The Steel Charitable Trust - Lyme Regis Fossil Festival

Page created by Nathaniel Coleman
The Steel Charitable Trust - Lyme Regis Fossil Festival
The Steel Charitable Trust
The Steel Charitable Trust - Lyme Regis Fossil Festival
The Steel Charitable Trust - Lyme Regis Fossil Festival
n TH E H U B
n FO O D & R E F R E S H ME N T S

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The Steel Charitable Trust - Lyme Regis Fossil Festival
Mackerel                                                                 OVER
                                                                                                             Bringing World Class Experts in Palaeontlogy, Geology
                                                                                                             and Earth Science to you. Come along to any of our free talks
& Deep Sea                                            No.1 BOAT TRIP
                                                      IN DORSET
                                                                        475 5★
                                                                        REVIEWS                              and get the answers to the questions that you have always
                                                                                                             wanted to ask.
Fishing                                               No.1 ATTRACTION IN LYME REGIS
                                                                                                             MARINE TH EATR E
                                                                                                                                                           M A R IN E T HE AT R E

                                                                                                             The Not Quite Dinosaur,                       The Ichthyosaurs from
                                                                                                             Dinosaurs                                     The Kimmeridge Clay
                                                                                                             KIERAN SATCHELL                               STEVE ETCHES, ETCHES COLLECTION
                                                                                                             A family-friendly talk highlighting, in a     In this talk Steve Etches explores the
                                                 No trip to Lyme Regis would                                 simplified way, the misconceptions as         Ichthyosaurs of the Kimmeridge Clay.
                                                be complete without a fishing                                to why various well-known prehistoric         He will discuss the features and
                                                      trip from the Cobb.                                    animals are not dinosaurs.                    characteristics that make them the unique
                                                                                                                                                           and important specimens they are.
                                                  Join Harry May for a truly                                 10.45                                         Steve also discusses the wider
                                                                                                             MARINE TH EATR E
                                                  unforgettable experience.                                                                                environment of their existence including
                                                                                                             I’m a Palaeontologist –
Look for our boats:
                                      ADVERT                                                                                                               their place in the Prehistoric food chain
                                                                                                                                                           and what else we can learn from these

MARIE F                                                                                                      Ask Me Anything!
                                                                                                             THOMAS CLEMENTS
                                                                                                                                                           scientifically valuable fossils.

                                                                                                             How do animals turn into fossils? Why do
                                                                                                             we find fossils here but not there? How       12.30
                                                                                                             do we know what dinosaurs ate? Is it true     M A R IN E T HE AT R E
                                                                                                             that poo can become a fossil? What would      Flaky and The Famous
one hour mackerel fishing:                                                                                   happen if a Brachiosaurus vomited on
                                                                                                             your head? These are some of the many
                                                                                                                                                           Exploding Plesiosaur
Leaving all day, with line and bait included.                                                                                                              RICHARD FORREST
Fish gutted and prepared for your barbecue.                                                                  questions I get asked as a palaeontologist.
                                                                                      photo: Martin Clunes
Full safety gear and life jackets carried.                                                                   In this talk I will answer some of the most   Some fossils are so challenging to
If you don’t wish to fish, enjoy a scenic
                                                                                                             common questions about fossils, what it’s     prepare that commercial preparators and
trip along the beautiful coast.
                                                                                                             like being a palaeontologist, and give you    public institutions won’t touch them. This
ADULTS £10 CHILDREN £8                                                                                       the opportunity to come along and ask         talk about two such fossils.
                                                                                                             me any questions you have!                    The first is a septarian nodule fractured
THREE HOUR DEEP SEA FISHING:                                                                                                                               by calcite veins and riddled with iron
                                                                                                                                                           pyrites from the Oxford Clay containing
                                                                                                                                                           bones of a plesiosaur. And the second
8:30am - 11:30am
Beginners welcome. Rod and bait included.
                                                                                                                                                           is a partial plesiosaur specimen from
£25 PER PERSON                                                                                                                                             the Yorkshire coast contained within a
                                                                                                                                                           number of blocks of limestone.
                                                                                                                                                           Such scrappy, incomplete, difficult and
   call Harry May on:                                                                                                                                      unspectacular fossils can nevertheless
                                                                                                                                                           provide important scientific information and

   07974 753 287                                                                                                                                           open new windows into the distant past.
The Steel Charitable Trust - Lyme Regis Fossil Festival
                                                                          13.30                                        14.00

