Page created by Dave Chandler
October 2016 Issue 536                          

                AUSTRALIA’S SHINING
                  CARDS MARKET

                           • STRATEGY: Digital Wallets
                           • ACQUIRING: Latin America
                  • GUEST COMMENTS: Verizon and The PPRO Group
                      • COUNTRY SURVEYS: Oman & Pakistan

CI 536.indd 1                                                                       12/10/2016 16:54:58
      for financial

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IE RBI final design.indd 1                                                                                    05/05/2016 10:36:41
Cards International                                                                                                                                          EDITOR’S LETTER

         CONTENTS                                            EDITOR’S LETTER
                NEWS: DIGEST
                GUEST COMMENT: VERIZON                       Mobile payments soar but UK not
                Jeffrey Granvold of Verizon
                writes on the need for proper
                infrastructures in the age of the
                                                             even in European top 10: Visa

                Internet of Things

                                                                    he nu mb er of Eu rop ea n consu mers                          card user vs 32% non-contactless card user),
                Aite Group has published an                         regularly using a mobile device – smart-                       shopping via a retailer app (49% vs 31%) or using
                in-depth report on the strategies                   phone, tablet or wearable – to make pay-                       a mobile device to pay for a meal (50% vs 30%).
                that digital wallet providers need to               ments has tripled in the past year.
                adopt in Europe and the pitfalls that
                they need to avoid. Robin Arnfield             But according to research from Visa - the survey                    Prepaid’s future has never looked so bright
                speaks to Ron van Wezel about its            covered more than 36,000 online consumers in 19                       There is no better venue – Italy – for the annual
                key points
                                                             European countries – the UK is punching below its                     Prepaid Summit Europe and awards.
         10     EVENT: ANNUAL PREPAID EUROPE                 weight and is not even in the top 10 markets for                         Timetric research finds that the number of pre-
                SUMMIT AND AWARDS                            mobile payments use.                                                  paid cards in circulation in Italy increased at a
                October means the Principe di                  In the UK, nearly three-quarters (74%) of the                       CAGR of 18.13% from 12.4 million in 2010 to
                Savoia, Milan and the annual Prepaid
                Summit Europe – again sponsored by           people surveyed are mobile payments users, com-                       24.1 million in 2014, and is expected to grow fur-
                Visa. CI previews the Prepaid Europe         pared with the leading markets: Turkey (91%),                         ther to reach 32.4m by 2019.
                Award nominees
                                                             Denmark (89%) Norway and Israel both at 87%                              Growth in the prepaid card market can be
         11     ACQUIRING: LATIN AMERICA                     and Sweden (86%).                                                     attributed to improved infrastructure of POS ter-
                There are still opportunities for US           Poland and Romania (both 79%), Ireland                              minals, security features and promotional offers
                acquirers active in Latin America,           (78%), Finland (77%) and Belgium (75%) round                          by card issuers.
                despite economic turmoil in the
                region. Which countries have a great         off the top 10.                                                          Consumer payment needs are changing and pre-
                number of opportunities? Robin                 The study highlights how consumer adoption                          paid is the payment platform that best serves this
                Arnfield writes
                                                             of digital payments across Europe has shifted                         evolution.
         14     COUNTRY SURVEY: AUSTRALIA                    dramatically in the last 12 months. One year ago,                        Prepaid is evolving from a simple, secure and
         16     COUNTRY SURVEY: OMAN                         38% of people surveyed said they had never used                       reliable payment tool to a new way to connect
         18     COUNTRY SURVEY: PAKISTAN                     a mobile device to make payments and had no                           banks with new customers and segments. It is a
         20     GUEST COMMENT: PPRO GROUP                    plans to do so. Today, that number has dropped                        delivery platform to enable any type of transac-
                Ralf Ohlhausen of the PPRO Group             to 12%.                                                               tional behaviour.
                discusses the value of chatbots when           There is a clear correlation with contactless as                       Prepaid is building new payment ecosystems
                applied to the payments sector
                                                             the increase in engagement with digital payments                      and core solutions to open new markets leveraging
                                                             coincides with greater adoption of contactless                        new channels to communicate with clients and
                                                             technology. According to Visa, the research indi-                     offer content. The future of prepaid in Europe in
                                                             cates that, across all age groups, contactless pay-                   general, and Italy in particular, has never been so
                                                             ments are now the norm. In the UK, more than                          bright.
                                                             half the people surveyed (58%) used contactless                          Short term, the strength of prepaid is reflected
                                                             cards this year, up from 20% in 2015.                                 in Awards shortlists.
                                                               Europe-wide, contactless users are also consist-                       Full details of who won what and why will be
                                                             ently more open to embracing newer payment                            online at from 28
                                                             methods than those who don’t use contactless                          October, and will appear in the November issue
                                                             cards. The study highlights that contactless card                     of CI.
                                                             users are more interested in using a mobile device                                                               Douglas Blakey
                                                             as a payment method in a shop (52% contactless                                   

                                                             Editor: Douglas Blakey                     Sub-editor: Nick Midgley                    For more information on Timetric, visit our
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CI 536.indd 1                                                                                                                                                                            12/10/2016 16:55:01
NEWS: DIGEST                                                                                                                   Cards International


        Worldline acquires majority stake in KB’s processing business
        Worldline, a provider of payments and trans-     for the sale of Cataps on 23 February 2016.         banka, a renowned market leader in the
        actional services, has acquired an 80% stake        Under the terms of the agreement, World-         Czech Republic, which will bring the best
        in Cataps, a subsidiary of the Czech lender      line and KB have signed an additional               assets of the two partners to the retailer com-
        Komercni banka (KB).                             10-year commercial alliance for the develop-        munity, adding our rich payment and digital
          According to Worldline, the takeover will      ment and the growth of these activities in the      retail product portfolio and scalable process-
        enable the company to further develop prod-      Czech Republic.                                     ing systems to the wide distribution network
        uct and services for Czech merchants.               Worldline general manager Marc-Hen-              of Komercni banka, in order to satisfy the
          KB operates as a subsidiary of the Société     ri Desportes said: “Komercni banka and              fast-growing demand of Czech merchants for
        Générale group. After formation in 2014,         Worldline have both been providing payment          electronic payments equipment and associ-
        Cataps assumed KB’s activities in credit         services and innovative solutions to the Euro-      ated services.”
        and debit card payment processing services,      pean market over several decades.                     From 1 October 2016, Cataps will be inte-
        including merchant acquiring.                       “At Worldline, we are now delighted to           grated with the merchant services and termi-
          KB signed an agreement with Worldline          welcome this new alliance with Komercni             nals division of Worldline. <


