The Tbit/s era: Unlocking the 6G conversation L'ère du Tbit/s: Débloquer la conversation 6G

Page created by Alfredo Griffith
The Tbit/s era: Unlocking the 6G conversation L'ère du Tbit/s: Débloquer la conversation 6G
The Tbit/s era: Unlocking the 6G conversation
  L’ère du Tbit/s: Débloquer la conversation 6G

Building a sustainable   5G: A roadmap to a dynamic          Technology in Africa:
digital society          network in Africa                   Aspiring, innovating, evolving

Vers une société         5G : Une feuille de route pour un   La technologie en Afrique :
numérique durable        réseau dynamique en Afrique         Aspirer, innover, évoluer
The Tbit/s era: Unlocking the 6G conversation L'ère du Tbit/s: Débloquer la conversation 6G
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The Tbit/s era: Unlocking the 6G conversation L'ère du Tbit/s: Débloquer la conversation 6G
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The Tbit/s era: Unlocking the 6G conversation L'ère du Tbit/s: Débloquer la conversation 6G
MAY / JUNE 2022                                      TABLE OF CONTENTS                                          2

    4                                                       10

       The Tbit/s era: Unlocking the 6G                         Defining the next frontier of tech-telco

    12                                                        14

       Technology and communication go hand in                  Building a Sustainable Digital Society

 16    5G: The Roadmap to a Dynamic Network in                                           22   Operators’ news

 18    Telcos bringing the next stage of evolution                                       24   Vendors’ news

 20    Industry news

The Tbit/s era: Unlocking the 6G conversation L'ère du Tbit/s: Débloquer la conversation 6G
MAY / JUNE 2022                                             EDITORIAL                                                               3

                                                                                                        Toni Eid,
                                                                                                   editor in chief
                                                                                     Telecom Review International

    Editor in Chief & Senior ICT Analyst
                  Toni Eid              Telecom Review        Les panels virtuels de
   Senior Journalist & Content Manager
             Christine Ziadeh
                                               webinars - a landmark Telecom Review - un
                                               in the industry       repère pour l’industrie

                                               Q                                          D
    Senior Journalist & Deputy Content
              Jennifer Saade                             uality speakers                              es intervenants de
                                                               with high quality                            qualité pour des
                 Journalist                                    participants                                 participants de qualité
              Elza Moukawam                                                                                 Il y a plus de deux ans,
                                  Over two years ago,
                                                                Telecom Review                              Telecom Review a
       Representative in Ivory Cost                             started organizing                          commencé à organiser
            Lacinan Ouattara                                    webinars in order                           des panels virtuels afin
                                               to support the ICT industry and            de soutenir l’industrie des TIC et les
                                               governments to achieve their targets       gouvernements dans la réalisation de
               Editorial Team
                                               and reach their goals to bring the         leurs objectifs et de faire passer le bon
     Toni Eid (UAE), Marielena Geagea
   (Lebanon), Jennifer Saade (Lebanon),        right message to the right people of       message aux bonnes personnes de
  Lacinan Ouattara (Ivory Coast), Jeff Seal    the industry at local, regional and        l’industrie aux niveaux local, régional et
(United States), Christine Ziadeh (Lebanon),
                                               global levels.                             mondial.
    Corrine Teng (Singapore), Jonathan
     Pradhan (UAE), Elvi Correos (UAE),        Our webinars series became a               Notre série de panels virtuels est devenue
        Elza Moukawam (Lebanon)
                                               landmark in the industry, especially       un point de repère dans le secteur,
              Sales Director                   because they focus on a wide               surtout qu’elle se concentre sur une
           Mohammed Ershad                     variety of ICT topics, services and        grande variété de sujets, de services et                innovations, from 5G, IPv6, capacity,      d’innovations dans le domaine des TIC,
                                               data, cloud, digital transformation,       qu’il s’agisse de la 5G, de l’IPv6, de la
           Deputy Sales Director
                Issam Eid
                                               AI, networks optimization, satellites      capacité, des données, du cloud, de la
                business and much more.                    transformation numérique, de l’IA, de
                                                                                          l’optimisation des réseaux, de l’activité des
             Graphic Designer                  We call upon all our partners to book      satellites et bien plus encore.
              Vanessa Haber                    their calendars for the upcoming           Nous invitons tous nos partenaires à
                                               webinars on June 2nd for the               fixer leurs calendriers pour les prochains
     Provided in cooperation with AFP,         capacity and wholesale panel and           panels virtuels du 2 juin sur la capacité
          the global news agency               June 23 for the IPv6 online summit,        et la vente en gros et du 23 juin sur le
                                               in addition to many more events            sommet en ligne IPv6, ainsi que pour
                                               coming up in 2022.                         de nombreux autres événements qui se
               Published by                                                               tiendront en 2022.
                                               Discover a new tool of cooperation
                                               with Telecom Review, a platform            Découvrez un nouvel outil de
                                               which offers you an exhaustive             coopération avec Telecom Review,
                                               service from A to Z, including pre-        une plateforme qui vous offre un
              Trace Media Ltd.                 event campaign, post-coverage              service exhaustif de A à Z, incluant la
           Zouk Mikael, LEBANON
            Kaslik Sea Side Road,
                                               and webinar’s organization and             campagne pré-événement, la couverture
      Badawi Group Building, 4th Floor,        execution.                                 post-événement et l’organisation et
     P.O. Box 90-2113, Jdeidet el Metn                                                    l’exécution du panel virtuel.
             Tel. +961 9 211741                Telecom Review webinars
                                               platform can support your brand            La plateforme de panels virtuels
                                               and guarantee the best high-end            de Telecom Review peut soutenir
                                               exposure to the decision makers of         votre marque et garantir la meilleure
                                               the Industry, while raising awareness      exposition de pointe aux décideurs du
                                               on your services among the right           secteur, tout en sensibilisant les parties
            - Year 12 - Issue 78 -
                                               parties.                                   concernées à vos services.

