Toogoom Chatter Committed to Community - Toogoom Community Chatter

Page created by Leslie Watson
Toogoom Chatter Committed to Community - Toogoom Community Chatter
Committed to Community

            Toogoom Chatter
July 2021

              Your FREE Community newsletter
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Toogoom Chatter - July 2021                                                                                                     Page 2

            Useful Phone Numbers
                                                                   Pick up the Chatter, view it on-line or find it on Facebook Too-
Ambulance - Fire - Police                   000                    goom Community page, on or after the 1st of each month at any
Ambulance - Other                        4199 7404                 of the following locations if they are open:
Hervey Bay Hospital                      4325 6666                 1.     Toogoom Hall
Maryborough Hospital                     4123 8222                 2.     Toogoom Convenience Store
State Emergency Service                  4124 4999                 3.     Toogoom Pharmacy
                                                                   4.     Elders Toogoom & Northern Beaches
Toogoom Rural Fire Brigade               0407 644 735              5.     Toogoom RSL
Fraser Coast Regional Council            1300 794 929              6.     Toogoom Hair Studio
Water/Sewerage                           1300 808 888              7.     Allen Property, Toogoom
                                                                   8.     Salty Squid, Toogoom
Police @ Hervey Bay                      4128 5333
                                                                   9.     Goody’s, Toogoom
Police @ Howard & for all Toogoom Neighbourhood                    10.    Craignish Foodworks
Watch issues, please call Police Link on 131 444                   11.    Craignish Pharmacy
Ergon Energy -                                 13 22 96            12.    Burrum Heads Butcher
                                                                   13.    Elders Burrum Heads
Torbanlea State School                         4193 2111           14.    Burrum Heads Bakery
Snake Control - Mick’s Snake Removal           0415 064 130        15.    Burrum District Realty
Wildlife Rescue Fraser Coast                                       16.    Burrum Heads United Servo
 - Natalie Richardson                          4121 3146           17.    Burrum Benevolent Society
                                                                   18.    Van Cootens Drapery, Howard
JPs: Doug and Glenyce Hull                     4128 0294           19.    Van Cootens Hardware, Howard
       Celeste Giess                           4128 0305           20.    Howard Butcher
       Amanda Matthews                         0409 294 772
       Barry Finney                            0402 515 026                   CHATTER ADVERTISING
Commissioner for Declarations:                 4192 7027           For Sale ads for second hand items, wanted to buy, sell etc. are
       Martin Bellert                                              FREE for two consecutive issues after which we will charge $5
For JP’s or Commissioner, please ring for an appointment           per issue per ad. Also free are invitations of interest for
Toogoom & District Community Association Inc.                      proposed classes or for groups where there is no charge/fee for
                                                                   attendance.    Regular hirers of the Hall can have their session
President - Steve Allen            0409 006 511                                  times published free in the Community Calendar.
                                                                   The closing date for all material is the 25th of the month.
Vice-President - John Upton                    0418 389 269                                           COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING RATES
Secretary - Chris Hall                         0411 422 355                                           Size                Per Issue          Annual 11 issues
Treasurer - Vicki Nielsen                      0410 262 451                 Full page            $60                  $600                                           ½ page               $35                  $300
Management Committee:                                                       ¼ page               $25                  $200
Jenny Andrewartha                              0414 209 784                 ⅛ page               $15                  $150
Lisa Ireland                                   0438 281 539
Karen Jobson                                   0478 671 268              REMEMBER, NO PAYMENT - NO ADVERTISING
Maureen Rodwell                                0407 946 201                    Call John on 0418 389 269 or email
Kaye Rogers                                    4128 0984             
Toogoom Community Hall                         4128 0511
Toogoom & District RSL Sub-branch                                  The “Toogoom Chatter” is available free of charge and published each
                                                                   month except January, by the Toogoom & District Community
President - Doug Brimson                       0427 949 929        Association Inc.(“Association”), 140 Toogoom Road, Toogoom Qld.
Deputy President -                                                 4655.
Secretary - Jack Crook                         0413 487 000        All material printed in this newsletter is placed in good faith and the
Treasurer - John Wockner                       0429 470 775        views or opinions expressed in that material are not necessarily those of
                                                                   the Editor or the Association.
Toogoom Fishing Club Inc.
                                                                   The Editor reserves the right to withhold material from publication
President - Andy Mizon                         0457 361 822        and to alter or correct any material which may include but not be
Secretary - Denis Sargent                      0411 795 650        limited to spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes or
                                                                   re-formatting to fit the space.
Treasurer - Pauline McIntyre                   0407 482 323
                                                                   Although every care is taken in the preparation of the “Chatter”, neither
                                                                   the Association or any of its volunteers can be held responsible for any
           COMMUNITY TENNIS COURT                                  errors or inaccuracies in the information that is provided to them. To the
The Association encourages the use of the tennis court at the      extent permitted by law, the Association and any of its volunteers are
Community Hall. No booking/fee is required for daytime             excluded from all liability for any loss or damage arising from the
use. All we ask is that you use the court with good spirit i.e.,   use, reliance or interpretation of any information taken or assumed
if the court is in use, discuss with players when the court will   from this publication.                            E&OE
be free. For evening use, there is a charge of $10 per hour,
with a limit of one hour if others are waiting.
As an honesty system is in place, you can deposit your money
                                                                   We acknowledge the custodians of this land, the people of the
into our account: TADCA, ANZ, BSB: 014-699,                        Butchulla nation, their Elders past and present and the important role
a/c 2950-13078                                                     Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people continue to play within
                                                                   our community.

