Oceanic pollution; A threat to life - Review Article - Pure and Applied Biology

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Pure Appl. Biol., 11(2):483-490, June, 2022

Review Article

Oceanic pollution; A threat to life
Farzeen Saeed1* and Muhammad Faheem Malik1
1. Department of Zoology, University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan
*Corresponding author’s email: saeed.frzn@gmail.com
Farzeen Saeed and Muhammad Faheem Malik. Oceanic pollution; A threat to life. Pure and Applied Biology.
Vol. 11, Issue 2, pp483-490. http://dx.doi.org/10.19045/bspab.2022.110047
Received: 03/05/2021         Revised: 16/07/2021          Accepted: 27/07/2021  Online First: 26/08/2021
Water covers about 71% of the Earth’s surface and is a basic need for all the oceanic fauna and
flora. According to the Ocean Pollutants Guide, 2018, marine life is constantly being harmed
and there is an abundance of plastic pollution still found on the shorelines. Along with that,
oceanic dead zones have expanded four times since the 20th century. If harm to the oceans
continues, then there is a chance that every species of animals existing in the marine
environment will be endangered. All of this is due to anthropogenic activities such as sewage
entry into the oceans, oil spills and plastic pollution which form the top three oceanic pollutants,
destroying the marine ecosystems. These pollutants negatively affect fish, bivalves’
crustaceans, birds and mammals which are directly associated with water. This leads to reduced
life expectancy, genotoxicity and cancer formation in said organisms. Unless stopped, these
pollutants will be the cause of death of marine fauna. It is recommended to examine the oceanic
water quality, prevent ocean pollution and clean the polluted water bodies, by all necessary
Keywords: Metal deposition; ocean pollution; sustainable strategies; toxic chemicals
Introduction                                            oceans would never resurface. But today
The term “Global Ocean” denotes the 71%                 that notion is proved wrong, when we
of land surface that is made up of water. It            witness the destruction of ocean life.
holds a total of 97% of the water that is               Oceans have started to vomit back all the
present on Earth. The remaining 3% water                wastes that we used to throw in it. Today,
is present as rivers, lakes, glaciers, ice caps         the world witnesses contaminated sea food,
and the water vapor in our environment.                 disheveled marine life and plastic pollution
Oceans act as a home to more than a million             that litters the shorelines. Not only that,
species of both fauna and flora, out of                 there is a non-stop expansion of oceanic
which the majority are yet to be named [1].             dead zones which have increased four times
Oceans are the source of half of the oxygen             since the 20thcentury [2].
production by the action of sea life. Since             Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and
humans, depend on it for performing                     heavy metals are the first and foremost
different activities, we can never escape               cause of oceanic pollution. Being highly
from its impacts as well, whether good or               toxic in nature they cause instant injury
bad [2].                                                when dumped in to the oceans [4].
Ocean Pollution                                         Agricultural runoff and industrial discharge
Water is considered polluted when the                   have also played a big role in making
water quality has been inhibited by the                 oceans as they are today. Sewage, fossil
action of anthropogenic activities making it            fuel combustion, oil spills and land runoff
unfit for its desired use [3]. People used to           directly contaminates the rivers, which fall
believe that all the waste they threw in the

Published by Bolan Society for Pure and Applied Biology                                             483
Saeed & Malik

