BRAIN BEHAVIOR BUSINESS - connections - Oiltanking

BRAIN BEHAVIOR BUSINESS - connections - Oiltanking


BRAIN BEHAVIOR BUSINESS - connections - Oiltanking
E D I TO R I A L                                                                                                                                                                                CONTENTS

                                                                                                                ASIA PACIFIC    06   Smart Dashboard Optimization

                                                              (Your)                                            CHINA           04   Oiltanking China Gains Momentum

                                                              Behavior                                          EUROPE          08   Pressing Questions
                                                                                                                                10   Insightful Lecture
                                                              Matters                                                           14
                                                                                                                                     Investigation of Behavior
                                                                                                                                     Giving to the House of Stars

                                                                                                                EUROPE CENTRAL 09    Energy Savings Writ Large

       People’s behavior is variable and depends on a       In pursuit of our strategy to maximize the
       number of factors, including one’s surroundings.     potential of our global brand, we are driving       INDIA           20   Collaboration Across Cultures
       People will usually behave differently in a social   “take ownership,” “connect,” and “be open-                          23   Soul Curry
       setting than at their workplace. Increasing age      minded” as enabling behaviors to support our                        24   Back to the Future!

       and the added responsibility that accompanies
       life changes such as parenthood also tend to
                                                            focus on strengthening our core processes and
                                                            capitalizing on sustainable growth opportunities.
                                                                                                                                37   The Mumbai Color Code

       change people’s behavior. In addition, cultural      We continually strive to broaden and sharpen
       background, personal ethics and sense of             awareness and understanding of human                LATIN AMERICA   34   Running a Healthy Business
       responsibility play a major role. Apart from         behavior throughout our Group. Learn more                           36   We Care for each OTher!
       commitment and dedication, success also              about our latest findings on the following pages.
       depends on adhering to behaviors in line with
       the values we apply in doing business.               Happy reading!                                      MIDDLE EAST     40   A Massive Construction Project

                                                                                                                & AFRICA        42   67 Minutes to Make a Difference
       The way employees act or respond in certain
                                                                                                                                43   Join the Team
       situations at work is often shaped by the
       company’s culture, philosophy, management
                                                                                                                PEOPLE          16
       systems and, not insignificantly, by interaction     Koen Verniers                 Daan Vos                                   Cultural Experiences | A Good Move
       between and with colleagues and stakeholders.
                                                            Managing Director
                                                            Oiltanking East
                                                                                          Managing Director
                                                                                          Oiltanking West
                                                                                                                & PLACES        18   We can, we care ... Corporate Citizenship
       All of these elements contribute to a pleasant
       work environment and can inspire people to
                                                                                                                                28   Weathering the Storm

       work safer and smarter or – if they are not in                                                                           31   Tis the Season                                                  MASSIVE
       place or out of balance – contribute to …                                                                                48   Strategy 2020 – Zooming in on the
       achieving quite the opposite.                                                                                                 Three Desired Behaviors
                                                                                                                                49   In a nutshell
                                                                                                                                                                                 Cover: Technicolor brain

                                                                                                                LEISURE &     12     Lexicon | A “Just Culture”                  – A human head contains
                                                                                                                                                                                 approximately 100 billion
                                                                                                                ENTERTAINMENT 27     Brain and Behavior
                                                                                                                                                                                 nerve cells. These
                                                                                                                              38     Our Weird Human Ways                        compounds are connected
IMPRINT connections Vol. 29/3/2017 Published by Oiltanking GmbH, Corporate Center, Koreastrasse 7,                            44     Behavior Patterns                           through fiber tracts, shown
20457 Hamburg, Germany,, Telephone +49-40-37099-7485, Fax +49-40-37099-7499
E-Mail Coordinator Gabi Wuestenberg, Manager Communications Editor Renate Eijkholt
                                                                                                                              47     Number | 97                                 in the picture as colorful
                                                                                                                                                                                 strands. More on page 27.
Design raz design, Hamburg Print mediadruckwerk Gruppe GmbH, Hamburgg Published Three times a year                            50     Reader's Corner
                                                                                                                                                                                 © Marcus Kaiser, Newcastle
Copy Deadline vol 30/1 week 3, 2018                                                                                           52     Last but not least | Common Ground          University, www.dynamic-

2   CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                 CONNECTIONS     3
BRAIN BEHAVIOR BUSINESS - connections - Oiltanking
CHINA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               CHINA
                                                                                                                                     WIDE VIEW Oiltanking
                                                                                                                                     Daya Bay (see red frame)
                                                                                                                                     is keen to expand its

Oiltanking China                                                                                                                                                                                                  MILESTONES

Gains Momentum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  IN NANJING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2007 acquisition of 74,000 cbm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2009 commissioning
                                                                                                                                             Nanjing is located along the Yangtze River, about 300                2010 add 5,000 cbm propylene oxide
                                                                                                                                             kilometers from the river’s mouth. Oiltanking Nanjing                2013 rail un/loading facility
                                                                                                                                             has not been able to expand as quickly as anticipated                     add 60,000 cbm methanol
                                                                                                                                             at the time of its acquisition. The lack of investment in                 second jetty
                                                                                                                                             Nanjing Industry Park – a result of the world financial              2015 add 45,000 cbm chemicals
                                                                                                                                             crisis – led to low occupancy rates and put Oiltanking               2017 add 53,000 cbm ammonia
                                                                                                                                             Nanjing in a challenging financial situation requiring               2018 third jetty (under construction)
                                                                                                                                             the continuous support of its shareholders. Following
                                                                                                                                             several expansions (see overview), the occupancy and
                                                                                                                                             financial situation has improved significantly. Now the
                                                                                                                                             terminal has a total capacity of 244,000 cbm, which
                                                                                                                                             includes the recently added 53,000 cbm of new                        MILESTONES
                                                                                                                                             cryogenic storage for ammonia gas. Oiltanking Nanjing                IN DAYA BAY
                                                                                                                                             also has plenty of land available for growth, and is well
                                                                                                                                             positioned to secure any new business accompanying                   2005 greenfield of 15,000 cbm
                                                                                                                                             the growth of the industrial park.                                        pipe rack Phase I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2006 commissioning pipe rack phase II
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2008 add 5,000 cbm
                                                                                                                                             ORGANIZATION                                                              pipe rack phase III
                                                                                                                                             As China’s importance to the business continued to                   2011 jetty commissioning
                                                                                                                                             grow, Oiltanking set up a regional head office in                         add 68,000cbm - chemicals
                                                                                                                                             Shanghai in 2011 (which since 2015 has reported                      2014 divestment of phase I
                                                                                                                                             directly to Hamburg instead of Singapore). Today,                    2015 add 9,000 cbm – gas
                                                                                                                                             Oiltanking China is well organized to support and                    2016 add 20,000 cbm - chemicals
                                                                                                                                             manage local entities, ensure corporate governance,                  2018 add tank & jetty capacity
Despite the recent economic slowdown, China’s annual growth figures are still                                                                and pursue opportunities for developing its business.                     (plan)

