How to Improve Information Technology to Support Healthcare to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic: an International Survey with Health Informatics Experts
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Published online: 2021-04-21 61 © 2021 IMIA and Georg Thieme Verlag KG How to Improve Information Technology to Support Healthcare to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic: an International Survey with Health Informatics Experts Max Topaz (first co-author)1, Laura-Maria Peltonen (first co-author)2, James Mitchell3, Dari Alhuwail4, 5, Seyedeh-Samin Barakati6, Adrienne Lewis7, Hans Moen8, Sai Pavan Kumar Veeranki9, 10, Lori Block11, Tracie Risling12, Charlene Ronquillo6, 11 1 School of Nursing, Columbia University, New York, USA 2 Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku, Finland 3 School of Computing and Mathematics, Keele University, UK 4 Information Science Department, Kuwait University, Kuwait 5 Health Informatics Unit, Dasman Diabetes Institute, Kuwait 6 Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada 7 Splatsin Health Services, Enderby, BC, Canada 8 Department of Future Technologies, University of Turku, Finland 9 Health & Bioresources / Molecular Diagnostics, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Graz, Austria 10 Technical University of Graz, Graz, Austria 11 School of Nursing, University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, Canada 12 College of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada Summary information and communication technologies that can help 1 Introduction and Objectives Objectives: To identify the ways in which healthcare infor- to provide better healthcare to patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, including telehealth, advanced software, electronic The coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic mation and communication technologies can be improved to health records, remote work technologies (e.g., remote desktop has challenged the healthcare sector globally address the challenges raised by the COVID-19 pandemic. computer access), and clinical decision support tools. in several ways. The pandemic has worsened Methods: The study population included health informatics Conclusions: Our results help to identify several important the shortage of the healthcare workforce experts who had been involved with the planning, development healthcare information and communication technologies, [1, 2] and increased the workload [3] and and deployment of healthcare information and communica- recommended by health informatics experts, which can help to psychosocial burden of health professionals tion technologies in healthcare settings in response to the provide better care to patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. [4-6]. Healthcare providers have reorganized challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were The results also highlight the need for improved interopera- resources to manage the increased demands collected via an online survey. A non-probability convenience bility, intuitive user interfaces and advocating the adoption of of care [7]. However, shortages in medical sampling strategy was employed. Data were analyzed with standards of care. equipment, [8-10] personal protective equip- content analysis. ment, [2, 8-12] and healthcare information Results: A total of 65 participants from 16 countries responded technologies further challenged the response to the conducted survey. The four major themes regarding rec- Keywords to the COVID-19 pandemic [13, 14]. ommended improvements identified from the content analysis Health Informatics, COVID-19, international survey, telehealth Advanced technological solutions that included: improved technology availability, improved interop- can reduce the burden of limited health care erability, intuitive user interfaces and adoption of standards Yearb Med Inform 2021:61-8 resources perpetuated by this pandemic are of care. Respondents also identified several key healthcare necessary [15]. Globally, the application of IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2021
62 Topaz et al. healthcare information and communication This study aimed to identify the ways in survey used the OpinioTM software provided technologies varies with respect to coun- which healthcare information and commu- by Ryerson University with servers located tries’ economic status and the expenditure nication technologies can be improved to in Canada. Ethical approval was obtained on these technologies corresponding to address challenges raised by the COVID-19 from Ryerson University Research Ethics their national budgets. Nonetheless, the pandemic. Board (REB 2020-175), Kuwait University COVID-19 pandemic has boosted the rate (KU-CLS-20-05-13) and the University of of technology adoption, particularly, related Keele (ECL270420). to digital health services [16, 17]. Multiple This paper reports the responses to the technology tools have rapidly been adopted to assist in the struggle against the pandemic. 