Page created by Keith Avila
customer magazine 57 | 20 EN

                                   POWER SUPPLY GOES
                                     UNDERGROUND ON
                                 THE ISLAND OF SYLT | 06

                                  GRUNDOMAT INSTALLS
                                         FIBRE OPTICS
                                       IN THE USA | 20

                                     PREMIERE FOR THE
                               NEW GRUNDOPIT PS40 | 25

                                          trenchless technology - simple & easy
FOR YOU IN ACTION | 06                   FOR YOU IN ACTION | 10            FOR YOU IN ACTION | 20

GROUND CABLING                           SEWER CONSTRUCTION                FIBRE GLASS
Power supply goes underground on         Pipe renewal ND 1,000 with        TNT SERVICES completes FTTP
the island of Sylt                       GRUNDOBURST 1900G                 installation with GRUNDOMAT


FOR YOU IN ACTION                                                          GOOD TO KNOW

06 | GROUND CABLING                      16 | New water-house-connection   25 | NEW PRODUCT
HDD enables 7 km of overhead line        with GRUNDOPIT in record time     Premiere of the new GRUNDOPIT PS40
to be dismantled on the island of Sylt
                                         19 | SHORT REPORT                 SERVICE
SEWER CONSTRUCTION                       GRUNDORAM works its magic for     26 | TRACTO-TECHNIK Finance GmbH
08 | Sewer renewal and upsizing          AMS Trenchless
using pipe bursting to install PP-HM                                       29 | Planning bores with
pipes                                    20 | FIBRE OPTIC NETWORKS         the new Quickplanner3D
                                         TNT SERVICES completes FTTP
10 | Combined sewer renewal ND           installation with GRUNDOMAT       30 | E-MOBILITY
1,000 with GRUNDOBURST 1900G                                               Trenchless solutions for E-mobility
                                         22 | SPECIAL APPLICATION
13 | GRUNDOPIT MS40 hard at work         GRUNDOMAT moles the tool of       31 | TRADE FAIRS
installing gravity sewers                choice for Glenthorne             Information

WATER PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION              24 | NATURAL GAS DISTRIBUTION     32 | US-Premiere for the "king of rock"
14 | Pipe renewal with large             NETWORKS                          at ICUEE 2019
expansion using static pipe bursting     MGD uses GRUNDODRILL 18ACS
                                         for HDD
02|03 TRACTUELL 57 EN | Contents

                                    © Copyright by: TRACTO-TECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG
                                    57368 Lennestadt · Germany

                                    Editorial team: Burkhard Rarbach, Thorsten Gödde, Anne Knour,
                                    Manuel Pohl, Phillipp Schumacher, Thorsten Schulte
                                    Layout: Alexa Wirth
                                    Circulation: 4.500
                                    Subject to change. No liability for misprints!


GOOD TO KNOW | 25                   ABOUT US | 34

NEW PRODUCT                         MOLE - ANIMAL OF THE YEAR
Premiere of the new                 The mole is rightly protected as
GRUNDOPIT PS40                      a useful animal


33 | TRAININGS                      39 | CUSTOMER SUCCESS STORIES
Hamburg water applies LHT tools     Our customers are the best!
for works through the keyhole
34 | MOLE - ANIMAL OF THE YEAR      42 | Kai Bernhardt is the new head of
Wildlife foundation seeks greater   sales for 'D-A-CH'
acceptance for the useful animal
                                    44 | News from our
36 | AWARD                          Customer Centres in Germany
TRACTO-TECHNIK Homepage wins
regional award                      46 | New headquarters for
                                    TRACTO-TECHNIK Australia
Dr. Hans-Joachim Bayer hands over
to his successor
04|05 TRACTUELL 57 | Editorial


ever since 1987 our magazine has been published twice a         tivities do not collapse. In this respect, our customers are
year with a current circulation of 19,000 in German, 4,500      also responsible for ensuring that we come through this
in English and you have received it by post. The editorial      crisis as unscathed as possible. On behalf of everyone at
team from marketing and product management is respon-           TRACTO-TECHNIK, I would like to thank you sincerely for
sible for researching and preparing exciting topics about       your loyalty.
our unique trenchless technology for you. The result of
this work goes into printing and shipping and lands on          For me another aspect has currently arisen: This crisis af-
 your desk.                                                     fects all areas of our lives and forces us to reconsider hab-
                                                                its we have grown fond of and tried and tested patterns of
   But this time almost everything is different. Corona has     action.
    hit numerous companies worldwide with full impact
     and many have been forced to react quickly and con-        Many of our employees, likewise surely many of yours, are
     sistently. For us at TRACTO-TECHNIK the health and         working from home and we are also no longer meeting
      protection of our employees was a main priority. At       personally in large numbers on the company premises.
      the same time, we have declared the ambitious tar-        Suddenly this is possible!
       get of keeping production capacities high in order
       to serve our customers and partners during and           With our IT we have brought forward the rollout of Mi-
       after the crisis.                                        crosoft teams and the necessary technical equipment by
                                                                many months. We now contact each other over various
       To do so we have formed a Corona Task Force,             distances, perfectly natural, as if this has always been
      which is responsible for drawing up and implement-        the case. We will continue to practice this after Corona,
      ing comprehensive internal security measures, as          because now it has been proven that it is more efficient
      well as for maintaining our supply and delivery ca-       and nobody is missing anything. Where we have struggled
     pabilities.                                                with changes in the past, new opportunities are suddenly
                                                                opening up.
    Together with the works council, we decided on short-
   time working as early as 23rd March. This is currently fo-   If there is something we can take with us from these hard
  cused on the administrative areas. Our employees have         times, then in my view it is the realisation that, with a high
shown excellent solidarity and everyone is doing their bit,     degree of willingness to change and with solidarity, we will
to ensure we get through this difficult period and that jobs    soon regain our old strength together.
are maintained.
                                                                One thing we will not change, is staying in contact with
Our Supply Chain - which is certainly also important infor-     you. We have therefore not suspended the current issue
mation for you - will remain unaffected by the short-time       of TRACTUELL, but are moving you into a new dimension
work. We also took early action to ensure that our supply       - TRACTUELL is going digital & online. This enables us to
chains are secure for the foreseeable future.                   reach you faster and more directly - especially in times of
                                                                crisis, when you may not receive business mail on a regular
Here the topic of partnership with customers & suppliers        basis.
takes on a new meaning. We are doing our best to keep
production running and we are working with our custom-          I would like to wish you and your families all the best and
ers sales-oriented, to ensure that new sales and service ac-    most of all: Stay healthy!

