Towards Gamified Alcohol Use Disorder Therapy in Virtual Reality: A Preliminary Usability Study - Universität Hamburg

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Towards Gamified Alcohol Use Disorder Therapy in Virtual Reality: A Preliminary Usability Study - Universität Hamburg
Towards Gamified Alcohol Use Disorder Therapy in Virtual Reality:
                          A Preliminary Usability Study
       Fariba Mostajeran ∗                 Aila Kirsten †            Frank Steinicke ‡                       Jürgen Gallinat §
         Universität Hamburg           Universität Hamburg         Universität Hamburg      University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
                                                                  Simone Kühn ¶
                                                     University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
                                                      Max Planck Institute for Human Development
                                               Lise Meitner Group for Environmental Neuroscience

A BSTRACT                                                                    fronted with stimuli that trigger their craving. The goal is to repress
The combination of virtual reality (VR) and gamification opens up            salience of those stimuli and to prevent or reduce the dysfunctional
new vistas for innovative forms of therapy for alcohol use disorder          approaching behavior [13]. The second often used therapeutic
(AUD) and have enormous potential to improve traditional ther-               method is Approach Avoidance Training (AAT). Within this method
apy methods. In this paper, three gamified and one non-gamified              the patient sees multiple drinks as photos on a PC screen and has
AUD therapy applications for VR are introduced and evaluated.                to push the alcoholic beverages away and pull the non-alcoholic
The games are based on two behavioral therapy methods, which                 towards himself to learn to avoid alcohol [17]. These methods,
are Cue Exposure Therapy (CET) and Approach Avoidance Train-                 however, are associated with some limitations, which have to be
ing (AAT). The games are realized in the context of a virtual super-         addressed while designing innovative therapy methods. For exam-
market, which is considered as a relapse-risky environment. The              ple, therapy sessions using the CET method with the goal to cope
aim is to help AUD patients practice avoiding alcohol first in a VR-         with alcohol cues in every day scenarios such as grocery shopping
based simulation and later in a real supermarket. In preparation for         can be expensive and time-consuming. Furthermore, the AAT may
a long-term clinical study, a usability study was conducted with 13          be perceived as rather tedious and may not yet be as enjoyable as
healthy participants. The results show that the VR game was en-              they it could be.
joyed, increased the motivation, and fewer errors were made than                This shortcoming can be addressed by implementing these be-
in the comparable non-gamified application.                                  havioral therapy methods in virtual reality (VR). In a virtual en-
Keywords: Virtual reality therapy, alcohol use disorder, approach            vironment (VE), craving can be successfully induced and has
avoidance training, cue exposure therapy                                     been shown to be more effective than traditional 2D cues as pho-
                                                                             tographs [8]. Since the VE can easily be customized and adjusted
Index Terms:             Human-centered computingInteraction                 to fit the patient’s needs. In addition, the patient might prefer a VE
paradigmsVirtual Reality; Applied ComputingLife and medi-                    to an in-vivo therapy setting [8]. Furthermore, in a VR session, the
cal sciencesconsumer health;                                                 patients wear a Head-Mounted Display (HMD) and can immerse
                                                                             themselves in another setting, whereas in reality they are still in
1    I NTRODUCTION                                                           a “safe” environment, in which alcohol is not available. Another
According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health                 advantage is that in VR the stimuli (or cues) can be interactive. Fi-
(NSDUH) [1], 15.1 million adults above 18 years old and an esti-             nally, gamification has enormous potential to increase the intrinsic
mated 623,000 adolescents ages 12–17 fulfilled the criteria of al-           motivation of users [16]. Different gamification elements satisfy the
cohol use disorder (AUD) in the USA. However, less than 7% of                key elements that create motivation such as the feeling of compe-
the adults and less than 6% of the adolescents received treatment.           tence, experiencing autonomy, and social relatedness [15]. More-
More than 85,0000 people die from alcohol-related causes annu-               over, recent studies showed that learning effects can be increased
ally, making alcohol the third leading preventable cause of death in         through gaming [5], and even more interestingly that gaming on
the US, but other countries are affected by a high alcohol consump-          a regular basis can have a positive impact on the structure of the
tion as well [9]. High alcohol consumption on a regular basis is             brain [11, 10].
