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2 3 CONTENTS Health and justice in Greater Manchester 6 Executive summary 8 Our priorities 10 1. Why focus on health and justice? 12 Our opportunity in Greater Manchester 12 Defining the case for change 13 isk factors associated with contact with the R criminal justice system 17 National and international policy and evidence 19 Greater Manchester evidence and insight 24 enefits of violence reduction in human and B system costs 26 2. Whole-system leadership for health and justice 27 A whole-system approach to Family Justice 28 3. O verview of specialist health and justice provision in Greater Manchester 30 4. Rationale for strategic focus on particular groups 33 5. Health and justice strategic framework and priorities 36 Existing health and justice work programmes 36 New strategic priorities 37 6. Delivery and resource planning 38 Delivery 38 Resource planning 38
4 5 In Greater Manchester, justice devolution has provided us with a unique opportunity to address The development of this integrated health and justice strategy is a first for Greater Manchester the typically very poor physical and mental health of people, both victims and offenders, and potentially also the first placed-based strategy in England developed specifically to who come through our criminal justice system. This includes a focus on earlier identification address the health and social inequalities experienced by vulnerable children, young people of health and support needs, more responsive interventions, and providing health and care and adults seen across our criminal justice systems. Like justice devolution, health and social services, which are equal to those available to people living in the wider community. care devolution in Greater Manchester creates new opportunities to address the ongoing social This strategy describes in detail the broad range of risk The values and priorities represented in this strategy challenge of health inequalities. This strategy is a significant part of that effort, focusing on factors and the complexity of individual, family and closely reflect our public service reform principles perhaps the most vulnerable members of our communities. social circumstances that contribute to victimhood for the city-region and our model of public service The health inequalities experienced by children and One of these risk factors is mental health. The strong and offending behaviour. These complexities only delivery – preventative, proactive and person-centred. adults seen in the criminal justice system are broad association of poor mental wellbeing, low to moderate serve to emphasise the value of closer integration We believe that this approach will support the most and deep, and in some cases, contact with the criminal mental health issues and clinical mental health and collaboration between our public services. From vulnerable members of our community, including justice system will be the first time that they have had conditions, with health and justice has been widely services providing health and social care, education victims and offenders, to recover from their experiences, their health needs assessed or have had any consistent referenced by colleagues, partners and the public and accommodation to the police, Crown Prosecution build their physical and emotional resilience, and contact with a health or social care professional. This during the development of and consultation for the Service, courts, prisons and probation services – each eventually enable them to succeed and thrive. is why the strategy places high value on the early strategy. For the purposes of this health and justice has collective responsibility to address the issues identification of health care and support needs, to strategy, a broad definition of ‘mental health’ has been Whilst individuals and families benefit most directly outlined in this strategy. Justice devolution will help ensure that they are recognised on first contact with adopted, which crucially recognises the psychological from this approach, there is also a ‘community to consolidate and strengthen the way services work the criminal justice system and that effective action is and emotional impact of adverse childhood dividend’ for society as a whole, including safer together around the needs of people seen in the taken to prevent issues from getting worse. experiences on lifetime mental health and wellbeing. communities, less children in care, fewer people at risk criminal justice system in Greater Manchester. This is why the strategy recommends a trauma-based of homelessness, lower rates of violent crime, more The strategy also adds to our appreciation that being vulnerable children and young people participating in model of intervention and support, which is also more either a victim of serious violent crime, or an offender, likely to prevent youth offending and effectively support "We believe this approach will education, and better health for all. is often an indicator of past or current vulnerability. The victims of sexual violence and abuse. This signifies an priority groups that are a focus for our early strategic support the most vulnerable work reflect this understanding – children and young important change in the way public services will work people to recover from their people; vulnerable and marginalised women; people with victims and offenders in Greater Manchester. with learning disabilities, autism or communication experiences, build their physical disorders; and people who are rough-sleeping. However, and emotional resilience, and Beverley Hughes Deputy Mayor for Policing, Crime, Criminal Justice the choice of these priority groups has been made eventually enable to them thrive." and Fire with an awareness that the risk factors that lead to victimhood and offending are broad, complex and Lord Peter Smith overlap with each other and this is highlighted in Chair Greater Manchester Health and Social Care the strategy. Partnership Board
6 7 Health and justice in Greater Manchester These Greater Manchester specific research and insight exercises tell us that: Physical Health 55% Mental Health 48% 23–51% 76–83% Self-harm or suicide risk 41% 28–25% 25% More than one in four victims of crime will 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder as a result. People who have experienced One third of young people in the Greater Between 76-83% of women who have been crime can often be surprised by how much Screening of individuals in police custody shows Manchester youth justice system have assessed by a Greater Manchester Women’s distress they experience. Experiencing crime can that members of the public who are arrested substance misuse issues. 28-35% of young Centre have mental health issues, often linked lead to the development of long-term problems on suspicion of committing a crime are far people on the youth justice caseload have to their experiences of domestic abuse. 25% of such as depression or anxiety, which in turn can more likely to have a health problem. 55% of special educational needs, whilst 23-51% women who have accessed Greater Manchester manifest as physical problems. Many victims of individuals in police custody had a physical have recognised speech, language and Women’s Alliance Partnership services have a crime experienced harm – often severe – as a health issue, while 48% had an underlying communication needs. physical health issue. 55% of women who use direct result of the crime that was committed. mental health issue. 41% of these individuals these centres have a child under the age of 18. The experience of each victim will vary. were at risk of suicide or deliberate self-harm. 33% Cardiovascular Disease 34% 16% Muskuloskeletal Problems 24% MEN Asthma/respiratory conditions 20% 16% 50% 44% Epilepsy 5% Diabetes 5% 34% WOMEN 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% In HM Prison Manchester, 16% of prisoners Mental and physical health needs are highly were reported as being homeless during the Mental and physical health problems are often common in prisons. High levels of severe and year before imprisonment. A review of the enduring and can be a cause of re-offending. enduring mental health problems are matched Over 50% of the women who go to the Greater Cheshire and Greater Manchester Community 16% of men and 24% of women who are on by very high instances of physical illness, Manchester Sexual Assault and Referral Centre Rehabilitation Company (CRC) caseload in 2018 probation self-identify as having a mental health including 34% with cardiovascular disease (like (SARC) have a history of domestic abuse. Repeat found that 33.1% of people had an issue with problem. Suicide is the most common cause of angina), 24% with musculoskeletal problems attenders at the SARC are typically female and accommodation. This proportion was higher for death among offenders. It is the cause of 44% (like arthritis), and 20% with respiratory problems have a background mental health problem, a those who had an identified mental health or of deaths for those open to the National (like asthma). Many of these conditions go learning disability, or are a child. suicide/self-harm need. Probation Service. unidentified and untreated.