        Card industry delays slow US chip card transition
        Delays by card companies in installing equip-    it. Around 60% of retailers said they had           blessing. We wish they cared as much about
        ment for retailers to accept new chip-based      been waiting for six months or longer.              security as we do.
        cards have slowed chip card transition in the       NRF senior vice-president and general               “This is frustrating for retailers and con-
        US, according to the National Retail Federa-     counsel Mallory Duncan said: “Most major            fusing for consumers. Worst of all, the new
        tion (NRF).                                      retailers have done their part, but the card        cards provide just a fraction of the security
           A recent NRF survey revealed that 86%         industry continues to drop the ball.                they could because they are only chip-and-
        of US retailers plan to have new EMV chip           “Retailers have spent billions of dollars to     signature rather than the chip-and-PIN used
        card technology completely implemented by        install the new equipment, but card compa-          throughout the rest of the industrialised
        the end of 2016.                                 nies have failed to sign off on the installations   world.
           Of those who do not yet have EMV in           in a timely manner.                                    “Without a secret PIN, virtually any illeg-
        use, 57% said they had already installed the        “Many retailers have had new chip card           ible scrawl of a signature is good enough for
        equipment but were waiting for certification     readers sitting next to their cash registers        a criminal to use an innocent person’s credit
        by the card industry so they could start using   for a year waiting for the card companies’          card with or without a chip.” <


        Green Dot launches Visa-branded credit card
        Green Dot has introduced a Visa-branded          tomer security deposit held at Green Dot            Credit Card is just another way Green Dot
        credit card in the US, specifically designed     Bank, enabling anyone to apply and be               Bank is helping to open the door to financial
        to help people with no prior credit history      approved for the card.                              inclusion for millions of low- and moderate-
        or poor credit scores build a positive credit      Clients’ payment performance will be              income Americans.”
        history.                                         reported to the three major credit bureaus,           Using cash, Green Dot Platinum Visa
          The Green Dot Platinum Visa secured            helping cardholders to build a favourable           Secured credit cardholders can fund collat-
        credit card is available to all, and does not    credit history over time.                           eral security deposits and make monthly pay-
        require a bank account.                            Green Dot Bank president Lew Goodwin              ments at any of Green Dot’s nearly 100,000
          The card’s credit line is backed by a cus-     said: “The Green Dot Platinum Visa Secured          retail locations. <


        First Commonwealth Bank introduces three credit cards
        First Commonwealth Bank, a subsidiary of         chips, which will encrypt information for           friends and neighbours – build financial
        First Commonwealth Financial, has intro-         increased data security for transactions at         confidence, and we’re excited to launch our
        duced three MasterCard-branded credit            terminals or ATMs that are chip-enabled.            credit card products because we’re doing it in
        cards: Rewards, Student and Secured.                Additionally, customers can sign up for          a way that will benefit our customers.
           Rewards and Student cardholders will          MasterCard’s SecureCode that will provide              “Our Rewards and Student cards will
        receive 1% back as a statement credit at the     an additional layer of online shopping secu-        allow cardholders the opportunity to receive
        end of each quarter, while the Secured card is   rity.                                               credit for future purchases, while our Secured
        designed for individuals who have not estab-        First Commonwealth Bank executive vice-          card can help build or improve credit.
        lished credit or have a credit score that pro-   president and business integration group               “An added convenience is that our cards
        hibits them from obtaining credit.               manager Norm Montgomery said: “We                   launched with Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and
           The new cards are equipped with EMV           strive to help our customers – our families,        Android Pay capability.” <

        2 y October 2016                                                                                                     www.

CI 536.indd 2                                                                                                                                      12/10/2016 16:55:01
Cards International                                                                                                             NEWS: DIGEST


       Entrust Datacard launches payment card solution
       Entrust Datacard has launched its Datacard          The issuance core solution enables users to         Entrust Datacard vice-president for bureau
       Adaptive Issuance Suite that allows users to     optimise their printer’s efficiency and drive       solutions Dan Good commented on the
       safely issue credentials and payment cards       issuance operations based on the individual         launch: “Our new Adaptive Issuance Suite
       across any existing platform or printer in any   personalisation device.                             allows us to provide customers with a solu-
       industry or market.                                 The smart card application enables the           tion that not only gives them the secure issu-
          The Adaptive Issuance Suite includes issu-    preparation of data for the personalisation         ance they have come to expect from Entrust
       ance solutions in four categories, including     of integrated smart cards. The applications         Datacard, but also the ability to easily deploy
       issuance management, issuance core, smart        include formats for EMV, and a number of            the solutions across their production fleet
       card application and key management.             additional smart card formats.                      with ease and flexibility.
          Issuance management offers advanced and          Key management enables users to improve             “This modular solution will allow our
       flexible capabilities to central manage issu-    overall security and securely manage keys at        customers to create an issuance environment
       ance devices from an intelligent command         each step of the issuance process, and pro-         that best meets their needs today, knowing
       centre. It is provided by using Datacard         vides users with the flexibility to effectively     that should those needs change in the future,
       Adaptive Issuance Remote Monitoring and          manage multiple keys by using the Datacard          their issuance products will adapt with
       Management Software.                             Adaptive Issuance Key Manager Software.             them.” <


       Caltex renews fleet fuel card processing agreement
       WEX, a corporate payment solution pro-             programme operator.                               function of getting fuel to their customers.
       vider, has renewed a multi-year fuel                       WEX Australia will continue to pro-          “We are delighted to continue our rela-
       card system processing agreement                          vide payment processing services to        tionship with Caltex and help Caltex run its
       with Caltex.                                               Caltex fleet card customers and           fuel card business efficiently, effectively and
         WEX Australia will process all                           Caltex retailers representing over        securely.”
       Caltex fuel card payments for three                        1,900 branded retail locations.              WEX serves customers and partners
       years.                                                      WEX Australia MD Greg Drumm              through operations around the world, with
         Caltex operates as Australia’s only                   said: “We provide an industry-leading        offices in the US, Australia, New Zealand,
       Australian Securities Exchange-listed trans-      fuel card processing solution to our partners      Brazil, the UK, Italy, France, Germany, Nor-
       port fuel supplier and commercial fuel card      to allow them to concentrate on their core          way and Singapore.<

