PQmagazine - PQ AWARDS 2019: MEET THE WINNERS - CPA Ireland

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CONTENTS                                                 April 2019                                       Change is coming…
News                                       assets and liabilities
                                                                                                           I recently rocked up at the House of
06ACCA exam feedback Your               24CIMA 2019 syllabus Institute
   views on the recent exams               unveils changes as it prepares to                               Commons (not in this outfit) to see PQ
08Blockchain ICAS pioneering               celebrate its 100th birthday                                    columnist Professor Prem Sikka present two
   new way of issuing certificates      26Brexit ACCA makes plea for                                       reports he has written for the Labour Party. He
10CIMA OTs Don’t reschedule if             clarity as ‘B-day’ approaches                                   told a packed committee room that the audit
   you want to get a pass               28IFRS 16 How Tesco is                                             profession is ‘highly dysfunctional’ and
Features, etc                              embracing the new standard                                      abolishing the FRC does not go far enough.
04Mind your Ps&Qs Are we                29Careers Life at LSBF; NAO                                        Sikka is calling on the Big 4 to be structurally
   creating a nation of zombies? why       criticises the apprenticeship                                   broken up into separate legal entities, where
   people love our annual awards;          scheme; and our book review          audit firms just do audit. He wants audit rotation every five years and all
   and the best of PQ’s social media
                                        30Fun stuff – and our giveaways         audit bids to be made public. Sikka was joined by the shadow
12Tech news An update on
   what’s going on in the digital       The columnists                          Chancellor John McDonnell and shadow Business Secretary Rebecca
   world; plus our columnist, Xero’s    Robert Bruce Auditors must learn        Long Bailey. As we have said in our news story (see page 6),
   Mike Day                             to stand up to their paymasters  6      McDonnell was adamant that “change is going to come” and that self-
14Exam advice Health and study          Prem Sikka State will need to           regulation of the profession was a historic hangover that needed
   tips that will help you pass; and    rebuild our post-Brexit economy  8      addressing. He also revealed that it had been a long-held tradition that
   new benefits for ICAEW studiers      Zoe Robinson The growing                audit firms offered opposition parties their staff. That practice has been
16Making Tax Digital HMRC               importance of lifelong learning 10
                                                                                ‘cleared out’, he said. The fear of corporate capture was a real concern.
   initiative that’s coming very soon       Subscribe to PQ magazine
17Audit by drone PwC leads way           It’s FREE – see page 27 or go to
   when it comes to stock takes               www.pqmagazine.com                And the winner is…
18PQ Awards 2019 It was                                                         It was also the PQ awards this month – the front cover may be a give
   another great night at the Café               APRIL 2019 ISSUE               away here. We had nearly 300 people laughing (and crying) the night
   de Paris – and now you can                    Total Distribution
                                                                                away, including me! Compere for the evening was the wonderful Tom
   meet the winners
                                                   30,552                       Ward. He was hoping to pick out three great haircuts in the audience
20Intangible assets Everything          Publisher’s statement: we send both     (just check his hair on page 18 – he looks like a Lego man!). But there
   you need to know about tangible          a paper and digital issue to a
   and intangible assets                                                        wasn’t anyone with dramatic hair, so he went for best dressed
                                          controlled database each month.
21Social mobility We profile a           The above figure is the combined       accountant instead. People loved his act, and the winners revelled in
   scheme to help people from all        total of issues sent out this month.   their glory – although I would have put Claudia and her pink ensemble
   backgrounds to access the             Free to subscribers who fulfil our     first. You can check out our best dressed trio on page 30. Check out
   accountancy profession                         terms of control              the awards video on our Facebook page – @pqmags.
22Conceptual framework Part                Annual subscription: £35 (£50
                                                     overseas)                              Graham Hambly, PQ magazine editor (graham@pqaccountant.com)
   two of our series on measuring

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PQmagazine - PQ AWARDS 2019: MEET THE WINNERS - CPA Ireland
PQ email graham@pqaccountant.com

                   HAVE YOUR SAY                                                                                       social media
 The living dead                                                                      the workplace. This is one
 I read your article headlined ‘A                                                     reason employees are             The day after Valentine’s Day
 Blinkered Approach’ that featured                                                    advised not to listen to loud    LSBF tv went live with another set
 a device that wraps around the                                                       music at work – just             of great ‘programmes’ for AAT
 head, both cutting out noise and                                                     imagine the sight and            studiers. We really like this
 obstructing peripheral vision (PQ                                                    sounds that are blocked          initiative and so do many of you,
 magazine, February 2019).                                                            with this device! You have to    too!
    The first thing that came to my                                                   be aware of what is going           Maxine Feehely thanked us for
 mind was, why not just work from                                                     on in your environment.          the link. She said: “I have just
 home or in a quiet zone? I am                                                           There can be more             watched a couple of the old ones
 afraid that we may become                                                            human ways of handling           for some parts of MAC that hadn’t
 zombies when we want to cut out                                                      office distractions and          quite clicked. I feel far more
 most/all human interaction and                                                       managing our time.               confident about my exam on
 connection, all in the name of                                                       Mustafa Yusuf-Adebola, by        Tuesday now.” Neica-Louise
 avoiding distractions. Isn’t it a                                                    email                            Morrow agreed, and said it made
 coincidence that in the same                                                         The editor says: And you         her feel confident that her exam
                   issue of PQ, on      some emotion’?                         don’t even mention the price –          was do-able now. There’s still
                   the previous page,      The second thing that came to       these sensory blockers will set you     time to sign up for the last few
                   was an article       my mind was the health and safety      back £200! So are we becoming a         shows. They will be taking place
                   headed ‘Show         risk when such a device is worn at     nation of zombies? Let us know.         on Friday 22 March, Friday 29
                                                                                                                       March and Friday 5 April. Go to
                  Our star letter writer wins a fantastic PQ mug!                                                      https://web.lsbf.org.uk/lsbf-tv to
What you said about                                                                                                       Paula Rutter also has the right
the PQ awards 2019                                                                                                     idea of how to take a break from
I didn’t win but it was a marvellous                                                                                   the ardours of AAT study! As ‘blue
experience being nominated by the                                                                                      feet AATQB’ she says: “Time for a
prestigious PQ magazine that is                                                                                        break with @PQmagazine
read by thousands of part qualified                                                                                    #SaturdayAfternoon.”
accountants as student mentor for
   So grateful to Graham Hambly,
PQ’s editor, for such a wonderful
event at the Café de Paris in
                                                  I need
Leicester Square. To all the                   pqjobs.co.uk
wonderful professionals from all the
accountancy bodies I met, ACCA,
ICAEW, CIMA and AAT, thank you.
Pan Fouli

