Respect, Responsibility & Personal Best - Greta Public School

Page created by Steve Fischer
Respect, Responsibility & Personal Best - Greta Public School
 Responsibility                            2a Wyndham Street Greta NSW 2334
      &                                    Email
 Personal Best                             Fax 4938 7230 Phone 4938 7331
                                                COURAGE AND LOYALTY
Term 1 Week 6                                                                    7 March 2019

Community BBQ
On Tuesday afternoon we held our community
barbeque for all families to attend and informally
chat with their child’s class teacher/s. Teachers had
prepared an informative brochure for their families
which included lots of information about the coming
school year, as well as classroom routines and
expectations. It was lovely to watch the different
interactions and speak to people about how their
child has started the new school year.
I personally found it very valuable as people
approached me to give feedback or ask questions
about different aspects of our school. It is going to
be another busy year at Greta PS, but also one that
will bring great satisfaction to us as a whole school

K-2 Classroom Highlights
Our youngest learners are immersed in a wealth of
different learning experiences this term. It is such a
delight to walk past and into their classrooms,
hearing them speak excitedly about the new learning
they are doing each day.

Kindergarten have shown their artistic skills through
a directed drawing of a piranha following their
immersion in the text Piranhas Don’t Eat Bananas.
In case you didn’t know, piranhas like to eat human
bottoms! The students enthusiastically recounted the
text for me and proudly showed their artwork.
Students in K/1 are working hard to grasp single
sounds and sight words, improve letter formation
and clap syllables in words during their daily reading
warm up. This new way of teaching and learning,
known as explicit instruction, is being rolled out in all
classrooms this term under the guidance of Miss
Hogan and Mr Cameron.

1/2B have been working on some collaborative and
cooperative problem solving, accepting the
challenge to build a tower of newspaper that can
hold a basketball. They could only use masking tape
to hold the structure together. This group discovered
that if they modelled the legs on Kayli’s plait, then
it would be quite sturdy and survive the challenge.
1/2R are thoroughly enjoying their Science and
Technology unit called 'Mixtures'. They have worked
together to combine different ingredients to make
Tim Tam balls. Through their investigation they
discovered that the condensed milk was crucial to
recipe, enabling the mixture to firm up once rolled
and put into the fridge.
We will continue to showcase classrooms in the
newsletter throughout the year.

Mrs Sharon Morris
Respect, Responsibility & Personal Best - Greta Public School
Website:                             Greta Movie Night Wrap Up   We would like to extend our gratitude to Brett Wild and the team from Cen-
        Keep up to date with         tral Hunter Business Chamber for their outstanding organisation, publicity
             happenings              and support for our school community and P&C Committee on the week-
       At our school via the :-      end. The twilight markets and movie night was a fabulous success and we
                                     warmly thank our families who joined in this community event. Once we
 Greta Public School App             know the final figure that is being donated to our P&C, we will let everyone
           Or                        know. We are looking to put this amount towards a new smartboard.
      Facebook Page
                              Huge thank you to Trunks meats singleton
          SCHOOL HOURS        I would like to send out a huge thank you to the management and staff of
     Supervision from: 8.30am Trunks Meats Singleton. Last Tuesday due to unforeseen circumstances I
       Classes Start: 9.00am  was unable to collect the sausages for our community bbq from Singleton.
      School finishes: 3.00pm Not only did they deliver these to our school they also went to Woolworths
                              Singleton and collected the bread rolls for me then delivered them also.
      ASSEMBLIES ARE HELD     I was absolutely overwhelmed with their community spirit, compassion for
     SCHOOL HALL @ 2.10PM     my circumstance and generosity of their time and effort.
                              Although at times we may think we all live a self-centred life obviously this
       Thurs 14th March       is not true as day after day we read of beautiful acts of kindness and com-
 Parliament Leaders Induction passion such as this.
        Thurs 28th March             Amanda King
         Thurs 11th April            School Admin Officer

