The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 24, 2021 5426 12th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55417 612-824-3455

Page created by Clarence Santiago
The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 24, 2021 5426 12th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55417 612-824-3455
October 24, 2021
               The Thirtieth Sunday
                in Ordinary Time

5426 12th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55417 • • 612-824-3455
The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 24, 2021 5426 12th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55417 612-824-3455
Mass Times                                             From Fr. Ellis
 Saturday                                              Congratulations to Bishop
 5:00 pm                                               Cozzens!
 Sunday                                                On Monday, the Vatican announced
 9:00 am & 11:00 am                                    that Pope Francis has appointed
 Monday                                                our own Bishop Andrew Cozzens
 8:15 am                                               as the new bishop of the Diocese of
                                                       Crookston, Minnesota. Bishop Cozzens was ordained
 Tuesday                                               a bishop in 2013 and has served as auxiliary bishop of
 8:15 am                                               our archdiocese ever since. In that role, he has had a
 Wednesday                                             particular focus on Catholic schools, Latino ministry,
 8:15 am                                               evangelization, marriage and family life—and of
                                                       course has also helped our local church navigate the
 Friday                                                clergy abuse crisis and bankruptcy. Bishop Cozzens
 8:15 am                                               believes that God’s Providence has prepared him
                                                       through these experiences and others to serve in
Sacrament of Confession                                Crookston. The diocese in the northwest part of the
 Saturday                                              state has been through its own challenges recently,
                                                       including the investigation and eventual resignation
 3:00 - 4:00 pm                                        of their previous bishop over his handling of cases
                                                       of clergy abuse and misconduct. Bishop Cozzens
Eucharistic Adoration                                  will serve as the eighth bishop of the diocese when
 First Friday of the Month                             he is installed on Monday, December 6 at 1 pm at
 9:00 am - 7:00 pm                                     the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in
                                                       Crookston. Before that, he will celebrate a Mass of
Rosary Devotion                                        thanksgiving for his time here in the Twin Cities; it is
                                                       scheduled for Sunday, November 28 at noon at the
 Monday-Wednesday & Friday                             Cathedral of St. Paul, with a reception to follow.
 7:55 am
                                                       Before being ordained to the episcopacy, Bishop
Sacraments                                             Cozzens served as parochial vicar at the Cathedral
                                                       of St. Paul as well as at Divine Mercy in Faribault. He
 For inquiries regarding Baptism, First Communion,     then completed his doctorate in theology and began
 Confirmation, or Marriage visit                       teaching at the Saint Paul Seminary. There he taught                                 sacramental theology, and I had him for several
                                                       classes. They were some of the best classes I had!
Is This Your First Time at OLP?                        From them, it became evident to me that Bishop
                                                       Cozzens is a man of great intelligence, but also
 Thank you for choosing to spend your time with
                                                       possesses a pastoral heart, a deep prayer life, and love
                                                       for Jesus. I am happy for the Diocese of Crookston,
 It would be great to be able to connect with you      and at the same time sad to see him leave the Twin
 and welcome you into the Our Lady of Peace            Cities. Please join me in praying for him and for his
 community.                                            new diocese.
 Text Welcome to 612-540-1752 and let us know          World Mission Sunday
 you are here!
                                                       Each year at the end of October, the universal Church
                                                       observes World Mission Sunday. Collections taken up
Weddings at OLP                                        this weekend support clergy and laity alike who are
 Couples planning to be married at Our Lady of         bringing the Good News of Jesus to all corners of the
 Peace should plan on at least six months to prepare   globe, but particularly in Africa, Asia, Latin America,
 for this lifelong commitment to each other and to     and the Pacific Islands. We will have envelopes
 complete all the necessary steps.                     available this weekend if you would like to contribute
                                                       in support of this work. Those donations are used
 Visit for more information.
                                                       by the Vatican to assist over 1,000 mission dioceses.
                                                       Besides supporting their efforts financially, this
                                                       Sunday reminds us that we have all been entrusted
                                                       with the responsibility of spreading the Good News
                                                       of Jesus—or, as we put it in our own mission, to draw
   Contact us: | 612-824-3455
                                                       near to Jesus through Mary.
The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 24, 2021 5426 12th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55417 612-824-3455
OLP Book Discussion                                   Youth & Young Adult Ministry

OLP Book Discussions Are “Back in                            Join Us for a Young Adult Gathering!
Business”                                                    All young adults are invited to attend Vespers for
You’re invited to join in a discussion on Thomas             the Solemnity of All Saints at Our Lady of Peace on
Merton’s classic, The Seven Story Mountain.                  Monday, November 1 at 7 pm.

We will meet to discuss via Zoom on Thursday,                After Vespers, we will meet in Pates Hall to enjoy
December 2 at 7 PM.                                          refreshments and plan future young adult events.

