Page created by Erin Schwartz

                                                      SUmMeR 2021
 Dedication, Respect, Support, FUN!

    on Page 8!

                              Serving the Communities of
 ~ Village of Hinsdale ~ Elmhurst Park District ~ Burr Ridge Park District ~ Oak Brook Park District
            ~ Pleasant Dale Park District ~ Village of Countryside ~ Village of Willowbrook
                        ~ York Center Park District ~ Westchester Park District
Gateway Special Recreation Association
    Creating Boundless Community Recreation Opportunities Since 1989
         Gateway Special Recreation Association (SRA) was formed through an intergovernmental
  agreement and is an extension of the Park Districts of Burr Ridge, Elmhurst, Oak Brook, Pleasant Dale,
        Westchester and York Center and the Villages of Hinsdale, Willowbrook, and Countryside.
 Gateway SRA contracts the services of Ray Graham Association for People with Disabilities, a non-profit
 agency, to provide therapeutic recreation programs. Ray Graham Association has been serving the needs
                   of people with disabilities and their families for more than fifty years.
  Gateway SRA promotes the full participation of people with disabilities in meaningful activities that maximize
      their health, well-being, and quality of life. Recreation is a central component of a healthy lifestyle. This
 philosophy is carried out through all our recreation and sports programs and services for people with disabilities.

               Mission Statement                                                   4 Core Values
   Gateway SRA strives to expand people’s lives through
                                                                        Dedication, Respect, Support, FUN!
therapeutic recreation activities to reach, grow and achieve.

                   Board of Directors                                              Administration
 Burr Ridge Park District            Pleasant Dale Park District         Ray Graham Association – Hanson Center
 Jim Pacanowski – Trustee            Matt Russian – Secretary            15W431 59th St
 15W400 Harvester Dr.                7425 S Wolf Rd                      Burr Ridge, IL 60527
 Burr Ridge, IL 60527                Burr Ridge, IL 60527                630.325.3857
 630.920.1969                        630.662.6220
 Elmhurst Park District              Westchester Park District           Ryan Massengill
 Cindy Szkolka – Trustee             Dean Hoskin – Trustee               Superintendent of Recreation
 225 Prospect Ave                    10201 Bond St                       630.325.3857 ext. 110
 Elmhurst, IL 60126                  Westchester, IL 60154     
 630.993.8910                        708.865.8200
 Hinsdale Recreation Dept.           Willowbrook Parks and Rec.          Michael Baig
 Heather Bereckis – Trustee          John Fenske - Chair                 Recreation/Vehicle Coordinator
 19 E. Chicago Ave                   7760 Quincy St                      630.325.3857 ext. 112
 Hinsdale, IL 60521                  Wilowbrook, IL 60527      
 630.920.7097                        630.920.2251
 Oak Brook Park District             York Center Park District           Carolyn Strasen
 Michael Contreras – Vice Chair      Scott Nadeau - Treasurer            Recreation/Sports Coordinator
 1450 Forest Gate Rd.                1609 South Luther Ave               630.325.3857 ext. 108
 Oak Brook, IL 60523                 Lombard, IL 60148         
 630.990.4233                        630.629.0886
                                                                         Amanda Aguilar
 Village Of Countryside              Board meetings are held on
                                     the 2nd Thursday of each month      Recreation/Day Camp
 Billy Rosinia – Trustee             at 3:00pm at the Oak Brook Park     Coordinator
 5550 East Ave
 Countryside, IL 60525
                                     District, located at 1450 Forest    630.325.3857 ext. 109
                                     Gate Road, Oak Brook, IL 60523.
 708.485.2595                        Everyone is welcome and
                                     encouraged to attend.               Se Habla Español


Greetings Gateway SRA Community,

We are on our way to having one of the best summer’s ever! Just seeing and feeling the warm
sunshine brings a smile to our faces and excitement for what this summer has in store for us.
We are thrilled to be able to continue providing positive recreation opportunities to our
community this summer. We are pleased to share with you our latest recreation guide in
hopes that you find an activity to sign up for. Whether it is in-person or virtual we look
forward to seeing you again. Continuing to move forward with our summer recreation guide
many of our programs have remained the same with a few additions to some new
programming and special events. We will continue to follow our best practices that we have
laid out and follow the most current up to date Covid19 guidelines. We have continued to
provide these guidelines on the following pages for you to reference when deciding if
in-person or virtual programs are right for you. While we have been able to increase the
amount of activities listed, program maximum sizes, and transportation, we will fully enforce
those capacity limits to ensure the
safest atmosphere for our participants           TAbLe Of CoNtEnTs
and team members. Your and our
                                               Board of Directors/Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Front Cover
team’s safety is the highest priority. We
                                               In-Person Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1
look forward to continuing our work            Keeping You Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2
                                               Health and Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
towards safely serving all who wish to
                                               Gators Athletics/Bowling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
return to programs. Thank you to               Social Clubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
                                               Special Events/August Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6
everyone that has supported Gateway
                                               Virtual Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7
SRA throughout this interesting year.          Summer Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 8-9
                                               On-Line Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
As we continue moving forward please
                                               Dates to Remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
feel free to reach out to anyone on the        General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 11-13
                                               Health and Contact Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 14-15
Recreation Team to discuss future
                                               Financial Assistance Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 16-17
programming. Your positive feedback            Special Olympics Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 18-19
                                               We’re Hiring Ad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 20
is important to us. Thank you for
choosing to spend your recreation                     Don’t forget to check out Gateway SRA
time with Gateway SRA.                                   website at and
                                                               Like Us on Facebook!

