Breast Cancer Information Behaviours and Needs among Singapore Women: A Qualitative Study

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                                                                                      Breast Cancer Information in Singapore

RESEARCH ARTICLE                                               Editorial Process: Submission:12/02/2020 Acceptance:06/05/2021

Breast Cancer Information Behaviours and Needs among
Singapore Women: A Qualitative Study
Lavinia Lin1, Wee Ling Koh2, Qing Huang3, Jeong Kyu Lee1*

    Background: There is growing evidence on cancer communication and its impact on cancer-related health outcomes;
however, little is known about how women gain access to and use breast cancer information in the multi-ethnic Asian
context. This paper aimed to explore the breast cancer information acquisition behaviours and needs among Singapore
women who attended a community-based health organisation for mammography screening. Methods, design and
setting: Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 37 racially diverse, aged 50 and above
women, who have received mammography screening within the past two years. The interviews were conducted at either
the Singapore Cancer Society Clinic or participant’s home. Results: Although cancer information scanning was more
prevalent than information seeking (91.9% vs. 62.2%), those who purposively seek information exhibited a higher
knowledge level of breast cancer. The most commonly cited sources for information scanning were friends, television
and family, and for information seeking were the Internet, pamphlets from a healthcare organisation/ public authority,
and healthcare providers. Singapore women were well-informed about the benefits of mammogram; however, specific
knowledge, such as modifiable risk factors, reasons for different screening options and the trade-off between harm
and benefit, was still lacking which led to confusion about screening. Conclusion: Breast cancer health educational
materials should provide clear and balanced information to give women a more accurate or realistic expectation about
mammography screening. Study findings provide important implications for breast cancer education and programs to
move beyond simply raising awareness and craft specific informative messages addressing the needs of the target group.

Keywords: Breast cancer- communication- qualitative study- Asian- mammography screening

Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 22 (6), 1767-1774

Introduction                                                   the burden of breast cancer mortality and improving
                                                               treatment outcomes. This nationwide programme provides
    Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis          mammography screening at subsidised rates to all women
and the leading cause of cancer deaths among Singapore         above the age of 50 (Health Promotion Board, 2020).
women. Between 2014 and 2018, 11,232 new cases of              However, barriers to regular mammography screening
breast cancer were diagnosed and more than 2,100 women         persist, which include low perceived susceptibility towards
died from the disease, accounting for 17.3% of cancer          breast cancer, negative perceptions about mammogram,
deaths among females (National Registry of Diseases            financial issues as well as social and cultural barriers
Office, 2021). Although the age-standardized breast            (Seetoh et al., 2014; Lim et al., 2015b; Lim et al., 2015c;
cancer incidence in Singapore is much lower than those in      Malhotra et al., 2016; Wong et al., 2017).
Western countries, it has the highest incidence in Asia with       Identifying factors that influence mammography
a rate of 70.7 per 100,000 (National Registry of Diseases      screening is helpful to pinpoint a specific cause, but a
Office, 2021). While it is a significant public health         more crucial step may be to have a broad view of how
concern in the country, only one in three Singapore women      women access, gain and interpret their health information.
had undergone regular mammography screening in the             A body of research has indicated that health information
past two years according to the clinical recommendations       acquisition behaviours play a major role in enhancing health
(Loy et al., 2015). In response to the high breast cancer      knowledge and shaping lifestyle decisions (Ramírez et al.,
incidence and low screening rate, the Singapore Health         2013; Shneyderman et al., 2016; Wigfall and Friedman,
Promotion Board (HPB) has established the Screen for           2016). In general, two information acquisition behaviours
Life - Breast Cancer Screening Programme to raise public       have been proposed in the line of health communication
awareness and promote early cancer detection, reducing         literature: information seeking and information scanning.

Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore and National University Health System, Singapore.