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Toogoom Chatter - July 2021                                                           Page 3

                         TOOGOOM HALL CALENDAR—JULY

Sunday                        04               11              18              25
Monday                        05               12              19              26
                              Yoga 9am         Yoga 9am        Yoga 9am        Yoga 9am
Tuesday      29              06              13              20                27
             Line Dancing    Line Dancing    Line Dancing    Line Dancing      Line Dancing
             8.30 to 11.30am 8.30 to 11.30am 8.30 to 11.30am 8.30 to 11.30am   8.30 to 11.30am
             School           Holidays         Tae Kwon Do     Tae Kwon Do     Tae Kwon Do
                                               6 to 7.30pm     6 to 7.30pm     6 to 7.30pm
Wednesday 30                  07               14              21              28
          Craft & Chat        Craft & Chat     Craft & Chat    Craft & Chat    Craft & Chat
          9 to 11.30am        9 to 11.30am     9 to 11.30am    9 to 11.30am    9 to 11.30am
             Project Linus    Project Linus    Project Linus   Project Linus   Project Linus
             12.30 to 4pm     12.30 to 4pm     12.30 to 4pm    12.30 to 4pm    12.30 to 4pm
             School           Holidays         Tae Kwon Do     Tae Kwon Do     Tae Kwon Do
                                               6 to 7.30pm     6 to 7.30pm     6 to 7.30pm
Thursday     01               08               15              22              29
                                               Kyushin Judo    Kyushin Judo    Kyushin Judo
             School           Holidays         5 to 6.30pm     5 to 6.30pm     5 to 6.30pm
Friday       02               09               16              23              30

Saturday     03               10               17              24              31
                              ALP Burrum
                              Heads Branch
                              10am - 12

                  Hall Contacts
Yoga - Linda Baldwin               0458 267 062
                                                               137 Toogoom Road
Line Dancing - Jan Tiltman         0418 307 829
                                                           (opposite the Toogoom Hall)
Tae Kwon Do - Maynard Heap         4126 2103
                                                    ❖    New Car Log Book Servicing
Craft & Chat - Kaye Rogers         4128 0984        ❖    Mechanical Repairs
Project Linus -                                     ❖    General Servicing
Lorraine McMahon                   0421 498 654     ❖    Auto Electrical Repairs
Kyushin Judo - Sandra Hall         0403 028 419
                                                         Monday to Thursday: 8am - 5pm
Card Making - Vicki Wright         0459 124 698               Friday: 8am - 12noon

ALP Burrum Heads Branch -                                  EFTPOS, Visa & Master Card
Mick Caldwell                      0408 781 766
                                                        Phone David on 4128 0127

