Heat exchanger WORLD - Teadit: Leading R&D for critical process sealing solutions

Page created by Dan Garrett
Heat exchanger WORLD - Teadit: Leading R&D for critical process sealing solutions
Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2020
      exchanger           Uniting the heat exchanger supply chain


                        Cover story:
Teadit: Leading R&D for critical process sealing solutions
Heat exchanger WORLD - Teadit: Leading R&D for critical process sealing solutions
Whether it’s higher temperatures, rising pressures or more acidic media, conditions in
oil refineries have never been more extreme. Tube and pipe corrosion are a constant
threat, causing as many as half of all major shutdowns. This is why hundreds of the
world’s most demanding petrochemicals refiners are turning to the next generation of
corrosion resistant alloys. Like one German oil refinery, which used Sandvik SAF 2707
HD hyper-duplex heat exchanger tubes to reduce the number of shutdowns from 8 to
1 over a period of four years. The result was massive savings on material replacement.
So as your tubes’ performance is pushed to new heights, find out how we can help
keep corrosion from shutting you down.

Heat exchanger WORLD - Teadit: Leading R&D for critical process sealing solutions
Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2020                                                                                                                                  Editorial

                              Heat Exchanger World is the global
                              magazine connecting those working
                              in the heat exchanger supply chain               Dear Readers,
ISSN: 2666-1241 (Print)                                                        A very happy New Year to you all! On behalf of the Heat Exchanger World team, I would like to
ISSN: 2666-125X (Online)                                                       take this opportunity to wish you not only a healthy year ahead but also a very successful one for
Director KCI Publishing                                                        you and your company.
Robert-Jan à Campo
Tel.: +31 575 585 275                                                          At the Heat Exchanger World offices we have a very busy 2020. Apart from six issues of the
                                                                               magazine this year (January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/
Director KCI Publishing B.V                                                    October, and November/December) we will also organize two regional conferences & expos,
Elisa Hannan
e.hannan@kci-world.com                                                         which we certainly hope will prove of interest to you to attend depending on your locations and
Tel: +31 575 585 291                                                           business interests. Heat Exchanger World Europe will be held at the RDM in Rotterdam, The
Editors                                                                        Netherlands, October 7th–8th, followed by Heat Exchanger World USA at the LyondellBasell
John Butterfield                                                               Center for Petrochemical, Energy, & Technology (CPET) at San Jacinto College in Pasadena,
Tel.: +31 575 585 294                                                          Texas, United States, November 18th–19th. If you would like to take part in the conference in
Pascal Aussendorf                                                              Rotterdam then please see the Call for Papers on pages 27–30 this issue. Here you will find
Joanne McIntyre                                                                clear instructions as to how you can propose either a paper presentation or a workshop. The
David Sear
Daniel Sweet                                                                   deadline date for submission of abstracts is February 29th so don’t forget to make a note in your
Sales Enquiries and Marketing
                                                                               agenda. If you would like to participate in the conference in Texas, please contact either Sarah
Kamiel van Wijk                                                                Bradley (s.bradley@kci-world.com) or Brittani Schroeder (b.schroeder@kci-world.com) for more
k.v.wijk@kci-world.com                                                         information.
Tel.: +31 575 585 289
Pascal Aussendorf                                                              This issue’s cover story comes from Teadit, a worldwide leader in the development and man-
Tel.: +49 2821 711 45 34                                                       ufacture of critical sealing solutions. We talk to Chris Day, President of Teadit North America
Subscriptions Manager                                                          about the company’s quality product offering, expanding R&D capabilities, and recent product
Erica Riethorst                                                                innovations in the heat exchanger market. From an end-user perspective we have a couple of
e.riethorst@kci-world.com                                                      contributions: one from Bob McKaig, a Process Engineer at Par Hawaii in Kapolei, Oahu, which
Tel.: +31 575 585 271
                                                                               relates about his role with heat exchangers and the challenges he faces in his daily work, the
Heat Exchanger World will be published six times in 2020
in January, March, May, July, September, and November.                         other is a summary of a workshop that occurred at the recent Stainless Steel World Conference
Publishing House                                                               & Expo held in Maastricht, The Netherlands, in November 2019) where panelists from both
KCI Publishing B.V., Jacob Damsingel 17,                                       Shell and Sandvik highlighted many of the significant challenges facing heat exchangers used in
NL-7201 AN Zutphen, The Netherlands                                            critical duties in fundamental industries. On the subject of efficiency – a factor of major impor-
Mailing Address                                                                tance in improving competitivity and reducing costs with regard to heat exchangers –we have
P.O. Box 396, NL-7200 AJ Zutphen, The Netherlands
info.zutphen@kci-world.com                                                     two papers: ”Boosting CHP efficiency with gas-to-liquid technology” and “Efficient use of waste
Tel.: +31 575 585 270                                                          heat in air conditioning and process air”. On the technical side we look at the dairy industry and
Bank Account: ABNAMRO                                                                  the problems caused by milk fouling and the use of titanium for heat transfer
                                                                                                       in the chemical process industries. These are just some of the highlights of
China Office
KCI Shanghai, Room 603, 6F, #400 Zhejiang Mid Road,                                                      this issue. We leave it to you to discover what you find the most useful
200001, Shanghai, China                                                                                    and interesting, and please don’t forget to contact me with you feedback,
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                                                                                                            Europe event.
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                                                                                                                                   Heat Exchanger World January 2020            3
Heat exchanger WORLD - Teadit: Leading R&D for critical process sealing solutions

                                                   of forthcoming events
                               Some important events occurring around the world for the heat exchanger community.

