Page created by Derrick Webb
League and Cup
          Rulebook 2019-20
AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20   Page 1

DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................... 4
LEAGUE AND CUP RULES ....................................................................................... 6
  1.      ELIGIBILITY ..................................................................................................................... 6
  2.      STAFFING........................................................................................................................ 8
  3.      COMPETITION SYSTEM (LEAGUES)................................................................................ 8
  4.      CANCELLATIONS (LEAGUES & CUPS) .......................................................................... 11
  5.      DETERMINATION OF LEAGUES.................................................................................... 13
  6.      COMPETITION SYSTEM (CUPS) .................................................................................... 14
  7.      PLAYER REGISTRATION ................................................................................................ 15
  8.      CONDITIONS OF PLAY AND FIXTURE OBLIGATIONS .................................................. 18
  9.      MATCH RESULTS .......................................................................................................... 19
  10.     REFRESHMENTS ........................................................................................................... 19
  11.     MATCH OFFICIALS ........................................................................................................ 20
  12.     TROPHIES ..................................................................................................................... 20
  13.     MISCONDUCT .............................................................................................................. 20
  14.     SANCTIONS AND PENALTY FINES ............................................................................... 21
  15.     WALKOVERS, PROTESTS AND APPEALS ...................................................................... 21
  16.     ALTERATION TO RULES ............................................................................................... 21
SPORT SPECIFIC RULES: ........................................................................................ 22
BADMINTON ......................................................................................................... 22
BASKETBALL .......................................................................................................... 24
CRICKET – T20 ....................................................................................................... 25
FOOTBALL ............................................................................................................. 29
FOOTBALL – PAN DISABILITY ............................................................................... 34
FUTSAL ................................................................................................................... 35
GOLF ...................................................................................................................... 39
HOCKEY ................................................................................................................. 43
NETBALL ................................................................................................................ 45

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                                                           Page 2
RUGBY UNION ...................................................................................................... 47
VOLLEYBALL .......................................................................................................... 50
LEAGUE AND CUP SANCTIONS AND PENALTY FINES ......................................... 51
  17.     LEAGUE AND CUP SANCTIONS AND PENALTY FINES ................................................. 51
WALKOVERS, PROTESTS AND APPEALS............................................................... 53
  18.     WALKOVER, PROTESTS AND APPEALS ........................................................................ 53
CODE OF CONDUCT ............................................................................................. 56
COMPETITIONS ..................................................................................................... 59

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                                          Page 3
Club Administrator: The individual within each institution who has the responsibility for
completing the online entry form, inputting results, rearranging cancelled fixtures, player
registration, referee payments, game planning, travel coordination, handling information
and liaising with AoC Sport.

Competition: Any league, cup, regional or national tournament played under the name of
AoC Sport or ECFA.

Competition Administration Officer: The member of AoC Sport or ECFA with responsibility
for creating fixtures, recording scores and handling protests.

Competition Calendar: The calendar available to download from the AoC Sport website
(https://www.aocsport.co.uk/resources/) which shows the dates on which league cup and
play-off and national championships fixtures have been scheduled.

Education and Skills Funding Agency: The body accountable for the funding education and
skills for children, young people and adults.

FA Full-Time: The online competition management system for managing football league
fixtures, results

FA Whole Game: The online system on which teams are affiliated with County FAs and
where players are registered.

Festival: An event at which three or more teams meet at one venue to play one another in
a round robin format.

Individual Learning Record (ILR): Information about learner data that publicly funded
colleges, training organisations, local authorities and employers (FE providers) must collect
and return in the funding year.

Institution: Any further education college, 6th form college, school, academy, training
provider, club or provider of post-16 education that is competing in AoC Sport or ECFA

Minimum Operating Standard: These are the guidelines (playing level and facilities
required) for determining the level at which an institution should compete.

National Funding Rates: the rates of funding that institutions can claim from the Education
and Skills Funding Agency for young people aged 16 to 19 and those aged 19 to 24 with an

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                     Page 4
education, health and care (EHC) plan.

Naqoda: The online competition management system used by AoC Sport to record entries
for all league and cup competitions, access to which is provided to each institution for the
purposes of managing entries, results and player registration.

Non-college: Any institution that was not incorporated as part of the Further and Higher
Education Act (1992).

Operations Advisory Group: Two representatives from colleges in each region who meet
with AoC Sport staff to review all aspects of the AoC Sport competitions including leagues,
cups, regional tournaments, national championships and competition rules.

Participant: Institution, institution staff, player, coach, official, match official, and all such
persons who are from time to time participating in any activity organised either directly or
indirectly by AoC Sport.

Regional Development Officer: The member of AoC Sport staff with responsibility for
liaising with colleges in a specific region or regions over all competition matters.

Regional Operations Group: The representatives of each college in membership of AoC
Sport who are invited to attend three meetings each year at which competition rules and
league structures are determined.

Team Administrator: A person approved by the Club Administrator, with access to online
competition management systems, who can upload results, amend fixtures and register
players for a specific team.

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                           Page 5
All rules highlighted yellow indicate a new             the Individualised Learning Record
or amended rule for the 2019-20 season.                 (ILR) by the institution (subject to
                                                        rule 1.8). They must be on the ILR
(A)   The administration of the                         of the institution which is drawing
      Competition under these Rules will                down funding as a continuing
      be carried out by AoC Sport and                   student at the time of the
      through the Operations Advisory                   match. Students on the ILR who
      Group in accordance with the rules,               are registered as completed,
      regulations and policies of Governing             withdrawn or transferred are not
      Bodies of Sport responsible for the               eligible to play.
      specific sports.
                                                  1.2   Where institutions are being
(B)   All institutions shall adhere to the              subcontracted by another
      Rules. Every institution shall be                 institution that claims payments
      deemed, as a participant of the                   from the Education and Skills
      Competition, to have accepted the                 Funding Agency, they must provide
      Rules and to have agreed to abide by              details of this funding partnership
      the decisions of AoC Sport in relation            on their online entry form.
                                                  1.3   All participants in AoC Sport
(C)   This Competition and each                         competitions must have reached 16
      institution must make every effort to             years of age before midnight on 31
      promote equality by treating people               August in the academic year of
      fairly and with respect, by                       participation (birth date on or
      recognising that inequalities may                 before 31 August 2003).
      exist, by taking steps to address
      them and by providing access and            1.4   The upper age group for sports is
      opportunities for all members of the              as follows:
      community, irrespective of age,
      gender, gender reassignment, sexual               ◼   Men’s and women’s rugby
      orientation, marital status, race,                    union – under 18 (birth date on
      nationality, ethnic origin, colour,                   or after 1 September 2001)
      religion or belief, ability or disability         ◼   Men’s football, men’s futsal,
      or otherwise.                                         men’s and women’s basketball –
                                                            under 19 (birth date on or after
1.     ELIGIBILITY                                          1 September 2000)
                                                        ◼   Pan Disability football – under
1.1    All participants in AoC Sport                        25 (birth date on or after 1
       competitions must be recorded on                     September 1994)

