RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg, MB - May 5-8, 2019 - Canadian Credit Union Association

RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg, MB - May 5-8, 2019 - Canadian Credit Union Association
May 5-8, 2019
RBC Convention Centre
    Winnipeg, MB
RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg, MB - May 5-8, 2019 - Canadian Credit Union Association
It’s time for your credit union to make
  an IMPACT in this crowded marketplace.
Join your peers from across Canada for collaborative workshops,
thought-provoking keynote presentations, and the biggest credit
union-focused trade show in Canada, all designed to give you the
tools and knowledge to standout in this competitive landscape.

Featured Speakers ................................................................................... 3
Conference Program Schedule ..................................................... 7
Workshops ...................................................................................................... 17
Conference Features ........................................................................... 18
Venue Information .................................................................................. 19
RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg, MB - May 5-8, 2019 - Canadian Credit Union Association

                         MASTER OF CEREMONIES

                         David Kelly
                         Owner, Chief Creative Officer, Kelly Brothers Productions

                         David co-founded Kelly Brothers Productions in 2009 with the goal of using
                         his experience and contacts in television, theatre and education to create a
                         world-class production team and company. During that time he has written,
SPONSORED BY:            produced, acted and hosted in Kelly Brothers’ theatrical, live and video
                         events. His focus has been to bring together business, not-for-profit and
                         arts communities in powerful storytelling partnerships.

                         Prior to Kelly Brothers Productions, Dave was the face of morning television
                         in Calgary where was nominated four times and twice won the “Best
                         Television Host” AMPIA (Alberta Motion Picture Industry Association)
                         Award for his work on Calgary’s Breakfast Television on Citytv.

                         MONDAY LUNCHEON PRESENTATION

                         Stephen S. Poloz
                         Governor, Bank of Canada

                         Mr. Poloz has been Governor of the Bank of Canada since June 3, 2013.
                         Born in Oshawa, Ontario, Mr. Poloz has over 30 years of public and private
                         sector experience. An economist by training, he first joined the Bank of
                         Canada in 1981 and occupied a range of increasingly senior positions
Stephen S. Poloz
Monday, May 6
                         over a 14-year span. Mr. Poloz then spent four years at BCA Research as
12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.   managing editor of its flagship publication, The International Bank
                         Credit Analyst.
                         Mr. Poloz joined Export Development Canada in 1999 as Vice-President
                         and Chief Economist. From 2008 to 2010, he was responsible for all of
                         EDC’s lending programs, as well as the Economics and Corporate and
                         International Trade Intelligence groups. He became EDC’s President and
                         CEO in January 2011, a position he held until his appointment at the
                         Bank of Canada.

                         PRESENTING SPONSOR:          TITLE SPONSOR:

                                  #IMPACT2019 / NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR CANADA’S CREDIT UNIONS        3
RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg, MB - May 5-8, 2019 - Canadian Credit Union Association

                          MONDAY FAST TRACK SESSION A

                          Porter Gale
                          Former VP of Marketing at Virgin America, Marketing & Network Expert

                          Porter Gale has more than 25 years of experience in marketing, business,
                          and tech. She was awarded the Changing The Game Award by The
                          Advertising Women of New York (AWNY), was on AdAge’s Digital Hotlist,
Porter Gale               iMedia’s Top 25-Digital Marketers list, and named a Digital Passionista by
Monday, May 6             The Huffington Post. In her popular talks, she uncovers everything from
10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.   the newest trends and innovations in marketing and technology, to why
                          strategically building a network improves happiness, productivity, and return.
                          Currently, Porter works with CEOs of tech-driven companies, to provide
                          mentoring, marketing, fundraising, and recruiting support. Clients include
                          AdTech, FinTech, Gaming, CPG, E-commerce, Healthcare and SaaS
                          companies. Most recently, she helped to build an AI-driven SaaS platform
                          and marketplace called Globality, helping the co-founders define and scale
                          the company which now operates in 80 countries.

                          MONDAY FAST TRACK SESSION B

                          Peter Sheahan
                          Founder & Group CEO, Karrikins Group

                          Peter has advised leaders from companies as diverse as Apple, Goldman
                          Sachs, Microsoft, Hyundai, IBM, Pfizer, Wells Fargo, and Cardinal Health. He
                          is the author of 7 books, including Flip, Generation Y, Making it Happen, and
Peter Sheahan             recently released Matter.
Monday, May 6
10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.   Peter has delivered more than 2,500 presentations to over 500,000
                          people in 20 different countries, and he has been named one of the 25
SPONSORED BY:             Most Influential Speakers in the World by the National Speakers Association,
                          and is the youngest person ever to be inducted into their Hall of Fame.

RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg, MB - May 5-8, 2019 - Canadian Credit Union Association

                          MONDAY AFTERNOON SPEAKER

                          Dr. Nick Bontis
                          Professor of Strategy, McMaster University, Director, Institute for
                          Intellectual Capital Research

                          Whatever you want to know about Nick is on his website which you will
                          find at www.NickBontis.com. However, here are some things you might not
Nick Bontis
                          know about him. He is currently Vice President of Canada Soccer and was
Monday, May 6             involved in the 2026 FIFA World Cup bid which Canada won with USA and
2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.     Mexico. He has also been instrumental in the successful launch of the new
                          Canadian Premier League. He has conducted extensive research on credit
SPONSORED BY:             unions specifically pertaining to knowledge transfer and human capital
                          analytics. As a professional speaker he is guaranteed to ignite, entertain
                          and enlighten his audiences, and leave them with both the tools and the
                          inspiration to perform at a higher level and accelerate performance.

                          TUESDAY KEYNOTE PRESENTATION

                          Chitra Anand
                          Intrapreneurship Expert, Former Head of PR & Communications,
                          Microsoft Canada

                          Chitra Anand is at the forefront of an important new movement in the
                          workplace: intrapreneurship. Intrapreneurs are the people within your
Chitra Anand              organization who possess an entrepreneurial spirit – driving innovation,
Tuesday, May 7            creative thinking, and new ideas. The former head of PR for Microsoft
9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.    Canada, Anand has been an intrapreneur for her entire career. Her
                          engaging talks reveal how to foster that spirit, and how to stay on the
SPONSORED BY:             cutting edge of market trends, technology, and consumer behaviour.

                          TUESDAY LUNCHEON PRESENTATION

                          Chris Otey
                          Chief Revenue Officer, CU 2.0

                          Chris is the Chief Revenue Officer at CU 2.0 and the Chairman of the Board
                          at South Bay Credit Union. At CU 2.0, Chris looks to create partnerships
                          between FinTech providers and credit unions to allow them
                          to compete and thrive in a constantly changing digital environment.
Chris Otey
Tuesday, May 7
                          Previously, Chris was the Chief Revenue Officer at CU Wallet. In this
12:10 p.m. - 12:50 p.m.
                          capacity, Chris worked to unite the sector behind a credit union led,
                          credit union driven mobile wallet solution. He worked with credit unions,
                          merchants, other CUSOs, state leagues and associations to create the
                          credit union specific mobile payments ecosystem.