                                                                          MARINE TH EATR E                             G U N CL IFF WA L K

                                                                          The Rutland Sea Dragon                       Mary Anning
                                                                                                                       and Charles
    TH                                                                    MARK EVANS,

                                                                          BRITISH ANTARCTIC SURVEY
                                                                          In 2021 what has turned out to be
                                                                                                                       WITH LIZZIE HOPLEY AND CARL SALTER
                                                                          Britain’s largest Ichthyosaur skeleton
                                                                          was discovered in Rutland, England’s         Hear gems from the life of Mary Anning
                                                                          smallest county. Join Mark Evans as he       and the voyages of Charles Darwin in
                                                                          tells the Ichthyosaur’s story from the       a lively ‘meet-and-greet’ with two of
                                                                          first tantalising glimpses of fossil bone    Geology’s brightest stars!
                                                                          to the excavation and lifting of the whole   Play Guess the Fossil, see how far you
                                                                          specimen.                                    can stretch time and get answers to
                                                                                                                       those questions you’ve always wanted to
                                                                                                                       ask: Why do giraffes have long necks?
                                                                                                                       Why does Mary love thunderstorms?
                                                                                                                       And why do they wear those hats?
                                                                                                                       This event can be enjoyed at 2pm on
                                                                                                                       Saturday and Sunday.


              M                                      K
                                                                                                                       IN THE CHURCH

                                                                                                                       The Pebble


                                                                                                                       Spotter’s Guide

       S’ M A
                                                                                                                       CLIVE MITCHELL,
                                                                                                                       BRITISH GEOLOGICAL
                                                                                                                       Where can you find evidence of extreme

                                                                                                                       environments from hot arid deserts
                                                                                                                       and continent spanning oceans to even
                                                                                                                       hotter magma deep under the earth and

                                                                                                                       volcanoes spewing lava over vast areas?
                                                                                                                       The answer is in a pebble!

MONTH, APRIL TO OCTOBER.                                                                                               Pebbles are made of rocks like sandstone
                                                                                                                       (evidence of a desert), chalk (ocean),
IN THE MARINE PARADE SHELTERS                                                                                          granite (magma) and basalt (lava).
                                                                                                                       Clive Mitchell, geologist with the British
MAKERS, PRODUCERS AND                                                                                                  Geological Survey, and author of

                                           30 MILE RADIUS
                                                                                                                       The Pebble Spotter’s Guide, will take you IG: @lymeregisfarmersmarket                                                                             on a virtual stroll along a beach, picking
                                                                                                                       out some pebbles, help identify what they
FRESH BREAD • EGGS • HONEY • JAM • CAKES • BACON                                                                       are made of and advice on how to collect
@LYMEREGISFARMERSMARKET                                                                                                them.
WWW.LRDT.CO.UK/LYMEREGISFARMERSMARKET                                                                                                                        >>
The Steel Charitable Trust - Lyme Regis Fossil Festival
14.30                                         15.30
MARINE TH EATR E                              M A R IN E T HE AT R E

Dinosaurs and Deserts                         Unearthing the
in Wales                                      Mammoth Graveyard
CINDY HOWELLS,                                SALLY & NEVILLE HOLLINGWORTH
                                              Want to find out what it’s like to
220 million years ago, Wales was covered      unearth an Ice Age Mammoth? Hear
by deserts and inhabited by dinosaurs.        more about the incredible Ice Age
The Triassic rocks of Glamorgan preserve      discoveries behind the documentary?
the footprints these dinosaurs and            And meet the people who made the
other reptiles left behind. As dinosaurs      discovery, us! Together, we’ll take
diversified from these early forms they       you on an exciting behind-the-scenes
also had to contend with rising sea-levels,   adventure to find out what it was like
climate change, and a major extinction        to discover the site, work with the
event.                                        scientists unearthing it and learn about
There have been a number of recent            Mammoths, how they lived and how
finds in south Wales, and this talk will      they died.
illustrate these discoveries, allowing us                                          >>
to piece together the story of those
important 20 million years from the late
Triassic into the Jurassic Period, when
dinosaurs were diversifying.


