Page created by Bobby Roberts
Prue Myer

                      A SUB-FUND OF THE
The Prue Myer Sub-Fund was established in 2011 by the Trustees of the
Victorian Women’s Benevolent Trust (VWBT). It reflects the desire of Jo Baevski
and other family members to honour her mother, Prudence Myer.

In consultation with Trustees, the Sub-Fund will support projects for immigrant
and refugee and other disadvantaged girls and young women that:

• provide them with positive mentoring opportunities;
• improve their academic and educational outcomes;
• encourage their engagement and participation in political life.                                                         ‘One woman can bring
The Sub-Fund welcomes donations to support these purposes.                                                               change to a family and
Trustees intend that a large proportion of the annual interest on donations (minimum 80%) will be released as grants.
                                                                                                                        many women together will
Managing the Prue Myer Sub-Fund                                                                                         bring change to humanity.’
Guidelines and application forms are available from our website or by
contacting the Trust’s office. Applicants require Deductible Gift Recipient                                                        DR MUSIMBI
(DGR) and Tax Concession Charity (TCC) endorsement by the Australian
Taxation Office. Beneficiaries primarily need to be Victorian women. Potential                                                    FORMER GENERAL
                                                                                                                                  SECRETARY OF THE
applicants are encouraged to discuss ideas with the Grants Officer prior to                                                         WORLD YWCA
making an application.

An Advisory Committee supports the work of the Sub-Fund. It considers
applications, taking into account research and advice of the Grants Officer,
before making recommendations to the Trustees.
The Committee includes two family members, the Executive Director or
delegate, and one other person with expertise in the area of focus.

Decisions on allocation of grants are made by the Board of Trustees. They have
the sole discretion on grant decisions.
Donating to the Prue Myer Sub-Fund:                                             Honouring a Special Person:

The Prue Myer Sub-Fund welcomes donations. All contributions help build the     Your donation can be made in honour of a woman who is special to you. If so,
financial pool for making grants and are fully tax-deductible.                  you will need to complete this section as well.

I would like my donation of $_________________ made out to the Victorian        Your Name: _______________________________________________________
Women’s Benevolent Trust, to be directed to the Prue Myer Sub-Fund.
                                                                                Name of person you wish to honour: __________________________________

You will need to complete this section and post to VWBT Level 9, 313 La Trobe   Your relationship to this person: ______________________________________
Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 or fax to 03 9642 0016.
                                                                                You may wish to provide some brief details about her life, achievements and
Title: __________ Name: ___________________________________________             activities.

Address: ________________________________________________________               _________________________________________________________________

		         _______________________ State: _________ Postcode: ________          _________________________________________________________________

Phone: (h) ______________________ (w) _____________________________             _________________________________________________________________

Mobile:    ______________________ Email: ____________________________           _________________________________________________________________

Donations will be listed in the Annual Report. Please tick your preference.     These honouring donations will also be listed in the Annual Report.
                                                                                Please tick your preference.
     Your gift is acknowledged in name
     Your name is kept anonymous                                                     Both the donor and the special person are acknowledged
                                                                                     Details are kept anonymous

Payment details                                                                 Starting a Sub-Fund:

Cheque 			Visa			M/Card                                                         You can start a named Sub-Fund. In order to generate adequate interest for
            		 		 		 		                                               		        grant making, a minimum endowment of $100,000 is required.
Card no										                                               CCV
            			                                            			                  Donors can name the Sub-Fund and, in discussion with staff and Trustees, can
Cardholder 							Exp Date                                                      identify the main purposes or objects to be served by the Sub-Fund. There are
            			                                            			                  no establishment or management fees. It is important that you first contact
Signature 					 			Date			                                                      the Executive Director to explore potential areas of interest.
Prudence Myer                                            (NEE BOYD)

                                 Prudence Myer was born near                 towards implementing change that
                                 Cobram, Victoria in 1925 and grew           would benefit the disadvantaged
                                 up on her parents’ grazing property         and throughout much of her life
                                 on the Goulburn River near Chateau          was active in the Brotherhood of St
                                 Tahbilk. Together with her three            Laurence. She was an early champion
  ‘When women thrive, all        sisters, Prue was educated at home
                                 by a remarkable and much loved
                                                                             of the rights of immigrant/refugee
                                                                             women and of Indigenous Australians
   of society benefits, and      governess, Miss Short, before going
                                 to Clyde at Mount Macedon where
                                                                             and a strong presence on the board
                                                                             of the Myer Foundation. Her feminist
succeeding generations are       she was Dux of the school in 1942.          and philanthropic sensibilities were
                                                                             as well developed as her progressive
given a better start in life.’   Graduating       from     Melbourne
                                 University with a law degree in
                                                                             political interests.

                                 1947, she married Kenneth Myer              Politics was a life long passion. Prue
                                 that same year. She was mother to           was the President of the Institute
                                 five children – a daughter, four sons       of International Affairs and she
             KOFI ANNAN          and loved grandmother of thirteen           influenced Ken to join the signatories
                 FORMER          grandchidren.                               of the letter, organised by their friend
            SECRETARY GENERAL                                                Bruce Grant, which was significant in
                  OF THE         Much later Prue gained a Diploma of         the 1972 election of Gough Whitlam
              UNITED NATIONS
                                 Education and Master of Laws from           and the Labor Party. After the dismissal
                                 Monash University, becoming a gifted        of the Labor Government by Sir John
                                 and dedicated teacher of history and        Kerr in 1975, Prue joined the non-
                                 political science at VCE (year 12) level.   partisan committee campaigning for
                                 She played an important role in the         change in the constitutional powers
                                 development of St Hilda’s College at        of the Governor General.
                                 Melbourne University and established
                                 a scholarship for non-metropolitan          Prue died in June 2005 and in his
                                 female students there.                      eulogy at her memorial service,
                                                                             her son Martyn described her as
                                 Prue directed her formidable                ‘compassionate, non-judgemental,
                                 intellect, egalitarian views, strong        non-conformist (and) a great listener...’
                                 sense of duty and social justice
Victorian Women’s               Benevolent Trust
       Level Investing  in Women
              9, 313 La Trobe     and Girls. 3000
                              St Melbourne
         P: (03) 9642 0422 F: (03) 9642 0016
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