staggering. China is undoubtedly the land of opportunities, and will be for decades to
come. Small wonder that Oiltanking, too, is investing in China. As the region gains                                            KEY SUCCESS FACTORS
                                                                                                                               As a result of a consistent strong                                        OILTANKING NANJING The cryogenic ammonia tank is
momentum, the time has come to re-introduce Oiltanking China.                                                                                                                                              the biggest tank in Nanjing Chemical Industrial Park
                                                                                                                               HSSE performance, Oiltanking has
                                                                                                                               built a good reputation in China. In
                                                                                                                               addition, to be successful in this
CURRENT                                                        mainly serves the chemical producers in the industrial          huge market, it is important to have
Since 2004, when Oiltanking commissioned the 20,000            park. Oiltanking also operates seven kilometers of pipe         a deep understanding of the local
cbm terminal in Daya Bay, Oiltanking has come a long way       rack within the park, and owns a 25-percent stake in            environment. With 15+ years of
in China. Today it owns and operates two multi-user tank       Oiltanking Public Petrochemical Jetty Co. Ltd. The industrial   experience in China, Oiltanking has
terminals for chemical bulk liquids, including related         park is in the process of adding a second world-scale           gained a good understanding of the
infrastructures such as jetties, pipe racks, and a railway     refinery and petrochemical complex; as this promises to         market      and      the     business
station. Their combined capacity amounts to 339,000 cbm.       create high future demand for storage, Oiltanking Daya          environment. Oiltanking is convinced
                                                               Bay is preparing for further expansion in the near future.      that    its   current     team    and
Oiltanking made its first terminal investment in the Huizhou                                                                   organizational setup gives it a good
Daya Bay Petrochemical Industry Park, which is located in      In November 2007, Oiltanking acquired a majority stake in       handle on local complexities, and
southern China. After several expansions (see overview),       a 74,000 cbm tank terminal in Nanjing, which was still          thus the company is keen to further
the terminal now has a total capacity of 95,000 cbm and        under construction at that time. The eastern Chinese city of    increase its footprint in China.

4   CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CONNECTIONS      5
BRAIN BEHAVIOR BUSINESS - connections - Oiltanking
ASIA PACIFIC                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ASIA PACIFIC

          Smart Dashboard                                                                                                                         better tool that would serve to help them all in
                                                                                                                                                  their daily work.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and pictographs much more easily,” said Yeong
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Kwek Leong, Vice President Assets & Operations

          Optimization                                                                                                                            The result
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Oiltanking Asia Pacific, highlighting the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  benefits. “During the process, we learnt more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  about each other. Now we are excited to use
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  this tool across all our Singapore terminals,
                                                                                                                                                  “The new, user-friendlier dashboard and                                                                         which we expect to happen by the end of this
          Oiltanking in Singapore is improving its computer-based dashboard system                                                                improved visualization increases our analysis                                                                   year. We also look forward to instilling the
          in order to keep better track of the in- and outgoing vessels at the terminals.                                                         capabilities by removing the overlaps, which                                                                    desired behaviors of the A&O Manifesto into all
                                                                                                                                                  allows for better segregation and focus – e.g.                                                                  areas of our work.”
          Once implemented, it will provide better visualization and greater scope
                                                                                                                                                  useful overviews over jetties, vessel KPIs,
          for analysis.                                                                                                                           product flow etc. It will also enhance our ability
                                                                                                                                                  to generate data and translate them into charts

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       VIEW 1: JANUARY-MARCH

                                                                                                                                                KPI 3 Hit Rate                           KPI 3 Monthly Average Timing (h:mm)                  KPI 3 Monthly Average Timing by Loading & Discharge                                          KPI 3 Reasons for Delay Trend
                                                                                                                                                                                 02:03                                                                                       D      L
                                                                                                                              Miss; 67; 32%                                                                                                                                                                         28
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2:23                 2:23

                  KPI 1                     KPI 2                      KPI 3                  KPI 4
Arrival      All Fast to Purge          Cargo Starts to            Cargo Finish to          Hose Off to           DEPARTURE                                                                             01:52                  01:52
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1:02                 1:00
                                                                                                                                                                 Hit; 145; 68%
             or Flushing Starts          Cargo Finish                 Hose Off              Vessel Sail                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3            2              1              1

                                                                                                                                                                                  Ja n                   F eb                  Ma r                  Jan                     Feb                  Mar           N2 blankeng     Due to    Very close to    Awaing        ROB       Waing for       Pigging
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Vapour         KPI        surveyor's   Calculaon     other         Operaon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Flaring                     ullage                   Terminal

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         VIEW 2: APRIL-JUNE

            When Oiltanking in Singapore embarked on its            the statistics and data presented, and to define                            KPI 3 Hit Rate                           KPI 3 Monthly Average Timing (h:mm)                  KPI 3 Monthly Average Timing by Loading & Discharge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           KPI 3 Reasons for Delay Trend

          Assets & Operations (A&O) journey, one step was to        meaningful targets. “Connect!” – All stakeholders         Miss; 75; 35%                                      01:45
                                                                                                                                                                                                        02:04                                                                D      L                                    7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2:28                 2:31

          revamp and enhance its existing dashboard. This           were regularly engaged regarding all aspects: While                                                   Hit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2:10                                                                            5
          self designed interactive     tool is important for       the management provided input on the results they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1:26                                                                                  3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1:11                    1:12
                                                                                                                                                                 Hit; 141; 65%

          comprehensively tracking the key performance              wanted to see in the new tool, Operations shared

          indicators (KPIs) of vessel operations, as it provides    the challenges they faced in using the tool, and                                                             Apr                     Ma y                   Ju n                 Apr                     Ma y                 Ju n            N2 blankeng      Very close to KPI Awaing surveyor's
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Due to Vapour
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Pigging Operaon

          details about the time taken for each stage. In           customers       contributed various  requests   for
          carrying out this modernization task, our colleagues      improvements. The colleagues involved were
          in Singapore delivered an exemplary demonstration
          of the five desired behaviors specified in the A&O
                                                                    “Open-minded!” – everyone was encouraged to
                                                                    come up with their own ideas for improvement, and
                                                                                                                                              Progress            The new dashboard allows filtering of data with just a click of the mouse. In this
                                                                                                                                                                  example shown below, we can see the KPI 3 hit rate against the target set, the
          Manifesto.                                                each concept was carefully reviewed. “Manage                              average time taken for KPI 3, the average time taken for KPI 3 for both loading and discharge operations
                                                                    Change” – The transition from “old” to “new” was                          and most importantly, the reasons for
                                                                                                                                                                                                          aN sua( filtering using slicers, )you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        gitlahhcaN sua(
                                                                    made as smooth as possible by fully explaining the                        the options of populating data by your preferred months for example. As a result, the dataset can be
          The implementation
               (aus Nachhaltigkeitsbericht)
                                                                    changes to end users and helping them to navigate
                                                           (aus Nachhaltigkeitsbericht)
                                                                                                                                              quickly and clearly presented.
                                                                    the various functions. After the implementation,
          “Take Ownership!” – Everyone had a part to play,          colleagues continued to seek feedback on how to
          so the project was collectively “owned.” All involved     improve. And as for “Lead by Influence” – Instead
          came together as a team and took a holistic               of adopting a “top-down” regimen, all colleagues
          approach to the revamp, delving deep to clean up          worked hand in hand, firmly focused on creating a

  6   CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CONNECTIONS                               7
BRAIN BEHAVIOR BUSINESS - connections - Oiltanking
EUROPE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   EUROPE CENTRAL

                                                                                                  IMPORTANT SAFETY
                                                                                                  GADGET A flame arrester
                                                                                                  (in red in the picture) is
                                                                                                  used to contain any fires/
                                                                                                  explosions that might occur
                                                                                                                                         SAVINGS                                                  The EU Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/
                                                                                                                                                                                                   EU) has been implemented in German law

                                                                                                                                         WRIT                                                       since 2015, and Oiltanking is taking
                                                                                                                                                                                                      account of the decision by introducing
                                                                                                                                                                                                       an energy management system (EnMS)
                                                                                                                                         LARGE                                                          in accordance with ISO 50001.