    Ability to participate at a 1 team member to                  Participate with visual and verbal prompting within a
    4 participant ratio.                                          ratio of 1 team member to 4 participants, without the
                                                                  need for physical re-direction.
    Ability to maintain a 6ft social distance in a group
    setting from other participants and team members.             Ability to follow Gateway SRA Code of Conduct and
                                                                  other pre-determined guidelines.
    Ability to properly put on, wear, and take off face
    covering when necessary, for the duration                     Must bring personal face covering and hand sanitizer.
    of the program.                                               Will be available on a limited basis.

    Independent personal care (hygiene, toileting, eating).       Participant must have a current Health & Contact Form
                                                                  on file.

         To determine if in-person programs are a good fit, please consider
                 your responses to the following statements below.

 1. The participant is able to function at a 1 staff to 4 participant ratio.

 2. The participant is able to independently put on and take off their face covering, and wear for the duration
    of the program.

 3. The participant can independently wash hands.

 4. The participant can cover a cough or sneeze.

 5. The participant can independently maintain 6-feet social distancing when in a group setting.

 6. The participant can eat with minimal assistance.

 7. The participant is completely independent with toileting needs.

 8. The participant demonstrates safe behavior toward self and others throughout the duration of the program.

    If you answered “Yes” to all statements, in-person programming may be a
    good fit for you.

    If you answered “No” to one of the statements, please contact
    Gateway SRA to discuss program options.

    If you answered “No” to 2 or more statements, then virtual programs
    are the best way to participate until guidelines are updated.

           Gateway SRA will review all registrations and contact you if there
              are questions regarding the participant’s ability to follow
                       updated eligibility and safety practices.
page 1
Program capacity will be a determined based on program, which includes team members (TM). Some
programs have a small class size due to the nature of the program being offered. Please pay attention to the
program capacity.

Gateway SRA transportation will be available for certain programs and will be indicated in the program
description. Transportation will be limited to a first come first serve basis and individuals must register separately.
Cook/DuPage Transportation is not currently available. Unless otherwise indicated, all participants must meet at
program location.

Face coverings must be worn by participants and TM at all times.

Participants must provide their own face coverings and hand sanitizer.

(TM) will develop a pick up and drop off system for each program to ensure proper physical distancing.
Parents and caregivers must wear face coverings. Parents and caregivers must wait for TM to acknowledge arrival
and check-in of participant before leaving.

Participants must adhere to a strict hand washing schedule.

(TM) will clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces before and after activities and between use by
different individuals.

Gateway SRA will take measures to promote 6 feet of physical distancing which may include seating assignments,
outdoor activities, barriers and traffic flow patterns.

Participants and TM’s displaying symptoms of illness during program will be removed from the group, and an
approved family member or caregiver will be required to pick up the individual within 30 minutes of notification.
Participants will be supervised while waiting for pick up.

A participant who has been exposed to, or in close contact with, someone confirmed with COVID-19 may only
return to program after it has been 10 days from the time of exposure.

Participants diagnosed with, or exhibiting symptoms of, COVID-19 may only return to program after it has been 10
days from the time individual experienced symptoms, does not have a fever for 3 days (without fever reducing
medication) and shows improvement in respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath). A participant may
return to program after 2 negative COVID-19 tests in a row, with testing completed 24 hours apart and
documentation from a physician.

If the participant has illness such as allergies or other non-contagious conditions that may appear similar to a
contagious illness the parent/guardian/caregiver should indicate that on the Health & Contact Form and notify the
program leader.

Participant and TM may be asked to perform an at home self-health check every day prior to arrival at programs.
Instructions for the self-health check will be provided prior to the start of programs.

Reasonable accommodations will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

Current Waiver and Release of all claims/hold harmless agreement must be signed by participant (if own guardian),
parent, or approved guardian.