       Chase extends agreement with Walmart
       Chase, the consumer and commercial                 ChaseNet offers fixed-rate pricing for               “Walmart is always looking for innovative
       banking business of JPMorgan Chase, and          Chase Visa credit and debit payments for            ways to improve the payment experience for
       Walmart have extended their agreement to         the term of the contract. Chase already pro-        our customers while also creating competi-
       process payments on the bank’s closed-loop       cesses payments for Walmart’s e-commerce            tion in the payments industry. We are excited
       network ChaseNet.                                channel.                                            to work with Chase to help our customers
         Under the agreement, Chase will process          Walmart senior vice-president and assis-          save time and money.”
       payments at more than 5,000 Walmart and          tant treasurer Mike Cook said: “Engaging               Chase Commerce Solutions CEO Matt
       Sam’s Club locations in the US and at Sam’s      Chase with a direct processing relationship         Kane said: “We are pleased to expand our
       Club e-commerce. Sam’s Club is a subsidiary      has been a priority for Walmart for some            relationship to offer consumers a convenient,
       of Walmart.                                      time.                                               secure payment experience.”<


       First National Bank upgrades mobile banking app
       First National Bank of Pennsylvania, a sub-      debit card ‘on’ or ‘off’. When the card is ‘off’,     First National Bank director of digital
       sidiary of FNB Corporation, has launched         no transactions will be approved.                   channels and payments Sam Kirsch said:
       the latest upgrade to the FNB Direct mobile        Clients can also set transaction controls         “With CardGuard, we are excited to offer
       banking app that will offer customers mobile     according to location, and establish limits for     consumers additional security and conveni-
       debit card controls.                             debit card purchases based on the amount of         ence with yet another distinct feature of the
          The upgrade, known as CardGuard, will         the transaction.                                    FNB Direct Mobile Banking app.
       enable FNB customers to control debit card         FNB said that its Direct Mobile Banking             “This is just the latest example of FNB’s
       expenses. It will also offer improved protec-    with CardGuard can be used by consumers             overall corporate vision of investing in tech-
       tion against fraud and budgeting support.        and small businesses with the FNB Direct            nology to improve the banking experience
          With CardGuard, customers can turn their      mobile banking app, available online.               for our customers.”<                                                                                                       October 2016 y 3

CI 536.indd 3                                                                                                                                     12/10/2016 16:55:02
NEWS: DIGEST                                                                                                                   Cards International


        MasterCard launches new platform for building next-
        generation payment apps
        MasterCard has launched a new application          virtual reality and the Internet of Things.      a format they can more easily connect to and
        programming interface (API) developer plat-          MasterCard senior vice-president for APIs      integrate with.
        form, MasterCard Developers, which allows          Oran Cummins said: “We see MasterCard               Additionally, a new API has been devel-
        developers to create next-generation com-          Developers as empowering our customers,          oped to maximise financial inclusion efforts.
        merce solutions.                                   partners and their developers in their efforts   Even in the absence of telecommunications
           The platform will feature a New and             to innovate and grow their own businesses.       infrastructure, the MasterCard Aid Network
        Experimental API category, allowing part-            “The new platform will serve as a key way      enables to streamline aid distribution while
        ners to test new technologies and applica-         to integrate MasterCard technology and ser-      offering more transparency to humanitarian
        tions.                                             vices into their digital solutions in an easy    organisations and non-profits.
           Developed at the company’s eight R&D            and cost-effective way. And, consumers will         MasterCard explained that the new
        labs around the world, the experimental APIs       benefit from the simpler, faster and safer       MasterCard Developers platform offers a
        will help partners build, scale and enable         experiences driven by these efforts.”            smooth experience and clear, developer-
        payments on new platforms.                           MasterCard said partners now have              friendly documentation with APIs supported
           Simultaneously, they will provide a foun-       access to more than 25 MasterCard APIs –         by software development kits, developer
        dation to enable payment integration into          including key services like Masterpass and       tools and sample code for the top six pro-
        new categories such as augmented reality,          MasterCard Digital Enablement Services – in      gramming languages.<


        UnionPay partners with Socredo Bank in French Polynesia
        UnionPay International has reached an              ments for Socredo-issued bank cards.             accept UnionPay cards.
        agreement with French Polynesia-based                 In collaboration with UnionPay Interna-          The bank’s cards will become interna-
        Socredo Bank to issue the first local Union-       tional, Socredo Bank will replace existing       tional payment cards which can be used in
        Pay card from 2017.                                Socredo bankcards with UnionPay cards. It        the UnionPay network in 160 countries and
          UnionPay will also assist the bank in            will also issue new UnionPay cards. The bank     regions. The cards can also be used for online
        upgrading cross-border use and online pay-         has enabled all its ATMs and merchants to        payments. <


        Nearly 68% of Saudi users prefer mobile phones for online payment
        Around 68% Saudi consumers prefer to                  Surveying 23,000 consumers in 23 differ-      Elgibali said: “The MasterCard Impact of
        make payments with mobile phones, accord-          ent countries in the Middle East, Africa and     Innovation Study provides a clear indication
        ing to MasterCard’s Impact of Innovation           Europe, the MasterCard Impact of Innova-         that consumers in Saudi Arabia are ready to
        Study.                                             tion Study was released on the sidelines of      embrace digital innovations and are increas-
          The study highlights that tablets and ID         the MasterCard Innovation Forum 2016 in          ingly seeking better ways to pay.
        cards follow at 35% and 26% respectively,          Budapest, Hungary.                                  “Mobile phones are becoming the go-to
        indicating a growing consumer shift toward            The survey revealed that 51% of consum-       device for consumers for online activities,
        new payment methods in Saudi Arabia.               ers using online banking via a web browser,      and this trend will gather further momen-
          Codes received through SMS are the most          while 44% rely on their smartphone app for       tum as smartphone penetration and internet
        common form of authentication for Saudi            their banking needs.                             usage rates in the kingdom keep climbing and
        consumers, ahead of PIN codes and finger-             MasterCard division president for the         new technologies and innovations emerge at
        print scans.                                       Middle East and North Africa Khalid              a rapid pace.” <


        Air Canada, CIBC roll out multicurrency prepaid card in Canada
        Air Canada and Canadian Imperial Bank              Canadian and Hong Kong dollars, euros,           between currencies.
        of Commerce (CIBC) have launched a new             sterling, Japanese yen, Mexican pesos, Swiss        Air Canada vice-president of global sales
        multicurrency prepaid card for travellers in       francs and Turkish lira.                         Duncan Bureau said: “Air Canada carries
        Canada.                                               Cardholders can also make POS tap-and-        41 million customers each year to more than
          The card will allow customers to purchase        pay transactions, ATM withdrawals and            200 destinations on six continents.
        and store multiple currencies for use at retail-   online purchases anywhere Visa is accepted,         “To make their travels even more conveni-
        ers worldwide, wherever Visa is accepted.          automatically in the local currency.             ent, we have partnered with CIBC to create
          With the new card, consumers can man-               The card, which does not charge any           a prepaid global currency card. This innova-
        age up to 10 currencies online or through the      additional fees when used at retailers, will     tive card gives travellers flexibility and secu-
        card’s mobile app.                                 allow users to view latest activities and pur-   rity when dealing with foreign currencies so
          The currencies include US, Australian,           chases, check card balances, and move funds      they can focus on exploring new places.” <

        4 y October 2016                                                                                                    www.

