A Women's Retreat March 19, 2022 - St. Francis of Assisi Raleigh

Page created by Edward Manning
A Women's Retreat March 19, 2022 - St. Francis of Assisi Raleigh
February 20, 2022                                            Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

         A Women’s Retreat March 19, 2022
                                                     See page 7

                                        Our Mission Statement
          February is:                  Inspired by our patron,
                                        Francis of Assisi, we seek to
                                        proclaim the reign of God by
                                        growing in Holiness through
                                        our experience of Christ in
                                        word, sacrament, and one
                                        another, offering Hope to those
                                        who hunger for human dignity,
                                        and extending Hospitality to all.
        See pages 8 and 9

                          The Catholic Community of St. Francis of Assisi
              11401 Leesville Road, Raleigh, NC 27613 919-847-8205 www.stfrancisraleigh.org
A Women's Retreat March 19, 2022 - St. Francis of Assisi Raleigh
INVALID BAPTISM          in the name of the Father and of the       Unless you become explicitly aware that
                       QUESTION: There          Son and of the Holy Spirit.” This is       a sacrament was invalidly conferred, you
                       have been articles       our practice for a very, very long time.   can rest assured that God confers grace
                       in the news about     2. Some have expressed concern about          because it is of God’s nature to give us
                       a priest ministering     their own baptism. Unless an explicit      good things and not withhold God’s love,
                       in the Diocese of        error is known, you should always          mercy, forgiveness, etc. from us through
Phoenix who changed the wording used            presume that your baptism is valid.        no fault of our own or that of the minister.
in the sacrament of Baptism that made           What made the situation in Phoenix         TO KNOW, TO BELIEVE, TO LIVE (KBL)
the baptisms invalid. This has generated        a problem is that there was clear and      SERIES CONCLUDES:
some buzz at St. Francis and some inqui-        repeated evidence of the use of the        On February 21, the 18th and final
ries. Let’s look at a few things you may        wrong word (e.g., video recordings,        video module will be released in the
find helpful to know about this situation.      etc.).                                     KBL series. It will conclude the two-part
1. We take very seriously the impor-         3. Here is an important theological truth     series which began last May. It has been
    tance of using words correctly when         to remember if an unsubstantiated          a labor of love and there are many who
    conferring a sacrament as part of our       doubt crosses your mind about the          helped bring the series to light. Particular
    sacramental theology. The priest in         reception of a valid sacrament: St.        thanks go to Deb Royals-Mizerk, who
    question changed the first word in the      Thomas Aquinas taught that God             laid the groundwork for the series and
    baptismal formula from “I” to “We”          has bound himself to the sacra-            helped secure copyright permissions for
    baptize you in the name of the Father,      ments, but God is not bound by the         the videos and music incorporated into
    and of the Son, and of the Holy             sacraments. This means that while          the series, Diogenes Ruiz, who filmed,
    Spirit. Since it is Christ who baptizes,    we can be certain that God always          edited, and produced the series you
    not the community which is what             works through the sacraments when          found on the parish website, Jennifer
    “we” implies, there is a problem. All       they are properly conferred by the         Fiduccia and Gladys Whitehouse, who
    ministers of baptism, whether clergy        minister, God is also not bound by the     facilitated the initial training for the KBL
    or laity, must allow Jesus to speak         sacraments and can and does extend         facilitators, Kathy Sales, who also played
    through them and say, “I baptize you        His grace in whatever measure and          a key role in facilitator training and pro-
                                                manner God wills.                          motion of the series, and the awesome
                                                                                           facilitators who faithfully attended training
                                                                                           sessions, feedback sessions, and made
                                                                                           the video series more than just a video
                                                                                           clip to watch.
                                                                                           There is interest beyond the parish for
                                                                                           possible use of this series, including the
                                                                                           development of an app that could be
                                                                                           adapted for use in the RCIA and modi-
                                                                                           fied for children and teens. Collectively,
                                                                                           thousands of hours have been devoted to
                                                                                           this series from concept, to development,
                                                                                           to recording, to editing, to facilitation,
                                                                                           and to evaluation. It is my hope that this
                                                                                           series has helped some of you to deepen
                                                                                           your awareness of God’s profound love
                                                                                           for you, my chief goal in developing it.
                                                                                           If you have not seen the series, please
                                                                                           note that it will remain on our website. It
                                                                                           is entitled: To Know, To Believe, To Live.

                                                                                           Fr. Michael

        We all want our life to have meaning, to make a difference. Join us on
       March 12 at 10:00 am in the Church. Sherry Weddell will be here to share
       with us how to find the gifts God has given us through the charisms that
                   have been given to us. No registration required.
A Women's Retreat March 19, 2022 - St. Francis of Assisi Raleigh
Prayer Requests for
May they rest in                                February 19 to February 27
peace and perpetual
light shine upon

+John F. Potanovic
 Father of Mary Ellen Potanovic

+Italo Rastelli
 Husband of Isabella Rastelli              Mass Intentions                             Prayers of the Faithful
                                                   Saturday February 19, 2022                       (ill) Daniel Maldonado
+Ramon Bernal                                            Saturday, 5:30                            Requested by Msgr. Clay
 Husband of Lucila Bernal and                           +Erica Grothaus                                Health & Wellness
 Father of Jose Bernal                             Requested by Gayle Tuomi
                                                                                                   (ill) Clarence Dordulaw
                                                  Sunday February 20, 2022                    Requested by Veneriches Dordulaw
+Eli Attayek                                            Sunday, 7:15                                   Health & Wellness
                                                     +James Pietrzak Sr.
 Father of Brian Attayek                        Requested by Catherine Pietrzak                         (ill) Ann Reid
                                                                                                 Requested by Kathleen Owen
                                                         Sunday, 9:00                                Health & Wellness
                                                   +Charles Ronald Nitsch
                                              Requested by Philip and Heather Lisk                    (ill) Dean Irlbeck
                                                                                                   Requested by Bill Irlbeck
                                                       Sunday, 11:45AM                               Health & Wellness
                                                        +Marie Branin
                                                 Requested by Barbara Narcisco                        (ill) Jim Coolbaugh
                                                                                               Requested by Kathleen Coolbaugh
                                                          Sunday, 5:30                                Health & Wellness
                                                For the Parishioners of St. Francis
                                                                                                      +John F. Potanovic
2021 Contributions are finalized                    Monday February 21, 9AM                      Father of Mary Ellen Potanovic
                                                        +Frank Becallo                                   Remembrance
in Realm under the giving tab. Click               Requested by Maria Becallo
                                                                                                        +Italo Rastelli
on the funnel. Change the filter to          Tuesday February 22, 9AM – NO MASS                   Husband of Isabella Rastelli
"last year" and click the button filter.                                                               Remembrance
                                            Wednesday February 23, 9AM – NO MASS
In order to access Realm you must                                                                       +Ramon Bernal
set up your account first. If you have             Thursday February 24, 9AM           Husband of Lucila Bernal and Father of Jose Bernal
                                                   +Dana Valeriano Quinanola
any questions about Realm visit:                   Requested by Elsa Bagnulo
https://www.stfrancisraleigh.org/                                                                        +Eli Attayek
                                                   Friday February 25, 9AM
realm/.                                                 +Joseph Horner
                                                                                                    Father of Brian Attayek
Any question please email me,                 Requested by Janice and Mary Horner
Toni.hammes@stfrancisraleigh.org.                 Saturday February 26, 2022
                                                        Saturday, 5:30

