DTALK WORKING TOGETHER - Ballyfermot Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force
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Introduction Cllr Vincent Jackson As Chair of the Ballyfermot Local Drug This edition focuses on some of the and Alcohol Task Force (BLDATF) I am excellent community facilities available delighted to introduce this year’s edition locally; we also highlight some of the of dTalk our community magazine. The services available to families, who title of this year’s edition is Working may need additional support, and Together and the theme of this edition we emphasise the importance of is young people and families. At communication and collaboration – this BLDATF we are keen to ensure that the is as important for families and young community is informed about what we people as it is for any of us. are doing, but also that we are informed about what the community is doing and It’s been a busy and exciting year experiencing. At the core of the work in Ballyfermot, but we have also of BLDATF is the community, and the experienced some challenges. This hasn’t Cover photo courtesy of community projects we work with. As in been easy for many people locally, the Ballyfermot Youth Service last year’s edition, this edition highlights BLDATF is aware of that. BLDATF wanted the range of both specialised substance to use this edition as an opportunity to misuse intervention services as well as reach out to the community and target some of the other community projects some information for young people which BLDATF work closely with. and families. Families are the life blood of any community. The projects within Inter-agency work and collaboration is at Ballyfermot recognise the important the core of the BLDATF; this is the same role played by families and we hope this with the projects. There’s some great edition demonstrates that. examples in here about inter-agency BLDATF welcome your feedback and work – Advance and Familibase working suggestions, contact details for the with younger people, Matt Talbot and BLDATF are provided at the back of the Star working on family support and magazine. much more. The theme of young people and families was chosen this year to highlight the central role family plays in all our lives, but in particular in the lives of young people. BLDATF are aware of the challenges many families and young people can face in Ballyfermot, but we are also acutely aware of the strengths of local families and the value of young people in a community. dTALK 2019 3
Contents Foreword 5 Foreword I am delighted to have the and has become the norm. We opportunity to write the now know that smoking weed 6 Ballyfermot Advance Project foreword for dTalk can lead to a multitude of 7 Fusion CPL - Reach Out Programme Magazine. I feel my own negative effects in our experiences in life have mental health including 9 Ballyfermot Social Intervention Initiative given me an insight serious mental health into surviving the conditions such as 10 Túsla Child & Family Support Network pitfalls in addiction and schizophrenia. 13 Adolescent Addiction Service Report 2018 recovery. My hope in Another issue I have speaking openly about noticed with our youth 15 CODY – Cherry Orchard Developing Youth it is to point out available is that a perception of services and to encourage a lack in activities can - Seán’s Story others to speak up and not be lead to anti-social behaviour 17 Support Treatment Aftercare afraid to ask for help. and substance misuse. On a Many people can slip under our radar positive note, over the last ten years Rehabilitation - Ballyfermot Star and my message is to watch out for a number of youth groups have one another. Take heed of signs with developed programmes, cafes and clubs. 19 Matt Talbot Community Trust friends and loved ones of hopelessness, Ballyfermot hosts a number of excellent 20 Ballyfermot De La Salle GAA reckless behaviour, increase in drug or facilities, services and activities for young alcohol use, withdrawal or talk of suicide people and families, many of which are 21 Family Matters Area Based and encourage them to seek help. outlined in this edition of dTalk. I really Childhood (ABC) Programme Sometimes it is difficult to know what believe that as families and communities services are available but they do exist it is imperative that we know what 22 FamiliBase and many are outlined in this edition of services are available to us and to feel dTalk. safe in accessing these services. 26 Mental Health Issues and Substance Use I was recently invited to FamiliBase The good news is that the need for a 28 Heads Up to give a talk to young people about broad umbrella of services has been substance misuse and I was really recognised and there is now a range of 29 Community Grants struck by the amount of young people supports available. It is important to say attending and their level of honesty that if one does not work, try another 30 Candle Community Trust Services and sense of fun when I asked them one. There is no longer a need to be 32 Cherry Orchard Integrated Youth Service questions about their lives. I was asked to alone if you are suffering from addiction, put an emphasis on the subject of weed mental health issues or have a loved one 34 Ballyfermot Youth Service (BYS) as statistics have shown a huge increase in addiction. Remember to reach out to in consumption particularly with young and to keep this magazine as a reference 35 International Womens Day 2018 people over the last few years. I don’t point for services and supports in your 36 Suicide Prevention believe in shock tactics or the “say no to community. drugs” approach as I know that it doesn’t 37 Useful Supports work but I fear that cannabis use is seen Rachael Keogh through rose tinted glasses by our youth Author of Dying to Survive 4 dTALK 2019 dTALK 2019 5
Ballyfermot Advance Project Fusion CPL - DOS and effective case management. Reach Out Programme In collaboration with BSII and Familibase The Addiction Practitioner can carry out is the Detached Outreach Service (DOS). interagency outreach to services in the The DOS team connects with hard to catchment area to provide information reach young people, particularly those and simplify the referral process. For the last 18 months FusionCPL have been working on an exciting new family not already working with services.. The communications programme for families with a father in prison. This programme work offers informal information to As a low threshold service the Advance is funded through the Ballyfermot Drug & Alcohol Task Force and FusionCPL young people and the work also informs Project aims to be as accessible and commissioned Archways to research, design and implement the pilot programme knowledge staff have of what’s happening flexible with people as possible. on their behalf. on the ground – drug trends in the area. 5 Step Support The Reach Out Project consists of 5 interlinked components - Group Work The 5-Step Method is a brief intervention to Also in collaboration with Familibase, support family members in their own right Advance offers drug and alcohol who have a close relative with an alcohol intervention groups. Group content is or drug