THE PINE BARK Volume 13 - Senior Publishing

Page created by Joel Mcdonald
THE PINE BARK Volume 13 - Senior Publishing
Volume 13          February 2023
THE PINE BARK Volume 13 - Senior Publishing
PRS Residents Association Executive Board:
                                   President…Rich Rosin…. 732-232-5299
                               Vice President…. Anne Herring… 609-286-3019
                               Secretary…Barbara Bielawne…. 973-951-2283
                                Treasurer…Andrew Kerstein….908-618-4293
                             Sergeant at Arms… Wayne Mascola….732-406-8583
                                Trustee…. Bob Zimmerman…. 732-716-0836
                                 Trustee… Ann DeVirgilio……848-227-5390
                                  Trustee…Diane Salvatore…732-849-5624
                                    Trustee…Bob Marino…732-350-5802

                                    COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS:
                            Bingo……………………Irene Fontana……..…732-849-4288
                            Bill Elting…………………………………………….848-227-3836
                            Emergency Mgt……...Bill Elting…………….848-227-3836
                            Membership………….Ann Herring……..…..609-286-3019
                            Sunshine…………….Maureen Lawless........732-716-9737
                            Ways & Means……..….Bob Marino…………732-350-5802
                            Welcoming ……………Ann Herring….……..609-286-3019
                            Entertainment….…….Louise Rosin….…….732-575-9460
                            Pine Bark Editor…...…Ginny Grande….…..732-859-0409

                                        Rich Rosin……….732-232-5299
                                Patty Sansone (uncomplicated)..732-849-3400

                     PINE RIDGE SOUTH OFFICE…………732-849-4600
LANDSCAPING…JOHNS LANDSCAPING 732-657-3859 If no answer leave a message, they will return call
                                    by end of day.

                            WHITING MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP 08759
                               Police/Fire/First Aid……………..732-657-6111

                           NJR Home services............……………………...877-466-3657
                           NJ Motor Vehicle Agency……………………...609-292-6500
                           Post Office…………………………………………..732-657-8562
                           Municipal Offices………………………………...732-657-8121
                           Consumer Affairs……………………………......732-929-2105
                           New Jersey Transit……………………………...800-582-5946
                           Ocean County Office of Senior Services…800-668-4899
                           Ocean County Clerks Office, TR…………….732-929-2018
                           Ocean County Library…...Main, TR………..732-349-6200

Social Security Administration……………..800-772-1213                                  UTILITIES
                                                         Comcast Cable Co. (Xfinity)...................…1-877-973-1379
                   HOSPITALS                             JCP&L Power & Light……………………………..800-662-3115
Community Medical Center (TR)…............732-557-8000   Verizon telephone…….................................….800-837-4966
Monmouth Medical Center(Lakewood)........732-363-1900    Water & Sewer….........................................……732-914-1200
Deborah Heart Lung (Browns Mills).........609-893-6611   NJ Natural Gas………………………............…….877-466-3657