                                                                                           Mass Intentions
                                                       +Maggie Bosley
                                               Requested by Karl and Julia Snyder
                                                   Sunday February 27, 2022
                                                         Sunday, 7:15                       One of the spiritual works of mercy
                                                         +Judy Miler                        is to pray for the living and the
                                                 Requested by Joan Cavanaugh                dead. Requesting a Mass is a most
                                                        Sunday, 9:00                        wonderful way to exercise this spir-
                                                    +George K Freeman III                   itual work of mercy. Our register for
Weekly Envelope Schedule                          Requested by Mary Freeman
                                                                                            Mass intentions is open. You may
February 20, Weekly                                     Sunday, 11:45AM                     make your request(s) by going to
February 27, Weekly                        +Marguerite Genovese and +Helen McFarlane
                                                                                            our website (https://www.stfrancis-
                                             Requested by The Fleischmann Family
                                                          Sunday, 5:30
                                                For the Parishioners of St. Francis         or by calling the parish office at
                                                                                            919-847-8205 during normal busi-
                                                                                            ness hours M-F.
A Women's Retreat March 19, 2022 - St. Francis of Assisi Raleigh
KBL2 Episodes and Release Dates

                                                                       Watching           Msgr.Msgr.
                                                                                                 Msgr.  Clay’s
                                                                                                     Clay’s         To
                                                                                                              To Know,ToKnow,
                                                                                                                           Know,       To
                                                                                                                             To Believe, ToBelieve,
                                                                       ToToLive  Live
                                                                                   Live    (KBL)series
                                                                                       series                    but
                                                                                                   but are not but
                                                                                             (KBL)series                are
                                                                                                                   partare    not
                                                                                                                          of anot    part
                                                                                                                                 small      ofofaasmall
                                                                                                                                       part        smallgroup?
                                                                                you  areare    planning
                                                                                         are                  totoparticipate
                                                                                                        to participate
                                                                                                 planning                    in thein
                                                                                                                    participate         inthe
                                                                                                                                       Know,     Know,
                                                                          Believe,      LiveLive     series,
                                                                                              Live        but are
                                                                                                      series,    but   are
                                                                                                                  butnotareinnot    ininaasmall
                                                                                                                               a small
                                                                                                                              not           smallgroup,
                                                                                                                                            group,  we
                                                                        we          you   to    join a  Realm      Group
                                                                          we invite you to join a Realm Group so youcan
                                                                                  invite      you    to  join    a  Realm    so   you
                                                                                                                                Group    canso  you    can
                                                                          receive      updates
                                                                                           updates   andandcommunications
                                                                                                         and   communications
                                                                                                                 communications       aboutabout
                                                                                                                                              the series
                                                                                                                                              about   the as
                                                                          series  occur.
                                                                        Please          note:
                                                                                         note:   you
                                                                                                    you   not
                                                                                                           donot havehave
                                                                                                                 not     to join
                                                                                                                       have   totothe
                                                                                                                                    join Realm
                                                                                                                                           the    Group
                                                                       toGroupview the        series   which     will be   posted      twice   a month   at
                                                                          Grouptotoview        viewthe theseries
                                                                                                              serieswhichwhichwill  willbe  beposted
                                                                          twiceaamonth     monthatat
                                                                       To      join the Group:
                                                                       1.) Login to Realm on the web
                                                                        To       join
                                                                                   jointhe theGroup:
                                                                          1.)orLog Log
                                                                                     on thein    to
                                                                                             inRealm  Realm
                                                                                                                  onthethe web
                                                                                                                        app. web
                                                                       2.) Select “Groups” (or “More” and then “Groups”
                                                                                    you’re     using
                                                                                               the  Realm
                                                                                                       the App)
                                                                                                     Realm     Connect
                                                                                                                 Connectapp.    app.
                                                                                    Select      “Groups”
                                                                                            “Find    Groups”(or
                                                                                                 “Groups”         (or“More”
                                                                                                                        “More”and      andthen
                                                                       4.) Select if  you’re        using
                                                                                    if you’re                the
                                                                                                     using&the     App)
                                                                        3.)        Selectfor the
                                                                                    Select      “FindGroup
                                                                                                 “Find         “KBL – Participants
                                                                        4.)            in a Small
                                                                                    Select             Group” &&Education”
                                                                                                 “Formation               Education”
                                                                        5.)     Click
                                                                          5.) Look       the
                                                                                    Lookfor      “Request
                                                                                               forthetheGroup to Join”
                                                                                                           Group      “KBLbutton
                                                                                                                       “KBL          and    a
                                                                                  Not     ininaaSmall  will add
                                                                                                    Small   Group” you to the Group!
                                                                          6.) Click Clickthe    the“Request
                                                                                                      “RequesttotoJoin”   Join”button
                                                                                                                                    buttonand   and
                                                                                  aastaff      member        will    add    you
                                                                                      staff member will add you to the Group!       to   the   Group!

                   Please contact   contactAshley.Watson@stfrancisraleigh.org
                            PleaseStacey.Shine@stfrancisraleigh.org                with
                                                                       or Ashley.Watson@stfrancisraleigh.org
                                              Ashley.Watson@stfrancisraleigh.org           questions
                       about joining the Realm group for non-small group KBLKBL
                             joining about
                                      the   joining
                                           Realm    the Realm
                                                    group   forgroup for
                                                                            group   group
                                                                                     KBL        participants.
44 4   IfIfyouIf have
            you  you have
                  have     questions
                        questions    aboutKBL,
                                   about   KBL, please
                                          KBL,    please
                                                           contact Kathy
                                                                   KathySales at kathy.sales@stfrancisraleigh.org.
                                                                            Sales atatkathy.sales@stfrancisraleigh.org.
A Women's Retreat March 19, 2022 - St. Francis of Assisi Raleigh
I have       loved you
                                     with an       everlasting
                                                   love!                       LENT 2022

         ASH WEDNESDAY                           STATIONS OF THE CROSS
          Wednesday, March 2, 2022               March   4, 7pm       April 1, 7pm
    Distribution of Ashes at ALL Services        March   11, 7pm      April 8, 8am
   7am Liturgy of the Word (No Communion)        March   18, 3:30pm   April 8, 7pm
               9am School Mass                   March   18, 7pm
                 11:30am Mass                    March   25, 7pm
 5:30pm Liturgy of the Word (No Communion)
                   7pm Mass

      PRAYER / ADORATION                              RECONCILIATION
          Wednesday, March 23, 7pm                Wednesday, March 16, 11am–12:30pm
           Wednesday, April 6, 7pm                 Tuesday, March 29, 7pm–8:30pm
                                                        Saturdays, 4pm–5pm

 SPIRITUAL GIF TS JOURNE Y                          WOMEN’S RE TRE AT
 Saturday, March 12, at 10am in the Church.        Saturday, March 19 – beLOVED
Sherry Weddell, an international known expert,         In person full day retreat
 will awaken us to the gifts God has given us.     Registration opens February 26      5
           No registration required.
A Women's Retreat March 19, 2022 - St. Francis of Assisi Raleigh
Please pray for our
                   catechumens, candidates and confirmands,
                     as they continue their spiritual journey.