National University of Singapore, Singapore. 3Singapore Cancer Society, Singapore. *For Correspondence:

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Lavinia Lin et al

Health information seeking refers to the ways in which        Malay and Indian). From August 2019 to March 2020,
individuals search for health information about their         a NUS research team member (LL) contacted potential
health, risks and illnesses (Nelissen et al., 2017). The      participants via phone to explain the purpose and
usual preferred seeking sources are the Internet and health   procedure of the study. Those who agreed to join the
professionals (Barnes et al., 2017). Another typology is      study were scheduled with an in-person interview at either
information scanning, which occurs when individuals take      the SCS Clinic@Bishan or their home. In total, 141 were
in desired information incidentally through the exposure      contacted. Of which, 42 declined to take part, 61 were
to mediated and interpersonal sources (Nelissen et al.,       uncontactable, and one did not meet the criteria. To reduce
2017). In the context of cancer communication, empirical      nonresponses, multiple attempts through repeated calling
studies have associated both information acquisition          and mobile messaging at different times of the day and
behaviours with breast cancer-related knowledge,              weekends were employed. The data collection was halted
awareness, preventive behaviours and screening decisions      due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and hence the projected
(Wigfall and Friedman, 2016; Ghazavi-Khorasgani et al.,       sample size for Malay group was not reached (10 instead of
2018). Factors such as attention to media and frequency       13 participants). Nevertheless, theoretical saturation was
of interpersonal communication have been reported to be       reached at a sample of 37, with a response rate of 26.2%.
positively associated with knowledge and risk perception      All participants provided written informed consent prior
of breast cancer among women (Lee et al., 2013; Lee and       to the start of the interview.
Ho, 2015). To further understand these findings, Lee et           The interview guide was developed based on a literature
al built an integrated model explaining the underlying        review of women’s utilization of breast cancer screening
mechanisms. They found that the mammogram-related             services and health communication. It addressed topics
information acquisition from the media was positively         of breast cancer screening practices and knowledge about
associated with reflective integration of media health        mammography. It also consisted of open-ended questions
information, which in turn linked to behavioural attitudes    assessing participants’ health communication channel
and norms shaping an individual’s behavioural intentions      and their health information needs. The interview was
of mammography use (Lee et al., 2016).                        carried out in a language of the participant’s choice, and
    Clearly, health information sources play a role in        the duration ranged from 40 to 60 minutes. All but three
influencing women’s attitudes and beliefs about breast        interviews were completed in English; those that were
cancer. As most research was conducted in the Western         conducted in non-English were translated into English. All
countries, little is known about how women gain access to     interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim
and use breast cancer information in the multi-ethnic Asian   for analysis. Each participant received a 20SGD voucher
context. By utilising the unique demographic population       in exchange for their time spent in the study.
of Singapore, this paper aimed to explore the breast cancer
information acquisition behaviours and needs among            Data analysis
Singapore women who attended a community-based                    Two researchers (LL & WL) were involved in the data
health organisation for mammography screening.                coding and analysis. Thematic analysis was conducted
                                                              to allow themes to emerge from the data. Researchers
Materials and Methods                                         familiarised with the interview data through multiple
                                                              read-throughs of the transcripts to create an initial
    Qualitative data were collected in the form of semi-      codebook. All transcripts were systematically coded and
structured interviews from Singapore women aged 50            compared between researchers working independently
and above, who have received mammography screening            to ensure coding consistency and establish inter-rater
within the past two years, specifically from July 2018        reliability. Any discrepancies in the coding were reviewed
to June 2019 at the Singapore Cancer Society Clinic           and discussed by all team members until consensus was
@ Bishan. The Singapore Cancer Society (SCS) is               reached. NVivo Pro Version 12 was used for the data
a community-based health organisation dedicated to            analysis (QSR International Pty Ltd, 2018).
