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CONTENTS Foreword from 04 Tracey Crouch MP Foreword from 05 Jennie Price Introduction 06 Sport England Strategy 08 2016-2021 Investment principles 10 How we will work 12 with partners Investment programmes 14 Sport England investment 16 Tackling inactivity 18 Children and 20 young people Volunteering – 22 a dual benefit Taking sport into the 24 mass market Supporting sport’s 26 core market Talent 30 Local delivery 32 Facilities 34 Transforming delivery 36 Targets, insight 40 and evaluation Other areas of work 42 Summary of 44 consultation messages Sport England Strategy 2016-21 3
FOREWORD FROM FOREWORD FROM TRACEY CROUCH MP JENNIE PRICE WHEN WE PUBLISHED SPORTING FUTURE: A NEW I AM PROUD TO INTRODUCE SPORT ENGLAND’S NEW STRATEGY: STRATEGY FOR AN ACTIVE NATION IN DECEMBER 2015, TOWARDS AN ACTIVE NATION. IT SETS OUT HOW WE WILL USE IT MARKED THE BIGGEST SHIFT IN GOVERNMENT POLICY THE PUBLIC FUNDING AND RESOURCES FOR WHICH ON SPORT FOR MORE THAN A DECADE WE ARE RESPONSIBLE TO BENEFIT EVERYONE IN ENGLAND At its heart lies an unwavering focus on not underestimate the scale of the change Our vision is that everyone, regardless This means changing the balance of our how publicly funded sport can work better that is needed across the sector, but we of their age, background or level of investment to encourage inactive people for the taxpayer, benefitting people across should also see this as an opportunity to ability feels able to engage in sport and to become active. So 25 per cent of our the country. do what we do well even better. It is the physical activity. Some will be young, resources over the next four years, over beginning of an exciting journey, but the fit and talented, but most will not. We £250 million, will be focused on this group Our focus in the future will be on the transformation will not happen overnight. want everyone to feel welcome, to find – the largest investment in tackling inactivity benefits that sport can bring to people, something in sport and activity that meets ever made in England. We will continue to and to society, built around a simple The legacy of hosting the Olympic their needs and for the sector to value invest in people who play sport and are set of outcomes: physical wellbeing, and Paralympic Games has built the them as a customers. active now, including talented athletes. mental wellbeing, individual development, foundations for this new strategy. Our aim here is to ensure they are treated social and community development and This strategy is built on firm foundations. as valued customers by the sport system, economic development. Public funding will London 2012 propelled this country into We have taken our lead from the the sporting superpower bracket and it is and that those who support them do so be directed to delivering these outcomes Government’s widely welcomed Sporting efficiently and at lower cost to the public and success will be measured against this momentum on which so much of our Future: a new Strategy for an Active new strategy is based. The new, stronger purse. We recognise this is a transition improvements in each of them. Nation. We have consulted with over a that will take time, and we will offer both role for volunteering – capitalising on the thousand stakeholders. We have looked at We will be working to maximise sporting phenomenon of the Games Makers. The practical and financial help. best practice in other sectors – including success at home and internationally, to strengthening of our support for major private equity, consumer goods and the This document gives an overview of our get more people from every background sporting events – helping to inspire a charity sector, and internationally. We strategy, but those we work with and fund regularly and meaningfully involved in nation to take part in sport. The focus have built on our own experience, but regularly will need more details. We will be sport, and to deliver a more productive, on under-represented groups – founded we will be adopting some completely issuing a series of investment guides for sustainable and responsible sport sector. in what the Paralympics showcased so new approaches, including a new set the different programmes and partners, fantastically, that sport is for everyone. of investment principles, seven new beginning with an investment guide for The sporting landscape has changed enormously in the last decade with shifting Sport in this country runs broader and investment programmes (replacing the National Governing Bodies. This will be social patterns giving rise to new activities more deeply than the legacy of London thirty odd we have now) and adopting a published in June 2016. while others decline in popularity due in 2012 though. It can have an impact on new measurement system. I am looking forward to putting this strategy part to unprecedented pressure on leisure almost every aspect of everyone’s life and For the first time Sporting Future has into practice, as is the whole team at Sport time and competing demands for people’s it is this potential that we in Government, put not just what we invest but why we England. We hope you will join us. attention. Any new strategy has to tackle along with Sport England and the sport invest at the heart of our work. We seek these changes head on. sector will seek to achieve. Working to increase the number of people who Jennie Price together we can fulfil the ambition of a truly engage in sport and activity, not for its own Chief Executive, Sport England This is what Sport England’s new active nation. investment strategy seeks to do, to sake but for the wider benefits it can bring, put the customer first, focus on those Tracey Crouch MP in terms of physical and mental wellbeing least active and transform how sport is Minister for Sport, Tourism and Heritage and individual, community and economic delivered across the country. We should development. It asks us to invest where the impact on these wider outcomes will be greatest. Sport England Strategy 2016-21 5
INTRODUCTION Sporting Future redefines what success and social and community development. RESPONDING TO NEW CHALLENGES looks like. In the behaviours we target we This will help both Sport England and the AND OPPORTUNITIES will move away from our historic focus organisations we work with to show how on how many people are playing one we are contributing to the Government’s sport or another at a particular moment policy priorities, strengthening the case for to understanding how active people are continued public investment in sport. In December 2015 the Government • Working nationally where it makes sense overall. To capture this change we are published Sporting Future: A New Strategy to do so (for example on infrastructure and replacing the Active people survey with As part of the development of this for an Active Nation. It sets a bold and workforce) but encouraging stronger the new Active Lives survey to renew the strategy we consulted widely. During that ambitious direction for sport policy which local collaboration to deliver a more sector’s confidence in the data we use. consultation, the sector encouraged us to has been widely welcomed. It looks beyond joined-up experience of sport and activity show leadership and to make bold choices. simple