CI 536.indd 4                                                                                                                                     12/10/2016 16:55:02
Cards International                                                                                                           NEWS: DIGEST


       Barclaycard launches new credit card for overseas travellers
       Barclaycard, part of Barclays Retail and           If the users do not pay off their balance in
       Business Banking, has introduced a new           full each month, they will be charged 11.9%
       credit card for use abroad.                      representative APR on purchases, and a hefty
         The new Platinum travel credit card does       27.9% on cash withdrawals.
       not charge fees until the end of August 2018,      Barclaycard said that the people with 21
       after which a 2.99% fee will be charged from     years of age or with an income of more than
       cardholders on every transaction.                £20,000 per year can apply for the card. <


       QIB launches credit card with flexible payment option
       Qatar Islamic Bank (QIB) has launched its          Cardholders will have the flexibility to pay    efits, including purchase protection, extend-
       latest Visa-branded credit card, which offers    anywhere between 5% and 100% of their             ed warranties of up to 12 months for items
       flexible payment options to users.               monthly balance with the new card.                purchased through the card, and discounts at
          The new credit card, which is available in      Customers with monthly settlements will         various retail outlets.
       three variants – Infinite, Platinum and Gold     have amounts deducted automatically from             QIB personal banking group general man-
       – will allow QIB customers to manage cash        their accounts. Early payments can also be        ager D Anand said: “We are pleased to intro-
       flows by paying as little as 5% per month on     made if required.                                 duce this new credit card with flexible pay-
       outstanding card balances.                         The new card also offers attractive reward      ment option as part of our overall product
          The bank is running a launch offer to cus-    points based on customers’ spend. Custom-         suite.
       tomers applying for the card before the end      ers will also benefit from higher credit limits      “Our clients have been asking for a
       of 2016, in which QIB will not charge card       of up to two times their monthly salary.          product that offers them the flexibility to
       issuance fees, cash withdrawal fees or sup-        Customers who hold the QIB Visa Plati-          carry their balances forward, and we have
       plementary card fees.                            num credit card can access additional ben-         listened.” <

       Bank of Bhutan to accept JCB cards
       Japanese credit card issuer JCB International    of business cooperation of Bank of Bhutan            Bank of Bhutan CEO Pema Nadik said:
       (JCBI) has signed an agreement with Bank of      and JCB in such a historic year.                  “The introduction of JCB card acceptance
       Bhutan, following which the bank has start-        “South Asia is an emerging market and           has been long awaited, given the popular-
       ed accepting JCB cards in the country.                Bhutan is located in the middle of East      ity of Bhutan as a destination for Japanese
         With the latest agreement, JCB                         Asia, Southeast Asia, and South           travellers.
       cards are accepted at over 480                             Asia.                                      “With JCB cards now being accepted
       locations, covering around 90%                               “Through the bank’s nationwide        in Bhutan through the network of Bank of
       of POS terminals and ATMs in the                           merchant network, we can meet           Bhutan’s ATM and POS terminals, visitors
       market.                                                    JCB card member demand while            holding JCB cards have the option of mak-
         JCBI deputy president Kimihisa                         travelling and sightseeing in Bhutan,     ing payments securely through this payment
       Imada said: “This year is the 30th                    especially card members from neigh-          channel.”
       anniversary of the establishment of diplo-       bour countries such as China, Bangladesh,            Bank of Bhutan currently manages 82
       matic relations between Bhutan and Japan,        and Thailand, which have about 13m card           ATMs and over 400 POS terminals across
       and it is my pleasure to announce the launch     members.”                                         the country. <


       Payza introduces direct card processing to online merchants
       Payza, a UK-based payment platform, has             Payza will also provide business account         Payza global executive vice-president
       launched direct credit card processing to        holders with easy-to-use tools and UX-opti-       Firoz Patel said: “Our new low-rate direct
       online businesses and merchants in Europe.       mised payment flows to ensure that their cli-     merchant processing account is first being
         E-commerce merchants will be eligible for      ents benefit from a seamless shopping expe-       launched to European merchants because
       the no-monthly-fee Payza business account        rience.                                           they face some of the most complex everyday
       to process Visa and MasterCard payments             The Payza business account will provide        barriers to running their businesses, like the
       for rates starting at 2.9%.                      vendors with a simple checkout process, easy      costs of cross-border disputes, restrictions to
         Approved Payza business account holders        payment button and shopping cart integra-         selling cross-border within and outside of the
       can also accept direct Payza e-wallet, Bitcoin   tion, and multiple payment options.               EU, delivery costs, and taxation rules.
       and Canadian debit card network Interac             It will also offer advanced security and         “Our direct merchant business account
       Online payments at low cost, without no          intelligent fraud prevention to protect mer-      will provide Europeans a simpler, faster and
       monthly account or setup fees.                   chants’ transactions.                             more affordable way to do business.”<                                                                                                     October 2016 y 5

CI 536.indd 5                                                                                                                                   12/10/2016 16:55:07
GUEST COMMENT: VERIZON                                                                                                           Cards International

