Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 2025 - Government of Western Australia Mental Health Commission

Page created by Howard Diaz
Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 2025 - Government of Western Australia Mental Health Commission
Government of Western Australia
     Mental Health Commission

Western Australian Suicide
Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025

Consultative draft October 2019

                                       DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025   1
Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 2025 - Government of Western Australia Mental Health Commission

     This resource was prepared by:

     Mental Health Commission
     GPO Box X2299
     Perth Business Centre WA 6847


     Any feedback related to this document should be emailed to:


     We remember those we have lost to suicide, and their families, friends, loved ones and others affected by their deaths.

     We respectfully acknowledge and pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders, past, present and emerging,
     and acknowledge the diversity and strength of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities today.

     The Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 – 2025 (Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025) is the result of
     contributions from many organisations and individuals from across the Western Australian community. These include:

     Members of the steering committee, who provided content expertise and insight to further represent the voices of vulnerable
     populations and academic experts. Suicide prevention coordinators who were instrumental in bringing together service
     providers, local government, non-government, private sector, and community members from across the state, to ensure their
     needs were voiced.

     Representatives of key state and federal government departments, who were involved in the Advisory Group and showed
     leadership and commitment to a whole-of-government approach to address suicide in our communities.

     We sincerely thank the community and everyone who had any involvement with or contributed to the state-wide engagement and
     shared their experiences and for their dedicated commitment to address suicide in Western Australia.


     This publication is available in alternative formats for people with a disability, on request to the Mental Health Commission.


     The information in this document has been included in good faith and is based on sources believed to be reliable and
     accurate at the time the document was developed. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information
     contained within is accurate and up to date, the Mental Health Commission and the State of Western Australia do not
     accept liability or responsibility for the content of the document or for any consequences arising from its use.


     This work is copyright. It may be reproduced in whole or in part for study or training purposes subject to an
     acknowledgement to the Mental Health Commission. Reproduction for purposes other than those above requires written
     permission of the Mental Health Commission.

     Suggested citation:
     Mental Health Commission 2019. Draft Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 to 2025, Mental Health
     Commission, Government of Western Australia.

2   DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025
Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 2025 - Government of Western Australia Mental Health Commission
Table of contents

Introduction                                                                     2
The Western Australia approach                                                   5
The WA Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025                                       9
The Action Plan at a Glance                                                     10
Principles                                                                      11
Enablers                                                                        13
Priority area activities                                                        15
Prevention Priority Area                                                        16
Intervention Priority Area                                                      20
Postvention Priority Area                                                       24
Aboriginal People Priority Area                                                 27
How we developed the plan                                                       28
Everyone has a role in Suicide Prevention                                       30
Building blocks for a cross government approach                                 32
What works well                                                                 33
Evidence-based Models                                                           33
Factors that influence suicidal behaviour                                       34
Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting                                            39
Appendices, glossary and references                                             40
Need help                                                                       50

                                                  DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025   1
Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 2025 - Government of Western Australia Mental Health Commission

2   DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025   Introduction   2

Everyone has a role in suicide                       territories (14.7 deaths per 100,000          understand how we as a community
prevention. Reducing the rate                        people) its rate has been consistently        can support those vulnerable to
and impact of suicide in our                         higher than the national average              suicide and self-harm, and those
communities requires a whole-                        (12.1 deaths per 100,000 people)              affected by suicide.
of-population commitment; it is                      since 2008 .
                                                                                                   Building on existing programs
not something any single agency,
                                                     Between 2014 and 2018, WA had                 and aligned with State and
level of government or community
                                                     the highest age-standardised rate             Commonwealth policy directions,
can do alone. The impact of
                                                     of suicide among Aboriginal people            the Suicide Prevention Action Plan
suicide is far-reaching and
                                                     (37.9 deaths per 100,000 people).             2025 supports the WA Government’s
long-lasting; it has a devastating
                                                     This was considerably higher than             existing commitments to tackling
effect on families, friends and
                                                     the national average for Aboriginal           the complex issues of suicide and
services which ripples throughout
                                                     people over the same period (23.7             sets the direction for future action. It
communities. A 2016 Australian
                                                     deaths per 100,000).                          brings the voices of the community
report indicates that 89% of
                                                                                                   and the sector together to provide
Australians knew someone who                         Suicidal behaviour is complex; many
                                                                                                   understanding and guidance for
had attempted suicide, and that                      factors and multiple pathways may
                                                                                                   individuals, communities, private and
85% knew someone who had died                        lead a person to attempt to take their
                                                                                                   non-government organisations and
by suicide . For every person who                    life. In the quest for effective suicide
takes their life, more than 135                      prevention strategies, no single
people experience intense grief or                   activity stands out above others.
are otherwise affected.                              A range of strategies focusing on             Western Australia statistics
                                                     lowering the risks and increasing the         Suicide is the leading cause of death
In 2018, 3,046 people died by suicide
                                                     protective elements is essential. It is       among people aged 14 – 44 years.
in Australia. For every suicide death
                                                     imperative to remember that suicide           Aboriginal people have a rate of
as many as 25 people will attempt                                                                  suicide three times higher non-
                                                     can be prevented if individuals,
suicide, meaning 78,000 Australian’s                                                               Aboriginal people in WA.
                                                     communities, government and non-
require appropriate, timely and                                                                    15.5% of LGBTI young people in the
                                                     government sectors work together              Growing up Queer study reported
critical care to support their recovery                                                            attempting suicide at some point in
                                                     and implement ongoing evidence-
each year. Suicide was estimated                                                                   their life.
                                                     based, coordinated, multilevelled
to account for 108,035 years of                                                                    48.1% of young transgender people
                                                     activity that supports the creation of a
potential life lost (YPLL) potential                                                               in the Trans Pathways study reported
                                                     community that experiences optimal
years of life lost for all persons in                                                              attempting suicide at some point in
                                                     mental health and wellbeing.
Australia in 2017 .                                                                                their life.
                                                     The Western Australian Suicide                Problems related to substance use
In 2018, 383 individuals died by                                                                   were present in 29.4% of deaths by
                                                     Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025
suicide in Western Australia (WA);                                                                 suicide in Australia in 2018.
                                                     (Suicide Prevention Action Plan
this is more than one person a day.                                                                Mood disorders, including depression,
                                                     2025) aims to create a platform for           were present in 43.9% of deaths by
WA had the third-highest rate of                                                                   suicide in Australia in 2018.
                                                     all Western Australians to be better
suicide of all Australian states and
                                                     educated on suicidal behaviours, and

  Reference to Aboriginal people throughout this document respectfully are
inclusive of the Torres Strait Islanders.

