Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017 - 2021 - Forest Fire Management Victoria
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Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Contents Minister’s foreword 4 1. Strategy 6 1.1 Strategic Vision 7 1.2 Strategic Outcomes 7 1.3 Strategic Initiatives 8 1.4 Strategy funding 9 1.5 Principles 9 1.6 Stakeholders 10 1.7 Responsibilities 11 2. Implementing the Strategy 12 2.1 Strategic Outcome One: 4WDers are coming to Victoria as the premier 4WD state 13 2.2 Strategic Outcome Two: Victoria has economic benefit from 4WDing 14 2.3 Strategic Outcome Three: 4WDers provides a range of health and social connections 15 2.4 Strategic Outcome Four: Victorian 4WD experiences are enriched 16 2.5 Strategic Outcome Five: 4WDers demonstrate respect for cultural, environmental and other values of public land 17 2.6 Strategic Outcome Six: 4WDing is respected as a legitimate recreational pastime 18 2.7 Strategic Outcome Seven: FWDVIC is financially sustainable 19 2.8 Strategic Outcome Eight: DELWP and PV will adopt innovative and sustainable solutions to support the vision 20 Appendix One: Overall Strategy Map 22 Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021 3
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning With over 8.4 million hectares of public land and an extensive network of over 45,000km of vehicle tracks, Victoria’s public land provides a range of stunning landscapes and biodiverse habitats to explore by four-wheel drive. Four-wheel driving is a great way to connect with our natural environment, providing opportunities to relax and explore. As well as being a healthy and social outdoors activity, four-wheel driving contributes to regional economic health, through expenditure into rural and remote communities. Through the active volunteering of organisations such as Four-Wheel Drive Victoria, four- wheel drivers also help to reduce the impacts of recreational use on the environment. The Victorian Government recognises that to value our natural areas it is important that people have the access to experience nature. We are keen for Victoria to make the most out of its available four-wheel drive opportunities, for the joy it gives participants and the strong connection it provides between people and nature. Making four-wheel drive opportunities more accessible and delivering richer information on the natural and cultural history of these areas will help more visitors to appreciate and care for these areas. This strategy highlights the key work required to build the necessary understanding, respect and partnerships for realising four-wheel driving’s full potential in Victoria. This will provide fantastic benefits for people, communities and nature - and we look forward to working with our partners and the four- wheel driving community to make this a reality. The Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio MP Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate change Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021 5
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Victoria has 8.4 million hectares of public 1.1 Strategic Vision land, with a road network in excess of 4WDing in Victoria provides fantastic benefits for 45,000km that is highly valued for four people, communities and nature.1 wheel driving. In 2015 the then Minister for Environment and Climate Change appointed representatives from Four Wheel 1.2 Strategic Outcomes Drive Victoria (FWDVIC), Parks Victoria (PV) There are a total of eight strategic outcomes that will and the Department of Environment, Land, contribute to the FWDAC achieving this vision; six of Water and Planning (DELWP) to a Four these are externally focused and two are internally Wheel Drive Advisory Committee (FWDAC) focused. The timeline horizon for these outcomes is to work together on programs and projects to 2021. These are: across land tenures. 1. 4WDers are coming to Victoria as the premier 4WD state The FWDAC currently oversights a range of 2. Victoria has economic benefit from 4WDing projects relating to four wheel driving, including education, marketing, 3. 4WDing provides a range of health and social communications and partnering. Through connections the advisory committee DELWP, PV and 4. Victorian 4WD experiences are enriched FWDVIC collectively manage and provide for four wheel driving in Victoria. 5. 4WDers demonstrate respect for the cultural, environmental and other values of public land 6. 4WDing is respected as a legitimate recreational pastime 7. FWDVIC is financially sustainable (internal outcome) 8. DELWP and PV will adopt innovative and sustainable solutions to support the vision (internal outcome) 1 The overall strategy map is shown pictorially in appendix one. Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021 7
