Churubusco Jr.- Sr. High School - Course Description Guide 2017-2018 - Smith-Green Community Schools - Smith Green Community ...

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Churubusco Jr.- Sr. High School - Course Description Guide 2017-2018 - Smith-Green Community Schools - Smith Green Community ...
Churubusco Jr.– Sr. High School
Jim Folland, Principal ● Mark Fowerbaugh, Assistant Principal ● Paul Sade, Athletic Director ● Sondra Cook, Guidance Director  Kim Burns, Jr High Counselor

                Course Description Guide

                   Smith-Green Community Schools
Table of Contents
Career Pathways ······································································· Page 3

School Mission & Vision ····························································· Page 4

Procedures for Registration & Schedule Changes ································ Page 4

Honor Roll Information ······························································ Page 5

High Ability/Gifted Education ······················································· Page 5

Special Education ····································································· Page 5

Graduation Requirements ···························································· Page 6

Business Education···································································· Page 8

Language Arts·········································································· Page 9

Fine Arts ················································································ Page 11

World Languages ······································································ Page 12

Mathematics············································································ Page 12

Health & PE ············································································ Page 14

Science ·················································································· Page 14

Social Studies ·········································································· Page 15

Vocational Education ································································· Page 16

Technology Education ································································ Page 17

Agriculture ············································································· Page 17

IMPACT Institute······································································ Page 18

Post Secondary Opportunities ······················································· Page 24

Indiana College & Career Pathways

            Agriculture                                         Architecture &                            Arts, AV Technology
                                                                 Construction                              & Communication
Agribusiness          Horticulture & Land-
                       scape Management                         Construction Trades                                       Web & Digital
                                                                                                           Visual         Communications
      Life Sciences                      Commercial & Res-
                                          idential Facilities                Drafting & Design

                                                    Education &                                                Health Science
   Business &
   Marketing                                                                           Biomedical
                                                                                                                       Health Care
                                                   Education & Early
 Business                                          Childhood                                  Dental
  Administration                                                                                               Nursing

      Hospitality & Human                                 Information                                         Manufacturing &
            Services                                      Technology                                             Logistics

Cosmetology                   Culinary Arts                                                Manufacturing                   Machine
  Hospitality            Human & Social                                                      Electronics
  Management                Services                                PC Networking                                   Logistics & Supply
                                                                      & Support                                     Management

         Public Safety                                    STEM                                                 Transportation
                                                                                     Collision repair
 Criminal                     Fire and
                                                      Engineering                                                           Aviation
  Justice                     Rescue
                                                                               Diesel Service
                                                                                Technology                      Recreational & Mobile
               EMT/Paramedics                                                 Automotive
                                                                              Technology                Tractor Trailer Operations

School Mission and Vision                                                      Procedures for
          The mission of Churubusco Junior/Senior High School is to                      Registration and Changes
create a safe, respectful, inclusive learning environment that fosters
and develops in students the knowledge, skills, and citizenship neces-
sary for students to become active and positive members of a global           1.   Students should enroll in seven classes. However, those stu-
society.                                                                           dents who are taking a dual college credit course may enroll
                                                                                   in five classes at the high school and one college course for a
Vision                                                                             total of six courses. Students may have 2 periods “off” for
Providing excellence in education, promoting lifelong learning, and
                                                                                   one college course. No study hall classes will be offered.
preparing students for an evolving world.
                                                                              2.   Students will start scheduling in January. A copy of their
                                                                                   schedule will be given to them before summer vacation.
                                                                                   Schedules may be changed until the end of the school year
“Preparing our students for the world of tomorrow!”
                                                                                   that year. After that, no changes for first semester will be
                                                                                   granted. Students may change second semester elective
Churubusco Junior Senior High School believes:                                     classes prior to the semester starting, during a scheduled time.
Students                                                                           You may not drop a year long elective. After the semester
 will learn and achieve excellence in a safe, disciplined environment             begins class changes will not be granted.
    where students feel trusted, supported and have a sense of belonging.     3.   Seniors will be allowed to graduate mid-year if they have
 will accept responsibility for setting high academic and character               completed all graduation requirements including passing both
    goals and work to give their best effort in achieving those goals.             sections of the ECAs. Special permission must be obtained
 will develop a commitment to the community.                                      and paperwork must be completed in guidance prior to the
                                                                                   end of the student’s junior year.
Staff                                                                         4.   Students will have the option of graduating after six semes-
 will create and maintain a learning environment that is safe, motivat-           ters only if they are planning to pursue post-secondary oppor-
     ing, student centered and focused on state academic standards.                tunities or plan to join the military. Documentation is re-
 will meet whole group and individual needs of students which will                quired stating that the student has been accepted into the mili-
     foster a love of lifelong learning.                                           tary or a post-secondary institution. Students must also com-
 will encourage each other and work together to create an atmosphere              plete all graduation requirements, including passing both sec-
     of collegiality and collaboration in all grade levels.                        tions of the ECA’s, by the end of their junior year. This will
                                                                                   allow students to be eligible for the Mitch Daniels Early
                                                                                   Graduation Scholarship. Special permission must be ob-
                                                                                   tained and paperwork must be completed in guidance prior to
                               504, AND ADA)                                       the end of the student’s sophomore year.
   The School Board does not discriminate on the basis of religion,                Mitch Daniels Early Graduation Scholarship
    race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or genetic infor-          Students who graduate from a publicly supported high school
  mation in its programs, activities, or employment. Further, it is the            at least one year early, after December 31, 2010, may apply
 policy of this Corporation to provide an equal opportunity for all stu-           for the Mitch Daniel Early Graduation Scholarship. The
 dents, regardless of race, color, creed, age, disability, religion, gen-          scholarship is a one-time $4,000 award that may be applied
 der, ancestry, national origin, place of residence within the bounda-             toward tuition and fees at any SSACI eligible Indiana col-
 ries of the Corporation, or social or economic background, to learn
through the curriculum offered in this Corporation. Complaint Proce-
dure Section I Any person who believes that s/he has been discrim-            Additional information regarding the scholarship is available at:
inated against or denied equal opportunity or access to programs or 
     services may file a complaint, which may be referred to as a
  grievance, with the Corporation’s Civil Rights Coordinator:
                   Mr. Todd Fleetwood, Business Manager
                       Smith-Green Community Schools
                                 222 West Tulley
                             Churubusco, IN 46723
                                  260-693-1003                                         There are four different diplomas that students can earn:
The individual may also, at any time, contact the U.S. Department of Educa-   the General Diploma, Core 40, Core 40/Technical Honors, or
tion, Office for Civil Rights, Chicago Office, Citigroup Center, 500 W.       Core 40/Academic Honors. The requirements for all of these
Madison Street, Suite 1475, Chicago, Illinois 60661; telephone:               diplomas are different so it is important that students and parents
(312) 730-1530; Fax: (312) 730-1576; TDD: 877-521-2172; E-                    take an active role in the four year plan. At Churubusco Jr. - Sr.
mail:; Web:                         High School, we have the expectation that all students will work
                                                                              toward, at a minimum, the Core 40 diploma.