participation to how sport changes for customers We will also develop new ways of evaluating We are happy to take up this challenge and lives and becomes a force for social good. the broader outcomes of sport, especially look forward to working with the sector to At its heart are five outcomes: physical • Working with a wider range of partners, mental wellbeing, individual development make change happen. wellbeing, mental wellbeing, individual including the private sector, using our development, social and community expertise as well as our investment to help others align their resources Prochaska and DiClemente Transtheorectical Approach in 1 development, and economic development. Handbook of Psychotherapy Integration John C Norcross, Marvin R Goldfried (eds), OUP, 2005. Putting this policy into practice to • Working with the sector to encourage achieve these outcomes will mean innovation and share best practice significant change for Sport England particularly through applying the and for our partners. principles1 and practical learning of behaviour change This strategy sets out how we will deliver this task. The key changes we The behaviour change model below was included1 in our are making are: consultation and was widely welcomed. It features five key • Focusing more money and resources on stages of behaviour that will define the interventions we tackling inactivity because this is where make and the programmes we fund in future. the gains for the individual and for society are greatest • Investing more in children and young NOT ON MY RADAR PRE-CONTEMPLATION people from the age of five to build positive attitudes to sport and activity as the foundations of an active life • Helping those who are active now THINKING ABOUT IT CONTEMPLATION OUR VISION to carry on, but at lower cost to the public purse over time. Sport England WE WANT EVERYONE IN ENGLAND will work with those parts of the sector PLANNING TO DO REGARDLESS OF AGE, BACKGROUND that serve the core market to help them PREPERATION SOMETHING SOON identify ways in which they can become OR LEVEL OF ABILITY TO FEEL more sustainable and self-sufficient ABLE TO ENGAGE IN SPORT AND • Putting customers at the heart of PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. SOME WILL GETTING STARTED ACTION what we do, responding to how they BE YOUNG, FIT AND TALENTED, BUT organise their lives and helping the sector to be more welcoming and inclusive, MOST WILL NOT. WE NEED A SPORT especially of those groups currently SECTOR THAT WELCOMES EVERYONE under-represented in sport STICKING WITH IT MAINTENANCE – MEETS THEIR NEEDS, TREATS • Helping sport to keep pace with the THEM AS INDIVIDUALS AND People can move back and forth through these stages digital expectations of customers VALUES THEM AS CUSTOMERS. Sport England Strategy 2016-21 7
SPORT ENGLAND STRATEGY 2016-2021 AN OVERVIEW OF OUR STRATEGY More people from every background regularly and meaningfully engaging in sport and physical activity Inactive people becoming active engaged in sport More resilient habits more people More positive attitudes among PHYSICAL WELLBEING young people where we invest More diverse volunteers Tackling inactivity MENTAL WELLBEING how we work Children and young people Improved progression and 2016 inclusion in talent development Investment principles our Volunteering sport england Behaviour change contribution to INDIVIDUAL A more productive, DEVELOPMENT working Mass markets sustainable and responsible the government’s Partnership differently Sustaining the core market sport sector five outcomes Insight and Evaluation SOCIAL & COMMUNITY Working locally A more demand-led sport sector DEVELOPMENT support for the sector that welcomes everyone Facilities Improved governance ECONOMIC Improved financial efficiency DEVELOPMENT Increased and more diverse revenue generation Increased diversity in leadership A diverse and productive workforce Sport England Strategy 2016-21 9
LINE OF SIGHT INVESTMENT PRINCIPLES eg Reducing eg Mental INVESTMENT KPIS wellbeing OUTCOMES PROGRAMME inactivity HOW AND WHERE SPORT ENGLAND INVESTS ITS MONEY eg Inactivity AND WIDER RESOURCES IS THE BIGGEST CONTRIBUTION WE CAN MAKE TO SECURING THE OUTCOMES IN SPORTING FUTURE TARGET AUDIENCE We have drawn on our experience in recent tackling inactivity; creating regular activity years, best practice in other sectors and the habits and helping those with a resilient eg Older people advice we received during the consultation habit stay that way. EVALUATION EVALUATION to create seven investment principles. OF OUTCOMES OF KPIS These will inform where we invest and The greatest return on the Government’s how those investments will be supported outcomes will be realised by changing and managed. the behaviour of individuals who are not currently active. The balance of our 1. A clear line of sight to the investment needs to shift from people PROJECT objectives in Sporting Future who would do this anyway to encouraging inactive people to become active. We will create a clear ‘line of sight’ between eg Working in Suffolk with Age UK each investment and the contribution it can To achieve this, we will dedicate at least make to both the overarching outcomes 25 per cent of our investment to tackling in Sporting Future and the individual inactivity, which will more than triple our key performance indicators (KPIs) we current investment. We will monitor the are seeking to deliver. This will allow us proportion of our investment on the other 5. S trike a balance between ‘bankers’ the potential for accelerator funding to be to invest in making a wider impact on two behavioural challenges over the and ‘innovators’ allocated if they deliver good results. people’s lives in terms of physical wellbeing, next four years, with a view to reducing Growing engagement in sport and activity We will learn from how private equity mental wellbeing, individual development, the proportion spent on those with a is tough. We have only a few proven approaches its investments by setting social and community development, and resilient habit. delivery models and providers we can clear targets but also evaluating potential. economic development, rather than simply confidently back, so we need to expand We will stop investing if a project is failing driving numbers. We will develop robust 4. G et maximum value from all Sport the supply chain on which we rely. We will and can’t be rescued. evaluation systems to show the England’s resources, not just our cash also set different expectations for proven 7. E ncouraging increased efficiency difference an investment makes to the Given the available resources, significant interventions and innovative projects. wider outcomes, as well as measuring multiplier effects will be needed to achieve Learning from bodies like the Wellcome Our current approach has over-invested in increased engagement. our goals. There are two ways we can do Trust, we will manage our portfolio on the supporting people who are already regularly this. Firstly, we can persuade others to basis that 80 per cent of our investments active. In future that investment will be more 2. Ensure investment benefits limited and we will encourage the sector under-represented groups invest alongside us. By contributing less should deliver all of our outcomes, while the than 20 per cent of the