problem. It has been shown to based on best practice and interventions help reduce the strain experienced by known to work and programmes can be family members concerned. tailored to a group. It is for adult family members affected by a SMART (Self-Management and Recovery relative’s drug and/or alcohol problem, for Training) 18 – 25 year-old specific group. It is example this may be a drug user’s partner, a peer-support programme that uses tools sibling, parent, grandparent or adult son/ and techniques grounded in cognitive- daughter. It’s rolled out over 5 weeks. An behavioural principles. The programme onward referral can be made depending is designed to empower participants to on the individual’s needs. Some family abstain and to develop a more positive members may choose to go Star where lifestyle. The Advance project facilitates longer term support is available. a group on Thursdays at 3:30pm, and is aiming to become peer-led. You can avail of the service by self-referral or be referred by another service. Key Working The Advance project offers key working Out of Hours after an initial assessment is completed Advance are offerting out of hours street and when the Project is deemed an outreach 3 evenings a week on a pilot appropriate support for the young person. basis. The reponse so far has been really Child Interest Surveys Child Development Module Key working is the simple process of positive and more people are engaging in Our research showed that prisoners This module will examine the three core working with people to achieve their goals our service as well as other services in the felt they lacked information about their developmental stages that children region as a result. child’s daily activities and needs. This progress through from the ages of three created distance and a vulnerability at to twelve years. The modules includes the heart of their capacity to engage information on the behaviours that with their child. The purpose of these accompany these developmental stages surveys is to garner information from and the thought processes and activities both parent and child about their best suited for children throughout everyday activities, likes dislikes, hopes, these stages. dreams and expectations. 6 dTALK 2019 dTALK 2019 7
Enhanced Communications and perspective based communication Module This module covers the following practices. Newly trained mentors will be provided with monthly supervision by Ballyfermot Social components: problem solving, creative thinking, social skills, management trained Map mentors. Tip sheets - Will target problems in Intervention Initiative of emotions, negotiation skills, values communications and relationships enhancement, and critical reasoning. that prisoners routinely face. These tip Each component focuses on practicing sheets will be developed in interaction certain skills. with the prisoners in the enhanced Who We Help: opportunities to mothers through • We work with families/individuals our WISE women’s group communication module and will enable engaging in or experiencing anti- • We provide support and mentoring Mentoring prisoners to problem solve and practice social activities /behaviour and to young people from 18years FusionCPL staff and designated the key skills required to deal with where drug use may or may not be onwards staff within the prison will train in an the emergence of unexpected family a problem • We advocate on behalf of individuals evidence based mentoring programme situation or issues of personal crisis in • We can work with the entire family / community when engaging with with a dual purpose. The programme relation to family communication. or individual family members e.g. • DCC, Gardaí, Intreo and other trains mentors in mediation and goal Reach Out is currently being piloted in mothers, sibling, young person relevant agencies orientated planning strategies, crisis the Progression Unit in Mountjoy with 7 themselves • We provide key workers and develop management, family problem solving mentees. • All clients must be over 18. care plans with clients • Clients can be referred through another service or can self-refer. Contact Us • By phone, email or call into the office What We Do • Through dcc estate management • We support the family to look at the • Probation and welfare, schools etc. causes of anti-social behaviour and the effects on the family • We provide practical support with problems such as eviction, relationship with Garda, housing advice, DCC etc. • We provide ongoing support, training, education and social 8 dTALK 2019 dTALK 2019 9
“it takes a village to raise a child.” Tusla including schools, youth services, family Túsla Child & Family understands that this is still true today. resources centres, medical services and also sports clubs, such as a local football Support Network Tusla is not only Social Work clubs. Everything is based on parental Many people think of terms like, “Social consent and the issues affecting that Work,” “Child Protection,” and “Children family at that time. Meitheal is the being taken away” when they hear parents’ meeting and they choose who about Tusla, and that’s understandable. they want to invite to a Meitheal meeting. The Child and Family Support Network (CFSN) in Ballyfermot and Meitheal, a Tusla However, since its establishment in 2014 led Early Intervention National Practice Model there has been two sides to Tusla: the Examples of the challenges Meitheal child protection side is a key aspect of could help are: the agency, but there is also a prevention, • A child having problems at school partnership and family support side. • A child feeling down Meitheal is firmly embedded in • Not getting on with your child prevention, partnership and family • Family problems support. The name Meitheal comes from • Illness or bereavement an old Irish word that describes how • Difficult behaviour neighbours get together to give each • Relationship with your child other practical help and support. If you would like more information, Meitheal brings together the people request a Meitheal or train to become and services who want to support a lead practitioner/ facilitator please child or parent, so that they can make contact the CFSN Co-ordinator Miriam the changes to their lives that they may Schweigard on 087-3431396 or miriam. What are Child and Family and in general Community and Voluntary want or need. This can involve a number schweigard@tusla.ie Support Networks (CFSNs)? Services. We meet every 2 months to “ of different services and supports, Supporting families and keeping Hear about eachother’s services and to children safe is everyone’s business, and see how we can address any gaps and “It has helped me massively” families should experience services as needs that may exist in Ballyfermot. We “Everyone sits at a table and we are all on the same page”, ” easily accessible as possible. Child and work very closely with the CYPSC network “Everybody is on the same wavelengths” Family Support Networks are comprised within Tusla. (taken from video parents talk about Meitheal). of the local services that play a role in the lives of children, young people and The aim of the CFSN is to co-ordinate families in a given area. They work with information about services and to work families to ensure that there is ‘No Wrong in partnership so in practical terms, if Door’ and that those who reach out will a family contacts one service within be connected with the services that can the Network, and that service is not best meet their needs. equipped to meet their needs, that Network member will re-direct the family In Ballyfermot, the child and family to the Network Member(s) who are most support networks consists of Family appropriate to meet their needs. Support Services, Youth Work Services, Homeless Services, Garda Youth Diversion What is Meitheal? Project, Family Resource Centres, Drug “Meitheal” is a Tusla led support plan that and Alcohol Services, Educational Welfare supports families and children to find the Officers, Primary and Secondary Schools help they need. As the old saying goes, 10 dTALK 2019 dTALK 2019 11
