THIS WEEK CLASS OF 2026 STUDENT EARNS NOMINATION 3 - U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command
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Release of Chemicals on Kwajalein Atoll icans have detectable levels in their water catchment systems. Both stor- bloodstreams. age facilities are secured, and no recre- KWAJALEIN ATOLL— On March 22, the Drinking water testing for PFAS has ational or public gathering activities are U.S. Army Garrison - Kwajalein Atoll occurred in USAG-KA water systems known to occur near these facilities. was notified by the LOGCAP Contractor since late 2019 at 43 locations for both USAG-KA is currently investigating of a past release of Aqueous Film Form- source and finished water. Samples are and assessing the release incident with ing Fire Fighting (AFFF) concentrated collected by the LOGCAP contractor the cooperation of supporting DoD and materials stored here since August 2020. and shipped to the Army Public Health DA agencies and higher headquarters. The materials, consisting of
From left: USAG-KA RMI Relations Specialist Mike Sakaio, Attorney David Creed, Resource Management Officer Justin Collup, U.S. Air Force Academy appointee Michael Lojkar, Martin Lojkar and USAG-KA Host Nation Activities Director Maj. Jay Parsons stand for a photo at the Kwajalein High School library April 9. Sakaio, Creed and Collup have all served in the USAF, and came to congratulate Lojkar on his recent acceptance to the USAFA. U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY ACCEPTS FIRST RMI CITIZEN On April 9, one graduating senior at Kwajalein High School received life-changing news. U.S. Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll congratulates Kwajalein High School Ri-Katak student Michael Lojkar, the first-ever Marshallese citizen to earn an appointment to the U.S. Air Force Academy. Lojkar will join the Academy Class of 2026. Lojkar was notified of his candidacy in a special meeting at the Kwajalein High School Library. Called in from classes, he was surprised to find his father, Mar- tin Lojkar and personnel from the US- AG-KA Command team and Kwajalein School System there to meet him. USAG-KA Director of Host Nation Activities Maj. Jay Parsons said he was pleased to be the messenger for such auspicious news. “You’re the first Marshallese citizen to attend the U.S. Air Force Academy,” Parsons said. Parsons recognized the import of Lojkar’s acceptance. He shared that receiving the affirmation of candidacy from the USAF Directorate of Admis- sions had even made him a little ner- U.S. ARMY PHOTOS BY JESSICA DAMBRUCH vous that morning. Lojkar had chosen not to apply to any other U.S. military U.S. Air Force Academy appointee Michael Lojkar, left, and USAG-KA Host Nation Activi- service branch, effectively “putting all ties Director Maj. Jay Parsons, check out a USAF student appointee preparation guide fol- his eggs in one basket.” lowing news of Lojkar’s acceptance, April 9, at the Kwajalein High School library. “It looks like things worked out!” Parsons said. dition to his service in the U.S. Coast “Just think,” joked Creed. “In 20 years, Department of the Army Civilian em- Guard; USAG-KA Attorney David every garment you own will be blue!” ployees stepped forward to offer Lojkar Creed, who served as a USAF captain; Knowing the days ahead would be and his father words of encouragement and Maj. Justin Collup, USAF Inactive busy, Parsons advised Lojkar to “be and support. USAG-KA RMI Relations Reserve, shared in few moments of prepared to have his photo all over the Specialist Mike Sakaio, who previously lighthearted camaraderie to mark the place,” and to stay focused. The real served as a USAF staff sergeant in ad- beginning of Lojkar’s career. work was about to begin. Saturday, April 16, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 16 3 The Kwajalein Hourglass
Before departing the school, he pre- sented Lojkar with a hefty binder of pre-entrance activities detailing re- quired documents and procedures to undertake in the time leading up to his first day at the Academy. “We’ve still got some work on your physical training to do,” said Parsons. “Now, you also have some paperwork to take care of.” The news was a lot to take in, Mi- chael’s father, Martin Lojkar, a Range Generation Next Information Tech- nology specialist, said of his son’s ac- complishment. Michael, a free spirit, enjoyed “technical things,” Martin said. His strong technical aptitude, months of prepatory physical fitness training and team-spirited work ethic would 1 serve him well on his future career path. “The USAF was at the top of Michael’s list,” Martin said. “He wanted the chal- lenge. Our family is just really proud of him.” Following the meeting, Lojkar re- turned to classes. Congratulations from numerous classmates, school employees and USAF-connected personnel serv- ing on USAG-KA continued to pour in during the next week. “Michael is an outstanding represen- tative of Kwajalein schools, and we are proud of him for this amazing accom- plishment. From years of effort in the classroom to early morning workouts, Michael has worked very hard for this opportunity. Congratulations, Michael!” —KHS Principal Matthew Gerber “Welcome aboard to the wild blue yonder, Jeramon!” —Mike Sakaio “Michael Lojkar, congratulations on your appointment to the U.S. Air Force Academy. My advice: Document every- thing. Aim High.” —Senior Master Sgt. Patrick Weber, USAF, Retired “Very excited for Michael to cross over into the Blue!” —David Creed “Michael, you are about to embark on an incredible journey that will be difficult but extremely rewarding. Check your 2 altimeter when you get to the USAFA, U.S. ARMY PHOTOS BY JESSICA DAMBRUCH and it should read: ‘7,258 feet above sea level, far far above that of West Point or 1) USAG-KA RMI Relations Specialist Mike Sakaio, left, who served in the U.S. Air Force as Annapolis.’ Have fun, and congrats!” a staff sergeant, congratulates Michael Lojkar on his acceptance to the USAF Academy. 2) —Maj. Justin Collup, Lojkar checks out his appointee manual before heading back to classes at Kwajalein High USAF Inactive Reserve School. ONCE A KWAJ RESIDENT, ALWAYS A KWAJ RESIDENT. HELP US PROTECT THE MISSION. OPSEC DOESN’T END WHEN YOU PCS. PLEASE THINK BEFORE POSTING PHOTOS AND VIDEOS TO SOCIAL MEDIA. Saturday, April 16, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 16 4 The Kwajalein Hourglass