minimising the impact of cancer in Singapore through the
provision of public education, screening, patient services,   Results
financial assistance, research and advocacy (Singapore
Cancer Society, 2020). SCS Clinic @ Bishan provides               Table 1 shows the socio-demographic characteristics
free mammography screening for female Singaporeans            of the sample (N=37). Following a purposive sampling
aged 50 years and above, holding a valid blue or orange       by ethnicity, our participants’ mean age was 59.1 years
Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) card, which             (SD=7.1) and 59.5% (n=22) had completed secondary
indicates that their household monthly income per person      education. About 70% (n=26) of them were currently
was below 2000SGD (~1450USD) when receiving the               married, with 81.1% (n=30) reported of having one
mammography screening. This study was approved by             or more children. 44.1% (n=15) were employed and
the Institutional Review Board of the National University     51.5% (n=17) reported to have a monthly household
of Singapore (NUS).                                           income below 2000SGD. A majority of participants seek
    Using a purposive sampling technique, potential           primary healthcare from polyclinics (i.e. government
participants were identified from the SCS Clinic @            public clinics) (83.8%; n=31) and had no family history
Bishan’s database based on important socio-demographic        of breast cancer (86.5%; n=32). Regarding breast cancer
characteristics such as age and ethnicity (i.e. Chinese,      screening practices, about 90% (n=33) underwent regular
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                                                                                    Breast Cancer Information in Singapore
Table 1. Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Breast          Information search patterns and sources
Cancer Screening Practices of Participants (N=37)                   In this sample, cancer information scanning was more
 Variables                                         N (%)       prevalent than information seeking (91.9% vs. 62.2%). For
 Age (Mean±SD)                                    59.1 ± 7.1   those with information seeking behaviours, some (24.3%)
                                                               reported that they were only motivated to look for health
                                                               information when their family members or they were in
    Chinese                                       13 (35.1)    need of medical attention.
    Malay                                         10 (27.0)         Participant 1: I never do any reading, like research
    Indian                                        13 (35.1)    on breast cancer. Not necessary at the moment. If I really
    Other                                          1 (2.7)     need to, I will do the research. Now it’s not so urgent or
                                                               a priority.
 Education level
                                                                    Participant 11: Unless certain things I’m concerned or
    Primary school or below                        4 (10.8)    relating to me or [my] family member, then I will google
    Secondary school                              22 (59.5)    to find out more, read more.
    Diploma/ vocational certificate                6 (16.2)         When comparing by ethnicity, educational levels and
    University or above                            5 (13.5)    household income, no significant differences were found
                                                               in information scanning behaviours. However, those with
 Marital status
                                                               educational levels of primary school and below were less
    Single                                         6 (16.2)
                                                               likely to actively seek health information (p=0.007). The
    Married                                       26 (70.3)    most commonly cited sources for information scanning
    Divorced/widowed                               5 (13.5)    were friends, television and family; and for information
 Number of children                                            seeking were the Internet, pamphlets from a healthcare
    None                                           7 (18.9)    organisation/ public authority, and healthcare providers.
    1 to 2                                        20 (54.1)
                                                               1)Information scanning sources
    3 or more                                     10 (27.0)        Participants were exposed to information about breast
 Occupation*                                                   cancer or mammography screening through conversation
    Employed                                      15 (44.1)    with friends. Usually, the topic was initiated with friend’s
    Homemaker                                      9 (26.5)    health issues or suffering from breast cancer, which
                                                               raised their awareness and perceived susceptibility to the
    Retired                                        9 (26.5)
                                                               disease. When hearing news about cancer diagnosis and
    Unemployed                                     1 (2.9)     treatment, they learned that breast cancer was particularly
 Monthly household income (SGD)*                               common among their age group. They also felt empathetic
    < 2000                                        17 (51.5)    for their friends as the issue was highly relatable to their
    2000 to 3999                                  11 (33.3)    own health.
    > 4000                                         5 (15.2)
                                                                   Participant 15: How I know about it? Because so many
                                                               of my friends had a breast cancer operation. When I see
 Primary care visits
                                                               their operation, I don’t know painful or not painful. But I
    Private clinic                                 5 (13.5)    better get going to check. My friend, so many, two or three.
    Polyclinic (i.e. Government public clinic)    31 (83.8)        Participant 14: Recently, another friend of mine, she
    Both                                           1 (2.7)     just had breast cancer. She just had her breast removed
 Breast cancer family history                                  also. You know it’s so sad. She’ll put a towel here [over
                                                               her breast].
    Yes                                            5 (13.5)
                                                                   Interviewer: To cover up?
    Grandmother                                    1 (2.7)         Participant 14: Yes. Consciously, she’s doing it.
    Mother                                         1 (2.7)         From their friends, women also received
    Sister                                         3 (8.1)     recommendations and support to obtaining a
    No                                            32 (86.5)    mammography, which increased their intention to take
                                                               charge of their own health.