                                                                Tim Hofmeister

Thanks to trenchless technology, electrical power on the       ular holiday destination. Close to 18,000 inhabitants share
North Sea island of Sylt will soon only flow underground.      an area of 99 km2 with an average of three quarters of a
Schleswig-Holstein Networks AG (SH Netz) has invested an       million holidaymakers per year. Half of this typical North
impressive € 16.5 million to optimise the power supply and     Friesland nature reserve with miles of sandy beaches, high
to dismantle more than 7 km of 60,000 volt overhead lines.     dunes and a species-rich flora and fauna is under strict

For the new underground supply, a 15 km long, 110,000          protection. Thus Paasch proposed to use the trenchless
V power line weighing around 800 t was installed through       construction to install the empty pipes on the island, when
the bottom of the North Sea and continued from there via       these tasks were advertised for tendering. The civil engi-
a new high-voltage land cable to the transformer station       neering company from Northern Germany has often suc-
on the island in Keitum. The installation of the empty pipes   cessfully applied the NODIG technology in coastal regions
for the connection of the sea cable in the mudflats and the    and was able to convince the client of the economic and
power cables on the island was a case for the Nodig pro-       ecological advantages here too.
fessionals from contractor Paasch, who mainly applied the
HDD method for this task.                                      After all construction and nature conservation approvals
                                                               had been granted, the pipe installation was ready to be-
TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY PROTECTS                                 gin in early summer 2019 in Keitum. To ensure that the
WORLD NATURAL HERITAGE                                         World Heritage Site and breeding migratory birds are not
Sylt is Germany‘s fourth largest island, situated near the     disturbed, all work was accompanied and monitored by a
coast of Schleswig-Holstein and Denmark and is a very pop-     natural conservation society.
06|07 FOR YOU IN ACTION | Ground cabling

CHALLENGING ROUTES                                            from the railway embankment to the coast in three sin-
The path through the sensitive eco-system for a total of      gle bores. The flexible GRUNDODRILL 18N and the drilling
2,100 m power cable was divided into several sections and     pros mastered these tasks throughout without any prob-
was a real challenge.übergabe On its way from the trans-      lems. The difficult part was still to come. The eight-man
fer point of the undersea cable in the mudflats to the Kei-   team took on the trickiest of the HDD bores in the first
tum transformer station, it crossed forests, wetlands, salt   days of June: the installation of the 355 mm OD empty pipe
marshes and the Hindenburg Dam, which connects Sylt           to accommodate the undersea cable in the mudflats up
with the mainland. With the exception of undercrossing        to the transfer point. Special care was required here. The
the railway embankment, all bores were carried out with       tides only allowed work at low tide and parts of the mud
the HDD method, using a GRUNDODRILL 18N. In order             flats were not to be entered or loaded at all by vehicles.
to accommodate the sea cable, a 150 m long PE pipe OD         The 150 m long pilot bore ran smoothly, but when pull-
355 mm had to be installed from the mudflats. Ashore the      ing in the pipe the floating dredger which was supposed
power cable was divided into three onland lines, so that      to hold the heavy PE pipe, sank into the soft ground and
three 160 mm OD pipes had to be drawn in from the trans-      work had to be stopped for some time. A diving boat took

fer point. Three further empty pipes 50 mm OD for the fu-     over the dredger’s job later and the 355 mm pipe could be
ture accommodation of fibre optic and telecommunication       pulled in finally.
cables over 250 m length up to the railway embankment
were installed in the same bundle. Behind the railway         When some time later the pipe bundle was pressed through
embankment, the bundle of 6 pipes had to be continued         the railway embankment in only one night, the new empty
along to the transformer station.                             pipe network on the island was complete. Then, in October
                                                              the sea cable was installed from the mainland up to the is-
HDD-PROS MASTER ALL CHALLENGES                                land coast by a large cable plough. After the connection to
The bore crew worked their way forward from the trans-        the land cable, the power supply on Sylt is secured for the
former station towards the mudflats. First of all, in May     long term and the more than 60-year-old overhead lines
2019, the pipe bundle 3 x 160 OD + 3 x 50 OD was installed    can be dismantled.
over a total distance of 975 m in eight sections from the
transformer station, parallel to the railway tracks towards   Read the detailed jobsite report at
the railway embankment. Then followed the 450 m section 

A 135 m length renewal path with cross-section enlargement from ND 400 to ND 500.

In Weißenfels a combined sewer was renewed on one of               ue the plan to install single pipe sections and revert to the
the most important access roads in the town, while si-             installation of a pre-welded pipe length.
multaneously upsizing the cross-section. In the Zeitzer
Street 195 m of a canal was upsized from ND 350 to                 EXECUTION OF CONSTRUCTION WORK
ND 400 and a 310 m canal section was upsized from                  When pipe bursting, the underground pipe to be replaced
ND 400 to ND 500.                                                  is burst apart with an advance running expander and the
                                                                   pipe fragments are penetrated radially into the surround-
Not only was the approx. 500 m long sewer section in need          ing soil. During the same working process a new pipe, ei-
of renovation, but the line also required an enlargement of        ther with the same diameter or a larger diameter is pulled
the cross-section for hydraulic reasons. The bore path was         into the hollow space being created. For tough old pipe ma-
mainly underneath footpaths on the fringe area of the road,        terials, a cutting blade can be applied to cut open the old
however the path also housed numerous supply pipes and             pipes. The force created when destroying the old pipe is ei-
cables. Applying the usual open trenching method on this           ther transferred statically via a bursting rod/cable to the ex-
busy road would have proved extremely expensive caus-              pander, or dynamically via a rammer or soil displacement
ing half-sided roadblocks to be used. The Sewage Division          hammer, situated inside the expander. Therefore, either a
Weißenfels, acting as the Operator, together with the Plan-        static or a dynamic pipe bursting method is applied. The
ning Office ECW Engineering Company from Weißenfels, de-           new pipes to be installed are either pulled in as a prefabri-
cided to carry out the renewal with simultaneous cross-sec-        cated pipe length, in one process, or as single pipe sections,
tion enlargement, by using the pipe bursting method. Due           then pulled in and connected during the installation pro-
to the numerous external pipes and cables, it was difficult        cess. Pipe bursting is applied for supply line installations
to find suitable positions for the starting and target pits, in    and in the sewage field. For the trenchless canal sanitation
order to apply this method, therefore each single renewal          with pipe bursting, two excavation pits are usually neces-
section had to be made as large as possible. Other prob-           sary at both ends of the bore path to be renewed. Two pits
lems included the task of laying out the long, pre-welded          are required for the Bursting process. The excavation pit
pipe sections, due to the numerous entrances, exits, road          (target pit) accommodates part of the machine technology
junctions, and cross-sections. So it was decided to discontin-     for entering the bursting force, as a pulling rig or diversion
08|09 FOR YOU IN ACTION | Sewer construction

device, and the second excavation pit (starting pit), is used   ence with the production of special plastic pipes for trench-
to connect the pipes to be installed or install the prefabri-   less installation methods, and have been manufacturing for
cated pipe length. In smaller canal dimensions and suitable     over 30 years. The applied pipes are made of a special, high-
boundary conditions the same process can also be carried        ly stiff polypropylene material (PP-HM). They contain special
out on one side or both sides, via the available sewage         pipe connections, integrated inside the pipe wall, with large
manholes.                                                       spigot depths and two lip seals. This pipe allows very high
                                                                axial forces to be transferred and the connections remain
                                                                reliably watertight, even under most difficult installation
                                                                conditions. By applying the suitable machine technology,
                                                                both of the indicated large bore lengths are possible when
                                                                applying single pipes. When pulling in pre-welded pipe
                                                                lengths, significantly longer bore lengths can be achieved.

