The Upswing Edition The COTAD Courier - 2022 Quarter 3

Page created by Kathy Douglas
The Upswing Edition The COTAD Courier - 2022 Quarter 3
The COTAD Courier
                 2022 Quarter 3

  The Upswing Edition

Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity, 501(c)3
      222 South Meremec Ave Ste. 202, Clayton, MO 63105
                 Connect with us on Social Media!
The Upswing Edition The COTAD Courier - 2022 Quarter 3
In this edition of the COTAD

Welcome Letter from COTAD
Chair and Vice Chair
COTAD Leadership Overview
Congratulations Graduates
Capstone Highlights
What's Happening COTAD?
Upcoming COTAD Events
The Upswing Edition The COTAD Courier - 2022 Quarter 3
COTAD Courier Welcome letter
   Written by Arameh Anvarizadeh and Stephanie Lancaster,
                  COTAD Chair and Vice-Chair
The Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity (COTAD)
is excited to announce three of the newest members of the leadership
team: Asha Rao, MS, OTR/L, Stephanie Buckholz, MS, OTR/L, and
Yaritza Croussett-Gonzalez, OTD, OTR/L. Asha and Stephanie have
been selected to serve as co-chairs of the COTAD Courier, the quarterly
newsletter for COTAD members and Yaritza has been selected to serve
as the co-chair of the Practitioner Committee.

As a follow-up to the restructuring of COTAD a year ago, the COTAD
Courier, under the direction of the new co-editors, seeks to create a
newsletter that emphasizes the voice of our membership by featuring
stories and reports written by COTAD leaders and members, including
students in COTAD Chapters across the country. Each quarterly edition
will spotlight the work of COTAD members and will share details about
past and upcoming COTAD-hosted events. The articles will supplement
the information posted on COTAD social media and on the COTAD

As Chair and Vice-Chair of COTAD, we are excited about the new Courier
structure and welcome the new co-editors to the team. We look forward to
seeing their plans for the COTAD Courier emerge and come to fruition.

              -Arameh & Stephanie
The Upswing Edition The COTAD Courier - 2022 Quarter 3
COTAD Leadership

  Co-founder and Chair: Arameh                   Vice Chair: Stephanie Lancaster,             Co-Founder, Treasurer: Stacy Wilson,
    Anvarizadeh, OTD, OTR/L,                            EdD, OTR/L, ATP, CDP                 MS, OTR/L (he/him/his)- Mr. Wilson has
    FAOTA (she/her/hers)- Dr.                   (she/her/hers)- Dr. Lancaster joined             published multiple articles around the
  Anvarizadeh is an accomplished                     the Coalition of Occupational           topic of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, is
    speaker who has lectured in                    Therapy Advocates for Diversity           an active member of the Diversity council
    numerous state and national                    (COTAD) in 2016. She currently              at his current employer, has presented
       conferences, as well as                  serves as the Vice Chair of COTAD.             locally and nationally, and collaborated
     internationally at the World               She lives in Memphis, TN, and is the          with students from Kunming University in
     Federation of Occupational                 AOTA Representative Assembly rep              Southwest China to create the country’s
  Therapists’ (WFOT) congress. Dr.                 for the state of Tennessee. She                first Student Occupational Therapy
  Anvarizadeh is passionate about                        blogs on her website                    Association. Mr. Wilson’s work at the
       building healthy, diverse                ( and                local, national, and international levels
   communities through inclusion,                  hosts the podcast On The Air for           demonstrates his passion for increasing
     equity, empowerment, and                    individuals interested in OT-related         awareness of occupational therapy and
              advocacy.                                          topics.                     recruiting and retaining more OT students
                                                                                                         of diverse backgrounds.

  Secretary: Jabari Hoyte, OTD, OTR/L        Co- Founder, Business Development and                 Strategy Coordinator: Adam Cisroe
(he/him/his)- In his new role he has been       Partners Officer: Nadine Kwebetchou,                Pearson, OTD, OTR/L (he/him/his)-
     instrumental in acting as a liaison          MBA,MS, OTR/L (she/her/hers)- Ms.                    Dr. Pearson has held numerous
    between COTAD leadership and the            Kwebetchou has held clinical leadership             clinical, administrative, teaching, and
 various branches of COTAD National, as            positions and has worked in diverse                research roles, all with a focus on
     well as those who are interested in       healthcare settings: Intensive care, acute               health, health equity, strategy
  learning more about and spreading the          care, sub-acute, polytrauma, oncology,                   development, and program
   message of COTAD. Dr. Jabari Hoyte             skilled nursing, maternity, emergency               management. His long term goals
 continues to strive to be a mentor to the     department, ambulatory surgery, assisted            involve working with multi-disciplinary,
  next generation of diverse occupational    living, outpatient, and home health. She has                diverse teams to develop and
                                              also presented in national and international          implement dynamic programs to end
   therapists, and be an agent of change
                                                                                                         homelessness, and aid in the
 within the evolving world of occupational     conferences. She is passionate about the
                                                                                                   development of policy that can ensure
                  therapy!                       field of occupational therapy catalyzing
                                                                                                  that every single person gets access to
                                             diversity AND inclusion from a PEO (person,
                                                                                                              affordable housing.
                                              environment, and occupation) perspective.
The Upswing Edition The COTAD Courier - 2022 Quarter 3
Current Committee Chair Persons
                      Dr. Khalilah R. Johnson Ph.D, OTR/L
                          Whitney Harris MSOT, OTR/L

