Page created by Jeanette Oliver

                            Payments, a
                            landscape in
Report by the PwC and IE
Business School Financial
Sector Centre
Report coordinated by Luis Maldonado,
Managing Director of the PwC and IE Business
School Financial Sector Centre

June 2015

Executive summary                                         4

The means of payment context                              8
A fast moving snapshot
  History of means of payment (and the economy)          16
   Is a world without cash desirable and/or possible?    19

The customer’s point of view                             20
Facts and trends

Players                                                  28
Tension on stage
  Bitcoin, somewhere between success and mistrust        38
   The wallet war                                        41

Trends                                                   42
In search of the lost convergence
  The ideal means of payment                             52
   Mobile wallets, why?                                  52

Conditioning factors                                     54
Regulated (or unregulated) payments and insurance
  Europe: now and the future                             58
   Regulation of the much-feared third party providers   60
  They still say security is expensive                   66

Conclusions                                              68

References                                               70
Executive summary

   A lot of times,                      The history of means of payment is           In this battle, where business borders
   people don’t know what they          marked by the success of cash. Since the     are blurred, banks start with the
                                        first coins were minted in the 7th           advantage of having gained their
   want until you show it to them.
                                        century BC, cash has acted as the            customers’ trust. Despite the recent
   (Steve Jobs)                         backbone for the exchange of goods and       financial crisis and the consequent
                                        services and it is clearly still the         erosion of the industry’s reputation,
                                        predominant means of payment in the          people still trust “their bank”. However,
                                        world. However, the technological            technological advances are revealing
                                        revolution has speeded up the process of     many flaws in the payment process,
                                        replacing money with other means of          favouring disintermediation and
                                        payment.                                     reduced margins. Ultimately, they are
                                                                                     forcing a change in the traditional
                                        The reality of the sector is                 business model. In this transformation
                                        geographically very diverse. In              process, not only do banks have to
                                        general, there is a directly                 defend their current business niches
                                        proportional relationship between the        (cash, transfers, cards, etc.), but they
                                        development of an economy and the            can also attack other almost virgin
                                        use of non-cash means of payment.            income territories, such as mobile
                                        The more developed the economy is,           payments, electronic wallets and
                                        the greater the use of cards, transfers,     electronic invoicing. According to PwC,
                                        direct debits and cheques. Africa,           what is at stake in this strategic tug-of-
                                        where cash is used in 99% of                 war is a market amounting to no less
                                        transactions, and North America,             than 20 billion dollars.
                                        where the figure is 51%, are the
                                        regions at each end of the scale.
                                                                                     Mobile predators
                                        The growing proliferation of payments        What seems to be beyond question is
                                        over the Internet and,                       that the mobile phone has its place
                                        above all, the mobile phone is changing      amidst this metamorphosis. Since they
                                        the face of the industry everywhere in       started to become popular in the 90s,
                                        the world. The current status quo,           mobile devices have been digital
                                        dominated by banks, is under threat          predators and have replaced to a
                                        from the emergence of powerful new           greater or lesser extent cameras,
                                        competitors (tech giants,                    computers, books, newspapers, music
                                        telecommunications carriers, mobile          players, radios, televisions, watches,
                                        phone manufacturers, distribution            board games and calculators; they may
                                        companies, and start-ups...), which are      end up doing the same with money. But
                                        either calling at the door or have already   the truth is that so far, this has not
                                        knocked it down.                             happened. And not because they

4     Payments, a landscape in motion
haven’t wanted to or because they             disadvantages (especially volatility and
haven’t tried.                                the possibility of fraud), virtual
                                              currencies could become successful
A large number of projects have been          beyond the realms of closed digital
launched in recent years, but none have       communities and international
really anchored their position or made        transfers.
substantial progress in the convergence
process. Apart from a few highly              Regulation and security -
specialised niches (such as certain           crossover factors
commercial establishments), the only          In addition, the future development of
case of massively successful mobile           the means of payment system is
payments is that of M-Pesa in Kenya,          conditioned by two major crossover
which operates through SMS messages.          factors: regulation and security.
The market entry of initiatives such as       Regulation, which has a major impact on
Apple Pay and Samsung Pay may change          business models, is developed in
the idea that mobile payments still           different layers (sector, channel,
haven’t found their feet in the near          product, etc.) and, as is easy to imagine,
future. In any case, experience to date       is highly fragmented in geographical
shows how difficult it is to match the        terms. The United States pioneered the
right technology with the interests of        adoption of industry standards (the first
industry, retailers, users and regulators     law dates from 1978), but is behind in
to generate a safe and cheap mobile           the adoption of certain product
payments solution that suits everyone.        regulations. Europe is currently
                                              negotiating the second version of the
Another trend worthy of special mention       Payment Service Directive (PSD) and
in the means of payment microcosm is          other complementary regulations. The
virtual currencies. The success of            main new features are the regulation of
bitcoin, which was the first to be            the so-called third-party providers
created, has encouraged the emergence         (payment initiators) and the imposition
of many cryptocurrencies (generically         of ceilings on certain commissions for
referred to as altcoins, or alternatives to   payment card systems.
bitcoin) that are used as a means of
electronic payment. Their ease of use,        Security is another key factor and
low transaction cost and perfect              involves objective elements (extent to
adaptation to the Internet ecosystem has      which transactions are actually secure)
earned them a leading role in the             and subjective elements (a true or false
payment system, but they still have very      perception of the actual situation). No
little presence in physical stores. If they   new means of payment will prosper if
manage to overcome their                      users are not convinced that their money

                                                                                           Executive Summary    5
is not at risk. In general, transactions     What do customers say?
                                        performed with the new means of              The end result of this puzzle will be
                                        payment are safer than people think, but     determined, as we have seen, by a
                                        the risk does exist. The technological       number of factors related to business,
                                        means available to cybercriminals, the       regulation, security, technology and
                                        accumulation of sensitive data on            even psychology. But the final word
                                        computer servers and the human being’s       belongs to the customer, whose
                                        limited capacity for remembering             opinion, thanks to the technological
                                        passwords are circumstances that make        revolution, has a decisive influence on
                                        digital identity theft and fraud possible.   the success of any consumer initiative.
                                        To limit that risk, the most widely used     So, what do customers have to say
                                        security methods are tokenisation (an        about it all? To find that out, this
                                        encoding system) and biometrics              report includes a market research
                                        (identification of a person through their    project. These are the main
                                        physical features or behaviour).             conclusions:

6     Payments, a landscape in motion
• Respondents believe that, in the          2014), is considered the option with
   mid-term, the smartphone will             the brightest future.
   replace the wallet, since it will be
   used on a regular basis for shopping    • Banks are the payment agents that
   not only online, but also in physical      inspire the greatest confidence in
   stores. However, they also believe         consumers. 80% of respondents
   there will be a large variety of new       approve of the guarantees offered by
   means of payment on offer, which           financial institutions.
   hinders their widespread use.
                                           • Opinions on new means of payment are
• Among the new means of payment,            more positive among those who use
   PayPal is the best known and most          them, which suggests their use needs to
   highly valued, while Apple Pay,            be encouraged if they are to become
   which is yet to reach Europe               popular, especially among women,
   (launched in the US in October             which use them far less than men.