cost of a facility we remaining 20 per cent will test new ideas. to diversify its funding from both private We will prioritise demographic groups who can give confidence to co-investors, shape Not all will succeed but our aim will be to and other public sector sources. We will are currently under-represented in terms its design, and encourage co-location of find a few solutions capable of delivering also encourage them to use their assets – of their engagement with sport and physical leisure with health or education facilities. game-changing results. including data – to generate income, and activity. This includes many different Secondly, with some partners we may not to reduce costs, for example by sharing groups including women, older people, invest cash at all, but contribute advice and 6. R eview our investment portfolio services. Sport England will offer both disabled people and people from lower insight or broker a collaboration. Our work regularly and remove funding if practical and financial support to help socio-economic backgrounds. with the outdoor sector is a good example an investment is failing and cannot this transition. of how new insight can influence private be rescued 3. Use behaviour change to make sector providers. We will review our investment portfolio investment choices more regularly, and will invest more in We will use the behaviour change model to anything going particularly well. Several of help guide our investment decisions. We will our programmes, such as Inactivity, have focus on three behavioural challenges: Sport England Strategy 2016-21 11
HOW WE WILL WORK WITH PARTNERS SPORTING FUTURE ENTAILS SIGNIFICANT CHANGE BOTH FOR THE SECTOR AND SPORT ENGLAND The prospect of change was widely We want to create new and wider Sport England will play an active role taking some specific steps to encourage recognised and generally welcomed partnerships in the next four years, as in brokering these arrangements, and diversification of funding for those in our consultation and is reflected well as working with existing partners in will offer active support throughout their organisations we regularly fund. throughout this strategy. new ways. In the past we have asked some work. It is tempting for funders to stand Working with UK Sport (where we fund the of our traditional partners – especially the back and see what happens. During our same organisations) we will set targets to In this section we set out what this national governing bodies of sport (NGBs) consultation there was a clear message on reduce organisations’ reliance on any single will mean for our approach to building and local authorities – to solve problems this: Sport England does most good when source of public funding and increase their partnerships and some of the things or take on roles very different from their it stays actively involved – not in delivery, but overall level of non-public investment. Sport England will do differently. core business. Sometimes – usually where by contributing insight, advice and support. there has been a shared desire for change We will also work with those organisations Sporting Future is clear that whether Sport England itself will need some to agree plans and set targets for back an organisation receives public funding or expansion – this has worked, but often it has not. This is going to change. We new skills to play its part in delivering this office and efficiency savings where should be based on what it can contribute strategy, including more commercial, digital appropriate, and use our investment to the outcomes: physical wellbeing, will collaborate and fund where there is genuine common purpose with any and data expertise. This will be a priority cycle beginning in 2017 to encourage mental wellbeing, individual development, as we move into the implementation phase more shared service models. We will offer social and community development, and type of organisation that can deliver the desired outcomes. later in 2016. We also want to reduce the practical support for these arrangements, economic development, not on its nature or bureaucratic burden of accessing public working with the Sport and Recreation structure. Put simply, it’s what you can do We will not, however, compromise on the funds, especially for smaller organisations. Alliance (SRA) and others to identify that counts, not who you are. basic standards of governance that will opportunities and meet set-up costs be required to receive public funding. We will build on the lessons learned in where long-term savings to the public This means that, in future, Sport England our Inspired Facilities programme to will set its budgets based on the seven We are working with the Government and purse can be made. UK Sport to draw up a new Governance simplify all of our competitive funding investment programmes set out below processes over the life of this strategy, Sport England will implement the and we will work with the partners best able Code for Sport in the UK. Compliance with that Code will be a requirement of all starting with the new Community Asset recommendations in the Triennial Review to deliver them. Fund which will replace our Small Grants of UK Sport and Sport England on our funding agreements from 2017. We To ensure we make those judgements recognise that the details may need to differ programme. We will consult on and test efficiency. We will also adopt shared service fairly and transparently, we will create a by scale and type of organisation – local our processes with current and potential models for our own operations wherever common evaluation framework for authorities, for example, are constituted applicants to ensure these changes make appropriate, which may be with UK Sport all proposals and investments. Given the differently to charities and NGBs – but the a real difference to users. or the other Home Nations’ Sport Councils, variety of our work the approach cannot central principles will be the same. other Lottery Distributors or through new We have an important role to play in helping arrangements set up for sports bodies. be identical in all cases, but there will be the sector to become more productive a common core based on the investment Some of the challenges inherent in this strategy will require a long-term approach. and sustainable. We work with a number principles described above. Over time we of organisations of different types that are will build a single framework which allows Tackling inactivity and piloting local delivery, WE HAVE AN IMPORTANT ROLE TO PLAY for example, will require a coalition of reliant on public money either for survival us and our stakeholders to compare the or for key parts of their operation. This is IN HELPING THE SECTOR TO BECOME effectiveness of different investments. Our partners, some of whom may not have unlikely to be sustainable in the medium expectations will be proportionate to the worked together before. term, and Sporting Future tasks us with MORE PRODUCTIVE AND SUSTAINABLE. partner and the scale of our investment. Sport England Strategy 2016-21 13