        How changes in network architecture
        are ushering in the IoT era
        The continued proliferation of workloads will have a dramatic effect on networks; the need for a software-
        defined wide area network is therefore increasingly apparent, writes Jeffrey Granvold, vertical lead and
        manager of executive consulting partners in the financial services at Verizon

                  ver the last several years, IT depart-   We’ll call this hypothetical app BankFit.          ligence in the SD-WAN manages the entire
                  ments have experienced a dramatic           The app lets the user create fitness and per-   process seamlessly – including aspects like
                  change in how they support the           sonal finance goals and tracks activity, nutri-    security and encryption, which are core to
                  increasing demands placed on their       tion, spending, saving, etc. The user can also     IoT adoption.
        wide-area network (WAN).                                   make purchases and conduct banking            While standards on the cross section of IoT
           This change came not as a pass-                             transactions from this app.            and SDN/NFV are currently being defined, it
        ing trend in network manage-                                        Users set up and complete         is clear that banks should be concerned about
        ment; but rather, it was driven                                    milestones on a weekly/            the privacy and security considerations.
        by the rise of the Internet of                                     monthly basis and receive             Banks will need to work with standards
        Things (IoT).                                                       banking rewards (checking         bodies to establish a trust framework for
           Today, workloads associ-                                         to savings account transfers),    IoT that ensures the user is in control of their
        ated with smart cards, ATMs                                        special offers geared towards      privacy and complies with international IoT
        and branch kiosks, along with                                     both health and fitness, etc.       security standards for global interoperability.
        potential workload from weara-                                   This is a pretty standard IoT           And actually IoT – specifically wearable
        bles, retail loyalty programs and                            example.                                 devices – can provide security and encryption
        data mining, are ushering in the era of                    Now here’s where the SD-WAN picks          in a new way for financial services companies
        IoT in the financial services industry.            up. The BankFit interface sends sensory data       and others.
           In fact, IDC estimates that between 2014        from the users’ body, their movements, GPS            Consider the benefit of human uniqueness.
        and 2017, IoT workloads will grow 750%.            data, etc. to the Gateway – the point of data      By establishing the user as the security device
        This continued proliferation of workloads          collection for all BankFit interfaces.             with credentials embedded, they themselves
        will have a dramatic effect on network                The Gateway seamlessly collects and per-        become their own IP address.
        architecture – creating the perfect fit for the    forms data analytic functions. This workload          This allows for access to banking systems
        software-defined WAN (SD-WAN).                     traffic will then be assigned a specific net-      with less system intervention, and in turn
           SD-WAN moves both control and moni-             work via the SD-WAN centralised network            provides a much higher security posture than
        toring from physical devices (routers and          policy.                                            exists today.
        firewalls) to an intelligent software overlay         SD-WAN impacts the application layer as            IoT in financial services is growing at an
        that routes workloads across both public and       well as the network. The application layer         exponential rate, as more companies figure
        private networks.                                  has one of the most complex tasks in the IoT       out how to best leverage IoT technology to
           This overlay allows for increased flexibil-     journey. It involves ingesting and processing      better serve customers.
        ity, and greater intelligence to automate and      all of the information collected from a con-          Moreover, the flood of IoT transactions
        prioritise traffic based on various network        nected device in real time.                        is placing such significant demands on data
        types (4G, LTE, DSL, MPLS).                           Not all information that comes from a           centres and remote sites now that the costs of
           The intelligence found within the SD-           connected device is going to cross over the        meeting the demands with traditional WAN
        WAN solution chooses the best network              same network path (internet, 4G, MPLS) or          topologies are impossible to sustain.
        path for the particular workload. It provides      end up in the same data centre. Keep in mind          SD-WAN, as part of the evolution in auto-
        greater efficiency in workload management          that the world of IoT is a hierarchical system     mated network intelligence and dynamic
        and creates a new way of thinking about how        of data and information.                           control, provides the flexibility that is essen-
        to deliver products and services to financial         In the example of BankFit, specific data        tial for achieving market leadership, espe-
        customers.                                         such as the calorie goals, tasks, healthy activ-   cially as the market itself is changing.
           It also provides the proper foundation for      ities, heart rate data, etc. will be processed        It is recognised that retail banks will need
        IoT solutions. For example, the bank net-          via one application while banking informa-         to work with trust frameworks to ensure
        work team can create an IoT policy based           tion, requests, transfers, will function within    privacy policies are established and main-
        network path using SD-WAN that can deliv-          the banking systems process.                       tained. These frameworks also establish IoT
        er encrypted workloads to network paths               In order to make this one seamless transac-     as a benefit for more banking automation
        where the IoT applications reside.                 tion, the applications will be sending/receiv-     through wearable devices based on security
           Here’s a hypothetical example of how SD-        ing information asynchronously via different       control established by human uniqueness.
        WAN and IoT collide in a financial services        network paths. These paths can be based on            If your financial institution is not thinking
        setting:                                           latency or the security needs of the transac-      of these things – IoT for banking supported
           Picture a personal health and financial         tion.                                              by SD-WAN – you will have to play catch-up
        assistant app found on the latest wearable            This is precisely where the investment in       to your competitors. Where will your net-
        device that combines fitness with banking.         SD-WAN will pay off. The built-in intel-           work be in 2017? <

        6 y October 2016                                                                                                      www.

CI 536.indd 6                                                                                                                                       12/10/2016 16:55:08
Cards International                                                                                               STRATEGY: DIGITAL WALLETS

       Strategies for success in the European
       digital wallet market
       Aite Group has published a report on the strategies that digital wallet providers need to adopt in the
       increasingly competitive European market. Robin Arnfield investigates and speaks to the report’s author,
       senior analyst Ron van Wezel, on its key points and takeaways for the industry