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                                   COMMUNITY TRADING TABLE
                    FOR SALE                                                       FOR SALE
Full range of reconditioned fishing rods. Up to $25.        Re-conditioned fishing rods, over 200 to choose from.
Local resident. 7 days a week, 9am til 5pm                  Prices start from $15 and everything from boat rods up to
Call Bill in Toogoom on 4128 0347                           surf rods. Tips, runners replaced, re-lacquering, the lot!
                                                            Call Baz in Toogoom on 0422 000 859
                    FOR SALE
Lawn Mowers, Line Trimmers, Grass Blowers.                                       GARAGE SALE
                                                            Kids toys, kids clothing, Furniture, Beds, Adult clothes,
Call Harry on 4128 0076 82 Northshore Avenue
                                                            Linen, Curtains, Outdoor Gas Heaters, Gas BBQ’s,
                                                            Tools, plus much, much more!!!
                   FOR SALE                                 Saturday 10th July from 7am
Over 300 dolls, mainly porcelain                            Corner of Carls Rd. and Plantation Street, Dundowran
Call Colleen on 0422 232 386
                                                                                    FOR SALE
                        FOR SALE                            House bricks, some solid, some new, approx. 75 $50,
Elderly, much -loved piano seeks creative relationship      A collection of rare liquor bottles, too many to list, also a
with skilled artisan for a repurposed life. $250            collection of antique clay and glass water containers,
                    or if you like                          make an offer !! Call Bryan on 0488 090 881
1910 steel-framed German Steck piano. Suit beginner.
$250. Ring Sue on 0407 145 242, Toogoom.

 Hello there,

 My name is Kaye & I have been a resident in Toogoom for 14 years and in that time I have been very active in
 community events as I continue to enjoy my lovely home and friends here in Toogoom.
 I was recently elected to the Committee of the Community Association and for all those that read the June
 edition of the local Chatter, you may have remembered the article on Stamping for Ava.
 I helped co-ordinate this event & we are happy to advise that we forwarded the amount of $1,350 to Ava’s
 family. Thank you to the Community Association who waived the Hall hire.

 My next event is to co-ordinate a “Soup, Sweets & Slippers” Special Day.

 The money I raise from this event will be used to purchase much needed
 linen, kitchenware, etc so as not to cart my kitchen to the Hall each time we
 organise an event.
                              Soup, Sweets & Slippers

                    Where                 The Soup Kitchen (better known as the Community Hall)
                    When                  Friday 14th August
                    Time                  Sometime between 11.00am – 11.30am
                    Cost                  $15.00 per head Includes Mini Cent Sale Sheet

                Tickets to this event go on sale, 7 July and I will be at the Hall from 9.30 – 11.30am
         At the event, we will be following COVID procedure and the tables will be set for 6 per table

                  Book a table & invite your friends/neighbours to this fun day
                    Remember to wear slippers, Socks/Sandals or Surprise Us and Dress Up!!!

                                               Regards Kaye Rogers

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               Coastal Futures Survey (Toogoom Community Support.)

It has taken the threat of global warming and the inevitable threat of sea levels rising for
our government, State and local, to do a survey of our coastline to determine the effects
this will have, and what can be done to soften its impact on coastal communities. This
survey can be found on FCRC Engagement Hub Website.

Toogoom for some time has been very vocal about the erosion on their beach, to the
extent they went to FCRC with a petition signed by 626 people to address this erosion
problem. Within the next few years, if left unchecked, this erosion will migrate inland and
threaten many properties along Kingfisher Parade as well as Fixter Park.

The result of this erosion can be put fairly and squarely on the shoulders of previous
Fraser Coast councils for ignoring the illegal clearing of the coastal woodlands to enable
a more clear view of the sea, thus allowing strong erosive winds to penetrate inland. The
rock seawall along Kingfisher Parade is evidence of this. Now the major contributor to
the erosion on the western end of the beach is this wall.

The survey has mentioned briefly setting up a Shoreline Erosion Management Plan
(SEMP) to manage this very serious erosion situation. The management team, whoever
it may be, will require community support to battle with some of the State Government
Departments regarding some of the activities that will take place on the beach. For
instance, trees that fall on the beach cannot be removed because they are now in fish
habitat. Special permission has to be given.

It is proposed that a small dredge and pipeline be set up to pump the lost sand out of
Beelbi Creek and the estuary back onto the beach close to the wall where geotextile
sand bags will be filled to make a reflective tidal barrier to protect the beach from
damage while the repair is taking place.

It is also proposed that no heavy earth moving machinery be used on this beach due to
the amount of damage to the infrastructure and biodiversity it will cause. History will
show that sand pushes and beach replenishment, which have been proposed are
expensive temporary measures with no structural value and must be opposed.