                                                                     DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025      3
A note about language when talking about suicide
     Please remember that suicide is a complex issue and arises from an interaction between many
     circumstances in a person’s life. Using safe and inclusive language is helpful when talking about

     Don't say                           Why                                    Do say
     'unsuccessful suicide’              So as to not glamorise or              ‘non-fatal’ or ‘made an attempt on his/her
                                         normalise a suicide attempt            life’
     ‘successful suicide’                So as to not present suicide as a      ‘took their life’ or ‘ended their own life’
                                         desired outcome
     ‘committed’ or ‘commit suicide’     So as to avoid the association         ‘died by suicide’ or ‘deaths by suicide’
                                         between suicide and ‘crime’ or ‘sin’
     ‘suicide epidemic’                  To avoid sensationalism and            ‘concerning rates of suicide’ or ‘number of
                                         inaccuracy                             deaths’

4   DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025
The Western Australian approach

                   DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025   5
The Western Australian approach

Background                                  During the implementation of             National Mental Health Commission
                                            Suicide Prevention 2020, there were      (NMHC) supported the development
The WA State Government has so              significant developments in the          of the Fifth National Mental Health
far been responsible for two suicide        Australian and international suicide     and Suicide Prevention Plan (the
prevention strategies, covering the         prevention literature and research.      Fifth Plan). The Fifth Plan has been
period from 2009 to the present.            In addition, the Commonwealth and        endorsed by the Council of Australian
The Suicide Prevention Strategy -           State and Territory Governments          Governments (COAG) Health
One Life, which ran from 2009 to            committed to a more coordinated          Council and sets a clear direction
2013, received funding of $24 million.      approach to address suicide              for coordinated action by the
It was developed from an analysis of        prevention across Australia.             Commonwealth, state and territory
almost 20 years of data on suicide                                                   governments. The Fifth Plan also
                                            Current research supports
and self-harm in Western Australia,                                                  acknowledges the unique challenges
                                            implementing multiple strategies,
a comprehensive literature review                                                    faced by Aboriginal people with
                                            delivered simultaneously across a
of suicide prevention research, and                                                  the recommendation to develop
                                            range of areas which is referred to as
an extensive state-wide consultation                                                 a National Aboriginal and Torres
                                            a systems-based approach.
process. It was also aligned with the                                                Strait Islander Suicide Prevention
former National Suicide Prevention          Systems-based approaches that            and Implementation Plan. The Fifth
Strategy: Living is for Everyone            have emerged since the launch of         plan outlines a commitment from
(LIFE).                                     Suicide Prevention 2020 include the      government to develop a National
                                            Alliance Against Depression (AAD)        Suicide Prevention Implementation
One Life was succeeded by Suicide           model, the LifeSpan Integrated           Strategy (NSPIS), which is currently
Prevention 2020: together we can            Suicide Prevention (LifeSpan)            under development.
save lives (Suicide Prevention              model, and the Aboriginal and Torres
2020), which received funding of                                                     The Suicide Prevention Action
                                            Strait Islander Suicide Prevention
$33.9 million between May 2015 and                                                   Plan 2025 was developed within a
                                            Evaluation Project (ATSISPEP)
December 2020. Suicide Prevention                                                    framework that uses a whole-of-
2020 was organised under six key                                                     population approach and closely
action areas and provided services          To ensure consistency and a focus        aligns with the Fifth Plan, the NSPIS
and activities to at-risk populations in    on a systems-based approach              and some of the systems-based
multiple locations across the state.        to address the suicide rates, the        approaches mentioned above.

6   DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025
The Suicide Prevention Action Plan                   Suicide Prevention                               commitment to improving the
2025 Framework (appendix One)                                                                         mental health and wellbeing of
has four major streams: prevention,
                                                     Action Plan 2025                                 the community, and addresses
intervention, postvention and                        The Suicide Prevention Action Plan               suicide-related findings and
Aboriginal people. Table 1 shows                     2025 aims to build on the work of the            recommendations of several
the Suicide Prevention Action Plan                   previous strategies and the state’s              reports, including the WA State
2025 approach across the suicide                     investment of approximately $55                  Coroner's Inquest into the deaths
prevention continuum.                                million over the past 10 years.                  of 13 children and young people
                                                                                                      in the Kimberley and the 2016
                                                     It is intended to support in part the
                                                                                                      Message Stick Inquiry into
                                                     implementation of State Government
                                                                                                      Aboriginal youth suicide in remote
                                                     strategic documents such as:
                                                     • The Western Australian Mental
                                                                                                    The Action Plan, was designed in
                                                        Health, Alcohol and Other Drug
                                                                                                    consultation with the community,
                                                        Services Plan 2015-2025;
                                                                                                    government, non-government
                                                     • Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit)                   organisations, and the mental health
                                                        Declaration;                                sector. It was developed using
                                                     • The State Public Health Plan for             the most current data, research,
                                                        Western Australia.                          evaluation and reports, and the
                                                     • It also expands on the State                 expertise of various working and
                                                        Government’s continued                      steering groups.

 In this document, 'vulnerable populations' refers to those populations who have
a higher risk of suicide and suicidal behaviour. These include: Aboriginal people;
persons who have experienced abuse, trauma, conflict or disaster; refugees and
migrants; prisoners and others in contact with the justice system; lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender and intersex persons (LGBTI); frontline workers, individuals
who have had a previous attempt and people suicide bereaved.

