence and support.                         COMPLEXITY                   NONLINEAR
        patriotic idea that the country should      Therefore, even if such messages are                     UNCERTAINTY                  ANXIOUS
        develop to secure its prosperity            initially propaganda, they may fall on                   VOLATILITY                   BRITTLE

24 RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                                                                                         IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 25
WILL HELP US IN THE BANI WORLD?                                                                              in our country, but they also fade                        world. Traditions do not have to be
                                                                                                                     away, so people are already able                          historical at all. We can talk about
        The acronym BANI 4 was proposed by                              for new solutions are usually                to resist looking at the world in a                       the creation of new traditions
        futurologist Jamais Cascio in early                             characterized by a moderate                  catastrophizing way.                                      and rituals within a country and a
        2020 5. Unlike VUCA, which symbolized                           focus on risk. At the same time,                                                                       family. Traditions bring constancy
        the world’s complexity, BANI brings                             women more often prefer to avoid          • Non-passivity. Not being passive                           and set the pace in a world of
        disorientation, unpredictability, and                           unnecessary risks (33%), while              is an important feature for living                         chaos.
        chaos. We are moving from the                                   the share of men who avoid risk             in the BANI world. Women are
        uncertainty of VUCA to the brittleness,                         is smaller (25%). Risk avoidance            more proactive than men (54% vs.                       • Social environment
        anxiety, and incomprehensibility of                             is a factor associated with the             46%, respectively 6). However, as                        heterogeneity. The diversity of
        BANI. What features of the Russian                              brittleness of the BANI world.              the new world is extremely brittle,                      the communication environment
        mindset have we already managed                                 Fragile systems work normally               any activities should be well                            nourishes flexibility and openness
        to develop that will support us to feel                         until it is unexpectedly exposed to         thought-out and gentle in order                          in thinking, and helps us to see
        more comfortable amid this chaos?                               a critical impact that introduces           not to contribute to the risks of                        unconventional solutions. We
                                                                        change.                                     system collapse.                                         find that 70% of Russians say
            • Savvy. BANI is about savvy.                                                                                                                                    that their social circle comprises
              Living against the background of                      • Positive thinking. It will be easier        • Great Idea and traditionalism.                           people of different ages while
              a continuous search for solutions                       for positive people to endure the             It is important to know what                             56% communicate with people
              to problems correlates very                             challenges posed by the BANI                  you can rely on in a fragile and                         of different nationalities and 32%
              well with the unpredictability of                       world. Women (55%) more often                 chaotic world. A strong country                          have friends with very different
              consequences and reactions and                          tend to consider themselves                   and reliable support in the form                         beliefs and views. This diversity
              sometimes illogical answers in                          positive than men (50%). Positive             of a “small motherland”, reflected                       has increased in the past five
              the BANI world. The role of women                       thinking also helps maintain                  in traditions in a person’s close                        years, and, with more active
              is growing here: they more often                        mental balance in the BANI                    circle and community can serve                           migration, this will grow in the
              tend to find a way to overcome                          world. The collective image of the            as footing. “Russia will save                            BANI world, fueled by trends of
              situations (66%) and look for new                       Russians is that they “smile too              the world” is the prophecy that                          social diversity and inclusion.
              methods to solve problems (43%),                        seldom.” However, non-smiling,                Russians often recall at the peak
              in comparison with 60% and 39%                          as we can see, is not a reflection            of global cataclysms, and this
              of men, respectively.                                   of a negative inner world. The                may be reinforced in the BANI
                                                                      studies conducted during the
            • Risk avoidance. This desire                             pandemic show that the Russians
              is at a moderate levels among                           were less worried about Covid-19
              Russians today. Savvy people                            than residents of many other
              who are not afraid to look                              countries. Crises happen too often
          BANI is an acronym for English Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear, and Incomprehensible.
                                                                                                                  Averaged Bottom2 values for the Passivity block of statements with a breakdown into gender.
          Facing the Age of Chaos. Jamais Cascio. 29.04.2020
26 RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                                                                                                                                  IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 27
WHAT WILL COMPLICATE OUR LIVES                                                                               when it was inappropriate                         and see opportunities for people and