              he Digital Wallets: Provider Strate-          Market trends                                        become ubiquitous in the near future,” the
              gies to Meet Customer Requirements            The report predicts that European B2C                report says.
              report says that, in recent years,            e-commerce sales will reach €510bn                      “The European market is ready for digital
              Europe has seen a multitude of digital        ($574bn) in 2016, growing at around 12%              wallet initiatives that leverage the NFC infra-
       wallet initiatives by banks, tech companies,         per annum. Online sales on mobile devices            structure, although the business case (for mobile
       card networks (Visa Checkout and Master-             are the driving factor for the fast growth in        proximity payments) is still unclear.”
       Card’s MasterPass), mobile network opera-            B2C e-commerce. In 2015, 23% of European                The report says that the real driver for
       tors (MNOs), and merchants.                          online retail sales took place on mobile devic-      consumers to use proximity digital wallets is
         In addition, global providers such as              es, the report says.                                 integrated loyalty programs allowing them to
       PayPal and Paysafe’s Skrill and Neteller offer          Online sales could have been even higher.         redeem rewards points, offers and coupons at
       cross-border digital wallets in Europe.              “E-merchants currently see a checkout aban-          checkout. However, seamless integration of loy-
         With the arrival of the ‘Pays’ – Apple Pay,        donment rate of up to 70% on PCs, partly             alty with payments is challenging, particularly
       Android Pay and Samsung Pay – in Europe,             driven by the friction customers experience in       for more complex digital wallet applications.
       incumbent digital wallet providers, especially       having to type in sensitive credit card data, sign
       banks, face a further challenge.                     up for an account they will use only once, or        Alternative payments
         “As these wallets come to Europe as part of        provide shipping-address details,” the study         For proximity POS payments, cards are
       their global rollout, they will redefine the com-    says.                                                virtually the only non-cash payment instru-
       petitive landscape,” the report says.                   “For mobile, the situation is even worse          ment currently available in Europe. But
                                                            (86% on smartphones and 77% on tablets),             for e-commerce, alternative payments are
       Definition                                           driven by the challenge of filling out form fields   becoming a significant factor in Europe, the
       The study, by Aite Group senior analyst Ron          on smaller screens.”                                 report notes.
       van Wezel, is based on interviews with 27               There’s a strong customer requirement for            Compared to card payments, alterna-
       executives from European banks, tech com-            a convenient and secure checkout experience          tive payments offer merchants lower costs,
       panies, merchants, and industry organisa-            (‘click and pay’), van Wezel says.                   reduced chargeback risk, and faster availabil-
       tions. It defines ‘digital wallet’ as an applica-       “Customer requirement for uniform, inte-          ity of funds.
       tion with the following basic functionality:         grated payment experience across all channels           “When alternative payment methods are
       • Secure user enrolment (application down-           will drive demand for digital wallets that sup-      integrated into digital wallets, existing card
          load, identity check) and secure provisioning     port such experiences, in particular on mobile       models may be challenged,” the report says.
          of credentials (user ID/password) for wallet      device, he writes.                                   “Global (digital wallet) providers already
          access;                                              One example is the Pay with Amazon wallet,        support over 100 different payment methods
       • The ability to securely provision and store        which enables payment with just one click for        to fund their digital wallet accounts, providing
          customers’ identity information (email            customer acceptance, since all data is provided      customers with the option to pay with the local
          address, personal data), payment informa-         from the wallet.                                     payment methods they are used to.
          tion (card data), and shipping address. The                                                               “For alternative payments, there is a clear
          user can (pre-)select a payment method            NFC                                                  value proposition for the merchant, but not
          within the wallet (i.e. pay merchants online,     According to the study, NFC-based                    much for the consumer. This could inhibit
          in app, or in store), and                         contactless payment acceptance is reaching           growth of alternative payments, unless the
       • Payment funding from a debit, credit or pre-       critical mass in Europe, with digital wallets        value proposition for consumers is enhanced.”
          paid card, bank or e-money account, virtual       on smartphones or wearables being enabled               Alternative payment examples include online
          currency, or any other stored value which the     to offer proximity payments via NFC.                 banking-based e-payment schemes such as the
          wallet accepts.                                      Visa reported in May 2016 that one in five        Netherlands’ iDeal, which has a 60% domes-
          Digital wallets may offer other features such     in-person Visa-processed card payments is now        tic market share; mobile payment schemes
       as P2P payments, ATM cash-out, multicurrency         contactless in Europe. MasterCard and Visa           such as Poland’s Blik that work directly from
       support, non-card-based alternative payments         have set compliance dates for all POS terminals      the customer’s bank account; Italy’s Jiffy real-
       from bank accounts or other sources, balance-        to accept contactless payments by January 2020       time mobile P2P transfer service; and Zapp/
       inquiry and reporting functions, and loyalty         at the latest.                                       Pay by Bank, a UK-based mobile payments
       programs such as rewards or coupons.                    In the UK, over 400,000 POS terminals (25%        service owned by payments network operator
          Mobile wallets and e-wallets are specific digi-   of the installed base) are already NFC-enabled.      VocaLink. In July 2016, MasterCard agreed to
       tal wallet implementations for the mobile device        “As two in three (European) (smart)phones         buy a 92.4% stake in VocaLink.
       and the desktop/browser environments respec-         will be NFC-enabled by 2018, this means that            In September 2016, Italian payment service
       tively, the report says.                             acceptance of mobile proximity payments will         provider SIA said Jiffy is currently offered by                                                                                                             October 2016 y 7

CI 536.indd 7                                                                                                                                            12/10/2016 16:55:08
STRATEGY: DIGITAL WALLETS                                                                                                                                            Cards International

         Product                  Payment Method            Platform                               Merchant Payment Channel          Other Payment Use Cases         Value-Added Services
                                                                                                                                                                     Buyer protection, seller
         Pay with Amazon          Card                      Browser                                Web, in app                       Recurring payments
         Android Pay                                                                               In store (NFC), in app, mobile                                    Loyalty points, online offers
                                  Card                      Android                                                                  N/A
         (Google)                                                                                  web                                                               and gift cards
                                                            IOS; browser (Safari); watchOS, In store (NFC), in app; web
         Apple Pay                Card                      macOS with iPhone or Apple      (Safari only) planned for fall           N/A                             Reward cards
                                                            Watch as approving device       2016
         BKM Express
                                  Card                      Browser; Android, iOS                  In app, web, in store (QR)        P2P                             N/A
         (BKM Turkey)
         Masterpass                                         Browser; Android, iOS (second
                                  Card                                                             Web, in app, in store (NFC)       N/A                             Loyalty cards
         (MasterCard)                                       half 2016)
                                                                                                   In store (NFC, Bluetooth low
         MobilePay                                                                                                                                                   Loyalty program, reward cards,
                                  Card, bank account        Android, iOS, Windows Phone            energy, QR via proprietary box), P2P, e-invoicing
         (Danske Bank)                                                                                                                                               receipts management
                                                                                                   in app, web
                                                                                                                                      P2P, recurring payments,       Buyer and seller protection,
                                  Card, bank account,                                              Web, in app
         PayPal                                       Browser; Android, iOS                                                           remittance, bill payments,     rewards, consumer and
                                  e-money                                                          Starting with in-store initiatives
                                                                                                                                      mobile POS                     merchant credit
                                                                                                                                                                     Loyalty, payment guarantee,
         Paysafe (Skrill,         Card, bank account,                                                                                P2P, recurring payments,
                                                      Browser; Android, iOS                        Web, in app                                                       chargeback protection, and
         Neteller wallets)        e-money, bitcoin                                                                                   remittance
                                                            Android on Samsung mobile              In store (NFC, magnetic secure
         Samsung Pay              Card                                                                                               N/A                             Loyalty cards
                                                            devices                                transmission)
                                  Bank account (via                                                                                                                  Loyalty programs, offers and
         Seqr (Seamless)                                    Android, iOS, Windows Phone            In store (QR, NFC), in app, web   P2P, remittance
                                  SEPA Direct Debit)                                                                                                                 coupons, cashback
                                                                                                   Web, in app; in store via
         Vipps                    Card                      Android, iOS, Windows Phone            Bluetooth low energy on           P2P                             N/A
                                                                                                   roadmap 2016
         Visa Checkout            Card                      Browser                                Web, in app                       N/A                             N/A
          Source: Aite Group, Digital Wallets: Provider Strategies to Meet Customer Requirements