                                                                      DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025   7
It has taken into consideration the                intervention, postvention and                        The Suicide Prevention Action Plan
voices of vulnerable populations as                Aboriginal.                                          2025 is an action-orientated and
well as the lived experiences of those                                                                  dynamic document which recognises
                                                   It can be used by state and
who have been bereaved by suicide,                                                                      the need for a mix of place based
                                                   local government agencies,
and those who have experienced                                                                          and state-wide activities. It takes
                                                   non-government and private
being suicidal.                                                                                         into account the complexities of WA,
                                                   organisations and communities to
                                                                                                        including the vast distances between
The Suicide Prevention Action Plan                 help identify their role in suicide
                                                                                                        regions and diversity of populations,
2025 provides the framework for a                  prevention and guide the investment,
                                                                                                        and acknowledges the rapidly
coordinated approach to address                    development, implementation and
                                                                                                        changing landscape as we continue
suicide prevention activity in Western             evaluation of suicide prevention
                                                                                                        to learn from the emerging evidence.
Australia from 2021 to 2025 under                  activities.
the four priority areas of prevention,

Table 1: Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025 approach – The Suicide Prevention Continuum

    Prevention                                         Intervention                                         Postvention
    Priorities - anyone who could                      Priorities - individuals who are                     Priorities - people and communities
    benefit from learning, knowing,                    showing early signs of suicidal                      who have been affected by the death
    and doing more about mental                        behaviour, experiencing suicidal                     of someone from suicide. These
    health and wellbeing, and suicide                  crisis, including those who have                     strategies meet bereavement-related
    prevention. They may have no                       recently been suicidal, and the                      needs that may occur over a lifetime
    experience of being suicidal or                    people who support them. These                       and focus on providing support
    losing someone to suicide or                       strategies focus on decreasing                       and limiting the ongoing harmful
    they may have extensive personal                   suicidality and reducing the                         consequences of a suicide death for
    experience.                                        likelihood of suicidal behaviour                     others.
                                                       resulting in death.
    Strategies may target the whole                                                                         >> Support for people and communities
    of population, groups within                       >> Options for people experiencing                   affected by a suicide death
    community and/or groups known                      suicidal crisis
                                                                                                            >> Streamlined notification processes
    to be at higher risk. Activities are
                                                       >>Competent and confident
    aimed at preventing the onset of                                                                        >> Build community capacity to respond
                                                       assistance for people who are suicidal
    suicidal behaviour.                                                                                     to the needs of those affected by a
                                                       >> Restricting the means of suicide                  suicide death
    >> Community engagement and
    awareness to support positive change               >> Appropriate aftercare support
    >> Mental health and wellbeing
    education, and suicide prevention
    training for communities

    >> Responsible reporting of suicide in
    the media

    Aboriginal People
    Priorities - Aboriginal People from a Social and Emotional Wellbeing (SEWB) approach. SEWB acknowledges that connections to
    land, culture, spirituality, family and community impact on the wellbeing of Aboriginal people.

    >> Development of a Western Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Strategy with dedicated regional streams.

8   DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025
The WA Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2025

                   DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025   9
The Action Plan at a glance

 Vision                                               Goal                                               Purpose
 A Western Australian community                       To reduce the rate of suicide                      To provide the framework for
 that experiences optimal mental                      attempts and death by suicide in                   a coordinated approach to
 health and wellbeing                                 Western Australia                                  address suicide prevention
                                                                                                         activity in Western Australia
                                                                                                         from 2021 to 2025

     Guiding principles
     Everyone has a role in suicide prevention       Evidence-informed, integrated, cross-        Communities are empowered to lead
                                                     sectoral approaches are needed               local efforts which are tailored to local
     Recognition that lived experience is                                                         circumstances and priorities
     essential to inform suicide prevention          Quality and timely interventions are
     activity                                        available across the lifespan                Individuals, families and communities are
                                                                                                  supported to recover
     Community wellbeing and resilience are          Earlier intervention to prevent and
     fundamental                                     manage crisis                                A sustainable service system, which
                                                                                                  takes into account the limited resources
     Care is culturally appropriate and              Support and care is matched to individual    available
     compassionate                                   needs and preferences

     Better use of data, information      Inclusiveness for all Western      Partnerships, collaboration,         Acknowledgment of the role
     and evidence to support suicide      Australians, including those at    and coordination of activities for   that trauma and the social
     prevention                           increased risk                     better outcomes                      determinants of health have in
                                                                                                                  suicide prevention

      Priority areas
      Prevention                          Intervention                      Postvention                       Aboriginal People

      Community engagement and            Options for people                Support for people and            Facilitate the development of a
      awareness to support positive       experiencing suicidal crisis      communities affected by a         Western Australian Aboriginal
      change                                                                suicide death                     and Torres Strait Islander
                                          Competent and confident                                             Suicide Prevention Strategy
      Mental health and wellbeing         assistance for people who are     Streamlined notification          with dedicated regional
      education, and suicide              suicidal                          processes                         streams.
      prevention training for
      communities                         Restricting the means of
      Responsible reporting of
      suicide in the media                Appropriate aftercare support
                                          following a suicide attempt

10    DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025

Principles                              Recognition that lived experience          Evidence-informed, integrated,
                                        is essential to inform suicide             cross-sectoral approaches are
These principles underpin the           prevention activity                        needed
Western Australian Suicide
                                        People with a lived experience of          It is preferable for activities to be
Prevention Action Plan 2021-
                                        attempted suicide or who have              produced and implemented on the
2025. They are drawn from the
                                        been bereaved by suicide have              basis of evidence about what does
draft national suicide prevention
                                        great knowledge and expertise              and does not work. When directly
implementation strategy for
                                        as do their families, carers and           relevant evidence is unavailable,
Australia’s health system: 2020 -2023
                                        communities. The development and           programs informed by evidence
and have been slightly modified
                                        implementation of suicide prevention       and best practice methods in
to present a Western Australian
                                        strategies must include their voices,      similar fields can be implemented.
perspective. In the development,
                                        and activities should be co-designed       The insights of people with lived
commissioning, and implementation
                                        with people with a lived experience.       experience of suicide; traditional
of suicide prevention activity it is
                                                                                   forms of knowledge, such as from
crucial these principles are adhered    Community wellbeing and
                                                                                   Aboriginal people and unique cultural
to every step of the way.               resilience are fundamental
                                                                                   perspectives, can form part of the
Everyone has a role in suicide          Connection to community, a sense           evidence base for effective suicide
prevention                              of belonging, equity and inclusion,        prevention. Continual development,
                                        willingness to engage in solutions         implementation and evaluation
Having a role in suicide prevention     and safe gathering places all              of existing and future initiatives is
activities is in every person’s,        contribute to community wellbeing          crucial.
community’s and government’s            and resilience. Fostering social
interest, because suicide impacts       connections, creating community
the entire community. It is far-        safety and protecting against
reaching and long-lasting, with         adversity will enable communities
the potential to touch everyone         to adapt, recover and thrive through
directly and indirectly. Whilst the     times of change and unpredictability.
reasons for suicide are complex
and multifaceted, many suicides are
preventable. Everyone is encouraged
to take a role in suicide prevention,
no matter how great or small.