                                                                                        Executive Summary     7
The means of payment
   A fast moving snapshot

                                                       Cash is by far the most widely used               were minted in the kingdom of Lydia, see
                                                       means of payment in the world.                    page 16) has withstood the test of time
                                                       According to rough estimates, 85% of              and technological progress superbly well.
                                                       transactions and 60% of their value
                                                       correspond to hard cash. These                    However, the durability of the habit of
                                                       percentages are surprisingly high, given          paying in cash does not point to a
                                                       the wide variety of existing means of             stagnant market. Not at all. Not only do
                                                       payment on the market, and they go to             consumers tend to pay less and less in
                                                       show that what was invented in the 7th            cash, but also 15% of the market that
                                                       century BC (the first gold and silver coins       involves cashless transactions is subject to

   Figure 1. Traditional means of payment in the world

           Global                                                                       North America

   Cash                                                                                 Cash

                                                         85%                           Cards
   Cards                                                                                                                            38,8%
                                                                                        Direct debits/
   Direct debits/                                                                                                                    9,8%
                                                         4,6%                                                                        7,8%

                                                                                        Latin America



                                                                                        Direct debits/                               7,2%


   Source: McKinsey Global Payments Map 2011, Capgemini WPR 2014

8     Payments, a landscape in motion
potentially significant fluctuations and       common means of payment. Only in the        This snapshot is moving. The strong
can radically change the current world         United States is it still used with any     increase in electronic payments (i.e. those
payments map.                                  regularity and its recent evolution is a    made over the Internet), especially on
                                               prelude to it’s possible disappearance in   mobile phones (i.e. those that use a mobile
In that piece of the pie, credit and debit     the mid-term. Transfers and direct          phone or another mobile device) is forcing
cards are the most widely used,                debits have remained stable at around       all the players involved (especially banks)
accounting for 9% of total transactions.       5% of the total, despite the fact that      to adapt to new channels or digital
In addition, their weight has grown in         technological and operational advances      business models or risk being engulfed by
recent years due to the progressive            have simplified and facilitated this        new competitors, such as native Internet
disappearance of the cheque as a               means of payment.                           companies, telecom operators, device

Europe                                                          Asia-Pacific (developed countries)

Cash                                                           Cash

                                             66%                                                          65%
Cards                                                          Cards

Direct debits/                             12,7%               Direct debits/                           24,8%
Transfers                                                      Transfers

                                           18,7%                                                         9,1%
Cheques                                                        Cheques

                                           1,5%                                                            1%

 Africa                                                         Asia-Pacific (emerging countries)

Cash                                                           Cash

                                             99%                                                          98%
Other                                                          Cards

                                              1%               Direct debits/                            0,9%



                                                                                                     The situation of means payment      9
manufacturers and other middle-men.
                          Figure 2. Estimated percentage of payment transactions done
                                                                                                           Special attention needs to be given to
                          using non-cash methods
                                                                                                           companies that base their business on
                                                                                                           social networks. If they are able to
                                           Singapore                                                61%
                                                                                                           mobilise their huge volume of customers,
                                         Netherlands                                                60%    their entry into the means of payment
                                              France                                                59%    business could be highly disruptive.

                                             Sweden                                                 59%    The picture is even more complicated
                                             Canada                                                 57%    when you consider that the lines that
                                             Belgium                                                56%
                                                                                                           separate the new channels tend to blur.
                                                                                                           There is a gradual convergence between
                                    United Kingdom                                                  52%    electronic and mobile payments, with a
                                                 USA                                                45%    growing preference among consumers for
                                                                                                           the latter, given the ease of use of
                                                                                                           smartphones in comparison with
                                            Germany                                                 33%    computers.
                                               Korea                                                29%
                                                                                                           Paradoxically, these new trends in means
                                                                                                           of payment threaten the card business in
                                                Brazil                                              15%    particular, which is precisely the fastest
                                               Japan                                                14%    growing format worldwide. As seen in
                                                                                                           Figure 3, card transactions have
                                                China                                               10%
                                                                                                           increased in importance in all regions in
                                                 UAE                                                8%     recent years. In Latin America, the
                                              Taiwan                                                6%     mature markets of Asia and the region of
                                                                                                           Central Europe, the Middle East and
                                                 Italy                                              6%
                                                                                                           Africa, the percentage of card
                                         South Africa                                               6%     transactions over total digital payments
                                              Poland                                                5%     rose ten points or more between 2008
                                                                                                           and 2012. However, industry experts
                                              Russia                                                4%
                                                                                                           believe they are precisely the means that
                                              Mexico                                                4%     are the most exposed to competition
                                              Greece                                                2%     from electronic and mobile payments
                                                                                                           and, in the mid-term therefore run the
                                           Colombia                                                 2%
                                                                                                           risk of being replaced as one of users’
                                                 India                                              2%     priorities.
                                               Kenya                                                2%
                                                                                                           In any case, one of the fundamental
                                             Thailand                                               2%
                                                                                                           features of means of payment in the
                                            Malaysia                                                2%     world is geographic diversity. For a wide
                                        Saudi Arabia                                                1%
                                                                                                           variety of reasons (economic, cultural,
                                                                                                           technological, infrastructure...) the map
                                                 Peru                                               1%     differs greatly in developed and
                                                Egypt                                               1%     emerging countries. In many countries
                                           Indonesia                                                0%
                                                                                                           with a low level of development, cash is
                                                                                                           almost the only means of payment.
                                              Nigeria                                               0%     Meanwhile, in the West and in Japan
                                                                                                           (also in Singapore, which is curiously the
                                                                                                           country where consumers make more
   Source: Analysis by MasterCard Advisors, 2013 / BIS CPSS, 2011 / McKinsey Global Payments map, 2008 /   digital transactions, i.e. 61% of the total)
   World Bank, 2011.                                                                                       payments are much more balanced,

10     Payments, a landscape in motion
Figure 3. Comparison of non-cash transactions (billions) and change in payments’ mix (%) by region,
                    2008, 2011-2012

                                                      124,0    127,9
Non-cash                                     111,2
                              84,2    87,5
(Billions)            74,2

                                                                                30,1     33,5                   23,9          29,3   32,5                   28,6
                                                                        22,0                            19,5           18,9                         23,3
                                                                                                11,8                                        11,7

