Remote Teaching and Learning Policy January 2021

Page created by Harvey Mueller
Remote Teaching and Learning Policy January 2021
Remote Teaching and Learning Policy
                              January 2021

     (this policy updates the Remote Teaching and Learning Plan for September 2020)

Mission statement

      •   “We are an inclusive Community school, proud to be valued citizens serving the
          borough of Rochdale.”
      •   “We provide a captivating learning experience and foster a culture of the highest
          expectations for all
      •   “We ensure every individual is challenged, motivated and inspired to be the absolute
          best they can be in all that they do.”

Equal opportunities statement

Oulder Hill’s mission statement makes it clear that “We are an inclusive Community school, proud
to be valued citizens serving the borough of Rochdale.” As such we are committed to advancing
equality and promoting respect for difference and diversity through our values, policies and
behaviours. We will have due regard for the clauses laid out in the Equalities Act 2010 and the
guidance issued by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission in our actions to:
    1. Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation
    2. Advance equality of opportunity
    3. Foster good relations through tackling prejudice and promoting understanding
The Equalities Act 2010 specifies 9 protected characteristics that are protected by the provisions
within the act. It is unlawful for a school to discriminate against a pupil or prospective pupil by
treating them less favourably because of their: sex, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual
orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity. Age and marriage/civil partnerships
are also protected under the act.

 Signed & dated by Chair of Governors                   Date to be reviewed
Remote Teaching and Learning Policy January 2021
1. Overview:

All staff at Oulder Hill Community School are committed to providing the best possible quality of teaching,
irrespective of where this takes place. Remote Learning has become an embedded aspect of students’ educational
journey and we will aim to deliver the highest standard of teaching and learning whether that is in the classroom or
via remote learning. Pedagogical principles are consistent across physical and virtual classrooms, but adjustments to
practice are inevitably required to make learning accessible and successful for all students.
The Remote Teaching and Learning Plan was implemented to ensure that Oulder Hill Community School is prepared
for all possible eventualities from September 2020. The Remote Learning model will mean the school can be ready at
short notice to shift from face to face teaching to home learning or operate a blended learning model in a
sustainable way. Furthermore, focus will be on the recovery of lost learning time to incorporate additional
intervention sessions.

The Remote Learning Policy updates this to take into account the situation and requirements of a full national


       To ensure that all students have access to high quality teaching when they are educated via remote learning;
       To ensure that all students have appropriate resources to support their learning;
       To support all staff through the provision of timely and high quality Continuous Professional Learning (CPL)
        to enable them to teach students both in school or at home;
       To enable staff who are delivering lessons from home to teach students in school and at home;
       To ensure that students’ remote learning takes place within a safe environment;
       To ensure that students’ learning is delivered in a way that takes account of their age, stage of development
        and any additional needs;
       To support parents and carers to support the learning of their child(ren);
       To support the Character and Culture policy of the school;
       To support the mission, vision and values of Oulder Hill Community School.

                               How will learning be delivered?
 Isolated students             YM/LPD notify teachers of student.
                               Work set via Teams.
                               Usual in school timetable applies.
                               Class register will be taken via Sims.
 Class Bubble                  Lessons follow the same structure of the school day and usual timetable. Lessons
                               delivered by specialist teachers at the allocated times via Teams.
                               Register of class will be taken via Sims.
 Year Group Bubble             Lessons follow the same structure of the school day and usual timetable. Lessons
                               delivered by specialist teachers at the allocated times via Teams.
                               Register of class will be taken via Sims.
 Whole school working          Remote learning to replicate current timetable with 3 lessons per day, form time
 from home                     and Assemblies weekly. Work for PSHCEE will also be set.
                               Lessons will include Retention and Retrieval activity, teacher input, time for student
                               tasks, AfL strategies, review of learning.
                               Register of class will be taken via Sims.


Simultaneous learning: teaching model in which the teacher is in the physical classroom teaching students
face-to-face while teaching others live online at the same time.

Flex learning: teaching model in which the teacher is in a location other than the classroom (such as at
home). The lesson is live streamed to an interactive whiteboard in the classroom where students are being
taught. Some students may be accessing learning from home.

Fully online learning: teaching model in which the teacher and students are dispersed and all are joining
the lesson online from different locations. This could be because they are all isolating or because there is a
full lockdown.

Synchronous learning: real-time teaching and learning, either online or face-to-face.

Asynchronous learning: online learning without real-time interaction.

Flipped learning: classroom and homework activities are switched: conventional content delivery is moved
to a pre-session task for students to complete. Lesson time is then freed up for more one-to-one support
and exploration of misconceptions.

Key Principles:

      Quality First Teaching and personalised learning will be at the centre of all that we do.
      Every effort will be made to ensure that the curriculum quality, breadth and balance are not lost. Schemes
       of Learning will continue to be delivered.
      Learning is carefully planned with focused success criteria explicitly identified. Consequently, students know
       what they are expected to learn during the lesson, not just the activities they are expected to complete.
      Remote learning will follow the normal school timetable.
      Students will receive feedback, both through the questioning in an online lesson and through the
       assessment of key pieces of work and their progress is tracked. Whenever possible, misconceptions are
       identified and revisited.
      Where necessary, technology enables flexible working so that teachers can deliver lessons simultaneously to
       students learning in school and those learning remotely.
      In the event of a full lockdown, all students will access live learning via MS Teams.

