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I Y E N G A R® Y O G A ( U K ) Honorary president: Yogacharya Sri B.K.S. Iyengar www.iyengaryoga.org.uk Iyengar Yoga News SPRING 2017 Issue number 30 This issue of Iyengar Yoga News features a couple of fascinating interviews: one with Guruji about Yoga Therapy, and another with Pandurang Rao, secretary of RIMYI. Continuing with the RIMYI theme, we asked our teachers to send us their experiences of Pune and have published a number of these. Our thank-yous for magazine contri- butions also go to this year’s organizers of the National Iyengar Yoga Day events for sending in their reports and photographs. Alongside with a few more feature articles you will find the regular updates from the IY (UK) asso- ciation. Please note the information about this year’s Convention with Jawahar Bangera. If you want to come and haven’t already booked then please do so. The IY (UK) magazine is a great way of sharing the news and knowledge throughout the Iyengar yoga commu- nity. As well as your ideas and articles, we would be grateful for images or good quality scanned copies of photo- graphs that could be published in future editions. Images of Guruji, RIMYI and of your local classes, workshops and similar events can really enhance the content. We hope you enjoy this issue! Editorial Board: Philippe Harari, This magazine is printed on paper that is Finance & Bookings Administrator Judi Soffa, Tehira Taylor, Jill Johnson, sourced under a scheme which ensures Jess Wallwork Sigute Barniskyte-Kidd, John Cotgreave minimal environmental impact. Telephone 07757 463 767 email jess@iyengaryoga.org.uk Membership and Office Manager Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 Layout & Design: Sigute Barniskyte-Kidd 15 West Grove, Andy Tait Bristol BS6 5LS Articles to: editor@iyengaryoga.org.uk Telephone 07510326997 email offce@iyengaryoga.co.uk Assessments Administrator PO Box 51698, London, SE8 9BU Kate Woodcock Advertising: John Cotgreave Telephone 07914089360 cotgreavej@gmail.com email kate@iyengaryoga.org.uk PR & Website Manager Katie Owens PO Box 1217, Bradford, BD1 9XF Copy deadline: 7 August 2017 email katie@iyengaryoga.org.uk 2 SPRING 2017
Contents Features Yo g a T h e r a p y Inter view with BKS Iyengar page 4 Inter view with Pandurang Rao by Karen Dhada page 9 Impressions from Pune and RIMYI page 13 N a t i o n a l I y e n g a r Yo g a D a y 2 0 1 7 Feedback from Or ganiser s and Par ticipants page 21 Convention 2017 by Catherine Gresty page 27 B o o k r e v i e w : Yo g a f o r S c o l i o s i s by Emma Harrison page 28 Silvia Prescott Obituar y by Cathy Rogers-Evans page 30 To o t i n g I y e n g a r Yo g a S u t d i o b y Te h i r a Ta y l o r a n d L a u r a Tu g g e y page 33 IYI South London by Marion Sinclair page 34 Member information Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 IY(UK) Reports page 36 Assessment Results and Notices pages 40 IY (UK) Professional Development Days 2016 page 42 List of Institutes and Centres page 46 SPRING 2017 3
Yoga Therapy Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 Interview with BKS Iyengar First published 1999 and 2002 in Yoga Rahasya 4 SPRING 2017
At that time I had no idea that I would become a yoga teacher. I took it for health. I think destiny Guruji, how would you define therapeutic yoga? must have played a role for me to take up this life. I never even dreamt that I would be a yoga teacher. Therapy is a subject which deals with the view of I was just like a bird without a nest, not knowing the body, mind as well as self. Therapy for me is my future plans. On one side, there was no educa- how we can form a methodology to keep this body, tion and on the other side, I knew very little of mind and intelligence to function in a rhythmic way the theory side of the subject. When I was called co-ordinating with the various structural functions of to teach, there was a tremendous confusion and I the body. Yoga plays a major role in educating man had definitely no idea then, that I would carry this from the peripheral area to reach the innermost message of yoga to the extent that I have taken it part of the human being, which you may call me or now. Even if I reflect on this now - it is like a dream. 'I' or the divine self. All problems arise from this 'I' But it is a fact. I learnt by experiments that yoga has or me. power to help humanity. Today, the common man does not understand ln retrospection, do you now feel fortunate the vedanta of yoga. Vedanta of yoga is to unite that you had been 'unfortunate enough' to have or to build the body, mind and intelligence with suffered from so many diseases in your childhood the support of the consciousness so that they all and accidents in your later life which gave you a become a single facet of man. Unity takes place lot of first hand experiential knowledge on yoga without any divergence or deviations. therapeutics? The body says one thing, the mind says one thing, Yes, it is a fact that I did suffer in my childhood. the emotions say one thing, the intellect says one As I told you earlier, probably I was destined to thing. So these diversions, which are common be the messenger of yoga, but I was not knowing to one and all, disturb the harmony of the life- my destiny. lt was the circumstances, as you said, force which we commonly call as health. If there whether it is fortunate or unfortunate - I do not is a disturbance in the life-force then we call it ill know - it acted both ways. It was pushing me in health. This life-force is influenced by our physical, this field but unfortunately I was not getting any emotional and intellectual actions and reactions, support from anyone. So fortune and misfortune occurring within ourself and in response to the were identically balancing throughout. Up to 1946,1 outside world. lt is not so easy to remain in a had no clue as to which direction I was to follow. rhythmic, balanced state, though that is the aim of So in one way it was good that I suffered. ln those yoga. Yoga therapy is a vedantic therapy but not circumstances I had no mind to teach at all - but a physical therapy as is commonly understood. my Guruji insisted. There was a responsibility and Therapy means to enter the core of the cause that responsibility became my guiding light to invent of the pains and imbalances that create the pain; things on this subject as a teacher and a student. touch it and create that rhythm. It is a philosophical therapy and not a physical therapy. Guruji, for certain diseases like certain back and knee problems, dysmenorrhoea, asthma, etc. - you Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 Guruji, you started yoga because of ill-health and have made it so simple for teachers to teach. when it started improving, did you ever think or imagine that you would be able to give health to Yoga could not be done actively throughout so many people? Did you see that power in yoga and when the patients came to me I had to find or that potential in yourself then? means to give them relief by passive active action. How to make them move with a slight support so SPRING 2017 5
