The Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy 2007-2021 - Results from Consultation - Northampton ...
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The Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy 2007-2021 Results from Consultation 8th October 2007 – 14th January 2008 Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
Number of Consultees Partner Organisations: 31 Local Businesses: 1070 Parish C/Residents Ass: 56 Grosvenor Centre: 2 day Roadshow Website: easy access to public Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
Number of Replies Partner Organisations: 24 Local Businesses: 8 Parish C/Residents Ass: 2 Individuals: 10 Total: 44 Note: Not all consultees replied on all sections. Experts tended to reply on their field of knowledge Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
List of Chapters 1. Retail 2. Employment 3. Business Start-up 4. Regeneration & Growth 5. Education 6. Community 7. Housing 8. Leisure 9. Infrastructure 10. Leadership Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
1. Retail Average Response Neither Strongly Generally Generally Strongly Number Target Agree or Comments Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Good place for Northampton to aim Develop vibrant niche markets to towards / Focus on what makes R1 distinguish Northampton from other retail 18 11 1 Northampton distinct / Cultural trail centres through shopping areas This is a laudable aim but how? / R2 Expand the Town Centre 17 10 3 Parking needs to be addressed - free or low cost Include improvements to existing shop fronts to complement fine R3 Consult on Retail Design 16 9 3 1 architecture above / Not sure about more consultations, people want to see results not just promises Retail jobs are not sustainable alone / This needs to be backed up with R4 Jobs/Skills - expansion and opportunity 16 9 4 1 adequate training programmes which need to be long-term and sustainable. Market is underused - should be Research into turning the Market Square used for events and functions also / R5 into a flexible space 21 5 1 3 1 Stop messing around with the market square Developing places for youths to go would help / Be difficult to encourage R6 Diversifying the Evening Economy 20 4 2 2 families to use it as full of drunks / Town centre has become daunting at night / Diversify offers of venues Town centre is very tired and needs Landscaping the major circulation areas of major infrastucture investment / Need R7 the town 15 10 3 1 1 to be cleaner and more welcoming / Don't agree with covered walkway This would also be a source of Business Improvement Districts - retail R8 areas improved/maintained 8 9 9 1 2 funding / Will the levy put people off? / BIDS is a useful tool Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
1. Retail Comments R2 - Expand the Town Centre Retail 2 (Increase the town centre retail offer by two-thirds i.e. 80,000m .) 27 out of the 30 that responded to this target agreed • “This is a laudable aim but how?” • “There is capacity to increase the town centre retail by a greater amount.” R5 - Market Square – Creating a Flexible Space (retain the function of the market during the day but with the permanent stalls removed.) 21 strongly agreed with this target - joint 2nd highest score (1 of 3). • “Market is underused – should also be used for events and functions” • “Stop messing around with the Market Square” Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
1. Retail Comments cont R8 – Business Improvement Districts 9 of the answers to R8 were in neither agree/disagree. This is the highest ‘don’t know’ in the results. This may be due to the lack of clarity in explaining the concept. Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
2. Employment Average Response Neither Strongly Generally Generally Strongly Number Target Agree or Comments Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Infrastructure needs to be improved to Promote the development of office accommodate this / Should make use of E1 space - living and working in the 9 14 2 1 empty offices in town centre rather than town building more. Review of NBC land to be reused Commercial needs to be balanced with the E2 for commercial use 10 11 5 1 cultural offer / Don't sell, just rent/lease Offices are better sited outside the town E3 Create office site opportunities 10 10 2 3 1 centre to ease congestion and parking is expensive Only if done in conjunction with a E4 Promote high quality jobs 11 12 2 1 1 sustainable transport plan / The knowledge based high tech industries are the future Identify gateway sites, allow Northampton looks grim on all of the E5 prestigious firms to be visible 15 8 2 approaches into the town / Conversion and when entering the town reuse of important existing buildings Target companies to relocate in Creative and digital should be added to the E6 Northampton 13 12 2 list / Yes but not those listed Needs to be balanced / Bit vague a clear E7 Development opportunities 7 14 5 1 strategy needs to be developed Upskill the workforce in The need to upskill is agreed / On the job E8 prepearation for the new 16 10 1 and evening training employment opportunities Great - link to enterprise infrastructure Aim to reduce the business rates E9 for SMEs in first 2 years 19 8 which should be developed / As long as after 2 years they don't move on Ensure industrial growth space is This target is a bit vague / This would E10 available for prominent 15 8 2 1 benefit tourism manufacturing An indepth study on size, location and Create a Conference / Exhibition E11 Centre in the Town Centre 11 9 3 2 1 demand is needed / Centres need good travel links and parking Encourage local procurement and A very important value / Encourage twinning E12 support local business to 15 7 3 1 with developing countries business working Support the management of E13 Industrial Parks to ensure correct 11 11 4 facilities are supplied Consider large companies as well / Long Provision of a Science and E14 Technology Park 15 8 2 1 standing and shared priority - more than just housing technology Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