2 Methods question “What technologies do you wish you had to help address COVID-19 in your Examples include tools for case identifica- The study had a descriptive exploratory setting?” Initially, the study team considered tion [18], contact tracing [19], mobility data design and data were collected via an online providing a structured checklist option of communication [20], robotic disinfection survey. The population was international selected technologies to the question men- [21] among many others. health informatics experts who have been tioned above. In this case, study participants On the one hand, physical distancing involved with the planning, development would have been expected to select several has become a key strategy in containing the and deployment of health information tech- specific technologies from a dropdown list. spread of the virus, and on the other hand, nology in healthcare settings in response However, no such comprehensive list of technologies such as chatbots and virtual to challenges presented by the COVID-19 technologies was available and we designed care technologies have filled the gap in pro- pandemic. The data collection time consid- an open ended question that would provide viding healthcare services previously done ered responses from March to May 2020. A study participants the freedom to respond to face to face [22, 23]. Artificial intelligence non-probability convenience sampling meth- the question in a non-restrictive manner [36]. has also been identified as one of the key od, where the population cannot be identified We implemented qualitative thematic technologies used during the pandemic. For [32] was employed given the exploratory content analysis to analyze the responses [37]. example, it has been used in the detection nature of the survey and the aim, which was Specifically, two PhDs prepared reviewers of COVID-19 cases, diagnosis, monitoring to be as wide-reaching as possible. This (LMP and MT), with backgrounds in health vital parameters, contact tracing, predic- method allowed the research team to select informatics and experience in thematic con- tion of virus spread, treatment suggestions samples based on selective judgement, rather tent analysis, independently reviewed each of as well as vaccine development [22-24]. than by random selection [32]. As such, it the study responses. The researchers assigned However, the applied use and research was not possible to predetermine a specified the responses with a set of preliminary and on interoperability standards, like FHIR sampling frame. An invite to participate in emerging themes. As each individual response [25], OpenEHR [26], and SNOMED-CT the study was sent out through the IMIA could contain several technologies, it was [27], and telehealth technologies (includ- Students and Emerging Professionals Spe- possible that several themes were coded for ing the Internet of Things), to succor the cial Interest Group networks (including the one response (e.g., ”better user interfaces” and COVID-19 pandemic, have received less group’s mailing list, professional networks, “improved technology availability”). The can- attention [28]. Further, the application and other relevant mailing lists, social media, didate list of themes was then discussed and usability of these technologies on patient word of mouth, and snowball sampling [33]). finalized with the broader study team (LMP, safety are yet to be fully understood in this The web-based survey was developed MT, S-SB, CR). Specifically, the assigned pandemic context [29, 30]. and advertised as per best practices on Web emerging themes were discussed, harmonized, There is a need to reflect on the use of survey design as outlined in the Tailored assigned a consistent name and agreed on by healthcare information and communication Design Method [34, 35]. This included both reviewers and the study team. This result- technologies during the COVID-19 pan- consultation with health informatics experts ed in a final list of major themes and several demic to find ways to better support health as part of survey development, to assure specific sub-themes. These major themes are systems during pandemics. The International adequate functionality, clarity and content presented with their number of mentions in Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) validity prior to distribution. Recognizing the collected data. Students and Emerging Professionals Spe- that our target sample group was health in- cial Interest Group conducted an interna- formatics experts who were working under tional survey targeted at health informatics immense pressures, a very brief, open-end- experts. As there is a large variation in application of healthcare information and ed survey was developed to maximize the likelihood of response. The survey consists 3 Results communication technologies throughout of 10 open-ended questions that covered the A total of 65 participants from 16 countries the globe [31], we purposefully sought nature of health information and communi- responded to the survey. Most of the study perspectives from an international cohort of cation technologies used and implemented participants identified their current profes- health informatics experts. The survey can in healthcare settings in relation to or as sional role as applied clinical informatician be accessed via part of the pandemic response. The online or informaticist (42 %, n=27) and many IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2021
63 How to Improve Information Technology to Support Healthcare to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic: an International Survey with Health Informatics Experts respondents were from Canada (43 %, n=28). Table 1 Role, work setting and countries of respondents. The majority reported working in a hospital setting or a large healthcare facility (60 %, Participant Role Number of respondents n=35). The primary role, setting in which the participants worked, and the countries of Applied clinical informatician/informaticist 27 respondents are outlined in Table 1. Healthcare professional involved with technology development, 11 Responses were coded with 87 initial deployment, or evaluation codes that were related to desired improve- Programmers or developer for a hospital or other health organization 11 ments to technologies during the COVID-19 Administrative roles overseeing technology development, deployment, 10 pandemic. Three respondents from Canada or evaluation (IDs 34, 39 and 45) and two from the UK Healthcare professional currently using health information technologies 5 (IDs 4 and 72) reported already having all the No response 1 technologies needed to address COVID-19 in their setting. One respondent