   … I was honoured to have been
nominated for #PQawards, but to
win was the best feeling and I am
truly ecstatic! Thanks you PQ                                                                                             There was a great chat about
magazine for this and such a                                                                                           how you choose a business name
brilliant night! And thank you my                                                                                      on Accounting & Bookkeeping
incredible team @elhtfinance for all                                                                                   Support (AAT, ICB, Students &
of your support #financefamily                                                                                         Qualified) too. Miranda Toppin
Rebecca Dixon                                                                                                          was going to call the company
                                                                                                                       MJT Accountancy, but wasn’t
   … Had a fantastic time last night                                                                                   100% sure. Jenny Waller used
at the PQ magazine awards in            everyone who was nominated and         congratulations to all my team at       the name of a street she used to
London Town. It was great to see        won an award.                          Mindful Education – nearly three        live in and Coral Rogers looked
so many familiar faces in the           Natalie Adele                          years of determination and hard         up her initials in the periodic
industry and new people also, and                                              work to create the product we           table and came up with Chromium
even meet colleagues at the ACCA.         … Brilliant to win Study             imagined – so this is absolutely        Bookkeeping. Chromium is nice
To top it off, our ACCA distance        Resource of the Year at last night’s   fabulous! I could not be more           and shiny and she likes shiny
learning Facebook group won the         PQ magazine awards for our AAT         proud.                                  things!
Editor’s Award. Well done to            Level 2 course. Huge                   Mark McKenna

       PQ Magazine Unit 3a, Kingfisher Heights, 2 Bramwell Way, Royal Docks, London E16 2GQ | Phone: 020 7216 6444 | Email: graham@pqaccountant.com
     Website: www.pqmagazine.com | Editor/publisher: Graham Hambly graham@pqaccountant.com | Associate editor: Adam Riches | Art editor: Tim Parker |
              Contributors: Robert Bruce, Prem Sikka, Zoe Robinson, Mike Day, Tony Kelly, Phil Gammon, Edward Netherton |
                                   Subscriptions: dom@pqaccountant.com | Origination and print services by Classified Central Media
      If you have any problems with delivery, or if you want to change your delivery address, please email dom@pqaccountant.com
                                                   Published by PQ Publishing © PQ Publishing 2019
PQmagazine - PQ AWARDS 2019: MEET THE WINNERS - CPA Ireland
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PQmagazine - PQ AWARDS 2019: MEET THE WINNERS - CPA Ireland
PQ news

    BRUCE                                     ACCA feedback
                                              ‘A badboy’, ‘nasty’ and ‘horrible’ is   were ‘fairer’ this sitting. These
                    Auditors                  how PQs described ATX this time         papers had some of the worst pass
                    must once                 around. Several students admitted       rates last time around, so students
                    again stand               they didn’t manage to complete the      and tutors will hope to see an
                    firm                      March exam, and were upset              improvement on the 38% and 31%
                                              because they had put so much            December rates come 15 April.
                                              time into their study.                     The APM December pass rate
                                                 Many found SBL ‘exhausting’ too,     was 33%, and time was again the
One of the roots of unrest with auditing      and one PQ just said ‘wow!'             enemy for many. There were,
is the perceived lack of backbone
                                              Students were genuinely worried         however, few complaints about the
among auditors. It didn’t used to be
                                              that they didn’t spend long enough      Spring test. PM got a more mixed
like this. History tells a different story.
   The villain who charmed his way            reading, planning or even thinking.     reaction. Parts A and B were mostly
through the business world over the           As one said: “I feel like there was     OK. It all depended on what
last 50 years of the last century was         so much to do in this exam… I was       questions you got in section C, and
Robert Maxwell. With hindsight it is          writing continually for pretty much     there was a lot of question envy on     Cheers! Keith Windross told us he
hard to see how he pulled it off. But         all the time.”                          the noticeboards.                       “had to find an innovative solution
he was a bully, and bullies manage to            When it came to AA and AAA,          • See www.pqmagazine.com for all        to recover from ATX”. Seems to be
keep the critics at bay for much longer       most March candidates felt they         our exam feedback.                      working, he said!
than they should. When he got his
comeuppance in 1971 it was a
stinging one. Long before the scrutiny

                                               ‘Inconvenient’ news
                                                                                                                              disappointing news and would
of business by government became the                                                                                          like to apologise for any distress
feeble thing it is today there used to                                                                                        this may cause. In recognition of
be the feared Department of Trade and                                                                                         the inconvenience caused we
Industry reports. Sir Ronald Leach,            What happens when an                   ACCA offered them a £30
                                                                                                                              have applied a further £30
senior chap at Peat Marwick (the               accountancy body loses your            goodwill gesture! They were told:
                                                                                                                              goodwill gesture to your MyACCA
forerunner KPMG), was the accountant           exam script? Well, PQ magazine         “Your exam answer responses
reporting on Maxwell. Leach’s words                                                                                           account.”
                                               recently came across the case an       have been reviewed and
defined the backbone that accountants                                                                                            We wondered if this was an
                                               ACCA student whose Applied             regrettably we are unable to issue
should bring to their role: “Mr Maxwell                                                                                       isolated incident and would love
                                               Skills exam paper ‘went missing’       you with a result based on the
regarded his stewardship duties                                                                                               to hear from any students who
                                               in December.                           information that has been
fulfilled by showing the maximum                                                                                              have suffered a similar fate.
                                                  The student, bizarrely, first       received in relation to your
profits which any transaction could be                                                                                        Contact PQ in confidence – email
devised to show,” he said. He                  found out that they would not be       exam.” The letter went on: “We
                                                                                                                              graham@pqaccountant.com with
concluded: “Notwithstanding Mr                 issued with a result when the          realise that this will be
                                                                                                                              your story.
Maxwell’s acknowledged abilities and
energy, he is not in our opinion a
person who can be relied upon to
exercise proper stewardship of a
publicly quoted company.” Leach
stuck to his principles – Peats never
                                              Training contracts on the increase
                                              The number of trainees on                                                       18% to 4,275, which represents
did any work for Maxwell again. It was        contracts with the UK’s top 75                                                  20% of the total for the top 75.
only 20 years later, after Maxwell’s          accountancy firms is approaching                                                PwC’s Louise Farra told
death, that further scandals broke over
                                              20,000, says new research from                                                  Accountancy Daily: “Student
how he had plundered his workers’
                                              Accountancy Daily.                                                              recruitment is the bread-and-butter
pensions. Coopers & Lybrand, now
PwC, got it in the neck that time.               The survey found that there are                                              of the firm. We will be taking on
There is a lot to be said for standing        currently 19,887 trainees studying                                              1,300 graduates and 200 school
firm in the face of dubious behaviour.        to become qualified accountants,                                                leavers for this coming year, with
                                              tax advisers or consultants at these                                            about 60% of these roles outside
    Robert Bruce is an                        top firms. This represents a 4%           The Big 4 firms account for           London. And we have seen large
    award-winning writer on                   increase on the corresponding           12,884 of the total, with PwC           growth in opportunities around
    accountancy for The Times                 figures for last year.                  increasing its student numbers by       technology.”