Exploring Lyme Regis
200 Million Years Ago
A walk through the changing ecology
of the early Jurassic at Lyme Regis, and
how a citizen science project (FossilBlitz)
contributes to our understanding of the
The Steel Charitable Trust - Lyme Regis Fossil Festival
15.45                                                     16.30
IN THE CHURCH                                             IN THE CHURCH

Unlocking Our Historical                                  The Jurassic Coast
Chalk Fossil Collections                                  Collection
with Nannofossils                                         CHRIS REEDMAN,
                                                          JURASSIC COAST TRUST
RESEARCH ASSISTANT,                                       Fossils from the Jurassic Coast now
NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM                                    appear in exhibitions and collections
Chalk fossils have been collected from                    around the world.
southern England for more than 200                        By drawing museums, collectors, and
years. One of the primary components of                   academics together around a common
the Chalk are coccolithophores, a group                   goal, the Jurassic Coast Collection aims
of calcareous nannoplankton, which                        to reconnect the Jurassic Coast with
can be used to determine the relative                     its fossil diaspora and unite, digitally
age of specimens through nannofossil                      and physically, what is already a global
biostratigraphy.                                          collection. This short talk will provide
This talk summarises how we have been                     an overview of the progress made
using these tiny fossils to unlock the                    throughout the last year and introduce
NHM’s collections of Chalk fish and                       some of the exciting upcoming work we
invertebrates, and some of the secrets                    have planned along the coast.
this work has revealed.

Image: Greyson Joralemon, Unsplash

                                     MARINE THEATRE SATURDAY 30 APRIL FROM 7.45
                                     TICKETS £7.50 VISIT WWW.MARINETHEATRE.COM
The Steel Charitable Trust - Lyme Regis Fossil Festival
12.00                                             13.00                                               13.30                                         14.30
 MA RIN E T H E AT R E                             M ARI NE TH EATRE                                   IN THE CHURCH                                 M A R IN E T HE AT R E

 What is a Fossil?                                 Mary Anning and                                     Illustrating Prehistoric                      The Queen of Slime
 and What Did Mary                                 Her Sisters in Science                              Worlds                                        Moulds; Gulielma Lister
 Anning Find?                                      A VOICES FOR THE FUTURE PROJECT                     JAMES MCKAY                                   in Lyme Regis
                                                   BY ELECTRIC VOICE THEATRE
                                                   PERFORMED BY SINGERS AND BSL
                                                                                                       James Mckay is an artist who collaborates     PATRICIA FARA, CLARE COLLEGE,
                                                   INTERPRETER FROM EVT                                with scientists to create visions of          CAMBRIDGE
 Ever wondered what a fossil is, why do                                                                prehistoric animals in their environments.    The Lister family spent every summer in
                                                   A moving mini music-drama featuring
 some things fossilise and not others              Mary Anning herself by Judith Bingham               This talk will explore the history of life    their cliff-top house at Lyme Regis – and
 and how does something become a                   is at the centre of this staged concert             on Earth through James’ illustrations of      Gulielma Lister (1860–1949) was the
 fossil? Well, this is the talk for you! I’ll be   highlighting the many women of science              changing landscapes, animals and plants,      world expert on extraordinary minuscule
 answering these questions, talking about          who lived in her day – many of course who           with a lot of relevance for future climate.   creatures called slime moulds that are
 some good places to go fossil hunting and         joined her in Lyme Regis.                                                                         now at the cutting edge of research
 some of the great fossils found by Mary                                                                                                             into artificial intelligence and molecular
                                                   The music of Mary Maxwell Campbell
 Anning and why they were important.                                                                                                                 genetics.
                                                   takes us round the world to meet many
 A talk especially for families and kids.                                                                                                            This illustrated talk explores her life, her
                                                   more of her scientific sisters in a musical
                                                   romp, there are frogs and trowels and for                                                         achievements and the significance of her
 18.30                                             the audience a bit of digging too.                                                                Quaker background.
                                                   The programme includes a British Sign
 Songs of Here: Songs                              Language Interpreter, a Touch Tour
                                                                                                                                                     IN THE CHURCH
 of Now, Musical                                   15minutes before the start time and is
 B SHARP & LOCAL COMMUNITY                         family friendly (though NOT aimed at                                                              Awful Changes?
 PARTICIPANTS WITH GUEST PERFORMERS                children). There will be a chance to see                                                          What The Fossil Record
 SEATON ACAPELLA                                   the wonderful models of Mary Anning’s                                                             Really Tells Us About
 An exciting musical performance                   most famous finds created by school
 of original music and songs written               children from the Sidmouth area, work               14.00                                         Present and Future
 by local young people to express                  which will continue in local schools after          G UN CL IF F WAL K                            Climate Change
 their response to the landscapes,                 the festival is over.
 places and times in which they find               This event is sponsored by the Fossil Festival,
                                                                                                       Mary Anning                                   RICHARD TWITCHETT,
                                                                                                                                                     NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM
 themselves living and growing up.                 The Palaeontological Association, RVW and           and Charles Darwin                            Although the current episode of
                                                   Ambache Trust.                                      WITH LIZZIE HOPLEY AND CARL SALTER            global warming is unprecedented on a
                                                                                                       Hear gems from the life of Mary Anning        human timescale, similar events have
FREE RETURN SHUTTLE BUS                                                                                and the voyages of Charles Darwin in          happened throughout Earth’s history.
to The Charmouth Heritage Coast Centre!                                                                a lively ‘meet-and-greet’ with two of         This talk explores how the fossil record
Take our completely free shuttle bus to the equally free Charmouth Heritage Coast Centre to see        Geology’s brightest stars!                    of these past events can be used to test
their truly amazing fossil collections including Scelidasuarus, the Charmouth Dinosaur and David       Play Guess the Fossil, see how far you        predictions of future change, and to show
Attenborough’s Sea Dragon! Shuttle buses run every 25 minutes, 11am–4pm Saturday & Sunday.             can stretch time and get answers to           how resilient our planet’s ecosystems
                                                                                                       those questions you’ve always wanted to       have been in responding to, and
                                                                                                       ask: Why do giraffes have long necks?         recovering from, past climate change.
                                                                                                       Why does Mary love thunderstorms?                                                      >>
                                                                                                       And why do they wear those hats?
                                                                                            And back   This event can be enjoyed at 2pm on
                                                   Charmouth                                again!     Saturday and Sunday.
Main beach bus stop                                Coast Centre
opposite Fordhams
The Steel Charitable Trust - Lyme Regis Fossil Festival
15.15                                        15.30                                         16.00                                          16.30
IN THE CHURCH                                M ARI N E TH EATRE                            IN THE CHURCH                                  M A R IN E T HE AT R E