                      Bryan Zack             Judy Voung         Kaylie Kirstein     Krystal Howard       Timothy Olson
                            (Those receiving instruction in the Christian faith in order to be baptized)


    Ashley Qualkenbush Erika Davenport       Eyram Klu        Stephanie Troche      William Noblitt       John Price     Eva Mitalova
        (Those who have been baptized in the Christian faith and are seeking full communion in the Catholic Church)


                               Ana Martins            Bella Nesbeth       Charlee Halphen        Cici Nesbeth

                                             Kristin Wilson           Mia Nesbeth       Sasha Duncan
                            (Baptized Catholics preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation)
A Women's Retreat March 19, 2022 - St. Francis of Assisi Raleigh
A Women’s Retreat March 19, 2022                                                               Family Stations of the Cross
                                                                                                  (No-Hush Event!)
So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs                              Friday, March 18th 3:30 pm Main Church
to all the others. Romans 12:5
                                                                                                  All ages and abilities are invited to come
Over two years of enduring isolation, physical and emotional distancing,                          listen and experience the Stations of the
and quarantining. It is time to safely reemerge, reconnect, and reimagine                         Cross.
how we support one another.
                                                                                                  Youth Lectors will present child-friendly
Join us on Saturday, March 19th for a day of celebrating what it means to                         readings and reflections.
be made in God’s image as a woman, in community with other women.
Explore topics like everyday spirituality, mindfulness, and making time for                       This will be a no-hush environment. Bring
God. Connect with others in small group and at lunch, enjoy personal re-                          the babies who may cry, the toddlers
flection time, and participate in praise and worship. Exercise your voice by                      who may need to get up and move their
engaging in a forum for understanding the needs of women gathered and                             bodies and all Children of God who love
brainstorm solutions. Join us for our optional pre- and post-session work-                        to make a joyful noise!
shops which include, art, prayer and more. Come for part or the entirety of                       Come see how your family can grow
the day! (Registration options below.)                                                            closer to Christ in this season of Lent!
Allow yourself to “be-LOVED” for the day!
Registration is open via REALM through March 11th.                                   Click here

                                                                    Altar Server

                                                                  Cross Bearer

                                                            Eucharistic Minister

                                                            Hospitality Minister


                                                              Mass Coordinator
                                                                                                   All ages and abilities are invited! Join us
                                                                                                   and find ways to prayerfully celebrate this
            There are a number of ways to
            become involved and help support
                                                             Technical Minister                    season as a Catholic family!
            our celebration of the Mass.                                                           There is no cost for this event, but we ap-
            As liturgy is the “work of the                                                         preciate an RSVP: https://bit.ly/3HRXYMj
            people”, we are in need of liturgical
            ministers in all areas.

              INTEREST FORM                    Click Here

                                                                     Scan for form                                                             7
A Women's Retreat March 19, 2022 - St. Francis of Assisi Raleigh
Black History is American History

    Savonala “Savi” Horne is Executive Director of the North Carolina Association of Black Lawyers’ Land
    Loss Prevention Project, a non-profit law firm that has offered, for more than 33 years, legal represen-
    tation of clients, community economic development, and professional outreach in the effort to promote
    wealth, land preservation, and rural livelihoods.
    As a state, regional, and national non-governmental organization leader, she has been instrumental in
    addressing the needs of Black, Indigenous, People of Color and limited resource farmers and ranchers.
    She graduated from Rutgers University, School of Law–Newark, New Jersey, and was admitted to the
    New York State Bar in 1990.

A Women's Retreat March 19, 2022 - St. Francis of Assisi Raleigh
Black History is American History

  Standing in Good Company – Black History Month
Fr. Greg Boyle, among many honors, is         Last Sunday’s Gospel reading was from            poverty that has been passed down from
the author of Tattoos on the Heart, the       Luke 6:20-26. Here Jesus gives us the            generation to generation. The wealth gap
Power of Boundless Compassion and the         beatitudes during his “Sermon on the             between Black and white households is
founder of Homeboy Industries the larg-       Plain”. These beatitudes together with           also an indicator of poverty. For instance,
est gang intervention, rehabilitation and     those in Matthew’s Gospel (Matthew 5:            the median net worth of white house-
re-entry program in the world. Fr. Boyle      1-12) paint a picture of the true character      holds is $141,900 while the median net
is a walking example of what it means to      of God’s people. True disciples of Jesus         worth of black households is $11,000.
live the fullness of the Gospel, especially   aspire to live the beatitudes. And when
                                                                                               There are many ways to measure pov-
the hard parts like: love your enemies        doing so, God shows up. God is there!
                                                                                               erty and these are just examples. But in
(Matthew 6:44), stop judging (Luke 7:37),     “Blessed are you who are poor ...                the spirit of standing with the poor and
show mercy (Luke 10:37). And he knows         blessed are you who are now hungry               our Black brothers and sisters during
a thing or two about standing. One of my      and weeping … blessed are you when               Black History Month we invite you to take
favorite quotes of his and something I        people hate you, when they exclude and           a look at the history and find out what
often see lived out here in our St. Francis   insult you, when they denounce your              has occurred that has contributed to this
community:                                    name as evil...” (Luke 6:20-22). Some            13:1 wealth ratio. We invite you to take
“Here is what we seek: a compassion           Scripture scholars interpret ‘blessed are        a look at some of the programs, policies
that can stand in awe at what the poor        you’ as meaning ‘happy are you’. Others          and Supreme Court decisions from the
have to carry rather than stand in judg-      contend that it would be more accurate           past that still adversely affect the lives
ment at how they carry it.”                   to say, ‘you’re in the right place if’ instead   of Black families today. Here are some
                                              of ‘blessed are you’. So you’re in the           places to start:
Here’s another one that I know so many
                                              right place if you are poor, hungry and
of you embrace:                                                                                Bread for the World, www.bread.org is
                                              weeping. Perhaps both interpretations
                                                                                               a collective Christian voice urging our
“Only kinship. Inching ourselves clos-        hold water - you’re in the right place, and
                                                                                               nation’s decisions makers to end hun-
er to creating a community of kinship         you’re happy there, when people hate,
such that God might recognize it. Soon                                                         ger at home and abroad. Bread for the
                                              exclude and insult you when you follow
we imagine, with God, this circle of                                                           World often works in partnership with the
compassion. Then we imagine no one                                                             USCCB.
                                              For sure this is complex teaching
standing outside of that circle, moving                                                        https://www.bread.org/library/ra-
                                              to wrestle with. It’s clear throughout
ourselves closer to the margins so that                                                        cial-wealth-gap-learning-simulation
                                              Scripture that Jesus does not condone
the margins themselves will be erased.
                                              injustice or violence that might cause one       https://www.bread.org/sites/default/files/
We stand there with those whose dignity
                                              to be poor or hungry or to hate. Suffer-         racial-wealth-gap-policy-packet.pdf
has been denied. We locate ourselves
with the poor and the powerless and           ing is not something God wishes for his          In our world being blessed is often equat-
the voiceless. At the edges, we join the      people. Yet the beatitudes tell us that          ed with material wealth and comfort and
easily despised and the readily left out.     we’re blessed in these situations. To be         these with happiness. But the beatitudes
We stand with the demonized so that the       sure, we are standing in the right place         tell a different story. Being poor, hungry
demonizing will stop. We situate our-         anywhere God is, and God is with the             and weeping is not easy or comfortable.
                                              poor and suffering.                              Neither is being persecuted, mourning
selves right next to the disposable so that
the day will come when we stop throwing       It's no secret that Black Americans suffer       or showing mercy (Matthew 5:4-10). Per-
people away.”                                 from poverty at greater rates than any           haps for some reason Jesus is calling us
                                              other ethnic group in the US except per-         to leave our comfort zones and to reach
This quote is a prescription for how we
                                              haps Native Americans. Currently Blacks          out to those we find who are poor, hungry
should stand, both figuratively and liter-
                                              represent 13.2% of the total population in       and suffering. So if this research takes
ally, as we go about our lives living the                                                      you beyond your comfort zone, know that
                                              the United States, but 23.8% of the pov-
Gospel and bringing about the Kingdom                                                          you are blessed and standing in the right
of God on earth, as Jesus calls us to do.     erty population. And often this represents
                                              multi-generational poverty, meaning              place in good company.                     9
A Women's Retreat March 19, 2022 - St. Francis of Assisi Raleigh
Education Ministries
                                                  Mike Watson, TFS Principal

