Travel Trailer Owner's Manual - Model Year 2008 - Jayco

Page created by Jeanette Lang
Travel Trailer Owner's Manual - Model Year 2008 - Jayco
Model Year 2008

      Travel Trailer
     Owner’s Manual

Travel Trailer Owner's Manual - Model Year 2008 - Jayco
I WARNING:  Read all instructions in this manual and component
  manufacturer supplied information before using your RV.
This manual has been provided by Jayco, Inc. for the sole purpose of providing instructions
concerning the operation and maintenance of this vehicle and its components. Nothing in
this manual creates any warranty, either expressed or implied. The only warranty offered by
Jayco, Inc. is as set forth in the limited warranty applicable to this vehicle.
The owner’s failure to provide required service and/or maintenance could result in the loss
of warranty. The owner should review Jayco’s limited warranty and the limited warranties
that apply to specific components that are offered with this vehicle.
Instructions are included in the manual for operating various components which are
optional on some vehicles. In addition, the owner should refer to individual manufacturer’s
operating instructions contained in the owner’s packet.

©2007 Jayco, Inc. LITHO USA               01/08**08-1                    Part #0181367.2008
Travel Trailer Owner's Manual - Model Year 2008 - Jayco

WARRANTY & SERVICE                                               TOWING & HANDLING
 ABOUT THIS MANUAL .................................1             BREAKAWAY SWITCH ...............................26
 CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP/ADDRESS FORM ..5                             DRIVING & ALCOHOL................................26
 CUSTOMER RELATIONS ..............................3               EMERGENCY STOPPING ...........................30
 CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITY ......................2                  EMERGENCY TOWING ..............................30
 DEALER RESPONSIBILITY ...........................2               FIFTH WHEEL HITCHING PROCEDURE .......28
 JAYCO CUSTOMER FIRST EMERGENCY                                   FIFTH WHEEL LANDING GEAR ..................28
   ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE ..........................6                RV DRIVING SCHOOLS & SEMINARS .........26
 JAYPLUS™ EXTENDED SERVICE                                        SAFETY CHAINS.......................................26
   CONTRACT .............................................4        STABILIZER JACKS ...................................27
 MANUFACTURING PROCESS .......................2                   TOWING ..................................................28
   REPAIR ...................................................6    WIRE HARNESS/CONNECTOR PLUG .........27
 OBTAINING SERVICE AT JAYCO ..................7
 OBTAINING SERVICE FOR SEPARATELY                                RV TIRES
   WARRANTED ITEMS.................................7              CHANGING THE TIRE ................................32
 REPLACEMENT PARTS ...............................7               SPARE TIRE CARRIER (IF SO EQUIPPED) ..31
 REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS ...................1                    VINYL TIRE COVER (IF SO EQUIPPED) ......31
 SAFETY ALERTS ........................................1          WHEEL LUGS...........................................32
 THE GOODIE BAG ......................................1          ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS
 THE JAYCO TRAVEL CLUB ..........................4                120-VOLT AC SYSTEM .............................35
 TOWABLE LIMITED WARRANTY ...................8                    120-VOLT CIRCUIT BREAKERS..................36
 UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION ......4                          12-VOLT DC OUTLET (IF SO EQUIPPED) ...40
                                                                  12-VOLT DC SYSTEM...............................38
OCCUPANT SAFETY                                                   12-VOLT FUSE PANEL ..............................39
 CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM .....................14                    30 AMP POWER CORD .............................36
 EMERGENCY EGRESS WINDOW ................12                       AUXILIARY BATTERY (CUSTOMER
 EMERGENCY WEATHER PLANNING ...........11                           SUPPLIED)............................................38
 FIRE EXTINGUISHER .................................12            BATTERY ISOLATOR FOR YOUR TOW
 FIRE SAFETY ...........................................12          VEHICLE (CUSTOMER SUPPLIED)...........39
 FUEL SAFETY ..........................................16         CALCULATING ELECTRICAL LOAD .............38
 PROPANE ALARM .....................................15            CONVERTER ............................................37
 SMOKE ALARM.........................................13           ELECTRICAL SYSTEM PRECAUTIONS ........35
                                                                  GFCI RECEPTACLE OUTLET ....................37
PRE-TRAVEL INFORMATION                                            IN CASE OF AN ELECTRICAL FIRE ............35
 FIRST SHORT TRIP ...................................22
 HITCH (CUSTOMER SUPPLIED) .................18                   PLUMBING SYSTEM
 HITCH HEIGHT & HITCH BALL ...................19                  12-VOLT WATER PUMP & SWITCH (IF
 LOADING YOUR RV ..................................20               SO EQUIPPED)......................................43
 RV BRAKE SYSTEM .................................20              BATHROOM SHOWER OR TUB...................45
 SWAY CONTROL (CUSTOMER SUPPLIED) ..19                            BLACK & GREY TANK DRAINS ..................49
 TOW VEHICLE ..........................................17         BLACK/GREY WATER HOLDING TANKS .....49
   EXPLAINED ...........................................17          SO EQUIPPED)......................................48
 VEHICLE LABELS ......................................17          DRAINING THE FRESH WATER SYSTEM ....46
 WEIGHING YOUR TOW VEHICLE & RV.......21                          FAUCETS .................................................45
 WEIGHT DISTRIBUTING SYSTEM                                       FRESH WATER CONNECTIONS .................42
   (CUSTOMER SUPPLIED).........................20                 FRESH WATER HOLDING TANK .................42
 WEIGHT LABELS ......................................18           MONITOR PANEL......................................41
                                                                  OUTSIDE SHOWER (IF SO EQUIPPED).......44
                                                                  SANITIZING THE PLUMBING SYSTEM .........47