U.S. ARMY PHOTOS BY JESSICA DAMBRUCH Katie Suderno, founder of an Ebeye chapter of the international nonprofit organization Days For Girls, gives a lecture on program activi- ties at the Island Memorial Chapel in March. DAYS FOR GIRLS EBEYE CHAPTER EMPOWERS MARSHALLESE WOMEN As is the case in commu- nities with resourcing chal- Donations of fabric and lenges, women miss days of monetary support are wel- school or work and can expe- come to assist in an ongoing rience unnecessary setbacks. effort to provide Marshallese Providing young women women throughout the atoll with the tools and resources with health education and to assist them in menstrual resources to “transform peri- management was a natural ods into pathways.” extension of her work in RMI Katie Suderno of Changing communities, Suderno said. Focus Ministries presented She relies on trusting rela- her recent philanthropy work tionships with individuals in benefitting RMI women and each community she visits to girls to the Kwajalein com- help her connect with young munity in a special “Talks women who can benefit from on the Rock” community DFG workshops. lecture through the Yokwe “The response has been Yuk Welcome Club. During welcoming,” Suderno said. the evening, Suderno shared “We are grateful for the op- information about the Ebeye portunity to help the ‘whole chapter of Days for Girls In- person’ with this holistic ternational, a nonprofit out- solution.” reach program that equips DFG began in 2008 as an young women with women’s initiative of Celeste Mergens health education and sus- in Kenya after discovering Suderno holds up the contents of a kit containing sustainable men- tainable menstruation re- that women had access to strual management supplies. Young Marshallese female attendees sources as they mature. few resources to elegantly at Suderno’s health workshops each receive a kit, in addition to ed- Often called the “sailboat manage their monthly cy- ucation, training and entreprenurial opportunities. missionaries,” Suderno and cle. The initiative has since her husband Scott work in gone global, with enterpris- partnership with Youth with ing individuals like Suder- bolsters the local economy program. Tentative plans in a Mission, an interdenomi- no beginning local chapters by connecting women to en- development include pre- national Christian outreach to assist women around the trepreneurial opportunities. paring courses in personal program. A familiar pres- world. Suderno currently employs a health and healthy relation- ence on the atoll for many Suderno’s workshops pro- seamstress who makes each ships geared toward young years, together the Sudernos vide health education in a DFG kit. In the future, she men in a supportive envi- have transited to the outer culturally sensitive environ- hopes to acquire more sew- ronment, facilitated by Scott islands by sailboat to dis- ment for girls about to enter ing equipment to help more Suderno. tribute clothing, household puberty, but women of any women receive the training “We are seeking to begin supplies and Marshallese bi- age are welcome to attend. to support the program and a health education program bles to remote communities. Each attendee receives a contribute to their families for young men, as well,” Sud- The goods are appreciated in drawstring bag with hand- with earned income. erno said. “We really want to these far-out communities, stitched snap-in supplies de- “It’s great,” Suderno said, give back to the RMI.” Suderno said, but access to signed to mitigate menstru- of one the seamstress’ sup- resources for menstruation ation. Each piece is made port. “With the sewing ma- is an ongoing issue. with colorful, waterproof chine in her possession, she “Come with me for a mo- fabrics. All materials used was able to take in addition- Interested in donating in ment to the outer islands,” are long-lasting and discreet. al, personal work through support of Days for Girls? Suderno directed attendees After being laundered and the fall, and made more than $500. She used some of the Reach out to Katie Suderno at her lecture. “There are no hung on an outdoor clothes- line to dry, Suderno said, the money to buy holiday gifts on Facebook. For more in- stores. There is nowhere lo- cal to purchase anything you materials resemble common for her family.” formation, check out Days might need to get through washcloths. Coming up next, the Sud- for Girls International at your monthly cycle.” The program on Ebeye also ernos hope to expand their Saturday, April 16, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 16 5 The Kwajalein Hourglass
U.S. ARMY PHOTO BY JESSICA DAMBRUCH U.S. Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll leadership and senior staff attended a briefing by U.S. Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Pro- gram Victim Advocate Sgt. 1st Class Effie Banks, at USAG-KA Command headquarters April 13. Banks shared updates to program information and training tips for deterring unwanted behaviors in the workplace. U.S. ArMY SPACE AND MISSILE DEFENSE COMMAND HISTORY but there was no mention of an alter- native surface mode of travel. At this Special Guest Was Out of This World point we can only assume that perhaps Personnel from U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll the Sprint and Spartan personnel boats, participated in a technical conference in which carried both personnel and sup- early April 2003 in Huntsville, Alabama. plies, had been retired, as the ten-min- As in other conferences, employees of ute flight permanently replaced the one- the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile De- hour boat journey. fense Test Site extolled the benefits of Beginning in the summer of 1967, the range facilities, their unique capa- when “Think Meck” was the watchword, bilities, and its distinct benefits of the as many as 350 employees traveled from location. Kwajalein to Meck each day. According Among the visitors on this occasion to the April 8, 1974, transit schedule, was a special guest: Leonard Nimoy, per- from Monday through Saturday, there haps best known for his role as the Vul- were 54 daily flights between Kwajalein can science officer Mr. Spock, in Gene and Meck, with multiple flights at the Roddenberry’s original “Star Trek” tele- beginning and end of the work day. vision series. Jack McCreary provided an explana- SPARTAN Style tion of the range’s role in the U.S. space On April 17, 1975, the Kwajalein Missile program discussing for example, the Range successfully executed the 25th data collection and cataloguing on space and final SPARTAN missile launch (M2- debris by the ALTAIR radar. Nimoy “was Leonard Nimoy, who played Mr. Spock on 25). The fifth SPARTAN production mis- the original “Star Trek” television series, amazed the U.S. had this capability to sile to be tested, successfully intercepted track such small pieces of space junk and met Jack McCreary, Reagan Test Site em- a high altitude simulated target (M2- ployee, during a 2003 technical conference keep track of all the pieces .... [observing 545). As a follow-on to the NIKE-ZEUS that] ... our mission is important,” ac- in Huntsville, Alabama. missile, fewer tests were conducted for cording to McCreary. At that time, the the Spartan program – 15 developmen- range conducted 40,000 tracks per year. tal missile/intercept tests, five SAFE- various test objectives for the SPARTAN GUARD system tests and an additional program. The Kwajalein tests incorpo- Meck Trek five production validation assurance rated various ranges, altitudes, dynam- In Fiscal Year 1974, the Kwajalein Missile tests. All these tests were conducted at ic pressure and early, medium and late Range recorded an intriguing milestone the Kwajalein Missile Range. third-stage ignition. in their chronology. On April 8, 1974, an The SPARTAN, a three-stage, solid These variations allowed test engi- “all-fly” mode was implemented for per- propellant missile (measuring 662 inch- neers to assess interceptor aerodynam- sonnel between Kwajalein and Meck. es, and weighing 28,700 pounds), could ics, thermodynamics, flight control The newspaper began to publish a “intercept ballistic missiles at extreme- system operation, third stage operation, Meck flight schedule in February which ly high altitude and long range,” as ex- guidance communication and warhead would suggest an extensive workload, plained in the ABM History, to meet the adaption kit operations. Saturday, April 16, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 16 6 The Kwajalein Hourglass
Active Volcano Fringing Reef Barrier Reef Atoll Above: A pictorial step-by-step history of atoll geological formation. A 165 MILLION YEAR JOURNEY As this large island subsided, a verita- ble moat of seawater filled the growing gap between the landmass and the reef, forming a barrier reef, the third major provided a large base close to the water’s transformative step in the atoll formation surface for coral to latch onto and grow. process. By Jordan Vinson That surface proximity is important. It is Fast forward until the landmass sub- one of the most essential requirements sides completely below the ocean, and If you recently moved to Kwajalein for coral growth, providing cozy, nutri- you’re left with a thin necklace of coral Atoll, you now live and work amid one of ent-rich real estate close enough to the reef. This is an atoll, the final step in the the planet’s largest lagoons, encircled by water’s surface to allow the coral animals process. one of the planet’s largest coral atolls. to pull in energy from the sun, sustain An obvious question does come up at Lying at the heart of the Ralik Chain themselves, grow and reproduce. this point: If the volcanic landmass sub- (the western, or “sunset,” chain) of the When did coral reefs first begin form- sides over time, why hasn’t the coral reef Marshall Islands, Kwajalein Atoll sits at ing around this volcanic island? Dr. subsided along with it, pulling it below a point roughly equidistant to Honolu- James Hein, a long-time USGS scientist the ocean’s surface? lu, Japan and northeast Australia. It’s at specializing in marine mineral deposits, Actually, it has—sort of. What one has least a 2,000-mile swim to the nearest does have an answer: roughly 56 million to remember is that a coral reef is vast- significant landmass, which in our case years ago. From that point onward, indi- ly different from a volcanic seamount, happens to be Australia. You’re at eight vidual coral colonies began to form along chiefly in the fact that the reef is a con- degrees and some change, or about 500 the perimeter of the island and grow into glomeration of living lifeforms. In an miles north of the equator. larger colonies, eventually merging to- island’s case, if geologic forces pull it be- The atoll itself, like all 29 atolls com- gether around the island perimeter into a low the water or erode it away to the sur- prising the RMI, is what remains of a contiguous mass of coral animals, which face, that landmass has no choice but to shield volcano that once extended from we call a fringing reef. This is the second go along for the ride. A reef, on the other the top of the Pacific Plate at the floor of major transformational stage in atoll for- hand, consists of millions and millions the ocean up through the surface of the mation. According to the National Oce- of coral animals, which may reproduce ocean. Born out of volcanic eruptions anic and Atmospheric Administration, it and continually grow, building on top occurring thousands of feet below the can take 10,000 years for a fringing reef of one another in an attempt to remain Pacific Plate between 165 and 76 million to form around an island. If those con- at the surface where the sun’s energy is years ago, this seamount grew and grew. ditions remain favorable, the reef will strongest. Because it’s a living entity, Finally, when it peaked out of the surface continue expanding throughout the next the coral reef making up Kwajalein Atoll of the ocean, it became an island, reach- 100,000 years, the agency states. was able to react to its changing depth ing the first transformative stage of atoll Contrasting with the expansion of the in the water over time. The rocks, sand formation. reef along its perimeter, the island land- and other stuff making up the volcanic Exactly how far it extended above the mass eventually began to undergo its island simply could not. water’s surface is hard to say. Did this own transformation. As the Pacific Plate Currently, the seamount formerly island look like a mountain, like Mauna slowly crawled across the Earth’s man- comprising this island reaches a height Kea in Hawaii, which tips the charts in tle, the position of the large Kwajalein that is only about 200 feet below sea the Pacific Ocean at more than 13,000 feet volcanic island became more and more level. Atop it lie layers of very old, dead in height? Or did it resemble current-day distant from its source of volcanism (aka coral colonies, which have subsided be- Kosrae or Pohnpei, both of which reach a hot spot). It was this hot spot that had low about 160 feet, the greatest depth at just over 2,000 feet in height? spewed the magma out of the planet’s which coral typically can survive. Atop “We really just do not know,” says Dr. mantle, through the lithosphere and those dead colonies lie the living coral Curt Storlazzi, a research geologist and into the ocean to form the volcanic sea- colonies that have yet to subside below oceanographer with the USGS’ Pacific mount and island, says Storlazzi. The the rough 160-feet kill point. As the sea- Coastal and Marine Science Center. “Be- greater the distance from the hot spot, mount continues to subside, bringing cause the base of the atoll is 50-80 kilo- the more the local region of the Pa- the coral along with it, new coral colo- meters across, it could have been really cific Plate sank. And the more it sank, nies continue to grow near the ocean big. We just don’t really know.” the more the volcanic island subsided surface, piling up on top of dead reef Regardless of how high the island stuck downward and receded away from the sections subsiding below. The process out of the water in its pre-atoll state, it reef around it. continues today. Saturday, April 16, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 16 7 The Kwajalein Hourglass
