Town of Jerusalem Survey Summary - May 2005

Page created by Shawn Maxwell
Town of Jerusalem

Survey Summary

     May 2005
Part I – Community Values and Priorities
A. Please indicate whether you strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree or have no opinion about the fol-
   lowing statements:
                                                              Strongly                                Strongly
                                                              Disagree   Disagree      Agree           Agree         No Opinion
1. The Town’s rural character should be preserved.              1.1%      4.1%         34.1%           56.5%            4.2%
2 The Town needs to expand its public water system.            14.2%      22.0%        27.3%           19.3%           17.2%
3. The Town needs to expand its public sanitary sewer
system.                                                        12.2%      16.0%        29.5%           28.5%           13.8%
4. Jerusalem needs more residential development in the
future.                                                        20.9%      35.1%        28.0%           5.0%            10.9%
5. More retail business development is needed in
Jerusalem.                                                     13.7%      24.3%        40.0%           16.2%           5.8%
6. More office/industrial development is needed in
Jerusalem.                                                     23.1%      34.7%        23.9%           10.7%           7.5%
7. The town's agricultural activities should be maintained.    1.2%       2.0%         42.6%           50.0%           4.2%

B. Which are the top TWO most influential factors in your decision to live in Jerusalem? (Please select the top two
reasons from the list below and write the corresponding item number on the lines in the response column.)

1     Born or raised in Jerusa-
2     Schools
3     Affordable housing                            Top Two Choices
4     Small community/know
5     Desire to live in rural com-
      munity/near agricultural
6    90.0%
      Convenient to work
7     Access to recreation oppor-
8    80.0%
9     Other




     20.0%                                           15.2%
     10.0%        5.3%                   5.8%                                                                  6.4%
                    1            2         3            4         5        6          7           8              9

Town of Jerusalem                                                                           Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                                May 2005
C. Please indicate whether you strongly support, support, oppose, strongly oppose or have no opinion about the fol-
lowing zoning and regulatory issues.

                                                           Strongly                                 Strongly
                                                           Oppose       Oppose        Support       Support     No Opinion
1. Preservation of scenic views in the Town                  0.8%        2.5%          31.5%         62.5%         2.8%
2. Commercial development guidelines                         3.1%        5.8%          42.2%         42.5%         6.4%
3. Stricter property maintenance standards                   4.9%       15.5%          40.5%         32.3%         6.8%
4. Protection of steep slope areas                           0.9%        3.4%          39.6%         45.9%        10.1%
5. Land subdivision regulations                              3.8%        6.8%          33.5%         47.6%         8.2%
6. Develop regulations for adult entertainment (x-rated)
uses.                                                       11.7%         4.5%         20.7%         55.0%         8.1%
7. Lake water quality controls                              0.3%          1.1%         29.5%         66.8%         2.3%
8. Wind farm/industrial wind turbine regulations            4.7%          8.9%         45.3%         26.3%         14.9%

Based on the responses to question C, a large percentage of residents support or strongly support the zoning and regu-
latory issues addressed in this section. Preservation of scenic views and lake water quality controls were issues that
garnered the most support of survey respondents, with large percentages indicating strong support for these issues.
Stricter property maintenance received the most opposition, with just over 20 percent indicating opposition or strong

Town of Jerusalem                                                                           Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                                May 2005
D. Which of the following actions/services do you want to see happen in Jerusalem? Please mark
an X on the corresponding line in the response column. (Check all that apply.)

                                                                                    a.   Attracting additional commercial
                                                                                         and industrial development
                                                                                    b.   Acquiring parkland or additional
                                          Services/Actions Desired                       permanent open space
                                                                                    c.   Improving the appearance of
                                                                                         existing commercial areas
  50.0%                                                                             d.   Protecting natural features such as
                                                                                         the Lake, wetlands, streams, etc.

  45.0%                                                                             e.   Developing additional recrea-
                                                                                         tional facilities such as ball fields
                                                                                         or biking/walking trails
  40.0%                                                                             f.   Protecting/Preserving active
                                                                                         agricultural activities
                                                                                    g.   Preserving historic buildings/sites
                                                                                    h.   Providing affordable housing
                                                                                    i.   Improving/adding public water
  30.0%                                                                                  infrastructure
                                                                                    j.   Improving/adding public sewer
  25.0%                                                                             k.   Providing senior housing
                                                                                    l.   Other, please specify


  15.0%              13.1%
                                     9.5%    9.4%
  10.0%                                             8.5%
                                                            7.6%    7.3%
                                                                             5.0%        4.9%        4.9%
            d          f      g       j       c      b        e       i       h            a            k             l

Question D provided survey respondents with an opportunity to pick the services and/or actions
they would like to see in Jerusalem. Participants could select any number of items or none at all.
The chart above shows the distribution of the selections as a percentage of all selections made.
Protecting natural features such as the Lake, wetlands, streams, etc. was the action/service most
often selected in the survey. Other services/actions selected often, included the protection of agri-
cultural activities and preservation of historic buildings and sites. Besides the other category,
which only accounted for one percent of total selections, attracting commercial and industrial de-
velopment, providing affordable housing and providing senior housing were selected the least.