                        Dr. Emma Baldwin OTD, OTR/L
                       Dr. Alejandra ArroyoOTD, OTR/L

                      Dr. Meegan Lambert OTD, OTR/L
                       Dr. Yaritza Croussett-Gonzalez,

                         Dr. Lexi Rebne OTD, OTR/L
                        Dr. Scott McNeil OTD, OTR/L

                               COTAD OPERATIONS
         Find out
                            Dr. Ryan Lavalley Ph.D,
        more about
           each                     OTR/L
        chair here:
The Upswing Edition The COTAD Courier - 2022 Quarter 3
Meet Your New COTAD Courier

  Hi all, it is Asha and Steph here and we are so excited to be your new
 COTAD Courier Co-Editors! This first issue we have created for the third
 quarter has a lot of background information regarding COTAD, its board,
   committee, and what's up coming next. We want to provide you with
   updates quarterly regarding COTAD, and the world of occupational
therapy. We are excited to highlight students, practitioners, educators, as
well as provide a newsletter that is revamped, and that will be informative
and interesting. We chose the term "upswing" since we want to further our
   growth as an organization, community, and profession, and feel this
              newsletter can assist with facilitating the "upswing".

      With this newsletter, we will continue to work towards the goal of
   empowering occupational therapy leaders to engage in practices that
  increase justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI); anti-racism and
  anti-oppression for a transformative occupational therapy profession, to
then create a future in which occupational therapy is accessible, inclusive,
                             and effective for all.
The Upswing Edition The COTAD Courier - 2022 Quarter 3
Meet Your New COTAD Courier
Asha Rao (she/her/hers) is an
occupational therapist practicing in Early
Intervention in the suburbs of northern IL.
She graduated with her undergraduate
degree in Rehabilitation Sciences in Spring
2019 and entered the UIC MSOT program
directly after. While completing her
master's, Asha was responsible for
partnering with her co-chair and OT
Department Head to establish a COTAD
Chapter at UIC in 2020. She worked with
faculty and the UIC OT cohorts to evaluate
their needs which guided the goals
and aims of the UIC COTAD Chapter. After completing her master's, Asha was
awarded the 2021 UIC Emerging Leadership Award for her work on the COTAD
Chapter and previous work at UIC in creating resources related to mental health
and disability. Asha has extensive experience in research and teaching related
to disability, womens health, and DEI content. Asha is working on completing her
post-professional OTD focused on OT's role in supporting mothers in parenting
after loss. Throughout her educational and professional career, Asha has gained
experience in JEDI content, advocacy, research, and academia. She continues
to value mentorship, leadership and networking across her work. Asha also runs
her social media OT account (@themasalachaiOT) to create content related to
these topics while offering mentorship to pre-OT students, OT students, and new
The Upswing Edition The COTAD Courier - 2022 Quarter 3
Meet Your New COTAD Courier

Stephanie Buckholz (she/her/hers) is
 a new clinician that graduated from
Grand Valley State University
(GVSU) in 2021. She earned her
bachelor's degree in Kinesiology with a
double minor in nutrition and
leadership from Central Michigan
University in 2019. During her time as a
student, her research included a
qualitative study regarding the occupational engagement of individuals
who identify within the LGBTQIA+ community to enhance client-
centered care. Additionally, Stephanie had the opportunity to present at
the GVSU Teach-In, which aims to provide mutual education to
students and staff on inequality and systems of oppression regarding
the topic of white saviorism. Stephanie was also the Student
Occupational Therapy Association Vice President for her cohort.
Outside of occupational therapy, Stephanie's passions include food
justice and increasing accessibility to individuals with disabilities for
outdoor activities. Stephanie is now located in Boulder, Colorado, and
joined COTAD in 2022.
The Upswing Edition The COTAD Courier - 2022 Quarter 3
Meet Your New COTAD Practitioner
              Committee Co-Chair

 Dr. Yaritza Croussett-Gonzalez is a
 long time Occupational Therapist (OT)
 with over fifteen years of experience.
 She earned her masters degree in
 occupational therapy from Loma Linda
 university and doctorate degree in
 occupational therapy from Boston
 University. She specializes in staff and
 program development with a long
 standing history in mentorship and
 leadership, serving as manager and
 director of multiple departments in
 school based and rehab settings.