2 - The Pine Bark - February
THE PINE BARK Volume 13 - Senior Publishing
From the President
                                                                           Editor’s Note
  Winter so far has been kind to us. I hope not to         Please note that the “news blast” in the
jinx it by saying that, but it sure has been nice. As      newsletter,    is from      management          of pine If there
                                                                  We accept  no responsibility   for any advertisements.
of this writing Barbara Bielwane is proof reading our      ridge south,    not the concerning
                                                                  are any complaints    editors an   ofadvertiser,
                                                                                                         the pine  please contact
Phone Directory that she has worked hard on. Ginny                them
                                                           bark nor  thedirectly. If you receive
                                                                           residents             no satisfaction, you can contact
Grande will be finalizing with the publisher of our                   your Better Business Bureau or the Monmouth County De-
Pine Bark and hope to get it in our residents hands        Thank you,
                                                                  partment of Consumer Affairs.
very soon. If you don’t see your name in there and         Ginny Grande (
want it in future publications please contact Barbara       home: 732-408-5385,
Bielwane and give her your information. We were             cell: 732-859-0409
given a list of names from the office that allowed us      Maureen Lawless (moefrank1@comcast.
to publish. Ginny was able to arrange this at no cost        net)
to the Association or community. Andrew Kerstein is         home:732-716-9737
our new treasurer, Ann DeVirgilio our new 4 yr trustee      cell:732-693-7683
and Wayne Mascola our Sergeant at Arms. Please                        We accept no responsibility for any advertisements. If
                                                                    Gerould      (shirleygerould@gmail.
welcome these residents as they stepped up and look                     are any complaints    concerning an advertiser, please
                                                              com)contact them directly. If you receive no satisfaction, you can
forward to some new ideas as we move forward.
                                                            home: contact
                                                                          your Better Business Bureau or the Ocean County
  The Anchor Rebate has been extended to February                 Department  of Consumer Affairs.
                                                            cell: 201-921-3587
28th. If you were a resident in your principal residence
( main home ) on October 1, 2019 and met the income        Pat Fimbel (
limits you are eligible. They are paying out in the          home: 732-716-1863
spring of this year. Its $450 what I have been reading,      cell: 732-604-1370
so if you haven’t taken advantage and meet the
qualifications and need help please call me. I have
helped quite a few residents so far. Don’t leave that       We accept no responsibility for any advertisements. If there
money to the government.                                    are any complaints concerning an advertiser, please contact
                                                            them directly. If you receive no satisfaction, you can contact
  We have our Super Bowl event coming up Feb 12th
                                                            your Better Business Bureau or the Hunterdon County
with ticket sales on Feb 4th from 10 am to noon. Cost       Department of Consumer Affairs.
is $15 and we will have wings, snacks etc. Look for
flyer in this issue of the Pine Bark. St Patricks Day
Celebration will be on March 18th and will be catered            PRS News from Maureen
by Blue Collar.                                                         Lawless
  This year we have already lost some of our great
residents. On Feb 3rd we will be celebrating the lives               February, 2023
of our friends and neighbors Lou Lemba and Joe               Get Well Cards were sent to: Karen Sugden
Oshinski from 2-4 pm in the clubhouse. Baked goods         of Momosa Drive, Terry Blanar of Pine Ridge
and hugs are welcome. Thank You Stephan Pappas             Boulevard, Louise Rosin of Forest Way, Lou
for posting to our Facebook page.                          Lemba of Oakridge Terrace, Sandy Solesky of
  Ann Herring will be chairing the welcoming               Briarwood Ct., Manny Cardinale of Maplehurst
committee and membership this year. Our dues are                Ct., Margaret Kurpiel of Momosa Drive
still $10 for this year and current residents must have
purchased by May 15th. Our annual 4th of July picnic         Sympathy Card was sent to : Trish Lemba of
will be a blast.                                           Oakridge Terrace on the passing of her husband,
  Until next time may the snow all turn to rain.           Lou, Sandy Struening of Maplehurst Ct. on the
                                                           passing of her mother, Gail Oshinski of Winding
Rich Rosin                                                   Brook Way on the passing of her husband, Joe

                                                                                      February - The Pine Bark - 3
THE PINE BARK Volume 13 - Senior Publishing
Harold Ornstein…………...................…..February 1st            FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS
Fred Paldino………………..…..…..…..…..February 3rd                    LOU LEMBA & JOE OSHINSKI
Bert Tarnowski………….…..…..…..…….February 4th
Barbara Montalto………..…..…..………February 6th               Friday February 3rd 2-4 pm at the clubhouse
Rosemary O’Connell…….…..…..…..…..February 7th                 Baked goods and hugs welcomed
Mafalda DaSilva…………..…..….....…..February 11th
Lilliam Andujar…………..…..…...……..February 11th
Theresa Kalinowski……..…..…...…….February 12th
Joe Quilty……………..…..…..……………..February 13th
Glenn Tornquist…..…..…...…….……….February 16th
Clare Mari…………..…..…...……..……….February 17th
George Bunk……………..…..….....………February 18th
Lisa Pratt……………..…..…...…….………February 19th
Gwen Mayer…………..…..…...……………February 20th
Al Kalinowski…….…..…..…...…………..February 20th
Barbara Chamara……...…..…...………February 25th
Brianne Glaspey………...…..…..…...…..February 28th            To our friends and neighbors,
                                                           I deeply appreciate your expression of
                                                        sympathy and love during this difficult time.
                                                        Lou certainly enjoyed his short time here at
                                                        Pine Ridge South. He felt your love for him,
                                                        and he loved each one of you. One of our last
                                                        conversations was that he was very relieved that
                                                        he was leaving me in such a caring community.
                                                        Kind souls like you make my heavy burden a
                                                        little lighter.
                                                           On behalf of the entire Lemba Family, thank
                                                        you. MAY GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU.
                                                                                         TRISH LEMBA