Geological Perspectives                      The Art & Science of the                      The Burning of Fossil    Dinosaurs: New Visions
On Climate Change in                         Crystal Palace Dinosaurs                      Fuels Through the        of a Lost World
the Last 2000 Years, 2m                      MARK WITTON, PALAEONTOLOGICAL                 Geological Perspective   MICHAEL J. BENTON, PROFESSOR
                                             ARTIST, AUTHOR AND RESEARCHER,                                         OF VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY,
Years and 50m Years                          THE UNIVERSITY OF PORTSMOUTH                  Afforded by the Jurassic UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL
JEREMY YOUNG, EARTH SCIENCES,                AND ELLINOR MICHELM, NATURAL                  Coast                    Dinosaurs, a new vision of a lost world.
                                                                                           RICHARD EDMONDS                                Twenty-five years ago, the first feathered
Climate change through the geological        The Crystal Palace Dinosaurs, a series                                                       dinosaur was reported. There has been
                                                                                           Despite diversification in the energy
record has become an enormously              of incredible sculptures of prehistoric                                                      a revolution in dinosaur palaeobiology
                                                                                           sector, consumption of fossil fuels
important part of modern earth science       animals and geological displays, were                                                        since then, driven by thousands of
                                                                                           continues to grow and yet we have only
research. This talk will look at some        unveiled to the public as part of the                                                        amazing specimens from China plus new
                                                                                           been in this place for about 100 years
topics in this field which often come up     famous Crystal Palace Park in 1854.                                                          analytical methods. Mike Benton works
                                                                                           while the resources we burn formed
in debate. Were the Mediaeval Warm           This display, which includes depictions                                                      with renowned palaeo-artist Bob Nicholls
                                                                                           over many millions of years. The Jurassic
Period and Little Ice Age real, and if so    of dinosaurs, extinct mammals, marine                                                        to bring to life 15 dinosaurs, birds and
                                                                                           Coast is a cross section through an oil
what caused them? What caused the ice        reptiles and giant amphibians, captured a                                                    pterosaurs from all continents, and to
                                                                                           field and as such it is the perfect platform
ages? Are we about to have another one?      snapshot of palaeontology from a golden                                                      show in detail how they looked in life. For
                                                                                           to study how fossil fuels form, how we
What’s the role of CO2 in ice age climate?   era of scientific discovery in the mid-19th                                                  the first time, we can believe what we see
                                                                                           find and extract them, and perhaps most
Why has the Earth cooled over the last       century. Today, they are internationally                                                     in the reconstruction, based on intimate
                                                                                           importantly, just how long they took to
50m years?                                   recognised as a milestone in our                                                             study of skin, scales, and feathers of
                                                                                           accumulate and just how quickly we are
                                             portrayals of extinct life and the history    burning them.                                  these ancient beasts.
                                             of science. Written in collaboration with
                                             and in support of the Friends of Crystal                                                     16.45
                                             Palace Dinosaurs charity this book gives                                                     IN THE CHURCH
                                             the most detailed and complete history
                                             of these world-famous sculptures yet
                                                                                                                                          Local Solutions
                                             written.                                                                                     to the Global Crisis
                                                                                                                                          BELINDA BAWDEN, TOWN COUNCILLOR