                     2008     2011    2012   2008       2011   2012     2008    2011     2012   2008    2011    2012   2008   2011   2012   2008    2011    2012
                                                     North             Asia-Pacific                   Latin            Asia-Pacific
                             Europe                                                                                                                CEMEA*
                                                     America           developed countries            America          emerging countries
                     2008     2011    2012   2008       2011   2012     2008    2011     2012   2008   2011     2012   2008   2011   2012   2008    2011   2012

                              43%     58%                                                                              42%
                                             58%                                                                              46%    49%
                                                        65%                     69%      71%                                                        68%    73%
                                                                                                       78%              5%

Payments             27%                                                                                                      14%
                              26%     11%                                                                                            14%
services mix
                                             11%                         9%                                                                 2%
                                                        11%                                                                                         4%
                                              7%               11%                  7%          3%
                                                                                         7%                                                                 4%
                                                                                                7%                            33%    32%
                     27%                                                                                2%
                                                        7%              23%                                                                 35%
                              26%     7%                       8%                                               2%                                  28%
                                                                                20%                     8%
                                                                                         19%                    8%                                         23%

                      8%      5%      24%    24%        17%    15%       8%         3%   3%     19%    11%      9%     13%    7%     6%

                                                                                                                                            0,4%    0,4% 0,3%
                           Cards        Direct debits            Credit transfers                Cheques

                     * Central Europe, Middle East and Africa.
                       Source: McKinsey Global Payments Map 2011, Capgemini WPR 2014.

  especially thanks to the importance of                technologically advanced means of                        transactions and one that reached its
  card transactions.                                    payment. Moreover, governments in less                   peak in popularity in the nineties.
                                                        developed countries tend to encourage                    However, since then its use has declined
  This distribution is changing, albeit                 their use because they facilitate financial              and it is now far behind card
  slowly. In many developing countries,                 inclusion. Here are the main features of                 transactions, a more convenient and
  which have a very high level of cash                  the market by region:                                    secure system that adds certainty to the
  payments, non-cash transactions are                                                                            transaction, compared with the risk of a
  growing at a double-digit annual rate.                North America                                            cheque that could bounce. Cards are also
  This is due partly to improvements in the             In the US and Canada, one characteristic                 beginning to be used for small payments
  infrastructures necessary for the use of              has been the intensive use of cheques, a                 and the process is expected to gain
  certain channels, and the growth of the               means of payment highly appreciated                      momentum at the end of 2015 with the
  middle classes, more likely to use                    thanks to their ease of use in large                     deployment of the EMV standard

                                                                                                                        The situation of means payment      11
Figure 4. Traditional means of payment in the North

                                                  45%                           9%                   10%                36%

                                          Cash                        Cheques           Direct debits/          Cards

                                         Source: Red book USA 2013.

                                         (Europay, MasterCard and Visa, the               cards and debit cards grow at an
                                         companies that have launched the idea),          annual rate of 10% and transfers and
                                         based on the use of chips to offer greater       direct debits grow at half that rate.
                                         security. In addition, certain large chains      Cheques are clearly in decline and
                                         are realising that it is better for them to      electronic payments are starting to
                                         accept even small card payments because          appear in European statistics, albeit
                                         they spend less time than when dealing           at low volumes but with annual
                                         in cash. The United States is also a fertile     growth rates of over 20%. There are
                                         market for new means of payment. To              no figures for mobile payments
                                         give a few figures to support this trend, in     because most transactions are carried
                                         2013, e-commerce accounted for 6.4% of           out on credit cards and counted as
                                         the total; 86% of North American POS             such. There are significant
                                         will accept NFC payments by 2017 and             differences between the various
                                         the Starbucks application processes six          areas. The southern countries
                                         million transactions each week.                  (Greece, Italy and Spain), where there
                                                                                          is a predominance of the informal
                                         Europe                                           economy, are at the fore in the use of
                                         Europe is clearly a mature market. In            cash, with percentages clearly in
                                         non-cash payments, there is a                    excess of 80%, while Nordic and
                                         reasonable balance between transfers             Central European countries are much
                                         and cards, though perhaps not for                more inclined to digital payment. The
                                         long if we take into account the                 UK is one of the most developed
                                         different rates of development in                markets in online shopping, which
                                         recent years. Transactions with credit           accounts for 11% of total retail trade.

12     Payments, a landscape in motion
Figure 5. Traditional means of payment in Spain

         84%                       1%                            8%               7%

 Cash                    Cheques                Direct debits/           Cards

Source: Bank of Spain.

Spain                                             (60% of mobile phones are smart), which
Cash payments prevail (84% of total               can be key for developing new means of
transactions) for economic reasons                payment, also points to a leap forward in
(influence of the underground economy)            the near future. Banks are launching
and convenience of use (wide network of           various virtual wallet solutions and small
ATMs). In non-cash payments, cards and            mobile payment applications (taxis,
transfers share the market, while cheques         metered parking in towns and cities...)
have all but disappeared. In the case of          have also appeared on the market.
credit and debit cards, the number of
transactions per inhabitant and year (52)         Latin America
has more than doubled so far this                 Cash is the mass means of payment.
century; however, it remains well below           95% of transactions are completed with
the average for the European Union (79)           physical money. In many countries, it is
and falls far short of the levels of use in       almost the only means of payment: in
Nordic countries (over 200 transactions           Peru, it accounts for 99% of
per year). In new means of payment,               transactions; in Colombia, 98%; and in
Spain is still at the starting line (in 2013,     Mexico, 96%. The main reason is that
the value of online trade accounted for           only a small percentage of the
less than 1% of the total); however, there        population have bank accounts. 61% of
is high potential for growth. After more          Latin Americans are alien to financial
or less overcoming the economic crisis,           institutions. Only Brazil has a non-cash
which froze consumption, the rate of              payments index similar to the level of
annual increase in Internet transactions          some Western countries, i.e. 15% of the
is high, with figures close to 30%. The           total. That effective monopoly is
generalisation of high-end mobile devices         changing, but it is still not conspicuous

                                                                                               The situation of means payment      13
in large numbers. The different types of   services. It is the largest card issuer in
                                         cash transaction are growing at a          Chile and Peru.
                                         healthy pace. Between 2008 and 2012,
                                         the average annual rate reached almost     Asia-Pacific
                                         20%. The channel with the greatest         The means of payment market is divided
                                         potential is that of credit and debit      into two distinct areas. The developed
                                         cards; they are taking the place of        countries in the region (Japan, South
                                         cheques and now account for 81% of         Korea, Singapore, Australia...) follow
                                         non-cash payments, compared to 70%         patterns similar to those of the West, with
                                         in 2000. In Brazil, for example, the       cash use levels of between 40 and 86%,
                                         number of card transactions nearly         and an average of 62%. However,
                                         doubled between 2009 and 2013.             developing countries (China, India,
                                         E-commerce is emerging and certain         Malaysia, Taiwan, etc.) are more in line
                                         non-bank players have entered the          with Latin America and cash is used in
                                         market. Take, for example, the case of     96% of transactions. The most dynamic
                                         Falabella, a Chilean retailer operating    and exciting market is China, owing to
                                         in six Latin American countries and        the volume of its transactions and its
                                         offering a wide range of financial         evolution. In China, there is a significant

