Standing Together Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester - Greater Manchester ...

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Standing Together Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester - Greater Manchester ...

Standing Together
Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice
services and citizens in Greater Manchester

                Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester
Standing Together Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester - Greater Manchester ...

Standing together
Standing Together Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester - Greater Manchester ...


                        Foreword from the Mayor                                              6

                        Introduction                                                         8

                                 Deputy Mayor                                                8

                                 Chief Constable                                            10

                                 Lead Chief Executive                                       12

                        About Greater Manchester                                            14

                        Priorities                                                         20

                                 Keeping people safe                                       25

                                 Reducing harm and offending                                41

                                 Strengthening communities                                  51
                                 and places

                        Better services                                                     61

                        Budget, grants and accountability                                  69

Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester
Standing Together Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester - Greater Manchester ...

Standing together
Standing Together Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester - Greater Manchester ...

Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester
Standing Together Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester - Greater Manchester ...

Foreword from the
Mayor of Greater
This plan will make Greater Manchester
a safer place for everyone. By
organisations working closely together
with communities I am confident that
we will make a difference for the citizens
of Greater Manchester. The safety and
security of people in Greater Manchester
is my top priority, and to achieve the
commitments in this plan, we will have to        service. Our ability to do this is threatened
overcome the financial challenges that           by the Government budget cuts that GMP
have made the job of our police much             have endured in recent years. As a result,
harder. I am confident that we can do this       we have lost more than 2,000 police
by standing together.                            officers, whilst at the same time more
                                                 people than ever are contacting the police
While Greater Manchester Police (GMP)            and asking for help. The nature of crime
has faced up to their challenges by              is changing and we now deal with crimes
transforming services, putting in place new      that, until recently, were hidden from view.
ways of working and pooling resources with       These crimes, such as child sexual abuse,
partner organisations to tackle complex          online grooming, internet-based fraud and
issues such as child sexual exploitation         modern-day slavery, ruin lives, and the
and modern slavery, we are still developing      police have to respond to them differently.
innovative ways to do things better and          But the police can’t do this alone - we have
deliver the priorities set out in these pages.   to work together to protect those who are
This plan outlines the opportunities
to invest and improve policing and               The police, local authorities and other
community safety through the recruitment         organisations continue to work hard to
of more police officers, improving access        make Greater Manchester one of the best
to police services, and protecting and           places to grow up, get on and grow old, and
strengthening neighbourhood policing             feeling safe is key to this. Only by standing
– the eyes and ears of our communities           together can we build safer communities.
and the cornerstone of an effective police

Standing together
Standing Together Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester - Greater Manchester ...

As Mayor, I will take advantage of                        This plan sets out our vision for a strong,
the opportunities of my role to bring                     safe, resilient Greater Manchester. A
together all those working to build safe                  Greater Manchester that stands together
communities, to deliver real change.                      and works as one to keep people safe and
                                                          protect and support the most vulnerable in
I am committed to building on the                         our society.
hard work and dedication of our police
officers, communities and all our partner
organisations, to make our communities
safer and increase public confidence
in the criminal justice system, while
continuing to lobby Government to ensure
our police service is properly funded. Our                Andy Burnham
police service has and continues to face                  Mayor of Greater Manchester
immense challenges. They deserve better,
as do local communities.

This is a plan for the police, criminal justice
services, community safety and the people
of Greater Manchester. It’s a plan that has
been shaped by community and voluntary
organisations, victims’ groups and support
services, and local people. It is a key part of
the blueprint for Greater Manchester and I
look forward to working with you to bring it
to life.

                           Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester
Standing Together Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester - Greater Manchester ...

Introduction from                                community safety partners, health
                                                 services and voluntary and community

the Deputy Mayor

                                                 Over many years we have seen central
for Policing and                                 Government make drastic cuts to the
                                                 budgets for the police, local authorities
Crime                                            and other public services. Despite these
                                                 cuts, and ever increasing demands for its
                                                 services, Greater Manchester Police has
This is the first Police and Crime Plan I have
                                                 remained incredibly resilient.
prepared as Deputy Mayor for Policing and
Crime in Greater Manchester and I want it
                                                 This plan recognises that the maintenance
to work for everybody.
                                                 of public safety involves more than just the
                                                 police and is not limited to crime. It builds
In preparing this plan, I consulted
                                                 on the foundations that have been laid
extensively with the people who use
                                                 down by my predecessor to reshape how
services as well as the wide variety of
                                                 different organisations can work together
people in different organisations who
                                                 and with the diverse communities that
provide them: police, local authorities,

Standing together

make the region so vibrant.                              I believe that by standing together we can
                                                         make a real difference and make Greater
The consultation with our citizens and                   Manchester one of the best places in the
partners helped to shape three priorities for            world to grow up, get on and grow old.
this plan:

1.    Keeping people safe
2.    Reducing harm and offending
3.    Strengthening communities and 		                   Bev Hughes
      places                                             Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime

To help achieve together our ambition
of safer, stronger communities this plan
includes 34 commitments made jointly
by the Chief Constable, leaders of local
authorities, heads of other organisations,
myself and the Mayor. We commit to
work differently with each other, with local
businesses and most importantly, with the
people of Greater Manchester.

