Page created by Chris Santiago
About Unley Life

For over 15 years, Unley Life          Unley Life distribution            Unley Life contents
magazine has promoted Unley
                                       • Free publication online at       The magazine features arts and
as a premier location for people
                                         unley.sa.gov.au/unley-life-      culture, food, fashion and events,
to live, work, do business and
                                         magazine                         council programs, plans and
visit. With a focus on lifestyle
                                                                          activities for children, youth and
and local people, the colourful        • Current and back issues
                                                                          older people, stories about our
publication celebrates news about        available online
                                                                          environment and heritage, local
our community and communicates
                                       • Free delivery in print to 20     sporting club announcements and
about the range of Council’s
                                         aged-care facilities across      business achievements.
services, events and programs.
                                         Unley for older residents.
                                                                          Unley Life mostly focuses on good
Unley Life is an informative and
                                       Unley Life readership              stories the community can share,
valued publication for new and
                                                                          and is a place where people
established residents, businesses      Our readers are:
                                                                          connect to discover programs
and visitors to the area. Each
                                       • mostly (75%) over 25 years       which can support them and
issue is filled with news about
                                         of age; around a quarter of      help improve their lives and
what’s happening in the Unley
                                         residents are under 24           businesses.
Council area, providing readers
with a personal connection to          • both male and female – nearly    We try to keep the amount of
their community, as well as              20% Of Unley residents are       advertising content low, so if you
an ideal vehicle for exposing            over 65 years of age             choose to place an advertisement
your brand to a vibrant, diverse                                          within Unley Life’s main pages,
                                       • culturally diverse – more than
business district, known locally as                                       you know it will stand out and be
                                         20% are born overseas
‘a city of villages’.                                                     noticed by our readers.
                                       • mostly professionally
Unley Life is published quarterly                                         You can also opt for a lower cost
                                         employed (or self-employed)
by the City of Unley at the start                                         alternative by placing an ad in
                                         medium to high income-
of every season. The magazine                                             Unley Life Classifieds.
is distributed free in limited print
                                                                          The Classifieds pages offer
editions to aged care facilities for   • tech savvy – over 84% of
                                                                          smaller spaces for full-colour ads,
our older residents, and printed         households have internet
                                                                          with the capacity for embedded
copies are available at our Civic        connections.
                                                                          weblinks (URL’s) so online readers
Centre, and in our libraries and
                                                                          can find all business details on
community centres.
                                                                          your website in one click.
The digital edition can be found
on Council’s website, and contains
extra features, with extended
stories and a Classifieds section,
which is only available to City of
Unley businesses.
Unley Life advertising rates

In Unley Life’s main pages -           In Unley Life Classifieds -              Business and community
Advertisement Sizes and Rates          Advertisement Sizes and Rates            e-newsletters
Full page $900                         Full size box                            Each advertiser in Unley Life
                                       (64mm wide X 74mm high) $90              magazine is automatically
1/3 page (horizontal) $400
                                                                                subscribed to our Unley Life
                                       Half size box
1/6 page $200                                                                   magazine, business and
                                       (64mm wide and 35mm high) $50
                                                                                community news e-newsletters.
Prices include GST. These ads
                                       Prices include GST. These ads            Subscribers can opt out by
appear in the main body of Unley
                                       appear in the Classifieds section        selecting the unsubscribe button
Life’s 24 pages, between page 7
                                       at the rear of Unley Life, and are       at the end of each email.
and page 22, and will appear in
                                       available to online readers of the
the limited print version of the                                                Contact
                                       digital version of the magazine.
                                                                                Email editor@unley.sa.gov.au
                                       This digital offer gives advertisers
Artwork files must be supplied                                                  if you wish to place an
                                       ability to embed links to websites,
print-ready, with images and                                                    advertisement or require more
                                       documents and/or promotional
graphics in high resolution at                                                  information.
                                       videos by clicking on individual
300 dpi.
                                       ads, which will take readers to          You can also speak with
Positioning of advertisements on       even more information – all at           Media and Communications
specific pages may be negotiable,      very low cost to local business          Officer Kieran Weir about your
but is ultimately at the discretion    owners.                                  advertising requirements by
and decision of the editor.                                                     calling 8372 5111.
                                       PLEASE NOTE: This offer only
                                       applies to businesses or service
                                       providers based in the City of

Unley Life schedule 20/21
Unley Life is published quarterly.
 Issue               Booking deadline          Material deadline            Distributed
 Summer 2020         9 October 2020            16 October 2020              December 2020
 Autumn 2021         15 January 2021           22 January 2021              March 2021
 Winter 2021         16 April 2021             23 April 2021                June 2021
 Spring 2021         16 July 2021              23 July 2021                 September 2021
 Summer 2021         15 October 2021           22 October 2021              December 2021
                                                     Main page advertisement specifications

