+ Transfiguration Sunday + - February 27, 2022 - North Park ...
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FEBRUARY 27, 2022 + TRANSFIGURATION SUNDAY + PRELUDE Variations on “Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now” arr. Greg Sewell Brian Ward, Organ WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Jeff Hunter and Libby Piotrowski INTROIT Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (267, verse 1) Chancel Choir Ensemble, Dominic German, Director * CALL TO WORSHIP from Psalm 99 A tremor runs through the whole earth when confronted with the great and majestic power of God. We praise God’s great and holy name. God’s love for the world is revealed in acts of justice and righteousness. We bow down before God’s holy presence. God heard and answered the cries of Moses and Aaron and Samuel, who experienced God’s righteousness as both judgment and grace. God’s word of judgment and grace comes to us still, not in a pillar of cloud, but through the person of Jesus Christ. We praise God for the Word made flesh present among us, full of grace and truth. Amen. * OPENING HYMN 317 Beautiful Savior! * INVOCATION AND THE LORD’S PRAYER 887 (Using sins) * PASSING OF THE PEACE The Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you. READING OF THE SCRIPTURES Ella Reese-Clauson, Reader Old Testament Reading Exodus 34:29-35 New Testament Reading 2 Corinthians 3:12 - 4:2 * Gospel Reading Luke 9:28-36 The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. * Sung Response 509 and 510 Holy Ground WORD FOR THE CHILDREN
CHORAL ANTHEM Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies Keith Bissell MESSAGE Libby Piotrowski * CONGREGATIONAL SONG Your Glory Leslie Jordan 2011 Integrity’s Praise! Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing (Integrity Music, David C. Cook)) Led by Linnea Applequist, Maja Applequist, Jeanette Mottl, and Brian Ward PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE GIVING OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS Invitation to Generosity Offertory A Joyful Alleluia Cynthia Dobrinski Chancel Handbell Choir, Carol Olfelt, Director * Doxology 48 * Prayer of Dedication * CLOSING HYMN 195 Shine, Jesus, Shine * RESPONSIVE BENEDICTION written by Nathan Nettleton Go now, and speak of what you have seen of God’s glory. Do not cling to the holy moments when heaven overshadows you, but as the Lord lives, listen to Christ and follow him from the places of revelation to the places of mission. And may God shine the light of glory into your hearts. May Christ be with you and never leave you. And may the Spirit renew the image of God within you. We go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Amen. POSTLUDE To God Be the Glory William Doane * Please rise, in body or in spirit.
Your Glory My life is yours. My hope is in You on - ly. 5 My heart You hold. 'cause You made this sin - ner ho - ly. 9 Ho - - ly Ho - - ly. Your 13 glo - ry is so beau - ti - ful. I fall on - to my knees in awe 16 and the heart - beat of my life is to wor - ship in Your light Your 19 glo - ry is so beau - ti - ful Your glo - ry is so beau - ti - ful. 23 Glo - ry, glo - ry, Hal - le - lu - jah! Je - sus, You are good. CCLI # 5881068 David Leonard and Leslie Jordan
Permission to print and podcast/stream the music in this service partially obtained from CCLI with License #2875232. Permission to print and podcast/stream the music in this service partially obtained from One License with license #A-730954. Permission to reprint and stream hymns copyrighted by Covenant Publication obtained from the Evangelical Covenant Church. All rights reserved.
Welcome to North Park Covenant Church online! We’re glad you’re here. For your prayers this week: the ongoing crisis in Ukraine; Sandy Edstrom, anticipating surgery on her left knee on March 4; Andrea Kersten, recently installed as Chief Administrator of the Civilian Office of Police Accountability; Ruthanne Werner’s sister, Debbie Lovain Gustafson, diagnosed with a recurrence of breast cancer; Tom Kelly, recuper- ating following a TIA; Dick and Valerie Lucco, as Dick continues on hospice care at home; Weekly Neighborhood Roderick Smith, managing retinal degeneration and seeing improvement in his sight; Chuck Prayer Wiberg, at home and doing well following time in rehab; Rosemary Slaughter, experiencing Thank you for participating with us in discomfort from carpal tunnel syndrome; Tim “Heartwalking the Neighborhood” for Johnson’s brother, Darryl, recuperating at home the past two years. As the body of Christ, following deep brain-stimulation surgery we are called to pray for those in our communities and neighborhoods, so we Join us on Wednesday, March 2, at 7 pm for an want to continue, but with a somewhat Ash Wednesday service, either in person or via different approach. In 2022, NPCC will livestream at live.npcovenant.org. be praying for different groups of people in our neighborhood each week, and we We will hold a brief congregational meeting invite you to participate with us. on Sunday, March 6, immediately following This week, we pray for COVID-related worship. The Executive Council and the Trustees cares in our neighborhood. are bringing two items for consideration: 1) the names of those who will serve on the 2022 Nomi- nating Committee to recruit and nominate our incoming church leaders, and 2) a proposal to contract with BTL Architects, Inc., for work to design and coordinate repairs to the sanctuary east wall. Please join us in making these important decisions! On Sunday, March 6, we will be setting up the steps of a Holy Week Journey on our grounds. The purpose is to give us direction to contemplate the love of Jesus as we “walk” with him through the last week of his life on earth. It is designed for all ages. Come journey anytime during Lent. Invite your neighbors, too. Beginning Sunday, March 6, we will hold five Lenten worship services on Sunday evenings at 6 pm in the south chapel. We invite you to join us as we begin our journey to the cross. We will hold a New Member Meeting on April 30, from 9 am to 12 pm. If you are interested in becoming a member of North Park Covenant Church, or if you simply want to know more about the church as a starting point to potential membership, please reach out to Pastor Libby or Pastor Jeff.