considered risky and can cause serious health problems. For exam-
ple, approximately half a million hospital stays in Germany resulted            The goal of this study is to develop and evaluate a VR-based
from alcohol in 2012. These numbers emphasize the needs for in-              game that may potentially enhance alcohol addiction therapy. The
novative alcohol therapy methods, which are much more accessible             VE is a supermarket, which is not only a place which patients will
and effective compared to the traditional ones available today.              have to visit on a regular basis in their everyday life, but also bears
   Different therapy methods can help patients overcome their                a high risk for a relapse. The patients need to be prepared for this
AUD. A common behavioral therapy method is called Cue-                       scenario. This summarizes an additional requirement of this game:
Exposure Therapy (CET). In a therapy session patients are con-               The VE needs to look and feel as realistic as possible. The game
                                                                             will consist of different mini-games each of which includes one
    ∗ e-mail:                           behavioral therapy method. The main goal of the game is to find
    † e-mail:                                     and buy items that are written on a shopping list. Before paying
    ‡ e-mail:                            for the items, the player has to earn money. Earning money can
    § e-mail:                                              be done through sorting items into a shelf (CET) and clearing a
    ¶ e-mail:                                                 shelf by placing the alcoholic beverages into a trash bin and the
                                                                             non-alcoholic beverages in a shopping-cart (AAT). In preparation
                                                                             for a long-term clinical study, a preliminary study was conducted to
                                                                             evaluate the usability and perceived enjoyment and motivation for
Towards Gamified Alcohol Use Disorder Therapy in Virtual Reality: A Preliminary Usability Study - Universität Hamburg
2   BACKGROUND       AND   R ELATED W ORK                                3   D ESIGN   AND I MPLEMENTATION

                                                                         We designed and implemented three mini-games for CET and AAT
Originally the AAT was developed as a diagnostic instrument and as       as well as a non-gamified AAT application to be played in VR. All
a variant of an Implicit Association Test (IAT). An IAT measures the     VEs were implemented using Unity3D game engine and were cus-
relative strength of associations between concepts [19]. The task is     tomized for HTC vive HMD and controllers. Furthermore, players
to sort the stimuli into four categories but only using two possible     did not have to move in VR as all games could be played while
responses. Two of the four concepts are called attributes (usually       standing still at one place. The three mini-games were featured in
positive-negative) and the other two are the targets. The task is to     a virtual supermarket with a wide range of grocery items, a typi-
react as quickly as possible to which category (attribute or target)     cal supermarket background noise, and virtual customers walking
the stimulus belongs. A stimulus can be an image or word. The            around the supermarket. The overall game’s goal was to find and
measured effect is the different response time for the two possible      buy the correct items of a shopping list. But before being able to
combinations of attributes and targets. The AAT was implemented          buy any item, the player had to earn money by playing two mini-
as an approach-avoidance-IAT and its results show strong connec-         games of which one was inspired by AAT and the other by CET. All
tions between alcohol and approach bias in heavy drinkers [19].          interactions with the virtual items in these VEs were accomplished
Wiers et al. [18] conducted a clinical AAT training study with 214       using the HTC vive controllers (e.g., grabbing an object by pressing
alcohol dependent inpatients, who were assigned to either training       the trigger button).
or control conditions. The control groups either did not receive             The AAT game (see Figure 1 (a) and (b)) was played in front of
training or received sham training. The participants in the training     an unsorted shelf in the alcohol section of the virtual supermarket.
group had to push a joystick to make an avoidance movement when          The shelf contains alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The goal
pictures of alcohol were presented and to make an approach move-         was to sort out the items by putting the non-alcoholic beverages into
ment to pictures of soft-drinks (pull a joystick). The results show      the shopping-cart and throwing the alcoholic ones into a trash bin.
that four brief sessions (15 minutes) on consecutive days changed        When an item was sorted correctly, the player earned 0.5e, the tar-
implicit approach responses to alcohol. Moreover, a year later the       get container was colored in green, and a positive audio feedback is
treatment outcomes for patients in the training group was better         played when a non-alcoholic beverage was successfully thrown into
(i. e., 16% less relapse rate).                                          it. Misplacement of an item (wrong container) resulted in losing
                                                                         0.5e and receiving negative auditory and visual (wrong container
    Another type of cognitive behavioural therapy method for AUD         appears in red) feedback. Moreover, there was a time limit, so that
is CET which is a special form of exposure therapy (ET). In ET,          the player was offered only a certain amount of time to play this
which has been successfully applied for anxiety disorders [13], pa-      game.
tients are carefully exposed to specific stimuli which trigger their
                                                                             Next, the CET mini-game (see Figure 1(c) and (d)) started with
symptoms. This will overtime help them to gradually control their
                                                                         the goal of exposing the players for a longer time with alcoholic
reactions. Similarly in CET, patients are exposed to certain stim-
                                                                         beverages. To do so, they had to take one bottle at a time out of a
uli (or cues) to trigger their craving (disturbed approach behavior).