that the resistance is pacified? Passive movements means pacifying the inner resistance of the patient. Passive does not mean negative type of movements. When I try to move a certain part of the body, and unknowingly the other part becomes active, this may not only injure the affected part but also the other parts. Then, I work to keep those parts passive in order to actively work on the needed area. For example, take the shoulders and the shoulder blades. If the shoulders are painful then I cannot over-stretch them. So, I have to support the shoulder so that I can move passively a little more by activating the shoulder blades. But if I keep both the shoulders and the shoulder blades passive then there will be no improvement. This knowledge is the one which made me devise props so that they can passively give active action not a passively passive action. Physiotherapy is totally passive action and they will not allow any active action. ln yoga, they teach how certain parts can be made active by remaining passive while keeping certain parts indi- rectly passive. said my hand is dislocated and I cannot do anything. You know, two weeks ago, when I was doing Eka I kept quiet for only three days and kept on doing Pada Viparita Dandasana II, the left elbow came up although the doctors said I could not do anything and the right elbow got caught between the wall for three weeks. They told me that I should not and the brick. There was no movement and I lost lift my hand up. Then, there are many other things my balance. I dislocated my shoulder which all of I can do. So, why should I ask them what I should you know. Now, today I have done standing poses do? The doctor asked me, "Can you do Sirsasana? for one hour. Could any other person think of that? 1 said “1 did it holding the wall with the hands up, Keeping that part passive, can I not work on any it is Niralamba Sirsasana.” 1 can also do Niralamba other part? To keep that part passive I am supposed Sarvangasana because I can keep my hand down to have to put it in a sling - but you can see that or lift my back and hold the bar. This is known as I have not. I have just tied it so that my hand may common sense. That common sense is what is not go up. I am very fast in helping the pupils, so I important in our yoga teachers. have kept it tied to keep a check over it but I have kept my hand down from the very first day. I did Yoga is now considered as an alternative form of Sirsasana on the rope and Kapotasana with one medicine. Generally, an alternative to Allopathic hand. Could I teach if I had no confidence? Now form of medicine. Don’t you think that yoga I am an ideal person for teachers like you to see. should become a front-line therapy for certain Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 You may say that I cannot move my hand, but, I diseases especially diseases like osteoarthritis, am doing Urdhva Dhanurasana with one hand on cervical spondylosis, etc.? a stool. I have done Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana even today. I do Hanumanasana by pressing one Yoga can easily become an alternative form of hand. Only I cannot take my hand up. I am trying to treatment and it is gaining ground as a natural rotate it in such a way so as to find out whether all therapy. But for the present it needs a lot of my muscles are in position or not. I could have also support from the medical world. Medical world has 6 SPRING 2017
its own ideas. They are also fanatical in their own sensitivity grows more and more; the intelligence in subject but they have to give a thought that there the person develops a character which is prakasha may be so many other ways to treat diseases. lf (light). This is fusion between consciousness and the one can blend all these together then probably the power of the bio-energy. When these two come health of the world, the growth of the health of together the words used are psycho and soma or the people may be faster than what we are getting prana sakti and prajna sakti. Prajna sakti is psycho today. energy while prana sakti is soma energy. These have to be blended to move together in the practice of Prevention is better than cure. Only Patanjali Yoga asanas and pranayama. Only then can you think of Sutra says - heyam dukham anagatam, take care curing diseases very fast. from now on so that the future afflictions may not occur. This has not been said in other texts. Today Blood circulation is dependent on circulation of you may be healthy but you do not know at what prana and the blending of the blood to a supe- time you may be not. He therefore cautions us in rior quality depends on prajna sakti. According to the 23rd sutra, 2nd chapter. He says, all the bhuta-s, the physiological explanation of the functions of indriya-s, the tanmatra-s, the manas, evolve the the heart, the blood is purified even if you do not person to a better person from what he is today. pay attention to it. But the yogi sends his intel- ligence and consciousness to each and every part He clearly explains that yoga is not only a preven- of the body so that the blood is felt when it feeds tive but also a curative subject in the 30th sutra of those areas which need it. That is why many of the 4th chapter – Tatah klesha karma nivrittih. the asana-s were given and the subtle practices of pranayama were given so that you can make Yoga is meant to get rid of all the actions which the air and the blood reach those areas. Health is create afflictions. Does it not work as a preventive dependent upon the prajna and prana sakti. If one as well as a curative subject? Now, if you take, the is stronger that the other then there is imbalance. 3rd chapter – sutra 51 "tadvairagyat api dosabijak- Imbalance on the soma or imbalance on the psycho. saye kaivalyam.” Bija is a seed, the seed of dosha-s, lf they work together then there is a balance seed of unhappiness. You can have millions and between the health of the body and the health of millions of meanings for the words - dosha bija. Each the mind. Yoga does that. 'That is why I say that of the dosha-s can be vanquished by the practice of yoga can take a primary hand in the cultivation of yoga. What more can I tell you regarding that ques- good health' As Prashant said in the lectures, we as tion when Patanjali not only speaks of philosophy students have not got the courage to counter act but also psychology as well as physical, mental, intel- for the counter challenge when people speak-about lectual and spiritual health that can be attained by the 'valuelessness' of yoga. We think a medical man the practice of yoga, the method being asana and has come from heaven and he knows everything of pranayama. the body but if he knows everything of the body - how many doctors have died unknowingly? They There are two things that are needed for improve- don't ask that question' ment in one's health. One is prajna and another is prana. What you call conscious energy and bio- That is why yoga says: you become a doctor for Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 energy. Concentration is not awareness. To be your own self. You need not depend upon others. aware of everything is only possible for a very sensi- Today in the modern world kriya - yoga is in a tive, intellectual person and asanas build up that dormant state. Without kriya there is no illumina- sensitivity. We trigger the person by giving pricks tion - be it, physical, mental or intellectual. lf the in the organs for them to become sharp. This is modern world understands this much, I will tell you the sharpness which Patanjali speaks of - sensitivity that yoga will supersede all other forms.\ of intelligence grows more and more when the SPRING 2017 7
Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 8 SPRING 2017
Interview with Pandurang Rao Secretary of RIMYI by Karen Dhada Guruji was known to me from when I was born, the Institute and the other half for the family house. I’ve known him from a very young age. My dad and In January we had a Puja on Thursday and then on he were old friends from when they were bach- Saturday he went to Mumbai to teach. Sunday his elors. So, being family friends we were all known to wife died. That is how the name for the Ramamani each other from our childhood. Institute came. It opened on the 19th January 1975. I was born in Karnataka in 1950 but brought up in The first group to come was for an intensive, Pune. I started Yoga in 1970 when Guruji used to about 110 people. There was a large number from take classes in schools. In the beginning I thought the U.K. - Jean Maslen, Lilian Biggs, Silva Mehta, let me see what this Yoga is about so I went to Silvia Prescott, Angela Farmer, Dona Holleman, and the class at one of the school halls. After a while, I Jeannie Hammond. At that time there would be a started going to his home where he used to teach morning and evening class. Guruji used to give three maybe 5 – 6 students. I just went out of curiosity to intensives a year; January, July and October. Geeta, see what this Yoga is. Prashant and I were there and we used to help in the classes. Slowly I started learning and teaching. In the 1970s Guruji taught abroad a lot and the At that time there were not so many students, so local people thought we need to do something in there would be enough time for me to go to class Pune for him. That was the idea from the mind of and practise. It was from the early 1980s that the his local students that we will have some institute. classes became more crowded. Then we opened In 1972 Guruji found this land – half would be for Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 SPRING 2017 9
another hall upstairs. The idea came here. When Guruji was had to go slightly up or down was to keep it for Pranayama travelling he was very happy that I depending on whether his chest class. The newcomers used to was looking after the Institute for was up or down. He would lie join the main hall. Slowly we him. He had the sense that I can on the bench and say this is not stopped and started separate take care. correct, go for the final trial again. beginners classes upstairs. I used to help in the beginners and There are four rooms on the Guruji was my friend, my Guru, medical classes. Then in 1980, ground floor. One is the book- he was my everything. We used the children’s classes began and store, one is an office and the to talk on any subject. We were Geeta used to mainly teach. other is Prashant’s room. When very good friends. He gave Sometimes, I would step in if we first started the students used fatherly advice. He told me to get there was no teacher. In the late to stay four to a room. There is married, said it was good to have 1980s there were many students a toilet, bathroom and kitchen a life partner. Ratan Shah one of as Guruji’s popularity remained. facilities in each room. After a the senior teachers from the early We trained many teachers here. couple of years it was difficult to days passed away early this year. maintain because they needed There are a few like him who are hot water. Somewhere before not here anymore. Prashant’s accident in 1988 we stopped lending the rooms it as it was a big job. From the beginning, the library When asked if he will retire was like this and Guruji used soon, he said “Nobody can say. Before his death, he was not to meet people here. A lot of Retirement is a mental idea. The talking so much. He told me, “My students used to come in the more you remain busy the more time is come up now.” I said, afternoon and sit and read just to you remain young. So many “No Guruji.” He was not meeting be near him. People used to ask retired people get disturbed later many people and not OK those me if they could see Guruji, I was on, they don’t know what to do.” last 15 days. Those last few days the fixer. He would meet people when I saw him he was not well Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 between 3-5.30pm and then 6pm Guruji’s invention of his props and we needed to send him to he would go to medical class. were all witnessed by me. They the hospital. So, I was there with Many people used to pray for were all his own inventions. The a few others when the ambulance Guruji. He was like my God and Viparita Dandasana and Setu- took him. That was the last time because of that I was not easily bandha Sarvangasana benches I saw him. At that time, I never impressed with other politicians, took a couple of months to get had any idea that I will not see cricket players and film stars who to the final end. Sometimes, we him again or he will not come 10 SPRING 2017
back. It never came in my mind. time to think emotionally or think were different. Today a lot of Even I thought, that in a couple of negatively. We think the blessings students may not be necessarily days he may come back but then are there. Our job is to run the fond of Yoga, they may come I realised that that was the last Institute as it is before. once a week, then another day day I saw him. A person like me watch a film or go to a dance who was with Guruji 40 years but He is such a big man to describe class. In those days they were how soon that time came when him in three words. He had genuine students. Now you could I have to say bye to him and it all the best qualities. I always say it is the difference between happened like in a fraction of a remember anytime, he had a the Sky and the Earth. Now when second. fantastic memory. A very sharp I walk into the practice hall, I see man and extremely disciplined. people lie on their mats and relax The institute was closed for a These things are fantastic. He was on say two bolsters. Like it is a week to ten days. People would like a jackfruit. It’s very tough and five-star Yoga Spa. In the 1970s come for prayer in the main hall. hard from the outside but inside there were absolutely no props, After 14 days we opened the very sweet, very soft - this man everyone had to carry their own Institute. was like that. We used to go on the scooter sometimes, both of us. He was a pure vegetarian, he Abhijata has now taken on the used to like to talk on politics, blanket and work on the bare responsibility and there are a lot watched Cricket. He was very floors. We were the props, e.g. of devoted teachers and they down to earth. After teaching, he someone in Halasana would put started helping. There are now became an absolutely innocent their legs on our shoulders. How a lot of other assistant teachers person. When he was teaching many people could stay with and we can now comfortably run he was very strong and hard, not Guruji in those days? - He was the Institute. The last two years everybody could take him as a very hard. He would make you Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 Geeta has not been well, that’s teacher. But after teaching he was do 108 Viparita Chakrasanas. He why Prashant takes the morning absolutely a different person. would hit who he liked. Look at class. my photo of me in Vrschikasana, I The students who came at the have the soles of my feet on my I feel Guruji is all the time with early days of the Institute were head and that is only with Guruji’s me. Like what he said we are different, as per the generation blessings.\ doing that. We don’t have the gap. Their views and attitude SPRING 2017 11
