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May 2017 Issue 543                                

                HOW WILL BREXIT
                AFFECT THE UK’S
                 CARD MARKET?

                          • PRODUCTS: Prepaid in Canada
                             • ANALYSIS: Social Finance
                    • GUEST COMMENT: FICO, PPRO Group and allpay
                     • COUNTRY SURVEYS: Thailand, the UK & Italy

CI 543 May.indd 1                                                                     13/06/2017 11:08:28
      for financial

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IE RBI final design.indd 1                                                                                    05/05/2016 10:36:41
Cards International                                                                                                                                         EDITOR’S LETTER

         CONTENTS                                            EDITOR’S LETTER
                NEWS: DIGEST
                PRODUCTS: PREPAID IN CANADA                  Poll shocker: Lloyds ranks top
                Two Vancouver-based fintechs, Koho
                and Mogo Finance Technology, have
                launched mobile-enabled prepaid
                                                             for trust
                cards targeting Canadian millennial
                consumers looking to avoid high

                bank charges and expensive credit
                cards. Robin Arnfield assesses the                       ell here is a turn up. A U K retail                     •       Only 8% of people are happy for banks to
                market’s promise and headwinds
                                                                         banking consumer survey asks con-                             have their personal data regardless of wheth-
         8      ANALYSIS: SOCIAL FINANCE                                 sumers which bank they trust most                             er they have received good or bad customer
                After acquiring multi-currency                           – and the most popular answer was                             service from them.
                digital bank Zenbanx, US online              not First Direct, Metro Bank or Nationwide.
                lender Social Finance (SoFi) plans to
                apply for an industrial bank charter         Nor was it TSB, which the writer might have                            Surprisingly, the report finds that older people
                so it can offer bank accounts and            expected to score highly.                                           seem to understand personalisation best. 63% of
                credit cards. Robin Arnfield speaks
                to industry analysts to find out more
                                                                Nope-the top answer was Lloyds. Not a mis-                       55-64 year olds state that personalisation means
                                                             print: it is Lloyds. Lloyds Banking Group (LBG)                     companies tailoring communications to their pref-
         10     RESEARCH: GLOBALDATA                         comes out rather well in the survey with sub-                       erences and actions, whereas only 38% of 25-34
                Canadians are less keen than their           brands Halifax/Bank of Scotland ranking second,                     year olds took the same view.
                US peers on mobile payments,
                India leads the e-wallet charge in           ahead of Barclays in third place.                                      The report concludes that trust is a much bigger
                Asia-Pacific, interest rates in the US          Santander, fourth and First Direct in an unac-                   factor than either liking or being an existing cus-
                cause concern, and a discrepancy in
                Singapore between card penetration
                                                             customed fifth place round off the top five.                        tomer, when it comes to whether people are happy
                and transaction volumes is striking             Cue an immediate check to see just who spon-                     for banks to hold their personal data.
                                                             sored the report and what was the sample size,                         While LBG will no doubt welcome the report,
         12     GUEST COMMENT: FICO
                                                             given Lloyds and Barclays lack of obvious suc-                      work remains to be done across the sector. Lev-
                Which works better for modelling
                credit risk: traditional scorecards or       cess in the quarterly account switching rankings,                   els of trust with banks have remained relatively
                AI and machine learning? The best            generally dominated by Nationwide, Santander,                       static in the last 12 months with only 11% of the
                approach is to use them together,
                writes FICO’s Scott Zoldi
                                                             Metro Bank and admittedly, Halifax.                                 consumers surveyed saying they trusted their bank
                                                                The report ‘Personalisation in Retail Banking’                   more than last year.
         13     GUEST COMMENT: ALLPAY                        was not actually sponsored by LBG (the survey                          So there you have it: people can like a bank and
                Outsourcing payment processing can
                free up time, and allow businesses
                                                             was commissioned by Webhelp) but it was a rela-                     be a customer without actually trusting them,
                to focus on customer service, client         tively small survey of 500 UK-based adults.                         although in turn this is likely to limit the level of
                relations and lasting growth, writes            Key takeaways include:                                           personal data that they are willing to provide.
                allpay’s Ross Macmillan
                                                                                                                                    As for positives: well only 30% of those Web-
         14     COUNTRY SURVEY: THAILAND                     •       Just 55% of respondents have heard of per-                  help surveyed said they are not influenced by
         16     COUNTRY SURVEY: THE UK                             sonalisation and understand what it means,                    personalised communications with another one
                                                                   with the figures dropping to only 38% for                     third saying that they feel it is helpful to receive
         18     COUNTRY SURVEY: ITALY
                                                                   people aged between 24 and 35;                                offers and communications that are personalised
         20     GUEST COMMENT: PPRO GROUP                                                                                        to them.
                                                             •       49% of people are happy with a bank hav-
                From Jack trading a cow for magic
                beans to tapping plastic against an
                                                                   ing their data if they trust that bank                           This shows that a significant opportunity exists
                NFC reader, how we have paid for             •        39% of respondents do not want banks to                    for banks to engage with their customers in a more
                goods has taken many unexpected                    hold their personal data regardless of wheth-                 personalised way, but only on the proviso that
                turns, writes Ralf Ohlhausen
                                                                   er they trust them or not;                                    they are able to tailor their approach effectively.
                                                             •         35% of people are happy to have their
                                                                   personal data kept by a bank that has given                                                               Douglas Blakey
                                                                   them good customer service, and                                          

                                                             Editor: Douglas Blakey                   Group Publisher: Ameet Phadnis               For more information on Verdict, visit our
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CI 543 May.indd 1                                                                                                                                                                      12/06/2017 15:38:03
NEWS: DIGEST                                                                                                                      Cards International

        Vision Travel, CSI globalVCard                     directly into Concur, which will help in the          “This partnership advances our capabili-
        to integrate virtual payments                      automation and streamlining of reservations.       ties and gives corporate travel clients highly
                                                             Once the integration is complete, card           secure payments that are customised, con-
        Canadian travel management firm                          numbers will become invalid as only          trolled and easier to reconcile.”
        Vision Travel and CSI globalVCard                           preauthorised purchases will be              CSI globalVCard’s senior vice-president of
        have integrated travel manage-                                processed. Users will be able to        travel, Juliann Pless, said: “Our integration
        ment software Concur Compleat                                  control use and spending lim-          with Concur Compleat allows Vision Travel
        to their single-use virtual card                               its in real time with desktop or       to offer next-level service by saving time and
        payments partnership.                                          mobile devices.                        increasing the security of payments.
          The partnership will help                                      Vision Travel’s president of            “It is exciting to play such a pivotal role
        Canadian companies to procure                                 Ontario-West, Brian Robertson,          in the expansion of virtual travel solutions
        travel with a virtual card payment                         said: “Vision Travel is committed to       into the Canadian market. We are looking
        system. Vision Travel will incorporate                 a personalised and responsive approach         forward to this evolving partnership with
        CSI globalVCard’s virtual card numbers             to the business of travel.                         Vision Travel.” <