                                   #IMPACT2019 / NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR CANADA’S CREDIT UNIONS        5
RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg, MB - May 5-8, 2019 - Canadian Credit Union Association


                          David Allison
                          Consumer Behavior Expert, Marketing Advisor
                          & Valuegraphics Data Pioneer

                          After decades in marketing communications roles around the globe, David
David Allison             Allison’s pioneering Valuegraphics research changes the way you see the
Tuesday, May 7            world, and uses big data to prove the most effective methods for motivating
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.     your audience and stakeholder groups. Valuegraphics is the first big data tool
                          that can detect what a target audience really wants, and what messages
SPONSORED BY:             will motivate them most. It analyzes 75,000 surveys about shared values,
                          wants, needs and expectations from North America, 20,000 from China,
                          and the remainder of the world coming onstream soon. For every speech
                          or workshop, David will use this proprietary database to create a Custom
                          Valuegraphics Profile for a target audience your organization or industry
                          would like to influence more effectively. He will reveal these bespoke research
                          results on stage, and provide statistically accurate insights for attendees to
                          use to their immediate competitive advantage.

                          CLOSING KEYNOTE SPEAKER

                          Graham Sherman
                          Co-Owner, Tool Shed Brewing Company

                          Graham Sherman and his business partner, Jeff Orr, are two “high-level
                          geeks” who met in Afghanistan in 2007. At that time, they were working
                          on contracts for the Canadian and US government and military, installing
Graham Sherman            encrypted, tactical communication networks.
Wednesday, May 8
10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
                          By day, they rolled around the war zone in armored vehicles, geeking out in
                          the world of satellite communications. By night, they aimed their obsessive,
SPONSORED BY:             high level geekery at mastering coffee, competitive BBQ, controlling their
                          respective homes back in Calgary with their iPhones….and finally, with
                          mastering the craft of brewing artisan beer.

RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg, MB - May 5-8, 2019 - Canadian Credit Union Association

SATURDAY MAY 4                                        SUNDAY MAY 5

12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.                                7:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Registration                                          Registration, Companion Activities,
South Building, Mezzanine Floor                       CU NEXTGEN® Leadership Intensive &
                                                      Banquet Seat Selection (10:00 a.m.)
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.                                 Registration: South Building, Mezzanine Floor
Cusource® CUDA® Director Training:
                                                      7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Culture… a Game Changer?
Canadian Museum for Human Rights                      National Young Leaders CU NEXTGEN®:
Classroom A                                           The Leadership Test

It has been demonstrated that the state of            South Building, Ground Floor, York Ballroom 1
an organization’s culture is directly linked to       CU NEXTGEN® is designed exclusively for credit
its bottom line. So why isn’t addressed in the        union young leaders (age 40 and under). This
boardroom? Board members may believe that             1.5 day session emphasizes skill development,
culture is too soft to have any real influence        knowledge application and networking
over revenues, but evidence is growing that the       opportunities. In an engaging and empowering
opposite is true. Perhaps the most revealing and      keynote from Drew Dudley of Day One
important fact about culture is that it can, in       Leadership, participants will be guided through
fact, be measured.                                    a deep dive of six key leadership values and
                                                      learn about “The Leadership Test” – an easy to
                                                      apply approach to more consistently engaging
                                                      in positive leadership behaviours. Through an
                                                      interactive workshop, participants will leave
                                                      with a step-by-step process to identify and
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.                                 operationalize leadership values, on an individual
                                                      and organizational level. Drew’s “TED Talk” has
Cusource® CUDA® Director Training:
                                                      been voted one of the 15 most inspirational TED
HR Governance
                                                      talks of all time; you do not want to miss this!
Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Classroom B                                           Speaker: Drew Dudley
This case-based full-day course provides an           Founder & Chief Catalyst, Day One Leadership Inc.
overview of the human resource governance
                                                      Sponsored by:
accountabilities of credit union boards, with a key
focus on managing the board/CEO relationship.
It is designed to build awareness of this body
of knowledge, outlining the key activities and
considerations board members should be
familiar with in order to fulfill their due
diligence in governing the credit union’s
human capital needs.

                                    #IMPACT2019 / NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR CANADA’S CREDIT UNIONS       7
RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg, MB - May 5-8, 2019 - Canadian Credit Union Association

SUNDAY MAY 5                                          6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
                                                      Welcome Reception
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
                                                      Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Cusource® CUDA® Director Training: Board              85 Israel Asper Way, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 0L5
Performance, Development & Evaluation
Canadian Museum for Human Rights                      Reconnect with friends and colleagues. The
Classroom A                                           conference welcomes you with an unforgettable
                                                      Winnipeg celebration. Enjoy an evening of fun
This half-day course is about performance             and food with your credit union friends. Shuttle
management for both boards and individual             buses will be running from our host hotels
directors. The course initially focuses its lens      starting at 5:30 p.m. until 9:30 pm.
on “the job” of the board and “the job” of being
a director and the competencies (knowledge,           Sponsored by:
skills, behaviours and attitudes) those jobs
require. With these tools, boards are in a
position to evaluate their collective an individual
performance and, identify specific needs
and gaps.
                                                      MONDAY MAY 6

                                                      7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
                                                      Registration & Companion Activities, CU
                                                      NEXTGEN® Leadership Intensive, AGM,
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.                                 Keynote Presentations, Trade Show, CDF
                                                      Silent Auction & Banquet Seat Selection
Cusource® CUDA® Director Training:
                                                      Registration: South Building, Mezzanine Floor
Ethics in Business & Leadership
Canadian Museum for Human Rights                      7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
Classroom B
                                                      Early Start Voting AGM Delegate Breakfast,
In the first half of this full-day workshop with      AGM Registration & Voting Package Pick-Up
Mark Reno, you will explore the nature and
importance of ethics and ethical decision-making      South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall C
in the current business environment. Mark will
highlight some major business ethics’ issues          7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
and, through an Ivey Business School case study,      Breakfast
show how to apply sound principles of ethical
reasoning and decision-making that result in          South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall C
responsible courses of action. The second part
of the day focuses on ethics and leadership.          7:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
                                                      National Young Leaders CU NEXTGEN®:
                                                      Your Personal Leadership Brand
                                                      South Building, Ground Floor, York Ballroom 1

                                                      Join Alisdair Smith for this provocative and
                                                      engaging exploration of Leadership Brand;
                                                      what can people count on you for? Using
                                                      neuroscience, cognitive psychology and executive
                                                      coaching tools you’ll leave this practical session
                                                      with tools to build and enhance your Leadership
                                                      Brand at work and in all of the areas you
                                                      hold responsibility.

RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg, MB - May 5-8, 2019 - Canadian Credit Union Association

8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.                                10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Canadian Credit Union Association AGM                Partner Exhibits
South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall C                    South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall D

10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.                               11:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Networking Break, Partner Exhibits &                 KEYNOTE PRESENTATION
CDF Silent Auction                                   Doors Open: 11:45 a.m.
South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall D                    Lunch Service: 12:15 p.m.
                                                     Special Keynote Presentation: 1:00 p.m.
Sponsored by:                                        South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall C
                                                     Risk Sharing, Flexibility and the
10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.                              Future of Mortgages
FAST TRACK SESSIONS                                  Presentation by: Stephen S. Poloz
     The Future of Marketing: Tumbling Silos         Governor, Bank of Canada
 A & Driving Technology Toward Success
                                                     Presenting Sponsor:           Title Sponsor:
North Building, 2nd Floor, Hall H

Speaker: Porter Gale
Former VP of Marketing at Virgin America,
Marketing & Network Expert                            2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
                                                     Networking Break, Partner Exhibits &
Join us as Porter Gale uncovers some of the
                                                     CDF Silent Auction
newest trends and latest innovations that
marketing-driving organizations are using to build   South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall D
and sustain business in a seemingly endless
sea of “the next big thing.”                         Sponsored by:

Sponsored by:
                                                      2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
      Matter: Finding opportunity in the             KEYNOTE PRESENTATION
 B                                                   South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall C
      disruption to create more value and
      become the obvious choice                      Work Smarter, Not Harder
South Building, Ground Floor, York Ballroom 1        Presentation by: Dr. Nick Bontis
                                                     Professor of Strategy, McMaster University
Speaker: Peter Sheahan                               Director, Institute for Intellectual Capital Research
Founder & Group CEO, Karrikins Group
                                                     The time has finally come for you to learn
As the pace of commoditization accelerates           how to work smarter, and not necessarily
and the emergence of technological disruption        harder. Your personal leadership demands the
threatens our existing business models, we must      highest level of performance, and so do your
find ways to remain relevant and differentiated      members. To stay ahead of the game you need
in the hearts our customers! Credit unions will      to leadershift your behaviours into an inimitable
learn to find opportunity in disruption to reverse   sustainable competitive advantage. During
the downward spiral of commoditization and           this enlightening and action-packed keynote
matter more to your customers than                   presentation you will learn how to cope with
your competition.                                    information bombardment.

Sponsored by:                                        Sponsored by:

                                    #IMPACT2019 / NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR CANADA’S CREDIT UNIONS         9
RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg, MB - May 5-8, 2019 - Canadian Credit Union Association

MONDAY MAY 6                                            D Digital Dynamics – Emerging Trends in
                                                            Digital Commerce

3:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.                                       North Building, 2nd Floor,
                                                            Presentation Theatre
Workshops and Special Programming
                                                       The Financial Services industry continues to be
 A   Mobile Wallets                                    disrupted by digital innovation. “Digital Dynamics
     North Building, 2nd Floor, Hall H                 – Emerging Trends in Digital Commerce” will
                                                       highlight Canadian trends in digital commerce
Credit union members are among the heaviest            and payments to help Credit Unions navigate the
users of their debit cards for daily purchases.        digital commerce space. This session will cover
Now they can pay with Interac® Debit using their       Global and Canadian Digital Landscapes, Digital
Apple or Android smartphone in-store, or with          Innovation in Canada and Emerging Digital Form
their Apple devices in-app or online. With so          Factors and Use Cases to provide compelling
much change and innovation happening in the            reasons why the understanding of emerging
mobile wallet space, is your credit union ready?       trends in the digital commerce space is more
Attend this session to learn more about where          important now than ever before.
we are with Mobile Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay
and Samsung Pay.                                       Presented by:

 B   Small Credit Union Session
     South Building, Ground Floor, York 2/3

Calling all small credit unions! This is the perfect   3:45 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
opportunity to join an interactive exclusive
session to discuss current trends, today’s             Trade Show Munch & Mingle
technology challenges, and learn tips on               South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall D
member retention that effect small credit
unions today.                                          Join us for Canada’s biggest credit union trade
                                                       show! Meet over 60 exhibitors, learn about the
Sponsored by:                                          latest technological trends, network with other
                                                       attendees and find business solutions for your

                                                       Sponsored by:
 C   IFRS 16 Information Sharing
     South Building, Ground Floor, York 4

Get up to speed with IFRS 16 for 2019 reporting
requirements. This session is aimed at CEOs,
CFOs, audit committee members and other
senior executives. IFRS 16 is the latest of the
changes to financial reporting standards in
recent years. It has implications to the reporting
of lease accounting for credit unions. Join this
session to share what you’re doing to meet
these new standards, learn from other credit
unions and identify best practices.


6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.                                 7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
AIME Awards: A Celebration of                        Womens’ Executive Networking Breakfast
Marketing Success                                    South Building, Ground Floor, York Ballroom 1
South Building, Ground Floor, York Ballroom 1
                                                     Let’s have a larger IMPACT. We welcome
The Awards in Marketing Excellence (AIME) are        our female leaders to attend this exclusive
now integrated with the National Credit Union        networking breakfast for credit union directors
Awards program. Monday will be a special night       and C-Suite executive women. This networking
to celebrate and highlight outstanding credit        event is the perfect opportunity for you to
union marketing achievements in digital, content,    meet your peers, share ideas, and grow your
design, and advertising ingenuity. Join us to        professional network.
honour efforts driving credit union awareness
and member growth.                                   Speaker: Shari Graydon
                                                     Founder, Informed Opinions
Sponsored by:
                                                     Sponsored by:

                                                      7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
                                                     Breakfast Session: Credit Union Business
8:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.                               Owner Strategy (CUBOS)
NEXTGEN & AIME AWARDS AFTER PARTY                    South Building, Ground Floor, York 2/3
Introducing 441 Main, an intimate two-story          Open to CUBOS member and non-member
bar in the Exchange District, designed with          credit unions. In this session, you will receive
a close eye to detail and built to pay tribute       “hot off the press” results from the Spring 2019
to the city, its people, and its culture as a        National Business Owner Survey and gain a
downtown nightclub.                                  deeper understanding of what these members
                                                     are looking for from their financial institutions,
441 Main
                                                     and how you can build and sustain stronger
441 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 1B4
                                                     relationships with this important growth
Sponsored by:                                        segment.
                                                     Sponsored by:


7:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
                                                      7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
Banquet Seating Desk will be open from
8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.                                Continental Breakfast
(All guests will be sent a reminder email of their   South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall D
assigned/selected seat at 4:30 p.m.)
Registration: South Building, Mezzanine Floor