INVESTMENT PROGRAMMES We have created seven new investment programmes directly responding to the policy direction set in Sporting Future. We will seek out and back the ideas that can help make sport a mass market activity, including making sport more They will replace the 30+ plus investment digitally accessible. programmes we have now. DURING OUR CONSULTATION 5) Supporting sport’s core market WE WERE ENCOURAGED 1) Tackling inactivity2 We want to ensure that those who have a strong affinity for sport – including the TO SHOW LEADERSHIP AND At any one time 28 per cent of people in England are inactive3. highly valuable but small-scale talent pool TO MAKE BOLD CHOICES – are treated as valued customers by the They face a diverse range of barriers to sport system. activity, both emotional and practical. They will be the highest priority for our Sporting Future highlights that public investment because the benefits of investment has disproportionately focused becoming active for them and for wider on supporting this part of the market and society are the greatest. We will dedicate has built financial dependency in some at least 25 per cent of our total resources organisations. We will work with these to tackling inactivity and when we set our organisations to improve their sustainability targets, we will also set a percentage of and increase efficiency. inactive people who will benefit from our 6) Local delivery major investment programmes. People do not make choices about sport 2) Children and young people and activity in a vacuum. Where they live We welcome our new remit to work with and work plays a big part in the choices children from the age of five and recognise they make, with each community having that our responsibility lies outside the its unique structure, relationships and school curriculum. We will focus on geography. pre- and post-school activities that increase We will demonstrate the benefits of working children’s capability and enjoyment and lay in a more joined up way in some specific the foundations for being active throughout places – a mix of urban and rural – where their lives. Children are customers of the we will pilot new ways of working locally sport system just as much as adults, and and build long-term collaborations. we will tailor our work according to their needs and preferences. 7) Facilities 3) Volunteering – a dual benefit The places where people play sport have a big impact on their experience and the Volunteering has traditionally been regarded likelihood they will come back regularly. as an enabler for others to play sport. We We will continue to invest in all types of will turn this on its head, focusing on what facilities, with a strong presumption in the volunteer gets out of volunteering, favour of multi-sport for our major strategic making it easier to fit volunteering in investments. We will also create a new sport into a modern lifestyle, and making Community Asset Fund to support local volunteers more representative of society. infrastructure. 4) Taking sport and activity into the These seven investment programmes will mass market be underpinned by a new Workforce Millions of people drop in and out of sport Strategy and a new Coaching Plan. on a regular basis. If we can make it easier for them to stay active, many more people will derive the wider benefits of doing so. 2 Inactivity is defined as doing less than 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity per week. Chief Medical Officer Sport England Strategy 2016-21 Guidelines, 2011. 3 Public Health England outcomes framework 2014. 15
In 2012-16, Sport SPORT ENGLAND England’s strategy allocated investment directly through PROJECTED INVESTMENT 2017–21 INVESTMENT organisations and a large number of individual programmes. 3% VOLUNTEERING4 Our strategy will see our 2017-2021 funding 6% MASS MARKETS allocated through seven INVESTMENT MADE investment programmes based on the types 2012–16 of customers they will help us reach. MARKET DEVELOPMENT VOLUNTEERING TALENT 13% 29% OTHER COMMUNITY AWARDS SPORT FOR SOCIAL CHANGE INACTIVITY1 CORE MARKET INACTIVITY DOORSTEP CLUBS DISABILITY WOMEN’S SPORT SPORTIVATE COMMUNITY SPORT ACTIVATION FUND 16% SMALL GRANTS LOCAL PILOTS2 17% NATIONAL PARTNERS CHILDREN & EDUCATION HIGHER & FURTHER 38% 16% YOUNG PEOPLE FACILITIES3 NGBS SATELLITE CLUBS 9% Note 1: Inactivity Note 3: Facilities This represents projects totally dedicated This represents only the capital funds SCHOOL to inactivity; some investment from other described in the Facilities section. SPORT programmes will also target this group, We anticipate other programmes will 24% notably local delivery and facilities. Total investment in activity over the period will amount to at least 25 per cent; this include an element of capital investment, especially the local pilots. FACILITIES will be tracked and recorded in Sport Note 4: Volunteering England’s Annual Reports Additional funds will be invested Note 2: Local pilots in volunteering through the core market programme. This represents the funding for the 10 local pilots only. Local delivery will be relevant to all seven programmes. Sport England Strategy 2016-21 17
TACKLING INACTIVITY ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURES OF THIS STRATEGY crucial here. Programmes and projects recognise this in the new Coaching Plan must start with the needs of the individual and Workforce Strategy both of which IS A MUCH STRONGER FOCUS ON TACKLING INACTIVITY – offering them activities when and will prioritise improving the support for where it suits them, and where they feel inactive individuals. comfortable. From walking to table tennis, rounders to swimming, we know that We must not underestimate how difficult it Sporting Future makes it clear that in We will collaborate with Public Health these activities have a good track record of can be to make this change. If sport and the past much of the action and funding England, relevant charities and other appealing to those who are inactive and the physical activity is not on your radar, it is supported people who would probably organisations to join up the support key is finding something enjoyable. likely to take both time and some tailored have been active anyway, and important as available to people at risk of (or suffering support to get involved, and even longer to it is to ensure they continue to be catered from) these conditions to offer activities that Under-represented groups create a resilient habit. We have therefore for, ‘the biggest gains and the best value for are safe, attractive and suit them. ring-fenced substantial resources for this Although anyone can be inactive, there are public investment is found in addressing the work over the next four years and will Extensive research tells us we don’t have to some groups in society who are less likely people who are least active’.4 monitor the reach of our major investments. promote the benefits of sport and physical to take part regularly. We will ensure that In 2017, at the same time as we set broader This is based on scientific evidence. The activity. Almost everyone knows it is good much of our work is tailored to the needs targets for engagement, we will set a target graph5 below shows the value of getting for them, and most would like to do more. of these groups, including women and for the percentage of previously inactive people active from different starting points. We need to make that an easy, practical, girls, people from lower socio-economic people to benefit from our investment. It illustrates that although