        IN THE BANI WORLD?                                                                                           to stand out. As a result,
                                                                                                                     compensatory hyper-individualism
                                                                                                                                                                       businesses in this chaotic world.
                                                                                                                                                                       Brittleness implies preparing a
        The three characteristics listed                                 gender stereotypes is already               arose during the post-Perestroika                 “safety bag” to protect the autonomy
        below will significantly complicate                              growing now.                                years “Me” or “mine” became of                    of individual elements. Anxiety can
        Russian people’s life in the                                                                                 prime importance. Urban residents                 be reduced through empathy and
        BANI world. They are closely                                 • Inclination toward                            could rarely recall their neighbors’              compassion, while nonlinearity is
        interconnected: straightforwardness                            condemnation. Half of our                     names at the time. People are                     neutralized through adaptability and
        and condemnation result from an                                study participants (48%) often                more likely to join forces in                     flexibility, and incomprehensibility
        excessively individualized society                             face situations in which people               Russia to carry out a protective                  through transparency and
        (with low collectivism).                                       condemn each other, with                      function, for example when it                     development of intuition. More often,
                                                                       women (52%) finding this more                 is necessary to fight common                      the answer is both a decision and a
            • Straightforwardness.                                     often than men (43%). Despite                 enemies. Russian people turn to                   reaction, but comprehending change
              A complicating factor in                                 numerous talks about the                      ideas of collectivism when they                   in the BANI environment suggests that
              the brittle BANI world,                                  importance of developing soft                 seek help and support. However,                   it might be difficult to find answers 8.
              straightforwardness can be                               skills, competitive communication             people prefer to maintain their
              considered a synonym for the                             still dominates in Russia. We                 individuality during non-crisis                   Considering the growing importance
              absence of empathy, especially in                        are only starting to take the first           periods. The data shows that                      of working with purpose and social
              Russia. Straightness contributes                         steps toward an empathic society.             only one in four people are                       meaning, it will be useful for brands to
              to the brittleness and anxiety of                        Condemnation that often arises                willing to sacrifice something                    help their customers and employees
              the BANI world. With women more                          as a hasty, spontaneous reaction              for the common good. However,                     arrange their life in the BANI world,
              likely to explicitly say what they                       to something means that people                individualists feel less protected                to power-up those aspects of Russian
              think the trend towards gender                           receive little external support.              in the BANI world, so the need for                consumers’ mentality that complicate
              equality will continue to fuel this                      This, as well as the generally                collective protection from a hostile              their life in the new reality, and to
              straightforwardness, while further                       accepted environment of judging               environment is growing.                           maintain or strengthen the existing
              reducing it among men looking for                        and criticizing ideas in Russia                                                                 characteristics of their social profile
              a “new self.” 7 It will probably be                      only increases the brittleness and     The BANI world concept was not                           to help make their lives more
              neutralized by the trend toward                          anxiety of the BANI world.             created to further spread panic. Its                     comfortable in the new context.
              empathic communication and                                                                      function is to comprehend, prepare,
              respect for others, especially if                      • Low collectivism. Collectivism
              gender equality ceases to be a                           has acquired a negative
              pressure point with time: a young                        connotation in Russia as an
              generation without pronounced                            inherited part of the USSR era

            Man of the 21st Century in Russia. How Traditional Masculine Roles Transform. Flair Russia 2022   8
                                                                                                                  Facing the Age of Chaos. Jamais Cascio. 29.04.2020

28 RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                                                                                                                         IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 29
         • This study of the Russian socio-cultural profile has shown that Russians can
           be characterized as a heterogeneous nation of straightforward people faithful
           to traditions. Russian people are non-passive, savvy, and need traditions and
           a Great Idea. One in two considers themself a positive person, but people
           often face criticism from others. The myth about nation’s collectivism is not

         • Characteristics such as straightforwardness, heterogeneity, traditionalism,
           savvy, and the need for a Great Idea all increased in the VUCA world.
           Passivity decreased even more significantly.

         • A more comfortable life in the BANI world will be ensured by characteristics
           such as savvy, non-passivity, risk avoidance, positive thinking,
           traditionalism, and communication in a heterogeneous environment. On the
           other hand, straightforwardness, condemnation, and individualism will make
           life less comfortable.

         • Women will feel more comfortable in the BANI world as they tend to be more
           flexible in finding unconventional solutions, are less prone to taking risks,
           and are more focused on positive thinking. The growing trend toward gender
           equality, including in Russia, will fuel this, too.