                                                    DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025    11
However, it is also important that any      Support and care is matched to            Communities are empowered
evaluations of suicide prevention           individual needs and preferences          to lead local efforts which are
programs or activities are open to          It is essential that individuals, their   tailored to local circumstances
trialling new, innovative and non-          families and communities have a           and priorities.
traditional initiatives for prevention      voice: care must be tailored to the       Suicide prevention approaches
and early intervention.                     person’s circumstances, needs and         are more effective when they are
                                            underlying causes of distress. For        community-driven and led, and
Quality and timely interventions
                                            some people this will involve mental      reflect the social, emotional, cultural,
are available across the lifespan
                                            health treatment or cultural healing.     socio-economic and spiritual
Evidence shows us that early
                                            For others relationship counselling,      needs of the community. WA is an
identification and effective
                                            employment or housing support             expansive and diverse state, with
management of individuals who
                                            could be what is needed most.             each region having its own unique
are seeking help is key to reducing
                                                                                      circumstances and challenges. Local
suicides. A variety of services need        Care is culturally appropriate and
                                                                                      people are best placed to determine
to be equipped to deliver evidence-         compassionate
                                                                                      what is required for their community.
informed and culturally secure              The diversity of individuals and
                                                                                      Their local knowledge, experiences
interventions that prevent and              communities needs to be valued and
                                                                                      and stories are essential for making
respond to psychological distress           respected. Care which is kind and
                                                                                      a difference.
and suicide-related experience for          compassionate without prejudice,
people of all ages.                         racism, stigma or judgement is            Individuals, families and
                                            essential. A compassionate approach       communities are supported to
Earlier intervention to prevent and
                                            requires an understanding of where        recover
manage crisis
                                            the person came from, what they are       Compassion, understanding, and
Shifting the focus to earlier
                                            connected to, how they got to where       coordinated and practical support
interventions, such as addressing
                                            they are now and how they can move        is required over the long-term to aid
risk and protective factors can have
                                            forward. People with lived experience     recovery from the impact of suicide.
significant advantages for the whole
                                            report compassionate care is vital to
population. At the individual level,                                                  A sustainable service system,
                                            their successful recovery.
early intervention is critical for those                                              which takes into account the
showing signs of suicidal crisis, as                                                  limited resources available
is a SEWB holistic approach for                                                       Governments, service providers and
Aboriginal people.                                                                    communities must acknowledge
                                                                                      resources fluctuate (sometimes
                                                                                      dramatically) over time. Strategies
                                                                                      for sustainability must be considered
                                                                                      including the sharing of information,
                                                                                      collaboration across services and
                                                                                      working across governments.

12   DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025

Suicide Prevention Action                Inclusiveness for all                       Partnerships,
Plan 2025 activities can be
implemented effectively only if the
                                         Western Australians,                        collaboration, and
identified enablers are activated.       including those at                          coordination of
                                         risk                                        activities for better
Better use of data,                      The Western Australian population
information and                          is diverse and prevalence of suicide        Many of the factors that can influence
evidence to support                      rates are skewed for certain groups.        suicide prevention occur in non-

suicide prevention                       Certain groups in the community are         health settings. Close working
                                         disproportionately affected by suicide.     relationships between governments
Improving the quality of evidence        Consideration of diverse cultures,          at the local, state and national
for suicide and suicide prevention       languages, genders and sexualities          level, private and non-government
activities is fundamental for            is essential. Equally essential is          sectors, research institutions and
the continuous improvement of            the acknowledgment of situational           key community groups are essential.
community outcomes. Improved             stresses (such as relationship              Funding models must promote
reporting of and learning from deaths    breakdowns, job loss, draught etc)          collaboration.
by suicide needs to occur to help        that can affect individuals, families
inform future suicide prevention                                                     Activities required to ensure enablers
                                         and communities at different times.
activities. Promoting evidence-                                                      are activated include:
                                         Activities required to ensure enablers
informed innovation, accompanied by                                                  • The Mental Health Commission
                                         are activated include:
thorough evaluation, will help build                                                   (MHC), with appropriate resource
the evidence for new approaches.         • Empowering the voices of                    allocation will utilise Suicide
                                           vulnerable populations, including           Prevention Action Plan 2025, as
Activities required to ensure enablers
                                           Aboriginal, youth, migrants,                a guiding document to facilitate
are activated include:
                                           refugees, LGBTI people, people              and lead a coordinated whole-of-
• Improved data collection,                who have attempted suicide,                 government response to suicide in
  particularly at the community            people who have been bereaved               Western Australia.
  and population levels, relating to       by suicide, people living in rural
                                                                                     • Provision of appropriately qualified
  increased personal and community         and remote areas, people in the
                                                                                       metropolitan and regionally based
  resilience to suicide.                   justice system and first responders.
                                                                                       staff who engage with local
• Collection of both qualitative                                                       service providers, community and
  and quantitative data including                                                      stakeholders to coordinate and
  descriptive narratives from service                                                  support regional (and local) suicide
  providers.                                                                           prevention initiatives.
• More academic research and                                                         • Definition of the roles and
  practical information sharing                                                        responsibilities of federal, state, local
  between suicide prevention                                                           and non-government organisations
  professionals and communities                                                        in regards to suicide prevention,
  with lived experience.                                                               intervention and postvention in each
                                                                                       region to address duplication and /
                                                                                       or service gaps.