into the oceans and indirectly cause the              system       on    daily    basis,    thereby
death of marine life [5].                             contaminating it [13].
 Other than that, the never ending                    According to various sources it has been
manufacture of plastic and then its release           seen that sewage water consists of domestic
into the oceans has bore its brunt. The               wastes,       pharmaceutical       chemicals,
amount of plastic entering the world's                agricultural run-off and other heavy metals.
oceans is estimated to be 6.4 million tons            When this contaminated water is dumped
annually, making it the principal                     into the oceans, it causes a wide range of
component of marine debris [6]. Plastics              problems for the ocean life [14].
dumped into the oceans undergo                        Studies also show that sewage water
degradation in just a few days to form                contains high concentrations of nutrients
smaller pieces of plastics. These small               mainly ammonia, nitrates and phosphates
pieces, also known as “microplastics”, aid            [15]. When these nutrients enter water
in the absorption of other pollutants from            bodies, the end result is in the form of
seawater [7]. Microplastics are also eaten            eutrophication and the formation of algal
by turtles’ everyday leading to their                 blooms. This causes decline in oxygen and
impeding deaths [8].                                  the overall reduction in the quality of water,
According to an estimate 80% of chemical              fish, coral, and other marine populations
pollution of the oceans originates on land            [16].
[9]. Global land surfaces are in direct               Oil pollution
connection to the marine by the presence of           The most obvious forms of marine
rivers, so chemical pollution that enters the         pollution is oil pollution. Oil pollution is
rivers cause chemical pollution in the                mostly caused due to the oil tanker disasters
oceans. Industries approximately use                  in the ocean. It can also occur as a result of
100,000 different chemicals on daily basis.           port activities, leakage from boating traffic
A lot of these chemicals penetrate the                and urban-based oil runoff. Oil enters the
marine environment by atmospheric                     marine environment via water drainage
transport, runoff into waterways, or direct           from agricultural farms, untreated factory
disposal into the oceans [10]. Every year,            waste and industrial facilities, and
manufacturing         industries,      waste          unregulated boating used for recreational
incinerators, coal fired power stations and           purposes [17]. Oil discharged from boats
fossil fuel generation introduces hundreds            makes up 24% of the total amount of oil
of tons of toxic emissions into the air [11].         present in the ocean, with 8% of overall oil
Fuel combustion in transportation vehicles,           ocean pollution a result of spills during
factories and smelters release hydrocarbons           transportation or production [18]. Water
and heavy metals into the surroundings.               acts as the medium of transfer for oil,
Pulp and paper mills, untreated sewage and            organic compounds and oil based
mining adds to the dilemma of                         fertilizers.
contaminants that directly run off into the           Being volatile in nature, hydrocarbons
aquatic environment. In any case these                cause irritation in the respiratory tract of
chemicals are adding to the woes of oceanic           marine mammals and birds upon inhalation
pollution [12].                                       [19].
Sewage                                                Birds depend upon their feathers for
Like so many other things, humans are also            buoyancy and warmth. However, when oil
behind one of the biggest challenges that             adheres to the feathers of birds, it often
the world is facing today i.e. enrichment of          leads to hypothermia or drowning in these
freshwater resources with nutrients. This             birds [20].
problem roots back to the heavily populated           Plastic pollution
areas of the world, where people dump their           Today, plastics comprise 45 to 95% of the
waste products into the waterborne sewage             marine litter [21]. Since the year 1950,

Pure Appl. Biol., 11(2):483-490, June, 2022

plastic production has increased from 1.7              distorted salinity levels and eutrophication
million tons to 245 million tons produced in           have badly affected the aquatic species’
the year 2006 [22]. Maximum plastic waste              nutritional levels and their overall
that enters the ocean, comes from the                  adaptability to ecosystems [32]. Increased
coastlines of Asia and the United States of            concentration of heavy metals mainly
America [6]. It has been studied that three            mercury and cadmium can also accumulate
industries responsible for the most plastic            in the flesh of big, predatory fishes, marine
waste production have been packaging,                  birds and mammalian fish such as dolphin
textile and the consumer-institutional                 and whales due to the impacts of bio-
product sectors [23]. According to a UNEP              accumulation and bio- magnification [33].
survey, plastic production is still escalating         Fish
by 8.7% every year [24].                               [34] carried out a study to determine the
Different researches establish that marine             presence of microplastics in the digestive
fauna is highly impacted by plastic                    tract of ten fish species taken from the
pollution via ingestion and entanglement               English Channel. They found out that
[7]. The ingestion of plastics can cause a             microfibers made up 35.6% and rayon
number of harmful effects: internal                    made up 57.8% of the plastic content in the
abrasion, reduction of stomach capacity, a             fish. Along with that microplastics have
false sense of satiation, blockage of the              been known to get deposited in skin,
digestive tract, bioaccumulation and                   muscle, gills and liver [35]. Small particles
translocation [25]. The chemicals present              of microplastics ranging < 600 μm/ 0.6mm
on plastic signify some more risks to                  in size, travel from the digestive tract
aquatic life, as the biofilm communities               directly in the liver and deposit there before
residing on the plastic, may comprise toxic,           reaching any other organ [36]. Microplastic
pathogenic, and /or invasive species [26].             deposition       eventually     results     in
Plastic debris is found to be present in all           inflammation, oxidative stress and
aquatic environments, ranging from                     disrupted energy metabolism in fish [37].
coastlines to the open oceans, from the sea-           Mercury contamination of the environment,
beds to the sea surface, deep sea sediments            lakes, rivers and oceans has led to extensive
and even Arctic sea ice [27]. There are                contamination of the oceans. Mercury in
concerns that biodegradation rates in the              the form of Methyl mercury is directly
deep sea will be slow because of darkness              deposited in the muscular tissues of fish.
and cold [28, 29].                                     Once this fish is consumed, the underlying
Effects on Ocean Life                                  Methyl Mercury acts as a potent neurotoxin
Water pollution is known to have negative              for humans and other fish-eating wildlife
effects on the environment as well as the              [38]. Other heavy metals such as Fe, Cu, Zn
life that exists in the ocean. Oceanic                 and Pb have an inhibitory effect on the
pollutants have been reported to kill sea              development of phytoplankton and
weeds, crustaceans, mollusks, fishes,                  zooplanktons [39]. Furthermore, these
marine birds and various other organisms               metallic compounds cause histological
that play their part as a source of nutrition          changes such as the necrosis of gills and the
for humans and animals alike. Insecticides,            degeneration of fatty tissue of the liver of
despite being banned, such as DDT are still            fish and crustaceans [40]. According to a
growing in concentration in the food chain             prediction, mercury concentrations will
[30]. River Pollution causes acute water-              increase by two times in the North Pacific
borne diseases leading to health problems              Ocean by 2050 [41].
that are a huge burden on economies around             Bivalves and Crustaceans
the globe [31]. In addition to these crisis,           Industrial chemicals released into the
ocean acidification, rise in the average               oceans are known to bring about adverse
temperature of oceans, oxygen depletion,               effects in bivalves and crustaceans that