Starting pit with installation of the new pipes.                The pipe being pulled in.

The company DIRINGER & SCHEIDEL CONTRACTING COM-                During the actual bursting process, each respective instal-
PANY GmbH & Co. KG, Dessau Branch received the contract         lation path had to be closed and the incurring sewage wa-
to carry out the work. In Weißenfels, the static pipe burst-    ter diverted. For the re-connection of the provided connec-
ing process was applied, from excavation pit to excavation      tion lines small manholes were produced, the connections
pit with single pipe lengths for all renewal sections. As de-   closed off before the actual bursting process began, and
scribed previously, due to the tight working conditions and     immediately afterwards, before the new installed pipe was
larger pipe diameters, which caused problems when pro-          opened and weld-on sockets were mounted. The available
ducing the excavation pits and the lay out of the prefabri-     connections were then connected to weld-on sockets. The
cated pipes, it was necessary for the renewal lengths to be     manholes, which were accessed and driven through, were
as long as possible with single pipe lengths. For this reason   restored after the installation of the new pipes with Predl
the work was carried out with a pipe bursting machine from      Flexliner. During this process, new pre-fabricated gutters
TRACTO-TECHNIK, which works with a pulling force of up to       and shaft pipes made of plastic (PP) are installed inside the
1,900 KN (ca. 190 t), to burst the stoneware and concrete       existing shaft. Summary: The sewer section to be redevel-
pipes that need replacing, then install larger nominal width    oped was renewed and enlarged by the use of pipe burst-
new PP pipes in cross-section. The single pipe modules are      ing with comparatively little effort and high quality. The new
tensioned with a rod tension force of up to 400 kN during       sewage pipes, which are located in the almost undisturbed
the pulling-in process. In doing so, both dimensions (New       building area after the renewal process, are designed for the
pipe ND 400 and ND 500) achieved remarkable installation        heavy strains during installation and therefore extremely
lengths of well over 100 m.                                     robust and durable. Pipe bursting, as a trenchless renewal
                                                                method, is applicable for numerous damage symptoms and
In the bore path shown here an existing section of the          offers the opportunity to renew sewage canals either with
stoneware canal was extended from ND 400 to ND 500              the same nominal size or by upsizing. When planning sanita-
by installing new Concept-HL-installation pipes made of         tion measures, the pipe bursting application method should
PP-HM as single pipes with 1.5 m construction lengths. The      be taken into consideration more frequently. 
installation pipes applied were provided by Karl Schöngen KG
from Salzgitter. Karl Schöngen KG have a wealth of experi-      Text & Photos © Nico Schlenther, Karl Schoengen KG, 2019

To the south-west of the Lower Saxony capital Hannover,         operation date back to the 19th century and their condition
at the centre of the city triangle Hannover – Hameln –          requires constant monitoring and attention.
Hildesheim, you can find a town called Springe, with 30,000
inhabitants and 12 urban districts.                             A particular challenge in this respect was the sewage pipe
                                                                in the inner-city street Harmsmühlenstraße. In the section
THE RAVAGES OF TIME                                             between Schulstraße and Schopenhauerstraße the condi-
Springe is a modern and lively little town with a well-devel-   tion of the reinforced ND 1,000 concrete pipes in the apex
oped infrastructure, even underground. The town’s public        area over a length of 160 m was so poor, that a renewal
sewer network currently has a total length of about 550 km,     was urgently required. Tears and most of all, corrosion had
of which approximately 310 km are allotted to the main ca-      caused leakages over several decades, which endangered
nals and approx. 240 km to house connection service lines.      the ground water and the ground itself.
The SES (Urban drainage utilities Springe), is an economi-
cally and organisationally independent municipal company        DECISIVE GENERAL CONDITIONS
that takes care of the operating, maintenance and servic-       After public tendering, SES assigned Oppermann GmbH
ing of this sewer network. This also means that SES bears       Consulting Engineers from Velmmar with the planning for
great responsibility, since the oldest drainage systems in      the pipe renewal in the Harmsmühlenstraße. The com-
10|11 FOR YOU IN ACTION | Sewer construction

                                                                GRUNDOBURST 1900G

The intermediate pit

pany really knows a thing or two about designing and plan-        Traffic is hardly influenced and residents are not dis-
ning new pipe installations and pipe renewals and is very         turbed
familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of the var-        Emissions and the consumption of natural capital are
ious methods.                                                     greatly reduced
Therefore, it was soon clear that, due to the local condi-        High cost saving as opposed to the open-trench method
tions and the location at a depth of 2 m in sandy, gravel-        The working phases are fast and performances high
ly and even clay soil underground, only the underground           (Short construction times)
construction method could be considered for the renewal           The already existing bore path is used to good effect
of the damaged ND 1,000 concrete pipeline. All general            The result is equal to a complete new installation
conditions indicated that static burstlining with all its ad-
vantages would provide the best possible solution in every      EXPERTISE OF THE PROFESSIONALS
respect – space saving, environmentally friendly, fast and      Company Kögel Bau GmbH & Co. KG from nearby Bad
economical. Because:                                            Oeynhausen was appointed by the Urban Drainage Coun-
                                                                cil Springe as general contractor for various pipeline con-
   Roads, pavements and trees are protected, no need to dig     structions (e. g. applying pipe pushing for the construc-
   up any trenches                                              tion of rainwater pipes). For the trenchless renewal of the
160 m long section in the Harmsmühlenstraße, Kögel Bau         the machine starting pit and then the GRUNDO-
assigned Rettberg GmbH & Co KG as a sub-contractor, who        BURST 1900G was brought into position and ten-
have gained many years of experience with the pipe burst-      sioned appropriately. The Quicklock bursting rods
ing method and have had especially great success working       applied were quickly pushed into the old pipe-
with the relevant GRUNDOBURST machines from TRACTO-            line, mainly thanks to their quick click-shut cou-
TECHNIK.                                                       plings. Inside the pipe installation pit the new pipe
                                                               PE 100 RC with an outer diameter of 990 mm and a
GRUNDOBURST rigs are perfectly suitable for pipe renew-        wall thickness of 58.2 mm (Manufacturer: SIMONA AG,
als with the static pipe bursting method, where the old        Kim) was connected with a PE-pulling head and an ex-
pipe is cracked and displaced into the surrounding soil. At    pander with 1,060 mm outer diameter (with blade
the same time a new pipe with either the same, a smaller       strips) and then connected to the QuickLock-bursting
or even larger diameter can be pulled in. With this sustain-   rod. When pulling back, the old concrete pipes were
able method, damaged pipes up to ND 1,200 can be re-           cracked open and displaced into the surrounding soil. In
placed trenchlessly with new pipes in the same bore path.      the same working process, the bore hole was expanded
The well-coordinated and experienced “Rettberg Team”           and the new pipe pulled inside it. Due to the relatively
has already mastered many a tricky task of this kind. Ex-      low cover, only a small expanding dimension of 70 mm
actly what was needed in Springe.                              was chosen, in order not to damage or lift the surface.