8 Integrated Health and Justice Strategy 9 Executive summary However, there is broad acknowledgement that the application of trauma-led practice is especially The purpose of this first Integrated Health and Justice Strategy for Greater Manchester important in supporting this population of children, is to inform and enhance the way in which we understand and address the health, social young people and adults, as many victims and care and criminal justice factors that can lead to life-long poor physical and emotional offenders have a history of challenging life experiences including abuse, which can in some cases lead to poor, health, and reduced life-expectancy, for people who are seen in the criminal justice system, ongoing psychological and emotional health. as offenders or victims. Building on our assets The devolution opportunity Targeting our efforts It is important to recognise that there are already a The benefits of focusing on addressing the social and The engagement work that has fed into the number of well-established public and VCSE sector health inequalities experienced by this group of often development of the strategy has pointed towards an services across Greater Manchester whose purpose it vulnerable people will be seen at an individual level – in initial strategic focus on four particularly vulnerable is to improve the health and wellbeing of people seen in the form of improved physical and mental resilience, groups; the criminal justice system, such as the Sexual Assault healthy relationships, reintegration in community and Referral Centre (SARC), the Women’s Support • c hildren and young people life and the avoidance of first or repeat offending or Alliance services and wider victim support services. victimisation – and at a community level, reduced • v ulnerable and marginalised female victims of domestic abuse or sexual violence Whilst Greater Manchester is leading the way nationally health inequalities, lower crime rates, and safer and with new, jointly commissioned service models, i.e. more cohesive communities. • p eople with a learning disability, autism or Integrated Healthcare in Custody and wider Liaison communication disorder Increasing national focus on effective healthcare for and Diversion, there is scope for greater alignment and the victims of abuse and sexual violence, and offenders • and people who are rough sleeping. collaboration across Greater Manchester around the in the prison estate, provides a backdrop for the needs of this population group, not only across health Doing things differently and justice provision, but across mainstream services development of this Greater Manchester city-region approach, alongside local needs assessments and The strategy introduces two key concepts that offer and professional domains. strategic review work. the potential to transform the way that public services This strategy and the delivery plan in particular reflects across all sectors in Greater Manchester identify, this combination of existing development work and Greater Manchester’s long-standing ambition as a engage with and support some of the most vulnerable new health and justice ambitions and priorities, with city-region has been to take greater control of its own people living in our communities. a view to bringing greater strategic coherence to both destiny. Our devolution deals, including health and social care and now justice devolution, are enablers The first is the idea of adopting a public health programmes of work, and eventually bringing them to achieving that. Integrating and reforming public informed approach to health and justice strategy, together as one. As well as seeing the emergence of a services is the key to breaking down service silos policy and delivery. This is intended to stimulate a more consistent, whole system approach to health and and moving towards a preventative approach which more preventative model of identification and support justice in Greater Manchester within the first 5 years of serves residents and communities better. This strategy for victims and offenders, with an explicit aim of the strategy, a further success factor will be tangible emphasises and embraces this vision of public intervening earlier to reduce the likelihood of offending evidence of health, social care, Voluntary, Community service reform. or being victimised. In practice, this means using data and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector and criminal and intelligence to understand this typically vulnerable justice services providing more trauma-informed, population of children, young people and adults and collaborative care and support to this population group, the complex often interdependent factors that have led with a stronger emphasis on prevention and earlier them to be in contact with the criminal justice system. intervention. In due course, this should manifest in The second concept introduced through the strategy better health and wellbeing and reduced offending is the development of trauma-informed approaches and reoffending. that involve moving to a position where public This first Integrated Health and Justice Strategy services in Greater Manchester regularly and for Greater Manchester therefore provides both a consistently use more therapeutic practices, which case for change and a platform for improvement recognise the impact of previous trauma or difficult and development in health and justice intelligence, life experiences. What works to support and address commissioning and service provision through the health, care and wider social needs of people in its delivery plan. contact with the criminal justice system is currently an evolving field, and the delivery programmes identified in the strategy will no doubt add to this relatively narrow evidence base.