                                                 5–8 April 2020                                          16–18 August 2020
                                                 5th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference           7th International Conference on Heat
                                                 » This conference is for professionals within the      Transfer and Fluid Flow
                                                    thermal and fluids science and engineering           » The conference aims to gather scholars
                                                    community. It provides an international forum           from all over the world to present advances
27–29 February 2020                                 for the dissemination of the latest research and        in the relevant fields and to foster an
Acrex India 2020                                    knowledge in the thermal and fluid sciences.            environment conducive to exchanging ideas
» The exhibition promises to provide and           Location: Sheraton Hotel, New Orleans, LA, USA          and information. This conference will also
   deliver endless opportunities for companies      Ph: +1 212 288 9200                                     provide an ideal environment to develop
   to showcase their products, attend series        E-mail: info@astfe.org                                  new collaborations and meet experts on the
   of technical workshops by national and           URL: https://www.astfe.org/tfec2020                     fundamentals, applications, and products of
   international speakers and exchange                                                                      the mentioned fields.
   knowledge latest trends, directions and                                                                  Location: Prague, Czech Republic
   topics germane to HAVC and building           12–15 July 2020                                            Ph: +1-613-834-9999
   services industry.                            Summer Heat Transfer Conference                            Email: info@htffconference.com
   Location: IEML, Greater Noida, Delhi NCR      » The conference will bring together international        URL: https://htffconference.com
   Ph: 011- 29234925                                researchers and engineers focusing on heat and
   E-mail: info@ishraehq.in                         mass transfer in a variety of applications. The      16-20 August 2020
   URL: http://www.acrex.in/home                    program of SHTC2020 will include technical paper     The 8th International Symposium on
                                                    sessions, plenary lectures, committee meetings and   Advances in Computational Heat Transfer
                                                    social events.                                       » This symposium provides a forum to
16–18 March 2020                                    Location: Rosen Shingle Creek, Orlando, FL USA          exchange ideas, methods and results in
Heat Exchange Engineering 2020                      Email: jakubowskiM@asme.org                             computational heat transfer.
» Heat Exchange Engineering will provide           URL: https://event.asme.org/SHTC                        Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
   delegates with a dedicated event where                                                                   Ph: +90 (312) 210 5213
   they can connect with experts and peers to                                                               Email: ichmt@ichmt.org
   gain knowledge and an understanding of        5 – 7 August 2020                                          URL: https://www.ichmt.org/cht-20
   best practice in industrial heat exchange     FLAME - 2020
   including the following topics: energy        » The FLAME 2020 on-going mission to detect
   efficiency, operational modelling, fouling       novel trends in Thermal, Fluids, Energy and          6–10 September 2020
   mitigation, equipment construction, cost         Process Engineering, Mechatronics, Control and       EUROTHERM2020
   optimisation, equipment design, process          Robotics, Material Science and Engineering, Solid    » The aim of this conference is to promote
   control, heat exchanger maintenance and          Mechanics and Structural Engineering, Dynamics          and to encourage European cooperation
   plant improvement.                               and control, Engineering Design, Manufacturing          in thermal sciences and heat transfer by
  Location: Toronto, Canada                         and Industrial Engineering, Automobile                  bringing together scientists and engineers
  Ph: +44 (0)1789 761 398                           Engineering.                                            working in specialized areas.
  Email: info@ttmprojects.com                       Location: Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida         Location: Lisbon, Portugal
  URL: https://www.                                 Ph: 0120-4392640, 0120-4392781                          Ph: +351-21 841 7186
  heatexchangeengineering.com/event/heat-           Email: flame@amity.edu                                  E-mail: ritamaia@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
  exchange-engineering-2020                         URL: https://www.amity.edu/flame2020/                   URL: http://www.eurotherm2020.pt

15-17 April 2020                                 14-16 August 2020                                       13–15 October 2020
5th International Conference on                  Int’l Conference on Heat Transfer and                   Chillventa 2020
Experimental and Numerical Flow and Heat         Thermophysics (HTT 2020)                                » Suppliers will present a compact display
Transfer (ENFHT’20)                              » The conference will be a reliable platform for          of their components and systems, such
» The goal of ENFHT’20 is to gather scholars        inspiring international and interdisciplinary          as compressors, heat exchangers, fans,
   from all over the world to present advances       exchange at the forefront of Heat Transfer             ventilation systems, air conditioning systems,
   in the relevant fields and to foster an           and Thermophysics. It will bring together              insulation, and C&I, plus services for these
   environment conducive to exchanging ideas         academicians, engineers, educators and policy-         sectors, which focus mainly on commercial
   and information.                                  makers from all over the world.                        and industrial applications.
   Location: Lisbon, Portugal                        Location: Guilin, China.                               Location: Exhibition Centre, Nürnberg,
   Ph: +1-613-834-9999                               Email: wsaugust@126.com                                Germany
   Email: info@enfht.com                             URL: https://www.wsaugust.org/conference/              Ph: +49 9 11 86 06-81 95
   URL: https://enfht.com/                           HTT2020/                                               E-mail: redaktion@aussteller.chillventa.de
                                                                                                            URL: https://www.chillventa.de/en

 4      Heat Exchanger World January 2020
Heat exchanger WORLD - Teadit: Leading R&D for critical process sealing solutions
     PROCESS SEALING SOLUTIONS                                     10

     TECHNOLOGY                                                    14

     CONNECTING INDUSTRY TOGETHER                                  17

     MILK FOULING IN HEAT EXCHANGERS                               21

     IN THE CHEMICAL PROCESS INDUSTRY                              23

     CALL FOR PAPERS                                               27


     AND PROCESS AIR                                               36


     START-UP ACHIEVE GLOBAL RECOGNITION                           41

                                     In every issue:
                                     ADVERTISERS’ INDEX                3
                                     CALENDAR OF
                                     FORTHCOMING EVENTS                4
                                     PROJECT NEWS                      6
                                     PRODUCT NEWS                  42
                                     INDUSTRY NEWS                 45

                               Heat Exchanger World January 2020   5
Heat exchanger WORLD - Teadit: Leading R&D for critical process sealing solutions
ProjectNEWS                                                                        SPIG to supply cooling system for gas turbine power project
                                                                                   SPIG S.p.A. (SPIG), a subsidiary of
                                                                                   Babcock & Wilcox Enterprises, Inc.,
                                                                                   has been awarded a contract by
                                                                                                                           Industries and thank them for the
                                                                                                                           opportunity to work on this key in-
                                                                                                                           frastructure project for the Republic
                                                                                   Renaissance Heavy Industries to de-     of Turkmenistan,” Galantini said.
                                                                                   sign and supply fin fan cooler heat     SPIG’s experience includes wet, dry
A new application of clean energy heating in South China                           exchangers for the Turkmenenergo        and wet/dry hybrid cooling solu-
                                                                                   432 megawatt, gas turbine power         tions as dictated by site-specific re-
                                                                                   plant project in Charjev etrap, Lebap   quirements. The company’s cooling
                                                                                   Velayat region,Turkmenistan.            systems and designs can be tailored
                                                                                   “SPIG’s custom-designed cooling         for a wide range of project specifi-
                                                                                   technologies are an ideal fit for       cations such as high seismic loads,
                                                                                   many plants, especially natural gas     vibration control, corrosion, noise
                                                                                   facilities, in the rapidly developing   control, sub-freezing operation, and
                                                                                   Central Asia region,” said SPIG Man-    seawater use. Specialized services
                                                                                   aging Director Alberto Galantini.       include preventive maintenance,
                                                                                   “SPIG offers an extensive range of      equipment upgrades, replacement,
                                                                                   turnkey cooling systems and can         and spare parts, online performance
                                                                                   supply both mechanical and natural      monitoring, and a commitment to
                                                                                   draft systems and designs.”             research and development to con-
                                                                                   “We appreciate our strong rela-         tinually seek new and more efficient
                                                                                   tionship with Renaissance Heavy         cooling system solutions.