                          Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

Introduction from                                  Events in 2017 have shown the importance
                                                   of the national police network. Greater

the Chief
                                                   Manchester benefitted from support
                                                   that was provided following the terrorist
                                                   attack on Manchester in May 2017. We
Constable                                          are also a contributor to the national law
                                                   enforcement arrangements providing a
Keeping people safe is the primary aim             home to national assets and ensuring
of Greater Manchester Police and it is             specialist officers are available to support
not something we can do on our own.                across the country.
Everyone in Greater Manchester from
partner agencies through to local people           All these elements place the police service
can play their part. This plan helps to            under considerable strain but with the
outline the priorities, the challenges             support of partner agencies, local people
and the ambition we all have for Greater           and the clear direction in this plan we can
Manchester.                                        continue to focus on keeping people safe
                                                   in the years to come.
Policing is now more complex than ever
before with officers dealing with everything
from terrorism and serious crime through
to burglary and antisocial behaviour. We are
facing new threats to safety with emerging
problems including online crime, terrorism         Ian Hopkins
and modern slavery. But at the same time           Chief Constable
we still receive calls for help with burglaries,   Greater Manchester Police
robberies and incidents of vehicle crime.

Every day there are around 3,000 calls for
help and at the same time we have seen
financial constraints that have led to the
loss of 2,000 police officers. It is why we
are looking to transform policing and find
new ways of working that will mean despite
the challenges we can still provide the best
possible service to people across Greater

We are already introducing integrated
working arrangements with colleagues
from local authorities, health and other
service providers. It means Greater
Manchester can be at the forefront of
reforming the way public services are
provided with the support of the Mayor and
Deputy Mayor. It is these developments
that will ensure we can continue to have a
commitment to providing neighbourhood
policing not just now but in the years to
Standing together

Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

Lead Chief Executive for Police and
I welcome this plan for police, community        Safety Partnerships across Greater
safety, criminal justice services and            Manchester. Understanding what concerns
citizens in Greater Manchester. The              people will help us to target our resources
title of the plan, Standing Together,            in areas of greatest need and importantly,
gives a clear message of collaboration,          help us to understand whether what we are
partnership working and inclusion,               doing is making a difference.
to make Greater Manchester safe for
everyone.                                        I know that consultation with the public
                                                 and other stakeholders has been
As interim Chief Executive with portfolio        important in shaping this plan. In the
responsibility for community safety, I will      public consultation, there was widespread
work closely with the police, other chief        support (80%) for the priorities which
executives, elected members and officers         means that we can be confident that we
to support the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to         are tackling the issues that matter most
make a positive difference to people’s lives.    to Greater Manchester residents and by
I am pleased that the plan recognises the        standing together we can reduce crime
important contribution of all partners, now      and anti-social behaviour and make
and for the future, such as local authorities,   Greater Manchester a safer place for
health, probation and the community and          everyone.
voluntary sector, each having a distinct
strength so that our approaches reflect
the complex problems that we are trying to

The development of an outcomes                   Pat Jones-Greenhalgh
framework for the plan will give us a clear      Interim Chief Executive, Bury Council
picture of progress. I will encourage the use    Lead Chief Executive for Police and Crime
of problem-solving approaches using the
right organisations, with the right resources
to take a lead.

Shared learning of successes and
challenges will be another priority for me,
so that all Greater Manchester citizens can
reap the benefits of feeling safer where
they live, work and visit.

I am particularly pleased that we are
introducing a Greater Manchester-wide
perception survey which will ensure that
we know whether this plan is making a
difference for citizens. This will be a useful
source of information for Community
Standing together

Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

                    About Greater
                    Manchester –
                    the place and the

Standing together

        Greater Manchester covers an area               Greater Manchester’s growing population
        of nearly 500 square miles and is               has also become more diverse. Latest
        home to approximately 2.8 million               estimates suggest that 16% of Greater
people, forming 1.2 million households. This            Manchester’s residents are of black, Asian
makes Greater Manchester the second                     and minority ethnic origin, and 8% of
largest city region in the UK and home to               residents do not have English as their first
almost 5% of the UK population. While the               language. Greater Manchester celebrates
region has some rural and remote areas, it              its diverse culture, with a huge number
is a predominantly urban conurbation that               of people of different faiths living in the
comprises the two cities of Manchester                  city region, and a thriving lesbian, gay, bi
and Salford, surrounded by eight large                  and trans community. However, minority
metropolitan areas which are: Bolton, Bury,             groups still face hatred and intolerance
Oldham, Rochdale, Stockport, Tameside,                  which can result in increased demands on
Trafford, and Wigan. Although a single                  police and other services.
functioning economic area, one of the
hallmarks of Greater Manchester is its                  The resident population is increased by
great variety and diversity: whether in its             very large numbers of university students
people (its residents, student populations,             and the large number of people who visit,
those who travel in for work, and those                 socialise in, shop in, commute into, or
who choose to visit); or its places (its                travel through Greater Manchester. With
neighbourhoods, town centres, amenities,                just under 100,000 students across four
cultural attractions and green spaces).                 universities, Greater Manchester has one of
The latest forecast for Greater Manchester              the largest student populations in the UK,
suggests that the population will grow                  and indeed in Europe.
by more than 2% over the four years of
this plan with a notable increase in the                Manchester was the UK’s third most
number of people aged 70 or more and in                 popular city for international visits in 2016,
those under 16. As the population grows                 with 1.2 million visits and Manchester
and ages there will be an increase in the               Airport is the UK’s Global Gateway from the
demands for police and other services.                  North, and the UK’s third biggest airport,
                                                        handling over 22 million passengers a year.
                                                        Greater Manchester has one of the largest
                                                        travel-to-work areas in the UK with 7 million
                                                        people living within one hour’s travel of the
                                                        centre. Around 370 million commuting
                                                        journeys are made per year, according to
                                                        latest information held by Transport for
                                                        Greater Manchester.