1.3 Strategic Initiatives Five strategic initiatives have been identified to achieve the strategic outcomes. 1. Providing a 4WD ‘Experience’ will deliver on the promotion of Victoria as the premier 4WD state, physical 4WD environment such as packaged increasing 4WDers visiting and increasing touring routes, track classification, road closures, economic benefit for regional and rural Victoria. signage, and general access; the code of ethics; It is also intended that partnerships will lead to the health and social benefits of 4WDing; and a investment in the strategy and therefore unique Victorian 4WDing experience. The intent increased financial sustainability. of this is to ensure 4WDers are coming to Victoria as the premier 4WD state and regional and 4. Strategic marketing and communications urban economies are benefiting from 4WDing. It will deliver improved marketing and also seeks to ensure 4WDing provides health and communications as a means to get the core social benefits and increased participation in message from the strategy to stakeholders. forest and park management activities. For example, it can influence stakeholders understanding of the health and social benefits 2. Effective education will promote responsible of 4WDing and the different experiences behaviours and deter irresponsible ones; as well available. It can be a means to communicate as increase the value and reach of existing education messages and influence 4WDers education and training materials. The intended respecting the cultural, environmental and other outcomes are to ensure 4WD users understand values of public land. Finally it can have an the significance of public land, ultimately leading impact on the Victorian community’s awareness to behaviour that is increasingly respectful of the of the benefits of 4WDing. cultural, environmental and other values of public land. Furthermore, if 4WDers are behaving 5. Sustainable solutions will deliver sustainable in a more considerate manner, the community funding of the strategy through partnerships; will have more respect for 4WDing and view it as understanding potential resourcing avenues legitimate and beneficial use of public land. through research; and developing a robust business plan for FWDVIC. These actions will help 3. Strengthening partnerships will strengthen to ensure FWDVIC is financially sustainable and existing relationships; demonstrate to that DELWP and PV have sustainable solutions government decision makers the value and to support the vision of the strategy. benefits of partnering and connect to new and influential partners (e.g. new users, volunteers and the 4WD industry). Partnership building underpins the entire strategy. As well as this, collaboration with partners is a key principle for the strategy. Building on and expanding partnerships will enable better tourism 8 Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 1.4 Strategy funding 1.5 Principles Funding for the strategy will come from two primary How the FWDAC will work together over the course of sources. the five years of the strategy will be based on the following principles: The first funding source is recurrent funding that DELWP, PV and FWDVIC can typically plan for on a year by year basis. The second is initiative funding Respect Positive which can vary from year to year. All actions in this strategy can be advanced with currently available funding. Where actions in the Transparency Openness strategy can be further advanced through securing of initiative funding , the FWDAC will seek to secure this additional funding. Collaboration Honesty The FWDAC, through strategic outcomes seven and eight are also empowered to pursue opportunities to innovate and generate its own sustainable funding Adaptive Trust solutions. This will enable the FWDAC to drive delivery of all actions, to enable the strategic outcomes of this Equitability Build on existing work strategy to be delivered over time. Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021 9
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 1.6 Stakeholders The FWDAC work with a range of stakeholders. Below is a list of the key stakeholders. Table 1:FWDAC Stakeholders Published Magazines Media Media Event Managers Department of Education and Training VicRoads Essential Services Victoria Police SES & CFA Bush user groups Friends of the park/forest Victoria High Country Huts Association Hunters and fishers Interest Groups Trail bike riders Heritage Victoria Neighbours General public Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities The Minister Government decision makers Victorian Premier Future Government Aboriginal Traditional Owners Traditional Owners and Registered Aboriginal Parties Regional tourism boards Tourism & visitor information centres Local Government Tourism Tour Operators Chambers of Commerce Visit Victoria 10 Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning FWD Australia Royal Automobile Club of Victoria/Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce Peak Body Victorian National Parks Association Park advisory groups Manufacturers After market 4WD Industry Car dealers 4WD Registered Training Organisations 4WD Club members 4WD non-club member Drivers of Vehicles Drivers of Sports Utility Vehicles Car Clubs 4WD club members 4WD Club members 4WD non-club members 4WD non-club members DELWP/DELWP Executive PV/PV Executive Traditional Owners Government Land Managers VicForests Catchment Management Authorities Water Authorities Local Council Board of FWD Victoria FWD Victoria FWD Victoria club members 1.7 Responsibilities This strategy is owned by the FWDAC who will drive its implementation. Timeframes and key performance indicators for delivery of the actions are detailed in section 2. Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021 11