I am sorry that I neglected to mention a couple
Of ladybug members in January’s issue. Thank
you to Patty Sansone for assisting with set up
And clean up. And Chris Mandracchia, Chris
     made the tickets among other things.
       Thank you very much, Ladybugs                       Tinja Clayton—18 Pine Ridge Boulevard

4 - The Pine Bark - February
THE PINE BARK Volume 13 - Senior Publishing

                               Saturday - February 4th
                               9:30 AM - p/u residents for Lacey Shop-Rite
WE WANT YOU TO BE SAFE WHILE            Walmart & Kohl›s upon request
         WALKING               12:30 PM - p/u residents at Shop-Rite for
                               return home
VESTS THAT YOU CAN PURCHASE    Saturday February 18th
FROM THE ASSOCIATION AT OUR    9:30 AM - p/u residents for Lacey Shop-Rite
       COST OF $ 2.50 ea.               Walmart & Kohl›s upon request
                               12:30 PM - p/u residents at Shop-Rite for


                                                  February - The Pine Bark - 5
THE PINE BARK Volume 13 - Senior Publishing
       Our February Meetup dates are the 9th and 23rd from 12:30
   p.m. to 2 p.m.

      Our February Meetup dates are the 9th and 23rd from 12:30
  p.m. to      stop in and join us. We'd love to see what you are working on!
           2 p.m.
      Contact me for additional info (732-788-5381 or message me on Facebook).
         Please stop in and join us. We'd love to see what you are working on!

     Mary Annme for additional
              Targonsky,       info (732-788-5381
                         Evergreen   Court        or message me on Facebook).

   Mary Ann Targonsky, Evergreen Court


6 - The Pine Bark - February
THE PINE BARK Volume 13 - Senior Publishing
Word from the Office January 2023 print February in
                        “Pine Bark”
                                                   Season’s Greeting and Happy Healthy New Year to you and
                                                 your families. January is a time to rest and reflect on the busy
                                                 2022 year.
                                                   Beyond the stress, the hustle and bustle, and family times,
                                                 I encourage you to reflect on your year behind and your year
                                                 forward. What went well, where you are now, and what do you
                                                 want to change for next year?
                                                   Taking time for rest and reflection is not a practice many of us
                                                 do, including myself, but I have found that reflection is not only
the best gift to myself, but it truly gives to others. How? As we rest, we rejuvenate ourselves to be present
and ready for others in the coming month and year. We will perhaps relax enough to be genuine and find that
compassion truly gives meaning.
  Blessings to each of you, and may the spirit of the season fill our world with Peace and Joy for the coming
  MONTHLY RENT AMOUNT CHANGE: A reminder to change your rent for January, whether it’s a check
you bring to the office, Rent Café our Pine Ridge South’s auto payment process, or on-line check from your
bank. However you pay the rent please remember to pay the correct revised amount.
  Winter has started with Severe Coldness. Understanding many residents have dogs to walk, please be
careful, bundle up and remember you still need to pick up after them each time, even on your own lawn.
  Heat tapes are very important during the winter season. One easy way to check if your heat tape is working
is when you turn your water on, for only a few seconds the water will be warm, then it instantly turns cold.
  Thank you for a wonderful year and an even better one to follow! Management

                                              Beer Bread

   2 cups flour
   1/3 cup sugar
   3 teaspoons baking powder
   1 (12oz can) beer
   1 stick butter

   •   Preheat oven to 350F Combine dry ingredients in large bowl
   •   Add beer and stir to combine.
   •   Pour into buttered bread or loaf pan.
   •   Bake for 1 hour, when done, while still warm, spread top of bread with half
       to whole stick of butter.

                                                                                   February - The Pine Bark - 7
THE PINE BARK Volume 13 - Senior Publishing
8 - The Pine Bark - February
February - The Pine Bark - 9
10 - The Pine Bark - February
Once again our beautiful community made judging very hard. So
many people decorated and the homes were all lovely. The
unseasonably warm weather had people decorating early , too, so
we all had more time to enjoy everyone’s hard work. This year
timeless, classic elegance prevailed and the winners were
surprised, gracious and ever so thankful. We thank you all for
making our community merry and bright!
Lorraine, Fran and Jayme