THE LIBERTY PASS Kwaj Weekend and Activity Guide PARENTS, REMEMBER TO HAVE FUN THIS EASTER er. Hats, baskets, sunblock, form a phalanx. sunglasses and two matching Egg-hunting is a solo oper- Attention parents: Have fun shoes per person must be lo- ation. this Easter. cated in advance. This may be You will check to ensure Many a parent has allowed more difficult than it sounds. your child is equipped with a perfectly good Easter dinner Family objectives may in- one appropriate, standard is- to “rest” to ensure their chil- clude any number of the fol- sue Easter basket. dren experienced the magic of lowing actions: a strategic The starting whistle will the annual Easter egg hunt. To engagement with the Easter sound. The main event will be fair, if your child is over age Bunny to collect a selfie; re- begin. 12, you have possibly endured connoitering to acquire stick- You must remember to put this holiday ritual many times ers and small prizes at a crafts down your smartphone and Easter Dining Menu and cheered from the side- station; successful navigation simply watch the egg hunt. Zamperini Cafeteria lines as they traversed a large of long lines at the game sta- You must remember that this Sunday, April 17, 2022 athletic field to collect plastic tions; and, staving off your egg hunt is for the kids to en- trinkets filled with The Ulti- growling stomach until 8 joy. You must resist the urge Regular mealtimes mate Treasure (read: candy). p.m., when MWR will put to lunge for that one butter- and rates apply. Holidays can be stressful away the Slip ’N Slide feature. scotch hard candy within your times. There is a great deal (Then, finally, you might get reach—you can see it, it’s right Lunch of pressure on parents to give to eat dinner—if you can get there, melting in the sun; it’s Hand Carved Beef Tenderloin their children perfect expe- your dependents to muster at just waiting to be plucked up French Fried Shrimp riences. If that’s you, don’t the dinner table). from the grass, and you are Baked Maine Lobster tails forget to enjoy this year’s egg This egg hunt will be the hungry. (ltd. quantity) hunt. Otherwise, your Easter best one yet. Is that Peter Cottontail, on Baked Stuffed Chicken Breast mission planning may instead From your vantage point as the field, watching you? Mashed Potatoes go something like this: an adult in a throng of chil- Look to your left. No, your Garlic Parmesan Pasta dren, you know you will have other left (Peter Cottontail is Green Beans Casserole Briefing Room, aka “The a confirmed visual on the tar- fast). Cottontail may well be Caramelized Butternut Squash Dining Table” get—the green athletic field, there for photo ops, but rumor Corn on the Cob It is 17 April. You have dotted with plastic eggs and has it this is not your garden Salad & Deli Bars checked your “battle plan”— pools of hard candies. variety bunny. Fresh Corn & Potato Chowder that great ad in The Kwajalein You can and will lead your There he is: an eight-foot- Healthy Bar Hourglass about the egg hunt. child to the starting line for tall Easter bunny pacing the Vegetarian Wraps An Easter basket in one hand their age group’s egg hunt. green with the authority of a Pasta w/Marinara Sauce and smartphone in the oth- You can and will brief them battalion commander. This is er, you have mustered your on the optimal strategy for egg an Army installation. That’s Dinner family and briefed the plan. collection maneuvers, along got to be a four-star rabbit Pizza Night For your child to sweep cello- with a rousing pep talk. Treats presiding over the egg hunt. Spaghetti with Meat Sauce phane-wrapped victory into retrieved from the field will That’s got to be Gen. P. Cot- Italian Sausage their basket at 5:30 p.m., a indicate mission success. tontail. Maybe you’re taking w/Peppers & Onions rendezvous on the field must As mission time approach- this egg hunt too seriously. Meat Lasagna occur at 4:45 p.m. (Verified: es, you may even be tempted Easter egg hunts come once Steamed Pasta This field is the athletic field to review operational maneu- a year, and with them, the Oven Browned Potatoes behind the library, and not the vers with your child to ensure thrill of the hunt, the drama of Steamed Broccoli high school field). they secure multiple plastic the half-empty Easter basket Seasoned Summer Squash This means you will need eggs. You may dispense with and the joy on your child’s face Broccoli, Cheese to help inspire your family this idea as you will recall that when they return laden with & Rice Casserole to leave the house togeth- your child has no real need to candy—any amount of can- Pasta with Marinara Sauce dy—they found themselves. Salad & Deli Bars Enjoy the fun and cheer Chicken & Rice Soup MWR Easter Egg Hunt for your kids. Let them han- Sunday, April 17 at 5:30 p.m. dle the hunting while you sit Short Order Softball fields behind the back and admire yet another Hot Dogs Grace Sherwood Library successful Easter campaign. If Chili Bring your own baskets, and cameras for pictures your child is very young, and Grilled Cheese you spot candy, point them in with the Easter Bunny. Enjoy candy, toys and prizes! the right direction. Let them Grilled Ham & Cheese 5 - 6 p.m. - Peter Cottontail is available for photos Meatball Submarine Sandwich seize the treat in their own Egg Rolls 5:30 p.m. - Egg hunt small hands. Their accom- French Fries 6 - 8 p.m. - Bounce House, plishment is it’s worth much Burgers Slip ‘N Slide, fun and games more than a heavy basket, and you’ll be glad you put down Egg Hunt Age Groups the smartphone to witness 1–4-year-olds; Pre-K – K; their Easter victory. grades 1 – 3; and grades 4 - 6 Saturday, April 16, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 16 8 The Kwajalein Hourglass