                                                                                                                 page 2
Fun and Fitness                                                                A Walk in the Park
It’s time to work on our summer fitness! Weights and stretching is part         Let’s go for a stroll. Summer is the perfect time to take a walk in the park
of this class. A Right Fit trainer will lead this program. Please wear         with your friends. We hope you can join us! Please wear comfortable
comfortable clothes and shoes. Please bring a water bottle.                    walking gyms shoes, bring your own water bottle and sunscreen.
Program Code:      21UHW01                                                     Program Code:       21UHW16
Location:          Hanson Center                                               Location:           East End Park, Elmhurst
Day:               MONDAY                                                      Day:                THURSDAY
Time:              3:45PM-4:30PM                                               Time:               4:15PM-5:15PM
Dates:             6/14 - 8/9                                                  Dates:              6/17 - 8/12
Ages:              13 years old and up                                         Ages:               8 years old and up
Fee:               R - $121.00 / NR - $272.00                                  Fee:                R - $103.00 / NR - $231.00
Min/Max:           4/10                                                        Min/Max:            6/12
Transportation:    Meet at the Hanson Center                                   Transportation:     NONE
Contact Person:    Mike Baig                                                   Contact Person:     Carolyn Strasen

                                                                               Tennis is back! We will learn the basic tennis skills from serving to
                                                                               volleying to charging the net! Come and enjoy this fun and challenging
                                                                               activity. Please bring water, wear sunscreen and comfortable
                                                                               Program Code:       21UHW14
                                                                               Location:           East End Tennis Courts, Elmhurst
                                                                               Day:                THURSDAY
                                                                               Time:               5:15PM-6:15PM
                                                                               Dates:              6/17 - 8/12
                                                                               Ages:               8 years old and up
                                                                               Fee:                R - $103.00 / NR - $231.00
                                                                               Min/Max:            6/12
                                                                               Transportation:     NONE
                                                                               Contact Person:     Carolyn Strasen

Gator Fit
Join us for an exciting and challenging time at this popular Gator Fit
Program! Gateway SRA will be teaming up with Right Fit for a fitness
experience that you won’t want to miss! Participants should wear
comfortable sneakers with good traction and bring a water bottle.
Program Code:      21UHW04
Location:          Hanson Center
Day:               WEDNESDAY
Time:              3:45PM-4:30PM
Dates:             6/16 - 8/11
Ages:              13 years old and up
Fee:               R - $121.00 / NR - $272.00
Min/Max:           4/10
Transportation:    Meet at the Hanson Center
Contact Person:    Mike Baig

                                                                         Visit our Gateway SRA website at
page 3
GAtOrS ATHlEtICS                                                                         BoWLInG
Gators Golf                                                                   Recreation Bowling
It’s time to dust off those clubs and hit the course! Whether you are a        Start your week off with doing a Gateway SRA favorite! Come join your
beginner or an experienced golfer, this is the program for you! Our golf      friends for a striking good time in your “spare time”. Special Olympics
instructors will teach beginners the basic skills of golf. The golfers will   will be having a qualifier this summer- date is TBA. You must register for
work on their driving swings, putting techniques and golf strategy.           this program to be eligible to compete at the qualifier. Please notify
The Special Olympic golf qualifier will be on August 2.                        Carolyn Strasen by June 14 if you wish to compete.
Program Code:       21USO05                                                   Program Code:   21UBO01
Location:           Flagg Creek Golf Course                                   Location:       Hanson Center
Day:                WEDNESDAY                                                 Day:            MONDAY
Time:               6:30PM-8:00PM                                             Time:           5:00PM-6:15PM
Dates:              6/16 - 8/14                                               Dates:          6/14 - 8/9
Ages:               8 years old and up                                        Ages:           8 years old and up
Fee:                R - $98.00 / NR - $220.00                                 Fee:            R - $145.00 / NR - $322.00
Min/Max:            6/12                                                      Min/Max:        4/12
Transportation:     NONE                                                      Transportation: Hanson Center Drop Off: 4:30pm
Contact Person:     Carolyn Strasen                                                           Hanson Center Pick Up: 6:30pm
                                                                                              Or meet at the Bowling Alley
                                                                              Contact Person: Mike Baig
Gators Bocce
Gators Bocce is back! Come join us for this fun recreational sport.
We will play outside when weather is permissible. Otherwise, we will          Saturday Split
play inside using bean bags. This is a great game to play with your           SATURDAY SPLIT is here again! This favorite program is guaranteed
Gateway friends!                                                              to provide a good time to start your weekend. So come on out and get
                                                                              “bowled” over by all the fun! No program 7/3
Program Code:       21USO01                                                   *Also sign-up for Sat Lunch Buddies right after Sat Split!
Location:           Hanson Center                                             *Limited spots available (8)
Day:                WEDNESDAY
Time:               3:00PM-3:45PM                                             Program Code:      21UB002
Dates:              6/16 - 8/11                                               Location:          Suburbanite Bowl, Westmont
Ages:               8 years old and up                                        Day:               SATURDAY
Fee:                R - $82.00 / NR - $184.00                                 Time:              10:00AM-11:30AM
Min/Max:            6/12                                                      Dates:             6/19-8/14
Transportation:     NONE                                                      Ages:              8 years old and up
Contact Person:     Carolyn Strasen                                           Fee:               R - $122.00 / NR - $247.00
                                                                              Min/Max:           4/12
                                                                              Transportation:    Meet at the Bowling Alley
Gators Volleyball                                                             Contact Person:    Mike Baig

Bump, set, spike! The Gators Volleyball team is ready for another
season. We will start practicing our skills, and then dive into the
season. Special Olympics requires all athletes to have current and
valid medical application.
Program Code:      21USO03
Location:          Oak Brook or York Center
Day:               TUESDAY
Time:              6:30PM-8:00PM
Dates:             8/3 - 10/5
Ages:              16 years old and up
Fee:               R - $109.00 / NR - $245.00
Min/Max:           6/20
Transportation:    NONE
Contact Person:    Carolyn Strasen

    *Special Olympics require all athletes to have current
                and valid medical application.
           Please see medical form on pages 17-18.