Accessen was invited to partici-          water–water plate heat exchanger
pate in the initial design of the first   in the north. In order to overcome
central heating project in Guizhou        the special requirements of high
Province, the Phase I central heating     temperature, high pressure and
project in the “Sihengshuian”             water quality of steam in the project,
residential quarter in Yaxi Town,         Accessen provided the design
Bozhou District, Zunyi City and           scheme of replacing the traditional
the scheme evaluation of the heat         water–water plate heat exchanger
exchange part.                            unit with the steam–water plate&
Accessen had many field visits            shell heat exchanger unit, which was
and technical exchanges for the           used to meet the heating demand of
conditions for this project. As a         1800002 m for residents and busi-
pilot project of central heating in       nesses in four buildings (18 floors in
the south, the total construction         each building).
area of the Sihengshuian project is       The plate and shell heat exchanger
about 2700002 m. The heat source          unit of Accessen is not only resistant
adopts the primary network steam          to high temperature and high pres-
delivered by the Yaxi power plant.        sure, but also has lower energy con-
The maximum temperature and               sumption and better heat exchange        Nederman MikroPul selected by Scania to supply heat
pressure of the steam can reach           effect compared with traditional         exchangers
350° and 2.5MPa respectively. It          tube heat exchangers.
                                                                                   Scania, the provider of transport       including heat exchangers on
is different from the traditional
                                                                                   solutions, including trucks and         various work stations from melting
                                                                                   buses for heavy transport applica-      to finishing, with a total volume flow
                                                                                   tions, is investing EUR 150M in a       of 1.254.000 Am3/h. The largest
Alfa Laval wins SEK70M oil & gas order                                             new foundry in Södertälje, Sweden.      expected energy savings will be ob-
                                                                                   Scania plans to triple production ca-   tained through improvements in the
Alfa Laval the heat transfer, centrif-    The order comprises Alfa Laval           pacity and achieve a 50% reduction      casting process and recovery by heat
ugal separation and fluid handling        OLMI heat exchangers to be used          in energy consumption compared to       exchangers, which will transfer heat
company has won an order for              in gas injection for enhanced oil        the technology and methods used in      from the exhaust to the supply air.
air cooled heat exchangers, to be         recovery (EOR) at an oil and gas         the current foundry.                    “Our offer perfectly met Scania’s
installed in an oil and gas production    facility near the Tengiz field. The      Scania has selected Nederman            ambition towards more sustainable
facility in Kazakhstan. The order         heat exchangers will be used in a        MikroPul for the supply of six filter   production. We are proud of being
has a value of approximately SEK          demanding cooling application, han-      plants for air pollution control,       part of a project, which will set new
70M and is booked in the Welded           dling high pressure and aggressive                                                                           standards
Heat Exchangers unit of the Energy        gas in the oil extraction process.                                                                           for modern
Division. Deliveries are scheduled        “We have a broad range of reliable                                                                           manufac-
for 2020.                                 and energy efficient heat exchang-                                                                           turing in
                                                      ers. Our OLMI heat                                                                               foundries,”
                                                      exchangers are among                                                                             said Markus
                                                      the toughest and durable                                                                         Schilli,
                                                      and thereby well-suit-                                                                           Managing
                                                      ed for this demanding                                                                            Director
                                                      EOR application,” says                                                                           Business
                                                      Susanne PahlénÅklundh,                                                                           Unit FS
                                                      President of the Energy                                                                          Systems.

  6      Heat Exchanger World January 2020
Heat exchanger WORLD - Teadit: Leading R&D for critical process sealing solutions
Project News

Sandia analysis evaluating water saving technologies                                                                IEC awards second contract to GE
                                                                                                                    for HA gas turbine technology
                                                                             To reduce the plant’s water use,
                                                                             operators at Palo Verde first
                                                                             looked at commercially available
                                                                             solutions. When they realized that
                                                                             nothing available could meet their
                                                                             needs, they turned to Sandia Labs
                                                                             to help identify which cooling sys-
                                                                             tems under development might
                                                                             eventually offer the greatest water
                                                                             To evaluate different emerging
                                                                             technologies, Middleton devel-
                                                                             oped software that combines the
                                                                             physics of the cooling process
The Palo Verde Nuclear Generat-       charge roughly the same amount         such as fluid flow, heat transfer,
ing Station near Phoenix converts     they withdrew.                         atmospheric evaporation and
heat from nuclear reactions into      But the Palo Verde plant has limit-    water treatment with the financial
electricity. The heat boils water,    ed access to water because it is in    impact of different solutions.
creating steam that drives turbine    the middle of a desert. Its cooling    The wastewater that arrives at
generators. Steam leaving a           water is treated wastewater, which     Palo Verde contains silica, calcium,
turbine must be cooled and con-       is becoming increasingly expen-        magnesium and phosphate ions.
densed before it is reused.           sive as other customers who are        These salts concentrate as the
More than 40% of all the water        willing to pay higher prices for wa-   cooling water evaporates in the
used in the country is for wet        ter emerge. To curb rising costs,      cooling system, possibly forming       GE announced today that it has re-
cooling at power plants. Typically,   operators want to reduce the           new minerals that might clog the       ceived another order from Israel Electric
large thermoelectric power plants     plant’s water use by about 9 mil-      cooling towers. Currently, opera-      Corporation (IEC), the largest generator
are located near lakes or rivers      lion gallons a day. Annually, that     tors add lime, soda ash and acid       and supplier of electricity in Israel, for a
so that operators can draw a          savings is roughly equivalent to a     to the wastewater before it enters     second 9HA.01 heavy-duty gas turbine.
regula­ted amount of water, run it    16 square mile pool of water one       the cooling tower to reduce the        IEC is using GE’s HA gas turbine tech-
through a condenser to cool steam     foot deep, said Bobby Middleton, a     possibility of mineral formation.      nology at its Orot Rabin plant, located in
leaving the turbines, and dis-        nuclear engineer at Sandia.                                                   Hadera, Israel, as part of the conversion
                                                                                                                    of the existing power station from coal to
                                                                                                                    gas generation. GE’s HA is the largest and
                                                                                                                    most efficient gas turbine in the world and
Linde as LNG licensor of Greater Tortue Ahmeyim project                                                             recently reached a milestone of 500,000
                                                                                                                    operating hours, continuing to be the fast-
Linde announced recently that         Mauritania and Senegal.                                                       est-growing fleet of advanced turbines in
it has been selected as liquefied     Under the terms of the                                                        the world.
natural gas (LNG) technology          signed Master Agreement,                                                      The order for the first unit, which is also
licensor for phases 2 and 3 of the    Linde will provide tech-                                                      the first HA gas turbine in Israel, was
Greater Tortue Ahmeyim project,       nology licensing services,                                                    announced in 2019. In the latest order,
jointly developed by BP, Kosmos       based on the Linde MFC2®                                                      GE will also provide a steam turbine,
Energy, Société des Pétroles du       liquefaction technology.                                                      generator, heat recovery steam generator
Sénégal (PETROSEN), and Société       Linde will also manufac-                                                      and balance of plant equipment as well
Mauritanienne des Hydrocarbures       ture and supply the related                                                   as a 15-year multi-year services agree-
et de Patrimoine Minier (SMHPM).      cryogenic coil-wound heat                                                     ment. Once operational, the Orot Rabin
Greater Tortue Ahmeyim, which         exchangers, subject to a                                                      combined cycle gas turbines are expected
will be operated by BP, is the        future call-off.                                                              to be the largest and most efficient gas-
deepest offshore project in Africa    The Linde MFC2® liquefac-              making it well suited to offshore      fired power units in Israel, delivering up to
to date and is located offshore       tion technology is both compact        projects like Greater Tortue Ah-       1,260MW, more than 8% of Israel’s current
on the maritime border between        and highly energy-efficient,           meyim.                                 total power generation capacity.