Coming Up Next CYS Ninja Warrior Challenge Finale YYWC Easter Bake Sale Laser Tag Saturday, April 16 from 5:15 - 6 p.m. Saturday, April 16 from 3 - 5 p.m. Saturday, April 16 from 4 - 6:30 p.m. Namo Weto Youth Center Field in front of the Mic Shop Kwajalein High School Davye Davis The culmination of the Child and Youth Davye Davis Multi-Purpose Room Multi-Purpose Room Services Ninja Warrior Challenge cele- Bring cash and pick up treats to enjoy Come support Kwajalein High School. brates the Month of the Military Child with your family and friends over the $10 unlimited play. Enjoy hot dogs, with a focus on fitness. Easter weekend. All proceeds benefit the snacks, and drinks for sale. Yokwe Yuk Education Assistance Fund to support schools in the Marshall Is- lands. USAG-KA Town Halls USAG-KA Town Halls Kwajalein High School KSS PTO Read-A-Thon Roi - Tuesday, April 19 at 1 p.m. in the Spring Band Concerts Monday, April 25 from 1 - 3 p.m. Tradewinds Theater Friday, April 22 at 6:30 p.m. Grace Sherwood Library Kwajalein - Wednesday, April 20 at 5 Davye Davis Multi-Purpose Room This fun reading activity is coordinated p.m. in the Island Memorial Chapel Enjoy live music by the bands of Kwa- by the Kwajalein School System Parent Join the USAG-KA command team at the jalein High School. This concert is free Teacher Organiztion. Enjoy cotton can- quarterly community town halls. Bring and open to the community. dy at the Grace Sherwood Library while questions, comments, kudos, suggestions you check out the more than 170 new and receive updates on community life. books donated for children and young adult readers. RustMan Triathlon 34th Annual Kwajalein High School George Seitz Elementary School Monday, April 25 Stage Band Ballroom Dinner Dance Spring Band Concerts If you’re not already planning to com- Sunday, May 1 from 6:30 p.m. Friday, May 6 at 5:15 p.m. pete in this year’s annual triathlon, now Davye Davis Multi-Purpose Room Kwajalein High School Davye Davis is the time to make your “RustManiac” Tickets are $45 for this annual event. To Multi-Purpose Room signs to show support along the event purchase, please visit the high school of- Enjoy live music by the bands of Kwa- route. More details about this must-see fice between 1 and 3:30 p.m. As a school jalein High School. This concert is free event will follow in the coming weeks. organization fundraiser, alcohol will and open to the community. For more information, please contact neither be served nor permitted. Bob and Jane Sholar at 5-1815. Saturday, April 16, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 16 9 The Kwajalein Hourglass
COMMUNITY CLASSIFIEDS The community wants to hear from you. Email announcements and advertisements to Wednesdays by close of business. Ads received after deadline will be published in the next issue of The Kwajalein Hourglass. ARMY REGULATIONS be given out over the phone. Contact TOBACCO USE. USAG-KA Policy MWR at 5-3331 with questions. Memorandum 600-8 protects others from the negative impact of tobacco HELP WANTED use. On USAG-KA, smoking is per- To research and apply for govern- mitted in designated smoking areas ment employment opportunities on only. Smoking and cigarette butt re- U.S. Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll ceptacles must be at least 50 feet and worldwide, visit from the entrance of facilities. Write to kwajalein.hourglass@amen- to remove your listing. inspector, quality control manager wood Library in Bldg. 805 Tuesday CANDLES and open flames are not (QCM), and site safety and health through Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. permitted in BQ rooms. The Kwaja- ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT. This officer (SSHO). To apply, visit www. lein Fire Department thanks you for position provides daily administrative and contact Clint OPTICAL CARE keeping your neighbors safe. task support for operations at the Is- Ueatari or Kevin Short at 5-2632, CALL THE Kwajalein Hospital to land Memorial Chapel. For questions 5-4995 or 5-4996. express your interest in securing CLASSES or to submit a resume, please call a future optometry appointment at ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Open 5-3505. Send to kwajchapel@gmail. QUANTUM DYNAMICS, INC., is 5-2223. meetings for this group are Tuesdays com and Ch. Brian Conner at brian_ accepting resumes for positions on at 6:30 p.m. in the REB, Room 213. Kwajalein and Roi-Namur in the fol- lowing areas: Vehicle Maintenance, ORGANIZATIONS KWAJALEIN AMATEUR RADIO BLDG. COORDINATOR TRAINING. CALIBRE seeks a Military Material Transportation Motor Pool, Move- CLUB. Looking for active members This training for building managers is Specialist. For more information, or ment Control, and Custodial. Please and leadership positions to take the required by AR 420-1. Kwaj training to apply, visit https://jobs.silkroad. apply to specific opportunities at club to new heights. Contact the club occurs on the first and third Wednes- com/calibresys/httpscalibresysca- at 5-2501 or email kwajradioclub@ days of each month at 10 a.m. in the reerssilkroadcom/jobs/4013. or contact Ms. Trina Romeo, HR to learn more. Religious Education Building. Roi- Manager at 5-1509 (office phone), Namur training occurs on the second INTERNATIONAL SOS seeks a email: or UKULELE CLUB. The Kwajalein Wednesday each month at 9:30 a.m. dental assistant and applicants for stop by Building 1071 (Emergency Ukulele Club is a free club open to in C-building. Call 5-3364 to register. administrative positions. Send your Operations Center) located at the ukulele enthusiasts of all ages and resume to marykathleen.bryan@in- southern end of Kwajalein. skill levels. Bring your uke and join SMOKING CESSATION. Ongoing us for a strum-along each Friday in smoking and tobacco cessation TRUESTONE is hiring for multiple CRC room 6 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. Sign counseling is available. Call the EAP KAIHONUA is hiring for multiple po- positions. Contact Tribalco Hu- up for the mailing list to receive up- at 5-5362 or email marybeth.mawic- sitions. For more information or to man Resources at 5-4344 and visit dates and sheet music by writing to for more. apply, please contact Tribalco Hu- man Resources at 5-4344 and visit Applicants must meet job require- FACILITIES ments. For more information, visit KWAJALEIN GIRL SCOUTS. The RACQUETBALL COURT CODE. kaihonua. Applicants must meet job Kwajalein Girl Scouts are open to all Residents can obtain the door code requirements. school-aged K-12 girls on Kwajalein from the MWR Desk at the Grace RGNEXT, LLC seeks qualified can- ( Membership fees Sherwood Library. The code will not NAN, INC. seeks a welder, welding didates to fill several open positions are $45. Also seeking adult volun- on Kwaj and Roi in engineering, teers. For registration, questions or technical and other areas. For more more information contact Carrie Al- information and to apply, go to