Case Study Adolescent Addiction A Meitheal was requested for 7 year old Bobby by Bobby’s school. Bobby lives what the desired outcome is and how to achieve those goals. Ultimately, the goal Service Report 2018 with his mum and younger sibling. was that Bobby would be less angry, Bobby gets angry a lot and sometimes would feel more content and happier in In 2018 the Adolescent Addiction Service 2017, see Fig.2 for comparison with other he would hit his mum and his sibling. himself and enjoy going to school. worked with 43 young people and their years. Poor school attendance at 16% is an While he likes his SNA (special needs families. The average of the young people issue that requires attention showing a assistant) in school he doesn’t want A number of actions were put in place was 15 years old (range 13 - 18 years). The rise of 7% on 2017. The number of young to go to school most days and the including: majority (93%) were male and 11% were people who had previous/current contact mornings can be difficult for mum. He • Additional support for mum in the Non-Irish Nationals. In addition to direct with the Child & Adult Mental Health has really good days and mum would mornings A parenting programme say that when he is good he is the best for mum work with young people and families the Service (CAMHS) was also slightly higher but there are plenty of difficult days too • Actions were taken to look at the service engaged in consultations with than 2017 at 48% but lower than at any and mum is on her own and also has to waiting list with the disability other professionals and services about other stage over the previous twenty- look after Bobby’s sibling. Bobby is on a services and clarify when support young people for whom there were two years. This may be influenced by waiting list for the disability service and could be offered to Bobby and concerns in relation to substance misuse. introduction of JIGSAW Service within mum doesn’t really understand what exactly what support will be made The numbers of young people attending catchment area and where some parents exactly he is on waiting lists for. available. the service of school going age, who confirm receiving referral information. were out of education/training at time All attendees were known to a number The Home School Liaison Officer in Progress towards outcomes after a few of referral shows a slight increase upon of agencies and on average the service the school sat down with mum and Meitheal meetings: looked at what was working well and • Family support came on board where the family needed help. She was after a few weeks and is now Jigsaw Fig 1: Referral source the supportive person throughout the helping mum in the mornings so Own Service Request process, which is known as the Lead the mornings are easier and Bobby JLO/Youth Justice Practitioner. Together with Bobby’s gets to school on time which in turn 2018 EWO mum, the lead practitioner arranged a makes his day in school easier. Residential Care Meitheal. • There have been less reports of 2017 Friend negative behaviour Other Adolescent At the first meeting, mum, the lead • Mum completed the parenting Jigsaw 2013 practitioner, the SNA, and a speech and programme and found it very Adult Addiction Ser language therapist from the disability useful service sat down and looked at the • Bobby is hitting less and he now GP 2010 desired outcomes for Bobby and his gets on better with his mum and Teen Counselling family. The meeting was facilitated sibling Probation Outreach 1998 by an independent chair person. The • Mum also said Bobby seems chair person is there to ensure that the happier in himself Hospital family’s voice is being heard and that • While he is still on the waiting list Social Work everything is fair and written down of the disability service, the family Alt Education Centre correctly. has a clearer idea about what School services he is waiting for and they Community Youth Proj A number of things were discussed to now receive a regular update as to CAMHS make fmailyfamily life easier for Bobby where they are on the list. Self and his family. The Meitheal explores Family 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 *EWO – Educational Welfare Officer **CAMS – Child & Adult Mental Health Service 12 dTALK 2019 dTALK 2019 13
30 CODY – Cherry Orchard Figure 2: Number of worked with three other 25 young people of school 20 going age who were agencies on behalf of of education or in Developing Youth 15 young people (range=1-7) alternative education 10 at time of referral in addition to other 5 concerned persons. The - Seán’s Story 0 Out of Education extent to which substance Alternative Education 98 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 misuse featured within families was slightly lower at 52% compared to 57% Figure 3: Referral Areas Outside Catchment in 2017 and incidence Palmerstown 2018 Seán Henaghan kindly spent some time to talk to me about a recent trip to Waterford of parental separation Lucan 2017 with the Cherry Orchard Developing Youth group, better known as CODY. was also lower at 56% Inchicore 2010 1998 compared to 63% in 2017. Ballyfermot using their own bikes or waiting for new Cannabis/Weed continues Clondalkin bikes which might be better for long to be the primary 0 5 10 15 20 25 distance cycling. While some opted to substance of use at 72% use their own, Seán’s decision to wait for with an overall use rate of a new bike to be supplied to CODY paid 97% while Alcohol featured person who subsequently adults to identify young off as his bike had double suspension and among 70% of attendees. ceased attending service. people within risk groups made the trek much more comfortable. Other substances of use The majority of young at early stage and to CODY already has camping gear for the included Cocaine 36%, people 93% were seen elevate concern for them. group as it is focussed on an outdoor Amphetamines 30%, by Family Therapist only, education approach with young people. Benzodiazepines 12%, with 7% having Psychiatric The Adolescent Addiction Ketamine 7% and LSD 5%. Assessment and no young Service provides support CODY Based in the Cherry Orchard Equine Pitching Camp and the Cycle Other issues presented person was prescribed and treatment in relation Centre, CODY is a GYDP, which