     Why Do Families Choose A Catholic Education?
                  Part 2 of a 3-part series on our families and why they chose The Franciscan School
                                With many options available in this area, what    What aspects of a Catholic education do you feel
                                led you to The Franciscan School?                 are most important for your family?
                                Jennifer Marks:                                   Jennifer Marks:
                                Ironically, we did not look at a single school    Faith, Community, Service and Leadership....The
                                except The Franciscan School! That decision       community is like no other, especially at TFS.
                                was made long before it was time to regis-        The reminder that God is always with you. It is
                                ter for school. We actually knew we would         important that their day starts every single day
                                be sending the children to The Franciscan         with prayer and reflection and that the children
                                School, therefore moved to North Raleigh and      are taught from a very young age to be a good
                                switched them to St. Francis Preschool before     steward, to love each other in the way that God
                                any of them were school-aged.                     loves you and to never take this precious life for
                                I have coached at Cardinal Gibbons High
           Marks Family
                                School for 25 years and have met not only         Venus Strong-Smith:
                                amazing children, but their families are like     In the beginning for our family, love, discipline,
                                family to me as well. The children coming         and leadership were the most important aspects
                                from TFS were extremely prepared for high         of a Catholic education. Since joining the school,
                                school, both academically and socially. The       we also learned that a Catholic education is a
                                girls had nothing but great things to say about   preparation for life, disciplining the mind, body,
                                their K-8th experience at TFS and said the        and spirit. It means establishing a relationship with
                                transition to high school was a smooth one        your peers and community, extending a helping
                                thanks to the solid foundation of TFS.            hand, always discovering ways to include every-
                                Venus Strong-Smith:                               one. A Catholic education is moral and social
                                My elementary students attended TFS and I         development.
                                watched them blossom into wonderful human         Kristen Klecha:
                                beings. They had the greatest experience          Love one another, as I have loved you” (John
                                personally and academically. The parents          15:12-17). Serving others, especially the most
                                spoke highly of the school, Mr. Watson, and       vulnerable, is one of the most important aspects
                                the teachers. There was a great emphasis on       of Catholic education. TFS leads by example in
       Strong-Smith Family      “All are Welcome.                                 this area, by students singing at Duke Children’s
                                Kristen Klecha:                                   Hospital at Christmas, participating in multiple
                                After having had a wonderful experience at        service projects throughout the year, raising
                                St. Francis Preschool, it was only natural to     money for charities through the Dollar Dress Out
                                look immediately at TFS as the next step          days, and supporting Passage Home through food
                                in our children’s education. We were very         drives. Showing the importance of giving back to
                                impressed with the faith-based education          our community, specifically to those in need, is a
                                at TFS, but also toured 4 other schools to        character trait that will last our children a lifetime.
                                compare. When we toured TFS, it felt like         Please come back next week to see the last part
                                home. When I came into the office for the first   of our article from our families. We would love to
                                time to drop off our deposit, still wondering     tell you more about all that a Catholic education
                                somewhat in the back of my mind “did we           can provide for your student. Join us for one of
                                make the right decision?”, Marie Leone looked     our upcoming virtual information sessions to
                                at me and said “welcome to the family.” That      learn more on how we can support your family’s
                                is what solidified that we were making the        goals for your child through the love and support
                                right decision for not only our children, but     provided by our TFS family. More information can
           Klecha Family
                                also for our family. We knew that our children    be found on our website at www.franciscanschool.
                                would receive a quality education, and they       org or contact Principal Mike Watson at michael.
10                              would also be welcomed into a home away           watson@stfrancisraleigh.org.
                                from home.
Education Ministries
                                                        Heidi Hobler, Preschool Director

               Valentine’s Day at the Preschool

Early last week there were numerous           to receive mail. It allowed the students to   are learning, Jesus is and always will be
cards, lovely flowers, delicious choco-       remember that we all need to be mindful       our friend. He will be with us to share in
lates, and many other small tokens of         of including everyone and making sure         the ups and downs of our lives. He will
friendship and love circulating around at     that no one feels forgotten.                  offer comfort when sadness and despair
preschool with the celebration of Val-        I asked several of our preschoolers what      darken our days, but will also be part of
entine’s Day. We are blessed every day        they might give to Jesus for Valentine’s      our joyous moments. Isn’t that truly what
to feel the love and appreciation of our      Day. As you can probably guess, there         a friend does? Our preschoolers are
families and students, but we felt it in an   were lots of offers of chocolate, candy       learning this all of the time in regards to
extra special way on Valentine’s Day!         hearts, flowers, and cards. One student       the relationships that they have within
Every year it is such a delight to witness    was insistent that his heart for Jesus        the classroom, but it is also important to
the excitement of the children in sharing     would be nothing less than “ginormous”!       understand it in terms of what God wants
valentines with their friends.                Remembering Baby Jesus from Christ-           for us.
Many of the classes decorated bags or         mas, some of our preschoolers offered         I hope that we all can work to develop
made mailboxes out of old shoe boxes          toys and warm blankets. Many were             a deeper friendship with Jesus and in
so that the students could pretend to be      very earnest about giving a homemade          doing so, extend that to others. Just think
postal carriers and deliver their notes.      valentine that they had painted or bedaz-     of the world we would have if all young
A few of the four-year old classes even       zled in some way. None of these ideas         children learned this and then, conse-
turned their pretend play areas into post     should be ignored or downplayed as they       quently, extended it to all whom they
offices. They had envelopes, stationery,      were said with much sincerity and true        encounter in their lives!
and name plates so that students could        kindness for Jesus. There was an answer
                                                                                            Limited spots are still available for
address their “mail” and deliver it to a      to my question, however, that truly
                                                                                            the 2022-2023 school year! Visit our
friend’s box. This activity allowed for       echoed the essence of our faith. One
                                                                                            preschool website for more information
excellent fine motor practice and made        student said that she would be friends
                                                                                            about scheduling a tour or to complete
good use of their imaginations. It also       with Jesus. Although not an expected
                                                                                            an application.
helped them to remember care and inclu-       answer, I can only imagine that Jesus
sion of all friends; if someone’s mailbox     would think that this was one of the best     www.preschoolatstfrancis.com
was empty that was the perfect oppor-         valentines! He wants to always have a re-
tunity to fill it so that everyone was able   lationship with us. As our young students                                              11
Parish Life Ministries