Pune Impressions from and the RAMAMANI IYENGAR MEMORIAL YOGA INSTITUTE Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 12 SPRING 2017
MY FIRST TRIP TO PUNE By Sharon Gleeson My first trip to Pune was in December for Yoganusasanam 2016. I have been practicing Iyengar yoga since 2002 but had never been tempted by a month long stay in Pune – a journey to the unknown for a month just seemed like too much of a risk! When the opportunity of visiting for 2 weeks presented itself it seemed a little less daunting – if I hated it I only had to make it through 2 weeks and if I loved it I could go back for a month. I had heard lots of stories from Pune, good and bad but the time had come for me to experience it for myself and I set off on my little adventure with 2 yoga friends. We flew from Dublin to London and London to Mumbai with British Airways. Our taxi ride from Mumbai to Pune was not for the faint hearted! The traffic in India has to be seen to be believed. We arrived to Pune and to our lovely hotel The Ketan which was recommended to us. We had spacious rooms with balconies and were very close to the Deccan Gymkhana where Yoganusasanam was held. I think that the guidance of our wonderful senior teachers in Ireland allowed us to have the very best possible experience of Pune. Aisling Guirke gave us an email guide which became our bible and we referred to it every day. We knew where to eat, what to eat, where to shop, where to sightsee, where to find a pool on our day off, where to find great jewellery in a lovely shop that gives you chai and nibbles while you shop! Even what type of car to request when booking a taxi to the airport. Yoganusasanam was wonderfully organised. We were given backpacks containing the props we would need for the event and ID cards which Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 were colour coded to ensure that we got to move around the room day by day. Abhijata’s teaching was excellent and she taught with a deep knowl- edge of Iyengar yoga which she presented with sincerity, humour and great skill. We loved her more as each day passed. We also got to experi- ence talks with Prashant and the highlight for me SPRING 2017 13
was when Geeta spoke to us for over 2 hours, problems for everyone else. Dogs, cattle, pigs, hand despite her ill health. carts and street sweepers (women in lovely saris Guruji’s birthday anniversary on December 14th with a long wispy broom) wander up and down the was celebrated in style and we got to spend time roads quite safely while lorries, cars, motor bikes at the Institute listening to Birjoo and Zubin sharing and scooters, often with several people on them their memories of their time with Guruji. including children and babies, are doing things you’d When Yoganusasanam was finished we spent get arrested for in the UK. It might look undis- another few days in Pune and got to attend a class ciplined and dangerous but if anyone causes an at the Institute. It was such a treat to attend a class accident their stupidity will quickly gather an angry there – a place I had seen so many times in photos crowd. and in videos. It was very exciting to see the Insti- tute for real and we spent hours in the bookshop. I enjoyed every second of my little trip to Pune and am already looking forward to going back. RIMYI, NOVEMBER 2016 By Hannah Lovegrove At RIMYI, the Iyengar Yoga Institute in Pune, you’ll often hear Geetaji use the phrase, “You people” to Westerners when one of us has behaved like an idiot in class. It’s true - when we arrive most of us just don’t get it; the learning curve is very steep. During my visit there in November 2016, I real- ised there’s a fundamental issue with our skewed Western view of the purpose of humility and respect. Take the crazy traffic as an example. The rule is: keep moving forwards, don’t waver and pedes- trians: NEVER step backwards. No one stops at roundabouts with the “After you” attitude of the British give way system. Anyone who wavers causes Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 14 SPRING 2017
The Institute is a sacred place where for over telling us what we can and cannot do - because if 40 years, Iyengar Yoga teaching has been devel- you behave with humility, pay attention and show oped, practiced and freely given. The city of Pune respect, there’s not a lot of need for reminders. But and its 2.5 million inhabitants (about the size of Western stupidity knows no bounds, apparently. Greater Manchester) now has four or five genera- We saw a group of Westerners bring out a picnic tions of Iyengar Yoga students and teachers. The in the practice hall between classes. That’s as bad as daily classes are filled to capacity. The teaching bringing your shoes into the Institute. Self-discipline is strong, quick and detailed; every instruction is and appropriate behaviour grow naturally from delivered from 'a very straight bat'. The locals love humility and respect. it, and their love and respect for their teachers is clearly evident. In the world-famous medical classes, Iyengar Yoga and props come together and are PUNE BLOG used with years of skill and experience, providing By Tamara Hockey relief and respite to those who need help. Indian culture is rich with gods and rituals. Managed to get some sleep last night and enjoyed Humility, homage, respect are naturally and unself- our last ‘holiday’ morning – practice, swim and consciously displayed by people on every street breakfast by the pool. We had booked an air condi- corner. Discipline doesn’t need to be rigorously tioned sleeper bus back to Pune with Swami Travel applied – the Institute isn’t festooned with notices and I was feeling increasingly nervous about this Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 SPRING 2017 15
plan. The timetable said it would get us to Pune for 3.30 pm in plenty of time for Abhi’s class, but somehow I doubted that the bus would live up to its timetabled claim of being quicker than the car we had got on the way out. Still it turned up only 15 minutes late – not a bad start, especially since in India if you are late for the bus and you are booked on, it waits for you to turn up. The sleeper bus is fun! You have a curtained bunk instead of a seat and I’d booked the top bunk at the front to maximise the view, which was both a blessing and a curse, as you could see in full detail just how close you were getting to the edge of the precipice as the driver made his way cautiously (yes cautiously!!) down the long, curved mountain descent. We made innumerable stops, which seemed to involve someone flagging the bus down followed by a long argument as the would-be passenger tried to secure a place on the bus and then the door would slam shut and the bus would of laughs. We sat in virasana with our knees and drive off without allowing them to board. By the shins down and the toes pinned up on a pranayama fifth or sixth time I couldn’t help but wonder WHY pillow, bringing about a strong opening of the front STOP? As we approached our supposed arrival ankle and lengthening of the metatarsel. Particularly time, we swung into a rest area for a 30 minute her local students really struggled with this and were stop. Feeling increasingly frustrated, I flagged down wriggling about and groaning so she relayed her a likely looking English speaker and managed to experience when Guruji gave her this, only instead ascertain we were about 45 minutes from Pune of a pranayama pillow he gave her a wooden rod and that we would be dropped at Chandi Chowk for the toes. He asked “What is happening?” and about 8km from Model Colony. We were dumped she replied “It is painful!!” his response was “Why unceremoniously in the central reservation of a busy are you telling me about pain? when did I ask you multi lane carriageway, where luckily a few rick- about pain? I asked you what was happening!”