10 Integrated Health and Justice Strategy 11 Our priorities Prevention 1. 2. 3. I ntroduce a public health Work with schools, youth Building on the work with approach to violence reduction justice and children and the Women’s Alliance across public service young people’s services to Partnership, extend provision provision, with a focus on develop upstream, targeted to reach a wider cohort of children and young people at interventions that reduce the vulnerable women who are increased risk of committing risk of first-time entry to the at risk of victimisation or anti-social or criminal activity criminal justice system committing criminal activity, and, strengthen health care pathways between existing services Intervention 4. 5. 6. Develop best practice Agree a standardised health Work with partner approaches and pathways improvement model with the organisations to promote that appropriately identify and NHS and youth justice teams and embed the principles support offenders and victims that targets and addresses of Family Justice within of violence or exploitation health vulnerability in this the strategic direction and who have a learning, autistic group of young adults operational delivery of unified spectrum or communication/ public services in Greater speech and language issue Manchester Enablers/Systems 7. 8. 9. Develop a long-term, Collaboratively develop Establish more consistent sustainable approach to workforce training and approaches to service user commissioning services that development programmes engagement in the design and deliver specialist healthcare that promote insight into delivery of specialist health and therapeutic support to trauma, abuse, learning and justice services offenders and the victims disability and communication of crime, agreeing common disorder presentation and how quality standards for Greater to identify and support these Manchester issues effectively
12 Integrated Health and Justice Strategy 13 1. Why focus on health and justice? Our opportunity in Greater Manchester The 2016 devolution of responsibilities for health and Focusing our collective efforts specifically on the social care brought to life through ‘Taking Charge’ Plan, health needs of people in contact with the criminal and the 2019-2021 justice devolution agreement, create justice system, or at risk of entering it, is a relatively an opportunity for Greater Manchester to innovate and new approach for the city region, and it presents a integrate public policy and services in the field of health chance to deliver high-impact change in the medium and justice. to long-term for some of our most marginalised and vulnerable children, young people and adults. Devolution has created a framework to do this, enhanced by a new Greater Manchester integrated The emphasis throughout this strategy is to integrate public services model and reform principles which policy and services relating to health and justice, emphasise prevention, people and place. Together including the development of innovative approaches these act as enablers for change, but they are also to support people who can often become stuck in a helping to stimulate a shared understanding of the cycle of exclusion, vulnerability, offending, victimhood Defining the case for change health needs and health inequalities of a population or exploitation. In line with a shared ambition in Greater The founding premise of this strategy is that health However, poor physical and mental health amongst group who have traditionally been ‘seen’ separately by Manchester to invest in preventative approaches, the and wellbeing of people in contact with the criminal victims and offenders is also attributed in part to the public services. strategy focuses on the need for earlier identification of justice system, as a victim or an offender, is a priority and value that individuals place on their own risk factors and health and social care needs, as well as shared responsibility of local authorities, CCGs, NHS health, with vulnerable people often not accessing appropriate interventions and support. healthcare providers, the Greater Manchester Health health and care support in proportion with their needs, and Social Care Partnership (GMHSC), the Greater leading to pronounced differences in life course health Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), the Voluntary and life expectancy. Whilst health inequalities are often A Focus on Prevention and Intervention Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector and driven by socio-economic disadvantage and poorer criminal justice services. opportunities and life chances, amongst children, young people and adults who come into contact with This is because the majority of people that have been the criminal justice system, it is common to see a a victim of crime, or a perpetrator, live in and are part further layer of complexity which increases the risk of our local communities and it is in a community of exposure to criminality or victimhood. These risk setting that health, wellbeing and resilience can be factors include: best supported and improved. • c omplex and traumatic personal histories and In fact, many more offenders are supervised in the relationships, which may also include abuse and community than in secure custody, and the majority of exploitation; custodial sentences are relatively short at 12 months Address ‘upstream’ determinants • e nduring mental health and/or substance misuse or less.1 This means most custodial sentences allow e.g. ACE, Troubled Families issues; for a relatively limited opportunity for the health and Programme, Truancy, Youth wider care and support needs of offenders to be • learning disabilities, autistic spectrum disorders and Offending, Liaison & Diversion, identified and addressed, before they return to their communication disorders; Drug & Alcohol dependence, Address ‘downstream’ determinants communities. • g ender, in particular women and girls; and unemployment etc. e.g. support recovery from drug/alcohol dependence, address mental health problems, In addition, the transitional period of returning to the • r ace, particularly Black and mixed ethnic minority REDUCE OFFENDING / ensure access to primary care, support through community after a prison sentence is known to carry men in terms of offending.3 VICTIMHOOD training, education, employment, housing etc. significantly increased risks to physical and mental This combination of risk factors can lead to entrenched health, including premature death – suicide, accidental SUPPORT REHABILITATION, RECOVERY health inequalities, which then negatively impact death and homicide – and reoffending.2 Identifying and & REDUCE REOFFENDING upon personal resilience and reinforce vulnerability, supporting the health, care and wider social needs of meaning that people in contact with the criminal offenders, as well as victims of crime, whose multiple justice system are some of the most marginalised, and complex needs may not always be recognised, is vulnerable and health-deprived population groups in regarded to be a major factor in rehabilitation any community. and recovery. 1 Balancing Act, published by Revolving Doors Agency 2013 2 As 1 3 he Lammy Review: An independent review into the treatment of, and outcomes for, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic individuals in the Criminal Justice System, T September 2017