increasing the attractive choice, especially for people who groups, older people, disabled people; activity of an already active person (say tend not to take part in sport or activity people from particular ethnic groups, and from 200 minutes to 300 minutes a week) now: women and girls, disabled people, those with long-term health conditions. will benefit that individual’s health, it is those in lower socio-economic groups and We will look for partners who understand these groups best. They will not necessarily WE WILL... nowhere near the benefit experienced by older people. Create a new, dedicated fund of a sedentary person who takes up even a be deliverers of sport and activity nor will It’s tempting to stereotype people who activity take place in traditional sports £120 million to tackle inactivity over small amount of activity. the next four years, building on are inactive, particularly if you love sport settings. We will learn from some of our The health benefits referred to in this chart and being active and can’t imagine not most successful pilot projects with groups the insight we gained from our Get include reducing the risk of many chronic doing it. But people are inactive for a host such as Macmillan Cancer Support and Healthy Get Active pilots. conditions such as type 2 diabetes, of different reasons and their habits can Mind in settings such as workplaces and coronary heart disease, some of the vary dramatically at different times in their sheltered housing. Ensure that at least 25 per cent most common cancers and many lives. Customer focus is a theme that runs (c£265 million) 6 of our total mental health conditions. through our strategy and it is absolutely Coaches, volunteers and the wider sport investment over the next workforce can make a big contribution to four years directly benefits inactive helping inactive people get fitter, stronger people, including a proportion of our and more confident, but this will require a funding for local delivery, children AREA OF HIGHEST IMPACT very different approach from working with and young people, and facilities. someone with an established habit who wants to improve their technique. We will Work with Public Health England to develop clear messages on the Health benefits Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines MEASURING IMPACT on physical activity and deliver a This work will contribute to the national sport and physical activity following KPIs identified for the training programme to primary sector in Sporting Future: healthcare professionals. KPI 1: Increase in the Develop a collaborative percentage of the population programme of work with leading taking part in sport and physical health charities. The aim will be to Sedentary 100 200 300 400 500 600 activity at least twice in the last get more people at risk of, or living month with long-term, conditions taking Weekly physical activity (min) part in sport and physical activity. KPI 2: Decrease in percentage of people physically inactive 4 Sporting Future: A New Strategy for an Active Nation page 19 5 Dose-response curve for physical activity, Nigam, 2011 6 £120m inactivity, £56m place based, £37m facilities, £10m Children Sport England Strategy 2016-21 and Young People, £35m system costs, £7m coaching and workforce. 19
CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE is not responsible for delivering PE and A PERSON’S ATTITUDE TO SPORT IS OFTEN SHAPED school sport, children and young people BY THEIR EXPERIENCES AS A CHILD (and their families) do not arrange their WE WILL... lives according to divisions of responsibility Make a major new investment within government or between the of £40 million into projects which This is when future champions first dream running around with friends. Children are education and sports sectors. offer new opportunities for families of success, but it is also when the last child customers too and we will focus on their with children to get active and play Competence and enjoyment to be picked for the team or the disabled needs and wishes. They deserve a voice sport together. child constantly relegated to the sidelines and choice, especially if we are to engage We will work with others to join the system is put off sport and physical activity, groups who are under-represented even up as much as possible to deliver those Offer specialist training to at least sometimes forever. at this early age, for example girls and two essentials: basic competence and two teachers in every secondary disabled children. enjoyment. We will work both at primary school in England by 2020. The Two things matter most at this age: basic and secondary school age and support aim of this will be to better meet the competence and enjoyment.7 The sense Sport England welcomes the opportunity the provision of high quality, insight-based needs of all children, irrespective of that ‘you can do this’ whatever your level to have a greater impact on children by the training to coaches and teachers who their level of sporting ability, and to of ability and that you can get something extension of our remit in Sporting Future work with children outside as well as within involve them in shaping the sporting out of it that matters to you, builds strong to cover children from the age of five, and the curriculum. We will engage families opportunities that are provided. foundations. What matters to each child it was universally welcomed during our and children’s wider support network varies – it might be winning, spending consultation. However, stakeholders gave to influence behaviours at an early age. Improve the experience that children time with a parent or just the freedom of us a clear message: while Sport England Our support for the School Games will get in school through our work to continue, taking account of the review support the effective use of the initiated by Sporting Future to ensure recently doubled Primary PE and its future priorities are aligned with the INFLUENCES ON CHILDREN ON A TYPICAL DAY outcomes set by the Government. Sport Premium funding and our investment into the School Games. Young people experience many transitions: ADVERTISING MORNING physically and emotionally, especially Help to ensure there is a good FAMILY around puberty; the big jump from primary sports and activity offer before TEACHERS/ADULTS* to secondary school; moving to further or and after the school day through OLDER/YOUNGER CHILDREN higher education. These transitions will be supporting satellite clubs and FRIENDS exploring the new Government DIGITAL a focus for our work and investment. We In addressing basic competence, we are particularly concerned with the confidence and need to make sure that children do not investment into extending the CELEBRITIES school lose their enjoyment of sport and physical school day and breakfast clubs. motivation aspects of physical literacy rather than purely the technical physical skills activity as they move from one stage to another and that they stay engaged. Recognise the importance of transitions between both primary and secondary and then to further MEASURING IMPACT and higher education, with an Sport England will measure the increased focus on supporting engagement of children between inactive children and students to the ages of 5–14 outside school take up sport and exercise. through questioning parents in the * Carers, group leaders, friends’ parents, teaching Active Lives survey. Other areas of this strategy, for example This work will contribute to the tackling inactivity and local delivery will also ECONOMIC RESOURCES following KPIs identified for the include young children, and we will improve + sector in Sporting Future: SOCIAL NORMS our insight into their sporting behaviour. KPI 6: An increase in the assistants, dinner supervisors percentage of young people Many sports already have excellent offers (11–18) with a positive attitude in place for children and we will not impede EVENING towards sport and being active that work or displace the investment that already supports it. KPI 4: Increase in the percentage of children achieving physical literacy Sport England Strategy 2016-21 Ref: Joan Duda paper 21 7