SUITABILITY OF THE MACHINE                                     The pulling-in process required a lot of experience and
For the bursting of the old reinforced concrete pipe           know-how, as well as the right feeling for the situa-
ND 1000 with the corresponding general conditions, the         tion. At the start of this process, the pulling force was
GRUNDOBURST 1900G fulfilled all requirements with all          910 kN and this climbed steadily during the whole pulling-
these performance capacities:                                  in process. In the final section of the bore length, at
                                                               around 140 m, it reached an unbelievable 1,900 kN,
  Max. thrust force: 716 kN                                    which equals the maximal pulling force for the machine!
  Max. pulling force: 1,900 kN                                 The pulling speed reduced itself strongly, but was still
  Starting pit size: 8 x 2 m                                   sufficient to complete the pulling-in task over the total
  Drive capacity: 55.1 kW at 2,300 rpm                         bore length of 160 m.
  Bursting rod diameter: 120 mm
  Bursting rod weight: 165 kg                                  In the starting pit and the seven intermediate pits for
  Bursting rod effective length: 2,250 mm                      the installation of the house connections, a Benton-
  Bore rig dimensions: 2,850 x 1,150 x 1,000 mm                ite-Water-Emulsion was applied to reduce the friction
                                                               between the old pipe and the new pipe.
in order to successfully complete the task. Quick thrust-
ing of the bursting rods into the old pipe and during the      All the described working steps were completed in only
new installation, a solid and job-site suitable construc-      one day. Due to the perfectly tuned equipment with ma-
tion for the highest strains, as well as a high working        chine and accessories, as well as an experienced and per-
safety and reliability, are almost self-explanatory.           fectly co-ordinated “Top-Team-Rettberg”, the GRUNDO-
                                                               BURST 1900G managed to burst an old sewer pipe ND
PERFECT INTERPLAY                                              1,000 for the very first time and install a new PE-pipe
A reinforced concrete abutment, together with tim-             with outer diameter 990 mm over a bore length of
ber pilings (approx. 3 m deep), were installed inside          160 m. A premiere with quite a few extreme values. 
12|13 FOR YOU IN ACTION | Sewer construction


Barhale is one of the England's largest privately-owned       pipes with drill lengths from 10 m up to 45 m, and depths
civil engineering and infrastructure specialists and has      of 4 m to 1m deep. The beauty of using the GRUNDO-
35-years’ experience in the water, transport, built envi-     PIT is its ability to operate out of a 1,200 mm manhole
ronment and energy sectors throughout the UK.                 ring. The contractor can therefore build planned man-
                                                              holes and double up by using them with a small hole
To complete some of its on-going projects, particularly       cored for the rig to push through its drill head and pilot
in the water and energy sectors, the company has em-          rods prior to back reaming and installing the pipe.
braced trenchless technology and uses a GRUNDOPIT
MS40 Mini HDD rig for the quick and economic installa-        The use of rigs to install gravity sewers is not new, but the
tion of property service connections for gas, water, elec-    ever-increasing accuracy of walk over tracking systems,
tric, FTTH and sewer pressure pipes.                          capable of reading to 0.1 % gradient, is helping contrac-
                                                              tors to complete installations in quicker time frames with
The compact machine is manufactured by TRACTO-                less hassle for local residents.
TECHNIK and is a pit launched, horizontal directional
drill rig that is fluid-assisted for ease of operation. Its   Dominic McDermott works for Barhale HQ in Walsall and
most recent outing was on a £ 3,7 million ‘First Time Sew-    is a fan of the technology; “On this particular project, the
erage Scheme’ in Bythorn and Keyston near Kimbolton           longest crossing undertaken using the manhole launched
which was undertaken by Barhale Construction as part          rig was 45 m from a manhole 4 m deep. Not only did the
of Anglian Water’s AMP 6 programme. As framework              drill path cross under the road, but also under the hedge,
contractor, Barhale was appointed to provide a new            lawn and block paved driveway of a private property up
public sewerage system to reduce environmental issues         to the garage to a depth of 1.2 m where the household
in the local area.                                            sewer outlet was to be connected. An operation that took
                                                              only one day using trenchless technology would not only
To ensure minimal disruption whilst connecting house-         have taken a couple of weeks using traditional open cut
holds to the new sewer network the pipework was laid          methods, but would have required a full road closure,
under the local roads using the GRUNDOPIT. The rural          removal of excavated material, importing of back fill ma-
nature of the villages and location of the manholes and       terial, tarmac reinstatement, let alone the reinstatement
route down to the pumping station meant that some of          of the private garden and driveway. The GRUNDOPIT is
the crossings were up to 4 m deep. Ten different loca-        instrumental in these efficiencies. It’s a super piece of kit
tions were used to install 125 mm SDR 11 MDPE sewerage        and one we could not be without.” 

In the far east of Poland, in the Lublin province, you can     length of 5,473 m must be repaired or renewed respec-
find the city of Pulawy with around 48,000 inhabitants. In     tively.
September 2018, the town signed a contract with the com-
pany Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. z o.o.      In Spring 2019 the renewal of a 520 m long section in Pu-
from Bytom (PWiK Bytom) for the trenchless renewal of its      lawy’s Ulica Górna was on the agenda. The old water sup-
water supply network as part of of the large-scale project     ply lines made from PVC and asbestos cement with an in-
“Modernisation of the water supply network in Pulawy by        ner diameter of 80 mm had to be urgently renewed and
bursting – Stage II”. In total supply lines covering a total   owing to the higher demand, the hydraulic capacity of the
14|15 FOR YOU IN ACTION | Water pipeline construction