Travel Trailer Owner's Manual - Model Year 2008 - Jayco

PLUMBING SYSTEM, CONT.                                              REFRIGERATOR ....................................... 72
 THE FRESH WATER SYSTEM ....................41                      SETTING UP YOUR CAMPISTE .................. 68
 TOILET ....................................................50      TELEVISION ROOF ANTENNA .................... 71
 WATER HEATER ......................................43              THERMOSTAT .......................................... 75
 WATER PRESSURE REGULATOR                                           TV ANTENNA & CABLE TV ....................... 71
   (CUSTOMER SUPPLIED) ........................43                   TV POWER SUPPLY ................................. 71
   SO EQUIPPED)......................................46           STORAGE & MAINTENANCE
 WINTERIZING THE PLUMBING SYSTEM ......47                          ABS PLASTICS ........................................ 79
                                                                   BATHROOM TUB, LAVATORY SINK ............ 79
PROPANE SYSTEM                                                     BEDSPREADS .......................................... 80
 CALCULATING PROPANE USAGE ...............57                       CARPETING ............................................. 80
 DOT PROPANE CYLINDER........................52                    COUNTERTOPS (HIGH PRESSURE
 HOSES, PIPES, TUBES & FITTINGS ...........56                        LAMINATE)............................................ 80
 HOW TO LEAK TEST THE PROPANE                                      CUSHIONS/BED MATS .............................. 80
   SYSTEM ...............................................52        DOORS & LOCKS ..................................... 81
 INSTALLING PROPANE CYLINDERS ............54                       E-Z LUBE AXLE ....................................... 81
 PROPANE REGULATOR.............................56                  FIBERGLASS SIDEWALLS .......................... 81
 PROPANE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .............51                        FORMALDEHYDE ...................................... 79
 TRAVELING WITH PROPANE .....................57                    FURNITURE ............................................. 80
 USING THE PROPANE SYSTEM .................56                      HARDWARE & SINK OR SHOWER
                                                                     FIXTURES ............................................. 79
TENT CARE – EXP                                                    MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST ....................... 84
 SEASONING THE NEW TENT .....................59                    PANELING ............................................... 80
 SETTING UP THE FRONT & REAR BEDS                                  REAR BUMPER ........................................ 82
   (EXP MODELS ONLY) ...........................59                 RUBBER ROOF ........................................ 81
 TENT MAINTENANCE ................................61               SEALANTS ............................................... 82
                                                                   SHOWER CURTAIN LINER ......................... 79
SLIDEOUT SYSTEM .....................................63            STONE GUARD (IF APPLICABLE) ............... 81
                                                                   STORAGE CHECKLIST .............................. 83
CAMPING & OPERATING                                                TOILET .................................................... 79
 AIR CONDITIONER (IF SO EQUIPPED)........75                        TRAILER FRAME ...................................... 81
 ATTIC FAN (IF SO EQUIPPED) ...................75                  VINYL FLOOR .......................................... 80
 BBQ GRILL (IF SO EQUIPPED)..................74                    WINDOW TREATMENTS ............................ 80
 BBQ GRILL PREP ....................................74
 CONDENSATION .......................................68            APPROXIMATE ELECTRICAL LOAD
 COOKING WITH PROPANE ........................72                     RATINGS .............................................. 90
 DEPARTING CAMP CHECKLIST ..................76                     CIRCUIT BREAKERS ................................. 89
 DUCTING & RETURN AIR ..........................75                 DC FUSE PANEL LAYOUT ......................... 89
 ENTRANCE DOOR WITH SCREEN DOOR ....69                             GLOSSARY OF TERMS .............................. 91
 EXTENDED DRY CAMPING ........................67                   OEM LIST ............................................... 87
 FURANCE ................................................76        OEM WHEEL LUG TORQUE CHART .......... 88
 HEATED BED MATS (IF SO EQUIPPED)......70                          PROPANE CONSUMPTION CHART ............. 89
 IN CASE OF A GREASE FIRE ....................73
 J-STEEL™ SOFA (IF SO EQUIPPED) .........71                       ADDENDUM(S) ........................................... 95
 KEYS .......................................................69
 KITCHEN RANGE & OVEN .........................73
 LIGHTS ....................................................70
 MICROWAVE (IF SO EQUIPPED) ................74

Travel Trailer Owner's Manual - Model Year 2008 - Jayco
                                                                    WARRANTY & SERVICE

Congratulations!  Thank you for selecting a        labels affixed to your RV and in this manual.
Jayco RV. We are excited to welcome you to         Please call your dealer or Jayco Customer
our growing RV family. Jayco is the largest        Service if you are unsure how to proceed.
privately held manufacturer of recreation          Always use the appropriate safety gear when
vehicles in the world. We are committed to         servicing or maintaining your RV.
being the most respected name in RVs. We                   This is the safety alert symbol. It is
invite you to drop by our Visitors Center                  used to alert you to potential personal
located in Middlebury, Indiana. To book a                  injury hazards. Obey all safety
group tour or check our scheduled factory          messages that follow this symbol to avoid
tour times (free admission, closed holidays)       possible injury or death.
please call 1-800-RV-JAYCO.

This manual is a guide to the operation and         This indicates an imminently hazardous
maintenance of your RV. Jayco RVs are               situation which, if not avoided, will result in
available in several sizes and models, so           death or serious injury.
accessories and components may differ.
Some equipment described in this manual
may not apply to your RV. If you find the
components vary significantly from what is          This indicates a potentially hazardous
described, contact your dealer to ensure you        situation which, if not avoided, will result in
have the correct information. Nothing in this       death or serious injury.
manual creates any warranty, either
expressed or implied, nor does it cover every
possible detail of equipment, standard or
option, installed on or in your RV.
                                                    This indicates a potentially hazardous
Information, illustrations and specifications in
                                                    situation which, if not avoided, will result in
this manual reflect the most current available
                                                    minor or moderate injury.
at the time of publication approval, are subject
to change and not intended to indicate actual

THE GOODIE BAG                                      This indicates a potentially hazardous
                                                    situation which, if not avoided, may result
The Goodie Bag contains original equipment          in property damage.
manufacturer (OEM) operator manuals,
warranty cards and/or registrations. It is
important you complete and mail the warranty       REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS
cards and registrations within the prescribed
                                                   In the United States
time limits to avoid loss of warranty coverage.
                                                   If you believe that your RV has an alleged
This manual and the Goodie Bag should be
                                                   defect that could cause a crash or cause
considered a permanent part of the RV. If the
                                                   injury or death, you should immediately inform
RV is sold, they should remain with the RV for
                                                   the National Highway Traffic Safety
the next owner.
                                                   Administration (NHTSA) and Jayco.
SAFETY ALERTS                                      If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may
                                                   open an investigation, and if it finds that a
Your safety, and the safety of others, is very     safety defect exists in a group of vehicles it
important. To help you make informed               may order a recall and remedy campaign.
decisions, we have provided operating              However, NHTSA cannot become involved in
procedures and other information on safety         individual problems between you, your dealer