    In brief
          Change is coming                         Happy birthday CIMA                      Workload blamed for tragedy              CIPFA forges US links
          Shadow Chancellor                        On Friday 8 March, the                   The widow of an accountancy              CIPFA and Rutgers University
    John McDonnell (right)                    Chartered Institute of Management       lecturer who killed himself has said    Business School have signed a
    has warned audit firms that change        Accountants celebrated its 100th        her husband, Malcolm Anderson,          Memorandum of Understanding
    is coming. At the launch of two           birthday. CIMA President Steven         was unable to cope with his             (MoU) to create a pathway for the
    policy-making reports on                  Swientozielskyj said: “In 1919, a       workload. The deputy head of            university’s students and graduates
    accountancy he said the number of         new breed of accountant was             accounting at Cardiff University fell   to practice government accounting
    occasions where audits are                created to help industry leaders        to his death from a university          outside the United States. Rugters’
    undertaken by junior members of           deal with the challenges of                           building in February      students on the Master of
    staff or even trainees is                 the early 20th century.                               last year. The inquest    Accountancy in Government
    ‘staggering’. He felt there was an        One hundred years later                               was told he left a note   Accounting programme will have
    element of exploitation here. He          CIMA members and                                      describing the            the opportunity to qualify with
    also promised legislation to reform       students are at the cutting                           pressures he felt from    CIPFA via its online platform. The
    audit in a Labour government’s first      edge of finance, driving                              his job and long          first session will be open to the
    Queen’s Speech.                           business transformation.”                             hours.                    September 2019 intake.

6                                                                                                                                         PQ Magazine April 2019
PQmagazine - PQ AWARDS 2019: MEET THE WINNERS - CPA Ireland
We are The Times and       GOOD
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PQmagazine - PQ AWARDS 2019: MEET THE WINNERS - CPA Ireland
PQ news

    SIKKA                                 Blockchain your certificates
                                          ICAS has revealed it is trialing the      involved in this trial can now take        critical in today’s digital world and
                                          use of blockchain technology to           control of their personal data by          the same is true of the qualifications
                  State needs             issue digital certificates to its newly   replacing the paper-based                  you hold.” He admitted that, like
                  to rebuild              qualifieds, with the help of PwC          certificate with a secure digital          many others, he takes pride in the
                  post-Brexit             and its Smart Credential platform.        version. Not only this, but the            certificate hanging on his wall – but
                  economy                    All staff who have qualified with      technology allows instant verification     you cannot take it down and share
                                          ICAS at the Big 4 firm in the past        of their credentials, putting an end       it when you need to.
                                          two years are being given access to       to the back-and-forth involved in             However, the demand for
                                          a virtual wallet. This allows owners      establishing good standing and             verified, trusted and irrefutable
Whatever the outcome of Brexit, the
UK needs to change its economic           complete control over sharing their       ensuring our members can get on            identities from many different types
path. The government policies of          professional credentials digitally,       with their jobs.”                          of organisations is rising. Potential
corporation tax cuts and low interest     reducing the exposure to fraud.              Steve Davies, global blockchain         employers, in particular, want to
rates have not produced higher               ICAS CEO Bruce Cartwright said:        leader at PwC, explained: “The             ensure that an applicant holds the
investment or productivity.               “Our newly qualified members              ability to prove your identity online is   credentials listed on their CVs.
   The UK invests 16.9% of its GDP in
productive assets, compared with the
average of 20.1% for the EU. UK R&D
expenditure is 1.5% – 1.7% of GDP,
compared with the EU average of 2%
                                          You need stamina to get SBL pass
                                          Do you have the stamina to pass                                                      exam requires. Students are also
(about half the level of Sweden).
   The shareholder-centric model of
                                          the ACCA SBL exam? In the most                                                       showing the examiner which
corporate governance encourages           recent Examiner’s Report, the                                                        questions they are struggling with
obsession with short-term returns. In     examiner said they were worried                                                      most. The examiner said: “Mostly,
1970, major UK firms paid about £10       there were ‘indications’ that sitters                                                candidates answered the questions
of each £100 of profits in dividends.     are running out of stamina during                                                    in order. Where they did not they
By 2015, it reached between £60 and       the four-hour test. The examiner                                                     appeared to be leaving one
£70, often accompanied by a squeeze       stressed it was also noticeable that                                                 question, which they liked least,
on labour and investment. UK              the quality of answers tailed off                                                    until the end.” trialing The concern
companies pay a higher proportion of      towards the end of the exam.                                                         here is that in future exams the
their earnings in dividends compared
                                             The examiner is strongly                                                          examiner has said the questions
with their counterparts from the EU,
                                          recommending that students take                                                      may follow a timeline or have
Japan and the US. A Bank of England
survey showed that around 25% of          mock exams before the real thing,                                                    question requirements that progress
finance raised by companies is spent      under exam conditions, to get used                                                   in other ways. That means you are
on investment, with the remainder split   to the demands on concentration,                                                     getting a direct recommendation to
between purchasing financial assets,      thinking and writing that the longer                                                 answer the requirements in order.
distribution to shareholders and

                                          AAT software ‘issues’
keeping it as cash. Low investment
has resulted in low productivity. The
output per hour worked in the UK is
                                                                                                                                Code rejig
about 16% below the average for the                                                                                             The FRC is looking create a new
                                          AAT students have been contacting          once centres are accredited to
rest of the G7 advanced economies.                                                                                              Stewardship code, setting out
                                          PQ magazine about software                          host exams by AAT, how
   The private sector has shown little                                                                                          more rigorous requirements for
                                          issues with their AAT exam                              often they are visited to
appetite for long-term investment and                                                                                           reporting. The code will refer to
risks. The state has to reform            centres.                                                  ensure they are
                                                                                                                                environmental, social and
corporate governance and play a              One told us that on                                     providing a proper
                                                                                                                                governance (ESG) factors.
direct role in steering the economy by    attending her local testing                                service and keeping
                                                                                                                                Signatories are also expected to
renewing social infrastructure and        centre recently she was                                    their software up-to-
                                                                                                                                take material issues into account
investing in manufacturing, green and     faced with Sage software                                  date.
                                                                                                                                when fulfilling their stewardship
new technologies.                         from 2014. It took the                                      PQ would like to
                                                                                                                                responsibilities. And investors
                                          centre over an hour to install                        hear from any other
    Prem Sikka is Emeritus                                                                                                      must report how their purpose,
                                          Sage 50, which she was told was                  students who suffered a
    Professor of Accounting at                                                                                                  values and culture enable them
                                          ‘available’ at the time of booking.       similar fate. Send your stories to
    the University of Essex                                                                                                     to meet their obligations.
                                             The concern for students is that,      graham@pqaccountant.com.