14     Payments, a landscape in motion
increase in non-cash payments , which        Africa                                     development of various non-cash
now account for 10% of the total. The        This is the least advanced market, with    means of payment, in Africa they are
growth of its middle class is leading to a   an overwhelming predominance of            hardly ever used. In some countries,
greater use of cards (there has been         cash (in many countries, the rate is       citizens have chosen to skip this option
widespread deployment of terminals in        almost 100%) and the continued use of      and have moved directly over to mobile
stores in recent years). There has also      primitive means of payment, such as        payments, which do not necessarily
been a boom in e-commerce transactions,      barter. In addition, only 25% of the       require a banking infrastructure. The
accounting for 6% of the sector. The         adult population have bank accounts,       numbers are surprising: 52% of
popularity of payment systems such as        although there are significant             payments via mobile phones around the
Alipay is part of the boom. Alipay, which    differences between the north (more        world originate from Africa and 16% of
is the payment service offered by the        developed) and sub-Saharan Africa,         adults have paid, sent or received
online store giant Alibaba, processes 80     which has the highest rate of poverty in   money via mobile at least once in their
million transactions every day and more      the world. The most striking feature of    lives; in the rest of the world, the
than half of them are through mobile         the African means of payment market is     percentage stands at 5%. It is what
devices. By contrast, physical mobile        that it has leapfrogged its way forward    might be called the ‘M-Pesa effect’: the
payments are still on the runway because     in terms of technological development.     mobile phone payment system created
traders do not have the NFC technology       Unlike Latin America, where credit and     in Kenya and exported to other
necessary for processing.                    debit cards play a central role in the     countries in the region.

                                                                                              The situation of means payment      15
History of means of payment
                                         (and the economy)
                                         The history of financial innovations and,    commercial revolution of the
                                         in particular, means of payment, is          Renaissance and later centuries.
                                          intrinsically related to economic
                                           progress. The relationship is a two-way    The most distant predecessor of means of
                                            thing: the improvement of payment         payment we know is barter, which is the
                                             systems has historically favoured        most primitive form of trade. However,
                                              economic development and has also       barter had many drawbacks (the largest
                                               produced a reverse link such that it   being that the two parties to the
                                               has been the economy that has          transaction had to want what the other
                                                forced the modernisation of           offered) and to solve that problem, first of
                                                 payment systems.                     all, in the year 9000 BC, we used salt,
                                                                                      cocoa beans and shells, and later, in the
                                               One obvious example of that            7th century BC, coins. They were a
                                               relationship was the                   mixture of gold and silver and they were
                                                generalisation in the 17th century    invented in Lydia, a kingdom located in
                                                in Europe of the bill of exchange,    what is now Turkey. Its ruler was King
                                                 a document that is both means        Croesus, who has gone down in history
                                                 of payment and credit                thanks to his immense fortune.
                                                  instrument. Their negotiable
                                                   character, recognised in Italy     Another breakthrough was the cheque,
                                                   since the 16th century and         which completely changed the concept of
                                                    gradually accepted in other       means of payment. It was created by the
                                                     countries, was instrumental      Romans and brought an element of trust
                                                     in mobilising financial          into the transaction, since it is not a
                                                      resources internationally       means of payment using physical value
                                                       and continuing the

                                         Success stories in the fog                   • P
                                                                                         ayPal. This is the oldest of the new
                                         The future of means of payment is              means of payment and has become an
                                         uncertain. It seems clear that the use of      important benchmark for the industry.
                                         cash and cards, which is what prevails in      It is a payment and transfers system
                                         general, will tend to decline; what is not     that uses the Internet. Much of its
                                         known is which products or services will       success lies in its simplicity. Users don’t
                                         eventually replace them, certainly in          have to share financial data: to pay for
                                         part, in the mid and long term. But in the     a purchase, all they need is an email
                                         fog there are many successful                  and a password. First of all, you have
                                         experiences at global or regional level        to associate the PayPal account with a
                                         that knowingly combine the use of new          bank card or account, which is where
                                         technologies, customer experience and          the money comes from. Payment can
                                         security and they offer us clues as to         also be made via a mobile phone
                                         where things might go in the future. Let’s     application. Everything is easy and
                                         look at some of them in detail.                seemingly safe thanks to an advanced
                                                                                        automatic encryption system. The
                                                                                        seller’s commissions are usually higher
                                                                                        than with other means of payment.

16     Payments, a landscape in motion
(such as coins made of precious metal),     It took the invention several centuries to   True or not, the fact is that it planted the
but rather a document through which the     reach Europe. The first Western bank to      seed for the great consumer revolution in
trader assumes he will receive the agreed   issue state-backed banknotes was the         the US in the 50s and 60s.
amount. In addition, its appearance         Swedish Riksbank, which did so in 1661.
generates the need for an intermediary to                                                The emergence of the Internet in the 90s
pay the trader on the customer’s behalf.    The next leap in technology and concept      was also a radical breakthrough in
                                            in the history of means of payment was       payment habits, insofar as it made it
The role of necessity                       the emergence of the credit card. In 1914,   possible, for the first time, to complete all
Banknotes, or paper money, were also        General Petroleum Corporation, a             kinds of transactions from your own
born of economic necessity. In seventh-     network of service stations in California    living room. The emergence of virtual
century China, the explosion of the         (United States), launched a metal card so    currencies (especially bitcoin) is also a
demand for money caused by economic         that its employees and customers could       potential break-off from traditional
growth made it more and more                buy petrol and pay for repairs to their      means of payment. But that’s not history
dangerous and expensive to transport, so    vehicles in its establishments.              anymore. It is the present and the future
traders began to use money orders made                                                   of means of payment.
out to the bearer that could be cashed in   There were later attempts, but the final
another city. When these documents          consecration of plastic money came in
became popular, they started to be          1950, when Diners Club launched a card
printed and that was how banknotes          that could be used to pay in shops and
appeared, later issued on behalf of the     restaurants. Legend has it that the idea
emperor himself, a circumstance             came when its founders were dining at a
recorded by Marco Polo in some of his       New York restaurant and discovered they
chronicles from the 13th century.           didn’t have enough cash to pay the bill.

