Tower Hamlets Council 2021 Holiday Activities and Food Programme Guidelines

Page created by Brent Fisher
Tower Hamlets Council 2021 Holiday Activities and Food Programme

School holidays can be particular pressure points for some families because of increased costs (such
as food and childcare) and reduced incomes. For some children that can lead to a holiday experience
gap – with children from disadvantaged families less likely to access organised out-of-school activities,
more likely to experience ‘unhealthy holidays’ in terms of nutrition and physical health, and more
likely to experience social isolation.

Free holiday clubs are a response to this issue and evidence suggests that they can have a positive
impact on children and young people and that they work best when they provide consistent and easily
accessible enrichment activities, for more than just breakfast or lunch, and when they involve children
(and parents) in food preparation.

To address this, the Tower Hamlets Council Holiday Activities and Food Programme seeks to increase
the number of disadvantaged children, those eligible for free school meals, accessing free holiday
provision including healthy food and enriching activities during the 2021 school summer holiday

Programme Aims
The overall aims of the Holiday Activities and Food Programme are to support children to:
    • Eat healthier
    • Be more active
    • Take part in engaging and enriching activities which support the development of resilience,
       character, wellbeing and other key skills
    • Be safe and not socially isolated
    • Have greater knowledge of health and nutrition

In addition, the Holiday Activities and Food Programme aims to support families to be more engaged
with Schools and other local services, have a greater knowledge and awareness of local free holiday
provision. The primary focus of the programme will be engaging and supporting children eligible for
Free School Meals. Those eligible for Free School Meals must be prioritised.

 The Holiday Activities and Food Programme application process is being coordinated by East End Community
               Foundation. All grants will be awarded and managed by Tower Hamlets Council.
Available Funding
Grants are available depending on the number of places available each day at the club. An increased
grant amount is available to support groups providing SEND-focused summer holiday activities to
reflect the additional support required. To claim the SEND rate, at least 50% of attendees must be

There will be a maximum amount of funding available relative to the number of places made available,
as shown in the table below:

                          Mainstream                               SEND
              Number of          Funding           Number of           Funding
              places available   available         places available    available
              -                  -                                 25           £8,500
                             30           £6,200                   30           £9,420
                             35           £6,920                   35          £10,340
                             40           £7,640                   40          £11,260
                             45           £8,360                   45          £12,180
                             50           £9,080                   50          £13,100
                             55           £9,800                   55          £14,020
                             60          £10,520                   60          £14,940
                             65          £11,240                   65          £15,860
                             70          £11,960                   70          £16,780
                             75          £12,680                   75          £17,700
                             80          £13,400                   80          £18,620
                             85          £14,120                   85          £19,540
                             90          £14,840                   90          £20,460
                             95          £15,560                   95          £21,380
                            100          £16,280                 100           £22,300
                            105          £17,000                 105           £23,220
                            110          £17,720                 110           £24,140
                            115          £18,440                 115           £25,060
                            120          £19,160                 120           £25,980
                            125          £19,880                 125           £26,900
                            130          £20,600                 130           £27,820
                            135          £21,320                 135           £28,740
                            140          £22,040                 140           £29,660
                            145          £22,760                 145           £30,580
                            150          £23,480                 150           £31,500
                  Each 5 additional places - £720      Each 5 additional places - £920
                   No maximum limit – grants will increase at the same rate to any size

Please outline in your application how many places per day will be available at your club, and only
bid for the corresponding amount in the table or less.

Clubs should expect to be operating at full capacity. It is expected that your average daily attendance
will be the same as the number of places bid for in your application.

No more than 2.5% of your grant can be spent on capital items.
Minimum Standards of Activity

There are minimum standards which must be reached for each provision:

   •   Cost: clubs must be free to attend. Funding can be used to provide free places at paid clubs to
       FSM-eligible children, but all other standards must still be met, and every effort must be made
       to avoid stigmatising free attendees.
   •   Delivery Structure: clubs should deliver a minimum of 64 hours of activities in a 4x4x4
       structure. This means 4 hours of activity per day, 4 days per week for 4 weeks (a total of 64
       hours of provision). There may be some limited flexibility on the structure as long as the
       number of hours is met. Please note, this is a minimum, and priority will be given to clubs
       offering a total of more than 64 hours of activity.
   •   Food: at least one meal served per day and all food and snacks must meet the school food
       standards. Our expectation is that the majority of food will be hot, however we understand
       there will be occasions when this is not possible, and a cold alternative should be used. Please
       see the next section for further information.
   •   Nutritional Education: provision must include an element of nutritional education each day
       aimed at improving knowledge and awareness of healthy eating. This does not need to be
       formal learning sessions, but children should be able to participate in activities to build their
       understanding of healthy eating e.g. helping with food preparation. Please note training will
       be provided by Tower Hamlets Council on this and materials will be provided.
   •   Enriching Activities: clubs must provide fun and enriching activities that provide children with
       opportunities to develop new skills or knowledge, to consolidate existing skills and knowledge
       or to try out new experiences. This could include physical activities, creative activities or
   •   Physical Activities: clubs must provide activities which meet the physical activity guidelines
       on a daily basis.
   •   Food Education for Families and Carers: clubs must include at least weekly training and advice
       sessions for parents, carers and other family members which provide advice on how to source,
       prepare and cook nutritious and low-cost food. Please note support will be provided by
       Tower Hamlets Council on this and materials will be provided.
   •   Signposting and Referrals: clubs must be able to provide information, signposting or referrals
       to other services that would benefit children and their families. This could be sessions or
       information provided by Citizen’s Advice, School Nurses, dentists or other healthcare
       practitioners, Family Support Services, Housing Support, organisations providing employment
       support or financial education. Tower Hamlets Council has existing partnerships in place and
       will provide information on where families can be referred to, but providers should think
       how this element will fit with their delivery plan.
Food Options
Each holiday clubs must ensure that at least one meal per day is provided to each child. Every meal
provided must meet the school food standards. It is preferred that the meals served are hot, but we
understand in certain circumstances this will not be possible. Within the application you must outline
your plan for food provision and confirm that you will meet the necessary standards.

With your grant funding you can either:
   1) Produce healthy food yourself
   2) Access redistributed ingredients from organisations such as Felix Project and the Tower
       Hamlets Food Hub
   3) Purchase food delivered in from an approved provider
   4) Source your own provider, subject to meeting school food standards

All food provided must be budgeted for from within the grant amount.

If clubs would like redistributed ingredients, we will make every effort to support clubs where possible,
but this provision will, due to its nature, be subject to availability and supply. There will be no cost
associated with this.

Tower Hamlets Council will make available a list of approved providers to all applicants. Please indicate
in your application whether you would like to receive this information. Please remember to budget
for the cost of the food and the logistics of delivery/collection.

If you are planning to provide your own food or source your own provider, please provide details on
the application form.

What We Will Fund
Funding can be used for a variety of things, but we would expect it to fall within two broad categories:
   • to support the holiday offer itself (e.g. setting up new provision, paying for additional staff)
   • to support quality improvement of provision (e.g. bringing in sports coaches, establishing
       partnerships with catering organisations, catering equipment etc.)

What We Won’t Fund
    •   activities where a profit will be distributed for private gain or projects that have no charitable
        or community element
    •   religious or political activity (we are able to fund religious organisations if they are providing
        benefit for the wider community)
    •   activity that replaces government funding or is a statutory responsibility, for example, we can
        only fund school activities that are additional to the curriculum
    •   activities that benefit individuals, rather than a wider community
    •   retrospective costs and loan repayments
    •   expenditure or activities that have already taken place
    •   foreign travel
Monitoring & Evaluation
In order to derive as much learning as possible Tower Hamlets Council will gather a range of
information from funded activities. All providers must collect the following information for all pupils
attending each session:
    • First name
    • Surname
    • Gender
    • Date of birth
    • Home postcode
    • UPN if available (Unique Pupil Number)
    • Dates of all sessions attended
    • Whether they have special educational needs or a disability

Clubs will be required to report weekly on attendances and numbers of FSM children. Tower Hamlets
Council will provide a survey for children and parents/carers to monitor eating behaviour before and
after the programme and to assess awareness of local services.

Supporting Documents
You will need to provide the following supporting documents with your application:
   • Constitution or articles of association
   • Approved accounts or a record of income and expenditure for the organisation
   • One bank statement dated within the last 3 months that shows the account is in the
        organisation’s name, account number and sort code
   • Equality & Diversity Policy
   • Safeguarding Policy

Organisations must be able to demonstrate and explain their safeguarding arrangements and have
relevant and appropriate policies and procedures in place in relation to:
    • Safeguarding
    • Health and safety
    • Insurance
    • Accessibility and inclusiveness
    • Where appropriate, clubs must also be compliant with the Ofsted requirements for working
        with children

How to Apply
Organisations can apply by clicking this link.

Applications forms must be submitted by 12 noon on Wednesday 26th May 2021. Grants will be
awarded in mid-June 2021.

The application process is being administered by East End Community Foundation and grants will be
awarded and managed by Tower Hamlets Council.
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