Overview of Remote Teaching:

      The September classroom timetable will consist of three longer lessons each day. The remote learning
       timetable will be the same. This will allow for blended models of some staff or students being in the
       classroom and some teaching or learning from home.
      Students submit what they have completed by the end of the lesson. This should also be printed and stuck
       into their exercise book.

   Attendance will be monitored. Students missing from live lessons will be recorded onto the Attendance
        Google Form. Year Managers will follow up if 3 lessons have been missed as this equates to a day’s lost
       On one day a week there will also be a PSHCEE session delivered through the form tutor period.
       Year group assemblies will be timetabled once a week and can also be accessed via Teams.

General Schedule of Remote Learning:

In times other than a full school closure, the timings of the school day will remain the same.
During a full school closure or national lockdown, the following times will be used:

             TIME                Lesson
         8.45am            Form time
         9.05am            1
         11.00am           2
         1.10pm            3
         2.20pm            End of school day
                           apart from

Staff Protocols – Remote Learning:
     Consider all existing safeguarding measures that apply to the regular classroom environment and share
        concerns regarding safeguarding using the communication channels used for face to face teaching.
     Dress appropriately for meeting with students whether you are in school or working remotely.
     Use TEAMS only for live delivery of online learning
     Staff may wish to show their face at the start of each session as a warm welcome to students before turning
        off the camera. Others may prefer to use voice only.
     Outline expectations for your virtual classroom in the way you would in school. Allow time to ensure
        students have the required equipment and give time for establishing online expectations and routines
     Select a quiet place in school (the regular scheduled classroom) or at home to deliver lessons from wherever
     Mark attendance in the lessons by completing the Sims register.
     Record Green and Gold slips as you would in face to face learning
     Post the time of the lesson in TEAMS at the start of the day and ensure that classes have been invited so that
        it shows on their calendar.
     The Character and Culture Policy for the school will still be adhered to.
    Student Protocols – Remote Learning:

       Check your timetable for the three lessons scheduled each day. These lessons will be at 9.05am, 11.00am,
        1.10pm. Be prepared for learning and be prompt.
       For each lesson you should have an exercise book, pencil case (with regular school equipment) and space to
        work. No music on in the background.
       Please turn cameras and microphones off.

   The chat facility is crucial for learning, you’ll be expected to use it for learning. Don’t use the chat for any
        other reason.
       Lessons may be recorded to share with students who may have missed them.
       Your teacher will award Green and Gold points during the lessons, they will also log poor attitudes to
        learning with Red slips if needed.
       You will be expected to adhere to the Character and Culture policy for the school.

Overview of Roles and Responsibilities:

The Headteacher and the Senior Leaders should focus their time and attention on student accountability and
ensuring that all students are making progress on their remote learning:
             Monitor student attendance and completion of work.
             Develop and implement escalation protocols for students not participating, ensuring support is
             Ensure personalised support is happening.

Middle Leaders should focus their time and attention on holding teachers accountable for implementing this plan
with fidelity. This could be directly with teachers or through department meetings to monitor for the following:
              Teachers are creating quality materials and sharing in advance of the scheduled lesson.
              Teachers are marking in line with school policy, giving students quality feedback and entering data
                  into faculty trackers and SIMs when needed.
              Ensuring teachers are aware of any changes or developments to the remote teaching plan.
              Continue to follow agreed safeguarding protocols for all students.

Pastoral teams should focus their time and attention on ensuring that students are attending lessons and are safe:
             Monitor students’ attendance and follow up when 3 learning sessions have been missed.
             Continue to follow agreed safeguarding protocols related to vulnerable and identified students.
             Continue to follow agreed safeguarding protocols for all students.

Teaching staff should focus their time and attention on ensuring that lessons are planned and delivered to a high
standard to ensure Quality First Teaching and personalized learning for all students. They should continue to follow
agreed safeguarding protocols for all students.

Technical Support

IT Support will need to ensure that the school is fully set up to be able to deliver remote learning through MS Teams
in a no notice scenario. This will involve:

   Setting up MS Teams for every set within each subject. These MS Teams sites should operate as a classroom
    (with resources, homework, regular contact maintained between teacher and students).
   Ensuring simultaneous online delivery (via the MS teams site) for students that are self-isolating at home (self-
    isolating students will be accessing the same lesson online that is being delivered in the class at that same time).
   Ensuring teachers that are self-isolating at home due to symptoms are able to teach from home if they are well
    enough this to do so (in this scenario the teacher would deliver from home to students in their class at school
    and to any that are self-isolating in their homes).

     Being prepared to switch to deliver the regular full timetable via MS teams to students in the event of a partial
      or full lockdown.