                                                                                       Students and parents may only elect to receive a General
                                                                              Diploma after a conference with the principal and guidance coun-
                                                                              selor. Students who receive a General Diploma will not be admit-
                                                                              ted to most Indiana four year colleges.

The completion of Core 40 is an Indiana graduation require-
ment. Indiana’s Core 40 curriculum provides the academic
                                                                                       NCAA Eligibility
foundation all students need to succeed in college and the work-
                                                                              A student entering a Division I or Division II institution
                                                                       directly out of high school, must have graduated with a mini-
                                                                       mum grade point average of 2.3 on a 4.0 scale (7.0 on a 12.0
To graduate with less than Core 40, the following formal opt-out       scale). This grade point average must be achieved in a core
process must be completed:                                             curriculum of at least 16 academic full-year courses. The
    The student, the student’s parent/guardian, and the student’s     NCAA recommends you do this by taking 4 years of English, 4
     counselor (or another staff member who assists students in        years of Math, 4 years of Social Science, and 4 years of Science.
     course selection) must meet to discuss the student’s progress.    None of these courses may be vocational, remedial, or Special
                                                                       Education courses to qualify. Along with these required aca-
    The student’s Graduation Plan (including four year course         demic courses, the student must score an aligned score with
     plan) is reviewed.                                                your GPA on the ACT or SAT. Students must also register with
    The student’s parent/guardian determines whether the student      the NCAA Clearinghouse.
     will achieve greater educational benefits by completing the
     general curriculum or the Core 40 curriculum.
                                                                          High Ability-Gifted Education
    If the decision is made to opt-out of Core 40, the student is
     required to complete the course and credit requirements for a            High Ability students can take advantage of many oppor-
     general diploma and the career/academic sequence the student      tunities during their high school years. One, students have the
     will pursue is determined.                                        opportunity to excel and challenge themselves in many academ-
                                                                       ic areas while taking high school courses at Churubusco Jr. - Sr.
                                                                       High School. Secondly, students have the option of acquiring
                                                                       dual/concurrent credit during their junior or senior year with
                                                                       area universities. These courses can be either campus-related or
           Honor Roll Information                                      online. In addition, we encourage students to become involved
                                                                       in extra-curricular activities such as Destination Imagination,
                                                                       Academic Teams, and other academically-related groups that
      We publish the honor roll four times a year. Students who        promote academic and critical thinking skills. Furthermore, we
achieve a grade point average of 9.6 or above are on the honor roll    highly encourage students to take full advantage of summer
                                                                       opportunities: “gifted” camps (GERI Camp at Purdue Universi-
list. Those who score below 9.6 but above 7.6 will be listed as hon-   ty, iD Tech camps at various locations, Culver Academies Sum-
orable mention. Academic excellence is not limited to the students     mer Camp, etc.), dual credit, or travel opportunities. These
                                                                       options can be found in the Smith-Green Community Schools
who make this list, but this award is indicative of hard work and      High Ability booklet available in the office or upon request .

                                                                                      Special Education
                                                                             The senior high follows the inclusion model in its curricu-
                                                                       lum with all students on a diploma track participating in regular
                                                                       classrooms. The IEP (Individualized Education Plan) is imple-
                                                                       mented by teachers and paraprofessionals providing support in
                                                                       classrooms to accommodate students needs. Additional support
                                                                       is provided in the Resource Room in the form of small group
                                                                       instruction based on student need.