Town of Jerusalem                                                              Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                   May 2005
D1. Would you support a tax increase to pay for the additional services/actions?

                                         Would Pay Taxes to Support Changes

   No                                                                                65.1% 85 percent of those who
                                                                                                 would not support a tax
                                                                                                 increase said they would
                                                                                                 support services/actions if
                                                                                                 funded through other

  Yes                                              34.9%

        0%      10%             20%        30%           40%       50%         60%         70%        80%        90%      100%

D2. If YES, please indicate how much of an increase (per $1,000 of assessed valuation) you
would support. (Circle one.)

                                      Supported Tax Increase Amount

     More than $1.00 per

  $0.50-$1.00 per $1,000                         23.8%

  $0.26-$0.50 per $1,000                                   39.2%

  $0.00-$0.25 per $1,000                                 34.4%

                           0%     10%      20%    30%     40%    50%     60%   70%   80%     90%      100%

Town of Jerusalem                                                                                        Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                                             May 2005
For questions E – H, please rate each of the following on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being most
desirable and 1 being not desirable at all:

E. Transportation

Transportation                                                                     Average      Mode

4. Improved safety conditions for motorists and pedestrians.                           3.26            3

5. More hiking and biking trails.                                                      3.16            3

2. Wider shoulders along roads to accommodate farm equipment, bikes, pe-
                                                                                       3.09            3
destrians etc.

3. Better signage to alert drivers of farm equipment, bike traffic, pedestrians,
                                                                                       3.05            3

1. Paving gravel and dirt roads.                                                       2.73            3

6. Installation of sidewalks in hamlet areas.                                          2.32            2

7. Develop public transportation.                                                      2.18            2

Town of Jerusalem                                                                   Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                        May 2005
F. Environment

Environment                                                                      Average      Mode

2. Natural resources protection (streams, wetlands, soils, etc.).                    4.29            5

4. Preservation of scenic views.                                                     4.17            4

3. Wildlife habitat protection.                                                      4.08            4

1. Farmland preservation/protection.                                                 3.99            4

5. Protection of steep slopes areas through local design standards/guidelines.       3.95            4

6.Protection of ridgelines                                                           3.89            4

Town of Jerusalem                                                                 Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                      May 2005
G. Residential Development Patterns (See reference diagrams on the page 3.)

Residential Development Patterns                                       Average       Mode

4. Large lot (10+ acres) rural residential.                                   3.30          3

2. Residential development concentrated around hamlets.                       2.81          3

1. Suburban cul-de-sac style development.                                     2.46          2

3. Cluster residential development.                                           2.17          2

Town of Jerusalem                                                        Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                             May 2005
H. Economic Development in the Township

Economic Development                                                           Average      Mode

7. More higher education opportunities (e.g. cooperative ventures with Keuka
                                                                                   4.42            4

6. More tourism and recreation related businesses.                                 3.72            4
8. Home based businesses should be encouraged.                                     3.58            4
5. More farm and farm support business development.                                3.57            3

9. Health-related facilities including assisted living and nursing care.           3.36            3

1. More retail development in hamlet areas.                                        3.17            3
4. More office development.                                                        3.16            3
2. More retail development along the highways.                                     2.52            2

3. More industrial development.                                                    2.43            2

Town of Jerusalem                                                               Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                    May 2005
I. Would you support locating industrial wind turbines in Jerusalem for the generation of elec-

                       Support Locating Wind Turbines in Jerusalem




                             Yes                No               Maybe

Of those who said no and provided commentary, the following themes appeared most often in
the narrative provided:

•   Eye sore, detracts from scenic views, unsightly, etc.
•   Noisy
•   Wildlife endangerment (kills birds)
•   Not a proven energy source

Of those who said yes or maybe and provided commentary, the following themes appeared
most often in the narrative provided:

•   Alternative energy sources (including wind power) are needed
•   Need more information
•   Money for local economy
•   Lower energy costs/electric bills

Town of Jerusalem                                                          Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                               May 2005
Part II – Needs Assessment
A. What is your opinion of Jerusalem residents’ access to park facilities and recreation pro-
   gramming? Mark an X in the appropriate column next to each statement.