VOLUNTEERING VOLUNTEERS PLAY We need both to encourage different MEASURING IMPACT types of volunteering – short term as A SPECIAL ROLE IN well as long term, for example – and This work will contribute to the SPORT. WITHOUT THEM, to engage people from a wider range following KPIs identified for the sector A DUAL BENEFIT of backgrounds. in Sporting Future: GRASSROOTS SPORT KPI 7: Increase in the number of people WOULD GRIND TO A HALT We will start our new work by increasing volunteering in sport at least twice in the our insight in this area. We will be looking at who volunteers, what they do, what last year. they get out of it and how we can best KPI 8: The demographics of volunteers In elite sport, every athlete has a story to If we think about the outcomes the measure those numbers. We will look in sport to become more representative tell about an individual who helped them Government has placed at the heart outside as well as inside sport – although of society as a whole. take their first steps towards success. of Sporting Future, the importance those who volunteer formally are most And the major events we host in the of volunteering is immense. If we likely to do so in sport, huge numbers UK are now firmly identified with the encourage it for its own sake as well as of people also volunteer in education, religion and youth work. They have a volunteers who support them, from the an enabler for others to engage, it can wide range of reasons for doing so8, WE WILL... Commonwealth Games in Manchester contribute to every single one of the and Glasgow, through the Games five values – physical wellbeing, mental as illustrated in the chart on the left. By November 2016, create a new Makers in London 2012 to the Pack in wellbeing, individual development, strategy for volunteering in sport Learning from others and physical activity in England. the 2015 Rugby Union World Cup, and social and community development and many others. economic development. Organisations like the National Citizen Service, the Scouts, and the Prince’s Include in its objectives both Sporting Future acknowledges this For this reason, volunteering will play a Trust, to name just three, have expertise increasing the number of people vital contribution, but asks Sport central role in Sport England’s strategy, and models of volunteering from which who volunteer and increasing England and the sector to look at and we will work with the sector, including we can learn. diversity among volunteers. volunteering differently, through the eyes NGBs who engage with so many of the volunteer. Volunteering may be volunteers, to offer extra support. This Our approach will be customer focused, Prioritise the motivations and fundamental to sport, but what does it do prospect was warmly welcomed in our and our customers will be current needs of volunteers, as well as the for the individual concerned? For many consultation and we were given many volunteers and people who might needs of the sports and activities it’s an act of generosity for their club, great examples of individuals who have volunteer in future, as well as the people they support. their children or the sport they love. But given much of their lives to supporting they support. We will use behaviour often it benefits them personally too – others to play sport. But there was also change principles to understand the Encourage new thinking about providing friendships or status in the local an acknowledgment that modern life picture, and as well as attracting more volunteering, valuing short – as well community, or helping to develop skills makes it hard for many individuals to people and better supporting existing as long-term engagement, and how needed to find paid work or enhance get involved in week in, week out. volunteers, we will seek to maximise the people can be engaged in groups career prospects. benefits to be gained from volunteering. as well as individually. In addition to growth in numbers, our other priority is diversity. We want to make Ensure the new strategy includes REASONS FOR FORMAL VOLUNTEERING 2014–15 the demographics of volunteers in sport improving digital information on more representative of society as a whole. volunteering opportunities; support Wanted to improve things/help people: 60% The majority of current volunteers in sport for employee volunteering through are male, white and from more affluent a matching service to local clubs The cause was really important to me: 40% backgrounds. We need to keep them, and other groups; a reward system Had spare time to do it: 33% for volunteers including ‘gold but we also want to attract new and Chance to use my existing skills: 32% different people. ticket’ opportunities to volunteer Wanted to meet people/make friends: 30% at major events. We will also support the voluntary Connected to need of my family /friends: 26% work done by sports club officials and Increase support for our Club I felt a need in my community: 26% administrators which is the fuel for the Matters resource to support Chance to learn new skills: 25% engine of competitive sport. For the volunteers working in sports clubs. My friends/family did it: 23% players, coaches, club members and the sports economy their value is enormous, Make available up to £30 million Part of my philosophy of life: 23% and we will help to recruit, retain and over the next four years to support Part of my religious belief: 16% reward them by providing tools and the implementation of this strategy. It helps me get on in my career: 10% support to help them run their community I felt there was no one else to do it: 9% clubs successfully. Chance to get recognised qualification: 3% None of these: 2% Sport England Strategy 2016-21 8 UK Civil Society Almanac 2016 – Formal Volunteering: giving unpaid help through groups, clubs or organisations 23