    In brief
      Darting ahead                       to boot. He added another £100k           intended to be used for criminal           whistleblowers had received
      Former trainee accountant           to his bank account with the UK           purposes. The accounts are held            $112m in awards, a rise of $33m
Nathan Aspinall (pictured) has            Open prize money.                         mainly by overseas students                on the previous year. One group of
found another way to use his                                                        studying in the UK, who may be             whistleblowers who exposed
maths skills. ‘The Asp’, who has               Bank accounts frozen                 unaware that operating a bank              significant corporate tax evasion
exchanged his calculator for                   The bank accounts of 95              account in this manner is                  were awarded $62m.
arrows, recently won the Ladbrokes        Chinese students containing an            potentially illegal, said the NECC.
UK Open, and is now ranked 34th           estimated £3.6m were recently                                                              CIMA 2019 syllabus
in the PDC order of merit.                       frozen in a day of action               Whistleblowing heaven                       CIMA’s exam blueprints for
Aspinall started in 2018 at                      co-ordinated by the newly               The US IRS collected a                the 2019 OT and case study
Qualifiying School in order                      formed National Economic           record-breaking $1.441bn in taxes,         syllabus have now been released.
to win his tour card, and                        Crime Centre (NECC). The           penalties and interest thanks to           In a new timeline the next big
got to the semi-final on his                     money in the accounts is           information provided by                    announcements will be the 2020
World Championship                               suspected to be either the         whistleblowers. That’s up from             exam timetable release on 29 April.
debut, earning £100,000                          proceeds of crime or               $190m in 2017. The IRS said that           Check out more on page 24.

8                                                                                                                                          PQ Magazine April 2019
PQmagazine - PQ AWARDS 2019: MEET THE WINNERS - CPA Ireland
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PQ news

                                             Don’t reschedule if
                   The growing
                                             you want to pass
                                             Thinking of rescheduling your CIMA       week six. The recommendation is
                   of lifelong
                                             OTs? Well, be careful: new research      that you sit the exam within three
                   learning                  shows students who reschedule            weeks of finishing your course to
                                             their CIMA exams are 16% less            maximise your chances of passing.
                                             likely to pass than those that book          Students who attempted both
                                             an exam date and stay with it.           short tests and mock exams had
CIMA launched its 2019 Professional             The study, by Kaplan and CIMA,        5% higher pass rates than those
Qualification Syllabus in January.
                                             shows while the pass rate of             who did neither. However, when
Although hosted by humans, their
                                             students sticking to their original      you sit exams has no affect on pass
special guest was Pepper the robot, a
social humanoid that can recognise           exam date is 77%, this falls to 61%      rates. Apparently, there isn’t a
faces and basic emotions. Its purpose        for those who reschedule.                ‘lucky time’ to sit exams. The
was to illustrate how far technology            The stats also show a steady          researchers also wondered if
has come, and to challenge a few             decline in pass rates from the end       exemptions influenced pass rates.
perceptions. If a robot can                  of the course to sitting the exam.       Again, the short answer is no –
communicate with an audience, how            Pass rates fell by 6% after the third    exemptions of five or less make
long before it can do my job?
    CIMA has placed digital skills at
the centre of the new competency
                                             week and by a further 10% by             little difference to pass rates.
                                                                                                                               LSBF moves
framework, with other skills remaining
effectively the same. While this is a
direct acknowledgment of the impact
                                             Call for new charter                                                              into Vietnam
                                                                                                                               LSBF in Singapore has announced
technology is having, CIMA is not the
only one looking to the future; all the                                                                                        a new agreement with iBosses,
professional bodies recognise the                                                                                              Vietnam.
importance of digital skills and are                                                                                              The collaboration will start with
already engaged. ICAEW have Digital                                                                                            the launch of online ACCA
Essentials, a new corporate service                                                                                            programmes, and the long-term
that offers finance professionals the                                                                                          goal is for LSBF to offer both online
know-how to better understand AI,                                                                                              and on-campus ACCA programmes
blockchain and cyber security. ACCA                                                                                            to multiple countries in the region.
is running CPD sessions helping
                                                                                                                                  Rathakrishnan Govind, LSBF
professionals get to grips with big
data and data analytics.                                                                                                       Global CEO, said: “Vietnam is a key
    There was a time when a newly                                                                                              destination for LSBF because of its
qualified accountant was up-to-date          The time is right for a national         executives is linked to delivery         large youth population and keen
with the latest thinking and technical       ‘Women in Business Charter’, says        against internal targets on gender       interest in quality education offered
skills. Not anymore. The workplace is        the AAT. The Women in Finance            diversity.                               by overseas providers. We believe it
moving at pace: drones conduct               Charter was launched way back in            AAT head of policy and public         is the right time to introduce LSBF’s
stocktakes and AI conducts analysis          2016 and some 300 financial              affairs, Phil Hall, said: “AAT was the   delivery models, which are suited to
of non-traditional sources for audit         services firms, including the AAT,       first, and for a long time the only,     the fast-paced and challenging
purposes. Accountancy practices are          have signed up. The charter asks         professional accountancy body to         environment our students are
a world away from where they were
                                             for a commitment to implement            sign the Women in Finance Charter,       experiencing.”
just a few years ago, and the need for
                                             four industry actions:                   because it knows closing the gap            As part of the agreement, LSBF
lifelong learning has never been
greater. We are all involved in a            • To have a named senior executive       leads to a more diverse and              Singapore will provide all the ACCA
digital race that is getting faster. Don’t   responsible and accountable for          creative workforce, broadens the         online content and study guides as
be left behind.                              gender diversity and inclusion.          skills base and can increase             well as international teaching
                                             • To set internal targets for gender     creativity and innovation – to say       resources, while iBosses Vietnam
 Zoe Robinson is Learning and                diversity in senior management.          nothing of the obvious issue of          will provide the necessary resources
 Programmes Director at
                                             • To publish yearly progress reports.    fairness and the financial               and facilities for training projects
 Kaplan Financial
                                             • Ensure the pay of senior               imperative for change.”                  and student management.