 Breast self-examination practice*
                                                                   Participant 30: One of my friends went to Bishan clinic
    Yes                                           20 (55.6)    [i.e. SCS] for her mammogram regularly. And my friend
    No                                            16 (44.4)    advised me that it’s better to go for a check-up and not save
 Mammography every two years                                   these kind of money. I also told my older cousin but she
    Yes                                           33 (89.2)    said I don’t have to go for screening as it’s a very common
    No                                             4 (10.8)
                                                               issue. But I don’t want to listen to my cousin because it’s
*, Numbers may not add up due to missing values
                                                               my own health and health is important.
                                                                   Local television (TV) news and advertisements
mammography consistent with the Singapore breast               were an important source of cancer information for the
cancer screening guidelines, and more than half (55.6%;        participants. For example, women came across free
n=20) practiced breast self-examination.                       mammography screening events from the TV, which
                                                               motivated them to have a check-up. TV has also served
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as an effective medium for education. A number of                take the initiative to take the booklet back home, and read
participants recounted viewing an old breast cancer              the signs and symptoms. That’s how you know that you’re
awareness campaign in the past, promoting the importance         having cancer and all that.
of early detection and combating stigma around breast                Participant 3: Brochure is printed by the hospital or by
cancer. The ad campaign, which was available in all              the Singapore Cancer Society. [So it] should not be false.
commonly used languages in Singapore, has made a
lasting impact on their memory and recall.                       Information learnt
     Participant 12: They had TV advertisements where they            Generally, participants revealed high levels of breast
had all the four different languages. They would discuss         cancer awareness and acknowledged that early detection
about mammogram and everything. That was very much               was the key to effectively managing the disease. As
earlier, those days when they had this advertisement             one participant put it, “Cancer screening is to prevent;
because people were very conscious. They’re a bit shy.           Prevention is better than cure.” Our results found that
At the time, it’s conservative to talk about mammogram           different aspects of health information were obtained from
and everything. I think a lot of people were not aware that      different information-acquisition behaviours. Women who
there is such a thing that they had to go.                       purposively seek information exhibited a higher level of
     Participant 16: The government had been promoting           specific knowledge about breast cancer and screening,
on TV about the importance of mammogram, and it’s part           such as risk factors, signs and symptoms of the disease,
of the health and wellness of your own being. I learn [from      self-examination technique, and mammography screening
it] that it’s important to go for a check-up.                    guidelines.
     Participant 26: Some people don’t know the sign and              Interviewer: What did you learn from the health
symptom or where to go. Before on TV, they very frequent         brochure?
showing, showing, showing, but now no more already.                   Participant 30: That I need to press my breasts and
                                                                 check if there are any lumps. Also we need to go for a
2) Information seeking sources                                   check-up regularly for early detection. And health is
    Most frequently, participants reported searching the         important.
Internet for cancer information. They usually began their             Interviewer: You mentioned that you read a lot about
search process with Google, while some used social               breast cancer from the Internet. Can you elaborate more
media sites, such as Facebook and YouTube. When                  about what you have learned?
asked whether they checked the credibility of the online              Participant 36: Breast cancer, for one thing, I think
information, some women made sure that they visited              it’s hereditary. Most of them say that it’s hereditary. If
local health authoritative websites, for example the Health      it’s in the family, chances of getting it is higher. There are
Promotion Board, Polyclinics and Singapore Cancer                times when they have to throw your whole breast away
Society. However, others did not look at the web address         and you are breast-less. It’s good to be prepared. Then,
and claimed that they had little knowledge on how to             the reason why they ask you to do all the exercises is to
assess the credibility.                                          see whether there’s any lump or discharge, like blood or
    Participant 28: They claim to be doctors but not local       whatever. From what I know, having breast cancer doesn’t
because they are mostly foreigners. I don’t know whether         mean that you will die.
they are real doctors or not but I just read, I don’t have            For those who passively received information, they
these signs so I’m all right.                                    usually knew more about breast cancer health campaign-
    Interviewer: Is there any particular site that you           related information, for example free screening events and
would use?                                                       cancer survival stories.