                                                      DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025    13
• Provision of opportunities for
                                              MHC-funded service providers to
                                              engage with each other regularly to
                                              support a more cohesive approach
                                                                                     We need to address the
                                              to strategy delivery and improve
                                                                                     widespread pervasive
                                              consumer pathways.
                                                                                     hopelessness and social
                                            • Greater alignment with mandated        context rather than treating the
                                              Local Government Community             symptomatic cycle of ‘argument
                                              Health Plans on practical              /suicide threat / police / ED /
                                              initiatives.                           repeat’; The Office of the Chief
                                                                                     Psychiatrist and the Mental

                                            Acknowledgment                           Health Commissioner should

                                            of the role that                         recognise the Uluru Statement
                                                                                     from the Heart to show that
                                            trauma and the                           we recognise and support
                                            social determinants                      Aboriginal voices at the highest

                                            of health have in                        level. Suicide and hopelessness
                                                                                     requires a system response
                                            suicide prevention                       to a system issue rather than
                                            Suicide prevention is more effective     treatment solely as an individual
                                            when integrated with broad               malaise.
                                            responses to the social and cultural     Regional Service Provider (WA Suicide
                                                                                     Prevention Action Plan 2021-2025
                                            determinants of poor health and          Engagement Report
                                            wellbeing, including childhood
                                            trauma, family violence, poverty,
                                            displacement, experiences of
                                            discrimination, lack of education
                                            opportunities, isolation, loneliness
                                            and alcohol and other drug use.

                                            • Collaboration across governments
                                              in equitable partnerships with
                                              local communities to address the
                                              social contexts and determinants
                                              that drive hopelessness in
                                            • Addressing homelessness,
                                              violence, child neglect, alcohol and
                                              other drug related-harms poverty

14   DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025
Priority area activities

                      DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025   15
Prevention priority area activities

Prevention priorities are aimed at          1.2 Addressing the stigma of mental
anyone who could benefit from               health and suicide in communities
learning, knowing, and doing more           through community designed and led
about mental health and wellbeing,          universal prevention and promotion
and suicide prevention. They may            initiatives at state, regional and      Stigma related to suicide
have no experience of being suicidal        community levels.                       remains a major obstacle to
or losing someone to suicide or                                                     suicide prevention efforts.
                                            1.3 Expanding of public awareness
they may have extensive personal                                                    Those who are left behind or
                                            ecampaigns to assist communities to     who have attempted suicide
experience. Strategies may target
                                            connect with the best mental health     often face considerable stigma
the whole-of-population, groups
                                            and suicide (prevention) information,   within their communities, which
within it, and/or groups known to be                                                may prevent them from seeking
                                            support, and services with the
at higher risk. Activities are aimed                                                help. Stigma can subsequently
                                            capacity to be localised as required.
at preventing the onset of suicidal                                                 become a barrier to accessing
behaviour.                                  1.4 Celebrating those with diverse      suicide prevention services.
                                            cultures, languages, genders and
                                            sexualities within the community and
Community                                   at the service provision level.
engagement and
                                            1.5 Recognising and empowering
awareness to                                youth voices in mental health or
support positive                            suicide prevention discussions
change                                      and leadership through greater
                                            participation in decision-making, co-
Communities play a critical role in
                                            production of prevention initiatives
suicide prevention. They are able
                                            and advice to services.
to access knowledge to identify
and implement specific suicide              1.6 Providing dedicated peer-
prevention strategies relevant to           based mental health and wellbeing
their situation. This may include           education and support for vulnerable
enhancing broad government                  populations with a key focus on
strategies by localising them and/          Aboriginal people, LGBTI young
or coming up with specific activities       people and men in rural and remote
unique to their community.                  communities

1.1 Empowering local people                 1.7 Investigating community-based
to determine and deliver those              initiatives to reduce loneliness and
methods of suicide prevention               increase social connections for high-
that are most appropriate for their         risk populations.
community through increased and
more accessible grassroots suicide
prevention resourcing.

16   DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025
Case study - Think Mental Health
The Think Mental                  A new TMH Men’s Campaign           Baseline research was             when prompted. At- risk
                                  (the campaign) was developed       conducted prior to the launch     men were significantly more
Health Program                    in response to consistently        of the campaign to understand     likely to talk about their
(TMH) has been built              high suicide rates among men       trends in community               mental health needs with a
                                  in Western Australia (WA).         knowledge, beliefs, attitudes,    professional as well as with
on the premise that               In 2017 over 70 per cent of        intentions and behaviours         family/friends as a result of
strategies developed              suicide deaths in WA were          in relation to mental health      seeing the campaign.
                                  men. The highest prevalence        and wellbeing, mental health
for mental health                 of suicide was among men           issues, help seeking, and         Awareness of the campaign
                                  aged 25 to 54 years who were       barriers to help seeking          was also high amongst family
promotion will have
                                  consequently chosen as             (stigma). Research will be        and friends with 29% of family
a flow-on effect for              the primary target audience        conducted to monitor and          and friends spontaneously
                                  for the current phase of the       track attitudinal measures over   aware of the campaign and
suicide prevention.               TMH Men’s Campaign. The            time.                             69% demonstrating awareness
For example, building             secondary target audience is                                         when prompted. The campaign
                                  people who support men, such       A post-campaign evaluation        was also felt to strongly
protective behaviours             as partners, friends, family, or   indicates that the messages       educate family and friends:
that promote mental               colleagues.                        taken out by males were on        57% said it made them think
                                                                     target, with the availability     about the mental health and
health and wellbeing,             The main communication             of help and encouragement         wellbeing of males close to
or seeking early                  messages of the campaign           of help-seeking registering       them; 49% were made aware
                                  were designed to motivate          strongly. As a result of          of the TMH website; 48% were
support when                      people who may be                  seeing the campaign more          provided advice on how to
                                  experiencing mental health         than a quarter (28%) of all       approach someone they are
mental health is
                                  issues, or family and friends      males had taken some form         concerned about; 38% were
compromised, will                 of these people, to talk to each   of action. When looking at        made aware of the support
                                  other when things aren’t going     the measures known to be          tools and tips available; and
translate into fewer              so well and to connect them        important in campaign cut-        37% were made aware of the
incidents of suicidal             with mental health information,    through and effectiveness,        symptoms of a mental health
                                  support and help appropriate       the campaign performed            issue.
behaviour.                        to their situation and needs.      extremely well amongst males      The next phase of the
                                  This included:                     on Novelty, Affective Impact,     campaign will build upon these
TMH focuses on assisting          •     what to look out for when    and Relevance - sitting within    results to increase confidence
people connect with the best            you or someone else          the top 25% of all Australian     in recognising signs and
information, support, and               isn’t going so well;         campaigns tracked to date.        symptoms and supporting
services for their particular     •     how to start the                                               others in getting the right help
situation. To achieve effective         conversation and what        At-risk men were those            to support their mental health
outcomes for mental health              to say;                      with a diagnosed mental           and wellbeing.
and suicide prevention, a         •     options on getting help      health condition or who had
broader focus has been                  and support; and             experienced a significant
taken to emulate the success      •     what to do in a crisis       life event in the previous
achieved by other high-profile          situation.                   two years. The campaign
population based behaviour                                           was particularly effective in
change campaigns, such as                                            reaching at-risk men with 70%
tobacco control.                                                     recognising the campaign