piping system also had to be increased. The city of Pulawy     existing old pipe is burst and radially displaced into the
chose PWik Bytom as the contracting party, due to their        surrounding soil, while a new pipe (new pipeline) of the
experience over many years with trenchless sanitation/re-      same or a larger diameter is simultaneously pulled in. The
newal projects.                                                GRUNDOBURST 800G certainly fulfilled all requirements
                                                               and conditions here. The bursting rods were pushed
Static pipe bursting was the preferred method of PWik By-      through the old pipe without any problems whatsoever
tom for the trenchless renewal of the old drinking water       and during the withdrawal of the roller blade the PVC and
pipe with PE SLM® 3.0-Pipes ND 200 from Egeplast, be-          asbestos pipes were easily broken and pushed aside into
cause the construction and set-up times are short, the re-     the surrounding dry sandy soil. The relatively large expan-
newal takes place in the existing line, the method is appli-   sion factor of 80 mm to 280 mm was carried out in one
cable for almost all types of damage and old pipe materials    single expansion step, while simultaneously pulling in the
(in this case mainly asbestos cement!) and the environ-        new PE SLM® 3.0-Pipe ND 200. The GRUNDOLOG measur-
ment and traffic are only subject to minimum disruptions.      ing device was applied to measure and survey the permit-
Last but not least, PWiK Bytom were able to use their          ted tensile strengths. In total, four bore lengths, each of
GRUNDOBURST 800G from TRACTO-TECHNIK, which has                130 m were renewed this way, whereby the pure bursting/
been working reliably for many years.                          pulling-in time was merely 5 hours, a super time.

GRUNDOBURST systems are perfectly suitable for pipe
renewals using the static burstlining method, where the        More Information at

Using conventional methods it would be impossible to install     steep slope, directly into the house of his customer in the spa
a water pipe in an impassable terrain without causing any        town of Cochem.
damages – but not if the Mini HDD bore rig GRUNDOPIT PS60
is applied: within only 1,5 days contractor Pöllmann installed   Oliver Pöllmann GmbH is a second-generation, family-run
a new 45 m long water supply pipe from the road through a        construction company, which has been involved in trenchless
16|17 FOR YOU IN ACTION | Water pipeline construction

Only a small construction pit was required for drilling with the GRUNDOPIT PS60 through the steep, built-up slope.

technologies since 2013. Managing Director Oliver Pöllmann             house connection with a diameter of 88 mm ran under exist-
relies on the competence of TRACTO-TECHNIK and their sup-              ing buildings up a steep slope - first under stairs, a hallway
port in technical matters, enabling the contractor, to contin-         and a paved terrace, a garden bed, a meadow and various
uously advance.                                                        paths, before the drill head finally reached the target pit. The
                                                                       bore ran in depths between 1,0 and 3,5 m at inclination an-
POWER PACK WORKS ITS WAY THROUGH                                       gles of up to 46%. During the upsizing process, a mixing ratio
INHOMOGENEOUS SOIL                                                     for the drilling fluid of 15 kg to 1000 l water was applied, as
For the new water supply line, PE protection pipes ND 50               Oliver Pöllmann explained.
and ND 40 had to be installed. From a small pit in the road
46 m away, the GRUNDOPIT equipped with a "Hard Drill                   SURFACES REMAINED INTACT
Head" worked its way through the underground to the target             The position of the bore head was monitored using a Digitrak
pit. The soil was rather inhomogeneous: rock, lava and clay            Falcon F2 detection system. With the compact and powerful
layers often alternated often abruptly. The pilot hole for the         GRUNDOPIT, the installation work was literally carried out in
the most minimally invasive way, which meant that the sur-         fits into a very small starting pit, is easy to transport, or can
face in the surrounding area was not affected at all – com-        launched directly from a basement Yet it provides a large
pletely different from what happens when conventional open         stroke so that drill rods with an effective length of 75 cm can
trench contruction methods are applied. For this reason, the       be applied. With its high torque of 1.500 Nm, a maximal rota-
trenchless method was the only possible way to install a new       tional speed of 150 rpm as well as 60.000 N thrust and pulling
supply line here at all. This way, all preparatory works and the   force, the compact mini rig works very successfully, even in
pilot bore were already completed by the end of the first day.     difficult underground conditions.

On the morning of the second day in Cochem the bore head           All these features make the use of this mini HDD rig is an
was exchanged against a backreamer Ø 105 mm and con-               economical alternative to conventional pipe installation
nected to the protection pipe, so upsizing and pipe instal-        methods, especially for the installation of all types of house
lation could be carried out simultaneously. After the back-        connections, but also for crossings beneath roads, rivers and
reamer, together with the protection pipe arrived back in          streams up to 100 m length. With its clearly arranged control
the starting pit, the ND 40 water pipe was pushed into the         panel, the fully automatic bore mode and the drill rod han-
protection pipe from the top . The whole task was completed        dling system, it makes work easier for the user and guaran-
within only 1,5 days.                                              tees on-target bores.

Among the advantages of the GRUNDOPIT PS60 are its com-            A detailed report and a jobiste video are avalable at
pact dimensions combined with a powerful performance: it  
18|19 FOR YOU IN ACTION | Water pipeline construction • Short report


AMS Trenchless is the UK’s largest privately owned Hori-       a headwall location on the banks of the River Calder. With
zontal Directional Drilling and Guided Auger Boring con-       the high risk of drilling fluid entering the river the option of
tractor in the UK. Based in Scunthorpe and with twenty five    HDD was discounted and the team instead opted for a pipe
years of experience within the industry, AMS Trenchless        ram solution once again using the GRUNDORAM Gigant.
has a policy of investing in the latest trenchless technolo-   Pipe ramming has the advantage of being a ’dry’ method
gy to ensure it remains at the forefront of a dynamic and      guaranteeing zero pollution. An additional advantage of
evolving industry.                                             ramming on this job was the eventual location of the steel
                                                               pipe to a dead end – without the need for a reception pit.
The company has long recognised the benefits of the
GRUNDORAM horizontal rammer range from and over the            Further projects have subsequently been completed using
last year has hired a number of different models to com-       GRUNDORAM Koloss, Goliath and Taurus pipe rammers.
plete trenchless installation projects throughout the UK.      These included a casing pipe ram at Elvanfoot in Scotland
One contract completed by the AMS team involved a trench-      to support unstable ground at the launch area of an HDD
less crossing beneath an existing road for the installation    bore (a classical HDD-Assist technique, so called Conduc-
of steel gas main in Costessey, Norfolk. Pipe ramming us-      tor Barrel), the installation of a steel sleeve for electric ca-
ing the GRUMDORAM Gigant was chosen as the preferred           bles under the East coast mainline at Stevenage station
method following a site review that indicated challenging      and landfall cable ducts for a windfarm in the North Sea.
geology, shallow cover depth and limited space. To install
the steel tube the Gigant rammer had to impart percussive      Peter Guilliatt is the Operations Director at AMS Trenchless
force of 2,860 Nm/joule to drive the open ended steel tube     and is delighted at the success of the projects using the
through the ground. Additional lengths of steel tube were      rammers from TRACTO-TECHNIK UK: “The GRUNDORAMs
then welded to the previous length to complete the cross-      are really superior pieces of kit. Without doubt they have
ing. Spoil left in the steel tube was removed by high pres-    helped us to fulfil our contracts on time and within budget.
sure water jetting at the end of the job and remarkably the    They are ideal for jobs where the ground conditions are
full installation was completed in just 5 shifts.              unstable or geologically difficult and have enabled us to
                                                               offer viable solutions when we didn’t think our standard
Another customer in Brighouse contracted AMS Trenchless        directional drilling or guided auger boring was the best
to install 24 m of outfall pipework from an existing site to   solution.” 