or Jayco. For additional information, please    This recreation vehicle is not intended for use
refer   to   the    NHTSA      website    at    as a full-time residence or for commercial use.                               Commercial use means using the RV as a
                                                business asset such as a mobile office or
To contact NHTSA by phone:
                                                using the RV for lease or rental purposes.
Call the Department of Transportation (DOT)
Vehicle Safety Hotline at 1-888- 327-4236       Jayco reserves the right to discontinue or
and a NHTSA representative will record your     change specifications or design at any time
complaint information (TTY: 1-800-424-9153      without notice and without incurring any
or 1-202-484-5238).                             obligation whatsoever. RV’s built for sale in
                                                Canada may differ to conform to Canadian
To contact NHTSA by mail:
U.S. Department of Transportation
National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration                                  CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITY
Office of Defects Investigation NVS-211         It is important you read and understand the
400 7th Street SW                               information in this manual and your Goodie
Washington, DC 20590                            Bag before using your RV.
In Canada                                       Familiarize yourself with the applicable
If you believe your RV has an alleged safety    warranties. You are responsible for ensuring
defect, you should contact Transport Canada     the procedures for obtaining warranty repair
and Jayco. Transport Canada prefers to be       are followed properly. It is your responsibility
called instead of posted mail or email as it    and obligation to return your RV to your
enables their investigators to confirm that     dealer for warranty service repair.
your information is correct, and to answer      As the owner of the RV, you are responsible
your questions accurately. For additional       for regular and proper maintenance
information, please refer to the Transport      performed in accordance with this manual
Canada website at                 and the OEM manuals. Regular and proper
To contact Transport Canada by phone:           maintenance will help prevent conditions
Call 1-800-333-0510 (or 1-613-993-9851 if       arising from neglect that are not covered by
you are calling from the Ottawa region) and     warranty.
ask to speak to a defect investigator.          As with your other personal belongings, it is
To contact Transport Canada by mail:            important to protect yourself and others with
Road Safety and Motor Vehicle                   insurance coverage. Your insurance agent
Regulation Directorate                          can assist you in obtaining the appropriate
Transport Canada                                insurance coverage for personal liability, theft,
Tower C, Place de Ville                         collision, property damage, etc.
330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N5                         DEALER RESPONSIBILITY
MANUFACTURING PROCESS                           At the time of sale of the new RV, your dealer
                                                is expected to:
           Jayco recreation vehicles are        ‰   Deliver your RV in the best condition
           manufactured      for    use    as       possible. Your RV must pass the dealer’s
           temporary living quarters for            pre-delivery inspection (PDI), including all
           recreation, camping and travel           systems tests.
           uses, all as defined by the bylaws
           of the Recreation Vehicle Industry   ‰   Provide orientation of the RV, its systems,
Association (RVIA).                                 components and operation.

                                                                   WARRANTY & SERVICE

‰   Request that you read all warranty            history to the dealer’s service manager. Keep
    information and explain any provision not     a maintenance log of your RV service history.
    clearly understood.                           This can often provide a clue to the current
‰   Ensure you receive the Goodie Bag. Your
    dealer can assist you in completing the       Be reasonable with your requests… If you
    OEM warranty cards or registrations, and      leave a list with several items and you need
    locate any required component model or        your RV returned back by a specific time,
    serial numbers.                               discuss the situation with the dealer’s service
                                                  management and list your items in order of
‰   Complete and return the “Warranty
                                                  priority. This may include making a second
    Registration and Customer Delivery Form”
                                                  appointment for work not completed or parts
    to Jayco within 10 days of delivery to
                                                  that the dealer may need to order.
    activate the applicable warranty coverage.
                                                  Don’t expect to look over the technician’s
The Towable Limited Warranty is activated
                                                  shoulder… Please do not be offended if you
only after Jayco receives a signed and dated
                                                  are told you cannot watch the work being
“Warranty Registration and Customer Delivery
                                                  done. Some insurance requirements forbid
Form” from your dealer. If it has been more
                                                  admission of customers to the service area.
than 60 days since the purchase of your new
RV and you have not received a confirmation       Inspect the work performed… Finally, check
letter from Jayco, please contact Jayco           out the service or repair job when you pick up
Customer Service.                                 your RV. Notify the dealer’s service
                                                  management          immediately     of     any
SUGGESTIONS                                       dissatisfaction. If you cannot return your RV
                                                  immediately for repair, make an appointment
FOR OBTAINING SERVICE                             as soon as possible.
The independent dealers authorized to sell        Please be aware that all repair businesses
Jayco RVs are also there to provide service       require notification of any issues with their
after the sale. We work closely with them in      repairs within a specified time limit. Make sure
an effort to keep you satisfied. To help ensure   you are familiar with your dealer or RV repair
your dealer provides the level of service you     center’s repair policies.
expect, here are some suggestions we would
like to make:
                                                  CUSTOMER RELATIONS
Contact your dealer at once… Do not wait
until you are ready to use your RV. Your          Jayco, has empowered its dealers to make
dealer may not be able to service it              warranty and repair decisions. If a special
immediately and/or the repair may require         circumstance occurs that requires information
parts be ordered. The dealer’s service            from Jayco, we have asked your dealer’s
department is busiest on Mondays, Fridays         service management to make the contact on
and before the holidays.                          your behalf. This is why you should always
                                                  talk to your dealer’s service management
Prepare for the appointment… If you are           first.
having warranty work performed, be sure to
have the right papers with you. Take your         Most issues arise from misunderstandings
warranty folder and have your vehicle             about warranty or service needs. We
information available. Not all the work to be     recognize that, on some occasions, you will
performed may be covered by the warranty;         not be totally satisfied with a dealer’s decision
discuss additional charges with the dealer’s      or actions. If this is the case, you should write
service management.                               or call Jayco Customer Service. Our hours
                                                  are Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Prepare a list… Provide your dealer with a        EST (closed holidays).
written list of specific repairs needed. It is
important that you provide any vehicle repair


Please provide the following information:         UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION
‰   Your name, location and phone number.         Help keep your contact information current so
‰   Your RV 17-digit vehicle identification       that, in the event of a recall or customer
    number (VIN).                                 notification letter, you are notified. Please
                                                  copy and mail your completed “Change of
‰   Your date of purchase.
                                                  Address or Ownership, Stolen, Totaled or
‰   The name of your selling dealer.              Destroyed” form to Jayco.
    o    If different from above, the contact     If you purchased your RV as “used,” include
         information for the RV repair facility   proof of ownership (i.e., a copy of your bill of
         you are contacting Jayco to discuss.     sale, insurance policy, etc.).
‰   A detailed description of the concern.
                                                  THE JAYCO TRAVEL CLUB
‰   If applicable, the component description,
    serial number and model number.               All owners of Jayco RVs are
                                                  eligible for membership in the
Mailing address          Shipping address         Jayco Travel Club. The club
Jayco, Inc.              Jayco, Inc.              promotes family camping and
Customer Service         Customer Service         the active use of your RV
P.O. Box 460             100 Bontrager Drive      with others who have similar
903 S. Main Street       Bldg 42 Door 4220        interests in the RV lifestyle.
Middlebury IN 46540      Middlebury IN 46540
                                                  One "International Rally" is held each year in
Phone (toll-free)        (800) 283-8267           various locations around the United States
Phone (local)            (574) 825-0608           and Canada. In addition, the club offers a
Fax (toll-free)          (866) 709-9139           variety of local and regional activities
                                                  throughout the year.
Brochure request
Parts email              By belonging to the Jayco Travel Club, you
Service email          will find new ways to enjoy your RV and make
Website                    friends all across the country. For more
                                                  information please visit,
An important note                                 or call 1-800-262-5178.
about alterations and warranties
Installations or alterations to the original      JAYPLUS™
equipment vehicle as distributed by Jayco are
not covered by the Towable Limited Warranty.
                                                  EXTENDED SERVICE CONTRACT
The special body company, assembler,              Don’t let unexpected
equipment installer or upfitter is solely         repair costs keep you
responsible for warranties on the body or         from traveling toward
equipment and any alterations (or any effect      your dreams.
of the alterations) to any of the parts,
components, systems or assemblies installed       Protect yourself with a JayPlus™ Extended
by Jayco. Jayco is not responsible for the        Service Agreement. For more information,
safety or quality of design features, materials   contact your dealer or call 1-800-527-3426.
or workmanship of any alterations by such         Your dealer can help you obtain a JayPlus™
suppliers.                                        insurance quote from GMAC Insurance or call
                                                  1-877-484-2261 (Savings Code: GL 2A).