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                    Page 6
◼    All other sports including cricket          not responsible for the team in
            and women’s futsal – under 21               which they are playing.
            (birth date on or after 1
            September 1998)                      1.11   All participants must be on the ILR
                                                        or HESA return of the same
1.5    All further education participants               institution unless written
       must be on a study programme on                  permission is received from AoC
       at least band 2 of the National                  Sport. Learning Federations,
       Funding Rates and studying a                     Learning Partnerships, Trusts or
       minimum of 280 hours.                            any institution which operates
                                                        multiple sites in which the students
1.6    Students competing in all premier                are on the ILR of any of the partner
       leagues and football championships               institutions may request permission
       must be on a full-time study                     for players in the same team to be
       programme of at least 450 hours.                 drawn from across the partnership.
                                                        Permission will only be granted
1.7    Students at institutions in other                where evidence of the status of the
       home nations can compete, as long                partnership can be provided and
       as they meet the requirements of                 where participation is made
       their funding body.                              possible by this partnership
1.8    Students on higher education
       courses can play in AoC Sport             1.12   In hockey, rugby union and
       competitions, as long as they are on             women’s football, teams can be
       the roll of the participating                    made up of students from more
       institution, included on the HESA                than one institution where it would
       return and studying a full-time                  have been impossible for the
       programme of 360 hours.                          individual institutions to raise a
1.9    Students on apprenticeship
       programmes are permitted to play          1.13   Institutions must apply in writing or
       in AoC Sport competitions.                       by email for permission to field
       However, this does not include                   such teams and must be able to
       students on Scholarship                          provide evidence of a partnership
       programmes funded by League                      agreement.
       Football Education.
                                                 1.14   Where such arrangements exist, the
1.10   Members of staff who are on the                  institutions must nominate one
       institution’s ILR as an apprentice               member of staff to take on the role
       are permitted to play in AoC Sport               of Club Administrator.
       competitions, as long as they are

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                    Page 7
1.15   It may be possible for a student to       2.3   Each team must provide a person
       be on a funded study programme                  at each game who holds a current
       at more than one institution. In                first aid qualification and who
       such circumstances, the student will            carries a fully stocked First Aid Kit in
       play for the institution at which they          case of an emergency.
       study more guided learning hours.
       If this institution does not enter a      2.4   The coach must attend every game
       team in the student’s chosen sport,             with a match day pack which
       the institution at which the student            includes:
       studies fewer hours must make a
       written request to the other                    a)   the rules of the competition
       institution for the student to play in          b)   a completed team/squad sheet
       their team.                                          (see 7.15)

1.16   Players can only play for one             3.    COMPETITION SYSTEM (LEAGUES)
       institution in a season unless
       written permission is obtained for        3.1   The competition will be organised
       the player to compete for the new               and administered by the
       institution.                                    Competition Administration Officer.

1.17   Any institution submitting false          3.2   Only institutions that have
       information or playing an ineligible            completed the online entry form
       player(s) may forfeit the match.                will be eligible to be included in any

2.     STAFFING                                  3.3   To protect the financial viability of
                                                       its competitions, AoC Sport reserves
2.1    The Head Coach of Premier League                the right to refuse the application of
       teams must hold a current NGB                   any institution that it has had to
       level 3 coaching qualification.                 pursue for unpaid debts or where
       Where a new coach is appointed                  there is evidence that the institution
       during the season, they must be                 has unpaid debts with any other
       committed to achieving a level 3                provider of competitions.
       coaching qualification within 12
       months.                                   3.4   In order to protect the integrity of
                                                       its competitions, AoC Sport reserves
2.2    In the interests of safeguarding, it is         the right to refuse an institution
       recommended that in all other                   entry into a competition where
       competitions, the Head Coach holds              there is evidence that an institution
       a current coaching qualification.               has breached the code of conduct
                                                       or competition rules of AoC Sport

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                     Page 8
or any other competition provider       3.9    Institutions will be invoiced for the
       in the previous season.                        number of teams that are allocated
                                                      to competitions on the day of the
3.5    Applications from teams who wish               summer term meeting of the
       to play out of region will normally            Regional Operations Group.
       only be accepted if playing out of
       region does not compromise the          3.10   Refunds will not be given to teams
       league quality aspirations. If the             that withdraw after the summer
       league quality aspirations would be            term meeting of the Regional
       compromised, a unanimous                       Operations Group.
       positive decision from all the other
       teams in the league is required for     3.11   Any team that withdraws from a
       the team to be accepted.                       league competition after 30
                                                      September will incur a fine as
3.6    Premier leagues are based around               follows: -
       an ‘elite standard’ and as such
       travelling will be greater than in             1-14 October - £100
       other leagues.                                 15-31 October - £200
                                                      After 31 October - £400
3.7    All other leagues will be organised
       around a ‘Regional League’ principle    3.12   This rule will not apply to leagues
       where teams are, as far as possible,           that do not attract sufficient entries
       evenly matched, the number of                  to be viable (less than 4), newly
       fixtures played is maximised and               created leagues, development
       travelling for regional leagues does           leagues, futsal regional festivals and
       not exceed 100 miles or 2 hours                cup competitions.
       each way for each fixture. The
       leagues to be approved at the           3.13   Entries received after the summer
       summer term Regional Operations                term meeting of the Regional
       Group meeting.                                 Operations Group will be placed in
                                                      a waiting list, if there are no spaces
3.8    The closing date for entries will be           left in any league. They will be
       seven calendar days prior to the               placed in the order of receipt. The
       summer term meeting of the                     invoice will only be issued once the
       Regional Operations Group. The                 place is confirmed after which there
       dates of these meetings are                    will be no refund for withdrawal.
       included in the terms & conditions
       agreed by each institution as part of   3.14   Applicants who do not meet the
       the entry process and available in             entry criteria for any competition
       the resources section of the AoC               will be rejected. They will be
       Sport website.                                 contacted by the AoC Sport