                                    #IMPACT2019 / NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR CANADA’S CREDIT UNIONS          11

                                                     Workshop B: The ROI of Investing in Your
TUESDAY MAY 7                                        Members’ Financial Health
                                                     Community Impact
9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
                                                     South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall C
South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall C                    Leveraging insights from the National Financial
                                                     Health Index study, this interactive session will
Cultivating Deliberate Innovation                    focus on how credit unions can support and
                                                     reap the rewards of improving their members’
Speaker: Chitra Anand                                financial health and well-being.
Intrapreneurship Expert, Former Head of PR &
Communications, Microsoft Canada                     Workshop C: Payments Modernization Update
To succeed, credit unions need to foster             System Priorities
the creativity of their staff and develop an         North Building, 2nd Floor, Presentation Theatre
environment that promotes constant innovation.
Join Chitra Anand, the former head of PR for         Payments Canada is leading an industry
Microsoft Canada, for an engaging talk that          effort to build a scalable, future-oriented
reveals how to foster that spirit, and how to stay   payments infrastructure in Canada. All financial
on the cutting edge of market trends, technology,    institutions are actively preparing for payments
and consumer behaviour.                              modernization and the introduction of faster,
                                                     safer and more data-rich payments. In this panel
Sponsored by:                                        session, participants will hear from Payments
                                                     Canada and how Central 1, the Group Clearer
                                                     and credit unions are preparing
                                                     for modernization.
10:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Networking Break, Partner Exhibits &                 Workshop D: Smaller Credit Unions, Bigger
CDF Silent Auction                                   Data: How Small Credit Unions are Levelling
                                                     the Playing Field with Big Banks
South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall D                    Marketing

Sponsored by:                                        North Building, 2nd Floor, Hall H

                                                     Two case studies in action. Atlantic Central will
                                                     discuss how they used data strategically to
                                                     quantify the untapped potential in their markets
10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.                              and allocate resources more effectively. Westoba
                                                     Credit Union will share examples of how they
                                                     have operationalized their custom segmentation
                                                     solution to grow their market share and the
Workshop A: Economic Megatrends
                                                     member experience.
Government Relations
                                                     Sponsored by:
South Building, Ground Floor, York Ballroom 1

A panel of expert economic commentators will
discuss the coming megatrends that will shape
our economic landscape in the coming decades:
demographics; household debt and housing;
automation and the jobs of tomorrow. These
are just some of the macroeconomic indicators
and vitally important economic themes that
will shape our economy for years to come.


Workshop E: National Young Leaders                    The Canadian housing market continues to be
Finalist Presentations                                closely watched by regulators, credit unions,
Innovation – Young Leaders                            banks, and market commentators. As the effects
                                                      of OSFI’s B-20 stress test continues to be
South Building, Ground Floor, York 2/3                debated, public discussions about the housing
                                                      market, and specifically housing affordability,
The winners of the National Young Leaders
                                                      have become prevalent. Moreover, given the
Awards will present a workshop on a thought-
                                                      upcoming Federal Election, this debate has
provoking topic – not to be missed!
                                                      taken on a more political tone. This panel will
Sponsored by:                                         provide expert insight into this topic and address
                                                      the following questions: Should the B-20 stress
                                                      test be changed? What other policy initiatives
                                                      can the government take to make housing more
Workshop F: Fighting Financial Crime                  affordable? Is the Canadian housing market
Compliance                                            overvalued and inflated? And finally, where do
                                                      credit unions fit in and what role can they play?
North Building, 2nd Floor, Pan Am Room
                                                      Workshop H: Maximizing the Impact
In the digital age, financial transactions are
                                                      of Your Community Contributions
made online, and face to face interactions
                                                      Community Impact
decline. Members want fast convenient services,
but credit unions need to respond to the              North Building, 2nd Floor, Pan Am Room
potential for criminals to use digital channels
to launder the proceeds of crime. Credit              As financial cooperatives, credit unions generate
unions must tailor their compliance approach          positive economic, environmental and social
to consider the AML implications raised by            impact in the communities they serve. However,
new technologies and new ways of doing                it can be challenging to effectively communicate
business. This session will consider the current      your community impact both internally and
and emerging regulations and credit union             externally. In this session, we will share success
approaches to guarding against financial crime.       stories from credit unions that are utilizing
                                                      creative ways to make their social and economic
                                                      impact more visible to their members, to their
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
                                                      staff and to their community.
Luncheon and Keynote Presentation
South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall C                     Workshop I: Driving Wealth Management
Credit Union 2.0: The Digital Strategy                Growth for Credit Unions
& AI Playbook                                         System Priorities
Presentation by: Chris Otey                           North Building, 2nd Floor, Presentation Theatre
Chief Revenue Officer, CU 2.0
                                                      Credential, part of the Aviso Group of
In this informative presentation delegates will
                                                      Companies, will speak to the many ways they
learn alternative tools, and digital strategies for
                                                      are supporting their credit union partners
today’s market to make a real impact for credit
                                                      to grow their wealth business and improve
unions into the future.
                                                      members’ financial well-being.
1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.                                 Learn about best-in-class wealth products and
ROUND 2 – WORKSHOPS                                   digital solutions to support credit unions’ ability
                                                      to deliver a fully integrated, multi-channel model
Workshop G: The Canadian Housing                      that serves all member segments. Training and
Market Update                                         support to develop advisor capabilities focused
Government Relations                                  on holistic financial planning, and technological
                                                      enhancements delivering streamlined processes
South Building, Ground Floor, York Ballroom 1         and efficiency will also be discussed.


TUESDAY MAY 7                                         2:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
                                                      Networking Break, Partner Exhibit
1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.                                 & CDF Silent Auction
Workshop J: National Awareness                        South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall D
Marketing                                             Sponsored by:
North Building, 2nd Floor, Hall H