She holds over 10 years of experience with humanitarian work in
underserved communities both nationally and internationally. As one of
the only 6% of doctoral level certified occupational therapist of LatinX
background, Dr. Yaritza understands the importance not only of
diversifying the field but also of being an advocate for our clinicians of
color. She says, “Being an Afro-Latina in the OT field is a rarity. We
need more representation, more support. We need to understand that
diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential for growth and
sustainability of all specialized service fields and their capacity to recruit
and retain highly effective and responsive professionals which
increases the satisfaction and engagement of clients, students and
families in therapy.”
The Upswing Edition The COTAD Courier - 2022 Quarter 3
                 COMPARED TO OTHERS:

Completing an OT or OTA program is no small feat- given the impact
  of COVID-19, we understand that new grads have likely faced a
whole new set of challenges and barriers related to becoming an OT
 professional. We wanted to say congratulations to the graduating
       class of 2022 and let you know that we stand with you!

       Continue your occupational therapy career by staying
        connected with COTAD and volunteering with us.
      Multiple positions open for a variety of opportunity!
                    Dominique Peterson, OTD, OTR
                         Chatham University

  “The purpose of this Capstone project was to contribute to the program
development of the COTAD Mentorship Program. The implementation of a
    quality improvement project focused on (1) streamlining the COTAD
Mentorship Program’s application process, (2) consolidating the intake and
   exit surveys, (3) creating an online resource to increase engagement
 amongst mentors and mentees, and (4) developing educational materials
    related to mentorship for underrepresented occupational therapists.
   Results of the Capstone project showed that the COTAD Mentorship
 Program staff was highly satisfied with the streamlining of the application
and surveys. Additionally, the Capstone project's deliverables will allow the
operations of the COTAD Mentorship Program to flow more efficiently and
  have the opportunity to improve the program’s effectiveness over time.”

                     Carlton Smith Jr. OTD, OTR/L
         Indiana University Purdue University/IUPUI Scholarworks

  “The primary goal of this project is to provide an outlet for students and
educators to voice their opinions, specifically as it relates to JEDI practices
    within OT education. This project seeks to describe similarities and
    differences found through interviews with students and educators to
     recognize current DEI practices with a specific OT program, make
 informed recommendations centered on DEI best practices and provide
campus and community resources. Students expressed wanting increased
real-life scenario classroom assignments related to DEI. It was also found
that students and faculty did not feel comfortable discussing DEI practices
     and would like informed recommendations to implement within the
                 curriculum and outside of the classroom.”
             Summer 2022 Events Update with the COTAD Chapter at UTMB:
                        AAPI Heritage Month and Pride Week

The UTMB COTAD Chapter collaborated
with local businesses in Galveston and
the greater Houston area to raise funds
by distributing community bags for
AAPI Heritage Month in May 2022. The
fundraiser’s goal was to increase
awareness of AAPI culture through
representation of different foods from
various regions in Asia and the Pacific
Islands. We distributed the bags along
with educational materials on the
different cultural implications of the
food to students, faculty, and staff of
UTMB and raised $812.33!

The COTAD UTMB Chapter also collaborated with other diversity organizations at their
school to host a week full of Pride events. COTAD hosted a lecture on bias in transgender
care called Banishing Bias: Care and Advocacy for Transgender Patients with Aidan
Jackson as well as a roller-skating fundraiser event to celebrate Pride month and raise
funds for a local charity, Access Care of Coastal Texas (ACCT). ACCT IS A 501(c)3 non-
profit organization that provides compassionate, community-based HIV/AIDS education and
services that empower people of all ages and social standards to live courageously with
HIV. Both COTAD Pride events were successful and $2,000 dollars were raised for the local

The COTAD Book+ Club will meet virtually on Aug. 3 at 6
p.m. CT to discuss the documentary film "Unrest." View the
trailer and learn more about the film at

The event is open to all and is free. Registration is required
and closes 24 hours before the start of the event. Visit the
COTAD website to register at
 As we look forward to the next quarter release of
the COTAD Courier, it will encapsulate the months
September, October, November, and December. If
  you have anything you would like to contribute,
   please feel free to email

   -Stephanie and Asha,
 COTAD Courier Co-Chairs

 Don't forget to check out the COTAD Job Board!
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