                Visit our Gateway SRA website at                                                                                  page 4
Trivia and More                                                                 Diners Club
Let’s have an exciting Tuesday 1st using our minds for some trivia,             Hungry on a Saturday night? Why not get together with some friends and
and then finish with crafts/projects and more!                                   try different foods. A schedule will be sent out a week prior to program.

Program Code:   21UTB01                                                         Program Code:      21USC11
Location:       ECLC - Elmhurst                                                 Location:          Various
Day:            TUESDAY                                                         Day:               SATURDAY
Time:           10:30AM-12:30PM                                                 Time:              6:00PM-7:30PM
Dates:          6/15, 8/10                                                      Dates:             6/26, 7/24
Ages:           16 years old and up                                             Ages:              16 years old and up
Fee:            R - $179.00 / NR - $402.00                                      Fee:               R - $41.00 / NR - $92.00
Min/Max:        4/8                                                             Min/Max:           4/8
Transportation: Hanson Center Drop-off 10:00AM                                   Transportation:    Meet at Restaurant
                Pick –up 12:45PM                                                Contact Person:    Mike Baig
                Elmhurst residents meet at ECLC
Contact Person: Mike Baig
                                                                                Saturday Lunch Buddies – Zazzo’s
                                                                                For those looking for something exciting to do on a Saturday afternoon,

North Social Club                                                               join the lunch buddies for some food and fun! No program 7/3.

Join your friends for Friday night fun! Each week a new and exciting            Program Code:      21USC07
activity is planned especially for you. Our goal is for you to have fun         Location:          Zazzo’s - Westmont
and enjoy social activities.                                                    Day:               SATURDAY
                                                                                Time:              11:45PM-1:00PM
Program Code:       21USC03                                                     Dates:             6/19, 8/14
Location:           ECLC - Elmhurst                                             Ages:              8 years old and up
Day:                FRIDAY                                                      Fee:               R - $206.00 / NR - $453.00
Time:               6:00PM-8:00PM                                               Min/Max:           4/8
Dates:              6/18, 7/9, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6, 8/13                            Transportation:    Meet at Restaurant
Ages:               13 years old and up                                         Contact Person:    Mike Baig
Fee:                R - $128.00 / NR - $288.00
Min/Max:            4/8
Transportation:     Meet at Site
Contact Person:     Mike Baig

South Social Club
Join your friends for Friday night fun! Each week a new and exciting
activity is planned especially for you. Our goal is for you to have fun
and enjoy social activities.
Program Code:       21SSC04
Location:           Hanson Center
Day:                FRIDAY
Time:               6:00PM-8:00PM
Dates:              6/18, 7/9, 7/23 7/30, 8/6, 8/13
Ages:               13 years old and up
Fee:                R - $128.00 / NR - $288.00
Min/Max:            4/8
Transportation:     Meet at Hanson Center
Contact Person:     Mike Baig

                                                                          Visit our Gateway SRA website at
page 5
SpECIAl EVeNtS                                                   AUGUsT SpECIAl eVEnTs
Hawaiian Luau                                                             Lunch and Bowling
Aloha Gators! Come dressed in your favorite island attire and get ready   We are going to bowl and eat this day! Please join us for some good
to have a good time. We’re bringing one of our favorite dances back for   social company and some fun bowling. We will meet at the front
summer. There will be Hawaiian themed games, music, dancing and           entrance of Pinstripes in Oak Brook. We will eat lunch there and then
lots of FUN!                                                              bowl immediately after. Lunch is on Gateway!
Program Code: 20USE02                                                     Program Code:      21USE20
Location:         Hanson Center                                           Location:          Pinstripes, Oak Brook
Day:              FRIDAY                                                  Day:               MONDAY
Time:             7:00PM-9:00PM                                           Time:              11:30PM-2:15PM
Dates:            July 16, 2021                                           Dates:             August 16, 2021
Ages:             13 years old and up                                     Ages:              18 years old and up
Fee:              R - $13.00 / NR - $30.00                                Fee:               R - $49.00 / NR - $110.00
Min/Max:          5/25                                                    Min/Max:           6/12
Transportation: Meet at location                                          Transportation:    NONE
Contact Person: Amanda Aguilar                                            Contact Person:    Carolyn Strasen
Registration Deadline: June 1st