                                                            DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025           17
Mental health and                           2.2 Empowering peer support groups
                                            and networks that deal with mental
wellbeing education,                        health and suicidal ideation through
and suicide                                 appropriate recognition, supervision
prevention training                         and resourcing.

for communities                             2.3 Providing education and training
                                            that addresses the wider social
Many people who are experiencing
                                            context within which mental health
suicidal thoughts communicate
                                            and suicidal ideation develops,
distress through their words or
                                            and focusing on building stronger
actions but these warning signs
                                            protective behaviours in at-risk
may be missed or misinterpreted.
Training can provide people with
the knowledge and skills to identify        2.4 Providing mental health and
warning signs that someone may be           wellness education, and suicide
suicidal, talk to them about suicidal       prevention training in schools.
thoughts and connect them with
                                            2.5 Facilitating opportunities for
professional care.
                                            reconnection to culture and country
Activities required to ensure this          for Aboriginal people.
priority is achieved include:

2.1 Expanding mental health and
suicide prevention training and
education to a wider cross section
of the community through easily
accessible and culturally appropriate

18   DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025
Responsible                                 Community suggestions

reporting of suicide                        • Co-designing and co-producing
                                                                                               Empowering local people to
                                              national and state based prevention
in the media                                  messages such as RUOK?
                                                                                               determine those methods of
                                                                                               suicide prevention that are most
Suicidal behaviour can be influenced          and Think Mental Health with
                                                                                               apt for their community will
through the media. Media guidelines           community members to reflect a
                                                                                               ensure local buy in, innovation,
supporting the responsible reporting          more localised approach.
                                                                                               social inclusion and a sense of
of suicide can reduce suicide rates,        • Encouraging community members                    belonging. Every community
and improve awareness and help-               to actively check-in on, and listen              appears to have the ‘right’ answer
seeking .                                     to, family and community members                 for addressing suicide in their
Activities required to ensure this            everyday.                                        context and all display great
priority is achieved:                       • Holding public events to showcase                levels of insight and innovation
                                              cultural, language, gender and                   in methods. These methods
3.1 Working with journalists to
                                              sexuality awareness.                             often manifest in community
increase their competency with
                                            • Providing greater social outreach                and social engagement activities
respect to the MindFrame reporting
                                              opportunities through existing                   and whilst these initiatives may
                                              youth services.                                  not always be evidence based,
3.2 Educating communities,                                                                     they are critical to providing
particularly school age youth and                                                              local ownership, hope and the
parents, about identifying distress                                                            necessary community dialogue
and cries for help on social media                                                             to support more evidence based,
and the application of Mental Health                                                           prevention.
First Aid-style principles in online                                                           Engagement summary 2019

19   Prioritising and Progressing Actions                 DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025    19
Intervention Priority Area

Intervention priorities are aimed           4.3 Addressing the critical lack of        Community Suggestions
at individuals who are showing              after-hours support for people in          • Accessing options for those people
early signs of suicidal behaviour,          suicidal crisis outside of emergency          who prefer to avoid local services
experiencing suicidal crisis. This          departments (EDs) and anonymous               due to lack of anonymity in small
includes those who have recently            helplines, especially in rural and            towns;
been suicidal, and the people who           remote settings.
                                                                                       • Crisis helplines with the ability
support them. These strategies
                                            4.4 Providing alternatives to EDs             to retain personal information
focus on decreasing suicidality
                                            for those in mental distress and/or           on previous callers that can be
and reducing the likelihood of
                                            suicidal crisis.                              accessed upon request/permission
suicidal behaviour resulting in
                                                                                          to avoid having to retell personal
death.                                      4.5 Reducing the stigma and fear
                                            of calling the police for people
                                            experiencing acute mental distress         • Opportunities for face-to-face
Options for people                          and suicidal behaviour.                       connection in non-clinical safe
experiencing                                                                              haven café settings for open,
                                            4.6 Redesigning existing EDs
suicidal crisis                             settings to more compassionately
                                                                                          normal discussions without the
                                                                                          need to feel shame;
Suicidal behaviour is complex               cater for those in mental distress.
                                                                                       • Expansion of the Police Mental
and there are many reasons why
                                            4.7 Increasing access to appropriate          Health Co-Response model;
someone may be having suicidal
                                            mental health and support services
thoughts. Early intervention and                                                       • In emergency departments provide
                                            for the specific needs of targeted
providing people with a range of                                                          safe, quiet, low light environments in
                                            vulnerable populations and including
support and/or treatment options can                                                      separate rooms that lessen distress
                                            those relating to family and domestic
reduce the risk of someone taking                                                         and can also account for cultural,
                                            violence, homelessness, alcohol and
their life.                                                                               language, gender or sexuality
                                            other drug use and/or trauma.
Activities required to ensure this
                                            4.8 Expanding access within schools        • Increase resourcing for Aboriginal
priority is achieved include:
                                            and specific services for children            social and emotional wellbeing
4.1 Providing increased and equitable       and young people in mental distress           workers and Aboriginal liaison
access to mental health and SEWB            and suicidal crisis across the WA.            officers across the State; and
services for people in mental distress
                                                                                       • Provide non-clinical youth worker
and/or with suicidal ideation.
                                                                                          style support and interventions.
4.2 Facilitating access to culturally
appropriate healing-centred practices
and recovery options for migrant and
refugee populations.                              Suicide and self-harm are not black and white but the responses
                                                  always are - ED or not, medication or not. You can still have those
                                                  thoughts every day and self-harm but not want to act on them. You
                                                  need complex help, and medication or ED shouldn’t be the first and
                                                  only option.