                                                February - The Pine Bark - 11
Dill Batter Bread

  2 packages active dry yeast
  ½ cup warm water
  4 tablespoons of honey, divided
  2 cups large curd cottage cheese
  2 tablespoons grated fresh onion
  4 tablespoons butter softened
  3 tablespoons dill weed
  3 teaspoons salt
  ½ teaspoon baking soda
  2 eggs
  1 cup whole wheat flour
  3.5 cups all purpose flour

  • Dissolve yeast in warm water in warmed mixer bowl.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of honey and let stand for 5 minutes.
  • Add cottage cheese, remaining 3 tablespoons of honey, onion, butter, dill
    weed, salt and baking soda.
  • Attach bowl and flat beater to mixer. Turn to stir speed and mix about 30
    seconds. Add eggs, turn to stir speed and mix about 15 seconds.
  • Add whole wheat flour and 2 cups all purpose flour.
  • Turn to speed 2 and mix about 2 minutes or until combined.
  • Add remaining flour, a little at a time and mix until dough forms a stiff batter.
  • Stop and scrape bowl, if necessary. Continuing on speed 2, mix about 2
    minutes longer.
  • Cover, let rise in warm place, free from drafts, about 1 hour, or until doubled
    in bulk.
  • Stir dough down, place in two well greased bread pans or well greased 1.5-2
    quart casseroles, cover.
  • Let rise in warm place, free from draft about 45 minutes or until doubled in
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees, bake for 40-50 minutes. Remove from pans
    Immediately and cool on wire racks.

12 - The Pine Bark - February
           Easter Egg Hunt                                         FEBRUARY 9TH 7PM
  On behalf of the PRS Grandparents Club you are                  FEBRUARY 23RD 7PM
invited to a meeting to discuss and plan an Easter
Egg Hunt at Pine Ridge South. All PRS Residents are
welcomed to participate.                                  Call Ann Marie Contorno at
  Details will be discussed, finalized and put into
motion at a meeting on February 11, 2023 at 12:00
Noon at the PRS Clubhouse.                                   WEICHERT REALTORS
  If you are unable to attend but are interested please
let us know.                                                       Forked River Office
  Contact Ellen or Vinnie Gianotti, 732-547-            
5223 or 908-670-7755 or                 Website:

            Pine Ridge South Schedule of Events 2023
EVENT                             MONTH DAY            TIME        TICKET SALES CATERER
SUPER BOWL                       FEBRUARY 12            5:30           Feb 4 th ASSOCIATION
ST PATRICKS DAY CELEBRATION       MARCH 18           5:00-8:00       March 4th BLUE COLLAR
ITALIAN DINNER/LOU ABBATO          APRIL      16     5:00-8:00         APIL 1st BLUE COLLAR
LADY BUGS KENTUCKY DERBY            May        6        TBD              TBD
SUMMER START BBQ                   MAY        31        5:00         MAY 20th ASSOCIATION
EMERY PIE ALAMODE                   JUNE      17        1:00          JUNE 3rd ASSOCIATION
JULY 4th ASSOCATION BBQ             JULY       4       12:00         JUNE 24th BLUE COLLAR
FISH FRY                          AUGUST 19             5:00         JULY 29th ARGYLE
OLYMPIC WEEK                        SEPT       2      NOON           AUG 26th
GROUP CRUISE                         SEP      17 Call Patty at starstuff travel 609-529-0230
JOEY VINCENT SHOW                 OCTOBER 28            7:00           OCT 7th DESSERTS
VETERANS DAY TRIBUTE                NOV       11        TBD             NONE
50'S DANCE                          NOV       18        7:00          NOV 4th ASSOCIATION
NEW YEARS                            DEC      31        8:00          DEC 16th ASSOCIATION
                                                                         February - The Pine Bark - 13
14 - The Pine Bark - February
                                               Garage Door & Opener Installa�on and Repair Specialists
   Chose the wrong                                    We service Ocean & Monmouth Coun�es
                                                    Free New Door Es�mate • Same Day Repairs
   MEDICARE plan???                                     For Quality Material & Workmanship,
                                                   Call Us And Book Your Appointment Today!
    Senior Community Resident with
                                                    Garage Door Masters LLC
15 YRS/EXP will help you select the right          
     plan for your budget & needs
       Call Bill @ 732-718-8881
                                                      Call or Text: 732-870-7313