had no opinion Participant Setting Number of respondents (ID 25) and another responded that technol- Hospital setting and large healthcare facilities 35 ogies needed were “unknown” (ID 30). The National IT company 6 remaining 80 initial codes were organized Clinics and smaller health care facilities 5 into four major themes through the qualita- Regional health organization 4 tive thematic analysis. These themes were: improved technology availability, improved Ministry of Health 4 interoperability, intuitive user interfaces, and University 2 adoption of standards of care. The themes, Pharmaceutical 2 subthemes and mentions per country are pre- Other 7 sented in Table 2. The following paragraphs describe each of the themes in more detail. Country Number of respondents Canada 28 UK 11 3.1 Theme 1: Improved Spain 7 Technology Availability Finland 4 Overall, the majority (68.8 %, n = 55) of USA 2 study participants suggested that additional Qatar 2 software and technology might be necessary. Kuwait 2 Sub-themes of specific suggested technolo- Australia 1 gies included telehealth, advanced software, Central and West Africa 1 electronic health records (EHRs), remote Germany 1 work technologies, and clinical decision Jordan 1 support tools. Representative quotes for Theme 1 are presented in Table 3. Specific Nigeria 1 recommendations on technologies included: Norway 1 • Almost one fourth of the participants Oman 1 suggested advancing telehealth reach Switzerland 1 and capabilities (Quotes 1.1 and 1.2). Taiwan 1 Other telehealth suggestions included COVID-19 specific capabilities, such as remote COVID-19 symptom and vital sign monitoring (Quote 1.3). Chatbots dashboards) of information on local and documentation and care. were also considered helpful (Quote 1.4); national levels (Quotes 1.5 and 1.6); • Remote work technologies were also en- • Almost one fourth of the participants • Another common suggested technology couraged by study participants (Quotes proposed the development and implemen- was the EHR. Some participants report- 1.8 and 1.9). Specifically, respondents tation of advanced software solutions to ed that clinical documentation in their suggested remote technologies includ- support in COVID-19 surveillance and settings was still mainly done on paper ed virtual private networks (VPN) and contact tracing, as well as in real-time (Quote 1.7). Other participants wished remote desktop access technologies, like access, collection and analysis (e.g. for higher quality EHRs that support Citrix; IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2021
64 Topaz et al. Table 2 Desired improvements to technologies during COVID-19 pandemic by themes, subthemes and mentions per country • In addition, some participants suggested that better clinical decision support Major theme Sub-theme # mentions per country % participants tools were needed. Most of the suggested clinical decision support tools focused on Improved technology availability 55 68.8 % COVID-19. For example, several partic- Telehealth Canada: 6 ipants indicated the necessity of creating Finland: 4 COVID-19 triage clinical decision sup- Spain: 3 port (Quotes 1.10 and 1.11). Australia: 1 Jordan: 1 23.8 % Kuwait: 1 Norway: 1 3.2 Theme 2: Improved UK: 1 USA: 1 Interoperability Total: 19 Another common theme was improved Advanced software Canada: 5 interoperability (reported by 13.8%, n = UK: 4 11). In some cases, the need for improved Finland: 2 interoperability was mentioned in the Oman: 2 context of one healthcare setting (Quote Central and West Africa: 1 2.1). In other cases, interoperability was Norway: 1 22.5 % encouraged between different healthcare Qatar: 1 Spain: 1 settings, including the creation and im- Taiwan: 1 provement of national and international Total: 18 information exchanges (Quotes 2.2 to 2.4). Representative quotes for Theme 2 Electronic health records Canada: 4 are presented in Table 4. Kuwait: 1 Nigeria: 1 8.8 % Spain: 1 Total: 7 3.3 Theme 3: Intuitive User Remote work technology (e.g., VPN) Canada: 2 Germany: 1 Interfaces Kuwait: 1 A need for intuitive user interface was an- Spain: 1 7.5 % other theme that emerged from the analysis UK: 1 (8.8%, n=7 of participants). Participants Total: 6 recommended using better designed, more Clinical decision support Canada: 1 user centered systems, which could be Central and West Africa: 1 adopted to a wide range of healthcare pro- Germany: 1 6.3 % fessionals and disciplines. Representative Spain: 1 quotes for Theme 3 are presented in Table UK: 1 5 (Quotes 3.1 to 3.3). Total: 5 Improved interoperability Canada: 7 UK: 2 Finland: 1 13.8 % 3.4 Theme 4: Adoption of Switzerland: 1 Standards of Care Total: 11 Lastly, participants advocated for the adop- Intuitive user interfaces Canada: 5 tion of standards of care (8.8%, n=7 of par- Finland: 1 ticipants). Some of the suggested standards UK: 1 8.8 % Total: 7 were general (Quote 4.1), but most were COVID-19 specific. Several participants Adoption of standards of care Canada: 5 8.8 % recommended developing a standardized Nigeria: 1 “COVID-19 case management module” Qatar: 1 in EHRs (Quotes 4.2-4.3). Representative Total: 7 quotes for Theme 4 are presented in Table 6. IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2021