The Tbit/s era: Unlocking the 6G conversation L'ère du Tbit/s: Débloquer la conversation 6G
MAY / JUNE 2022                       COVER STORY                                     4

The Tbit/s era:
Unlocking the 6G conversation
Just when we thought that the hype around 5G has come to an end, a new spotlight
is shed on the next network generation. As much as 5G is powerful, the capabilities
of 6G will be unimaginable. Even though 5G still hasn’t materialized all over the world,
however, getting ready to 6G is now a reality, even if it might seem far-fetched at this

The Tbit/s era: Unlocking the 6G conversation L'ère du Tbit/s: Débloquer la conversation 6G
MAY / JUNE 2022                                        COVER STORY                                                             5

                                           rate of 1 Gbit s−1, which is ten times     Wireless sensing capabilities will be
                                           the one targeted by 5G. It will provide    required to explore the physical world
                                           end−to−end latency less than 1 ms          through radio wave transmission,
                                           and an ’over−the−air’ latency of 10        echo, reflection, and scattering. 6G will
                                           −100 µs with mobility up to 1000 km        feature this capability that will enable
                                           h−1 with very broad bandwidth with         intelligence. Such a mode of sensing
                                           frequencies reaching 1 −3 THz.             can help create a “mirror” or digital twin
                                                                                      of the physical world in combination
                                           The vision of 6G has also been             with other sensing modalities, thereby
                                           enhancing the idea of ’ecosystem’ of       extending our senses to every point
                                           networks (or network of networks),         the network touches. Combining this
                                           preliminarily started with 5G. This has    information with AI/ML will provide
                                           been making 6G closer and closer to        new insights from the physical world,
                                           the concept of the ’Web of Everything      making the network more cognitive.
                                                                                      6G will also allow the integration
                                           Every new network generation brings        of terrestrial and non-terrestrial
                                           along a new experience. 2G and 3G          networks into one system to provide
                                           brought voice and text that enabled        uninterrupted high-quality services to
                                           human-to-human communication.              users everywhere.
                                           4G drove data consumption and
                                           traffic while 5G unleashed new use
                                           cases and allowed users to benefit
                                           from a plethora of revolutionary
                                           technologies such as IoT. In the 6G
                                           era, the digital, physical and human
                                           world will seamlessly fuse to trigger
                                           extrasensory experiences. 6G will
                                           serve as a distributed neural network
                                           that provides communication links to
                                           fuse the physical, cyber, and biological
                                           worlds, truly ushering in an era in
                                           which everything will be sensed and
                                                                                                    6G will serve
                                                                                                  as a distributed
                                           6G will build on top of 5G in terms of
                                           many of the technological and use                       neural network
                                           case aspects, driving their adoption
                                           at scale through optimization and                        that provides

                                           cost-reduction. At the same time, 6G
                   he new target year
                   in the telecoms
                                           will enable new use cases. In 2030
                                           and beyond, augmented reality and
                   industry is 2030.
                   Visions have been
                                           artificial intelligence will shape our
                                           lives. With 6G, ultra-high speed and                   links to fuse the
                   elaborated to meet      ultra-reliable wireless connections will
                   a set of goals          allow sensing and AI to flourish.                    physical, cyber, and
                   by this deadline,
with 6G being one of them. Telecom         Digital twins will be found not only                  biological worlds
vendors have initiated their 6G            in factories but also in wide area
research efforts a few years ago, long     networks of cities and will operate at
before the sixth network generation        a larger scale with 6G deployed.
drove conversation, in a bid to lead the
race to 6G and deploy it by 2030.          The pillars of 6G
                                           Artificial intelligence will be the main
Characteristics                            pillar of 6G. Each 6G network element
According to the ITU Journal on            will natively integrate communication,
Future and Evolving Technologies,          computing, and sensing capabilities,
Volume 2 (2021), Issue 6, 6G will          facilitating the evolution from
deliver throughput/data rate up to 1       centralized intelligence in the cloud to
Tbit s−1 and user−experienced data         ubiquitous intelligence on deep edges.

The Tbit/s era: Unlocking the 6G conversation L'ère du Tbit/s: Débloquer la conversation 6G
MAY / JUNE 2022                           COVER STORY                                                      6

                               Moreover, security and trust are        consumption of ICT infrastructure and
                               a fundamental element in 6G.            terminals while also ensuring optimal
                               According to a white paper by           service performance and experience.
                               Ericsson, the four important building   Sustainability will be at the heart of
                               blocks for trustworthy systems are      the sixth generation network.
                               the use of confidential computing
                               solutions, secure identities and        How will 6G change the world?
                               protocols, service availability, and    6G will be an extension of 5G,
                               security assurance and defense.         with an even more enhanced and
          Security and trust   Huawei states that data, as well        immersive experience. G will build
                               as the knowledge and intelligence       on top of 5G in terms of many of the
          are a fundamental    derived from it, is the driving force
                               behind 6G network architecture
                                                                       technological and use case aspects,
                                                                       driving their adoption at scale through
            element in 6G      redesign, wherein new features will
                               be developed to enable E2E native
                                                                       optimization and cost-reduction. At
                                                                       the same time, 6G will enable new use
                               trustworthiness. These include          cases.
                               new data governance architectures
                               supporting data compliance and          Digital twin models, already being
                               monetization, as well as advanced       used with 5G, will operate at a much
                               privacy protection and quantum          larger scale with 6G. They will be
                               attack defense technologies.            found not only in factories but also
                                                                       in wide area networks of cities and
                               6G networks will also aim to improve    digital twins of humans will have
                               energy efficiency 100 times across      a major impact on the network
                               the network and limit energy            architecture.

The Tbit/s era: Unlocking the 6G conversation L'ère du Tbit/s: Débloquer la conversation 6G
MAY / JUNE 2022                                      COVER STORY                                               7

A new man-machine interface will          that new spectrum bands between 7
emerge. Smartphones will remain           GHz and 20 GHz will open up for 6G
a key device, however typing will         use, which will provide the necessary
gradually be replaced by gesture and      bandwidth to create these new high-
voice control and wearables will gain     capacity carriers.
even more ground.
                                          Furthermore, new bands will
Enormous capacity demands require         be identified for mobile use by            Clearing up new
new spectrum                              governments and regulators are
The evolution into the next network
generation has always required a
                                          looking at the 470-694 MHz band as
                                          a means for providing broad coverage
                                                                                      spectrum will
transition into a higher frequency
band. The move from 3G to 4G grew
                                          in rural and remote regions. The low
                                          frequencies in this band mean signals
                                                                                      be necessary
carrier size from 5 MHz to 20 MHz,
while the transition from 4G to 5G
                                          propagate much further, extending
                                          the network’s reach. Sub-THz bands         to unleash 6G’s
saw carrier bandwidth grow from 20        beyond 90 GHz might also come into
MHz to 100 MHz. A blog article by Bell    use, which could supply extremely        capabilities and use
Labs expects that with 6G spectral        high peak data rates for the most
bandwidths will increase once again,      bandwidth-intensive applications as             cases
reaching 400 MHz, greatly increasing      well as connect highly dense sensing
the baseline capacity of a single cell.   networks.