14 Integrated Health and Justice Strategy 15 The Public Health Engand CAPRICORN framework, showing the interaction between risk and protective factors for children and young people Addressing the root causes Strengthen Promote good communities mental health – building on community Upstream Prevention Prevent drug assets Prioritise looked to prevent youth violence and alcohol after children and offending problems unities and soci mm ety Prevent violence Co Early indentification and exploritation and support for neurodisability • Give the best start in life • Promote stable environments • Support nurturing and responsive attachment relationships Promote inclusive • Reduce sources of stress Reduce povety, schools and • Strengthen core life skills and build deprivation and System wide approach ensure exclusion aspiration and resillience address wider is used as a last determinants of resort health Individuals and families Trauma Access to informed • Peer mentoring housing services • Family level interventions • Building life skills CASE STUDY: Nurturing Support for Victims of Violence environments Employment y Co support An individual was referred to the Women’s Centre by her Offender Manager after receiving a community et mm unities and soci sentence for assault. At this point, her children had been taken into care. In addition to managing her probation, the Centre identified that she needed support with several areas, including substance misuse, Downstream prevention Identify and Liason and financial problems and relationship issues. Together, these factors had given her the unstable lifestyle that to reduce youth support children diversion re-offending at risk Support to had led to the assault. Support access the right identified health education and The Women’s Centre worked with her to address her most immediate needs. This included: needs training • Working to help her maintain her tenancy, avoiding potential homelessness • P roviding her with advice, support and advocacy regarding how social services were working with Transforming lives her children • Supporting her to access donations from a local food bank • L iaising with probation staff to help her understand how to avoid breaching her Community Order (which The following graphic showing the Public Health more likely to be seen in a healthcare or social care may have resulted in prison) England CAPRICORN framework4 demonstrates the context, so for many victims the route to accessing • Supporting her into drug and alcohol services to help her stop misusing substances interaction between risk and protective factors for help and support is typically outside of the criminal • Providing her with support to stop self-harming. offending in children and young people. justice system. Existing examples of this in Greater Manchester include the independent domestic and It took some time to build a trusting relationship with the woman. After a period of disengagement, she In the case of victims of interpersonal violence or returned to the service, disclosing that she was suffering domestic violence, and was traumatised by sexual violence advocates and the GP-based IRIS harm, there is an opportunity to improve identification an abusive childhood. Her disclosure became possible because her lifestyle had become more settled, domestic abuse referral programme. Further details of and specialist support, initially through mainstream including having suitable accommodation. She also stopped abusing substances, and her drug and alcohol existing health and justice programmes are set out health and care provision. Victims of violence, including worker agreed that she seemed to have given up for good. She also became more aware of the coercive on p36. domestic abuse and sexual abuse or exploitation, are nature of some of her relationships. Through ongoing work with health and justice professionals over several months, and in particular with the support of her key worker, the woman was able to have more positive discussions with social care regarding her children, increasing her access to them with a view to them returning to her full-time care. 4 Public Health England (PHE) Collaborative approaches to preventing offending and re-offending in children (CAPRICORN): A resource for local health & justice system leaders to support collaborative working for children and young people with complex needs, published July 2019
16 Integrated Health and Justice Strategy 17 A focus on health and social care needs in a criminal justice context justice therefore has the potential to: Risk factors associated with contact with the criminal justice system The risk factors associated with offending behaviour and victimhood range from individual, relationship and situational factors – such as race, gender, relationship/ parenting styles, exposure to substance misuse, being a refugee or asylum seeker – to wider social norms, Increase identification of people Improve the health, wellbeing and resilience of people seen in inequalities and determinants, including access to affected by interpersonal violence the health and justice context, including their sense of safety education, secure housing and work. or abuse and security However, the evidence suggests that some risk factors may have a more pronounced effect by inherently increasing vulnerability to violent crime, offending and being a victim of abuse. These risk factors include CASE STUDY: • a dverse childhood experiences Adverse Childhood Experiences • m ental health issues and psychological trauma A vulnerable 8-year-old child, who was living in a • h aving a learning disability, autism or a household where there was frequent domestic Create an awareness that offending and victimhood Reduce health inequalities in abuse, arrived at a new school. It wasn’t long can be markers of poor psychological and physical health communication disorder.5 a locality before he began displaying some extremely and wellbeing Whilst multiple factors combined may increase the violent and disturbing behaviour towards risk of entering the criminal justice system, including other pupils and staff. The school is a trauma factors commonly associated with socio-economic informed school. Trauma informed practice disadvantage and social exclusion e.g. homelessness, is a cornerstone of the approach set out in unemployment, some factors may also create a context this strategy. Instead of approaching the child in which the risk of violence or harm is normalised e.g. with traditional sanctions for disruptive and trans-generational family violence or abuse. threatening behaviour, the child was supported These risk factors apply to children and young people with interventions that recognise the effects of Reduce the risks associated with offending or becoming a Reduce offending and as well as adults, but in the case of children and young adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). The child victim of violence or harm reoffending rates people, exposure to multiple adverse childhood events was allocated a 1-1 worker and also given access can significantly impact upon child development – to a ‘calm room’. neurologically, psychologically and in terms of health- Accompanied by some 1-1 therapeutic support related behaviours – and increases vulnerability to both this meant