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2. Implementing the Strategy This document provides the FWDAC with a plan for the implementation of the strategic initiatives. Five initiatives have been identified to achieve the strategic outcomes, these are: 1. Strategic marketing and communications 2. Providing 4WD experiences 3. Effective education 4. Strengthening partnerships 5. Sustainable solutions The next sections provide details on how each initiative links to the strategic outcomes, the actions required, the target audience, key performance indicators and timeframes in which they will be completed by. 12 Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2.1 Strategic Outcome One: 4WDers are coming to Victoria as the premier 4WD state Three of the strategic initiatives contribute to this This strategic outcome aims to position Victoria as strategic outcome: the premier 4WD state, to promote Victoria’s unique 4WDing experiences and to have 4WD touring • Strategic marketing and communications product developed that leads to increased tourism from 4WDers visiting regional and rural Victoria. • Providing 4WD experiences The table below shows the actions, target audience • Strengthening partnerships and timelines for strategic outcome one. Table 2: Key Actions Short1 Medium Long Actions Key performance indicators term term term Build partnership with Visit Victoria and • 4WD product promoted Regional Tourism Boards to better promote through Regional Tourism Victoria as a 4WD destination Boards and Visit Victoria • Marketing plan completed Develop and implement a marketing plan • Uptake of brochures and to effectively promote Victoria’s icon 4WD downloads from websites tours increase by 20% per annum • 4WD touring routes/ Promote 4WD touring routes/experiences experiences promoted to to 4WDers identified target markets 1 Short term = Years 1 to 2, Medium term = Years 2 to 4, Long term = Years 4 to 6 Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021 13
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2.2 Strategic Outcome Two: Victoria has economic benefit from 4WDing Four of the strategic initiatives contribute to this This strategic outcome aims to increase the strategic outcome: economic benefit Victoria derives from 4WDing through improving the 4WD touring product offer • Strategic marketing and communications and building broader partnerships to better market 4WD touring experiences. This will lead to increased • Providing 4WD experiences 4WDing and related expenditure in regional and • Effective education rural Victoria. • Strengthening partnerships Table 3: Key Actions Short Medium Long Actions Key performance indicators term term term Identify size of 4WD market and • Research completed into size of economic contribution of 4WDing to 4WD market and economic Victoria’s economy contribution of 4WDing Identify key gaps and competitive • Gap analysis completed strengths in Victoria’s 4WD market • Complete engagement plan (as Build partnerships with 4WD part of marketing plan) to establish retailers/manufacturers/4WD hire which partnerships to invest in companies/4WD media to promote • Survey - 50% of key partners 4WD touring opportunities actively promoting key 4WD touring opportunities • Accessible 4WD touring routes/ Develop touring routes/experiences experiences developed to fill (inc for SUV market) identified gaps (inc SUV market) Improve marketing of 4WD • 4WD icon drives have profile on opportunities via websites, social Regional Tourism and Visit Victoria media and through Regional web and social media platforms Tourism Boards and Visit Victoria 14 Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2.3 Strategic Outcome Three: 4WDers provides a range of health and social connections Two of the strategic initiatives contribute to this This strategic outcome aims to improve the health strategic outcome: and social benefits that 4WDers and other members of the public derive from 4WDing and participation • Effective education in forest and park volunteering activities. • Strengthening partnerships Table 4: Key Actions Short Medium Long Actions Key performance indicators term term term Better promote the benefits of • Distribute fact sheet with case volunteering (first