Trefoil Talk June 2021 38 - News from the Trefoil Guilds - Girlguiding Shropshire

Page created by Patrick Carr
Trefoil Talk June 2021 38 - News from the Trefoil Guilds - Girlguiding Shropshire
Trefoil Talk
                         June 2021 38
                         News from the Trefoil

Mid Shropshire Trefoil

                                   Mid Shropshire
                                   members have been very
                                   artistic this year. In
                                   March they had a zoom
                                   meeting with a
                                   demonstration on
                                                                                                                          The lifting of
                                   making paper flowers.
                                   Their results were
                                                                                                                          meant we
                                                                                                                          could meet
                                   April saw us decorating
                                                                                                                          outside in
                                   either a blown or whole
                                                                                                                          May. The
                                   egg using natural dyes.
                                   Some were more
                                   intricate than others but
                                                                                                                          members took
                                   very colourful all the
                                                                                                                          part in Morris
                                                                                                                          dancing and
                                                                                                                          afterwards we
                                                               all toasted marshmallows on a fire pit. It was one of those glorious

Trefoil Talk June 2021 38 - News from the Trefoil Guilds - Girlguiding Shropshire
Oswestry Trefoil

                                                                          Since February we have still be meeting on Zoom once a month on our
                                                                          normal meeting day and fortunately all members do Zoom which has
                                                                          been great.
                                                                          One of our newer members has produced a quiz which has kept us busy
                                                                          over a few months (there were an awful lot of questions!). Sara joined
                                                                          us after attending county Thinking Day celebrations in 2020 and has
                                                                          now started us on a Memory Book for the guild which will include the
                                                                          guilds history together with a little of each members guiding
                                                                          history/memories. Should be fun and interesting especially when we
                                                                          can all sit and look at it together.
                                                                          When allowed we have had ‘rule of six’ outdoor meetings which have
                                                                          proved quite popular and on the first Thursday of June we all met for a
                                                                          social distance outdoor meeting in our local park. Nine of our eleven
                                                                          members were able to attend and Muriel was able to join us too.
                                                                          We are now looking forward to the time when we can all meet indoors
                                                                          together using the Guildhall in Oswestry as our base. Until then we will
                                                                          continue to meet outdoors where and whenever possible.

Newport Trefoil
We had a ‘cuppa’ gathering as friends at Mere Park early in June. There
were 3 tables between 14 of us plus Muriel. We were in the open sided
marquee on a really lovely Summer day and nearly 2 hours just zipped
We all felt quite buoyed up to be seeing one another at last and are
hoping to meet again at the end of the month.
We didn’t take photos as we were all too busy catching up with each
others’ news!

Trefoil Talk June 2021 38 - News from the Trefoil Guilds - Girlguiding Shropshire
the glass and shaker! Other members of the group bought pre-mixed or
Shrewsbury Trefoil                                                         made do with their current home supply. We then all joined a zoom
We managed our first meeting in a                                          call, to watch and giggle at each other making cocktails and have a
long time in April in the garden of                                        good old chat!
one of our members, Yvonne. Only                                           In March we hand a virtual cheese and wine night and this went down
6 and social distancing despite the                                        very well! We all choose our favourite cheese and wine and had a great
shower earlier in the morning.                                             catch up!
Coffee and cake!                                                           April and May - we met for a drink at the armoury in April and made
                                                                           our plans for may - we played a giant game of Cluedo around Shrews-
Hoping to meet up regularly now                                            bury town and went for some drinks after as Zoe our treasurer was get-
outside.                                                                   ting married the weekend after so we had a mini ‘hen do’
                                                                           All in all, it has been lovely trying to stay in contact but we will organ-
                                                                           ise our programme for the rest of the year - paddle boarding has been

                                                                           Shropshire East Trefoil
                                                                                                                                          In March
                                                                                                                                          we talked
                                                                                                                                          about a
                                                                                                                                          We all
                                                                                                                                          we valued
Shrewsbury Social Trefoil Guild                                                                                                           and shared
Although we been unable to meet for events and activities. The Shrews-                                                                    it with
bury Social Trefoil Guild decided that it was about time they started                                                                     everyone
meetings back up even if it would only be virtual. Starting in January                                                                    on Zoom.
with an online escape room. If you haven't tried one of these they are a
great team builder.
                                                                           In April there was a quiz night on Zoom. We learned a new skill as we
Then in February, we had a virtual Cocktail Night! Most of the guild       went into breakout rooms in our teams to answer the questions. Both
ordered their cocktail sets from Sipandco, who we can highly recom-        teams did very well.
mend. They send you everything you need for making cocktails except