is co- The group, along with camping gear and related to indebtedness medication. As in previous to Alcohol and Drug Use funded by the Irish Government and bikes, packed into a minibus and drove and absconding. years most young for young people under the European Social Fund as part of to Waterford. Once dropped off they Additionally, three young people had established age 18yrs and families from the ESF Programme for Employability, faced a 5 and a half hour cycle to their, as people (7%) had Social patterns of substance Ballyfermot, Clondalkin, Inclusion and learning. (PEIL) 2014-2020. yet undetermined, camp site. It became Work involvement and use prior to referral and Palmerstown, Lucan and very dark as they pitched their tent in fourteen (32%) had been as a consequence some Inchicore. Trip to Waterford rain and wind. The could hear but not assigned Junior Liaison struggle to maintain • Advice Pat, the Group Leader, had planned with see the waves crashing onto the beach Officer at some stage. drug free status but most • Support the lads in CODY to travel to Waterford nearby. The service submitted achieve stability and • Assessment four Child Protection several remain abstinent. • Family Therapy and cycle the Greenway. The group had been building up to the trip during the Darkness Notifications and worked As such the challenge • Professional summer by practising camping skills Into Light towards convening within community is for Consultation such as putting up tents and outdoor This was no ordinary Meitheal for one young parents and non-parental • Medication (if required) cooking. The group also had to build camping trip however. up their endurance as they undertook a After a short shelter and 50km cycle. Part of the planning involved rest from the inclement getting the proper gear together and conditions, the lads got Seán was well prepared with his rain gear back on the bikes for a that he uses when he’s looking after his short cycle to the start horse. The lads were given the option of of Waterford’s Darkness 14 dTALK 2019 dTALK 2019 15
into Light Walk. The walk has special tragedy. The hardest part for Seán and his meaning for Seán and his best pal. Both young men had lost people close to mother, Lisa, was not being able to say goodbye. Their loved one seemed to pass Support Treatment Aftercare Rehabilitation - Ballyfermot Star them. By sad coincidence, both of their very suddenly and there was no time to mother’s best friends died by suicide prepare for it. Seán said that it is sad that and both within the last two years. It someone could feel so badly. Seán went has been a meaningful commitment for on to say that there was a time when you Seán, his buddy and their mothers, to wouldn’t hear about suicide or mental Report of Interview with Sunniva Finlay (CEO Ballyfermot Star), Kathleen Cronin do the Darkness into Light to remember health but now there is more awareness (Réalt na Clann Manager) and Gary Roche (Project Officer, BLDATF) their loved ones and to connect with the and young people are more likely to talk support and solidarity of everyone who about it. Seán spoke about Pieta House Sunniva and walks into the light every year. The lads and calls for more services like Pieta to be Kathleen kindly there was a lot of love for each other, little gave their time to frustrations sometimes made it difficult were behind the main group and, after established. talk to me about to see it. They agreed that things could be registering for the walk, jogged the candle the services of done differently and together they drew lined walk to catch up. Seán told me the Seán’s Message up a plan that Doreen wouldn’t go into Ballyfermot Star. event was very solemn and respectful While talking to Seán, what struck me Billy’s room unannounced Billy agreed As the theme of this edition is Young and, as always, had a deep impact on him. was his resilience and positivity while to hoover his own room. The result was People and Families I asked them to talk A local school had opened its doors to the talking about something that he found about some of the work being done in that the hoover was left outside the walkers and local volunteers provided very hard to bear. I asked him if he had this area. Billy’s room sometimes for a couple of water, breakfast cereal, coffee and tea. a message for other people experiencing days without it being used. However, it the same sadness and he answered: Kathleen gave me an example of local was used regularly and the household Semicolon “People can feel on their own and think Family Support work. A local mother, we’ll became more peaceful. Billy did great call her Doreen was having a hard time work with his project worker reducing his Seán showed me his tattoo of a semicolon. no-one cares about them. I felt like that with her adolescent son, Billy (not his real weed use and started to attend school on One part of it is a full stop on its own, once. But then I thought about my name) who was often reluctant to attend time. but with friends and family who care. If people can school and was frequently aggressive a comma reach out, there is help out there”. Services for Women towards her at home. Doreen approached attached is Sunniva spoke about recent tragedies in Kathleen for support and advice. While it a sign of I’d like to thank Seán for sharing his story having a chat Doreen said she believed Ballyfermot where young women had resilience. with me. I’d like to thank Pat O’Connor of Billy was smoking weed. Kathleen asked taken their own lives and how the impact Seán sees CODY for facilitating an interview with for an example of how things worked at was felt in the community. Ballyfermot it as people Seán and many thanks to the rest of the home. Doreen was keen to have the house Star facilitated an emergency community showing their CODY group. hoovered and cleaned in the mornings. meeting on July 8th, when local mental She would often go into Billy’s room to health and addiction services were invited solidarity hoover which made him angry. Billy said to come up with some actions to address with one Gary Roche – Project Officer with that his privacy was being invaded. As a the issue. The meeting was well attended another and Ballyfermot Local Drug & Alcohol Task and Star will work collaboratively with result of the chat, the Billy was invited to carrying on Force local services to offer support of various come into Ballyfermot Star to speak to a in the face of kinds to young women, many of whom project worker who is specially trained to work with young people. Kathleen in the community are mothers. Star has continued to support Doreen. Doreen already made referrals to the Senior If any of this article has raised issues for you and you need help, also availed of some holistic therapies and Clinical Psychologist in the Primary Care Centre in Cherry Orchard. Part of please contact your GP. There are also non-judgmental and a parent’s support group. When Doreen and Billy felt comfortable enough to do normal service delivery for Star involves a supportive services such as the Samaritans – 24 hours - call free so, they were invited in for another chat, Women’s Group where a lot of personal development support is provided. Also, from any phone on 116123, or Pieta House Ballyfermot for an this time together with Kathleen. They were given a chance to express their own women receive support and guidance appointment phone 01-6235606 points of view. It was clear that although when experiencing domestic violence. 16 dTALK 2019 dTALK 2019 17