within FWDVIC, studies to promote the benefits DELWP and PV and then externally) (and uptake) of volunteering Run in-field programs to connect • Continue with Camp Host/Track people and nature: Clearing/Clean Up the Bush Camp Host/Track Clearing/Clean Up programs with improved uptake the Bush/Adopt a site/Biosphere etc in areas under-represented FWDVIC Rural Response Group • Continue to provide community provide community assistance to assistance through FWDVIC Rural regional communities post disaster Response Group post disaster Develop rewarding multi-party • Develop new volunteer initiative volunteering opportunities and with a multi-party volunteer focus through new initiative trial the which trials the capacity of new capacity of other partners to lead on partners to lead ground volunteer projects Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021 15
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2.4 Strategic Outcome Four: Victorian 4WD experiences are enriched Three of the strategic initiatives contribute to this This strategic outcome aims to improve the quality strategic outcome: and delivery of 4WD information and better interpretation of the natural and cultural • Strategic marketing and communications environment through use of current and emerging technologies to provide a richer, more immersive • Providing a 4WD experience 4WDing experience. • Strengthening partnerships Table 5: Key Actions Short Medium Long Actions Key performance indicators term term term Improve accessibility of 4WD • Five GeoPDFs 4WD touring notes product online and through developed for in-field use and development of mobile enabled available on Avenza PDF map applications and maps store • Pilot mobile enabled app developed with 4WD touring route content Pilot delivery of mobile enabled • Mobile enabled visitor information visitor information (audio/visual/ and interpretation developed for textural) to provide enriched content existing icon 4WD tour experiences on Victoria’s Aboriginal, European and natural history into existing 4WD tour experiences Improve accessibility of information • Update DELWP, PV and FWDVIC on temporary/ seasonal road websites to improve linkages to closures and explanations of the available road closure data • Move Public Access Map into new mobile enabled product for public use Develop definitive government 4WD • Definitive 4WD roading data layer for land manager, 4WDer and touring route data created and private sector access and use within VicMap Transport layer 16 Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2.5 Strategic Outcome Five: 4WDers demonstrate respect for cultural, environmental and other values of public land Two of the strategic initiatives contribute to this This strategic outcome aims to promote responsible strategic outcome: behaviours and deter irresponsible ones; increase the value and reach of existing education materials • Effective education and ensure 4WD users understand the significance of public land. This will drive behaviour that is • Strengthening partnerships increasingly respectful of cultural, environmental and other values of public land. Table 6: Key Actions Short Medium Long Actions Key performance indicators term term term • Survey - 75% of FWDVIC members express strong support for Tread FWDVIC continue to promote Lightly principles responsible 4WD behaviours in training, through member contact • Survey - 20% increase (medium with the public and through term) in proportion of FWDVIC reporting of irresponsible behaviour members reporting improvement in observed 4WD behaviours in general public • Critical/high value events/shows Increase participation by PV/DELWP identified in 4WD leisure events /shows and • Effective and increased participation uptake of 4WD educational material by PV/DELWP in critical/high value events/shows 4WD owners attitudes and • Research into 4WD owner attitudes behaviours for public land values completed quantified and tracked • Tread Lightly principles viewable in relevant FWDVIC, DELWP and PV Tread Lightly principles embedded publications into all relevant 4WD marketing and communications • Increased percentage of 4WD industry and 4WD media promoting Tread Lightly principles • DELWP and PV collaborate on 4WD 4WD compliance coordinated across compliance land tenures with ability for public to effectively report non-compliant • Public can effectively report non- behaviour compliant behaviour for improved enforcement outcomes Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021 17