2. Employment Comments E9 – Reduce Business Rates for SMEs (Aim to reduce the business rates to start up business) 27 answered and all agreed with this target. • “Are there any state aid implications?” • “Great – link to enterprise infrastructure which should be developed” E14 - Science and Technology Park (Support provision of a Science and Technology Park) Mixed views but still a majority of 15 strongly agreed. • “How will you attract them? What will be unique?” • “Ideally it would be the heart of a Technology Realm” Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
3. Business Start-up Average Response Neither Strongly Generally Generally Strongly Number Target Agree or Comments Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree How will the rents be affordable? Who will pay for Research possibility of an area for the management of the complex? / Relates to B1 sole traders / start-up businesses 14 12 1 1 issues of making Northampton distinctive / Could also be around Market Square Who will pay the overheads? The potential clients Research possibility of developing will not be able to cover all costs. Graduates are B2 an arts complex supporting new 16 8 2 2 unlikely to go straight into self employment. / Could shops and local graduates be within a historic building for extra draw Research possibility of developing How will they pay? Who will provide the venue and an area of the centre for Fashion get return? The mailbox is high-end / This will B3 design retail start-up encouraging 14 10 4 support work being done by UoN / Uni has good graduates from the university to stay reputation for fashion designing / Link to Market in Northampton Square Research possibility of an area for B4 Antiques business start-ups 13 7 6 2 Tie into conservation services eg art restorers Research possibility of Live-Work B5 Units in the centre 13 10 4 1 Long term subsidy is unfeasible Research potential cultural quarter, B6 start-ups and business growth 12 12 3 1 Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
3. Business Start-up Comments B2 - Research Arts Complex (supporting start up business shops to aid start up and create a more diverse shopping offer) 24 of 28 agreed with this target. • “Who will pay overheads? Potential clients will not be able to cover them” • “Could be within a historic building for extra draw” B3 – Research Fashion Design Retail Start-Up (aid start up and create a more diverse shopping offer ) Half strongly agreed with this target • “University has a good reputation for fashion designing” • “Don’t focus on segmentation a variety is attractive” Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
4. Regeneration & Growth Average Response Neither Strongly Generally Generally Strongly Number Target Agree or Comments Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Meaning not clear / Agree with goal for robust Establish plan of work for the G1 regeneration of Northampton 11 13 2 1 1 planning and resource schedule providing fluency, consistence and stability. Adopt OGC Gateway method of G2 developing projects from first 8 10 9 1 What is OGC? principles to establish good practice Ensure all projects are built of a good quality, functional design, Should include reference to safety and security / G3 environmentally friendly and are 16 9 1 1 1 And consult with local groups attractive Competition idea is a good one / Competition takes G4 Consult the public on designs 13 12 1 2 1 up more time Equalities to be taken into Need an equality strategy/policy / Need clear G5 consideration on all projects 10 13 5 impact assessment / Overrated subject Carbon neutral future, Borough to Carbon neutrality needs to be at the core of the G6 encourage all sectors to adapt to the 15 10 1 strategy / More detail here impact of climate change Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
4. Regeneration & Growth Comments G2 – Adopt OGC Gateway Method for projects 18 agreed with this target, however 9 were unsure. • “What is OGC?” (Office of Government Commerce) G3 – Ensure all projects are to a high Design Quality 25 out of 28 agreed with this target. • “Should include reference to safety and security.” • “Consult with local groups.” Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
5. Education Average Response Strongly Generally Neither Agree Generally Strongly Number Target Comments Agree Agree or Disagree Disagree Disagree Need to link employability skills with those out of work / Mention new diplomas schools will be offering / Mention more opportunities offered by the college / Need to develop more interest at all levels of schooling in knowledge based occupations / How will you attract more students and retain Do you agree them - your USP - could you with the Education education 4 11 6 2 1 build in trade apprenticeships / Enterprise is key here section especially up-skilling workforce / Should not duck the educational issues in the town - LSP to bring educational parties together and agree stretching targets and raise attainment/ Raise Literacy and Numeracy in school leavers, education must be valued by the young / Promote traditional building skills Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
