TZ Limited (ASX: TZL) - Investor Briefing July 2021 - AFR

Page created by Darlene Mckinney
TZ Limited (ASX: TZL) - Investor Briefing July 2021 - AFR
TZ Limited

Investor Briefing
   July 2021
TZ Limited (ASX: TZL) - Investor Briefing July 2021 - AFR
The information contained in this presentation has been prepared by TZ Limited ACN 073 979 272 (Company).
This summary presentation was prepared with due care and attention and is current at the date of the presentation and should be read in conjunction with
the Company’s Rights Issue offer booklet lodged with ASX on or about 7 May 2021, a copy of which is available on the TZ Limited website.
The information in this presentation is an overview and does not contain all information necessary for investment decisions. In making investment decisions in
connection with any acquisition of securities, investors should rely on their own examination and consult their own legal, business and/or financial advisers.
This presentation is not an offer, invitation, solicitation or other recommendation with respect to the subscription for, purchase or sale of any securities in the
Company. This presentation has been made available for information purposes only and does not constitute a prospectus, short form prospectus, profile
statement or offer information statement. This presentation is not subject to the disclosure requirements affecting disclosure documents under Chapter 6D of
the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). The information in this presentation may not be complete and may be changed, modified or amended at any time by the
Company, and is not intended to, and does not, constitute representations and warranties of the Company.
While the information contained in this presentation has been prepared in good faith, neither the Company or any of its directors, officers, agents, employees
or advisors give any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information, opinions and
conclusions contained in this presentation. Accordingly, to the maximum extent permitted by law, none of the Company, its directors, employees or agents,
advisers, nor any other person accepts any liability whether direct or indirect, express or limited, contractual, tortuous, statutory or otherwise, in respect of,
the accuracy or completeness of the information or for any of the opinions contained in this presentation or for any errors, omissions or misstatements or for
any loss, howsoever arising, from the use of this presentation.
This presentation may contain statements that may be deemed “forward looking statements”. Forward risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which
are outside the control of the Company can cause actual results to differ materially from such statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not
limited to, Company specific and industry specific risks such as reliance on software, technology and systems, third parties for the supply of electrical power to
its data centres, key personnel, customer relationships, partnership relationships, supplier and manufacturers, competition, construction, technological
developments and intellectual property, as well risks associated with the Company’s ability to raise sufficient funds to meet the needs of the Company in the
future, and other general risks.
The Company makes no undertaking to update or revise such statements, but has made every endeavour to ensure that they are fair and reasonable at the
time of making the presentation.
Investors are cautioned that any forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and that actual results or developments may differ
materially from those projected in any forward-looking statements made.

This ASX announcement has been approved by the board of directors of TZ Limited
TZ Limited (ASX: TZL) - Investor Briefing July 2021 - AFR
TZ is a leader in access
control, smart lock and
self-serve locker bank
TZ Limited (ASX: TZL) - Investor Briefing July 2021 - AFR
The TZ SMArt Lock
TZ Limited (ASX: TZL) - Investor Briefing July 2021 - AFR
TZ SMArt Works Software Platform

TZ Limited (ASX: TZL) - Investor Briefing July 2021 - AFR
TZ Solution

TZ Limited (ASX: TZL) - Investor Briefing July 2021 - AFR
Where we are now

›   Great underlying technology
›   Large and growing pool of A-list clients
›   Restructured balance sheet
     ›   Raised $9.64m through Rights Issue and Placement
     ›   New debt facility with First Samuel of $2.5 million (BBSW + 4.5% pa)
     ›   EGM in coming weeks to approve further $2m debt to equity
›   Building a predictable business model
     ›   Recurring everyday revenue grown to $3.0 million
›   Expanding US pipeline (FY21 purchase orders US$9.3 million)
TZ Limited (ASX: TZL) - Investor Briefing July 2021 - AFR
TZL Capital Structure

  Shares on issue                                         193.2m

  Market Cap at $0.12                                     $23.2m      64.0%

  Net debt position                                       $2.5m

  Enterprise Value                                        ~$26m

  The expected capital structure post the upcoming conversion of $2
  million of First Samuel debt to equity is shown above
TZ Limited (ASX: TZL) - Investor Briefing July 2021 - AFR
Senior Management

     Simon Van Es, Chief Operating Officer
     Simon is the founder and former CEO of Finance News Network, and has also held senior roles in
     financial services, including Division Director for Sequoia Financial Group.

     John Wilson, Chief Evangelist and Head of Australian & Asian Business
     John brings extensive global business experience garnered over a 20+ year career spanning
     multinational manufacturing, product innovation and commercialisation.
     Adam Forsyth, Chief Technology Officer
     Adam led development and delivery of technology enabled solutions across Mining, Construction,
     Industrial and Defence applications for over 25 years.

     Craig Sowden, Chief Financial Officer
     Craig is an experienced CFO with a record of delivering positive outcomes in complex and challenging
     environments, having previously been CFO of Newzulu Limited following a decade with Coates Hire.
TZ Limited (ASX: TZL) - Investor Briefing July 2021 - AFR
Growing the Smart Locker Business

    Retail Click and Collect Lockers    University – Mail/Postal
                                                Universities and College Mail Centres

 Data Centre    Package
             Security    Management
                      Access Controls       Corporate Day Lockers
TZ Clients

TZ is a leader in access
control, smart lock and
self-serve locker bank
Business-To-Consumer | Click & Collect
Transforming the user experience with better, cheaper and easier solutions to service a massive
addressable market.