                         Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

Taking full account of all the reasons that     Super League teams. If conferences
people travel (commuting, shopping,             and demonstrations are included there
sports and entertainment, socialising,          are more than 1,250 events each year
etc.), an estimated 2.1 billion journeys per    throughout Greater Manchester.
year are made by residents; approximately
5.7 million per day. Cars are the dominant      Maintaining the safety and wellbeing of
mode of transport, but walking accounts         these different groups brings a variety of
for 26% of trips and 268 million journeys       different challenges to the police and other
are made on public transport.                   services.

The cultural, arts and leisure offer includes   The employment rate has recovered from
over 20 large festivals held in Greater         a post-recession low of 66.3% in 2011 to
Manchester (such as Parklife, and the Jazz      71.5% in 2017. However, there are some
Festival); cultural celebrations (including     significant inequalities in education and
Pride Big Weekend, Saddleworth Festival         employment opportunities between
and one of the country’s biggest Chinese        different parts of the city region. In some
New Year celebrations); and home matches        of Greater Manchester’s wards, as many
for two top Premier League football teams,      as 40% of the resident population have
a Division One Cricket team, a Rugby            no qualifications and employment rates
Union Premiership team, and two Rugby           in some parts of the city region are less

Standing together

than 40%. In-work poverty is increasingly                trends observed nationally; this includes
prevalent, and more than a quarter of                    rough sleeping, which has increased by
residents rely on tax credits to support                 42% between 2016 and 2017, with 286
their incomes. The city region has relatively            rough sleepers in Greater Manchester in
large numbers of low wage jobs; slightly                 2017.
less than a quarter of the workforce (more
than 250,000 people) earn less than a                    There is a broad consensus amongst
living wage (as calculated by the Living                 economic forecasting experts that leaving
Wage Foundation).                                        the European Union (so-called Brexit)
                                                         is likely to have a negative net effect on
These disparities within the labour                      the economy, with losses outweighing
market form one part of a wider picture                  any economic gains, at least in the short
of inequality, with significant differences              term (5 to 10 years). The main issues
between the most affluent and most                       facing Greater Manchester include: firms
deprived parts of Greater Manchester’s                   adjusting their trading and operations to
population. An estimated 585,000 of                      reflect the emerging agreements with the
Greater Manchester’s residents are living                European Union, growth in new markets
in neighbourhoods among the most                         outside the EU; and more broadly changing
deprived decile in the country, whilst                   levels of net migration and potential
employment rates for disabled people and                 change in the scale and mix of different
those from ethnic minorities lag behind                  local communities, which will affect the
the UK average. This all translates into a               availability of skills in the labour market.
stark health inequalities challenge: there
is an average gap of around five years                   The developing Greater Manchester
in life expectancy between Trafford and                  Spatial Framework will enable an informed,
Manchester.                                              integrated approach to planning across the
                                                         region. Increasing the number of people
Levels of all forms of homelessness have                 living in and around our town centres,
increased over the last five years, reflecting           and development on brownfield sites will

                          Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

take advantage of the good transport         Greater Manchester is one of the most
connections and existing facilities and      challenging places to police in the United
services and contribute to the suggested     Kingdom, if not Europe. This is reflected
need to build at least 10,000 homes per      in the demands for services provided by
year. Similarly, new development will        the police and other agencies from the
take advantage of existing transport         public, voluntary and private sectors.
infrastructure, and so higher density        These demands take a variety of different
developments are planned around              forms and reflect changes in society.
transport hubs such as rail and Metrolink    Many of these services have become
stations.                                    more complicated and part of protracted
                                             processes such as investigation,
There is an established relationship         protection and reassurance of people in
between the concentration of people          vulnerable and dangerous situations.
and the demands for public services,         The recently-refreshed Greater Manchester
particularly services from the police.       Strategy has the vision to make Greater
People become concentrated together for      Manchester one of the best places in
a number of different reasons including      the world to grow up, get on and grow
travelling (especially public transport);    old. Included in its 10 priorities is building
socialising (such as sporting events,        safer and stronger communities. This
festivals); shopping; or because of living   Greater Manchester wide priority aims to
conditions (deprived areas tend to be        strengthen how, through joint working, the
more densely populated areas). In addition   police, local authorities, community safety
marked disparities between different         organisations and voluntary organisations
communities can fuel anti-social and         work with communities and the private
criminal behaviours.                         sector to provide a portfolio of services that
                                             will improve and maintain public safety.

Standing together

Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

4                   Priorities

Standing together

“Intervention in
reducing crime at the
root cause is better
than tackling it when
it has become too
difficult to manage.
Protecting the
vulnerable in society
is important and
building communities
gives people a sense of
safety and something
worth protecting
      Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

In order to achieve our ambition
for better policing, community
safety and criminal justice
services in Greater Manchester
we must work together. No single
organisation or community acting
alone can keep people safe,
reduce harm and build cohesive,
strong communities.

Consultation with the public
and those who contribute to
community safety, has identified
three priorities. By working to
achieve these priorities we can
help to make Greater Manchester
one of the best places in the world
to grow up, get on and grow old.

Standing together

Our priorities
  Keeping people safe
  Protecting and caring for people who live, work,
  socialise and travel in Greater Manchester.
  Protecting those who are vulnerable and those
  who are victims of crime or at risk of being
  victimised. Building resilience, feelings of safety
  and confidence in policing and community safety.

  Reducing harm and offending
  Preventing anti-social and criminal behaviour
  including the most serious offending and
  terrorism by solving problems, intervening early
  and rehabilitating offenders to build confidence
   in criminal justice.

  Strengthening communities and places
  Helping to build resilient and resourceful
  communities including online communities and
  protecting the places where people live, work,
  socialise or travel. Supporting the delivery of the
  IT systems, buildings, roads, street lighting and
  other public assets needed to solve problems in a
  21st century society.

            Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

We know we will make a difference if

»»   People feel safer at home, at work, socialising, and when travelling
     in Greater Manchester

»»   People express increased confidence in police and other
     organisations that contribute to community safety

»»   People believe the police and community safety services are
     effective, efficient and fair

»»   People believe the justice services (court/out-of-court) are
     effective, efficient and fair (accessible and proportionate)

»»   People believe places are safe and believe communities to be

Standing together

Priority 1
   Keeping People Safe
   Protecting and caring for people who live, work,
   socialise and travel in Greater Manchester.
   Protecting those who are vulnerable and those
   who are victims of crime or at risk of being
   victimised. Building resilience, feelings of safety
   and confidence in policing and community safety.

             Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

                                                 The Social Cohesion
                                                 The Greater Manchester Preventing
                                                 Hateful Extremism and Promoting Social
                                                 Cohesion Commission was announced
                                                 by the Mayor in May. It will consider the
The attack on the Manchester Arena in            broader determinants of social exclusion
May 2017 was a harrowing and sobering            and how we can work collectively to
reminder of how quickly innocent people’s        address these; engage in dialogue with
lives can be devastated. It was also a           our communities and the business sector
reminder of how important the police and         to consider the development of a Greater
other public services are in keeping us safe,    Manchester Charter: a set of shared
caring for those who have been harmed            values and commitments which could
and in helping to rebuild lives.                 be used as the foundations upon which
                                                 the Greater Manchester Strategy work is
The attack illustrated how international         built and develop a distinctive community
events can impact upon lives in Greater          led Greater Manchester approach to
Manchester. In the aftermath of the              challenging radicalisation.
attack the diverse communities of
Greater Manchester came together in             Prevent is a strand of the national approach
a phenomenal show of solidarity and             to counter terrorism and extremism. It
defiance of this hateful extremism –            involves the police and other organisations
however, at the same time there was an          identifying those at risk of being radicalised
increase in hate and crimes of intolerance.     and taking steps to prevent harm as part of
                                                safeguarding arrangements.

                                                We commit to working together to take
                                                account of any recommendations from
                                                the Greater Manchester Preventing
                                                Hateful Extremism and Promoting Social
                                                Cohesion Commission

Standing together

However, many threats are much closer
                                                           “The priorities
to home – some, such as domestic
abuse are within homes or via our internet
                                                           deal with
connections such as online fraud or cyber
crime.                                                     preventative
The government’s continuing austere
public finances have cut police budgets
and those of other public services. Greater
Manchester Police has lost more than
2000 police officers since 2010 and in
addition to this there are now hundreds                    and
fewer Police and Community Safety
Officers (PCSOs) and police staff. This has
led to changes in the services that can be
provided and different ways of working.
At the same time the number of police                      response. This
                                                           means there
officers has been reduced there has been a
marked increase in the demands for police

The increase in the demands for services
                                                           is collective
from the police is not limited to crime, it
also includes anti-social behaviour. This                  responsibility
is a broad label covering a wide variety of
community nuisance which, if repeated,
can cause considerable distress and
                                                           for tackling
have a corrosive effect on communities
or escalate into more serious behaviours.                  crime and
The effects of anti-social behaviour also
lead to considerable demands on services
provided by local authorities ranging from
repairing damage, street cleaning, noise
abatement, dog warden and adult and
child social care.
                                                           - consultation response

                         Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

Standing together

Anti-social behaviour
Anti-social behaviour is a common
reason for an individual to come to the
notice of one or more public services,
especially the police. As part of place-
based integrated working, individuals
may be referred to the ‘problem-solving
team’. Children and young people
exhibiting anti-social behaviour is often
a consequence of parents struggling to                     We commit to working with Community
cope.                                                      Safety partnerships to develop a
                                                           consistent, place-based response to
The approach is characterised by a lead                    dealing with and preventing anti-social
worker continuing to challenge and                         behaviour and crime.
support an individual and their family
to build relationships and a deeper                        We commit to working in partnership
understanding of problems and their                        with local authorities, housing providers,
causes. Having gained a more holistic                      transport for Greater Manchester and
understanding of needs, the worker                         public health to develop effective
is able to arrange for a coordinated                       responses to flagrant use of drugs in
package of actions to be taken and                         public, the litter related to this and to
remove or reduce the need for a series                     educate young people about the risks
of referrals to and between different                      associated with using drugs.
providers. Often the workers are
advocates for people in difficulty with, for
example, social landlords or in helping
them to access assistance schemes or
treatment to improve mental or physical
health. The investment of the time
and effort to understand the causes
and provide a coordinated response
has reduced subsequent demand for
services from individual agencies.

                          Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

As well as increasing, the demands for
services are changing and now include
digital crimes which increasingly target
some of the most vulnerable people in
our communities as well as businesses.
However, cyber crime is not limited to fraud
and whilst often hidden its impacts can be
shattering – digital harm is real harm.