    Participant 4: No. As long as they put the shape of a             Interviewer: How did you learn about mammogram?
breast, then I would read further.                                    Participant 5: I heard from news most of the time.
    Participant 32: I just Google anything based on breast       Sometimes they give free mammograms. I feel it’s all
cancer.                                                          right, if something is free and no harm, then I better go
    Interviewer: When you visit a particular site, do you        for the sake of my future and make sure I don’t get any
check who runs or creates the website?                           breast cancer.
    Participant 32: How to check I’m not sure.                        Participant 29: When I’m at home sometime, when I’m
    Pamphlets from a healthcare organisation/ public             cooking, I listen to the radio. They were talking about,
authority was another common source utilized by women            “This particular person is having breast cancer.” Then
when looking for cancer information. It was also their           they talked about mammogram.
preferred resource for health information, followed by
healthcare providers. Women referred that pamphlets              Information needs
were readily accessible and available from most public               Most participants regarded the existing breast
clinics, and covered the basic knowledge that they needed.       cancer information material to be adequate and easy to
They also commented that pamphlets were more reliable            understand. To further advance their current knowledge,
and trustworthy as these materials were developed by a           they have identified four important areas of breast cancer
trusted authority.                                               information needs:
    Participant 23: Information is there. In the clinic, there       1) Prevention strategies - Participants were interested
are booklets on the mammogram, on cervical cancer. I             in the various risk factors, both genetic and lifestyle-

1770   Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 22
                                                                                   Breast Cancer Information in Singapore
related, as well as preventive methods for breast cancer.     affordable screening services should be emphasized in
Women were aware that some established risk factors,          public health information material, as some were unaware
such as age, reproductive history and family history, could   of the availability of subsidised cancer screening services
increase one’s risk of developing breast cancer. However,     in public clinics.
they were uncertain about what lifestyle changes could            Participant 5: Like where to have free screening, when
reduce their chances.                                         do you get a discount or promotion. I would love to know.
    Participant 9: I don’t know how to prevent it if you          Interviewer: Do you know that you could have your
have a family history. Very difficult to prevent. You can     mammogram done in the Polyclinic?
only maybe try to do regular screening.                           Participant 10: No. Do they also do mammogram, Pap
    Participant 4: Because it can be from internal, your      smear and everything? Do they have the machine?
internal condition or from because of your eating, your           Interviewer: Yes, they do provide cancer screening
lifestyle. I don’t know what you have besides screening.      services in the polyclinic.
    2) Mammography results and the different screening
options – Some women felt that the mammography reports        Discussion
were difficult to understand and “needed to be in more
laymen terms.” As one participant explained that when             This study aimed to explore breast cancer information
she received her report, she did not know the meaning         acquisition behaviours and information needs among
of ‘negative’ and thought “there’s something wrong.”          Singapore women who attended a community-based
Also, a majority of women did not know the differences        health organisation for mammography screening. In
between a mammogram and a breast ultrasound. They             consistent with previous findings (Kelly et al., 2010;
reported that both were used in detecting breast cancer,      Leung et al., 2017; Nelissen et al., 2017), our study found
and some felt anxious when they were asked to go for          that cancer information scanning was more prevalent
both screening options.                                       than information seeking. Our results were also similar
    Participant 9: I don’t know why doctor sometimes give     to those reported by Leung et al that the popular sources
ultrasound, sometimes give mammogram. My confusion            from where women received cancer information were TV
is why I must do ultrasound and mammogram within that         and interpersonal network (Leung et al., 2017). For our
year. The problem is because ultrasound is also x-ray         participants, they did not only recall the detailed content
and mammogram is also x-ray, that’s the period I start        of the TV breast cancer campaign but also maintained
worrying.                                                     their behaviour changes. This suggests that repeated
    Participant 26: Ultrasound has less pain and a            exposure to specific health information had a cumulative
mammogram has severe pain. Because of the pain they           and lasting impact on behavioural choices (Hornik et al.,
don’t want [to go for screening] and postpone until           2013). Our results corroborate with previous findings that
the things [cancer] spread. I was thinking instead of         routine or opportunistic exposure to health content from
a mammogram, go for an ultrasound maybe can save              non-medical sources plays an important role in promoting
more lives.                                                   mammography uptake (Gollust et al., 2019).