        Advertisers are to supply
        advertising artwork complete to
                                                                                   Full Page
                                                                                   Trim size: 307 (depth) x 220 (width) mm
 rtisers are to supply advertising
ork complete to specifications.                                                    Text area: 287 (depth) x 200 (width) mm
will not accept   will notthat
                           accept  artwork that
                               is not                                              Bleed: 313 (depth) x 226 (width) mm
eping with isthenot in keeping
                 style           with the style of
                       of the magazine.                                                   (3 mm on all sides)
            the magazine.
dvertising design service is available                                             No crop or printers marks
quest and isAnadditional
                  advertising  design service
                           to the
 tising rates.is Photography, if required,
                 available on request   and is
 e a negotiated    extra charge.
            additional to the advertising rates.
            Photography, if required, will be
 upplied artwork should be:
            negotiated as an extra charge.
ormat, high resolution (300 dpi),                                                  1/3 Horizontal
            All supplied artwork should be:
K, print ready, with no crop marks                                                 Size: 92 (depth) x 200 (width) mm
y other printers marks. high resolution (300
            PDF format,
                                                                                   No bleed, crop or printers marks
             dpi), the
gibility of text,   CMYK,    print ready, with no
 ize must becrop
              6.5pt marks  or any other printers
                      for contact
             marks.8pt for body
 s and minimum
 Please ensure reversed text
a medium to  Forbold
                     weight.of text, the minimum
           font size must be 8pt for contact
           details and minimum 10pt for
work delivery
           body copy. Please ensure reversed
 es under 5mb       at a medium to bold
ccept delivery via email                                                           1/6 Page
            Artwork delivery                                                       Size: 92 (depth) x 97.5 (width) mm
 es larger than 5mb we prefer                                                      No bleed, crop or printers marks
ery via a fileFor  files under
                transfer        5mb in size we
              accept delivery via email to
e ‘to’ emaileditor@unley.sa.gov.au
an recommend the following
              For files larger than 5mb we prefer
ansfer services:
              delivery via a file transfer service
 .dropsend.comusing editor@unley.sa.gov.au as
              the ‘to’ email address.
n sending artwork files please
           When sending         use files
ooking number  as the
           please usesubject   line. number as
                        the booking                    Sizes are shown as depth x width in millimetres.
            the subject line.
  ork contact:
           Artwork contact:
 aximum exposure ask us about
 ing your promotional flyer into
  Life. For further details contact
Classified advertisement specifications

Advertisers are to supply
advertising artwork complete to          UNLEY LIFE
specifications.                          BUSINESS
We will not accept artwork that
is not in keeping with the style of
the magazine.                                                                   Half size box                   LE     ONL
                                                                                35 high x 64 wide
                                                                                                         EX AMP
An advertising design service                 Full size box
                                               74 high x 64 wide
is available on request and is
additional to the advertising rates.                                                                   My Coffee Shop
                                                                                                             Main Street
Photography, if required, will be                                                                     Open 7 days - 7am to 3pm
                                                                                                         Phone 0000 0000
negotiated as an extra charge.                                                                         Email coffee@coffee.com

All supplied artwork should be:           HANDY HOME REPAIRS                                           My Coffee Shop
                                                NO CALL OUT FEELY                             LY                         NLY
                                                              ON                         E ON                         E Oto
                                                                                                             Main Street
PDF format, high resolution (300                         PLE
                                                                                     L                             -L
                                                                                 AMP                            M
                                                                                                      Open 7 days    7am    3pm
                                                X A& Melectrical
                                                                                                          EXA 0000 0000
dpi), CMYK, print ready, with no
                                              EPhone    0000 0000          EX                            Phone
                                                                                                       Email coffee@coffee.com
                                           Email repairs@home.com.au
crop marks or any other printers                                         HANDY HOME REPAIRS
marks.                                                                         NO CALL OUT FEE
                                                                                  & electrical
For legibility of text, the minimum                                           Phone 0000 0000
                                                                          Email repairs@home.com.au
font size must be 8pt for contact
details and minimum 10pt for
body copy. Please ensure reversed
text is at a medium to bold
Artwork delivery
For files under 5mb in size we
accept delivery via email to
editor@unley.sa.gov.au                  UNLEY LIFE BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS
                                        ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES PHONE 8372 5111
                                        OR EMAIL EDITOR@UNLEY.SA.GOV.AU
For files larger than 5mb we prefer
delivery via a file transfer service
using editor@unley.sa.gov.au as
the ‘to’ email address.
When sending artwork files
please use the booking number as
the subject line.
Artwork contact:
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