Clearing up new spectrum will be          However, new spectrum might not be
necessary to unleash 6G’s capabilities    enough. Multiple-input multiple output
and use cases. Bell Labs expects          (MIMO) techniques were deployed

The Tbit/s era: Unlocking the 6G conversation L'ère du Tbit/s: Débloquer la conversation 6G
MAY / JUNE 2022                              COVER STORY                                                         8

                                 with 4G and 5G to improve spectral        cost of deploying network, premature
                                 efficiency of wide area cells. 4G uses    ecosystem of terminals, among others.
                                 2x2MIMO and 4x4MIMO while 5G
                                 benefits from massive MIMO using          Security is also an important issue that
                                 around 200 antenna elements and up        6G should address. Given the need
                                 to 64 transceivers. 6G may support on     for trustworthy networks, especially
                                 the order of 1024 antenna elements in     in light of new use cases, securing 6G
        6G allows space-earth    the new mid-bands.                        networks is undeniably a top priority.

         integration that can    Challenges
                                 Ensuring coverage across the whole
                                                                           Operators are called to deploy low-
                                                                           carbon and energy-saving networks
                                 world remains a challenge, especially     that is why green and sustainable
       pave the way for a 100%   that remote areas still lack access to    development is the core requirement
                                 connectivity. The main mission of 6G is   and ultimate goal of network and
       coverage that can reach   to make this happen. 6G allows space-     terminal designs in 6G.
                                 earth integration that can pave the way
            remote areas         for a 100% coverage that can reach
                                 remote areas.
                                                                           Is it too soon to talk about 6G?
                                                                           2030 might seem a long way to go, but
                                                                           when it comes to technology, it’s never
                                 Another challenge resides at the level    too soon. Research on 6G started even
                                 of bandwidth. It is estimated that the    before 5G was deployed. The ITU is
                                 terahertz in 6G era will have the same    planning to issue its IMT-2030 vision
                                 problems as the millimeter wave           document in 2023, and the 3GPP
                                 today: weak coverage capability, high     timeline calls for the studies on 6G to

MAY / JUNE 2022                            COVER STORY                                                   9

start in 2024, so 6G doesn’t sound so
far into the future anymore.

Telecom vendors, operators and
research bodies are well involved
in 6G studies to better define the
network generation. Work done in
the framework of the race to 5G is a
lesson that all industry experts should
learn from in order not to replicate
                                                 Work done in the framework of the race
the mistakes made with 5G and
avoid the obstacles that impacted its
                                                to 5G is a lesson that all industry experts
                                              should learn from in order not to replicate the
One key area that should be addressed
before 6G launches is the digital divide                      mistakes made
that has further widened with 5G.
While 6G promises 100% coverage, a
significant number of countries still
lack 5G network coverage. Expediting
5G networks deployment across all
regions should go in tandem with 6G
research to be able to achieve the
sought objectives of 6G.

MAY / JUNE 2022                                     OPINIONS                                                         10

 the next
 frontier of
Etisalat Misr celebrates the stories of
yesterday, powering the new generation
of connectivity
This year marks Etisalat Misr’s 15th anniversary. As the industry celebrates the
essence of our 15 years milestone, we continue to fulfill our mission to enrich lives in
a changing world. The series of successes Etisalat Misr has witnessed over the past
15 years have paved the way for driving the future and empowering societies, through
designing and delivering digital solutions with innovative problem solving.

                   oday, a lot is      up with the increased traction of
                   happening in the    OTT services. Coming at such an
                   tech-telco space,   opportune time of technological
                   augmenting          advancement and digital enablement,
                   the industry,       the 15th anniversary serves as a
                   architecting        reminder to embrace what the future
                   the future, and     holds, which is not only about looking   As we turn fifteen, we continue to
enriching lives. And as innovation     forward and assessing what’s coming
continues to reshape the future,       next, but more about learning from       be consumer-driven with putting
Etisalat Misr is working on leading-   the experiences of the past.
edge technologies and services that                                                    “people” at the core
will continue to support, build and    The time is now: From telco to
develop communities as we operate.     tech-telco
                                       The pace of change in the telecoms
                                                                                         of our strategy
As we turn fifteen, we continue to     industry is increasing by the minute
be consumer-driven with putting        as telecom operators race to bring
“people” at the core of our strategy   new digital products and services
by providing evolving technologies,    to market, attention must be paid to
new business models, and keeping       the opportunities ahead, capitalizing

MAY / JUNE 2022                                          OPINIONS                                                          11

                                                                                     Today, there is no turning back
                                                                                     In 2022, the industry is at a crossroad.
                                                                                     Etisalat Misr chose to make a bold
                                                                                     choice and reinvent itself to create a
                                                                                     permanent new role for itself in the
                                                                                     tech-telco industry, reshaped by a
                   “From telco to tech-telco” is what the future                     pandemic that put them at the center.
                                                                                     We are investing heavily in network
                  of the telecommunications industry looks like                      expansion, and digital customer
                                                                                     interfaces such as the MyEtisalat
                                                                                     mobile app and venturing into new
                                                                                     streams such as cloud, security,
                                                                                     fintech and OTT entertainment

                                                                                     Becoming Egypt’s top tech-telco
on the significant impact of               Regarded as a digital enabler for         brand is our vision at Etisalat Misr,
technological enablement.                  society, Etisalat Misr plays a critical   positioning the connection for a
                                           role in enabling digital services for     creative digital-first economy with
“From telco to tech-telco” is what         consumers and the economy, building       integrated network leadership at
the future of the telecommunications       agile and scalable services on top        the core, and developing a powerful
industry looks like. This is a golden      of the connectivity, and ensuring an      digital infrastructure powered by
opportunity for telecommunication          extended reach in delivering digital      such a profound transition, by putting
operators to renew their focus; with       services.                                 customer needs first.
a huge potential that generates
additional and significant value for       As tech-telco is now going beyond
telecom players, putting more focus        the “nice to have”, it is morphing into
on customer-centricity and moving          a basic and essential utility. People
from traditional network services          around the world are gradually
toward more user-friendly, service-        becoming more dependent on
focused business and operating.            communications service providers
                                           to enable their lives on a daily
With the launch of 5G, artificial          basis and on a sundry level. This
intelligence, IoT, digital enablement      is in addition to the pressure put
is becoming much faster, and tech-         on the global telecommunications
telcos are trying to go beyond core        infrastructure, transitioning to the
connectivity offerings; becoming a         new normal. Everybody (consumers
technology player compared with            and enterprises alike) love everything
just a telco player. As telcos take this   digital and are willing to pay a
opportunity and spread their play          premium for higher bandwidth and
across the value chain, they are keen      superior network quality.
on providing more than the utility
layer of connectivity and starting to
look more like “industry-verticalized                                                And together with e&, we bring people
telco companies”.                                                                    closer to everyone and everything
                                                                                     they love in this world, making key
Unlocking growth through                                                             changes that drive growth to the
connectivity                                                                         consumer experience, pushing
The digital revolution has long                                                      forward Etisalat Misr’s commitment
inspired organizations to reinvent                                                   to accelerate digital transformation
themselves. While tech-telcos rose to                                                through providing outstanding
the challenge of 2020, the pandemic                                                  consumer experiences while investing
amplified trends that were already                                                   in ensuring a sustainable and
redefining the basis for success. It                                                 strategic growth; one that creates a
increased the urgency of profound                                                    smarter, safer and more connected
reinvention, and provided a blueprint                                                world.
for a faster, leaner operating model,
made possible by rapidly shifting                                                    Here is to the next 15 years of Etisalat
behaviors. And it put tech-telcos front                                              Misr, 15 years of success, and 15
and center.                                                                          years of pioneering.