. shaws were waiting – not exactly in a strong posi- At the end of the class I waited to speak to Abhi tion to bargain, we took their first offer and heaved and thanked her for her teaching over the month. a sigh of relief as the scenery became more familiar. She smiled brightly and we said until next time… I managed to pick up my bolsters from Dimpex I somehow managed to stuff three great big and make it back just in time for Abhi’s class, hot bolsters, a new pressure cooker and all the little and harassed and not exactly in the right state for a gifts I had bought for my family into my very big and pranayama class. heavy suitcases and am extremely relieved to be Well, being Abhi, who likes to keep you guessing, on the other side of check-in, having somehow got although she started with supta virasana she devi- away with it again. Air India aren’t perfect, but they Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 ated completely and we ended up doing a class do offer a very generous check in allowance (twice of parivrrta’s: parivrtta trikonasana, parivrrta ardha as much as British Airways) and they’re also a bit chandrasana, parivrrta utthita hasta padasana, supta more flexible if you’re a little over here and there. padangusthasana 3, parvrrta eka pada sarvangasana For those of you planning to visit Pune for the first – working on lengthening the top outer thighs to time I’ll finish with a few words of advice. bring about an improvement in Garudasana. As By far the worst mosquitoes I’ve come across on usual it was lively and varied and there were plenty this trip are at Mumbai Airport – I’d been bitten 16 SPRING 2017
before I even made it through immigration. With Guruji had come over to London to take classes Dengue Fever a very real risk, remember to put which I had attended. A Quaker friend of the on some repellent before you leave the aircraft. It’s family had joined a Teachers Training course, led by actually quite a challenge to stay well for a month Silva in London and she took me along when I was in Pune, with stomach upsets and chest infections just 16yrs. being the main culprits. I’m sure everyone knows The fortress had corridors with rooms leading about washing hands and not drinking tap water etc. off and everyone rushed to claim a room, Silva but sometimes despite precautions stomach upsets holding us back.. No rooms with beds were left occur. It’s well worth bringing some grapefruit seed and so Silva took us to a room with mattresses extract with you (the tablets are more expensive, on the floor, there were large holes in the walls at but you avoid having to taste the vile stuff). It’s very floor level. On the first night I remember some- effective and much better than taking pointless pills thing running over me in the night… pulled the from the doctor. If you’re going to maintain your blanket up round my face. In the morning most lung health it’s a good idea to bring a pollution mask of the others moved out to hotels… the rats got for rickshaw rides and above all a thorough practice the better of them. We were able to move into a (don’t just rely on classes which won’t always give room with beds. you what you need) – I felt my daily sarvangasana At that time the building of RIMYI was only just was what kept my lungs happy. finished… in fact, though the building itself was standing, I don’t remember any kind of concrete path leading up to it… rather a muddy (dried as THE OPENING CEREMONY & it was the month of January) track. The building 1ST INTENSIVE AT RIMYI 1975 was the last one at the end of the road and so the mud track continued towards the main road (can’t By Sasha Perryman remember the name?). I’m not even sure that Hari Krishna Mandir Road was a concrete road? As it I was fortunate enough to attend the 1975 was unusual in those days for a group of foreigners Opening Ceremony of RIMYI and adjoining 1st to be walking around Pune, there were numerous Yoga Intensive course taught there by Guruji. I was beggars hanging round the entrance… yes I think 19yrs old and attached to a group of others from there was a gate? UK led by Silva Mehta. Others on the course were The day of the ceremony arrived and the main a group from the North of England (names?). From hall was packed. We were all participants to the all of us I can’t think that there is anyone who is still various Pujas that several priests clad in their orange around within our movement. There was Victor robes performed. Enchanting. Following that van Kuten and his sister in law from Holland. From different people got up and spoke on the platform. England apart from Silva there was Gitla Turner At the back of the platform there was a large photo (who died many years ago), Selma Payne, Audrey of Ramamani Iyengar who had so recently died. I Paterson. There may well have been others that I remember Geeta speaking with tears rolling down have overlooked. My memory is really quite hazy her cheeks. The grief of the family was shared with on the whole event as it was such a COLOSSAL everyone present. It was very moving. experience at the tender age of 19yrs. It certainly As it was such a momentous experience, my was an experience of a lifetime. Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 mind is still a ‘whirl’ when I think back. The 3 week We stayed at an old fortress owned by a British Intensive course began, I think the timing was gener- colonial and friend of Guruji. At that time the Insti- ally 8am – 1pm – 5 hours at a stretch (though my tute was the first building on the street and large memory may be playing tricks?) and then back later tracts of open ground surrounded it. I had gone in the afternoon for more. under the ‘watchful eye’ of my teacher Silva Mehta, The classes were extraordinary – as if Guruji’s being the youngest of the group. Prior to that eyes were everywhere…demanding that you give SPRING 2017 17