Effective beginning with stu-
                                    dents who enter high school                               with Academic Honors (min. 47 crs)
                                    in 2012-13 school year (class
                                    of 2016).
                                                                          For the Core 40 with Academic Honors diploma, students must:
                                                                           Complete all requirements for Core 40.
             Course and Credit Requirements
                                                                           Earn 2 additional Core 40 math credits.
English/        8 credits
                                                                           Earn 6-8 Core 40 world language credits
Language                                                                      (6 credits in one language or 4 credits each in two languages).
Arts               Including a balance of literature, compo-
                   sition and speech.                                        Earn 2 Core 40 fine arts credits.
                                                                             Earn a grade of a “C” or better in courses that will count toward the diploma.
Mathemat-          6 credits (in grades 9-12)
ics                                                                          Have a grade point average of a “B” or better.
                   2 credits: Algebra I
                   2 credits: Geometry                                       Complete one of the following:
                   2 credits: Algebra II                                        A. Earn 4 credits in 2 or more AP courses and take corresponding AP
                   Or complete Integrated Math I, II, and III for 6                  exams
                   credits.. Students must take a math or quanti-               B. Earn 6 verifiable transcripted college credits in dual credit courses
                   tative reasoning course each year in high                         from the approved dual credit list.
                   school                                                       C. Earn two of the following:
Science            6 credits                                                         1. A minimum of 3 verifiable transcripted college credits from the
                                                                                          approved dual credit list,
                   2 credits: Biology I                                              2. 2 credits in AP courses and corresponding AP exams,
                   2 credits: Chemistry I or Physics I or                            3. 2 credits in IB standard level courses and corresponding IB
                              Integrated Chemistry-Physics                                exams.
                   2 credits: any Core 40 science course                        D. Earn a combined score of 1750 or higher on the SAT critical read-
                                                                                     ing, mathematics and writing sections and a minimum score of 530
Social             6 credits                                                         on each
Studies                                                                         E. Earn an ACT composite score of 26 or higher and complete written
                   2 credits: U.S. History
                   1 credit: U.S. Government                                         section
                   1 credit: Economics                                          F. Earn 4 credits in IB courses and take corresponding IB exams.
                   2 credits: World History/Civilization or
                   Geography/History of the World
                                                                                                with Technical Honors                    (mini. 47 crs)
Directed           5 credits
                                                                          For the Core 40 with Technical Honors diploma, students must:
                   World Languages
                   Fine Arts                                               Complete all requirements for Core 40.
                   Career and Technical Education                          Earn 6 credits in the college and career preparation courses in a state-
                                                                            approved College & Career Pathway and one of the following:
Physical           2 credits
                                                                                1. State approved, industry recognized certification or creden-
                                                                                    tial, or
Health and         1 credit                                                     2. Pathway dual credits from the approved dual credit list result-
Wellness                                                                            ing in 6 transcripted college credits
                                                                           Earn a grade of “C” or better in courses that will count toward the
Electives*         6 credits                                                diploma.
                   (College   and Career Pathway courses recommend-        Have a grade point average of a “B” or better.
                                                                           Complete one of the following,
                41 Total Credits Required                                       A. Any one of the options (A - F) of the Core 40 with Academic
                                                                                B. Earn the following scores or higher on WorkKeys; Reading
                                                                                    for Information – Level 6, Applied Mathematics – Level 6,
                                                                                    and Locating Information-Level 5.
Schools may have additional local graduation requirements that apply to         C. Earn the following minimum score(s) on Accuplacer: Writing
all students                                                                        80, Reading 90, Math 75.
* Specifies the number of electives required by the state. High school          D. Earn the following minimum score(s) on Compass; Algebra
schedules provide time for many                                                     66, Writing 70, Reading 80.
more electives during the high school years. All students are strongly
encouraged to complete a College and Career Pathway (selecting
electives in a deliberate manner) to take full advantage of career and
college exploration and preparation opportunities.

In addition to the rigorous business curriculum, students will partake in
                                                                              workshops throughout the year that highlight specific career paths within
Dual credit courses through Ivy Tech                                          business, skills, and professional development themes. Upon completion
for 2016-2017:                                                                of the Busco Business Academy, students will receive a letter of recom-
                                                                              mendation from the staff and an honor cord to wear at graduation.
1.  Ivy Tech dual credit courses:
         A. English Composition: ENGL 111 (11th grade English)                Required Courses for Business Academy:
         B. Introduction to Literature: ENGL 206 (12th grade English)         1) Principles of Marketing– 2 semesters
         C. Pre-Calculus: MATH 136 & 137                                      2) Intro to Accounting- 2 semesters
         D. Spanish III: SPAN 101 & SPAN 102                                  3) Business Law & Ethics - 1 semester, possibly two
         E. Calculus—Long 1: MATH 211 (Calculus AB AP)                        4) Principles of Business Management- 1 semester
         F. American History I & II: HIST 101, 102 (U.S. History)             Possible substitute course- ICE or WBL for 2 of the r equir ed cour ses
(30 dual credits available through these classes)                             Possible Additional Future Courses: Advanced Computer Applica-
                                                                              tions and Business Math