                     FRC widens inquiry                    adviser to Ineos, the petrochemical empire,           respondents are worried about cyber attacks,
                     The FRC is extending its              when its top three executives revealed they           and a similar percentage was cautious over the
                     investigation into the                wanted to move much of their wealth overseas.         security of Internet of Things connectivity.
                     preparation, approval and             The move could potentially deprive the UK
                     audit of the financial                Treasury of £400m–£4bn as Sir Jim Ratcliffe           Ethnicity pay gap rising
                     statements by KPMG of                 and chums moved to Monaco. It is believed             Deloitte has ‘voluntarily’ reported its ethnicity
 Carillion plc, to include certain matters relating        that PwC’s management sought advice from its          pay gap for the second year running. The
 to the financial statements for the year ended            public interest body, chaired by Lord Gus             median hourly pay gap for Deloitte UK’s Black,
 31 December 2013. The FRC is already                      O’Donnell, as to whether it should refuse to          Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) employees
 investigating KPMG’s audit for the years 2014,            help or even resign as Ineos’ auditors. It is still   stands at 7.9%, up on the 6.9% in 2017. The
 2015 and 2016, and additional audit work                  auditor, so the advice must have been there           mean ethnicity pay gap was 12.9%. The Big 4
 carried out during 2017. Former Carillion group           was no reason to resign!                              firm said the gap is due to the lower proportion
 FDs Zafar Khan and Richard Adam are also                                                                        of BAME employees holding the most senior
 under investigation.                                      Cyber attack risks for 5G                             positions in the firm, an issue it is working hard
                                                           Vulnerability to cyber attack is the biggest risk     to address. While BAME people made up 22%
 PwC worried by tax avoidance                              to businesses adopting 5G in the UK,                  of its overall workforce in April 2018, only 5%
 PwC considered resigning as auditor and                   according to new EY research. Some 40% of             of partners and 10% of directors are BAME.

10                                                                                                                                         PQ Magazine April 2019




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PQ tech news

                                            New challengers
                                                                                                                             automating their financial
 MIKE                                                                                                                        processes. They also think they will
 DAY                                                                                                                         be able to gather data faster, and at
                                                                                                                             a lower cost, than external
                   skills are not
                                            for audit work
                                            Tech firms look set to challenge the
                                                                                                                             accounting firms.
                                                                                                                                Source’s Fiona Czerniawska said:
                                                                                                                             “When clients decide to split a
                                                                                                                             professional service it paves the way
                   optional                 traditional accountancy firms’                                                   for change in the competitive
                                            dominance of the audit market,                                                   landscape, and that’s what is
                                            says new analysis from Source                                                    happening in audit at the moment.”
                                            Global Research.                                                                    So who could be the competition
Digital accounting skills are all about        It is predicting that many FTSE                                               in the future? The Accentures and
understanding the digital technologies
                                            100 companies are looking to break                                               IBMs of this world are in one group,
that are enabling accountancy today.
                                            down their audit into different                                                  and even Amazon and Google have
Let’s start with accounting software.
Can you imagine a world where you           component parts, and the tech                                                    been put in the frame.
could only use the apps on your             firms are favourites to get a piece of                                              One of the Big 4 firms seems to
phone if you were connected to your         the action when this happens.                                                    be doing better than the others in
company’s wi-fi, but nowhere else?             Source found a third of                                                       this area. Just over half (52%) of
The Cloud means working anytime,            executives are already splitting their                                           those surveyed felt Deloitte was the
anyplace, anywhere. Add to that the         audit work to some extent, while                                                 best positioned to deliver when it
growing – and very impressive –             44% said they are weighing up                                                    comes to technology. That’s way
integrations with banking, the ability      such options ‘right now’. The worry      two-thirds of executives think tech     ahead of KPMG (22%) and EY
to take a picture of a receipt and          for accountancy firms is that nearly     firms would do a better job of          (18%).
interpret it, and the functionality to
bring in a huge invoice and do the
                                                                                                                             imposed,” he explained. That

                                            ‘Temporary’ tax fix
same – then you have the basis for AI
to take hold of that data. The brain                                                                                         means inevitably some companies
grows and grows, getting better and                                                                                          will be over-taxed and others under-
better at providing information.                                                                                             taxed.
   This enables immediate knowledge         The government’s digital services        created by users.                          Fullelove said many companies
and decision making. Making best            tax (DST) on digital companies              The CIOT’s Glyn Fullelove said       will not have the necessary
use of that is a skill in itself.           should be a temporary measure            given the nature of the tax a           information to arrive at a precise
   There is a growing number of             and ideally last for no more than        pragmatic approach is required in       answer to how much DST they
business apps that surround                 five years, says the Chartered           order for it to be implemented          should pay. So, in practice, the
accounting software. There are              Institute of Taxation (CIOT).            effectively. “This is because           government will have to rely on
hundreds of them, covering vertical
                                               The institute wants the DST           revenue taxes such as this are a        companies to arrive at a ‘best
sectors like retail, construction,
catering, etc. We are also seeing that      repealed as soon as there is a           blunt instrument that cannot            estimate’ of the amount of the DST
our accounting partners are becoming        multilateral agreement through the       accurately represent the tax on the     payable based on a just and
experts in these businesses, because        OECD on a global method to tax           profits related to user based value     reasonable estimate of the UK
that’s what the apps are for – to           such companies on the value              on all businesses on which it is        revenues liable to DST.
provide effectiveness and efficiency.
So they are good at understanding the
needs of that retailer, architect, chef –
the list goes on.
   And guess what? The accountant is
                                            KPMG closes small business service
                                            KPMG Enterprise is to close its          businesses at affordable prices.        based bookkeeping to small and
best placed to understand the
                                            small business accounting service,          It appears the firm has now          micro-businesses.”
business and to implement a suite of
                                            five years after it promised its         written to all its current customers       KPMG obviously doesn’t see this
technology that really helps that
client. In recent a survey, 83% of our      cloud-based platform would               to tell them they need to find          as a growth area, and is re-focusing
partners said that understanding the        “disrupt and dominate the SME            ‘alternative arrangements’.             the business on services that are
technology was as important as              market”.                                    A KPMG spokesman said: “We           core to the firm.
understanding the accounting.                  The Big 4 firm invested £40m          can confirm that we are proposing          A small number of staff (there
                                            into the technology platform, which      to withdraw the provision of our        were 200 working on this) will be
 Mike Day, Director, UK
                                            it pledged would deliver accounting      small business accounting service       used to manage the handover to
 Education Sector, Xero
                                            services to small and micro-             in the UK, which offers cloud-          alternative suppliers.

