Page created by Virgil Powell
Understanding the
National and Political Environment
September 2022

 Bill McInturff, Partner
Longer-term forces that are shaping America:

➢ Intense Partisanship

➢ Profound Generational Change

➢ COVID-19

➢ A meltdown about high prices and the cost of living

➢ Lack of Optimism about our Future

➢ National Dialogue about Racial Equity
Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index
                                                Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index Report –
                                                            Low Points by Year
 Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index
              Report                          November 1974                   59.5
                                              May 1980                        51.7
January 2020            99.8                  March 1982                      62.0
                                              January 1992                    67.5
January 2021            79.0                  July 1994                       89.0
                                              May 2006                        79.1
January 2022            67.2                  November 2008                   55.3
               Lowest MCSI Number on record   October 2010                    67.7
June 2022               50.0                  March 2014                      80.0
                                              January 2018                    95.7
This marks the FIRST time in the NBC Poll’s history with 5 tracks in a row
 in which 70%+ of voters say the country is headed off on the wrong track.
                                                                                                                                               Wrong Track August 2022
                                                                                                                                     GOP                   94%
                                                                                                                                     IND                   59%
                                                                                                                                     DEM                   59%
                                                 Nation is headed in the right direction          Nation is off on the wrong track

                                                                                                                 77%    78%    76%                                75%
                                                                               73%          74%           73%                                       72%                  74%
              70%    71%    71%    70%             69%                                71%                                                    71%           71%
67%    67%                                 67%                   68%    66%                        67%

                      1992                                 45%                                            2008                                         2021-22

                                                                        20%                                                                  22%    22%    22%           21%
18%    19%    17%                          18%                   19%                               18%
                     15%    14%    16%             16%                         15%    16%                 16%                                                     16%
                                                                                            13%                  12%    12%    11%

Jan-92 Feb-92 Apr-92 May-92 Jul-92 Aug-92 Sep-92 Oct-92 Dec-92 Jan-08 Mar-08 Apr-08 Jun-08 Jul-08 Aug-08 Sep-08 Oct-08 Oct-082 Nov-08 Dec-08 Oct-21 Jan-22 Mar-22 May-22 Aug-22

The Issue Agenda

                          Two Most Important Issues Facing the Country – by Party ID
adults                                    DEMOCRATS                                                          REPUBLICANS

34%      Jobs/economy                                       24%                                                                  43%

33%      Cost of Living                                          28%                                                       36%

27%      Threats to democracy                                                     38%                         19%

26%      Immigration/border         4%                                                                                                 49%

18%      Abortion                                                28%                                   11%

17%      Climate change                                             30%                      5%

17%      Crime                             11%                                                                   23%

                                                             25%                                  8%
16%      Guns

 3%                                  5%                                                 1%

                                                 NBC News Poll – September 2022                                                         5
Registered voters saying each is “very important” to their vote in
the 2022 congressional elections.
               Ranked by Net Difference                 March 2022                          August 2022          Net Difference
   Abortion                                                    43%                                  56%              +13%
   Gun policy                                                  54%                                  62%               +8%
   Violent crime                                               56%                                  60%               +4%
   Supreme Court appts.                                        56%                                  58%               +2%
   Health care                                                 60%                                  60%               -0-
   Climate change                                              40%                                  40%               -0-
   Issues around race & ethnicity                              35%                                  35%               -0-
   Economy                                                     78%                                  77%               -1%
   Education                                                   59%                                  58%               -1%
   Immigration                                                 49%                                  48%               -1%
   Size and scope of federal government                        43%                                  42%               -1%
   Voting policies                                             61%                                  59%               -2%
   The coronavirus outbreak                                    33%                                  28%               -5%
   Energy policy                                               59%                                  53%               -6%
   Foreign policy                                              59%                                  45%              -14%
                                          Survey of U.S. adults conducted Aug. 1-14, 2022. Pew Research Center
Single Issue Abortion Voters Top Subgroups: A total flip in the coalition
focused on this issue.
                       January 2020                                                                                                Today
         Prefer GOP          Prefer Dem                                                                   Prefer GOP          Prefer Dem
     Controlled Congress Controlled Congress                                                          Controlled Congress Controlled Congress

       57% 37%                                                                                             34% 63%
      Top Demographic Subgroups Abortion                                                                 Top Demographic Subgroups Abortion

    ✓Conservatives                                                                                  ✓Women College+
    ✓Watch Fox News                                                                                 ✓Total Democrats
    ✓Trump: Core Supporters
                                                                                                    ✓2020 Vote: Biden
    ✓Total Republicans                                                                              ✓Liberal
          Some people feel so strongly about an issue that they will vote for or against a candidate on that basis regardless of the candidate's stand on most other
         issues. I'm going to read you a list of issues and ask whether you consider any one issue so important that you would vote for or against a candidate solely   7
                             on that basis. If you do not feel strongly enough about any of the issues to determine your vote, please just say so....
NBC News tested twenty-five key issues that
define the 2022 election. The top three items
are funding the police, controlling inflation by
 reducing federal government spending, and
   expanding domestic oil and natural gas
      production to keep gas prices low.