MAY / JUNE 2022                                            ICT FEATURE                                                              12

                                                                                           message or other data can be sent
                                                                                           from any location.

                                                                                           Workplace communication: With
                                                                                           improved communication tools such
                                                                                           as video chatting, presentations, and
                                                                                           numerous SaaS programs available,
                                                                                           teamwork and collaboration are easier
                                                                                           than ever. Technology in the workplace
Technology and communication                                                               has not only improved communication,
                                                                                           but increased efficiency, productivity, and
go hand in hand                                                                            even employee morale. Some benefits
                                                                                           technology has brought to the workplace
Since the arrival of technology, the ways of                                               include video/chat platform Zoom,
                                                                                           LinkedIn and cloud-based systems such
communicating and conducting business have                                                 as Dropbox.

changed forever. It is the most valuable tool we have,                                     Easy self-service: A further example of
and it is constantly being updated with new devices,                                       technology improving communication is
                                                                                           easy self-service. Customers can order
programs, or platforms. Whether for better or worse,                                       products using voice commands on IoT,
                                                                                           quickly and easily like ATMs, and self-
technology affects communication because it is an                                          ticket purchasing on the internet. Adding
                                                                                           to that, most information and inquiries
integral part of our daily lives. It affects how we work,                                  related to services are available on a
entertain ourselves, and keep in touch with others                                         company’s website. Some companies
                                                                                           also provide video tutorials, articles,
inside and outside Africa. With this in mind, here is a                                    written guides, emails, etc. Approximately
                                                                                           $32.23 billion were spent on self-service
look at how technology improves communication in                                           technologies in 2020, and the market is
                                                                                           projected to reach $88.33 billion by 2030,
daily life, affects customer communication, and how to                                     representing a 10.55% CAGR.

make the most of these technological advances.                                             Higher productivity and lower costs:

                                                                                           When it comes to sharing information
                      ccess to more          devices for many services: financial,         or getting together, technology and
                      information:           medical, in-office or remote work. For        communication can save time and
                      We live in an era      instance, SONATEL, is enabling 200,000        money. Rather than paying for a plane
                      of overloaded          subscribers in Senegal to send and            ticket and other travel expenses, you
                      information,           receive money through mobile apps.            can communicate with a distant
                      with the internet                                                    contact via voice, text, or video
                      providing more         People can connect with anyone globally       communication for little or no cost.
knowledge than anyone could ever             using social media applications as            By using technology, businesses
imagine. Africa’s future is tangled with     Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram,       have more productive teams because
technology, which offers great promise       etc., and show their skills and creativity.   employees can communicate around
for the region’s growth and development      These platforms have changed the way          the office without having to go from one
across all economic and technical sectors.   people communicate and impacted               room another or from desk to desk.
For example, a report by the GSMA titled     many other sectors in Africa. For
“Mobile Economy Sub-Saharan Africa           example, social media usage has been          Though technology has done amazing
2019” showed that 239 million people         highest in both Northern Africa with 41%      things for communication in our
across the region were connected to the      and in Southern Africa with an average        society, it has also created some
internet by the end of 2018, and predicted   of 45%, since January 2021.                   unfortunate issues. Technology is often
that 483 million people in sub-Saharan                                                     blamed to have declined face-to-face
Africa will have access to mobile internet   Speed: The most significant                   communication, but it has also played a
by 2025, representing nearly 40% of the      improvement in communication                  vital role in expanding the comparatively
population.                                  technology is speed. Everyone is              limited communication options available
                                             able to receive the message within            to us in the past. While we can still speak
More interaction: Since most people          milliseconds, with the help of wireless       in person today, we can also appreciate
have smartphones and computers,              signals, satellites, undersea cables, and     the ability to “choose our channel” when
they have the opportunity to use these       other advanced technology, any instant        communicating.

MAY / JUNE 2022                       ICT FEATURE                                   14

Building a Sustainable Digital
The world is going digital, and Africa is no exception. Digital and new technologies
are profoundly changing societies, daily lives, and ways of working. With fast-growing
economies and an ever-expanding networks of connectivity, the African continent has
embraced the digital revolution in many ways. The developments of digitalization are
the greatest technical challenges of our time; however, we must keep sustainability
at their core. New technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) can contribute to
making our lives more sustainable. For example: enabling us to use smart devices
such as phones and tablets through voice commands or touch screens instead of
keyboards. A question arises: Do digitalization and sustainability complement each
other? Is technical progress the only answer to a future-friendly development of our
digital society?

MAY / JUNE 2022                                          ICT FEATURE                                                          15

                     frica Goes Digital
                     digitalization and
                     highly complement
                     each other. In
                     fact, digitalization
can contribute to more sustainable
communities in Africa. To achieve
a more inclusive economic growth,
African countries need to work
continuously to strengthen the
development of digital skills through
initiatives such as the “Smart Africa
Alliance.” Over the past decade, the
continent has seen the biggest growth
in internet access; however, around
35% of people in the least developed
regions have internet access,
according to the World Bank.

The future-friendly development of          have emerged across the continent;         to send money to each other as well
our digital society depends on many         three have achieved international          as to pay for goods and services. In
different factors — and technical           recognition: Lagos in Nigeria,             fact, Kenyans use M-Pesa more than
progress is one of them. Looking            Nairobi in Kenya, and Cape Town            banks and other financial institutions.
at different economic sectors,              in South Africa. These tech hubs           This app has gained a stellar
digitalization is still at an initial       are home to countless start-ups,           reputation to the extent that it has
stage in a number of African states.        incubators, technology parks, and          been adopted by other countries such
Contrary, technologies such as the          innovation centers which are driven        as Tanzania and India.
Internet of Things (IoT), big data,         by the private sector and by young
and artificial intelligence are rapidly     people who — despite adversity —           Due to the increasing number of
evolving. Many African countries have       understand how self-employment             people using the internet for their
adopted digitalization as part of their     leads to innovation.                       everyday activities, the growth in
development and growth strategies;                                                     the mobile phone industry, and the
however, the potential of the digital       Moreover, the shift to digitalization in   use of mobile phones for financial
transformation to further develop           Africa is happening quickly. With the      transactions, has led Africa to be
African socio-economic structures           help of social media; cell phones; and     recognized as a “digital society”
remains undeniable. African countries       the internet, people are connecting        since it is one of the few places in
must attain sustainable development         with each other more than ever before.     the world where more than 50% of
by creating and retaining wealth,           Digital infrastructure and services        the population owns a mobile phone.
moving up global value chains,              have developed significantly across        However, some of the downsides of a
diversifying their economies,               the African continent in the past          digital society is having it established
optimizing energy mixes, and placing        years. Most notable is the coverage        in the wrong place. Electricity cuts
human capital at the center of              and accessibility of mobile services,      or no electricity at all makes it
policymaking.                               mobile-based payments and to a             harder for Africans in rural areas to
                                            lesser extent, broadband. For example,     have access to the internet or pay
Subsequently, the Covid-19 pandemic         based on a study for ITU titled,           money for internet service providers.
— despite all the economic and social       “Measuring digital development”, 3G is     Digitalization can lead also to privacy
devastation it has caused — has             available in over 80% of the continent’s   breaches or cyber-attacks in the
raised the opportunities for African        geographic area, yet broadband             absence of the right regulations.
countries to innovate and go digital.       penetration, whether wireless or fixed,
The digital technology industry has         records just 25%.                          To build a consistent and sustainable
grown across the country through                                                       digital society, we must take into
incubators and start-ups, tech hubs,        Adding to that, Africans are now           consideration the potential of digital
and data centers, and information           using mobile apps for their everyday       exclusion as part of the decision-
and communication technology (ICT)          needs such as mobile banking apps.         making process. Companies can start
activities are spreading across the         In Kenya, one of the fastest-growing       today by leading from or to a purpose,
continent. So far, the change has           economies in Africa, mobile banking        assessing the impacts of technology
been almost only from the bottom up         is now commonplace. “M-Pesa” is a          and focusing on building skills and
as more than 600 technology hubs            mobile money app that Kenyans use          diversity.