 FOSSILS, MINERALS, JEWELLERY AND GIFTS                                                    THE OLD FORGE                                  ‘Local Solutions To The Global Crisis –
                                                                                                                                          What We Can All Do to Build Community
                                                                                           FOSSIL SHOP                                    Resilience in the Face of Climate Change’.
                                                                                                                                          Belinda Bawden, co-founder of the Dorset
                                                                                           Monday–Saturday 10am–5pm                       Climate Action Network and Green Party
                                                                                           Sunday 10.30am–4pm                             member in Lyme Regis explains what
                                                                                                                                          we can do in our communities and local
                                                                                           1​ 5 Broad Street                              councils with new toolkits to engage the
                                                                                            Lyme Regis                                    public in climate action. Members of
                                                                                                                                          the Dorset Climate Action Network will
                                                                                            Dorset DT7 3QE                                demonstrate how sharing information
                                                                                           Telephone: 01297 445977                        and expertise and learning from each
                                                                                           Email:                     other can motivate and accelerate local
The Steel Charitable Trust - Lyme Regis Fossil Festival
Take a stroll around the many exhibits
and displays on offer this weekend...


On the Hour                                    On the Half Hour
An interactive introduction to dinosaurs       Take to the skies and discover the origins
and the fossils in the local Jurassic coast,   of flight with our film: Dinosaurs at Dusk,
ending with possible ways of dinosaur          a fun-filled story about teenager Lucy and
extinction such as a large meteorite.          her dad, who share a passion for flying
Travel back in time to the Jurassic period     and a fascination for all things that fly.
with pictures of early Earth landscapes.       Youʼll experience the thrill of paragliding
                                               over the countryside, feel what itʼs like
                                               to soar like a falcon, and travel back in
                                               time to meet the flying pterosaurs and
                                               the ancestors of modern day birds: the
                                               feathered dinosaurs.
                                               Dinosaurs at Dusk is all about flight, and
                                               dinosaurs: a one-of-a-kind, family-friendly
                                               learning adventure in the most amazing
                                               movie format ever invented! Science
                                               content also includes topics such as
                                               continental drift, proper motion of stars,
                                               asteroids and impacts, extinctions and the
                                               convergent development of flight among
AFTER PARTY                                    BRISTOL UNIVERSITY
                                               n M A R IN E T HE AT R E S Q U A R E

                                                             Meet real scientists behind
                                                              some of the latest
                                                              discoveries in Palaeontology
                                                              from the University of
                                                              Bristol Palaeontology
                                               Department. Learn about the Bristol
                                               Dinosaur and the surprising story linking
Image: Greyson Joralemon, Unsplash

                                               the small dinosaurs of Britain and the
                                               giant sauropods. You can also try to
                                               survive 300 million years of evolution in
                                               our EvoArcade!
THE ETCHES COLLECTION                    BOAT BUILDING                                   DARELL WAKELAM
                                                       ACADEMY                                         n T HE M A LT HO U S E
        AND OUR PROUD SPONSORS PETROSTRAT                                   n J U BIL E E PAVIL IO N

                     PRESENT                                                 Founded in 1997
                                                                             by Commander Tim
                                                                             Gedge, the Boat

 The Inaugural Children’s                                                    Building Academy
                                                                             has been producing
                                                                             talented craftspeople

 Fossil Competition 2022
                                                                             for over a quarter of
                                                                             a century.
                                                                             Our flagship 40-week
                                                                             Boat Building course
                                                       gives men and women the professional            Come and join in with some ‘cardboard
                                                       training, knowledge and confidence              creativity’ with Lyme Regis artist Darrell
                                                       needed for a career in the booming              Wakelam. We will be making artwork
                                                       marine industry around the world. There is      based on the recent discovery of the
Have you ever found a fossil?                                                                          giant ‘Rutland Ichthyosaur’ and comparing
                                                       no skill requirement to enrol – all that we
Maybe you have a collection of fossils?                ask for in return is enthusiasm, passion,       it to some of the enormous creatures that
Have you ever wondered what it would                   and dedication. The course brings               would’ve lived here on the Jurassic Coast.
be like to have your fossil on display                 together a wide spectrum of people of
at a fossil museum where thousands                     varying ages and backgrounds for one            DINOSAUR ISLE
of visitors will get to see it? Are you                shared goal: to learn how to build boats.       n M A R IN E T HE AT R E S Q U A R E