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2.6 Strategic Outcome Six: 4WDing is respected as a legitimate recreational pastime Two of the strategic initiatives contribute to this This strategic outcome aims to better promote strategic outcome: examples of the positive social, economic and environmental contributions 4WDers can make. • Effective education Coupled with the increasingly considerate behaviours of 4WDrivers, this will assist the • Strengthening partnerships community to have more respect for 4WDriving and to view it as a legitimate and beneficial use of public land. Table 7: Key Actions Short Medium Long Actions Key performance indicators term term term Social benefits of 4WDing quantified • Research completed to quantify & tracked the social benefits of 4WDing • 4WD education material up to date and accessible on FWDVIC/DELWP/ Improve currency and accessibility PV websites of online 4WD social/ environmental education product • Ten articles on 4WD activities with a social/ environmental message published/annum Tap into existing social media • Ten 4WD good news stories platforms to promote positive distributed per annum through achievements, volunteering and existing PV, DELWP and FWDVIC good news stories social media platforms • Survey - Increasing number of DELWP, PV and FWDVIC regional Strengthen the 4WD regional reps reps rate their relationship as good network to ensure strong partnerships exist at the region level • FWDAC members work with regional reps to reinforce the value of strong relationships • Key 4WD media outlets identified and positive relationships established by FWDVIC Build stronger partnerships with • Annual review of key 4WD media 4WD media outlets outlets reports an increasing proportion of positive stories promoting responsible 4WDing behaviours 18 Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2.7 Strategic Outcome Seven: FWDVIC is financially sustainable Three of the strategic initiatives contribute to this This strategic outcome aims to strengthen FWDVIC’s strategic outcome: financial sustainability through development of a clear business model with a focus on increasing • Strategic marketing and communications commercially earned revenue, increasing its membership and developing strong mutually • Effective education beneficial partnerships. • Sustainable solutions Table 8: Key Actions Short Medium Long Actions Key performance indicators term term term Improve attractiveness/ describe the benefits of FWDVIC membership to • FWDVIC membership broadened increase members/broaden and increased by 25% representation Present evidence to influential • Use annual progress report to stakeholders of value of 4WDing and present as evidence to influential partnerships stakeholders FWDVIC to develop clear business model with strong focus on • Business model finalised increasing portion of commercially earned revenue Partnerships formed with industry to • Collaborative partnerships increase capacity to deliver priority established with industry 4WD projects Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021 19
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2.8 Strategic Outcome Eight: DELWP and PV will adopt innovative and sustainable solutions to support the vision Two of the strategic initiatives contribute to this This strategic outcome aims to encourage DELWP strategic outcome: and PV to explore and adopt innovative and sustainable solutions to support and deliver the • Effective education Statewide 4WD program, This will be coupled with better promotion of the value of 4WDing to key • Sustainable solutions decision makers. Table 9: Key Actions Short Medium Long Actions Key performance indicators term term term Share success case studies across • Compile annual report of success case PV, DELWP and other partner studies for broader distribution across networks to encourage best practice DELWP, PV and FWDVIC networks Benefits of strategy outcomes are • Compile annual report of progress measured and understood by key towards delivering on strategy outcomes decision makers and present to key decision makers Identify projects that may be • Confirm existing funding initiatives funded/assisted through alignment suitable for 4WD related projects with existing initiatives (e.g HPHP, • Shortlisted projects submitted for Safer Together, Bioscan) and funding consideration develop FWDAC short list of projects to submit Explore new resources/ funding (e.g • Document potential new sources of Sponsorship, partnerships, funding/revenue to support 4WD crowdsourcing, fee for service) program delivery • Seek department/agency support to pursue identified funding/revenue opportunities Encourage culture that allows • Identify key impediments preventing volunteering and partnerships to volunteering from flourishing flourish • Key impediments removed 20 Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021 21