Join us for an informative session on the new
You First, Banking Second campaign. Designed          3:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
to increase the profile of credit unions, raise
awareness and ultimately make credit unions           ROUND 3 – WORKSHOPS
the preferred financial institution of choice for     Workshop M: Thinking Strategy: Federal
Canadians, the campaign will launch initially in      Credit Union? Merger? Bank Sub? Other?
BC and Ontario in May with the plan to roll out       Government Relations
nationally in 2020. The campaign represents the
true spirit of the cooperative movement to help       South Building, Ground Floor, York Ballroom 1
consumers understand the advantages being a
credit union member.                                  What is our credit union’s strategy for the
                                                      future? Is that a question at your board table?
Workshop K: Open Banking: Ideas &                     This session will showcase credit unions who
Challenges                                            have made some bold strategic choices. Join us
Innovation                                            to hear from credit unions who have taken the
                                                      federal journey, championed mergers, launched
South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall C                     a bank subsidiary and more. Learn how they set
                                                      their strategic path and how they put their plan
In this session, expert presenters will discuss       into action.
how an Open Banking framework could solve
many of the friction points consumers face            Workshop N: Forging New Partnerships in
with their current financial service providers.       Business & Reconciliation
The discussion will focus on what services a          Community Impact
Canadian Open Banking framework could make
available to consumers, and what challenges           North Building, 2nd Floor, Pan Am Room
could be created for credit unions. A question
and answer session will follow.                       In the spirit of Reconciliation, various sectors
                                                      and organizations are working to build new,
                                                      or deepen their relationships with Indigenous
Workshop L: Credit Union Data Integrity:
                                                      Peoples. The need to provide financial products
Maintaining Privacy and Compliance
                                                      and services tailored to meet the needs of
                                                      Indigenous Peoples is growing, and credit unions
                                                      are well positioned to serve this market. This
South Building, Ground Floor, York 2/3                session will discuss how credit unions can
                                                      respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to
The foundation for a successful analytics             Action and establish meaningful relationships
program is data. Without accurate, quality data,      and partnerships with Indigenous Peoples
it’s nearly impossible to make informed business      and communities.
decisions. As data becomes an even greater
asset for the credit union, the ability to monitor,
manage and control data’s integrity becomes
even more mission-critical. Establishing a data
governance strategy and data quality procedures
within the credit union ensures dependable data
flows throughout the credit union.


Workshop O: It’s a Basel III World                      Workshop Q: Digital Identity in Canada
System Priorities                                       & Its Impact on Credit Unions
South Building, Ground Floor, York 4
                                                        South Building, Ground Floor, York 2/3
There are few things more critical to a financial
institution than capital adequacy and liquidity         Learn about what’s happening in the Digital
management. Basel III has introduced new                Identity space in Canada, the role of the Digital
standards but provincial regulations differ across      Identity Authentication Council of Canada
Canada. This session will focus on how credit           (DIACC) in creating a Canada-specific trust
unions are responding to Basel III and other            framework, why Interac Corp. is focusing on
evolving standards impacting capital and                digital identity, why it’s important for credit
liquidity planning.                                     unions to prepare to play a role in this space,
                                                        and what Canada’s largest credit unions see
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION                                    as their role in the digital identity ecosystem.
Workshop P: Marketing by Consumer Values,
Not by Demographics                                     Workshop R: Cyber Security
Marketing                                               for Credit Unions
North Building, 2nd Floor, Hall H
                                                        North Building, 2nd Floor, Presentation Theatre
Speaker: David Allison
Consumer Behavior Expert, Marketing Advisor &           Cyber security is the one of the most topical
Valuegraphics Data Pioneer                              subjects for credit unions today. This session will
                                                        give you the strategies and tools you need to
Thanks to the flattening forces of technology           stay ahead of cyber criminals.
we have entered the post-demographic era:
stereotypes based on age, gender, income,
marital status and more can no longer be relied          5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
on to profile and understand target audience            National Gala Banquet Reception
behaviour. This is an enormous shift for anyone
involved in any form of consumer engagement,            South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall C
and it’s so new that it has yet to be worked
into the curriculum in business schools or               6:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
marketing programs. With deep data from                 National Gala Banquet & Awards Ceremony
the Valuegraphics Database, attendees will              South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall C
leave this session with eyes-wide-open about
the end of demographic stereotypes and how              For over 80 years, the National Credit Union
counterproductive they can be. Delegates will           Awards program has provided a platform to
also learn how to use shared values to profile          celebrate outstanding credit union leadership,
the audiences you need to reach with as much            community involvement and ingenuity. Join your
as eight times greater effectiveness.                   peers in a fun-filled evening as we applaud
                                                        the achievements of the credit union system’s
Sponsored by:                                           outstanding efforts over the past year.

                                                        Sponsored by:            Wine Sponsor:

                                       #IMPACT2019 / NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR CANADA’S CREDIT UNIONS         15

WEDNESDAY MAY 8                                     12:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
                                                   Optional Programming:
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.                              Central 1’s Treasury Roundtable
Breakfast                                          North Building, 2nd Floor, Pan Am Room
South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall C
                                                   Join us for an engaging Treasury Roundtable
                                                   after the 2019 IMPACT Conference. Discuss
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.                             strategic topics that matter to you with other
CCUA Member Forum: National Market                 treasury managers and system experts. We’ll
Conduct Code                                       touch on where the prairie economy is headed,
                                                   income generation opportunities, funding
South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall C
                                                   and liquidity strategies, as well as derivatives
Join us for CCUA’s 2019 Member Forum - an          overview.
interactive discussion on the adoption of a
                                                   If you have any questions please contact:
National Market Code of Conduct for Canada’s
                                                   Natalie Ebanks
credit unions. Hear from experts on why a
                                                   Treasury Services & Solutions Manager, Central 1
voluntary approach to consumer protection could
benefit your credit union and your members.

Stationery Sponsor:

10:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Mini Break
South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall C

10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall C
Unleashing Your Disruptive Behaviour
Speaker: Graham Sherman
Co-Owner, Tool Shed Brewing Company
The concept of “Disruptive Marketing” has
become so buzz-wordy that we often mistake
simply being “innovative” with being disrupting.
Truly standing out in a tough economy, against
monster-sized competition requires the use of
part of our brains we don’t often access.

Sponsored by:


                   ROUND 1                  ROUND 2                    ROUND 3
  STREAM          WORKSHOPS                WORKSHOPS                  WORKSHOPS
  THEMES         Tuesday, May 7            Tuesday, May 7            Tuesday, May 7
              10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.    1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.     3:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.

                                                                      Workshop M:
                   Workshop A:              Workshop G:             Thinking Strategy:
                    Economic            The Canadian Housing       Federal Credit Union?
                   Megatrends              Market Update            Merger? Bank Sub?