        American Express Open
                                                           or transfer points to the company’s partici-          Referring to the card’s headline features,
        launches business credit card                      pating airline or hotel loyalty programmes.        American Express Global Commercial Pay-
        American Express Open has introduced a               The card will also allow small businesses        ments’ senior vice-president of global prod-
        new Blue Business Plus credit card, that will      to better manage cash flow by offering a low       ucts, Audrey Hendley, commented: “Blue
        enable entrepreneurs to earn rewards on            introductory APR, helping vendors to access        Business Plus is the only no-annual-fee small
        everyday purchases, and improve cash-flow          credit needed to start and grow businesses.        business credit card from a major issuer that
        management.                                          Card members can also spend above their          offers double points with no category restric-
          The no-annual-fee card includes double           credit limit, and earn points on amounts           tions, so small business owners can be con-
        Membership Rewards points on the first             spent above the limit, payment for which will      fident they are making the smart choice for
        $50,000 spent each calendar year, and a low        be due in full each month.                         their business.
        introductory APR on purchases and balance            Amounts that small business owners can              “With so many different ways to redeem
        transfers for up to 15 months.                     spend beyond their credit limit vary based         Membership Rewards points, purchases with
          Cardholders can redeem points for travel,        on a number of factors unique to each              Blue Business Plus can become an investment
        statement credits, gift cards, or merchandise,     cardholder, the company said.                      toward future growth.” <
        PRODUCTS                                                                                              DISTRIBUTION
        UBS targets mass affluent                                                                             Mobile solution Samsung Pay
        market with new credit card                                                                           made available in the UK
        Swiss banking giant UBS is targeting HNW                                                              South Korean electronics giant Samsung has
        and UHNW customers with a new credit card.                                                            launched its mobile payment solution, Sam-
           The new UBS Visa Infinite credit card will                                                         sung Pay, in collaboration with MasterCard
        offer a range of rewards, travel benefits and                                                         in the UK.
        credits, such as exclusive savings when users        UBS Wealth Management Americas’ head                MasterCard is working with Spanish bank-
        fly, stay, cruise or drive.                        of private wealth management and UHNW,             ing group Santander and credit card compa-
           Holders will have access to a US-based con-     John Mathews, said: “By putting the UBS            ny MBNA to enable MasterCard holders to
        cierge and client services group, and financial    Visa Infinite credit card in our clients’ hands,   use Samsung Pay, which will allow users to
        advisors. They will also receive exclusive trav-   we can have a more meaningful impact on            make payments at almost any location where
        el benefits, credits and a rewards programme       our clients’ everyday lives and experiences        contactless payments are accepted.
        with flexible redemption options, which may        by serving more than their traditional wealth         Card details will not be stored on devices
        exceed $4,000 per year.                            management needs.”                                 but on a digital ‘token’, which uses Master-
           Users can earn three points per dollar spent      UBS head of cards Fred Jubitz said: “The         Card’s Digital Enablement Service to make
        on commercial air travel, two points per dol-      advisor’s ability to service and advocate for      payments using industry-standard tokenisa-
        lar spent on gas and groceries, and one point      their clients is just one thing that makes the     tion processes. MasterCard said it will gener-
        per dollar spent on all other eligible purchas-    UBS Visa Infinite credit card exceptional.”        ate a unique card number that will be specific
        es. Users can also earn up to 50,000 bonus           “Visa has a long and successful history          to the cardholder’s device and cannot be used
        points by spending $3,000 within the first         working with UBS to deliver world-class            in conjunction with any other device.
        three months of approval.                          rewards credit card products serving UBS’s            MasterCard’s president of UK and Ireland,
           UBS said that the latest metal card will        high-net-worth clients.                            Mark Barnett, said: “Every Samsung Pay
        replace the current UBS Preferred Visa Sig-          Visa’s senior vice-president of global prod-     transaction made with MasterCard is highly
        nature credit card, with no changes to the         ucts, TS Anil, said: “The UBS Visa Infinite        secure – a critical part of this is our ability to
        $495 annual card fee. All existing UBS Pre-        credit card goes beyond rewards to deliver         tokenise cardholder details.”
        ferred Visa Signature credit card users will       the total customer experience, including              Samsung Pay will be initially available on
        automatically receive the UBS Visa Infinite        comprehensive protection benefits and access       the Samsung Galaxy S8, S8+, S7, S7 Edge, S6,
        credit card.                                       to premium travel and lifestyle benefits.” <       and S6 Edge devices. <

        2 y May 2017                                                                                                 

CI 543 May.indd 2                                                                                                                                     12/06/2017 15:38:05
Cards International                                                                                                             NEWS: DIGEST

       PRODUCTS                                                                                              DISTRIBUTION
       BrilliantTS launches new                            allow cardholders to track the last known         Samsung Pay debuts in Taiwan,
       integrated smartcard                                card location, as well as remotely wipe all       with extensive support
                                                           card information.
       BrilliantTS, a South Korean manufacturer of            The smartcard is available in two options:     South Korean electronics giant Samsung has
       smart hardware and software solutions, has          Fuze M and Fuze A. Fuze M is a non-EMV            launched mobile payment solution Samsung
       launched the Fuze Card, a new smartcard             model aimed at those looking to use the card      Pay in Taiwan, with support from seven
       that incorporates all cards into a single unit.     for gift, membership or loyalty cards. Fuze A     financial institutions.
         The new offering, which is compatible             is an EMV chip model, and can be used for            The solution will be supported by Cathay
       with magnetic-stripe, near-field communi-           all situations.                                   United Bank, Citi Bank, E.Sun Commer-
       cation, EMV and Bluetooth, works with                  BrilliantTS CEO Jaehun Bae said: “Our          cial Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Taipei
       iPhone and Android phones.                          journey began in the early 2000s when I           Fubon Bank, Taishin Bank and Union Bank
         With the latest card, users can combine           co-founded CrucialTec, which was the only         of Taiwan.
       credit, debit, membership and loyalty cards.        company to successfully miniaturise optical          Samsung’s head of Taiwan, Li Dai Hua,
       Fuze can store information from up to 30            mouse tech into a small module as big as          said: “We are excited to introduce Samsung
       cards in a single encrypted chip.                   your fingernail.                                  Pay to Taiwan, and are thrilled to lead the
         It will also offer a flexible display, a 30-day      “We further developed that technology to       innovation of mobile commerce, in order to
       rechargeable battery and advanced security          develop Fuze Card, which packs so much            provide consumers with safer, smarter and
       features. Fuze’s in-app tracking feature will       tech into a 0.03-inch-thick card.” <              better mobile wallets through offering more
                                                                                                             valuable services.”
       DISTRIBUTION                                                                                             Mastercard’s head of Taiwan, Eva Chen,
                                                                                                             said: “Together with Samsung, we are excited
       UnionPay adds Apple Pay                             at around 20,000 POS terminals in Sogo,           to drive greater usage of mobile payments in
       support in Hong Kong                                7-Eleven, Mannings and Tsui Wah Restau-           Taiwan. To help encourage everyday usage,
       UnionPay International has partnered with           rant locations.                                   we have also partnered Carrefour to give
       Bank of China (Hong Kong) and Standard                When customers add a credit or debit card       Mastercard cardholders the hottest discounts
       Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) to allow its             to Apple Pay, the actual card number is not       in Taiwan.” <
       debit cardholders to make payments through          be stored on the device, nor on Apple serv-
       Apple Pay.                                          ers. A unique Device Account Number is            STRATEGY
         The partnership will allow holders to             assigned, encrypted and securely stored in        JCB International partners with
       make purchases with Apple Pay at more than          a dedicated chip called the secure element.       Sberbank in Russia
       10 million POS terminals supporting mobile          Each transaction is authorised with a one-
       QuickPass in Mainland China, Hong Kong,             time unique dynamic security code.
       Taiwan, Singapore and Australia.                      Apple Pay currently works with the iPhone
         Earlier, UnionPay added Apple Pay sup-            SE, iPhone 6 and later models, and the Apple
       port to credit card users of Bank of China          Watch. When paying in apps, the solution
       (Hong Kong) and Bank of East Asia.                  works with the iPhone SE, iPhone 6 and later
         UnionPay believes the collaboration               models, the fifth-generation iPad, the iPad
       will make the QuickPass service available           Pro, the iPad Air 2, and the iPad mini 3. <