Gator Summer Picnic                                                       Shopping and Lunch
We never like to see summer end but let’s say goodbye to the season       Calling all shoppers! We are going to the best outdoor mall in the
the right way. Join us for live-music, while we grill it up with some     western suburbs. We will start off with shopping in the warm summer
burgers and hot dogs with our friends. Let’s celebrate to good times      weather. We will then go to Red Robin for a scrumptious lunch. Lunch is
and enjoy each other!                                                     on Gateway! Bring your own money to spend at the retail stores.
                                                                          Rain plan: Yorktown mall
Program Code: 21USE02
Location:         Hanson Center                                           Program Code:      21USE22
Day:              SATURDAY                                                Location:          Oak Brook Mall
Time:             6:30PM-8:30PM                                           Day:               WEDNESDAY
Dates:            August 14, 2021                                         Time:              10:30PM-1:00PM
Ages:             13 years old and up                                     Dates:             August 18, 2021
Fee:              R - $24.00 / NR - $54.00                                Ages:              18 years old and up
Min/Max:          5/25                                                    Fee:               R - $36.00 / NR - $81.00
Transportation: Meet at location                                          Min/Max:           6/12
Contact Person: Amanda Aguilar                                            Transportation:    NONE
Registration Deadline: June 1st                                           Contact Person:    Carolyn Strasen

                                                                          Dance-a-thon and Lunch
                                                                          Dance, Dance, Dance! We hope you can join us for some dancing and
                                                                          eating this day. We will enjoy a catered lunch and then will dance to the
                                                                          latest hit music! This program will meet at Burr Ridge Community
                                                                          Center, Harvester Park.
                                                                          Program Code:      21USE24
                                                                          Location:          Burr Ridge Park District
                                                                          Day:               FRIDAY
                                                                          Time:              11:30PM-2:30PM
                                                                          Dates:             August 20, 2021
                                                                          Ages:              18 years old and up
                                                                          Fee:               R - $25.00 / NR - $56.00
                                                                          Min/Max:           6/12
                                                                          Transportation:    NONE
                                                                          Contact Person:    Carolyn Strasen

               Visit our Gateway SRA website at                                                                                page 6
   Our popular virtual recreation will be available on a daily basis throughout the 10-week summer
       programming season. Virtual Recreation programs will begin on Monday, June 14 through

       Friday, August 21. Registration will be one time only for the entire summer season. We will
       continue to use ZOOM as our platform to provide our virtual recreation programs. Upon
    registration, you will receive the login information for each program. You will need to keep this
    information for the entirety of the summer season. If for some reason there is security breach
        we will update the zoom login information and email that information. We hope that you
      continue to enjoy our programs virtually and we look forward to “zooming” with you soon!

                         Monday                                           Tuesday
                        11am - 12pm                                   10:30am - 11:30am
                   GOOD DAY GATORS!                                     TUESDAY TRIVIA!
            Bring a fun story to share with the group                Think you know your stuff?
                that you did over the weekend.                          Join us and find out!

                           Fee: $27                                         Fee: $30
                                                                         1:30pm - 2pm
                       Wednesday                                       WWE RAW RECAP!
                                                                  We will recap the latest in WWE.
                      12pm - 12:30pm
                     LUNCH BUDDIES!                                         Fee: $30
           Bring your lunch and chat with your friends.
         A menu with ingredients will be sent beforehand.

                          Fee: $30                                        Thursday
                                                                        10:30am - 11am
                                                                       ZEN RELAXATION
                                                                 Log on and distress with Amanda.

                                                                            Fee: $30

                                                                            1pm - 2pm
                                                            Cards will be emailed to address on file after.

                                                                            Fee: $30

page 7
WElCOme To GAtEWAY SrA sUMmEr CAMp 2021
        Gateway SRA offers fun and exciting activities lead by our sensational staff! Camp options include two 4 week
         All-day sessions. ESY sessions are available by request and financial aid may be available to eligible families.
 This unique summer will bring us small camp sizes up to 12 campers per camp, which means low camper to counselor ratios,
 with plenty of indoor and outdoor space to spread out. Please be aware this summer we will not be offering field trips or
pool days. In place of some of our traditional offerings, our campers will experience in-house field trips and water/splash days.
Face covers such as masks/face shields and hand sanitizer must be worn and used daily. We will fully enforce hand washing
        and social distancing as much as possible. However, campers and counselors will be in close contact with one
     another due to the nature of the program. Close contact is defined by the CDC as someone who is within 6 feet of a
  person for at least 15 minutes over the course of a 24 hour period. If there is a positive test for COVID-19 in the program,
                      all counselors and campers will need to follow the CDC Guidelines and quarantine.
               *Please note, the Gateway SRA Board funds scholarships within their budgetary means*