www. jure at USAG-KA CYS has openings for NOTE ABOUT NOTARY SERVICES new employees and coaches. Re- Kwajalein Attorney Benjamin quired experience levels vary. All Clancy will be off island in April. children of head coaches play for Contact the USAG-KA Sexual Harassment/ Assault free. Visit Central Registration or call For notary services appoint- 5-2158 in Building 356. ments, please contact Attorney Response and Prevention Victim Advocate David Creed at david.m.creed. HOURS OF OPERATION Please note: US- COMMON ACCESS CARD OFFICE AG-KA Legal Counsel is unable Sgt. 1st Class Effie Banks is open Tuesday through Saturday to provide real estate closing from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Schedule ap- SHARP Victim Advocate pointments at https://idco.dmdc.osd. services or estate planning ser- Work: 805-355-0660 mil/idco. vices—only Powers of Attorney. or 805-355-1419 AUTOMOTIVE LICENSING. The Au- SAFETY USAG-KA SHARP Pager: tomotive Licensing Office has moved SAFETY REMINDER. The com- to Bldg. 808. Please visit during reg- munity is reminded to avoid dead 805-355-3241 #0100 ular hours of operation to complete marine mammals that may wash up DOD SAFE Helpline: license testing and documentation. onshore. They can pose a human health risk and may attract sharks 877-995-5247 The SELF HELP CENTER is in Bldg. and other marine predators. For 1791. Hours of operation are Mon- more information, speak with your day, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:30 Environmental department repre- a.m. - 6 p.m. Visit Self Help for tools sentatives. and materials for household upkeep projects. PAVILION CLOSED. The site of the former Emon Beach main pavil- MWR RENTALS ion site is closed for maintenance. MWR RENTALS. When request- Please avoid the area while work ing a tent, two weeks’ notice is re- is being completed. Call MWR at Main Ebeye Office: 625-4296 quired for dig permit approval. To re- 5-3331/2. quest tables, linens, chairs, bounce 455-1724, 456-1724 and 456-6409 to get help. houses, or MWR equipment, call 5-3331/3332 or visit the Grace Sher- CLICK THE 7TH INFANTRY DIVISION LOGO TO VIEW PHOTOS FROM THE KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS ONLINE. Saturday, April 16, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 16 10 The Kwajalein Hourglass
Construction and Demolition Debris E-WARENESS Kobij in alal, menoknok jen Jerbal In Ekkal im Rubrub Segregating construction and demolition debris at the source increases the percentage of materials diverted from unnecessary incineration and landfill applications. Segre- gate C&D debris materials like scrap metal, glass, plastics, yard waste, compostable construction debris and other materials destined for incineration. Contact Environ- mental at 5-1134 for information. Kejenolok bwe in alal im kobij in ekkal ak rubrub ej juon wewein bobrae an laplok Construction and menoknok ko rekar im jab ekar non tiili im jolok ilo landfill. Im ilo wewein ko im rej einwot scrap metla, plactic, ak kobij ko jet jen mweik ko im rekar bwe ren etal non jikin katil eo. Non kajjitok? Kir lok Environmental ilo x1134. Demolition Debris Contact Environmental at 5-1134 for information. Please notify island veterinary services as soon as possible if you plan to PCS with your pet. COVID has created increased delays in some necessary testing needed for most destinations outside of CONUS. If a Fluorescent Antibody Virus Neutralization test is needed for your PCS, it could take eight weeks to receive results. You should allow three to six months to leave Kwajalein with your pet(s), however if you need to leave on shorter notice, Vet Services may be able to help. Kwajalein Veterinary Services Phone: 5-2017 WILL YOUR PET PCS SOON? Email: RMI TRAVEL Effective March 31, the Republic of the Marshall Islands government has ISSUANCE #37 insituted Travel Issuance 37. This travel restriction applies through April 30. UNITED AIRLINES FLIGHTS Monday UA155 (HNL) Tuesday UA154 (GUM) FOR APRIL-MAY Check-in: 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. Check-in: 10:45 – 11:15 a.m. PROVOST MARSHAL’S Effective April 1, the Provost Marshal’s Office will no longer accept hard copy forms. Only forms sent digitally will be accepted. All 55R’s, Community Exchange, 480’s OFFICE NOW ACCEPTING and Day Guest forms will be sent to usarmy.bucholz.311-sig-cmd.mbx.usag-pmo@ DIGITAL FORMS ONLY All documents must come from your servicing Human Resources repre- sentative. All forms must be received 14 days prior to the beginning of travel of the sponsored. Questions regarding forms can be directed to the above mailbox or at 5-4416/3739. BUCHOLZ ARMY AIRFIELD Now through May 2, the Bucholz Army Airfield perimeter road is closed to through traffic from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. for nighttime construction operations on and around the PERIMETER ROAD CLOSURE airfield and runway. Parsons, San Juan Construction, RHB and ACME thank you for THROUGH MAY 2 helping keeping you and your family safe. Please don’t add to the problem. Pollution and litter in and around the world’s oceans poses a growing problem. Plastic waste and other discarded trash endangers wildlife, negatively affects natural habitats and ruins the natural world for all of us. Please remember to discard trash in the proper receptacles around Kwajalein. Saturday, April 16, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 16 11 The Kwajalein Hourglass
PROVOST MARSHAL NOW ACCEPTING DIGITAL FORMS ONLY Effective April 1, the Provost Marshal’s Office will no lon- ger accept hard copy forms. Only forms sent digitally will be accepted. All 55R’s, Community Ex- change, 480’s and Day Guest forms will be sent to usarmy. All docu- ments must come from your servicing Human Resources representative. All forms must be received 14 days prior to the beginning of travel of the sponsored. Questions regarding forms can be directed to the above mailbox or at 5-4416/3739. TWO LIFEGUARDS REQUIRED. For safety reasons, an extra life- guard is required for parties held at the Millican Family Pool. Questions, or to reserve the pool, contact Cliff Pryor at Clifford.PryorJr@amentum. com or 5-2848. NO NEW PETS IN BQ ROOMS. Ex- cept for cats already adopted and currently residing with their owners, no animals or pets are allowed in BQ rooms. If you see an animal in dis- tress, contact the Vet Tech at 5-2017 or kwajaleinveterinaryclinic@inter- RELIGIOUS SERVICES METAL DETECTORS are not al- lowed on Kwajalein according to Catholic Services Army Regulation. Unexploded Ord- Morning Services nance exists and could be danger- Sunday, 9:15 a.m. ous if disturbed. Contact Deirdre Main Sanctuary Island Memorial Chapel Wyatt-Pope at 5-1442. MILITARY WORKING DOGS. The Daily Mass community is advised to follow these Tuesday through Friday tips for safety around military work- ing dogs. WDs will conduct inspec- Join the congregations of the Island Memorial Chapel 5:15 p.m. for weekly services and opportunities to join in fellow- Chapel office tions at locations like BQs, transient facilities and other areas. ship and praise activities. Saturday Evening Mass • Maintain a distance of five feet at all times. 