“Without a life of the spirit,” Thomas Merton said, “our     According to the United States Conference of
whole existence becomes unsubstantial and illusory.”         Catholic Bishops, a young adult is anyone who is 18-
                                                             39 years old.
This is his tale of “lost and found,” ultimately resulting
in his entry into a Trappist monastery - “the four walls     However, we will not check IDs at the door!
of my new freedom,” he stated.
                                                             Calling all high school students!
Register for the discussion at
                                                             All high school students and their parents are invited
                                                             to a gathering on Sunday, November 14 at 7 pm in
                                                             Pates Hall.
              Liturgy & Music                                We will eat snacks, play games, and plan high school
                                                             youth group activities for the year.

Liturgical Ministry Conflicts Past Due                       Confirmation Catechists Needed!
All Liturgical Ministers- please be sure to submit any
                                                             Consider becoming a Confirmation Catechist or High
conflicts you have for the next schedule today.
                                                             School Youth Ministry Volunteer.
You can enter them through Ministry Scheduler or
                                                             Contact Jocelyn Johnson ( for
email if you have any problems
                                                             more information.
with the scheduling system.
Volunteer opportunity at Mass!
Are you interested in becoming an Extraordinary
Minister of Holy Communion (Eucharistic Minister)?
All are welcome to attend a training and information
session on Monday, October 25 at 7 pm.
                                                             Help Out at the Pumpkin Patch
Visit to register.
All Saints Vespers                                           We still need you at the Pumpkin Patch
Although it is not obligatory to attend Mass on the          We had an amazing first two weeks at the Pumpkin
Solemnity of All Saints due to its proximity to Sunday,      Patch!
we will still mark the Solemnity with Vespers, also          We overtook last year’s total sales in the FIRST SIX
known as evening prayer, on Monday, November 1 at            DAYS of this year’s patch!
7 pm.
                                                             Even though the Pumpkin Patch is in its final week, it
Join us in prayer with contemplative music and               tends to be among the busiest times for sales.
scripture reading.
                                                             We are always a little thin on volunteers at the end of
Remembrance Mass                                             the Pumpkin Patch and this year is no different.
Are you mourning the loss of a loved one who passed          We need your help!
away this year?
                                                             The money we make at the Pumpkin Patch stays here
Find comfort and hope at our Remembrance Mass,               at OLP aiding the religious education of students at
on Monday, November 5 at 7 pm, where we will honor           both the church and school.
those we have lost this year.
                                                             Visit to sign up for a 2-hour block
If you have a loved one who has passed away in the           any time this week and help us close out this year’s
last year visit to submit their name        Pumpkin Patch strongly.
to be commemorated in a special way.
Mass Intentions                                            This Week at OLP
  Saturday, October 23                                     Sunday, October 24 - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
  5:00 pm Emmett Duffy †                                   9:00 am      Mass - C
                                                           10:00 am     First Reconciliation & First Eucharist
  Sunday, October 24                                       		           Preparation - WR
  9:00 am John Komoroski †                                 11:00 am     Mass - C
  11:00 am OLP Parishioners                                		           Pumpkin Patch - O
                                                           12:00 pm     Ensemble Rehearsal - C
  Monday, October 25                                       1:00 pm      Confirmation Sponsor Session - PH
  8:15 am OLP Parishioners
                                                           Monday, October 25
  Tuesday, October 26                                      7:55 am     Rosary - C
  8:15 am OLP Parishioners                                 8:15 am     Mass - C
                                                           9:45 am     Tai Chi - PH
  Wednesday, October 27                                    11:00 am    Pumpkin Patch - O
  8:15 am Carolyn Hynnek †                                 8:00 pm     Global Solidarity Synod Small Group -
  Friday, October 29                                       		WR
  8:15 am OLP Parishioners                                 Tuesday, October 26
  Saturday, October 30                                     7:55 am      Rosary - C
                                                           8:15 am      Mass - C
  5:00 pm Ed Komoroski †                                   9:00 am      Bible Study - WR
  Sunday, October 31                                       11:00 am     Pumpkin Patch - O
  9:00 am OLP Parishioners                                 6:15 pm      First Reconciliation Family Night - PH
                                                           8:00 pm      JD’s Hoops Open Gym - G
  11:00 am OLP Parishioners
                                                           Wednesday, October 27
                                                           7:55 am     Rosary - C
Bulletin Article Submissions                               8:15 am     Mass - C
If you would like to submit an article for the bulletin,   11:00 am    Pumpkin Patch - O
please email your submission by Tuesday morning to         6:15 pm     DOF - SC                                     		          EDGE - PH
                                                           6:30 pm     Bible Study - WR
Venmo Us!                                                  7:30 pm     Music Rehearsal - C
                                                           8:00 pm     Open Gym - G
Didn’t have cash or check?
                                                           Thursday, October 28 - Sts. Simon & Jude
Did you know OLP now accepts Sunday offerings via          11:00 am     Pumpkin Patch - O
Venmo?                                                     5:30 pm      Synod Small Groups - PH
Simply scan the QR code here or find us @olpmn.            6:00 pm      Evening Prayer - V