MAY / JUNE 2022                                       ICT FEATURE                                                      16

The Roadmap to a Dynamic
Network in Africa
Africa, a continent mostly dominated by 3G for the past five years, is now seeing a
rise in a new network: 5G. The rollout of 5G in Africa is part of a global push by the
telecommunications industry to expand the next-generation, wireless technology
across more than 50 countries worldwide. This new generation represents a major
step forward for technology. It will allow users to download files faster and make it
easier for people to use their devices in more places, and it will urge companies to
better manage their infrastructure and improve their productivity.

                  frica is one of the    and African Development Bank, the          improved internet access and increased
                  fastest-growing        continent has over 650 million mobile      smartphone adoption rates across
                  telecommunications     subscribers. However, Africa’s total       the continent, the majority of African
                  markets in the         mobile penetration rate is predicted to    consumers are still using feature
                  world, and it is       exceed 80% by 2025 and this will be        phones or low-end smartphones which
                  expected to reach a    possible by the continued rollout of 2G,   don’t support 4G “LTE” technology.
                  $37 billion industry   3G, and 4G along with 5G networks          This has changed over time due to
by 2025. According to the World Bank     across Africa. Moreover, even with         the introduction of more affordable

MAY / JUNE 2022                                        ICT FEATURE                                                         17

smartphones that support 4G LTE           and it would be wise to fully grasp its        in many areas, so you may have
technology into African markets.          benefits and avoid its risks.                  limited coverage depending on
According to “The mobile economy –                                                       where you live or work.
Sub-Saharan Africa 2021”, 303 million     Below are a few points of its
people were connected to the mobile       advantages:                                •   5G uses much more power than
internet in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2020,                                                  earlier generations of cellular
equivalent to 28% of the population.      •   Fast internet connection: 5G               technology did; this could mean
                                              networks will have the capacity to
In addition, with the burgeoning              increase download speeds by up to      •   battery lives may suffer if you
population of mobile phone users              20 times (from 200 Mbps, 4G to 10          use many apps while connected
in Africa and the growing demand              Gbps, 5G), and decrease latency.           through 5G.
for faster internet, 5G is expected
to drive growth across industries         •   Increased capacity: Allows for         Future Enhancements
such as energy, healthcare, telecom,          more efficient use of existing         With Nano-cores integrated with
transportation, and education. In South       spectrum.                              artificial intelligence (AI), 5G
Africa, for example, where roughly 27                                                technology is set for a big boost in
million mobile broadband connections      •   Increased scalability: Opens up        the near future. Besides the current
were made in 2018 – a number which            possibilities for new technologies,    technology, the adoption of 5G is
is expected to grow to 41 million             including VR and AR, Internet          paving the way for the introduction
by 2023 according to statista. The            of Things devices (IoT), and           of 6G which will include relevant
introduction of 5G would increase             autonomous cars, among many            technologies that are out of scope for
data speeds significantly compared            others.                                5G such as massive global coverage,
to 4G. Nonetheless, 5G technology                                                    higher capacities, enhancing the idea
will be a game-changer for African        •   Better security: 5G uses less of       of an “ecosystem” of networks which
countries with high mobile broadband          your data plan than 4G does.           began with 5G; and 6G will be expected
penetration such as South Africa and                                                 to include all these demands.
Kenya, as well as those countries who     As for its disadvantages:
have just began reaping the benefits of                                              Africa is among the few places on Earth
4G such as Nigeria and Ghana.             •   5G networks are not yet available      which still remains largely disconnected
                                              in all parts of the world, so if you   from this global network; however,
The Boon and Bane of 5G in Africa             are traveling, you may not have        today, it is ready to take the leap into
5G is a reality which affected our            access to it all the time.             the 21st-century technology and fully
lives like previous technologies have,    •   5G networks are still being built      integrate into the global economy.

MAY / JUNE 2022                                      ICT FEATURE                                                        18

Telcos bringing the next stage of
“We see transformation as primarily a technology challenge or a new digital service
opportunity or a cultural change or a customer engagement issue. Transformation
is all of the above, and more,” says Martin Creaner, author, digital transformation and
corporate strategy advisor.

                      igital             offerings; all of which must be        environment where digitally native
                      transformation     supported by solid data foundations.   companies can grow and provide
                      has been a                                                services to billions of consumers as
                      focus by all the   This is where digital transformation   they also facilitated the digitalization of
                      telecom majors     comes in. To deal with shifting        countless industries.
                      for some time      customer demands and tap into
                      now, but 2022      new business opportunities, telecom    Recently, large telcos are integrating
is truly starting to show some           companies need to change how           technological advancements at scale,
transformational activities. A big       they operate and shed substantial      providing superior online services
transformational push is required for    amounts of technical debt.             and products and working hard to
telcos particularly in areas such as                                            transform the customer experience.
cloud- and edge-native technology,       Over the course of the past few
coupled with far higher levels of        decades, telecommunications            What is telecom transformation?
automation and better customer           companies have shaped a flourishing    Telecom transformation is an