        23 Italian bank groups and has over 400,000                            30% of all individuals in the EU purchased                      significant factors to reduce CNP fraud. In
        registered users.                                                      goods or services via the internet from sellers                 the POS space, digital wallets provide EMV
          SIA has launched a pilot of in-store payments                        in other EU countries, while 18% bought from                    security. But any security relies on consumer
        using Jiffy in Milan and Bergamo at merchants                          countries outside the EU.                                       diligence, which is an issue. People root their
        which are customers of UBI Banca, one of the                              For cross-border e-merchants dealing with                    phones, install apps not vetted by their phone
        banks supporting Jiffy.                                                multiple country-specific requirements, the abil-               provider’s app store, accept phishing emails,
                                                                               ity to accept digital wallets that support multi-               and share their IDs. Banks and payment ser-
        Strategies                                                             ple payment methods and currencies will add                     vice providers will have to implement addi-
        “Successful digital wallet providers will be                           significant value, the report says.                             tional security measures, for example moni-
        those that offer consumers ease of use, peace                             The report argues that, for the majority of                  toring fraudulent activity in their back-end
        of mind (regarding security), and the abil-                            merchants, the best strategy is to focus on the                 systems, to mitigate those risks.”
        ity to transact anytime and anywhere,” the                             shopping experience instead of developing a                        ‘Rooting’ refers to removing limitations set
        report says.                                                           proprietary wallet, and select the right third-                 by a smartphone manufacturer in its operat-
           The borders between online and in-store                             party wallets.                                                  ing system and running third-party apps that
        (offline) commerce are becoming increasingly                              Van Wezel advises new entrants to the digital                have not been approved by the manufacturer,
        blurred as merchants seek to offer integrated                          wallet market to choose the right killer app for                thereby breaking the phone’s default security.
        shopping experiences.                                                  their wallet, and look beyond proximity pay-
           “Customers will expect their digital wallet to                      ments.                                                          MNO wallets
        work cross-channel, providing an omnichannel                              “Many digital wallet providers (including                    European MNOs have found it difficult to
        digital experience,” the report says.                                  new entrants) have launched with mobile prox-                   meet consumer digital wallet requirements
           “They can check out and pay in store with                           imity payments, but the added value of this ser-                such as a good customer experience, trust
        the digital wallet but have the goods delivered                        vice for consumers isn’t clear,” the report says.               and ubiquity.
        at home; they can order goods online and pick                             “Other use cases such as P2P payments have                      “Signing up for an MNO wallet requires
        them up at a store by showing a QR code stored                         proven to fulfil a need in many markets and can                 an NFC-enabled universal integrated circuit
        in the digital wallet, or they can use their loyalty                   be easily built out into a merchant proposition.”               card (UICC) chip to be issued to the custom-
        programs in the digital wallet to work across all                                                                                      er,” the report says.
        channels.                                                              Security                                                           “But the use case for proximity m-pay-
           “This convergence will become a main driver                         “Digital wallets enhance security compared                      ments is not good enough to convince cus-
        for digital wallet innovation and acceptance.”                         to traditional ‘card on file’ merchant applica-                 tomers to sign up, even when the new UICC
           The report says that cross-border e-commerce                        tions,” van Wezel tells CI.                                     chip is free of charge.
        is growing rapidly.                                                       “Tokenisation, biometric authentication,                        “Although many MNOs possess a well-
           It cites Eurostat data showing that, in 2015,                       and secure storage of user credentials are                      known brand, customer loyalty in their highly

        8 y October 2016                                                                                                                                           www.

CI 536.indd 8                                                                                                                                                                               12/10/2016 16:55:09
Cards International                                                                                                                                 STRATEGY: DIGITAL WALLETS

        Value to Customer          Physical Commerce                                              Domestic E-commerce                                  Cross-Border E-commerce
                                   Optimise payment experience: fast, easy, tap
                                   and go                                                         Epitomise payment experience to reduce friction      Optimise payment experience and reduce
                                                                                                  to a minimum, one-click payment as part of the       complexity due to different languages, currencies,
        experience                 Provide extras integrated with payment:                        overall shopping experience                          payment conditions, etc.
                                   e-receipts, rewards
                                                                                                  Marketing via trusted brand
                                   Marketing via trusted brand
        Trust                                                                       Marketing via merchant brand with loyal customer Marketing via trusted brand
        (by Consumer)              Marketing via merchant brand with loyal customer base
                                                                                                                                     Provide buyer-protection services
                                                                                    Provide buyer-protection services
                                   Use NFC to leverage contactless card
        Ubiquity of Service        infrastructure                                                 Sign up largest merchants to reach critical mass     Sign up global merchants
        (to Consumer)
                                   Offer connected wallet (online/cloud)
                                   Use NFC to leverage contactless card
        Market Coverage            infrastructure                                                 Distribute via consumer market leader(s) with
                                                                                                                                                       Manage digital wallet as a core business
        (for Merchant)             Distribute via consumer market leader(s) with                  high domestic market share
                                   high domestic market share
                                                                                                                                                       Offer support of local and international payment
        Product Capability                                                                        Offer loyalty services integrated with payment       methods, multicountry and multicurrency
                                   Offer loyalty services integrated with payment                                                                      capability, etc.
        (for Merchant)                                                                            Offer payment guarantee
                                                                                                                                                       Offer payment guarantee
         Source: Aite Group, Digital Wallets: Provider Strategies to Meet Customer Requirements