                                                                                                            Heat Exchanger World January 2020               7
Heat exchanger WORLD - Teadit: Leading R&D for critical process sealing solutions
Project News

Coolair gets on track at platform 21 in Birmingham
                                                                                                                          Meggitt announces an
Coolair Equipment Ltd is to bring the    conditioning with heat                                                           investment in HiETA
latest energy-efficient heating and      recovery from Mitsubishi                                                         Technologies
cooling technology to one of Bir-        Electric that enables dif-
mingham’s most prestigious office        ferent zones to be cooled                                                        Meggitt (UK) Ltd, a subsidiary of
developments.                            and heated simultane-                                                            Meggitt PLC, an international com-
The company’s Midlands operation,        ously while also reducing                                                        pany specializing in high-perfor-
based in Cannock, has been awarded       building operating costs.                                                        mance components and subsystems
a £900,000 contract by Imtech            As an accredited Dia-                                                            for the aerospace, defense, and
Engineering Services Central on          mond Quality Partner                                                             selected energy markets, recently
behalf of Wates Construction to help     of Mitsubishi Electric,                                                          announced an investment in HiETA
provide the best possible working        Coolair Equipment will                                                           Technologies Ltd, a UK company
conditions at Platform 21.               supply and install 18                                                            with principal capabilities in metal
The 10-storey building, formerly         heat recovery variable                                                           additive manufacturing.
known as The Charters, is being          refrigerant flow (VRF)                                                           The investment will accelerate the
refurbished to create 120,000 sq ft      systems along with 218                   fresh air to the ground to ninth        development of the next generation
of Grade A office space and include      ducted indoor fan coil units (FCUs).     floors while simultaneously extract-    of thermal systems for aerospace
a repositioned double height glazed      The company will also install a          ing stale air and recovering its heat   and energy applications. It enables a
reception in Stephenson Street           low-noise flexible direct exchange       energy for maximum efficiency.          new generation of high performance
facing New Street station.               (DX) split system, with roof-level       Work on-site on the project is due      and light weight thermal systems
Coolair Equipment will provide           condensers, and 60 heat recovery         for completion in the first quarter     to be brought to the market at a
state-of-the-art energy-efficient air    ventilation Lossnay units to supply      of 2020.                                critical time for sustainable aviation
                                                                                                                          and lower carbon power generation

Hydroniq’s coolers to the subsea cable installation vessel

                                                     of offshore petroleum        Marine cooling systems are utilised
                                                     installations and creating   to reduce temperatures in the ship’s
                                                     interconnectors between      engines and other auxiliary systems
                                                     countries.                   through the use of seawater to avoid
                                                     Under the contract,          overheating of the engine and other
                                                     Aalesund-based               critical systems. Hydroniq Coolers
                                                     Hydroniq Coolers will        will manufacture to assemble the
                                                     supply its Pleat seawater    Pleat cooler at its headquarters in
                                                     cooling system for the       Aalesund, Norway, and deliver it to
                                                     CLV Nexans Aurora. The       Ulstein Verft in Ulsteinvik, Norway.    Meggitt’s experience in design-
Norwegian shipyard Ulstein Verft                     Pleat coolers will provide   CLV Nexans Aurora is a DP3 cable        ing and manufacturing advanced
has contracted Hydroniq Coolers to       cooling of the vessel’s main engine      laying vessel that will be outfitted    heat exchanger technologies for
deliver the seawater cooling system      and auxiliary systems through the        for power cable laying, including       mission-critical aerospace and
to a cable lay vessel it is construct-   use of seawater. Hydroniq Coolers        bundle laying, cable jointing and       industrial applications complements
ing for Nexans Subsea Operations.        has not disclosed the value of the       repair, and cable system protection     HiETA Technologies’ experience in
The CLV Nexans Aurora will play a        contract. The patented Pleat is a        and trenching. The vessel is devel-     designing and using additive manu-
vital role in the installation of Nex-   module-based titanium cooler for         oped for operations in rough weath-     facturing to build high-performance
ans’ HV submarine cables that will       seawater to freshwater, with design      er and has high manoeuvrability and     components for aerospace, defense,
connect offshore wind farms to the       pressure 6 bars and a design tem-        station keeping capabilities.           and motorsport applications.
grid, supporting the electrification     perature of 0-95°C.