       CreditBank, Gemalto and Unilux
                                                           has provided the necessary insight, expertise
       launch combined card
                                                           and technology to achieve another premiere
       Lebanese lender CreditBank has launched a           in the market.”                                   JCB International, a wholly owned subsidi-
       combined credit and debit card in collabora-           Commenting on the launch, Unilux Cards         ary of JCB, has signed an agreement with
       tion with Dutch digital security firm Gemalto       MD Ronald Nacouzi said: “We are proud             Russian lender Sberbank to enhance its card
       and Unilux Cards.                                   to help Creditbank be the first to launch this    acceptance in Russia.
          The new EMV card will allow bank cus-            innovative solution, just after being the first      Sberbank will accept JCB cards on its
       tomers to access their choice of account when       to introduce the contactless sticker, a great     countrywide POS terminal network in 2018.
       making a transaction with a single card.            step towards the future of mobile payment.”       According to JCB, the lender has the largest
          The card, which features chip-and-PIN               Gemalto’s senior vice-president of bank-       POS terminal network in the country, and the
       security, will allow users to choose a single       ing and payment for the Middle East,              partnership aims to increase its brand pres-
       PIN for both accounts. The card’s dual inter-       Nassir Ghrous, said: “Competition in the          ence in the market.
       face capability will also allow users to make       Middle East banking sector has never been            JCBI president and COO Kimihisa Imada
       contactless payments.                               fiercer, in particular with millennial custom-    said: “We are sure this arrangement will sup-
          Creditbank assistant general manager             ers demanding higher standards of service         port our objective as a very active player in
       Hanadi Saad said: “The launch of this card          and innovation.                                   the payment industry in Russia.
       reflects Creditbank’s commitment to innova-            “With the support of Unilux Cards and             “We believe our collaboration will con-
       tive products and services to improve end-          Gemalto, Creditbank has provided the mar-         tribute to the growth of card payments and
       user experience.                                    ket with a unique payment card offer which        provide greater convenience to JCB card
          “Our partnership with Gemalto and Uni-           attracts new business and reinforces brand        members both in Russia and from all over the
       lux Cards goes back over a decade, and it           loyalty,” Ghrous added. <                         world, ” Imada added. <                                                                                                          May 2017 y 3

CI 543 May.indd 3                                                                                                                                 12/06/2017 15:38:06
NEWS: DIGEST                                                                                                                  Cards International