    3) Potential harms of overscreening – Although                Prints from a healthcare organisation/ public authority
most women adhered to the current breast cancer               and healthcare providers were among the most popular and
screening guidelines, they expressed some concerns            preferred seeking sources of breast cancer information in
about the development of cancer in between the two-           this sample. This indicates that health professional sources
year surveillance interval and wished to go for annual        remain the most highly trusted and reliable information
screening. Without understanding the science behind the       to patients (Chua et al., 2018). Our results also showed a
screening guidelines, they were mostly unware of the risks    change in patterns of mediated sources used by Singapore
and harms of overscreening.                                   older women, reporting an increasing trend in Internet
    Participant 21: Two years are too long. In between        utilization. With the vast available information online, the
you might not know what could happen after one year           Internet is an increasingly popular source to feed patients’
then another one year to scan, and you find out there’s       health information needs (Chua et al., 2018; Zhang et
something. So I prefer one year.                              al., 2020). Though it is readily available, our findings
    Participant 5: I called and wanted to do it yearly but    revealed that women lacked adequate skills to determine
then the SCS told me that it must be two years. Two years     the credibility of online health information. As mentioned
are long, I am scared to see if anything happens to me.       by one participant, she checked her symptoms using an
    4) Access to affordable screening services – In our       online website unbeknownst to the source. This can be
sample, all women underwent their mammography                 concerning, as it may lead to symptom misinterpretation
screening at the SCS Clinic@Bishan, which offers free         and a delay in medical seeking (Lim et al., 2015a).
cancer screening services to those with CHAS card.            Study findings point to the need of enhancing women’s
They said that the timely notifications sent by the Clinic    online health literacy, and equipping them with tips to
via mail or phone were extremely helpful in reminding         identify specific and high-quality credible online health
them about their upcoming mammography screening. All          information.
participants appreciated the efforts, and some suggested          Though scanning occurs more frequently than
that the health authority in Singapore could follow the       deliberate information seeking, our study found that
same approach to remind all eligible women to improve         women who purposively seek information exhibited a
the mammography uptake. They also mentioned that              higher knowledge level of breast cancer and screening.
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For example, participants with seeking behaviours were          a barrier to regular screening mammography (Malhotra
able to explain in considerable detail about the risk factors   et al., 2016). To address this issue, the government has
and signs and symptoms of breast cancer, whereas with           established the Screen for Life - Breast Cancer Screening
scanning behaviours were usually accompanied with               Programme to encourage regular cancer screenings with
information related to screening test and health campaign       a subsidised rate among Singaporeans (Health Promotion
events. Aligned with the findings from Niederdeppe et           Board, 2020). However, our participants appeared to be
al, the contexts of obtained cancer-related information         unaware of the availability of cancer screening services in
are differed by information acquisition behaviours. The         public clinics. More publicity of the national programme
individual’s motivation, skills and capacities in health-       would be needed and should be emphasized in all public
information seeking enhance their specific knowledge,           health educational material. Furthermore, screening
which may bring positive changes to their behaviour             reminders can be tailored with motivational messages
(Niederdeppe et al., 2007). Although health information         and sent to women who are eligible for mammography
scanning is less purposeful, screening test sites and health    screening at the national level. Meanwhile, other low-cost
campaign events remain a good starting point for locating       interventions, such as short message service reminders,
and engaging in authoritative health information.               might offer a sustainable solution for preventing missed
    In terms of breast cancer information needs, our            appointments and therefore obtaining effective use of
participants identified four different areas that might         breast cancer screening in community (Uy et al., 2017).
require further clarification in the existing health                There are some limitations in the study. Participants
educational material. These were: prevention strategies,        were recruited from one community-based organisation,
mammography results and different screening options,            which may limit the generalizability of the study findings.
potential harms of overscreening and access to affordable       Also, these participants receive regular reminders from
screening services. While many of the risk factors are not      the organisation; therefore, they may have a higher
modifiable, some risk factors, such as obesity, use of oral     awareness about breast cancer and screening guidelines.
