The Case 2017 - Squarespace

Page created by Bryan Lowe
The Case 2017 - Squarespace
The Case 2017

                CBS CASE COMPETITION 2017 | 1
The Case 2017 - Squarespace
Table of Contents
                             Setting the Stage............................................................................................................................. 4
                             The Global Pump Industry........................................................................................................... 8
                             A Quick Introduction to the Grundfos Group.....................................................................10
                             Strategy 2020 and Recent Turnaround..................................................................................16
                             The current Setup of Grundfos.................................................................................................18
                             The Core Product and Grundfos’ Current Capabilities...................................................21
                             The Global Water Utility Market............................................................................................. 22
                             Water Utility in Grundfos..........................................................................................................26
                             Digitalization, Services and New Business Models......................................................... 33
                             Customers and Stakeholders...................................................................................................36
                             Developing the Customer Experience..................................................................................38
                             Closing Remarks.............................................................................................................................41
                             Appendices....................................................................................................................................... 42
                             - Key figures and financial ratios............................................................................................. 42
                             - The Five Must-Win Battles of Strategy 2020...................................................................43
                             - Water Utility market Areas – Size and Projections.......................................................44
                             - Total Water Utility Pump Market Growth Rates 2017-2020...................................... 45
                             - Water Utility Pump Price Index of Grundfos and Competitors............................... 45
                             Thanks to.......................................................................................................................................... 47

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“How should Grundfos leverage
                                                                                                                                                                                                 digitalization, services, and new
                                                                                                                                                                                                  business models to sustainably
                                                                                                                                                                                                 grow revenue in its Water Utility
       Setting the Stage                                                                                                                                                                           business by the end of 2020?”

                   ater scarcity is one of the           Current water management solu-                between water utilities and consumers.         ing hard to find the right formula to lever-    industry is at risk of being commoditized,   is eager to pick up creative ideas on how
                   most pressing global issues           tions are unsustainable                       Globally, the value of water lost amounts      age the huge potential within the water         as pumps usually only are components in      to realize the high potential of the Water
                   Natural resources are under           While extreme weather events receive          to an estimated 97 billion DKK.                utility sector that follows from the globally   large, complex systems. Chinese manu-        Utility business:
       more pressure than ever before. Energy            much attention in the media, most peo-                                                       growing challenges with water.                  facturers are catching up with the incum-
       and water consumption is skyrocketing             ple are unaware of the challenges and         In all these processes, pumps are at the                                                       bents by producing increasingly sophisti-    “How should Grundfos leverage
       as a consequence of population growth,            costs of water management, such as pro-       center of moving water. Currently, pumps                                                       cated and cheap replica products. At the     digitalization, services, and new
       urbanization, and increasing living stand-        curing and distributing clean water and       account for a massive 10% of world elec-       “Water Utility is the business                  same time, Grundfos is facing an industry    business models to sustain-
       ards. Natural water supplies can no               sustainably handling wastewater. As con-      tricity consumption, but 9 out of 10 pumps     area with the greatest growth                   of software giants and disruptive, fast-     ably grow revenue in its Water
       longer cope with increasing demand, and           sumers, we demand clean, high quality         in operation waste energy because they         potential. The importance of                    moving companies as the Internet of          Utility business by the end of
       climate change is making distribution of          water directly from the tap and we expect     are either old or cheap, or not optimized      the water agenda will only                      Things is enabling a new market for intel-   2020?”
       water more unequal than ever. Globally,           that wastewater is cleansed before being      for their application.                         increase and the need for new                   ligent and data-driven solutions.
       663 million people currently live with-           released back into nature. However, the                                                      radical solutions is paramount.”                                                             You are asked to formulate a business
       out access to clean water, and by 2050, at        high quality demands are costly, as they      Grundfos is the world’s largest pump           Mads Nipper, Group President & CEO              This changing environment puts tradi-        plan, by either focusing on a few key
       least one in four will likely live in a country   require energy-intensive processes. When      manufacturer                                                                                   tional manufacturers like Grundfos in the    elements within the case, or by encom-
       affected by chronic or recurring shortages        natural water supplies cannot keep up         With an annual production of more than                                                         squeeze between cheap hardware manu-         passing several elements and connect-
       of fresh water. While lack of water, espe-        with demand, especially in densely popu-      16 million pump units, Grundfos is the         Grundfos faces new threats that will            facturers and new digital competitors.       ing them in a holistic business plan. The
       cially from extreme droughts, challenges          lated areas, clean water needs to be trans-   world’s leading pump manufacturer. This        change the industry                             Consequently, Grundfos is racing against     business plan has to build on new creative
       people’s way of living, causing displace-         ported over long distances. Alternatively,    position has been developed from the           After initiating a turnaround in 2014 that      the other global incumbents to differ-       ideas, but at the same time fit with the
       ment and conflicts at unprecedented               local water has to be recycled or purified.   company’s history of being at the forefront    successfully re-established profitability,      entiate itself by leveraging data and its    core values of Grundfos and enable them
       rates, flash floods are also becoming             The higher living standards and regulation    of innovation with the development of sev-     Grundfos is now taking a more balanced          unique pump expertise to deliver holistic    to remain a leader in the pump industry
       increasingly common and cause sub-                also mean that more wastewater needs to       eral breakthrough technologies. Grundfos       focus between profit improvement and            pump solutions.                              given the new digital agenda.
       stantial damage. Not surprisingly, the            be transported and treated. Further, inad-    serves three core segments: Buildings,         revenue growth. The current 2020 strat-
       United Nations has named water a 2030             equate water infrastructure makes water       Industry, and Water Utility, and is the mar-   egy is in place for top-line growth to hap-     Now, Grundfos needs to move faster than
       Sustainable Development Goal, underlin-           leakage a huge problem, even in modern        ket leader in the maturing buildings seg-      pen, but changing dynamics in the global        its competitors to overcome the threats
       ing the fact that water is one of the most        cities like London, where 25% of water is     ment and a leading player in the industry      pump industry complicate the effort.            and to keep its position as a market
       important issues of the world.                    lost or unaccounted for during transport      segment. However, the company is work-         Growth rates are low and the overall            leader. To secure future growth, Grundfos

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Copyright: Google earth / Digital Globe / Mind The Earth
       The low-lying areas in Florida are very sentitive to sea level rise,
       as large parts of the American state are located less than three
       metres above sea level. This makes the need for flood protection
       solutions increasingly important here - and in other American
       coastal areas, too.