                                                                         bottle crate next to them and place it in a randomly assigned posi-
Exposure to cues increases the craving, which can also be observed
                                                                         tion in an empty shelf. Taking one bottle at the time implied that
physiologically e.g. in a change of the cardiac frequency, electro-
                                                                         the player cannot interact with both hands at the same time. This
dermal activity, or the salivation. CET can be used for treatment
                                                                         was implemented to increase the focus onto each single bottle. Each
of various types of substance (e.g., alcohol, nicotine, cocaine, etc.)
                                                                         placement resulted in receiving 0.5e. Since the bottles could not be
addiction as well as other psychological disorders such as bulimia,
                                                                         placed anywhere else, losing money was not possible in this mini-
binge eating, shopping addiction, and pathological gambling. For
                                                                         game. Also similar to the AAT mini-game, the player was only
treatment of AUD, alcohol related cues are presented and the patient
                                                                         granted a certain amount of time to play.
is instructed to let the craving arise and acknowledge it. The patient
gives regularly feedback on his subjective rating of the intensity of        The shopping game (see Figure 1(e)) started by the player re-
the craving. A training session is completed once the intensity is       ceiving a shopping-list whose items had to be purchased using the
considerably decreased. In later therapy sessions CET can be com-        money which has been earned while playing the AAT and CET
bined with a training of coping skills, so the patient learns how to     games. The player is supposed to buy only the items on this list
decline alcohol offers [13].                                             while most of them do not refer to a specific product, but rather
                                                                         a group of items (e.g., fruit, hot drinks, bread, etc.) leaving some
   In addition to these classical therapy methods, some scientists       freedom of choice (e.g., type of bread). The items in the shelves or
have reported applying VR for AUD therapy [3, 12, 14]. For ex-           fridges can be grabbed and placed in a shopping-cart or taken out
ample, Brodnick et al. [3] analyzed the subjective craving for al-       of it and back in their original place. If the player puts an item from
cohol in different VEs. The results of a controlled experiment with      the shopping-list into the shopping-cart, the shopping-cart was col-
40 AUD patients showed that craving for alcohol was increased in         ored in green and a positive auditory feedback was played. If the
VEs in which alcoholic beverages were present (e.g., party). These       item was not from the list, the shopping-cart was colored in red and
results can be helpful for VR-CET. Another study [12] applied VR-        a negative sound was played to give an immediate feedback on the
CET to eight members of an Alcoholics Anonymous group. The               player’s action. The shopping-list was also updated accordingly to
VEs were a Japanese-style pub and a western-style bar. The results       give the player an overview of the purchased items and their prices.
of training for eight 30min-sessions showed a decrease in the sub-       If the player puts an item into the cart, which was not on the list, the
jectively reported craving. Lastly, Metcalf et al. [14] developed        item appears in red in the list. The purchase cannot be completed as
a cue refusal VR-video game based on Kinect and Xbox with the            long as incorrect items are in the cart. To make it more challenging,
goal to support cigarette and alcohol recovery. The player had to hit    some alcoholic beverages were located at random positions in the
or kick the addiction cue images which flew towards them. The re-        shelves.