        MOBILE                                                                                              DISTRIBUTION
        Zain and MasterCard launch                       tures that make it easier for them to complete     UnionPay partners with HBL to
        mobile wallet in Jordan                          their daily transactions.                          issue chip cards in Pakistan
                                                           “This partnership is part of our efforts to
        Telecoms service provider Zain has partnered     boost the electronic payments system in Jor-       UnionPay International, a subsidiary of
        with MasterCard to develop its digital pay-      dan, and expand the Zain Cash services to          China UnionPay, has partnered with Paki-
        ment services in Jordan through the Zain         enrich the subscriber experience and provide       stan-based lender HBL to issue UnionPay
        Cash mobile wallet.                              them with an unprecedented, easy and secure        chip cards on a large scale. The partnership
           The partnership aims to extend the ben-       way to pay by mobile in the kingdom.               will enable the bank to issue UnionPay chip
        efits of the Zain Cash service to the                     “Our customers have always been at        cards for the first time.
        telco’s subscriber base, and enhance                       the forefront of the most advanced          According to UnionPay, almost all POS
        the overall user experience.                                 technologies in the world, so          terminals and nearly 80% of ATMs in Paki-
           Zain has received a license                                our strategic partnership with        stan accept UnionPay cards. Ten local banks
        from the Central Bank of Jordan                                MasterCard will contribute to        have issued more than 4.1 million UnionPay
        to issue MasterCard prepaid                                    the goal behind Zain Cash, and       cards, with around 90% of transactions
        cards linked to the Zain Cash                                 to provide e-payment solutions        made by the cards occurring in Pakistan.
        mobile wallet, that will allow                               to all citizens.”                         UnionPay International CEO Cai Jianbo
        subscribers to utilise the card both                         MasterCard’s general manager of        said: “We are giving full play to our advan-
        locally and globally.                                Saudi Arabia and Levant Cluster, Basel         tages in chip card products, standards and
           Zain customers will be able to use the card   Eltell, said: “Our collaboration with Zain is      global chip card acceptance networks to
        through a network of over 50 million POS         an important strategic step aimed at enhanc-       promote the largest commercial bank in
        terminals at MasterCard-accepting loca-          ing the e-payment sector in the kingdom.           Pakistan to issue UnionPay chip cards on a
        tions. The partnership will also allow users       “We are pleased to sign this agreement           large scale.
        to shop online.                                  with a prominent company such as Zain,                “Thus, we are able to realise the migration
           Zain CEO Ahmad Al Hanandeh com-               which comes as part of our relentless efforts      from magnetic stripe card to chip card, joint-
        mented: “We are very pleased to sign this        to deliver innovative financial solutions for      ly supporting the upgrade of the local pay-
        strategic partnership with a leading technol-    mobile payments while also reflecting our          ment industry. Next, we will carry out the
        ogy company such as MasterCard, as we            vision of paving the way for all segments of       chip migration of our acceptance network,
        continue to deliver the latest and world-class   the society to have access to financial servic-    to lay a solid foundation for the issuance of
        services to our subscribers and provide fea-     es,” Eltell added. <                               mobile QuickPass-enabled UnionPay chip
                                                                                                            cards, to enable local residents to conveni-
        MARKETING                                                                                           ently tap their cards to pay.” <
        Netspend, United Airlines
        launch Visa prepaid card in US
                                                                                                            Monaco Technology launches
        Netspend, the prepaid card company owned                                                            cryptocurrency card and app
        by Total System Services, has partnered with
        United Airlines to launch its first prepaid                                                         Monaco Technology has introduced a new
        card, the MileagePlus Go Visa prepaid card,                                                         cryptocurrency card, Monaco Visa Card,
        in the US.                                                                                          and app that can be funded with Bitcoin,
           The new offering, which will be avail-                                                           Ethereum and other ERC20 tokens.
        able from summer 2017, will allow US con-                                                             The new offering, which will allow users
        sumers to directly earn miles for qualifying                                                        to spend and transfer funds globally at inter-
        purchases made with a prepaid card. It will                                                         bank exchange rates, will work on the Visa
        also enable cardholders to redeem award                                                             network wherever it is accepted.
        miles through the airline’s MileagePlus          the US offers the ability to directly earn miles     Monaco App will allow users to make
        loyalty programme.                               through a major airline.”                          transfers in 23 currencies to 120 countries,
           The card will be issued by Republic Bank,        United’s vice-president of loyalty, Praveen     and free and instant transfers between
        and will be FDIC-insured on a pass-through       Sharma, said: “With the MileagePlus Go             Monaco users. The funds will be immedi-
        basis. It will also offer electronic anytime     Visa Prepaid Card, we are providing another        ately available to the recipient and accessible
        alerts to help cardholders monitor spending.     avenue for customers to earn MileagePlus           with the card.
           Netspend president Chuck Harris said:         miles. Through MileagePlus, we offer cus-            Commenting on the launch, Monaco
        “Our new MileagePlus Go Visa Prepaid             tomers a variety of ways to both earn and use      Technology founder Kris Marszalek said:
        Card will attract frequent flyers who may not    their miles – from flights in United’s global      “The team worked incredibly hard over the
        know much about prepaid cards but have an        network to once-in-a-lifetime experiences.”        last year to bring the Monaco Visa card and
        affinity to United’s MileagePlus programme          Visa’s head of North American debit and         app to the market. It is a beautifully simple
        and are looking for new ways to earn miles.      prepaid solutions, David Josephs, said: “By        product that allows users to avoid all the
           “We are also eager to offer the opportunity   partnering with United and Netspend, Visa          charges that banks and currency exchanges
        to earn airline miles to consumers who are       is helping broaden access to payments for          impose on them.
        looking for new financial solutions to help      more customers.                                      “It brings amazing value, transparency
        them manage their money.                            “Together, we are continuing to innovate        and peace of mind. You’ll never have to
           “Several of our prepaid cards offer a loy-    and develop new payment products that              worry about exchange rates again, always
        alty component, but no other prepaid card in     meet evolving customer needs.” <                   getting the best deal physically possible.” <

        4 y May 2017                                                                                              

CI 543 May.indd 4                                                                                                                                 12/06/2017 15:38:08
Cards International                                                                                                            NEWS: DIGEST

       DIGITAL                                                                                              STRATEGY
       Comdata unveils new virtual                      are a technology company first and fore-            Android Pay, PayPal partner to
       credit card tool                                 most. And when it comes to accounts payable         allow online payments
                                                        automation, we focus our development on
       Tennessee-based B2B payment solution             easy administration and vendor enrolment,
       provider Comdata has unveiled new virtual        because we believe those are the two biggest
       credit card technology that will allow cus-      drivers of a successful program.
       tomers to automate vendor-management                “A lot of firms and banks sell virtual credit
       functions.                                       cards, but our mission is to help clients build a
          The new Spend Escalator technology will       world-class e-payables program. Spend Esca-
       allow virtual credit card – or e-payables –      lator is our latest innovation in support of
       clients to eliminate the manual effort associ-   that mission.”
       ated with enrolling and managing vendors in         Comdata’s vice-president of product and
       their programmes.                                strategy, Meitra Aycock, said: “We already
          The tool will support merchants enrolment     integrate our virtual credit card system to each
       and convert spend volumes at nearly double       client’s ERP or accounting system, to make the
       the average rate of other Comdata clients.       payment and reconciliation process seamless.
       It will also help reduce costs by minimising     Spend Escalator expands this integration to
       cheque payments.                                 not only automate payments, but also reduce
          Comdata’s senior vice-president of product    the effort of managing and enrolling vendors
       and strategy, Vijay Ramnathan, said: “We         to accept card payments.” <