Services to Young People changing and the benefits will impact Ballyfermot Star has Community Reinforcement Approach Adolescent on their families. Star has a weekend away planned for Family Support Group Matt Talbot Community Trust (ACRA) trained workers to support young members. There will be a facilitated people with substance misuse issues. group on Forgiveness to help people come to terms with, and overcome, The Matt Talbot Community Trust individuals who would like to access the While Star will work with young people wrongs experienced in the past. There provides support for individuals in programme on a voluntary basis. individually, the involvement of parents or other responsible adults is ideal. Star was a great uptake for this group and recovery from addiction and returning has worked with the Integrated Youth Star intend to organise similar events in from prison. At its core, our work aims to Matt Talbot Community Trust in Service to provide specialist expertise the future. • promote independence, integration Ballinascorney – Giving Back to to substance misuse issues. Some of and progression in the lives of our the Community the work involves challenging ideas ‘At Réalt Beag Child and Family Centre participants On the 29th August, Matt Talbot about drug/alcohol use and challenging Star we provide high quality affordable • encourage the participant and all participants hosted members of the beliefs. If a young person feels that there childcare and family support which is so members of our community to local Family Support Group, Réalt na is ‘nothing to do’ Star might introduce important for the parents and guardians re-imagine their role within their Clann, to a holistic therapy day in their pro-social activities and link the young wishing to participate in rehabilitation environment and to become positive Ballinascorney facility. Matt Talbot person in with a drama, sport of youth programmes. We conduct a child centred contributors to family, community participants accompanied the women club. Sunniva made the point that young approach to early learning through the and social stability on a hike in the local hills and treated people will experiment and sometimes High Scope curriculum which encourages • build awareness of the issues facing the group to a lovely home cooked the best we can do is to keep them as children to construct their own learning our target group and build the meal before providing the space for safe as possible and keep the lines of by doing and being involved in working capacity of services to respond holistic therapies provided by qualified communication open. Very often the with materials, people and ideas. This The organisation works with our Ballyfermot Star practitioners. work involves ‘negotiating freedom’ as identifies and builds on children’s participant group to develop a tailored young people cannot be kept locked in strengths.’ ‘Our service operates 49 weeks a year. plan that encompasses developing a their rooms. Freedom in safety for young We have a full time service and we care route into education and/or employment people means freedom for their families for children aged 3 months to 5 years old. coupled with social supports such as also as they are not keeping their children We encourage healthy eating and the counselling, key-working, family support under constant scrutiny. children enjoy a range of home cooked and group work. Breaking the Intergenerational meals every day which includes breakfast, The Matt Talbot Community Trust runs Cycle dinner and afternoon snack. a Community Employment Scheme day Both Sunniva and Kathleen are passionate We work alongside parents to ensure programme and accepts referrals from about breaking the intergenerational their children are provided with the cycle of substance misuse. Part of this is to care and attention they need including: help people overcome intergenerational speech therapy, play therapy and trauma. Star set up a Trauma group psychology. These are provided by health with a specially trained facilitator. The care professionals who come in to work outcomes for group members were life with the children as needed.’ Other Services Ballyfermot Star offers group and individual supports for men and women who wish to reduce their substance use or become entirely drug/alcohol free. Star will also work with people who wish to address gambling issues. One-to-one key-working is provided following an Matt Talbot had a great fundraising concert on Wednesday assessment and follows a comprehensive Jessie Buckley (right) at the Matt 25th September to raise funds to rebuild their premises; much care-plan agreed with each individual. Talbot Merch and Info stall, Vicar of which was burnt down in the last year. The concert sold out St, Wednesday 25th, 2019. and was very enjoyable. 18 dTALK 2019 dTALK 2019 19
Ballyfermot De La Salle GAA Family Matters Area Based Childhood (ABC) Programme Ballyfermot De la Salle GAA Club is more than just a club, it is an extension of the Ballyfermot Community in which there Supporting an Area Based Approach to Prevention and Early Intervention in is a place in the club for every single Ballyfermot / Cherry Orchard. person regardless of ability, age, gender or ethnicity. Ballyfermot De La Salle GAA Family Matters ABC is part of the national Direct Speech and Language Therapy Club strategic plan outlines the club’s ABC Programme which seeks to work at Two Senior Speech and Language strategy to be inclusive as possible and an area based level to improve outcomes Therapists (SLTs) work with families and for children and families. Family Matters children who have difficulties accessing ensure that nobody is left isolated or ABC focuses in improving health and services. Families may experience excluded on any grounds. Over the last wellbeing, educational and social barriers to accessing services due to three years the club worked tirelessly outcomes for children and young people homelessness, substance misuse, mental to develop our facilities, upskill our in Ballyfermot and Cherry Orchard. health issues or intellectual difficulties. coaches and implement a number of Speech and language is offered in a project to promote inclusivity and mental a holistic approach when supporting a variety of settings and referral can be wellbeing. members and contributing back to our Our Work made through a number of avenues. community. Our Green Ribbon month has We support families and children to be: Speech and language therapy helps a Programs such as Pride held to promote good mental health, not • Active and healthy child to understand language, ability to awareness month. just for our players and coaches but the • Achieving their full potential in areas express themselves, speech sounds and We are the first and whole community. We ran numerous of learning and development conversation only GAA team to