sults of an experiment with 61 participants recovering from alcohol          In addition, a non-gamified AAT VR application (see Figure
or tobacco addiction showed that on average, reported substance          1(f)) was developed to be compared with the AAT mini-game. The
use decreased during the intervention period. Moreover, AUD par-         interaction in this environment was designed to be similar to the
ticipants in recovery showed a statistically significant increase in     AAT implementation of Wiers et al. for AUD therapy [18]. Since
self-efficacy, attitude, and behavior during the intervention and a      we could not find a comparable classical version for the other two
decrease in alcohol use by 75% after the study.                          mini-games (i.e., CET and shopping) we decided on a non-gamified
Towards Gamified Alcohol Use Disorder Therapy in Virtual Reality: A Preliminary Usability Study - Universität Hamburg
(a)                                                                     (b)

                                (c)                                                                     (d)

                                (e)                                                                     (f)

Figure 1: Proposed gamified (a-e) and non-gamified (f) AUD therapy VR applications. The games (a-e) were realized in the context of a virtual
supermarket and the non-gamified application in a mountain cabin. (a) AAT mini-game (G-AAT): sorting alcoholic beverages into a trash bin and
(b) non-alcoholic beverages into a shopping-cart. (c) CET mini-game: taking alcoholic beverages from a bottle crate and (d) placing them on the
marked positions. (e) Shopping mini-game: the items on a shopping list should be found and put into a shopping-cart. The names of the correct
items were shown in green and incorrect ones (i.e., alcoholic beverages) in red on the shopping list. (d) Non-gamified AAT (N-AAT): alcoholic
beverages were supposed to be pushed away and non-alcoholic beverages were to be pulled closer to the participant

implementation only for the AAT mini-game. This version was sit-          to interact with the bottles by touching and then moving them ei-
uated in a mountain cabin with a minimal interior design to keep the      ther forwards or backwards. For each bottle, the participant had two
VE neutral. The bottles appeared at the center of a table. The con-       seconds to react. After a short break of two seconds, a new bottle
trollers in this VE appeared as two virtual hands with white gloves.      appeared at the center of the table.
The instructions in this game were to push the alcoholic beverages
away and pull the non-alcoholic beverages closer. Since the bottles
were not implemented to be grabbed, the participant was only able
Towards Gamified Alcohol Use Disorder Therapy in Virtual Reality: A Preliminary Usability Study - Universität Hamburg
4 U SER S TUDY                                                            for each condition was calculated as: N-AAT=87.3, G-AAT=93.5,
In preparation for a long-term clinical study, we performed a pilot       and WG=86.7. A SUS-score can rank from 0-100 and a score above
user study, which was approved by the local ethical committee of          68 is considered to be above average, meaning that all conditions
the Computer Science Department. The aim of this study was to             received above average usability scores [2]. A Wilcoxon Signed-
evaluate the usability of three conditions: (i) Non-Gamified AAT          Rank Test (Z = −0.4077, p = 0.6818) showed no significant dif-
(N-AAT), (ii) Gamified AAT (G-AAT), and the (iii) Whole Game              ferences in the SUS-scores between N-AAT and G-AAT or between
(WG, containing all three mini-games: CET, AAT, and shopping).            G-AAT and WG (Z = −0.1529, p = 0.88076). Tests at the individ-
In addition, the comparison between N-AAT and G-AAT could                 ual item level showed only for the first statement I think I would
help us understand the effects of the gamification on performance         like to use this system frequently a significant preference of G-AAT
(i. e., the number of errors made while sorting the alcoholic and         over N-AAT (W = 0.00, critical value = 3.00).
non-alcoholic beverages), motivation, and enjoyment of the train-            We also used AttrakDiff [7] for evaluating usability as well as
ing within each condition. Moreover, the comparison between G-            the user experience. The survey consists of three semantic dif-
AAT and WG could give us an insight into the experienced level            ferential questions each containing 9 or 10 word pairs. With the
of enjoyment by playing multiple mini-games which have a story            help of a seven point scale, the participant were asked to choose
behind them (i.e., earn money by sorting to buy your items on the         which word of the word pair was more appropriate to describe
shopping list). Thus, the following hypotheses were formulated:           the system on four dimensions Pragmatic Quality (PQ), Hedonic
                                                                          Quality-Identity (HQ-I), Hedonic Quality-Stimulation (HQ-S), At-
   • H1 : G-AAT is more motivating than N-AAT (due to the gam-            tractiveness (ATT). The word-pairs and the mean scores for the
     ification element)                                                   three conditions are displayed in Figure 2. The individual items
                                                                          reveal that the participants found G-AAT to be significantly more
   • H2 : G-AAT produces less errors than N-AAT in sorting alco-          inventive (W = −0.4543, critical value = 9.00), more creative (Z =
     holic and non-alcoholic beverages                                    −2.4973, p = 0.01242), bolder (W = 0.00 critical value = 0.00),
   • H3 : WG is enjoyed more than G-AAT (due to change intro-             more innovative (W = 0.00, critical value = 2.00), more captivating
     duced by the collection of mini-games and the story behind it,       (W = 0.00, critical value = 5.00), more challenging (Z = −2.9341,