TAKING SPORT AND ACTIVITY INTO THE MASS MARKET We have also opened up new markets by working with bodies like the National Trust and the Forestry Commission. WE WILL... This is not about more of the same: in Identify and back innovations each one of these examples we have that offer clear potential for challenged ourselves and the deliverers to growth at scale, especially in MOST OF US IN ENGLAND TOOK PART IN SPORT AND PHYSICAL think differently. Insight has helped us to under-represented groups. understand why it’s hard for people to build ACTIVITY AT SOME POINT LAST YEAR resilient habits and to address their needs Experiment with new ways of more effectively. investing, such as taking equity stakes or using loans and profit Investment in mass markets will address share arrangements to the extent But for every person who regularly impact. We want to make it as easy to Sporting Future’s big aspirations for takes part in sport and physical activity book a badminton court as it is to book we are legally able. increasing levels of engagement and there is at least one with good intentions a restaurant. We will set standards for balance the higher costs and slower burn who struggles to convert their motivations how data is collected to make it easy to Encourage others to invest and of other areas like addressing inactivity. innovate in markets with the into action. aggregate. This will allow developers to use it to create clever solutions, in the same greatest potential by making insight They might buy the trainers or sign up way as airline data is used by a wide range freely available, creating data for an event but never turn up. Or they of apps to find cheap flights. MEASURING IMPACT standards, requiring those we fund might get stuck in sport’s revolving door, This work will contribute to the to share their data and working with sometimes in but just as often out, knocked Our This Girl Can campaign has following KPIs identified for the the Open Data Institute to promote off course by everyday influences like the demonstrated how campaigning can help sector in Sporting Future: the principles of shared data. weather, an unpredictable work pattern or to nudge people into more sustainable a single missed session. Critically, many habits. Since its start, the campaign has KPI 1: Increase in the percentage Continue to invest in national-level of them come from the under-represented prompted 2.8m women to do some or of the population taking part in campaigning, given our leadership groups that Sporting Future highlights. more sport. A repeated request in our sport and physical activity at position across the sector, including consultation was for Sport England to least twice in the last month working in partnership with bodies We want to make life easier for the millions create more consumer campaigns which such as Public Health England. of people who are trying to be active but the sector can use, and this will be an KPI 2: Decrease in percentage find that the physical, social and emotional important part of our work to encourage of people physically inactive Ensure Active Lives can test the cues and incentives to act are just not growth at scale. strength of respondents’ habits not strong or relevant enough to their lives. We KPI 3: Increase in the percentage of adults utilising just their immediate behaviour. need to encourage the market to create Some activities have a particularly strong more practical solutions specifically for potential to move the market because they outdoor space for exercise/ them, and not just support those with have wide appeal and are relatively easy health reasons well-established habits. This will be critical for people to fit into their busy lives. Millions to driving growth in the number of people of people already take part in swimming, who derive the wider benefits of sport – the running, cycling, outdoor activities, gym central requirement of Sporting Future. and fitness for example. As the scope of The answer for these people is unlikely our work is widening to include walking THIS GIRL CAN and dance they will also present good to be a single great idea. We need to opportunities to appeal to a wider range The This Girl Can Swim pilots are The impact in terms of numbers and stimulate a range of changes – some small, of people, many of them in currently different to the usual women-only feedback has been impressive. some large – so that it is easier and more under-represented groups. swimming sessions. The experience attractive to be physically active. is designed entirely around our target We have already backed some initiatives audience: a relaxing, adult-only “THANK YOU... AFTER HALF A CENTURY, AND Our focus in this area is scale – we that would fall into this category. This want ideas that will make a difference session, often with relaxing music, ONE THIS GIRL CAN SWIM SESSION I AM includes helping more women take up friendly helpers on hand to answer to hundreds of thousands of people. cycling, creating This Girl Can Swim FINALLY WELL ON THE WAY TO BEING ABLE We want to work with organisations, of questions and offer advice, and lots of sessions with pool operators, and little things that make swimming easier TO DO FRONT CRAWL. MY MUM JOINED US, whatever type, who have (or think they commissioning research work with the and more enjoyable (like hooks to hang have) programmes with the mass appeal Outdoor Industry Association to encourage towels beside the pool meaning that AND AFTER 25 YEARS, IS SWIMMING AGAIN! of Go Ride or parkrun. And it is not just by investing funds that we can make an commercial investment in new markets. women don’t need to bare all until they SUPERB INSTRUCTOR-LED SESSIONS...” are ready to swim, and high–powered GEORGINA, NOVEMBER 2015 hairdryers in the changing rooms). Sport England Strategy 2016-21 25
SUPPORTING SPORT’S CORE MARKET In our consultation there was strong support attend fitness classes, run or swim either LONG-TERM ANALYSIS SHOWS THAT A THIRD OF THE ADULT for Sport England to work closely with key in informal groups or on their own. Our POPULATION (14.4 MILLION PEOPLE) ALREADY HAVE A GENUINE providers to explore new ways of serving investment in this part of the market existing customers more sustainably. will consider all providers, as well as the SPORT AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY HABIT Governance reform has already made a need to reduce the proportion of our significant impact and there was support funding it receives. for this to continue. Diversifying income is recognised as a complex challenge, but This habit enhances their quality of life, giving them confidence, improving their Sporting Future recognises the importance of this core of people who engage one that has to be tackled. Developing effective digital platforms, seeking greater WE WILL... wellbeing and helping to connect them regularly, but also asks us to consider efficiencies and adopting more shared Provide insight, advice and to other people9. the supply side of the equation. Large service models were also agreed to be funding to those who deliver amounts of public funding have traditionally high priority areas. There was an appetite to regular players, focusing on We must not be complacent about this supported people who already have an for increased collaboration between sports customer needs and delivering group. Life can change at any point and established habit (including the funding and with different types of organisation, excellent experiences. even the most ingrained habits slip. Major of talent programmes). As a result, some which Sport England would welcome and upheavals such as moving house, changing organisations have become progressively support. Invest approximately 29 per cent job or a new baby can significantly interrupt more reliant on public money to support of our available budget to support this active behaviour and getting back into this market. Sporting Future highlights the Our historic