       competitive markets is low,” the report says.                          a white-labelled solution from a third-party                        payments with the ‘Pays,’ and bank branding
          “Adding mobile payments to the proposition                          provider, or offer a combination of the two,                        will almost disappear as just another ‘Visa or
       will not change this competitive dynamic in any                        the report says.                                                    MasterCard’ in the customer’s digital wallet.
       significant way. Also, ubiquity is limited, as only                       “Major banks should develop their own wal-                         “The ‘Pays’ are claiming the online and in-
       customers of the MNO can use the wallet.”                              lets to keep the relationship with their custom-                    app channels as well, building on the brand
          “Most MNO wallets in the US and European                            ers,” Van Wezel tells CI.                                           awareness they created in the physical world
       markets don’t offer a value proposition,” van                             “They can do this on their own, or partner                       of POS payments.”
       Wezel tells CI.                                                        with the card schemes.”
          “Why would a consumer go through the has-                              For example, in the US Visa recently launched                    Pay by Bank
       sle of requesting an NFC-enabled UICC chip for                         its Visa Digital Commerce App as a white-                           Zapp, will launch its Pay by Bank app before
       their smartphone just to be able to make NFC                           labelled solution.                                                  the end of 2016. The service will integrate
       mobile payments with that specific MNO?                                   It said in a statement: “With the app, issu-                     with UK banks’ mobile banking apps to ena-
          “In contrast, MNO wallets have been suc-                            ers provide their branding and select the spe-                      ble users to pay merchants from their bank
       cessful in emerging markets, for example                               cific features to deploy, including tokenised                       accounts online, via an app or in-store.
       M-Pesa in Kenya, offering a payment service to                         contactless payments, fingerprint authentica-                          Pay by Bank, which will be offered at launch
       unbanked people where none existed before.”                            tion, card controls, alerts, account balance,                       by Bank of Scotland, Barclays, Halifax and
          The report says MNO wallets will struggle                           transaction history and more.”                                      Lloyds Bank, will use VocaLink’s Faster Pay-
       to provide sufficient value for customers if they                                                                                          ments real-time settlement system.
       continue to focus on proximity payments.                               The “Pays”                                                             Transactions will be based on secure digital
          “The ‘Pays’ success will aggravate the situ-                        “The initial response by banks/issuers in any                       tokens, ensuring customers never reveal their
       ation, and MNOs should find new ways to                                market to Apple Pay would be something                              bank account details to merchants.
       create value in the payments space or pull out                         like ‘why would we relinquish our brand                                “Pay by Bank offers value to merchants, as
       altogether,” it says.                                                  visibility and control over customer relation-                      they will receive the money instantly into their
                                                                              ships, and pay for the privilege?’” van Wezel                       account with finality and no chargebacks,” van
       PayPal                                                                 tells CI.                                                           Wezel tells CI.
       PayPal’s importance in the European and UK                                “When Apple Pay launched in the UK,                                 “I have no insight into pricing yet, but that
       digital wallet markets depends on the specific                         some of the major banks, Barclays for                               should be attractive compared to card pay-
       market, says van Wezel.                                                instance, didn’t participate.                                       ments.
         “In the UK and Germany, PayPal has a mar-                               However, the competitive pressure eventu-                           “The key lies, as usual, with consumer adop-
       ket share of about 10%,” he tells CI.                                  ally drove all the UK banks into Apple’s lap.”                      tion. If the Pay by Bank app works easily and is
         “In Italy, PayPal’s market share is above                               “Some banks argue that the ‘Pays’ are a                          frictionless, and banks/merchants promote this
       20%. In markets where bank-led digital pay-                            good thing, as they pave the way for mobile                         way of payment, take-up could be fast.
       ment alternatives are available, PayPal’s market                       proximity payments and will drive credit                               “In the Netherlands for instance, iDeal
       share is much lower. For example, its share in                         card payments for issuers,” says van Wezel.                         acquired an online payments market share of
       Poland is 2%, and in the Netherlands 4%.”                                 “In Spain, Samsung Pay convinced banks,                          60% in just a few years.”
                                                                              as the user experience (with Samsung Pay)                              “In my view, alternative payments are
       The banks                                                              was better than the banks’ own (mobile pay-                         becoming really important in Europe, and the
       Banks can choose to develop their own                                  ment) applications.                                                 success or failure of Pay by Bank will be a valid
       digital wallets using Host Card Emulation,                                “But the threat of disintermediation is a                        test of that opinion in a card-dominated market
       which is restricted to Android devices, deploy                         valid one. Consumers will associate mobile                          like the UK,” says van Wezel. <                                                                                                                                                  October 2016 y 9

CI 536.indd 9                                                                                                                                                                                     12/10/2016 16:55:09
EVENT: ANNUAL PREPAID EUROPE SUMMIT AND AWARDS                                                                                    Cards International

           Preview: the Annual Prepaid Awards
           It’s that time of the year again: October means the Principe di Savoia, Milan and the annual Prepaid Summit
           Europe – again sponsored by Visa, not to mention the annual Prepaid Europe Awards. With grateful thanks
           to the sponsors, judges and all entrants, CI presents a sneak preview of the 2016 award nominees

             The 2016 Prepaid Europe Awards nominees
             Prepaid Innovation of the Year                   Best Corporate/Payroll Prepaid Card and Gov-       Prepaid Service Provider of the Year
             Barclaycard ● MoneytoPay in collaboration with   ernment Digital Prepaid Initiative of the Year     Amilon ● IDT Financial Services ● Wirecard Card
             BPI ● Tuxedo Money Solutions ● VFX Financial     Contis Group and Suits Me ● PFS                    Solutions ● PFS ● Saxo
             Wirecard for the Curve product                   Prepaid Mobile App of the Year                     Best Prepaid Travel Card
             Prepaid Marketing Campaign of the Year           Amilon ● SIA EasyPay in conjunction with           Euronet Worldwide (Wizz Prepaid Travel Card)
             Amilon ● Epipoli ● Realex FinAppsParty Saxo      Raphael’s Bank ● VFX Financial                     ● Tuxedo Money Solutions
             Payments Banking Circle ● UBI Banca              Mobile Wallet of the Year                          Best Basic Bank Account with Prepaid Card
             Best New Loyalty/Reward Prepaid Card             Barclaycard ● Poste Italiane ● Tuxedo Money So-    Ffrees ● Monese abnd Contis - Branchless,
             CaixaBank Electronic Money ● EDE Euronet         lutions for Liveload ● Vodafone Wallet – Loyalty   Mobile Banking ● TEB24
             Worldwide (Wizz Prepaid Travel Card) ● Epipoli   & Offers ● Wirecard – Orange Cash                  Best Contactless/Proximity Payment Solution
             ● Vodafone Wallet                                Prepaid Security/Anti-Fraud Programme of           Barclaycard ● BZW Santander Poland
             Financial Inclusion Programme of the Year        the Year                                           ● Vodafone and Orange Wallet Solutions
             CaixaBank Electronic Money ● EDE ● Contis        Cybertonica ●Paysafe’s company Skrill’s Rapid      Best New Payments Startup
             Group Ltd & Monese ● Go Henry ● Prepaid          Transfer ● Safran Identity & Security ● W2         Cybertonica ● Monzo Issued by Wirecard Card
             Financial Services (PFS) ● Suits Me              Global Data Solutions                              Solutions

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