     DATES TO REMEMBER               RTHS Gifted and Talented Class Information 2020
                                     We have received the Gifted and Talented Class Information booklets from
      Year 6 - High School           Rutherford Technology High School for Year 7 2020. The booklets contain
  Expression Of Interest Notes       what the process and timeline is for students who are interested in applying
     Sent home 11th March            for a position in this class. This process does include a placement test,
    Returned by 19th March           which is a 2 hour examination, to take place on Tuesday 6th August from
                                     9:30am. Applicants are also required to complete a portfolio for submission
     School Cross Country            on the examination date.
          22 March                   If you are interested in your child applying for one of these position, please
                                     ask for a booklet at the office.
 Stage 3 Canberra Deposits Due
          Fri 22 march               Asthma Update
                                     Each year we require asthma action plans to be updated. If you have noti-
       Zone Cross Country            fied the school that your child is an asthma suffer and have supplied an
             2 April                 asthma plan and medication could you please keep in mind that the next
                                     time you visit the doctor a new updated plan is required. This is depart-
    Stage 2 Aussie Bush Camp         ment requirement and is particularly important when attending excursions.
     Wednesday 10th April            Medication can also expire and need replacing.
       Final payment due
                               Scholastic Bookclub
Stage 2 Aussie Bush Camp Dates Scholastic Bookclub was sent home last week, if you are interested in
   2 & 3 May (Term 2 Week 1)   ordering can you please do so by Friday 15 March, via the “BOOKCLUB
                               LOOP”, instructions are below.
          P&C NEWS                   To register for the “Loop” it is as simple as logging onto “
      GENERAL MEETING                LOOP or downloading the app to your electronic device. Then:-
       Monday 18 March               1. Once you have registered or signed in if you have an existing account.
      @6pm in the staffroom          2. Click on ORDER and then select your school and your child’s class.
(This meeting will commence with
                                     Add your child’s first name and last initial (so we know who the book is for).
  the AGM followed by General
            Meeting)                            PLEASE NOTE YOUR CHILD’S DETAILS WILL NOT
                                                              BE SHARED IN ANY WAY.
                                     4. Enter the item number from your Book Club catalogue.
                                     5. All orders are sent directly to the school to be submitted to Scholastic
            8.30-9.30am              and books will be delivered to your child’s classroom
                                     6. There is no need to send in paper order forms or payment details to the
             8.30-11.00am            school

        New Stock Arriving Soon
Respect, Responsibility & Personal Best - Greta Public School
                  K                 K/1             Yr 1/2B            Yr 1/2R
               Ryan S               Zoe B             Kayli M             Freya J
               Dexter T            Blayz M          Mackenzie V          Charlie S

            Yr 3/4B             Yr 3/4R             Yr 5/6B            Yr 5/6R
               Jade S             Charlie R          Kadilee F            Angus L
              Alana H              Ben Y              Billy Mc             Lilly L
              Alyssia B           Meyah L            Harvey W             Ariella S

                                         Dojo Awards
                    K             Jade S          K/1             Maddison H
                Yr 1/2B           Kayli M         Yr 1/2R           Lorelai B
                Yr 3/4B           Talan M         Yr 3/4R          Amanda B
                Yr 5/6B         Charlotte H       Yr 5/6R            Jace E

                        Positive Behaviour Learning
  Respect                       Responsibility                      Personal Best
This fortnight we have been very successful in writing, teaching and then putting into practice
our PBL Lesson on Assemblies. We hope those family members who attended last week’s
assembly noticed the positive changes.

We have also successfully reached our next full school PBL award level and the students have
again voted to select their own reward. This time the school has selected Golden Hour - a
hour of different activities that the students can select to do.

Geckos have now changed colour to pink and to make the challenge a little tougher tey have
been through the washer and dryer and have shrunk! These are still being given out for our
desired behaviours.
This newsletter we will look at how we measure respect. We do this by asking these three
Are you cooperating?
Are you valuing people and property?
Are you showing courtesy and manners?