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The Global Pump Industry

              he global pump market is valued          pumps are used by water utilities to sup-    to ensure that plants, buildings, and water
              at around 306 billion DKK. It is a       ply citizens with clean water and to han-    utilities run reliably and cost-efficiently.
              mature industry that is essentially      dle wastewater, ensuring that the most
       stagnating, with low European growth            basic infrastructure of modern societies
       and the slowdown in China. The last             functions.                                   “Our traditional competitors
       couple of years have been characterized                                                      can maybe take 5% market
       by an unstable and unpredictable global         The pump markets face the threat of          share from us. But the threat
       economy and it is expected that com-            becoming commoditized                        from digitalization can poten-
       pound annual growth rate (CAGR) until           Today, replica products have moved           tially mean that Grundfos
       2020 in the industry will only be around        beyond the threshold of being mere noise     does not exist in 10 years.”
       0%-2%.                                          and are exhibiting a substantial threat      Mads Nipper, Group President & CEO
                                                       to the largest incumbents in the pump
       The pump industry is fragmented, with           industry. Replica products are spreading
       more than 9,000 manufacturers existing          to most segments and, with improved          However, digital solutions such as those
       worldwide and only few players having           performance, they have become widely         enabled by the Internet of Things and bet-
       global presence. Besides Grundfos, the          accepted in not only emerging markets        ter data processing technologies also rep-
       largest manufacturers are Xylem, Pentair,       but also the mature markets. The best        resent new opportunities for the pump
       KSB, and Wilo. Additionally, approximately      Chinese manufacturers are becoming           industry. As digitalization has become a
       50 companies serve as major competitors         quicker at adopting advanced pump            key enabler for new revenue streams, it
       within either buildings, industry, or water     technologies and are rapidly closing the     is also gaining traction by the established
       utility. Despite the vast opportunities         gap to the incumbent’s state-of-the-art      global pump manufacturers.
       within software and digital solutions, the      technology. Energy efficiency of single
       industry is conservative and has limited        components is a dying differentiator, as     Besides increasing energy efficiency by
       innovation. So far, only a few manufac-         the potential for making the individual      making pumps interact across holistic
       turers are moving away from only provid-        pump more energy efficient is close to       systems, digital solutions can reduce the
       ing hardware and are investing in digital       exhausted.                                   cost of activities such as monitoring and
       capabilities.                                                                                maintenance.      Automated       monitoring
                                                                                                                                                   ESTIMATED TOTAL SIZE OF SERVED PUMP MARKET
                                                       Therefore, the leading pump manu-            can reduce the need for labor by using
       It is a complex industry with a vast num-       facturers are working to make their          online sensors in the pump systems to
                                                                                                                                                     Billion DKK
       ber of different types and sizes of pumps,      pumps smarter and better at operating        generate data and automate manage-
       reflecting the countless purposes that          as part of intelligent systems, as intel-    ment, while predictive maintenance can              350
       pumps fulfill. Most of us rarely think          ligent solutions are becoming the new        increase operational reliability and reduce
                                                                                                                                                                                                300    303    306
       about it, but pumps are essential for us in     differentiators.                             maintenance cost and time. Because dis-             300                    288
       our daily life and it is almost impossible to                                                turbances and breaks in operations are
       find an industry that does not use pumps.       Digitalization and new competitors           costly, both commercial and private end-
       Industries using pumps include transpor-        are disrupting the industry                  users demand high uptime.
       tation, food and beverages, oil and biofu-      Since intelligence does not necessarily
       els, pharmaceuticals, mining, and manu-         have to be embedded in the pump, but         To avoid the risk of becoming redundant
       facturing. Industrial pumps are used to         rather can be a part of the overall system   or simply hardware commodity manufac-
       handle water and other liquids such as          supported by intelligent digital manage-     turers, the incumbents need to leverage
       oils, chemicals, beverages, and cooling         ment, software giants and fast-moving IT     their pump expertise and relationships
       agents. In buildings, pumps are used in         companies are keen to enter the market.      with end-users to differentiate them-                100
       multiple areas, from residential buildings,     These companies excel at delivering digi-    selves from the new entrants when devel-
       hotels, and offices to hospitals and air-       tal solutions and at leveraging their data   oping digital solutions.                              50
       ports. The typical applications in buildings    and analytical capabilities to provide new
       are distributing water and providing a          services. The services include automation,                                                          0
       comfortable indoor climate. Furthermore,        monitoring, and control of entire systems                                                                   2012        2013             2014   2015   2016

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A Quick Introduction
       to the Grundfos Group

                rundfos Group is a global leader       The markets it does not serve for instance                                                         Sustainability has and will always be at                                                       are financially sustainable and do not put
                in advanced pump solutions and         demand pumps for petrochemicals and          “I believe that we all want                           the heart of the business. This core value        “The main reason that                        the ownership at risk. Long-term ambi-
                a trendsetter in water technology.     power plants, where other technical spec-    to deliver the world to the next                      has evolved from technological leader-            Grundfos exists is to help                   tions have ensured Grundfos’ position
       The company makes products and solu-            ifications are required.                     generation in a better state                          ship within energy efficient and environ-         solve the world’s water and                  as a technological leader by keeping a
       tions that help customers conserve water                                                     than we inherited it.”                                mentally friendly solutions. If all pumps         climate challenges.”                         strict focus on innovation and responsible
       and energy, reducing climate impact and         Today, the Poul Due Jensen Foundation        Niels Due Jensen, Chairman of                         currently installed worldwide were con-           Mads Nipper, Group President & CEO           leadership. This has built the platform of
       saving money.                                   owns 88.1% of the shares in Grundfos.        the Poul Due Jensen Foundation                        verted to Grundfos pumps, global elec-                                                         the global growth of the company. Since
                                                       Grundfos employees own 1.3% and the                                                                tricity consumption could be reduced by a                                                      Grundfos has been comfortably ahead
       Grundfos strategically serves around 60%        remaining 10.6% belong to the founder’s                                                            staggering 4%-5%. By following its found-         Foundation ownership is a widespread         technologically, a culture has followed of
       of the total pump market with a market          descendants. The chairman of the foun-       Grundfos Group, while preserving the                  ing values, Grundfos is committed to              ownership form among large Danish            expecting growth to come almost effort-
       share of around 12%-14% of the market           dation is Niels Due Jensen, the son of the   founding values that have shaped the cul              actively improving the environment, both          industrial companies. Compared with          lessly. However, as the industry and tech-
       served. Grundfos has strategically decided      founder. The main purpose of the foun-       ture of the company. Six core values                  in terms of impacting the world around            key competitors, this has uniquely posi-     nology are changing at an unprecedented
       to focus only on the part of the pump           dation is to ensure and support healthy      have embodied Grundfos’ business for                  them, and by reducing its own climate             tioned Grundfos to focus on long-term        speed, the company needs to adapt.
       market that caters to its core capabilities.    economic growth and development of the       decades.                                              footprint.                                        goals. Consequently, business decisions

         History and Development

             1945                          1949                            1975                       1991                       1995                         2003                           2007                          2009                           2014

           Grundfos is founded by        Grundfos starts                Poul Due Jensen             Grundfos introduces        Grundfos introduces         Grundfos truly enters and      Grundfos introduces a          Grundfos establishes           A largely new group
           Poul Due Jensen. Poul         exporting.                     establishes the Poul        the world’s first          the R100, a unique tech-    invests in growing the         decentralized wastewater       Grundfos Lifelink, a new       management is
           Due Jensen produces his                                      Due Jensen Foundation       intelligent pump.          nology that allowed         wastewater business through    treatment system enabling      business unit with the         established to initiate
           first pump for a local                                       as the new owner of                                    electronic pumps to be      a combination of acquisition   industrial manufacturers to    purpose of developing          a strategy journey to
           farmer’s water work.                                         Grundfos.                                              configured, diagnosed,      and own product development,   treat wastewater on-site.      sustainable water systems,     return Grundfos to
                                                                                                                               and serviced remotely.      after having produced waste-                                  primarily for rural areas in   profitability.
                                                                                                                                                           water pumps since 1984.                                       developing countries.