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                  Page 9
competitions administration team       3.22   Any match for which a new date has
       and provided with reasons for their           not been agreed will be recorded as
       rejection.                                    a 0-0 draw and no league points will
                                                     be awarded.
3.15   Applicants who are refused entry
       have a right of appeal using the       3.23   The Regional Operations Group
       process described on page 51.                 may decide to operate a 9 or 10-
                                                     team league where all teams are in
3.16   Dates of fixtures will be advertised          agreement that matches will
       to participating teams by the end of          continue until the 13 May.
                                              3.24   The AoC Sport competition calendar
3.17   Matches will be played on the                 was available from April on the
       Wednesday afternoon designated                resource page of the AoC Sport
       by AoC Sport in the fixture list.             website. Institutions entering AoC
                                                     Sport competitions have committed
                                                     to the completion of fixtures within
3.18   Games will commence between
                                                     this timescale and prioritising AoC
       1:30pm and 3:00pm unless
                                                     Sport matches over those in other
       otherwise agreed by both teams.
                                                     external competitions.

3.19   League, cup and play-off matches
                                              3.25   Where a team is unable to
       can be played on other days if both
                                                     complete a fixture on the
       teams are in agreement.
                                                     designated date due to extenuating
                                                     circumstances, they must contact
3.20   Matches in leagues of between 4
                                                     AoC Sport at least seven days in
       and 8 teams will be scheduled
                                                     advance of the fixture to obtain
       between September and the end of
                                                     permission to agree an alternative
       the spring term.
                                                     date with the opposition. The
                                                     fixture must be rescheduled within
3.21   Teams competing in the                        seven days and the new date for
       championships or regional leagues             the match updated on FA Full Time
       of 8 teams or less may reschedule             or Naqoda.
       cancelled matches until 13 May as
       long as: -
                                              3.26   Where teams cannot mutually
                                                     agree a date, the Competition
       a) both teams are in agreement
                                                     Administration Officer may set a
       b) the new date for the fixture has
                                                     date that both colleges must abide
          been amended on Full Time or
                                                     by. Failure to play the game on the
          Naqoda by Friday 27 March
                                                     date specified will result in one or
                                                     more of the following penalties

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                Page 10
a) a walkover being awarded to               ◼   Lack of players due to injury,
          one team,                                     illness, holidays, etc.
       b) one or both teams being                   ◼   Lack of transport
          excluded from the competition             ◼   Clashes with non AoC Sport
       c) a points penalty                              competitions
       d) a fine.                                   ◼   Other arrangements, such as
                                                        club tours or end of term
                                                        parties clashing with the
4.     CANCELLATIONS (LEAGUES & CUPS)                   competition calendar
                                                    ◼   Work experience of which AoC
4.1    A team unable to attend a                        Sport was not made aware by
       scheduled game because of an                     30 September
       accident, weather or unforeseen              ◼   Examinations of which AoC
       circumstances on the day of the                  Sport was not made aware
       match should immediately inform                  seven days before the fixture
       their opponents and the
       Competition Administration Officer.    4.3   Where a match is cancelled for non-
       Each situation will be reviewed on           legitimate reasons after midday on
       its merits and a decision made as to         the day before the match, teams
       whether the match should be                  may apply for a walkover by using
       rearranged. This decision may be             the form available in the resources
       appealed through the system laid             section of the AoC Sport website.
       out in the appeals section.
                                              4.4   Where a team wishes to claim a
4.2    A match may be cancelled for                 walkover, the relevant form
       legitimate reasons only such as: -           (available on the AoC Sport website)
                                                    must be completed and sent to the
       ◼    International call ups (two             Competition Administration Officer
            players or a football                   within 24 hours of a cup match and
            goalkeeper).                            7 days of a league match.
       ◼    Severe weather conditions               Walkovers will only be granted in
            which prevent travel                    exceptional circumstances.
       ◼    Waterlogged or frozen pitch
       ◼    Work experience (providing AoC    4.5   It is not acceptable for teams to
            Sport is notified by 30                 merely enter a walkover score
            September).                             when an opponent has not fulfilled
       ◼    Public Examinations (providing          a fixture or to agree upon a score
            AoC Sport is notified at least          without playing the match. Where
            seven days before the match)            AoC Sport become aware of this
                                                    practice, the match will be
       Non-legitimate reasons are: -                investigated and the match may

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                              Page 11
become void and no league points             request. This walkover request
       will be awarded to either team.              must be received within 14 days of
                                                    the original date of the match.
4.6    AoC Sport will record the following
       scores in the event of a successful   4.10   Where teams do not comply with
       request for a walkover or where a            4.8 and 4.9 a walkover cannot be
       match is awarded to a team in the            requested at a later date by either
       event of a transgression of the              team.
       rules: -
                                             4.11   Non-elite teams wishing to play a
       ◼    Badminton: 6-0                          double header must obtain written
       ◼    Basketball: 20-0                        permission through the
       ◼    Netball and rugby union: 30-0           Competition Administrator Officer
       ◼    Football, Futsal, hockey and            and will only be granted in
            volleyball: 3-0                         exceptional circumstances. If
                                                    permission is granted, then the
4.7    In the event of a Team withdrawing           result shall be awarded as follows:
       from the competition before                  the first half will be classed as one
       completing 75% of its fixtures for           match and the second half will be
       the playing season, all points               classed as a separate match. No
       obtained by or recorded against              double headers allowed in premier
       such defaulting team shall be                leagues.
       expunged from the league table.
       For the purposes of this rule, a      4.12   Where a walkover is claimed for a
       completed fixture shall include any          double header, it will be only
       competition match(es) which has              recorded for one match, the other
       been awarded by the Competition              being recorded as a 0-0 draw, with
       Administration Officer.                      no league points added.