All levels of government are proposing a retreat from the coast policy due to the threat of
sea level rise. At the moment there is no imminent threat from sea-level rise, and I can
see no justification for retreating from the beach when a beach repair and stabilisation
process will protect inland properties for many years to come.

John H. McGinn, Toogoom.

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Toogoom Chatter - July 2021                                                                                Page 8


                                                    PLEASE PRINT

I / We hereby apply for Membership of the Toogoom & District Community
Association Incorporated and accept the $5 per adult annual fee.

Name/s: …...............................................................................................

Residential Address: ….............................................................................

 ……………………………............................................. Postcode: ……….

Contact details: Landline: …...............................................

                         Mobile: ….............................................

                        email: ….....................................................................

Signature/s: …....................................................................... Date: .................

Proposer: ................................................. Signature: ..…………………………
                        (Please print)

Seconder:.................................................. Signature: …………………………
                        (Please print)

Please return this completed form and email to

                     The Association holds current Public Liability Insurance of $20 million.

Office use only: Membership Application Received: ……………………………………Membership No. …………….…

                                         Approved: …………..……………………… Receipt No. ……………………

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The May 2 competition saw 9 people fish, bringing in 10 species and 26 fish.

Jim Andrewartha caught the most species with 5 being Silver Bream, Sickle,
Tarwine, Gar and Whiting. The heaviest fish caught was the Sickle, weigh-
ing in at 1.43Kg and 39cm.

The Men’s A grade champion was Jim, and the Men’s B Grade Champion
was Ken Frainey with 3 species. The Ladies Champion was Jenny
Andrewartha, also with 3 species. Congratulations to our winners!!

The June competition was this last weekend (25th to 27th) so the results
will be reported next month along with the July competition which will
be over the 23rd to 25th and the Bonus fish will be a Cod! Weigh in on
the 25th at 2pm.

The Toogoom Fishing Club is open to anyone with a passion for fishing, with
or without a boat and you are welcome to attend any of our monthly weigh-ins
at 2pm on the Sunday afternoon, to make yourself known and meet a really
great bunch of like minded people!!

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The Fraser Coast Branch of Wildlife Queensland has chosen
two of its popular speakers for the Library Wildlife Talks in July,
namely Alan Peebles and Ruby Rosenfield. Both will be
illustrating their talks with captivating shots from their
comprehensive photo files.

Alan Peebles will again be presenting one of his descriptive bird
DVDs about our local birdlife. This will take place at the Hervey
Bay Library on Friday 16th July. Entitled "More Bird Watching
around Hervey Bay” and running for 40 minutes, the DVD will
show both sea and land birds and some of their specific habits.
There is always something new to learn from Alan's films and this one presents a must-see for the wildlife

                                      Ruby will be presenting "Interesting Insects" at the Maryborough
                                      Library on 30th July. She is a longstanding member of Wildlife
                                      Queensland and has been working in the Fay Smith Wetlands in bush
                                      rehabilitation for many years. While on her most treasured nature
                                      walks, she has begun to notice a variety of different insects and has
                                      cultivated an avid interest in them especially with dragonflies. She
                                      often interacts with entomologists at the Queensland Museum. Ruby
                                      is looking forward to introducing you to the vast and colourful world
                                      of insects.

                                      To book for both talks, commencing at 1pm, phone the Library on
                                      4197 4220.

The Toogoom Community Book
Exchange is available when clubs
or groups are in the Hall, and we
are happy for people to come in
and exchange their books, while
the building is unlocked.
Please feel free to come at any of
these times, but please respect the
activities happening at the time.
TUESDAY : 9-11am & 6-7pm;
WEDNESDAY: 9-11am,
1-3pm, 6-7pm;
THURSDAY:                  11am -1pm &

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                                  …… latest from Project Linus

Hello everyone,
It's no good moaning about the higher electricity bill, some days we just need that heat. As you read this, a friend and
I will be away on a road trip to visit three friends. The route? First Toowoomba, then Manilla (near Tamworth) and
then down to Dungog in the Hunter Valley. Yes, we're totally mad! The thermals, socks and boots, gloves, scarves
and beanies will all be coming for the ride.