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Grundfos Values

                              Grundfos runs its business in a responsible and ever more   In Grundfos we do what we say, and we say what we do.
                              sustainable way. We make products and solutions that        Our communication is open and honest among ourselves
                              help our customers save natural resources and reduce cli-   and with the world around us. We put the facts on the
                              mate impact. We take an active role in the society around   table – also when it is not pleasant.
                              us. Grundfos is a socially responsible company. We take
                              care of our people - also those with special needs.

                              Grundfos is our people. We develop the individual.          The main shareholder of Grundfos – now and in the future
                              Everyone in Grundfos has passion and potential. Everyone    – is the Poul Due Jensen Foundation. Profit is a means to
                              has the power to influence. Everyone must feel respected    growth – not a goal in itself. We ensure a healthy financial
                              and valued.                                                 foundation at all times.

                              Grundfos creates value through close relations with cus-    In Grundfos we never stop challenging ourselves to
                              tomers, suppliers and other stakeholders. We are a global   create better solutions faster. We take pride in delivering
                              company building on local entrepreneurship. We believe      premium quality in everything we do. We show leadership
                              that diversity drives innovation and growth.                and innovate the future.

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Copyright: Google earth / Digital Globe / Mind The Earth
       Islands like this one are threatened by rising water levels and
       intensified weather systems. Seawater levels have already risen
       by around 20 centimetres. Should this trend continue, with
       continuously rising sea levels, 2,000 islands and 42 million
       indonesians living in coastal areas are at risk.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Copyright: Google earth / CNES Astrium / Mind The Earth
       Rising sea levels increases salinity in the Mekong Delta rivers
       and agricultural areas. This challenges the prople earning their
       livelihood from fish farms and agriculture based on fresh water.
       The issue’s seriousness increases by the fact that roughly half
       of all food produced in Vietnam come from there.

       Strategy 2020 and
                                                                                                                                                        GROUP NET TURNOVER (mDKK)


       Recent Turnaround

                                                                                                                                                        15,000                    2.9%

                                                                                                                                                        10,000                                    1.6%

                                                                                                                                                                 22,590          23,254           23,618              24,800
                                                                                                                                                                 2012             2013            2014                 2015
                                                                                                                                                                          Net turnover        Annual growth rate, %

          n 2014, a new group management             Grundfos’ core capabilities and the mar-        The initial ambition of Strategy 2020 was
          was set in place, led by Mads Nipper       ket development in water management,            to secure stronger financial results with
          who came from the LEGO Group and           digitalization, services, and holistic pro-     average revenue growth of 6% and profit            GROUP PROFIT BEFORE TAX (mDKK)
       joined Grundfos as Chief Executive Officer.   ject sales.                                     before taxes equal to at least 10% of net
       At the time, Grundfos was in a tough posi-                                                    turnover. Though Grundfos has started               2,500   8.3%
       tion: operating profits had been declining    Strategy 2020 introduced five must-win          to fund the journey for Strategy 2020 by
       from 2,011 million DKK in 2011 to 881 mil-    battles to set a clear direction for the com-   making operational improvements, the                                         6.3%
       lion DKK in 2014. Since then, Grundfos        ing years: Grundfos must build a simpler        revenue growth target has recently been
       has delivered a significant improvement       and leaner business system with faster          reduced to a CAGR of 3% for 2017-2020 due
       in profitability, doubling earnings before    decisions, expand the product leadership,       to the flat market development. Though
       interest and taxes (EBIT) from 2014 to        and build competitiveness and differenti-       Grundfos has seen a small organic sales
       2015, and enhancing it further by opera-      ation beyond products, with supply chain        growth in 2016, the group still needs to
       tional improvements in 2016.                  and service as the highest priority. Also, an   intensify efforts within digitalization, ser-
                                                     internal collaborative culture that spans       vices, and holistic project sales to fulfill its     500
       A new strategy was launched in 2015 to        geographies and departments, as well            ambitions of revenue growth.                                1,881            1,475            881                2,018
       strengthen Grundfos’ future position in       as a focus on customer centricity, were                                                                0
       the industry. “Strategy 2020” was built       deemed the secret ingredients that would                                                                    2012             2013            2014                 2015
       to leverage the clear match between           make the strategy a success.                                                                                         Profit before tax   % of annual net turnover

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The current Setup of Grundfos

               rundfos is structured as a matrix           sales, and growth mainly comes from the                 from the increased recognition of water        Grundfos owns subsidiary sales com-             subsidiary sales companies. The subsidi-       As Grundfos traditionally has been a
               organization around the three               Americas and China, where holistic solu-                scarcity and climate change as global          panies globally                                 aries operate independently to be able         pump manufacturer, the sales organi-
               main business segments: Building            tions are in demand.                                    issues by consumers, businesses, and pol-      The Grundfos Group is represented by 83         to adjust to the local market conditions.      zation has been geared toward selling
      Services, Industry, and Water Utility, and                                                                   icy-makers who are demanding sustain-          subsidiaries in 56 countries. In addition,      Generally, the subsidiaries have developed     standardized products to distributors. As
      across the four main regions: Europe,                Industry sells pump solutions for indus-                able solutions.                                Grundfos products are sold in many coun-        competencies depending on how sales have       a major part of sales still go through dis-
      the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA); the              trial processes, industrial utilities, system                                                          tries by local distributors.                    grown historically in different segments.      tributors, prioritizing investments in ser-
      Americas; Asia Pacific; and China. There             builders, and original equipment manu-                  Beyond the three main business seg-                                                            However, each sales company has several        vice competencies of local sales organiza-
      is an overlap in the types of pumps used             facturers (OEMs). This segment accounts                 ments of the organization, Grundfos has        As the markets are widely different in terms    functional departments, such as Industry,      tion have been limited. Training the sales
      across the segments.                                 for around 20% of total sales and, with                 a unit that works with emerging water          of stakeholder needs, regulatory frame-         Buildings, Water Utility, IT, Marketing, and   force to sell services and solutions takes
                                                           Building Services, it comprises the back-               technologies. This part of the organiza-       works, water infrastructure, and the seg-       Service to be able to cover the necessary      time, as such sales are significantly more
      Building Services is Grundfos’ legacy                bone of the company. However, markets                   tion serves as a playground for solving        ments served by Grundfos, the sales organ-      competencies demanded, both internally         complex, and require the right internal
      business but Water Utility presents                  are relatively mature and growth does not               some of the world’s largest issues around      ization setup is relatively decentralized and   and externally. In some countries with suf-    infrastructure to deliver cost effectively.
      exciting prospects                                   seem to be re-emerging after the global                 water. This has for instance led to a solar    independent. Each region is divided into        ficient critical mass and demand for more
      Building Services sells pump solutions to            financial crisis.                                       powered and decentralized water pump           several areas, such as the Nordics in EMEA,     tailor-made products, the sales companies
      family homes, commercial buildings, dis-                                                                     solution that can deliver clean, safe water    which is further divided into country-based     also own assembly operations.
      trict energy, and components to heating,             Water Utility sells pump solutions for                  to rural villages and informal settlements
      ventilation, and air-conditioning manu-              procurement, treatment, transport, and                  in low-income areas of the developing
      facturers. At the core of all solutions are          distribution of water and wastewater,                   world. Grundfos Lifelink solutions have
      pump technologies that reduce energy                 and for agriculture and flood control. The              proven that radical new solutions can
      and water consumption and improve                    segment accounts for around 12% of sales                both deliver water to those most in need
      indoor climate and comfortability. This              and has the potential of double-digit                   and be viable business models.
      segment accounts for around 42% of                   growth rates. The growth potential arises                                                                                                                                                  EMEA