Your Absolute All to your efforts. About 40 of you’re strong but you’re weak!’… and ‘Inferiority us were present in the classes. I think there were complex’… These comments were given without several from Bombay (as it was then called) - Birjoo any back up… I had to work them out for myself! and Jawahar, and probably others (again that I can’t My regret is that I didn’t bring any photos back. recall) From then began my long journey on the Path of Near the beginning of the course, without warning Yoga… Guruji was there - looking down at me (I was in Trikonasana,) ‘You are the one who never listens’ he said (I’d had classes with him for several years 1982 INTENSIVE running before when he used to come to London By Tricia Booth each year to teach) – his eyebrows quivering. That did it for me… from then on, wherever he This was my fourth intensive with Guruji. All the was, in the room, my ears were keenly tuned in his intensives were special but this one particularly so. direction. Known as a ‘Tiger ’in those days when At that time all certificates after the Introdutory he was teaching – the effect being that All One’s and Intermediate Junior were given directly by Efforts went to following his instructions in order Guruji. I was applying for my Intermediate Senior to Keep Well Out of His Way! He extracted the through my teacher Jeanne Maslen. Jeanne had maximum attention – which of course meant the taken with us, to Pune, photos of my own work maximum inner attention to the spiritual dimension and with me helping others in postures and also of complete absorption within. some written work requested by Guruji. You can Memories of Silva, her hair come loose from her imagine that during the three weeks of that Inten- bun, her face aglow within the presence of her sive I was very aware that I could be being assessed beloved Guru. all the time. Just imagine a three week assessment All of us in Paschimottanasana and Guruji jumping instead of our full day that we have now! This made from back to back, involuntary groans emitted as me even more receptive of his teaching and kept your chest was extended forward and down. me on my toes, not literally as we had to be evenly Being ‘picked up’ whilst in Dwi Pada Viparita grounded with our heels as well. Dandasana and repositioned elsewhere? (How?) I This intensive seemed to be full of laughter and still remember my complete astonishment at this we were a very happy group and at the end of adjustment as it was so abrupt…yet felt so much the session Jeanne was able to tell me that Guruji easier afterwards!! had said that I had reached the required standard Guruji was quick to point out a ‘wrong atti- although some of the methods of help that I had tude’ – ‘See the pride in this woman’s pose’ – that shown in the photos were not quite how he would was Elaine Pritchard from Harlow (she was most have helped. aggrieved by this!!)... but also gave encouragement I shall always be full of gratitude for Guruji's to Anne Clark, a lady from my home town who had teaching and guidance. Thank you Guruji. Learning Difficulties. Guruji would praise her ‘This woman knows more than All You People’… Anne was very natural with no pretence or guise. 1982 INTENSIVE A woman had come from the Wheel of Yoga who By Judi Soffa Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 appeared to be having some sort of breakdown… sobbing and crying, yet Guruji maintained his strict- I had just gained my Introductory Teaching Certifi- ness with her? At the time I was secretly somewhat cate and Jeanne Maslen, our trainer and senior horrified (not understanding) at the way he handled teacher, booked us into an Intensive three week her… but later on in the course, she began to look course with BKS Iyengar at the RIMIY in Pune. transformed and all her tears stopped! Now I can What an experience it was! understand his other comment to me ‘You think Firstly of course India was still very much a third 18 SPRING 2017
world country and a revelation to me, Pune had no The teaching was phenomenal. Guruji was on fire... cars, just bullock carts, bicycles and rickshaws, no the zeal, intensity, the absolute commitment to mobile phones, no internet of course and no shops imparting his yogic discipline to us was like nothing just shacks. With only trunk calls back to the UK, I had ever or will experience again. Some found it which took 2hrs to get connected and letters taking too intense but I knew he had to make us be abso- three weeks, my mother was beside herself with lutely in the present and if you stayed with him and worry. followed his every instruction the rewards were Jeanne Maslen had been to the RIMYI several there. times and so she paved the way for us and kindly Guruji 's eyes were everywhere and if your atten- took us all under her wing. All the UK group stayed tion drifted off for a second, he pulled you back at the Ajit hotel in in with his eyes or Deccan Gymkhanana verbal reprimand. and we all travelled in I was made to be rickshaws there and so absolutely in back to the Institute in the present with convoy together. The all my faculties and hotel allowed us to all my senses and bring our own food made to surrender in and cook on basic completely to his camping stoves in our instructions. We rooms to accommodate were taken out of our British palates, which our comfort zone, were unaccustomed to challenged physically spicy food in those days. and emotionally. Jeanne Maslen arranged Only when Guruji for sightseeing trips was sure we had to Bombay as it was caught his instruc- called then. We took tions and we were the train from Pune doing the asanas railway station, the with all our efforts, same journey that then he beamed as Guruji had been taking he was satisfied he every Saturday for so had done what he many years to teach was meant to do.. his students there. In impart the most Bombay we visited the incredible knowl- Elephanta Caves and the edge of the body, following weekend we mind and spirit took a 2 day car trip to and lift us out of Ajanta and Allora. I didn't realise at the time how our limitations and inspire us honestly, without self Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 fortunate we were to have Jeanne to organise the deception on the yogic path. I feel so fortunate that travel and hotels. I have been alive when Guruji lived and experi- The main event though of course was the yoga. enced his classes while he was at the pinnacle of his There were two classes a day. The morning class teaching as there will never be another yoga prac- began at 9.30am and was 2-3 hrs long and the titioner/ teacher like Guruji for hundreds of years, if afternoon class around 4pm for another two hours ever again.\ or so. SPRING 2017 19
Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 20 SPRING 2017
NATIONAL IYENGAR YOGA DAY 14th January 2017 Feedback from Organisers and Participants BATH A wide range of people young “We held the event at The and old with varying degrees of Claverton Rooms Bath Univer- fitness and flexibility came and sity. The class ran for an hour enjoyed the classes and expe- and a half starting with the invo- rienced some of the benefits cation to Sage Patanjali led by that Iyengar yoga can bring. Colette, followed by standing Lauren Smurthwaite and Louise postures taught by Jon then Wallace taught the classes and seated postures and twists the demonstration was organised taught by Libby. Finishing with by the Centre’s Senior Teacher Savasana led by Colette and Christina Niewola. throughout introducing attendees to the principles and methods Christina said “This is the second of Iyengar Yoga. We followed year that we have participated in up with an enjoyable hour of National Iyengar Yoga Day which coffee and chat in the café below is a great opportunity for people the venue. Feedback was good: of all ages and levels of fitness to ‘You have a convert. I have done WASHINGTON, TYNE & WEAR come and try Iyengar yoga for many forms of yoga but this is “I had 14 participants in total, the themselves. It was good to see the best’ and ‘My day is better, feedback was very positive, all a variety of people supporting thanks.’ Teachers: In attendance appreciated a free class and took the events on Saturday and for 20 people. Of those 9 new to leaflets to share with friends who contributing to MacMillan Cancer Yoga and the Iyengar method.” - they thought would be inter- Support.” - Christina Niewola Jon Hunt, Colette Foulstone and ested.” - Laura Jane Noble Libby Lee CONGLETON IYENGAR YOGA CENTRE On Saturday 14th January 2017, Congleton Iyengar Yoga Centre, as did many other Iyengar Yoga centres and teachers across the country, offered free classes to celebrate National Iyengar Yoga Day. Two classes and a demon- stration of Iyengar yoga were held Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 at the centre, which were well attended with over 30 people at the events. They also contributed to MacMillan Cancer Support through a raffle and donations. SPRING 2017 21