The expansion of fibre-optic networks in rural areas             nologies offers. We quickly agreed that an on-site demo
throughout the Midwest of the USA continues to gain mo-          would be a great opportunity.” The demo consisted of two
mentum. As large communications companies and region-            8 m length bores in house driveways, each taking about 12
al providers start to settle in small towns, there is a great    minutes. Impressed by the speed and accuracy of the bores,
need for utility contractors, who are able to complete FTTP      as well as the low air consumption of the soil displacement
(Fibre-To-The-Premises) projects effectively and efficiently.    hammer, Totmann wanted to use the hammer for his fibre
                                                                 optic projects.
TNT Services from Pipestone recognized the need for high
quality fibre optic installations in rural southwest Minne-      The GRUNDOMAT is versatile and can be applied for numer-
sota very early and has already gained 15 years of experi-       ous trenchless applications. “Soil displacement hammers
ence in the underground pipe installation field. With further    are used for water, gas, canal, electrical and FTTH applica-
fibre-optic installation projects on the horizon, Tim Tot-       tions. Furthermore, they are very economical for the shorter
mann, the TNT Service Manager, was toying with the idea of       bore projects, as was the case with TNT Services, compared
extending his fleet with a further bore rig and decided to get   to the steerable bore systems,” according to Dorn.
in touch with Mark Dorn at TT Technologies. Dorn said: “Tim
asked me about GRUNDOMAT soil displacement hammers,              FIBRE-TO-THE-HOME / FIBRE OPTICS INTO THE HOUSE
because he was looking for a replacement or extension for        TNT Services, currently a sub-contractor for a regional tel-
his existing machines. I informed him about the advantages       ecommunications company, is participating in a FTTH-pro-
of the reciprocating stepped head and the support TT Tech-       ject, comprising numerous construction measures with up-
20|21 FOR YOU IN ACTION | Fibre optic networks

graded fibre-optic systems for households in smaller towns       protection pipes with smaller diameters and then push the
in the southwest of Minnesota.                                   fibreglass cable in afterwards, but sometimes the cables are
                                                                 already embedded. As soon as the fibreglass is in place, the
“We bore from the starting pit right up to the houses, the       utility company can establish the connections. Totmann ex-
bore lengths have average lengths between 6 and 12 m.            plained: “We don’t carry out the connection work ourselves,
Sometimes we bore underneath driveways, paved alleys up          but we make sure that the pipe gets from A to B. Normally
to all types of landscaping near houses. Our starting and        this would mean from the starting pit right up to the house.
target pits usually have dimensions of 1,0 m x 15 m. We          We carry out the bore and then pull the protection pipe in
even have a small trencher to prepare these starting pits.       with the compressed air hose in reverse mode. We often
We lay the excavated soil on a plastic cover, so that it can     have short bore paths and small diameters. In this case we
be quickly and easily filled back in again,” according to Tot-   have protection pipes with Ø 2 cm and a bore diameter of
mann.                                                            4,5 cm. In other cases we pull the soil displacement ham-
                                                                 mer out of the bore hole in reverse mode, then push insu-
The soil conditions in this area were a big challenge, as hard   lation tape through and use that to pull the fibreglass or
loamy soils are difficult to master in dry and wet conditions.   protection pipe back.”
However, for the soil displacement hammer, these soil con-
ditions are no problem at all. The multi-cutter cone of the      POSITIVE PUBLICITY WORK
GRUNDOMAT is equipped with a pressure spring and push-           “Bores in neighbourhoods can cause disturbances. Once
es itself forward together with the machine casing. In doing     residents see us with a shovel in our hands, they can easily
so, it creates a pilot bore, which supports the target preci-    get worried, but we take the time to show them that we are
sion of the soil displacement hammer. The stepped head           not going to destroy their gardens or the pavement. Most
enables the GRUNDOMAT to drive through difficult ground          residents find it hard to believe that we can manage all this
conditions, without deviating from its course. The two-man       with an air compressor and a small tool. Then out comes
teams from TNT Services therefore manage four to six fi-         the plate of cookies, when work is done and we are cleaning
bre-optic installations per day. Most of the time they install   up,” Totmann is happy to add. 
22|23 FOR YOU IN ACTION | Special application


Chesterfield-based Glenthorne Property Services Ltd pro-       take the weight of the new structure and space is almost
vides innovative piled foundation solutions for domestic       always at a premium. In these circumstances the team
and commercial building projects. Tailored to each client’s    from Glenthorne completes the foundation with a steel re-
specific needs the company works with clients throughout       inforced concrete ground beam which not only uses less
the UK to provide augured piles, top and bottom driven         concrete but minimises earth removal off-site.
piles, reinforced ground beams and heave protection sys-
tems. Over the last 25 years a variety of projects have been   The family run firm was started by Nigel Middleman in
completed, from industrial buildings, household-name           1988 and today his two sons, Adam and Joshua have key
fast food outlets and coffee shops – to foundations for        roles in the business, along with the wider family. A long
home extensions and conservatories, many of which are          term customer of TRACTO-TECHNIK UK, manufacturer of
carried out on behalf of well-known companies including        the original GRUNDOMAT mole, the company is a huge ad-
Anglian Home Improvements Ltd.                                 vocate of trenchless technology.

                                  Restricted access piling     “We have been using moles for approaching 20 years; they
                                  is a particular speciali-    are fantastic pieces of kit and have helped to cement our
                                  ty and for this purpose      reputation for providing stabilisation solutions in poor
                                  Glenthorne Property Ser-     ground conditions. Our system of piling with the moles is
                                  vices uses two GRUNDO-       the most efficient in restricted spaces and we can ensure
                                  MAT moles of 95 mm           absolute accuracy and on-the-job customisation.
                                  and 130 mm in diameter
                                  for projects in tight and    We have a structural engineer who provides calculations
                                  awkward spaces. The          and drawings to meet all building regulations prior to us
                                  moles are used vertically,   arriving on site and we pride ourselves on our innovative
                                  rather than horizontally,    approach to each and every job we undertake. In our ex-
                                  to pile down to depths of    perience local building control inspectors are highly ap-
                                  between 2 m and 15 m         preciative of the system and recognise the benefits of the
                                  depending on the loads       loads being transferred deep underground away from any
                                  to be imposed. Domes-        potential issues such as dry summers. The GRUNODMAT
                                  tic projects are regularly   Mole system never ceases to amaze us; from its tremen-
                                  undertaken in house-         dous penetrating power to the reliability of driving it deep
                                  hold gardens where           underground for it to return safely and efficiently when we
                                  foundations for new          put it into reverse. It is an outstanding bit of equipment.”
                                  conservatories or home
                                  extensions are required.     GRUNDOMAT moles have a multitude of other uses includ-
                                  It is common to find         ing property service connections, under crossings, pipe
                                  ground conditions are        ramming (from type 130 on), dynamic pipe renewal (from
                                  not sufficiently stable to   type 95 on) and the extraction of steel pipes. 