MAY / JUNE 2022                                          ICT FEATURE                                                          19

industry term that describes the             becomes more complex. Some of the          Vendors are here to help
move from traditional network                challenges are:                            The digital transformation is
services toward more user-friendly,                                                     extremely crucial for CSPs to take
dynamic and service-focused                  •   Market integration: Previously,        advantage of the new emerging
business and operating models                    services such as fixed-line,           business opportunities. The maturing
in telecommunications. This                      broadband, and broadcasting were       digital ecosystem means that the
transformation is driven by mounting             separate markets. Consolidating        subscribers and businesses are no
infrastructure and maintenance costs,            these services increases               longer satisfied with basic services.
a decline in traditional service use             complexity for the telecom service     They want to feel privileged through
(such as SMS or voice calls) as well             provider. This will get even more      personalized interactions, quick
as changing consumer expectations.               challenging as more services such      resolutions to problems and product
Telcos will also have to rethink their           as smart cars and smart homes          and service recommendations
internal structures to level this kind           become common.                         based on their preferences and
of change and sometimes need to                                                         requirements. One can say that
overhaul their internal processes.           •   OTT services: The increasing           loyalty is no longer based on the
                                                 demand for over-the-top (OTT)          product or brand. Instead, it is the
Many telecommunications companies                platforms, such as Netflix and         result of a consistently superior
have already adopted agile strategies            Disney Plus, has forced telecom        experience across all touchpoints.
for at least some parts of their                 companies to incorporate a more
operations. Telecom giant Airtel has             flexible business model, work          Huawei defines this evolving
recently announced overhauling                   with new operators, and allocate       customer experience as PEAKS
its existing ERP Financial and SCM               revenue to new alliances. The          Experience. It includes five features
processes to upgrade them with the               seamless integration of these          including targeted precise product
power of AI/ML.                                  elements in the existing model         and marketing (Know Me), convenient
                                                 can be challenging for telecom         digital applications and convergent
Moreover, MTN Group unveiled an                  service providers.                     ecosystem (Make it Easy), Seamless
evolved visual identity with a new logo                                                 experience on clouds and networks
that highlights MTN’s commitment             •   Centralized to decentralized:          (Seamless X), assured network and
to continuously evolve and explore               Many new digital technologies          data safety (Protect Me) and lastly,
innovative initiatives that provide value        are based on agile development.        ecosystem value creation (Add
to all their stakeholders. The new               Therefore, if a telecom company        Value). A service provider then needs
brand identity is modern, simple, bold,          has a centralized system, it can be    to quickly make changes across
and digitally dynamic. It kicks off with         challenging to decentralize these      product, marketing, channel, service
a provocative and simple question,               systems in order to implement          and relationship maintenance.
“What are we doing today?”. With a               these digital solutions in different   Furthermore, these areas need to be
clear and concise brand strategy that            parts of their business.               seamlessly integrated to deliver the
Opportunity + Energy = Progress, MTN                                                    desired results.
understands that to truly unlock the         How to remain competitive
full benefits and potential of the digital   Telecommunication companies will           This kind of customer experience
world, people require a combination          need to incorporate in their business      is possible only if the service
of drive, progressive thinking, and the      systems a few elements to become           provider has digitally transformed
right tools to drive progress further        more agile and remain competitive in       its infrastructure across digital
through action and doing.                    the market. The figure below shows         experience, operations processes and
                                             how telcos need to move beyond their       ecosystems partner journeys.
As for Etisalat Group, “e&” has              legacy IT systems.
marked the transformation ambitions                                                     To wrap up, we live in a
of the Group into becoming a                                                            technology-dependent, highly-
global technology and investment                                                        digitalized environment where
conglomerate. The transformation of                                                     telecommunications companies are
e& from a telecom company founded                                                       experiencing mounting pressure
more than four decades ago in the UAE                                                   to transform their businesses. The
into a global influence in digitalisation                                               need for change is urgent and for
highlights its role in upholding                                                        many telcos, this journey is already
the UAE’s sustainable economic                                                          underway. It involves implementing
development and diversification plans.                                                  changes to the systems, processes,
                                                                                        data-management, skills and culture
Challenges to overcome                                                                  across the telco, to ultimately align
It is challenging for telecom                                                           customer engagement experience
companies to provide quicker and                                                        with the best-in-class across all other
more agile services as their business                    Source: EY                     consumer verticals.

MAY / JUNE 2022                                      INDUSTRY NEWS                                                           20

Nigeria plans to establish a national industrial technology
                                           objectives of the nation in terms of       companies and entrepreneurs to
                                           industrialization. I urge my colleagues    leverage the availability of resources,
                                           to support this Bill to bring full scale   technical know-how, knowledge, and
                                           industrialization to this country.”        professionalism, which can pave
                                                                                      the way for developing and testing
                                           The senate president, Ahmad Lawan          business and technology solutions,”
                                           who commended senator Amosun for           declared senator Ibikunle Amosun.
                                           the bill, noted that a better security
The Nigerian senate approved a bill        environment needs to be provided.          The goal of this project is to attract
to create a national industrial and                                                   investments from major digital
technology park in the country as a        “We have to work together across all       industry players and to drive
mechanism for “clustering innovation-      the levels of government to ensure we      technological development in line
based industrial parks in Nigeria.”        create and sustain a better security       with the Nigerian government’s
                                           environment that will encourage            2022-2025 digital development
The bill is sponsored by senator           investors,” president Lawan said           strategy. It is expected that the
Ibikunle Amosun and is geared                                                         industrial technology park will assist
toward economic development, youth         The bill has been referred committee       in the diversification of the national
empowerment and capacity building.         on trade and investment to report          economy and attract companies that
                                           back to the House, within four weeks       can create jobs, as well as it will help
Also, in support of the bill, senator      for legislative action.                    increase incomes and channel more
Barau Jibrin said, “This is a bill that                                               financial resources into the country
will help us to be fully industrialized.   “The establishment of parks,               while enabling it to become an
It will help us achieve the long-term      such as this, makes it easier for          industrial nation.

ITU and UN Tech Envoy chart path to universal meaningful
                                                                                      brighter and more prosperous future
                                                                                      for all.

                                                                                      Universal and meaningful connectivity
                                                                                      is the possibility for everyone to enjoy
                                                                                      a safe, satisfying, enriching, productive
                                                                                      and affordable online experience.

                                                                                      UN assistant secretary-general and
                                                                                      acting secretary-general’s envoy
                                                                                      on technology, Maria-Francesca
                                                                                      Spatolisano, said, “By setting clear
                                                                                      targets, we give ourselves goals and
                                                                                      aspirations to work towards, especially
The office of the United Nations           UN secretary-general’s “Roadmap for        in this Decade of Action to achieve
secretary-general’s envoy on               Digital Cooperation” roundtable group      the SDGs. Though certainly these
technology and the International           on global connectivity, co-chaired by      indicators may be refined further, as
Telecommunication Union (ITU) have         ITU and UNICEF, prioritize universality,   expectations evolve and the world
announced a new set of UN targets          technology and affordability to ensure     changes; it is important that we take a
for universal and meaningful digital       that everyone can fully benefit from       bold step forward now to set a basic
connectivity to be achieved by 2030.       connectivity. The roadmap had called       understanding of what universal
                                           for establishing a connectivity baseline   meaningful connectivity should look
The 15 aspirational targets,               and targets to aid in advancing a safer,   like, especially as we work towards next
developed as part of the work of the       more equitable digital world and a         year’s global digital compact.”