5. Education Comments “Focus on adult education to keep up to date with changing technology” “Increase in funding to aid the integration of 'foreign' students into Primary Schools.” “Enterprise is key here especially up-skilling workforce” “Promote traditional building skills” “Raise Literacy and “GCSE Results and Numeracy in school leavers, data in this section education must be valued should be more up to by the young” date” Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
6. Community Average Response Neither Strongly Generally Generally Strongly Number Target Agree or Comments Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Should be used for community activities not Review the use of 22 NBC micro businesses / Should be wider than C1 Community Centres to possibly 13 11 4 1 2 micro businesses and also mulituse include micro business start-up buildings / Development in conjunction with enterprise strategy Establish Groundwork in Ensure that any Groundwork model fits Northampton which will help to C2 improve the quality of the local 8 16 5 2 within and links with existing delivery structures environment Not just NBC - all major organisations / Encourage the reuse, reduction C3 and recycling of waste 17 11 1 1 1 Don’t charge extra - encourages flytipping / Does not specify how/what will be done Needs to be jointly led with by community safety / More police patrols / Crime Safer communities - all projects shouldn't be ultimate consideration / need to take into consideration C4 likely effects on crime within a 18 8 3 2 Problem is lack of manners and respect at the lower end of the scale / Inclusion community musts: avoidable injury, better health, reduced death rate How will you do this? Work in conjunction Neighbourhood renewal and with existing Neighbourhood Renewal and management - investing in C5 communities and tackling social 16 11 3 1 Community Cohesion strategies / People must be given the opportunity to improve exclusion themselves Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
6. Community Comments C2 – Establish Groundwork in Northampton (help to improve the quality of the local environment) 24 out of 31 agreed with this target • “Ensure that any Groundwork model fits within and links with existing delivery structures.” C4 - Safer Communities (projects need to take into consideration likely effects on crime within a community) 26 out of 31 agreed with this target • “Needs to be jointly led with Community Safety” • “We would wish to see strong reference to strategic issues of ‘Designing Out Crime’” Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
7. Housing Average Response Neither Strongly Generally Generally Strongly Number Target Agree or Comments Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Must be without detriment to the surrounding areas New Homes - support the / Not without placing correct infrastructure and completion of 1450 new homes H1 annually 2006-2011 by maximising 8 11 6 1 2 social support structures / More jobs in town centre is good but it means more people travelling to the inward investment centre Affordable Housing - widen the Affordable, good quality housing is key / There H2 opportunity to home ownership and 15 8 4 1 should also be some focus on affordable housing to improve rented accommodation buy Ensure house builds are built of a To attract higher quality employees, better quality good quality, functional design, housing is essential / Designs should include local H3 environmentally friendly and be 16 9 2 1 vernacular features that make Northampton attractive distinctive Renovate existing terrace houses rather than Encourage house builders to locate H4 their business in Northampton 10 8 7 1 building new houses on green field sites / Need to talk up benefits of attracting house builders Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
7. Housing Comments H1 – New Homes (support the completion of 1450 new homes annually 2006-2011) Mixed response but still a majority of 19 out of 28 agreed • “Must be without detriment to the surrounding area” • “More jobs in town centre is good but it means more people travelling into the centre, needs to relate to infrastructure” H4 – Encourage house builders to locate to Northampton 18 out of 26 agreed with this target • “Renovate existing terrace houses” • “Talk up benefits of attracting house builders” Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
8. Leisure Average Response Strongly Generally Neither Generally Strongly Number Target Comments Agree Agree Agree or Disagree Disagree Disagree Development of Not just expansion but refocusing Cultural /Arts Facilities and raising ambition / Should be L1 for the New 18 9 2 done in partnership with Fish Northampton - find the 1 Market / Creation of heritage trail / right mix of facilities for Make the most of what we've got / the town Strongly agree with improving of cultural facilities Number of potential directions, might want to separate local history and boots and shoes / Could be Expand Northampton's expanded around leather / L2 Boot and Shoe Museum 14 8 4 3 1 Broaden focus so not all about shoes / Only if part of it was to become a working and interactive museum / Hard to encourage people to visit a shoe museum - shoes just aren't that exciting The issue of sport and exercise is really important as part of a health Development of Sports L3 Facilities for the New 6 1 1 agenda for the town / Capitalise on Northampton 21 Silverstone and existing sports - possibility in a schools programme / Improving sports facilities for all types / Need more fun/leisure orientated sports facilities Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