                                                                                                   WARRANTY & SERVICE

                                                                    Notice of:            CHANGE OF ADDRESS
                                                                                          CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP
                                                         Check applicable block(s):       TOTALED               DESTROYED

Federal record keeping laws require that we maintain a file of owners of our RVs. This form must be completed by the RV owner
in the case of change of address, stolen or destroyed RV, and by the RV purchaser in the case of change of ownership.
Thankȱyou! Your cooperation in mailing a copy of this completed form to Jayco is appreciated.

  1    Vehicle Identification Number/Serial Number
  2    Owner Name
  3    Former Street Address
  4    Former City                                           ST/PR                    ZIP Code/Postal Code
  5    Former Country                                        Former Phone Number
  6    New Street Address
  7    New City                                              ST/PR                    ZIP Code/Postal Code
  8    New Country                                           New Phone Number
  9    Your Date of Purchase                                 Owner Email
10     Current Vehicle Mileage (motorized only)

  1    Vehicle Identification Number/Serial Number
  2    Seller Name
  3    Seller Street Address
  4    Seller City                                           ST/PR                    ZIP Code/Postal Code
  5    Seller Country                                        Seller Phone Number
  6    Seller Date of Purchase                               Seller Email
  7    Buyer Name
  8    Buyer Street Address
  9    Buyer City                                            ST/PR                    ZIP Code/Postal Code
10     Buyer Country                                         Buyer Phone Number
11     Buyer Date of Purchase                                Buyer Email
12     Current Vehicle Mileage (motorized only)

  1    Vehicle Identification Number/Serial Number
  2    Owner Name
  3    Owner Street Address
  4    Owner City                                            ST/PR                    ZIP Code/Postal Code
  5    Owner Country                                         Owner Phone Number
  6    Owner email


       DATE                             SIGNATURE OF OWNER                                        SIGNATURE OF CO-OWNER

PLEASE MAIL OR FAX YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO:                      Jayco, Inc
                                                                Customer Service
                                                                P.O. Box 460
                                                                Middlebury IN 46540
                                                                Fax: (800) 825-7876

JAYCO CUSTOMER FIRST                                 b. Have the RV repair facility inspect
                                                        your RV. Either they or you must call
EMERGENCY ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE                           Jayco Customer Service to discuss
Jayco has teamed up with Coach-Net to offer             applicable warranty coverage prior to
24/7 motorist assistance. We are offering this          any repair work being performed.
free of charge for the first year of ownership       c. Jayco Customer Service will issue an
(certain restrictions apply*). You may continue         authorization number upon warranty
your emergency roadside assistance benefits             repair approval and advise if any
in the following years by contacting Coach-             original parts need to be returned.
Net to discuss terms and rates for this
independently continued coverage.                    d. Once Jayco Customer Service has
                                                        issued an authorization number, the
For details on accessing your emergency                 RV repair facility may begin actual
roadside assistance benefits, please refer to           repair to your RV.
your Member Benefit Guide that is sent out 6-
8 weeks after your completed “Warranty               e. Inspect the completed repair work
Registration and Customer Delivery Form” is             thoroughly. If you are not satisfied,
received by Jayco, or contact Coach-Net                 communicate that immediately to the
( at 1-877-801-0333.                  RV repair facility management. Make
                                                        sure you are satisfied with the repair
*To qualify for coverage, your RV must be               before you pay or leave the premises.
eligible as set forth under the terms of the
Towable Limited Warranty.                            f.   For reimbursement, either you or the
                                                          RV repair facility must send a copy of
                                                          your itemized repair bill and all
OBTAINING                                                 requested return parts by UPS
EMERGENCY WARRANTY REPAIR                                 (regular ground, freight pre-paid)
A roadside emergency can happen at any                    within 60 days of the completed repair
time, whether your RV is new or old. If you               date.
are traveling, using the following guidelines     To expedite processing your warranty claim,
can help get you back on the road faster.         include your name, address, phone number,
1. Call 1-800-RV-JAYCO or use our website         RV 17-digit VIN and authorization number. If
   dealer locator to find an authorized Jayco     returning parts, include a copy of your return
   dealer in your area. Contact them for an       freight bill.
   appointment; they will handle all warranty
   repair billing and returned parts for you.     Obtaining weekend or
                                                  after business hours repair assistance
2. If you cannot locate an authorized Jayco       If an authorized Jayco dealer is not located
   dealer near you, ask the campground staff      nearby, contact your selling dealer for
   for referrals or check the local telephone     assistance. If your dealer is closed, check
   yellow pages. Or contact Jayco Customer        with the campground staff or telephone yellow
   Service or your selling dealer for             pages for an RV repair facility. Have the item
   assistance in locating a repair facility.      repaired and contact Jayco Customer Service
    a. Contact the RV repair facility to          immediately the following business day.
       discuss your situation and make an         Failure to contact Jayco Customer Service,
       appointment. Ask how their billing will    unauthorized or improper warranty repairs, or
       be handled. They may choose to bill        failure to return requested original parts may
       Jayco directly; otherwise, you are         result in loss of reimbursements and/or loss of
       expected to pay them.                      warranty.

                                                                    WARRANTY & SERVICE

OBTAINING SERVICE FOR                               *Jayco Customer Service occasionally utilizes
                                                    local independent repair facilities. Your RV
SEPARATELY WARRANTED ITEMS                          may be referred to or repaired by one of these
Your selling dealer is responsible for servicing    local repair facilities.
your RV before delivery, and has an interest
in    your    continued     satisfaction.    We     REPLACEMENT PARTS
recommend      your     dealer    perform     all
inspection, warranty and maintenance                Parts for Jayco RVs are distributed
services. Some dealers may be authorized            exclusively by authorized Jayco dealers.
service centers for those OEMs whose                Jayco does not sell parts retail direct or to
products are warranted separately and               non-authorized dealers. If an original part is
excluded from the Towable Limited                   no longer available, Jayco will try to provide
Warranty.                                           an appropriate substitute.