 Fraud prevention and
 The government agency that responds
 to fraud often cannot meet the needs of
 all victims, including some of the most
 vulnerable. In recognition of the harm
 caused to vulnerable victims of fraud a
 pilot Economic Crime Awareness service
 will be provided by GMP to reduce fraud
 and meet the needs of victims. The
 Economic Crime Awareness service
 will work with banks and businesses to
 identify suspicious activity; raise public
 awareness of the measures people
 can take to protect themselves from
 preventable online fraud, romance
 frauds, bogus traders and other scams
 and allow the police to act proactively
 using warnings to disrupt and deter
 fraudulent behaviour where chances
 of prosecution are low. The service will
 include the recruitment of cyber specials
 and volunteers and work closely with
 victim service hubs to meet the needs of
 vulnerable victims and to prevent

 We commit to developing a fuller
 understanding of the nature and scale
 of online vulnerability and working with
 service providers to make people safer
 when they are online. This will require
 establishing the resources needed to
 increase online safety.
Standing together

Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

Domestic abuse ruins lives. It may remain
hidden for a very long time. It takes a
variety of different forms and need not
involve physical violence for example
coercive control or damage to property.         Greater Manchester is one of the most
It happens within trusting relationships        challenging areas to police in England and
irrespective of race, gender, income,           Wales, threats from terrorism, serious and
sexuality, age, educational attainment or       organised crime, child sexual exploitation,
religion and has consequences for whole         serious sexual offences, substance misuse
families. Dealing with domestic abuse           and other crimes are all increasing. In
is complicated, requiring sympathy and          common with other police services, there
empathy for victims who may be reluctant        has been a marked increase in demands
to report their abuse. It involves the police   for services associated with protecting
and many other organisations throughout         people for example, those who are mentally
the criminal justice and care systems.          ill.

                                                Mental ill-health
 Domestic abuse
                                                Mental health nurses will be based in the
 Over the past two years a network of           police control room, providing advice
 volunteers has been developed to provide       to the police about how to respond
 support in the early stages of domestic        when calls are received from people
 abuse. This support includes advice on         who appear to be in distress due to their
 claiming benefits, accessing housing           mental ill-health. This will help the police
 and help to access health services such        to make better choices and to get people
 as a GP. Results have been extremely           who are in crisis the right support more
 positive and there are plans to invest         quickly. It also avoids unnecessary visits
 further so that the volunteer network          to Accident and Emergency.
 can be developed to cover the whole of
 Greater Manchester.

Standing together

“I’m pleased that
a mental health
nurse is available
as I believe the
police have to assist
many more people
with mental health
conditions due to the
absence of adequate
funding for mental
health services.”
- consultation response

                 Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

Standing together

Children and young people have been
                                                           We commit to working together to review
recognised as vulnerable at various
                                                           our approach to complex safeguarding of
transition points to the age of 25, such as
                                                           children in Greater Manchester and take
starting school, moving from primary to
                                                           account of any recommendations made
secondary education, puberty and leaving
                                                           by the Assuring the Effectiveness of
social care. How these transition points
                                                           Multi Agency Responses to Child Sexual
are negotiated has a huge impact on an
                                                           Exploitation in Greater Manchester work.
individual’s life chances. The extent of this
vulnerability and its consequences are
greater for some groups of children than                   We commit to maintaining a focus
others and this will shape how services are                on the needs of children and young
provided.                                                  people, striving to keep them safe and
                                                           recognise that they can be victims of
                                                           crime at home and in the community.
Safeguarding                                               We will consult with the Youth Combined
                                                           Authority and will consider creating a
In order to ensure that children and young                 schools engagement panel about how
people are protected, an independent                       best to keep young people safe.
evaluation has been commissioned
which will provide assurance that Greater
Manchester has the best possible systems
in place to safeguard children.

Specific ‘edge of care responses’ are
being piloted which aim to support more
families to stay together where it is safe to
do so and to support those leaving care for
example by providing access to housing.

                          Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

Protecting people, particularly those who
are most vulnerable is complicated and        Missing children
produces an ongoing demand for police
services. People may be vulnerable for a      Some children and young people go
variety of different reasons and the number   missing from home frequently. This puts
affected can vary considerably from one       them at risk of harm and in some cases
place to another. Every year, thousands of    exploitation, and creates a high demand
children and adults are reported missing      for the police and other services. By the
from home, most are returned home             time a young person has gone missing
safely, but this requires a considerable      six times a pattern of behaviour that is
effort on the part of the police and other    difficult to break, has often formed. The
organisations.                                Footsteps project works with children
                                              who have been missing from home more
                                              than once. The reason for running away
                                              and the risks associated with running
                                              away are explored with the children and
                                              their families. The project has helped to
                                              build self-esteem and confidence and
                                              the early findings suggest that this early
                                              intervention is having a positive impact.

Standing together

                                                          Modern slavery

In addition to the more obvious causes                    The Modern Slavery Coordination
of vulnerability, the police and other                    Unit is at the forefront of dealing with
organisations work to uncover so-called                   crimes of slavery, human trafficking
hidden demands. As the label might                        and exploitation were growing in
suggest, the true extent of these remains                 Greater Manchester. This multi-agency
unclear. However, the vulnerability, abuse                unit provides care to victims such
and exploitation caused by modern slavery,                as safe accommodation, material
female genital mutilation and so-called                   assistance and access to counselling
honour-based abuse is undeniable.                         and therapeutic support. It also raises
                                                          awareness about the forms and signs
                                                          of slavery, trafficking and exploitation
 Female genital mutilation                                and it encourages people to report their
                                                          concerns. The unit has a network of
 The Guardian Project works with young                    specialist advisors who help to develop
 women and girls who are either at risk                   strategies and co-ordinate interventions
 of, or have already been subject to                      that protect victims. Stop the Traffik
 female genital mutilation (FGM) and their                co-ordinates the Greater Manchester
 families. It educates families and raises                network of voluntary organisations which
 awareness of the harm caused and                         identifies likely human trafficking and
 the illegality of FGM. This has included                 modern slavery and has contributed
 providing information about their rights                 to Greater Manchester achieving the
 to girls through schools in the areas                    highest number of prosecutions for any
 of highest risk of harm. In the past 12                  police force area in the UK. Over the next
 months over 70 referrals have been                       12 months a complementary network of
 received. Building on this partnership                   businesses will be developed.
 approach we will work with the NHS to
 improve access to counselling services
                                                          We commit to lobbying government
 across Greater Manchester and with
                                                          about the importance of addressing
 police and criminal justice partners to
                                                          poverty in the countries in which victims
 progress FGM protection orders and
                                                          of modern slavery originated. We also
                                                          commit to lobbying the Home Office
                                                          to improve the services offered to
                                                          repatriated victims in country of origin.