 In brief
       Digital news and VAT                 zero-rating to digital publications      a growing number of online fashion      five years. In comparison, Germany
       Digital news products should         will help support journalism.            retailers to the wall. The perennial    AI start-ups raised $300m and
 be VAT-free, and treated in the                                                     problem is customers returning a        French ones $400m. The news
 same way as paper products, says                 Online sales on the rise           high percentage of stock, often         came as the UK government
 a government commission.                         A total of 246 online-only         40% to 50%.”                            unveiled a national industry-funded
 Newspapers are currently VAT-              retail businesses went bust                                                      AI postgraduate courses.
 exempt because of their                    (insolvent) in 2018. That’s a rise of           AI funding rocketing
 importance in                                        19% on 2017 and double                Investment into the UK’s               And the wallet was empty…
 promoting                                            the 120 that failed in         artificial intelligence sector by             When Canada’s largest crypto-
 literacy and                                         2010, according to figures     venture capital firms reached a         currency exchange owner, Gerald
 democratic                                           complied by Price Bailey.      record $1.3bn last year. That’s         Cotton, died the password access
 accountability.                                      Partner Matt Howard said:      almost as much as the rest of           to his 115,000 accounts died with
 The                                                  “Declining consumer            Europe put together, says               him. With the help of EY, however,
 Cairncross                                           demand, coupled with           Dealroom. The new figures also          the wallets have been opened and
 Review has argued that extending           aggressive discounting are driving       represent a fourfold increase in just   guess what – yes, they were empty!

12                                                                                                                                       PQ Magazine April 2019
PQ exam advice

Bev Roberts shares her top
health and study tips for
exam success
                                              A healthy mind an
                                              will help you get
“Mens sana in corpore sano” is a Latin
phrase, usually translated as “a healthy
mind in a healthy body” and has been
around since Roman times, but how
does this relate to exercise?
   Exercise helps to oxygenate your brain     enabling you to return refreshed to your
and helps to release tension. It has a        studies.
calming effect, helping with mental
relaxation, and this in turn will help you    Set a routine
to study more efficiently.                    “All work and no play….” is a well-known
                                              proverb, and one that is often
Don’t cram                                    undervalued! A well-balanced routine of
It’s widely accepted that you cannot          work and play is so important during
revise effectively for prolonged periods of   revision.
time. Some suggest a 50-minute revision          You might find it difficult to maintain a
session with a 10-minute break, whereas       regular exercise schedule, but doing so
some have suggested a 20-minute               will almost certainly reap its rewards.
session with a 5-minute break.                Ideally, try to get active at least every
    Every person is individual, and as        other day of the week.
such, each person retains information
differently; ultimately, taking regular       Learn what works best for you
breaks is the key.                            Planning a routine will help to ensure you
    This will ensure that you stay            exercise during periods when you know
productive and ensure you have the best       you won’t be studying. Some people
chance of retaining what you have just        prefer to study (or have the time) in the
worked on.                                    morning, whereas some are night owls.
    A short walk around the block can be      If you can plan some exercise around
sufficient to help you clear your head,       your study schedule, then you won’t miss


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14                                                                                                                 PQ Magazine April 2019
exam advice PQ

nd body
                                                 caffeine can be detrimental. Not only will                          weak, try rewriting them in note form so
                                                 it dehydrate you, but in higher doses it                            that you understand them better. Tab
                                                 has been known to cause palpitations                                your books, highlight specific areas, etc.
                                                 and is likely to disturb your sleep. People                            On the big day, remember the four ‘P’s
                                                 with heart conditions, diabetes, epilepsy,                          – preparation prevents poor performance!

 a pass
                                                 high blood pressure (to name just a few)                            • Ensure you have allotted a sufficient
                                                 should also be particularly careful when                            amount of uninterrupted time to complete
                                                 ingesting caffeine products.                                        your exam.
                                                    Try to avoid so-called ‘energy’ drinks.                          • Turn off your TV and phone.
                                                 Additional to the above, drinks that are                            • Fully prepare yourself before accessing
                                                 loaded with sugar and/or caffeine might                             the exam link. Make sure your work-
 out on valuable revision (or exercise)          appear to give you a quick energy ‘hit’,                            space is clear of any clutter, have a glass
 time.                                           but this feeling rarely lasts for long.                             of water to hand, etc.
                                                 Generally speaking, these are a poor                                • Read the exam instructions fully prior to
 Get walking!                                    substitute for healthy, well balanced food                          clicking ‘Start’.
 I know you’ve probably heard it a million       and fluid.                                                          • Take a deep breath and don’t panic. If
 times, but walking really is very                                                                                   you’re sitting your exam, you know you’re
 beneficial. Not only for your health, but it    Watch your alcohol intake                                               fully prepared.
 can also help you to relax, focus your          Alcohol is a depressant, so drinking it is                                    • Read every question carefully
 thoughts, and leave you feeling refreshed       likely to make you feel more relaxed, But                                        and thoroughly.
 and energised.                                  as alcohol is also a diuretic, it will also                                        • Be sure to check your
                                                 dehydrate you, disturb your sleep and                                                 figure work at least twice.
 Eating                                          would likely have a negative effect                                                     • If you get stuck on a
 In order to perform at your best, you           on your concentration levels the                                                         question, move on. You
 need to consider how you are fuelling           next day. We’re not saying never                                                         may have time at the
 your body. Eat well-balanced meals, with        have an alcoholic drink, but just be                                                     end to revisit any
 slow release carbohydrates are a good           mindful of when you have it!                                                             questions you have
 option.                                                                                                                                 skipped – this is better
    Some examples are oats (porridge),           Time management is key                                                                 than not finishing the
 fresh fruits, nuts, eggs, non-starchy           Exercising, socialising with friends and                                             paper.
 vegetables, sweet potatoes, etc.                family, as well as making time to study                                           • Stay calm!
    Try to avoid skipping meals; apart from      are all equally as important as each other.
 the obvious health implications, skipping       You need to find a healthy balance,                                         You’re an independent learner
 meals can be counter-productive toward          particularly when your exams are just                               Regardless of where you are studying, it
 your learning, affecting concentration and      around the corner.                                                  is important to know that you are not on
 retention levels.                                                                                                   your own; you will likely have a whole raft
    Drink plenty of fluids to make sure you      Understand your learning outcomes                                   of different support networks at your
 keep hydrated. The occasional diluted           Do you know what you need to achieve                                disposal. That being said, it is worth
 fruit juice or cordial is fine, but your best   for each topic or assessment that you’re                            praising the independent learner!
 option is nothing more complicated than         undertaking? For example, most bodies                                  You are proactive, reflective and self-
 plain water.                                    have a full breakdown of each course                                aware. You will try to find solutions to
    Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.          and its corresponding syllabus, which                               problems, think about (and often
 Instead of crisps, chocolates or fizzy          can usually be found on their website.                              question) what you experience, hear, see
 drinks, try to stick to fresh fruit and                                                                             or learn, and you are more likely to know
 vegetables as a healthy snack. Pineapple        Continue to reflect                                                 (or be aware of) your strengths and
 chunks and carrot sticks are a good, easy       It’s important to reflect on what you learn;                        weaknesses. You’re also not afraid to ask
 option.                                         whether it be a new topic in your course                            for help if it’s needed. PQ
    Watch your caffeine intake – caffeine is     book, an article you’ve read in the press                           • Bev Roberts is exams officer for
 a powerful stimulant, and although it has       or even your own revision notes.                                    Training Link. She is also the award-
 been known to help with concentration in        Reflecting can often help to cement those                           winning tutor for the Diploma in Payroll
 small doses (one to two cups of regular         points, ensuring they stay with you.                                Management and the L3 Self-
 strength coffee or tea), having too much            If there are any topics that you feel are                       Assessment Tax Returns course
                                                                                                                            ICAEW spotlight PQ
                                                                                                               reports and learn about bills, purchase orders,