65 How to Improve Information Technology to Support Healthcare to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic: an International Survey with Health Informatics Experts Table 3 Representative quotes for theme 1: Improved technology availability 4 Discussion The results presented in this paper highlight # Quotes for theme 1: Improved technology availability health informatics experts’ suggested tech- 1.1 “We should have had video consultations” (Norway, ID 7) nologies as well as characteristics of those 1.2 “Easy glucose upload technology and easier at home HbA1C kits for remote testing” (UK, ID 57) technologies to support a better COVID-19 1.3 “…more device integration in the single rooms for vital signs [monitoring]” (Australia, ID 53) pandemic response at the beginning of the 1.4 “Different kinds of bots/chatbots have turned out to be very efficient” (Finland, ID 83) pandemic. These technologies are related to four key themes: improved technology 1.5 “A BI [business intelligence] dashboard that shows cases of the country with integrated databases that enables to view real time and accurate data of the all facilities in the country. Which helps in faster decision making.” (Qatar, ID 31) availability, improved interoperability, in- tuitive user interfaces, and an adoption of 1.6 “Data analysis and machine learning, but only when we can get our hands on the relevant data.” (UK, ID 77) standards of care. 1.7 “Only partial documentation in some areas of the hospital. A lot is paper based.” (Canada, ID 42) The requirement for improved technology 1.8 “More laptops to enable home working” (UK, ID 1) availability and functionality were identified 1.9 ... giving remote access for more workers, not only the head of the team.” (Kuwait, ID 20) as the first theme. Respondents’ suggestions 1.10 Better risk stratification tools to identify patients who require clinical care during COVID restrictions” (UK, ID 57) of characteristics of existing technologies 1.11 [COVID-19] triage management support” (Central and West Africa, ID 29) (EHRs and clinical decision support tools) related to both the desire for specialized functionalities in relation to COVID-19 (e.g., triaging COVID-19 patients based on Table 4 Representative quotes for theme 2: Improved interoperability signs and symptoms), as well as the need to address what are likely longstanding chal- # Quotes for theme 2: Improved interoperability lenges of these technologies with respect to efficiency and quality [38,39]. For example, 2.1 “Systems [in the hospital] where data can be more easily linked by common threads and keys” (UK, ID 6) participants reported that the documentation 2.2 “Perhaps a more responsive exchange of information flow between the EHRs at the hospital level and General was still largely paper based; the limitations Practice Systems” (UK, ID 28) of paper-based documentation was likely 2.3 “One Provincial information system to enable easy access to information” (Canada, ID 36) made particularly acute given the need for 2.4 “I wish that the provincial medical health officers, the folks at the WHO, etc. (decision makers) had accurate, streamlining information to mount an effec- real-time semantically rich and reliable data provided by an interoperable system, rather than having to rely on tive pandemic response. In considering these models to make these [COVID-19 related] society-transforming decisions.” (Canada, ID 50) results, it is important to recognize that the pandemic has influenced the development and use of technology differently across Table 5 Representative quotes for theme 3: Intuitive user interfaces settings and countries [40, 41]. This was noted in our sample and reflected in the nature and characteristics of technologies # Quotes for theme 3: Intuitive user interfaces that respondents were hoping for (e.g., basic 3.1 “Mobile applications and devices that are easy to manage as just another kind of user interface, as the smaller end EHRs versus advanced decision support of a wide range of options for deploying capabilities to users. Currently, they are still awkward and ‘special’, with too systems). This indicates large variability of much proprietary differentiation and applications tied to specific device manufacturers.” (UK, ID 11) technology maturity not only on national 3.2 “[we need] Easily used software, we have a wide range of disciplines at [name of a hospital system], some are tech levels but also across the organizations in champions - some are not” (Canada, ID 56) high-income countries. 3.3 “Better interface and simpler configuration” (Canada, ID 40) Telehealth and remote working tools were identified as key technologies to support health systems’ COVID-19 pandemic re- Table 6 Representative quotes for theme 4: Adoption of standards of care sponses due to the requirements for physical distancing and lockdown measures in many countries [18, 42, 43]. Implementation of # Quotes for theme 4: Adoption of standards of care digital technologies and incorporating these 4.1 “Standard terminologies integrated to our EHR [electronic health record]” (Canada, ID 35) into health policy is one suggested means 4.2 “[electronic health record should have standardized] COVID-19 case management module.” (Nigeria, ID 71) for successful information management to 4.3 “Development of tool within our EHR [electronic health record] for screening and documentation of COVID-19 related adopt crucial strategies as a response to the issues” (Canada, ID 75) pandemic, including contact tracing, early surveillance, COVID-19 testing and quar- IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2021
66 Topaz et al. antine [44]. The potential uses of telehealth the COVID-19 pandemic, with partici- limitations include a lack of description of as indicated by respondents in this study are pants suggesting standardized modules for technologies used by the participants, their similar to those found in other studies and COVID-19 documentation. Since the time specific work environments, and the lack of include COVID-19 symptom screening and from which responses to this study were evidence on the impact of the recommended tracking, support for specialized care for collected, documentation standards specific systems. However, these limitations are a hospitalized patients with COVID-19, and to COVID-19 have been developed [55] as direct result of the decisions made during providing access to essential healthcare for well as forward facing strategies to enable the survey design and development process, non-COVID-19 