between the ages of 5-16 and live in the               CHARMOUTH                                                      Exhibition of Isle of Wight
UK?                                                                                                                   dinosaurs and fossils,
                                                       HERITAGE COAST                                                 including reconstructed
If your answer is a big YES to all those               CENTRE                                                         dinosaur skeleton of the
                                                       n MARINE TH EAT R E S Q U A R E                                meat-eating dinosaur
questions, then The Etches Collection                                                                                 Neovenator. Find out about
                                                       Become a Jurassic Detective with the
– Museum of Jurassic Marine Life in                                                                    recent discoveries from the Island and
                                                       Charmouth Heritage Coast Centre and
Dorset has a very exciting competition                 uncover what secrets our fossils are
                                                                                                       handle real dinosaur bones!
that you can enter NOW!                                hiding! What can they tell us about             DORSET WILDLIFE
                                                       ancient life, the environment and food
We are partnering with the wonderful                   chains? We’re also on hand for local fossil     TRUST
                                                                                                       n M A R IN E T HE AT R E S Q U A R E
people at PetroStrat to bring you The                  ID and fossil hunting tips.
Inaugural National Children’s Fossil                   As well as having a presence at the                                   Visit our information
                                                       festival you can get a free shuttle                                   stand to find out all
Competition 2022!                                      bus service to Charmouth Heritage                                     about the work of
                                                       Coast Centre from main beach bus stop                                 Dorset Wildlife Trust,
                                                       opposite Fordhams. Every 25 minutes             how it protects local reserves and how
Visit our website for more details and how to enter:   from 11am until 4pm, Saturday and               people can get involved and become                 Sunday.                                         members. If you like the work that we do
                                                                                                       and would like to support our organisation
                                                                                                       you can sign up here for membership on
                                                                                                       the day!
THE ETCHES                                     FRIENDS OF CRYSTAL                               THE IGUANODON                                      THE GEOLOGISTS
COLLECTION                                     PALACE DINOSAURS                                 RESTAURANT                                         ASSOCIATION
n M A RIN E T H E AT R E S Q U ARE             n M ARI NE TH EATRE SQUARE                       n G UN CL IF F WA L K                              n M A R IN E T HE AT R E S Q U A R E

