Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE Premium and Sport Premium. 2019-2020

Page created by Leonard Ramsey
Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE Premium and Sport Premium. 2019-2020
Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE Premium and Sport Premium.

Covid-19 lockdown started on 23rd March 2020 which limited the number of objectives which were completed
as the school was closed. Progress that had been made prior to lockdown is reported in this document. Other
objectives will continue to be worked on in 2020-21.
Key achievements to date:                                         Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of need:

Continuation of the Daily Mile                                   Fully embed whole school daily mile weekly competition

Successful teams in Lewisham schools football league             Further development of a range of different competitive sports
                                                                 competitions throughout Years 3-6, such as: basketball, netball, hockey
A wide range of sporting activities at after school clubs        and rugby

Whole school initiative specific sports days                     Continuation of non-specialist teaching staff’s professional development

New appropriate resources purchased                              Continuation of whole school initiatives

Non-specialist teachers teaching class PE lessons

Teaching staff CPD training

Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety                                         2019/2020 data
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a                   78%
distance of at least 25 metres?
N.B. Even though your children may swim in another year please report on their attainment on
leaving primary school.
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example,                        59%
front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]?
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based                       38%
Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for                        No
swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have
you used it in this way?
Academic Year:       2019/20     Total fund allocated: £19,364       Total fund spent: £15,983.69             Date Updated July
 Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that
 primary school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school
           Intention                            Implementation                               Impact
 School focus with clarity on    Actions to achieve:                  Funding Evidence and impact:            Sustainability and
 intended impact on pupils:                                          allocated:                               suggested next steps
                                                                                                              for 2020/2021
Provide a range of activities - Ensure a variety of sporting         £376.12       Clubs provided:            These after school
implementation of new extra- clubs are provided and well-                          contemporary dance,        clubs to continue in
curricular timetable. Increase resourced with appropriate                          volleyball club            September 2020.
the number of clubs for         equipment.                                         Y6 girls netball club,     Clubs have been
children thus engaging                                                             Y3/Y4 girls netball,       advertised and
more children in regular                                                           football team training,    parents/carers have
activity.                                                                          Y5 girls netball, football signed up for the new
                                                                                   team training - Y5/Y6      academic term.
                                                                                   boys and Y6 girls and      All clubs started, fully
                                                                                   gymnastics                 booked and some
                                                                                                              with waiting lists. All
                                                                                   Impact:                    planned clubs did not
                                                                                   In June, the netball       proceed in spring term
                                                                                   teams started to play      due to COVID-19 as
                                                                                   friendly matches against the lockdown period
                                                                                   local schools. Of the 3    began on 23rd March
                                                                                   matches played we won 2020

Develop provision for            Worked and liaised with               £7,800      Sport Coaches              Child play leaders are
physical activity at lunchtime   Teachsport to have structured                     employed for an hour at    given opportunities to
by; increasing the amount of     sports happening at lunchtimes.                   lunchtimes.                be trained in
playground resources and                                                £196       Impact:                    playground games
activity options meaning a
higher percentage of           Sheds x2 to ensure all lunch          Pupils enjoy a range of      and manage this at
children engage in physical    time equipment if stored safely.      activities and equipment     lunchtimes
activity during play and                                             at lunchtimes. Such as;      Sport Coaches
break times.                   Junior first aiders are training to   football, handball,          continued to be
                               support any minor sporting            netball, basketball,         employed at
                               injuries.                             cricket, tennis,             lunchtimes and
                                                                     badminton, volleyball,       trained our children,
                                                                     circuit training, outdoor    alongside school staff,
                                                                     gym, dance, archery,         as play leaders in
                                                                     skipping and space           playground games
                                                                     hoppers                      and managed this at
                                                                                                  play and lunchtimes.

Develop provision for          Continuation of the daily mile        Children to participate in   Teachers will continue
physical activity during the   and introduction of the ‘daily        up to 30 minutes a day       with the regular
school day through the Daily   mile whole school challenge’          on the daily mile track.     participation in the
Mile thus giving children                                                                         Daily Mile.
the opportunity to achieve                                           Impact:
their 30 minute goal                                                 Teachers to monitor the      PE lead devised a
                                                                     class distance ran on        timetable for teachers
                                                                     the daily mile. Special      and they continue to
                                                                     assemblies to inform         take their classes out
                                                                     children of the week’s       to complete the Daily
                                                                     winner and leadership        Mile.
                                                                     board.                       Weekly assemblies
                                                                                                  used to inform and
                                                                                                  celebrate the winners
                                                                                                  which were displayed
                                                                                                  on the leader board.
Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
         Intention                           Implementation                                Impact
School focus with clarity on   Actions to achieve:                   Funding      Evidence and impact:     Sustainability and
intended impact on pupils:                                          allocated:                             suggested next steps
                                                                                                           for 2020/2021
Continue whole school          Advertised the event early giving        PTA      Lovely comments and       PTA will continue to
engagement of Steps for        all time to ‘save the date’. It was   contributio emails from               sponsor the event. A
Stillness a whole school fun   promoted in school through                n       parents/carer’s and       date has been
run event to further           emails, monthly newsletter and                    pupils.                   secured for next year
engage the entire school       on display in the school                          Impact:                   as now this is an
community in the benefits      reception.                                        Well attended joint       annual event.
of running as a mindful                                                          event hosted by           PTA set this event for
activity.                                                                        Stillness school and      the spring term but did
                                                                                 attended by parents       not proceed due to
                                                                                 from both infant and      COVID-19 but intend
                                                                                 junior school.            to continue to sponsor
                                                                                                           the event.