4.8    If a fixture is agreed to be
                                             4.13   If appropriate fixtures can be
       postponed by both parties, a new
                                                    brought forward or reversed.
       date for the match must be agreed
                                                    Please note it is the home team’s
       and submitted to AoC Sport within
                                                    responsibility to update FA Full
       seven days of the original fixture.
                                                    Time or Naqoda accordingly.

4.9    If after seven days one team has
                                             4.14   A no-show occurs when a team
       failed to respond to email and
                                                    wilfully does not show up at a
       telephone communication resulting
                                                    confirmed fixture. Penalties for no
       in no new date being agreed for the
                                                    shows are as follows: -
       fixture postponed in 4.8, their
       opponent may send the email trail
       to AoC Sport as part of a walkover

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                               Page 12
◼    A walkover win to the team not
            at fault.                          5.1   In league matches, points will be
       ◼    A 1-point deduction from the             awarded as follows:
            league total.
       ◼    The team that is guilty of a ‘no         ◼    Win = 3 points.
            show’ is precluded from                  ◼    Draw = 1 point.
            participating in any ‘play off’          ◼    Loss = 0 points.
            opportunity should they qualify.
            If this is the case, the next      5.2   Results must be entered. within 48
            nearest team in terms of league          hours of the match on FA Full Time
            standing will automatically              or Naqoda.
            qualify for this privilege.
                                               5.3   In competitions played as a series
4.15   Throughout the season the                     of festivals, points scored in one
       Competition Administration Officer            festival will be carried forward to
       will issue an email reminder to all           the next festival.
       teams who have matches for which
       no result has been uploaded to FA       5.4   The winner of a festival competition
       Full Time or Naqoda.                          will be the team that accumulates
                                                     the most points in the whole series
4.16   All matches for which no results              regardless of the number of
       have been uploaded to FA Full Time            festivals attended.
       or Naqoda by the end of the season
       will be recorded as 0-0 draw, with      5.5   Teams must give 7 days’ notice if
       no league points being awarded to             they wish to opt out of attending
       either team.                                  any of the series of festivals and
                                                     any matches that were scheduled
4.17   Failure to complete the matches in            will be recorded as 0-0 draws with
       any season may result in a £400               no game points awarded
       fine and could result in your
       application to join the league the      5.6   Where teams within the same
       following season being rejected.              league share the same number of
                                                     points, the following criteria will be
4.18   If you experience any issues with             applied in order to determine the
       contacting the opposing team it is            order:
       important that you raise this with
       AoC Sport immediately so                      a) Head-to-head record of the
       appropriate action can be taken.                 teams involved in the tie based
                                                        on total points in league games.
                                                     b) Where the points are the same,
                                                        the aggregate score of the

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                    Page 13
teams involved in the tie will be     5.10   In these situations, the places will
          used to determine the tie.                   be determined by the best average
       c) Best goals/points difference in              goals/points difference per game,
          league games.                                based on the total of games
       d) Most goals/points scored in                  possible in the division and not the
          league games.                                actual number of games played on
       e) Least goals/points conceded in               the last date of the regular season.
          league games.
       f) Ranking based on points earned        5.11   The play-off process for the Premier
          against top four group finishers.            Champions Cup will be determined
       g) Lottery conducted by AoC Sport.              by the Competition Administration
                                                       Officer and circulated to all teams
5.7    Premier League only: On                         at the start of the season.
       completion of group league fixtures
       a series of ‘play-off’ matches will be   5.12   Group winners will always be given
       organised to determine the winner               a home tie in the first round of the
       of the Premier Champions Cup.                   Premier Champions Cup play-off
       These fixtures will be scheduled by             competitions.
       the Competition Administration
                                                5.13   Where necessary, the best placed
                                                       second placed team(s) will also
5.8    Premier League only: If the league
                                                       receive a home draw.
       schedule has not been completed
       by the deadline set by AoC Sport,
                                                6.     COMPETITION SYSTEM (CUPS)
       colleges will be selected for the
       Champions Cup play off stage on
                                                6.1    Entry to cup competitions must be
       the basis of the number of points
                                                       received by AoC Sport before 13
       achieved by that date. Where
       points are equal the criteria laid out
       in 5.5 will be used.
                                                6.2    The cup competitions will be run in
                                                       standard cup format:
5.9    Premier League Only: Where there
       are a different number of teams in              ◼   In the early stages of the
       the divisions and 5.6 a) does not                   competition every attempt will
       determine the placings of two                       be made to ‘localise’ the draw
       teams tied on points or where there             ◼   Teams will be expected to travel
       are more than two teams tied on                     out of region in the later rounds
       points, it is not possible to use 5.6               of the cup
       b) – e) as teams have not all played
       the same number of games.                6.3    All cup games must be played on a
                                                       one-off knockout basis with no

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                  Page 14
necessary for a team to forego
6.4    Flexible format rules cannot be                home advantage if, after a game
       used in cup matches.                           has been postponed once due to
                                                      weather, the pitch of the away team
6.5    A draw will be made by the                     is playable.
       Competition Administration Officer.
       The competition dates for fixtures      6.11   Rules 3.13 to 3.25 will apply to all
       are available on the AoC Sport                 cup competitions.
       competitions calendar which can be
       accessed on the AoC Sport website.      6.12   In the interests of maximising
       These will be the final play-by dates          participation, AoC Sport reserves
       for each round. Matches can be                 the right to reinstate a team to a
       played prior to these dates if both            cup competition where the team
       teams are in agreement.                        that knocked them out of the
                                                      competition withdraws prior to the
6.6    AoC Sport reserves the right to                next round.
       cancel any cup competitions in
       which low entries mean there is not
       a round of 32 and reimburse entry       7.     PLAYER REGISTRATION
       fees accordingly.
                                               7.1    All players from each college should
6.7    AoC Sport cup matches take priority            be registered with AoC Sport before
       over league and play-off matches.              they are eligible to play in any
                                                      league or cup match. Details of all
6.8    Failure to comply with these cup               players to be used (i.e. full names,
       dates may result in the toss of a              gender and DOB) should be
       coin to decide which team                      completed online using Naqoda or
       progresses to the next round.                  FA Whole Game. For players
                                                      entering football competitions – see
                                                      sport specific rules for further
6.9    The draws shall be circulated, and
       all games are to be played at the
       ground of the first named team
                                               7.2    Any team that has not registered
       (unless agreed otherwise by both
                                                      players by the 31 October will
                                                      receive a 1-point deduction, with
                                                      further 1-point deduction made
6.10   Where cup or play-off matches are
                                                      from teams who have not
       cancelled due to inclement
                                                      registered players at the end of
       weather, they must be played on
                                                      November, January and February.
       the following term time
       Wednesday. In order to keep the
                                               7.3    In the interests of increasing
       competition on schedule, it may be
                                                      participation and preventing late