Our quilters have been extra busy! Liz and Zamie came to the Hall one Thursday and the following Sunday to catch
up on the backlog of quilts. With Susan's help with the pinning, they completed 23 quilts. Bravo! When the Ladies
have done the binding and labelling, the quilts will head for the Children's Hospital in Brisbane.

One of our Ladies Barb made a wonderful batch of lime
and ginger marmalade, and some mango and lime curd
(my favourite) to sell as a fund raiser for Linus. We get
lots of lovely fabric donations but our main expense is
wadding and thread.

Early last month, the Ladies had a Workshop to learn a
new technique called “Crumb Piecing". It involves the
use of our cutting machine called the Accuquilt which
cuts the fabric to a desired shape using cutting dies. As a
team the Ladies contributed some of their pieces and
Lorraine put them together into a lovely quilt (see pho-
to). Some of the ladies are in the process of completing
their own “Crumb" quilt.

Once again we have a specialist Applique Lady. Our
dear Desley has taken on the task that Meg used to do. I
told Desley that we'll have to call her Megsley. If you
have any enquiries about Linus and our work, please call
Lorraine on 0421 498 654. God bless and stay safe, Claire D

     On the left is Susan with her “Pinky”                    On the right some unusual Egyptian design fabric by Norma

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      Brian’s Concreting & Property Maintenance
             Toogoom, Burrum & Districts
    Small concrete jobs only
    Paths
    Patios
    Garden shed slabs
    Mowing, edging and odd jobs
    40 years experience
    No job too small
                           For a free, no obligation quote,
                                    call Brian now,

                                           0423 870 904
                                               Your satisfaction guaranteed

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  Toogoom and District
     RSL Sub - Branch

Membership of the Toogoom & District Sub-Branch of the RSL is open to
everyone!! You do NOT need to be an ex-service person.

Wednesdays We have a working bee at the Sub-Branch every Wednesday
from 0800 to 1100. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Fridays      We are open every Friday from 1500 to 1900. You are all most
welcome to join us for some friendship, drinks, a feed or even a game of darts!
Our fabulous Museum is also definitely worth a look. If you would like to join
us but have no way of getting there, we can pick you up from Toogoom,
Howard, Burrum Heads, Torbanlea and Craignish, so please call 0480 242 112
& don’t forget your COVID sign in!!

President Doug, presenting a cheque for $1,000 from the Sub-Branch, to
Anthea at Toogoom Hair Studio as a donation to the Ava appeal

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                                                  Van Cooten's
                                                     71 Steeley Street, Howard
                                                        Phone: 4129 4785
                                              •    Men’s, Ladies & Children’s wear
                                              •    Haberdashery
                                              •    Dress Materials
                                              •    Curtain Materials
                                              •    Visit our Patchwork Fabrics room - over
                                                   4,000 different types, styles and colours.

       Call Graeme on 0419 110 511

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                              FIRST AID TRAINING
             BURRUM HEADS SES SHED - 7th/8th AUGUST 2021

                               CERTIFICATE COURSES


 CPR only -                      Saturday 7th      9.00am       $20
 FULL FIRST AID                  (both days)       9.00 am      $75
 ADVANCED CPR                    Saturday 7th      7.00 am      $50 (Oxy Viva)

                      Enquiries and Registration – LILLIAN
                     BEFORE 1st August - Phone 0428 718 786

                       Tea, Coffee & Biscuits provided
                                 BYO Lunch
                  SAUSAGE SIZZLE LUNCH provided by SES
                      Sausage & Onion Sandwich            $2
                      Bacon & Egg Burger                  $3
                      Soft Drink                          $1.50

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                                                   Toogoom Electrical
                                                     Phone & Data
                          For all your electrical
                           and air conditioning
                          needs, bore pumps &
                        Call Charlie - quote or
advice on 0415 714 071 or 0467 189 055
Toogoom Electrical now offers all local residents and businesses, free quotes
and no service call out fees during business hours. We specialise in shed wiring
& home renovations, TV antenna installation & outlets.
We can offer great deals on Mitsubishi Hi air conditioners and service.
We can replace your old downlights and install LED tri-colour downlights @ $18
each with a 2 year warranty. Enquire now !