         • The BANI framework implies a search for reactions and solutions to living in
           a world of disquieting chaos. As they work on their social missions, it will be
           useful for companies to think about how they may help their customers and
           employees strengthen the weaker characteristics that are important in the
           BANI world, and how they may support consumers in what now gives them
           “superpowers” for living in another new reality.

30 RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                        IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 31
It is hard to predict with any certainty the kind                                                       of the modern mothers and fathers         This trend is supported by the
        of people today’s children will grow to be in the                                                       is a thoughtful attitude to their role,   active development of reproductive
        future. However, we can consider the influence                                                          when the decision to have children        technologies. IVF, egg freezing,
        of modern practices and parenting ideas on their                                                        is weighted and individual rather         and surrogacy make it possible to
        development. We can also think about the ways                                                           than influenced by the state or social    postpone parenting to a later age
        that brands seeking to appeal to this audience can                                                      norms.                                    and give immediate priority to career
        connect with the “new parents”                                                                                                                    development or other activities.

        Quite different ideas may coexist
        within one single society, depending
                                                                    prerogative of a wealthier audience.
                                                                                                                NO PARENTING NORMS
        on the social group or class that                           However, today’s media contributes          It should be noted that society           qualities should be instilled in a future
        people belong to. For this reason, the                      to the widespread dissemination of          has no single normative model of          “comrade,” the current diversity of
        trends described in this article cannot                     any ideas and views. Therefore, many        parenting. Unlike the imperative          thought and practices gives men and
        be extrapolated to all Russian people;                      people may rethink their attitudes and      child-rearing style widely practiced      women more freedom and blurs the
        some of them are more relevant to the                       beliefs, and this is the context that the   during the USSR times when society        idea that there is one “right” and
        urban population, others remain the                         “new parenting” is being formed in.         would unambiguously dictate what          “wrong” approach.

                                                                                                                This blurring of ideas not only allows people to
                                                                                                                build their individual life paths, but also noticeably
        PARENTING IS NOT A SYNONYM                                                                              contributes to the level of modern parents’ anxiety.
        The first trend in recent years is
        distinguishing between parenting and
                                                                    and families with unmarried parents
                                                                    is increasing: according to Rosstat,
                                                                                                                CHILDRENS AS A PROJECT
        matrimony. It is noteworthy that the                        every fifth child in Russia is born out     A conscious approach to parenting         in children’s lives and consistent
        number of both married couples                              of wedlock today.1                          often leads to a situation when a child   observance of child’s interests, a
        who choose not to have children                                                                         becomes a project, in which one has       source of extraordinary stress, is
                                                                                                                to invest economic, time-related, and     becoming more commonplace.
                                                                                                                emotional resources. Now, society

        PARENTING AS A CONSCIOUS STEP                                                                           sometimes perceives parenting as a
                                                                                                                potential area of self-actualization.
        The availability and widespread use                         contributes to a trend of conscious         As a result, we see that intense
        of effective contraceptive methods                          parenting. A characteristic feature         parenting, i.e., maximum involvement
            Rosstat informs how many children are born out of wedlock in Russia. 03.03.20

34 RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                                                                                                             IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 35
PARENTING AS A SOURCE                                                                has created an incredible industry of    parenting competencies and provide

        OF STRESS                                                                            goods, it is no surprise that a huge
                                                                                             array of information products have
                                                                                                                                      the knowledge necessary to raise and
                                                                                                                                      develop children from the prenatal
        The new parents strive to create           and the responsibility is heavy as they   also appeared (trainings, lectures,      period.
        a favorable psychological climate          seek to provide their child with the      and so on), promising to develop
        and an optimal environment for             best. There is a dominant idea that
        their children’s development. When         parents are responsible for everything
        recalling their own childhood, they
        do their best to prevent similar
                                                   happening to their child now and in
                                                   the future. As the future wellbeing       THE AMBIGUOUS IMPACT
        psychological traumas in their
        children. New parents experience
                                                   of their children depends on their
                                                   choices, parents feel like they are
                                                                                             OF SOCIAL MEDIA
        higher levels of anxiety, as choices are   treading a minefield.                     Modern parents are bombarded             fashionable, or obsolete concepts
        too wide, the list of duties is endless,                                             with a huge amount of contradictory      is becoming a serious challenge for
                                                                                             information, including from people who   responsible parents. Support can
                                                                                             are not development and child-rearing    also be found through social media,