                    Come and see us at                                                                                                                                The GA stand will be
                    The Etches Collection                                                                                                                             selling GA Guides and can
                    - Museum of Jurassic                                                                                                                              provide information for
                    Marine Life stall and                                                                                                                             teachers. Look out for the
                    chat with our friendly                                                                                                                            interactive game for all
                    staff to learn all about                                                                                                                          the family!
                    our amazing
                    designated and                                                                                                                 JURASSIC
                    accredited museum.
Discover how we bring to life our fabulous
                                                                                                                                                   COAST TRUST
                                                                                                                                                   n M A R IN E T HE AT R E S Q U A R E
fossils with our incredible ‘stories from
deep time’ where you can learn how the                                                                                                                                 There will be a
                                               Friends of Crystal Palace Dinosaurs
prehistoric predators of a bygone age                                                           Iggy is back in Lyme Regis and Covid-                                  display of Jurassic
                                               will be at the festival to inform, delight       free. This outdoor theatre show is
lived and died in the Jurassic seas of                                                                                                                                 Coast fossils and
                                               and surprise visitors with tales of              brought to you by arts organisation                                    books. Speak to our
Dorset some 152-157 million years ago.
                                               Victorian palaeontological                       Emerald Ant.                                       experts to learn about out how the
Our unique fossil specimens were all
                                               accomplishments and outrageous                   Suitable for all ages, it lasts for 35             Jurassic Coast is looked after and to
collected from the Kimmeridge Bay
                                               behaviours! Our mission is to spread             minutes, and tells the story of the birth          explore some of its fascinating stories.
locality by one man, Steve Etches (who will
                                               the CP Dinosaur word amongst fossil              of geology in a fast and furious romp              Help us to protect and conserve the
be attending the Fossil Festival this year).
We will have a microscope with some            fans, creating a new wave of voices              through 60 years of scientific discovery.          coast by becoming a Jurassic Coast
of our collection and our famous fossil        calling for the site to be conserved for         As the story unfolds eccentric                     Trust Member.
lucky dips! You can also learn about how       future generations. Join us, and                 characters emerge from history: Mary
to enter the Inaugural National Children’s     discover the fascinating history of the          Anning, Sir Richard Owen, Baron                    LITTER FREE DORSET
Fossil Competition and win the chance to       original Jurassic Park!                          George Cuvier, Gideon Mantell, and the             n M A R IN E T HE AT R E S Q U A R E
have your fossil on display at our museum                                                       Godfather of Geology, William Smith.
for a whole year!                                                                               They compete for fame, claiming the                             At Litter Free Dorset - Land,
                                                                                                biggest, best fossils for themselves! And                       Coast and Sea we campaign
FREE FACE PAINTING                              FREE RETURN                                     they grapple with questions that shook                          to reduce litter and waste, as
                                                                                                society: How come these creatures                               well as working to maintain
n M A RIN E T H E AT R E S Q U ARE              SHUTTLE BUS                                     no longer exist? What does this tell us                         bathing water quality across
Who doesn’t like having their face painted      To The Charmouth                                about our world? Where’s my hat?                                our county. We focus on
into a fastastical creation?                                                                                                                                    reducing litter and waste at
                                                Heritage Coast                                            Showtimes 12.30 & 15.30
                                                                                                          both days. Interpretation for deaf       source, with the aim of creating better
                                                Centre!                                                   audiences at the 12.30 show on           quality inland, coastal and marine
                                                Take our completely free shuttle bus                      Saturday.                                environments for everyone in Dorset to
                                                to the equally free Charmouth Heritage
                                                Coast Centre to see their truly amazing
                                                                                                See   enjoy. At the Fossil Festival we’ll be
                                                fossil collections including Scelidasuarus,
                                                                                                for more details                                   showcasing our work with local
                                                the Charmouth Dinosaur and David              Charmouth                                            organisations, community groups &
                                                Attenborough’s Sea Dragon!                    Heritage                                             individuals, and demonstrating how our
                                                                                              Coast Centre                                         campaigns and projects can create
                                                                                                                                                   sustainable behaviour change in Lyme
                                                                                                                                  And back         Regis.
                                                                                                                                  again!                                                    >>
22                                              Main beach bus stop                             Shuttle buses run every 25 minutes,
                                                opposite Fordhams                               11am–4pm Saturday & Sunday.
M    A       E
                                                                                  B     S D
                                                                                    G E
                                                                              LYME BAY                                     MAKE SPACE
                           Geologists’ Association                            MOONRAKERS
                                                                              n ABOUT TOWN
                                                                                                                           MAKE BADGES!
                                                                                                                           n T HE M A LT HO U S E

                                                      All ages welcome. Parent supervision is required.                                Make Space is bringing some
                                                                                                                                       badge making fun to the
                                                      Drop in throughout the day, no booking needed.                                   Fossil Festival weekend this
4 GA Field Guides are Since its formation in 1858 the Suggested   donation £1 per badge.
                                                         GA has actively                                                               year! Join them at the
                                                                                                                                       Malthouse Gallery over both
 relevant to this area: promoted the study of geology to all who are
                                                                                                                           days for badge making with a Jurassic
                        interested in the past, present and future of                                                      twist. There will be templates and stencils
                                                                                                                           to use or get creative with your own
                        the natural world. It welcomes everyone,
                                                                                                                           designs for a 60mm pin badge (or
                        regardless of the level of their knowledge.                                                        badges) to take home.
                                                                                                                           All ages welcome. Parent supervision is
                            Lectures - Conferences - Magazine - Journal -                                                  required. Drop-in throughout the day, no
                            Field Trips - Annual Awards - Geoconservation                                                  booking needed. Suggested donation £1
                                                                              Based in Lyme Regis, Lyme Bay                per badge. 9am-3pm.
  No. 73 Geology of the                                                       Moonrakers are a vocal group of 20
South Devon Coast (2017)    Nationwide there are 100 groups associated with                                                MARY ANNING ROCKS
                                                                              men and women who sing traditional
                            the GA, locally: .                                and new songs of the sea in new, bold
                                                                                                                           n J U BIL E E PAVIL L IO N