     i. e., earn money and do the shopping. This mission is missing       p = 0.00338) and more novel (Z = −2.8031, p = 0.00512) than N-
     in G-AAT alone, as it is not clear for what purpose the money        AAT. Comparing G-AAT to WG showed that WG was perceived as
     is collected.)                                                       significantly more human (Z = −2.9025, p = 0.00374) and more
                                                                          simple (Z = −2.4463, p = 0.01428) than G-AAT. And G-AAT was
4.1 Participants                                                          perceived as more innovative (W = 0.00, critical value = 8.00) than
13 healthy participants (9 male and 4 female) between 22 and 35
years of age (avg. 25.76) took part in this study. Half of the partici-      With the help of AttrakDiff, the PQ, HQ-I, HQ-S, and ATT could
pants did not need any visual corrections and of the other half, half     be calculated for each condition (see Figure 3). PQ describes the
used glasses and the other half contact lenses to correct their vision.   usability of a system and how achievable its goals were. Compar-
Most participants have experienced VR before. 61.5% were stu-             ing directly N-AAT and G-AAT showed that the participants found
dents of the local Department of Computer Science, who received           N-AAT significantly better at PQ (Z = −2.4318, p = 0.0151). HQ-
course credit for their participation. All participants signed a con-     I shows how much the users were able to identify with the prod-
sent form prior to the study. They were also free to have breaks or       uct. The differences between N-AAT and G-AAT on this dimension
quit the the study at any time.                                           were not significant (Z = −0.4543, p = 0.65272). HQ-S reveals
                                                                          how much they were stimulated by the system and how much they
4.2 Procedure                                                             felt the system could support the user in improving. On this dimen-
The study took place in a laboratory room of approx. 16m2 with a          sion the direct comparison between N-AAT and G-AAT showed
dim light. The VR tracking space was approximately 3m × 3m. For           that the participants were significantly more stimulated by G-AAT
rendering, system control, and logging an Intel computer running          than N-AAT (Z = −3.1798, p = 0.00148). ATT describes the
Windows 10 (graphics card: GeForce GTX 780 Ti; processor: In-             overall attractiveness of the system based on the perceived qual-
tel Core i7; RAM: 16GB) was used. In addition to the HTC Vive             ity. For ATT no significant difference was found when comparing
HMD, participants wore DT 770 Pro headphones for sound and                N-AAT and G-AAT (Z = −0.4543, p = 0.65272). The compari-
noise-canceling. They also received an introduction to the whole          son of G-AAT and WG only showed a significant difference in PQ
study and instructions for each condition. The order of the condi-        (Z = −2.9003, p = 0.00374).
tions was randomized. Questionnaires were given before and after             Furthermore, the NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) [6] was
the whole study and after each condition. In addition to the ques-        used in this study to evaluate the workload of each condition.
tionnaire, during G-AAT and N-AAT, the data on the total number           This questionnaire is a multidimensional scale containing ques-
of sorted bottles and committed errors were logged. After a short         tions about different aspects. The participants can rate on a 100
training phase, the experiment was started.                               point scale in steps of 5 the mental, physical and temporal de-
                                                                          mand and also their performance, effort and frustration. Since the
4.3 Results                                                               targeted patient group may be limited in their cognitive or even
In order to examine our hypotheses, we used several question-             physical abilities, it is important to evaluate whether or not the
naires whose results will be presented in this section. Given that        developed VR application were too demanding or difficult. The
the Shapiro-Wilk test indicated non-normally distributed data, all        results can be seen in Figure 4. Here the average score and stan-
differences were tested for significance using the non-parametric         dard deviation is displayed for each item and experimental condi-
Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test with an α level of 0.05. If the varia-          tion. When comparing G-AAT and N-AAT, multiple significant ef-
tions between pairs were insufficient (n ¡10), the critical value for     fects were found: G-AAT has a significantly higher mental demand
W was used instead of Z and p to evaluate the significance.               (Z = −2.534, p = 0.0114), a significantly higher physical demand
   First, we used the System Usability Scale (SUS) [4], which is a        (Z = −3.0594, p = 0.00222), a significantly higher temporal de-
standardized survey to evaluate the usability of a system. It con-        mand (Z = −2.3142, p = 0.02088) and needs significantly more
sists of 10 Likert Scale items, where different statements can be an-     effort to be put into to accomplish the desired level of performance
swered from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree. The SUS-score            (Z = −3.0594, p = 0.00222). The overall demand was significantly
Towards Gamified Alcohol Use Disorder Therapy in Virtual Reality: A Preliminary Usability Study - Universität Hamburg
Figure 3: AttrakDiff four dimensions: PQ, HQ-I, HQ-S and ATT for all
                                                                         three conditions. When comparing both AAT systems, N-AAT scored
                                                                         significantly higher at PQ and G-AAT at HQ-S.