contraceptives and alcohol consumption, can influence           Inherit recall bias may also present as interview subjects
the occurrence of breast cancer (Guerrero et al., 2017;         were asked with open-ended question about breast cancer
Nindrea et al., 2017). This information can be found on         information sources. It is possible that individuals with
the official websites of the Health Promotion Board and         seeking behaviour have a higher recall rate than those
Singapore Cancer Society, but it is not available in the        with scanning behaviours, as the active search process
printed material cited by our participants as their preferred   may help them retain the information better than if it were
health source. In addition, our results showed that some        come across incidentally. Nevertheless, this study provides
women may have misunderstandings and unrealistic                insights into cancer information sources and needs through
expectations about mammography. It is noteworthy to             the lens of community-based screening participants in
mention that some of our participants preferred annual          Singapore. The equal distribution of ethnicity also gives
screening and were unaware of the risks and potential           rise to a diversity of perspectives from a different racial
harms of overscreening. The confusion is understandable         or cultural background on the issue.
as a majority of health information offered by healthcare           In conclusion, cancer information scanning was
providers and printed material often overestimate the           more prevalent than information seeking among
benefits of screening and underplay the potential harms         Singapore women, but those who purposively seek
that include overdiagnosis and negative psychosocial            information exhibited a higher knowledge level of
consequences (Gøtzsche et al., 2009; Hoffmann and               breast cancer. Results showed that Singapore women
Del Mar, 2017). Although mammography screening is               were well-informed about the benefits of mammogram;
effective at detecting breast cancer, the chance of having      however, specific knowledge, such as modifiable risk
a false-positive result remains moderately high at 12%          factors, reasons for different screening options and the
depending on age, risk factors and breast density (Nelson       trade-off between harm and benefit, was still lacking.
et al., 2016). Additional testing, such as diagnostic           Furthermore, materials should provide clear and
mammography, breast ultrasound, or breast biopsy, is thus       balanced information to give women a more accurate
needed to validate the abnormal finding on a mammogram.         or realistic expectation about mammography screening.
The unbalanced information may have misled and created          Study findings provide important implications for breast
wrong expectations about mammography where women                cancer education and programs to move beyond simply
view preventive screening programme as a tool to acquire        raising awareness and craft specific informative messages
feelings of security and reassurance that they are healthy      addressing the needs of the target group.
(Østerø et al., 2014). Our finding highlights that a more
comprehensive and balanced information is needed in the         Author Contribution Statement
existing health material for the target audience, to provide
them a realistic picture of the mammography screening               LJK and HQ conceptualized the study design. LL and
and a better illustration of the screening procedure.           KWL conducted interviews and performed data analysis.
    In comparison to the national’s screening rates, our        LL created the codebook and wrote the first draft of the
study participants had an exceptional high adherence rate to    manuscript. All authors took an active role in developing
the current clinical guidelines. This could be because of the   the original ideas for the study, participant recruitment,
free screening services coupled with timely mail or phone       and critical revision of the manuscript for important
reminders provided by the SCS. Financial cost remains           intellectual content.
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                                                                                           Breast Cancer Information in Singapore
                                                                       examining how communication and motivation relate to
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Acknowledgements                                                       Commun, 25, 422-42.
                                                                    Lee EWJ, Ho SS, Chow JK, et al (2013). Communication
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involved in the study.                                                 women’s perceived risks of breast cancer and intentions to
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Funding                                                             Leung DYP, Chow TT, Wong EML (2017). Cancer-related
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                                                                    Lim JN, Potrata B, Simonella L, et al (2015a). Barriers to early
Approval                                                               presentation of self-discovered breast cancer in Singapore
                                                                       and Malaysia: a qualitative multicentre study. BMJ Open,
    This study was approved by the National University
                                                                       5, e009863.
of Singapore.                                                       Lim JNW, Potrata B, Simonella L, et al (2015b). Barriers to early
                                                                       presentation of self-discovered breast cancer in Singapore
Ethics committee                                                       and Malaysia: A qualitative multicentre study. BMJ Open,
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University of Singapore has approved the research.                  Lim SK, Teo XL, Ng JL, et al (2015c). A survey on singaporean
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                                                                    Loy EY, Molinar D, Chow KY, et al (2015). National breast
Anonymised transcripts will be available upon request on
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