                                                                              fresh arrangements. You’ll see them in                       Come and meet the team
                            Devon RIGS Group:            19th century costume popping up in                           behind Mary Anning
                                                                              and around Lyme Regis, as well as in                         Rocks a campaign and
                                                                              local theatres for their yearly theatrical                   charity started four years
                            Devonshire Association, Geology Section:          shows.                                                       ago to build Mary Anning
                                                                                          her long-overdue statue in Lyme
  No. 22 Geology of the                                                       LYME REGIS MUSEUM Regis. Find out what we have been up to
                                                                              n G UN CL IF F WA L K                      these past few years. Hear about our
  Dorset Coast (second      Ussher Society:                                                            unveiling plans for Mary’s 223rd birthday
     edition) (2016)                                                                       The Museum will be open as    on the 21st May 2022.
                                                                                           normal - the standard         Children will have their chance to draw
                            Dorset Geologists' Association Group:                          admission fee will apply.     and learn about what fossils would have
                                                                                looked like in life. There will be fossils for
                                                                                           On both days the Museum
                                                                                           will also be running a fossil adults and children to look at and handle
                            The Jurassic Coast:                      polishing event along Gun     with the chance to ask us questions about
                                                                              Cliff Walk and they will also have Fossil  Jurassic marine life and we will have
                                                                              and Mary Anning Walks scheduled as         our Fossil Excavating Box.
                                    per their normal programme.                There will be a sandbox to uncover fossils
  No. 72 Devonshire
                            e:                                                        with brushes like a real palaeontologist.
                                                                              Lyme Regis museum will be offering
 Marbles, their Geology,                                                                                                 Come and say hello and get some
  History and Usage         t: 020 7434 9298                                  25% off annual memberships
                                                                                                                         free Mary Anning Rocks stickers to take
                                                                              during Fossil Festival weekend.
   (Vols 1 & 2, 2015)                                                                                                    home with you.
                            t: 020 734 5398                                                                                                                         25
NATURAL HISTORY                                  PORTLAND SCULPTURE
MUSEUM                                           AND QUARRY TRUST

                     We’ll have interactive                       Working with freestone
                     hands-on activities on                       that can be carved in any
                     ‘Fossils and Climate                         direction informed by
                     Change’ for all ages,                        the pure quality of light
including: Extinction Kerplunk, an                                throughout the day,
interactive game that explores how marine                         reveals forms and
animals respond to global warming; The
Microscopic Jurassic Coast, where you
                                                                  surfaces that haven’t
                                                 been exposed for 150 million years,
can find and learn about some of the             creating a more powerful and visually

                                                                                                    FOSSIL PREPARATION
smallest fossils found in the local rocks;       informed work.
and Shark Science, where you can meet            Portland stone, the finest of carving
some of the shark fossils from the               stones, was once an ancient sea, formed

                                                                                                               TOOLS & SUPPLIES
museum collections and hear about some           from pure sunlight interacting with
of our ongoing studies looking at the            calcium carbonates in sea water.
impact of past climate change on sharks.
                                                 WOODLAND TRUST
PALAEONTOLOGICAL                                 n M ARI NE TH EATRE SQUARE                      Come and talk to us today about how to clean your fossil finds!
ASSOCIATION                                                       As The Woodland Trust is
                                                                  the UK’s largest woodland
              Get hands-on with some                              conservation charity with a
              amazing fossils, and discover                       mission to fight climate
              how their unique features                           change and create havens
              adapted them to different          for wildlife with woods and trees. We save,
              environments and lifestyles.       protect and restore ancient woodland, and
              Design your own prehistoric        since 1972 we’ve planted more than 50
              creepy-crawly – decide how         million trees. We want to see a world where
to spend your points to arm your creature        woods and trees thrive for nature and
with body parts and special powers. Then         people, but we can’t achieve our vision
spin our ‘wheel of fortune’ to see what life     without you.
throws at it – is your animal equipped to
survive a meteorite impact, climate
change or the arrival of a new predator?
Try to survive a day in the ancient seas
with our ‘Prehistoric Perils’ board game.
Palaeoartist James McKay will be on hand                                                           Air scribes proudly made in the UK,             SCALE BAR - CUT OUT AND KEEP!
to bring the public’s fantasy fossils to life.                                                          Fossil made in the Jurassic

                                                                                                ZOIC PalaeoTech Ltd. are manufacturers
                                                                                                and purveyors of fossil preparation tools &                                      1cm
                                                                                                supplies, outfitting museums, professionals
                                                                                                and amateurs worldwide with top quality
                                                                                                tooling available on every budget. We also
                                                                                                provide free guides online for you to learn
                                                                                                about fossil preparation. Visit us online at
                                                                                                             lyme regis fossil festival 2022
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