DHIYI “The Dorset and Hampshire Iyengar Yoga Institute put on its first NIYD event to celebrate Iyengar Yoga. There were two free classes, one hour each in length, back to back, in addition to free hot drinks and biscuits. Although the hope was to attract people new to Iyengar Yoga, all were welcome to attend the morning class and existing Iyengar students were encour- aged to bring a friend or rela- tive. The turnout was great - 42 DERBY IYENGAR YOGA people attended, 17 of whom Charlotte Rosser taught two free were new to the method.” - Jenni taster classes on National Iyengar Doohan Yoga Day at two different venues in Derby. Last year she taught a Yoga Marathon for existing by sharing a couple of our own Iyengar Yoga students, and this experiences in Pune and played year her focus was on getting a recording of Prashant leading new people to come and experi- the invocation (complete with ence Iyengar Yoga for the first tooting!) which we all joined time. 19 people in total attended in with. We delivered a lesson her taster classes. from Pune that Guruji himself “I absolutely loved the class! I've had contributed to with Abhijata never done any yoga before but and finished with a wonderful a really good physio I work with Savasana that Geeta had taught recommended it… I couldn't us. Zoe, my fellow teacher, believe the difference after one touchingly described the day she short class. I found the cross was in Pune on an anniversary legged position at the start really of the opening of RIMYI and difficult but by the end of the finished by saying how very nice class could manage it easily. I the tea and cakes were! So, on left feeling so much more ener- that note, our husbands alias getic, and even my breathing felt teaboys, opened the hatch and more comfortable. I'm definitely a CHRISTCHURCH, DORSET served an array of cakes made by convert…” “40 dedicated yogis came to our students! People came from "Thank you for the Yoga Taster Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 an afternoon of classes, tea and all our different classes, it was a Class it was such an interesting home-made cake! Our dress warm, friendly and vibrant atmos- experience. I hadn't realised code was black and white to phere and we felt it was a real that the position of every part reflect the colours of the RIMYI coming together of our local yoga of our body it is so important. sign on the wall outside the Pune community. And, as a bonus, we Definitely would like to start my Institute. We attempted to raised £375 for Bellur.” - Elaine adventure with Yoga…” bring RIMYI into our yoga room Rees, Zoe Hobbs 22 SPRING 2017
GARWAY (HEREFORDSHIRE) Ages ranging from 6 to 72 YoGuy is IYENGAR YOGA STUDIO attended 6 taster sessions. for men Students from Sheila's remedial The studio buzzed with activity. only, YoYo class for breast cancer joined in Many of the visitors enjoyed a is for 16-24 with new students at Garway free massage or reflexology year olds, (Herefordshire) Iyengar Yoga treatment from local experts. YoWo is for Studio to celebrate National Delicious smoothies from Raw women only Iyengar Yoga Day (and her Food Rosie’s and pasta delights and Children birthday!). Afterwards the fromThe Cooking Cooks kept the over 6 can students enjoyed crowds energised. enjoy fun lunch and donations Mayor Jim Kenyon, who has prac- classes given of over £100 tised Yoga before, delighted the delivered will go to The Haven Children’s class with his appear- with lots of creative energy.” - Breast Cancer Centre ance and took part in an hour- Jenny-May While in Hereford. – Sheila long YoGuy (men only) class. Green IYISL Jenny-May While founded “We ran a taster class at the HEREFORD YOGA CIC Iyengar Yoga Institute South (Community Interest Company), London. Early on the 14th the not-for-profit organisa- January it was a rainy and cold tion which runs Hereford Yoga grey winter morning and we Centre, with the vision of wondered who would join us. inspiring the community to learn By 9am the hall was at capacity the benefits of Iyengar yoga. with 28 students - a nice mix She said: “We have been over- of ages and about half men, half whelmed by the level of support women. We were really pleased today. There has been an excited to see this mix. We ran a busy HEREFORD YOGA CENTRE bustle of people keen to find out and enjoyable class which we More than 300 people came to more about yoga and how it can hope gave people a real feel for enjoy a free lesson of Iyengar benefit their body and mind. We the variety that is Iyengar Yoga; yoga at Hereford Yoga Centre on now have the place, and space, varied pace - some poses taught Saturday January 14th, including to begin reaching out to more community groups too. It’s been Mayor of Hereford, Jim Kenyon. a wonderful start and I’m confi- dent we can make a difference in Hereford and the surrounding region. “It’s taken almost two years and at least 2000 volunteer hours to get to opening day and we couldn’t have done it without the Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 support of Hereford Council, the Sport England and Comic Relief. We’re offering a free taster class to anyone interested in trying yoga and offer a variety of classes to accommodate different groups. SPRING 2017 23