       Android Pay arrives in Russia
                                                        Pay button to enable a card in Android Pay
       Search engine giant Google has launched the      without re-entering card information.
       Android Pay mobile payment service in Rus-         Android Pay users can make payments at
       sia, supported by 15 financial institutions.     outlets such as Magnit, Perekrestok, Star-          Android Pay has expanded its partnership
          The launch makes Russia the 11th country      bucks, KFC and Rosneft. The app can also            with payment giant PayPal to streamline the
       where Google has launched the solution. It       be used to shop online through support-             online payment experience at merchants that
       is supported by Mastercard credit or debit       ing applications including Lamoda, OneT-            accept PayPal.
       cards issued by AK Bars, Alfa-Bank, B&N          woTrip, or Rambler-Kassa.                              With the extended partnership, Android
       Bank, MTS Bank, Otkritie, Promsvyazbank,           Google first launched Android Pay in the          Pay users on Chrome mobile web will be able
       Raiffeisen Bank, Rocketbank, Russian             US in September 2015, followed by eight             to pay at online merchants using a PayPal
       Standard Bank, Russian Agricultural Bank,        additional countries – the UK, Singapore,           account and fingerprint. Users will not need
       Sberbank, Tinkoff Bank, Tochka, VTB24            Australia, Hong Kong, Poland, New Zea-              to enter a username or password when shop-
       and Yandex.Money.                                land, Ireland and Japan – in 2016.                  ping with a phone running Android version
          Users of the Raiffeisen Bank, Sberbank and      In a blog post, Google said: “We’re thrilled      4.4 or higher, including KitKat, Lollipop,
       Tinkoff Bank mobile apps can also enable         to name Russia as our 11th country to adopt         Marshmallow and Nougat.
       Android Pay within the banks’ apps, with-        Android Pay, and we hope it’ll make your               In a blog post, PayPal said merchants on
       out having to download Android Pay sepa-         everyday purchases faster, easier, and a little     the latest versions of PayPal Checkout do
       rately. Users simply tap the Add to Android      more fun.” <                                        not need to carry out any integration to use
                                                                                                            the new features.
       ONLINE                                                                                                  Google payment products vice-president
       WEX Australia launches new                       same of type of experience at work that they        Pali Bhat said: “Mobile checkout remains
       online service centre                            get in their personal or ‘real’ life, similar to    one of the biggest sources of friction in the
                                                        what they do with their major banks.                commerce experience, and we’re excited to
       WEX Australia, a subsidiary of corporate            “We collaborated with the best and bright-       collaborate with PayPal on enabling stream-
       payment solutions provider WEX, has              est and engaged Sapient Nitro/Razorfish to          lined checkout experiences for all Android
       launched a new online service centre for its     help with the strategy and important design         Pay and PayPal users.”
       WEX Motorpass fuel card business, to meet        elements. This enabled us to have an output            PayPal COO Bill Ready said: “This new
       rising customer demand.                          we could be proud of while building up the          seamless way to make a purchase with
          The new platform will enable custom-          capability of our internal resources. Building      PayPal on Chrome mobile web with an
       ers to easily view all transactions made to      our digital skill set has been central to the       Android device is just one way we’re work-
       an account, request a receipt if the original    growth in our innovation capability.”               ing to simplify the checkout experience.
       has been lost, and set product controls on          WEX Australia’s head of information                 “PayPal’s One Touch is another way, and
       all cards on an account. Customers can also      technology, Jim Madytianos, said: “While            enables consumers to securely check out
       change their PIN statuses, set new PINs on       clearly I am thrilled with what has been            across platforms and devices without hav-
       all cards, and set up annual and quarterly       delivered and the step change in our digital        ing to type in any payment information once
       activity reports.                                capability, at the heart of the growth is the       logged in.”
          WEX’s director of product and marketing       relationship between the WEX and Sapi-                 In April 2017, PayPal collaborated with
       Asia-Pacific, Susan Nicholson, said: “Busi-      ent Nitro/Razorfish teams to get such a             Google to allow the use of PayPal as a pay-
       ness customers are increasingly expecting the    terrific outcome.” <                                ment method on Android Pay in the US. <                                                                                                         May 2017 y 5

CI 543 May.indd 5                                                                                                                                12/06/2017 15:38:10
PRODUCTS: PREPAID IN CANADA                                                                                                 Cards International

        Fintechs enter Canada’s
        prepaid card market

        Two Vancouver-based fintechs, Koho and Mogo Finance Technology, have launched mobile-enabled prepaid
        cards targeting Canadian millennial consumers looking to avoid the country’s notoriously high bank
        charges and expensive credit cards. Robin Arnfield assesses the market’s promise and headwinds

               oho’s prepaid Visa card is linked to      card. The company says most transactions           On its Roadmap website, Koho lists sup-
               a mobile personal financial man-          are free, with the exception of out-of-net- port for Apple Pay and Android Pay in the
               agement (PFM) app, and is issued          work ATM withdrawals.                            near term, plus photo cheque deposits.
               by Vancouver-based Peoples Trust.            Customers fund their Koho accounts
          Mogo’s prepaid Visa card is issued by          through salary direct deposits and transfers Customer experience
        Home Trust, a subsidiary of Canadian             from their bank accounts. Including transac- “Not being a deposit-taking bank and being
        mortgage lender Home Capital which in            tions during its beta trial, Koho had handled a pure technology play, we’re able to build
        April 2017 saw an exodus of savers after the     C$2m worth of transactions on its prepaid a rich, elegant customer experience tethered
        Ontario Securities Commission alleged it had     cards up to April 2017.                          to a prepaid card,” says Eberhard. “From a
        misled investors in its handling of a scandal      “The average Koho user is about 30 and pre- customer usage perspective, prepaid cards
        involving falsified mortgage applications.       dominantly male, but we’re trying to change make a lot of sense.”
          On 1 May, Home Capital said Home Trust         that,” says Koho CEO Daniel Eberhard.              Koho’s customers can set up Interac
        had drawn down C$1bn ($731m) from its              “Their average income is about C$74,000. e-transfers from the account linked to their
        C$2bn credit line provided by a facility led     Our goal is to get 100,000 customers, and prepaid card and also perform Koho-to-
        by the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan.       we’re only interested in social media plat- Koho transfers. Interac e-transfers are P2P
                                                         forms that can scale in terms of promotions. payments using Canadian debit scheme
        Cash-in                                         We’ve done 100-120 customer-acquisition Interac’s infrastructure.
        The two startups hope to cash in on young        experiments through major digital channels.”      “Our Smart Spending Account is a PFM
        Canadians’ dislike of high bank fees and           “The way we view the Canadian prepaid tool that lets customers set control categories
        desire for mobile-friendly banking services.     card market is that prepaid is virtually identi- for their spending,” says Eberhard.
        CBC cites Statistics Canada as saying Cana-      cal in terms of core feature set to any other     “We look at a lot of the data sets traditional
        dians paid “an average of C$216 annually in      primary bank account Canadians use,” says PFMs don’t examine because they just scrape
        bank service fees in 2015”.                      Eberhard.                                        your bank account. For example, we look at
           Whereas in the US, prepaid has been most-       “What we did was map out the function- merchant categorisation codes and several
        ly stuck in the sub-prime lending market, in     ality people expect from a primary account other variables to give consumers real-time
        Canada the key driver for prepaid adoption      – such as bill payments and money transfers insight into their spending behaviour to pro-
        is the concept of spending accounts to avoid    – then layer this functionality around a pre- vide the context for their financial life.
        excessively high banking fees and high-inter-    paid card and offer a much richer feature set.”   “We’re accurate 99% of the time in terms
        est credit cards.                                   Currently, Koho does not offer mobile of budget categories, and let consumers
           Vancouver-based Koho has received             payments or cheques. “There is a low ROI break down their supermarket spending, for
        C$2.6m in backing from Canada’s Power            in giving people the ability to write cheques example, into sub-categories like groceries
        Financial Corp., and other investors includ-     from their prepaid account, although we and lifestyle/health. It’s very easy to either
        ing the founders of social media tech com-       might offer that at some point,” explains permanently or temporarily change these
        pany Hootsuite, and e-commerce business          Eberhard.                                        categories.”
        Shopify. In April 2017, Koho launched its          “We plan to offer NFC payments on smart-         Eberhard says it takes three minutes to get
        Smart Spending Account and linked prepaid        phones in quarter three of 2017.”                a Koho account on a smartphone, and the