                                        Registration Deadline is May 28th!
              Kid Crocs                                                                        ESY Option Available -
              Our Kid Crocs will focus on building new relationships, exploring new            Contact Amanda for more information
              recreation interests, stimulate physical activity, encouraging positive social   and pricing.
              interactions and meaningful participation. Our Kid Crocs will spend their
              days creating fun projects, hands on sensory activities, water play days,        Monday–Friday, 9:30AM-3:30PM
              in-house field trips, and possible horsemanship lessons with Ray Graham
              Association Therapeutic Horsemanship program.                                    Session I: June 14th– July 9th
                                                                                               *No Camp July 5*
              Ages: 5-12 years old
                                                                                               Session II: July 12th– August 6th
              Location: Jefferson Elementary School, 360 Crescent Ave, Elmhurst, IL 60126

              Teen Tycoons                                                                     ESY Option Available -
                                                                                               Contact Amanda for more information
              Camp will focus on increasing positive social interactions, building new
                                                                                               and pricing.
              relationships, exploring new recreation interests, as well as
              participating in arts and crafts, hands on activities, in-house field trips,      Monday–Friday, 9:30AM-3:30PM
              and possible horsemanship lessons with Ray Graham Association and
              much more! *ESY options are available upon request.                              Session I: June 14th– July 9th
                                                                                               *No Camp July 5*
              Ages: 13 years old and up

              Location: Burns Field Park - 320 N Vine St, Hinsdale, IL 60521                   Session II: July 12th– August 6th

              Gator Group                                                                      ESY Option Available -
                                                                                               Contact Amanda for more information
              Our Gator Group camp will encourage independence and lifelong skills.            and pricing.
              We will engage in weekly special projects, socialization skills, stimulate
              physical activity and participate in meaningful activities.                      Monday–Friday, 9:30AM-3:30PM

              Ages: 14-22 years old                                                            Session I: June 14th– July 9th
                                                                                               *No Camp July 5*
              Location: Elmhurst Community Learning Center – 420 W Madison St, Elmhurst, IL
                                                                                               Session II: July 12th– August 6th

                      For more information regarding our Day Camp opportunities,                                                     SUmMeR
                        please contact Amanda Aguilar at 630.325.3857 ext. 109.                                                        page 8
                                           SUmMeR CAmP 2021 ReGIsTrAtIOn
Please PRINT!
                                                                                                                                    Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name(s)__________________________________________
~Use a separate registration form for each individual~
   We accept Check or Credit Card payments.                                                                                         ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Address__________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________    ___________________________________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________________________________ State_________________ Zip_________________________       City______________________________________________State_______Zip _________________
Disability_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   E-Mail Address __________________________________________________________________
Birth Date ______________________________________ Age ______________ Sex____________ Race____________________________               Best Contact Number _______________________________________________________
Park District/Village ____________________________________________________________________________________________________          Campers School _______________________________________________________________

                        IMPORTANT: please check ✔ box next to the program you registering for.

           kid Crocs Session I R/Fee: $600 N/R: $1350                                                                                     CAMp T-SHIrT sIZe
                                                                                                                                           (PlEAse CIRClE One)

           kid Crocs Session II R/Fee: $600 N/R: $1350                                                                                    YOUtH:                  S        M        L       XL XXL
                                                                                                                                           ADULt:                 S        M        L        XL         XXL

           TeenTycoons Session I R/Fee: $600 N/R: $1350
                                                                                                                                               Must Drop Off and Pick Up at
           Teen Tycoons Session II R/Fee: $600 N/R: $1350                                                                                          Camp Site Location

           Gator Group Session I R/Fee: $600 N/R: $1350                                                                                    Camp Total Fee: ________________________________
                                                                                                                                           Scholarship Award: ____________________________
           Gator Group Session II R/Fee: $600 N/R: $1350                                                                                   *office use only*

                 ~ Full Payment Must be Included Unless Alternative Payment Methods
                   have been Approved ~ Payment Plans and Scholarships Available ~
                             PAyMENT METhODS — ChECk OR CREDIT CARD
                         A fee of 3% is assessed to the total of all credit card charges.
                     All Checks are to be made payable to RAy GRAhAM ASSOCIATION
   PAyMENT by MAIL: Enclose your registration along with your check or your credit card information and send it to
          Gateway SRA – Hanson Center 15w431 59th Street, Burr Ridge, IL 60527, Attn: Ryan Massengill
                           *billing address must be included if different then above*
            CHECK: Check Amount $______________ Check Date _____ /_____ /_____ Check Number __________________
                           Credit Card*:                     Visa             MasterCard Card # ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___
                           Exp. Date ________ /___________ 3 Digit Security Code _______________ Add 3% Fee $___________________ (*Credit Cards Only)

SUmMeR                     Signature __________________________________________________________________________ Total Charge $___________________ (*Credit Cards Only)
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StEp BY StEp OnLInE — ReGIsTrAtIOn ProCEsS
Step 1:
 Review in-person eligibility requirements.
 Provide up-to-date Health & Contact Form.

Step 2:                                                                we’re here
 Log into
                                                                        To help!
                                                                        Call or Email
 Register for classes.
                                                                         Us Today!
 Gateway SRA credits will be applied to all programs selected.
  Once credits have been used, Gateway SRA will invoice for
  additional programs purchased.
 Must sign updated waiver/release of claims
 Automated confirmation will be generated and emailed.