Chinese nuclear heating project starts up                                         GeoHex: the first RTD project for the Philippines

Shandong Nuclear Power Company           This use of nuclear energy heating is    Project GeoHex, funded
(SDNPC) a subsidiary of State Pow-       expected to avoid the use of 23,200      by European Union’s Ho-
er Investment Corporation (SPIC)         tonnes of coal annually, cutting         rizon 2020 research and
and the owner of the Haiyang plant       emissions of soot by 222 tonnes,         innovation programme,
announced that, following a few          of sulfur dioxide by 382 tonnes, of      is the first RTD project
days of trial operation, the demon-      nitrogen oxide by 362 tonnes and of      for the Philippines that
stration district heating system had     carbon dioxide by 60,000 tonnes.         highlights transcontinental
officially been put into operation.      The Haiyang Nuclear Energy Heat-         technology transfer for the
The system extracts non-radio-           ing Project is expected to provide       development of advanced
active steam from the secondary          heating to the entire Haiyang city       materials for cost-effi-
circuit of the two Haiyang AP1000        by 2021.                                 cient and enhanced heat
units, which is then fed through a                                                exchanger performance in                heat exchanger (HX) materials
multi-stage heat exchanger in an                                                  geothermal applications.                addressing both the improvements
on-site heat exchange station. This                                               Quantum Leap, a procurement and         in the anti-scaling and anti-corro-
heat is then fed to an off-site heat                                              service company in the power sector     sion properties, as well as, the heat
exchange station belonging to local                                               from the Philippines and in con-        transfer performance of the HX ma-
thermal company Fengyuan Ther-                                                    junction with the Government of the     terial leading to more efficient and
mal Power, from where heated water                                                Philippines, is working with experts    cost-effective systems. The reduced
flows through municipal heating                                                   from research institutes across UK      cost of geothermal plant based on
pipes to consumers. The system will                                               and Europe to share cutting-edge        GeoHex enabled HX, is proposed
initially heat 700,000 square metres                                              technology towards building a sus-      to significantly reduce the levelised
of housing this winter, including SD-                                             tainable renewable energy system.       cost of energy (LCOE), which will
NPC’s dormitory and some residents                                                The technology transfer, as part of     accelerate the growth of geothermal
of Haiyang.                                                                       GeoHex project, aims to develop         energy.

  8      Heat Exchanger World January 2020
Heat exchanger WORLD - Teadit: Leading R&D for critical process sealing solutions
Project News

Atommash manufactured steam generators                                           Greenfield projects help sustain market growth
for Kudankulam NPP
                                                                                 Emergence of greenfield projects in    Forecast to 2024, examines the
                                                                                 Asia-Pacific to help sustain long-     key growth drivers, restraints,
                                                                                 term market growth, finds Frost &      product segments, and end-user
                                                                                 Sullivan.                              industries in the regions of North
                                                                                 While the US-China trade war and       America, Europe, Middle East and
                                                                                 downturn in the oil and gas sector     Africa (EMEA), APAC, and the
                                                                                 have dampened investments in the       Rest of World (RoW). It covers the
                                                                                 heat exchangers market, particularly   product segments of shell-and-tube
                                                                                 in North America, the growth of        heat exchangers, air-cooled heat
                                                                                 the Asia-Pacific (APAC) market is      exchangers, gasketed plate-and-
                                                                                 providing a much-required impetus.     frame heat exchangers, brazed plate
                                                                                 Regional growth, along with positive   heat exchangers, all-welded plate
                                                                                 economic activity and increased        heat exchangers, and cooling tower
                                                                                 investments in the energy sector, is   systems. It also includes a CEO’s
                                                                                 expected to drive the market from      360-degree perspective, highlights
The Branch of JSC AEM-technology         shipped to the NPP under construc-      USD 13.67bn in 2018 to USD 17.33bn     future growth opportunities, and
Atommash in Volgodonsk (a part of        tion in 2019, the forth Item will be    in 2024, at a compound annual          presents the strategic imperatives
the machine-building subdivision of      shipped to the customer construc-       growth rate (CAGR) of 4.0%.            that need to be implemented to
ROSATOM – JSC Atomenergomash)            tion site in April 2020 when the        Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis,    make the most of these opportu-
has finished the production of steam     navigation season is open.              Global Heat Exchangers Market,         nities.
generators set for the Unit No. 4 of     The production cycle of steam
Kudankulam NPP in India.                 generator PGV-1000M manufacture
A steam generator belongs to the         takes more than two years from the
Items of safety class 1. The steam       start of metallurgical blanks produc-
generator vessel is a horizontal         tion to the shipment. To produce one
cylindrical vessel with two elliptical   Item it is required to use 340 kg of
bottoms, in the middle part of which     welding strip, 5.5 tons of the weld-
there are collectors for the supply      ing electrodes and 8 tons of welding
and discharge of hot coolant. The di-    wire. 11 thousand heat-exchange
ameter is more than 4 m; the length      tubes with a total length of approxi-
of the equipment is about 15m. The       mately 130 km are welded inside the
weight of one steam generator is         steam generator. The total length of
340 tons.                                the welds is more than 1 km.
Three heat-exchange Items were

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Heat exchanger WORLD - Teadit: Leading R&D for critical process sealing solutions
C ov e r S t o r y

          Teadit: Leading R&D for critical
            As a worldwide
          development and
      manufacturing leader
          of critical process
 sealing solutions, Teadit
        continues to exceed
  customer expectations
by providing high-quality
        service, impressive
        testing capabilities,
 and a full line of award-
   winning products that
  are guaranteed to meet
the demands of the most
 stringent environments.
       Serving the refining,
petrochemical and power
      generation industries,
  among others, Teadit’s
  extensive research and
        development (R&D)
  group has continuously
developed new products,
 helping many end-users
achieve facility emission
  Heat Exchanger World
      spoke with Chris Day,
        President of Teadit
      North America, about
       the company’s high-      By Sarah Bradley & Stephanie Matas                             customers achieve the goal of a leak-free environment
 quality product offering,                                                                     within their facilities while constantly investing in R&D to
                                                                                               keep up with the evolving industry needs.
            expanding R&D
                                Since its establishment in 1958, Teadit has expanded its       Teadit is relied upon by many of the country’s top heat
  capabilities, and recent      production and distribution network across 52 countries.       exchanger manufacturers for their products and techni-
       product innovations      The company has experienced significant growth in recent       cal expertise. Depending on the industrial sector, service,
                                years, with dedicated locations spanning from the USA          and heat exchanger type, the gasket recommended and
   for the heat exchanger       (Texas), to Brazil (Rio de Janeiro and Campinas), Argentina    supplied changes. Some designs utilize metal gaskets in-
                    market.     (Buenos Aires and Bahia Blanca), India (Vadodara), Austria     cluding spiral wound gaskets, camprofile serrated gaskets,
                                (Kufstein), Germany (Köln), and China (Shanghai).              corrugated gaskets, and double jacketed gaskets. It is also
                                The Teadit Group is recognized worldwide as a leader in        common to use Teadit sheet gaskets or soft gaskets in heat
                                the development and manufacturing of innovative prod-          exchangers including compressed fiber, filled PTFE, and ex-
                                ucts for critical fluid sealing processes in many industries   panded PTFE. Gaskets are supplied with torque values and
                                including the Refining, Chemical Processing, Pulp and          assembly instructions by their engineering department
                                Paper, and Power Generation. Teadit has helped several         when requested. Teadit is a Master Distribution Partner

 10      Heat Exchanger World January 2020
C ov e r S t o r y

process sealing solutions

                                                                              « Mr. Chris Day, President of
                                                                              Teadit North Americas.