                   Workshop B:               Workshop H:               Workshop N:
COMMUNITY      The ROI of Investing     Maximizing the Impact           Forging New
  IMPACT        in Your Members’         of Your Community        Partnerships in Business
                 Financial Health           Contributions             & Reconciliation

                  Workshop C:               Workshop I:
  SYSTEM           Payments               Driving Wealth                 Workshop O:
 PRIORITIES       Modernization         Management Growth            It’s Basel III World
                    Update               for Credit Unions

                                                                       Workshop P:
                  Workshop D:                Workshop J:
                                                                       Marketing by
MARKETING        Smaller Credit               National
                                                                    Consumer Values,
               Unions, Bigger Data           Awareness
                                                                   Not by Demographics

                                                                       Workshop Q:
                  Workshop E:
                                            Workshop K:              Digital Identity in
                 National Young
INNOVATION                                 Open Banking:              Canada and Its
                 Leaders Finalist
                                         Ideas & Challenges          Impact on Credit

                   Workshop F:
                                            Workshop L:                Workshop R:
COMPLIANCE                                  Credit Union             Cyber Security for
                                            Data Integrity             Credit Unions

                        #IMPACT2019 / NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR CANADA’S CREDIT UNIONS        17

Canadian Credit Union Association Booth              Conference App
CCUA is your national trade association,             Download the app for instant mobile access to
representing and unifying affiliate credit unions    the conference schedule, session details, speaker
and caisses populaires in provinces outside of       bios, sponsors, and exhibitors. The app
Quebec. Join one of our representatives to           is available in IOS, Android and Blackberry.
learn more about how CCUA supports your              Download “EventBuddy by Pheedloop” in your
credit union.                                        app store. Once downloaded, search in the app
                                                     “Natconf19” and select this event. The app is
Trade Show
                                                     also available through the web by searching
Don’t miss the 2019 Trade Show – Canada’s            https://pheedloop.com/2019nationalconference/
Biggest Credit Union Exposition! With over 60        in your web browser.
partners, exhibitors play a vital role in setting
                                                     Sponsored by:
the foundation to facilitate business for credit
unions. It is an invaluable networking opportunity
to ensure that your credit union thrives in this
competitive market. Grand prize winners to be
                                                     WIFI sponsored by:
announced Tuesday, May 7 at 2:30 p.m.
Grand Prizes Sponsored by:
                                                     WIFI NETWORK: IMPACT
                                                     PASSWORD:     concentra

                                                     CCUA welcomes African Confederation of
Trade Show Munch & Mingle                            Co-operative Savings and Credit Associations
Monday, May 6, 2019
3:45 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall D
This event will take place right after the keynote
presentation. Be a part of this incredible
networking event!
Sponsored by:

                                                     The Canadian Credit Union Association has
                                                     invited some special guests to our opening
Social Lounge & Charging Station                     reception at the Museum For Human Rights.
                                                     They are members of the African Confederation
South Building, 3rd Floor, Hall D, Booth 100
                                                     of Co-operative Savings and Credit Associations,
We are pleased to offer our delegates a new          who are in Winnipeg participating in an Executive
social lounge where attendees can rest, relax        Education course hosted by the International
and recharge. Be sure to check out our live          Centre for Co-operative Management. If you
Twitter feed and charge your phone at the            bump into our credit union friends from Africa,
complimentary charging station!                      be sure to extend a warm Canadian welcome.
Sponsored by:


Conference Venue & Hotel
RBC Convention Centre
375 York Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 3J3

Delta Hotel
350 St Mary Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 3J2
1-844-294-7309 | marriott.com/hotels/hotel-photos/ywgdw-delta-hotels-winnipeg/
Alt Hotel
310 Donald Street, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2H3
1-431-800-4288 | althotels.com/en/winnipeg/
Fairmont Hotel
2 Lombard Place, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 0Y3
1-800-257-7544 | fairmont.com/winnipeg/
Inn at the Forks
75 Forks Market Roads, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 0A2
1-877-377-4100 | innforks.com

If you require assistance, please email: conferences@ccua.com

Hotel Shuttle Bus Service (FREE FOR ALL DELEGATES)

   PICK-UP LOCATIONS              HOURS OF OPERATION                               EVENT
                            No buses running during the day
All Hotel Properties to                                           Canadian Museum for Human Rights
                            Start 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Welcome Reception                                                 CCUA Welcome Reception
                            Return 8:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
3 Hotel Properties:         Start 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
                                                                  RBC Convention Centre
Fairmont, Alt Hotel &       No buses running during the day
                                                                  CCUA Programming & Trade Show
Inn at the Forks            Return 4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
3 Hotel Properties:
                                                                  RBC Convention Centre
Fairmont, Alt Hotel &       Evening Start 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
                                                                  AIME Awards
Inn at the Forks
Social Evening Event:       Evening Start 8:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Alt Hotel, RBC Convention   No buses running during the event     Social Event at 441 Main
Centre to 441 Main          Return 11:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.        NextGen & AIME Awards After Party

3 Hotel Properties:         Start 7:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Fairmont, Alt Hotel &       No buses running during the day       RBC Convention Centre
Inn at the Forks            Return 3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.          CCUA Programming & Trade Show

3 Hotel Properties:         Evening Start 3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Fairmont, Alt Hotel &       No buses running during the event     RBC Convention Centre
Inn at the Forks            Return 9:15 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.         CCUA Gala Banquet & Awards Ceremony

3 Hotel Properties:         Start 7:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.           RBC Convention Centre
Fairmont, Alt Hotel &       No buses running during the morning   CCUA Member Forum &
Inn at the Forks            Return 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.         Closing Keynote Presentation

                                      #IMPACT2019 / NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR CANADA’S CREDIT UNIONS      19


     Meeting Room
     Shuttle Bus
     Pick-Up / Drop Off


                                                                VIP SALON

                                       8     7     6




       ROOM                AM

                                   HALL H                    OFFICE


     Volunteer Room          Session Rooms             Information Desk     Registration Desk



  Sessions Rooms

  Information Desk

                          YORK 2/3

                                        YORK BALLROOM 1

                           YORK 4



                                                           120           116                   100 SOCIAL LOUNGE

                              131    129       125   123           119    117                  107       105
           HALL C
         (MAIN STAGE)         230 228            222               218    216                208 206 204

                                                                         HALL D (TRADE SHOW)

                                 231             223               219    217                209   207   205

                              330 328            322                   316                   308   306   304

                              331 329          325 323             319    317                309 307 305

                              430 428          424 422             418    416                408 406 404

                                                                                CCUA BOOTH

                             PHOTO EXHIBITOR
                             BOOTH CENTRE      425 421           419                               407    405   AUCTION

     TRADE SHOW HOURS:                                 TRADE SHOW LEGEND:

     Monday, May 6                                           Trade Show (Hall D)                     Social Lounge
     7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
                                                             Main Stage (Hall C)                     Food & Beverage
     Tuesday, May 7
     7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.                                   CCUA Booth                              Information Desk


100   Mastercard Canada              219    Splunk Inc.               330    Aprio Inc.

105   Sask Central                   222    GardaWorld                 331   Highgate Systems Inc.

107   Concentra Bank                 223    smartsolution™            404    VOGO

116   Desjardins Group               228    BDO Canada Ltd.           405    CDF Silent Auction

                                                                             Summit Organizational
117   Collabria                      230    MLT Aikins LLP            406

      The Ficanex Group                                                      Co-operative Development
119                                  231    Central 1                 407
      of Companies                                                           Foundation of Canada (CDF)

