Dr. Martens Consumer products and retail - Siemens PLM Software

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Dr. Martens Consumer products and retail - Siemens PLM Software
Consumer products and retail

Dr. Martens
Dr. Martens realizes innovation edge with Teamcenter


Business challenges
Globally dispersed manufac-
turing and supply chain
Proliferation of product data
Inconsistent communication
with suppliers
Diversification into accessories

Keys to success
A single source of data to
support global manufacturing
Real-time communication
of changes
Expert implementation              A single source of data helps                Growing business brings growing
                                   iconic footwear manufacturer                 complexity
and consulting
                                   support global manufacturing                 “A shoe is an incredibly simple-looking
                                                                                item, which is actually a very complicated
                                   and ensure product quality                   thing to make,” says Mike Watson-Smith,
Global access to accurate                                                       sourcing director at Dr. Martens. Each
                                   Global operations
product data                                                                    Dr. Martens shoe has dozens of compo-
                                   Dr. Martens shoes and boots were origi-      nents, and with different materials,
Reduced time-to-market             nally designed for workers, but quickly      outsoles, trims, stitching, laces, and a
Increased quality, competitive     became a fashion hallmark of youth           variety of colors, the product line is quite
advantage and innovation           culture, worn by rebels, non-conformists     extensive and complex. As the business
                                   and free-thinking individuals of all types   has grown, Dr. Martens has branched out
                                   for more than five decades. The company      far beyond boots to a broad variety of
                                   began in the late 1950s as the fusion of a   footwear and accessories.
                                   family-owned British bootmaking company
                                   with a German innovation: the air-cush-      For each new product line, the company
                                   ioned sole. Today, the company manufac-      must track information for about 1,000
                                   tures in Europe and Asia, and Dr. Martens    stock keeping units (SKUs). As the seasonal
                                   sells its products all over the world.       nature of the fashion industry requires

Dr. Martens Consumer products and retail - Siemens PLM Software
“Teamcenter has helped us to
 give the factories real-time
 communication with all of
 the changes that are tracked
 internally for Dr. Martens.”
 Chris Nash
 IT Development Manager
 Dr. Martens

                                continuous innovation, Dr. Martens is       details of the last, materials, colors and
                                constantly reinventing its products in      other items. The product development
                                keeping with trends and customer desires.   team then adds details like edge treat-
                                “We have something like a thousand SKUs     ments, thread sizes, buckle finishes, size
                                live on our system at any one period of     ranges and embellishments. The designers
                                time,” says Watson-Smith. “Because of       and product development team work
                                seasonality, we are actually working on     together to determine the styles and color
                                three seasons at any moment in time. We     palettes with which they want to go
                                can be tracking 2,500 to 3,000 SKUs.”       forward.

                                Managing product development                The development team then compiles a
                                Product development at Dr. Martens          complete technical specification for each
                                begins with the design team putting         selected style and color that is used to
                                together a seasonal trend catalog that      produce samples. The samples are the
                                gives initial direction. Designers then     focus of additional meetings, where they
                                develop sketches of new products with       are evaluated to select the final styles for

“ Teamcenter gave us the greatest
  possibilities for a product lifecycle system –
  the ability to track samples, costing, bills of
  materials for the factory. There is a line-
  planning module as well, which will help
  other parts of the business and integrate
  other parts of the business.”
 Mike Watson-Smith
 Sourcing Director
 Dr. Martens
Dr. Martens Consumer products and retail - Siemens PLM Software
production. Once the product line is           “We had various spreadsheets with             “Our teams in Asia, for the
approved, the development team must            different catalogs of trims and hundreds,      first time, will have live
ensure that the specification for each SKU     if not thousands, of emails. So, if we were    access to data instead of
is 100 percent accurate, then deliver them     producing something in a factory, and          having to wait eight hours
to the sourcing team, which creates the        there was a query, sometimes it could take for someone to come in and
production specification.                      hours to actually get to the piece of infor-   answer a question. Being
                                               mation and figure out what happened.”          able to manage our data
The pace and complexity of the design                                                         through an IT system and
and development process drives many            Dr. Marten’s suppliers had no direct access basically having everything
changes, based not only on style, but          to the company’s systems and product           in the same place is going to
also on availability of materials and on       information. “We were in a situation where be hugely beneficial.”
the processing capabilities of factories.      we were basically exporting paper docu-
                                                                                              Nicola Pichel-Juan
Dr. Martens found that the tools and           ments to our factories in the Far East,” says
                                                                                              Sourcing Systems Manager
systems they were using were inadequate        Chris Nash, IT (information technology)
                                                                                              Dr. Martens
in managing these changes, resulting in        development manager at Dr. Martens.
errors and miscommunications.                  “They could easily pull an old piece of
                                               paper out of the filing cabinet and misread
Multiple sources of information,               a specification – pick up version two
disparate systems                              instead of version six – and mistakes
Like many companies, Dr. Martens relied        were made.”
on multiple sources of information, many
forms of communication and disparate           A single source of data for global
systems to run the business. “We had data-     manufacturing
bases in various places, sample ordering       Dr. Martens began searching for a new
systems that were in different places and a    system that could improve the accuracy
specification system that was actually just    and consistency of product data, stream-
too flexible, with no rules attached to it,”   line communication and collaboration, and
says Watson-Smith.                             improve change management. The aim
                                               was to have all the information in one
Managing change was even more difficult,       place – all the relevant product data and
with more complex product information          version histories – and to give the people
and a global supply chain. “As our business    who use the system the tools they need
started to grow, we opened up to new           and the right level of detail.
suppliers, and we realized that when we
sent them out the same information,            After an assessment of available systems
either it wasn’t complete or it wasn’t         and an in-depth evaluation of two of
consistent,” explains Nicola Pichel-Juan,      them, Dr. Martens selected Teamcenter®
sourcing systems manager at Dr. Martens.       software from product lifecycle manage-
Dr. Martens Consumer products and retail - Siemens PLM Software
“Teamcenter is one of the
 things that will allow us
 to stay relevant, to stay
 competitive, because it will
 allow us to improve our
 speed to market.”
 Mike Watson-Smith
 Sourcing Director
 Dr. Martens