8. Leisure Comments L1 - Development of Cultural/Arts Facilities 27 out of 30 agreed with the target • “Refocus and Raise ambition” • “Creation of culture trail” L2 - Expand Northampton's Boot and Shoe Museum Mixed comments but still just under half agreeing • “Shoes just aren’t that exciting!” • “Only if part of it was to become a working and interactive museum” Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
8. Leisure Comments cont L3 - Development of Sports Facilities 21 strongly agreed with this target – joint 2nd most popular (1 of 3) • “The issue of sport and exercise is really important as part of a health agenda for the town” • “Need more fun/leisure orientated sports facilities” • “Capitalise on Silverstone and existing sports” Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
9. Infrastructure Average Response Neither Strongly Generally Generally Strongly Number Target Agree or Comments Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Make one way roads two way for bikes / Map out clear strategic cycle and Need better public transport to and from the T1 walking routes throughout 22 9 1 rest of EM / Greater use of River&Canal Northampton networks / Long overdue Encourage schools in Northampton to develop School Travel Plans and research the Include College and University / Must be a T2 possibility of schools as a way of 20 9 3 new approach than has been before reducing morning and evening traffic This is essential as the town centre's traffic system is buckling under the current T3 Support the use of 'Park and Ride' 15 9 4 2 pressures / Needs to be done in conjunction with improving public transport / Parking should be nearby, not P&R Research a car parking strategy for Northampton to ensure the T4 and T5 could be linked / Pay as you go T4 impact of any development is 17 10 2 1 2 should be consistent throughout the town understood in relationship to town's capacity More out of town parking - support P&R / Develop car parks on the Also look at multistorey carpark T5 parameter of the town centre 12 12 5 1 1 improvements / People will not give up their cars without incentive Ensure villages do not bear traffic / NCC Ensure road systems are have spent money meant for highways on T6 adequate to support new 21 7 2 1 1 other matters hence the quality of our developments disintegrating roads Seems to be beyond scope of exercise / T7 Promote better rail connections 16 11 4 Internal rail links more of a priority Sign up to East-West Rail link and develop Northampton Railway Station - line to Bedford through Brackmills as a T8 promote using the site for a major 17 8 5 1 freight route / Do not neglect the freight office development infrastructure Don't reduce links to town centre station / A Develop a Northampton South T9 Railway Station 8 9 9 1 4 new home would need to be found for freight if this was to be possible Promote/support expansion of T10 utilities, school and health 20 10 1 And Leisure provision Maximise green space and explore funding Develop a Green Infrastructure T11 strategy 19 8 3 1 opportunities / Should be in line with current strategy Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
9. Infrastructure Comments T1 – Walking and Cycle routes around Northampton 22 strongly agreed with this target making it the post popular target • “Greater use of River & Canal networks” • “Long overdue” T9 – Develop a Northampton South Railway Station Although a majority agreed, 9 were unsure and 5 disagreed • “Don’t reduce links to town centre” • “It will promote car usage to the new station” Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
10. Leadership Average Response Neither Strongly Generally Generally Strongly Number Target Agree or Comments Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Strategy adoption - Internally - This must be immune from changes in the political adoption of this strategy as an leadership at NBC or NCC / Adoption after face to LG1 internally agreed strategy within 15 11 1 face consultation with key partners and NBC and across political parties stakeholders - clarity of roles Refer explicitly to the LSP / All decisions should be Strategy adoption - Externally - by bodies that are elected not Quangos set up by adoption of this strategy by key LG2 external stakeholders as the way 16 10 1 Government over which we have no control / Adoption after face to face consultation with Private forward for Northampton and voluntary community sectors - clarity of roles Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
10. Leadership Comments Of the 27 people who commented on the Strategy becoming adopted by both internal and external parties, 26 agreed while 1 disagreed “All the political parties need to understand that without a clear strategy, this town will become even less of an attraction to visitor” “Laudable aim – good Luck!” “If this doesn’t fit with partner strategies – it “You must take the lead will fail” working with other companies and partners to make things happen for the better” Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
What does all this mean? Of the 59 targets set out by the Strategy, working out the averages, the results are extremely positive as set out below: Strongly agree 33 targets Generally Agree 26 Neither Agree of Disagree 0 Generally Disagree 0 Strongly Disagree 0 TOTAL 59 (ie consensus shows that a majority agreed with all targets) Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
Northampton “The Market City” What do you think of the strapline? Yes: 12 Unsure: 2 No: 11 Suggested Straplines: “Heart of the Community” “Something about being the Heart of England” “European Market City” “A City where anything is possible” Northampton Economic Regeneration Strategy Consultation Results
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