            People go to a      Operating hours fixed                      Goods and        If return is needed,
 model     physical store to      and may not be        Wait in queue   services may not     will need to revisit
             buy product         consumer-friendly                        be available     and requeue in store
Business-To-Consumer | Click & Collect
Transforming the user experience with better, cheaper and easier solutions to service a massive
addressable market.

            People go to a       Operating hours fixed                           Goods and           If return is needed,
 model     physical store to       and may not be           Wait in queue     services may not        will need to revisit
             buy product          consumer-friendly                             be available        and requeue in store

 New TZ
 model                                          Receive               Pick up direct       Can swap the product
                   Purchase online
                                           notification when          from a smart        immediately – no need
                   from the comfort
                                           parcel delivered              lockers             for postal returns
                     of your home

                   Purchase from all     Stock availability is      Convenient and               Straightforward
Benefits                                                          consumer in control
                    over the world              clear                                                returns
Business-To-Consumer | Click & Collect
Transforming the user experience with better, cheaper and easier solutions to service a massive
addressable market.

 Existing clients                                        Addressable markets

                                                         • Retailers (i.e. IKEA, Bunnings)
                                                         • Shopping centres (e.g. Westfield)
Access Control - Day Lockers
Well-positioned for growth with trusted partnerships with huge, well-regarded clients

                                                           Staff waste time
 model         One locker           Need a physical       trying to organise        Limited
              per employee         key to access the      who has access to      oversight and
                                         locker             which lockers          audit trail
Access Control - Day Lockers
Well-positioned for growth with trusted partnerships with huge, well-regarded clients

                                                                Staff waste time
 model          One locker            Need a physical          trying to organise           Limited
               per employee          key to access the         who has access to         oversight and
                                           locker                which lockers             audit trail

New TZ
model        Multiple people     Secure sensitive           Provide a hot            Shared            Easy integration
           can have access to      information           desking environment        workspace            and robust
            the same locker                                for employees             storage              software

                    Locker sharing        Secure access           Enables oversight of          Improved data driven
Benefits           saves space and       control with audit      management of locker             decision-making
                       money                    trail                  systems
Access Control - Day Lockers
Well-positioned for growth with trusted partnerships with huge, well-regarded clients

 Existing clients                                       Addressable markets

                                                        •   Offices
                                                        •   Co-working spaces
                                                        •   Hospitals
                                                        •   Medical centres

                                                                            Westpac picture
Access Control – Cabinet Security
Premium, unconventional solutions with well-established partnerships with leading data centres.

              Poor security         Difficult to          Can’t provide           Limited
              systems and         manage multiple        remote access        oversight and no
                solutions            facilities                                  audit trail
Access Control – Cabinet Security
Premium, unconventional solutions with well-established partnerships with leading data centres.

              Poor security              Difficult to              Can’t provide                 Limited
              systems and              manage multiple            remote access              oversight and no
                solutions                 facilities                                            audit trail

New TZ
model          Proactive               Real-time remote           Environmental              Total remote data
            micro-protection            monitoring and              in-cabinet                  protection &
                                           visibility              monitoring                      control

               Enhanced security,            Multiple users and            Versatility and         Improved data driven
Benefits                                                                                             decision-making
              protection and control          uses enabled                   scalability
Access Control – Cabinet Security
Premium, unconventional solutions with well-established partnerships with leading data centres.

 Existing clients                                      Addressable markets

                                                       •   Offices
                                                       •   Co-working spaces
                                                       •   Hospitals
                                                       •   Medical centres
Education sector
Meeting the changing needs of a huge addressable market

               Uni students have        Students waits in   Students and
 model        to take time to go to      queue instead
                                                                             If return is needed,
                                                             employees     student needs to revisit
                  the post office           of class        wasting time    and requeue in store
Education sector
Meeting the changing needs of a huge addressable market

               Uni students have          Students waits in          Students and
 model        to take time to go to        queue instead
                                                                                         If return is needed,
                                                                      employees        student needs to revisit
                  the post office             of class               wasting time       and requeue in store

New TZ                                        Receive                                        Less space
                 Purchase online                              Student can pick up at
model            from the comfort
                                         notification when                                  dedicated to
                                         parcel delivered       their convenience          mailroom/lockers
                     of room

               Increased mailroom           24/7 access at
                                                                    No queuing          Straightforward
Benefits     productivity and delivery        preferred
                                                                    necessary               returns
                   performance               destination
Education sector
Meeting the changing needs of a huge addressable market

 Existing clients                                    Addressable markets

                                                     • Universities (~9k post-secondary
                                                       institutions registered with US
TZ Other Applications

   TZ SMArt Gun Cabinet                                   TZ SMArt Enclosures

TZ Large Cage & Parcel Locker   TZ SMArt Scooter Locker            TZ SMArt Cabinet Control
How we generate revenue

›   SMArt locks
›   Electronics
›   Physical locker
›   Software platform
›   Ongoing hosting and
›   Bespoke software solutions
US Written Business Update


                             Current: US$1,506,440

                             On Target to hit plan of

                             Written Business needed
                             to hit goal

                             Plan to hit US$3 million
                             written business by
Focus for beyond

 Develop open APIs       Scale up sales and    Expand global foot   Balance sheet   Increase recurring
for other smart lock   distribution channels         print             stability    everyday revenue
providers to access     of existing products
  the TZ platform

For further information, please contact:
Warrick Lace
M: 0404 656 408
TZ aims to be the brain
behind every smart lock
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