                                                     Agree         Disagree       No Opinion
1. There is enough park land in the Town to meet
                                                     65.3%          22.9%            16.8%
residents’ needs.

2. More trails should be developed in the Town.      46.4%          34.1%            23.2%

3. Youth are served well.                            33.9%          20.8%            46.2%

4. Teenagers are served well.                        24.8%          28.2%            48.2%

5. Adults are served well.                           37.8%          21.8%            42.4%

6. Seniors are served well.                          31.4%          26.6%            44.2%

Town of Jerusalem                                                           Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                May 2005
B. Please write an X in the appropriate column below to rate the adequacy of the services or fa-
cilities listed below.

                                                        Significant Im-
                                                                        Some Improve-
Municipal Services                                        provement                     Adequate
                                                                         ment Needed

1. Municipal offices (Town Hall)                            1.9%            18.7%         79.4%
2. Community beautification                                 12.5%           46.2%         41.3%
3. Highway maintenance                                      12.9%           33.6%         53.5%
4. Police protection                                        3.0%            11.0%         86.0%
5. Fire protection                                          1.4%            6.0%          92.6%
6.Ambulance                                                 1.8%            10.8%         87.4%
7. Library                                                  5.0%            19.5%         75.5%
8. Code enforcement                                         9.9%            19.6%         70.5%
9. Communication from Town government                       14.9%           34.8%         50.2%
10. Special community events                                11.0%           30.1%         58.9%
11. Other:                                                  75.0%           0.0%          25.0%

Town of Jerusalem                                                            Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                 May 2005
B. Please write an X in the appropriate column below to rate the adequacy of the services or fa-
cilities listed below.

                                                        Significant Im-
                                                                        Some Improve-
Private Services                                          provement                     Adequate
                                                                         ment Needed

1. Convenience goods (e.g. grocery, drug store)             15.5%           30.0%         54.5%
2. Other retail (home supply, clothing)                     30.7%           31.1%         38.2%
3. Personal services (e.g. banking, insurance)              8.1%            15.5%         76.5%
4. Restaurants                                              13.6%           25.1%         61.2%
5. Professional offices (e.g. doctor, dentist)              9.5%            25.8%         64.6%
6. Business services (e.g. printing, office supplies)       6.4%            21.8%         71.7%
7. Automotive services                                      5.1%            20.2%         74.7%
8.Day care                                                  7.5%            22.8%         69.7%
9. Accommodations (e.g. inns, motels, hotels)               10.0%           33.9%         56.1%
10. Boating Services (e.g. marina, supplies, storage)       4.8%            15.1%         80.0%
11. Other:                                                  35.7%           28.6%         35.7%

Town of Jerusalem                                                            Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                 May 2005
C. Are you in favor of improving opportunities for public waterfront access in the Town of Jerusalem?

                                          Favor Waterfront Access










                                   Yes                                                                             No

The issue of improving opportunities for public waterfront access was essentially split, with a slight advantage falling
in favor of increased opportunities. A little more than half the respondents indicated a preference for improved ac-
                                                                                                       T y pe s of P ubl i c A c c e s s
Those who favored improving opportunities for water-
front access were given the opportunity to identify the
types of access desired. The options presented were                     P ubl i c B each                                         20. 7%

evenly selected for the most part, with public beach               W at er f r ont P ar k                                   17. 5%
being chosen the most frequently and boat docking
being selected the least. For this question, participants                B oat Launch                                      16. 9%

were asked to choose all that applied, so the percent-            W at er f r ont T r ai l                                 16. 7%
ages shown in the graph reflect the breakdown among
total selections made.                                       P ubl i c Fi shi ng A ccess                              13. 7%

                                                                        B oat D ocki ng                               13. 6%

                                                                                 Ot her          0. 8%

                                                                                             0. 0%   5. 0%   10. 0% 15. 0% 20. 0%    25. 0% 30. 0% 35. 0% 40. 0% 45. 0% 50. 0%

Town of Jerusalem                                                                                                               Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                                                                    May 2005
Part III: Household Shopping and Travel Patterns

The following questions are intended to provide information about your household’s shop-
ping and travel patterns. From the numbered list of locations, please answer questions
A,B,C and D by writing the number of the location in the space provided.

A.          Please indicate the location of work for those adults in your household who are employed
            outside the home.