have • Being safe and protected from harm even such as having a talk from ex Dublin the rainbow flag on our • Have economic security and Botvin LifeSkills programme footballer Shane Carty about his struggles Jersey. opportunity The LifeSkills Programme is a school with mental health that was attended by • Are Connected, respected and based programme which works on over 140 people from the community and contributing to their world children’s coping skills. The programme As a club that is a reflection of the local schools. aims to help children and young people local community we too have had our Some of our Programmes: by building their resilience and self share of members that are struggling We also delivered leaflets promoting confidence in managing risky situations with mental health and unfortunately a mental health to all the schools in the Up to 2 Programme and to help them make healthy decisions number of members who felt they couldn’t community. The aim of this was not just Incredible Years Baby and Toddler are in their lives. reach out and took their own lives. As a club for the students but for each home to designed to support the parent-child • Youth engagement: we came together and decided that if we have a leaflet in the hope that it may relationship from birth through to 2 years • Family Development Work wanted to be viewed as a Club rather than resonate with a least one person and be of age. • Parents Plus Adolescents a collection of teams we needed to take very worthwhile. Programme Parent Child Plus • Development of Trauma Informed The ParentChild+ programme is a school schools / services Ballyfermot De La Salle GAA always welcome new members. readiness programme. This programme • Mental Health Training Please contact 086 2189173 if you are interested in playing centres around a ‘learning through We also offer a range of training on play experience’ for parents and their mental health, suicide prevention, and hurling or football or if you are interested in supporting the preschool children. The programme responding to self-harm. club. Training is normally twice a week in the evenings with a is designed to strengthen the natural bond between parent and child and to match at the weekend. encourage a love of learning. 20 dTALK 2019 dTALK 2019 21
Child Supports routines. FamiliBase • Key-working - providing a fun, safe space for emotional and practical Teen Parent Support Programme support The Teen Parent Support Programme • Coordinating practitioners and offers support to young mothers and FamiliBase is a centre for children, young people and families based in Ballyfermot. services around the child fathers up to 25 years old who are either We provide a range of services across three strands: 1) Early Years, 2) Youth & • Being a single point of regular and expecting or have young children. Community Supports, 3) Child & Parent Supports consistent contact with the child / young person One-to-One Work • Support and advocacy in relation The Teen Parent Support Worker offers Early Years Supports. to education and positive school parents support with issues such engagement, this also includes as coping with being a new parent, The Child Welfare Programme accessing third level education. homelessness, back to education, The Child Welfare Programme is an • Support to access necessary services parenting and bonding and helps intensive family support programme i.e. CAMHS, therapeutic services, strengthen the involvement of fathers offered to children, young people after-schools, youth groups etc. in the lives of their children. At times, the and families experiencing parental • Group support worker has also supported grandparents substance misuse and/or mental Parent Supports and guardians also. Strand 1 - Early Years Care and health issues. Referrals can be made • Regular home-visit’s to provide Education through self-referral or by other support around parenting, routines, Groupwork The purpose of FamiliBase early child services. The programme helps develop budgeting, relationship building or The groups focus on developing the baby care and education setting is to provide and strengthen the parent and child whatever the parent identifies as and parent’s social skills and encourage quality, affordable childhood care and relationship whilst also ensuring specific needing support peer support among the mothers. The education in the local community. and individual supports are available for groups also allow for discussion around We offer a full time care service for 50 parents and the child. the issues that can often be experienced weeks of the year. FamiliBase provides by the young parents. Familibase are in a play based curriculum that is guided The Childcare Fund the process of developing a young fathers by Aistear, the national Early Childhood Ballyfermot Local Drug & Alcohol Task group in the near future. Curriculum Framework. We know that Force fund childcare places for children of that the first five years of a child’s life are parents who are accessing treatment and Therapeutic Support the foundation that shapes children’s rehabilitation services for problematic FamiliBase have a panel of counsellors future health, happiness, growth and substance misuse. If you are a parent who work with some of our young people development - their sense of belonging and feel this fund may be of help, local and parents The counselling service is in the family and in the community. The addiction support services will support offered to peoplealready engaged on the education and care we give each child is your application. Please contact Clare on • Crisis Intervention. programme. aimed at enhancing their opportunity to 086-8599564 or e-mail childcarefund@ • Support accessing services to develop and thrive in their early years. familibase.ie for further information. address addiction or mental health Parenting Programmes needs The programmes we offer are: • Co-ordination of, support to and • The Incredible Years Programme Strand 2 - Child & Parent advocacy at appointments i.e. - including 0-2, Toddler and Basic Supports meetings with other services, Parenting Programmes The Child and Parent Support Strand medical appointments for children, • Parents Plus Programme’s including provide a range of supports from group speech and language therapy, school 0-6 and Adolescents Programmes parenting programmes to intensive meetings etc. • Circle of Security family support. We use an holistic whole • Morning programme three times • Parents Under Pressure family approach and work alongside the weekly to encourage school • Non-Violence Resistance training to other elements within FamiliBase such as attendance and support parents to parents experiencing child-to-parent the Youth and Community Supports and develop good morning and evening violence. 22 dTALK 2019 dTALK 2019 23