     TFS Spelling Bee sponsored with the Knights of Columbus
The Franciscan School hosted a spelling      conurbation, kimchi, and d'orsay All the       High School Basketball:
bee on Tuesday, February 1st to crown        students in the competition were very          The Parish High School basketball
a new spelling champion. After winning       supportive of their fellow participants.       league registration CLOSES TUESDAY
a spelling competition in their respective                                                  FEBRUARY 22! This parish league is
                                             Thank you to Mr. Watson, Principal at
classrooms, 19 TFS students met in                                                          open to both parishioners and non-pa-
                                             TFS, and the teachers, for their support
Fellowship Hall for the championship.                                                       rishioners of the community. The boys
                                             of the spelling bee. A special thank you
The students represented grades 3rd                                                         league is for grades 9-12. For questions
                                             to teachers Jari Pathenos and Iris Lac-
through 8th. Congratulations to Apollo                                                      contact: Mary.Arleth@stfrancisraleigh.
                                             son who served as the organizers for this
Lin, 6th grader, on winning the 2022 TFS                                                    org. For more information and regis-
                                             year’s competition.
spelling bee. After 30 rounds of compe-                                                     tration, please see: http://www.stfran-
tition, Apollo correctly spelled the word    The Knights of Columbus are proud              cisraleigh. org/high-school-basketball-
“bivouac” in the championship round.         to serve as a partner with TFS to help         leagues-2/.
Bivouac (noun) is a temporary camp           sponsor the Spelling Bee Championship.
without tents or cover, used especially by   The Knights provide the pronouncer,
soldiers or mountaineers.                    judges, and a recorder on the day of the
                                             championship. Thank you to Steve Beck-

                                                                                                Seasons of
The runner-up for the spelling bee was
                                             er who served as the pronouncer for the
Patrick Robbins, 4th grader. Apollo and
                                             spelling bee. The Knights look forward to

Patrick went head-to-head for the final
                                             supporting TFS programs, and are thank-
12 rounds, showcasing their amazing
                                             ful for the dedication of the administrators
spelling skills. A few of the challenging
                                             and the teachers who enrich the lives of
words on the list included: montmorency,
                                             the students.

All God's Children: The St. Francis of Assisi Always God’s Children program
provides a confidential setting in which LGBTQ+ persons and parents, families and
friends of LGBTQ+ persons support one another by sharing their concerns and
experiences in a confidential and Catholic setting. Our goal is to help people develop
acceptance of themselves, free themselves from fear, foster loving families, and es-
tablish a fulfilling relationship with the Church. Our program is named after the Ameri-
can Bishops’ 1998 pastoral letter Always God’s Children and reflects our membership
in two families, the family into which we were born and the family into which we were
baptized. The next meeting will be March 13th at 3:00pm for more information please
contact beth.gaudette@stfrancisraleigh.org.

                                                                                            Grief Support Group: Any parishioner
Emmaus Ministers Needed: After the death of a loved one, Emmaus Ministry
                                                                                            who is mourning the loss of a loved one
helps those who are going through the process of funeral planning. Ministers are
                                                                                            is encouraged to attend and invited to
trained to work with those who are grieving and help them in the time between a loved
                                                                                            bring a guest. For more information and
one’s death and the funeral. For more information please contact beth.gaudette@
                                                                                            registration contact beth.gaudette@
Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral will host three
                                                                         organ concerts in the first half of 2022.
                                                                         The organ is one of the largest in the southeastern
                                                                         United States. Admission is free.
                                                                         February 22, 7:30pm – Heinrich Christensen,
                                                                         international organ performer and organist at King’s
                                                                         Chapel, Boston.
                                                                         March 15, 7:30pm – David Danielson Eaton, Holy
                                                                         Name of Jesus Cathedral
                                                                         May 17, 7:30pm – Su-Ryeon Ji, director of music at
                                                                         Christ the King Cathedral, Atlanta

                                                       CLICK HERE TO
                                                        MAKE A GIFT

                Pope Francis has said, “The first step in helping the journey of faith is listening.”
                             Thank you for sharing your thoughts with Pope Francis!

  Click on the image above to take the Synod survey.           Haga clic en el imagen de arriba para realizar la encuesta del Sínodo.
Everyone in eastern North Carolina is invited to provide their thoughts regarding the mission of the Catholic Church,
                              as together we respond to the pope’s call to Synod.                                                       13
Justice and Peace Ministries

                                                 Hiring New OB/GYN
                                             The Raleigh organization called Birth-
     Greener Lent 2022                       choice is in need of an ob/gyn medical                CRS Rice Bowl
       Sign-Up Now!
                                             director. The position includes oversight
                                             of our medical procedures and reviewing
                                                                                                  Coming this Lent!
The Lenten season begins on March            approximately 500 scans annually, which          This Lent – St. Francis of Assisi will
2nd. Greener Lent is a Catholic fasting      can be done remotely. Insurance cover-           invite parishioners to put their faith
program that invites participants to         age is provided.                                 into action through prayer, fasting and
expand their awareness of the social                                                          almsgiving through participation in the
                                             The current medical director, Dr. Windsor        "Rice Bowl" of Catholic Relief Services
implications of the traditional days of      Holt, has been our medical director since
abstinence and fasting during this holy                                                       (CRS). This is an incredible opportuni-
                                             Birthchoice began doing ultrasounds in           ty for families to learn about how our
season of Lent. By signing up to partic-     2007. He now needs to retire and would
ipate, you choose a level of participa-                                                       sisters and brothers across the globe
                                             be happy to communicate with any                 overcome hardships like hunger and
tion, and then you will receive regular      prospects.
Lent communication about how our                                                              malnutrition, and how through Lenten
eating habits relate to our care of the      Birthchoice provides compassion care for         almsgiving, we have the power to make
planet and the poor. There are many          pregnancy women since 1971.                      the world a better place for all. Informa-
parishes in the Diocese of Raleigh                                                            tion and the Rice Bowls will be avail-
                                             Interested parties can send their informa-       able on Ash Wednesday and the 1st
participating in this Lent program as        tion to the Search Committee at CEO@
we seek to live out our call to care for                                                      Sunday of Lent, and at our schools.
God’s creation, our “common home,”
as Pope Francis says. To find more info
online about Greener Lent and to sign-
up to participate during Lent, go directly
to https://greenerlent.org/. You can also
contact our St. Francis Creation Care
Ministry at stfccreation@gmail.com.

                                                               40 Days for Life – Sign-Up Now!
                                                 Also, during Lent, there is an opportunity to join others in the local area for a
                                                 40-day prayer vigil outside an abortion clinic in Raleigh. This is an opportunity
                                                 to stand in public witness to our commitment to faith, hope, and love, and the
                                                 preciousness of human life. It is invitation to a prayerful and peaceful presence,
                                                 feeling into the grief and confusion of those considering abortion and lifting them
                                                 up in prayer. To find out more about 40 Days for Life and register for a vigil hour
                                                 from 7:00am to 7:00pm, go to https://www.40daysforlife.com/raleigh.
                                                 You can also contact Trevor Thompson, trevor.thompson@stfrancisraleigh.org
14                                               for information about process, location, and helpful tips.
Justice and Peace Ministries
                                                                                                share is $250, a half share is $125.
                                                                                                You will need to come to St. Francis
                                                                                                on Saturday mornings (time to be
                                                                                                determined) to pick up your produce.
                                                                                                Parishioners who participated in the
                                                                                                Fall CSA have really enjoyed the
                                                                                                produce and the purpose.
                                                                                                If you have any questions, please do
                                                                                                not hesitate to contact me, eskearse@
                                                                                                gmail.com. In the meantime, please
                                                                                                share this info with anyone in your net-
                                                                                                work who you think will be interested.
                                                                                                Please consider joining me in sub-
                                                                                                scribing to this effort, to provide
                                                                                                fresh produce to our families, while
 Sign-Up Now for our Spring CSA of Fresh Veggies                                                supporting farmers of color, caring for
Interested in supporting farmers of           of pesticides and herbicides, to bring            Earth, our common home, and taking
color and caring for the Earth? If you        farm fresh produce to families in church-         a step to add more justice to our food
are, it is time to get ready for the Spring   es who sign up to participate.                    system.
CSA! The CSA (Community Supported             The deadline to sign up is Friday,                Link to sign up: https://docs.google.
Agriculture) at St. Francis partners with     March 4th. The first week of delivery will        com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe26jO-
RAFI. RAFI-USA is currently signing up        be Saturday, April 2nd. You will receive          myOwO-d2c5kKBfITMUK9EJo66EY-
farmers of color, who sustainably farm        a box of fresh, delicious produce every           HIk6utavwKsxNtdA/viewform?us-
and care for their crops without the use      Saturday, for 8 weeks. The price of a full        p=sf_link