                                                                              « North American Headquarters
                                                                              in Pasadena, Texas, USA.

 of Jet Lube and supplies the thread lubricant Jet Lube 550
 Extreme to ensure that the flanges are assembled using
 accurate torque values with accurate friction factors.
                                                                              « Teadit Style 942 camprofile
 Award-winning products                                                       with graphite facing, a robust
 Teadit camprofile gaskets have become the most popular                       design generally used for high-
                                                                              temperature and high-pressure
 gasket utilized in shell and tube heat exchangers. They can
 produce a reliable seal and avoid field application issues
 that other more traditional solutions, such as double
 jacketed and corrugated, are not able to address. They are
 designed to maintain seal integrity under pressure and
 temperature fluctuations, flange rotation, and bolt stress                   « Teadit Style 942 camprofile with
 relaxation. Teadit camprofile gaskets are constructed from                   PTFE facing, a design utilized for
 a precision serrated metallic core with a soft facing materi-                high-pressure applications, as well
 al bonded to each side, either flexible graphite or expanded                 as extreme chemical resistance.

                                                                 Heat Exchanger World January 2020            11
C ov e r S t o r y

                                                                                                      come up with something, then see if we can sell it. If a
                                                                                                      product holds no value in the customer’s eyes, there really
                                                                                                      is no reason to bring it to them. ‘Market-driven’sounds
                                                                                                      like a buzzword, but we live by it,” commented Day.
                                                                                                      When searching for materials, Teadit is very integrated
                                                                                                      with the end-user either directly or through their distribu-
                                                                                                      tion partners. “A lot of plant employees communicate with
                                                                                                      us directly, especially in the Houston industrial region” ex-
                                                                                                      plained Day. “Outside of Houston, we still strive to main-
                                                                                                      tain direct contact, but much of it is with and through our
                                                                                                      distribution partners. We will accompany our distribution
                                                                                                      partners into different facilities to talk to the engineers,
                                                                                                      planners, and maintenance personnel to find out what their
                                                                                                      needs are and any challenges they face.”
     Teadit Style 25BI gasket tape     PTFE. Teadit camprofile vessel gaskets are used in all major   Teadit’s research facilities receive feedback from all over

  used for fragile flanges, extreme    industrial sectors in heat exchangers, but they can also be    the world. “We want to be the primary reference and
 chemical service, large diameters,    found in standard piping as well.                              prime choice for fluid sealing advice,” said Day. “When
    and/or custom-shaped flanges.
                                       For applications that require a high degree of chemical        considering what projects to consider working on, we talk
                                       resistance and low stress-to-seal, Teadit 25BI gasket tape,    to different customers all over the world. We get their
                                       has raised the bar for what should be expected out of ex-      feedback and organize that information in a matrix of pri-
                                       panded PTFE gasket tape. Due to its excellent malleability     orities in order to see what would be the easiest to develop
                                       and adaptability, it is particularly well suited to compen-    with the quickest and greatest potential for success.”
                                       sate for irregularities or damages on the sealing areas        Teadit’s quarterly meetings bringing together their global
                                       and can easily bend around the radius of a round flange.       directors and technical experts to share and exchange
                                       A propriety manufacturing process results strong tensile       information, to maintain consistency amongst their world-
                                       strength in both the longitudinal and cross direction. As a    wide locations. “We always look for opportunities to use
                                       result of this, the material does not change its width under   what could have been developed elsewhere,” commented
                                       compression. “Because of this property, it is extremely well   Day.
                                       suited as a gasket material for narrow sealing areas and in
                                       all applications where a defined gasket width (under load)     Leaders in technological innovation
                                       is required, such as enamelled and glass-lined flanges, heat   It is important for Teadit to set the benchmark for the
                                       exchangers, large flanges and containers, pressure vessels,    industry, rather than playing catch-up with their compet-
                                       suction filters and strainers, etc.,” said Day.                itors. “For a long time, the U.S. market never really knew
                                                                                                      who Teadit was. Everyone seemed to think we were only in
                                       Ever-evolving R&D                                              Brazil, as we were the dominant market share player down
                                       Teadit considers themselves a market-driven R&D com-           there, taking very good care of our customers, helping
                                       pany, “This means that the market is going to dictate to       them meet whatever challenges they encountered,” said
                                       us what we develop. We do not want to sit in our labs and      Day. “We knew we had to do something differently in the

   » Teadit considers themselves a
    market-driven R&D company,
   “This means that the market is
     going to dictate to us what we
     develop. We do not want to sit
      in our labs and come up with
 something, then see if we can sell
  it. If a product holds no value in
the customer’s eyes, there really is
no reason to bring it to them, says
                          Chris Day.