        6 y May 2017                                                                                            

CI 543 May.indd 6                                                                                                                              12/06/2017 15:38:13
Cards International                                                                                  PRODUCTS: PREPAID IN CANADA

       account can be totally managed via mobile        rience. Also, they want to know how much         to be placed in prepaid Visa accounts,”
       devices.                                         they are spending via our PFM tool. B – they     Smythe continues. “Its primary business is
         Koho is regulated by the Financial Trans-      don’t want a primary account that is going to    instalment loans and personal line-of-credit
       actions and Reports Analysis Centre of Can-      charge them fees. C – they want to have their    accounts.
       ada (Fintrac), a Canadian government anti-       account run by an institution that they trust      “Mogo is also a mortgage broker, and this
       money-laundering/anti-terrorist-financing        and relate to and which isn’t going to sell      line of business may be facing greater scru-
       agency.                                          them things they don’t need, or overly com-      tiny from lenders which are becoming more
        “We do full KYC and terrorist watchlist-        plicate things to make greater profits. There    cautious as a result of Home Capital’s prob-
       screening, and part of the intellectual prop-    is a mistrust of banks among younger people.     lems. Mogo has been in operation for many
       erty we’ve built is the decisioning on account     “Our ethos is to build a great product and     years and is still facing operations losses. Its
       applications,” explains Eberhard.                not profit from confusion or complexity.         staff complement seems to be high, based on
                                                        People know exactly what they are going to       the business being generated,” notes Smythe.
       Roadmap                                          get, and that message resonates with them.         “Koho is a recent start-up, whose primary
      “We’re feature-equal to or better than tradi-     Our revenue comes from card interchange          source of revenue is interchange fees and
       tional bank accounts,” says Eberhard. “Over      and interest on deposits,” Eberhard explains.    income from funds on deposits in its prepaid
       the next 18 months, we’ll accelerate in terms      “We think that our clients might link their    card accounts.
       of technology development and continue to        Koho account to a savings account with             “It identifies its target clients as people tired
       do unique things with our account.               [Canadian digital banks] Tangerine or EQ         of bank charges. In consumer surveys con-
         “Ultimately, what we want is to create         Bank.                                            ducted by IDC Canada, we didn’t see bank
       value throughout the entire financial life of      “One of the things that causes a lot of pain   fees to be a major concern. Desirable clients
       the client. At the moment, we own the spend-     for consumers is that they have difficulty       usually have balances large enough to elimi-
       ing of a lot of our users and a meaningful       in getting a holistic understanding of their     nate fee charges.
       percentage of them use Koho as their pri-        financial life. So we’re laying some of the         Smythe adds: “Koho is trying to convince
       mary account. We’re extending the customer       functionality of [Canadian digital account-      clients to have their salaries deposited into
       relationship by adding account aggregation       scraper PFM tool] Mint into our PFM tool.”       their prepaid account. It suggests anywhere
       so that, with Koho, you’ll see what’s going         Mogo’s Platinum Prepaid Visa Card is          from a third to 100% of income so deposits
       on with all your accounts at any time.           linked to the digital Mogo Spending Account,     can then be used to fund on-going purchases.
         “We’ll also be adding credit facilities such   which consumers can transfer funds to from       I doubt Koho will have much success in con-
       as an overdraft – but it won’t be unsecured      most Canadian bank accounts. Each time           vincing people to deposit their hard-earned
       lending at 21% APR.”                             they add money to their Spending Account,        money with anyone but a stable bank. IDC
          Koho plans to offer a loyalty programme       they are prompted to set a spending goal.        Canada surveys also show that consumers
       and a referrals reward programme. “We               The Mogo app provides instant transac-        are very satisfied with their banks and the
       think that using our app for P2P transfers       tion alerts with each purchase along with        services they provide.
       will be important,” says Eberhard. “Some of      updated real-time balances. There are no           “Koho has some positives going for it, and
       the UK prepaid card issuers like Monzo and       monthly charges for the account, and Mogo        has also been discovered by Power Financial
       Loot that are further ahead of us and have       prepaid customers have access to Mogo’s          as well as several other investors. It seems
       similar models, see 80% of their customer        other products including free monthly Equi-      to have a reasonable staff complement and
       acquisitions come through referrals.”            fax credit scores, mortgages and a range of      adequate initial funding. It also has an inter-
         “Koho’s management team takes a different      different personal loans.                        esting array of services that enables payments
       approach, as we aren’t bankers,” Eberhard           In April 2017, Mogo said it had surpassed     while providing real-time information on
       continues. “We’re technology entrepreneurs,      400,000 members, up 52,000 from the              how funds are spent.
       and our team comes from Silicon Valley and       348,000 members reported as at 31 Decem-           “The major challenge Koho faces is the
       from firms such as Alibaba and PayPal. I co-     ber 2016.                                        assumption that there are many bank clients
       founded a wind farm technology company,             Mogo’s Level Up Program for its Mogo-         wanting to switch to a solution that provides
       so I’m basically an entrepreneur.                Money loans rewards borrowers for making         lower fees,” Smythe says. “I don’t think there
         “The prepaid card model is doing very          payments on time by giving them a lower          are too many people in this category. It will
       well in Europe. There has been a lot of noise    interest rate.                                   also be difficult to provide core bank services
       in the US prepaid market, but there hasn’t                                                        based on prepaid debit cards.
       really been a breakout, maybe because of Future promise – substantial headwinds                     “This may be why Koho’s projected growth
       the fragmentation in the US market. But I “I think Koho has future promise, while                 targets are very low. These need to be
       understand that the Green Dot/Walmart Mogo faces some substantial headwinds,”                     increased substantially to make the company
       MoneyCard prepaid card is doing very well says IDC Canada associate Robert Smythe.                viable and to make it a potential acquisition
       in the US.”                                     “Mogo could be affected by the problems           target.
          Koho’s target market is Canadian millen- facing Home Capital, parent of Mogo’s issu-             “On the positive side, Koho provides inno-
       nials, or people who want to run their finan- er Home Trust. With the problems Home               vative payment reporting and management
       cial life on their smartphone.                 Capital is facing, it may be more difficult for    services that are currently only offered by TD
          Asked why they would get a prepaid card Mogo to get clients to place funds in a Visa           as a result of its partnership with Moven.”
       account, Eberhard says: “Everyone in Cana- account managed by Home Trust. The plus                   Smythe concludes: “Koho needs to target
       da can get bank accounts, and there’s a very factor may be that most people won’t make            being the Canadian equivalent to Moven,
       small percentage of underbanked people the connection between the Mogo prepaid                    which involves selling its software solutions
       here. People using Koho fall into three cat- Visa card and Home Trust/Home Capital.               to banks globally. This will involve abandon-
       egories: A – they want the technology and       “The other positive for Mogo is that its          ing trying to be a bank and focusing on being
       the simplicity and intuitiveness of the expe- main source of revenue isn’t collecting funds       a fintech software vendor.” <                                                                                                          May 2017 y 7

