Trainers and Owners, Washington State Quarter Horse ...

Page created by Charlotte Robertson
Trainers and Owners, Washington State Quarter Horse ...
Trainers and Owners,
WSQHA is proud to continue the tradition of the Northwest Emerald Masters Futurity with the
generosity of our sponsors. The Master Futurities will be a Friday evening performance. We are
pleased to announce that we are welcoming back Cranbrook Dodge and Dave Girling as our
sponsor for the North West Emerald Masters in 2021. We thank Dave and Cranbrook Dodge for
their genorsity in supporting the Masters. Machine Made along with owners Dr. Candice Hall and
Dr. Cory Seebach will be hosting the Masters Wine & Cheese Party. We thank Candice and Cory
for their continued support over the years of this prestigious event. We will also continue to offer
multiple nomination dates.The $1,000 added money is sponsored by Cranbrook Dodge. $500
added to the highest placing rider not to have won the Masters. We will continue to award a
buckle to the highest placing Paint horse in the Masters.

Back again for another year - the 3 year old Versatility Pleasure Horse class featuring 3 year olds
competing in a pattern, western pleasure and halter. New this year the NW Emerald is APHA and
NWCC points with our traditional AQHA approval and WSQHA points. Buckles will be awarded to
every circuit and AQHA All Arounds and APHA High Points awarded.

As always, 100% of the entry fees will be added to the total purse for the class. WSQHA
Membership must be sent at the time of entry.

Details are outlined below:

       1.     The 2021 NW Emerald Masters will be a “one-go” event, this class will continue to
be held for registered Two Year Old Quarter Horses, Paints, Pintos, Buckskins and
Appaloosas that have never before been shown.
       2.    The entries will be open to any owner that signs up by the deadlines. The entries are
not transferable to another owner or horse.
       3.    For entries postmarked and fully paid by May 31, the entry fee is $500.00. If entries
are paid after May 31th but before September 1, the entry fee is $1,000.00. After September
1st through noon September 9th, 2021 the entry fee is $1,500.
>> Credit cards are accepted with added 3 percent charge. All entry fees are jackpotted per
NSBA payout rules.
       4.    Each horse showing in the Masters will be charged a $75.00 drug fee and will be
subject to random drug testing. This fee is due upon entry into the futurity.

Support us in continuing the Masters Tradition and leading the Northwest with this prestigious
event. We hope to see you at our Washington State Quarter Horse show in September.

Crysta Lombardi Kellar
North West Masters Event Chair
Trainers and Owners, Washington State Quarter Horse ...
NW Emerald Masters
              2 Year Old Western Pleasure Class Nomination

        Must be received by May 31 for 500.00 Spring Entry
          June 1- September 1 for 1000.00 Summer Entry
      September 2 through noon Sept 9 for 1,500.00 Fall Entry

Registered Name of Horse _______________________________________________________

Breed and Registration Number __________________________________________________

A copy of horse registration AND picture must be attached to validate this nomination.
Original papers must be available for Show Secretary upon check in. Please indicate here
if picture may not be used for event publicity. Yes / No (please circle One) my photo may
be used for publicity.

Horse Owner/s ________________________________________________________________

Horse Owner/s Address ________________________________________________________

Horse Owner/s City/State/Zip ___________________________________________________

Horse Owner/s Phone & E-Mail _________________________________________________

Horse Owner/s Signature/s ___________________________________________________
Northwest Emerald Masters Rider Nomination
                        1000.00 ADDED MONEY

                  NW Emerald Masters 2 Year Old
              Western Pleasure Class Rider Nomination

                  Must be received by July 1, 2021
                   WSQHA Membership required

Rider ________________________________________________________________________

Riders Address _______________________________________________________________

Riders City/State/Zip __________________________________________________________

Riders Phone & E-Mail ________________________________________________________

Rider Signature _____________________________________________________________

BIO (may attach another page)
Northwest Emerald Masters Agreement

This agreement is entered into on __________ (date) between
________________________________ ( Owner/s) and WSQHA.

The Buyer is responsible for all payments due to the Washing-
ton State Quarter Horse Association in conjunction with par-
ticipating in the Northwest Emerald Masters. If Buyer fails to
make any required payment, participation will be denied. Fees
are non-refundable and non-transferable to another owner.

I/we _____________________________________ (Owner/s)
agree to abide by the Class Rules and Regulations set forth
annually by the Washington State Quarter Horse Association.
I/we understand that any violation may bring about the forfei-
ture of monies won. Owners acknowledge that no money will
be paid until without a social security number or taxpayer EIN.

Owner/s ______________________________________________________________

Social Security Number ________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip ________________________________________________________

Phone/Email _________________________________________________________

Signature ___________________________________________________________
Northwest Emerald Masters 2021 Rules
Any and all issues not covered by the below stated rules will be decided by the discretion of the
 WSQHA Executive Board. All decisions will be final. WSQHA is known and does business as
the Washington Quarter Horse Association. WSQHA is not responsible for informing owners of
  their responsibilities or obligations to the Northwest Emerald Masters Class Rules. It is the
  responsibility of the Owner to insure that WSQHA has an accurate physical address, phone
 number, and e-mail on file with the WSQHA Office and the Masters Show Chairman. WSQHA
                     cannot be responsible for undeliverable correspondence.