PayPal’s business strategy is also          $7,904 million, 19% more than in 2013.
interesting. It was created in 2000 as a    In 2015, PayPal is expected to split
system to facilitate payments between       from eBay.
individuals and its business
skyrocketed when it joined the virtual      • M
                                               -Pesa. This is a payment system
gateway in eBay, the Internet auction         via mobile phone successfully
company, which finally bought the             launched in Kenya in 2007. In a sense,
business in 2002. In less than fifteen        it is the reverse of PayPal: it is
years, PayPal changed from losing a lot       directed at non-banking customers
of money (when it started up, it had to       (in Kenya only 19% of the adult
offer a $10 bonus for new users and in        population use formal financial
18 months, it recorded a loss of $137         services) in a market in an emerging
million) to what is now a thriving            country and a population with a low
business.                                     level of income. To send money
                                              through M-Pesa (an acronym that
In 2014, it had 162 million active            comes from the English term mobile
accounts, was present in more than 200        and the Swahili weight, i.e. money),
countries and generated revenues of           the procedure is as follows: you

                                                                                                The situation of means payment      17
deposit cash in an agency on the          The launch of Apple Pay, which
                                           network, you send an SMS to the           occurred in the United States in
                                           recipient on your mobile phone and        October 2014, had an immediate
                                           he goes to an agent in his area, or       impact on the mobile payments
                                           even an ATM, to receive the money         market. Four months after its
                                           upon presentation of an identification    release, 750 financial institutions
                                           code. Both the sender and the             had joined the system and it could be
                                           recipient pay a small fee for the         used in more than 200,000 vending
                                           service, which is used mainly to send     machines (kiosks, launderettes, pay
                                           money to rural areas of the country.      machines at car parks and other
                                                                                     self-service terminals). It is still early
                                           M-Pesa was launched by Safaricom, a       to see it as a winning standard, but
                                           Kenyan company owned by Vodafone,         according to data from Apple, two
                                           which had to invest heavily to create a   out of three contactless transactions
                                           network of agents (there are more         made in the United States are now
                                           than 80,000 money deposit and             made through Apple Pay. The system
                                           withdrawal points) and finance a          is to be implemented in Europe
                                           technology platform adapted to the        throughout 2015.
                                           most basic mobile phone handsets.
                                           Today, the service is used by more
                                           than 18 million Kenyans, i.e. more
                                           than two thirds of the adult

                                           The model is considered a role model
                                           in developing countries and imitators
                                           have emerged in other parts of the
                                           world, especially in Africa. Vodafone
                                           itself has replicated the project, with
                                           mixed success, in Tanzania,
                                           Democratic Republic of Congo, South
                                           Africa, India and Romania.

                                         • A
                                            pple Pay. This is a mobile means
                                           of payment in physical stores linked
                                           to the credit card. It works with
                                           contactless technology, which uses
                                           an NFC (Near Field Communication)
                                           chip to connect the mobile phone to
                                           the Point of Sale (POS). It is suffice
                                           to place the mobile phone near the
                                           scanner at the store to pay instantly
                                           through a credit card. The
                                           technology is widely used by various
                                           agents, including Google Wallet,
                                           PayPal or, in Spain, major financial
                                           institutions. The main new feature of
                                           Apple Pay is that the identification
                                           process is done through the user’s
                                           fingerprint, which adds extra
                                           security to the procedure.

18     Payments, a landscape in motion
Is a world without cash
 desirable and/or possible?
 In 2014, The Economist magazine opened the debate: Wouldn’t it be
  better to abolish cash? The question was not asked without some
  thought. Renowned economists such as Kenneth Rogoff, former
   chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, think it would
    be a good move. The disappearance of cash would bring counterfeit
    money to a sudden death, limit tax evasion and make it possible to
     monitor illegal or irregular financial transactions.

     In this way, governments could collect more taxes and fight
      against organised crime. There are also experts who argue that
       the decision would enable the development of a more efficient
        monetary policy, especially in times of economic crisis.

        The debate on the elimination of cash is not just theory.
        Governments are beginning to actually take steps in that
         direction. Israel, for example, has announced severe legal
          limitations for commercial transactions made in cash to
           combat tax evasion, which is deeply set in the country’s
           economy. In Sweden, the initiative has been taken by
            financial institutions and stores. Many bars and shops no
             longer accept cash and some bank branches do not process
              it. Not surprisingly, the number of bank robberies and
               attacks on security vehicles has fallen dramatically in the

               The benefits are clear, but the abolition of cash also
               involves many difficulties and contraindications, not
                just in emerging countries, where electronic payments
                 are usually rare for economic, cultural or
                 technological reasons. In many developed countries,
                  the habit of paying in cash is deeply rooted among
                   citizens, who use only cash, especially in their
                   day-to-day transactions.

                    The disappearance of banknotes and coins also
                    involves a potential conflict for the loss of privacy.

                                     The situation of means payment      19
The customer’s point
   of view
   Facts and trends

                                         The customer is the boss. This statement     Qualitative analysis
                                         has become a mantra in the modern
                                         business world. In fact, the consumer is     Current situation and recent
                                         no longer a passive player; he has taken     developments. Participants in the
                                         the reins of the relationship with           study consider that means of payment
                                         companies and has a great deal of control    that at some point might have had a
                                         over it.                                     specific weight in transactions in Spain,
                                                                                      such as cheques or promissory notes,
                                         This change is influenced by many            have been superseded. Their perception
                                         factors, but the genuine catalyst has been   of the current situation is based on the
                                         the Internet, which allows customers to      cash-card-electronic/mobile payments
                                         be better informed, share experiences,       triangle:
                                         compare, have their say before large
                                         audiences, demand and, ultimately,           • Cash. Their experience tells them that
                                         influence the goods and services they are       it is still commonly used, but less so
                                         offered.                                        and for smaller operations.

                                         This is true of almost every business and    • Credit cards and debit cards. Their use
                                         is especially applicable to means of            is a revolution in terms of security
                                         payment, an industry in which the               because the fear of theft is limited
                                         intersection between new technologies,          (“you no longer have to hold on to your
                                         ease of use and the perception of security      bag when you have to make a large
                                         are key to development. Therefore, the          payment,” says one of the participants)
                                         trends and future of means of payment           and if it is stolen, they pay you your
                                         are set by customer preferences (their          money back; however, the fear of
                                         needs, inclinations and wishes).                someone copying your card appears.
                                                                                         They are used more and more,
                                         In this context, we have seen fit to            although not yet in everyday
                                         conduct market research that provides us        transactions: “Not to pay for a drink in
                                         with the user’s view of the conclusions of      a bar yet, because it makes you feel a
                                         this report. These are the results.             bit strange, but...”.