                                ment (PLM) specialist Siemens PLM                “We really wanted something that we
                                Software to establish a single source of         could see the discipline of how it works,
                                product data to support their global opera-      as well as the structure and the process,”
                                tions. “Teamcenter gave us the greatest          says Pichel-Juan. “That was the real thing
                                possibilities for a product lifecycle system –   that attracted us to Teamcenter. We liked
                                the ability to track samples, costing, bills     the engineering background of Siemens
                                of materials (BOMs) for the factory,” says       PLM Software, and we could see the data
                                Watson-Smith. “There is a line-planning          structure quite clearly and how the process
                                capability as well, which will help other        flow worked, which was something that
                                parts of the business and integrate other        we didn’t get from the other solutions that
                                parts of the business.”                          we reviewed. ”

“ That was the real thing that attracted us to
  Teamcenter. We liked the engineering
  background of Siemens PLM Software, and
  we could see the data structure quite clearly
  and how the process flow worked, which
  was something that we didn’t get from the
  other solutions that we reviewed. ”
 Nicola Pichel-Juan
 Sourcing Systems Manager
 Dr. Martens
Dr. Martens Consumer products and retail - Siemens PLM Software
Solutions/Services                   Expert consulting and
Teamcenter                           implementation
www.siemens.com/teamcenter           For the system implementation,
                                     Dr. Martens relied on the PLM
                                     services of Accenture, a global
Customer’s primary business          consulting and systems integration
Dr. Martens is a global brand        alliance partner of Siemens PLM
with a rich and diverse              Software. Accenture has focused expertise                       With a single source of accurate product
heritage and a contemporary          in rapid deployment of footwear products                        information, Dr. Martens is streamlining
relevance. Acclaimed for its         using Teamcenter and industry-specific                          communication and collaboration with the
bootmaking innovation, the           process knowledge, along with broad                             global supply chain. “Teamcenter has
company’s deep-rooted links          experience in supply chain collaboration,                       helped us to give the factories real-time
with the working class, music,       system configuration and deployment.                            communication with all of the changes
sub-cultures and self-expres-                                                                        that are tracked internally for Dr. Martens,”
sion have kept the brand at          “Accenture has experience in installing                         says Nash. This capability will enable Dr.
the forefront of youth culture       and configuring the software and putting                        Martens to answer questions and establish
for over 50 years.                   it into other companies,” says Pichel-Juan.                     key performance indicators for its suppli-
www.drmartens.com                    “They have an understanding of how the                          ers. The result is improved product quality
                                     implementation process needed to work                           and lower costs.
                                     and they’ve acted as consultants as to
Customer location                    what the best practice is.” Watson-Smith                        “We’re going to have visibility into data
Wollaston, Northamptonshire          reiterates the value of Accenture’s consult-                    wherever we are in the world,” says
United Kingdom                       ing: “Accenture has been brilliant. There                       Pichel-Juan. “Our teams in Asia, for the
                                     has been a voyage of discovery along                            first time, will have live access to data
                                     the way, and they’ve been patient. They                         instead of having to wait eight hours for
Partner                              have been quick to respond, and very                            someone to come in and answer a ques-
Accenture                            professional.”                                                  tion. Being able to manage our data
                                                                                                     through an IT system and basically having
                                     Better communication and collaboration                          everything in the same place is going to be
                                     The implementation of Teamcenter at                             hugely beneficial.”
                                     Dr. Martens is helping the business in
                                     many ways. For product specification, the                       “Teamcenter will up our competitiveness
                                     company now has better definition and                           in terms of lead time and in terms of being
                                     more accurate data, with a level of detail                      able to innovate,” says Watson-Smith.
                                     that tracks each component and links it                         “Teamcenter is one of the things that will
                                     with suppliers. “Already we’ve seen an                          allow us to stay relevant, to stay competi-
                                     improvement on the information value,                           tive, because it will allow us to improve
                                     like the base information that comes to us                      our speed to market.”
                                     for us to start building specs,” says Louise
                                     Bosworth, senior development manager
                                     at Dr. Martens. “That, straightaway, is a
                                     time saving.”

Siemens PLM Software

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Dr. Martens Consumer products and retail - Siemens PLM Software
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