                                                                                                                                          The Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU), which            Every year, monitoring audits are carried out at some of the
                                                                                                                                       entered into force on December 4, 2012, aims to improve           sites, selected at random. Every three years, the management
                                                                                                                                       energy efficiency in Europe. The EU directive was implemented     system is re-certified; within this 3-year cycle, all sites have
                                                                                                                                       in German law in 2015, leading to an amendment of the             to be visited and audited.
                                                                                                                                       German Energy Services Act (EDL-G). Companies that exceed
                                                                                                                                       a certain threshold in terms of headcount, profits, or revenues   Besides introducing the traditional components that are typical

Pressing Questions
                                                                                                                                       must address the topic of energy efficiency. This amendment       for a quality management system (regular training and audits,
                                                                                                                                       affected Oiltanking Deutschland (OTD) among other companies.      monitoring of processes, etc.) and designed to contribute to
                                                                                                                                       But this new legal requirement was not the only determining       the continuous improvement of the system, the EnMS
                                                                                                                                       factor for us. Lowering the relative energy consumption is one    especially focuses on a particular task: documenting the
While launching a tender to safeguard performance standards and improve reliability                                                    of the key topics in the area of sustainability management.       energy-consuming facilities and their current energy-efficiency
at its terminal, Oiltanking Amsterdam has introduced a pilot project for the early                                                                                                                       status. Long-term tracking of energy consumption is another
                                                                                                                                       From among the various options to achieve compliance, OTD         key element of the EnMS. The premise is that, without knowing
detection of clogging of flame detectors in vapor return lines on two of its seagoing                                                  and its sister companies GMA and Mabanaft Deutschland             where energy is consumed, it cannot be used more efficiently.
jetties in August 2017.                                                                                                                jointly chose to introduce an energy management                   The initial survey very quickly identified many areas of
                                                                                                                                       system (EnMS) in accordance with ISO 50001. In October            potential improvement, some of which were quick and easy to
  The transfer of volatile liquid bulk cargoes between shore      demurrage for its customers by planning a maintenance                2016, all three companies were successfully certified by the      implement. This promptly led to estimated annual savings of
and ship involves the vapor return either back to its origin or   window before the arrival of a vessel and limit its downtime.        accredited certification company DNV-GL. One reason for           several tens of thousands of euros across the matrix.
to a vapor treatment system processing the volatile               With this in mind, OTA has initiated a pilot project at two of its   taking this line of approach was that their existing ISO          Numerous other measures have since been identified and
components. Long time ago Oiltanking Amsterdam (OTA)              seagoing jetties, involving differential pressure gauges affixed     9001 quality management system has a structure very               planned for, and will likewise make a major contribution to
equipped its (seagoing) jetties with vapor return lines back to   to flame arresters providing an early indication when it’s time      similar to that of ISO 50001, so that the two management          improving energy efficiency.
a Vapour Recovery System.                                         to clean the arresters. Over a period of at least six months,        systems could be partially combined. All three companies
Flame arresters are an integral component of such vapor           the differential pressures will be continually measured and          are matrix-certified, which means that the EnMS applies to        The declared objective of the matrix is to become ten percent
return lines. As the name implies, they stop flames from          recorded, to build a data base. Depending on the findings,           all sites and business units in their matrix, i.e.: OTD, GMA      more energy-efficient by 2020. Considering how things are
spreading in case of an explosion. However over time, flame       OTA will decide whether the pilot project will be implemented        and Mabanaft.                                                     going so far, our colleagues are very optimistic about achieving
arresters can become clogged by rust, waxy or crystalline         as a permanent solution.                                                                                                               this goal.
deposits, etc. This will eventually result in
downtime because the devices needs cleaning.                                                                                                                                                                     ENERGY MANAGEMENT Minimizing the energy input
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             needed to achieve the desired output
But how do you know when is it time to clean

Currently, flame arrestors at the terminal’s jetties
are changed when the pressure on board of a
vessel during loading increases to a certain level.
However, this could require the exchange of the
flame arrestor during the vessel’s stay, possibly
                                                                                                        BUSY LOCATION One of
causing hours of downtime. When it’s possible to                                                          the seagoing jetties at
“predict” the moment a flame arrestor requires                                                           Oiltanking Amsterdam
exchanging, OTA would be able to reduce

8   CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CONNECTIONS      9
BRAIN BEHAVIOR BUSINESS - connections - Oiltanking
EUROPE                                                                                                                                                                                                                           EUROPE

                                                                                                                                                                                      BEHAVORIAL SAFETY
                                                                                                                                                                                      During the presentation, our
                                                                                          HUMAN BEHAVIOR                                                                              colleagues learned more
                                                                                          Sometimes we do                                                                             about the Human Factor
                                                                                          not understand one

                                                                                          another due to
                                                                                          different perceptions
                                                                                          and ambiguous
                                                                                          reality awareness
                                                                                                                  afford to ignore the                                                    In addition, we mustn’t forget two
                                                                    No                                            human factor [or                                                        things. First, the investigators have the

                                                                                                                  view it as separate                                                     benefit of hindsight. They know what
                                                                                                                  from the system],                                                       happened after the occurrence, while

                                                                                                                  but must integrate it as part of the system in order        those who were involved didn’t have that
                                                                                                                  to manage and enhance it.                                   information. Second, one has to realize that no two
                                                                                                                                                                              people have the same view of the world around
                                                                                                                  We need to learn and understand how we can                  them. One’s own, individual perception creates
                                                                                                                  manage the valuable human factor. For instance,             one’s own, individual reality. It is this individual
                                                                                                                  where does the vulnerability of the human element           reality that people’s behavior and action are based
                                                                                                                  come from? What are the reasons people do things            on.
                                                                                                                  the way they do them, in the context of that
                                                                                                                  moment in time? After all, they produce many more           Rien Doorn concluded his speech by reiterating how
                                                                                                                  safe practices than unsafe practices. People go to          important it is to find out how complex systems and
                                                                                                                  work with the intention of doing a good job.                humans affect each other, so that we can understand
                                                                                                                  This is why it is of the utmost importance to investigate   how complex systems contribute to circumstances
                                                                                                                  every occurrence that may have a relationship to            that induce human error.
                                                                                                                  safety, not just accidents with dramatic

                                                                                                                  When we investigate we need to ask                   Rien Doorn          began his career as an air traffic
                                                                                                                  ourselves: “What happened and how                    controller in the Royal Netherlands Airforce. After 16
                                                                                                                  did it happen?” with the intent to                   years, he decided it was time for a change and became
      At Oiltanking’s Regional Asset & Operations Managers Meeting in                                             learn from the findings. The objective               a flight simulation instructor. He started studying
      Hamburg in June 2017, guest speaker Rien Doorn spoke to the group                                           of such a safety investigation                       Human Factors in 1992 and has worked as a Human
                                                                                                                  should never be to assign blame                      Factors consultant and trainer since 1999. Rien is also
      about behavioral safety. His key messages: Detailed procedures alone will                                   or find the guilty party. We need to                 a teacher of meditation and an artist
      not eliminate human error, and the human factor must be considered                                          take the human factor into account,                  
                                                                                                                  and the fact that those who were
      when investigating incidents.
                                                                                                                  involved in the occurrence were in a
                                                                                                                  specific context that was valid only at
        For many years, conventional wisdom has had        system cannot do without although it             is    that      specific    moment.      The
      it that complex systems such as the aviation         increasingly being eliminated by automation.           investigation needs to aim at learning
      industry, the oil industry, and nuclear power                                                               how      the    system     itself,  the
      plants were built to be safe systems. So, whenever   Over the years systems have grown increasingly         organization, contributed to creating
      an accident or serious incident occurred, the        complex. The human element is their most               that specific context. Only when we
      investigation would usually come to one of two       valuable component because of its flexibility,         know this can we attempt to explain
      conclusions: the accident was due either to a        adaptability and creativity. At the same               the human factor that might have
      technical breakdown or to human error. In many       time, the human element is the most                    played a role in the occurrence – the
      cases, the technical breakdown, too, was             vulnerable to influences that can adversely            limitations of the people involved:
      attributed to human error in one way or another.     affect its performance. Seen this way, it              limited attention, perception and
      More regulations and procedures for humans to        becomes clear that we need to take the human           quality of decision making. Also,
      follow were seen as the solution to guarantee        factor seriously to keep the system safe. Safety is    contextual and organizational factors
      safety. The human element was seen as a              ensured not by the existence of procedures alone,      such as workload, stress, team work,
      separate but necessary element – one that the        but by the way humans apply them. One cannot           pressures, environment, and fatigue.