Trefoil Talk June 2021 38 - News from the Trefoil Guilds - Girlguiding Shropshire
An afternoon in June, Shropshire East Trefoil assisted one of our mem-
On an evening in May, we had our     bers host a Garden Tea Party to raise money for the Macmillan nurses.
first meeting outside together.      (This was to replace the September coffee morning which had to be
Some family and friends also         cancelled.) It was a warm, sunny afternoon in a lovely setting.The tea
joined us. For two hours, we         party and donations have so far raised £552!
followed the clues in a Treasure     We then had our June meeting, outside in Joanne’s garden, in the
Trail which took us up and around    evening. We started with admin and then tried out some outdoor activi-
Ironbridge. It was very similar to   ties and games. Good weather again!
Cluedo and at the end, we found
who had done it and the weapon
they used. We would definitely
recommend anyone trying it. A
bonus was the warm, sunny

                                     Whitchurch Trefoil

                                     Whitchurch Trefoil Guild would like to register their thanks to county for
                                     the 2020 set up funding - a great help to a new Guild with the constraints
                                     of Covid etc.
                                     I am happy to report that latterly members of Whitchurch Trefoil Guild
                                     have informally gathered within the restrictions in members gardens /
                                     local park or been for walks etc. We are all looking forward to a face to
Trefoil Talk June 2021 38 - News from the Trefoil Guilds - Girlguiding Shropshire
face meet up for ALL the members which will be a first since the first       Ludlow Trefoil
Lockdown - this is planned for 17th / 18th June in our local park ( with     In June, two Ladies from Ludlow Trefoil and three from South
the shelter of the bandstand if needed), we will aim to resurrect our 2020   Shropshire Trefoil visited Llandudno. Having booked our hotel in 2020,
programme which “hardly happened”.                                           to attend the AGM in Llandudno, which was then cancelled, we decided
                                                                             to keep our bookings and go to Llandudno in 2021.
Sadly, a couple of members are experiencing health issues, but the
guild members have rallied round in the true spirit of Girlguiding,                                                         It was a lovely 4 days
helping out with shopping / hospital taxis etc despite the challenging                                                      away. We watched the
times we have experienced - once a Guide always a Guide!                                                                    virtual AGM in the
                                                                                                                            lounge of the hotel,
At the June meeting we looked at ideas for future meetings. Here our                                                        wearing our Trefoil
some of the ideas -:                                                                                                        scarfs and took the open
Walk from Smallbrook Road to Grindley Brook, Qi Gong,                                                                       top bus for a tour around
The Art Shack in Shrewsbury, The Shropshire Lady                                                                            the area, stopping off at
from Lyneal Wharf, Gin Tasting, British Ironworks, Oswestry,                                                                Conway. We also visited
Northern Ballet. We shall look forward to seeing these meetings in                                                          The Smallest House in
future Trefoil Talks.                                                                                                       Great Britain. On
                                                                                                                            Sunday morning
                                                                             (Fathers Day) at breakfast we enjoyed a glass of Presecco, thanks
                                                                             to Ruth's husband, Raymond.

Trefoil Talk June 2021 38 - News from the Trefoil Guilds - Girlguiding Shropshire
Other News
                                                                         Singing Circle The singing circle’s first live outdoor meeting since

Our June
meeting was
held at The
Food Centre,
just outside
Ludlow. We                                                               The County Singing Circle has continued to meet during the year.
were joined                                                              Email Barbara Peart for zoom details.
by ladies
from South                                                               Trefoil chat happens every Thursday on zoom – you can dip in and out
Shropshire                                                               of this – it is very informal Meeting ID: 816 0792 9604   Passcode:
Guild. Again,
                                                                         301430 or contact
the weather
was kind to
us, so we
were able to sit outside to enjoy our lunch. We were joined by Muriel,
our County Commissioner, who is planning to visit all units.

Trefoil Talk June 2021 38 - News from the Trefoil Guilds - Girlguiding Shropshire
Thank you for all the photos and information about Shropshire Trefoil
Guilds. It has been the best ever. It’s good to see we are meeting again in
person. I have not put other news in as Muriel is sending that out in her
newsletter and this Trefoil Talk is quite long!!!!

Facebook page ;

Midlands Trefoil Facebook :

Midlands region

There is a Facebook page for the Stars challenge. Write in Trefoil Guild
STARS. It is a closed group so you need your membership number.

Please send any information and/or photos to Mandy McCartney

Trefoil Talk June 2021 38 - News from the Trefoil Guilds - Girlguiding Shropshire Trefoil Talk June 2021 38 - News from the Trefoil Guilds - Girlguiding Shropshire Trefoil Talk June 2021 38 - News from the Trefoil Guilds - Girlguiding Shropshire
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