that the child’s disruptive and often victimhood and offending.6 violent episodes at school reduced from around The associated opportunity is to use this strategy to reinforce and 6 per month to nil, over the course of 6 months. Responding to the risks This didn’t just support the child, but also enhance a shared understanding of the interaction of complex risk factors Many of the strategic interventions recommended by prevented the disruption of other pupils at the that can lead to acts of crime and the World Health Organisation (WHO) (see page 22) school, allowing the focus to remain on learning exploitation or becoming a victim of focus on protective factors or provision which evidence and education. Without these intensive trauma- it, and, develop a more attuned and suggests may mitigate some of these risk factors. informed interventions, it is likely that the child integrated public service and VCSE would have been permanently excluded, at Public Health England7 (see page 14) also emphasises response to addressing and mitigating significant cost to both the child and the school. the value of individual, family and social protective the effects of those risk factors. factors for vulnerable children and young people. The following case studies from existing services in Greater Manchester, and further examples throughout the strategy, exemplify effective responses to various presenting risk factors. 5 Mental health and learning disabilities are both highlighted in the 2009 Bradley Report: Lord Bradley’s review of people with mental health problems or learning disabilities in the criminal justice system 6 As 4 – Public Health England (PHE) Collaborative approaches to preventing offending and re-offending in children (CAPRICORN): A resource for local health & justice system leaders to support collaborative working for children and young people with complex needs, published July 2019 7 As 6
18 Integrated Health and Justice Strategy 19 National and international policy and evidence The national context for health and justice In the UK over the period 2013-14, a series of structural and mental health, who commonly engage in and policy changes took effect in the delivery of local high-risk behaviours and whose needs are often and national public health provision, the rehabilitation multiple and complex. of offenders and the National Probation Service. In the intervening period since the publication of Public Health England (PHE), The Probation Chiefs Balancing Act, the Revolving Doors Agency has Association (PCA) and the Revolving Doors Agency (a published Rebalancing Act in January 2017. The specialist national charity) responded to these changes primary message of Rebalancing Act is that a whole- by collaborating to produce a briefing paper called system, integrated response is the only solution to Balancing Act: addressing health inequalities among supporting people with multiple, complex health and people in contact with the criminal justice system. social needs and circumstances, and that addressing people’s needs in this way will give rise to wider social The briefing highlighted that male and female and community benefit – what they refer to as a offenders and ex-offenders are an often-overlooked ‘community dividend’.8 group who disproportionately experience poor physical Benefits of the Community Dividend Improved health Reduced offending = reduced costs = reduced cost to to NHS law enforcement Community Dividend Supporting Lower crime rates rehabilitation = = improved increasing levels community safety of productive activity and social cohesion One example of this is breaking the pattern of often include coercive and/or physically abusive offending, abuse or psychological trauma that can relationships. sometimes be ‘passed’ between generations of However, Rebalancing Act acknowledges that working the same family e.g. domestic abuse reducing the in the arena of health inequalities with people who likelihood of poor mental health amongst wider family often have complex and multiple health, care and members, supporting effective parenting and caring, social needs is challenging. Whilst our understanding meaning that children are less likely to become ‘looked of the characteristics and needs of this population after’ by the state due to concerns about safeguarding. group is improving, our understanding of what works An example of this in Greater Manchester is the to reduce the health and social inequalities they success of the Women’s Support Alliance in reducing experience is less well-developed. offending rates amongst women offenders, by tackling the issues that have contributed to offending which 8 Diagram courtesy of PHE
20 Integrated Health and Justice Strategy 21 Health care in the criminal justice system NHS England also published its Strategic direction Following on from this, NHS England then published for health services in the justice system: 2016-2020, its Strategic direction for sexual assault and abuse covering the provision of care for men and women in all services – Lifelong care for victims and survivors: custodial settings (pre-, during and post-custody). The 2018-2023, which highlights: strategic priorities include: • S trengthening the approach to prevention • A radical upgrade in early intervention • P romoting safeguarding and the safety, protection • A decisive shift towards person-centred care that and welfare of victims and survivors provides the right treatment and support • I nvolving victims and survivors in the development • S trengthening the voice and involvement of those and improvement of services with lived experience • I ntroducing consistent quality standards • S upporting rehabilitation and the move to a pathway • D riving collaboration and reducing fragmentation of recovery • E nsuring an appropriately trained workforce • E nsuring continuity of care, on reception and post release, by bridging the divide between healthcare Most recently, the NHS Long Term Plan published in services provided in justice, detained and community January 2019 reinforces the importance of access settings to health and social care for the vulnerable young • G reater integration of services driven by better people and adults seen in the criminal justice system. partnerships, collaboration and delivery It also makes specific references to national pilot schemes including the Community Service Treatment Violence reduction as a public service and population health goal Requirement (CSTR) programme and RECONNECT. The CSTR enables courts to require people to participate The World Health Organisation has been advocating It has developed an ‘ecological framework’ as a way in community treatment, instead of a custodial for better awareness about violence as a public health of understanding the factors that influence violence, sentence, whilst RECONNECT is a care after custody issue, and the multiple effects of violence on health showing the interaction of multiple factors that can service which works with people before they leave and wellbeing, since the publication of its first World lead to violent behaviour and it is regarded to be a prison to assist the transition to health and social care report on violence and health in 2002. sound basis for understanding the issue. community-based services. These national strategies set out expectations