Cherry Orchard Running Club In 2016 Familibase were reviewing their Strand 3 - programme and looking for ways to Youth & Community Supports reach local young people not engaging Arts Programmes in services. Running was proposed as an Art provides a unique opportunity for outreach activity to attempt to engage young people to improve their mental these young people in a health and health and express themselves. Arts are available for young people social initiative. Familibase engaged with 20 spaces for Youth work delivery in the programmes are available at no cost to attend. We firmly believe that the local residents involved in running following spaces: to the participants And we encourage such programmes help young marathons and races and asked them • Youth Cafés young peropleto gain a strong ownership people to learn about their physical for their support in coaching the young • Youth Clubs of the facilities and programmes within and emotional well- being, self- people for running activities. In February • Issue based Groups responding to FamiliBase. management and self-care. 2017, the junior section of Cherry Orchard specific of young people • Music Recording studio access via • Outdoor Education Programmes Running Club was established. The Club open spaces Community Initiatives Programme was officially registered with the AAI in • Volunteer Leadership training • Arts Based Groups The Community Initiatives Programme April 2017, since then it has grown from • Teenage and Junior Music Groups supports the Ballyfermot community strength to strength. We run a beginner We offer outreach as a strategy across all • Theatre and Film Making to develop and implement ideas and Couch to 5k three times a year and our programmes, community development • Transition Year Programmes initiatives that begin at the community senior members are involved in various initiatives and volunteer development of • After schools Arts Programmes level. Examples of these initiatives would competitions from 5k up to Marathon ‘at risk’ young People from aged 10 up to • Open Mic Nights be: and Iron Man competitions. Our juvenile 25. We also offer a number of open social • Advocacy through Arts recreational space late night Fridays and section train twice a week, Tuesday • Offers support to Community Based Horsepower and Thursdays at 6.30pm in the park Saturdays until 10 pm. Arts Initiatives Horsepower is a community response to in Cherry Orchard. We have plans to The recording studio and film-making the issue of horse ownership and welfare in develop a junior park run in autumn of Substance Misuse Programme equipment is available to any young people the Cherry Orchard area. The Horsepower 2019. If you are interested in joining the At FamiliBase we provide a young accessing our open Youth Café space committee are fromCherry Orchard. Cherry Orchard Running Club drop into person’s substance misuse programme. and Youth Club Space. The Music group The committee works closely with DCC, Familibase for a registration form. We help young people to recognise the and some of our Arts spaces are open for the Cherry Orchard Equine centre and impact of theirdrug use referral. Drop in to FamiliBase or call Alan local councillors. Their aim is to provide H.O.M.E - (Helping Others More Every-day) • We provide intensive wrap around on 087 262 8899 for more information on a response to illegally owned horses in Most recently Familibase has supported support for young people who Arts programmes. the area and also to help young people to the Home Committee Group to organise misuse substances. We use participate in training and employment. a festival of hope in Ballyfermot in care plans which are agreed in Youth work Programmes Ultimately Horsepower want to develop September 2019 to mark world Suicide consultation with the young person Across an average week we offer over a site in the Cherry Orchard/ Park West Awareness Day. Home is a local group set and their family. area for an equine facility that will rent up by the community for the community. • We deliver group educational stables at an affordable rate to local horse Their aim is to promote a healthy attitude programmes that aim to prevent, owners with the ambition of a social to mental health. They aim to create raise awareness and reduce the enterprise element to the facility also. events, educate, and raise awareness in the harm of substances amongst young The committee is strongly committed hope of removing the stigma that prevents people to horse welfare and continues to build people speaking out about mental health. • Smart Recovery: is a group a positive working relationship with the intervention supporting young DSPCA. people to build and maintain motivation, cope with urges, manage thoughts, feelings and behaviours and learn to live a balanced life. Phone 01 654 6800 Email info@familibase.ie • Yoga and Mindfulness groups 24 dTALK 2019 dTALK 2019 25
Mental Health Issues and Substance Use – Recap from the last edition Supporting an Area Based Approach to Prevention and Early Intervention in Ballyfermot / Cherry Orchard. It is very important to check in with wish to reduce their use and support ourselves around alcohol and drug use. people to access assessment and Using substances to cope, or simply treatment for mental health difficulties. as part of a daily routine, can be habit Fusion CPL also run Reduce the Use forming. Alcohol and drug misuse can programmes throughout the year. lead to mental health issues, and they can be harmful to general health. Taking The relationship between combinations of substances (alcohol is cannabis use and mental Having a family history of mental illness (Permission to reproduce this information often one of them) can be particularly health problems increases the likelihood of experiencing was kindly provided by Tallaght Youth harmful to health and wellbeing. Using Even once off use of cannabis can cause negative mental health effects when Drug & Alcohol Service (YoDA) from their a lot of cocaine and ‘downers’ such as a sense of panic and increased anxiety. cannabis is used regularly. Is there publication ‘Cannabis and You’) benzodiazepine, ketamine or sleeping What is known so far? a history of mental health problems tablets puts a huge strain on the brain • Available evidence suggests that somewhere in your family? and can result in psychosis and mental people who use cannabis in their breakdown. Long term binging on teens have an increased risk of alcohol and/or cocaine, even when developing schizophrenia when limited to weekends, will have a negative compared with non-cannabis users. Green Ribbon overall effect on mental health. The good news is that significant reduction of use • Some people with mental illness use cannabis to relieve their symptoms. Month 2019 can very often reverse negative mental It can actually make the condition health symptoms. worse and more difficult to manage In May 2019 the BLDATF ran a series Sometimes people use substances to in the long term. of pop-ups around the community all help with mental health symptoms. • People who use cannabis are more throughout the month. The purpose Sometimes medical services require likely than others to experience of the pop-ups was to raise awareness people to be free of non-prescription episodes of depression. of services and to work with other substances before commencing • A heavy session can cause a short- agencies and organisations across assessment or treatment for mental term psychotic episode that can last the community to help reduce the health conditions. For people who find from several hours to 2-3 days. stigma associated with mental health themselves in this situation, there are • The brain of a person under 21 is issues. All the BLDATF agencies got Gary Roche the Project Officer with BLDATF a lot of community supports that will still developing. Using hash or weed involved and a representative from and Clara Geaney the Coordinator of the help people to access mental health interferes with the fine tuning of the the Ballyfermot Primary care Mental BLDATF at the Green Ribbon Launch in the treatment. Ballyfermot Advance and developing brain. Health team joined in too. Ballyfermot Civic Centre in May 2019 Ballyfermot Star will support people who 26 dTALK 2019 dTALK 2019 27