120   CGI Group Inc.                 304    DCR Strategies Inc.       408    Coconut Software

123   CMHC                           305    Value Connect              416   Avanti Software

                                                                             Canadian Credit Union
125   AMAG Technology                306    Technicost Inc.            417
                                                                             Association (CCUA)

                                                                             Strategic Resource
129   Commissionaires                307    nCino, Inc.                418
                                                                             Management (SRM)

                                                                             National Young
131   NewGround                      308    CUMIS Group Limited        419
                                                                             Leaders Committee

204   PayNet Inc.                    309    Valeyo                     421   TGT Solutions Inc.

205   JUDI.AI                        316    ASAPP OXP                  422   Dentons Canada LLP & NRS

206   DiliTrust                       317   Fiserv                     424   UPLevel

      Strategic Information
207                                  319    Celero                     425   Credit Counselling Society
      Technology - Portfolio Plus

208   FINASTRA                       322    Aviso Wealth Inc.          428   AFG Canada

209   Cardtronics                    323    Doxim                     430    PRA Canada

216   CUBE                           325    Kony DBX                   431   CCUA Exhibitor Centre

      Everlink Payment
217                                  328    ThoughtFarmer
      Services Inc.

      Cash Management Group |
218                                  329    Environics Analytics
      Canaccord Genuity

                                    #IMPACT2019 / NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR CANADA’S CREDIT UNIONS          23

CCUA would like to thank all our sponsors for their generous support.

CCUA would like to recognize our trade show exhibitors.

            C   A   N   A   D   A

                                                                        NRS   Nationwide
                                                                              Recovery Services


                        AFG Canada provides the technology and staff to make it possible for credit
                        unions to participate in consumer and commercial automobile leasing. The
                        program is designed specifically to help credit unions differentiate themselves
C   A   N   A   D   A   in the financial services marketplace, create a new source of revenue, retain
                        members and attract new ones. afgcanada.ca

                        AMAG Technology is an integrated security provider of access control, video
                        management and visitor management solutions. Symmetry™ products give
                        customers a comprehensive end-to-end software platform so users can manage
                        all their security needs while reducing risk and meeting industry compliance.
                        These solutions have been designed and manufactured to meet the most
                        rigorous requirements of multi-national, multi-building and campus environments
                        while still being scalable enough for less complex systems for those buildings
                        only requiring one or two doors and/or cameras. amag.com

                        Aprio makes good governance simple and affordable. The Aprio board portal
                        helps organizations large and small to efficiently run board meetings, keep
                        directors up to date, and keep information secure. Aprio provides premium
                        features without premium pricing, all delivered with unmatched service.
                        Visit aprio.net to learn more.

                        ASAPP helps credit unions across the country build their business with Canada’s
                        most complete account and loan origination solutions. Now, with ASAPP OXP, our
                        Customer Experience Software and Digital Agency Services provide a holistic
                        solution to improve member engagement and simplify your processes to make
                        the most of your day. asappbanking.com

                        ACU is a co-operative that has been helping members achieve their financial
                        goals for over 75 years. We offer a full suite of products and services, expert
                        financial advice, online banking, and the largest branch network in the province.
                        Join us and see firsthand what “money doing more” is all about.

                        Avanti helps build better workplaces.
                        For nearly four decades, Avanti has been helping Canadian organizations solve
                        complex people management challenges through a combination of technology,
                        high touch professional service, and support excellence. Avanti provides an
                        all-in-one cloud-based Human Capital Management Software-as-a-Service
                        suite, which includes Recruiting & Onboarding, Payroll, Human Resources, Time
                        & Attendance, and productivity tools. From hire to retire, we’ve got you covered.
                        Visit us at avanti.ca

                        Driving Wealth Management Growth for Credit Unions
                        Credential, part of the Aviso Group of Companies, will speak to the many ways
                        they are supporting their credit union partners to grow their wealth business
                        and improve members’ financial well-being.
                        Learn about best-in-class wealth products and digital solutions to support credit
                        unions’ ability to deliver a fully integrated, multi-channel model that serves
                        all member segments. Training and support to develop advisor capabilities
                        focused on holistic financial planning, and technological enhancements delivering
                        streamlined processes and efficiency will also be discussed. aviso.ca

                        BDO is a leading provider of professional services to the Canadian credit union
                        sector. We deliver a comprehensive range of services complemented by deep
                        industry expertise in digital transformation, information technology strategy,
                        internal auditing, enterprise risk management and corporate finance to help our
                        clients remain competitive in this evolving industry. bdo.ca

                           #IMPACT2019 / NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR CANADA’S CREDIT UNIONS                     25

                              The Canadian Credit Union Association (CCUA) is your national trade
                              association, representing and unifying affiliate credit unions and caisses
                              populaires in provinces outside of Quebec. This is your portal to a repository of
                              resources, programs, collaborative communities, articles, and more. ccua.com

                              As the only 100% Canadian-owned private mortgage insurer, Canada Guaranty
                              is dedicated to meeting the diverse needs of mortgage professionals and home
                              buyers across the country. With a commitment to delivering service excellence,
                              Canada Guaranty is proud to offer personalized support, value-added solutions
                              and a comprehensive suite of mortgage default insurance products to ensure
                              Canadians are provided with greater access to affordable, responsible and
                              sustainable homeownership. canadaguaranty.ca

                              Cardtronics is the largest owner / operator of cash machines worldwide. In
                              addition to cash machine services, Cardtronics operates a full-service ATM and
                              point-of-sale transaction processing switch for Interac and other payment card
                              network transactions. Cardtronics offers comprehensive ATM management,
                              placement, payment processing, and access services to credit unions.

                              The Cash Management Group at Canaccord Genuity is Canada’s largest GIC
                              deposit network. We partner with credit unions across Canada and offer our
                              platform to expand your source of retail and institutional deposits. We proudly
                              work with 25+ credit unions and manage over $2.5 billion in deposits.

                              Celero is a leading provider of IT solutions to financial institutions across Canada.
                              Consistently ranked among the world’s top financial technology companies on the
                              annual FinTech 100 list, Celero has over 250 employees located across Canada.
                              A full-service IT shop, Celero provides complete banking solutions, IT planning,
                              systems integration, hosting, support, maintenance and professional services to
                              meet the unique needs of financial institutions of all sizes and delivers world-class
                              reliability through our Canadian-based data centres, employees and operations.