Important Information regarding dual                                                    PREPARING FOR COLLEGE & CAREERS
credit courses:                                                                              (GRADE 9) 1 Credit; 18 Weeks

                                                                              Preparing for College & Careers addresses the knowledge, skills, and
    Students are required to meet the requirements for each indi-            behaviors all students need to be prepared for success in college, career,
     vidual course in order to take the course as dual credit. Re-            and life. The focus of the course is the impact of today’s choices on to-
     quirements are different depending upon each course.                     morrow’s possibilities. Topics to be addressed include twenty-first centu-
    Students will need to meet the cutoff scores for PSAT, SAT,              ry life and career skills; high order thinking, communication, leadership,
     ACT, or the Accuplacer test in order to enroll.                          and management processes; exploration of personal aptitudes, interests ,
    Students must complete an Ivy Tech dual credit application.              values, and goals; examining multiple life roles and responsibilities as
                                                                              individuals and family members; planning and building employability
    Students wanting to take ENGL 206 are required to take                   skills ; transferring school skills to life and work; and managing personal
     ENGL 111 their junior year. It is a required prerequisite.               resources.
    Students wanting to take MATH 211 are required to take                   Required for graduation and a prerequisite for ICE/WBL.
     both MATH 136 & MATH 137 as a prerequisite.
                                                                                   DIGITAL APPLICATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY
                                                                                           (GRADE 9) 1 Credit; 18 Weeks
                  New Courses Added
1.   Physics                                                                  Digital Applications and Responsibility prepares students to use technolo-
2.   Biology 2 (replaces PLTW Biomed)                                         gy in an effective and appropriate manner in school, in a job, or everyday
3.   Accounting                                                               life. Students develop skills related to word processing, spreadsheets,
                                                                              presentations, and communications software. Students learn what it means
                                                                              to be a good digital citizen and how to use technology, including social
                   Business Education                                         media, responsibly. Students expand their knowledge of how to use digital
                                                                              devices and software to build decision-making and problem-solving skills.
       Business, Management, and Finance is a career and technical educa-     Required for graduation and recommended to be taken during fresh-
tion sequence that prepares students to plan, organize, direct, and control   man year.
the functions and processes of a firm or organization and to perform busi-
ness-related functions. Students are provided opportunities to develop                  PERSONAL FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY
attitudes and apply skills and knowledge in the areas of business admin-
istration, management, and finance. Individual experiences will be based
                                                                                           (GRADE 10-12); 1 Credit; 18 Weeks
upon the student’s career and educational goals.
                                                                                     Personal Finance is a course that focuses on personal financial plan-
       The Business Department provides instruction in the areas of gen-
                                                                              ning. The content includes financial planning, income and asset protec-
eral and basic business education, office occupational education, computer
                                                                              tion, income and money management, and spending and credit manage-
education, and vocational education.
                                                                              ment. Students will learn the financial concepts and principles that pro-
       The use of computers in our daily lives and in the work place con-
                                                                              vide a basis for avoiding financial pitfalls.
tinues to grow. Therefore, all students will learn computer skills. Tech-
                                                                              Required for graduation and recommended to be taken during Sopho-
nology impacts all citizens, and our students must be prepared to live and
                                                                              more year.
succeed in a technological environment.
                                                                                               PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING
           Busco Business Academy (BBA)                                                       (GRADE 10-12); 2 Credits; 36 weeks
           In 2016-2017, Churubusco High School will start offering a                               Offered 2018-2019
Business Academy. This Academy will motivate and assist students in
their journey to become the business leaders of tomorrow, with a rigorous     Principles of Marketing provides a basic introduction to the scope and
business curriculum that prepares them for secondary-level business edu-      importance of marketing in the global economy. Emphasis is placed on
cation and the professional world. Students will be selected based on per-    oral and written communications, mathematical applications, problem
formance through Planning for College and Careers, as well as Digital         solving, and critical thinking skills as they relate to advertising/promotion/
Citizenship. Students selected with be those that preform exceptionally in    selling, distribution, financing, marketing information management, pric-
these courses, demonstrate the desire to study business or are undecided      ing, and product/service management.
and have at least a 2.75 GPA (8.25/12 GPA). Students also must success-       Prerequisite: Digital Applications and Responsibility
fully complete an interview with the panel of business education teachers.