                          11,755                                                              11,675
            12,000                                                                                                                   Buildings
                                                                                                                                     Water Utility                                                                                                                                              CHINA
             8,000                                                                                                                   Other
                                                                      6,140                            5,719
             6,000                                                                                                     4,894
                                                                                      3,780                                                                      AMERICAS
             4,000                         2,966                              3,326                            2,961

             2,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               APREG
                                     2014                                2015                            2016E

       *In 2015, Grundfos WU had an exceptional large order in Americas of 75 mDKK.

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The Core Product
                              and Grundfos’
                              Current Capabilities

                                     ompared      to    its    competitors,    Therefore, while Grundfos continuously         mium segment and has core capabilities
                                     Grundfos’ value proposition has           works on the core offering of quality          within efficient and high quality mass
                                     always been the energy efficiency         and energy efficiency, it is also working      manufacturing.
                              and quality of pumps. The Grundfos               on intelligence. Essentially, intelligence
                              brand is viewed as strong and sustainable        enables the optimization and monitor-          Effectively supporting the different dis-
                              to stakeholders; therefore, pumps are also       ing of systems. This can ensure energy         tribution channels and customers glob-
                              offered at a premium price. Generally, the       efficiency and reliability, which is valu-     ally with deep know-how is at the core
                              investment in a pump only covers 5% of           able to customers because downtime is          of Grundfos’ business. Traditionally, the
                              its lifecycle costs, with running costs (i.e.,   costly. Today, part of Grundfos’ portfolio     company has excelled at choosing and
                              energy costs) accounting for 85% and             includes intelligent, so-called SMART          installing the right products; however,
                              maintenance for 10%. This is also closely        pumps. They have sensors and micro-            when it comes to operations and replace-
                              linked to the fact that a pump has a rather      chips and generate large amounts of            ment, the company is lagging behind.
                              long lifetime of around 10-15 years. If it is    data on different activities, for example,     Commercial and stakeholder capabilities
                              highly exposed, the pump may need spare          water pressure, the amount of water            are gaining importance, yet Grundfos
                              parts and service once a year.                   passing through pipes, and places where        is not distinctive at delivering project
                                                                               possible leakages may occur. Significant       sales, providing systems and solutions,
                              Grundfos has a long-standing track               possibilities with data exist, especially if   and developing new business models for
                              record of innovation for optimizing water        numerous sources of data can be com-           services. There is an increasing need to
                              and energy use for pump systems and              bined. For example, supply and con-            understand what the customers value,
                              solutions, and innovative product tech-          sumption data can be combined with             not only in the pump, but also in the solu-
                              nologies and design are core capabilities.       weather data to predict the need to make       tions, which the pumps are part of. A huge
                              However, though technology and cat-              room for massive rainfall in city drainage     challenge lies in converting Grundfos, a
                              egory leadership are still important dif-        systems to avoid flooding. The primary         traditional production company, into a
                              ferentiating factors to distance Grundfos        problem with the large amount of data          company that sells solutions in terms of
                              from the commodity trap, the impor-              is that it needs to be analyzed and com-       products, knowledge, and services.
                              tance of the most distinctive technical          mercialized to create value to customers.
                              capabilities are expected to decrease in         Furthermore, the questions arise of who
                              the future.                                      will own the data in the future, and what
                                                                                                                              “Technology is not a problem
                                                                               the implications will be if competitors
                                                                                                                              in Grundfos. The problem is
                                                                               can access Grundfos’ unique data pool.
                                                                                                                              commercialization and under-
                              “We are near the limit of how                                                                   standing what customers really
                              energy efficient a pump can                      Other technical capabilities within bio-
                                                                                                                              need and want to pay for.”
                              get. Now, we need smarter                        logical and chemical processes for water
                                                                               treatment are relatively new within            Marianne Kjeldgaard Knudsen,
                              systems to become more                                                                          Senior Director, Commercial Digital
                              energy efficient. Pump energy                    Grundfos and are less important for
                                                                                                                              Offerings and Digital Taskforce
                              efficiency is really a dying                     Grundfos’ current business. Capabilities
                              differentiator.”                                 within low cost design are also consid-
                                                                               ered to be neither important nor dis-
                              Lars Enevoldsen, Group VP, Global
                                                                               tinctive for the company, as Grundfos’
                              Technology and Innovation
                                                                               traditionally is positioned in the pre-

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The Global Water
      Utility Market