CI 543 May.indd 7                                                                                                                                 12/06/2017 15:38:14
ANALYSIS: SOCIAL FINANCE                                                                                                 Cards International

        Social Finance to
        apply for industrial
        bank charter in US

        After acquiring multi-currency digital bank Zenbanx, US online lender Social Finance (SoFi) plans to apply
        for an industrial bank charter so it can offer bank accounts and credit cards. However, whether it will be
        successful in its attempt is far from certain. Robin Arnfield speaks to industry analysts to find out more

                oFi CEO M ike Cagney told US             lished banks to fintechs being granted trial loan company. As outlined earlier, the
                 m aga zi ne Tec hC r u n c h i n M ay   banking licences. If SoFi’s ILC application FDIC continues its efforts to provide inter-
                2017 that SoFi plans to apply for        is approved, it would be the first firm to be ested organising groups with a clear path to
                an industrial loan company (ILC)         granted an ILC charter in a decade in the US. forming a new insured depository institu-
        banking charter within the next month.              ILCs differ from standard banks as they tion, regardless of the type of charter pur-
        A SoFi spokesperson confirmed to CI that         are not owned by a bank holding company, sued by an organising group.”
        the TechCrunch story is accurate, but            but by a commercial venture such as a car
        declined to provide details.                     manufacturer. Currently, seven US states Rush of new entrants
           Cagney said Zenbanx’s technology pro-         including Utah, California and Nevada, “If SoFi’s application for an industrial lend-
        vides the infrastructure for SoFi’s move         offer ILC charters. If its ILC application ing licence is successful, this could really
        into banking and that, by combining bank-        is unsuccessful, SoFi could conceivably start a rush of new fintech entrants applying
        ing services with its lending products, SoFi     partner with Wilmington, Delaware-based for similar licenses,” says Greer.
        could offer discounted rates to members          WSFS Bank which provides banking servic-       “My feeling is that it won’t be easy for
        who set up auto-pay between their accounts.      es for Zenbanx in the US.                     SoFi to get an industrial lending licence.
        Cagney admitted that FDIC approval for its          According to the Utah Department of Also, there are implications about being an
        ILC application cannot be taken for granted      Financial Institutions: “An industrial bank industrial bank as opposed to a traditional
          “SoFi’s plan to apply for an ILC charter is    is a state-chartered depository institution chartered bank, namely that industrial banks’
        a progression step on its part,” says Joseph     that is eligible for FDIC insurance, exempt- holding companies aren’t subject to oversight
        Walent, associate director, customer interac-    ed from the technical definition of a bank by the Federal Reserve. It’ll be interesting to
        tion advisory service, at Mercator Advisory      for the purposes of the Bank Holding Com- see if fintechs go this route, or try to take
        Group. “By becoming an industrial bank,          pany Act of 1956, and otherwise generally advantage of the OCC’s fintech charter.
        SoFi will be able to build its banking func-     subject to the same banking laws and regu- However, this won’t include deposit insur-
        tionality from the ground up and take total      lations as other bank charter types.”         ance, so it’s unclear what the value will be.”
        control of the financial institution.”              Industrial banks are subject to FDIC regu-   Launched in 2011, SoFi initially refi-
           The topic of fintech regulation is contro-    lation. Following the 2008 financial crisis, nanced student loans, and then expanded
        versial in the US. In December 2016, the US      the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and into personal loans, mortgages, wealth man-
        Office of the Comptroller of the Currency        Consumer Protection Act set a three-year agement and life insurance. On its website,
        (OCC) proposed that fintechs such as online      moratorium on FDIC approval of ILC appli- SoFi states: “We look behind just credit
        lenders be offered special charters, allowing    cations for deposit insurance after Novem- scores and debt-to-income ratios to consider
        them to offer banking services nationwide.       ber 2009.                                     factors like estimated cashflow, career, and
           New York State’s banking regulator, the          In a July 2016 speech to the US House of education. While other leaders charge high-
        New York Department of Financial Services,       Representatives’ Committee on Oversight er rates to account for the possibility that
        filed a lawsuit in May 2017, arguing that the    and Government Reform, FDIC chair Mar- borrowers won’t pay back their loans, our
        plan to offer national charters was “lawless,    tin Gruenberg said: “The current economic unique underwriting process helps ensure
        ill-conceived and destabilising of financial     environment with narrow net interest mar- our members have a high likelihood of mak-

        markets” which are best regulated by the         gins and modest overall economic growth ing their payments.”
        state, Reuters said. In April 2017, the Con-     remains challenging for US banks and the        In 2016, SoFi originated $8bn in loans, up
        ference of State Banking Supervisors filed a     establishment of de novo institutions.        from $5bn in 2015, and expanded its mem-
        similar lawsuit against the OCC.                   “The FDIC is committed to working with, ber base to 225,000 from 100,000 over the
           Celent banking analyst Stephen Greer          and providing support to, groups with an same period. At the end of 2016, the com-
        says there is strong opposition from estab-      interest in organising a bank or an indus- pany had 750 total staff.

        8 y May 2017                                                                                          

CI 543 May.indd 8                                                                                                                           12/06/2017 15:38:20
                                                                                                                                                                  Digital to
Cards International                                                                                        ANALYSIS: SOCIAL FINANCE