                                                                                      • Electronic and mobile payments. The
                                                                                         general impression is that the
                                                                                         phenomenon is at a very early stage
                                                                                         and is beginning to replace cash, but
                                                                                         not cards. There are many options and
                                                                                         people don’t really know where they

20     Payments, a landscape in motion
stand. Participants do not distinguish      1. Backed by major banks. Trust and
  between technologies, products,                 convenience, especially if it comes
  applications and systems. Their                 from your bank, because you don’t
  memories are associated with a                  have to move your money around to
  particular experience or service                make payments.
  (PayPal, application for paying the taxi
  or the car park...), not a type of          2. A quick (no complicated passwords)
  payment.                                        and secure (fully protected against
                                                  theft of the device and impersonation)
Future expectations. Forecasts                    identification system.
suggest that cash will tend to disappear
and physical (plastic) cards will also lose   3. Versatility. In other words, it can be
out to cards stored on mobile                     used in all kinds of (physical and
smartphones. The new means of payment             virtual) stores.
will gradually replace conventional
means and there will come a time when         With these guidelines, the general feeling
almost all transactions take place online,    among respondents is that the method of
especially through mobile devices. The        payment with more potential, despite its
smartphone will be our wallet. It will        recent introduction (at the time of
replace the computer in online shopping       writing, it has not even reached Europe)
and do away with physical cards for store     is Apple Pay (see information in Chapter
operations. It is a radical and inevitable    1). Participants also see a future for
change, similar to that brought about by      applications for small payments and
the appearance of cards, but it will be       PayPal. However, they are wary of
carried out more gradually. Partly            systems based on wearable devices such
because new means of payment suffer           as watches and other accessories, as they
from dispersion, insufficient information,    are seen as too futuristic. Nor do they
lack of incentives for use and lack of        believe in wallets specific to certain
leadership of the agents.                     banks, which in their opinion will
                                              eventually be absorbed by more universal
The winning profile. Research                 systems, nor in virtual currencies such as
participants believe that the winning         bitcoin because of its high volatility.
means of payment will have three

                                                                                           The customer’s point of view      21
Quantitative analysis

                                         Awareness. The survey investigates                      cards, mobile applications, contactless
                                         the level of awareness of means of                      cards and wallet payments vary in a
                                         payment. Given that traditional                         wide range of around 50%. The levels
                                         channels are well known, it is                          of awareness of Iupay (a virtual
                                         especially interesting to hear what                     payment system promoted by Spanish
                                         participants say about the new means                    banks) and Yaap Money (an application
                                         of payment. In this respect, the level of               for sending money between
                                         awareness of PayPal, with 88%, is                       individuals), which were launched in
                                         worthy of particular note. Virtual                      2014, are 20 and 16%, respectively.

                                         Figure 6. Awareness of new means of payment in Spain

                                                                      88,4%                                                        59,2%
                                                                       PayPal                                                      Virtual cards

                                                                       Mobile apps                                                 52,4%
                                                                                                                                   Contactless cards

                                                                       Mobile payment                                              20,2%
                                                                       (Wallet)                                                    IUPAY

                                                                       Yaap Money

                                         Source: Survey: The future of means of payment in Spain, by PwC and IE Business School.

22     Payments, a landscape in motion
Use. The use of cash is universal. It is                With one exception: the debit card,        example, two out of three respondents
used by all citizens, regardless of sex                 which is used more by women.               between 25 and 34 years have used
or age. The second most popular                         Differences in terms of sex increase in    PayPal, while one in five over 55s have
means of payment is the debit card,                     new means of payment, which are            done so.
with more than 90%. Among new                           used much more by men. In the case of
means of payment, PayPal is the most                    PayPal, the gap between men and
widely used. Over 50% of respondents                    women spans twenty percentage
say they have used it at some point (far                points (63% vs. 43%). There are also
in excess of traditional channels, such                 significant differences in terms of age.
as the cheque). In terms of sex, men                    The new means of payment are clearly
make more use of means of payment.                      used more by young people. For

Figure 7. Means of payment used in Spain

                                                                                                    25-34        35-44    45-54               55-65

                             Cash                                                    100%            100%         100%          100%          100%

                       Debit Card                                                    90,8%           89,2%        90,6%         92,4%         89,9%

             Payment by transfer                                                     85,8%           82,9%        89,1%         87,8%         79,7%

                      Credit Card                                                    76,6%           66,7%        80,4%         77,3%         82,3%

                            PayPal                                                   52,2%           66,7%        53,6%         55,8%         21,5%

                          Cheque                                                     38,8%           20,7%        35,5%         53,5%         38,0%

             Charge to phone bill                                                    25,0%           33,3%        26,8%         23,8%         12,7%

                     Virtual cards                                                   18,0%           18,0%        17,4%         23,3%           7,6%

                       Contacless                                                    15,2%           14,4%        15,2%         15,7%         15,2%

                      Mobile apps                                                     4,4%            8,1%         5,8%          2,9%           0,0%

         Mobile payment (wallet)                                                      2,4%            4,5%         2,9%          1,2%           1,3%

                            IUPAY                                                     1,4%            2,7%         1,4%          0,6%           1,3%

                      Yaap Money                                                      0,8%            0,0%         1,4%          1,2%           0,0%

    Traditional means of payment                                                                     In red, significant differences between categories.

    New means of payment

Source: The future of means of payment in Spain, by PwC and IE Business School.

                                                                                                              The customer’s point of view      23
Frequency. In order to hear citizens’                    week), although it should be noted that
                                                   views on means of payment, it is also                    this high rate corresponds to the group of
                                                   important to know how often they use                     people who have this means of payment,
                                                   them. Cash is used daily by more than                    not the total number of respondents.
                                                   60% of survey participants. No other
                                                   medium comes close. As far as new
                                                   means are concerned, it is surprising to
                                                   see that contactless cards, which are
                                                   relatively little known, are frequently
                                                   used (38% use them at least once a

                                                   Figure 8. Frequency of different means of payment use in Spain
                                                   Approximately, how often have you used the following means of payment in the last six months?


                                                                            58,3%                               17,4%                24%
                                    Debit Card

                                                                34,5%                       23,5%                           41,8%
                                   Credit Card

                                                    8%      10,4%                                       81,6%
                           Charge to phone bill

                                                   6,1%        21,4%                                         72,3%
                           Payment by transfer

                                                  2,1% 6,7%                                          6,7%

                                                                 38,1%                         23,7%                         38,2%

                                                    9,6%             23,8                                        23,8

                                                   5,5%        20%                                          74,4%
                                  Virtual cards

                                                         At least once        Twice or three times       Once a month
                                                            a week                 a month                  or less

                                                   Source: The future of means of payment in Spain, by PwC and IE Business School.

24     Payments, a landscape in motion
Attributes. In this section of the survey         assessment of users is higher than
we ask the respondents for their opinions         non-users, meaning that one of the
on usefulness, convenience, security and          challenges facing the new means is to
guarantees of each of the new means of            encourage user experience.
payments. PayPal excels in all areas (with
scores of between 7 and 8 out of 10) and
it is the means of payment most highly
rated among respondents. Contactless
cards and virtual cards come second in
citizens’ minds. In general, the

Figura 9. What do users value most in the different means of payment?