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                  Page 15
cancellations, additional players can
       be brought into teams in the            7.8    A player shall not be eligible to play
       regional leagues at late notice                for a team in any league decider or
       providing: -                                   play-off match unless the player has
                                                      played three games for that team in
       ◼    They comply with rule 1.                  the competition in the current
       ◼    They are included on the team             season.
       ◼    The opposition coach is            7.9    Where an institution has more than
            notified.                                 one team, selection must be made
       ◼    They are registered on the                as if all teams are playing on a given
            appropriate system within 48              day. For example, if the first team
            hours of the match.                       does not have a match but the
                                                      second team do, no players who
7.4    Any player who has been named on               would normally represent the first
       the team sheet for 50% or more of              team are eligible to play for the
       the games played by one team,                  second team, subject to rules 7.4 to
       cannot compete at a lower level or             7.8.
       for a different team unless written
       permission is obtained from the
                                               7.10   Where colleges have more than one
       Competition Administration Officer.
                                                      team in the same cup competition a
                                                      player is ‘cup tied’ once they have
7.5    Where an institution has two teams
                                                      played for one team. They cannot
       in the same division, the players
                                                      then play for the other team in the
       can only play for one team. Written
                                                      same competition. A team that is
       permission must be obtained from
                                                      found to have played a cup tied
       the Competition Administration
                                                      player will forfeit the match.
       Officer for the player(s) to compete
       for the other team.
                                               7.11   A player shall not be eligible to play
                                                      in a cup final unless they have been
7.6    Institutions may only seek
                                                      named on the team sheet in a
       permission to internally transfer
                                                      previous cup round.
       three players in any calendar
                                               7.12   Any club found to have played an
                                                      ineligible player in a cup match will
7.7    Any institution found to have
                                                      forfeit that match and their
       played an ineligible player in a
                                                      opponent will progress to the next
       league match or league matches
                                                      round of the competition.
       shall have any points gained from
       that match or matches deducted
                                               7.13   Any report of a team playing an
       from its record, up to a maximum
                                                      eligible student must be submitted
       of 12 points.

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                  Page 16
to the Competition Administration               Administration Officer within two
       Officer within 24 hours of a cup                days of the completion of each
       match or seven days of a league                 fixture. Where a game is played on
       match.                                          a Wednesday, the team sheet
                                                       should be received by 5:00pm on
7.14   Any college submitting false                    the Friday.
       information or playing an ineligible
       player(s) may be withdrawn from          7.18   Premier League teams that fail to
       that competition, subject to the                submit a team sheet within the
       submission of a written explanation             allotted timescale will on the first
       of their action. They may also risk             occasion be warned and will receive
       the imposition of additional                    a 1-point deduction on the second
       sanctions, fines or other penalties.            and each subsequent occurrence.

7.15   A team/squad sheet must be               7.19   Other leagues: team sheets should
       exchanged at least 30 minutes                   be destroyed or returned to the
       before the start of the match in the            opponent at the end of the match
       presence of the referee showing                 unless they are needed for any
       the name of each player. Copies of              subsequent appeal.
       the team/squad sheets are
       available in the resources section of    7.20   The Competition Administration
       the AoC Sport website,                          Officer should be informed by email
                                                       on every occasion where an
7.16   It is acceptable for electronic copies          opponent does not exchange a
       of team sheets to be produced on                team sheet, stating the date of the
       laptops, tablets or smart phones                match, the competition and the
       and shown to an opponent. Such                  name of the teams involved in the
       team sheets must be sent to the                 match. On the first occasion the
       Competition Administration Officer              offending team will be issued with a
       in the event of any query over                  warning after which further
       player eligibility.                             breaches of this rule will result in a
                                                       1-point deduction.
       NB AoC Sport have produced legal
       advice that confirms that the            7.21   Failure to attach the opponent’s
       production of team sheets complies              team sheet will result in the appeal
       with GDPR regulations. Full details             being rejected.
       are available in the resources
       section of the AoC Sport website.        7.22   AoC Sport staff have the right to
                                                       attend any fixture and request to
7.17   Premier Leagues: Both teams must                see a player’s student ID with or
       send their fully completed team                 without prior notice. Failure to
       sheet to the Competition                        provide the relevant information

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                  Page 17
upon request will result in further           kit at least seven days before the
       action being taken.                           festival.

7.23   Any team that is unable to provide      8.3   The away team must confirm
       team/squad sheets from any match              receipt of match details.
       under appeal will therefore be
       unable to defend the appeal made        8.4   In the interests of ensuring that
       against them.                                 matches are played the away team
                                                     should telephone the home team if
       NB: We are dependent on coaches               no confirmation has been received
       displaying sound educational ethos            within three days of the match (i.e.,
       and values to ensure that rule 7 is           Monday for Wednesday matches).
       upheld. In particular the practice of
       playing a senior team in a lower        8.5   In such situations the away team
       competition is one that AoC Sport             must report the offending team to
       discourages as not being in the true          AoC Sport who will issue them with
       spirit of sport.                              a warning on the first occasion and
                                                     issue a £50 fine on the second and
                                                     subsequent occasions.
       OBLIGATIONS                             8.6   If you are unable to contact the
                                                     opposing team by telephone or
All golf specific conditions of play and             email, it is important that you raise
fixture obligations are available on page            this with AoC Sport immediately, so
24.                                                  appropriate action can be taken.

8.1    The home team must contact their              NB: Teams are advised not to travel
       opponents with match details such             to a fixture unless confirmation has
       as venue, facilities available, start         been received from the home team.
       time and colours of kit at least
       seven days before the fixture (i.e.,    8.7   AoC Sport must be informed of any
       Thursday for games that take place            abandoned match and will make a
       on the following Wednesday). An               decision on whether the result at
       example of the form is available on           the time of the abandonment
       the AoC Sport website.                        stands or whether the match shall
                                                     be replayed.
8.2    In competitions played under a
       festival format, the host institution   8.8   Match balls – two suitable match
       must contact all teams with event             balls to ensure continuous play will
       details such as venue, facilities             be provided for the referee’s
       available, start time and colours of          inspection prior to each match.