                                            SINGLE DIRECTORY                    BRICK CORNER CAFE
                                            LEISURE VILLAGE WEST                LION’S HEAD NORTH
                                                NEED COMPUTER HELP?
                                            LAKE RIDGE                          CAREFREE GAZETTE
                                                  On-Site Technology
                                            RENAISSANCE        TIMESSupport for your Home & Business
                                                                                CRESTWOOD       SUN
                                                     • New PCs
                                            GREENBRIAR        II & Setup    • Repairs & Upgrades
                                                                                LEISURE    VILLAGE ORI.
                                                     • Virus Clean-Up       • Networking & Wireless
                                            S. RIDGE NORTH                      LEISURE RIDGE
                                            CEDAR GLEN        LAKES             HOLIDAY
                                                          Monmouth Computer Associates,    CITY SILVERTON
                                            GARDENS PL. PLAINS  CALL DAN TODAY! FS @  LAKEWOOD
                                            CVS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5                   SANTIAGO CORNER CAFE
                                            CRESTWOOD 6   (732) 517-7018        PINE CONE PRESS
                                            COUNTRY PLACE                       WEDGEWOOD PLACE
                                            LION’S HEAD SOUTH                   WESTLAKE
                                            HC SILVERTON PH 2                   PARK ECHO
                                            THE PAVILION                        METEDECONK MOMENTS
                                            PINE RIDGE SOUTH                    SOUTH KNOLL SPIRIT
                                            THE BERKELEY REPORTER ROLLING MEADOWS
                                            HOLIDAY CITY WEST                   SEAVIEW TIDINGS
                                            LEISURE VILLAGE EAST                WHITING NEWSLETTER
                                            HOLIDAY HEIGHTS                     WOODLAKE HORIZONS
                                            LEISURE KNOLL                       PINE RIDGE PRESS
                                            GREENBRIAR                          HOMESTEAD RUN
                                            MVC                                 RESERVE LAKE RIDGE
                                            PARKWEST CORNER CAFE                WHITING STATION

                                                                    February - The Pine Bark - 15
February 2023
     Sun              Mon               Tue                  Wed                  Thu                Fri                Sat
                                                     1                       2 Groundhog Day 3                    4
                                                     9:30am Chair Exercise   9:30am            9:30am Chair       9:30am Bus P/U
                                                                             ChairExercise     exercise           10am-noon Super
                                                                                               12pm Cards         Bowl party ticket
                                                                             BULK P/U          2-4pm.             sales in
                                                                                               Celebration Of     Clubhouse
                                                                                               Life for Lou&Joe
                                                                                               6:30pm Fun TT      6pm Competition
                                                                                               shuffleboard       Corn Hole
5                6                 7                 8                       9                 10                 11
                 9:30am Chair      9:30am Chair      9:30am Chair Exercise   9:30am Chair      9:30am Chair       10am-Noon Movie
                 Exercise          Exercise                                  Exercise          Exercise           ticket sales in
                 12pm Cards        10am Ladybugs     6pm Cards               12:30-2 Needles   12pm Cards         Clubhouse
                 2pm Fun Corn                                                Hooks & Chit                         12pm PRS
                 Hole              TRASH P/U                                 Chat              6:30pm Fun TT      Grandparents
                                                                                               Shuffleboard       Club In the
                                                                             7pm BINGO                            6pm Competition
                                                                                                                  Corn Hole
12               13                14                15                      16                17                 18
Super Bowl Party 9:30am Chair      9:30am Chair      9:30am Chair Exercise   9:30am Chair      9:30am Chair       9:30am Bus P/U
5:30pm\          Exercise          Exercise                                  Exercise          Exercise
                 10am Social       10am Ladybugs     6pm Cards                                 12pm Cards         6pm Competition
                 Crafts                                                                                           Corn Hole
                 12pm Cards                                                                    7pm Movie night

                                   TRASH P/U

19               20 Washington's   21                22                      23                24                 25
                 Birthday          9:30am Chair      9:30am Chair            9:30pm Chair      9:30am Chair
                                   Exercise          Exercise                Exercise          Exercise           6pm Competition
                 9:30am Chair      10am Ladybugs                                               12pm Cards         Corn Hole
                                                                             Needles Hooks &   6:30pm Fun TT
                 12pm Cards                                                  Chit Chat
                 2pm Fun Corn TRASH P/U                                                        Shuffleboard
                                                     6pm Cards               7pm BINGO

26               27                28
                 9:30am Chair      9:30am Chair
                 Exercise          Exercise
                 10am Social       10am Ladybugs
                 Crafts            2pm ASSOCIATION
                 12pm Cards        MEETING
                                   TRASH P/U

16 - The Pine Bark - February
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