              (GRADE 10-12) 2 credits; 2 semesters                                                WORK BASED LEARNING
       Introduction to Accounting introduces the language of business                                     NON-PAID
using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and procedures                             (Grade 12); 6 Credits; 36 Weeks
for proprietorships and partnerships using double-entry accounting. Em-                    Work Based Learning is a career and technical education busi-
phasis is placed on accounting principles as they relate to both manual        ness and information technology course that is designed to provide oppor-
and automated financial systems. This course involves understanding,           tunities for students to participate in workplace learning that is reflective
analyzing, and recording business transactions and preparing, analyzing,       of a student’s career interest. Upon completion of the internship, students
and interpreting financial reports as a basis for decision-making.             will review and revise their career plans. Students will participate in a
Prerequisites: Digital Applications & Responsibility                           workplace experience, in regularly scheduled meetings with the supervis-
                                                                               ing teacher, and in workshops or seminars that assist students in making
                                                                               the connection between academic learning and workplace experiences.
                    CADET TEACHING
                                                                               Internships can be tailored to the unique needs and interests of the learner.
              (GRADE 11, 12) 2 Credits; 2 Semesters                            A learning agreement outlines the expectations of all parties: the student,
                                                                               parent, supervisor, employer, and school.
          This elective course provides students in grades eleven (11) or      A minimum of 70 hours of workplace experience is required for one credit
twelve (12) organized exploratory teaching experiences in grades kinder-             (2 credit max = 140 hrs)
garten (K) through grade nine (9). All teaching experiences should be          A minimum of 15 hours of workshops, seminars, and/or classroom activi-
preplanned by the high school Cadet Teaching Experience teacher-trainer              ties is required for one credit.
and the cooperating teacher(s) who are supervising prospective teachers        Students will need to average at least 8 hours per week to earn the neces-
and providing them with pre-training experiences in one or more classes.             sary credits for a semester
                                                                               A one or two credit course over one semester
This course provides a balance of class work relating to: (1) classroom        Work-Based Learnings are non-paid Internships
organization, (2) classroom management, (3) the curriculum and instruc-        Training plans and agreements will be used to help the student have a
tional process, (4) observations of teaching, and (5) instructional experi-          successful experience.
ences. Study topics and background reading provide the cadets with in-
formation concerning the teaching profession and the nature of the cadet
teachers’ assignments. Evaluation is based upon the cadet teachers’ coop-
eration, day-to-day practical performance, and class work including the                                Language Arts
cadets’ potential ability to teach. The total workload of the Cadet Teach-
ing course is comparable to those for other subjects in the high school
curriculum.                                                                         Belief Statement
Students MUST be interested in the field of education to apply.
                                                                                     The English/Language Arts Department believes that with profes-
                                                                               sional growth, communication, and a commitment to our students we can
                                                                               achieve greater continuity, build relationships with students, and create a
                       (ICE)                                                   professional learning environment that supports the learning of language,
       (GRADE 12); 2-4 Credits; 1 or 2 Semesters                               literature, written and oral communication, and the development of 21 st
                                                                               century skills.
Interdisciplinary Cooperative Education (ICE) spans all career and tech-
nical education program areas through an interdisciplinary approach to
training for employment. The following two components must be includ-                              ACADEMIC ENGLISH 9
ed as part of the Interdisciplinary Cooperative Education course.
                                                                                                 (GRADE 9) 2 Credits; 36 Weeks
Related Instruction,
                                                                                          English 9 is an integrated study of language, literature, writing,
There is a classroom component of ICE. It will be organized and planned
                                                                               vocabulary and oral communication. Writing assignments stress proper
around the activities associated with the student’s individual job and
                                                                               organization and focus, as well as how to communicate with different
career objectives in a career cluster area; and shall be taught during the
                                                                               purposes, audiences, and styles. Essays of multiple paragraphs are
same semesters as the student is receiving on-the-job training. The con-
                                                                               stressed, and process writing is used. A persuasive research paper, struc-
cepts, skills, and attitudes basic to occupational competence are to be
                                                                               tured around a thesis statement, provides students with the opportunity to
taught in school and are to be applied and tested on the job. Because
                                                                               learn and use research skills. Essay questions are also widely used in con-
each student’s on-the-job activities will vary according to the types of
                                                                               nection with literature selections. Preparation for the English 10 ECA will
occupations in which they have been placed, part of the related instruc-
                                                                               also be a component of this course. This course includes nonfiction, dra-
tional time will be individualized. For a student to become occupationally
                                                                               ma, poetry, short stories, and novels; all of which students are encouraged
competent and therefore employable, the related instruction should cover
                                                                               to evaluate critically.
in varying proportions: (a) general occupational competencies, (b) specif-
ic occupational competencies, and (c) specific job competencies.
On-the-Job Training
This is the actual work experience in an occupation in any one of the
Indiana career clusters that relates directly to the student’s career objec-
tives. On-the-job, the student shall have the opportunity to apply the
concepts, skills, and attitudes learned during Related Instruction, as well
as the skills and knowledge that have been learned in other courses. The
student shall be placed on-the-job under the direct supervision of experi-
enced employees who serve as on-the-job trainers/supervisors in accord-
ance with pre-determined training plans and agreements and who assist in
evaluating the student’s job performance.