                              With offices in Vancouver, Mississauga and Toronto, Central 1 Credit Union holds
                              on balance sheet approximately $17.3 billion in assets. We provide wholesale
                              financial products, trust services, payment processing solutions and direct
                              banking services to almost 300 credit unions and institutional clients from coast
                              to coast.
                              In addition, Central 1 is the primary liquidity manager, payments provider and
                              trade association for our 42 member credit unions in B.C. and 70 Ontario member
                              credit unions. Our members represent a consumer-oriented, full-service retail
                              financial system that collectively serves 3.3 million members and holds more than
                              $116.8 billion in assets. For more information, visit central1.com

                              Founded in 1976, CGI is one of the largest IT and business process services
                              providers in the world, delivering high-quality business consulting, systems
                              integration and managed services. With a deep commitment to providing
                              innovative services and solutions, CGI has an industry-leading track record of
                              delivering 95% of projects on time and within budget, aligning our teams with
                              clients’ business strategies to achieve top-to-bottom line results. cgi.com

                              For over 70 years Chicago Title has proudly provided security for Canadian
                              real estate transactions. We are the exclusive underwriter of residential and
                              commercial title insurance for thousands of lawyers, notaries, and lenders
                              across the country. Owned by Fidelity National Financial, Inc. (NYSE: FNF) the
                              world’s largest title insurer, we are an industry leader in title insurance solutions,
                              customer service, and real estate technology.


CMHC helps Canadians meet their housing needs. As Canada’s authority on
housing, we contribute to the stability of the housing market and financial
system, provide support for Canadians in housing need, and offer objective
housing research and advice to Canadian governments, consumers and the
housing industry. Prudent risk management, strong corporate governance and
transparency are cornerstones of our operations. cmhc-schl.gc.ca

The Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada (CDF Canada, formerly
CCA) is an international non-governmental organization and registered charity
established in 1947 and headquartered in Ottawa. CDF Canada embodies co-
operative principles and collaborates with communities to achieve sustainable
economic and social development. Our vision is a better world built on self-
reliance and cooperation.
CDF Canada currently operates in 12 countries in Africa, Asia and the
Americas, with an annual budget of CAD $15 million in 2017 and a portfolio of
approximately $60 million. CDF Canada’s work is guided by gender equality and
environmental sustainability principles and strategies, supported by highly skilled
and diverse staff including experts in gender, M&E, agriculture, microinsurance
and finance. cdfcanada.coop

Coconut Software is transforming how credit unions engage with their
customers by allowing them to effortlessly manage on-demand and pre-booked
appointments with real-time insights to optimize results. Working with financial
services, like Jackson Hewitt, First West, Connect First, and RBC, we understand
that your needs are complex and we are committed to delivering a premium
experience to each of our valued clients. coconutsoftware.com

Collabria is a unique payment solutions provider created to deliver customized,
end-to-end credit card products and services. At its core, what sets Collabria
apart is its foundation in partnership, collaboration and responsiveness. With
Collabria, you’ll never have to settle for “one size fits all” programs. Instead,
Collabria professionals work with you to design solutions built around the exact
needs of your financial institution and your customers. For more information,
visit collabriafinancial.ca.

Commissionaires provide total security services in over 1,200 local communities
across Canada offering guarding, mobile patrol, alarm response, employee
screening, and video monitoring. Protect your facilities with some of our more
than 22,000 security professionals who are trained to a national standard.
Strengthen your security with our proven skills and experience since 1925.

Concentra Bank is a purpose-based organization, striving to enable the
success of Canadians. As an innovative and future-focused company, we form
partnerships to deliver industry-best financial solutions to our customers. We
offer a wide range of financial solutions including specialized banking, consumer
finance, treasury, wealth management solutions to business owners, consumers,
and credit unions nationwide. concentra.ca

Convergint Technologies is a global service-based organization that designs,
installs, and services integrated building systems. Delivering value through
unparalleled customer service and consistent operational excellence is
foundational at Convergint. Convergint was founded on a set of core Values
and Beliefs that have fostered a culture dedicated to service in every way - to
customers, colleagues, and local communities. Its daily commitment to these
values is one key reason why customers choose to do business with Convergint.


                              The Credit Counselling Society is an accredited non-profit charity that helps
                              Canadians with their money. We opened our doors in 1996 and have served over
                              half a million Canadians through credit counselling and education.
                              Our mission is We Help, We Educate, We Give Hope. We do this by providing free
                              credit counselling, low cost debt solutions, and education to Canadians.
                              We help any consumer who calls us. We can answer questions about your
                              credit, debt and budget. We can meet with you to discuss your specific situation
                              and offer you more personal and detailed information, unbiased advice, and
                              resources to help you. No financial problem is too big or too small to get a fresh
                              perspective. And the best part is that it’s free and confidential.

                              CREDIT UNION BRAND ENGINEERING (CUBE), provides a strategic and
                              creative approach designed to enhance the perception of who Credit Unions are,
                              and better communicate what they do. Our objective is to refresh their overall
                              image and simplify their marketing message to existing & potential members.

                              CUES® is an international membership association dedicated to the talent
                              development of credit union CEOs, executives, directors and future leaders. Our
                              offerings - from our highly acclaimed institutes to an array of online services
                              and progressive strategic solutions - are the premier professional development
                              programs in industry today helping credit union leaders reach their greatest
                              potential. cues.org

                              CUMIS creates financial security for Canadians and promotes the growth and
                              success of credit unions and caisses populaires in Canada. cumis.com

                              DBRS is an independent, privately held, globally recognized credit ratings agency
                              with offices in Toronto, New York, Chicago, Mexico City, London and Frankfurt.
                              We strive to differentiate ourselves from competitors through a more pragmatic
                              rather than mechanistic approach, in-depth research and unequalled mandate
                              Founded in 1976, we are a rapidly growing, international ratings agency with
                              deep roots in Canada. Our four decades of experience and strong track record
                              provide the foundation for us to seek out new opportunities and to make targeted
                              investments that align with our core ratings operations.
                              Our approach and our size as the world’s fourth-largest ratings agency allow us to
                              be nimble enough to respond to customers’ needs in their local markets, but large
                              enough to provide the necessary expertise and resources they require. dbrs.com

                              At DCR Strategies Inc., we design innovative solutions to solve everyday
                              business challenges. As a leader in the payments industry, we deliver creative
                              incentive and reward solutions, unique loyalty programs, and comprehensive
                              marketing support services. We help turn every contact with customers,
                              partners, and employees into an opportunity to enhance the bottom line. DCR
                              Strategies Inc. is the leading prepaid financial services and loyalty provider
                              for top financial institutions, merchants, and government agencies all over
                              the world. From unique incentives to financial card products and international
                              payment solutions, DCR services more than 30 global markets with hundreds
                              of customers that reach millions of users all around the world. Our Technology
                              division develops tools to support our existing programs, as well as new
                              platforms and solutions to help our clients achieve their objectives, whether
                              that’s increased sales, more efficient services, or better client or employee
                              retention. With international operations, we can deliver solutions, on either a
                              local or global scale, that drive measurable results. Whether you’re looking for
                              an out-of-the-box solution or need something fully customizable, we have an
                              experienced team of experts who work diligently to ensure your needs are met.

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