OHCS Principles for online teaching:
Purposeful attendance: Setting expectations for having the right students online at the right times is a key
ingredient for success.
Balancing live and video instruction: Both ways of delivering content have their merits and can be used well

Quality Assurance:

The usual Quality Assurance systems will apply. TLDs and SLT links will monitor the quality of remote lessons as part
of the schedule of snapshots. Student Voice activities will also include discussion about remote learning. Work
Scrutiny should also include evidence of remote learning.

    Classroom Teaching Non negotiables:                              Remote Teaching Non negotiables:
     Arrange furniture in a way where possible students              All remote learning will be delivered via Microsoft
        are in rows and facing forward.                                 Teams.
     Teach and deliver lessons from the front of the                 The lesson and resources will be ready on Teams
        class. TAs will also stand at the front but off centre          for the start time of the timetabled lesson.
        from the teacher.                                             Lessons will contain Retention and Retrieval, new
     SEND students are to be seated in the front to allow              or consolidated learning, student task, AfL and
        the TAs to support these students.                              review.
     Seating plans should be produced and students will              Work should be saved into the file section in a
        be expected to sit in these seats.                              dated file that clearly shows which day they are
     Follow the instructions of TLDs in practical subjects.            needed for. This should include all resources and
     There is an expectation that students are greeted                 the teaching sequence.
        but this should not happen at the door or from the            Assignments should be used as a way of giving
        corridor. At this point uniform should be                       feedback of collecting baselining data to support
        challenged.                                                     planning.
     Teachers should be ready to receive students into               Homework should be set as normal.
        their classroom as soon as possible. No lining up             If a remote lesson is not possible the work left
        outside of rooms, they need to be allowed in as                 should take the time the lesson is designed to last.
        soon as they arrive.
     We insist a bell starter is on the board for their
        arrival. Best practice for OHCS would be a retention
        and retrieval starter activity.

                             Generic Guidance:                              Example of this within online teaching:

    CONDENSE      Time for students to use their notes to        Remotely this may be through:
                  create meaningful knowledge sketches               Sharing the whiteboard and getting students to
                  and ownership of their learning                      contribute to a collaboratively mind map.
                  providing them with the platform to
                  transform new learning into memorable
materials that can be used to rehearse            Setting an assignment to consolidate knowledge
           and deliberately practice.                         though the production of concept maps and
                                                              other devises.
                                                      Encouraging students to use the Cornell note taking
                                                      system through a Teams lessons.
REFLECT    Opportunity for students to strengthen     Remotely this may be through:
           memory connections through retrieval            Using assignments to produce your five fact
           and spaced practice at the beginning of            starts for the lesson allowing you to get feedback.
           a lesson through a 5 to 8-minute low
           stake questions reviewing previously
           covered concepts and processes. This
           allows students to deliberately practice
           retrieval to improve long term memory
           and knowledge recall.
ASSESS     Regular opportunities to capture           Remotely this may be through:
           learning using formative assessment to         Use of assignments to create opportunities to see
           allow students to apply their                    how students are responding to tasks, through;
           understanding to the key concepts and            - Quizzes
           processes taught in the previous two             - Uploading exam questions and asking
           weeks. A repeated cycle of formative                  students to submit them
           assessments that build in complexity             - Giving an extended response assignment and
           until a final diagnostic assessment at                offering feedback
           the end of a learning cycle.                     - Use of the faculties assessment policy as per
                                                                 normal but using assignments to set these

                                                      Each of the above should be timed and integrated into
                                                      the lesson. They are not homework’s or additions.
FEED-      Timely and focused re-teaching of          Remotely this may be through:
FORWARD    misconceptions (identified through DTT             - Build time into your teaching sequence to
           processes) and further models of                        revisit content highlighted by baselining. This
           excellence informed by student                          is not task driven but by direct teaching and
           outcomes from formative and                             quality explanations. This may be supported
           summative assessment.                                   by providing notes for students.
                                                              - Use the shared whiteboard, visualizer, or
                                                                   past students work to show models of good
                                                      Provide two models and ask the students to compare and
                                                      say how they could be improved.
TARGET-    Time for students to use the positive      Remotely this may be through:
DRIVEN     and specific targets from their teacher            - REACT tasks driven from completed
FEEDBACK   (REACT) to close the knowledge gaps by                  assignments. The rubric system cab support
           ‘holding the grade’. This enables                       this with tasks provided at each level when
           students to use this time to conduct                    feedback is given.
           focused editing and re-scripting (proof
           reading focus for all faculties) to
           effectively and constructively
           implement the directed improvements
           provided by teachers.
           Target driven feedback should be given
           on a four-week cycle.

Attitudes to Homework/Home Learning

Guidance for Parents/Carers

There is a designated section of the Oulder Hill website about Home Learning. This provides guidance about what
Home Learning is and how will it will operate. It also includes technical guidance about accessing Teams.

Associated documents:

The Character and Culture Policy

Remote Education Provision: A Guide for Parents and Carers

You can also read