10   CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                         CONNECTIONS   11
BRAIN BEHAVIOR BUSINESS - connections - Oiltanking
LEXICON                                                                                                                                                                                                                             LEXICON

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   JUST CULTURE A balanced
                                                                                                                                                                                                             accountability for both employees
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and the organization

                                                                                                                            Fig. 2
                                              In reducing the frequency of events                                                                                                     Optimization of system safety
                                               over time and ensure a safe working
                                                environment,       an     organization

                                                                                                                               Enhancement of Safety System
                                                 needs to consider three elements:                                                                                               Just Culture
                                                  Technical Safety, Organizational
                                                   Safety, and Behavioral Safety
                                                   (see Fig. 1). While the first two can
                                                   be directly influenced by the
                                                  organization, e.g. by providing
                                             the right equipment, preventive
     maintenance, standards and procedures, the third – the behavior of its
     employees – will in fact make the difference.

        Behavioral Safety consists of a variety of                   functioning reporting system is just another part of
     components, such as safety awareness, self-control,             consciously safe behavior: Only if people are aware
     and team-control, and is based on employees                     of what constitutes “unsafe” conditions, and are not
     accepting responsibility for their actions. A well-             afraid to be punished for reporting them, will they                                      Punitive Culture                      No-blame Culture

 Fig. 1                                                                                                                     notify the organization about such conditions. Once       The Just Culture concept is closely linked to an
                                                        Safety performance in correlation with                              they do, the organization can learn from these            organization’s safety culture and leadership. An
                                Technical Safety                      implemented measures                                  deficiencies and try to prevent them from happening       organization’s level on the Safety Culture Ladder
                                                                                                                            again in the future. To encourage reporting, a “no-       (from “who cares as long as we are not caught” on the
                                                                                                                            blame culture” was promoted in the past. It usually       lowest step to “safety is how we do business around
                                                                                                                            had the desired effect of improving reporting. However,   here” on the highest step – see connections Vol. 29/2)
                                                                                                                            by the same token, if people perceive that due to this    not only provides insights about how seriously
      Frequency of events

                                                        Organizational                                                      culture there is never any blame about anything, it       reporting is being taken, but also about what can be
                            -   Equipment design        Safety                                                              can also lead to carelessness about the rules and         expected from the implementation of a Just Culture.
                            -   Controls & alarms                                        Behavioral Safety                  regulations and to a lack of motivation, which
                            -   Shut down systems                                                                           undermines organizational safety.                         With this in mind, the Marquard & Bahls HSSE
                            -   Maintenance                                             - Safety awareness
                                                                                                                                                                                      department rolled-out the Just Culture Guideline
                                                                                        - Consciously safe behavior
                                                                                        - Safety culture and                “Just Culture” is a balanced approach that encourages     across the Oiltanking organization in 2011. Based on
                                                                                          leadership                        people to report while at the same time discouraging      different models for a Just Culture, a guideline (see
                                                    -   Manuals & Standards             - Self & team control               them from careless behavior and holding them              also p. 14) was developed to assist Oiltanking facilities
                                                    -   Procedures & Instructions                                           responsible for their actions (see Fig. 2). In a Just     with behavior investigation, and to guide management’s
                                                    -   Permit-to-work-system                                               Culture, the motivation behind a given behavior is        response to various types of behavior. In implementing
                                                    -   Emergency Response Plans
                                                                                                                            investigated, to understand why things went wrong         a Just Culture, facilities are encouraged to define their
                                                                                                                            rather than merely acknowledging that they did. At        objectives and adapt the approach to their local
                                                                                                                            the same time, a Just Culture acknowledges and            requirements and circumstances.
                                                                 Time                                                       rewards behavior that exceeds expectations.

12    CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                              CONNECTIONS        13
BRAIN BEHAVIOR BUSINESS - connections - Oiltanking
EUROPE                                                                                                                                                                                       EUROPE

                                            of Behavior
                                           While the upper part of the flowchart (see graphic page
                                        15) focuses on investigation of behavior, the second part
                                        assists the management in responding to this behavior. The
                                        first step in the behavior investigation is to determine
                                        whether a person behaved in compliance with the rules and
                                        regulations. In contrast to other Just Culture approaches,
       Behavior investigations are      Oiltanking not only focuses on negative behavior, but also
       central to a Just Culture (see   considers positive behavior that fulfils or even exceeds
       also page 12). To assist with
       such investigations and guide    Non-compliant behavior consists of seven different
       management response to the       categories, grouped into unintended non-compliance,
                                        deliberate non-compliance, and deliberate risk-taking.
       results, the Marquard & Bahls    Unintended non-compliance is usually the result of someone                                                                                      DIFFERENTIATION
                                                                                                                                                                                     The grouping helps to
       HSSE department developed        simply forgetting to do something, or doing something they
                                                                                                                                                                                   determine the degree of
                                        should not have done because they simply didn’t know any                                                                                  individual accountability
       a detailed, two-stage “Just      better. In such cases, it is presumed that the person did not                                                                                  and to find the right
       Culture Guideline” flowchart     plan to violate any rules.                                                                                                                           response for it
                                                                                                        Based on the outcome of the           this behavior was a result of the
       that is used at Oiltanking.
                                        By contrast, deliberate non-compliance presumes that the        investigation, the management is      organizational    circumstances,
                                        person chose to violate the rules, whether simply to get the    asked     to   respond     to    an   rather than just personal. If the
                                        job done, or with the company’s benefit in mind. Although       individual’s behavior by either       behavior was system-induced,
                                        the person deliberately chose not to follow the rules, their    rewarding the employee or, in         actions must be taken to improve
                                        actions were motivated by good intentions. On the other         case of non-compliant behavior,       the system, and the management
                                        hand, in cases of “deliberate risk-taking,” the person          by finding measures with and for      style needs to be reviewed.
                                        willingly takes risks for their own benefit/gain, or even       the    employee      to    prevent
                                        knowingly accepts that their actions may endanger others.       recurrence. These measures can
                                                                                                        range     from    debriefings,   to
                                        The seven categories are necessary to determine the degree      awareness-raising programs and
                                        of individual accountability for the actions taken, and are     training,      to      disciplinary
                                        based on the intention behind the action taken. This            measures. More importantly, it
                                        differentiation helps the management determine the right        needs to understand whether
                                        response, depending on the risks taken.