MGD Civil Engineering is a leading contractor in the water       working on behalf of SGN. This crossing was one of the
and gas sector in Ireland. Located in Mullingar the compa-       final elements of the newly laid gas distribution network
ny operates in both Ireland & the UK providing a range of        in Omagh and was key to ensure that the Omagh Hos-
specialist services varying from Gas Feeder Main Pipelines,      pital was connected to a Natural Gas supply. The 18ACS
Water Rehabilitation projects and Horizontal Directional         was specifically chosen to complete this crossing after a
Drilling.                                                        site inspection identified the presence of a trong reddish
                                                                 brown sandstone. The overall crossing from mobilisation
Thanks to its innovative approach, the company has part-         to completion was carried out over the period of one week
nered with several organisations to deliver services for         without any complications.
companies such as Gas Networks Ireland, Phoenix Natural
Gas & SGN. One project undertaken on behalf of McNich-           Matt Corrigan. Site Agent for MGD Civil Engineering,
olas was only achieved with the help of a GRUNDODRILL            worked with the TRACTO-TECHNIK UK team to specify the
18ACS from TRACTO-TECHNIK UK. MGD stepped in at the              GRUNDODRILL 18ACS. He is hugely impressed by the ma-
request of McNicholas after the project – the installation of    chine’s capabilities as are the customers who benefit from
a PE gas main underneath a river crossing in Crossgar, NI        its productivity and efficiency:
- proved to be difficult for conventional directional drilling
techniques using jetting due to the changing ground con-         “The GRUNDODRILL 18ACS has enabled MGD to undertake
ditions. In consultation with the team at TRACTO-TECHNIK         some of the more complex rock HDD’s and has greatly de-
UK, a site survey was undertaken to establish the ground         creased the completion time. This in turn has reduced the
conditions and a demonstration machine (18ACS) was               impact on the communities where we undertake our work
hired, complete with rods and drill heads, which efficiently     and enables us to offer greater value to customers. It’s a
drilled through the hard rock present. The gas pipe was          fantastic piece of equipment.” 
successfully installed in just two days.

Impressed with the capabilities of the GRUNDODRILL
18ACS, MGD purchased the unit to prepare for upcoming
contracts and it has since been successfully deployed on a
project to bring natural gas to the brand new Center Parcs
development in Longford Forest. Working for GMC Utilities
Group on behalf of GNI, MGD successfully undertook a
HDD River Crossing of 400mm PE Gas Pipe through chal-
lenging hard limestone in Tang, Co.Westmeath.

Another challenging river crossing was completed in the
summer of 2019 in Omagh Co. Tyrone for Kier Group
24|25 FOR YOU IN ACTION | Natural Gas Distribution Networks • GOOD TO KNOW | New GRUNDOPIT PS40

THE NEW GRUNDOPIT PS40                                                    Available

                                                                                          1.25 m

                                                               HOUSE CONNECTIONS IN NO TIME
                                                               The extremely compact GRUNDOPIT PS40 is suitable for a
                                                               particularly small pit, which fits into the pavement with its
                                                               width of only 1 metre. That’s why the Mini HDD rig is ideal
                                                               for the production of FTTH connections directly from the
                                                               footpath, under which the public fibre-glass infrastructure
                                                               normally runs. Due to the low distance between the bore
                                                               axis and the bottom of the starting pit, the bores can be
                                                               started directly above the existing cable network from a
                                                                   fairly flat starting pit.

                                                                         Also house connections for water and electricity
                                                                         can be installed with the GRUNDOPIT PS40 un-
                                                                         complicated, within the available infrastructure,
                                                                               up to the core bore hole inside the build-
                                                                                               ing. Thrust and pulling
                                                                                               forces up to 40 kN enable
                                                                                               service line installations,
                                                                                       even in challenging soils.

GRUNDOPIT Mini fluid-assisted HDD rigs are applied when          Designed for the quick production of house connections,
pipe installations up to 100 m length require the steerab-       especially fibre-glass (FTTH)
lity of the bore head, due to the required bore path. House      Start from a small pit with only 100 x 125 cm, which fits
connection service lines can also be installed by steering       exactly into the pavement
with the GRUNDOPIT bore rig to a small pit in front of the       Low distance between bore axis and bottom of pit
building, directly into the building or the cellar. This way     allows bores above existing infrastructures
you can close the gap between non-steerable soil displace-       Extremely compact dimensions of only 950 x 1,180 x
ment hammers and steerable HDD bore rigs. The produc-            1,500 mm (LxWxH) in working positon
tion series has now been extended to include a further           Pulling and thrust forces of up to 40 kN at a maximum
bore rig, specially developed for a quicker, near-surface        torque of 1,050 Nm
production of house connections from the pavement – the          Various hydraulic power units and mud systems availa-
GRUNDOPIT PS40.                                                  ble for performance adaption 

Since the foundation of TT's own financing company last          does your knowledge of the commercial vehicle industry
year, we have also stood by our customers and sales              benefit your work at TRACTO-TECHNIK, or, to put it anoth-
partners as a competent and reliable financial services          er way, where are the similarities and differences of the
provider. We spoke to Thorsten Wedi, Head of Financial           two industries?
Services, about financial risks in civil engineering, optimal    THORSTEN WEDI: Both industries are very capital-inten-
financing solutions and the range of services of TRAC-           sive because commercial vehicles and construction ma-
TO-TECHNIK Finance GmbH.                                         chines are capital goods, which raise similar financing is-
                                                                 sues. Companies in the construction industry are rather
TRACTUELL: Mr. Wedi, money is a matter of trust. That's          conservative in these areas, ownership still plays an im-
why our readers are naturally interested in finding out who      portant role. Then there are cyclical differences because in
you are. Please introduce yourself and briefly describe          civil engineering there are seasonal fluctuations, especially
your background to date.                                         in winter. The construction industry also has a greater fi-
THORSTEN WEDI: My career is quite normal. After the 'Abi-        nancial standing on average. Notwithstanding the above,
tur' (school-leaving qualification) I completed a banking ap-    both industries face the same big challenges with regard
prenticeship and then studied business management, ma-           to the lack of qualified staff, be it truck drivers or machine
joring in finance. As part of my thesis I had my first contact   operators.
with a leading commercial vehicle manufacturer. I worked
there for 15 years in various roles in sales financing, some     TRACTUELL: How do our customers and partners benefit
in direct sales, others in sales support and most recently as    from TT's own financing company in view of these risks
head of department for the area Group Vendor Financing.          and challenges? What benefits does the financing com-
I am married and a father of two children aged 7 and 12.         pany offer compared to banks or other financial services
TRACTUELL: So you learned the financing business from            THORSTEN WEDI: Money cannot replace staff, but it can
scratch and have plenty of experience. To what extent            help to defuse the staff situation. For example, with financ-
26|27 GOOD TO KNOW | Service