for the Factors that Influence Violence – World Health Organisation way healthcare needs to evolve for offenders in custody and victims and survivors. Similarly, this Greater Societal Community Relationship Individual Manchester Health and Justice Strategy creates a set of priorities for improving access to health and care Rapid social change Poverty Poor parenting practices Victim of child maltreatment provision for offenders, ex-offenders and the victims Gender, social and economic High crime levels Marital discord of abuse and sexual violence living in our Greater inequalities Psychological/personality High residential mobility Violent parental conflict disorder Manchester communities. As the work to develop the Poverty strategy has progressed, it is clear that many of the High unemployment Low socioeconomic Alcohol/substance abuse Weak economic safety nets household status principles expressed in the national strategies are Local illicit drug trade History of violent behaviour equally relevant to offenders, and victims of violence Poor rule of law Friends that engage in and abuse, living in the city region. Situational factors violence Cultural norms that support violence
22 Integrated Health and Justice Strategy 23 In 2010, WHO published a series of evidence briefings Strategy) that is characterised by a multi-agency The evidence-base for what works to support evidence and insight indicates that the style, aims and on violence prevention, in which it advocated 7 main system response that is place-based, and which vulnerable and marginalised people whose needs responsiveness of support may be as important as the strategic interventions, based on a review of the draws on public health thinking. It recommends five cut across health, care and the criminal justice focus of the intervention. available international evidence. They are listed below components to successful serious violence prevention: system is still an emerging field in the UK, but current with some examples. • c ollaboration Some characteristics of positive support include10: Public Health England has also developed a resource • c o-production to support the local system response to violent crime, • c o-operation in data and intelligence sharing, Non-judgemental and which advocates a balance between prevention and • c ounter-narrative development person-centred enforcement, and aligns with the evidence above.9 The resource outlines an approach to serious violence • c ommunity consensus. prevention (defined by the national Serious Violence WHO strategic interventions Examples of practical support / services that show emerging Services need Approaches that build evidence of effectiveness to be dynamic and self-confidence and responsive to mirror the agency nature of recovery Increasing safe, stable and nurturing Programmes that provide parental support and family relationships between children and approaches / therapies which focus on attachment, family bonds their parents and caregivers and healthy relationships often in the Early Years e.g. Family Nurse Partnership, Triple P, Incredible Years Pre-school. Multi-component approaches e.g. Multi-systemic therapy (an intensive family therapy which addresses multiple issues) Build in and expert and Sure Start programmes are also thought to have a ‘relapse’ as part of the Eliminating stigma and positive effect. service delivery model as focusing on inclusion in this is an integral part of society Developing life skills in children Programmes that address life, social and emotional skills and the recovery process and adolescents competencies e.g. Incredible Years Child / teacher programmes, Training Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS). Reducing availability and harmful Programmes that offer brief interventions and longer-term Valuing the positive input of friends and also family, use of alcohol treatment for problem drinking, including psychotherapeutic supporting people to reconnect with social networks interventions such as CBT. Reducing alcohol sales has also been and form healthy relationships linked to reducing violence. Reducing access to guns, knives Programmes that directly target young people in gangs e.g. as in Reducing serious violence (SVRU), which has been operating since 2006. Other and pesticides USA and Glasgow. UK regions, including the West Midlands Violence Greater Manchester is one of several regions to have Prevention Alliance and the Cardiff Model for Violence Promoting gender equality School-based programmes that address gender norms and adopted a public health informed approach to violence Prevention, have adopted approaches designed to attitudes and issues of gender-based power and control. reduction and has recently established a Violence understand and predict the prevalence, types and Reduction Unit (VRU). This VRU is a dedicated, co- causes of violence within a community and take steps located, multi-agency team including representation Changing cultural norms that Programmes that address dating violence and sexual violence to address those issues through co-ordinated multi- from across policing, health, local authorities, schools support violence amongst young people by challenging social and cultural norms. agency action. and the voluntary sector. These partners will work together to tackle violent crime and its underlying In developing its approach to violence reduction, the Victim identification, care and Programmes that aim to identify victims e.g. through screening causes, by identifying the drivers of serious violence new Greater Manchester Serious Violence Action support and referral, alongside interventions such as advocacy for locally and developing a coordinated response to Plan will be informed by the most up to date evidence victims of violence e.g. IRIS domestic violence intervention, and tackle them. in the field and expertise in criminology, through a psychosocial interventions which address psychological trauma. collaboration with Manchester Metropolitan University Greater Manchester has modelled elements of its (MMU) academics. approach on the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit 9 Public Health England. A whole-system multi-agency approach to serious violence prevention: A resource for local system leaders in England, published October 2019 10 Based on Greater Manchester analysis of common themes drawn from multiple evidence sources used to develop the strategy