5:30 p.m. • Do not attempt to pet or agitate Be sure to keep an eye on Kwajalein social media for event Small chapel the Working Dogs on patrol or announcements for the island’s fellowship groups. Check out at the K-9 kennel area additional community services provided by the chapel team. • Follow all instructions from the Roi Services Kwajalein Police Department Call 5-3505 to speak with a religious services team member Protestant Services and K-9 dog handlers at all about your specific worship needs. 1st & 3rd Fridays times. • Questions? Contac the Provost at 6:30 p.m. Marshal’s Office at 5-2109, Prayer requests Protestant Services 5-8859 and 5-3530. Send prayer requests elec- CHAPEL ACTIVITIES tronically to: Early Sunday Services Sunday, 8:15 a.m. VETERINARY CARE jalein Youth Fellowship Call 5-2017 or email the Kwajalein Traditional Worship Veterinary Clinic at kwajaleinveteri- Small Chapel April 18 - A-Frame, 6 p.m. to Counseling sessions Counseling sessions are get on the list or make an appoint- Mid-morning Services Night of Prayer and Praise ment for prescreening conditions like available by appointment. Sunday, 11 a.m. Join the Island Memorial dental care, diabetes, eye issues, lab Call 5-3505. work and medication. Contemporary Service Chapel for a night of wor- Main Sanctuary ship. Event meets monthly VOLUNTEERS WANTED at 7 p.m. on first Sundays in YOKWE YUK WELCOME CLUB the IMC main sanctuary. seeks volunteers. To work at the MIC Shop and Bargain Bazaar. Proceeds benefit the Education Assistance Fund and support education grants. Email or visit the Bargain Bazaar Facebook page @KwajBargainBazaarYYWC for in- formation. Saturday, April 16, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 16 12 The Kwajalein Hourglass
CHILD AND YOUTH SERVICES U.S. ARMY GARRISON-KWAJALEIN ATOLL QUARTERLY INNOVATION CHALLENGE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER SPORTS Ninja Warrior Challenge Finale - April 16, The Garrison Commander wants to Water Play Day Reminder hear from you. 5:15 - 6 p.m. The pool is more fun when we are pre- 4 - H - April 26 - 30, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. pared for a great swim. Please send U.S. Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll is Open Rec - April 30 your child with water clothes, dry looking for great ideas to help make clothes, a towel and a swim diaper (if needed). NAMO WETO YOUTH CENTER innovations and improvements to our Tuesdays - Closed island community life. You can help. Wednesdays - Keystone 11:40 a.m.; You can win the Quarterly Innovation Baru Classroom Challenge. Tremendous Trivia - 4:30 p.m. Water Play Day Fridays - Infants and Thursdays - Torch Club 11:40 a.m.; young toddlers Winners will receive an official inno- Community Painting - 4:45 p.m. Fridays - Frappaccinos - 3 p.m. vator’s award and a special AAFES gift Bako (Pre-K) Classroom card presented by Col. Tom Pugsley. Fridays - Fitness Challenge - 4 p.m. Tuesdays - STEAM Swim Day Saturdays - Smoothies - 3 p.m.; Family Wednesdays - Creative Movement Submit your great idea: Feud 7:30 p.m. Thursdays - Library • Call the Commander’s Hotline at Sundays - Keystone Officers 4:15 p.m.; Fridays - Functional Fitness 5-1098 Art Activity Saturday - Reading Buddies • Send an email to USAG-KA Pub- SPECIAL EVENTS lic Affairs Officer Mike Brantley, at April 16 - Torch Club’s lemonade Stand, SCHOOL-AGE CARE 3 - 5 p.m. • USAG-KA Command thanks Regular programming: AAFES for supporting this special April 17 - Easter Sunday Egg Coloring, 3 Tuesdays - Art community initiative. p.m. Wednesdays - Functional Fitness/Cul- April 23 - Dart Battle. Set-up at 3:15 p.m., ture Davye Davis Multi-Purpose Room Thursdays - STEM April 24 - Dart Battle 4:30 - 9:30, Fridays - Recreation MP Room Saturdays - Character Counts (YOUTH CENTER CLOSED) April 30 - Potluck and Slide Show Superlatives, 6 p.m. The Kwajalein School System Parent Teacher Organization presents Star Wars Boys Pool Party Wednesday, May 4 from 4 - 6 p.m. Boys are invited to bring their moms to this PTo event. To learn more, follow KSS PTO on Facebook for volunteer and food details, Contact Lauren Jackson and Teresa Mitchell. may the fourth be with you! Saturday, April 16, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 16 13 The Kwajalein Hourglass
MARSHALLESE PHRASES TRY THESE OUT Kwöj etal ñan ia? While living in the Marshall Islands, you will have many opportunities to in- Where are you going? teract with members of the Marshallese community and learn about their culture. Learning the Marshallese language is not only recommended to Ij etal ñan Sunrise Bakery. strengthen communication and relationships, it also shows an appreci- I am going to Sunrise Bakery. ation of cultural diversity while guests in our host nation. Here are some everyday Marshallese phrases to practice: In et / in ta? To do what? Hello/Goodbye = Iokwe o(Y kwe Anytime = Aolep Ien old spelling) Do you understand? = Kwömelele ke? In Möñä jonoul tonaaj. Hello everyone Io k e aolep I understand = Imelele To eat 10 donuts. How’s life? Ej et am mour I don’t understand = Ijab melele And you? Ak k e What time is it? = Jete awa? Kwe bwebwe ke? Good afternoon Io k e in raelep How much? = Jete wonaan? Are you crazy? Good evening Io k e in jota How old are you? Jete am iio? What’s your name? Etam I’m thirsty = Imaro Jab. Ejabwe joun tonaaj enno! My name is (_) Eta in ) Yes = Aet No. One tasty donut is never enough! Thank you Kom mool No = Jaab Thank you very much Kommool Good = Emman tata Bad = Nana You’re welcome Kon Jouj Happy = Monono Excuse Me/I’m sorry = Jolok bod Tasty = Enno You’re excused = Ejolok So so = Ebwe Goodbye = Iokwe! Crazy = Bwebwe See you later Bar lo eok Stop = Bojrak Good luck Jeraam m an n an k e Go = Etal Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month APRIL Awareness Events on U.S. Army Garrison Kwajalein Atoll Teal Meal Open to the USAG-KA community Contact the USAG-KA Sexual Harassment/ Assault Wednesday, April 20 Response and Prevention Victim Advocate 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Capt. Louis S. Zamperini Cafeteria Sgt. 1st Class Effie Banks The community is invited to enjoy the Teal SHARP Victim Advocate Meal, a special lunch at the Zamperini