patients [41, 44, 45]. the use of COVID-19 EHR documentation where priority was placed on developing a Healthcare interoperability at the local, for future research [56, 57]. survey that would be rapid and easy to com- national, and international levels was also Overall, none of the themes identified plete, hence the small number and simplicity identified as one of the key suggested in this study regarding technologies, which of the survey questions. Finally, there are technologies. Current literature supports can be improved to address challenges raised limitations in the types of analyses that can this request for interoperability, suggesting by the COVID-19 pandemic suggested by be conducted given the sample size achieved. that interoperable health data is the missing health informatics experts were surprising. For example, while it would be interesting to link for the successful delineation of the These results nevertheless reflect the degree crossmatch countries’ level of technologies COVID-19 pandemic [46-48]. Increased in- to which health technologies developments to desired improvements, the overall sample teroperability can help to specify COVID-19 and infrastructures have been catapulted into size and unequal sample distribution of patient population, track symptoms at scale, the spotlight as a result of the pandemic. The responses from various countries limits the and potentially contribute to identification of themes identified in this study reflect long- meaningful insights that could be drawn COVID-19 treatments [49]. standing shortcomings of health informatics from such analyses. Our results also highlight the critical infrastructure that have been amplified need for better technology usability to during the pandemic [44,48]. Results of this better support health professionals in this study reinforce the need to speed up develop- pandemic. The level of user training influ- ences the adoption of healthcare information ments in health information technologies and access to those technologies, interoperability, 5 Conclusions and communication technologies [31] and usability, and health standards [49, 58]. This study was aimed to identify the usability is one of the most common chal- Future research is needed to explore suc- ways in which healthcare information and lenges internationally [50, 51]. Studies that cessful implementation of telehealth services communication technologies can be im- have evaluated the usability of technologies and opportunities for a broader use of remote proved to address challenges raised by the used in response to or as key tools during the work technology in the health setting. Re- COVID-19 pandemic. Our results help to COVID-19 pandemic highlight the impor- search is needed on how to better support the identify several important health informa- tance of effective user interfaces and easy to adoption of standards of care with informa- tion technologies, suggested by practicing use tools, particularly as these can represent tion systems and also to identify possibilities health informatics experts internationally. important complementary tools to support to improve information exchange within the These technologies were suggested as offline health services (e.g., COVID-19 test- healthcare sector. Research is also needed mechanisms to support professionals work ing) [52-54]. Results from this study support for the development of a variety of advanced to provide better care to patients during the need for greater efforts and investment software tools for automated information ac- the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, the in system usability. In particular, our results cess and analysis to support decision-makers needs for improvement regarding health in- point to the importance of accounting for the on different levels in the health setting. These formation technologies concern telehealth, wide variability of end-users’ overall digital results have high relevance for the health in- advanced software to collect and analyze literacy and exposure to using specialized formatics community, with areas for further data, EHRs, remote work technologies, and technologies, in addition to the differing back- technology development. clinical decision support tools. In addition, grounds and disciplines of end-users when There are two main strengths in our study our results highlighted the need to improve considering usability. Given the importance compared to previous studies. First, we used interoperability, develop and implement and urgency of effectively responding to the primary data, which provides empirical intuitive user interfaces, and advocate for pandemic, usability plays an especially crucial evidence for recommendations that other adoption of standards of care. The results role. The time that may have typically been literature outline. Second, our international of this study highlight the necessity for afforded to dedicated training of end-users participant pool can provide a more global the health informatics community to work may not be a possibility in the context of the perspective as compared to the literature, transdisciplinary to prioritize technology COVID-19 pandemic, where tools need to be which mostly consists of systematic review development based on the acute needs implemented as rapidly as possible. papers or case reports from single institu- of healthcare systems and to emphasize The final theme identified in this study tions. Limitations of this study include the end-user involvement throughout the devel- points to the wish for establishment of unevenly distributed sample with a majority opment process to improve the usability of health standards to support response to of respondents from North America. Other developed technologies. IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2021
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