                                         Black History Month
                                   Honoring Black Environmentalists

                              Dr. Beverly Wright is the founder and executive director of the Deep South
                              Center for Environmental Justice. Her work includes such things as working with
                              policy makers to address issues surrounding environmental restoration after
                              Hurricane Katrina’s flooding resulted in lead saturation in New Orleans soil.

                                     • Check out leaflimb.com, a resource for trees and their care.
                                     • Volunteer at our community garden or start your own!

                                     More tips at: stfrancisraleigh.org/care_for_creation
                                             Questions? - stfccreation@gmail.com
Employment Opportunities

                                                               Principal, The Franciscan School – Full time 40 hours
           Coordinator of High School and                      The Franciscan School, our fully accredited K-8 Catholic School
           Young Adult Ministry – Full Time                    founded in 2000 as part of the education ministry of St. Francis of
We are seeking a passionate, dynamic individual, to lead       Assisi Catholic parish in Raleigh, NC, seeks a new principal. Our
our formation program serving youth in grades 9 through        school is rooted in the Franciscan tradition and offers an excep-
12 and our vibrant ministry for young adults. The coordina-    tional, yet accessible, faith-filled education. A highly qualified and
tor will develop and implement programs using contempo-        talented faculty and staff create a nurturing and safe environment
rary Catholic evangelization and catechetical approaches.      for our 650+ students. Through a focus on Faith, Academics, and
The successful applicant will have a bachelor’s degree         Service, our students are not only well prepared for high school,
with strong relational, communication, organizational, and     but graduate with self-awareness, confidence, and a passion for
leadership skills. An added plus is an understanding in the    impacting the world through faith and service.
fields of evangelization and contemporary approaches to        The successful candidate will:
catechesis as well as experience with youth/young adult
ministry. The Coordinator collaborates with the Formation      Be an active, fully initiated, practicing Catholic dedicated to collab-
team in building on the parish’s longstanding history of       orative ministry and the advancement of the vision of the Church
bringing baptismal and ministerial priesthood together in      as promoted by the Second Vatican Council.
the collaborative vision of Vatican II.                        Be dedicated to the spiritual growth of our students and faculty.
Applicants should submit a résumé with a cover letter, and     Be a mission-driven leader with strong integrity, sound judgment,
three references to: Search.Committee@stfrancisraleigh.        excellent collaborative skills, and possessing a commitment to
org. Applications will be accepted through February 25,        curriculum and staff development.
                                                               Demonstrate successful experience in the areas of public relations
     Coordinator of Peace and Justice – Full Time              and development, as well as budgetary and financial management
We are seeking an enthusiastic and compassionate individ-
ual to serve as our Coordination of Justice and Peace. This    Exhibit exceptional verbal and written communication skills, pro-
person will provide skill coordination and support in the      ficiency in technology, ability to develop strategic and long-range
areas of youth and adult Justice and Peace faith forma-        planning, and be able to motivate others toward task accomplish-
tion, service, and advocacy, as well as support designated     ment.
outreach ministries within the greater Raleigh area. The       Possess a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration/
Coordinator collaborates with the Justice and Peace Direc-     Leadership with a minimum of 3-5 years teaching experience.
tor and ministry leaders upholding the parish’s longstand-     Experience as a Catholic School Principal or Assistant Principal
ing commitment to social outreach ministry, advocacy for       preferred.
human dignity, forming consciences for faithful citizenship,
                                                               Possess or be eligible to be licensed as an administrator by the
and solidarity with those most vulnerable.
                                                               N.C. Department of Public Instruction.
The successful applicant will be an active, fully initiated,
                                                               Start Date: July 01, 2022
practicing Catholic dedicated to collaborative ministry and
the advancement of the vision of the Church as promoted        Qualified applicants should submit their application and materi-
by the Second Vatican Council. Successful candidate will       als through the Diocese of Raleigh applicant tracking system at
have a bachelor’s degree with strong relational, commu-        https://dioceseofraleigh.org/employment:
nication, organizational, and leadership skills. Preferred       • Cover letter
applicants would have a background in charitable service
and mission work, pastoral ministry, volunteer development,      • Résumé
event planning, with a deep understanding of Catholic            • A reference letter from a pastor
Social Teaching. Applicants should submit a résumé with
a cover letter to: Trevor.Thompson@stfrancisraleigh.org.         • A statement of philosophy of education
Applications will be accepted through March 11, 2022.            • Applications will be considered upon submission, so appli-
                                                                   cants are encouraged to apply early.
Group Opportunities                                                     Volunteer Opportunities
Please check the group opportunity to confirm whether it is                To all our volunteers:
held in a virtual format or in-person.                                     Here are a few ways you could help members of our parish:

AA Meeting: For our Alcoholics Anonymous friends whose meetings            Caring Connections
have been cancelled. The Internet is full of online recovery resourc-      We are looking for a volunteer ministry coordinator for Caring Connec-
es. Online meetings like this one - you can belong to more than one,       tions. The duties would be to add/edit/delete tasks in our lotsahelping-
or two, or three. AA.ORG main website has a list. There are private        hands.com app, create announcements to the ministry, monitor that
Facebook groups, endless websites, and speaker tapes. It’s all there.      tasks are being picked up, and if not, notify me. Training is provided.
Al-Anon Meetings: Sun. 7:00pm, LaVerna, lower level.                       Total weekly time commitments – 1 hour. If you’re interested, contact
Always God’s Children: Always God’s Children: Meets on the                 Beth Gaudette at beth.gaudette@stfrancisraleigh.org
second Sunday of the month. A support group for LGBTQ+ people and          or 919-847-8205x241.
family and friends. To receive an invite to the online meeting, contact    FaceTime and Zoom
Beth Gaudette 847-8205x241.                                                If you’d like to learn how to use FaceTime or Zoom or be connected to
Adult Open Play Nights: Assisi Community Center Gym.                       watch our daily and Sunday programs, or if you’d like to teach someone
Visit http://stfrancisraleigh.org/adult-open-play to contact               over the phone, please visit our https://www.stfrancisraleigh.org/offer-or-
the ministry leaders for each of our adult open play nights.               receive-help/.
Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregivers Support Group:
The first Wednesday of the month, 1:00-3:00pm and the third                Cards and Artwork
Wednesday of the month, 7:00-9:00pm, in the Padua Room of Assisi           If you’d like to send or receive cards to/from fellow parishioners and
Community Center. Linda Tucker, ltucker40@nc.rr.com, 937-478-9537.         establish a connection with other folks who are sheltering in place, or if
Centering Prayer: Thursdays, 9:35am or 7:30pm in Laverna.                  you have kids who would love to send their artwork to brighten some-
Community Center Classes: Regular exercise classes and parent/             one’s day, or if you’d like to receive some artwork, visit https://www.
child classes run weekly, September-May.                                   stfrancisraleigh.org/offer-or-receive-help/.
Community Garden: Saturday mornings,10:00am.                               Make a Meal and Deliver Groceries
Call Pat or Paul Kelly at 919-413-8833, email                              If you would like to make a meal or help deliver groceries to those in
mpmkelly@hotmail.com, or just drop by.                                     need, please visit: https://www.stfrancisraleigh.org/offer-or-receive-help/.
Divorce Care: Divorce Care – Our next session will begin meeting
from February 1 to May 3 from 6:00 – 8:00pm. For more information
                                                                           Thank you!
                                                                           All of our Parish Life Ministries and the Community Center would like
contact Bill Morgan at dejanuts@yahoo.com or visit
                                                                           to thank you for serving the St. Francis Community. Please check your
                                                                           weekly bulletin for updates. Stay well.
Grief Support Group: Contact Marsha Riely at marshariely@mac.
com or Marlys Varga at marlysvarga@hotmail.com.
GriefShare: Contact Beth Gaudette at
Job Connections: We provide tools and advice on how to stay
motivated and on target. To enroll, contact Mary Horner at
sfa.jcm@gmail.com.                                                                     You can mail your contribution to us at:
Men’s Prayer Breakfast: The ministry meets the 1st and 3rd Mon-
days of each month from 7 to 8 am via Zoom. Contact Deacon Steve                                 St Francis Of Assisi
Andrews at 732-213-0104 or stephenwandrews@outlook.com.                                          11401 Leesville Road
Padre Pio Secular Franciscans: Learn more about living                                            Raleigh, NC 27613
Franciscan spirituality in the secular world. Monthly Gatherings the
4th Sunday of the month, 1:00-3:00pm Founders Room. Contact: Ellen
                                                                                              You can give online through:
Ferrone - ellen.ferrone@gmail.com.
Peace Pole Prayer: Join us after the 9:00am Mass on Sundays to
pray for peace in the world and our country. Meet in front of Clare Hall
for a few minutes of prayer.                                                        https://www.stfrancisraleigh.org/faith-direct/
Prayer Shawl Ministry:
Contact Cindy Cardello, 919-846-8825 or
Diane Rotunno, 919-844-7153 for details.
Rosary Ministry: Mondays, 7:30 - 8:30pm, contact Marian Monti,
50+ Adults Group: Monthly potluck luncheons throughout the year                               Text-to-Give: 919-629-1199
and monthly game days, September through May in Clare Fellowship                        Additional Online Giving Methods:
Hall. Pat Gerney, 919-803-8276.                                                          www.stfrancisraleigh.org/treasure/
Women’s Ministry:
 - Friday Morning with Celesta Carlson – ccarlson210@gmail.com.

Contact Us! Parish Office: 919-847-8205 fax: 919-870-1790                         Staff email: firstname.lastname@stfrancisraleigh.org
 Welcome                                                                           The Franciscan School
 New Parishioner Registration      Toni Hammes                    847-8205x265     Principal                        Mike Watson                        919-534-4840
 Becoming Catholic                 Jonathan Vanegas-Calderon      847-8205x238     Receptionist (Main Number)       Katie Hall                         919-534-4837
                                                                                   Assistant Principal, K-5         Dawn Smith                         847-8205x254
 Priests and Deacon                                                                Assistant Principal 6-8          Colette Dziadul                    847-8205x651
 Pastor                            Msgr. Michael Clay             847-8205x224     St. Francis Preschool
 Parochial Vicar                   Fr. Jairo Maldonado-Pacheco    847-8205x226     Director                         Heidi Hobler                       847-8205x240
 In Residence                      Rev. James Sabak, O.F.M.       919-832-6281     Assistant to the Director        Shelley Freeman                    847-8205x262
 Deacon                            Stephen Andrews                732-213-0104     Faith Formation
 Director of Pastoral Ministries   Kathy Sales                    847-8205x488     Director of Faith Formation      Jonathan Vanegas-Calderon          847-8205x238
 Administrative Assistant          Stacey Shine                   847-8205x249     Admnistrative Assistant          Janie Hebert                       847-8205x237
                                                                                   Coordinator of Elementary
 Sacraments                                                                          Formation and First Sacraments Marisa Ferrara                     847-8205x223
 Baptism                           Tim Hetzel                     847-8205x244     Coordinator of Youth Ministry		                                     847-8205x496
 First Reconciliation              Marisa Ferrara                 847-8205x223     Middle School Faith Formation    Thomas Bulick                      847-8205x239
 First Eucharist                   Marisa Ferrara                 847-8205x223     Play and Pray (Sunday Nursery)   Andrea Javier                      847-8205x489
 Confirmation                      Thomas Bulick                  847-8205x239     Parish Operations
 Matrimony                         Tim Hetzel                     847-8205x244     Director of Facilities           Marc Kielty                        847-8205x227
 Holy Orders                       Msgr. Michael Clay             847-8205x224     Director of Finance              Rob Neppel                         847-8205x243
 Anointing of the Sick             Beth Gaudette                  847-8205x241     Human Resources                  Trish Adamkowski                   847-8205x236
 Reconciliation Appointments                                      919-847-8205     Parishioner Records              Toni Hammes                        847-8205x265
 RCIA                              Jonathan Vanegas-Calderon      847-8205x238     Safe Environment Specialist      Trish Adamkowski                   847-8205x236
 Sacraments Administration         Martina Dumberger              847-8205x264     Communications and Webmaster Diogenes Ruiz                          847-8205x271
 Funeral Planning                  Beth Gaudette                  847-8205x241
 Columbarium Niches                Trish Adamkowski               847-8205x236

 Get Care!                         Beth Gaudette                  847-8205x241     Prayers
 Care                                                                              Prayer Line                          Paul Wilson          wilsonpf99@gmail.com
 Home Eucharist Visits             Beth Gaudette                  847-8205x241     Mass Requests and POTF               Stacey Shine                  847-8205x249
 Feed the Need (meals)             Beth Gaudette                  847-8205x241     Receive a Prayer Shawl               Beth Gaudette                 847-8205x241
 Medical Facility Visits           Beth Gaudette                  847-8205x241     Support Groups
 Transportation to Mass            Beth Gaudette                  847-8205x241     Divorce Care                         Bill Morgan            dejanuts@yahoo.com
 Stephen Ministry                  Beth Gaudette                  847-8205x241     Job Connections                      Mary Horner                   610-755-5392
 St. Vincent de Paul               Leave Voicemail                919-534-4842     Seeing God in your Cancer            Beth Gaudette                 847-8205x241
 Good Grief                                                                        AA Daily Reprieve Group              Beth Gaudette                 847-8205x241
 GriefShare                        Beth Gaudette                  847-8205x241     Al-Anon                              Madeline Horrigan             919-923-1234
                                                                                   Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support       Linda Tucker                  937-478-9537