Cafe- teria in honor of SAAPM. Be sure to join US- Work: 805-355-0660 AG-KA Command for a special cake-cutting or 805-355-1419 ceremony during this event. USAG-KA SHARP Pager: 805-355-3241 #0100 Kwajalein High School SHARP Brief Attending: Kwajalein High School, students DOD SAFE Helpline: in grades 7 - 12 877-995-5247 Thursday, April 21 from 1:40 - 2:15 p.m. KHS Davye Davis Multi-Purpose Room This training opportunity is designed to in- troduce high school-aged students in grades 7 - 12 to SAAPM concepts in a safe learning environment. Denim Week Observed throughout the week by U.S. mili- tary personnel and the island community. Community observance, April 26 – 30 Military personnel observe Denim Day: April 27 Wear denim April 26 – 30 and join the com- munity in a showing of support for SAAPM month. Information about Denim Day and its importance will be avail- able via email and a community SHARP dis- play. Saturday, April 16, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 16 14 The Kwajalein Hourglass
GLOBAL CAREERS WITH VECTRUS FOR MORE THAN 70 YEARS, Vectrus has HOW TO GET STARTED led large-scale IT, logistics, and infrastruc- ture services to enable customer success. • Visit Vectrus’ career site! Join our 9,000 employees across the U.S. • Create a profile at https://careers. and the world to advance your career with or scan the our global opportunities, our expertise in QR code at the bottom of this flyer. mission-critical problem-solving, and our • Upload your resume and any certifi- extensive Vectrus university and Vectrus cations you may have cyber academy programs. • Let us know you are interested in BENEFITS OFFERED BY Vectrus are compre- joining the Vectrus team by signing hensive and designed to meet the needs up for the “LOGCAP V—Marshall Is- of all our employees: lands - Interested Incumbent Only” Talent Pool Medical insurance • Dental Insurance • We will send notifications through • Vision Insurance the talent pool to let you know when • Life Insurance positions are available. • Paid Vacation • Paid Holidays Check these exciting opportunities with Vectrus’ Subcontractors in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Interested parties can also look up these positions on,, and Berry Aviation (Aviation Positions) Quantum Dynamics Inc. (Ground – please apply at Maintenance, Movement Control, Transportation Motor Pool, Cus- job-listings todial) is accepting resumes for open positions on Kawjalein and Roi-Namur. Please apply to specific ISOS (medical, Surgical, Optometry, opportunities at https://qdyncorp. Dentistry and Veterinary Services) com/home/careers/ – please apply at https://www.internationalsos. Wolf Creek (PrevMed, Ground com/careers Transportation, Retail Svcs., and Watercraft Operations) – please Louis Berger Services (Engineering, apply at Electrical Utility Services, Airfield careers and Retail Fuel Operations) – please apply at Tech Systems (SSA Operations, FRB, phe01/ats/careers/v2/jobSearch and Ammunition and Munition Op- erations) – please apply at https:// MidWest ATC (Air Traffic control) – please apply at https://atctower. com/careers LOOKING FOR VECTRUS HUMAN RESOURCES? On U.S. Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll, Vectrus Human Resources is now located in Bldg. 700, just across the street from the Grace Sherwood Library, BLDG. 805. QUARANTINE DELIVERY PICK-UP TIMES Package pick-up for deliveries to personnel in quarantine will depart from Ma- cy’s on Mondays at 10 a.m. and Surfway on Thursdays at 2 p.m. A delivery vehicle will arrive 30 minutes before departure. Please ensure all deliveries are securely packed and labeled with the recipient’s name and quarters number. Questions? Please call Pat Dobson at 5-0506, or Mike Snyder at 5-3929. Saturday, April 16, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 16 15 The Kwajalein Hourglass
Saturday, April 16, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 16 16 The Kwajalein Hourglass
Saturday, April 16, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 16 17 The Kwajalein Hourglass
SATURDAY Mostly cloudy with widely WEATHER DISCUSSION scattered showers and stray An upper-level trough with thunderstorms possible. the Intertropical Conver- Winds E-ESE at 7-12 knots gence Zone will remain over with higher gusts near show- Kwajalein Atoll Friday before ers. moving to the northwest by Saturday. The ITCZ will drift SUNDAY north Saturday keeping Kwa- Mostly cloudy with scat- jalein Atoll mostly dry. tered showers and isolated This should be short-lived thunderstorms. Winds E-ESE as the ITCZ drifts south to- at 9-14 knots with higher wards Kwajalein Atoll bring- gusts near showers. ing scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms on MONDAY Sunday. Mostly cloudy to partly Unsettled weather condi- sunny with widely scattered tions will continue beyond showers and stray thunder- Sunday through most of next storms. Winds ENE-ESE at week. Periods of showers, lo- 9-14 knots with higher gusts cally heavy at times, with iso- near showers. lated thunderstorms are ex- pected to be the main threats. NEXT WEEK Prevailing winds will re- Rain chances with potential main in the low-mid teens thunderstorms will continue most of next week. Clouds through much of next week will be occasionally thick as the ITCZ remains nearby. throughout as the ITCZ re- Prevailing winds will be ENE- mains in the vicinity. ESE at 9-14 knots, with strong gusts possible near showers. Work and play safely. For additional weather informa- tion, please click the logo to visit the RTS Weather Station online. Attention All U.S. Entry Requirement USAG-KA Residents A reminder to all departing on United Airlines: Remember, it is illegal to remove cultural resources from the atoll. It is a requirement of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that all passengers This includes any protected species, have a negative COVID test one day prior to unexploded ordnance, WWII-era departure. artifacts and ancient Marshallese artifacts. How does this impact you? If you are travel- ing to the U.S., you must call the hospital no These resources are protected under later than a week prior to your departure to both U.S. federal and RMI law. schedule your COVID test. Payment will be expected at the time of ser- Please do not remove these precious vice. pieces of atoll history from Kwaja- lein. For any questions about cultural *EXCEPTON: Government, Active Duty or DoD resources, please contact the Kwaja- Civilians/dependents traveling on official or- lein Archaeology Office at 5-9502. ders do not require a COVID test to fly on United Airlines. Saturday, April 16, 2022 / Volume 63 Number 16 18 The Kwajalein Hourglass
You can also read