Should your RV be in need of service, and
your dealer recommend that the repairs be
made at the Jayco Factory Service Center,
your RV may be returned to us with the
following guidelines*:
‰   You or your dealer must make a
    confirmed appointment a minimum of 60
    days prior to dropping off your RV at the
    Jayco Factory Service Center.
‰   The holding tanks must be emptied and
    rinsed. We have a dumping station
    available for customer use.
‰   The propane system and all electrical
    systems must be shut down and turned
    off. We are not responsible for discharged
    batteries or propane tanks.
‰   During the appropriate season, please
    ensure your RV is winterized.
‰   Unless prior approval has been obtained
    from the Jayco Factory Service Center, all
    personal items must be removed from the
    area where you are requesting service
    repair and the refrigerator emptied. We
    are not responsible for loss of food items.
‰   You are responsible for all transportation
    costs. You may need to arrange for
    alternative accommodations for some
    types of repairs. Please be prepared




                                                                    OCCUPANT SAFETY

Camping is a great way to enjoy the outdoors      Familiarize yourself with the following
with your family and friends. By following the    weather terms:
proper precautions and planning, you can
                                                  Warning - Indicates that a particular
help insure a safe, enjoyable and trouble-free
                                                  weather hazard is either imminent or has
trip. We encourage you to develop a family
                                                  been reported. A warning indicates the
safety plan in case of an emergency or
                                                  need to take action to protect life and
severe weather condition, and practice it with
                                                  property. Move to a safe location
your entire family, especially children.
                                                  immediately. The type of hazard is
‰   Ask an out-of-state relative or friend to     reflected in the type of warning (i.e.,
    serve as the "family contact." Make sure      tornado warning, blizzard warning, etc.).
    everyone knows the name, address,
                                                  Watch - Indicates a particular hazard is
    phone number and email of the contact
                                                  possible and that conditions are more
                                                  favorable than usual for its occurrence. A
‰   Draw a floor plan of your RV and find two     watch is a recommendation for planning,
    ways to exit. There should be one way to      preparation and increased awareness (i.e.,
    get out of your RV without opening the        to be alert for changing weather, listen for
    door.                                         further information and think about what to
‰   Teach everyone what the RV safety alarm       do if the danger materializes).
    signals mean and how to be prepared to
    leave the RV by themselves if necessary.     EMERGENCY WEATHER PLANNING
‰   Teach how to check doors and not to          One of the more serious conditions you need
    open the them if the doors are hot. Also     to take into account when camping is that of
    teach everyone to stay low to try to avoid   the weather, which is subject to change with
    breathing smoke, fumes or gases.             little or no warning. Earthquakes, hail,
‰   In case family members are separated         flooding,    hurricanes,  wintry    weather,
    from one another, have a plan for getting    tornadoes — these and other extreme
    back together. Decide on a meeting place     weather conditions can threaten your safety
    a safe distance from your RV and make        and damage your tow vehicle or RV.
    sure everyone understands to wait there.     Local radio and TV stations normally
‰   Make sure everyone knows where to go to      broadcast weather conditions and warnings
    call the fire department or 911 from         as they occur. Research other methods of
    outside the RV.                              learning about severe weather conditions and
                                                 how to deal with them. You may want to
‰   Conduct safety drills at least every six     consider investing in a weather radio.
    months to make sure everyone, including      Weather radios offer 24 hour-a-day VHF
    guests, knows what to do to escape           broadcasts of weather observations and
    safely. Practice evacuating the RV           forecasts directly from the US National
    blindfolded; in a real fire situation, the   Weather Service. The frequencies used by
    amount of smoke generated may make it        the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric
    impossible to see.                           Administration (NOAA) weather radio stations
‰   Consult your local fire department for       are 162.400, 162.425, 162.450, 162.475,
    additional safety precautions.               162.500, 162.525 or 162.550 megahertz or
                                                 visit their website at
Pets may not be allowed into shelters for
health and space reasons. Prepare an             Repairing severe weather damage
emergency plan for pets that includes at least   If your tow vehicle or RV becomes an unlucky
a 3-day supply of dry food and a large           victim of severe weather damage, you will
container of water. The survival of a beloved    most likely need repair work. Call your
pet or valuable livestock will often depend on   insurance company as soon as you can to
the plans that its owner has made in advance.    report your claim.


                                                    back and forth, shielding their face from the
                                                    fire with their hands, if their clothes catch fire.

 During severe weather conditions move              Learn and teach safe fire practices. Build
 indoors to a place of safety or shelter as         campfires away from nearby trees or bushes.
 directed by the campground or appropriate          Maintain at least a three-foot clear area free
 authorities. Avoid trees or power lines that       of leaves, dry grass, pine needles, etc.,
 could fall on your vehicle. The safest place       around grills, campfires and/or tents.
 during severe weather conditions is inside         Supervise children at all times when
 a basement or storm shelter, not an RV or          campfires are burning or grills are in use.
 tow vehicle.                                       Always have a way to extinguish the campfire
                                                    quickly and completely. Never leave a fire —
Be aware of the heat index if camping during        even a cigarette — burning unattended.
hot weather. Keep yourself hydrated, and try        Teach family members how to use the fire
to stay indoors in an air-conditioned area          extinguisher and replace it as recommended.
during a high heat index warning.                   Do not store combustible materials in closed
                                                    areas or near a heat source. Do not attempt
EMERGENCY EGRESS WINDOW                             to use water to put out a grease fire. Water
                                                    can spread some types of fire and create an
The emergency egress window is designed to          electrocution hazard during an electrical fire.
allow quick exit from the RV during an
emergency if access to the main entrance            Always call the Fire Department, no matter
door is not available. Practice opening the         how small the fire. However, be aware that if
egress window before an emergency occurs,           a fire threatens your RV, you should not place
and make sure all occupants know how to             the call to your emergency services from
operate it.                                         inside the RV. It is better to get out first and
                                                    place the call from somewhere else.
When pulling into your campsite, make sure
your egress is not blocked by trees or other        More information on fire fighting can be found
obstacles. Verify the area below the window         at the National Fire Protection Association
is over solid ground that can be used as an         website (
escape path. Do not remove the following            If you feel a fire was caused by product
label from your RV:                                 failure, contact Jayco Customer Service at 1-
                                                    800-283-8267 for approval before you clean
                                                    any debris, enter, move or repair your RV
                                                    (failure to notify Jayco may result in loss of