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      1300 367 818                                  COOL YOUR HOUSE THIS
                                                    Like to have Air Conditioning installed???
                                                    Have you checked your air conditioning
   Free Design & Quotation
                                                    for mould??? We carry out a full
   5 years parts & labour
                                                    Hydro-clean to remove mould, dust and
   10 years Installation Warranty
   Domestic & Commercial
                                                    For Servicing / Warranty / Break downs
   Preventative maintenance
   Fujitsu Warranty & Service agent                Call Blake on 0408 007 902
   Sales, Installation - satisfaction guaranteed
                                                    or Tom on 1300 367 818

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                    BURRUM HEADS UKELELE GROUP
 As the year progresses, our Ukulele group (Burrum Heads Ukulele Group)
 continues to meet every Sunday at the Burrum Heads Community Hall and
 commences to play at 9.30AM.
 We have been very pleased to continue to welcome new and visiting players every week. If you would
 like to join us, or pop in to see ‘what we do’, please come a little earlier so you can be greeted and made
 welcome before we start playing. Our group usually numbers from 15 - 20. Some weeks have a theme,
 for example the ‘Christmas in July’ theme we played early in July, just so we could enjoy playing Christ-
 mas music. There are so many lovely Christmas songs, why should they only be played once a year?

 Also in July, we will be playing at Coalfest. We are putting in some extra hard work to make sure our
 performances are of a high standard to entertain our audiences.

 It is often thought that the ukulele is not a serious instrument, perhaps just a child’s toy!
 Nothing could be further from the truth. The following is an extract from a Blog published by Ukulele-
 Mate, an online ukulele store (

                       ‘The ukulele is a real, tangible, legitimate instrument. Just like guitars, basses,
                       pianos and so on. The ukulele is a lot of fun to play and is no more or less a
                       “real” instrument than any other instrument. If you play the ukulele, you’re a musi-
                       cian. You’ll often find bands composed of just ukulele players.
                       Ukuleles are actually descendants of traditional Portuguese instruments called
                       “machete de braga”

                       In next month’s Newsletter, we will continue with the Blog and find out why the
                       ukulele is so popular and if it is easier or harder to play than any other instruments.
                       (Our thanks go to Ukulelemate for the use of their informative Blog).

                       Please come along to any of our sessions to see what we do, please call Glenda
                       on 0435 597 503, or Jenny on 0407 589 722, or just turn up.

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                                                                  RURAL FIRE
                                              Volunteer vacancies currently
                                              exist for:

                                               Support Staff, Handymen, Admin.,
                                               Active Fire Fighters, both Cadet &
                                                  Mature Community members.
                                                 Position of Santa already filled!

                                                All enquiries: 0407 644 735

                                               Permit Enquiries: 0467 644 736

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                ABN 27102666571                 Free Quotes
Sewerage, Storm water, Pump repairs & installations
   Jetta & Machine cleared blockages                             Contact Greg
    Hot and Cold Water Pipes repairs & installations
   Taps and Toilet repairs & installations                         or Lisa
    Gas, Electric & Solar HWS repairs & installations
    Gas stove, cook top, heater repairs & installations           4128 6211 or
    All domestic, residential & caravan plumbing, drainage, gas
    Roofing, Guttering & Down pipes
                                                                  0427 294 873

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Decorative                                                Mobile Denture Service
Concrete                                                     Toogoom/Burrum Heads

Designs                                                   Roger Gilbert,
    Servicing the Fraser Coast and                        Dental prosthetist
                                                          since 1990
            surrounding areas
                                                                Repairs
                                                                Relines
•      Spray on concrete
                                                                Full & Partial dentures
•      Seamless Epoxy Flooring
                                                                Custom mouthguards
•      Pressure Cleaning & Sealing                              Pick up and delivery

     For an obligation FREE quote,                       Call Roger on 0409 090 300
     call Lachlan on 0436 466 440                              or 0416 139 844
                                                         171 Kingfisher Parade, Toogoom