Peterson School Tutoring will begin again soon. Lots of elementary age kids could use an extra boost with their schooling right about now, so please consider becoming a tutor. Tutoring meets on Mondays from 4 to 5:30 pm in the church parlors. Please contact Ruthanne Werner at wnw716@aol.com or 847-673-5398 for more information. Did you know that Illinois is one of about a dozen states in the country to have abolished parole? Please mark your calendars and join other members of the congregation on Wednesday, March 23, at 7 pm (via Zoom) for a town hall discussion relating to our prison ministries, and to discuss in particular the absence of parole in the State of Illinois and how to elevate the voices of marginalized groups to effect meaningful policy change as part of our Christian response. We are honored to feature Michelle Clifton-Soderstrom (Dean of Faculty and Professor of Theology & Ethics, North Park University), and Katrina Baugh (Campaign Strategy Coordinator at Parole Illinois) in conversation about these issues, with time for audience questions and interactive discussion. Sponsored by the Board of Community Concern. A Zoom link will be circulated closer to the time of the event. Click here for suggested advance reading. The text for today’s choral anthem is as follows: Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies Keith Bissell Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Christ, the true, the only Light, Sun of righteousness, arise, Triumph o’er the shades of night; Dayspring from on high be near; Daystar, in my heart appear.
The Church Calendar This Week The calendar is available online at www.npcovenant.org/calendar and is updated as changes occur. Monday, February 28 9 am Monday Morning Women’s Bible Study (via Zoom) 10:30 am Staff Meeting (Staff Conference Room) 12:30 pm NPCCP Picture Day (Gym) 6:30 pm Geezerball (Gym) Tuesday, March 1 8 am Men’s Bible Study (Large Conference Room & via Zoom) 9 am NPCCP Picture Day (Gym) 4:15 pm Chicago Children’s Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 6 pm Cudahy Basketball (Gym) Wednesday, March 2 5:30 pm Journaling through Lent (TBD) 7 pm Middle-school Youth Group (Middle-school Youth Room) 7 pm Ash Wednesday Worship Service (Sanctuary) Thursday, March 3 4:15 pm Chicago Children’s Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary, Parlors) 6:30 pm Chancel Handbell Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary Side Balcony) 7:30 pm LTAC Basketball Practice (Gym) Friday, March 4 5 pm George Soccer Practice (Gym) Saturday, March 5 8 am Geezerball (Gym) 10:30 am Cudahy Basketball (Gym) 12 pm Chicago Children’s Choir Ice Cream Social (Parlors) Sunday, March 6 - First Sunday in Lent 9 am Intergenerational Sunday School (Parlors) 10:30 am Worship (Sanctuary) 11:45 am Congregational Meeting (Sanctuary/Zoom) 6 pm Lenten Worship Service (South Chapel) 7 pm High-school Youth Group (The Attic Youth Room) 7 pm AA Meeting (Parlors) We welcome all people to begin or deepen their relationship with Christ through worship and study. We invite all believers to fully participate in the life and ministry of our church as members, leaders, and lay staff. We celebrate the gifts and presence of diverse Christians among us—whether those differences be race, ethnicity, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, or socioeconomic status. We are blessed by our diversity and are unified in Christ.
North Park Covenant North Park Church Church Staff Cooperative Preschool Jeff Hunter, Co-pastor Libby Piotrowski, Co-pastor Becky Edwards, jhunter@npcovenant.org lpiotrowski@npcovenant.org Administrative Director ext. 525 ext. 515 Lyndsey Wellner, To reach both Jeff and Libby, please use Head Teacher/Educational Director copastors@npcovenant.org or ext. 510. Jennifer Glazier, Christine Olfelt, Minister of Christian Formation Assistant Teacher christineolfelt@npcovenant.org, ext 545 (773) 463-0055, ext. 520 Alison Kuglin, Interim Director of Young Adult Ministry preschool@npcovenant.org akuglin@npcovenant.org www.npcovenant.org/npccp Jeanette Mottl, Interim Director of High-school Ministry jmottl@npcovenant.org The Friendship Center 2711 West Lawrence Avenue Amanda Stenstrom, Interim Director of Middle-school Ministry Chicago, Illinois 60625 astenstrom@npcovenant.org Justin Block, Abel Rangel Espinosa, High-school Ministry Intern Executive Director arangel@npcovenant.org Greta Bailey, Isaly Soto, Middle-school Ministry Intern Finance & Communications isoto@npcovenant.org Coordinator Brian Ward, Music Ministry Coordinator/Organist (773) 907-6338 bward@npcovenant.org npfc@friendshipcenterchicago.org Dominic German, Chancel Choir Director www.friendshipcenterchicago.org dgerman@npcovenant.org Missionaries We Support Carol Olfelt, Chancel Handbell Choir Director Paul and Sheryl Noren, Congo colfelt@npcovenant.org James and Rachel Ventress, Alaska Fran Fostey, Bookkeeper operations@npcovenant.org, ext. 505 Eugenio and Pia Restrepo, Latin America Ann-Marie O. Frisk, Church Administrator afrisk@npcovenant.org, ext. 500 Peter and Anna Kim, East Asia Christian Schuetz, Custodian John and Letha Kerl, cschuetz@npcovenant.org Field Representatives for Europe 5250 North Christiana Avenue • Chicago, Illinois 60625 npcc@npcovenant.org • (773) 463-0055 • www.npcovenant.org
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