24 Integrated Health and Justice Strategy 25 Additional insight from health and justice focused workshops Several workshops were hosted as part of the Other service user feedback highlighted the following stakeholder engagement for the development of the themes and issues: strategy. Some of these were general, whilst others • t he long lasting and devastating impact of domestic focused on specific issues and groups, including violence and abuse within families and a reluctance children and young people, vulnerable and to disclose it because of fear both of the perpetrator marginalised women, and people with learning and of children being taken into care disabilities and autism. • t he impact of domestic violence and abuse on The feedback at the workshops reinforced many of the children and the need for services supporting messages from the evidence above. Discussions at children to be trauma-informed the children and young people’s engagement event in • s ervices in the right place, at the right time, for as particular drew attention to the additional vulnerability long as people need support associated with having a learning disability, having autism, and/or having difficulties communicating, and • t ransition points and their impact on individuals are their presentation among young people in contact with often particularly difficult and require additional and youth justice services. consistent support – including from primary to high school, from children’s to adult social care, from prison to community, from a home environment to being looked after Greater Manchester evidence and insight Acting on what we know Based on this Greater Manchester-specific evidence, Local research and reinforced by wider national and international Understanding the health and social care needs of the They are: sources, this first integrated health and justice strategy offender population and the victims of violence and for Greater Manchester has a strong focus on the • A Health Needs Assessment of the population served groups of people in our communities who appear to be abuse in depth is a relatively new arena of public policy by the St Mary’s Sexual Advice and Referral Centre at an increased risk of violent crime and abuse. and service delivery for public health and criminal (SARC), which summarises the characteristics and justice teams, but the same principles apply as for This might be because of characteristics or needs of the people who have used the service, in other population health work: circumstances which seem to increase vulnerability to particular multiple attendances • understand the needs of the population of interest; criminality or victimhood, such as race, gender, having • T he Voice of Survivors Research: Hearing Women for a learning disability/autism/communication issue, and • identify health-related risk factors and their causes; Change – conducted by MMU, MASH and Manchester rough-sleeping. and Rape Crisis • intervene in ways that reduce the exposure to or Alternately, it could be because evidence and insight All four documents are available separately and a offer protection from the detrimental effects of suggests that intervening earlier to reduce the risks collated summary of their main insights has fed into those risk factors. associated with offending behaviour is the most the development of this strategy. effective approach e.g. focusing on identifying and Work has already been completed that will support Overall, local insight and research is consistent supporting potentially vulnerable children and young the development of this strategy and advance our with national and international findings. These people and addressing underlying problems as early understanding of the needs and characteristics of point towards a range of complex often interrelated as possible, such as trauma or hidden mental health people in contact with the criminal justice system in factors that increase an individual’s vulnerability to issues. Greater Manchester. These include: contact with the criminal justice system, including • A Greater Manchester Criminal Justice System poor physical and mental health, and lifestyle factors Health Needs Assessment (CJS HNA) (2018) including smoking, drug and alcohol use, alongside previous life experiences which may have been • A n independent Health and Criminal Justice traumatic or challenging. Strategic Commissioning Review (2018) There are also a number of pieces of victim-focused research and insight which have been undertaken by Greater Manchester partners working to support victims of domestic and sexual violence which inform this strategy.
26 Integrated Health and Justice Strategy 27 Benefits of violence reduction in human and system costs 2. Whole-system leadership for health and justice The World Health Organisation reports that although In Rebalancing Act, The Revolving Doors Agency Our one system approach Our strategy aims the economic case for a focus on interpersonal also put forward the concept of a ‘community This strategy will be delivered by a wide variety of In considering what is needed to create an environment violence prevention isn’t currently well-developed11, dividend’ which points to the wider societal benefits public service partners in the statutory and VCSE in which colleagues are informed, equipped and “the provision of treatment, mental health services, of addressing the health inequalities associated with sectors and the implementation of the strategy supported to improve practice, the aims of the strategy emergency care and criminal justice responses are crime, violence and offending, because of the extended will reinforce and complement a series of existing are to: some of the direct costs associated with violence.” impact on the families and communities who surround Greater Manchester-wide programmes, including and support offenders and victims. • H ighlight the risk factors, health vulnerabilities and The need for additional and sometimes intensive programmes in support of: health inequalities experienced by offenders, support from public and voluntary services including “The community dividend model suggests that by • Gender based abuse and domestic violence ex-offenders and the victims of personal violence health, social care and criminal justice services, for addressing the health needs of those in contact with both victims of violence and offenders, is self-evident the criminal justice system there can be positive • Serious Violence Action Plan • P rovide clarity on the existing evidence base (and its but largely unquantifiable. effects on the wider population. People in prison or • Learning disability limitations) those in their friendship, family and social networks • Autism • A dvocate for the introduction of trauma-informed Individuals, and their families, bear the most serious also disproportionately experience wider societal health practices proportionately across the workforce which consequences of interpersonal violence including • Mental health, including suicide prevention and social inequalities – they often come from under- emphasise the strong association between adverse sometimes life-long effects on behaviour and health, • Substance misuse served populations and return to those communities childhood and life experiences and victimhood/ including:12 • Homelessness when their immediate involvement in the criminal offending – and collaboratively identify the resources • A cute physical injury or disability: Lacerations, justice system has ended. Therefore, meeting the to deliver high-quality workforce development Alignment and integration with other Greater fractures, brain or major organ injury, burn and scalds. health needs of people in contact with the criminal • I nform integrated, whole system public health Manchester-wide strategies will be essential to • M ental health and behavioural effects Alcohol and justice system can help to achieve reductions in crime, approaches to violence reduction with an emphasis achieving improvements in the field of health and drug abuse, depression and anxiety, post-traumatic reduce offending and improve the individual’s health.”13 on early help, early in life and stimulate Greater justice. These programmes of work include: stress disorder, suicidal