14   CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                       CONNECTIONS      15
BRAIN BEHAVIOR BUSINESS - connections - Oiltanking
CULTURAL EXPERIENCES                                                                                                                                                                                        CULTURAL EXPERIENCES

                                                                                                                                  A CLASSICAL DESIGN The train station, erected between              A GLORIOUS PAST Maputo is a modern city with a
                                                                                                                                1913 and 1916, is one of the city’s most impressive buildings           rich historical, architectural and artistic legacy

Moving around as such is nothing new
for the Frenchman David Nadaud, a
seasoned traveler. As for his professional
moves, there have been two major
ones in the past six years. The first was
from Austria to Mozambique, in his
work as an independent consultant.
The second was within Mozambique,                                                                                       friends, or a good laugh. As an immigrant, I really             that’s kind of what happened in my case in 2015.
when he joined Oiltanking Matola. He                                                                                    appreciate the fact that they are welcoming and
                                                                                                                        open-minded towards newcomers.                                  Now six years later, some of my Mozambican friends
remembers how it all began.                                                                                                                                                             seem surprised to see me and ask “you’re still here?”,
                                                                                                                        Right from the beginning, I felt comfortable and at             since the average stay for a foreigner is two years. I
                                                                                                                        ease in my new surroundings: I met great friends,               always joke that they “took my passport when I
  I pride myself on my good knowledge of geography,        that’s how I came to set off for this large and beautiful    enjoyed showing the country to my old friends from              arrived and I can’t leave!” It’s not true of course, I
but I admit I had to consult a map to remember exactly     country in south-eastern Africa, leaving many loved          Europe, gave macro-economy classes, played                      stay here because I found love, friends, a nice place
where Mozambique was. Talking to my colleagues at          ones behind and, of course, having no real idea what         basketball, travelled to new places. I also met my              to live, a good career – and besides, I now have a
the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in           awaited me in Maputo.                                        future wife, a wonderful Mozambican with whom I                 Mozambican son!
Vienna about “where to go next” career wise, a – for                                                                    now have a family. The hardest part is living far from
me – exotic-sounding name kept cropping up. One told       Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, was originally            my loved ones, and
me, “You should go to Mozambique, great beaches!”          named Lourenço Marques, after the Portuguese                 having to leave behind
Another suggested, “You should go somewhere you            Captain who first reached the area by sea around             most of my old friends
can learn Portuguese, like Mozambique.” Finally,           1544. Following the country’s independence in 1975, it       back home, but that,
someone got specific: “I have a job for you in Africa,     was re-named after the Ronga tribe Chief who had             too, is part of life.
let me check where it is … Moza… Mozambique!” And          fought the colonists. The city is very different from the
                                                                                  rest of the country, and Africa.      Luckily, the massive gas
                                                                                  Five centuries of Portuguese          discoveries     of     2011
                                                                                  colonialization have left their       attracted firms from all
                       PORTRAIT Before joining Oiltanking Matola as               traces,     including     on    its   over     the    world     to
                       Commercial Manager in 2015, David gained                   architecture:    wide    avenues,     Maputo.      This    meant
                       experience at OGS, a downstream Oil & Gas                  sidewalks, tasty food, cafés, and     more opportunities for a
                       services company, as Sales Strategist at Ndzilo,           public gardens and a Portuguese-      foreign consultant with
                       an Ethanol-for-cooking startup, at the Ministry            speaking population give it a         good knowledge of the
                       of Energy of Mozambique’s Department of                    Mediterranean feel, an agreeable      country and the energy/
                       Planning and in several consulting jobs in                 ambiance for a Frenchman like         logistics sector. It’s quite
                       Africa. His first international work experience            myself. On the social side,           unusual for Oiltanking to
                       was at the International Atomic Energy Agency              Mozambicans are always smiling,       hire a new employee to                                                                          PEARL OF THE INDIAN OCEAN
                       (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria.                                 always up for a party, a              “go” to a country where                                                                 Mozambique offers an amazing array of
                                                                                  companionable        beer     with    he is already living, but                                                               white sandy beaches and azure waters

16   CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                    CONNECTIONS       17
BRAIN BEHAVIOR BUSINESS - connections - Oiltanking
PEOPLE & PLACES                                                                                                                                                            PEOPLE & PLACES

           W E     C A N ,   W E   C A R E      ...
                                                                                                   Key Facts 2016

          Corporate                                                                                                                    59                              771
          Citizenship                                                                                                                  Oiltanking sites that
                                                                                                                                       were active in

                                     Altruistic or selfless behavior is common
                                      throughout the animal kingdom and is
                                       also displayed by human beings.
                                        Altruism also fits well with Oiltanking’s                  e 296,874                           4,038                           0.99
                                         values, which place a priority on                         Oiltanking investments              Oiltanking                      hours of volunteer
                                                                                                   in community                        volunteering hours              work per Oiltanking
                                          contributing to the welfare of the                                                                                           employee
                                           communities we operate in.

                                                  Oiltanking has always taken responsibility
                                                                                                   Corporate citizenship investments by topical focus
                                                 beyond its core business, and concentrates
                                                  its efforts on the five focus areas defined by
                                                   its parent company Marquard & Bahls:
                                                     environment, education, health, culture &                                      Others
                                                      sports, and humanitarian aid. The                                             8,0 %                1,8 %
                                                       company also encourages volunteering
                                                        by its employees. Broken down by
                                                         topical focus, the largest share of                                                                      Education
                                                          Oiltanking’s donations and sponsoring                                                                   24,8 %
                                                          in 2016 went to projects in the field                Humanitarian Aid
                                                          of culture & sports and education. To                16,2 %
                                                       learn more about our Corporate
                                             Citizenship efforts around the world, please see                                             e 296,874
                                             pages 26, 31, 42 and 43.

                                                          MORE EXAMPLES for                                                                                            Health
                                                          charitable projects can                                Culture & Sports
                                                          be found under the                                                                                           9,9 %
                                                          following link                                         39,3 %

18   CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                    CONNECTIONS   19
INDIA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              INDIA

                                                                                                                                          IT'S IN THE MIX

              Collaboration Across                                                                                              The workshops consisted
                                                                                                                                of presentations and also

                                                                                                                                the active involvement of
                                                                                                                                         the participants

                                                                                                                        A surprise of a totally different
                                                                                                                        kind    came       when       the
                                                                                                                        colleagues were given a list of
                                                                                                                        assignments      to    complete
                                                                                                                        around the city by a set
                                                                                                                        deadline! They were tasked
                                                                                                                        with visiting at least five
                                                                                                                        Mumbai landmarks in groups
                                                                                                                        of   three,    and     complete
                                                                                                                                                                                                                * Chaat is a typical, savory Indian snack. There are many variations on the
                                                                                                                        challenges that ranged from sampling traditional                                        original recipe, which involves mixing pieces of potato, crisp fried bread, gram
                                                                                                                        snacks such as Bombay Chaat,* to performing                                             or chickpeas and tangy-salty spices, with sour chili paste and saunth (dried
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ginger and tamarind sauce), fresh green coriander leaves and yogurt for
                                                                                                                        for strangers and using public transportation!                                          garnish. The ingredients are combined and served on a small metal plate or a
                                                                                                                        And, who knew that spaghetti and marshmallows                                           banana leaf that has been dried and formed into a bowl.

                                                                                                                        could be converted into a stable tower? This
                                                                                                                        and other fun games served to hone the
                                                                                                                        colleagues’ lateral thinking, team building and                                           MAPPING THE WORLD’S CULTURES was the topic of one of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                the presentations: Each of the scales (dimensions) represents
                                                                                                                        problem-solving skills. The boat ride across
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 one key area that managers need to be aware of, and shows
                                                                                                                        Mumbai Harbor was a welcome opportunity to                                                  how cultures vary along a spectrum from one extreme to
                                                                                                                                                                                    (continued on page 22)          its opposite. A striking insight: people’s understanding of
                                                                                                                                                                                                              “Leading” doesn’t differ so much between Germany and India –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   unlike their understanding of “Scheduling.”