 12     Heat Exchanger World January 2020
C ov e r S t o r y

                                                                                                                                 « Many of Teadit’s sealing
                                                                                                                                 solutions are for very unique pieces
                                                                                                                                 of equipment.
US, to allow us to be accepted here, too.”                      manufacturer with the ability to really dictate the future
Teadit quickly realized the market was not just focused on      of the sealing products industry.”
lower pricing, but lower total cost of ownership. “If we can    In-house testing is critical to Teadit, because it is one of
provide a better, longer lasting solution with quality ser-     their major differentiators from competing manufacturers.
vice, it outweighs product price,” said Day. “We are always     “As long as we remain focused on the fact that it is all
looking to elevate Teadit in the eyes of our customers.”        about quality, we will forge ahead. We must be able to test
Teadit is also recognized as one of the leading manu-           our product; go out into the shop, make it faster, and lower
facturers of standard pipe size and pressure class spiral       costs. It is all about performance, in everything that we do.
wound gaskets. “To my knowledge, we are the only global         In-house testing gives us the ability to experiment with
manufacturer that does the level of product evaluation and      production efficiencies, we put a lot of emphasis into and
testing that we do for the standard size and class range.       behind our testing, and we do it well,” stated Day.
This allows us to ensure that all the standards that we put     Typical gasket testing is conducted in two phases – de-
forth meet or exceed the new performance specifications         structive, and then performance. The first phase involves
mandated,” said Day.                                            conducting a destructive test, where multiple pieces are
Teadit’s flagship packing product, style 2236, was born         destroyed, to ensure full compliance to specification
from the desire to create a better product for the mar-         construction requirements. In the second phase, leakage
ket. “We saw an opportunity to make things simpler for          tests and compression tests are performed to ensure the
our customers - a single material making up a complete          specification requirements are met per ASME B16.20
packing set providing the best emissions results at that        (2017). Testing lasts approximately four hours from start
time. The simplest solution for the best results,” said Day.    to finish. For this evaluation, Teadit has logged data now
“Our customers are the driving force behind our advanced        for the last four years, which gives operators a backlog of
testing capabilities and market-driven R&D initiatives.”        case studies to extract information from if they do ever
                                                                encounter a problem.
In-house testing capabilities                                   Day mentioned the group has two testing rigs in North
The Teadit Group has robust in-house testing capabilities       America, two in Brazil, and one in India. “We can conduct
in all the regions that it serves. This testing includes com-   twenty gasket tests per week here – and can do twenty
pression and leakage monitoring for metal gaskets, ranging      in Brazil, and ten in India. We are testing a wide range of
from ½” to 18-inches in size, across multiple pressure          sizes to ensure consistency. We want to make sure that
classes. “This gives us the ability to not only measure how     wherever we are producing a product, it holds the same
good our gaskets are, but measure the effectiveness of          caliber of performance regardless of the manufacturing
process improvements we develop,” said Day. “When we            site. Everyone is starting to demand this in the industry –
first started testing, we saw that we were, what I consider,    quality control across the globe,” said Day.
in the middle of the road. We did things about as well as
everybody else and in about the same way.”                      Looking ahead
Teadit then started looking at incorporating improvements       When asked about the future of the industry, Day is
into different aspects of the gaskets based on a variety of     hopeful for future generations. He maintains that it is
variables that affected ultimate sealing ability. They found    not difficult to produce great quality products over lower
that those variables sometime fit together in different         quality items. “With genuine and sincere effort, the price
ways, to produce different results. “We finally got the         to produce and the price to procure can both be about
right combination that would enable the parts to perform        the same, it is almost negligent to supply to the market
very well, but this testing dictated a lot of tweaking of       without proven quality gaskets and packing these days,”
our processes,” commented Day. “We’re testing up to fifty       said Day. “If we stop emissions, we’re stopping the loss of
gaskets per week in our facilities to make sure that we can     product, right? It’s the product that’s going in the air rath-
validate our performance and continue to look for opportu-      er than going through the piping. We need refineries and
nities to improve performance. It gives us a very clear         industry to thrive, but I also want this world to be around
indicator of where we are and where we need to be.”             for my grandkids to enjoy. We get too caught up in our
Day stands behind the company’s testing procedures. “This       day-to-day routine to really worry about this thing called
evaluation process is something nobody else is doing,           a ‘carbon footprint’, but it’s important,” commented Day.
but everyone should be. We have reached a critical point        “It’s important for our future and I want to make a differ-
where we want to continue to differentiate ourselves in         ence. That is what is cool about being part of a company
the market. We are a high quality, high volume production       like Teadit, they help me accomplish this!” «

                                                                                                                 Heat Exchanger World January 2020             13
Case Study

Boosting CHP efficiency
         with gas-to-liquid technology
  Looking at how Hubert      By Aaron Kahn, Pyramid Agency, United Kingdom
   Tippkötterre-uses the
  heat produced from the
                             Hubert Tippkötter GmbH is a designer and manufacturer
     electricity generated   of complete combined heat and power (CHP) systems.
      in its combined heat   The company has been in operation since 1970. Based in
    and power systems to     Warendorf, Germany, it engineers flexible solutions that
                             generate anywhere from 30 to 2100 kw of electrical power,
increase the efficiency of
                             and which are fully adapted to match specific customer
   the system as a whole.    circumstances.
                             By simultaneously generating electricity and re-using the
                             resulting heat, CHP, or cogeneration, is a highly efficient
                             solution for a number of modern applications. Like all
                             CHP manufac turers, Tippkötter works to optimize its
                             technology and maximize the efficiency out of its systems.
                             This has included considering a number of new methods
                             to take advantage of the heat transfer involved in cooling
                             modified turbo-charged engines that drive the systems.
                             However, this is easier said than done. CHP systems
                             typically use air–air coolers, with ambient air cooling         The optimal charge air cooler solution
                             the engine’s compressed charge air to the required inlet        The company has been able to overcome these challenges
                             temperature of 75°C. It has traditionally been difficult – if   by equipping their CHP plants with Alfa Laval gas-to-
                             not outright impossible – to reuse the energy generated         liquid plate heat exchangers. In contrast to traditional
                             through this process due to the challenges of working           air–air cooler technology, Alfa Laval’s gas-to-liquid design
                             with gas media. As a result, there have been limits to the      makes it possible to use water as the cooling medium. This
                             potential efficiency that can be achieved with the system       improves the overall energy balance by as much as 5% of
                             as a whole.                                                     the engine’s power.

14    Heat Exchanger World January 2020
Case Study

GL model heat exchangers use cold water in a countercur-
rent flow arrangement to cool a relatively smaller amount
of compressed charge air to the correct inlet tempera-
ture. An additional advantage of the GL design is that
all connections are integrated in the unit, including two
connections for gas, two for water and one for condensate.
The result is an ultra-compact heat exchanger, which
makes installation easier, quicker and more cost-effective
for Tippkötter and allows them to provide a smaller system
footprint for their customers.
The use of Alfa Laval GL gas-to-liquid heat exchangers has
played a major role in Tippkötter’s ongoing development
to drive forward the optimization of their CHP technology.
Customers are therefore able to benefit from a cogenera-                                                                                               « The prototype
                                                                                                                                                       heat exchanger
tion efficiency of 91% or even higher. «                                                                                                               in the lab.

                                                                      Hot gas in
                                           Water out                  421°C                 «« GL100 heat exchanger model.

                                                                                             Example specifications for the Tippkötter CHP system
                                           Water in                                          Engine
                                           1.0 m3/h                                          Engine type:        Diesel
                                                                                             Motor power:        120 kW
                                                                                             Electrical power:   50 kW

                                                                                             Heat exchanger
                                                                                             Type: 	Alfa Laval GL gas-to-liquid brazed plate heat exchanger
                                                  Hot gas out            Condensate          Material:         Stainless steel with copper brazing
                                                  105°C                  5.6 l/h             Number of plates: 10H x W x D: 320 x 727 x 48 mm
                                                                                             Weight:           22 kg


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                                                                                                                          Heat Exchanger World January 2020       15
Conference Discussion

Workshop report:
heat exchangers connecting industry together
 » Top row from left to right: Arjan
  Woerden, Shell, The Netherlands;
     Willem Maarten van Haaften,
   Shell, The Netherlands; Barinder
    Ghai , Sandvik, UK; bottom row
 from left to right: John Butterfield,
  KCI Publishing, The Netherlands;
 and Bernardo Siza Vieira, Sandvik,