thoughts or behaviour, eating Manchester partners to work towards delivering • The Greater Manchester Children’s Plan and sleep disorders, smoking, unsafe sex this collaboratively • T he Children and Young People’s Health and • C reate a clear account of ‘health and justice’ for • S exual and reproductive effects: Unintended Wellbeing Framework mainstream health, care and criminal justice pregnancy, pregnancy complications, gynaecological • T he Greater Manchester Mental Health in Education services, using and sharing data and intelligence, so disorders, chronic pelvic pain, HIV and other sexually (MHiE) programme that vulnerable and marginalised people are better transmitted infections • T he ‘A Bed Every Night’ scheme and the Housing identified and appropriately supported • C hronic disease: Arthritis and asthma, cancer, First Greater Manchester regional pilot • A cknowledge the complexity of working where cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, kidney problems, • T he Justice and Rehabilitation Devolution health and justice issues intersect and explore with liver disease memorandum of understanding localities and partners how to develop and share best • T he White Paper on Unified Public Services for the practice across Greater Manchester and learn from People of Greater Manchester each other, in the short and medium term • S tanding Together – The Police and Crime Plan • U nderstand how current organisational practices and processes may need to change to facilitate • O ur People, Our Place – the Greater Manchester more effective early identification and intervention of Strategy vulnerable children, young people and adults, within Along with identifying what we plan to do differently organisations and between them e.g. assessment in Greater Manchester to reduce health inequalities and referral practices and improve life chances for victims and offenders, • E mphasise collaboration amongst commissioners the strategy also sets out how the conditions will be and providers in order to improve the accessibility created for professionals and practitioners to improve and quality of support for this population group. what they currently do and the way they do it. 11 WHO Global Status Report on Violence Prevention (2014) 12 Based on findings of WHO Global Status Report on Violence Prevention (2014) 13 Rebalancing Act 2017, p. 12
28 Integrated Health and Justice Strategy 29 A whole-system approach In Greater Manchester, the principles of Family Justice – and in some instances this is already the case. are well-aligned with the broader ambitions set out in Colleagues from the Centre for Mental Health were to Family Justice our approach to unify public services within a single, asked to review emergent place-based initiatives coherent and effective model.15 More specifically, already being delivered in Greater Manchester and Family Justice is a branch of the Health and Justice integrated, place-based teams working within some found that they demonstrated “the ready capacity to agenda which pursues the provision of integrated of Greater Manchester’s neighbourhoods present an deliver” on the principles of Family Justice. support for vulnerable families engaged in the criminal opportunity to deliver a Family Justice approach justice system. Its purpose is to ensure that services make decisions together which promote the holistic Unified Public Services in GM wellbeing of the whole family. The internationally recognised principles of Family Justice are: Information is shared between agencies safely Directed by one public service leadership team. to support effective delivery and identifying those • S afety focused: Increase safety, promote healing, most at risk. and foster empowerment through services for victims and their children • V ictim-centred: Provide victim-centred services that Working as one public service workforce, with promote victim autonomy A single commissioning function for the locality. redesigned roles and shared Job Descriptions across organisations. • S urvivor-driven: Shape services to clients by asking them what they need CASE STUDY: • R elationship-based: Maintain close working Universal services, like schools and GPs, A Place-Based Approach to relationships among all collaborators/agencies are cornerstones of public services in their The VCSE sector are part of the fabric of public communities and are connected with other services. Public services are delivered with local Supporting Families public services through integrated citizens, communities businesses. • O ffender-accountability: Increase offender neighbourhood functions. A place-based team in Holts and Lees draw on accountability through evidence-based prosecution support from probation services. This provides an strategies and/or evidence-based treatment One integrated neighbourhood function for enhanced way of working with ex-offenders and programs each geographic footprint (30-50k). Frontline their families in a local setting. In one particular • T ransformative: Evaluate and adjust services by practitioners, pulling on specialist support. example, the probation worker was aware that it including survivor input and evidence based best • Care coordinators/navigators was highly likely one of her clients would receive practices • Community safety advisors a custodial sentence of up to 6 months. • CRC workers • C ulturally competent: Commitment to the utilisation • District nurses This offender expressed concern about the of culturally competent services • Early years workers impact his time in prison would have on his • E mpowered: Offer survivors a place to belong even A single function • Environmental health officers Integrated specialist • Family support workers family and home, as he was the sole tenant for after crisis intervention services are no longer /acute services for triage, assessment, tasking and • Focused care workers his two-bedroom property, as well as the main necessary for the most coordination across complex and costly • Health visitors claimant for all their benefits. The probation all cohorts • Housing officers • K ind-hearted: Develop an approach that values, worker brokered a relationship with the place- • Key workers/early help workers affirms, recognises and supports staff, volunteers, based team who supported the offender to • Mental health practitioners and clients.14 • Neighbourhood beat officers complete a deed of assignment to put the • Neighbourhood/community safety officers tenancy in joint names and, once sentenced, a • Pharmacists local support worker was immediately available • Police community support officers to support his girlfriend to apply for welfare • Social workers benefits in her own right. The team also offered • Substance misuse workers ongoing support to the family whilst the offender • VCSE sector workers and volunteers completed his five-month sentence. When released from prison, the offender stated to the probation worker that for the first time he felt he was being released into a more stable environment where historically his life would have been much more chaotic. He wanted to stop offending, and he stated that a more stable home life would help him to do this. 14 EFJCA, ‘About the Family Justice Centers’, 15 The Greater Manchester Model: Further, Faster 2019
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