                                  0           1      2         3          4         5         6         7         8         9       10

       Mobile payment (wallet)


            Contactless cards

Payment by mobile applications

                  Virtual cards


                 YAAP Money

                                  0           1      2         3          4         5         6         7         8         9       10
                                  No al all                                                                                     Very

                                      Usefulne       Convenience         Security        Guarantees

                                  Source: Survey: The future of means of payment in Spain, by PwC and IE Business School.

                                                                                                                       The customer’s point of view      25
Amounts. Respondents expressed their                    logical, the higher the amount and this is
                                                      preferences on the amounts of the                       particularly evident in the case of cash
                                                      payments they make. There are no major                  and charges to the phone bill, where 51
                                                      differences among the different means of                and 82% of respondents, respectively,
                                                      payment evaluated (cash, credit card,                   would not pay a high amount. In the case
                                                      debit card, cheque, transfer, mobile bill,              of new means of payment, the least
                                                      PayPal, contactless card and virtual                    trusted for high amounts is the
                                                      card). In all cases, a large majority of the            contactless card.
                                                      participants are willing to pay any
                                                      amount (between €10 and no limit).
                                                      However, resistance to operating with a
                                                      given means of payment increases, as is

                                 Figure 10. Amount of money users are willing to pay depending on the payment
                                 How much are you willing to pay in order to use the following means of payment?

                                 Transfer                                                            Cheque
                                      98%       97%     97%      94%       89%      82%                    93%      92%    91%   90%    86%     77%

                                                                                    Any                              20€   50€   100€    300€    Any
                                         10€    20€      50€      100€     300€                            10€                                  amount

                                 Credit cards                                                        Debit cards
                                      97%       96%     96%      93%       85%      70%                    99%      98%    96%   93%    82%     69%

                                                                                    Any                                                          Any
                                         10€    20€      50€      100€     300€                            10€       20€   50€   100€    300€   amount

                                 Cash                                                                Mobile bill
                                     100%       96%     87%      71%       66%      49%                    98%      59%    46%   31%    22%     18%

                                                20€      50€      100€     300€     Any                                                          Any
                                         10€                                                               10€       20€   50€   100€    300€   amount

                                 Source: Survey: The future of means of payment in Spain, by PwC and IE Business School.

26     Payments, a landscape in motion
Guarantees. The survey also invites                     The information on users’ views given in this report is only an excerpt from a more
participants to comment on the trust                    thorough investigation, as follows:
inspired by the companies that develop
mobile means of payment when choosing                     Methodology. A qualitative                       structured. Approximate duration of
one or the other. Banks are rated highest.                assessment was made, based on a                  15 minutes online and 10 minutes
Over 80% of respondents approve of the                    group meeting that lasted two                    on the telephone. Participants aged
guarantees they offer. Technology                         hours. Participants aged between                 between 25 and 55 years for online
companies (Google, Amazon, Apple, etc.)                   30 and 40 years (men and women).                 and between 25 and 65 for offline.
are backed by two out of three, while                     Field Work: 5 November 2014.                     Smartphone users and banking.
telephone companies are approved by                       Quantitative sample: 200 online                  Fieldwork: between 26 November
just over half of the survey participants.                interviews and 300 telephone                     and 2 December 2014. Statistical
                                                          interviews. Sampling error: for a                analysis: simple tabulation and
                                                          trust level of 95.5% and under usual             frequency crossover with the
                                                          sampling conditions (p=q=50%),                   Barbwin (including test of
                                                          the margin of error for the total                significance) and SPSS programs.
                                                          unsegmented sample is 4.46%.
                                                          Type of questionnaire: semi-

Figure 11. Maximum amount users are willing to pay depending on the payment
How much are you willing to pay using the following means of payment?

PayPal             99,2%                  99,2%
Virtual Card       97,8%                  95,6%
Contactless        97,3%                  97,3%
                                                                       86,7%                                                                  55,9%
                                                                                              53,2%                    56,7%

                                            20€                          50€                  100€                      300€                       Any
                10€                                                                                                                               amount

Source: Survey: The future of means of payment in Spain, by PwC and IE Business School.

Figure 12. Guarantees and future of payments
When making use of a means of payment, do the following types of companies generate trust? Use a scale of 0-10, where 0 means no trust and 10 means
maximum trust.

    Passes        Fails

                                           81,6%                                                64,6%                                                 53,8%

     1,0%                                                       3,2%             Technology                    2,6%
                          Banks                                                                                                Telephone
                                                                                 Companies                                     Companies

Average: Banks: 6.65. Technology companies: 5.19. Telephone companies: 4.33.
Source: Survey: The future of means of payment in Spain, by PwC and IE Business School.

                                                                                                                    The customer’s point of view      27
   Tension on stage

                                         The means of payment system has been        With these figures, it is not surprising
                                         subject to much negative tension for the    that mobility has become the key factor
                                         last 15 years, following the                of the market and all players want their
                                         democratisation of the Internet.            share in this new paradigm.
                                         Technological advances have led to a
                                         situation where traditional players         Furthermore, financial institutions,
                                         (basically, the financial industry) see     which have traditionally been driven by
                                         their position threatened by newcomers      inertia when there are changes in the
                                         who are claiming a piece of the business:   market, are making great efforts not to
                                         technology companies, mobile                be left out of the new trends. The effort is
                                         manufacturers, software providers,          well justified. According to a PwC report
                                         telecommunications operators,               on the sector, the alteration of the means
                                         distribution companies, etc. The pace of    of payment ecosystem by the emergence
                                         change has accelerated in the sector        of mobile payments accounts for
                                         with the widespread use of mobile           approximately $20,000 million for the
                                         phones. It is estimated that there are      financial services sector. 13.000 million
                                         now more mobile phones than people in       of that figure correspond to new
                                         the world. According to the GSMA            opportunities to generate income and the
                                         Intelligence analysis firm, in October      remaining 7,000 million to a reduction of
                                         2014 the figure reached 7,220 million       potential losses.
                                         compared to a world population of 7.200
                                         million. If we consider that the first      The changes occurring in the sector are
                                         phones started to be sold in the mid-80s,   not only technological, economic or
                                         there is no record in history of such a     market-based; they go further and affect
                                         quick and explosive expansion of a          the very essence of the payment system.
                                         man-made device.
                                                                                     As shown in Figure 13, the traditional
                                         Forecasts for the next few years            system is product-oriented: the customer
                                         confirm the huge impact of mobile           is just another part of the transaction
                                         technology. It is expected that the         flow. Card payments and transfers or
                                         number of owners of smartphones             direct debits are regulated in such a way
                                         (smart mobile phones, i.e. with             that banks are critically important at
                                         features similar to those of a computer,    every stage of the process and are thus
                                         especially access to the Internet) will     able to generate significant revenue for
                                         surpass a penetration level of 50%          their participation in it.
                                         among the adult population in 2017 to
                                         reach 3,500 million in 2019, according      This operating system is under review.
                                         to Forrester.                               Now, the customer is the centre of

28     Payments, a landscape in motion
everything. He has more options, more            start with an advantage, as they have        provides opportunities to offer other
information, is able to influence the            been providing the service so far and        services on an equal footing, lowers
decisions of his peers and demands               therefore have earned a certain amount       margins and ultimately suggests that
more. As a result, all the players revolve       of trust. However, the new system            business models will have to change
around his needs. On this new playing            leaves many gaps for disintermediation,      completely if they are to adapt to the
field, traditional financial institutions        opens the door to new competitors,           sector’s new context.