                                                                               HONORS ENGLISH 11/ENGL COMPOSITION (ENGL 111)
                  (GRADE 9) 2 Credits; 36 Weeks
                                                                               (GRADE 11) 2 high school credits & 3 college credits; 36 Wks
           Honors English 9 is an integrated study of language, literature,     Must meet specific criteria and complete an Ivy Tech applica-
writing, vocabulary, and oral communication. Students are given the                             tion to enroll if taking for dual credit
opportunity for many self-directed activities to develop literacy skills.
Creativity and self-expression are encouraged in writing activities, and       The first semester of this composition course (ENGL 111) is designed to
emphasis on high level thinking is integrated throughout the curriculum.       develop students’ abilities to think, organize, and express their ideas
Writing assignments stress analytical skills, proper organization, and         clearly and effectively in writing. This course incorporates reading, re-
increasingly sophisticated style, as well as how to communicate with           search, and critical thinking. Emphasis is placed on the various forms of
different purposes, audiences, and styles. Essays of multiple paragraphs       expository writing such as process, description, narration, comparison,
are stressed, and process writing is used. A persuasive research paper,        analysis, persuasion, and argumentation. A research paper is required.
structured around a thesis statement, provides students with the oppor-        Numerous in-class writing activities are required in addition to extended
tunity to learn and use research skills. Essay questions are also widely       essays written outside of class.
used in connection with literature selections. Oral communication as-          Placement determined through student data and teacher recommen-
signments give students the opportunity to listen and speak effectively.       dation.
Vocabulary, which includes Greek and Latin word roots, is also stressed.
Honors English 9 literature includes nonfiction, drama, poetry, short                 ENGLISH LITERATURE & COMPOSITION AP
stories, and novels; all of which students are encouraged to evaluate criti-                (GRADE 12) 2 Credits; 36 weeks
Placement determined through student data and teacher recommen-                            Literature and Composition is a college-level class with col-
dation.                                                                        lege requirements. This course will provide you with intellectual chal-
                                                                               lenges and workload consistent with an undergraduate college English
                   ACADEMIC ENGLISH 10                                         literature course. The focus of this course is the study of artistic use of
                 (GRADE 10) 2 Credits; 36 Weeks                                language of increasing complexity as employed by skilled authors to
                                                                               achieve specific effects on their readers. Evaluation of your progress will
           Through the integrated study of language, literature, composi-      be through in-class and out-of class writing assignments and, timed writ-
tion, vocabulary, and oral communication, this course continues to devel-      ing prompts, as well as content-related coursework throughout the grad-
op skills strengthened and acquired in Academic English 9. This course         ing period. This course includes a study of works from various genres
includes the study of both fiction and nonfiction; thus including the com-     from British and American writers from the sixteenth to the twentieth
prehension and analysis of drama, poetry, short stories, articles, debate,     century. At the end of the spring semester you will have the opportunity
and novels. Each highlight various cultures, messages, authors, and            to earn college credit by taking the Advanced Placement Examination in
themes. Academic English 10 also continues to develop research, library        English Literature and Composition. A student who earns a 3 or above in
media skills, and technology use together with writing and speaking, so        the exam will be granted college credit at most colleges and universities
as to prepare students for college-level study. Vocabulary study for the       throughout the United States.
impending SAT and ECA will also take place.                                    Placement determined through student data and teacher recommen-
                    HONORS ENGLISH 10
                                                                                     INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE (ENGL 206)
                 (GRADE 10) 2 Credits; 36 Weeks
                                                                               (GRADE 12) 2 high school credits & 3 college credits; 36 Wks
          Honors English 10 recognizes that these students are at mastery      Must meet specific criteria and complete an Ivy Tech applica-
level of many of the skills covered in Academic English 9. Through an                                   tion to enroll
integrated study of language, literature, composition, vocabulary, and
oral communications, Honors English 10 emphasizes special projects and                    Introduction to Literature (ENGL 206) is a college-level course
assignments to showcase and continue to polish these skills. This course       that emphasizes the development of basic strategies for critically reading
includes the study of both fiction and nonfiction; thus including the com-     and interpreting poetry, fiction, and drama. It also includes an introduc-
prehension and analysis of drama, poetry, short stories, articles, debate,     tion to the premises and motives of literary analysis and critical methods
and novels. Each highlight various cultures, messages, authors, and            associated with various literary concerns through class discussion and
themes. Academic English 10 also continues to develop research, library        focused writing assignments.
media skills, and technology use together with writing and speaking so as      Prerequisite: Completion of English 111 with a C average
to prepare students for college-level study. Extensive writing projects and
research assignments provide opportunities for self-directed activities,                          ACADEMIC ENGLISH 12
and creativity is also encouraged.                                                              (GRADE 12) 2 Credits; 36 Weeks
Placement determined by student data and teacher recommendation.
                                                                                           Academic English 12 is a study of language, literature, writing,
                   ACADEMIC ENGLISH 11                                         vocabulary, and oral communication, like previous English courses; but
                 (GRADE 11) 2 Credits; 36 Weeks                                students are expected to work with an increasing degree of independence
                                                                               as they work to prepare for college and career. This course increases
          Through the integrated study of language, composition, and           students’ awareness and development of language arts skills and commu-
oral communication, Academic English 11 further develops the skills and        nication skills required of students to achieve success in post-secondary
knowledge previously learned. Its focus, however, is on American Liter-        experiences, either in the world of work or education. With emphasis on
ature. Understanding the relationship among literature, culture, and his-      the needs of students, this course sharpens critical thinking and interpre-
tory is emphasized. Vocabulary, particularly in preparation for the SAT,       tive skills, with an emphasis on higher level thinking skills. Oral com-
continues to be included. At least one major research project will be          munication, such as interviewing, prepares students to adapt content,
included among the various composition assignments and projects. The           presentation and delivery. A variety of writing experiences will occur,
literacy emphasis of Honors English 11 is American Literature. Under-          including an extensive research paper. Students will critically study
standing the relationship between literature and the other core classes is     complex works of British literature, including fiction, poetry, and essays.
emphasized.                                                                    Students will also read a variety of nonfiction pieces—both historical and
               (GRADE 11, 12) 1 Credit; 18 Weeks                                              INTRODUCTION TO 2-D ART and
                                                                                                  ADVANCED ART 1 & 2
       This class will provide practice and study in principle and tech-
                                                                                            (GRADE 9, 10, 11, 12) 1 Credit; 18 Weeks
niques of Speech and Public Speaking. Also included will be instruction
in adapting speeches for a given audience and purpose, with focus on
                                                                                         This course introduces students to the Elements of Art and Prin-
effectiveness and professionalism.
                                                                               ciples of Design while developing artistic skills. Studio experiences in the
                                                                               classroom will give students opportunities to experience a variety of media
       Students will make speeches in the areas of: viewpoint, instruction,
                                                                               (pencil, pen, ink, charcoal, pastel, watercolor, and tempera paint as well as
demonstration, information, persuasion, and impromptu. Writing will be
                                                                               clay and printmaking) while developing student’s individual style and
stressed when creating speeches for creative, analytical, or expository
                                                                               creative problem solving skills. Students will demonstrate their ability to
purposes, while reading literature genres related to course content and
                                                                               respond, to analyze and to interpret their own artwork and the work of
speaking assignments. Students will also have to do some research using
                                                                               others through discussions, critiques, and writings. This course is meant
organization, preparation, and technology, while practicing critical listen-
                                                                               to be taken for the entire year but can be taken for 1 semester.
ing skills. (Grade 10 with special permission only.)
                                                                               1st Semester (fall): pencil, pen/ink, char coal, pastels, and water color .
                    LIBRARY MEDIA                                              2nd Semester (spring): hand built cer amics and glazing, pr intmaking,
              (GRADE 11 & 12) 1 Credit; 18 Weeks                               tempera painting, portrait and perspective drawing.