relationship with NGBs means sport’s core market, which will the routine can be tough. Minor alterations risks inherent in this for the organisations that they, out of all the suppliers in this part include our work with talent. can also be unsettling, such as the switch of themselves, and one of its major of the market, are the ones we know best. a regular fitness class to a different night of objectives is to make the sector more Around half of individuals who engage Recognise the key role NGBs play in the week. modern, independent and sustainable regularly, take part in traditional sport, and supporting people who already play in the long term. NGBs contribute significantly to the fabric regularly, and work collaboratively The challenge is to keep people taking and infrastructure that allows them to get with them find more sustainable part in sport when these changes happen. The Government’s strategy also makes active in this way. Sports clubs can also models to support them. We know regularly active people with an a clear policy choice – that more public be an important focus for a community, established habit are positive about sport funding should be directed to those who especially where other leisure options Help those organisations who and physical activity and they like to take are least active, and less to supporting or outdoor space are limited. However, receive substantial amounts of part in a variety of pursuits, switching those with an established habit. It is they are not the only providers for these public funding to become more between them regularly. There needs to Sport England’s role to lead that shift of customers, many of whom go to the gym or sustainable by setting targets be more open and attractive opportunities, funding in an effective but responsible for efficiency savings and which make sure people keep coming way, so that the end result is not only a diversification of income, and back for as long as they want to, whatever rebalancing of funding towards people MEASURING IMPACT providing practical support to help happens in their lives. And when they who are least active, but also a sport and This work will contribute to the them achieve those targets. do decide to hang up their boots in one physical activity sector that operates on a following KPIs identified for the sport, there should be visible and viable more efficient and sustainable basis. This sector in Sporting Future: Revise our Commercial Framework alternatives that immediately present means finding better and more efficient to help organisations reduce the themselves. The graphic on page 28 is an ways of meeting existing customers’ KPI 1: Increase in the percentage levels of public funding through example of how engagement can vary as needs and supporting the sector to free up of the population taking part in finding alternative sources of life circumstances change and illustrates resources and to operate more efficiently. sport and physical activity at private investment. the wide variety of activities, even for the least twice in the last month most committed. KPI 2: Decrease in percentage of people physically inactive KPI 19: Increase in the amount of non-public investment into sports bodies which are in receipt of public investment Sport England Strategy 2016-21 9 Taking Part Longitudinal Survey April 2011 – March 2015 27
SAM’S EVEN PEOPLE TRADITIONALLY SEEN AS SPORTY, FALL IN OUT OF SPORT AND TRY LOTS OF DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES, AS SAM’S SPORTING LIFE ILLUSTRATES. SPORTING LIFE Played football and Decided to get back The 5k charity run (2001) cricket at school into “proper football” was fun but the marathon and college and play Sunday league training (2004) was tough for a few seasons Cricket stopped when Coaxed back into The gym may be Mountain bike for Sam’s work started. 5-a-side football by a friend convenient but can 40th. Muddy fun with was all Sam could find but birth of first be quite dull mates at the weekend time for child meant only one season 24 20 No. of sessions per week 16 12 8 4 1982 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 2016 Time Cycling Running Football Cricket Gym Sport England Strategy 2016-21 29
TALENT THERE ARE APPROXIMATELY 60,000 ATHLETES IN FORMAL TALENT PATHWAYS AT ANY ONE TIME, WITH EVEN MORE IN EDUCATION OR COMMUNITY CLUBS While this is a small number relative to After consultation, Sport England’s the millions involved in sport and activity vision to create the world’s best for fun, social or health reasons, this is an sporting talent system has been WE WILL... important group. Our future champions simplified to two objectives: Invest in talent pathways and heroes are in this category, and they and performance foundation can uniquely deliver against all three of Progression programmes to give athletes a Sporting Future’s outputs: international Develop a talent system in England that positive experience and to allow success, more people engaging and produces higher quality athletes throughout the best athletes to achieve ensuring a responsible, sustainable the entire pathway including Performance international success sports industry. Foundations, while delivering a positive experience that retains those athletes in Create metrics to measure the While talented athletes are certainly more success of Sport England’s talent the sport system. active than the rest of us, they share some investment which will be developed of the same challenges. Drop-out rates Inclusion in consultation with stakeholders are high, precisely because the talent environment can be tough especially on Ensure that there is equality of opportunity and access to the talent Work closely with UK Sport to young people with lots of other pressures clarify the talent system and allow and interests, including their education. The system for all those with the ability and potential, regardless of background seamless transition from England onus is on those managing the pathway, to GB level (in relevant sports) while identifying and nurturing the best, or circumstances. and agree a memorandum of to make the experience positive and understanding on working together rewarding for all. MEASURING IMPACT on talent The evidence also points to our talent This work will contribute to the system becoming in recent years more Support talented athletes with following KPIs identified for the limited resources through the expensive and exclusive in the race for sector in Sporting Future: international success. If we want our Backing the Best athlete international teams to truly represent our KPI 12: UK/home nation bursary scheme nation, as well as be the world’s best, we performance in pinnacle World, have some work to do to level the playing European or Commonwealth Encourage talented athletes to stay field. The talent system should be the competitions. in education alongside their training ultimate meritocracy where ability and through the Talented Athlete dedication are the key success factors, Scholarship Scheme (TASS) not money or background. Contribute to the success of Team England at the Commonwealth Games Give consideration to how the findings of the Duty of Care review will influence our talent future investment Sport England Strategy 2016-21 31
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