                                                  Regional LGBTI Teenager

20   DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025
Case study -
Mental Health Co-Response Program
The Mental Health                   from frontline police officers              to observe and screen        Perth Watch House
                                    who suspect a member of the                 detainees as they are        8,671 detainees screen by the
Co-Response                         community is experiencing                   processed and provide        mental health practitioner.
Program (MH-CR)                     a mental health episode; and                further assessment if
                                    the admission of arrested                   needed.                      A total of 705 referrals were
was implemented                     people with mental health             4.    MH-CR Unit which co-         made from the Perth Watch
in January 2016 in                  issues or a history of mental               locates WA Police and        House (139 to mental health
                                    health intervention to the Perth            Department of Health         court liaison services, 383 to
response to increased               Watch House who require                     personnel and provides       external mental health services
                                    assessment, monitoring and                  managerial oversight.        and 183 to other community
demand on Police to
                                    diversion pathways.                                                      services).
attend and manage                                                         Over the course of the two-
                                    The MH-CR trial, which                year trial the following results   An independent evaluation
incidents that involved             incorporated mental health            were achieved:                     of the trial showed benefits
a mental health                     expertise at each stage of                                               to resource allocation, the
                                    police involvement – from             Police Operations Centre           safety and wellbeing of
element.                            the point of dispatch, to the         20,149 tasks reviewed by the       officers and mental health
                                    point of physical contact at          mental health practitioner         consumers, and interagency
This increase in demand             the scene, and following arrest       including welfare checks,          collaboration at each stage
coincided with national             within the custody setting, was       missing persons and mental         of the model. Findings also
concerns about the ability          the first of its kind in Australia.   health incidents.                  indicated that although Police
of police officers to respond       There are four components                                                are being called to a growing
appropriately to mental health      which support the delivery of         Mobile Teams                       number of mental health
incidents. The MH-CR is a           the MH-CR model:                      2,907 mental health consumers      incidents, the majority are not
joint initiative between the        1.     Police Operations Centre       were engaged/assessed by           criminal incidents. Interviews
WA Police Force, the WA MHC                where a Mental Health          Co-Response teams (1,318 by        revealed that mental health
and Health Service Providers               Practitioner is located to     the South East Metropolitan        consumers and their carers
(HSPs), and enables police                 obtain and share relevant      District mobile team and 1,589     engaged positively with the
and mental health clinicians to            information from health        by the North West Metropolitan     MH-CR model and saw it as a
share information and jointly              databases.                     District mobile team).             significant improvement over
attend crisis situations where      2.     MH-CR Mobile Teams                                                the traditional crisis response
mental illness is identified as a          which include an               There were 328 and 389             used by police. The MH-CR has
likely factor.                             Authorised Mental              referrals to mental health and     strengthened the partnership
                                           Health Practitioner and        other community services by        between the WA Police Force
The MH-CR model provides a                 uniformed Police Officers      the South East Metropolitan        and mental health services,
distinct multiagency service               in an unmarked vehicle         District mobile team and           leading to improved overall
responding to particular                   to respond to incidents        the North West Metropolitan        mental health and wellbeing
mental health-related                      involving a mental health      District mobile team               outcomes for consumers. In
circumstances, including calls             crisis.                        respectively.                      response to the success of
for assistance where a mental       3.     Perth Watch House                                                 the trial, the MH-CR has since
health or welfare concern has              where an Authorised                                               been expanded to cover the
been indicated; requests for               Mental Health                                                     whole Perth metropolitan
advice, guidance or assistance             Practitioner is on duty                                           area.

                                                                DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025            21
Competent and                               5.5 Acknowledging the high burnout       Restricting access to
                                            rates of staff, in particular those in
confident assistance                        community prevention, isolated rural
                                                                                     the means of suicide
for people who are                          and remote counselling roles and         Reducing access to the means of
suicidal                                    outreach and volunteer workers.          suicide is one of the most effective
                                                                                     suicide prevention strategies. Making
Those who support people in suicidal        5.6 Providing local services with
                                                                                     it more difficult for a person to access
crisis need to have the knowledge           access to more timely and accurate
                                                                                     means, or by interrupting a person’s
and skills to provide care that will        regional self-harm, suicide attempt
                                                                                     immediate means for taking their life,
make the person seeking help feel           and death by suicide data regionally
                                                                                     allows time for the suicidal crisis to
safe and reduce their risk.
                                            Community suggestions                    pass. This, coupled with encouraging
Activities required to ensure this          • Increase trauma-informed training      help-seeking and the intervention of
priority is achieved include:                 and practices embedded in WA           a third party significantly reduces the
                                              Police and ED settings, and other      potential for suicide.
5.1 Expanding Mental Health First
Aid, ASIST, Gatekeeper and other              human services such as Centrelink      Activities required to ensure this
culturally appropriate training to all        and Department of Housing;             priority is achieved include:
health, mental health and primary           • Providing for early intervention
                                                                                     6.1 Coordinating a multi-agency
care staff.                                   within schools through school
                                                                                     collaboration across government
                                              psychologists and chaplains;
5.2 Embedding culturally secure,                                                     to identify and establish barriers or
trauma informed and compassionate           • Up-skill family members and            mechanisms that can interrupt the
procedures and responses into                 volunteers within communities          suicidal process.
EDs as well as crisis and support             with strong yarning and distress
                                                                                     6.2 Manage alcohol and other drug-
services.                                     management skills (and pay them
                                                                                     related harm in the community.
                                              as local suicide prevention liaison
5.3 Implementing consistent
                                              officers);                             6.3 Establishing cross-functional
assessment and early intervention
                                            • Provide free and easily accessible     working groups on suicide means
frameworks and services for suicidal
                                              counselling for community              restriction as part of suicide
ideation and behaviour.
                                              members, volunteers and families       prevention planning.
5.4 Recognising and supporting peer           who are ‘holding it together’
support and response models for               for people in crisis within their
people in acute mental distress and           communities.
suicide crisis

22   DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025
Appropriate                               7.2 Empowering, equipping and              Community suggestions
                                          supporting families and carers to
aftercare support                         successfully navigate mental health
                                                                                     • Regular follow up counselling of
                                                                                       high-risk individuals (beyond the
following a suicide                       and suicide prevention networks and          10 sessions a year covered by
attempt                                   systems.                                     Medicare rebates);

Aftercare refers to the care,             7.3 Providing families and carers with     • Create continuity of care with the
treatment, help or supervision            accessible and formal peer support,          same professional staff to build
received by people after a suicide        community based support and                  up a rapport rather than having to
attempt, and extends to family and        education, and respite opportunities         re-explain details to new staff at
carers. Evidence tells us that a          in the ongoing recovery phase                each visit;
suicide attempt is the strongest risk                                                • Offer in-home support services
factor for a subsequent suicide, and                                                   and home visitation; and
the period of highest risk is following                                              • Resource volunteer and peer
release from hospital or medical                                                       support services during times of
treatment. Appropriate aftercare is                                                    need to provide emotional and
essential in suicide prevention.                                                       practical support.
Activities required to ensure this
priority is achieved include:

7.1 Address major breakdowns in
after care following a suicide attempt
through increased safety planning
and referral pathways post discharge
from hospital or medical treatment.