1.      Two year old Masters Western Pleasure entries must never have shown in any riding class at an
AQHA, NSBA, APHA, APHC, PHBA, IBHA, ABRA, WSH, or any type of schooling show. Any violation
of the “no show” rule will be an immediate forfeit of the entry fee back to WSQHA, and disqualification
of the horse. If show record is found and presented to the WSQHA Executive Board as stated above
after the show has taken place forfeiture of all moneys paid to owner must be immediately surren-
dered to the WSQHA and paid to the new winner when monies are paid back to the WSQHA. Viola-
tion of this rule will be disclosed to AQHA, NSBA, APHA, and APHC. Any litigation fees incurred by
WSQHA from the recovery process will be charged to the horse owner in violation.
2.      20 horses maximum will be allowed on a first come first serve basis at an initial cost to the
owner of $500.00 U.S. This fee must be paid by May 31st. After May 31st the fee will be $1000.00,
with a final entry due date of September 1. After September 1 the fee will be $1500 and entries will
be accepted until noon on Thursday September 9, 2021. Current show rules will be announced by
March 15 of each year. All fees must be postmarked and received by the Masters Coordinator by
above deadlines for the above deadlines. All fees and payments must be paid in US currency.
3.      NSF checks are assessed a fee of $75 and all remaining payments are to be paid by credit
card or cashier’s check.
4.      New Masters Classes can be added at the discretion of the WSQHA Executive Board.
5.      AQHA drug rules will be enforced, and drug testing will be at the discretion of the WSQHA
Executive Board. An additional $75.00 drug fee per horse will be collected upon entry.
6.      Nomination of Horse must be submitted in writing as required by entry deadlines stated above.
7.      All owners and exhibitors must have a current WSQHA membership.
8.      Rider of horse must be nominated in writing as required upon entry.
NO substitutions will be allowed for Horse or Rider once nomination dead line has past. Rider that
cannot compete due to sickness may submit a written offer of substitution as long the Rider has a
document from a physician. (Paper work for this must be submitted to the WSQHA Executive Board
and will be approved or denied at their discretion). If no rider is available for replacement the money
remains in the Masters payout. Horses may not be replaced due to any reason. No refunds.
9.      All AQHA rules not conflicting with above stated rules apply.
10.     Pay outs will follow the NSBA rulebook.
11.     Payment Program
                1. 500.00 one-time fee if paid by May 31st
                2. 1000.00 one-time fee if paid after May 31st and by September 1
                3. 1500.00 one-time fee paid from September 2 to noon September 9
                4. All horses must pay the 75.00 Drug Fee upon entry
                5. Owner and riders must be members of WSQHA

                                                 202 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION & RENEWAL
                                                    All persons interested in encouraging the development of the American QuaYter Horse are invited.
                                                                              NEW MEMBERSHIP FRENEWAL FTODAY’S DATE: _____ / _____ / __________
Send application with fee
and copy of horse papers to:
                                                           NAME: ___________________________ ___________________________ __________
        Washington State
                                                          ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________
        Quarter Horse Association
        PO Box 1010
                                                          CITY: ___________________________________ STATE: ______ ZIP: ______________
        McKenna, WA 98558
                                                          HOME PHONE: ( ______ ) ______________ CELL PHONE: ( ______ ) ______________
     Text: (253) 208-8319
     E-mail:                            E-MAIL: ________________________________________________________________
                                                          IF FAMILY MEMBERSHIP, PLEASE LIST ALL OTHER NAMES INCLUDING YOUTH’S DOB

    Award points can only be          1) _______________________________________________ ____ / ____ / ________
    counted from the date of                       LAST                 FIRST                YOUTH DOB
    postmark of this application      2) _______________________________________________ ____ / ____ / ________
    and if the copies of the                       LAST                 FIRST                YOUTH DOB
    horse’s registration are on file.
    See Rules & Requirements for 3) _______________________________________________ ____ / ____ / ________
                                                   LAST                 FIRST                YOUTH DOB
    points at
    Youth and Amateur have            4) _______________________________________________ ____ / ____ / ________
    separate requirements for                      LAST                 FIRST                YOUTH DOB
                                                             FSOMETHING HAS CHANGED, PLEASE UPDATE MY INFORMATION

          Buckle sponsorship for the NW Emerald Show is one option for AMATEUR                                               Includes spouse & all children under 18 as of Jan 1.
          year end qualification or work 4 hours or donate a silent auction basket valued at $100 at Trophy Circuit.

                                         (   List on other side if needed.

      HORSE’S NAME                                                                 YEAR *BACK #
      $25 awards fee per horse (covers all divisions)                             FOALED SELECT 400-900                EXHIBITOR NAME
                                                                                         $5 ea year

     Copies of horse’s papers are REQUIRED EVERY YEAR. Points cannot be awarded unless you provide them.
      F YES, I have included front & back copies of my horse’s papers. F Horse owners must be listed as members.
     Youth year end awards have additional requirements.
                                       Lorem   ipsum Contact the youth advisor for information. Amateur requirements listed above.
                                                                                                                                          MEMBERSHIPS $_______
     FCHECK                        FVISA FMASTERCARD Name on Card: _____________________                                               BUCKLE
     FCREDIT CARD                                                                                                                        SPONSOR
      CC#: ___________________________ Exp: ____ / ____ Security #: _____ Zip: ____________                                               BACK #’S    $_______
                                                                                                                                           AWARDS FEES $_______
    If we do not have your permission to use your name, address, phone # in our Directory, check here: F                                   TOTAL                    $______
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