           BURRUM DISTRICT GARDEN CLUB - from Ros Beauchamp

July already! Where has the first half of the year gone? We have had some cool winter mornings, with the
days turning into glorious weather making it a pleasure to be out in the garden.
It's "Coalfest" this month, and members of our club have been busy getting our annual float entry in the
parade ready to roll. Hope to see lots of entries this year and look forward to seeing the community out to
cheer us along.
We will also have a stall at Coalfest, so pop in and say hello. We also have a wonderful raffle, you may
have seen our members selling tickets around town, and tickets will also be for sale at the Coalfest stall.
With minimal rain and dam levels low (which many of us rely on), gardening over the last few years has
been a challenge. Hopefully the spring will bring some much needed rainfall. Mulching is essential to help
retain any moisture in the soil.
Some of our members enjoyed a wonderful day visiting Lupton Park Community Garden, along with a
visit to a gallery and museum. The Maryborough Wetlands had to be postponed due to weather.
Our next meeting is on the 14th July at 10am CWA Hall Howard.
Membership is only $5 for the year. We have a fun and knowledgeable group, and welcome new
members to join.
Look forward to seeing you at our meeting and on the 17th at Coalfest.
Gardening simply does not allow one to be mentally old, because too many hopes and dreams are yet to
be realized. – Allan Armitage

Cheers Ros

                Contacts: President Ros 0408 221 024 or Secretary Narelle 0438 581 016

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Toogoom Chatter - July 2021                                                       Page 30

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Toogoom Chatter - July 2021                                                                  Page 31

     68 William St, Howard              4129 4336
     OPEN: Monday – Friday             8.30am - 5pm

 •    Small, large & exotics consultations                        Licenced QBCC 1050804
 •    Vaccinations
                                                             Old Fashioned Values with a modern
 •    Minor Procedures Now available                                     approach
 •    Minor Surgery
                             Puppy pre-school                ◆Complete Plumbing maintenance
 •    Home Euthanasia        Grooming                                 ◆DrainCleaning
 •    House Calls            Hydrobaths                           ◆ Hot Water Cylinders
 •    Farm Calls
                                                                    ◆Rain Water Tanks
 •    Prescription diet foods
                                                                   ◆Septic/Grey water
 •    Single flea and tick products
                                                                  ◆Roofing and Guttering
           Need a vet on the weekend?
                                                                 Servicing Toogoom and all
       Our WALKER Street, Maryborough                                surrounding areas
             clinic (near the hospital)
      is open Saturday 8.30am – 12pm and                           Call Craig now on
       NOW open SUNDAY 9am – 12pm                                   0400 300 800

         ALL THE TIME?
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      What better time to learn than RIGHT

          Call JULZ, 0407 678 087
     to book in and start your course today
          What are you waiting for???

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Toogoom Chatter - July 2021                                                        Page 32

                                                    TOOGOOM DRAFTING SERVICES
               JACK’S GLASS
                   & Security Screens                     9 Seashore Way Toogoom
               QBCC 1190973 ABN 56 966 321 270

      24 hour Emergency Glass Replacement
 *Glass cut to size *Mirrors *Pet Doors *Perspex
                                                   # All Your Drafting
 *Shower Screens *Fly Screens *Wardrobe Doors        Needs
 *Patio Enclosures
 *Stainless & Aluminium Security Doors/Windows
 *Glass Balustrading & Splashbacks                 # Structural &
 *Service calls - Spare parts & Repairs              Architectural
             61 Islander Road, Pialba
                                                      # Phone Jeff on 0404 856 608

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Page 33
Toogoom Chatter - July 2021                       PUZZLE PAGE
Olympic Games 2021        Can you find the hidden sports events? They may be horizontal, vertical,
diagonal, forwards or backwards

                                          DIVING, EQUESTRIAN, FENCING, FOOTBALL, GOLF,
Some other words of four letters or
more containing the hub letter G:
                                          GYMNASTICS, HANDBALL,HOCKEY, JUDO,
                                          MODERN PENTATHLON, ROWING, RUGBY SEVENS,
cage, gain, gait, game, gate, gent,
                                          SAILING, SHOOTING,SWIMMING,
geta, gnat, giant, icing, image, magic,
mange, tinge, acting, aiming, citing,     SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING, TABLE TENNIS, TENNIS,
eating, enigma, ignite, magnet,
                                          TAEKWONDO, TRAMPOLINE,TRIATHLON, VOLLEYBALL,
mating, taming, timing, imagine,
mintage, teaming, magnetic.               WATER POLO, WEIGHTLIFTING, WRESTLING.

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Toogoom Chatter - July 2021                                                                  Page 34

                                       July 20th has been nominated by FCRC for the cleaning of the
Based on Burnett Heads   Tide Times    Toogoom Boat Ramp, for an hour either side of the low tide.

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