                                                                          YOUR CONTACT:
                                                                          Thorsten Wedi
                                                                          Manager Financial Services
                                                                          Tel.: 02723 / 808-205

ing it is possible to exchange older, labour-intensive ma-      TRACTUELL: Who can make use of these financing solu-
chines for more efficient, new equipment quicker. With the      tions and what is financed?
new machine the customer can carry out more tasks with          THORSTEN WEDI: We basically serve all end custom-
the same staffing level.                                        ers and partners. We are steadily expanding our activity
In addition, with our tailormade financing solutions, the       radius. We started with sales financing on the domestic
building contractor can concentrate on their core busi-         market and are currently advancing the expansion to the
ness. Because we can give a positive answer within a short      countries of our sister companies, i.e. end customers in
period of time and generally do not request any other col-      Germany, Great Britain and France can now avail them-
lateral, which is a big advantage over principal banks. The     selves of financing solutions. The USA and Australia are
line of credit there can be used for other investments, for     currently in preparation. At the request of sales partners,
which dealer financing is not available, such as for the con-   we will also be able to finance their end customers at a
struction of administration or industrial buildings.            later stage.
We also offer excellent interest terms and seasonal instal-
ments, e.g. a winter payment holiday of 3 - 4 months is         We generally finance new and used machines from our
possible. Also no principal bank or other financial services    production, trade products such as cable winches, which
provider offers modern types of machine use, the so-called      have their own serial number and also pipe bending ma-
Operate Leasing. With Operate Leasing the customer uses         chines from PBS. It is also possible to integrate supple-
the bore rig for the agreed operating life and simply re-       mentary products, e.g. trucks or trailers, in the financing
turns it to TRACTO-TECHNIK at the end. They do not have         of a drill rig for the completion of the drilling train.
to worry about the disposal of the machine, we look after
this through our used machine service and our global sales      TRACTUELL: With "financing" most people think of the clas-
network.                                                        sic instalment credit or vehicle leasing. What financing
In addition, we also offer insurance. The customers get         models does TRACTO-TECHNIK Finance GmbH offer ex-
everything from a single source.                                actly and what is each model recommended for?
THORSTEN WEDI: We can discuss all individual require-              nancing also helps me with my job-order costing because
ments and offer classic credit as well as many different           uncertain assumptions about realisation proceeds of used
forms of leasing and hire purchase.                                machines disappear. In perspective, with this financing
                                                                   model we also want to offer a fixed monthly instalment
Hire purchase is a super financing instrument if the cus-          for the maintenance and also later for the machine wear.
tomer wants to be the beneficial owner of the bore rig and
make use of the write-downs. With the agreement of a bal-          We give extensive advice on the various financing models in
loon (final) payment at the end of the financing very low          order to find the best solution for the customer's interests.
monthly instalments are possible, with which I can main-
tain my liquidity over the long term. If I continue to use        TRACTUELL: Irrespective of the type and volume, every fi-
the machine after the final payment, then this has positive       nancing wants to be well secured, but you can never rule
effects on my profit situation because there are no more          out certain risks, e.g., that a bore rig suffers irreparable
instalments to be paid from the revenue generated.                damage or is stolen.
Credit financing is similar in many ways to hire purchase         THORSTEN WEDI: Absolutely! We provide smart and at-
with the difference that the customer is already the owner of     tractive insurance solutions precisely for these purposes,
the machine at the outset of the financing, however, the ma-      e. g. the all risks cover. With this policy every conceivable,
chine is assigned to the lender by way of collateral. In prac-    unforeseeable damage is covered - apart from damage
tice the differences between credit and hire purchase are         resulting from war or warlike events, nuclear energy, in-
marginal for the                                                                                              tent or operation-
customer, we are                                                                                              al wear, and even
providing     more                                                                                            from      operating
and more hire pur-                                                                                            errors. And this is
chase solutions.                                                                                              at fixed monthly
                                                                                                              instalments, even
The importance                                                                                                after a claim. The
of classic finance                                                                                            so-called GAP in-
leasing has de-                                                                                               surance,     which
creased rapidly.                                                                                              covers the differ-
Because       every                                                                                           ence between the
finance company                                                                                               redemption value
is obligated to sell                                                                                          and replacement
the property at                                                                                               value of a machine,
the market value                                                                                              for example, if it
on expiry of the                                                                                              was stolen, is also
financing, many       Thorsten Wedi in conversation with Anne Knour (Tractuell).                              included.
customers get an
unpleasant surprise. Apart from the calculated monthly             TRACTUELL: What does a customer or partner have to do if
instalments, they also have to pay the difference between          they want to take out finance with Finance GmbH and what
contractual salvage value and market value, sometimes              is the process?
the full amount. A supposed deal or special offer with ex-         THORSTEN WEDI: I am happy to provide advice on financ-
cellent interest rates quickly turns into a cost trap, especial-   ing matters at any time. Interested customers or partners
ly as for some time now the handling of salvage values is          can reach me by telephone or e-mail. You can also men-
increasingly monitored by the tax authorities. In any case,        tion your request to our sales staff. Generally our custom-
upon express request we also provide this classic leasing.         ers have the desired financing offers on the table within a
                                                                   few hours. Often with a positive answer, i. e. the customer
Operate Leasing is very interesting for certain constella-         does not have to submit any further documents.
tions. As I mentioned earlier, the customer uses the ma-
chine for an agreed fixed period and returns it to us on ex-       Absolute discretion is assured. All financing applications
piry. This type of financing is useful, e. g., for dealing with    and the documents submitted are treated in the strictest
additional orders. I have often had to provide a service           confidence. We guarantee you this as a reliable financial
over a certain period of time, generally several years. New        services provider.
machines are generally required. If I am not quite sure
whether I can also utilise the machines after the order,           TRACTUELL: Mr. Wedi, thank you very much for this en-
then Operate Leasing is the right choice. This type of fi-         lightening conversation! 
You can also read