           Last year, SoFi launched Student Loan        an undisclosed sum. It also raised $500m in       DUCA Financial Services Credit Union. Kuh-
        Payoff Refi for home mortgages and student      Series F financing in February 2017 led by        lmann has taken an executive role leading
        loans in partnership with Fannie Mae. In        private equity firm Silver Lake Partners. The     banking products at SoFi, and Zenbanx staff
        addition to new lending products, SoFi intro-   investment, which brings the company’s total      have also joined SoFi.
        duced its SoFi at Work brand for employee       funding to $1.9bn, will be used to speed up         “With Zenbanx joining SoFi, we’re mov-
        financial wellness, SoFi Wealth for modern      SoFi’s expansion into new product areas and       ing one step closer to becoming the centre
        investment management, and a partnership        countries outside the US.                         of our members’ financial lives by adding
        with Protective to offer term life insurance.      In a SoFi blog, Cagney wrote: “We’ve           SoFi deposit, money transfer, and credit
           SoFi focuses primarily on student lend-      never been shy about SoFi’s ambitions to          card products to our offerings for members,”
        ing to clients who are at top universities      become the center of our member’s financial       Cagney said in February 2017.
        and have the potential to become HNWIs,”        lives. Offering deposits, credit cards, and         “The logic behind SoFI’s acquisition of
        Greer says. “It wants to offer banking ser-     payment solutions is key to that ambition,        Zenbanx is twofold,” explains Ron Shev-
        vices on top of loans to these clients. SoFi    and we think we can offer something better        lin, director of research at US-based Cor-
        makes money from securitising its loans and     than incumbent players with the same kind         nerstone Advisors. “SoFi needs deposits to
        from its refinancing and lending process.”      of innovation we’ve brought to other areas        fund its lending business, and it wants a bank
          According to the Wall Street Journal, SoFi    of finance, like student loan refinancing, per-   offering to become the provider of choice to
        estimates it will generate $600m in revenue     sonal loans, and mortgages.                       young upwardly mobile consumers.
        in 2017, after receiving $40m in adjusted          Zenbanx, established in 2012 by Arkadi           “It isn’t going to scale. Zenbanx has little
        profit in the first quarter.                    Kuhlmann, founder of ING Direct Canada            name recognition and won’t be much of a
           In April 2017, SoFi launched an invest-      and ING Direct USA, offers mobile banking         draw to many SoFi customers who are per-
        ment fund to give investors access to its       accounts that let customers save and send         fectly happy with the mobile offerings of
        loan portfolio, disclosing in a Securities      money in multiple currencies domestically         their existing banks.”
        and Exchange Commission filing that it          and internationally.                                 Following its purchase of Zenbanx, SoFi
        raised $105m for its SoFi Prime Income             Its mobile app was designed to eliminate       plans to launch a range of mobile deposit,
        Fund. Each investor contributed a minimum       the complexities of international banking         credit, and payment products to its US mem-
        of $500,000.                                    for people who bank cross-border. US Zen-         bers in 2017, as well as offer its products in
           In February 2017, SoFi bought Delaware,      banx accounts are available through WSFS          Australia and Canada by 2017 end, SoFi said
        California- and Toronto-based Zenbanx for       Bank, and in Canada through Toronto-based         in a news release. <

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                                                                                                                                                            May 2017 y 9

CI 543 May.indd 9                                                                                                                              12/06/2017 15:38:25
Digital touch briefings ad copy - MF 18042016.indd 1                                                                                              18/04/2016 11:15:29
RESEARCH: GLOBALDATA                                                                                                                       Cards International

        Canadians less keen than their US peers
        on mobile payments
        The US is unusual in that mobile proximity             Canadian banks including RBC, CIBC,                 that key players in the payments market
        payments are increasingly popular, despite          ATB Financial and Canadian Tire Bank                   need to put significant effort into driving
        the absence of a contactless cards market.          have also sought to drive growth in the                interest in mobile payments.
        Meanwhile in Canada, consumer interest in           Canadian mobile payments market by                       Only 12% of Canadians carry out
        mobile proximity payments remains muted.            partnering with Apple.                                 m-commerce transactions, compared to
           According to GlobalData’s Cards and                 A number of other recent initiatives –              16% of their US peers. However, m-com-
        Payments Market Drivers, the US had a               including the launch of a contactless mobile           merce is forecast to record stronger growth
        55% smartphone penetration in 2015,                 payment service for Android by American                in Canada than in the US, with a CAGR of
        compared to 49% in Canada.                          Express, and Scotiabank’s My Mobile Wal-               26% over 2015-2020, compared to only
           While the US mobile payments market              let – are looking to attract Canadian con-             12% in the US.
        is highly competitive and features a wide           sumers to mobile proximity payments.                     Mobiles will be increasingly used for
        range of brands, it is less fragmented than            Yet mobile wallet ownership stands at               impulse buys and small purchases at home
        the cards market. Most big brands are               16% in Canada, significantly below the                 or on the move, as consumers become
        available to any consumer, regardless of            global average of 29% and that of the US               increasingly comfortable with the form
        who they bank with, and Apple Pay in par-           at 33%. The majority of Canadian con-                  factor and with storing their card details
        ticular has partnerships with almost every          sumers do not have a mobile wallet, and                on merchant sites or apps to enable
        retail bank in the country.                         have no interest in getting one, indicating            quick checkouts. <

        Land of mobile payment opportunities:
        India leads the charge in Asia-Pacific
        The role of mobile payments in e-commerce            n DIGITAL WALLET USE FOR E-COMMERCE IN ASIA-PACIFIC
        has become increasingly important in the past
        few years, and as a growing proportion of
        global trade goes online, there is a large poten-
        tial opportunity for digital and mobile wallets.
           In the five years to the end of 2016, Chi-                                                        China
        nese payments via digital wallets grew from                                                          524%
        around $98bn in 2012 to over $500bn. These                             India                                                   Hong Kong
                                                                              2,233%                                                      365%
        staggering statistics are driven mainly by the                        $5.5bn                                                     $6.1bn
        proliferation of Alipay and WeChat’s Tenpay.
        However, there are several other Asia-Pacific                                                                               1,506%
        markets where the prospects for mobile pay-                                                                                  $588m
        ments are equally bright.                                                    584% Malaysia
           According to GlobalData’s Payment Card                                   $1.9bn  694%
        Analytics, the most exciting markets for digi-                                      $134m
        tal wallets are in Asia-Pacific, where even Chi-                                                                                                 New Zealand
        na’s huge growth rate only ranks in the middle            Percentages refer to
                                                                                                                          203%                              260%
                                                             growth in digital wallet use in   Singapore                                                   $440m
        of the pack. Digital wallet payments in India           e-commerce, 2016-2016            596%                    $5.2bn
        grew by over 2,200% in the five years to the                                             $386m Indonesia
        end of 2016, and both Vietnam and Indone-                                                        $337m
        sia are exciting markets that have recorded
        extraordinary growth in the past five years.
           In markets such as Vietnam and India,             Source: GlobalData
        where there are large untapped markets with
        underdeveloped payment infrastructure, the             However, the outlook for India is extreme-          – enough to focus the world’s attention on
        environment is right for new digital payment        ly positive. Consumers and merchants alike             markets other than China.
        providers, because while growth rates have          have already embraced Paytm, which offers                Most importantly for the significant
        been impressive, absolute volumes and values        QR code-based mobile payments, while                   underserved population in the developing
        still have a long way to go. For example, at the    India’s government is pushing for a national           parts of Asia-Pacific, the proliferation of digi-
        end of 2016 the value of transactions made          QR standard to help bring digital payments             tal wallets will reduce dependence on cash
        by digital wallets in India reached $5.5bn – a      to the unbanked.                                       and bring multiple benefits to consumers in
        low figure given that the country accounts for         The market is forecast to record several            the region, including accessible and afford-
        almost 20% of the global population.                years of very high mobile payments growth              able payments and financial services. <

        10 y May 2017                                                                                                         

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