in detail and with good use of WIMBORNE, DORSET WARWICKSHIRE IYENGAR YOGA props and other poses more fast “I held a free Iyengar Yoga class Yogathon paced, ending with a peaceful set at Canford Sports Centre in Elaine Spraggett, Pete Burnham, of restorative poses. Wimborne, Dorset, for National Di Harris We got many thanks and posi- Iyengar Yoga Day. I had 11 tive comments… one man said it people attending, one of whom was much much better than he had never done yoga before. expected! We will definitely be Attached is a picture of those doing it again.” - Marion Sinclair who consented to be photo- and Priscila Dinisz graphed at the end! Everyone took the time to tell me that they CUDDINGTON, CHESHIRE enjoyed the class and one person “I ran a free class to mark even enquired about training to National Iyengar Yoga Day at teach Iyengar Yoga”. - Louisa Elliott Cuddington and Sandiway Village Hall and I am pleased to report that it was a huge success. I expected about 5 or 6 people to turn up and got 20! There was a range of ages from late twenties to early eighties and a range of experience from complete begin- YOGAHUT, FALMOUTH ners to other yoga teachers (non- ORIYI NIYD at the YogaHut in “We had a morning session for Falmouth was well attended with existing students which was well 21 participants over two classes, attended, and very, very posi- and several people signing up for tively received; we also held free classes. Feedback was very good, sessions for those new to Iyengar with people happy to have the Yoga.” - Jill Johnson, Evelyn chance to try Iyengar yoga for the Crosskey first time and some signing up for classes straight away. – Jane Lane Iyengar). It was quite a daunting SHEFFIELD YOGA CENTRE and challenging experience for Sheffield Yoga Centre celebrated MAITRI STUDIO, BELFAST a newly qualified teacher, but the day with a free class espe- We ran three classes, with 23 equally rewarding and enjoyable... cially for NHS workers, and a free attendees all together, most of I got some good feedback and taster class open to all. Frances whom were new to the studio. lots of interest shown in joining a Homewood did a talk titled ‘A We had some good feedback class that I run at the village hall.” Yogic Lifestyle - What Does This including people asking about – Karen Brindle Mean?’ and we enjoyed tea and attending classes.”– Claire Ferry, cake afterwards. Tracy Stuart & Louise Sarri \ Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 24 SPRING 2017
IY(UK) Annual Convention 27th - 29th May 2017 At Birmingham International Convention Centre with Jawahar Bangera Join us for this year’s Convention over the spring bank holiday. We are delighted that (at the time of writing) there are still places available for our convention this year, to be taught by Jawahar Bangera at the International Convention Centre, in the centre of Birmingham’s historic and vibrant cultural quarter. ABOUT JAWAHAR BANGERA We are very much looking forward to welcoming Jawahar back to the UK. He was described by Guruji some years ago as “my senior-most teacher”. Years of dedicated practice and study have helped make Jawahar a teacher who inspires us to move deeper into our understanding of Iyengar yoga. Jawahar is well known for his precision, dedication and his ability to make everyone feel included. He teaches classes in Mumbai where he is a director of Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 the Iyengar Institute Yogashraya which was inaugurated by BKS Iyengar in 2002 Senior teachers, advanced practitioners and students from all over the UK gather to receive Jawahar’s teaching at his last convention with us in Glasgow 2011. SPRING 2017 25
“Jawahar Bangera is a gem. He is unpretentious, a warm, friendly character. He has been a student Whether Jawahar was expounding on the physics of Guruji since childhood. We found Jawahar to of a pose, deftly weaving Patanjali's aphorisms and be modest, humble and very helpful. When asked Guru's insights into his presentation, or calmly and about practice he gave some very useful advice modestly reminding us of the importance of right e.g. 'Practice gets harder as you age'. He also said action in all aspects of yoga - Right thoughts; Right ‘You have to maintain your practice just to stand actions; Right habits; Right living; Right eating; and still'. When asked which asanas would be useful for Practice (Practice Practice Practice!) - his passion specific injuries or ailments, his reply was 'Just do came through. It was so rejuvenating to have his Yoga'” Margaret and Gordon Austin. presence here.” Joanna Godliman, on Jawahar’s teaching in Canada, 2016 “I consider that Jawahar is one of our best Iyengar teachers. He has absorbed Guruji's teaching having been so close to him from childhood and accompa- nied him on many of his visits to Europe and other countries. He gives of himself to all of us Iyengar students. Three words that describe Jawahar are dedicated, helpful and humble.” Tricia Booth “Jawahar is watchful, observant, patient, and strong. His articulation of the crystalline teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 Iyengar's Sadhana brings the knowledge of the ancient rishis to life. There is no avoidance. Over a period of several days of refining and educating, often with physical examples and practical expla- nations, he introduced newness to allow light to penetrate, understanding to dawn. 26 SPRING 2017
A CONVENTION IN CENTRAL BIRMINGHAM We will be offering an Indian vegetarian meal and Our yoga hall in Birmingham’s International showing the film Leap of Faith, converting our yoga Convention Centre (ICC), is a wonderfully propor- hall into a small cinema/restaurant for the evening! tioned octagonal space, auspiciously similar to the Leap of Faith spans nine decades of Guruji’s life and RIMIYI institute in Pune, where eight sides repre- 70 years of his practice and teaching. It shows him sent the eight limbs of yoga. There is ample space as Guru, Teacher, Husband, Father and Shishya. for participants, as we were keen not to sell out The film helps to reveal the simple man behind early this year, and the hall extends out into a wide such a complex and towering personality; it is an spacious balcony area for our marketplace and endeavour to capture the essence of the man registration. Located right in the redeveloped city behind the phenomenon. centre, it is surrounded by the city’s amenities, a wide choice of accommodation, as well as beau- Social events are a great way to be with friends tiful, quiet spaces including Birmingham’s landmark old and new, to talk together in friendly conversa- museum and the stunning library. tion about a subject we feel passionate about. NEVER BEEN TO AN IY (UK) CONVENTION? LEVEL OF PRACTICE Why not join us? As a guideline, students of minimum two years prac- You may have seen “Views of a First-Timer” in tise are welcome to attend the Convention. Ideally, the last issue of Iyengar Yoga News, and read and you should be able to hold Sirsasana in the centre of heard more about attending conventions. However, the room or at the wall for five minutes, and Sarvan- attending for the first time need not be daunting. gasana for five to ten minutes, or have knowledge of Every convention is slightly different: the teacher, how to adapt the poses for your needs. the venue, and other participants, ourselves on those days, all make the experience different. What IT’S EASY TO BOOK is the same, is that everyone in the room is there Go to www.iyengaryoga.org and log in. If you need because of their shared practise and interest in any help with logging in or to register to attend the learning more about Iyengar yoga. Despite there Convention, contact jess@iyengaryoga.org.uk being several hundred people in the room, when you are on your mat, the instructions feel like they “I can assure you that the 2017 IY (UK) Conven- are just for you. tion in Birmingham with Jawahar will be something There are also opportunities to meet with others to look forward to.” Judi Sweeting Iyengar Yoga News No. 30 during the convention, in the long lunch breaks, at We do hope you can join us!\ our vibrant market place and at the organised film evening on Sunday. YOGA SOCIAL, FILM AND FOOD EVENING We’re delighted to be able to offer a social event on the Sunday evening of the Convention. SPRING 2017 27
You can also read