                                                                         Figure 4: NASA-TLX average score and standard deviation per con-
Figure 2: AttrakDiff word-pair items and their average scores per con-
                                                                         (Z = −3.1798, p = 0.00148). This finding is in support of H2 .
                                                                         4.4 Additional Comments
higher in G-AAT (Z = −2.8241, p = 0.0048). For performance               The participants enjoyed G-AAT and found it to be a straightfor-
(Z = −0.0392, p = 0.9681) and frustration (W = 15.00, critical           ward and simple mini-game. Multiple participants emphasized how
value = 3.00) no significant differences were found. Comparing G-        much they enjoyed throwing bottles. They also felt motivated by the
AAT to WG showed that G-AAT was significantly more mentally              time pressure. They appreciated that despite the time pressure, they
demanding (W = 4.5, critical value = 9.00). The other aspects did        were able to set the pace. Additionally, they suggested the follow-
not show any significant difference.                                     ing improvements: The height of the shelves was not optimal for
   Within the last subjective questionnaire, we asked the partici-       tall participants, making them have to bend down rather low. Some
pants to rate the perceived enjoyment, motivation and realism in a       participants would have found it more realistic if more virtual hu-
7-point Likert scale; ranging from Not at all to A lot. The state-       mans were shopping in the supermarket.
ments were How much did you enjoy [the last condition]?, How                The general feedback about the N-AAT was less positive com-
motivated were you to perform well? and How realistic did you find       pared to G-AAT. It was perceived as more monotone and not men-
the [the last condition]?. As it can be seen in Figure 5, the par-       tally challenging enough. The participants wished for an accelera-
ticipants significantly enjoyed the G-AAT more (W = 0.00, critical       tion, creating more time pressure (they had constantly two seconds
value = 5.00) and felt significantly more motivated to perform well      to react per bottle). Some complained about the missing sound and
(W = 0.00, critical value = 0.00) compared with the N-ATT. No            auditory feedback.
significant effect was found in the enjoyment and motivation when           Finally, the participants gave combined feedback on the WG.
comparing G-AAT to WG. The question about realism showed no              They generally enjoyed the money-aspect and that they were able
significant effects. Thus, H1 can and H3 are not supported by these      to earn more money, if they played faster and that they had an influ-
results.                                                                 ence on the spending: different items varied in costs. They enjoyed
   Finally, the logged data revealed that the participants managed       the freedom of choice and the progress they made. The different
to push or pull approx. 44 bottles on average in the N-AAT (max:         feedback types (the visual hint on the bottle, the summarized earned
55, min: 41, σ = 3, 43) of which approx. 1.76 were incorrectly           money, and the auditory feedback) accompanying each movement.
pushed or pulled (max: 8, min: 0, σ = 2, 09). Whereas in the             The feedback was perceived as motivating especially in the G-AAT
G-AAT the participants achieved on average a complete count of           and CET. Of all the three mini-games, 7 participants liked the G-
142 bottles (max: 220, min: 89, σ = 39, 6) with only 0.8 errors on       AAT the most and 4 participants the Shopping game. No partici-
average (max: 4, min: 0, σ = 1, 2). The effect proved to be sig-         pant favored the CET game. The participants suggested the follow-
nificant (Z = −2.8451, p = 0.00438). The participants also man-          ing improvements: They wished for an option to quit the G-AAT
aged to significantly sort more bottles in G-AAT than in N-AAT           and CET game if they thought they have earned enough money to
Towards Gamified Alcohol Use Disorder Therapy in Virtual Reality: A Preliminary Usability Study - Universität Hamburg
friends, where the patient might face group pressure. Including the
                                                                          context may increase the effectiveness of modern therapy methods.
                                                                          To create an even more immersive experience and to induce even
                                                                          more craving, olfactory could also be implemented and incorpo-
                                                                          rated into the gamified application. In short, gamified therapy in
                                                                          VR has the potential to revolutionize the recovery process of AUD
                                                                          patients by increasing their intrinsic motivation to abstain and al-
                                                                          lowing them to train at anytime and anywhere.

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Towards Gamified Alcohol Use Disorder Therapy in Virtual Reality: A Preliminary Usability Study - Universität Hamburg
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