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MAY / JUNE 2022                                         OPERATORS' NEWS                                                             22

Leading operators in Ghana sign national roaming
                                              Patricia Obo-Nai, CEO of Vodafone Ghana      challenges encountered along the
                                              in a statement said, “The implementation     journey and we are excited about
                                              of national roaming will enable Vodafone     what lies ahead in this partnership
                                              Ghana customers to stay connected in         with Vodafone Ghana.” Selorm added.
                                              areas outside our current locations of
                                              coverage. This is especially important for   Over the coming months, the outcome
                                              rural communities as national roaming        of the pilot would be instrumental in
                                              invariably provides a greater choice of      the development of the next phase
MTN Ghana and Vodafone Ghana                  network providers. We believe strongly       of the partnership to cover more
announced significant progress in the bid     that the collaboration in the Volta Region   complex technical configurations
to implement a national roaming service       is a positive step, and working together     for nationwide roaming on either
in Ghana amongst operators. In this           with the Government, the regulator           network. We would update the market
regard, MTN Ghana and Vodafone Ghana          and MTN Ghana, we look forward to            in due course.
have entered a strategic partnership to       extending the national roaming service
pilot national roaming in the Volta Region    beyond the Volta Region in due course.”      We take the opportunity to thank
as a first step to a broader nationwide                                                    the National Communications
national roaming partnership. This            “This agreement is a milestone for the       Authority (NCA) for their support and
agreement will see Vodafone Ghana             industry and is in line with our Ambition    engagement through the process,
expand coverage of its network by             2025 strategic intent of “Leading digital    and for their approval for us to
leveraging MTN’s network infrastructure       solutions for Africa’s progress” CEO of      proceed with this pilot. We also thank
in this pilot phase.                          MTN Ghana, Selorm Adadevoh, said.            the ministry of communications
                                                                                           and digitalization for putting in
National roaming implementation in            “MTN fully supports the Government’s         place the policy framework to
Ghana is intended to facilitate universal     National Roaming plans. We                   support such a partnership for the
access and accelerate digitalization in       acknowledge that national roaming will       industry at this stage of the Ghana
line with the country’s ambitions of a        extend network coverage for Ghanaians        telecommunications industry
digital economy. This pilot is a first step   nationwide and support the growth of         evolution. We are confident that this
to a bigger plan by Government to have a      the Ghana Telecommunications industry.       is just one of many forward-looking
full national roaming regime amongst all      Our Engineers have worked tirelessly         policies to come to safeguard the
operators in the country.                     to test and develop solutions to various     viability of the industry into the future.

Tunisie Telecom sells 100% of Mattel Mauritania shares
                                              leadership of its management team and        Telecel is mobile operator present in Africa
                                              proximity to its customers.                  since 1986. The Group is experiencing
                                                                                           strong growth on the continent. It has
                                              Mattel is a major player in the ICT          completed four transactions since 2018.
                                              sector and digital transformation in         The company plans to invest more than
                                              the country. As such, Mattel plays an        $700 million over the next 3 years, mainly
                                              essential role in the development of         in mobile operator acquisitions, fiber
Tunisie Telecom, BSA telecommunication        broadband in Mauritania through its 4G       optic infrastructure construction and
and COMATEL announced the signing of          and fiber optic infrastructures deployed     infrastructure. Thanks to its activities,
an exclusive agreement with TELECEL           in the main cities of the country.           Telecel Global Services, Telecel Play
Group for the sale of 100% of the                                                          and Africa Startup initiative Program
shares of Mauritano-Tunisienne des            Mattel holds nearly 33% market share         have become major players in the digital
Télécommunications (Mattel).                  and in 21 years of existence, Mattel         economy in Africa.
                                              has constantly modernized its network
Mattel is the first mobile operator in        thanks to the latest generation of           Mattel Shareholders have declared
Mauritania to have launched the GSM           technical equipment and the knowhow          that “After a competitive process, we
service. Since its creation on May            of its engineers.                            are pleased to announce that Telecel
11, 2000, the result of cooperation                                                        Group has been selected for the sale
between Mauritanian and Tunisian              Mattel offers its services throughout        transaction of Mattel’s shares. We are
economic operators, Mattel has always         the country with a network of more           satisfied with the interactions with
relied on the quality of its network,         than 120 agencies spread throughout          Telecel group and remain confident for
the professionalism of its staff, the         the national territory.                      the rest of the process.”

MAY / JUNE 2022                                            OPERATORS' NEWS                                                              23

Millicom exits African telecom market
                                                 obligations and liabilities and to focus     obligations and liabilities and focus
                                                 on its Latin America markets.                on Latin American markets. The
                                                                                              company completed the divestment
                                                 “Tigo is a leading provider of broadband     of AirtelTigo, its joint venture with
                                                 services to consumers, businesses and        Bharti Airtel in Ghana in 2021,
                                                 governments in Latin America, where          and had operations in Chad, the
                                                 penetration and data speeds remain           Democratic Republic of Congo,
                                                 low by the standards of more mature          Mauritius, Rwanda and Senegal, but
Millicom International Cellular S.A.             markets. Through our investment-led          sold them all.
stated that it has completed the                 strategy, we are bringing reliable high-
transaction announced on April 19,               speed mobile and fixed broadband to          With the acquisition of Tigo Tanzania,
2021 for the sale of its operation in            the communities we serve in the region.      Axian will expand into a new telecom
Tanzania to a consortium led by Axian,           We have completed the divestiture of         market where it already has big
a pan-African group. In accordance               our African businesses, we close a           plans. Over the next five years,
with the terms of the sale, Axian has            chapter in our history and open another      the consortium plans to invest
assumed ownership of the business,               solely focused on the Latin American         USD 500 million in the Tanzanian
including its debt and other obligations,        region,” said Mauricio Ramos, president      telecom market. The investment
and Millicom has received net cash               and CEO of Millicom.                         will target telecom infrastructure
consideration of approximately $100                                                           and is expected to help expand the
million. The transaction completes               As part of Millicom’s multi-year plan,       newly acquired company’s network
Millicom’s multi-year plan to divest             the company will divest its African          footprint in the country, particularly
its African operations and associated            operations as well as its related            in the 4G segment.