        PROFESSIONALIZATION                                                                  experts. Judging by the perfect
                                                                                             snapshots posted by bloggers online,
                                                                                                                                      and from parenting forums where
                                                                                                                                      thousands of users develop collective
        OF PARENTING                                                                         they are always doing a great job.
                                                                                             The unrealism of the beautiful social
                                                                                                                                      standards and create ratings to help
                                                                                                                                      people make the right choices among
        The axiom of parents’ responsibility       special knowledge and psychological       media picture sets a benchmark,          the thousands of available options
        is fueling the fashion of expert           skills. There is an idea that parents     while the need to manage information     in the world of children’s goods and
        knowledge. Child-rearing is more           need to be taught to be parents. As       flows and maneuver between relevant,     services.
        often perceived to be a job requiring      the commercialization of childhood

                                                                                             VIRTUAL GRANDMOTHERS
                                                                                             The digitization of the environment      toward gadgets is in conflict with
                                                                                             is an important factor. The speed        the level of trust that children have
                                                                                             of mastering new technologies not        in them. AI-based virtual assistants
                                                                                             only increases the generational gap      can easily replace grandmothers if
                                                                                             between parents and children, but it     there is a need to read a fairy tale or
                                                                                             also emphasizes that the experience      play a cartoon. This form of parenting
                                                                                             of previous generations is no longer     assistance is steadily growing in
                                                                                             in demand. The vigilance of adults       Russian households.

36 RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                                                                                        IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 37
PARENTS LOOKING FOR                                                                increasing inequality between families   resistance. Parents are already

        PERSONAL SPACE                                                                     across many dimensions; parents’
                                                                                           income, workload, and education.
                                                                                                                                    distancing themselves and finding
                                                                                                                                    themselves less willing and able to get
        The practice of intensive parenting    an internal conflict between child-         This demand on parents to engage         involved.
        that has become almost standard        rearing according to Petranovskaya          more in their children’s education has
        in urban communities requires high     and self-development according to           begun, and will continue to, trigger
        engagement, funds, and leaves little   Labkovsky. This is the tension of what
        room for the parent’s own career       will be the more important focus at a
        achievements. On this path, social     particular moment in time: the desire
        success is ensured through the         to become a support for one’s child or
        successful implementation of the       the individualistic desire to take care
        child project. Many parents do not     of oneself.
        cope well with this and encounter

        Families found themselves in an        Psychologists and sociologists
        unprecedented situation amid the       legitimized parents’ experience of
        spread of the coronavirus infection.   burnout, and recent publications have
        Isolation, switching to remote work,   provided grounds for a new ethic:
        and distance learning drastically      the right to vulnerability and fragility.
        increased the amount of time spent     The accelerated transition to the
        with the family. This had a serious    distant world of the future gave rise
        impact on parent-child relations.      to a number of questions around how
        The acute shortage of stability and    responsible social institutions are
        resources combined with the degree     for child-rearing. The remote format
        of parents’ overload predictably       of schooling requires even greater
        caused a rollback in the trend of an   engagement from parents engagement
        overly intense parental role.          in the educational process, thus

        The quarantine formed a significant demand for
        external emotional support. “Put on your own mask
        first” became a mantra for parents in unstable

38 RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                                                                                     IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 39
A SECRET OF SUCCESSFUL                                                              KEY TAKEAWAYS
        PARENTING                                                                           • Today we are witnessing a generation with a new view of parenting who,
        The real situation in our world is such   be so necessary in the digital world of     driven by changes taking place in society, are rethinking existing attitudes.
        that, regardless of parents’ desire to    the future. Experts consider creativity     While this may be progressive, the blurring of ideas about the “right” and
        know, guessing how their children will    one of the four key competencies that       “wrong” aspects of child-rearing significantly increases the parenting burden
        live and what profession they will seek   will help children successfully cope        and, with it, levels of anxiety among modern parents.
        is doomed to failure. But we do know      with the challenges of the future. The
        that perfectionism is undoubtedly an      remaining three are communication,        • Parenting is no longer a synonym for matrimony; it is becoming a more
        obsolete behavioral pattern. No-one       cooperation, and critical thinking.         conscious step. Parents are balancing between a search for personal space,
        can outstrip artificial intelligence in   By fostering the development of             an attempt to keep up with the trends of child-rearing and treating child
        the perfect execution of routine tasks.   these very skills, parents will give        development as a project.
        At the same time, perfectionism is the    their children an obvious competitive
        main enemy of creativity, which will      benefit.                                  • Isolation caused by the coronavirus pandemic required parents to engage
                                                                                              more in the educational process. This has raised questions about the role
                                                                                              and responsibility of parents vs. institutions and caused a pushback from

        HOW BRANDS SHOULD WORK WITH                                                           overloaded parents who are distancing themselves.