                         Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

                                               GMP will continue to reform to meet the
 So-called honour-based abuse                  challenge of providing services but this will
                                               require some hard choices to be made; it is
 Project Choice started as a pilot last year   no longer possible for the police to attend
 and has since been expanded to cover          every call for service. The police continue
 the whole of Greater Manchester. The          to prioritise their responses according to
 project has been specifically designed to     the greatest risk of harm or distress. This
 support people who are victims of forced      means that more incidents are dealt with
 marriage and so-called honour-based           without being attended by a police officer.
 abuse. In addition to offering support        It also means placing a greater emphasis
 and advice and working in schools to          on stopping problems before they happen
 raise awareness of the issue, the project     so the police can prioritise issues that
 has helped a number of vulnerable             cause the greatest harm. It also means
 individuals to obtain forced marriage         developing new ways for the public to
 protection orders. Some of the children       contact and receive advice from the police;
 helped by the project have been as young      GMP is experimenting with the use of more
 as 14.                                        online services such as live chat which in
                                               many case, will provide information faster.
 We commit to further expanding the
 training offered to frontline workers to      Some of the services that the police have
 help them spot the warning signs of           provided in the past may look very different
 a possible forced marriage to prevent         in four years’ time; some may be provided
 victimisation                                 by a different organisation and others may
                                               not be provided at all.

Standing together

                                                          Victim service
                                                          A new service for victims is being rolled
                                                          out across Greater Manchester to provide
                                                          and co-ordinate support to victims of
                                                          anti-social behaviour and crime. The
                                                          service will help victims cope and recover
                                                          from the impact and consequences
Drugs Early Warning System                                of their experience; identify and tailor
                                                          support to vulnerable and repeat victims,
The Greater Manchester Drugs Early                        including children and young people;
Warning System, provides the results of                   place particular emphasis on victims
testing the purity and strength of illicit                of fraud and cyber crime, domestic and
drugs to the police and others, including                 sexual abuse, hate crime, anti-social
medical professionals. This has become                    behaviour. This tailored approach may
a trusted source of information to advise                 trigger an enhanced offer to address
would be drug users about the specific                    more complex needs and may involve a
risks associated with using particular                    multi-agency approach to ensure wider
batches of drugs. For example in 2017,                    needs of victims are met. Support will
the drugs early warning system informed                   be provided through a single point of
the response to and media coverage of                     contact who will ensure that victims
the use of Spice.                                         progress through the criminal justice
                                                          system smoothly. Those who do not
Anybody can be vulnerable at any given
                                                          progress through the criminal justice
moment, but some people clearly have a
                                                          system will continue to be supported.
higher level of vulnerability than others.
Helping to keep the most vulnerable safe
is the top priority for the police working                We commit to commissioning victim
with others.                                              support services that meet the different
                                                          needs of victims and care for those who
For those who have been subject to abuse                  have been abused or exploited.
or have been exploited, the police and
others play a vital role in caring for them               We commit to looking to expand and
and in helping to rebuild their lives.                    develop the access to forensic and
                                                          aftercare services provided to victims,
                                                          particularly those who have been abused
                                                          or exploited. By taking a place-based
                                                          approach to providing the aftercare
                                                          to victims of rape and sexual assault,
                                                          female genital mutilation and child
                                                          sexual exploitation, victims will receive
                                                          the care they need closer to home.

                         Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

We will know we are keeping people safe if,
in addition to the overarching outcomes:
»»   There are fewer repeat victims; particularly victims of violence,
     abuse, exploitation, domestic abuse and hate

»»   Those who have been abused or exploited are cared for and
     helped to recover. This includes children and young people;
     disadvantaged people; women and girls; elderly; those suffering
     mental ill-health and those abusing substances

»»   Service users are satisfied with the services they received from
     the police and other organisations that contribute to community

»»   There are fewer inequalities in satisfaction and confidence

»»   The incidence of crimes against the person is in line with that for
     similar areas

»»   The incidence of household crimes is in line with that for similar

Standing together

Priority 2
   Reducing harm and offending
   Preventing anti-social and criminal behaviour
   including the most serious offending and
   terrorism by solving problems, intervening early
   and rehabilitating offenders to build confidence
    in criminal justice.

            Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

Crime and anti-social behaviour
can damage and destroy lives. The               Prevent
consequences of even a single offence
can be devastating and widespread; going        The Counter-Terrorism Prevent team is
beyond the immediate victim and offender        primarily focussed on the safeguarding
to affect the lives of wider family, friends    of individuals vulnerable to radicalisation,
and communities.                                regardless of the ideology.