Giving children an             Continued partnership with            £6,019.20   Annual fees for the use   This provision will
opportunity to experience      Kings Ground so pupils continue                   of Kings ground.          continue.
high quality sports            to have access to the facilities.                 Learning walks, coach     We continue to use
facilities                                                                       and teacher               Kings Ground for
                               Introduction of new activities         £826.04    observations              weekly PE sessions.
                               during PE lessons: curling/
                               archery.                                          Impact:                   PE lead to liaise with
                                                                                 Through learning walks    John Baigon to
                               New equipment purchased for                       and lesson                propose hosting
                               termly sports.                                    observations, weekly PE   annual evening
                                                                                 lessons are well          sporting event at
                                                                                 planned and pupils are    Kings club house,
                               Staff CPD                               TBC       fully engaged. Plans      where all teams’
                                                                                 consistently provided     achievements are
and monitored.          celebrated.
                                                                                                    This meeting did not
                                                                            When PPA time is not    proceed due to
                                                                            covered by PE, teachers COVID-19 as the
                                                                            are teaching their own  lockdown period
                                                                            lesson in accordance to began on 23rd March
                                                                            the rest of their year  2020
                                                                                                    Learning walks,
                                                                                                    monitoring of planning
                                                                                                    and observations to
                                                                                                    PE Lead observed
                                                                                                    lessons and
                                                                                                    supported teachers in
                                                                                                    next steps to their

                                                                                                         Future CPD to be
                                                                                                         arranged by PE lead.
Giving children an          Continued partnership with           As above   Annual fees for the use      This provision will
opportunity to experience   Kings Ground so pupils continue                 of the astro turf pitch at   continue.
high quality sports         to have access to the facilities                Kings.                       We continue to use
facilities during Sports    on Sports Day                                                                Kings Ground for
Day.                                                                        Impact:                      weekly PE sessions.
                            Teachers to book and use Kings                  Staff confirmed that they
                            ground (field/ astro-turf/ netball              were able to encourage       PE lead to liaise with
                            court)                                          and motivate their class     Teachsport to discuss
                                                                            and individuals during       the possibility of
                                                                            Sports Day.                  including a
                                                                                                         presentation of
                                                                            Teachers utilised the        medals and a closing
space at Kings ground     ceremony to celebrate
                                                                   of class PE lessons.      sports day and
                                                                                             possibly invite a local
                                                                                             sporting personality.
                                                                                             This meeting did not
                                                                                             proceed due to
                                                                                             COVID-19 as the
                                                                                             lockdown period
                                                                                             began on 23rd March

To partake in the quick     To get involved in Lewisham’s   £262   Fees for entering the     Year 5/6 only.
sticks hockey tournament    quick sticks competitions for          tournament                All year groups
giving children the         year groups 5 and 6.                                             participated in
broader experience of a                                                                      Lewisham
range of sports.                                                                             competitions. This
                                                                                             included Hockey,
                                                                                             Football, Curling

                                                                                            PE lead to source
                                                                                            similar event offering
                                                                                            a different sport e.g.
                                                                                            tennis or opening up
                                                                                            to all year groups.
                                                                                            This did not proceed
                                                                                            due to COVID-19 as
                                                                                            the lockdown period
                                                                                            began on 23rd March
Giving children an          Run a whole school Mens Euro           Impact:                  Next steps:
opportunity to experience   2020 football tournament.              Increase the confidence, PE lead to liaise with
high quality sports.                                               self-esteem and a real   Teachsport.
Run a whole school Tokyo 2020                      desire to succeed in a    Coaches to be
                              Olympic day.                                       competition. To develop   employed.
                                                                                 understanding for
                                                                                 current world wide        Whole school
                                                                                 sporting events. To       assemblies to deliver
                                                                                 develop a love for        the information
                                                                                 sports.                   needed.

                                                                                                           equipment may need
                                                                                                           to be purchased.
                                                                                                           These events did not
                                                                                                           proceed due to
                                                                                                           COVID-19 as the
                                                                                                           lockdown period
                                                                                                           began on 23rd March
Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport
         Intention                            Implementation                            Impact
School focus with clarity on    Actions to achieve:                  Funding     Evidence and impact:      Sustainability and
intended impact on pupils:                                          allocated:                             suggested next steps
                                                                                                           for 2020/2021
Giving children the           To get pupils entered into the        £508.33      Fees for the schools      Stillness will continue
opportunity to participate    boroughs football league.                          League Plus FA            to play in this league.
and succeed in                                                                   Affiliation               Year 4 and Year 5
competitive school sports     To run trials giving all pupils the                Impact:                   boys football teams
                              opportunity to enter and to be                     The Y4 boys’ football     won the league
                              selected to represent the school                   team won the league.      Y6 girls football team
                              football team                                      The Y5 boys’ football     won the league.
                                                                                 team won the league
and were runners up in     The school will
the cup final.             purchase all kits for
The Y6 boys football       any pupils that
team won the inner         represent the school
London schools             in competitive sports.
tournament                 The school purchased
The girls mixed football   all kits for any pupils
team came 3rd in the       that represented the
league amongst local       school in competitive
schools.                   sports

                           A Sports Coach will
                           be employed to train
                           the teams only at a
                           dedicated after school
                           We have employed a
                           dedicated Sports
                           Coach that trains all
                           the schools football

                           PE lead will explore
                           developing a Stillness
                           triathlon and hockey
                           This is on hold due to
                           COVID-19 as the
                           lockdown period
                           began on 23rd March
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