                                                      DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025   23
Postvention Priority Area

Postvention refers to intervention              Support for people                        8.2 Providing ongoing practical and
after a death by suicide, to                                                              financial support to families directly
support affected individuals and
                                                and communities                           affected by a suicide in locally and
communities. It aims to assist                  affected by a suicide                     culturally relevant ways.
people who are bereaved (family,                death                                     8.3 Increasing access to dedicated
friends, professionals and peers)
                                                Bereavement due to suicide can be         and ongoing postvention and
to recover from trauma, major
                                                complicated. The often sudden and         bereavement services for families,
stressors, and cope with grief and
                                                sometimes unexpected nature of the        communities, children and young
                                                death can be extremely traumatic          people bereaved by suicide.
Postvention priorities target people
                                                and in addition to grief the bereaved     8.4 Educating service providers
and communities who have been
                                                can experience shock, isolation,          on suicide postvention evidence,
affected by the death of someone
                                                questioning 'why' anger, rejection        best practice models and available
from suicide. These strategies meet
                                                and guilt. Bereavement by suicide         pathways to support.
bereavement-related needs that may
                                                is a specific risk factor for suicide
occur over a lifetime and focus on
                                                attempt among young adults whether
providing support and limiting the
                                                they are related to the deceased or
ongoing harmful consequences of a
                                                not and it is important that people
suicide death for others.
                                                and communities are supported
                                                appropriately to prevent further harm.

                                                Activities required to ensure this
                                                priority is achieved include:

                                                8.1 Establishing clear scope of service
                                                and protocols for suicide postvention
                                                coordination between existing federal,
                                                state and community based services
                                                and roles.

        In the immediate aftermath of a suicide, the bereaved need immediate
        practical and financial support in order to be allowed the time to
        grieve. This includes meals, extended leave from workplaces and
        assistance preparing memorials. Person-centred care is required as
        there is no universal answer to postvention support.
        Engagement summary 2019 (WA Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021-2025
        Engagement Report)

24   DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025
Build community       Streamlined                                                               Community suggestions

capacity to respond   notification                                                              • Develop clear and agreed
                                                                                                  postvention network support
to the needs of those processes                                                                   pathways (at the local level) for
affected by a suicide Real-time and better integrated                                             families and affected communities.
death                 data at the community level will help                                     • Provide meals and 'sorry time'
                                                  provide responsive suicide prevention           specific foods, bedding and power-
The painful experience of grief and
                                                  services and supports. Systems                  cards for visiting family and friends.
bereavement following suicide loss
                                                  across government will assist with            • Provide transport for family support,
is further complicated by the effects
                                                  suicide prevention policies and the             and funeral arrangements;.
of stigma and trauma. Increasing the
                                                  transfer of research findings into
skills and knowledge of communities                                                             • Educate services on how to support
to be able to respond safely,                                                                     people bereaved by suicide and the
appropriately and in a manner that                Activities required to ensure this              language to use.
does not inadvertently cause harm is              priority is achieved include:                 • Support community-based services
essential.                                        10.1 Improving the timely and                   such as community groups and
Activities required to ensure this                accurate reporting of suicide deaths in         events, yarning groups and
priority is achieved include:                     Western Australia                               memorial activities.

9.1 Facilitating the development of               10.2 Establishing more consistent
community-designed and agreed                     and timely reporting of WA Police and
crisis/postvention plans and protocols            hospital data on self-harm, suicidal
for high-risk populations.                        ideation and suicide attempts to public
                                                  mental health, Aboriginal Community
9.2 Providing dedicated opportunities
                                                  Controlled Health Organisations
and resourcing for ongoing
                                                  (ACCHOs) and non-government
community and peer level healing.
                                                  services in the community.

      As well as increasing public awareness of the impact of suicidal
      behaviour we must look to educate and empower individuals and
      communities in how to get help, give help and save lives.
      The Ripple Effect: Understanding the exposure and impact of suicide in Australia

                                                                 DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025   25
Case study -
     Metropolitan Suicide Prevention
     Coordinator (SPC) Postvention Project

     In 2018, members              The proposed community             In an Australian first, the       The process of testing and
                                   postvention model would be         Metropolitan SPC team has         reviewing the effectiveness of
     of the Metropolitan           informed by international and      been working with Bowra &         this community postvention
     SPC Postvention               Australian evidence and be         O’Dea to co-design and pilot      model will continue to the end
                                   flexible enough to be adapted      a community postvention           of 2020 and is being formally
     Development                   to ‘best-fit’ by the broad range   model which will equip staff      evaluated by UWA and a group
     Group (over 30                of potential stakeholders in the   to work appropriately with        of experts with experience of
                                   metropolitan area.                 suicide bereavement funerals,     working with people bereaved
     key government,                                                  including:                        by suicide. The findings
                                   The first group which identified   • a training package covering:    will consider the potential
     community and
                                   an interest in trialling such         the use of appropriate         application of this model to
     lived experience              an approach was Bowra &               language; de-mystifying        broader community contexts.
                                   O’Dea Funeral Directors. Their        stigma and myths around
     representatives)              112 staff perform over 3 500          suicide; understanding
     agreed to develop             funerals in the metropolitan          complex grief; and self-care
                                   area per annum. In Australia,         for staff;
     and trial a community         funeral service staff are the      • a range of client and
     postvention model in          most prevalent service used          staff resources providing
                                   following a bereavement. While       information about the
     Perth.                        they are on the frontline with       experience of suicide
                                   families and friends following       bereavement, referral and
                                   a suicide there has been little      support services;
                                   acknowledgement of the role
                                   of funeral service staff or        • a range of organisational
                                   their potential for playing an       interventions around
                                   important part in community          workflow and
                                   postvention.                         communication to further
                                                                        support good practice
                                                                        around suicide bereavement

26   DRAFT Western Australian Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2021 - 2025
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