  During the Stainless Steel
     World 2019 Conference
    & Exhibition, which was
     held in Maastricht, The
    Netherlands, November
26–28, a special workshop
 was dedicated to the huge
 variety of heat exchangers
that perform critical duties
 in fundamental industries.
     Over sixty participants
         freely shared their
experiences with an expert
                                         By David Sear                                                For convenience, each topic was further broken down
                                                                                                      into a series of short questions. This write-up follows the
                                                                                                      same structure, presenting comments from the panel and
                                         Background                                                   audience per topic and per question.
                                         The workshop was a collaborative effort from Barinder
                                         Ghai and Bernardo Siza Vieira (both Sandvik Materials        Topic one: what are the current challenges with
                                         Technology), together with Shell’s Arjan Woerden and         heat exchangers?
                                         Willem Maarten van Haaften. The meeting was facilitat-       1: Quality assurance
                                         ed by John Butterfield (KCI Publishing). Barinder acted      - “My company has well-defined Design Engineering
                                         as moderator, inviting expert comments from Bernardo,           Practices which nicely indicate relevant QA issues. How-
                                         Arjan and Willem Maarten whilst ensuring all participants       ever, I wonder whether others in the supply chain have
                                         had ample opportunity to raise questions and contribute to      access to equivalent details.” End user
                                         discussions.                                                 - “Do end users sometimes rely too much on accrued
                                                                                                         knowledge? Using internal standards drawn up in the
                                         Presentation structure                                          1950s can be a major hindrance.” Consultant
                                         The heart of the workshop was formed by three top-lev-       - “I am often submerged under quality documents
                                         el topics: 1) what are the current challenges with heat         submitted by end users. They take a long time to sort
                                         exchangers? 2) What are the factors influencing upgrading       through with many proving irrelevant. End users should
                                         from low alloy to duplex stainless steels/high-nickel al-       indicate which quality documents are applicable and
                                         loys? 3) What are the current limitations when upgrading?       which are not.” Tube supplier

                                                                                                             Heat Exchanger World January 2020                17
Conference Discussion

                                                                                                  - “ We purchase equipment for end user clients using a
                                                                                                     policy of zero based execution. Hence we refer to indus-
                                                                                                     try recognized standards such as ASME and NACE for
                                                                                                     heat exchangers, impressing on end users that putting
                                                                                                     their own extra standards to one side helps to get a qual-
                                                                                                     ity product in the required timeframe.” EPC
                                                                                                  - “Globalisation is driving many fabricators to invest in
                                                                                                     novel technologies that promise to be faster and cheaper.
                                                                                                     If there is no time to iron out the teething problems
                                                                                                     in new technology that can create headaches later on.”
                                                                                                     Heat exchanger manufacturer

                                                                                                  3: Operating conditions
                                                                                                  - “In addition to the standard operating conditions you
                                                                                                     should also consider upset conditions, possible fouling
                                                                                                     and also feed flexibility. So materials engineers must
                                                                                                     never work in isolation but should always be talking to
                                                                                                     process engineering, the project department, the fabrica-
                                                                                                     tors and the inspector.” End user
                                                                                                  - “Designing a heat exchanger which will meet future
                                                                                                     needs is a real challenge, and it can be hard to justify
                                                                                                     extra outlay for more exotic alloys.” End user
                                                                                                  - “Thirty years ago heat exchangers were either carbon
                                                                                                     steel or rusty carbon steel! Now even duplexes are being
                                                                                                     specified, often simply as a way to keep process systems
                                                                                                     up and running. For a new grade is to be commercially
                                                                                                     successful parties in the supply chain must cooperate to
  A tube sheet being cleaned.   - “ Why can’t I speak directly to end users? I often have to        ensure the ready availability of all the standard products

Photo: Hammelmann                  work via three or four intermediaries in the chain, which         that could be needed.” End user
                                   unnecessarily complicates getting answers to questions.”
                                   Primary product supplier                                       4: Life cycle costs
                                - “Heat exchangers are not commodity products. I recom-          - After identifying corrosion in a heat exchanger I
                                   mend that everyone involved should check all details in           proposed three or four solutions, including renovation
                                   advance.” Fabricator.                                             and upgrading. All were perceived to be too expensive!
                                - API standards are my starting point. If a tailor-made             People holding the purse strings simply don’t look at the
                                   product is needed I discuss critical issues with the man-         long term.” End user
                                   ufacturer and we jointly modify the standard specifica-        - “What should be included during life cycle costing?
                                   tions. My tip to ensure heat exchangers work as expected          Conducting inspections every three months could be
                                   is to buy from a reliable manufacturer to start with.             costing EUR 280,000 per year! Factor that in and the
                                   And even then you must pay close attention to quality             case for investing in a corrosion resistant alloy is more
                                   control!” End user                                                easily made.” End user
                                - “For us it is equally important to visit pipe mills regu-      - “If your carbon steel product is failing every two to
                                   larly and to perform our own quality assurance checks.”           three years then it is definitely time to consider stainless
                                   Heat exchanger manufacturer                                       steel.” End user
                                - “A lack of regular inspection and cleaning can lead to
                                   many heat exchanger problems. Maintenance crews                5: Material selection
                                   used to inspect equipment much more regularly, at              - “Issues which are important are surely costs, corrosion
                                   the same time cleaning the tubes and conducting small             issues and thermal properties.” Tube manufacturer
                                   repairs. With today’s risk based inspection there is an        - “Not all fabricators seem to know how to correctly weld
                                   assumption that heat exchangers are working fine. The             or pickle certain alloys.” End user
                                   only people who ever see them regularly are the process
                                   technicians and they have not been told to conduct             6: Availability of product forms
                                   inspections let alone cleaning!” End user                      - “2205 duplex in all product forms is easily obtained in
                                                                                                     Western Europe, making it suitable for grassroots pro-
                                2: Fabrication issues                                                jects. The position can be very different in Asia and the
                                - “There are sufficient documents explaining how to weld            US.” End user with global responsibilities
                                   even the most exotic of alloys; it is simply a question of     - “In Europe you can find good fabricators such that
                                   applying them.” Fabricator                                        a 2205 duplex heat exchanger is price competitive to
                                - “Time is often the critical factor. In a process facility we      316 stainless steel and can be delivered in under three
                                   need to replace leaking heat exchangers right away. A             months. Alloy 59 heat exchangers can also be obtained
                                   lack of time for planning is a feeding ground for prob-           but take from six to eight months. That is not likely in
                                   lems.” End user                                                   the United States.” End user

 18      Heat Exchanger World January 2020
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