        “NEW PARENTS”                                                                       • Brands can help to reduce parents’ anxiety by focusing on the valuable things
                                                                                              available “here and now”. Reassure them that mistakes are natural and focus
        Based on our understanding of the         resource-intensive task. Promote the        on their primary objective of loving their child.
        demands of parenting today, we can        idea that mistakes cannot be avoided,
        give three recommendations to brands      but they can be taken less seriously.
        looking to appeal to parents.
                                                  Support parents in their right to just
        It is important to help reduce parents’   be parents. Let teachers teach, let
        high levels of anxiety about the future   doctors treat, and let parents just
        and pay attention to “here and now”.      be nearby and help their child feel
                                                  protected, loved and happy.
        Help parents realize that parenting is
        a highly controversial, elusive, and

40 RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                                                                                      IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 41
        AT HOME
In May 2021, Ipsos interviewed people from                                                                   and composed Russia’s top 3 list of                        In Russia, learning a feeling of
        the twenty largest countries of the world about                                                              important values to instill in children.                   responsibility and hard work most
        shared values and global phenomena. In one of                                                                These indicated levels seen in other                       often means independently (without
        the questions, people were asked which are the                                                               G20 countries included in the study.                       reminders) performing tasks
        most important things to study at home with their                                                                                                                       concerned with studies, hobby
        children. This article will reveal the top values,                                                           Feeling of responsibility. China,                          groups (doing homework, studying
        in the opinion of people from Russia and other                                                               Turkey, Indonesia, and South Korea,                        well, passing exams, not missing
        countries, to instill in children. Understanding                                                             at 72%, were only one point behind                         classes, and not losing possessions)
                                                                                                                     Russia in terms of considering a                           and children cleaning their rooms
        what the Russians consider most significant
                                                                                                                     feeling of responsibility as the most                      sometimes sarcastically called
        in upbringing will allow brands not only to
                                                                                                                     important value to be developed in                         “swineries” on social media by
        communicate with their parent audience at a higher
                                                                                                                     children. In Germany, it stands at                         desperate parents. Parents often
        level, but they will also get an idea of the attitudes                                                       69%. At the same time, only one in                         invest a lot of personal energy and
        that influence the behavioral profile of young                                                               two in the large economies of the                          funds in these things, and this is
        generations.                                                                                                 US and Japan consider this a strong                        probably why these tasks become
                                                                                                                     necessity. This is even lower in the                       a popular cause of indignation on
        The Ipsos Global Commons Survey1                        were asked to choose the five most                   UK, at 37%.                                                forums where they discuss the
        studied the qualities and values                        significant things to discuss at home                                                                           methods of “stick,” “carrot”, and the
        people consider important to develop                    with their children from an exhaustive               Hard work. Russia (64%) is                                 best ways to achieve these goals.
        in children, rather than the practical                  list. Comparing the responses given                  significantly ahead of the US, China,
        foundations of upbringing.                              by people from different countries                   and India (all 54%) in the proportion of                   The tasks concerned with a feeling
                                                                allows us to gain an even better                     people who consider promoting hard                         of responsibility but focused on
        In this study, the respondents, who                     understanding of Russia’s profile.                   work to be one of the most important                       society are more often relevant
        did not necessarily have children,                                                                           aspects. This quality receives even                        to extracurricular activities at
                                                                                                                     lower evaluations in the UK (38%),                         school, hobby groups, and amateur
                                                                                                                     Germany (29%), and Japan (24%). The                        performances where children have

        RAISING RESPONSIBLE, HARD-                                                                                   countries with the lowest scores are
                                                                                                                     Brazil (10%) and Italy (7%). This does
                                                                                                                                                                                a feeling of responsibility for their
                                                                                                                                                                                contribution to the overall result
        WORKING, AND DETERMINED                                                                                      not prevent countries with a lower
                                                                                                                     emphasis on hard work and a feeling
                                                                                                                                                                                of collective projects, rather than
                                                                                                                                                                                individual responsibility.
        PEOPLE                                                                                                       of responsibility in upbringing from
        The three qualities of feeling a                        work (64%), and determination                        outstripping Russia in their economic                      According to the Ipsos RusIndex
        sense of responsibility (73%), hard                     (58%) scored the highest values                      development and nominal GDP.                               study, 2 the share of adults over 16
                                                                                                                                                                                years old who are ready to assume
          Ipsos. Global Commons Survey. Data collection: 27.04.2021-14.05.2021. N=1,000 per country. Online survey   2
                                                                                                                         Ipsos. RusIndex study. 2021/H1. Russians, 16+, 100k+ cities.
        via Ipsos i-Omnibus Online Panel