 New benefit for ICAEW PQs                                                                                     quotes, invoices and much more! If you fancy
                                                                                                               learning more after you have completed the Xero
                                                                                                               certificate there is an extra six hours of free
           eading cloud accounting software              have completed the course you’ll get a certificate    content to help progress your knowledge further.

 L         provider Xero is partnering with ICAEW
           to offer all ACA, ICAEW CFAB and USS
 students the chance to complete the Xero
                                                         from Xero to show you are Xero Certified. You
                                                         learn through real-life scenarios, client tasks and
                                                         simulations and there are knowledge checks to
                                                                                                               Why gain the Xero Certification?
                                                                                                               The Xero Certification shows that you have
 Advisor Certification Equivalency Course – for          help reinforce your learning. You need to register    knowledge of the UK’s leading cloud accounting
 free! It’s a great opportunity for students to gain     for the course (see below) and complete it within     software. This can benefit your career as there
 highly prized accounting and tech skills.               three months.                                         are thousands of businesses and practices in
                                                                                                               the UK and around the world that use Xero’s
 What’s involved?                                        What will you learn?                                  software, so demand for these skills have never
 There are 12 short modules covering all the             The completion of this Xero certificate will show     been higher!
 essentials of cloud accounting. The e-learning          you how to set up and run Xero on a day-to-day          To get started head to icaew.com/student
 course takes about six hours in total, so you can       basis, understand the differences and benefits        benefits and click on ‘Xero cloud accounting
 complete it in your spare time and stop and start       of cloud accounting versus traditional methods,       programme’. PQ
 as you progress through the course. Once you            review month-end and generate the relevant            • Thanks to ICAEW for this article

 PQ Magazine April 2019                                                                                                                                        15
PQ Making Tax Digital

MTD explained
                                                                                                           figures directly from the spreadsheet into Xero
                                                                                                           where you can submit clients’ MTD VAT returns
                                                                                                           securely and in real-time to HMRC. But then,
                                                                                                           when there is a little more time, it’s time to move
                                                                                                           off that spreadsheet!
A radical change to the tax system                    How does Xero help?
                                                      As an HMRC-recognised VAT software provider,         What additional help is there?
is imminent. Here Xero explains all                   Xero can easily publish VAT returns, submit          It’s important to get your internal team, and in
                                                      directly to HMRC and pay VAT online. We have         particular your fee earners, up to speed on the

              aking Tax Digital (MTD) is an HMRC      also taken the opportunity to make additional        implications of the new mandate. And everyone
              initiative designed to make sure the    improvements to our VAT module including             needs to be kept up-to-date with the latest news.
              UK tax system is effective, efficient   tracking and managing VAT.                           Some useful resources include HMRC and
and easier for taxpayers.                                But with more than a million businesses           ICAEW, but don’t forget to look out for updates
  MTD for business (MTDfb) begins on 1 April                                                                           on the Xero MTD resource centre.
2019 with MTD for VAT. From that date, VAT-                                                                               As you gear up your team think
registered businesses above the threshold of                                                                           about setting up an MTD ‘taskforce’ in
£85,000 will have to keep digital records and                                                                          your firm. This group can identify
submit VAT returns using compatible software.                                                                          who’s responsible for onboarding,
Other components of MTD, such as income tax                                                                            training and providing ongoing
and corporation tax, have been placed on hold                                                                          support to clients. Depending on the
until April 2020 at the earliest.                                                                                      size of your firm, consider formal
                                                                                                                       project management and have a
When does it all happen?                                                                                               sponsor or decision maker, plus a
There was a public beta programme in October                                                                           project manager.
2018, leading to MTD for VAT going live in April                                                                          If you are a Xero Partner, as part of
2019.                                                                                                                  your preparation for MTD, join us on
                                                      affected by the new scheme, and with                 our MTD learning journey. We offer a suite of
What is Xero’s role in MTD?                           spreadsheets still being prolific, many              education that lets you upskill and prepare for
Preparing for digital tax starts with managing        accountants are struggling to convert clients to     future compliance. Once you’ve completed the
business accounts online – it makes the               MTD-compatible software in time. So we will          learning journey you’ll be recognised as an
transition smoother and business more efficient.      make bridging software available soon, too, so       MTD-ready firm in Xero’s adviser directory.
Having consulted with HMRC on MTD, Xero is            clients will still be able to use a spreadsheet to   Here’s how: https://www.xero.com/uk/partner-
committed to supporting small businesses and          calculate VAT and keep digital records. Our          programs/ partners/get-mtd-ready/ PQ
their advisers through the transition.                bridging software will allow them to upload VAT      • Thanks to Xero for this article