Heads Up Community Grants What is the Heads Up 2. Heads Up Main Programme Programme? The main programme lasts for 12 weeks BLDATF recognise the important role Heads Up is a group based education and is run over two mornings per week. played by community groups and and support programme. It aims to give Lots of different topics are covered and initiatives in strengthening the capacity you the tools required to help improve it’s a great opportunity to get to know of the community to offset the harms your mental health and improve your other men in a supportive environment. of problematic substance misuse. physical fitness, as well as set achievable The first morning focuses on building Substance misuse is a broad issue, which goals for yourself. your wellbeing and resilience. The affects individuals, the community second morning focuses on life planning and families in a variety of ways. Who is it for? and goal setting, followed by an hour Responding to the harms of substance • Men over the age 18 of physical activity. A tasty lunch is also misuse requires collaboration and a • Interested in improving your mental provided on each day. shared understanding right across the health and wellbeing community. The BLDATF use the Grants • Living in the Dublin 8, 10 or 12 area 3. Mini Heads Up Programme This is a 4-6 week programme which Scheme to help small community groups • Motivated to make a change consists of just one session per week, to develop their programmes, strengthen their capacity and provide resources How is Heads Up delivered? delivered over 2.5 hours. It gives an introduction into the different topics that to local people. This year Ballyfermot It is a very flexible programme that are covered on the main programme Partnership Community Development considers the individual needs and and is a good option for someone team were on hand to offer support abilities of everyone who attends. It is who is waiting for a place on the main to projects with their applications. In recreational activities for young and old delivered in a number of different ways. programme, or who cannot commit to December 2018 BLDATF and BCP hosted across Ballyfermot and Cherry Orchard. 12 weeks. a funding workshop with the successful Ballyfermot LDATF would like to 1. Heads Up Workshops These are 2 hour workshops that applicants. This was a great opportunity congratulate all the successful applicants take place in different venues in the Where will it take place? for projects to learn about eachother’s on their hard work on their projects over community .They give you a taster of what It will take place in locally accessible work and really showed to value of small the year. Heads Up is all about. You are welcome centres in Dublin 8, 10 and 12 over the community initiatives in their provision to attend any workshop without having coming months. of sporting, social, entertainment and The successful applicants are below. to commit to anything else! Organisation Purpose If you are interested or would like to find out more Basement Productions January Panto set, lighting and advertisement. information about Heads Up, please contact Yvonne De La Salle GAA Club Equipment and hall hire Davis on 087 3837386 or email ydavis@bcpartnership.ie D10 Youth Swim Club Swimming lessons and exams Gurteen youth Club Drug awareness programme Men’s Shed Equipment St John’s Ambulance Training equipment St Ultans Afterschool Co-Op Yoga instructor training 28 dTALK 2019 dTALK 2019 29
Candle Community surrounding areas. Candle Youth Service strive to target young people most at need of extra support in their lives. Some Trust Services of the activities that take place during the club include art, cooking, sports and teamwork activities. Candle also provide developmental programme on leadership, teamwork, environmental awareness, drug and alcohol awareness and communication skills. The Therapeutic Space, working in an integrated way with all our service provision, and underpinned by the key methodology of the Trauma Recovery Model, seeks to enable recovery from trauma and facilitate healthy growth and development of the young person. The Therapeutic Space provides therapies Candle Community Trust Campus on site at Candle namely counselling, recently underwent a redevelopment. Our drama therapy, acupuncture, reflexology, new building now has designated hub yoga and mindfulness sessions as part of for the Therapeutic Space and renovated the overall programming which young spaces for the education programme and people engage in. The service is unique youth service. We believe that the new in its approach, creating ‘care within a redeveloped site is providing a unique circle of care’ or a ‘wrap around’ service space to deliver our existing and new which delivers significantly positive services for young people, thereby greatly outcomes for children and young people enhancing children’s and young people’s engaging with Candle. lives. Candle Community Trust, is an NGO a second-chance in both their education working with “at risk” young people and personal development. in Ballyfermot, Dublin 10. The project Candle’s educational services; the For more information, please look at our newly aims to provide a context for emotional, Training programme and Connect launched website. www.candletrust.ie intellectual, physical, social and spiritual provide a wide and comprehensive range growth and development. Working of modules at QQI level 3 and 4. The through 4 main programmes, namely young people work towards achieving a the Training Programme, Connect Major Award with successfully completed Project, Youth Service and Therapeutic modules in Communications, Maths, IT, Space the Project provides a range of Work Experience, Career Preparation, educational and developmental modules Painting, Graphics, Wood work and for approximately 80 daily participants. Health Related Fitness. Candle is funded primarily by 4 main Candle also delivers a high-quality funding agencies, i.e. Probation Service, youth service to young people aged CDETB, TUSLA and HSE. Most of the 10-25 years, offering a number of young people who attend Candle have daytime and evening drop in clubs. The experienced significant marginalization Youth Programme provides a range of and disadvantage in a number of recreational, developmental services to aspects of their lives. For many Candle is young people in the Ballyfermot and 30 dTALK 2019 dTALK 2019 31
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