                                                                                                                                                                           Collaboration Across Cultures
On March 14 and 15, 2017, fifty colleagues from Oiltanking and IOT participated in a                                                                                                                         SCALE/DIMENSION
joint two-day workshop designed to give them a deeper understanding of the differing
                                                                                                                                                                           Low Context                        COMMUNICATING                                              High Context
work cultures of Germany and India. As they learned more about each other, they
gained deeper insights into their own behavior as well.                                                                                                                    Direct Negative Feedback              EVALUATING                        Indirect Negative Feedback

   The straight-line distance from Oiltanking’s head          rationale behind the meeting is obvious: Mutual                                                              Egalitarian                              LEADING                                               Hierarchical
office in Hamburg to the IOT office in Mumbai is              understanding increases the more one realizes where the
approximately 6,500 km. While travelling from one to the      other side “is coming from.” Mutual understanding and                                                        Consensual                              DECIDING                                                  Top Down
other by air takes only about 11 hours, properly “arriving”   awareness will enable colleagues to communicate and
in the culture of the respective other country is a much      work together better. In the process of learning more

                                                                                                                                   illustration © courtesy of Erin Meyer
lengthier process. In order to better understand both the     about each other, our colleagues also got to know                                                            Task Based                              TRUSTING                                    Relationship Based
European and Indian cultures, colleagues from the             themselves better and were able to gain some surprising
Oiltanking office in Hamburg travelled to meet their IOT      insights into their own behavior. One golden rule that                                                       Confrontational                       DISAGREEING                                 Avoids Confrontation
colleagues in Mumbai on March 14 and 15, 2017.                applies to everyone is: When interacting with someone
                                                              from another country, observe more carefully, listen
The two-day meeting was filled with workshops and             more, and speak less – learn to listen to what is meant                                                      Linear Time                           SCHEDULING                                             Flexible Time
myriad tasks, all of them designed to identify cultural       instead of just what is said.
challenges and convert them into opportunities. The                                                                                                                                                     Germany                                              India               Insead

20   CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CONNECTIONS        21
INDIA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            INDIA

     symbolically underscore the fact
     that all of the participants are in
     the same boat, striving towards
     common future goals and targets.

     While the geographical distance
     will remain the same, the two days
     spent together contributed to a

                                                                                                                                                                     Soul Curry
     better knowledge and increased
     mutual understanding about each
     other’s cultures and behaviors, and
     will help the German and Indian
     colleagues to better pull together
                                                           HOW TO RESPOND Successful              LATERAL THINKING Colleagues
     in their joint corporate journey to
     success from now on.
                                                           cross-cultural communication             used creativity and teamwork                                     What is it like to face your inner demons? Does it make or break you? A colleague* from
                                                            asks for familiarity with other       to build a (stable) Marshmallow
                                                                   cultures and behaviors                          spaghetti tower                                   IOT forged new possibilities after a three-and-a-half-day transformational education
                                                                                                                                                                     program and candidly tells of his own experiences with behavior patterns.

       What the British say             What the British mean                     What the Dutch understand                                                             My most stressful day at IOT             the scars we hid and used for excuses    persona. Once the initial discomfort
                                                                                                                                                                     shattered my façade of composure            in our personal and professional         had been managed, I met my dear
       With all due respect             I think you are wrong                     She/he is listening to me                                                          right before my manager. A close co-        failures. Some lessons:                  ones anew. With my mind clear of
                                                                                                                                                                     worker, seeing my breakdown, simply                                                  clutter, new possibilities emerged in
       Perhaps you would think          This is an order. Do it or be             Think about this idea and                                                          asked, “How long?”                          • we listen to react, not respond –      relationships in family and workplace.
       about … I would suggest …        prepared to justify yourself.             do it if you like.                                                                                                               using filters of preconceptions,       The bottom line: the 3.5-day program
                                                                                                                                                                     Having discerned a pattern in my              judgments and past experiences         ended with a wealth of lessons to
       Oh, by the way …                 The following criticism is                This is not very important.
                                                                                                                                                                     personal and professional problems,         • we build stories around hurtful 		     apply to life with a new sense of
                                        the purpose of this discussion.
                                                                                                                                                                     she     suggested     I   attend    a         incidents for apportionment of 		      identity, 33 years later.
                                                                                                                                                                     transformational educational program          blame. The stories drive our
       I was a bit                      I am very upset and                       It doesn’t really matter.                                                                                                                                               * We honor the colleague’s candor about this
                                                                                                                                                                     she had benefitted from several years         behavior, while the facts are often
       disappointed that …              angry that …                                                                                                                                                                                                        topic; name withheld for privacy reasons
                                                                                                                                                                     ago. I kept resisting, until this             forgotten
       Very interesting …               I don’t like it.                          She/he is impressed.                                                               breakdown.                                  • as hurtful memories run in a loop in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   our minds, they block us from 		                    MARATHI MEMO An example
       Could you consider               Your idea is not a good one.              She/he has not yet decided.                                                        I expected it to be a peer program but        reaching new solutions                             showing how the mind writes
       some more options?                                                                                                    Illustration © courtesy of Erin Meyer                                                                                                    the most important messages
                                                                                                                                                                     saw teenagers, couples and even             • unbeknownst to us,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            in one’s mother tongue
                                                                                                                                                                     grandparents! All bound by common             similar situations
       Please think about               It’s a bad idea. Don’t do it.             It’s a good idea. Keep developing it.
                                                                                                                                                                     issues: “I can’t say no!”; “I’m afraid of     trigger us to react in
       that some more.
                                                                                                                                                                     being judged!”; “I’m not good                 a fixed manner. We
       I'm sure it's my fault.          It is not my fault.                       It's her/his fault.                                                                enough!” The program leader jolted us         taint our future
                                                                                                                                                                     out of victimhood with some rude but          with past
       That is an original              Your idea is stupid.                      She/he likes my idea.                                                              honest, even startling questions.             experiences.
       point of view.                                                                                                                                                People got agitated as these questions
                                                                                                                                                                     exposed      chronic    baggage      and    As for myself, I revisited
     CULTURE HAS MULTIPLE LAYERS Some examples of                                                                                                                    misconceptions. But in that moment          and addressed seven-
     cross-cultural misunderstandings: What is said or heard                                  MORE INFORMATION                                                       of angst came an epiphany, too: the         year marital issues,
     “on the surface” may belie underlying differences                                        Erin Meyer, “The
                                                                                                                                                                     identification of baggage blocking us.      and decades-old issues
                                                                                              Culture Map”
                                                                                                                                                                     Rather than a balm on our emotional         with my parents that
                                                                                                                                                                     wounds, a surgical process cleansed         dictated   my       public

22   CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CONNECTIONS              23
INDIA                                                                                                                                                                                                      INDIA

Back to the
                                                                                                                                     KIND OF
                                                                                                                                     THOUGHTS                      EXAMPLE

                                                                                                                                    Factual, backed                “I have a thousand dollars,
                                                                                                                                    by evidence                    and three days”

                                                                                                                                    Purely emotional,              “I want a vacation that
                                                                                                                                    logic optional                 should make friends envious!”

                                                                                                                                    Free thought, out-             “How can I better invest
                                                                                                                                    of-the-box                     $ 1000? A laptop?”

IOT has a dream: Vision 0123. The term is shorthand for zero accidents, number
one position in the markets, twice the profits, and triple the revenues. Now, a                                                     Positive thoughts,             “I could couch-surf, save on
new technique was used to structure this mission into a jigsaw of smaller pieces                                                    backed by logic                hotel bills and save money.”
that bring the dream within reach.