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                Page 18
8.9    Team colours – in the event of a      10.    REFRESHMENTS
       colour clash the away team will
       change to colours that provide a      10.1   Refreshments – in the Premier
       satisfactory contrast. Shirts may            Leagues the home college shall
       bear a sponsor’s name and must be            provide suitable hospitality and
       clearly numbered.                            refreshments which will replenish
                                                    energy levels for their visitors
8.10   In football no team or player is             following each game before they
       permitted to wear black kit.                 embark upon their journey home.
                                                    This can be negotiated where
                                                    colleges have a travelling distance
9.     MATCH RESULTS                                to the fixture of under one hour.
                                                    Under these circumstances it is the
9.1    In league fixtures it is the home            responsibility of the home team to
       team’s responsibility to input the           contact the away team to negotiate
       results by logging on to the                 whether there are requirements for
       designated fixture system. This              refreshments, and where they are
       must be done within two clear days           requested home colleges must
       of the fixture. For example: for a           provide these. In Football
       Wednesday fixture the result must            Championships matches
       be inputted by the Friday of that            refreshments shall only be provided
       week. Away teams also have the               where the travel time to the match
       option of inputting the result.              exceeds 90 minutes. In regional
                                                    leagues the home college shall
9.2    In cup fixtures the winning team             provide access to refreshment
       must input the result.                       facilities.

9.3    Premier League only: For matches      10.2   Refreshments – Premier Cup:
       played on the last day of the                where travel time exceeds 90
       scheduled league season, results             minutes the home team shall
       must be inputted by 5.00pm on the            provide suitable hospitality and
       day of the match so that sufficient          refreshments which will replenish
       organisation time can be given to            energy levels for their visitors
       teams qualifying for the play-offs.          following each game before they
                                                    embark upon their journey home. If
                                                    less than 90 minutes travelling is
9.4    Premier League only: Failure to
                                                    involved refreshments are at the
       complete the group fixture
                                                    discretion of the home college.
       programme by the designated date
                                                    Under these circumstances it is the
       may result in a £100 fine.
                                                    responsibility of the home team to
                                                    contact the away team to negotiate
                                                    whether there are requirements for

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                              Page 19
refreshments. Knockout Cups and           12.    TROPHIES
       Knockout Trophy: From the quarter
       final suitable hospitality and            12.1   The winner of each League will be
       refreshments which will replenish                presented with a cup for
       energy levels must be provided.                  permanent retention.
       Prior to the quarter final suitable
       hospitality and refreshments              12.2   Premier League winners will play a
       should be provided if more than 90               series of ‘play-off’ matches before a
       minutes travelling is involved.                  Final is staged on a neutral venue
                                                        where the winners will be
                                                        presented with the Premier
11.    MATCH OFFICIALS                                  ‘Champions Cup’ to be retained for
                                                        one season.
11.1   The home college should arrange
       for appropriately qualified officials     12.3   The winners of the Champions Cup
       at each match. All match officials               and each cup competition will
       must be appropriately dressed.                   receive a trophy to retain for one
                                                        season. The winners are
11.2   Where the referee/umpire does not                responsible for the cost of
       turn up to a match, the home team                engraving and return of the trophy
       will provide a person to officiate the           to AoC Sport by 31 March. Failure to
       first half and will offer the away               do so will result in the winning
       team the opportunity to officiate                teams being invoiced for the
       the second half. If the away team                replacement trophy.
       declines the invitation, the home
       team will officiate the whole match.      12.4   There will be medals for the players
       The away team should contact the                 of both teams playing in all cup and
       Competition Administration Officer               Champions Cup finals.
       to report that the referee/umpire
       failed to turn up so that the matter
       can be investigated.                      13.    MISCONDUCT

11.3   The home college is responsible for       13.1   It is a condition of entry that teams
       paying all officials, umpires etc their          shall adhere to the AoC Sport Code
       match fees.                                      of Conduct.

11.4   See sport specific pages for detail of    13.2   Colleges are responsible for the
       the level of officials required for              behaviour of players and officials.
       each competition.
                                                 13.3   Each college that enters the
                                                        competition is also responsible for
                                                        the behaviour of its spectators.

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                   Page 20
13.4   Players, coaches and managers of
       all competing teams shall behave in      15.    WALKOVERS, PROTESTS AND
       a manner that is not likely to bring            APPEALS
       the game into disrepute.
                                                15.1   See page 52 for the walkover,
13.5   Any person having a connection                  protests and appeals procedures,
       with the college (e.g. staff, student,          along with a flow diagram of the
       parent etc) guilty of misconduct                appeals process.
       could cause the team/college to be
       withdrawn from further
       involvement in the competition           16.    ALTERATION TO RULES
       and/or the imposition of a fine or
       other sanction.                          16.1   Proposals for rule changes can be
                                                       submitted by any institution, in
                                                       writing to competitions@aoc.co.uk
13.6   AoC Sport shall have the power to
                                                       before 31 May or by tabling the
       take appropriate action against any
                                                       proposal at the summer term
       institution, player, coach or
                                                       meeting of the Regional Operations
       manager within its jurisdiction.

13.7   Suspensions shall be valid
                                                16.2   All proposed rule changes will be
       throughout all AoC Sport
                                                       tabled at the summer meeting of
                                                       the National Operations Advisory
                                                       Group and decisions made on
13.8   AoC Sport cannot intervene in any               whether they should be adopted.
       matters of misconduct that are
       being investigated by the Police.
                                                16.3   Any alteration to rules will be
                                                       subject to approval by the relevant
                                                       governing body National Governing
                                                       Body and will only come into force
                                                       at the start of the following season.
14.1   See page 50 for sanctions and
       penalty fines.