Keeping people safe, our first priority,        The team is piloting a collaboration with
also depends on reducing harm, and              mental health partners which includes
focusing on those who offend or are at          police officers and NHS psychiatric
risk of becoming offenders. There is a          nurses working alongside each other
broad spectrum of harm, from terrorism          to assess vulnerable individuals and
and organised crime, through violence,          identify those with diagnosable mental
acquisitive crime and anti-social behaviour.    health conditions. As a result of the pilot,
The police and partner organisations            individuals with undiagnosed mental
will focus on prevention, disruption and        health issues have been identified
investigation and will identify offenders and   and they have been given support or
establish the necessary evidence.               treatment.
People become offenders for a variety of
different reasons and if a young person
                                                Problem-solving justice
commits crime or anti-social behaviour, it
can have serious consequences not only
                                                Criminal justice agencies have adopted
for themselves, but also for their families
                                                a problem-solving approach in dealing
and their communities. Therefore it is
                                                with female offenders. This approach is
important there is a whole family approach
                                                a collaboration between magistrates,
to changing their behaviour.
                                                local women’s centres, domestic abuse
                                                services, health and housing. This family-
 Support on release and in                      centred approach has kept more families
 custody - family support                       together and addresses offending
                                                behaviour. It has reduced reoffending
 Parental imprisonment has a significant        and benefited the wider families. We
 impact on any child and their wider            will now take a similar problem-solving
 family. Positive family relationships          approach in dealing with young people
 reduce reoffending. Working with the           which should prevent reoffending, reduce
 governors of three prisons and with            victimisation and support the young
 prisoners from Greater Manchester,             people identified to be valued members
 partners are jointly commissioning             of their communities.
 family support services for offenders,
 their families, friends and significant
 others. This approach is the first of its
 kind nationally and will ensure that family
 support for offenders serving custodial
 sentences and their families, are better

Standing together

Care in Custody
                                                         We commit to developing a better
People in police custody, at court and
                                                         understanding of the behaviours that
being released from custody can have
                                                         precede offending such as non-payment
many complex problems which, if
                                                         of rent, children absent from school, or
not addressed, could result in further
                                                         increased alcohol use. As part of our
offending. The Greater Manchester
                                                         family-centred approach, place-based
Liaison and Diversion scheme co-
                                                         multi-agency teams will use these
commissioned by the Deputy Mayor and
                                                         indicators to identify people, particularly
the NHS will introduce assessments by
                                                         women, and take steps to prevent their
trained health staff so that vulnerable
                                                         behaviours escalating into offending.
individuals in custody affected by issues
                                                         We will promote voluntary engagement
such as mental ill-health, homelessness,
                                                         with services and, where necessary,
or learning disabilities, are helped to
                                                         use all the powers available to police
access appropriate support as soon as
                                                         and criminal justice agencies to enforce
possible. This is a new project, the first
                                                         compliance with programmes which
of its kind in England and will help us
                                                         will address the causes of offending,
to ensure that support follows people
                                                         including the use of conditions,
through the criminal justice system
                                                         such as drug and alcohol treatment
reducing duplication and stopping
people falling through the gaps, and
thereby reduce offending.

                        Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

     is hugely                 By adopting a problem-solving approach
     important.                and intervening early, the police and
                               others can reduce and prevent anti-social

     If people                 behaviour and offending. It is common
                               for offenders and their families to be
                               users of or known to a variety of different
     respect their             public services including housing, health,
                               emergency services, social care and
     communities               education. This represents a considerable
                               demand and cost to these services

     they are less             individually and collectively. Reducing this
                               demand and breaking this cycle cannot
                               be achieved by one agency on its own
     likely to offend          and requires work to address underlying
                               problems. Only by working together
     in them.”                 with partners across public services,
                               including criminal justice and the voluntary
                               sector can we challenge and change the
                               behaviours that cause the most harm.

     - consultation response

Standing together

Early intervention and
Early Intervention and prevention involves
a variety of different frontline workers
from, for example, voluntary sector,
health, education, police and housing
recognising and sharing early indications
of need. These indications can include
                                                          Intensive Community Orders
poor school attendance, rent arrears and
                                                          Greater Manchester has historically
a lack of boundaries and these signs are
                                                          had a high number of 18 to 25-year-old
used to trigger supportive interventions
                                                          young men whose offending behaviour
that stabilise individuals and their
                                                          would result in a short-term prison
family situations. This support may be
                                                          sentence with a high risk of committing
in relation to housing, health, education
                                                          further offences on release from prison.
or employment and skills either
                                                          Many of these men are immature, have
individually or collectively and is provided
                                                          learning needs, poor school attendance
locally. A number of case studies have
                                                          and limited employment and short
demonstrated how, by responding to
                                                          term prison sentences do not address
such early indications of need, individual
                                                          their needs. Intensive Community
and family circumstances and life
                                                          Orders are being used to challenge
chances can be dramatically improved
                                                          offending behaviour and support
and break a cycle of dependency on
                                                          community sentences and meet the
public services.
                                                          needs of individual offenders and their
We commit to maintaining a focus                          families. The orders take account of the
on the needs of all children and young                    individual’s age and encourage changes
people, including those in the criminal                   in behaviour which reduce reoffending.
justice system to help them achieve                       There is a strong evidence base that
their potential. For those young offenders                Intensive Community Orders ensure
who do need to be in custody, we will                     that young men successfully complete
lobby the Ministry of Justice for a                       their community sentence, reduce their
secure school for Greater Manchester                      offending and improve their lifestyles.
working with local businesses and other
criminal justice partners. We will engage                 We commit to explore opportunities
with businesses to develop mentoring                      with criminal justice partners to develop
schemes for the young people to help                      consistent, age appropriate interventions
them get on in life.                                      delivered by youth and adult offending
                                                          services together. This will involve
We commit to working with the Ministry                    improving the links between children’s
of Justice to take local control of the                   and adult’s services
education and training of prisoners to
give them skills that match the Greater
Manchester jobs market and explore
other opportunities to take back power
from Westminster.