44 RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                                                                                                                                  IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 45
Chart 1                                                                                                                                                In Russia, six out of ten respondents      US, only one in three selects this, and
         QUALITIES TO LEARN WITH                                                                                                                                attach great importance to learning        in China and Great Britain this falls to

         CHILDREN AT HOME                                                                                                                                       determination and perseverance.            one in four. Probably the strong desire
                                                                                                                                                                                                           to instill determination in children is
                                                                                                                                                                The next country where determination       due to the fact that the Russians are
                    Place in G20 list      Russia                     G20              US                  Germany                    China
             Feeling of responsibility 1                         73             57               46                          69                            72
                                                                                                                                                                is considered important for children       more likely to break existing rules or
                          Hard work 1                           64         36                     54             29                              54             is France (48%). In Germany and the        invent bypasses to achieve a result.
         Determination, perseverance 1                      58             34               33                    34                       28
               Tolerance and respect
                                      17                   54                    63                   60                         72                   63
                     for other people

                      Good manners 20                      50                   59                    62                    60                   52
                Thrift, saving money
                           and things
                      Independence 18

                                                      39              25




                                                                                                                                                                TOLERANCE AND RESPECT ARE NOT
                 Protection of nature
                                      15         28                        34           27                             47                   34
                   including climate
                         Imagination 16     17                        24               26                   15                        20

                                      20   13                          31                   35                   29                   18

                          Obedience 17     12                         22               22                   15                              33
                                                                                                                                                                Learning tolerance and respect for         attention to learning good manners.
                                                                                                                                                                other people, as well as good manners
        Source: Sociocultural Profile of Russia. Russians, 18-64. Online survey, Ipsos i-Say                                                                    at home, is considered important by        The importance of learning respect for
        panel. Data collection: November 12-16, 2021 N=1,987                                                                                                    one in two respondents in Russia           other people and tolerance in Russia
                                                                                                                                                                (50%).                                     takes one of the last places (54%),
        responsibility is 55%. Only 17%                                               to upbringing at kindergartens and                                                                                   on a par with Japan (52%) and South
        say they are definitely not ready to                                          schools is more often focused on                                          In this indicator, Russia is last in the   Korea (53%). This is significantly
        assume responsibility and would                                               punishing mistakes, which often does                                      list of twenty. Russia’s neighbors in      lower only in India (42%). The leaders
        prefer to receive external guidance on                                        not allow children to dare to advance                                     terms of a comparable attitude to the      in this indicator are France (75%),
        what to do. The remaining 28% did                                             their own initiative, or to perform a                                     importance of learning good manners        Germany (72%) and the countries
        not give an answer one way or the                                             difficult task as they are afraid of a                                    are China (52%), Indonesia (52%),          of South America (72%). They are
        other. Meanwhile, 62% of the adults                                           failure.                                                                  Turkey (53%), and Brazil (53%).            followed by countries where about
        16+ surveyed believe they can make                                                                                                                      The leader is Italy with 75%, being        60% of the respondents stress the
        their dreams come true if they work                                           The Russian character is such                                             significantly ahead of even traditional    importance of learning respect for
        hard.                                                                         that, having started something and                                        countries of good manners such as          other people at home: the US, China,
                                                                                      given themselves a challenge, they                                        the UK (65%) and France (56%). In the      Turkey, Italy, and the UK.
        Determination, perseverance. The                                              must ultimately succeed. This is                                          US, 62% consider it important to pay
        third most important quality that the                                         important both for children brought
        Russians would like to foster with                                            up in a culture where mistakes are
        their children is determination and                                           condemned, and for parents who
        perseverance. The general approach                                            want to be proud of their children.

46 RUSSIA 2022: IN THE FLOW OF CHANGE                                                                                                                                                                                             IPSOS FLAIR COLLECTION 47
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