                         The Future                                            ACCA’s Future Talent Academy can
                                                                               help you improve your chances of
                         Talent Academy                                        career success. Get ahead of your
                         – the free                                            peers today and join the platform
                                                                               developed by students for students.
                         online platform
                         for students                                          Join today: accaglobal.com/fta

16                                                                                                                                   PQ Magazine April 2019
audit by drone PQ

Taking stock – by air
PwC has completed its first
stock count audit using drone
technology. Here’s how
      n a global first for the firm, PwC UK

I     has undertaken a stock count audit
      using a drone.
   This is all part of PwC’s wider drive to
harness emerging technologies to
enhance audit quality and efficiency and
transform the audit process.
   The drone, which was manufactured
and operated by QuestUAV, was used to
capture over 300 images of the coal
reserves at one the UK’s last remaining
coal-fired power stations, Aberthaw in
South Wales.
   The images from the drone were used           and logistical benefits of using drones                     • More efficient monitoring and
to create a ‘digital twin’ of the coal pile in   when compared with traditional surveying                    management of the Aberthaw site, which
order to measure its volume, The value of        methods. Initial findings from the project                  covers a total area of 200 hectares (for
the coal was then calculated to within           concluded that:                                             example how to best store the coal to free
99% accuracy based on that volume                • The traditional method of manually                        up the most space).
measurement.                                     traversing the coal pile can take around                    • Improved knowledge on the landscape
   PwC audit partner Richard French              four hours, whereas using a drone it can                    around the site using aerial images, for
said: “Coal stock has a material value on        be done in half-an-hour – a reduction of                    example for vegetation management.
RWE’s balance sheet, so we carry out an          85%.                                                        • Providing valuable insights on the
annual stock observation and evaluation          • The drone captured some 900 data                          health and maintenance of the wider
as part of our audit process. We observe         points per cubic metre, obtaining                           power station assets.
the manual coal count carried out by             impressive overall accuracy levels of                          While on site the multi-rotor drone was
RWE’s external surveyor, then assess the         2cm. This compares with the 1,200                           used to take photos of the wider site,
resulting data, which feeds into the             readings taken across the whole site                        allowing RWE to inspect the condition of
financial statements. The traditional stock      using the traditional method. That means                    assets that are high up and otherwise
method involves climbing over the coal           the drone enhances accuracy by                              difficult to access. This, says PwC, is just
pile and using a two-metre GPS tracking          providing a true, continuous                                one other use to demonstrate the benefits
pole to measure the area and elevation           representation of the coal pile.                            drones can have for businesses.
from the ground at various points. The           • The preparation for the drone flight                         PwC’s UK drone leader, Elaine Whyte,
data is then used to build a contour of          requires access to only a limited area of                   added: “Sectors with large assets in hard
the reserves and estimate its volume.”           the coal pile and therefore poses less of                   to reach areas are the most obvious
   French explained that while the               a health and a safety risk, particularly                    starting points for expanding this kind of
traditional method remains reliable and          when parts of the coal pile are unstable.                   work further – from mining to agriculture
will still be used for RWE’s formal year-        • The flight does not interrupt normal                      and forestry.”
end financial statements, the drone trial        operations on the coal pile, for example                       She pointed out that a recent PwC
was conducted to explore ways of                 movement of machinery, and so is a less                     report showed that drones have the
challenging the traditional method of            disruptive method.                                          potential to not only improve UK
stock counting. “It was a classic example           The team viewed the drone data via                       productivity, but to offer significant net
of new technology challenging the old –          PwC’s Geospatial app, a visualization tool                  cost savings for businesses to the tune of
and based on our results, the potential is       that helps the audit team interrogate data                  £16bn by 2030. PQ
groundbreaking,” he pointed out.                 about the inventory on site. It found the                   • Check out PwC’s report, entitled ‘Skies
   The main objective of the drone flight        operational benefits of using the drone                     the limit: the impact of drone on the UK
was to assess the accuracy, efficiency           included:                                                   economy’.

PQ Awards 2019

 We blow a raspberry at
 the Oscars and blow the
 Brits out of the water! Yes,
 it’s the PQ awards 2019…
 The Café de Paris was filled with laugher – and a few tears –
 as the winners of the PQ magazine Awards 2019 were
 unveiled to the sound of Freddie Mercury and Queen. The
 coveted PQ magazine trophies have now wound their way
 home and are adorning mantelpieces around the world
 (Canada, at least).
    The queue to get into the Café de Paris started early this
 year, but it wasn’t long before the crowd discovered who had
 walked off with the top prizes. Our new PQ of the Year is
 Rebecca Dixon, an AAT trainee with the East Lancashire
 Hospital NHS Trust. Apprentice Zane Salmon was also on
 hand to pick up his award. He is on the Leadership Through
 Business programme with Grant Thornton and studies at             And so the 2019 awards are about to begin…
 Kaplan Financial. NQ of the Year went to CIPFA’s Sophie
 Medwell, who had to follow the awards on twitter, as she’s on
 secondment in Canada.
    PQ editor Graham Hambly chooses the Accountancy Body
 of the Year, and that went to the AAT this time around.
 CIMA’s Human Intelligence series, which has over 2.25m
 watches, won the Best Use of Social Media award.
    Among the editor’s other special awards winners were the
 UK (Only) ACCA Distance Learning (Independent Study
 Group) Facebook Group, and Avado for its work with Xero. A
 very special award was also presented on the night to Polly
 Thrasivoulou, after a few tears on both sides.
    The top lecturer spots went to MMU’s Yasar Zahid and
 Brigita Petrova, of LSBF, while the college awards went to All
 Inclusive Advice and Training, the University of Liverpool and
 Training Link.
    Comedian Tom Ward brought the house down as he hunted
 the room for the best dressed accountants (see page 30 for
 the pics). Luckily for all of us the top three were more than
 ready to give the packed house a twirl!

 Rachel Kellet, AAT’s Head of Product Development
 Sharon Machado, Head of Qualification development &               All smiles at the world-famous awards venue, London’s Café de Paris
 Content, ACCA
 Shaun Robertson, ICAEW Director of Qualifications
 Polly Thrasivoulou, ICB’s Head of Learning & Community
 Paul Turner, Regional Vice President, UK & Ireland at the
 Association of International Certified Professional Accountants

Rebecca Dixon, our PQ of the Year, celebrates with friends         Comedian Tom Ward knocks ’em dead!

18                                                                                                                          PQ Magazine April 2019
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