Figure 13. From product to customer

                             Product driven                                             Customer driven

                                                                           Virtual                                   Cards

                                   Product                          Technology                Customer
                                                                    companies                                             Phone

                                                                                  Retailers              manufacturers


Source: Prepared in-house.

                                                                                                                             The players    29
The change taking place in the sector can              Figure 16 completes the cycle of
                                                       also be explained by means of a triple                 transformation of the means of payment
                                                       graph. Figure 14 describes the traditional             sector. Here we see not only the
                                                       means of payment system (cash, cheques,                traditional business areas that are in
                                                       cards, transfers, etc.) in its various                 dispute, but also that a new area of
                                                       interactions or relationships between                  income has been created (what is called
                                                       consumers and companies. In this                       ‘emerging digital’ in the graph), offering
                                                       scheme, the hegemony of banks is very                  opportunities for all. It is clear therefore
                                                       clear.                                                 that the financial industry not only has to
                                                                                                              defend its traditional business
                                                       In Figure 15, the new competitors come                 strongholds (cash, cards, cheques,
                                                       into play. We can see, on an orange                    transfers,...) but can also extend its
                                                       background, which areas of the business                influence to new digital businesses
                                                       traditionally controlled by banks are                  (mobile payments, alternative networks,
                                                       under attack from the newcomers. This                  electronic billing and payments, wallets,
                                                       does not mean that in these business                   etc.) and benefit from this emerging
                                                       segments financial institutions are losing             source of income, though it will not be
                                                       the battle, but there is a certain risk of             easy to deal with competitors who are
                                                       that happening in the short and mid-term               more agile and flexible.
                                                       (i.e. in a very short time, because in the
                                                       world of technology terms are
                                                       particularly short).

                                         Figure 14. Traditional landscape of payments

                                                                    C2B                        B2C                   B2B                     P2P


                                                                                                         Wire transfer

                                                                           Online and offline debit                                 Online and offline debit
                                         electronic                                   Retail/Private label card


                                                                                    Credit and charge cards

                                            Banks         Bank providers

                                         Source: PwC report, The Electronification of Payments 2013.

30     Payments, a landscape in motion
Figure 15. Transition scenario of payments

                           C2B                        B2C                       B2B               P2P


                                                               Wire transfer

                                  Online and offline debit                               Online and offline debit
electronic                                        Retail/Private label card


                                                 Credit and charge cards

   Banks         Bank providers               Newcomers
Source: PwC report, The Electronification of Payments 2013.

Figure 16. Current scenario of payments

                           C2B                        B2C                       B2B               P2P


                                                               Wire transfer

                                  Online and offline debit                               Online and offline debit

Traditional                                        Retail/Private label card

                                                 Credit and charge cards

                                                               Mobile payments

                                                     Alternative payment networks
                    Mobile Merchant
Emerging                 POS
digital              Contactless
                                                     Electronic payment and billing

                         e Wallets                                                             e Wallets

   Banks         Bank providers               Newcomers

Source: PwC report, The Electronification of Payments 2013.
                                                                                                                    The players     31
The key players: strategies for                 new means of payment, especially
                                         the melting pot                                 mobile payments, is key to
                                                                                         understanding citizens’ shopping
                                         Changes in technology, changes in the           habits and developing marketing and
                                         scheme of operation, changes in the             product development strategies.
                                         concept, changes in competition and in          Examples of this awareness are
                                         the perimeter of the sector, reduced            HSBC’s investments to be present in
                                         margins... The means of payment                 the social media, the acquisition of the
                                         industry is a melting pot. Now let’s look       US digital bank Smile by BBVA or the
                                         in detail at the main protagonists of the       agreement of five British institutions
                                         means of payment system and how they            (including Banco Santander) to
                                         are behaving in the light of the                support Zapp, a mobile payments
                                         transformations that are occurring in the       system
                                                                                       • C
                                                                                          ard companies. Some well-known
                                         • B
                                            anks. They are the traditional              brands, such as Visa and MasterCard,
                                           players and benefit from their                were in their early days non-profit
                                           experience in the sector. They inspire        entities created by different banks to
                                           trust among customers (more than any          manage the card business. Today, they
                                           other agent) and have the advantage           are both listed on the stock market.
                                           that the vast majority of paid workers,       Their revenues are linked to card
                                           at least in developed countries, receive      issuance and the processing of
                                           their salaries through bank channels.         payment transactions. The brands
                                           They also process payments between            themselves are responsible for
                                           companies. They are trying to exploit         establishing and enforcing a code of
                                           this situation to their advantage in          operation for the card market, which
                                           traditional means of payment to               gives them a great deal of influence on
                                           become advisors (purchasing                   the global means of payment system.
                                           suggestions, crossed sales or                 They are vulnerable to innovations
                                           comparisons for the home, consumer            based on alternative channels, which
                                           goods or transport), provide value-           directly attack their source of income,
                                           added (coupons, loyalty programmes,           but so far most of the new means of
                                           tools for managing and understanding          payment are based on the use of the
                                           personal finance) and supplying third         cards, which provide coverage for
                                           parties (insurance, travel, events,           e-commerce transactions and
                                           home, etc.).                                  operations with mobile devices.

                                           Regarding the new means of payment            Part of the strategy of card issuers
                                           that threaten their hegemony, banks           focuses on promoting standards and
                                           have launched a few initiatives or            good practices for digital payments.
                                           trials, individually and on                   Accordingly, the major companies in
                                           collaborative platforms with other            the sector (Visa, MasterCard,
                                           entities or agents. Until recently, their     American Express, JBC and Discover)
                                           strategy was, in general, to wait and         have developed a global standard
                                           see, hoping that the market will              framework known by its initials in
                                           choose a winning standard. Now,               English, PCI DSS (Payment Card
                                           there is a certain urgency for joining        Industry Data Security Standards), to
                                           new projects so as not to miss the            improve security. The main new
                                           industry’s revolutionary train. The           feature of these criteria is the use of
                                           financial industry is aware that              tokens (encrypted security codes) for
                                           participation in the consolidation of         each transaction, which eliminates

32     Payments, a landscape in motion
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