             he global water utility market          energy and water as it is becoming out-       of the type of contracting model, opera-      WATER UTILITY MARKET BREAKDOWN ´16                             UTILITY CAPEX BY PROJECT ´16
             is valued at 3,900 billion DKK,         dated due to new technology, wear             tions are either included in the contract
             accounting for a massive 81% of         and tear, and growing cities. Intelligent     or undertaken by the clients themselves.
      the total water market. The water util-        solutions can reduce the costly need for                                                                                                                   Wastewater treatment                          22.20%
      ity industry manages the lifecycle of          installing new pipes and other infrastruc-    Population growth, urbanization, and
      water, from extraction and distribution        ture. Water utilities can employ solu-        increasing living standards are driv-                                                                        Wastewater networks                                    33%
      of clean water, to the handling of waste-      tions that manage water pressure to fit       ing growth in developing countries
      water. Globally, there are approximately       demand while reducing pipe bursts and         The water utility market in the developing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Desalination     1.20%
      300,000 water and wastewater utilities,        thus water leakage. Monitoring solutions      world is dramatically different than in the
      but globally little uniformity exists in the   enable better performance and preven-         developed world. Here, growth is largely                    [60%]
      services that they offer; some municipali-     tive maintenance to abate breakdowns          driven by new investments to support                    2.340 BN DKK                                              Water treatment                11.60%
      ties have separate bodies responsible for      to increase reliability, which is essential   the growing demand from population
      water, wastewater, and drainage, whereas       for customers. Consequently, intelligent      growth, urbanization, and higher living
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Water networks                            24.60%
      others manage all three under the same         control and monitoring solutions are          standards.
      organization.                                  expected to grow in the coming years.
                                                                                                                                                                                               [40%]                 Water resources          7.40%
                                                                                                   The demands are even more basic in
                                                                                                                                                                                           1.560 BN DKK
      Though pumps are an integral part of           However, new technologies represent           undeveloped areas that completely lack
      water systems, the majority of expen-          change and uncertainty for operations         the infrastructure to support treatment
      ditures in water utility systems is            managers who prioritize reliability and are   and distribution of clean water and han-
      operational and includes costs such as         comfortable with their existing installed     dling of wastewater. Here, most peo-
      energy, water, labor, and maintenance.         systems. This makes the industry slow at      ple lack safe water and basic sanitation
      Historically, water utilities have used        adopting new technologies despite the         such as toilets. Children are particularly
      a range of services from total or par-         incentives for cost savings.                  affected by the lack of safe water. It is
      tial outsourcing to own management                                                           causing sicknesses that prevent children      UTILITY OPEX BY SEGMENT ´16                                    TOTAL EQUIPMENT SALES ´16 (880bn DKK)
      of operations in an attempt to maxi-           Therefore, regulation is also an impor-       from going to school, and around 160 mil-
      mize efficiency. Some companies may            tant driver of growth. Increasingly higher    lion children globally suffer from chronic
                                                                                                                                                                   Other                      22.90%                Pipes, pumps & valves                                    46%
      be world champions at operating small          standards for drinking water quality,         malnutrition linked to water and sanita-
      parts of the systems while other com-          wastewater discharge, and climate resil-      tion issues. For governments, this means                                                                              Other / specialist                  19,90%
      panies can manage entire systems. The          ience can push water utilities to adopt       that investments in water infrastructure      Oil & gas water services   6.30%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ABC / test / meters                15.20%
      different operating models are largely         new technologies to achieve compliance        can be more than just a sound business
      anchored in the contracting model cho-         with regulation while enabling long-          model when water is sold to end-users.                                                                                          Sludge         4.20%
                                                                                                                                                     Third party services            14%
      sen when developing new projects.              term cost savings. Regulation also drives     It can also have significant long-term
      Regardless of contracting model, numer-        the market for sensors to measure water       effects on labor productivity, education,                                                                    Disinfection & chem. Feeds        4%
      ous opportunities exist for water utilities    and wastewater quality. Further, smart        and welfare.                                               Chemicals     5.10%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Standard process         3.20%
      in any part of the world to save money by      solutions can also improve customer
      using smart technologies. It is estimated      service by providing utilities and the        As the developing regions are often cash                                                                                      Aeration     2.50%
                                                                                                                                                   Parts & Consumables      5.30%
      that water utilities can achieve energy        end-users of water with more detailed         constrained, the main contracting models                                                                                       Screens     2.40%
      savings between 30%-60% by applying            information about water quality and           in water utility are the so-called Build-
                                                                                                                                                                  Energy            11.50%                       Non-membrane filtration      2.20%
      smart pumps.                                   consumption.                                  Operate-Transfer or Build-Own-Operate.
                                                                                                   In these models, a private developer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        MF / UF & RO / NF     0.90%
      Regulation and efficiency improve-             The contract model used for new invest-       builds, owns, and operates a facility for a                    Labour                                  35%
      ments drive growth in the developed            ments is often Design-Build or Design-        contract period and then either transfers
      part of the world                              Build-Operate, where a consultant engi-       the plant back to the client or continues
      Most developed countries have had well-        neer is appointed by the client to draw       to operate it.
      developed water infrastructure for many        up a broad specification for a project on
      years. However, the infrastructure wastes      which contractors can bid. Depending

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MARKET                PUMP CO’S           RESIDENT PLAYERS
       The competitive landscape is changing          top industrial pump manufacturers share        provide utilities with a total view of sys-
       Competition in the water utility industry      the same agendas and have broad port-          tems and inputs to improve performance.                                    DIGITAL
       is fragmented, with many players offer-        folios, process and project sales capabili-    Services are sold with the use of digital                                 SOLUTIONS
       ing individual components necessary            ties. They are all moving away from only       tools and include predictive maintenance                                   MARKET
       for water utilities to function — that         providing hardware to water utilities,         and uptime management. The business
       being equipment, systems, engineering,         and working toward providing solutions         model applied is often outcome based