                                            In July, IOT’s Extended Leadership, represented
                                          by 45 colleagues from 15 sites, gathered in Mumbai                                        Objective-oriented,            “I need to manage time
                                          to create a roadmap for IOT’s Vision 0123. They                                           grounded                       to explore and return”
                                          included stakeholders from HSSE, Finance, Assets &
                                          Operations,    Business    Development,      Human
                                          Resources,    Operations   &    Maintenance,   and
                                                                                                                                    Spotting risks,                “Holiday later. Settle
                                          Each team of six or seven people was given two                                            backed by logic                credit card bills first!”
                                          terminals for whom they were to devise growth
                                          strategies based on their respective priorities. For
                                          instance, a project in the pipeline had different
                                          priorities than a location already being operated and
                                          maintained for a customer, or an independent site.
                                                                                                     Applying the different-colored modes of            converted into action plans, and the resources
                                          The colleagues were given sheets of white, red,            thinking to the terminals they had been            needed to execute them were discussed. The
                                          green, yellow, blue and black paper, from which            assigned gave colleagues dozens of thoughts,       biggest takeaway from the technique, quite
                                          participants crafted one cap in each colour,               ideas and plans. They posted their ideas on        apart from giving participants a detailed
                                          symbolizing a specific mode of thinking. As they           boards distributed across a large hall, then,      timeline of things they could achieve in a year,
                                          donned each “thinking cap,” they were called on to         after taking a look at the others’ boards, added   was that it is possible to develop a concrete
                                          think only in that particular mode. So, if the objective   more ideas. Each team returned to their own        blueprint from a one-line idea. They returned
DISCUSSION, DEBATE AND DELIBERATION       were, say, “Going on vacation”, the six thinking caps      boards enriched with additional thoughts from      to their respective sites better prepared to
One idea in particular promises great     would help to break the issue down as follows:             experts in other domains. The ideas were           chart the journey to Vision 0123.
potential for the future

24   CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                CONNECTIONS   25
EUROPE                                                                                                                                                                                                             L E I S U R E & E N T E R TA I N M E N T

Giving to the                                                                                                                             Brain and
House of Stars                                                                                                                            Behavior
Oiltanking Stolthaven Antwerp did some good and encouraged the                                                                            When       explaining   human
reuse of resources by donating little used work clothing to Sterrenhuis,                                                                  behavior, the extent to which
a charity that supports people requiring care.                                                                                            the     environment      influences
                                                                                                                                          human personality has not been
   When the HSSE department at Oiltanking Stolthaven              raincoats, 35 body-warmers, twelve fleece shirts and four
Antwerp (OTSA) bought new work clothing for the                   pairs of trousers. He was welcomed by Els Dehaemers and
                                                                                                                                          clarified. However, genetics evidently play
employees this summer, the idea was floated to donate the         Wendy Adriaasen of Sterrenhuis, who gave him a guided                   a significant role in the development of
used garments to a charity, as they were still in good            tour of the facilities, explained their work, and served him
                                                                                                                                          human behavior, and the neuro-anatomical
condition. The colleagues picked “Sterrenhuis” (House of          coffee and homemade cookies. He also got to meet some of
Stars), a facility where people with physical and/or mental       the residents and their supervisors. When Geert left, he                construction of the brain appears to be of vital
disabilities are cared for during the day, or even live full-     took with him two books about the Sterrenhuis given to                  importance.
time. At Sterrenhuis, they are able to gain work experience       him by its people, and a feeling of having both given and
(e.g. bake bread, craft wooden toys), participate in sports       received joy.
and all sorts of recreational activities, receive various types                                                                             The human brain begins its development during         When the magnet is turned off, the hydrogen atoms
of assistance, and much more.                                     The Sterrenhuis was established in 1974 on the initiative of            the very early stages of life and continues through     revert to their original positions. The crucial point:
                                                                  two parents acting on the need for – and lack of – facilities           into adulthood – up to the age of 40 years.             In different types of tissue, for example, brain,
And so, on June 12, 2017 OTSA Managing Director Geert             to provide care and support for young adults with moderate                                                                      water, nerves or adipose tissue, it takes different
Verhaeghe went to visit the organization bearing 60               to severe mental disabilities. The facility has grown                   Knowing the design of the brain helps to understand     times for the atoms to return to their original
                                                                                                        continually since, and            how parts of it interact with the rest of the nervous   alignment. This interval can be measured and used
                                                                                                        is now part of Rotonde            system to influence human behavior. Marcus Kaiser,      for the computer to map the interior of the body.
                                                                                                        vzw, an organization              a professor of neuroinformatics at Newcastle
                                                                                                        that provides care for            University, and his team use computer simulations       Based on their brain research over the last 15
                                                                                                        250 disabled persons              and network analysis to replicate the dynamics and      years, the latest findings by Marcus Kaiser’s team

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           © Marcus Kaiser, Newcastle University,
                                                                                                        at   several    similar           development of neural networks in hopes of better       show that in addition to genetic and environmental
                                                                                                        establishments across             understanding the link between structure and            drivers, the exact time and development of each
                                                                                                        Belgium.                          dynamics. Using a technique called diffusion tensor     neuron and its position during brain maturation are
                                                                                                                                          imaging (DTI), they research how different parts of     key to ensuring that the right connections are
                                                                                                                                          the human brain are (inter)connected. This involves     made. “If we can better understand these physical
                                                                                                                                          the test subject being placed in a magnetic             changes, it could lead to new treatments and better
                                                                                                                                          resonance       imaging       (MRI)                                          diagnoses of a variety of
                                                                                                                                          tomograph (a large tube linked to                                            conditions        such      as
                                                                                                                                          a powerful electromagnet), which                                             schizophrenia or autism, which
                                                                                                                                          produces a magnetic field ten                                                are akin to changes in the
                                                                                                                                          thousand times stronger than                                                 network organization of the
                                                                                                                                          that of planet Earth. This field                                             brain,” explains Kaiser.
                                                                                                                  A PERFECT FIT!          now stimulates specific particles
                                                                                                                  Helping others makes    that   abound     in   our   body:
                                                                                                                  you happy – just ask
                                                                                                  © Sterrenhuis

                                                                                                                                          hydrogen atoms. Excited by the
                                                                                                                  Geert Verhaeghe,                                                                                  PROFESSOR MARCUS KAISER
                                                                                                                  Managing Director       magnetic field, they all begin to                                         works on the simulations of the
                                                                                                                  Oiltanking Stolthaven   turn in the same direction (like a                                        dynamics and development of
                                                                                                                  Antwerp (white shirt)   compass needle turning north).                                            neural networks

26   CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CONNECTIONS                                                                      27
PEOPLE & PLACES                                                                                                                                                                                              PEOPLE & PLACES

                                                                                                                                                                           MUMBAY'S BUSY LIFELINES,
                                                                                                                                                                           INTERRUPTED Railway tracks for the

                                                                                                                                                                           trains that carry 10 million travellers
                                                                                                                                                                           every day were knee-deep in water


          At the end of August, two Oiltanking locations – though at opposite
          ends of the Earth – faced the same extreme weather conditions. How
          did our colleagues at Oiltanking in Texas (Houston and Texas City) and
          IOT in India (Mumbai) cope with the devastating floods in their
          respective regions?