Top Ten Candidate Issues Among Democratic Primary Voters
                                                                                                          Democratic Primary
                                            % More Likely
                                                                                                             Voter (33%)

        Lower costs for health care                                                                               95%
        Control inflation by taxing corporations                                                                  92%
        Supports Roe v. Wade                                                                                      90%
        Expanding clean energy                                                                                    88%
       Supports infrastructure legislation                                                                        87%
        Supports BLM Movement                                                                                     79%
        Canceling some student debt                                                                               76%
        Endorsed by Bernie Sanders                                                                                71%
        Allow migrants to wait in U.S. for asylum                                                                 66%
        Endorsed by Joe Biden                                                                                     63%
             Red: A top 10 item among Republican Primary Voters, Blue: A top 10 item among Democratic Primary Voters,
                      Yellow: A top 10 item among both Republican Primary Voters & Democratic Primary Voters.                  9
Top Ten Candidate Issues Among Republican Primary Voters
                                                                                                          Republican Primary
                                           % More Likely                                                     Voter (31%)

        Funding the police                                                                                        99%
        Expanding domestic oil & natural gas                                                                      94%
        Control inflation by reducing government spending                                                         90%
        Not allow K-3 to discuss sexual orientation/identity                                                      68%
        Endorsed by Trump                                                                                         66%
        Ban Congress from trading stocks                                                                          57%
        Support Ukraine                                                                                           51%
        Trump won 2020 election                                                                                   44%
        Supports overturning Roe v. Wade                                                                          41%
        Supports infrastructure legislation                                                                       40%
             Red: A top 10 item among Republican Primary Voters, Blue: A top 10 item among Democratic Primary Voters,
                      Yellow: A top 10 item among both Republican Primary Voters & Democratic Primary Voters.                  10
Top Ten Candidate Issues Among Swing Voters
                                                                                                           Wait for November
                                           %More Likely                                                     Election (32%)

        Funding the police                                                                                         77%
        Control inflation by reducing government spending                                                          72%
        Expanding domestic oil & natural gas                                                                       70%
        Lower costs for health care                                                                                70%
        Control inflation by taxing corporations                                                                   68%
        Expanding clean energy                                                                                     65%
        Supports infrastructure legislation                                                                        64%
        Supports Roe v. Wade                                                                                       53%
        Not allow K-3 to discuss sexual orientation/identity                                                       50%
        Ban Congress from trading stocks                                                                           47%
              Red: A top 10 item among Republican Primary Voters, Blue: A top 10 item among Democratic Primary Voters,
                       Yellow: A top 10 item among both Republican Primary Voters & Democratic Primary Voters.                 11
Satisfaction with the size and influence of major corporations is at its
      lowest level in a generation.
                                                          Size & Influence of Major Corporations
-0-   +3%   -9%   -23% -21% -27% -19% -26% -38% -24% -26% -27% -23% -28% -19% -30% -23% -17% -47% -48%

                                                                                                                                                                                  73% 74%
                                                                    67%                              63%
                                                                              64%                                                               64%
                61% 59% 62%     61%                                                      61% 62% 59%                                                       60% 58%
            54%             58%                                                                                                      58%
48% 50%

48% 47%
            43%                                                                                                                                                         41%
                  38% 38%                     39%                                                                                    39%                   37%
                                   35%                   35%                             35% 35% 36% 35%                                        34%
                                                                    29% 30%
                                                                                                                                                                                  26% 26%

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

                                                            Total Satisfied                   Total Dissatisfied                                                       Data from Gallup national
                                                                                                                                                                       phone surveys of adults

                      Next, I’m going to read some aspects of life in America today. For each one, please say whether you are -- very satisfied, somewhat satisfied,
                                          somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied. How about… the size and influence of major corporations                                              12
Size and Influence of Major Corporations by Party
                               Percent Satisfied
                           2020            2021     2022

                        25% 24% 21%

                        57% 31% 26%
Government Addressing Issues Affecting Retired People

    How much does the federal government do to address issues affecting the following people?
                                          Retired People

                  Does too Much                                                  6%
    Does Too Little                                                              65%
     Does about the right amount                                                 27%
                                    Pew Research Center. April 25- May 1, 2022                  14
Bill McInturff

214 North Fayette Street / Alexandria, VA 22314
       (703) 836-7655 | www.pos.org
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