                                                                                                                                                   General market movement
       chemicals, or operations management.           centered around software and digital           and today, many of Grundfos’ custom-                                        DIGITAL
       However, the industry has experienced a        offerings.                                     ers, such as Veolia, an international ser-                                 SERVICES
       growing trend of consolidation and col-                                                       vice company, are actually operating in
       laboration, especially with the increase in                                                   the digital services market. For Grundfos,
       large infrastructural projects in develop-     “Unlike the buildings and                      moving into the digital services market
       ing countries. Despite an internal effort in   industry segments, pumps are                   may be seen as a threat from many of its                                 AUTOMATION &
       several of the larger companies to develop     the core of a water utility, like              large existing clients such as Veolia and                                 MONITORING
       smart water capabilities, recent acquisi-      the CPU in a computer.”                        Suez.                                                                       MARKET
       tions have generally been aimed at acquir-     Mads Nipper, Group President & CEO
       ing knowledge, rather than getting mar-                                                       Lastly, in the fourth layer of the digital
       ket access, since the incumbents already                                                                                                                                  PUMP
                                                                                                     solutions market, companies such as GE,
       have global reach. Partnerships are also       The second layer is the automation, con-       IBM, TakaDU, and a number of smaller                                       (TOOLS)
       arising across the water value chain and       trol, and monitoring market, where the         start-ups have entered the market. The
       intelligence layers, because incumbents        most significant shift lies in the opening     layer is premature and characterized by                                                   * Vinsenti was aquired by Xylem in nov2016
       cannot keep up with the rapid develop-         of communication protocols to promote          a high degree of intelligence, where the
       ment in digitalization on their own. The       interoperability between devices. The          offering has no physical component.
       companies who operate across the value         hardware components are now being              Partnerships are essential in this layer,
       chain with both the construction and           supported by software applications to          because the intelligent players often are                                    Grundfos                Xylem                     KSB                   Sulzer                 Wilo
       operation of plants and systems also have      increase efficiency and reliability. The       non-component companies, which have
                                                                                                                                                               Description        Grundfos is a private   Xylem is a listed         KSB is a listed       Sulzer is a listed     Wilo is a German
       the advantage when large projects are          automation, control, and monitoring mar-       limited access to data. For example, IBM
                                                                                                                                                                                  Danish company          American company          German pump and       Swiss company          pump manufacturer,
       put out for bid and the contracting Build-     ket within water utility has a size of 127     is using partnerships with co-suppliers
                                                                                                                                                                                  with legacy business    and the largest and       valve manufacturer                           with legacy business
       Own-Transfer    and    Build-Own-Operate       billion DKK and is expected to grow with a     and end-users to bring about compre-                                         in buildings            most aggressive                                                        in buildings
       variants are applicable.                       CAGR of 7.2% by 2021. The large traditional    hensive water utility solutions, which are                                                           player in water utility
                                                      pump manufacturers have all ventured           completely software based. The market
       The dominating players within the mod-         into monitoring and automation and with        is very competitive and fast moving, and                  TO ’15 bnDKK       25.8                    23.1                      17.4                  20.1                   9.7
       ern water utility industry operate in dif-     the recent acquisition of Sensus, Xylem is     the business models are largely based on
       ferent intelligence layers, from covering      moving aggressively, adding metering and                                                                 WU TO ‘15          3.2 (12%)               14.1 (62%)                3.3 (19%)             2.7 (13%)              < 2 (< 20%)
       the tools market with pumps to the digi-       further data analytics capabilities into its                                                             bnDKK
       tal solutions market, which is also where      portfolio.                                                                                               WU focus           Water intake,           Complete offerings        Comparable to         Dominant part of       Pump offering
       new non-competitors are entering.                                                                                                                                          distribution &          for plants and net-       Grundfos but          WU business relates    largely comparable
                                                                                                                                                                                  wastewater              works, and growing        more engineered       to wastewater solu-    to Grundfos and also
       Grundfos primarily operates in the first       “Grundfos invests heavily in                                                                                                transportation          business in analytics     solutions             tions and service      strong ambitions to
       layer, the tools market, which delivers the    digital and analytical capabili-                                                                                                                    and rentals                                                            grow in water utility
       components that water utilities use, e.g.,     ties. Our R&D department has                                                                             Intelligence       Demand Driven           Several monitoring        Pump surveillance     Wastewater remote      Limited intelligence
       pumps and valves. Grundfos’ closest com-       more software people than                                                                                portfolio &        Distribution (DDD),     offerings, predictive     service, monitoring   monitoring services,   offerings but increas-
       petitors in the water utility pump market      hardware people.”                                                                                        service set-up     Grundfos Remote         maintenance, Web          devices, Sonolyzer    (GRM for WW)           ing service focus
       are the global players Xylem, KSB, Sulzer,     Lars R. Enevoldsen, Group VP,                                                                                               Management (GRM).       SCADA (similar to         app, strong end-      preventive mainte-
       and Wilo. Grundfos not only sells its          Global Technology and Innovation                                                                                            Service only            GRM), strong end-         user relations and    nance, and relative
       pumps to water utilities but also to other                                                                                                                                 a minor part            user relations            service set-up        strong service setup
       pump suppliers who provide services on                                                                                                                                                             & service setup
       Grundfos pumps; as an example, Xylem           The third layer consists of the digital
                                                                                                                                                               Partnership/       Primarily built own     Acquisition of            Rapidly building      Partnership with       Stake in German
       is both one of its largest competitors and     services market where companies sell
                                                                                                                                                               acquisitions       competencies            Sensus (meters), and      own capabilities      Sentridge (Controls)   iExergy but only links
       an important customer. Generally, the          advanced software as a service that can                                                                  linked to                                  Vinsenti (analytics)      and partnering                               to Smart Home solu-
                                                                                                                                                               digitalization                                                       with SAP                                     tions for now

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Water Utility in Grundfos

            Raw water                  Drinking water              Drinking water                    Wastewater                  Wastewater
            intake                     treatment                   distribution                      transport                   treatment

  Invest to win

                                                                                                                                                     GRUNDFOS SALES PER WU AREA

                                                                                                                                                      3,500                                 567

                                                                                                                                                                     557                    96                       486

                                                                                                                                                      3,000                                                                                     Wastewater Treatment
              hough the Water Utility area is         Drinking water distribution is the distri-       increasingly strict regulation and by water                                                                    65
                                                                                                                                                                     98                     666                                                 Flood control
              closest to the values of sustainabil-   bution of clean water from waterworks or         recycling, which locally can be required to
                                                                                                                                                      2,500                                                          604
              ity in Grundfos, it has only recently   water treatment plants to the point of use,      close the gap in water supply. The waste-                     577                                                                        Wastewater Transport
       been solidified as the third key segment in    it being residential, commercial, indus-         water market is very conservative and cus-                                           476
       the company. Water Utility takes care of       trial, or public buildings. The main drivers     tomers very loyal, and with the strength                                                                      425                        Irrigation
       the entire lifecycle of water, which enables   of growth are drought and overextrac-            of Grundfos’ closest competitors in
                                                                                                                                                      1,500                                 441                                                 Water Distribution
       Grundfos to fully integrate water supply       tion of groundwater, reduction in water          wastewater treatment, Grundfos has tra-                       384                                             383
       systems. To realize the high potential for     leakages and energy usage, and the need          ditionally had difficulty getting a strong                                                                                               Drinking Water Treatment
                                                                                                                                                      1,000                                 441
       growth, Grundfos is investing in five main     to replace or increase the length of net-        foothold into the market.                                     391                                             431
       application areas within Water Utility.        work pipes due to urbanisation, age and                                                                                                                                                   Raw Water Intake
                                                      quality. For drinking water distribution,        In addition to the five core applica-                         568                    640                      566
       Raw water intake is about collection and       Grundfos has launched Demand Driven              tion areas, Grundfos also offers solu-
       transportation of water from springs,          Distribution, a system that controls net-        tions within irrigation and flood con-
                                                                                                                                                                     2014                   2015                    2016E
       surface intakes, or groundwater wells to       work water pressure to reduce water leak-        trol. Grundfos seeks to maintain market
       water utilities, waterworks, or water treat-   age, energy consumption, and expensive           share within irrigation, where Grundfos
       ment plants. The main drivers of growth        pipe replacement by intelligently learning       provides solutions to mega farmers.
       in the segment are increasing demand           about local water consumption patterns.          Agriculture accounts for 70% of global
       for water, construction of new water utili-                                                     water consumption, and while food
       ties, especially in emerging markets, and      Wastewater transport is the movement             production is growing rapidly, water
                                                                                                       extraction is already being over exploited.
                                                                                                                                                     GRUNDFOS WU SALES PER REGION
       replacements in mature markets, which          of wastewater, drainage, and surface
       are driven by the need to reduce mainte-       water from households and industries             Flood control delivers solutions to reduce    mDKK
       nance and energy costs.                        and rainfall to treatment plants. The main       or eliminate the impact of flooding events,    1,800                       1,702
                                                      drivers of growth stem from the fact that        which are the most common and fastest                                                                1,614
       Drinking water treatment concerns water-       80% of worldwide water is neither being          growing cause of disaster in the world due                                                                                       1,428
       works and water treatment plants han-          collected nor treated before being dis-          to climate change. Recent extreme floods       1,400
                                                      charged into nature, and that there is a         in Western Europe and the USA have been                                                                                                         Americas
       dling the purification of water to make
       it suitable for consumption or drinking.       need for operational stability to reduce         multibillion dollar disasters.                                                                                                                  Asia Pacific
       The main driver of growth is the growing       energy or maintenance cost.                                                                     1,000
       global need for clean drinking water.                                                                                                            800                                                                                            China
                                                      Wastewater treatment plants treat and                                                                          549                        576                         572
                                                                                                                                                        600                                                                                            EMEA
                                                      purify wastewater for discharge into                                                                     445
       “We are world champions in                                                                                                                       400                                           328
                                                      nature or reuse for various purposes.                                                                                 270                                                   307
       transporting water, but we
                                                      Just as collecting and transporting waste-                                                        200
       can get better at treating it.“
                                                      water, wastewater treatment is all about
       Kenth Hvid Nielsen, Group VP,                                                                                                                      0
                                                      keeping reliability high. The growth
       Global Water Utility                                                                                                                                            2014                        2015                      2016E
                                                      in wastewater treatment is driven by