                                                    FIRE EXTINGUISHER
                                                    A portable fire extinguisher can save lives and
                                                    property by putting out a small fire or
                                                    containing it until the fire department arrives;
                                                    but portable extinguishers have limitations. It
Fig. 2.1 Emergency egress window label              is important to recognize when to leave the
                                                    RV. Because fire grows and spreads so
FIRE SAFETY                                         rapidly, the number one priority is to get out
                                                    safely. The Underwriter Laboratories (UL)
At best, a fire in your RV can delay or ruin a      classify household fire extinguishers into four
vacation; at worst, it can mean injury, financial   types:
loss, and even death. If a fire starts, execute
your family safety plan. Make sure everyone
knows to stop, drop to the ground and roll

                                                                         OCCUPANT SAFETY

Rating      Intended use                             department to find out what your local laws
Type A      For use on fires involving combustible   stipulate before disposing of your used (non-
            materials such as wood, cloth and        refillable) factory-installed dry chemical fire
            paper.                                   extinguisher.
Type B      For use on flammable liquid fires,
            including kitchen grease. Never use      SMOKE ALARM
            water on this type of fire!
Type C   For use in fires involving energized        Three of the most common fire safety issues
         electrical equipment.                       are smoking in bed, leaving children
Type ABC Works on all three types of fires listed    unattended and cleaning with flammable
         above.                                      fluids. There is no way to guarantee against
                                                     injury or loss of life in a fire; however, the
The factory-installed dry chemical fire              smoke alarm is intended to help reduce those
extinguisher, suitable for extinguishing small       risks. Individuals with medical problems, or
fires of the Class B and Class C type, is            who are hard of hearing, should consider
located near the entry door.                         using warning devices that provide both
Operation                                            audible and visual signals.
                                                     Proper use and care of your smoke alarm
                                                     may save your life. Smoke alarms can only
                                                     work if they are properly located, installed,
 Avoid inhaling the dry chemical agent in            operational and maintained and if smoke
 the fire extinguisher. It is not toxic, but may     reaches them. They are not foolproof. Do not
 cause skin irritation. In case of contact,          remove the following label from your RV:
 flush the affected area with clean, cool
 water. If irritation persists, contact a
 physician immediately.

Keep your back to a clear exit when you use
the fire extinguisher so you can make an easy
escape if the fire cannot be controlled. If the
room fills with smoke, leave immediately.
Know when to leave. Fire extinguishers are
one element of a fire response plan, but the
primary element is safe escape.
                                                     Fig. 2.2 Smoke alarm label
There are different types and sizes of fire
extinguishers, but for the most part they all        Operation
work the same way. To operate a fire                 The factory-installed ceiling mounted smoke
extinguisher, remember the word PASS.                alarm is operational once the 9-volt battery is
                                                     correctly connected. The LED will flash to
Pull the pin. Hold the extinguisher with the         show the battery is supplying power to the
 nozzle pointing away from you, and release          alarm. When the product of combustion is
 the locking mechanism.                              sensed, the smoke alarm sounds a loud
Aim low. Point the extinguisher at the base of       alarm that continues until the air is cleared.
 the fire.                                           How to test
Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly.                 Stand at arm's length from the smoke alarm
                                                     when testing. The alarm horn is loud and may
Sweep the nozzle from side-to-side until the         be harmful to your hearing. The test button
 fire is out.                                        will accurately test all functions. Never use an
Disposal                                             open flame from a match or lighter to test the
Contact your local fire department, sanitation       smoke alarm; you may ignite and set fire to
department or environmental protection               the smoke alarm and your RV. If the smoke


alarm does not test properly, replace it          The CO alarm is designed to detect the toxic
immediately.                                      carbon monoxide fumes that result from
                                                  incomplete combustion, such as those
                                                  emitted from appliances, furnaces, fireplaces
The smoke alarm will not function if the
                                                  and auto exhaust. A CO alarm is NOT A
battery is missing, disconnected, dead, the
                                                  SUBSTITUTE for other combustible gas, fire
wrong type of battery is used or the battery is
                                                  or smoke alarms.
installed incorrectly. When the battery
becomes weak, the smoke alarm will "beep"         There are hazards against which carbon
(the low battery warning). If the low battery     monoxide detection may not be effective,
warning sounds, the battery MUST be               such as natural gas leaks or explosions.
replaced. Never disconnect the battery to         Individuals with medical problems, or who are
silence the smoke alarm.                          hard of hearing, should consider using
                                                  warning devices that provide both audible and
CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM                             visual signals.
                                                  What you should do if the alarm sounds

 If you are in a RV with either a nearby tow
 vehicle engine running or the generator (if       Actuation of this alarm may indicate the
 so equipped) running there is a potential         presence of carbon monoxide that can
 for exhaust fumes to filter back into the RV.     KILL YOU. This alarm will only indicate the
 Avoid inhaling exhaust gases as they              presence of carbon monoxide gas at the
 contain carbon monoxide, which is a               sensor. Carbon monoxide gas may be
 potentially toxic gas that is colorless and       present in other areas.
                                                  The CO alarm will automatically sense when
Carbon monoxide (CO) is an insidious poison.      the level of carbon monoxide in the air
It is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas.    reaches dangerous levels. You should stay
Many cases of reported carbon monoxide            outside the RV in fresh air until the CO alarm
poisoning indicate while victims are aware        is silenced. When the CO alarm sounds, do
they are not well, they become so disoriented     not stand too close to it. The sound produced
they are unable to save themselves by either      by the CO alarm is loud because it is
exiting the RV or calling for assistance. Young   designed to wake a person in an emergency.
children and household pets may be the first      Prolonged exposure to the CO alarm at a
affected.                                         close distance may be harmful to your
 The following symptoms are related to            1. Operate the RESET/SILENCE button.
 carbon monoxide poisoning and should be
 discussed with all members of the                2. Immediately move to fresh air (outdoors or
 household:                                          by an open door or window) and execute
                                                     your family safety plan.
 Mild exposure - Slight headache, nausea,
 vomiting, fatigue (often described as "flu-      3. Do not re-enter the premises. If you are
 like" symptoms).                                    unable to exit the premises do not move
                                                     away from the open door or window until
 Medium exposure - Throbbing headaches,              the emergency service responders have
 drowsiness, confusion, fast heart rate.             arrived, the premises have been aired out
 Extreme    exposure    -   Convulsions,             and your CO alarm remains in its normal
 unconsciousness, heart and lung failure.            condition.
 Exposure to carbon monoxide can cause            If your CO alarm reactivates within a 24-hour
 brain damage, death.                             period, repeat steps 1-3 and call a qualified