Mr Upcroft
PBL Communicator
Respect, Responsibility & Personal Best - Greta Public School
Cleanup Australia day
A huge thankyou to our students and staff who participated in
the 32nd annual Clean up Australia Day. Armed with gloves,
bags and great attitudes we picked up quite a bit of rubbish
both within the school grounds and around the township.
Students demonstrated Greta Public School’s Core values
and showed great enthusiasm to support this very worth-
while Australia wide event. It was nice see students and
teachers working together to make a difference to our school
and town.
Mrs Hemsworth
Respect, Responsibility & Personal Best - Greta Public School
AGM Information
Please note that the next P&C AGM will be held on Monday 18th March commencing at 6pm in the library followed
by a general meeting. The following positions will be vacated and opened for nominations:
2 x Vice President
Canteen Co-Ordinator
Assistant Canteen Co-Ordinator
Uniform Co-Ordinator
All financial members unable to attend the meeting please send in apologises. Attached is a copy of a nomination
form, please fill out and indicate if you are happy to accept nomination of one of the above positions or if you wish
to nominate someone for one of the above positions. Please hand in to the Office/Canteen by close of business
Friday 15th March.
P&C Membership
All financial membership will remain current until the close of the Annual General Meeting. Anyone wishing to
become a financial member or renew their membership can do so by paying $1 at either of the below mentioned
meeting before the AGM. Please remember everyone is welcome to attend any of the P&C meeting and to have
your say. However to vote on any raising business and make final decisions you must be a financial member.
5 Cent Challenge
We are running our 5 cent challenge for the whole year again. We will have a term prize for the class that collects
the most money in each term, and a bigger prize for the class that collects the most money over the whole year.
So start collecting all your 5 cent pieces and bring them and place them in the tins in your classroom.
Easter Raffles
We are seeking donations of Easter related items to go towards our Easter raffles. Any donations will be kindly
accepted at the canteen. The raffle will be drawn at the Easter hat parade. Your help and support in the event will
be greatly appreciated. Raffle ticket books will go out in the next few weeks.
Colour Run
Our colour run will be held on Wednesday 10th April. More details to follow in coming weeks.
Hotdog/Mufti day
Date and details to come in following weeks.
Unfortunately our Uniform Co-Ordinator will be off for a few weeks. Please fill out a uniform order form and give to
the office ladies and your order will be filled when a committee member is able to do so. Thank you for your under-
standing during this time.
Monday 18th March at 6pm in the staffroom, following the AGM. We welcome new members to come along and
join to share your ideas and skills with us. We would love to see some new and of course our familiar faces.
Children are welcome to attend.
Michelle Woodhouse
P&C President.
Price list changes
Our new price list begins from next week, this price list was attached to last fortnights newletter. The price rise is
due to increased costs.
Lunch orders
Please remind your children that they need to return to the canteen their lunch order bags to the canteen to re-
ceive any frozen items ordered for their lunch.
New and different Chill J flavours
There are some new flavours for our Chill J. These include watermelon, orange passio and lemonade. Chill J
drinks are fruit flavoured sparkling water drinks.
Water bottles
The canteen is refilling drink bottles with fresh cold water free of charge.
Our canteen is for your child so if you have a few spare moments, please come and talk about how you can help
your child’s school.
Canteen Coordinator
Respect, Responsibility & Personal Best - Greta Public School
Greta Public School P & C Association

Nomination for President……………………………………………………………………………

Nominated by …………………………………………………………………………………………..

Seconded by ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Nomination for Vice President……………………………………………………………………..

Nominated by …………………………………………………………………………………………..

Seconded by ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Nomination for Secretary…………………………………………………………………………...

Nominated by …………………………………………………………………………………………..

Seconded by ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Nomination for Treasurer……………………………………………………………………………

Nominated by …………………………………………………………………………………………..

Seconded by ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Nomination for Canteen Co-Ordinator……………………………………………………………

Nominated by …………………………………………………………………………………………..

Seconded by ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Nomination for Uniform Shop Co-Ordinator…………………………………………………….

Nominated by …………………………………………………………………………………………..

Seconded by ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Respect, Responsibility & Personal Best - Greta Public School
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       Community news
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