                         Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

     “I think the number
     one priority is to
     keep people safe, but
     you have to look at
     the reasons people
     commit crime and try
     to address those if
     you want to make a
     big difference.”
     - consultation response

Standing together

Organised crime is often associated
with drugs, violence and firearms but
is also responsible many other types of
crime and criminality; either directly or by
undermining the fabric of communities
and creating a climate of fear in which
anti-social behaviour and crime can thrive.
Organised crime is often associated with
counterfeit goods including illicit alcohol
and tobacco both of which may be viewed
as Robin Hood crimes but can result in
significant health harms.

 Programme Challenger
 Responding to the problem of organised
 crime requires collaboration, as well as a
 positive, reciprocal relationships between
 these agencies and the law-abiding
 public. Programme Challenger is Greater
 Manchester’s partnership approach to
 tackling serious organised crime in all its
 forms. It brings together police, councils,
 and other public, private and voluntary
 sectors organisations. Funding has been
 provided to target offending behaviour
 and prosecute criminals involved in
 serious and organised crime, Programme
 Challenger is committed to ensuring that
 individuals and communities affected
 by these crimes receive appropriate
 protection and safeguarding.

The police and others play a vital role
in protecting and supporting not only
those who have been victimised but also
rehabilitating those who have committed
the offences. However, this does not mean
that offenders go unpunished. For those
who have caused the greatest harm,
this will include custodial sentences and
management and supervision in the

                          Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

 Offenders managed and
 supported in Greater
 The Greater Manchester Spotlight
 Integrated Offender Management
 teams manage those who have
 committed acquisitive crimes, violent
 crimes and domestic abuse. The teams
 are made up of officers from police,
 national probation and the community
 rehabilitation company who work closely     It is vital that the public have confidence
 with other local services. They aim to      in the wider criminal justice system and
 reduce reoffending and increase their       the organisations that contribute to it,
 compliance with the sentence conditions     but this confidence will only exist if the
 by responding to changes in offender        public believe the system is both fair and
 behaviour rapidly                           effective. Part of this effectiveness is
                                             measured by the rehabilitation of offenders
 Sex offender management                     during their time in custody or whilst
                                             serving a community sentence. It is also
 Sex offenders represent a significant       important that the impact on prisoner’s
 risk of harm to communities, ruining        families is recognised and interventions are
 lives and placing a considerable demand     made to reduce negative consequences.
 on the police and partner agencies.
 We have introduced a joint programme        Many prisoners are vulnerable immediately
 to assess and manage offenders              after release from prison, particularly if
 and reduce the risk they pose. The          they don’t have access to employment or
 programme is also seeking to prevent        suitable accommodation which may lead
 further harm and increase efficiency,       them to re-offend.
 by targeting interventions through new
 ways of working, for example by using
 polygraph testing with sex offenders
 being managed in the community.
 Specialist research, data modelling and
 forecasting is being used to examine
 the offender population to help develop
 effective systems to manage offenders.
 The programme hopes to deliver a better
 understanding of types of offending
 beyond simple risk levels and analysis
 of existing criminal justice processes to
 produce the evidence for change from
 April 2018.

Standing together

                                                         Others who have offended or who are
                                                         at risk of offending may have learning
                                                         difficulties, disabilities or autism. Such
                                                         people have distinctive needs that should
                                                         be incorporated in the approaches taken
                                                         to justice and rehabilitation. This requires
                                                         the involvement of other partners such as
                                                         the NHS and the community and voluntary
                                                         sector to help some of the most vulnerable
                                                         people to be diverted from the criminal
                                                         justice system earlier, and to reduce the
                                                         risk of reoffending.
Support on release and in
custody - employment,                                      Restorative justice
learning and skills
                                                           Restorative justice brings offenders
Approximately 40% of adult prisoners                       together with their victims, and facilitates
report having been permanently                             a conversation between them which
excluded from school and 60% leave                         allows the victim to express the impact of
prison without gaining any skills or                       the offending and requires the offender
qualifications that will assist them in                    to see the consequences of their actions.
securing employment. The devolution                        The approach personalises the crime
agreement provides Greater Manchester                      and delivers an outcome that satisfies
with the opportunity to take more                          victims and the wider community and
responsibility for the lives of the prison                 aims to help offenders understand the
population. An integrated work and skills                  impact of their crime and prevent further
system is being developed which will                       offending. Over the next 12 months, a
identify the skills needed in the local jobs               service to better co-ordinate restorative
market and train prisoners accordingly.                    justice across Greater Manchester will be
We commit to working with the Ministry
of Justice and prison governors to
develop a resettlement prison for                          We commit to developing a strategy
Greater Manchester to prepare prisoners                    for dealing with offences out-of-court.
for release and help them to secure                        This will bring greater consistency in the
employment, housing and prevent                            use of restorative justice approaches
reoffending.                                               across Greater Manchester ensuring that
                                                           the needs of victims are met and steps
                                                           are taken to prevent further offending.
                                                           These steps may be concerned with
                                                           rehabilitation, reparation or punishment
                                                           and set conditions the offender has to

                          Our plan for police, community safety, criminal justice services and citizens in Greater Manchester

We will know we are reducing harm and
offending if, in addition to the overarching
»»   There are fewer recidivists; particularly those who perpetrate
     violence, abuse, exploitation, domestic abuse and hate

»»   There is a reduction in the frequency and seriousness of
     offending particularly amongst those who cause the greatest
     harm including sex offenders

»»   Justice is perceived to be fair and equitable

»»   There is increased confidence in the way the criminal justice
     system treats offenders

»»   There is increased confidence in restorative approaches,
     rehabilitation/recovery – of those who have harmed

»»   There is public confidence in how serious and organised crime is

»»   There is public confidence in counter-terrorism

Standing together
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