                                                           Friday, October 29
                                                           7:55 pm       Rosary - C
                                                           8:15 am       Mass - C
                                                           11:00 am      Pumpkin Patch - O
                                                           Saturday, October 30
                                                           7:00 am      Men’s Small Group - PH
                                                           11:00 am     Party at the Patch - O
                                                           3:00 pm      Confession - C
                                                           5:00 pm      Mass - C
                                                           Sunday, October 31 - 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
         Giving for September                              9:00 am      Mass - C
                                                           11:00 am     Mass - C
Sunday & Electronic Giving                    $29023       		           Pumpkin Patch - O
Plate Offering			                               $1,412            C - Church                  SC - School
Total					                                   $30,435         CR - Childcare Room       SKC - St. Kevin’s Chapel
                                                                   G - Gym             SPR - Sts. Peter & Paul
YTD Actual                                   $88,985           LR - Leo Room                    Rooms
YTD Budget			                                $121,740             O - Outside             TR - Trinity Room
Previous YTD			                              $94,770          OC - Off Campus                  V - Virtual
                                                               PH - Pates Hall           WR - Whalen Room
Mass Intentions                                            This Week at OLP
  Saturday, October 23                                     Sunday, October 24 - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
  5:00 pm Emmett Duffy †                                   9:00 am      Mass - C
                                                           10:00 am     First Reconciliation & First Eucharist
  Sunday, October 24                                       		           Preparation - WR
  9:00 am John Komoroski †                                 11:00 am     Mass - C
  11:00 am OLP Parishioners                                		           Pumpkin Patch - O
                                                           12:00 pm     Ensemble Rehearsal - C
  Monday, October 25                                       1:00 pm      Confirmation Sponsor Session - PH
  8:15 am OLP Parishioners
                                                           Monday, October 25
  Tuesday, October 26                                      7:55 am     Rosary - C
  8:15 am OLP Parishioners                                 8:15 am     Mass - C
                                                           9:45 am     Tai Chi - PH
  Wednesday, October 27                                    11:00 am    Pumpkin Patch - O
  8:15 am Carolyn Hynnek †                                 8:00 pm     Global Solidarity Synod Small Group -
  Friday, October 29                                       		WR
  8:15 am OLP Parishioners                                 Tuesday, October 26
  Saturday, October 30                                     7:55 am      Rosary - C
                                                           8:15 am      Mass - C
  5:00 pm Ed Komoroski †                                   9:00 am      Bible Study - WR
  Sunday, October 31                                       11:00 am     Pumpkin Patch - O
  9:00 am OLP Parishioners                                 6:15 pm      First Reconciliation Family Night - PH
                                                           8:00 pm      JD’s Hoops Open Gym - G
  11:00 am OLP Parishioners
                                                           Wednesday, October 27
                                                           7:55 am     Rosary - C
Bulletin Article Submissions                               8:15 am     Mass - C
If you would like to submit an article for the bulletin,   11:00 am    Pumpkin Patch - O
please email your submission by Tuesday morning to         6:15 pm     DOF - SC                                     		          EDGE - PH
                                                           6:30 pm     Bible Study - WR
Venmo Us!                                                  7:30 pm     Music Rehearsal - C
                                                           8:00 pm     Open Gym - G
Didn’t have cash or check?
                                                           Thursday, October 28 - Sts. Simon & Jude
Did you know OLP now accepts Sunday offerings via          11:00 am     Pumpkin Patch - O
Venmo?                                                     5:30 pm      Synod Small Groups - PH
Simply scan the QR code here or find us @olpmn.            6:00 pm      Evening Prayer - V
                                                           Friday, October 29
                                                           7:55 pm       Rosary - C
                                                           8:15 am       Mass - C
                                                           11:00 am      Pumpkin Patch - O
                                                           Saturday, October 30
                                                           7:00 am      Men’s Small Group - PH
                                                           11:00 am     Party at the Patch - O
                                                           3:00 pm      Confession - C
                                                           5:00 pm      Mass - C
                                                           Sunday, October 31 - 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
         Giving for September                              9:00 am      Mass - C
                                                           11:00 am     Mass - C
Sunday & Electronic Giving                    $29023       		           Pumpkin Patch - O
Plate Offering			                               $1,412            C - Church                  SC - School
Total					                                   $30,435         CR - Childcare Room       SKC - St. Kevin’s Chapel
                                                                   G - Gym             SPR - Sts. Peter & Paul
YTD Actual                                   $88,985           LR - Leo Room                    Rooms
YTD Budget			                                $121,740             O - Outside             TR - Trinity Room
Previous YTD			                              $94,770          OC - Off Campus                  V - Virtual
                                                               PH - Pates Hall           WR - Whalen Room
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