                                                  Location of Work




  10.0%                                    7.1%
                                                             2.9%                   2.9%
                          1.7%                                                                        1.5%
                                                                            0.5%              0.5%
                                                               Adult 1

                          Jerusalem           Branchport            Penn Yan               Other Yates County
                          Canandaigua         Geneva                Monroe County          Victor
                          Elmira/Corning      Watkins Glen          Bath/Hammondsport      Other

Survey participants were asked to identify where the adults (up to three) in the household worked.
The number of responses received for Adults 2 and 3 dropped off significantly, so the chart above
only provide work location information for the first adult listed in the survey responses. Monroe
County, Penn Yan and “other” were the most common employment locations, accounting for
over 65 percent of respondents. Some people who indicated “other” listed Rochester, Fairport
and Webster, which technically could have been classified as Monroe County. Additional loca-
tions provided in “other” included Syracuse, Seneca Falls, Wayne County, Ontario County and
“all over”.

Town of Jerusalem                                                                           Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                                May 2005
Part III: Household Shopping and Travel Patterns

B. Where does your household buy the majority of its groceries?

                                         Shopping for Groceries










                                                  7.6%   8.5%       9.1%
                1.1%    0.9%            0.6%                                      1.2%   1.1%    0.3%     2.1%

               Jerusalem                 Branchport                  Penn Yan               Other Yates County
               Canandaigua               Geneva                      Monroe County          Victor
               Elmira/Corning            Watkins Glen                Bath/Hammondsport      Other

A considerable majority of those surveyed shop for household groceries in Penn Yan. Other locations identified as
primary locations for grocery shopping were Monroe County, Geneva and Canandaigua.

Town of Jerusalem                                                                          Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                               May 2005
C. Where does your household buy the majority of its recurring non-food items (e.g. health and
beauty supplies, household supplies, clothing etc.)

                               Location of Recurring Non-Food Purchases







   30%                                                24.4%

   20%                                                            16.8%

   10%                                                                      6.1%                             4.1%
               0.8%   0.2%             0.8%                                          2.1%   1.0%   0.3%
     Jerusalem                       Branchport               1           Penn Yan                        Other Yates Coun
     Canandaigua                     Geneva                               Monroe County                   Victor
     Elmira/Corning                  Watkins Glen                         Bath/Hammondsport               Other

Town of Jerusalem                                                                           Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                                May 2005
D. Where does your household obtain the majority of its required medical services?

                                         Location of Medical Services




   60%                           54.4%


   30%                                                            23.6%

                                                4.7%                                                   6.6%
   10%                                                 3.9%                      2.4%           1.8%
                 0.8%     0.3%           1.4%                             0.0%           0.2%
         Jerusalem                        Branchport          1              Penn Yan                         Other Ya
         Canandaigua                      Geneva                             Monroe County                    Victor
         Elmira/Corning                   Watkins Glen                       Bath/Hammondsport                Other

Town of Jerusalem                                                                       Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                            May 2005
Part IV: Respondent Information

The following questions are intended to provide information on the characteristics of survey participants.
Please put the number of the appropriate response on the line in the response column. Please mark only one
answer per question.

A. How long have you been a resident of Jerusalem?

                                        Length of Residency
                                                7.2%                        13.3%




                            Less than 5 years        5 to 10 years               10 to 20 years

                            20 or more years         Not a resident

B. Are you a year-round or seasonal resident?

                                                Type of Residency



                                                Year Round            Seasonal

Town of Jerusalem                                                                    Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                         May 2005
C. Which of the following best describes the location of your primary residence?

                                        Primary Residence




                                18.3%                                  15.4%

         Lake Front                       Lake View                       Farm
         Elsewhere in Town                Not in Jerusalem

D.   In what type of housing unit do you live?

     Single -Family                       91.0%
     Townhome                              0.4%
     Apartment                             0.4%
     Manufactured                          5.5%
     Other                                 2.8%

E.   How many persons reside in your household?

         Size         Percent
          1           15.4%
          2           55.9%
          3           22.7%
          4            6.1%

Town of Jerusalem                                                                    Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                         May 2005
H.     Which of following describes your age?

                              Respondents Age



                     Under 18                   18-24
                     25-44                      45-54
                     55-64                      65 and Older

I.     What is your total annual household income range?

                                               Household Income


                             16.6%                                        28.5%


                      Under $25,000
                            $2t5,000           $25,000-$49,999         $50,000-$74,999
                      $75,000-$99,000          Over $100,000

Town of Jerusalem                                                                 Community Survey
Summary of Results                                                                      May 2005
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