          Library Media is the study and application of procedures based       Course Requirements: Classroom projects, homework sketching, art
on library science theory. Students examine the role of the library and        history, critiques, notes, tests, art kit, ART FEE.
technology in the current Information Age. Students use electronic re-
sources for specific research needs and use multimedia presentation tech-                        ADVANCED 2-D ART (Art 3-4)
nology for practical applications. ELECTIVE CREDIT                                             (GRADE 11, 12) 2 Credits; 36 Weeks
                   LANGUAGE ARTS LAB                                                  Students in this course build on the sequential learning experiences
                (GRADE 10-12) 1 Credit; 18 weeks                               of Introduction to Two-Dimensional Art that encompass art history, art
                                                                               criticism, aesthetics, and production and lead to the creation of portfolio
Language Arts Lab is a supplemental course that provides students with         quality works. Students explore historical and cultural background and
individualized or small group instruction designed to support success in       connections; analyze, interpret, theorize, and make informed judgments
completing course work aligned with the Indiana Academic Standards for         about artwork and the nature of art; create two-dimensional works of art,
English Language/Arts focusing on the writing and reading standards. All       reflect upon the outcomes, and revise their work; relate art to other disci-
students should be concurrently enrolled in an English course in which         plines and discover opportunities for integration; and incorporate literacy
class work will address all of the Indiana Academic Standards. Students        and presentational skills. They identify ways to utilize and support art
are required to be in this course if they do not pass the Eng 10               museums, galleries, studios, and community resources.
ISTEP+ or ECA. ELECTIVE CREDIT                                                 Studio experiences include:

                                                                               1st Semester (fall): water color , canvas painting with oils/acr ylics,
                                                                               graphite pencil drawing.
                          FINE ARTS                                            2nd Semester (spring): hand-built ceramics, printmaking, mixed media.

     Belief Statement                                                          Course Requirements: Classroom projects, homework journal draw-
          The Fine Arts Department of Churubusco Jr./Sr. High is com-          ings, art history, critiques, art kit, ART FEE.
     mitted to engaging students in a process that enables them to devel-      Prerequisite: Grade of a “B” or higher in Intro. to 2-D and completion
     op the self-esteem, self-discipline, self-motivation, and cooperation     of 4 semesters (or 2 years) of Art projects.
     for success in life, as well as inspire students to become life-long
     participants and supporters of the arts.                                                                    MUSIC
                                                                                                     CONCERT BAND
                                                                                           (GRADE 9, 10, 11, 12) 2 Credits; 36 Weeks

                                                                                          Students taking this course are provided with a balanced com-
                                                                               prehensive study of music through the concert band, which develops skills
                                                                               in the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains. Ensemble and solo
                                                                               activities are designed to develop elements of musicianship including tone
                                                                               production, technical skills, intonation, music reading skills, listening
                                                                               skills, analyzing music, studying historically significant styles of literature,
                                                                               and integration of other applicable disciplines. Experiences include impro-
                                                                               vising, conducting, playing by ear, and sight-reading. Students develop the
                                                                               ability to understand and convey the composer's intent in performance of
                                                                               music. Students are required to participate in performance opportunities
                                                                               outside of the school day that support and extend learning in the class-
                                                                               room. The group performs at football games, basketball games, parades,
                                                                               college band days, three concerts, and may participate in ISSMA contest.
                                                                               This course is a one-year commitment unless otherwise approved by the