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Copyright: Google earth / CNES Astrium / Landsat / Digital Globe / Cnes Spot Image / Mind The Earth
       In the Saudi-desert areas, farming takes substantial amounts
       of water. Much of the irrigation relies on groundwater resources
       created in the course of 100 million years. If the use continues,
       the sources risk exhaustion within a near future. The fields are
       circular, because they are pivot irrigated.

28 | GRUNDFOS THE CASE 2017                                                CBS CASE COMPETITION 2017 | 29
“If we cannot deliver the                                 Grundfos’ market position in the water
                                                                utility industry differs depending on
                                                                                                                manufacturers with strong relations to
                                                                                                                Chinese stakeholders are proving to be         “If we cannot deliver the
                                                                                                                                                               solutions quickly enough,
      solutions quickly enough,                                 the region
                                                                EMEA, including Russia, has histori-
                                                                                                                able to present fair alternatives in the
                                                                                                                tools market. To tap into the Chinese mar-     someone else will do it!”

      someone else will do it!”
                                                                cally been the most important region for        ket, Grundfos has made large investments       Kenth Hvid Nielsen, Group Vice President,
                                                                Grundfos. However, growth is stagnant in        to specifically support an enhanced Water      Water Utility
                                                                Western Europe, while sales have dropped        Utility effort.
      Kenth Hvid Nielsen, Group Vice President, Water Utility
                                                                in Russia following the economic down-
                                                                turn. The Middle East has a huge potential      Asia Pacific was the only region to show       The 2020 Water Utility strategy set up
                                                                within water treatment with the growing         stable Water Utility sales in 2016. The        prioritizations of key initiatives to ensure
                                                                challenge of scarcity and clean water, but      region is comprised of highly diverse coun-    that the most critical initiatives were
                                                                sales are stagnant due to low oil prices.       tries, ranging from India and Bangladesh       implemented across the regions. The
                                                                Africa also has a high potential on the         to Singapore, Japan, and Australia. Sales      Must-Win Battles (MWB) for Water Utility
                                                                longer term, but currently the sales are        have seen solid growth in India, Taiwan,       were closely linked to the Group Must-
                                                                flat. The primary growth in the region          and Vietnam while declining in the largest     Win Battles to ensure that Water Utility
                                                                comes from the less developed markets.          regional market Australia. Opportunities       supported the implementation of the
                                                                Here, opportunities for services are also       exist in Asia Pacific with high demand for     Grundfos Strategy 2020.
                                                                larger than in the established markets          clean water, sanitations and protection
                                                                where third parties perform services on         from flooding. Compared with the wealth-       The Water Utility sales organization is
                                                                Grundfos pumps.                                 ier western markets, the pump market in        challenged by limited relationships with
                                                                                                                the region is highly contested with many       key decision makers, especially at director
                                                                                                                local and regional players and is to a large   level. To deliver on the growth opportuni-
                                                                “The Buildings segment is                       extent commoditized. With local authori-       ties in Water Utility, the first MWB entailed
                                                                taking a lot of focus, because                  ties beginning to prioritize water infra-      building stronger project capabilities and
                                                                this is where we earn our                       structure, large water supply projects are     relationships with end-users like water
                                                                money and are market leaders.                   on the way.                                    utilities. This is a prerequisite to build an
                                                                Water Utility remains difficult                                                                installed base and by that gain access to
                                                                in the countries where we                                                                      the important aftermarket.
                                                                have not had a long history                     “Typically the tenders from
                                                                in water management.”                           government or municipalities                   Currently, Grundfos is a technological
                                                                Kim Jensen, Group Senior VP,                    are for full-scale solutions.                  leader in raw water intake, distribution
                                                                Regional Managing Director EMEA                 Here Grundfos is disadvantaged                 of drinking water, and wastewater trans-
                                                                                                                as it predominantly is a product               portation, and the Water Utility MWBs
                                                                                                                supplier and not a full-scale                  solidified that this position should be
                                                                The Americas is an important growth mar-
                                                                                                                system integrator/contractor.”                 maintained. An expansion of the waste-
                                                                ket for Grundfos. The US is the largest mar-
                                                                                                                Okay Barutcu, Group Senior VP &                water transport position was to be
                                                                ket in the world within wastewater pumps,
                                                                                                                Regional Managing Director Asia Pacific        achieved by upgrading sewage pumps,
                                                                which is the most traditional area of the
                                                                                                                                                               intelligent solutions, and advanced, high
                                                                Water Utility segment. A general develop-
                                                                                                                                                               performing prefabricated pumping sta-
                                                                ment toward sustainability in the US may        The 2020 Water Utility Strategy
                                                                                                                                                               tions. Furthermore, the MWBs identified
                                                                open doors to Grundfos’ core competen-          Though the water utility market provides
                                                                                                                                                               service offerings to be key in supporting
                                                                cies, and improvements are expected in          rich opportunities for Grundfos, the Water
                                                                                                                                                               replacement sales. With the development
                                                                both federal and state budgets following        Utility business has had 5 years of disap-
                                                                                                                                                               of services, the sales capabilities must also
                                                                years of under investments in infrastruc-       pointing financial results. In 2015, a Water
                                                                                                                                                               be improved to ensure the transition of
                                                                ture. However, with an unpredictable politi-    Utility strategy was developed alongside
                                                                                                                                                               moving sales beyond the pump. Investing
                                                                cal environment likely to continue in 2017,     the overall Strategy 2020 to set clear and
                                                                                                                                                               in the front-end of iSolutions, Grundfos’
                                                                the market outlook for the Americas, along-     joint ambitions and to strengthen short
                                                                                                                                                               intelligent solutions, was also deemed
                                                                side all foreign markets, is uncertain.         and mid-term performance. The initial
                                                                                                                                                               important to ensure that Grundfos can
                                                                                                                ambition was to achieve sales growth of
                                                                                                                                                               gain momentum and leverage the current
                                                                In China, sales have decreased in the pre-      8% and a 4+ billion DKK turnover; how-
                                                                                                                                                               market perception.
                                                                vious year following the economic slow-         ever, these expectations have since been
                                                                down. China is the second largest market in     readjusted to 4% after disappointing sales
                                                                Water Utility and has a substantial growth      in 2015 and 2016. Grundfos simply has not
                                                                potential with the initiation of large water    found the winning formula to tap into
                                                                infrastructure projects. However, competi-      the attractive growth in the water utility
                                                                tion is also fierce for stakes in the Chinese   industry.
                                                                market, and Chinese