Saeed & Malik

include alterations of immunological                  which occurs when the sea lions are
responses, neurotoxic effects and the                 exposed to Persistent Organic Pollutants
subsequent arrival of genotoxicity.                   contaminants such as Polychlorinated
Bivalves and crustaceans are often used by            Biphenyls                                 and
scientists, as bio-monitors in the oceans due         Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane.       These
to their ability to show immediate responses          chemicals pollute the feeding grounds of
to the smallest changes [42]. Mussels’                sea lions and when they feed from them
survival also decreases incredibly with the           they form these diseases [47].
growing PVC abundance in oceanic                      Solutions
ecosystems, perhaps due to delayed periods            Prevention is always better than cure. The
of valve closure as a response to presence            same theory applies here when we say that
of particles [43].                                    preventing pollution is better than
Birds                                                 managing it. Pollution control is a
Seabirds have been the best models to study           terminology that refers to the control of
the harmful effects of oceanic pollution to           harmful emissions in the external
life. They are the group of animals that              environment such as air, water and land.
ingest microplastics at a massive level [34].         Pollution prevention and waste reduction
According to a study done in the year 2011            are far more popular strategies than
in the North Sea, it was seen that as much            pollution     control.    Regulating      and
as 95% of the Northern fulmar had plastic             monitoring pollution is another valuable
deposition in their stomachs, with an                 way for managing pollution. Pollution can
average piece weighing about 0.31 grams               be minimized by adopting certain practices
[44]. Birds have been studied to give the             such as reducing, reusing, recycling, waste
most drastic responses to the oceanic                 minimization and composting [3].
pollution. They exhibit high levels of                Manufacturing industries are another main
ingested plastic which leads to a reduction           reason of pollution as they release toxic
in the overall body weight and a high                 chemicals into the water bodies on a regular
contaminant load. Industrial chemical                 basis. Sustainable technologies that appeal
leaching in to the marine environment                 to the environment and all the fauna related
ultimately comes in contact with the eggs             to it should be made accessible to the
laid in the ocean waters. These eggs have             conventional manufacturers namely, the
weakened shells and when the birds sit on             textile dying industry. Synthetic dyes
them, they break easily [45].                         released as textile effluents have sulphur,
Mammals                                               napthol, vat dyes, nitrates, acetic acid,
One of the biggest concerns for                       enzymes, soaps and heavy metals in high
environmentalists and zoologists around               quantities. These products are bad for the
the world is the microplastic ingestion by            oceans as they give it a foul smell and
the marine mammals. These microplastics               prevents penetration of sunlight in the
end up in the stomachs of major marine                water. As a result photosynthesis is
mammalian fauna such as harbor seals,                 blocked, disturbing the oxygen transfer
beaked whales and baleen whales. This                 mechanism thereby, having lethal effects
leads to the deposition of phthalates in the          for the marine fauna. Efforts are needed to
fins of the whales [46].                              raise peoples’ consciousness about the
Unlike most other animals, Californian sea            broad implications of their choices from
lions live close to human communities due             buying clothes to the different necessities of
to their ability to habituate easily.                 life [48].
According to a study an estimated 20% of              It is necessary to make strict laws for the
sexually active sea lions had a high                  effective waste management and have those
occurrence of urogenital cancer. This                 laws be implemented to prevent future
cancer is directly linked to herpes virus             clutter [28].

Pure Appl. Biol., 11(2):483-490, June, 2022

Preventative scientific methods, such as              Authors’ contributions
debris-retention booms that catch plastic             Conceived and designed the idea: F Saeed,
remains before dilution in the oceans, can            Performed the experiment: F Saeed,
considerably decrease harm to wildlife                Analyzed the review paper: F Saeed & F
[49].                                                 Malik, Wrote the paper: F Saeed.
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