                                                                                                                      In the end, relief prevailed. A cumulonimbus cloud        path, rain fell for four days straight and dumped 34

 Mayhem in                 When Mumbai received 294
                           mm      (11.5    inches)    of
                                                             them had crossed over safely. Only after making
                                                             sure that the water level was safe did they
                                                                                                                      nine kilometers tall had brought Mumbai’s worst
                                                                                                                      rainfall in 12 years. The next day – which had been
                                                                                                                                                                                billion cbm (9 trillion gal) of water on the Houston
                                                                                                                                                                                metropolitan area. Some locations received up to
 Mumbai                    precipitation on a single day,    proceed, thus demonstrating a safe path for              declared a bank holiday as a precaution – dawned          127 cm (50 in) of rain – more rainfall than Texas
                           August      29,    the    city    those who followed.                                      with bright sunshine, and the financial capital           normally receives on an annual basis.
          administration ordered widespread evacuations.                                                              bounced back within hours. Although some joked,
          IOT employees melted into the crowds of six        Mumbai was a quagmire of tortuous bottlenecks            after the storm had passed, that the weather was          South of Houston, Oiltanking’s terminals in Texas
          million citizens with prayer on their lips and     and flooded roads. Bharati Srinivasan, Head              like an angry child who throws a tantrum one day          City began to implement their Hurricane Procedure
          HSSE lessons in their minds as they left the       Legal Department, spent four hours in a traffic          and the next day acts as if nothing had happened.         as Harvey entered into the Gulf Coast. The terminals
          terminal and office.                               jam. Kavita Shetty of the secretarial team and           But, with 24 people dead and 47 million dollars in        checked all tank levels for a “hurricane heel” – a
                                                             Yogesh Damle, Head Corporate Communications,             damage, Mumbai knows that safety – and the                minimum amount of product in a tank to prevent
          A bus full of employees who live in Mumbai’s far   took over an hour to walk home, as their usual           weather – is no joking matter.                            floating in the event of flooding – and began
          western suburbs, which were now under 182          path – normally only minutes long – had turned                                                                     removing unsecured objects and motors in low-lying
          cm of water, wound its way to the company’s        into a river, forcing people to gingerly pick their                                                                areas prone to flooding. As Harvey made landfall,
          guesthouse in the neighborhood of Mulund,
          which was "less" flooded under 45 cm of water.
                                                             way around open drains, manholes and electric
                                                             boxes in thigh-deep waters.
                                                                                                                   Havoc around               On August 26, Hurricane
                                                                                                                                              Harvey became the first
                                                                                                                                                                                high water prevented operators from accessing
                                                                                                                                                                                Oiltanking Texas City (OTTC). Four operators
          The guesthouse gave the displaced employees                                                              Houston                    Category 4 storm to hit Texas     volunteered to stay at the terminal from Saturday to
          a warm and safe place to stay, where they could    While Satyanarayanan ‘Satya’ Asokan, CEO of                                      since Hurricane Carla in 1961.    Wednesday to help protect the terminal from
          stay in touch with their families by phone.        ZIOL, Goa, kept his feet dry, his flight [home]          Usually, hurricanes that threaten the United States       flooding. The operators took shifts monitoring water
                                                             was delayed by three hours due to poor                   make landfall along the coast, then continue into the     levels and rotating portable, diesel-run pumps to
          Other colleagues encountered dangerously           visibility. His colleague Atul Kharate, Head of          interior of the country, losing intensity and spreading   areas where water was building up too quickly for
          flooded roads on their drive home. Rajesh          Operations & Maintenance at IOT, was tossed              rain across multiple states. Hurricane Harvey,            drains to handle. At Oiltanking Galveston County
          Ganesh, Vice President (Finance), and Shashank     around in severe turbulence on another,                  however, was a very unusual storm. After making           (OTGAL), members of the Operations group who live
          Yagnick, Deputy General Manager (Business          Mumbai-bound flight, then had to spend the               landfall, Harvey stalled around 200 km (130 mi)           close to the terminal were able to travel back and
          Process and Planning), ignored the angry           night in the arrival terminal as there were no           west of Houston before returning into the Gulf of         forth to make sure portable pumps positioned
          honking of drivers behind them, and refused to     taxis on the roads.                                      Mexico and making a second landfall to the east of        around the terminal were fueled, running, and
          enter flooded sections until the cars ahead of                                                              Houston near Beaumont, Texas. Due to this unusual         draining properly.              (continued on page 30)

28   CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                     CONNECTIONS     29
PEOPLE & PLACES                                                                                                                                                                                            PEOPLE & PLACES

                                                    SILVER LINING While
                                                    “Harvey” wreaked havoc on
                                                                                                                      Tis the

                                                    infrastructure and landscapes,
                                                    the hurricane also bound
                                                    people together

                                                         Scooter Wilson, the Terminal Manager of OTTC, highlights
                                                         that flooding in the terminal could have caused up to        For some people, changing seasons are accompanied by changes in their
                                                         $100,000 worth of damage to equipment, but through           mood and daily routine. They may get the “winter blues”, “February blahs” or
                                                         the four operators´ efforts and the preparedness of the
                                                         terminal’s Hurricane Team, OTTC suffered zero equipment      “spring fever.” One period that invariably brings a boost to the spirit of caring
                                                         damage. At OTGAL, the Operations group was able to           and sharing at Oiltanking, along with a wealth of special activities, is the
                                                         continue receiving product from DOW’s unit and maintain
                                                         pipelines to and from OTTC. OTGAL’s Terminal Manager,
                                                                                                                      end of the year, when many celebrate Christmas and/or the advent of the
                                                         Justin Payne, commended the team’s commitment and            New Year. Let’s have a look.*
                                                         drive: “No one complained, no one asked questions...
                                                         they knew we had a plan in place, and they executed it

                                                         While the Oiltanking terminals survived the storm, many
                                                                                                                                                          THE NETHERLANDS/AMSTERDAM
                                                         terminal employees in surrounding areas experienced                                                Just as trees and festive decorations are long-
                                                         extreme flooding in their neighborhoods. As soon as                                                  established     Christmas   customs,    so   Oiltanking
                                                         dangerously high water subsided and roads reopened,                                                   Amsterdam’s annual Christmas donation has become
                                                         Scooter Wilson and Justin Payne reached out to every                                                   a cherished tradition. In the past few years, the
                                                         terminal employee, compiled a list of those impacted by                                                 terminal has made donations to the Big Ali sports
                                                         the storm, and offered assistance with post-flood cleanup.                                              club and Amador Nita Foundation. This combined
                                                         Crews of OTTC and OTGAL employees less affected by the                                                   local charity organizes events and sports activities
                                                         flooding went to co-workers’ homes to help remove                                                       for the residents of Westerpark, a district in the
     debris and aid the cleanup process. Some employees even lent personal vehicles to those who lost their means                                                immediate proximity of the terminal. Oiltanking’s
     of transportation in high water. Weeks after the storm, OTTC and OTGAL continue to provide assistance to                                                        donation around Christmastime goes towards
     those in need.                                                                                                                                                     hosting a festive party including dinner,
                                                                                                                                                                         drinks and music for the homeless and
     In the face of a natural disaster, Oiltanking and its employees in Texas have shown dedication not only to                                                           underprivileged people of this city district.
     preserving the company’s terminal assets, but to aiding and supporting fellow employees as they recover from                                                          Residents can count on it again this year!
     devastation and loss.
                                                                                                                                                                          * Due to the printing deadline
                                                                                                                                                                          events are stated either in
                                                                                                                        BELOVED TRADITION                                 retrospective or preview
                                                                                                                           Also children of the
                                                                                                                      colleagues of Oiltanking
                                                                                                                          Amsterdam received
         HIGH FIVE Four operators                                                                                             gifts at Sinterklaas
          (from left: Esteban Reyes,                                                                                               (Saint Nicholas)
        Gabriel Ross, Kevin Parrish,
      Mike Estes) voluntarily stayed
       at the terminal in Texas City
        for five consecutive days to
            protect it from flooding

30   CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                CONNECTIONS   31
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