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Digitalization, Services
                              and New Business Models
                                     he pump will always be a cen-          of services and new business models and        essential and a pre-requisite for being a
                                     tral part of Grundfos’ offerings;      Grundfos has created four Lighthouses to       solution provider in the water and waste-
                                     however, with the vast amount of       lead the digital direction of the company:     water business, to capture the high mar-
                              data that Grundfos pumps are capable          1) direct, real-time, and relevant rela-       gin service and replacement sales, and to
                              of producing, there is potential to deliver   tions, 2) connectivity and optimization,       be customer centric in terms of solving
                              value for customers through analytics         3) new business models, and 4) a digital       customer problems.
                              and services. Digitalization is an enabler    value chain. Services and digitalization are

                                       LIGHTHOUSE 1                    LIGHTHOUSE 2                    LIGHTHOUSE 3                   LIGHTHOUSE 4
                                   Direct, real-time, and             Connectivity and                 New business                        Digital
                                    relevant relations                  optimization                     models                          value chain

                              The current service setup in Grundfos         It can track and document changes in           where Grundfos has the most services
                              is outdated                                   pump performance and energy con-               are actually the most unprofitable areas.
                              Currently,   the   service   business   in    sumption using automatically generated         Generally, Grundfos delivers most service
                              Grundfos is built up around the pump          reports and trend graphs. This can give        where no third-party service organiza-
                              and 80% of sales come from spareparts.        indications of wear or damage, and ser-        tions are present, as in many Eastern
                              The sale of spare parts is essential for      vice and maintenance can be planned            European countries. In markets where
                              Grundfos, but it does not support a more      accordingly to avoid costly break-downs        competition on services is fierce, it is dif-
                              service-oriented business, and at the         and energy waste. Though GRM is a step         ficult for Grundfos to build up its service
                              moment, services are mostly reactive.         into the future regarding services and         organizations, as many of the service
                                                                            digitalization, the revenue stream it has      companies are Grundfos’ customers. As
                                                                            produced is limited. However, customers        the sales organizations work indepen-
                              “Grundfos is a leader on the                  seem to value GRM, which has often been        dently, different decentralized initiatives
                              product side. With only 4%-5%                 given as an add-on to enable project sales.    to develop and sell services have been car-
                              of revenue currently coming                   Here, sales have been registered as pump       ried out with varying success, since devel-
                              from services, there is a huge                and project sales, rather than GRM sales,      oping the infrastructure to support ser-
                              potential.”                                   in part because this supports the incen-       vices and new solutions are costly. Xylem
                              Thomas Rosenkilde Anderson,                   tives schemes of the sales personnel.          appears to be the only competitor in the
                              Group VP of Services                                                                         water utility market that has managed
                                                                            Service accounts for 8.5% of Grundfos’         to transition into a service provider and
                              Grundfos Remote Management (GRM)              sales in the Water Utility segment. The        Xylem expects a quarter of its revenue to
                              has been developed to capitalize on           sales of services and service processes        come from analytics and services in 2017.
                              the potential of services. It is a secure,    are different from country to country.
                              Internet-based system for monitoring          In some countries, Grundfos is deliver-
                              and managing pump installations in com-       ing service through certified partners;
                              mercial buildings, water supply networks,     in others, it uses partners mixed with its
                              wastewater plants, etc.                       own employees. Sometimes, the places

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Grundfos Service & Solutions                                                                                                               “It is critical to understand that
                                                                                                                                                 our WU customers in many instances
                                                                                                                                                 are not advanced professionals
                                                                                                                                                 – so our customer proposition
                                                                                                                                                 must be clear, simple, and
                                                                                                                                                 compelling to even get attention.”
                                                                                                                                                 Mads Nipper, Group President & CEO

       The closer Grundfos is to the end-user, the   In other industries, the move toward ser-      customer centric and to ensure customer
       easier it is to deliver value to customers    vices has transformed sales from typi-         acceptance, appreciation, and buy-in.
       through insights and services. As project     cal one-time transactions for hardware,
       sales and holistic solutions are in high      spare parts, or services to payments over
       demand within water utility, the distance     time, such as the license or subscription      “It is critical to understand that
       to the end-user is smaller compared with      models that many software companies            our WU customers in many
       the buildings segment, where distribu-        use. As such, examples of successful uses      instances are not advanced
       tors are the dominating sales channel         of alternative revenue models across dif-      professionals – so our customer
       and Grundfos rarely knows the end-user.       ferent industries include renting, licenses,   proposition must be clear,
       Currently, around 50% of WU revenue           subscriptions models for services and          simple, and compelling to even
       comes from project sales. However, 80%        analytics, leasing, and pay-per-water, a       get attention.”
       of these are small projects worth less        performance scheme where the customer          Mads Nipper, Group President & CEO
       than 1 million DKK, while 15% are worth 1-5   pays for the volume of water processed by
       million DKK and just 5% are worth more        the pump system rather than paying up-
       than 5 million DKK.                           front for the system and for maintenance       To develop and test its service and digi-
                                                     and service when needed. Another model         tal offerings, Grundfos often uses pilot
       New business models are needed to             is the “pay-as-you-save” scheme, where         projects. For example, Poland has been
       ensure sales growth in Water Utility          cash-constrained water utilities can buy       used as an iSolutions sandbox with an
       While digitalization has enabled entirely     pump solutions by paying over time as          ambition to develop 100 different cases
       new service offerings, it is also enabling    they realize the cost-savings from lower       to find profitable combinations of digital
       new business models. This is critical, as     energy usage, instead of paying up front.      service offerings that customers are will-
       new business models need to be devel-         Industry proof shows some success with         ing to pay for and that Grundfos is good
       oped to sell services since the current       pay-per-water schemes and performance          at delivering.
       business models used for selling pumps        contracts for larger systems, as they can
       will not be adequate.                         quantify what they are selling. Another        An example of a pilot is the public-pri-
                                                     example is audits, where consultants can       vate partnership between the National
                                                     audit water utilities’ systems to advice       University of Singapore and Grundfos,
       “Some of our competitors are
                                                     and identify costs savings potentials.         partly financed by the Singaporean gov-
       capitalizing on their sizeable
                                                     Besides the potential to charge a fee for      ernment. This project to develop filtering
       and very profitable service
                                                     their services, this could also provide an     solutions to handle heavy, dirty wastewa-
       business to be very aggressive
                                                     opportunity to sell more pump solutions.       ter is now in large-scale testing.
       in project sales. Here, Grundfos
       may benefit from new busi-
                                                     With the vast amount of opportunities
       ness models to establish a more
                                                     within services, digitalization, and new
       level playing field and new
                                                     business models, complexity and uncer-
       streams of revenue.”
                                                     tainty are guaranteed to increase. Though
       Keld Fensten Madsen, Senior Director          opportunities within digitalization may
       Planning & Intelligence
                                                     be endless, it remains imperative to be

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