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Appendix One: Overall Strategy Map Strategic 4WDing in Victoria provides fantastic benefits for people, communities and nature Vision Strategic 4WDers regard Victoria Victoria has economic 4WDing provides a range Victorian 4WD Outcomes as the premier 4WD state benefit from 4WDing of health and social experiences are enriched connections Develop and implement a Improve marketing of Better promote the Improve accessibility of marketing plan to 4WD opportunities via benefits of volunteering 4WD product online and effectively promote websites, social media (first within FWDVIC, through development of Victoria’s icon 4WD tours and through Regional DELWP and PV and then mobile enabled Tourism Boards and Visit externally) applications and maps Victoria Package nature-based Identify key gaps and Run in-field programs to Pilot delivery of mobile product for 4WDers competitive strengths in connect people and enabled visitor Victoria’s 4WD market nature: information (audio/visual/ Camp Host/Track textural) to provide Clearing/Clean Up the enriched content on Bush/Adopt a site Victoria’s Aboriginal, European and natural history into existing 4WD tour experiences Build partnership with Develop regional 4WD FWDVIC Rural Response Improve accessibility of DEJITR’s Visitor Economy touring product (inc for Group provide community information on Directorate and Regional SUV market) assistance to regional temporary/seasonal road Actions Tourism Boards to better communities post closures promote Victoria as a disaster 4WD destination Identify size of 4WD Develop rewarding Develop definitive market and economic multi-party volunteering government 4WD data contribution of 4WDing opportunities and layer for land manager, through new initiative trial 4WDer and private sector the capacity of other access and use partners to lead on ground volunteer projects Build partnerships with 4WD manufacturers/ retailers/4WD hire companies/4WD media to promote 4WD touring opportunities Actions Providing 4WD Effective Marketing & Strengthening Sustainable key experiences education communications partnerships solutions Principles for how we work Respect Transparency Collaboration Adaptive Equitability Positive Openness Honesty Trust Build on existing work 22 Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 4WDers demonstrate respect 4WDing is respected as FWDVIC is financially DELWP and PV will adopt for the cultural, legitimate and beneficial sustainable innovative and sustainable environmental and other solutions to support the values of public land vision FWDVIC continue to promote Social benefits of 4WDing Improve attractiveness/ Share success case studies responsible 4WD behaviours quantified & tracked describe the benefits of across PV, DELWP and other in training, through member FWDVIC membership to partner networks to contact with the public and increase members/ broaden encourage best practice through reporting of representation irresponsible behaviour Increase participation by PV/ Improve currency and Present evidence to Benefits of strategy outcomes DELWP in 4WD leisure events accessibility of online 4WD influential stakeholders of are measured and /shows and uptake of 4WD social/environmental value of 4WDing and understood by key decision educational material education product partnerships makers 4WD owners attitudes and Tap into existing social media FWDVIC to develop clear Identify projects that may be behaviours for public land platforms to promote positive business model with strong funded/assisted through values quantified and achievements, volunteering focus on increasing portion of alignment with existing tracked and good news stories commercially earned revenue initiatives (e.g HPHP, Safer Together, Bioscan) and develop FWDAC short list of projects to submit Tread Lightly principles Strengthen the 4WD regional Partnerships formed with Explore new resources/ embedded into all relevant reps network to ensure strong industry to increased funding (e.g Sponsorship, 4WD marketing and partnerships exist at the capacity to deliver priority partnerships, crowdsourcing, communications region level 4WD projects fee for service) 4WD compliance coordinated Build stronger partnerships Encourage culture that allows across land tenures with with 4WD media outlets volunteering and ability for public to effectively partnerships to flourish report non-compliant behaviour Victorian 4WD Strategy 2017-2021 23
© The State of Victoria Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2017 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. You are free to re-use the work under that licence, on the condition that you credit the State of Victoria as author. The licence does not apply to any images, photographs or branding, including the Victorian Coat of Arms, the Victorian Government logo and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) logo. To view a copy of this licence, visit Printed by Impact Digital, Brunswick. ISBN 978-1-76047-824-7 (print) ISBN 978-1-76047-825-4 (pdf/online) Disclaimer This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication. Accessibility If you would like to receive this publication in an alternative format, please telephone the DELWP Customer Service Centre on 136 186, or email customer. via the National Relay Service on 133 677, This document is also available on the internet at
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