                                                                       OCCUPANT SAFETY

appliance technician to investigate for
sources of carbon monoxide from fuel burning
equipment and appliances, and inspect for
proper operation of this equipment (if              If the CO alarm is not maintained and
problems are identified during this inspection,     functioning properly according to OEM
have the CO alarm replaced immediately).            supplied instructions, you will not be
Note any combustion equipment not                   warned if carbon monoxide is present in
inspected by the technician. Make sure that         the air. Death or serious illness could result
any motor vehicle is not and has not been           from asphyxiation (inability to breathe) if
operating in an attached garage or adjacent         carbon monoxide is present.
to your RV.
Batteries                                          PROPANE ALARM
The CO alarm will not function if the batteries
are missing, disconnected, dead, the wrong
type of battery is used or the batteries are
installed incorrectly. When the batteries           The alarm cannot detect propane or sound
become weak, the CO alarm will "beep" (the          a warning for two minutes after it has been
low battery warning). If the low battery            turned on. The propane leak alarm is not a
warning sounds, the batteries MUST be               smoke or fire alarm. The alarm will only
replaced. Never disconnect the batteries to         indicate the presence of propane gas at
silence the CO alarm.                               the sensor. Explosive gas may be present
Testing the CO alarm                                in other areas.
Press and hold the test/reset button on the
front of the CO alarm for several seconds. If      For your safety protection, a new RV that
the CO alarm does not test properly, replace it    contains a propane gas system with propane
immediately. Do not remove the following           consuming appliances must have a propane
label from your RV:                                leak detection device. Because the chemical
                                                   composition of propane is heavier than air,
                                                   the propane alarm is located near the floor of
                                                   the RV (leaking propane tends to flow to and
                                                   pocket in low areas). A lit green LED indicates
                                                   when the factory-installed alarm is active.
                                                   Individuals with medical problems, or who are
                                                   hard of hearing, should consider using
                                                   warning devices that provide both audible and
                                                   visual signals.
Fig. 2.3 CO alarm testing label                    This alarm is designed to sense the presence
                                                   of propane gas; however, there are other
                                                   combustible fumes or vapors that may be
The CO alarm is pre-calibrated at the OEM
                                                   detected by the sensor including (but not
factory and requires no maintenance other
                                                   limited to) acetone, alcohol, butane and
than to clean the outside casing occasionally
                                                   gasoline. These chemicals can be found in
with a cloth. Ensure that the holes on the front
                                                   commonly used items such as deodorants,
of the CO alarm are not blocked with dirt and
                                                   colognes, perfumes, adhesives, lacquer,
                                                   kerosene, glues, wine, liquor, most cleaning
                                                   agents and the propellants of aerosol cans.
                                                   High temperatures can activate glue and
                                                   adhesive vapors. If you close up your RV on a
                                                   hot day, the chemicals used in its construction
                                                   may be detected for months after the vehicle
                                                   was constructed (see Formaldehyde).


If the alarm sounds                               drawing a small amount of 12-volt current;
1. Turn off all propane gas appliances (i.e.,     although this current draw is slight, it could
     stove, water heater, furnace, etc.).         drain your auxiliary battery during extended
                                                  storage periods. If the auxiliary battery
2. Open all windows and roof vents and
                                                  becomes extremely drained, the LED light on
   execute your family safety plan.
                                                  the face of the alarm will not light or the alarm
3. Turn OFF the propane tank valve.               may begin to sound on its own. This condition
4. Do not touch any electrical switch or use      is not likely to occur except during storage
   any phone or radio in the RV.                  situations.

5. Do not start any vehicle engine or             FUEL SAFETY
                                                  For your protection and others, it is critical to
6. Determine and repair the source of the         understand the danger associated with fuel.
   leak.                                          Take time to become educated about the
                                                  property of fuel and use it safely. If you spill
7. Do not re-enter the RV until the problem is
                                                  fuel on the RV, clean it up immediately. Fuel
                                                  can dull or soften paint and damage other
If the propane alarm keeps sounding at            surfaces. Use care when fueling your RV.
regular intervals, a propane leak may be
present. Contact your dealer or propane gas
service to have the problem corrected before
using the propane system again.                    Automotive fuels can cause serious injury
Testing the propane leak alarm                     or death if misused or mishandled. If you
If the propane alarm does not test properly,       have further questions, consult your dealer
replace it immediately. Do not remove the          or Jayco Customer Service for assistance.
following label from your RV:                      ‰   Always shut OFF the tow vehicle
                                                       engine while refueling.
                                                   ‰   Do not bring or store fuel or other
                                                       flammable liquids inside the RV
                                                       because a fire or explosion may result.
                                                   ‰   Before refueling, extinguish all smoking
                                                       materials and any open flames.
                                                   ‰   Before refueling, always turn OFF all
Fig. 2.4 Propane alarm testing label                   spark producing appliances (i.e., water
                                                       heaters, furnaces, etc.).
Battery or converter power source
                                                   ‰   Do not overfill the fuel tank(s). The
                                                       pressure in an overfilled fuel tank may
                                                       cause leakage and lead to fuel spray
 The propane alarm should never be                     and/or fire.
 disabled because of nuisance or low               ‰   Fuel spills represent a serious fire
 battery alarms. If the auxiliary battery cable        hazard, and should be cleaned up
 is disconnected, and other 12-volt power is           immediately.
 not available, the propane alarm will not
 work and you will not be warned if leaking        ‰   Never restart an engine or re-light any
 propane is present.                                   pilot lights while raw fuel is present.
                                                   FAILURE TO COMPLY COULD RESULT
The propane alarm is powered by 12-volt DC         IN FIRE, DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY.
through the converter or from an auxiliary
battery. This propane alarm is continuously

                                                                PRE-TRAVEL INFORMATION

To  help ensure your traveling enjoyment, call        VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER
ahead for tourist information in each area that       (VIN) EXPLAINED
you will be visiting or traveling through. To help
eliminate frustration, make sure you obtain the       The 17-digit VIN is the legal identification of
most current road maps. Research and make             the completed RV and provides information
sure there are no federal, state or local             unique to your camper. It is located on an
regulations that may prohibit you from fully          exterior frame cross member (usually on the
enjoying your camping adventure.                      third or fourth cross member under the
                                                      camper, forward of the bumper).
‰    Arrange for someone to check your house
     periodically while you are away. Stop mail
     or newspaper delivery.
‰    If you intend to be away for more then two
     weeks, you may want to consider
     requesting police surveillance for your
‰    Carry an extra set of vehicle and house
     keys with you on a separate key ring.
‰    Be sure to renew your license if it has
     expired, or will expire during your trip.
If you are planning to visit other countries,
contact the consulate nearest the point at which
you plan to enter that country for the specific
and most current information (including rules for
re-entering the United States).
                                                      Fig. 3.1 VIN example
Always carry your vehicle registration,
insurance policy card(s) and warranty                 A serial number is needed whenever
registration.                                         making an appointment or ordering
                                                      replacement parts from your dealer. The
TOW VEHICLE                                           serial number is the last 8-digits of the VIN
                                                      (in the example shown, the serial number is
If you plan to tow your RV with a tow vehicle         81J70060).
you already own, contact your automotive
dealer to find out your vehicle towing capacity.      VEHICLE LABELS
If you plan to purchase a new tow vehicle, be
certain to tell your automotive dealer the            Decals and data plates used throughout the
GVWR, size and type of RV that you will be            RV aid in its safe and efficient operation;
towing (some tow vehicles can be purchased            others give service instructions. Read all
with an optional tow package). As a minimum           decals, data and instruction plates before
requirement, the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating          operating your RV. If any decal, data or
(GVWR) of your RV must not exceed your tow            instruction plate is painted over, damaged
vehicle’s towing rating.                              or removed, it should be replaced.
Some automotive manufacturers publish                 Keep a record of the 17-digit vehicle
brochures that discuss towing considerations.         identification number (VIN) and your license
Ask your automotive dealer how to obtain a            number in the event theft or vandalism
copy of this information. If applicable, verify if    requires you to supply this information to the
the brochure ratings are listed “with” or “without”   authorities.
an optional tow package.