 Registration assistance will also be available in person at the Gateway SRA Office or over the phone.

                     Hanson Center Office hours are: Monday — Friday 9AM — 5PM

                         *Appointments are REQUIRED for in-person registration*

          *You must wear a mask or face covering when entering the Hanson Center (Mize Hall)*

                              DATeS tO ReMemBeR

                                         Special Events
                                       Hawaiian Luau – July 16
                                Gator Summer Picnic – August 14
                                 Lunch and Bowling – August 16
                                 Shopping and Lunch – August 18
                              Dance-a-thon and Lunch – August 20
                                                                                                page 10
 FInANCIAl ASsIsTAnCE                                                       ReFUnD PoLICY
Financial Assistance Policy                                         1. In the event a program is cancelled by Gateway
                                                                       SRA, a refund will be made to all participants.
Gateway Special Recreation believes that every resident
should have the opportunity to participate in recreational          2. Request for refunds must be made in writing and
programs. Gateway will attempt to provide leisure                      will be held as a program credit. If a check is
opportunity for residents faced with financial hardship,                desired a $5.00 service charge will be applied.
through affordable fees, as well as through the financial            3. Credits must be used before the end of the fiscal
assistance program.                                                    year, by the end of June.
                                                                    4. Request for refunds for weekly programs must be
Qualification and Procedure                                             applied for one week prior to the beginning of
                                                                       the program.
Proof of financial need must be demonstrated to qualify for
                                                                    5. Requesting a refund does not guarantee a refund
financial assistance. Items that will be considered when
                                                                       will be granted.
evaluating need include; current participation in Medicaid,
LSNAP, school lunch or subsidized housing programs,                 6. Refunds will not be granted if a participant
excessive medical bills and/or family income.                          chooses not to attend once the program is in the
                                                                       session. This is due to facilities being reserved
Persons requesting financial assistance must complete an                and commitment made to staff.
application form and submit it to the Gateway SRA each
season. Applications will be individually reviewed and evaluated.   7. For special events, requests must be applied for
Applicants will be notified as soon as possible of a decision.          two weeks prior to event.
                                                                    8. For events/trips involving purchase of tickets,
    1. All information submitted is confidential.                       contracted services, or specialized/non-return-
    2. All information submitted on the application must be            able
       true and accurate. Financial assistance awarded on              supplies, the cost of these will be deducted from
       the basis of false information supplied by the                  the program refund unless the space is filled by
       applicant will be nullified.                                     another registrant.
    3. All Financial assistance will be awarded on the basis        9. Vacation and overnight trips may have a
       of need and availability of financial assistance funds.          non-refundable deposit that is required.
       Gateway SRA reserves the right to approve full or            10. A full or prorated refund will be granted if a
       partial funding or deny applicant’s request.                    medical condition prohibits participation.
    4. All requests for financial assistance will be evaluated          A doctor’s note is required for a refund to be
       by the Superintendent.                                          processed.
    5. References and Release of Information of permission          11. All refunds in the form or a check are subject to
       must be provided by applicant.                                  a $5.00 service charge.
    6. Applications must be submitted seasonally with
       program registration.
    7. There are limited funds available. Recipients should           Gateway Special Recreation
       notify the office if the participant will be unable to
       attend the program so the dollars could be made
                                                                    Association is not responsible for
       available to other participants. There is a maximum           the timeliness of the program
       of $100 per participant per season (Winter, Spring,
       Summer and Fall).
                                                                     guide delivered to your home.
    8. No aid is provided for door to door transportation.
    9. Payment for the fees not covered by financial aid
       must accompany the registration form. If aid is not
       awarded, the difference will need to be paid prior to
                                                                           FIND US ON FACEbOOk!
       the start of the program.
page 11
Gateway SRA strives to promote ‘fun for everyone’.             #1 Foul Language
In order to accomplish this program goal, certain rules are   If foul language is used during Gateway SRA programs
necessary to ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment.          hours then the parents/guardians will be notified.
To ensure the overall safety for all, Gateway SRA             If foul language continues after notifying the
participants and team members are to follow and enforce       parents/guardians, then a meeting will be scheduled
the agencies Code of Conduct. The Association’s code          with the parents/guardians to discuss the situation.
states that participants shall show respect to all            The participant is not allowed to attend Gateway SRA
participants and team members, refrain from using foul        programs until this meeting has occurred.
language, refrain from causing bodily harm, and show
respect to equipment, supplies and facilities. Additional
                                                              #2 Physical Aggression
policies may be developed for specific programs.
Gateway SRA reserves the right to dismiss participants        If any form of aggression occurs at a Gateway SRA
whose conduct is disruptive, unsafe or otherwise              program, (i.e. hitting, kicking, pinching, slapping) then the
unacceptable. Each situation will be evaluated on             parents/guardians will be notified and a meeting will be
its own merit.                                                scheduled to discuss this situation. The participant is
                                                              not allowed to attend Gateway SRA programs until this
The following are the steps that will take place when a       meeting has occurred.
participant of a Gateway SRA program uses foul
language, physically aggressive towards another person,       #3 Compromising Actions
or exhibits any other actions that comprises other’s safety   Other actions that compromises the safety, security
and security while attending any Gateway SRA activity.        and wellbeing of others included but not limited to
The purpose of informing and meeting with families is to      exploitation of any kind, misconduct, and/or
quickly address and resolve the situation so that all         misrepresentation during any Gateway SRA activity.
participants can attend and enjoy Gateway SRA
programs optimally.