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                  Page 21

3.     COMPETITION SYSTEM (LEAGUES)             No substitutes can be used for players
                                                who become incapacitated after the
BD3.27                                          match has begun.
Teams in the League and Cup competition
will be made up of four females and four        BD3.32
males, with each round consisting of two        Matches will be forfeited where players do
men’s singles, two women’s singles, two         not play in rank order.
men’s doubles, two women’s doubles, two
mixed doubles.                                  BD3.33
                                                The order of play shall be: -
BD3.28                                          Mixed doubles x 2
All players and pairs must be listed strictly   Men’s singles 1 v 1 and 2 v 2
in descending order of merit, from 1 to 4       Women’s singles 1 v 1 and 2 v 2
(according to their singles grading and         Men’s doubles x 2
ranking), with the top 2 ranked male and        Women’s doubles x 2
female players competing in the singles
matches.                                        BD3.34
                                                Players ranked 1 and 2 must play in the
NB Where players do not have a                  singles matches.
Badminton England ranking, staff are
expected to rank players according to           BD3.35
their perceived ability.                        Each player may only compete in two
                                                matches per fixture (i.e. each player plays
BD3.29                                          two matches).
Each team must exchange a fully
completed team sheet with their                 BD3.36
opponents no later than 15 minutes              Matches will be best of three games to 21
before the match.                               points with extended scoring if required.
                                                If the score becomes 20-all the side which
BD3.30                                          gains a two-point lead first shall win that
There can be no alteration to the playing       game, only until the score becomes 29-all
order once the team sheet has been              where the side scoring the 30th point shall
submitted.                                      win that game.

BD3.31                                          BD3.37
                                                If a team cannot play all of the matches
                                                within a fixture, then those un-played

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                  Page 22
matches will be awarded to the                    6.    COMPETITION SYSTEM (CUPS)
opposition by a score of two games to
love.                                             BD6.13
                                                  The leagues rules BD3.27 to BD3.35 also
BD3.38                                            apply to the cup competitions.
Where a cup match is drawn with a score
of five rubbers each, the winner will be          BD6.14
decided by the most games/sets won. If
still equal, points won, and if still equal the   Teams that qualify for the final fours of
result of the first mixed doubles.                the cup competition will be required to
                                                  submit the name and rank of their team
                                                  to AoC Sport at least 7 days before the
                                                  match so that relevant checks of the
                                                  Badminton England list of ranked players
                                                  can be made.

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                  Page 23
PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS A SEPARATE             This is a five a-side competition.
6.     COMPETITION SYSTEM (CUPS)             Duration –it is recommended that games
                                             should follow FIBA regulations (i.e. four
BB6.13                                       10-minute periods, two minutes between
EABL and ABL teams cannot enter the          periods and a 10-minute half-time break).
Men’s Knockout Cup and WEABL teams           There is the option to shorten games by
cannot enter Women’s Knockout Cup.           agreement between the two teams (e.g.
                                             shorter quarters or by adopting a running
                                             clock format). Where a match is
7.     PLAYER REGISTRATION                   abandoned in the fourth quarter, the
                                             score at the time of abandonment will
BB7.24                                       constitute a game.
All AASE/DiSE students are permitted to
play in AoC Sport leagues and cups but       BB8.15
players’ details must be submitted to AoC    In the event of a tie at full-time a period of
Sport, who will notify Basketball England.   overtime of 5 minutes will be played in
                                             order to decide the winner, then as many
                                             five-minute periods as are necessary to
8.     CONDITIONS OF PLAY AND FIXTURE        break the tie.

BB8.10                                       11.    MATCH OFFICIALS
A visible scoreboard, and a visible clock
shall be provided by the home team at        BB11.5
every game. These facilities shall be        Match Referees – the home college should
clearly visible to both team benches.        arrange for two qualified referees. By
                                             prior agreement this can be one qualified
BB8.11                                       referee supplied by each college.
All games should be played on a full court
no less than 20m x 11m.                      BB11.6
                                             Table Officials – Home team must provide
BB8.12                                       a minimum of two table officials these
All players must wear numbered shirts.       maybe students, but they may not be
                                             members of the team.

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                Page 24
CC3.27                                         To avoid teams cancelling due to lack of
Teams will play in a series of qualifying      players, matches are able to be played
groups, the winner of each progressing to      with a minimum of eight players per side
a play-off competition                         – however, this can only be upon the
                                               agreement of both teams and cannot be
                                               requested for tactical purposes.
CC4.19                                         For group stage matches, where a team
For cases where the match is cancelled         concedes the match for any other reason
before any play is possible, this match        apart from weather, the opponents will be
should be re-scheduled. However, if the        awarded 5 points. The team that concedes
fixture cannot be replayed by 3 June, the      will receive no points.
result will be called a draw, with one point
awarded to each team.
                                               5.       DETERMINATION OF LEAGUES
If any match is cancelled, the team must       CC5.13
inform their opposition, AoC Sport and         To encourage more fixtures to be played,
the umpires at the earliest possible           the points system for the competition is:
                                               ◼     3 for a win
CC4.21                                         ◼     1 for a cancellation due to
If any team cancels the fixture without              inclement weather, where both
exceptional reason within 24 hours of the            teams failed to bat for 5 overs or
scheduled start time, they will be                   where no play occurred and the
responsible for paying the costs of the              match could not be rescheduled.
umpires (total of £40).                        ◼     0 for a loss

CC4.22                                         CC5.14
The match must be rescheduled and              If a match is cancelled where both teams
played before 3 June. The team that            have batted for 5 overs, i.e. in the 8th over
originally cancelled must submit three         of the second innings, average NRR will be
alternative dates / times for the match to     used to identify the winner as per rule 8.1.
be rescheduled and if the fixture is still
unresolved, the match will also be             CC5.15
conceded and three points will be              In the competition structure, if teams are
awarded to the opposition.                     tied at the top of the league, the team that