WEIGHT LABELS                                     You may question the total weight capacity
                                                  of the tires on your RV being less than the
                                                  GVWR; this is correct. In order to calculate
                                                  the actual weight on the RV tires, it is
                                                  necessary to include the tongue weight. The
 The factory-installed weight labels are          tongue weight is actually being carried by
 specific to the recreation vehicle for which     your tow vehicle, not the RV tires.
 they    are    supplied    and    are    not
 interchangeable.                                    For example: If the tires are rated at
                                                     2,000 lbs. each x 4 tires = 8,000 lbs.
                                                     and the RV has a GVWR of 9,000
Vehicle weight labels are posted on Jayco            lbs. with a tongue weight of 1,200
manufactured RVs so you can make an                  lbs. The actual weight on the RV
informed decision before your purchase. Do not       tires is 7,800 lbs. which is within the
remove these labels from your RV. If the labels      weight rating of the tires.
are missing, contact your dealer or Jayco
Customer Service for replacements.                If you have further questions, please contact
                                                  your dealer or Jayco Customer Service.

                                                  HITCH (CUSTOMER SUPPLIED)

Fig. 3.2 Tire and Loading Information
                                                   Using an oversized or undersized hitch
                                                   can cause damage to the RV frame. Jayco
                                                   cannot be responsible for the tow vehicle
                                                   suspension system. The final ball height
                                                   after the tow vehicle/travel trailer
                                                   combination is completely hooked up is a
                                                   factor that must be considered. To avoid
                                                   overloading your trailer axles and minimize
Fig. 3.3 Federal Certification label               possible handling difficulties, your trailer
                                                   should be level when hooked to your tow
                                                   vehicle. Do not overload your tow vehicle.

                                                  Hitch selection is important because it
                                                  affects    the     towing   and     handling
                                                  characteristics of your RV. There are many
                                                  kinds of hitches available for various uses
                                                  and assuring that you have the correct hitch
                                                  installed is critical to a safe towing
                                                  Ask your dealer about the proper class and
                                                  type of hitch you need to purchase for your
                                                  individual tow vehicle/RV combination (a
                                                  travel trailer requires a frame mounted hitch;
                                                  a fifth wheel requires a pin box hitch bolted
                                                  directly to the floor of the truck box through
                                                  the frame). Fifth wheels have a factory-
                                                  installed standard pin box that is not
Fig 3.4 Trailer Weight Information label

                                                                  PRE-TRAVEL INFORMATION

The hitch manufacturer assigns a hitch class          stability and levelness of a hooked up RV.
rating based on the capacity that hitch has for       Make certain your Dealer is aware of the
towing and a weight classification. The weight        tow vehicle you are using so a compatible
classification is determined from the hitch’s         hookup is achieved. Depending on the
weight carrying capacity (also known as the           model, your required travel trailer hitch ball
tongue weight on a travel trailer). Before            diameter is either 2” or 2-5/16” (consult your
selecting a hitch, you must know your GVWR            dealer for assistance).
and tongue weight or pin box rating.
                                                      There is no recommended hitch height for
Maintain the proper tongue weight of the trailer.     fifth-wheel travel trailers; usually the fifth
Stay within the target range of 10%-15% of the        wheel pin box is adjustable for variance in
overall gross weight (travel trailer weight plus      trucks and truck suspension systems.
contents). Fifth-wheels typically maintain 25%
of their overall gross weight (trailer weight and     SWAY CONTROL
contents) on the hitch.
                                                      (CUSTOMER SUPPLIED)
Equipment that sometimes gives autos, trucks
and sport utility vehicles a softer ride can
accentuate swaying when pulling a RV;
conversely, suspension that is too stiff will
                                                          A sway control device (customer supplied)
increase vibration, bounce and accelerate wear
                                                          should be used with your tow vehicle/travel
of your tow vehicle and trailer. Educate yourself
                                                          trailer combination. Consult with your
to protect you, your family and other motorists.
                                                          Dealer to obtain the proper equipment for
The rating of the hitch package purchased                 your needs.
should be equal to or greater than the RV’s
GVWR and the hitch weight (or pin box                 Sway control devices are available to
rating).                                              reduce the sway produced by crosswinds,
                                                      air displacement caused by other vehicles
                                                      passing you in transit, incorrect weight
                                                      distribution, excessive speed, the RV tires
                  To determine the hitch height       dropping onto the shoulder of the road, etc.
                  for your model, make sure           You will also want to discuss this purchase
                  that the trailer is level. When     with your Dealer.
                  the loaded RV is hitched to         The use of a sway control device will help to
                  the tow vehicle, check the          control the side-to-side movement and keep
                  hitch ball height. This can be      sway in check.
determined by measuring the distance from the
center of the hitch ball to the ground. Record        Suggestions for sway situations:
this number in the box for future reference.          ‰    Slowly ease       your   foot   off   the
Adjust the equalizing bars of the hitch assembly           accelerator.
so that the tow vehicle and the trailer are           ‰    Turn the steering wheel as little as
essentially level. A high hitch will transfer              possible. Natural lag time reaction when
weight behind the axles and cause the vehicle              counter-steering to correct sway could
to fishtail. A low hitch will transfer additional          possibly make it worse.
weight to the hitch. Refer to the hitch
manufacturer instructions to adjust the weight-       ‰    If the trailer is equipped with electric
distributing hitch to the proper height.                   brakes, using the hand control will help
                                                           to keep the vehicles aligned.
If you have additional questions, consult with
your dealer. Jayco cannot be responsible for          ‰    As soon as possible, stop to determine
the suspension system of any tow vehicle.                  the cause of the sway. Check all
There are a variety of tow vehicle suspension              equipment and load distribution. If the
systems available that will affect the ball height,        problem cannot be solved immediately,

You can also read