Ethio Telecoms in partnership with internet providers to
resell its internet service
                                                 customers will have more options to          internet penetration digital transformation
                                                 get fixed broadband internet services        plan of the nation, its partners will play
                                                 from these five partner organizations in     paramount roles in making accessible
                                                 addition to Ethio telecom’s sales centers.   fixed broadband internet service. As has
                                                                                              been the backbone of the economy of the
                                                 Hence, the partners are strongly             nation, fixed broadband internet service
                                                 expected to actively play their roles in     has also multiple roles to play in the
                                                 heralding the digital Ethiopia plan of       society, particularly in creating a favorable
Ethio telecom signed a three-year                the company by providing efficient and       business environment, improving health,
contractual agreement with five virtual          quality services to their customers in       education, digital marketing, and social
internet service partners namely WebSprix        collaboration with Ethio telecom.            interaction. It will also enable public
IT Solutions PLC, VIVATECH Trading                                                            institutions and private organizations to
PLC, Zergaw ISP, Skynet IT Solution PLC          Ethio telecom is immensely working at        digitalize their working system thereby
and Dulle Business Group. Based on the           a high priority to avail fixed broadband     providing efficient services to their
contractual agreement, new partners              internet service to the customers            customers.
will exclusively provide fixed broadband         nationwide in partnership with virtual
internet service and are believed to             internet service providers. In line with     It is obvious that Ethio telecom is
broadly availing the service accessible to       this, the partners have been able to         highly engaged in a massive network
customers at large and contributing to the       avail fixed broadband internet service to    capacity building in its drive to enhance
overall efforts of the nation in realizing the   20,700 customers so far. To make sure        economic growth, foster innovation,
digital transformation strategy.                 that the fixed broadband internet service    increase penetration, ensure affordability,
                                                 is accessible across the nation and          minimize the digital divide and enable
As per the signed contract, the mentioned        increase the number of users to 3 million    the country to realize the national digital
five partner firms would exclusively             by the end of 2026 G.C, Ethio telecom        transformation strategy. In parallel to this
purchase the fixed bandwidth internet            has designed and been executing a wide       infrastructure expansion, the company
service from Ethio telecom and provide           range of systems and strategies.             has recently made a massive tariff
high bandwidth internet service to the                                                        discount on fixed broadband internet
customers across the country for the             In addition to the company’s continuous      service to meet the ever-increasing
coming three consecutive years, thereby          efforts to expand and meet the mobile        customer demands for the services.

MAY / JUNE 2022                                             VENDORS’ NEWS                                                              24

CommScope publishes Q1 financial results
CommScope Holding Company, Inc.,                  period. Core segment adjusted EBITDA        Treadway added, “Through the
a global leader in network connectivity           decreased 14.9% to $230.0 million in the    transformational initiatives of
solutions, reported results for the quarter       first quarter of 2022 compared to the       CommScope NEXT, we are committed
ended March 31, 2022.                             same prior year period. Core segment        to unlocking additional capacity for
                                                  adjusted EBITDA as a percentage of          connectivity and cabling to fuel organic
Net sales in the first quarter of 2022            net sales decreased to 13.3% in the first   growth. In addition, we are driving growth
increased 7.6% year-over-year to $2.23            quarter of 2022 compared to 17.2% in the    through our investments in innovative
billion. Core net sales increased 10.3%           same prior year period.                     products such as our NOVUX™ product
year-over-year primarily due to higher                                                        line of fiber connectivity, our next-
net sales in the connectivity and cable           “I am pleased to share that we delivered    generation XGS-PON suite, MOSAIC™,
solutions and outdoor wireless networks           Core net sales of $1.73 billion and         ONECELL®, and DOCSIS® 4.0. As we
segments.                                         Core adjusted EBITDA of $230 million        continue to execute our strategy, we are
                                                  for the first quarter of 2022. We           enabling greater efficiency through our
Net loss of $(139.9) million, or $(0.75)          are encouraged by the strong top-           general management structure and new
per share, in the first quarter of 2022,          line performance delivered by Core          segment alignment to drive value for
increased 43.3% compared to the prior             CommScope, growing net sales 10%            shareholders.
year period’s net loss of $(97.6) million, or     from the prior year. While margins
$(0.55) per share. Non-GAAP adjusted net          remained under pressure during the          “We are encouraged by the progress we
income for the first quarter of 2022 was          quarter, our CommScope team remains         have made on CommScope NEXT and
$64.4 million, or $0.26 per share, versus         focused on the pricing initiatives that     are re-affirming our commitment to full
$88.3 million, or $0.36 per share, in the first   are underway to recover inflation, and      year 2022 Core adjusted EBITDA between
quarter of 2021.                                  we expect to see margin improvement         $1.15-$1.25 billion,” Kyle Lorentzen, Chief
                                                  for the Core portfolio in the second half   Financial Officer, stated. “We are excited
Non-GAAP adjusted EBITDA decreased                of the year. Our growth is a testament      to see our recent actions and pending
12.6% to $253.3 million in the first quarter      to the solid demand we continue to see      initiatives deliver improved performance
of 2022 compared to the same period               in many of our end markets and our          through the remainder of the year.
last year. Non-GAAP adjusted EBITDA               dedication to advancing CommScope           CommScope is well positioned to deliver
as a percentage of net sales decreased            NEXT to strengthen our business,”           on our top-line momentum and deliver
to 11.4% in the first quarter of 2022             Chuck Treadway, President and Chief         sustained success over the near and long
compared to 14.0% in the same prior year          Executive Officer, stated.                  term.”

Nokia Q1 2022: Strong profitable start to the year
                                                  Q1. Our comparable operating margin         2021 have not yet been renewed.
                                                  was stable year-on-year at 10.9% as         Nokia’s outlook assumptions for the
                                                  strong underlying improvements in           operating margin of each business
                                                  profitability were offset by rising R&D     group in 2022 are 6.5 to 9.5% for Mobile
                                                  investment, lower other operating           Networks; 9.5 to 12.5% for Network
                                                  income compared to the year before,         Infrastructure; 4 to 7% for Cloud and
Q1 was a strong start for the year for            and some timing effects in Nokia            Network Services; and >75% for Nokia
Nokia, both in terms of net sales and             Technologies.”                              Technologies.
profitability. As per comparable results,
Q1 2022 net sales increased by 5% YoY             The Network Infrastructure segment          Additionally, reported net cash and
to EUR 5.3 billion while profit for the           delivered again strong growth (9%) with     interest-bearing financial investments
period jumped by 11% YoY to EUR 416               continued robust momentum in both           had a 33% YoY change, significantly
million.                                          fixed and submarine networks while the      reaching EUR 4.9 billion from EUR 3.7
                                                  5G Core business continued to drive         billion.
Commenting on the Q1 2022 results,                good growth in Cloud and Network
Pekka Lundmark, president and CEO                 Services at 5%.                             “The demand environment remains
of Nokia said, “... I am pleased with                                                         strong and while supply chain and
our start to 2022. Demand in our end              On the other hand, in terms of constant     inflation challenges remain, we are
markets remains high, and although                currency growth, Mobile Networks            confident we can deliver our 2022
supply chain constraints continue to              had a 4% decline due to supply chain        outlook and continue to make good
impact our growth, we delivered 1%                constraints, and Nokia Technologies         progress towards our long-term
constant currency net sales growth in             declined 17% as licenses that expired in    targets,” concluded Lundmark.

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