 Get Involved!
 Worship Ministries
 Director of Liturgy and Music         Jim Wahl                    847-8205x230    St Francis Serves
 Coordinator of Liturgical Ministers   Tim Hetzel                  847-8205x244    Community Garden                     Pat & Paul Kelly                   919-413-8833
 Altar Servers & Thurifers             Joanie Madormo rmadormo@sbcglobal.net       Curbside Care                        Lori Piraino               lpiraino7@gmail.com
 Children’s Liturgy of the Word        Jackie Kelly                 203-512-8807   Duke Children’s Hospital             Joe and Geanie Slifer              919-870-6993
 Church Keeping                        Beverly Saunders             919-846-5795   Family Promise                       Ron Smith                          919-455-7786
 Cross Bearers Joseph Randazzo         josephjrandazzo1@gmail.com                  Gabriel Project                      Trevor Thompson                    847-8205x270
 Deaf Ministry                         Jean Cooke-Byrne             919-412-8365   Migrant Ministry                     Bruce Cartier             bcartier7@gmail.com
 Environment & Art                     Theresa Baumgartner         919-848-3383    Prison Pen Pal                                                sfapenpal@gmail.com
 Eucharistic Ministers                 Tim Hetzel                  847-8205x244    R.A.R.E. Tom Zimmerman               thomaspzimmerman@bellsouth.net
 Funeral Ministers                     Lisa Gianturco               919-845-9718   Red Cross Blood Drive                Bryan Kozak                        910-728-9200
 Hospitality Hands                     Deb Royals-Mizerk debaroyals@gmail.com      Refugee Resettlement                 Aggie Dalton          aggiedalton@gmail.com
 Lectors                               Mike Wrzesien                919-624-1592   Habitat for Humanity                 Trevor Thompson               stfa.fp@gmail.com
 Master of Ceremonies                  Michael & Julie Ducatte      919-622-8883   St Vincent de Paul Ministers         Ann Binghamstfrancissvdp4444@gmail.com
 Medical Presence at Mass              Beth Gaudette                847-8205x241   Support Circles Kat and Ferrel Guilroy                   ferrel.guillory@gmail.com
 Music Ministry                        Joyce Petzka          jepetzka@gmail.com    St Francis on Mission
 Parking Ministry                      Steve Burdett                919-845-2714   International Mission Trips          Trevor Thompson                    847-8205x270
 Ushers                                Troy Chaput        troychaput@gmail.com     Sister Parish - Guatemala            Liz Mosler              lizmosler4@gmail.com
 Weekend Receptionists                 Beth Gaudette                847-8205x241   St. Francis Inn, Philadelphia        John Budway                        305-205-5104
 Wedding Directors                     Carol Ricotta               919-554-8896    St Francis Learns
 Outreach Ministries                                                               Care of Creation                                           stfccreation@gmail.com
 Director of Justice and Peace         Trevor Thompson            847-8205x270     Engaging Spiritualty                 Becky Cawley                       847-8205x267
 St. Francis Feeds                     Becky Cawley               847-8205x267     Just Faith                           Trevor Thompson                    847-8205x270
 Brown Bag Ministry                    Mailbox         stfrancisbbm@gmail.com      Justice Theater Project              http://www.thejusticetheaterproject.org/
 Oak City Cares                        Becky Cawley               847-8205x267     Peace Pole Prayer                    Ben Whitehouse whitehouseben5@gmail.com
 Catholic Parish Outreach              Sue Hand                   919-846-7954     Racial Justice                       Becky Cawley
 Panera Food Pick Up                   Becky Cawley               847-8205x267                                          becky.cawley@stfrancisraleigh.org
 Ronald McDonald House                 Mailbox stfrancisrmhministry@gmail.com
 Our Lady of Rosary Food Pantry        Becky Cawley               847-8205x267
 Interfaith Food Shuttle               Becky Cawley               847-8205x267

Get Involved!
Parish Life Ministries                                                         St. Francis of Assisi Community Center
Director of Parish Life           Beth Gaudette               847-8205x241     Coordinator of Community Center Ashley Watson                     847-8205x444
Pastoral Presence Ministries                                                   Athletic Programs                    Mary Arleth                  847-8205x358
Caregivers                        Beth Gaudette                847-8205x241    Assisi Café                          Ashley Watson                847-8205x444
Centering Prayer                  Alice Stanford               919-781-5860    Parish Events (FrancisFest)          Ashley Watson                847-8205x444
Emmaus Ministers                  Beth Gaudette                847-8205x241    Summer Camps (Camp Francis)          Ashley Watson                847-8205x444
EMs to Abbotswood                 Anita Misko                 630-699-0519     Community Organizations
EMs to the Homebound              Melanie Fraites     mjpfraites@gmail.com     Girl Scouts of USA                   Melissa O’Connor             847-8205x296
EMs to the Magnolia Glen          Jacob House                  919-449-7634    BSA Scouts:Troop 352 (6th-12th, boys) Robert Sadler scoutmaster352@gmail.com
EMs to the Meadows                Andrea McVerry      amcverry@yahoo.com       BSA Scouts:Troop 219 (6th-12th, girls) Scott Cash scoutmaster219tfs@gmail.com
EMs to Rex Hospital               Edward Gilmartinedward.gilmartin@gmail.com   BSA Cub Scouts: Pack 352 (K-5th) Rebecca Brooks
EMs to Springmoor                 Janice Horner                484-949-1417    membershippack352@yahoo.com
Prayer Line Ministers             Pauk Wilson        wilsonpf99@gmail.com      Knights of Columbus                  Steve Becker             gk@kofc9709.org
Prayer Shawl Ministry             Cindy Cardello              919-846-8825     Secular Franciscan Order             Ellen Ferrone       http://ofscentralnc.org
                                  Dianne Rotunno               919-844-7153    Faith Formation Ministries
Rosary Ministry                   Beth Gaudette                847-8205x241    Baptism Ministry                     Tim Hetzel                   847-8205x244
                                                                               Marriage Ministry                    Tim Hetzel                   847-8205x244
Ministries of Support & Care                                                   Confirmation Sponsors                Thomas Bulick                847-8205x239
Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregivers   Linda Tucker                937-478-9537     Children’s Formation Group Leader Andrea Javier                   847-8205x489
Caring Casseroles Cooks           Beth Gaudette               847-8205x241     Family & Marriage Enrichment Team Tim Hetzel                      847-8205x244
Feed the Need Cooks               Beth Gaudette               847-8205x241     Middle School Formation Group        Thomas Bulick                847-8205x239
Job Connections Mentors           Mary Horner                 610-755-5392     Youth Ministry Group Leader          Marisa Ferrara               847-8205x223
Medical Facility Visitors         Sharon Holland    hollandbozo@yahoo.com      RCIA Team & Sponsors                 Jonathan Vanegas-Calderon 847-8205x238
Transportation to Mass Drivers    Stephanie Smith             919-302-0080     Play and Pray (Sunday Nursery)       Andrea Javier                847-8205x489
Weekday Volunteer Receptionists   Toni Hammes                 847-8205x265     Young Adults Bible Study Group       Tim Hetzel                   847-8205x244
Social Groups
AAMEN Ministry                    Leon Cooke                   919-740-7515
Always God’s Children             Beth Gaudette                847-8205x241
LGBTQ+ Ministry                   Beth Gaudette                847-8205x241
Men’s Ministry                    Norm Tuomi            norman3722@att.net
                                  Ralph Guenther      rguenther2@nc.rr.com
Young Adults                      fb.me/YoungAdultsofStFrancis
Women’s Ministry                  Beth Gaudette                847-8205x241
50+ Adults Group                  Pat Gerney                   919-803-8276

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                             February 20, 2022
                                            Merciful and gracious is the Lord,
                                            slow to anger and abounding in kindness.
                                                                                  — Psalm 103:8

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