                             GeNeRAl INfOrMAtIoN
Personal Expectations                                         Participant Illness
    • Participants need to wear appropriate attire for        For the protection of everyone involved at Gateway
      program participation (i.e. athletic fitness clothing,   SRA, participants and staff will follow the advised illness
      coats/jackets when appropriate, appropriate swim        policy and procedure. Please keep your participant at
      attire, comfortable appropriate shoes).                 home or will be sent home if he/she exhibits any of the
    • Participants need to have clean, dry clothing.          following symptoms:
      For bowel or bladder inconstant please provide              •   A temperature over 100.3 degree
      additional clean clothing.                                  •   Stomach ache accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting
    • Participants need to pay attention to body odor             •   Any undiagnosed rash
      and overall appearance. Gateway SRA staff will also         •   Sore or discharging eyes or ears
      stress personal hygiene while participating in
                                                                  •   Profuse nasal discharge (green or yellow)
      programs and will not return participants at the
      end of a program in an unclean manner.                      •   Highly contagious condition such as chicken pox,
                                                                      measles, lice, etc.

                                                              Promptness Is Appreciated
                                                              Gateway SRA asks that participant arrive no earlier than
                                                              designated program time or scheduled pick up time, and
                                                              that they are picked up promptly at the end of the
                                                              program or scheduled drop off time. Staff will be
                                                              unavailable to supervise any unattended participants
                                                              prior to the start of a program.
                                                                                                                     page 12
 Inclusive Recreation Services                              Inclement Summer or hot weather
 Gateway staff are available to assist individuals          • If there is a Thunderstorm Watch/Thunderstorm
 interested in participating in their local park district     Warning in effect during the timeframe of when an
 programs. Gateway SRA and the Ray Graham                     outdoor program is scheduled, Gateway SRA staff will
 Association promote and encourage positive interaction       closely monitor weather reports. An outgoing message
 between persons with and without disabilities. Inclusion     will be left on the Coordinator’s voicemail with
 activities provide benefits for all. Please note: Unless      program status information an hour prior to program.
 the program is designated with an asterisk (*) siblings    • If it is determined that unsafe weather is expected
 who do not have a disability are welcome to register.        during outdoor program time, Gateway SRA will assess
 People with disabilities are always served first.             the possibility of an alternate indoor activity. If this is
                                                              not possible, the outdoor program will be cancelled,
 weather Safety                                               and re-scheduled, if possible.
 To ensure the safety of Gateway SRA participants in        • If a change in weather occurs quickly, participants
 the case of inclement weather, weather safety                who could not be contacted prior to the program and
 guidelines have been established. In the event of            who have arrived to the program location will be asked
 severe weather, Gateway SRA may make the decision            to remain at the location with staff until the weather
 to either cancel programs or transportation in the best      clears and it is safe to travel. Families/guardians will
 interest of participants. Gateway SRA staff will use         be contacted in this circumstance.
 discretion for all weather warnings and watches.           • Programs outdoors or at an indoor location without
 Procedural guidelines have been established for              air conditioning when there is a heat index of 100
 inclement in weather during the Winter/cold and              degrees or higher will be re-located to an indoor
 Summer/hot weather.                                          location if possible.If this is not possible, the program
                                                              will be cancelled, and re-scheduled, if possible.
 Inclement winter or Cold weather
                                                            • Trips/transportation will be cancelled if the heat index
 • During inclement weather (i.e. snowstorms, winter          is 110 degrees or higher.
   weather advisories, unsafe road conditions)
   Gateway SRA will make the determination to cancel        Summer Camp
   transportation or to re-schedule the programs.
                                                            • If there is severe weather during camp hours,
 • Outdoor programs will be cancelled with                    activities will be scheduled for indoors.
   temperatures of 10 degrees or zero degree wind
   chills or less.                                          • On days when the heat index is 110 degrees or higher,
                                                              transportation during camp will not be used and
 • Gateway SRA staff will contact participants and            indoor activities will be scheduled.
   families with any changes regarding the status of
   program once a decision is made. An outgoing
   message will be left on the Coordinator’s voicemail      Corrections
   with program status information an hour prior            While we try to be accurate in our program books,
   to program.                                              some avoidable errors or changes to the programs, fees,
                                                            schedules, and information may occur. Gateway
                                                            apologizes for any inconvenience.

                                                 ADA Compliance:
          Gateway SRA complies with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) to provide equal access
                                and participation for people with disabilities.

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