INTERMEDIATE CHORUS                                                                       SPANISH II
            (GRADE 9, 10, 11, 12) 2 Credits; 36 Weeks                                          (Grade 10, 11, 12) 2 Credits; 36 Weeks

            Mixed chorus provides students with opportunities to develop                     In level II of Spanish, the above skills are further developed
musicianship and specific performance skills through ensemble and solo            with the study of additional vocabulary and language structure, as well as
singing. The chorus will be compromised of male and female singers.               exposure to elementary authentic literature. They will concentrate on
Activities create the development of quality repertoire in the diverse            command forms, the use of reflexive verbs and begin to use and refine
styles of choral literature that is appropriate in difficulty and range for the   the past tense.
students. Instruction is designed to enable students to connect, examine,         Prerequisite: Must have a C+ or better in Spanish I, a clear under-
imagine, define, try, extend, refine, and integrate music study into other        standing of verb usage and conjugation must be achieved, and Span-
subject areas. This class will provide instruction in creating, performing,       ish teacher approval.
conducting, listening to and analyzing music. Students develop the abil-
ity to understand and convey the composer’s intent in order to connect                         SPANISH III (SPAN 101 & 102)
the performer performances by professionals during and outside of the                (Grade 11, 12) 2 high school credits & up to 8 college
school day. A limited amount of time, outside the school day, may be
                                                                                                       credits; 36 Weeks
scheduled for dress rehearsals and performances. Students must partici-
pate in performance opportunities, outside of the school day, that support
                                                                                  Must complete application to enroll if taking it for dual credit
and extend learning in the classroom. Choral repertoire should be devel-
opmentally appropriate. Additional emphasis is placed in sight-reading,                      Spanish is the primary medium of instruction. The goal of the
critical listening skills, and vocal technique.                                   course is to continue the development and reinforcement of the skills of
                                                                                  the target language: listening, speaking, reading and writing at an inter-
                                                                                  mediate level. The course continues the study of grammar/syntax and
                                                                                  vocabulary building and introduces Spanish and Latin American civiliza-
         (GRADE 9, 10, 11, 12) 2 Credits; 36 Weeks                                tion through conversation coordinated with the reading of cultural and
                                                                                  literary texts as well as written and oral reports. Conversational Spanish
           New Era is a select vocal and instrumental ensemble whose
                                                                                  will be graded each semester.
members must audition and be selected by the director. The choir studies
                                                                                  Prerequisite: Must have a C+ or better in Spanish II and in English
Classical, Popular, Vocal, Jazz, and Broadway Music. Each year New
                                                                                  and meet Ivy Tech requirements.
Era will learn and perform a show choir stage production. Course em-
phasis will be on proper vocal production, sight-reading, dancing, as well
as choral and solo singing basics (blend, tone quality, dictation, etc.)                                    SPANISH IV
During the fall, much emphasis is placed on preparing a complete show                               (Grade 12) 2 Credits; 36 Weeks
choir production; i.e. a selection of various tempi and styles of music,
choreography and props, as well as individual solos and small ensembles                    Spanish IV will concentrate on some studies of art, the
made up of students within the group. New Era is the touring ensemble             Mayan culture and their reflection on our own culture. There will
of the Choral Department. The group performs at various contests in and           be practice journal writings and sample advanced placement test-
out of the state. (New Era also takes a small or extended tour during the         ing used for college Spanish placement.
Spring depending on the year, and at the discretion of the director.) All
                                                                                  Prerequisite: Successful completion of preceding levels of
members of New Era will purchase and maintain an outfit for the entire
year. This course is a one-year commitment.
                                                                                  Spanish with a grade of a C+ or better and Spanish teacher

                     World Languages                                                   Belief Statement
                                                                                            The vision and mission of the CJSHS Math Department is to
Belief Statement                                                                  promote and encourage the understanding of mathematics as a field of
      The World Language teachers believe that with professional                  study as well as an integral part of an ever changing society.
growth, communication, and a commitment to our students, we can
achieve greater continuity, build relationships with students, and create a
professional learning environment that supports our students’ acquisition                               ALGEBRA I LAB
of a second language, appreciation for other cultures, and awareness of                            (GRADE 9) 2 Credits; 36 Weeks
how studying a second language connects many areas of their lives.
                                                                                         This is a support course for Algebra I. The course provides stu-
                                                                                  dents with additional time to build the foundations necessary for high
                                SPANISH I                                         school math courses, while concurrently having access to rigorous, grade
                (Grade 9, 10, 11, 12); 2 Credits; 36 Weeks                        -level appropriate courses. Placement determined by student data and
       In level I of Spanish, students will obtain basic oral and written         teacher recommendation. ELECTIVE CREDIT
competencies which enable them to (1) answer/ask simple questions, (2)
exchange greetings, (3) make routine requests, (4) listen and respond to
simple directions and commands, (5) express likes and dislikes, (6) de-
scribe people, places, and things, (7) express agreement and disagree-
ment, and (8) state simple problems. Students will also make connec-
tions and comparisons with other cultures as they gain knowledge and
understanding of those cultures.
Prerequisite: Must have a C+ or better in English and Jr. High
Spanish teacher approval

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