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                 Page 25
won the head-to-head fixture will              fixture. If desired, a new ball can be used
progress through to the next stage of the      for the second innings.
competition. If teams are still tied, then
the team with the highest net run rate will    CC8.11
progress through to the next stage of the      Finals: AoC Sport will provide new match
competition.                                   balls for the finals. A new ball shall be
                                               provided for the start of each innings
A team’s net run rate is calculated by         CC8.12
deducting from the average runs per over       All players must wear a helmet when
scored by that team, the average runs per      batting or as a wicket keeper standing up
over scored against that team. The             to the stumps.
calculation of average runs shall be total
runs scored x 100 divided by legitimate        CC8.13
balls received. In the event of a team         One innings per side, each limited to a
being all out in less than its full quota of   maximum of 20 overs.
overs, the calculation of the net run rate
of both teams shall be based on the full       CC8.14
quota of overs to which the batting team       Start times are to be agreed by both
would have been entitled and not the           teams. The time of the match can be
number of overs in which the team was          changed upon agreement of AoC Sport,
dismissed. Only those matches where            both colleges and the allocated umpires.
results are achieved will count for the
purpose of net run rate calculations           CC8.15
                                               Teams should take no longer than 1 hour
                                               15 minutes to bowl 20 overs.
CC7.24                                         In the event of an interruption or delay
Each side must provide the umpires with        during the 1st innings, the calculation of
a team sheet before the start of the match     the number of overs to be bowled shall be
identifying any player who has not             based upon one over for every 3 ¾
reached the age of 18. Team sheets will        minutes in the total time available for play
be provided by AoC Sport upon receipt of       up to the scheduled close of play. In the
entry.                                         2nd innings of the match, overs shall be
                                               reduced at a rate of one over for every full
                                               3 ¾ minutes lost, unless the 1st innings
8.       CONDITIONS OF PLAY                    has finished early or the 2nd innings
                                               started early, in which case no overs are
CC8.10                                         lost until the time that has been gained is
Group game: The Home side shall provide        subsequently lost.
at least one new cricket ball for each

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                 Page 26
CC8.17                                         CC8.22       For every wide called, one
The objective of rearranging overs is to                    run shall be awarded as an
give the greatest opportunity for a match                   extra and an additional ball
of equal overs. If in the view of the                       should be bowled.
umpires - bearing in mind the prevailing
ground, weather and light conditions - it is   CC8.23
considered to be most unlikely that the        NO BALLS
full quota of overs will be bowled in any      No balls will be awarded for:
match; it is recommended that a pre-
emptive decision is made to reduce overs       ◼     Any delivery that bounces more
in advance, with five being the minimum.             than once
In the event of the side in the 1st innings    ◼     Any delivery that passes the batter
batting for longer than the side in the 2nd          above waist height without
innings the target score shall be decided            bouncing (fast bowler)
by average run rate based on the number        ◼     Any delivery that passes the batter
of legitimate balls faced.                           above shoulder height without
                                                     bouncing shoulder height (slow
CC8.18                                               bowler)
No bowler may bowl more than one-fifth         ◼     Any delivery that bounces above
of the total number of overs scheduled for           head height of the batter
the innings. If the number of overs is         ◼     Any delivery where a foot - fault
reduced upon the decision of the umpire,             occurs
this will still apply, unless the bowler has
already bowled in excess of this.              CC8.24
                                               For every no ball called, one run shall be
CC8.19                                         awarded as an extra and an additional
Fielding restrictions will not apply in this   ball should be bowled.
competition, until the Regional Finals
stage.                                         CC8.25
                                               FREE HIT AFTER A FOOT-FAULT NO BALL
CC8.20                                         The delivery following a no ball called for a
WIDES                                          foot fault shall be a free hit for whichever
Any offside delivery which in the opinion      batsman is facing it.
of the umpire does not give the batsman
a reasonable opportunity to score shall be     CC8.26
called a wide.                                 If the delivery for the free hit is not a
                                               legitimate delivery (any kind of no ball or a
CC8.21                                         wide ball), then the next delivery shall
Any delivery that goes down leg side shall     become a free hit for whichever batsman
be called a wide.                              is facing it.


AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                 Page 27
For any free hit, the striker can be             competitions@aoc.co.uk within 24 hours
dismissed only under the circumstances           of the match being completed.
that apply for a no ball, even if the
delivery for the free hit is called wide ball.
                                                 11.      MATCH OFFICIALS
Field changes are permitted for free hit         CC11.5
deliveries.                                      Umpires must be appointed for every
                                                 fixture. Each umpire must be officially
CC8.29                                           qualified through the ECB Association of
The umpires shall signal a free hit by           Cricket Officials. The home team must
(after the normal no ball signal) extending      book the umpire and pay his or her
one arm straight upwards and moving it           expenses/fees.
in a circular motion.
                                                 If umpires attend the match and it is
9.       MATCH RESULTS                           subsequently cancelled, they can claim for
                                                 their match fee as above.
It is the responsibility of both sides to        CC11.7
send the result to                               Each team is responsible for supplying a
                                                 scorer (preferably non-playing).

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                   Page 28
1.       ELIGIBILITY                           will not be permitted to play until they can
                                               provide evidence of their affiliation.
A player that is registered with The FA on
either a template Premier League, EFL          FB1.22
(English Football League) or FA standard       Welsh institutions will be permitted to
contract form is considered to be a            play in other regional leagues as long as
professional and under written contract.       they have affiliated with their area
The FA holds records on every player           association.
under written contract and a player is not
considered to be under written contract        NB: As most of the players are under the
until received and processed by The FA to      age of 18 it is strongly recommended that
the satisfaction of the relevant rules and     at least one member of staff has attended
regulations of the governing bodies            an FA Safeguarding workshop.

FB1.19                                         3.       COMPETITION SYSTEM (LEAGUES)
Any student who is contracted to a team
at any level of the football pyramid is not    FB3.27
permitted to play in AoC Sport                 Teams wishing to enter the Premier
competitions.                                  League must complete a separate
                                               application process, details of which will
FB1.20                                         be circulated to all institutions in March.
English institutions competing in AoC
Sport football competitions must be            FB3.28
affiliated with their County FA prior to the   Decisions on applications to enter the
commencement of the season to enable           ECFA Premier League will be made by the
leagues to be sanctioned by the FA.            ECFA Committee and will be based on the
Affiliation numbers must be submitted to       following criteria: -
AoC Sport by 30 June. Teams will not be
permitted to play until they can provide       ◼        Teams must meet the criteria set
evidence of their affiliation.                          out in section 3 (page 8)
                                               ◼        Teams must meet the minimum
FB1.21                                                  operating standards (MOS) of the
Welsh institutions must be affiliated with              league
their area association prior to the            ◼        Teams must provide a film of no
commencement of the season to enable                    more than two minutes which
the Welsh league to be sanctioned by                    shows how the pitch and changing
FAW. Affiliation numbers must be                        facilities meet the MOS.
submitted to AoC Sport by 30 June. Teams

AoC Sport League and Cup Rulebook 2019-20                                  Page 29
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